Tigershop Taiwan MAR-MAY 2019

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INTERNATIONAL AVIATION SECURITY MEASURES ĺ›˝éš›čˆŞçŠşĺŽ‰ĺ…¨čŚ?範 ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞć??é†’ć‚¨ďźŒĺ‡Ąć˜Żć?­ćŠ&#x;ç›´ćŽĽćŠľé ”ç›Žçš„ĺœ°çš„ć—…厢ďźŒç•śĺœ°ćľˇé—œć˜Żä¸?ćœƒ玥ĺˆść‚¨ĺœ¨ćŠ&#x;ä¸Šé ¸čłźćś˛ éŤ”ă€ č† ç‹€ă€ ĺ™´éœ§éĄžĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ çš„ć•¸é‡?。ćƒ&#x;äť?需注ć„?ç•śĺœ°ĺ…Ľĺ˘ƒć™‚çš„ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ é™?庌。旅厢ćœ‰貏䝝確äż? ć–źćŠ&#x;上賟財äš‹ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ 珌ĺ?ˆç›Žçš„ĺœ°ĺœ‹厜çš„ĺ…?稅é™?éĄ?ĺ?ŠĺŽ‰ĺ…¨čŚ?厚。 é Žĺ˘ƒ中č?Żć°‘ĺœ‹ďźˆĺ?°ç Łďź‰çš„ć—…厢ďźŒ賟財ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ•†ĺ“ ĺ–Žç“śä¸?čƒ˝čś…é Ž 100 母ĺ?‡ďźŒć‰€ćœ‰朲éŤ”ă€ č† ç‹€ĺ?Š ĺ™´éœ§éĄžç‰Šĺ“ 厚器ĺ?‡ć‡‰čŁ?ć–źä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ďźˆ1000c.c.且ĺ?Żé‡?č¤‡ĺŻ†ĺ° äš‹é€?ć˜ŽĺĄ‘č† č˘‹ă€‚ ć–źĺ…śäť–ĺœ°ĺ?€é Žĺ˘ƒçš„ć—…厢ďźŒĺŚ‚ćœ‰ć”œ帜ćˆ–賟財朲éŤ”ă€ č† ç‹€ă€ ĺ™´éœ§ç­‰ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ•†ĺ“ ďźŒčŤ‹ĺ?‘ç›¸é—œäşşĺ“Ąć´˝ 芢ćœ‰é—œç•śĺœ°çš„澡é—œĺŽ‰檢čŚ?厚。 Local customs allow all duty free purchased on board for arriving passengers. However, passengers should be careful to check the regulations in their destination country. It is WHZZLUNLY Z YLZWVUZPIPSP[` [V LUZ\YL [OH[ [OL K\[` MYLL P[LTZ [OL` W\YJOHZL PUĂ…PNO[ TLL[ [OL duty free allowances and the security requirements of their destination countries. Passengers transferring at Taiwan (ROC) are restricted to the purchase of a single item of duty free liquids, gels or aerosols under 100ml, with the items contained in a transparent plastic bag with a capacity of no more than 1,000cc.Passengers transferring elsewhere with duty free items of liquids, gels or aerosols please consult the local customs for more information. ç›´čĄŒäžżă Ťć?­äš—ă •ă‚Œă‚‹ă Š厢ć§˜ă Żă€ ĺ…Ľĺ›˝ĺŻŠć&#x;ťă Žéš›ă ŤćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;朲ä˝“éĄžă€ ă‚¸ă‚§ăƒŤéĄžă€ ă‚šăƒ—ăƒŹăƒź 饞㠪㠊㠎ĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ ă Ťĺˆśé™?ă Œă ‚ă‚Šă žă ›ă‚“ă Œă€ ç?žĺœ°ă Žĺ…?税範囲を事ĺ‰?㠍確čŞ?ă ™ă‚‹ĺż…čŚ ă Œă ”ă –ă „ă ž 㠙。㠔注ć„?ă ?ă 㠕㠄。ćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;ĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ ă Œç›Žçš„ĺœ°ă Žĺ…?税範囲や厉全čŚ?範を満ă &#x;ă —ă Śă „ ă‚‹ă ‹ă Żă Š厢ć§˜㠎貏䝝㠨㠪り㠞㠙。ĺ?°ćšžă Ťă Śă Šäš—り眙㠎㠎㠊厢ć§˜ă Żă€ ćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;朲体牊 㠎厚é‡?ă Ż 100 ăƒ&#x;ăƒŞăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤäťĽä¸‹ă Žă‚‚ă Žă Ťé™?り㠞㠙。㠞ă &#x;〠ćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;ĺ…¨ă Śă Žćś˛ä˝“éĄžă€ ă‚¸ă‚§ăƒŤéĄžă€ ă‚šăƒ—ăƒŹăƒźéĄžă Şă Šă Žĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ 㠯厚é‡?ă Ž 1000c.c. 䝼下㠎é€?ć˜Žăƒ“ăƒ‹ăƒźăƒŤč˘‹ă ŤĺŻ†é–‰ĺŒ…čŁ…ă — ă Śă ?ă 㠕㠄。ĺ?°ćšžäťĽĺ¤–㠎国㠧㠊䚗り眙㠎㠎㠊厢ć§˜ă Żă€ ćŠ&#x;内㠧朲ä˝“éĄžă€ ă‚¸ă‚§ăƒŤéĄžă€ ă‚šăƒ—ăƒŹăƒź 饞㠪㠊㠎ĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ ă‚’čłźĺ…Ľă ™ă‚‹ĺ ´ĺ?ˆă€ äş‹ĺ‰?ă Ťç›Žçš„ĺœ°ă Žĺ…?税範囲や厉全čŚ?範を㠔確čŞ?ă ?ă 㠕㠄。

