St. Xavier Magazine November 2013

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C I N C I N N A T I ’ S





$10M INVESTMENT IN OUR FUTURE One Couple Creates a Lasting Legacy for Students


Harry (’59) and Linda Fath



THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT Harry Fath (’59) has taught me a lot. “Clean, quiet and well-maintained”—that’s the motto and the high standard he sets for his business. “C students run the world” was his message at the President’s Dinner in 2008 when he received the Insignis Award.



Although there are successful “A” students, I have certainly witnessed many students who struggled and persevered at St. X continue on with that strategy to have very successful lives as professionals. “Don’t give until it hurts, give until it feels good,” he told me. Generous giving fills the heart with joy; I see it in the faces of so many in our community who give from the heart. I am grateful to the members of our faculty and staff who selflessly give their lives to help our students develop academically and spiritually. I am thankful that we have found a thoughtful and dedicated leader, Mr. Terry Tyrrell, to lead our school through the strategic plan implementation and into a bright and promising future. I am grateful for the many benefactors of St. Xavier whose names you will see on the pages in this magazine. I am amazed at the $10 million commitment we have received from Harry and Linda Fath to help us build our scholarship endowment; they want to ensure that every student who is academically qualified has the opportunity to obtain a St. X education. I am grateful to our volunteers who give of their time and talents to teach, inspire and/or help raise funds for the young men of St. Xavier. Volunteers such as Cindy Fazio, Jack Goldberg (’59) and Joe Braun have given countless hours to guarantee success in the Mock Trial program. Likewise, the many chairs and volunteers throughout 40 years that have given so much to the X-Travaganza effort. I am grateful for the results of our alumnus and parent surveys last spring. Ninety-seven percent of our alumni reported that they were prepared for college and seventy-eight percent strongly agreed. St. X alums attend Mass at almost three times the national average. Additionally, ninety percent of our parents said they were very satisfied with their son’s growth as a St. X student, especially the quality of education (95%). They also helped to identify some areas where we can improve as an institution. We all need to be open to growth and strive for Magis! At the end of the day, I am most grateful for our students— past, present and future. Members of the Long Blue Line continue to go out into the world and make St. Xavier proud. They are the true success of St. Xavier High School. Thanks to all of you and your generosity, their future is bright!

ADMINISTRATION Rev. Timothy A. Howe SJ, President Rev. Edward L. Pigott SJ (’55), Rector Mr. Terrence H. Tyrrell, Principal BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. Ann M. Berger Mr. John C. Bloomstrom Bro. Darrell J. Burns SJ Mr. David J. Cassady (’75), Board Chair Mr. Matthew I. Dunch SJ Ms. Cynthia A. Fazio Mr. Thomas A. Gill Rev. Michael J. Graham SJ Mr. Gary J. Gruber (’73) Mr. Richard J. Hidy (’81) Rev. Timothy A. Howe SJ, Ex Officio Mr. Walter E. Knox, Jr. Mr. William J. Mulvihill, (’65) Rev. Edward L. Pigott SJ (’55), Ex Officio Rev. James S. Prehn SJ Mrs. Victoria A. Reynolds Mr. John B. Schmitz (’78) Mr. Michael N. Schuster Mr. Michael G. Stenger, (’79) Mr. Richard E. Thornburgh (’70) Rev. William L. Verbryke SJ (’71) CONTRIBUTORS Cheryl L. Asper Sylvia M. Betz Cathy M. Cionni Grace E. DeGregorio Shannon Eggleston Heidi B. Eveleigh Cynthia A. Fazio Edmund L. Franchi Colleen S. King Jeffrey C. Kroeger (’14) Christine A. McDaniel Ralph A. Nardini (’77) Cynthia A. Piening Anthony E. Schad (’81) John A. Schrantz (’96) Andrew E. Sweeny (’68)


FINANCIAL REPORT Continuing to remain financially strong





Investing in the Future of St. Xavier High School


EDITOR Becky Schulte DESIGNER Jon Enia (’97), LamsonEnia Design


PRINTING Joseph Berning Printing Company St. Xavier Magazine is published three times a year by the alumni, development and communications offices. St. Xavier High School 600 W. North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45224-1499 Phone (513) 761-7815 ext. 121 e-mail

Consistency Breeds Success

COVER S eniors Jeff Kroeger, Tim Dombrowski, Armando Simpson, Matthew Mitan, Keon Woo Kang, Ben Egner, CJ Hilliard and Damian McDaniel with Harry (’59) and Linda Fath.

ALUMNI HOT LINE 1-800-572-5340 ext. 114 Direct all Letters to the Editor, address changes, or other correspondence to the above address. Postmaster: Send address corrections to: St. Xavier Magazine, 600 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati, OH 45224-1499.

ABOVE H arry (’59) and Linda Fath create a lasting legacy for future students of St. X.


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W E A R E S T. X



NEW ST. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY AND STAFF FOR THE 2013-14 SCHOOL YEAR (l to r) J. K. Klaiber Community Service, Daniel Haverkamp (’06) Math Teacher, Kyle Schreiner (’00) Religion Teacher, Catherine Collins Religion Teacher, Jason Ahlers English Teacher, Michelle Yauss Intervention Specialist, Terry Tyrrell Principal, Jill Malik Learning Center Instructor, Patrick Klus (’91) Campus Ministry/ Religion Teacher, Molly Roebker Guidance Counselor/College Advisor, William Gibson Religion, Language and Campus Ministry and Ray Heyob Computer Science Teacher.

2013-14 ATHLETIC BOOSTERS 1st Row (l to r): Chris Westerkamp – Water Polo, Gwen Bender - Baseball, Bob Rinaldi – President/Programs, Matt Hunter – Boosters Intern, Wendy Lackey - Rowing 2nd Row (l to r): Bill Moran – Swimming, Mary Gordon - Wrestling, Mark Stenger – Formation, Sandy Frey – Basketball, Greg Fielman – Hockey, Gary Thomas – Soccer 3rd Row (l to r): Steve James – Hall of Fame, Mike Momper – Vice President/Formation, Chuck Gordon – Wrestling, Brian DeGroft – Hockey, Ron Luffy – At Large 4th Row (l to r): Joe Klett – Golf/Split the Pot, Matty Toomb – Golf/Split the Pot, Bill Beer - Volleyball, Phil Muldoon – Secretary 5th Row (l to r): Brian Gardner – Cross Country, Mike Jones – Concessions, Brent Wentzel – Football, Eric Weinberger – Bowling, Matt Feltman – At Large


Not pictured: JD Bender – Baseball, Jeff Fossett – At Large, Nick Guetle – At Large, Marci Kilgore-Hall – Track & Field, Anne Lawley – Membership, Scott Lawley – Treasurer, Tony Longi – Bombers in College/Pro Sports, George Thurner - Lacrosse

Front row (l to r): Bro. Darrell J. Burns SJ and Mrs. Victoria A. Reynolds. Back Row (l to r): Mr. Gary J. Gruber (’73), Fr. Timothy Howe SJ and Mr. Walter E. Knox, Jr.


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ST. X TOP ALL-MALE HIGH SCHOOL IN NATIONAL MERIT SEMI-FINALIST COMPETITION The results are in for the National Merit Semi-finalist program. This year St. Xavier finished as the top all-male high school in the state of Ohio with 17 semi-finalists. Congratulations to St. Xavier’s 17 National Merit Semifinalists: Front row (l to r): Principal Terry Tyrrell, Jonathan Chien, Nicholas Kelly, Ryan Budde, Edward Lim, Nicholas Betsch, Ryan Yeazell, Christian Meyer, Eric Stewart, Bowen Plogmann, Austin Sullivan, Elliot Dorlac, Evan Reid and President Fr. Tim Howe SJ. (back row) Keon Woo Kang, Joshua Roberson, Glen Hird, Christopher Koellhoffer and William Johnson.

AP EXAM AND ACT SCORES RISE AT ST. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL The numbers are in! The most recent scores reported for students at St. Xavier High School on the ACT Exam as well as AP Exams continue to rise. This past year the average ACT composite score for St. Xavier students was 28.0, a rise from 27.8, with the following sub-scores (English 28.1, Math 27.8, Reading 28.2 and Science 27.3.) St. X students taking the national AP Exams also did extremely well. Of students taking the AP Exams this past year, 94% of them scored a 3 (out of 5) or higher on at least one test. This number is the highest in the history of AP Exams at St. X. The state average for this test is 67% and national average is 61%. Of the students taking the exams, 87% of all tests were a 3 or higher, 33% scored a 4 and 24% scored a 5 on a test. Congratulations Bombers!

WELCOME TO THE CLASS OF 2017 St. Xavier High School celebrated the first day of school on August 22, 2013 welcoming the 405 members of the Class of 2017. The day also marked the beginning of new principal Terry Tyrrell’s career with St. Xavier High School.


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THEATRE XAVIER 2013 – 2014 PRODUCTIONS Fall Production – mystery/comedy “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lillie” Written and Adapted by Katie Forgette On the Main Stage – Nov. 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 (2013) – 7:30 curtain Tickets - $10.00 – All seats reserved Spring Production – Musical – drama/comedy “Batboy, the Musical” Music/Lyrics – Laurence O’Keefe Book – Keythe Farley and Brian Flemming On the Main Stage – Apr. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 (2014) Curtain - 7:30 pm - Tickets - $12.00 - All seats reserved

PARENTS ACROSS CULTURES (PAC) St. Xavier is a unique school with young men from all communities and every walk of life. Parents Across Cultures (PAC) is an organization that creates programs and events to encourage multicultural student growth and development. Recently PAC hosted an ice cream social and tailgate party creating memories and lasting friendships between all walks of life. Other annual events throughout the year include Brother to Brother Speakers Series and a Senior Recognition Dinner. In recent years The Taste of Diversity Celebration has emerged as one of the highlights of the school year. PAC is a vibrant group that supports and grows multiculturalism throughout St. Xavier High School.

ST. XAVIER CLASS OF 2020 St. Xavier hosted the Class of 2020 Tailgate Party and welcomed more than 130 future Bombers to St. X! Students and their families enjoyed games, food and entertainment from the St. Xavier Marching Bombers. The Class of 2020 learned chants from the Bomb Squad and helped cheer the Bombers to victory versus Indianapolis Cathedral.

MASS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND SPIRIT DAY St. Xavier celebrated its annual Mass of the Holy Spirit September 13, the spiritual beginning of the school year. Tradition continued as the upperclassmen formally welcomed the freshman class as they joined in their first all-school liturgy. President Fr. Tim Howe SJ celebrated the Mass alongside other priests in the area as well as Fr. Ed Pigott SJ (’55), Fr. Denny Ahern SJ (’56), Fr. Fran Daly SJ, Fr. Rick Milbourn SJ (’86) and Fr. Paul O’Connor SJ. Students and faculty added to the highlights of the event through music and praise bringing a special opening to the 2013-14 school year. Following Mass students enjoyed Spirit Day. Ping pong and tennis tournaments, the ever popular AP Lit versus AP Lang softball game as well as gaming, cornhole, warball tournament and more gave students the opportunity to enjoy the day together.


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DEVELOPMENT CHAIRMEN Eighteen young men have volunteered to be the 2013-2014 Student Development Chairmen. These young men will volunteer a large portion of their free time to help coordinate one of St. Xavier’s largest co-curriculars –the Student Annual Fund Phonathon. These students will assist in organizing the effort of more than 300 of their fellow classmates and St. Xavier students who will donate their time contacting alumni on behalf of the annual fund. “This is a proud tradition of student leadership that goes back to my days as a student here at St. Xavier. These young men are senior leaders, leading the student body, on a mission to directly support their classmates, friends, and future students. The money raised during the phonathon supports our mission to provide finical support for over 30 percent of the student body. This is a community wide example of being a Man for Others,” said Annual Fund Director John Schrantz (’96).

60+ YEARS OF COACHING COMES TOGETHER It was a dynamic sight at one of the first Varsity Football games at St. X when more than 60 plus years of St. Xavier football coaching experience came together. Former coaches Tom Ballaban and Steve Rasso joined current coach Steve Specht (’86) on the field to catch up and watch the current Bombers defeat a strong Ben Davis team.


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In addition to helping organize the annual phonathon, these seniors will be school ambassadors at a number of development hosted events throughout the school year. Students lead tours of the building, greet guests at events, read during alumni Mass as well as participation during school nights and weekends are all part of the job of being a student development chairman. Helping coordinate this effort are Director of the Annual Fund and Alumni Relations John Schrantz (’96), Assistant Vice President of Development Tony Schad (’81), Assistant to the Annual Fund Mrs. Cheryl Asper, and faculty members John Cole (’85), Ed Nardini (’81) and Jim Telles. The 2013-2014 Student Development Chairmen: Austin Brown Tim Dombrowski Garrett Gronotte Michael Hall David Hauck Tim Kemper Steven Koesterman Charlie Kottmann Jeff Kroeger


Matt Kuhlmann Thomas Millea Ryan Molony (not pictured) Tim Neiser (not pictured) Brendan Reilly Matthew Schramm (not pictured) Spencer Smith Paul Whitaker Austin Worrell (not pictured)

ALUMNI GOLF OUTINGS CONNECT THE LONG BLUE LINE Golf Outings for St. Xavier alumni connected many members of the Long Blue Line. Thanks to the work of the Young Alumni Group, more than 120 alumni (graduates between 5 and 15 years) gathered Sunday, August 25 for the Second Annual Young Alumni Golf Outing at Glenview Golf Course. Just weeks later more than 200 St. Xavier alumni gathered Monday, September 9 at Maketewah Country Club to enjoy golf with fellow Bombers for the Annual Alumni Outing. At both events golfers enjoyed a presentation from Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund John Schrantz (’96) as well as lunch, dinner, prizes and 18 holes of golf. A big thank you to sponsors for the events including: Adams Golf, Curritto Burrito, The Flottman Company, Inc., Jos. Berning Printing, KMK, The Idea House, Sand Bar & Four Entertainment Group, as well as the many hole sponsors contributing to the events helped to make both events successful. For more information on how you can get involved in the Young Alumni Group or become more involved with alumni activities contact Director of Alumni Relations and the Annual Fund John Schrantz (’96) at 513.761.7815 x 114.

X-TRAVAGANZA ANNOUNCING THE 41ST ANNUAL X-TRAVAGANZA: MODERN ART – AN UNXPECTED XPERIENCE Preparations for the 41st annual St. Xavier High School X-Travaganza have begun! This dinner auction raises funds for academic programs throughout the school year and for students demonstrating the academic skills, but lacking the financial means, to attend the school. The event also provides the St. X community an opportunity to share time, talents and camaraderie as volunteers for the various committees which make X-Travaganza a success. Whether you’re new to St. X or among generations on The Long Blue Line, you’ll meet people and enjoy being part of this gratifying effort. The exciting evening - attended by parents, alumni and other friends of St. X – will be held at the school on Saturday, March 8, 2014. X-Travaganza chairs Mike Felton and Heidi Mechley-Felton are enthusiastic about plans already in place for the event, the theme of which is modern art - an unXpected Xperience. In September the annual Ladies Golf Outing and Bunco to support X-Travaganza was held at Makatewah Country Club. Gift Gathering Parties, which are crucial to the success of X-Travaganza, are in full swing and scheduled, with a holiday break, through January. Join other St. X families from your neighborhood, St. X sport or activity your son participates in, for a fun evening and bring an item to donate for one of the auctions. Tangible item donations also are welcome any time at the X-Travaganza office: gift cards to restaurants and retail stores, sports or event tickets (Reds, Bengals, college football, Playhouse or Broadway Series at the Aronoff, etc.), signed memorabilia, vacation homes, trips, electronics, St. X items (handmade or from the St. X bookstore), jewelry, serving ware and décor items (Mariposa, Waterford, etc.) – these and other donations are vital.

Other events supporting X-Travaganza include the Online auction (running November 27 through December 8, 2013 - a great opportunity to purchase those Christmas gifts); Texas Hold ‘Em (Friday, January 31, 2014 – come on your own or get a party together for a fast-paced, fun evening that includes the tournament and side games, buffet meal and auction; buy-in is $100 per person with an Early Bird discount cost TBA); Grand Raffle (January through March 2014 - First Prize: $20,000, Second Prize: $10,000, Third Prize: $5,000. Drawing is held the night of X Travaganza. Early Bird drawing for $1000 is February 7, 2014. All proceeds from Grand Raffle go toward tuition assistance.); First Night (Friday, March 7, 2014 – a casual event held the night before X-Travaganza offering a sensational buffet, raffles, auction and other surprises). For more information on X-Travaganza, how to make a donation (tangible goods, services, cash), how to volunteer or how to participate, please call (513) 761-7815 ext. 117, 111 or 113; or visit and click on “Supporting St. X” and ‘X-Travaganza.”

GRAND REUNION WEEKEND The sixth annual Grand Reunion weekend kicked off Oct. 11 under perfectly blue skies as alumni and families enjoyed a tailgate prior to watching the Bombers defeat LaSalle in the final GCL matchup of the season. Fun and camaraderie continued as golfers tackled Glenview Golf Course. Later that evening, alumni were able to meet up again as they met in the Berning Gym for a stag celebration of the classes of 1968, ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98 and 2003. Amid music, a “Taste of Cincinnati” food, class balloons and school tours, Bomber alumni caught up with one another well into the night. “It’s always fun to see so many guys together,” said John Schrantz (’96), alumni director. “People seemed to have a great time. Some of them hadn’t been back for years and were amazed at how the school had grown and the exciting things happening at the school.”