ĺ?„ĺœ°ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ ĺ…Ľĺ˘ƒčŚ?厚 DUTY FREE ALLOWANCE

亍夊夊 ĺ?łĺˆťä¸Š眲é ?訂 ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞçś˛čˇŻčłźç‰Š


貨 上ĺ?–


ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞ ĺ…?稅粞ĺ“

眲衯é ?訂 ćŠ&#x;


ćŠ&#x;上čŁ?čź‰ćœ‰é™?ďźŒć?śĺ…ˆé ?訂盥亍賟牊樂蜣ďź

ćœŹĺˆŠĺŠ›ćą‚ć??äž›ĺ?„ĺœ‹ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ ćœ€ć–°é™?éĄ?čł‡ć–™ďźŒč‹Ľćœ‰é—œčŚ?ĺŽšč‡¨ć™‚ć›´ć”šďźŒć •ä¸?ĺ?ŚčĄŒé€šç&#x;Ľă€‚ We endeavor to ensure the above information is kept up to date, but the allowances could change without prior notice. ç§ ă Šă‚‚㠧㠯ä¸Šč¨˜ă Žćƒ…ĺ ąă Œćœ€ć–°ă §ă ‚ă‚Šă žă ™ă‚ˆă †ĺŠŞă‚ ă Śă Šă‚Šă žă ™ă Œă€ äş‹ĺ‰?ă Žäşˆĺ‘Šă Şă ?ĺ…?税範囲 ă Œĺ¤‰ć›´ă Ťă Şă‚‹ă “ă ¨ă‚‚ă ”ă –ă „ă žă ™ă€‚ â—? 中č?Żć°‘ĺœ‹ Republic of China ĺ?°ćšž 200 ćž?éŚ™ç…™ćˆ– 25 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 1 磅煙č?‰ă€‚200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 1 lb of tobacco. 紙塝 ă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 200 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 25 ćœŹă€ ĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 1 ăƒ?ăƒłăƒ‰䝼内。1 ç“ś ä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡çš„ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲料。1 bottle (not exceeding 1 litre) of alcoholic liquor 1 ćœŹďźˆ1 ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤćœŞćş€ďź‰ă Žă‚‚ă Žă€‚éŚ™ć°´é Šé‡?。perfume of Reasonable quantity. é Šé‡?ă€‚ĺƒšĺ€źć–°ĺ?°ĺšŁ 20,000 ĺ…ƒ䝼ĺ…§çš„ç‰Šĺ“ ďźˆćœŞćˆ?嚴人減ĺ?Šč¨ˆçŽ—20,000 ĺ?°ćšžăƒ‰ăƒŤäťĽä¸‹ă Žç‰Šĺ“ ďźˆćœŞćˆ?ĺš´ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆă Ż ă ?ă Žĺ?ŠéĄ? â—? 中ĺœ‹ China 中ĺ›˝ ĺ œç•™ä¸?čś…é Ž 6 ĺ€‹ćœˆďźš400 ćž?錙煙。Staying less than 6 months: 400 cigarettes . 中ĺ›˝ćťžĺœ¨ ćœ&#x;é–“ă Œďź–ăƒľćœˆ䝼ĺ†…ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆâ€ƒç´™塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 400 ćœŹă€‚2 ç“śä¸?čś…é Ž 0.75 ĺ…Źĺ?‡çš„酒。2 bottle of alcoholic beverages(each bottle not exceeding 0.75 litre. ďź‘ćœŹ 750ml 䝼ä¸‹ă‚’ďź’ćœŹă žă §ă€‚éŚ™ć°´ é Šé‡?。perfume of Reasonable quantity. éŚ™ć°´é Šé‡?。

â—? ćł°ĺœ‹ Thailand タイ 200 ćž?éŚ™ç…™ćˆ– 250 ĺ…Źĺ…‹ç…™č?‰ćˆ–é›ŞčŒ„ă€‚200 cigarettes or 250g of tobacco or cigars. ç´™塝ă &#x;ă ° ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 200 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă žă &#x;ă Żĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 250 g。1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲料。1 litre of alcoholic liquor. ďź‘ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤă Žă‚‚ă Žă žă §ă€‚ä¸€éƒ¨ç…§ç›¸ćŠ&#x;附 5 ĺ?ˇĺş•ç‰‡ćˆ–一部ć”?役ćŠ&#x;附 3 ĺ?ˇĺş• 片。6UL Z[PSS JHTLYH ^P[O YVSSZ VM Ă„ST VY VUL TV]PL JHTLYH ^P[O YVSSZ VM Ă„ST ă‚šăƒ ăƒźăƒŤă‚Ť ăƒĄăƒŠă ¨ăƒ ăƒźăƒ“ăƒźă‚ŤăƒĄăƒŠă Żĺ?„ 1 ĺ?°ă šă ¤ćŒ ă Ąčžźă żĺ?Żčƒ˝ă ¨ă Şă‚Šă€ ăƒ•ă‚ŁăƒŤăƒ ă Ťé–˘ă —ă Śă Żă‚šăƒ ăƒźăƒŤ ă Œ 5 ćœŹă€ ăƒ ăƒźăƒ“ăƒźă Œďź“ćœŹă žă §ă€‚


200 支錙č?¸ćˆ– 50 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 250 ĺ…‹ç…™羲。200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g tobaccoă€‚ă€Œç´™

塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆďźš200 ćœŹă€‚ă€Œč‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆďźš50 ćœŹă€‚ă€Œĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Ž ĺ ´ĺ?ˆ : 250 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ă€‚ĺ‡Ąĺš´ćťż 19 歲的旅厢 ĺ?Żć”œ帜 1 ç“śä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡çš„ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲ć–™ (US$400 䝼下 ) 。A passenger aged 19 or above is allowed to bring 1 bottle of liquor (less than 1L & less than US$400). 19 歳䝼上㠎㠊厢ć§˜ă Ż 1 ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤäťĽĺ†…ă Žă‚˘ăƒŤă‚łăƒźăƒŤéŁ˛ć–™ďźˆ400 çąłăƒ‰ăƒŤäťĽ 下1 ćœŹă‚’ć?şĺ¸Żă ™ă‚‹ă “ă ¨ă Œă §ă ?ă žă ™ 。60ml 錙水。 60ml of perfume 2 . ă‚Şăƒłă‚šéŚ™ć°´ă€‚ĺƒšĺ€ź ä¸?čś…é Ž 600 çžŽĺ…ƒçš„ç‰Šĺ“ ďź›ć”œ帜çžŽé‡‘čś…é Ž 10,000 ćˆ–ç­‰ĺ€źĺ¤–嚣é ˆç”łĺ ąă€‚Goods up to US$ 600. Passengers entering Korea who are carrying foreign or Korean currency valued at over US T\Z[ KLJSHYL P[ [V H J\Z[VTZ VŃ?JPHS ă ?ă Žäť–ă Žĺ“ ç‰Šă Żă€ ĺ…¨éƒ¨ă‚’ă žă ¨ă‚ ă Śă ?㠎市䞥㠎 ĺ?ˆč¨ˆéĄ?ă Œ 600 çąłĺ›˝ăƒ‰ăƒŤă žă §ĺ…?ç¨Žă •ă‚Œă žă ™ă€‚ĺ¤–貨㠧 1 万円䝼ä¸Šă Žçąłĺ›˝ăƒ‰ăƒŤă žă &#x;ă Żă ?ă‚Œă ¨ĺ?Œ ç­‰ă Žă‚­ăƒŁăƒŞăƒłă‚°ă Œç”łĺ‘Šă Œĺż…čŚ ă §ă ™ă€‚ â—? ć—ĽćœŹ Japan ć—ĽćœŹ é?žĺą…ć°‘ ( ĺš´ćťż 20 ć­˛ )ďźšć—ĽćœŹç…™ĺ?Šĺ¤–ĺœ‹ç…™ĺ?„ 400 ć”Żćˆ– 100 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 500 ĺ…‹ç…™羲ă€‚ć—ĽćœŹĺą…ć°‘ďźš ć—ĽćœŹç…™ĺ?Šĺ¤–ĺœ‹ç…™ĺ?„ 200 ć”Żćˆ– 50 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ ćˆ– 250 ĺ…‹ç…™羲。For visitors (A passenger aged 20 or above): 400 locally-manufactured cigarettes plus 400 foreign-manufactured cigarettes or 100 cigars or 500g of tobacco.For Residents: 200 locally-manufactured cigarettes plus 200 foreign manufactured.cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco. 外国çą?ă Žć–šďźˆ20 歳䝼上