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P R I N C I P A L’ S M E S S A G E

GO FORTH AND SET THE WORLD ON FIRE A call to service is one of the hallmarks of Jesuit education throughout the world. Since St. Ignatius called on the Jesuits to “Go forth and set the world on fire,” thousands of Jesuit high school graduates have received the call to serve as a man or woman for others. This is no different at St. Xavier, where many of our graduates continue to serve professionally, personally and in their faith. In this issue of the St. Xavier High School Magazine, we are thanking Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fath for their service and gifts to the school. They are wonderful representatives of St. Ignatius’ call to service.

As a graduate of St. Louis University High School, a Jesuit school in St. Louis, MO, I was also called to serve in different ways. My career in education began when I served as an Alum Service Corps (ASC) volunteer upon graduation from college. ASC is a program run out of the Missouri Province of the Jesuits where graduates of Jesuit secondary schools or colleges can provide a year of service to one of the province high schools. I was able to serve as a teacher and coach at St. Louis University High School during the 1998-99 school year, beginning my educational journey that has currently led me to St. X. Inspired by the tradition of St. Ignatius and the model of many of our adults, service is alive and well amongst the St. X students, who are active in many different ways. This past summer, more than 100 rising seniors and adults participated in mission experiences in

Camden, New Jersey, the Pilsen Neighborhood of Chicago, Rosebud Native American Reservation in South Dakota, Vanceburg, Kentucky, New Orleans, Louisiana, Ecuador, South America, and right here in Over-the-Rhine. With a mission of simplicity, our students spend one to two weeks in service of people in under-served communities. At the Day of Reflection for Mission Trips, one student noted, “I am more grateful for the things that I have here in Cincinnati, and [since my return] I try not to complain so much to my parents about stuff that isn’t really important. I’ll try to keep donating to my Mission Trip site when I can. I also asked my parents to help. Overall, I want to keep a positive attitude and remember how lucky I am.” Here in Cincinnati, St. X students serve in a variety of ways. Whether they are tutoring elementary children after school, volunteering at the Boys &


Girls Clubs of Greater Cincinnati, helping to repair low-income homes, bowling with people with disabilities, or mentoring children in need, St. X students step forth to serve. Matt Kemper, the Director of Community Service, described the outcome of this service when he wrote, “More often than not, their service work teaches them tangible leadership skills. It is through service activities that our students concretely experience the principles of the Grad at Grad. These skills are invaluable as our young men move beyond the walls of St. Xavier High School.” This year I have called upon all of us, faculty, staff, and administration, to be servant leaders in the education of the young men we serve. To this end, we can all experience God’s grace and the principles of the Grad at Grad.

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Jeff Kroeger (’14) came to St Xavier High School from Immaculate Heart of Mary in Anderson, Ohio. He is very active as a student leader at St. X as well as in the community. Along with his St. Xavier commitments he also works at Kenwood Country Club in the bag shop. Jeff plans to attend the University of Cincinnati’s School of Business next fall.



My three brothers Johnathan (’04), Mark (’06) and Andy (’13) all attended St. X. By the time it was my decision to pick a high school, it was a no brainer, St. X felt like home. DURING YOUR FIRST THREE YEARS, WHAT CLASSES DID YOU ENJOY THE MOST?

It had to be the service class which brings history and religion together with Mr. Cole (’85) and Mr. Telles. We really got to bond together as classmates and had the opportunity to help young kids in the process. It made us see how fortunate we are at St. X and helped make being a man for others real. It was a great experience because we combined hard work but had a lot of fun at the same time. I also really enjoyed Algebra freshman year. I had Mr. Daniel for class and, like all the teachers I have had, he really went the extra mile to help me and to make sure I got the most out of the class. TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM AT ST. X.

My experiences at St. X couldn’t be any better. I am a fouryear golf team member. Also, I am a Student Development Chairman for the 2013-2014 school-year. DESCRIBE TO OUR READERS “THE ST. XAVIER ADVANTAGE.”

The St. Xavier Advantage is the “family” created by the St. Xavier community. It’s a big support system inside the school, and even bigger outside of school. At school, we look out for one another. We help each other out by peer tutoring and the Walk for X, just to name a couple examples. When we graduate, we become part of the Long Blue Line. The larger family that we are a part of includes all alumni. More than 18,000 members of this special group actively participate in our big family functions by going to sporting competitions, special events and generously donating to the Annual Fund each year.


The hard work pays off. Sometimes, especially during my freshman year, you are going so fast that you don’t have the big picture in mind. That develops and by the time you are a senior what the teachers and coaches are telling you really comes together and makes sense. AFTER ST. X WHAT ARE YOUR NEXT STEPS?

I plan to go to the University of Cincinnati. I want to study business and especially focus on finance and marketing.


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THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. No matter how many times we say it, it just isn’t enough. St. Xavier High School continues to be one of the best high schools in the country because you believe in the mission. All of you who continue to support the school are witnesses to our students and parents the impact this institution will have on their lives. Our mission of providing a Jesuit Secondary education to any young man academically qualified is not just something our donors discuss. It truly is something they believe. Just look at the transformational gift from Harry and Linda Fath (page 14). They believe so much in the life changing affect of a St. Xavier education that they have stretched well past their comfort level to make this gift. Harry (’59) and Linda are giving generations of young men the opportunity of a St. Xavier High School education. The young men which benefit from the Fath’s generosity will go on to be leaders in their communities, churches and businesses. Our parents also see the advantages a St. Xavier High School education has had on their sons. The growth of the young men in the “Grad at Grad” characteristics (Open to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Religious, Loving and Committed to Doing Justice) become obvious from the very beginning of their time at St. X. I know many of our parents are already stretching financially to send their sons to St. THE IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY X, and that is what makes their annual gifts even more remarkable. IN THE SCHOOL IS AS The St. Xavier High School community goes beyond alumni and current STRONG AND VIBRANT AS IT parents, too. When you look at the list of donors, you will see parents of students HAS EVER BEEN. who have long since graduated and others who simply believe in the mission. X-Travaganza, Women’s Club, Athletic Boosters and Music Promoters are just a sampling of St. X organizations with a volunteer base that includes parents whose sons have graduated and other friends of the school. All you have to do is ask them why they continue to stay active and you will hear things such as, “I enjoy helping out and working with such a good group of people who believe in the same mission that I do.” These people continue to give of their time, talent and treasure because they have seen, and experienced, the maturation of our students. St. Xavier High School continues to be a school, a community and an extended family where young men learn and grow academically and spiritually. The Ignatian Spirituality in the school is as strong and vibrant as it has ever been. These young men see the Ignatian Spirituality lived out daily by our faculty and staff. Our students graduate knowing they have a responsibility to positively affect the lives of other people in their communities. It just becomes a way of life for everyone. Your generosity, your commitment to our mission and your belief in the future generations of St. X alumni allows us to continue to provide qualified young men the opportunity to benefit from a St. Xavier education. This year, 521 young men, more than 32 percent of our students, are receiving more than $3.1 million in need based financial aid. Your support makes it possible for us to change the lives of these students and their families who otherwise might not have had the opportunity to attend St. Xavier High School. So, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We just can’t say it enough!


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FINANCIALLY STRONG At St. Xavier High School, we take very seriously our role of providing academic and spiritual formation for the young men entrusted to us. We need to be strong financially if we are going to continue to enhance the programs and facilities needed for that formation. As you can see on these pages, we continue to remain financially strong. Thanks to the support we receive from our alumni, parents, faculty/staff and friends, we are able to keep our tuition increases as reasonable as possible while providing a quality education. We know we need to be good stewards of your support while we continue to improve the spiritual and academic experience of our students. If we are going to remain true to our Ignatian mission, we need to be sure that any academically qualified young man who wants to attend St. Xavier High School has the opportunity, regardless of his economic ability, to pay tuition. This year we will provide more than $3.1 million in need based financial aid to almost one-third of our student body. You can see on the Financial Assistance graph just how that need continues to increase. Thank you for your support. Your investment helps us to continue our very important mission of providing the opportunity for our students to receive a Jesuit education. Their spiritual and academic formation will help them to become Men for Others just like previous generations of St. Xavier High School alumni.