ďźš ć—ĽćœŹčŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 400 ćœŹă Šă‚ˆă łĺ¤–ĺ›˝čŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 400 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 100 ćœŹă€ ă žă &#x;ă Żĺˆťă żă &#x; ă °ă “ 500 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ă€‚ć—ĽćœŹäşşă Žć–šďźšć—ĽćœŹčŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 200 ćœŹă Šă‚ˆă łĺ¤–ĺ›˝čŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 200 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x; ă °ă “ 50 ćœŹă€ ă žă &#x;ă Żĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ 250 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ă€‚3 ç“śç´„ 0.75 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲料。3 Ă— 0.75-litre bottles of alcoholic liquor.1 ćœŹ 750ml ă Žă‚‚ă Žă Œďź“ćœŹă žă §ă€‚2 盎ĺ?¸éŚ™ć°´ă€‚ 2oz of perfume. ďź’ă‚Ş ăƒłă‚šă€‚ĺœ‹ĺ¤–ĺ¸‚ĺƒšĺ?ˆč¨ˆé‡‘éĄ?ĺœ¨ 20 ä¸‡ć—Ľĺœ“䝼ĺ…§çš„ç‰Šĺ“ ( 䝼ĺ…Ľĺœ‹č€…çš„ĺ€‹人使ç”¨ç‰Šĺ“ ç‚şé™? ) 。 ĺœ‹ ĺ¤–ĺ¸‚ĺƒšćŒ‡çš„ć˜Żĺ¤–ĺœ‹é€š常é›śĺ”Žĺƒšďźˆ賟財ĺƒšć źďź‰ă€‚Goods for personal use that were purchased abroad with a total market value not exceeding ÂĽ200,000.  When the price of an article exceeds ÂĽ200,000, duties and/or taxes will be imposed on its entire value. 国外市䞥㠎ĺ?ˆč¨ˆ éĄ?ă Œ 20 ä¸‡ć—ĽćœŹĺ††䝼ĺ†…ă Žç‰Šĺ“ ďźˆĺ…Ľĺ›˝č€…ă Œĺ€‹人㠧使ç”¨ă ™ă‚‹ç‰Šĺ“ ă Ťé™?る。 国外市䞥㠨㠯外 国㠎通常㠎ĺ°?ĺŁ˛äžĄć źďźˆčłźĺ…ĽäžĄć źďź‰ă‚’ćŒ‡ă —ă žă ™ă€‚ â—? ćžłé–€ Macau ăƒžă‚Ťă‚Ş 凥嚴板 18 歲的旅厢ĺ?Żĺ…?ç¨…ć”œ帜下述範ĺœ?內的課ç¨…ĺ“ é€˛ĺ…Ľćžłé–€äž›ĺ…śćœŹäşşč‡Şç”¨ďźšA passenger aged 18 or above is allowed to bring into Macau for his own use. 18 歳䝼上㠎斚ĺ…?税㠎範囲

㠯〠個人的㠍使用㠙る㠨čŞ?ă‚ ă‚‰ă‚Œă‚‹ă‚‚ă Žă Ťé™?り〠一人当ă &#x;ă‚Šä¸‹č¨˜ă ŽçŻ„ĺ›˛ĺ†…ă §ĺ…?税㠨㠪ă‚Š 㠞㠙。19 ćž?錙煙〠1 ćž?é›ŞčŒ„ ( ćŻ?ćž?é‡?é‡?ĺ°‘ć–ź 3 ĺ…‹ )〠25 ĺ…‹ç…™č‘‰ďźˆ總數䚋é‡?é‡?ä¸?ĺž—čś…é Ž 25 克。 19 cigarettes or 1 cigars or 25g tobacco (total weight up to25g)ă€‚ă€Œç´™塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ ĺ?ˆďźš19 ćœŹă€‚ă€Œč‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆďźš1 ćœŹďźˆĺ?„ 3 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ćœŞćş€ă Žé‡?㠕。( é‡?é‡? 25 ă‚°ăƒŠ ăƒ 䝼下 )。一兏ĺ?‡é…’粞埡庌䝼厚çŠ?č¨ˆçŽ—čś…é Ž厚çŠ?ç™žĺˆ†ä¸‰ĺ? äš‹飲料。1 litre of liquor or spirits with an alcoholic strength above 30% by volume. 庌ć•° 30を蜊㠙も㠎㠯 1 ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤă žă §ă€‚














â—? č?˛ĺž‹čł“ Philippines ăƒ•ă‚ŁăƒŞăƒ”ăƒł 18 歲䝼上ĺ?Żć”œ帜 400 ć”ŻéŚ™ç…™ćˆ– 50 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 250 ĺ…‹č?¸č?‰ă€‚2 ç“śĺ?Ťé…’粞飲ć–™ ( ćŻ?ç“śä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ ) A passengers aged 18 or above is allowed to bring 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco. 2 bottles of liquor (not exceeding 1 litre each)





1. ć–źčˆŞç?­čľˇéŁ›ĺ‰? 4 âˆź 14 ć—Ľĺ…§ďźˆä¸?ĺ?Ťé€ąćœŤ / ĺœ‹ĺŽšĺ ‡ 旼癝兼ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞĺ…?稅粞 ĺ“ é ?賟眲獙。

2. é ?訂您揲賟財的ĺ?°ç Ł č™ŽčˆŞĺ…?稅粞ĺ“ ďźˆč?¸ĺ“ ĺ?Šéƒ¨ ĺˆ†ĺ“ ç‰Œĺ•†ĺ“ é™¤ĺ¤–ďź‰丌ć–źćŠ&#x; 上ĺ?–貨。

Please visit tigershop online shopping website 4~14 working days before your flight date.

Shop your favorite products & pick them up on board ! ďźˆPre-order promotion is not applicable for tobacco and selected items.



â—? é&#x;“ĺœ‹ Republic of Korea é&#x;“ĺ›˝

★ ĺ…śäť–注ć„?äş‹é …čŤ‹ĺ?ƒč€ƒĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞĺ…?稅粞ĺ“ é ?賟眲獙ĺ?Šă€Štigershopă€‹é›œčŞŒ For additional information, please visit www.tigerairshop.com.tw and refer to tigershop magazine. ★ č?¸ĺ“ ĺ?Šç‰šĺŽšĺ•†ĺ“ ä¸?é Šç”¨ćŠ˜ć‰Łă€‚ Except tobacco and selected items.

ç°Ąĺ–Ž 2 ć­ĽéŠ&#x;ďźŒç›ĄäşŤçˇšä¸Šé ?訂樂蜣 !



é…?ĺ?ˆć”żĺşœč?¸ĺŽłé˜˛ĺˆśćł•ç›¸é—œčŚ?ĺŽšďźŒĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞćŠ&#x;ä¸Ščłźç‰Šé›œčŞŒ丌ç„ĄĺˆŠčź‰ĺ…? 稅č?¸ĺ“ é …ç›Žč¨Šć ŻďźŒĺŚ‚ćœ‰éœ€ćą‚ďźŒčŤ‹洽犺ćœ?çľ„ĺ“ĄďźŒć„&#x;čŹ?您的é…?ĺ?ˆă€‚



In accordance with Government's anti-smoking regulations, to display tobacco items is not allowed in Tigershop. Please contact cabin crew for more information on the purchase of related items. ă‚żăƒ?コ㠎賟兼㠍㠤㠄㠌〠ĺ?°ćšžă ŽčŚ?ĺˆśă Ťĺ&#x;şă Ľă ?ă‚Ťă‚żăƒ­ă‚°ă Ťĺ•†ĺ“ ă Žč¨˜čź‰ă Ż čĄŒă Łă Śă Šă‚Šă žă ›ă‚“ă€‚ĺ…?税タăƒ?ă‚łă Žčłźĺ…Ľă‚’ă ”ĺ¸Œćœ›ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ㠯厢厤䚗務哥㠞㠧 㠊申㠗出〠㠊ĺ•?ă „ĺ?ˆă‚?㠛下㠕㠄。