Alumni Parents of Alumni, Grandparents, Friends and Philanthropic Organizations


Current Parents


Constituency Total Giving Alumni $3,255,142.92 Parents of Alumni, Grandparents, Friends and Philanthropic Organizations $2,598,413.00 Current Parents $1,035,058.64


$2,500,000 $2,300,000 $2,105,378


$1,703,952 $1,577,144

$1,500,000 $1,307,138







$500,000 $0 ’00-01





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Audited Report of Revenues and Expenses for the Fiscal year Ending June 30, 2013

OPERATING REVENUE Tuition and Fees $18,816,582 Investment & Endowment Income $2,121,045 Development Income Applied to Current Operations $2,272,133 Total Revenues $23,209,760

OPERATING EXPENSES Educational Programs $15,380,381 Administrative $1,947,006 Auxiliary Enterprises & Activities $1,070,164 Plant Operations $4,812,209 Total Expenses $23,209,760




Tuition and Fees Investment & Endowment Income 81%

Development Income Applied to Current Operations



Educational Programs 5% 8%

Administrative 66%

Auxiliary Enterprises & Activities Plant Auxiliary Operations

AS OF JUNE 30, 2013:

Total Endowment $33,749,800 Bond Payable $20,260,000


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Harry (’59) and Linda Fath with St. Xavier President Fr. Timothy A. Howe SJ.

INVESTING IN THE FUTURE “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20.35) These words of Jesus clearly convey the impact of giving to others and the core values of Harry Fath (’59) and his wife Linda. This impulse to give to others became rooted in Harry’s heart many years ago. Paul Borgmann (’58), president of St. Xavier High School in the 1980s, had grown up in Western Hills with Harry Fath. They were football teammates and became great friends. Paul spent enjoyable summer vacations with the Faths at their cottage in northern Michigan. Over the years, Harry frequently expressed his deep concern about the financial health of St. X and constantly peppered Paul for details on its standing. He learned—increasing his concern—that tuitions were rising above the ability of many parents to send their kids to the Jesuit High School. Yet, he knew, it has always been the intention of St. Xavier to offer every deserving young man, despite his financial situation, the opportunity to have the “X” experience. For years Harry shared with Paul his aspiration to create a scholarship endowment similar to those of all the boarding schools in the east, and he suggested Paul approach the St. Xavier board to determine a figure for an endowment the members thought they could raise. In 1989 Paul had an answer for Harry: $4 million. But Harry didn’t feel that was nearly enough. With the large number of successful St. X grads and loyal friends of the school, he believed it was possible to raise much more. And he took the first key step to lead the way: To incentivize his vision, Harry offered to donate $1 million if St. X raised $10 million. To St. X’s great joy they were able to raise $10.7 million.


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“ I GREW UP IN AN ERA WHEN YOU HAD PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR SUCCESS OR FAILURE. THE JESUITS ARE THE GREATEST EDUCATORS IN THE WORLD AND THEY DON’T CODDLE STUDENTS, THEY TEACH PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. SO I WANT ST. X TO SURVIVE AND OFFER A ST. X EXPERIENCE TO ALL THOSE DESERVING REGARDLESS OF THEIR FINANCIAL MEANS.” Since this initial generous gift, St. Xavier has benefited from two other very successful endowment initiatives. In addition to the many physical improvements at the school, there is also $25 million in a scholarship fund set aside for what Harry deems most important: giving academically capable students with limited finances the means to become part of The Long Blue Line. “Unfortunately, the current endowment is no longer enough,” Harry observed. “Tuition costs are rising, and St. X needs to be sure deserving young men always have the opportunity to attend this fine institution.” This past year, with the implementation of the Strategic Plan at St. X, a concerted effort was begun to build the scholarship endowment to a level that would fund both current and future needs of students. St. Xavier High School needed a donor to provide a transformative gift that would elevate the endeavor, making a clear statement to everyone about the magnitude of the project. Recognizing the passion of Harry Fath, he was one of the first approached by Fr. Howe. “Naturally, I was taken aback,” said Harry. “My business was just now coming out of a ten-year slump and I’m not Bill Gates. I was already over-extended on many other wonderful causes.” During the initial conversation Harry told President Fr. Tim Howe he couldn’t even think about it for a couple of years. However, just two weeks later, it was Harry who was making a call to the school. “I’ve been thinking about your problem night and day and analyzing my financial situation and decided I just have to do this,” Harry explained. What Harry told Fr. Howe in that memorable call will have an impact on the entire future of St. Xavier High School.

He began by saying, “I grew up in an era when you had personal responsibility for your success or failure. The Jesuits are the greatest educators in the world and they don’t coddle students, they teach personal responsibility. So I want St. X to survive and offer a St. X experience to all those deserving regardless of their financial means.” Harry then made the X-traordinary major gift pledge of $10 million, by far the largest gift ever received by St. Xavier. Harry said he’s not donating it because he went to St. X. He’s doing it because no qualified student should be denied the St. X experience because of their financial situation. “His gift takes the scholarship endowment from $25 million to $35 million,” stated Fr. Howe, “a key step towards bringing it to the $100 million that will support the tuition-assistance needs that we know we will have in the coming decades. I am confident that many other donors will follow the Faths’ example, and truly stretch to secure our future.” Harry’s wife Linda, who has been by his side throughout the entire process in support of this gift, recognizes the impact it is making not only to the school but in her husband’s life. “This is not only important to Harry, but to me,” said Linda. “We believe so strongly in the cause, we wanted to set an example.” On behalf of the Jesuits, students, faculty and staff—and all the future students who will benefit from their selfless sacrifice—St. Xavier High School thanks Harry and Linda for their commitment and leadership in highlighting the vital importance of investing in the future of St. Xavier High School. Grace E. DeGregorio, collaborator


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CONSISTENCY BREEDS SUCCESS IN THE ST. XAVIER MOCK TRIAL PROGRAM According to the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education, the governing body that coordinates the state-wide Mock Trial competition, Mock Trial is the largest non-athletic program in Ohio. And that is no surprise since last year the program included approximately 365 teams state-wide.

Faculty Advisor Henry McDonald (’06), with advisors Joseph Braun, Cindy Fazio and Robert Ernst (’00).

And at St. X the program is a popular one with the student population requiring try-outs to field the five teams that practice between the months of September and March. It is a team commitment that rivals any sports team, while at the same time often includes athletes, actors, musicians and many other student interests. Going into its 25th year at St. X, the Mock Trial program at times seems like one of the best kept secrets of the school since the students involved in the program work largely with volunteer legal advisors. Each year teams work to create a case around a current constitutional issue from a case file issued by the Ohio Center for Law related education. Competitions at the district, regional and state levels are conducted in an actual courtroom and are scored by panels of lawyers and judges. Since its infancy, the St. Xavier program has had many consistent parts that create a successful whole. The program has always had the stability of the Jesuit tradition, great advisors and good kids, which can be seen in the success of the program, even in building years. One of the most consistent pieces of the program has been advisor Cynthia Fazio, Assistant Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney. When Cindy joined the St. Xavier Mock Trial program more than 23 years ago, she initially thought she would volunteer for a year or two. “It is hard to walk away from St. X and this program, in particular, because of the commitment of the students, other legal advisors, faculty and parents,” said Fazio. “Every time when I think I have reached the end of my tenure, I just keep coming back. Let’s be honest, how can anyone leave a school like St. X—the students are second to none and they are always willing to push themselves to learn and improve. At this point, St. X feels like my second home—and I mean that in a good way. Volunteer Joseph Braun, Strauss and Troy (Partner) had the same experience. “Cindy asked me to help with the program for a few weeks and at last count that was 10 years ago,” said Braun. “Everything at St. X is so high quality you don’t want to go help any other school.” That commitment is contagious as legal advisors for the program tend to stay for years. Some like Jack Goldberg (’59) (retired Partner, Lindhorst & Dreidame), offered to help after his son made the team and has remained a legal advisor ever since.

“Mock Trial is like a tide that raises all the boats, each of the witnesses and attorneys benefit from each other,” stated Goldberg.


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LEGAL ADVISORS 23 Years: Cynthia A. Fazio 20 Years: Jack Goldberg (’59) 10 Years: Joseph J. Braun Alan Barnes Nick Roll (’13) Dan Sonnefeld (’15) Gwen Bender, Jack Bender (’14) and Jeff Willicut (’14).This group worked together in 2012 and 2013, winning individual awards and advancing to the Regionals. Not pictured: Will Schnicke (’15), Jack York (’13), Jack Waters (’15) and Brian Kemper (’16). Bender and Willicut will lead their team for their fourth year of competition together.

Gwen Bender Brian Butler

“I once had a disappointed grandma of two grandsons who had experienced success with the mock trial program approach me about her third grandson who had chosen not to try out for program said Fazio. “She asked me, ‘How will he ever expect to become a good public speaker if he doesn’t do Mock Trial?’ She was right, Fazio and Braun point out, since Mock Trial is just not a co-curricular for students who are interested in being a lawyer someday. The program helps students improve critical thinking, reading, writing, public speaking and listening skills as well as develop an understanding and appreciation for a current constitutional law issue. It will benefit a student in countless ways, like future scholarship competitions, job interviews or in future approaching that next big client. The success of the program is quite astounding (see box), but is a prime example of the complex web of volunteers and supporters that breed success. Besides Fazio and Goldberg other legal advisors for the 2013-2014 season include Gwen Bender, Jack Scott (’78), Robert Ernst (’00), Eric Fehr (’02), Clay Miller (’10) and B ​ rian Redmond (’10). The faculty advisor duties are handled by Henry McDonald (’06). But we cannot forget that both Fr. Howe and Coach Specht (’86) were faculty advisors to the program before they held their current positions. Fazio and Braun will tell you that perhaps that is not a mere coincidence. “When we talk to other teams throughout the state, their experience isn’t like ours at St. X.” said Braun. “It is more than just a casual commitment for all involved. It has lots of components: service, social, educational, team building and family.” With five teams practicing for seven months, the support from parents is crucial, but the rewards for both the team and the student are obvious. “Mock Trial gave my son self-confidence to relay his thoughts and beliefs speaking in a public arena,” stated Tom Gill, past parent, board member and owner of Tom Gill Chevrolet. “Thanks to the program he is easily ready to influence the thoughts of others in any situation.” Parent and advisor Gwen Bender, Hamilton County Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, sees the program from both angles. “One of my favorite experiences from mock trial has been watching parents react the first time their son speaks in the courtroom during competition. The boys work for months with teammates, developing a cogent, organized argument, but that work occurs in the classroom, away from the public. Parents are always amazed at the boys’ abilities to speak confidently and knowledgably in front of a panel of attorneys. The students don’t stand and deliver a memorized speech. They question witnesses, challenge evidence and deliver a passionate argument supporting their legal position. The students develop the ability to cogently address questions posed by a judicial panel. The skills they learn actually benefit them the rest of their lives, whatever path the future takes,” explains Bender. One of the secrets weapons of the program is the courtroom that is housed on the first floor of the school right inside the front entrance. Yes, we have a courtroom!


Daniel Breyer Matt Chaser Michael Cioffi Taylor Ehrman (’11) Robert Ernst (’00) Eric Fehr (’02) William Flynn (’78) Chris Hendy (’04) Brian Hurley Hon. Daniel Haughey (’93) Mike Kelly Clay Miller (’10) Tony Nardini (’95) Brian Redmond (’10) Shannon Reynolds William Russo (’73) Max Schneider (’06) Jack Scott (’78) Amy Searcy Kevin Tierney Jason Tonne (’96)

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X - T R A VA G A N Z A

The following is an excerpt taken from a historical look at X-Travaganza written by Cynthia A. Piening. To read the entire history of X-Travaganza please visit:

HISTORY OF X-TRAVAGANZA X-TRAVAGANZA...when the name was coined, little did they know that the little auction that was, would grow to be one of the premier charity auctions in the city and the ‘granddaddy’ of many high school and parish auctions in the area. In 1973, when President Mark Schuler hired Bro Peter J. Maurer, SJ, it was to develop the concept of a fundraising auction to seek other sources of revenue to defray operating expenses. He used the early successes of the auction at Loyola Academy in Chicago as a model. A fall date was chosen so as not to compete with the WCET auction that was held in the spring. The chairs, Ginny and Gene Ruehlmann and Ruth and John Keefe were able to spearhead the first annual auction—a black-tie affair with dinner and breakfast—to raise an astounding $25,000! This profit would be used for increasing costs at a time when tuition was $900! Dick Klus, whose name is synonymous with the auction, left his position as assistant principal in 1974, to join Bro. Maurer, to co-direct the budding Development Office. Along with Chairs Pat and Norm Murdock and Marty and Bob Jacobs (’44), they were able to increase the profit to $30,000. By May of 1975, Bro. Mauer left St. Xavier and Dick became the Director of Development. Later that summer Paul Zook (’57) left the English Department to form a ‘team of two’, who would strengthen the foundation and carefully cultivate the X-travaganza. Jim Cahill (’64) would join the duo in the Development Office from 1985 to 1990. Ginny and Gene Ruehlmann and Ruth and John Keefe, the first chairs of X-Travaganza.


In July 1976 Fr. Paul Borgmann assumed the Presidency of St. X and would preside over 15 auctions. That Bicentennial year served as the first subtle theme for the auction under the sole chairs, Bette and Bob Reis.

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Blessed with multitudes of volunteers over the years, X-Travaganza is particularly indebted to the chairs of the auction, who have stepped into a leadership role to guide the committees to extraordinary achievements. Three couples (Kathleen and Mike Edelmuth (’85 & ’86), Margo & John Locaputo (’91 & ’92) and Jane & Dick Yost (’98 & ’99) had the unique privilege to chair the auction for two years. Since 2000 the auction has had chairs and co-chairs. The role of the co-chairs is to shadow the chairs in order to learn what is expected of them. The following year the chairs would serve as advisors. Although committed for 3 years, many of them have become life-long supporters of the X-Travaganza. Perhaps the backbone of the X-Travaganza has been the support of the St. Xavier Mothers’ Club and the Women’s Club. They have provided 1) leadership, as many of the auction chairs came from the ranks of these groups; 2) thousands of dollars in contributions to underwrite the dinner, appetizers, desserts, etc. for many years; and 3) Oral gifts, in the form of hosting parties. Other volunteers, who donated thousands of hours to the success of the auction, could never say no when asked to help. X-Travaganza has become a family affair, crisscrossing generations. Looking through past catalogs, one is struck by the names of volunteers who were a part of the auction for decades as volunteers, donors and attendees (Bennie, Berger, Berning, Besl, Buenger, Carroll, Chavez, Coffaro, Deye, Esselman, Gruber, Hart, Heidt, Hendy, Hils, Horan, Hue, Hummel, Kathmann, Keating, Klekamp, Keefe, Konerman, Lame, Liguzinski, Linneman, Locaputo. Massa, Mazza, Meuthing, Meyer, Niehaus, Reilly, Reynolds, Ries, Robertson, Schaefer, Schellman, Schroeder, Sedler, Stall, Stertz, Sweeney, Thiemann, Vehr, Wittrock, Wolf, Wolnitzek, Yost, etc.) Some still play important roles with the auction. In 1987 Braden (’54) and Eileen Mechley chaired the auction, which hit the $200,000 profit level for the first time. Twenty-seven years later their daughter, Heidi Mechley-Felton and husband, Mike, will chair the 2014 edition. Perhaps they will break into the $800,000 stratosphere!

Two legends of X-Travaganza, Margo Locaputo and Paul Zook (’57).

It is extraordinary to think the St. Xavier community has raised more than $12,750,000 in the last 40 years, due to the generosity of our patrons and the support of thousands of volunteers. The growth of the X-Travaganza can be likened to the building of a home. Brother Pete Maurer ‘poured’ the foundation in 1973, while the walls were ‘built’ under the capable partnership of ‘Dick Klus and Paul Zook Construction.’ It took a former Shillito’s buyer, Margo Locaputo, to decorate the home with amazing fixtures and accompaniments. She knew just the people to ‘hire’ for the myriad of jobs to keep the house running properly. As the world of technology was traveling at warp-speed, Sara Schindler entered to update the home. Today the head of the house is Cathy Cionni. She along with the family of St. Xavier will keep our event the pinnacle of auctions. After all, in the words of Dick Klus, “The X-Travaganza is not only a ‘fund-raiser’ but a ‘friend-raiser’!” To read the entire history of X-Travaganza visit


DATE CHAIR PERSONS THEME 1973 Ginny & Gene Ruehlmann Ruth & John Keefe 1974 Pat & Norm Murdock Marty & Bob (’44) Jacobs 1975 Dottie & Dick Wurzelbacher Elaine Ernie (’48) Rolfes 1976 Betty & Bob Ries “Bicentennial” 1977 Lucille & Jack Vehr 1978 Patty & Chuck (’48) Paquette 1979 Joy & Len Rouse Hanna Barbara characters on the cover of the catalog 1980 Robey & John Klare “X-Travaganza Stock X-change” 1981 Geri & Bob Wildermuth 150th Anniversary of St. Xavier 1982 (auction date moved) 1983 Mary Jo & Steve Clear Donna & Chuck Thiemann “X-Travaganza at the Circus” 1984 Linda & Woody Stephens Betsy Jerry Riesenberg “Come Fly With Me” 1985 Kathleen & Mike Edelmuth Black Magic hat on cover of catalog 1986 Kathleen & Mike Edelmuth Tropical Adventure 1987 Eileen & Braden (’54) Mechley “One Enchanted Evening” 1988 Diane & Rick Smith “One Enchanted Evening Under the Stars” 1989 Carole & Joe (’58) Albers “One Enchanted Evening Puttin’ on the Glitz” 1990 Cecelia & Gary Hendren “One Enchanted Evening in Alice’s Wonderland” 1991 Margo & John Locaputo “One Enchanted Evening in an English Garden” 1992 Margo & John Locaputo Margaret & Joe (’59) Seta “One Enchanted Evening Down Memory Lane 1940 1950 1960” 1993 Karen & Jim (’64) Ralston Janet & Tom Turek “Under the Sea” 1994 Betsy & Dave Hendy “Around the World in 80 Days” 1995 Cynthia & Manuel Chavez “An Olympic Celebration” 1996 Janie & Tom Schaefer “A Star-Studded Evening” 1997 Elaine & Allan (’63) Meyer “A Circus X-traordinaire” 1998 Jane & Dick Yost “A Sterling X-cursion” 1999 Jane & Dick Yost “Through a Garden Gate” 2000 Michelle & Bob (’71) Stephens “A Celestial X-Pedition” 2001 Pat & Steve Robertson “An X-Calibur Night” 2002 Barb & Dan Bennie “An Oriental X-perieince” 2003 Kathy & Tom Liguzinski “Passport to Paris” 2004 Rose & Butch Stertz “Seaside X-perience” 2005 Jane & Don Karches “X-clusively Manhattan” 2006 Barb & Jim (’72) Caffaro “An Italian X-scape” 2007 Christy & Terry (’69) Horan “An Emerald Isle X-perience 2008 Cathy & Tony (’74) Cionni “Broadway X-citement” 2009 Tina & Andy Hawking “An African X-pedition” 2010 Roseanne & Gene Colleran “A Derby Night X-acta” 2011 Mary & Jim Thacker “X-scape to New England” 2012 Sarah & David Klein “ConneXions to the World” 2013 Maria & Joe Arcuri “An Evening on the LinX”


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“To assist young men in their formation as leaders and Men For Others through rigorous college preparation in the Jesuit tradition.”







CO-CURRICULARS | 110 clubs and organizations are available to students at St. Xavier, ranging from politics to publications, from engineering to languages, from student government to liturgical music. ATHLETICS | St. Xavier offers 16 Division

1 athletic programs – baseball, basketball, bowling, cross-country, football, golf, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, swimming & diving, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling – wherein 85 percent of young men participate as student athletes.

FINE ARTS | The arts are a vital part of the St. Xavier experience whereby 14% of young men participate in performing arts either as a co-curricular or through the course curriculum. PREPARED FOR A GLOBAL WORLD |

Students from St. Xavier come from amongst 90 different grade schools in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.


More than 18,000 living alumni – also known as the Long Blue Line – reside in every state and several foreign countries. M E N




For Others | 75 percent of St. Xavier students voluntarily participate in community service activities.



St. Xavier High School National Merit Semi-Finalist 2011–2013


84 percent of the graduating Class of 2013 received some form of academic, service and/or athletic scholarship to their respective college or university exceeding $49 million and averaging $159,000 per graduate


86 percent of students taking the national AP exam in 2012 scored a three or higher


St. Xavier offers more than 132 courses including 24 advanced placement courses in seven subject areas


ACT | The mean score for St. Xavier seniors is 28 (the national average is 21)


SAT | The mean score for St. Xavier seniors is 1244 (the national average is 1059)



Examen | St. Xavier students, along with faculty and staff, participate in a daily examen of consciousness where one can grow more sensitive to their own spirit – its longings, its powers, its source; they will develop an openness to receive the support God offers.


St. Xavier has the second largest canned food collection in Greater Cincinnati; over the last 10 years students have collected more than 10 million pounds of food for the needy.



’59 RICHARD LAMEIER competed in the National Senior Games. A former AquaBomber, he posted personal bests in all three of his events which included the 100y Individual Medley, the 50y Freestyle and the 50y Backstroke. His time of 38:52 in the 50y Backstroke was good enough for the silver medal!

’77 JOHN MURRAY just published his book The Charleston Orphan House: Children’s Lives in the First Public Orphanage in America.

CLASS OF 1951 GOLF TOURNAMENT RESULTS: Bob Gerwin edged out reigning

champion Bob Brockman to win the 2013 Class of 1951 Golf Tournament at Blue Ash Golf Course.Other good scores were posted by Jim Nieberding, Al Zimmer, John Schwierling, Fred Fehr and Charlie O’Leary.

’78 JERRY TEUSCHLER serves on the Board

of Directors for the Hamilton County Fair handling Marketing and Public Relations. The group just completed a three of five year plan to bring the fair “back” as a valued attraction and celebration of all things Hamilton County.

1939 1942 1942 1945 1945 1946 1948 1954 1954 1955 1956 1958 1962 1963 1966 1967 1968 1991 2005



WEDDINGS • Bryan Moore (’02) married Hanna Bey on July 27, 2013. • Joel Ojdana (’01) married Casey Carter on August 9, 2013

BIRTHS • Megan Shanahand and J. Bartley Cosgrove (’92) welcomed their son Dolan Fitzgerald Cosgrove on July 2, 2013.




’83 JOHN MCCABE climbed the peak of Mt.

lished The Education of Grandpa Bobar: In Pursuit of Excellence, Demystifying Mysticism: Gratitude as a Gift and The Translucent Imagination: seeing the Illusion of Our Separateness.

• Helen and Ben Pflaumer (’94) welcomed their son William Edward on October 28, 2012. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20” long.

Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa in February of 2013.

• Melissa and J.P. Eberle (’96) welcomed their third son (and third future Bomber) Nicholas John Paul on December 28, 2012. • Misti and Steve Brice (’00) welcomed daughter Alexis Grace on July 6, 2013.

WAYNE GRIMME and his wife Beverly will celebrate 46 years of marriage on December 2, 2013.


• Elizabeth and Robert Huddle (’05) welcomed their son Marcus Gabriel on July 24, 2013.

’64 JOHN REES selected to the Florida State University College of Criminology Hall of Fame. ’66 DAVID QUAMMEN wrote the essay

Living with Lions in the August 2013 issue of National Geographic.


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’90 JOE MUTO has written An Atheist in the FOXhole: A Liberal’s Eight-Year Odyssey Inside the Heart of the Right-Wing Media

THE ALUMNI FROM THE CLASSES OF 1998-2008 ARE MEMBERS OF THE ST. X YOUNG ALUMNI. Visit the group on facebook at St.

Xavier High School Young Alumni.

’92 ELLIOTT RUTHER to serve as the first chief of development for Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

St. Xavier Young Alumni Golf Outing 2013

’96 LUKE BLOCHER joined Ambassador Luis Cdebaca and 2013 State Department TIP Heroes for a Google Hangout moderated by CNN International Anchor Jim Clancy ’96 MATT DAVIS has been named the interim executive director of the Cincinnati USA Partnership. ’96 PETE FEHRING has accepted a new

position with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy in Wilmington, NC, as an Engineering Technical Leader.


The mission and vision of the Development Department is: · Ensure that St. X is financially able to ensure that any young man that is academically qualified will have the ability to attend St. Xavier regardless of his or his family’s ability to pay tuition · Meet the financial needs of the school so that St. Xavier will be able to attract and retain the best faculty and staff possible · Provide our faculty and students with the best tools and facilities possible so that both will strive for the Magis in every facet of a St. X education

Alumni Chaplain Fr. Denny Ahern SJ (’56), Gift Processor Heidi Eveleigh, Director of the Annual Fund and Alumni Relations John Schrantz (’96), Major Gifts Officer Ed Franchi, Administrative Assistant Cheryl Asper, Vice President of Development Ralph Nardini (’77), X-Travaganza Director Cathy Cionni, Assistant Vice President of Development Tony Schad (’81), Major Gifts Officer Andy Sweeny (’68), X-Travaganza Assistant Katie Leary, Administrative Assistant Christine McDaniel and Administrative Assistant Coleen King.


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’01 NICK BASCH named Big Brother of the

’10 MAX BIERMAN just completed an Iron-

Year in the site-based programs for his work in Cincinnati.

’02 BRYAN MOORE married Hanna Bey on

July 27, 2013.

’03 KYLE HUCKE graduated from Tulane

University with a PhD in Psychology with a focus on development. He is currently employed by New Orleans Kids Partnership where he is involved in research for the New Orleans public school system.

’06 DERRICK ELDER joined the New

Mexico State football team as an offensive graduate assistant.

’07 SAM WESSELMAN was accepted in the

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange and will spend one year in Germany studying/ working in the field of urban design. ’09 PATRICK AKUJOBI was awarded the Evans Scholarship at OSU where he earned a degree in accounting.

man Competition in Canada. He finished 4th in his category (Men 18-24) overall, but second in both swim and bike. Max is currently a senior at the US Air Force Academy.

’10 TOM O’GORMAN won the Solo National

Championship in the F Prepared class with the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) in Lincoln Nebraska driving a 1972 Porsche 914. In addition to his National Championship, Tom clinched the season championship in the SCCA’s Pro solo series. He will be featured in the December issue of Sportscar Magazine in a spotlight article in a column entitled “First Gear.”

’11 BEN WEINER won a $1,000 prize from the Yale English department for a 2,000 word essay about the Aeneid. ’13 KYLE DENMAN made Ohio history at

the YMCA Conference on National Affairs in Black Mountain, N.C., as only the second Ohioan to present a proposal (Daniel’s Proposal) in front of the 700-plus delegates and the third Ohio resident to be selected as a presiding officer.

’13 MIKE LETSCHER AND MATTHEW BOGNER work with other Catholic School

grads to form web development company 3cogs.

’10 NICHOLAS WALSH received a four-

year scholarship to OSU from the Western Golf Association Evans Scholar Foundation, serves as the President of the OSU Chapter and was recently elected as the President of the Evans Scholars National Committee. Nicholas is currently taking Biology on his way to a medical degree.

’09 JACK GREENLEE won the 2012 Big

Ten outdoor pole vault title, earning All-Big Ten first team honors. His winning height of 17-3 feet currently ranks tied for third all-time at Michigan, while he also ranks fourth in the indoor pole vault with a mark of 17-2.25 feet. He is a two-time outdoor NCAA East Preliminary Rounds qualifier, finishing 24th in 2012 and 16th in 2011. At the 2012 and 2013 Big Ten Indoor Championships, he placed fourth in the pole vault. Greenlee graduated with a degree in business administration from the prestigious Stephen M. Ross School of Business. He is a two-time Academic All-Big Ten honoree and received Michigan’s Spencer Dowdall Outstanding Scholar Award winner in 2012.

’09 SAM MINELLI reviewed on American


MISSION MOMENT St. Xavier Students through the Mission Collections are funding this girls’ dormitory and community center in Maner, India. The girls are from very poor villages and will live and study in this new space. The facility is in the Patna Diocese, India and Archbishop William D’Souza, a Jesuit, heads the diocese. The cost of the dormitory is $52,000 and St. Xavier through the Mission Collection will supply the funds. At the end of the 2013 school year students had already contributed $42,000 to the cause.


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On the globe, the long blue line is the equator. In St. X parlance, the Long Blue Line of alumni and student body appears all over the globe. Bomber blue turns up all over the map and we want the evidence. Send us your pictures wearing St. Xavier High School gear or hoisting a copy of St. Xavier magazine at an exotic locale or local landmark. Maybe a picture of Bombers at the Pyramids of Egypt or posing at the Pit. Either way, let us know where you’ve been displaying your X pride. Send your high-resolution digital images to or mail prints to Becky Schulte c/o St. Xavier magazine, 600 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224.

1. Faculty member Patty Luehrmann and the following members of the class of 2015 traveled to tour Europe (London, Paris, Florence, and Rome) this summer. Members of the class of 2015 include Max Klett, Zachary Reed, Andrew Schneider, Patrick Luehrmann, Jacob Spears, and Dan Sonnefeld. 2. The Class of 1973 enjoyed their annual golf trip held this year in Pittsburgh, PA: (l to r) Bob Pechiney, Owen Wrassman, Mike Schmerge, Greg Buchert, Ed Zenni, Mark Ahern, Jack Kortekamp, Keith Trautmann, Pat McCafferty and Tom Bruns. 3. Eileen Budo, Melissa Lea and Ellen Kellogg sport the X while chaperoning the Spring Music Trip to


Walt Disney World this past spring. 4. David (’09) and Will Miller (’12) on a recent trip with their Dad to Alaska. Here they show their X Pride on top of Mt. Healy in Danali National Park. 5. While vacationing in Grand Marais, MN Doug Poon (’87) came across this St. Francis Xavier Church. It was built in 1895 under the direction of Father Specht and has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1985. 6. Nicholas Stautberg (’25), son Christopher (’91) prepares for “twoa-weeks” in football with other 5-year-olds at Immaculate Heart of Mary. 7. Will Lawley (’09) strikes his best X pose in Paris.





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1. Coach Ben Bueter (’13), Nathan Jonas (’16), Ethan Ecker (’16), coach John Galvin (’12) and head coach Gabe Baumgartner (’12) celebrate at the swim team banquet for the Beckett Ridge Swim Team which finished the year as the 2013 Tri-County Swim League Champions! 2. Terry Smith (’51) and Ms. Suzanne Gal-


lagher celebrated their fifth anniversary as “best friends forever” by chartering a float plane to tour the Chesapeake Bay. 3. The first ever Young Alumni Golf League kicked off the summer of 2013 with alums from 1996-2008 playing from May to August on Wednesday nights at California Golf Course. The 2013 Team Champions: (l to r) Ryan McGraw (’05), Michael Berning (’05), Richard Tranter (’04) and Stephen Huff (’01). Individual Players of the Year Award goes to Ryan McGraw (’05) and Richard Tranter (’04.) Look for more information about the league next summer! 4. Twenty-four years of the Long Blue Line (l to r) – Ed Koenig (’51), Jim Ollier (’59), George Maggini (’56), Eddie Winter (’72), Dan Aerni (’67) and Tom Brinkman (’48) are members of the Shalom Coalition of Habitat for Humanity Greater Cincinnati. The group is currently working to build a house at 2829 Preston St. in Walnut Hills. 5. X-peditions: Alums enjoy the Texas Reunion at Texas Rangers game: Terry Brennan (’75), Ralph Nardini (’77), Jonathon Bordeux (’82), Drue Carney (’82), Chris Koebbe (’92), Greg Nieberding (’75) and John Brennan (’77). 6. The Marching Bombers represent St. Xavier during the Cincinnati Harvest Home Parade. 7. “The Crabs” from the class of 1975 celebrated over the summer at City View in Mt. Adams: (l to r) Steve Byrnes, Mike Florez (’75), Joe Deters (’75), Pete


Gallagher (’75) and Neal McDermott (’75).




S T. X A V I E R H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E







1. Jeff Zorn (’97) and Steve Gonzalez (’75) at the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club in Del Mar (San Diego), CA. 2. Ted Wenstrup (’48) with his St. X Family (seated l to r) son Ned Wenstrup (’73), Ted Wenstrup (’48), grandson Thomas Keefe (’24) and son-in-law Kevin Keefe (’72). (standing l to r) grandson Luke Keefe (’08), grandson Geoffrey Gebhardt (’12); grandson John Keefe (’10); grandson Tim Keefe (’12) and grandson-in-law Jeff Fisher (’01.) 3. Ricky Sarcone (’12) salutes St. X while kayaking in the Grand Tetons on a recent family vacation. 4. Todd Rielage (’99), pictured right with guide Ben Likens on the summit of Mount Rainier, Washington. (14,411 ft.) This was Todd’s second summit of Mount Rainier but first via the Kautz Route. 5. Alex Blink (’13) sports his St. X Magazine at the Naval Academy. 6. Mike (’79) and Bobby Bergman (’12) and J.D. (’11) and Mike Stenger (’79) together at St. John USVI in August.



S T. X A V I E R H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E






1. Marine Conservation Independent Study (MCIS) students Marvin Raneses (’14), Alex Dahl (’15), producer Manny Oteyza (’85) Bennett Goertemiller (’16), John Nawalaniec (’16) and Anthony Zampese (’16) at a showing of Oteyza’s film Blackfish. The documentary is on the top ten list for documentaries to be Oscar nominated this year. 2. Darryl Kristof (’83), President of Cartessa Corp., vacationed in Hawaii with his wife and two daughters in June. X marks the spot on the island of Kauai, Hawaii at the ancient fishing village of Nualolo Kai. X was formed from a lava chute. 3. Joe Stolz (’62) and his family of St. X Bombers, future Bombers and their families enjoyed sunny skies and beaches in June 2013 at their annual vacation on Longboat Key, FL: (l to r) Joseph (’92), grandson Joey, Joe (’62), John (’95), grandson A.J. Infantino (’16), son-in-law Chris Infantino (’88) and grandson Dominic Infantino. 4. MDN 3rd Class Ben Weckenbrock (’12) with MDN 4th Class Tanner Huskey (’12) and MDN 4th Class Kevin Jones (’13) at the conclusion of United States Naval Academy Plebe Summer 2013. Go Navy! 5. Blaise Jones (’10) spent part of his summer documenting the shark and ray species found in the waters of surrounding Clearwater, FL. Here he is holding a Juvenile Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle; one the rarest sea turtle species. He is beginning his final year at University of North Carolina, Wilmington, majoring in Marine Biology. 6. Charlie Thiemann (’22) holds a Brown Trout caught at Briarwood Sportsman’s


Club in Bellefontaine, Ohio earlier this year.



S T. X A V I E R H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E


1. Brett Stakelin (’06), biked 28 uphill miles to the 14,130 ft. summit of Mt Evans, CO, just to show off his St. X pride. 2. The Class of 1962 celebrated their annual golf scramble at Stonelick Hills on July 2. Front Row: Tom Eagen Second Row: (l to r) Neal Smith and Joe Grever. Third Row: (l to r) Joe Nordman, Skip Jackson, Pat Mooney and Lou Bohn. Fourth Row: ( l to r) Mike Fisher, Jim Reichert, Steve Thumann, Jay Schloemer and Gerry Hyland. Fifth Row: (l to r) Jerry Schuermann, Ed Vonderbrink and Charles Geraci. Top Row: (l to r) Joe Bonner, Bob Wedemeyer, Greg Wehrman, Done Beckmeyer and Tom Niehaus. 3. Tim Durbin (’95) and wife Laina, on the Maipo River near Santiago Chile during a year of travel. Follow their blog at

What is up? You can let us know in a variety of ways–send a photo for our X-Peditions feature or tell fellow Bombers about your wedding, a recent move, your latest promotion, a family addition, your retirement or other news via the Alumni X-cerpts pages. Just fill out and send in the form below. We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon. Mail the form to: St. Xavier High School (Magazine) 600 W. North Bend Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Fax: 513-761-2586 or E-mail:











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FALL/WINTER 2013-2014







• Feast of All Saints Mass 8 a.m. and 11:55 a.m. • 11:30 a.m. First Friday Mass/ Luncheon at St. Xavier Downtown

Second Canned Food Drive Canvass

11:30 a.m. First Friday Mass/ Luncheon at St. Xavier Downtown

11:30 a.m. First Friday Mass/ Luncheon at St. Xavier Downtown



Classes Resume

8:00 p.m. Mom Prom at Music Hall

3 All Souls Day Mass and Brunch 9:30 a.m.

4 Canned Food Drive Kick-Off

5-7 • Annual Fund Phonathon Call Night 7 p.m. • Adopt-A-Family Sign-Up Deadline is November 6

12-13 Annual Fund Phonathon Call Night 7 p.m.

14 • 7:30 p.m. TX opens “Sherlock Holmes” at Performance Center • Annual Fund Phonathon Call Night 7 p.m.

17 11:30-2:30 Open House at St. Xavier

23 • TX Closes “Sherlock Holmes” • 8:30 a.m. Entrance Exam at St. Xavier H.S.


9:30 a.m. Feast of St. Francis Xavier Mass in Berning Gym


• Holiday in Honor of the Feast of St. Francis Xavier • 11:30 a.m. First Friday Mass/ Luncheon at St. Xavier Downtown • Mothers’ Club Boutique, Luncheon and Fashion Show at St. Xavier H.S. • Class of 1961 Christmas Luncheon

8 Final Canned Food Drive Canvass


15 Naples Reunion



• Sophomore Knightwatch Retreat • Multicultural Candidates Reception

Sophomore Knightwatch Retreat

20 Martin Luther King Day – No Classes

17 President’s Day – No Classes

14 • Canned Food Drive Delivery Day • Choral Christmas Dinner in Black Box Theatre

18-19 Christmas Concert

20 Christmas Concert Assembly


First Canned Food Drive Canvass

Start of Christmas VacationNo Classes

Thanksgiving Holiday- No Classes

St. Francis Xavier Scholars Reception

• Canned Food Drive Packing Day at St. Xavier H.S. • Choral Christmas Dinner in Black Box Theatre

24 27-29



Class of 2008 5-year Reunion

Adopt-A-Family today for The Advent Canned Food Drive. Visit to sign up. Thank you!

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J.R. Anderson ’90 Inducted ’13 Michael L. Andrews ’92 Inducted ’06 Jeffrey G. Ankenbauer ’83 Inducted ’11 Robert A. Arnzen ’45 Inducted ’00 Robert L. Arnzen ’65 Inducted ’85 Thomas N. Ballaban Inducted ’85 Jason Basil ’97 Inducted ’12 William B Behrens ’56 Inducted ’09 Richard. B Berning Inducted ’85 Dana J. Bible ’72 Inducted ’11 Rocky M. Boiman ’98 Inducted ’08 Raymond J. Bosse ’73 Inducted 2013 Peter O. Boylan ’61 Inducted ’92 J. Patrick Boyle ‘ 59 Inducted ’97 Herbert B. Budde ’49 Inducted ’88 James P. Bunning ‘ 49 Inducted ’86 William T. Cady ’47 Inducted ’88 Paul D. Cain ’25 Inducted ’86 Michael J. Conaton ’81 Inducted ’05 Robert A. Conway, Sr. ’45 Inducted ’93 Joel C. Cornette ’99 Inducted ’09 Jayme Cramer ’01 Inducted ’12 John M. Crowley ’24 Inducted ’86 Robert C. Dalton ’71Inducted ’93 John Dromo Inducted ’90 Brian J. Fitzgerald ’91Inducted ’07 Francis X. Florez ’77 Inducted ’99 Thomas M. Fogarty ’85 Inducted ’03 R. Kyle Fresh ’89 Inducted ’00 Gregory R. Frey ’86 Inducted ’97 Francis J. Froelke ’59 Inducted ’91 Michael A. Grimmer ’73 Inducted ’00 Walter J. Gruber ’46 Inducted ’05 Clinton E. Haslerig ’70 Inducted ‘ 91 Michael B. Healey ’88 Inducted ’02 Robert S. Heidt ’69 Inducted ’12 Harry C. Heskamp ’35 Inducted ’95 William E. Hoffwer ’47 Inducted ’06 Paul D. Hove ’73 Inducted ’95 Joseph B. Hudepohl ’92 Inducted ’03 Mark C. Jechura ’84 Inducted ’04 Frank A. Johnson ’45 Inducted ’87 Charles H. Keating, Jr. ’41 Inducted ’85 Charles H. Keating, III ’73 Inducted ’06 William J. Keating, Jr. ’72 Inducted ’02 William J. Keating, Sr. ’45 Inducted ’93 Bill Lukens ’73 Inducted ’88 Denis R. Lunne ’70 Inducted ’11 Christopher L. Mack ’88 Inducted ’06 Mike C. Marshall ’96 Inducted ’11

Lemar W. Marshall ’95 Inducted ’08 Scott A. Martin ’87 Inducted ’05 Gary R. Massa ’77 Inducted ’97 Larry G. Merkel Inducted ’10 Paul D. Monahan ‘ 38 Inducted ’04 Dick Murphy Inducted ’13 Thomas J. Niehaus ’55 Inducted ’10 Thomas P. O’Brien ’66 Inducted ’87 James M. O’ Connell ’52 Inducted ’89 A. Chales O’ Leary ’51Inducted ’01 Patrick T. O’ Leary ’58 Inducted ’09 Richard R. Oldham ’57 Inducted ’02 Thomas V. Olsen ’74 Inducted ’08 Hal W. Pennington ’30 Inducted ’87 Edward L. Pigott, S.J. ’55 Inducted ’10 Thomas J. Powers ’50 Inducted ’98 Stephen R. Quehl ’71 Inducted ’04 Steven J. Rasso Inducted ’07 George W. Ratterman ’44 Inducted ’89 Richard P. Reder ’66 Inducted ’96 Kevin E. Reilly ’82 Inducted ’99 Thomas P. Rhoades ’63 Inducted ’89 Joshua S. Robbins ’90 Inducted ’01 T. Coutney Roberts ’80 Inducted ’94 Shawn Rockey ’94 Inducted ’12 James V. Ross ’56 Inducted ’08 Joseph R. Sadelfeld ’65 Inducted ’90 Paul Schmerge ’82 Inducted ’13 Mark J. Schmerge ’75 Inducted ’01 Bertand A. Schloemer ’33 Inducted ’87 William J. Schulte ’73 Inducted ’90 Albert G. Sicking, Jr. ’53 Inducted ’92 Scott A. Sollmann ’93 Inducted ’04 Steven R. Sollmann ’00 Inducted ’11 James E. Stahl ’57 Inducted ’99 Daniel E. Tehan ’24 Inducted ’91 R. John Thobe ’58 Inducted ’89 Howard K. Tolbert Inducted ’10 Richard M. Ullrich, Sr.’56 Inducted ’90 Nicholas J. Vehr ’77 Inducted ’96 Dod E. Wales ’95 Inducted ’07 Joan A. Whitaker Inducted ’03 Dennis N. White Inducted ’98 Edward R. Wohlwender ’78 Inducted ’98 Charles A. Wolf ’44 Inducted ’85 Jeffrey J. Wolf ’84 Inducted ’05 Martin Wolf, Sr. ’75 Inducted ’94 Stephen J. Wolf ’78 Inducted ’96 William E. Wolff ’61 Inducted ’95



Welcome to the club. RUSS KING ’63 (Tennis Coach)

MARK GERSTNER ’89 (Cross Country & Track)

CHRIS SEXTON ’89 (Baseball)

JIM HERMAN ’96 (Golf)

Save The Date Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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