čĄŒ 政 院 襛 ç”&#x; 署 č­Ś ĺ‘ŠďźŒ ĺ?¸ č?¸ ćœ‰ 厳 ĺ Ľ 庡








目錄 MAR - MAY 2019 M A R - M AY 2 0 19


04 編輯精選 Editor's Choice


機 上購 物雜 誌 2 0 1 9 年 3 月 - 5 月

• 春天,來點新鮮的! Something Fresh & New 春はフレッシュに!|봄 , 신선함의 시작 !

• 預購限定商品 Pre-Order Special

에디터의 선택

予約限定特典|예약 한정 특전

M A R - M AY 2 0 1 9

08 名品精選


유명한 호텔 상품

뷰티 화장품



18 美顏美妝

Luxury Boutique



70 時尚配飾




패션 액세서리



108 精緻禮品

115 美酒佳釀

Selected Gifts





122 台灣虎航限定

Tigerair Taiwan Exclusive スペシャル


125 宅配購

Home Delivery


台灣虎航股份有限公司 Tigerair Taiwan Co., Ltd. Website:http://www.tigerairtw.com/tw/zh/ Undertake by 陶樂有限公司 St.Doras Enterprises Co., Ltd. 10682 台灣台北市敦化南路二段 77 號 21 樓之 1A 21F.-1A, No.77, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei 106, Taiwan 免稅品客服中心 (Customer Service) Tel:+886-2-2705-0028 Email:ttwservice@stdoras.com.tw Edited by 台灣赫斯特媒體股份有限公司 11072 台北市信義區菸廠路 88 號 8 樓 8F, No.88, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei, Taiwan 11072 Tel:+886-2-7747-1688 Fax:+886-2-7747-1677~78

홈 딜리버리 서비스





台灣航空公司中,僅於 台灣虎航機內販售 Exclusive to Tigerair Taiwan among airlines of Taiwan

本期新登場商品 New items in this issue

商品搭贈精美小禮 Gifts with purchase




推薦暢銷商品 Best selling items

僅在免稅市場販售 Exclusive to duty free shopping

數量有限,售完為止 Limited stock items

綠茶籽保濕精華 Green Tea Seed Serum Concentrated serum delivers hydration and anti-oxidants from a balanced blend of Jeju green tea extract and green tea seed oil for sufficiently hydrated skin and a healthy-looking glow.

第一道水分的力量 Opening up the lost hydration route

開啟「補水通道」為肌膚深層供給水分 幫助後續保養品滲透吸收的明星前導精華 This nutritious serum supplies hydration into our skin and makes it clear and moisturized by opening up the hydration route.

客製化的水份補給 For your ideal moisture level

輕柔延展、立即滲透! 為清潔後乾燥的肌膚補充所需的水分,打造水嫩、透亮的肌膚 Full Hydration by spreading smoothly and absorbing with moisture! It gives the ideal hydration for the dry skin after cleansing.


r's ito Ed

C h o i ce 編 輯


春天,來點新鮮的! 溫暖的、輕盈的、恣意的春日,恰恰適合換上 新色與魅力配件,以煥然心情踏上旅程!



01. Sulwhasoo

02. Estée Lauder

03. Folli Follie

雪花秀輕透雪紡氣墊粉凝霜 兩件套組 21 色號 Sheer Lasting Gel Cushion Duo No.21 P.29

雅詩蘭黛 Pro 極速緊緻肌密 全能精華 Perfectionist Pro Rapid Firm + Lift Treatment Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 P.20

Miss Heart4Heart 系列幸運草項鍊 Miss Heart4Heart Necklace P.85










一生之水淨花蜜女士 淡香水 L'eau D'issey Pure P.64

喬治傑生 OFFSPRING 系列手鍊 OFFSPRING Bracelet P.15

Miss Ocean 系列大理石紋 玫瑰金網眼錶帶 Miss Ocean Line Marble /Rose Gold Mesh P.91

SALDER 卡片夾(玫瑰色) SALDER Card Holder (Rosehaze) P.11


預購限定商品 Pre-Order Special 歡迎上網預購限定商品,除享有特別折扣優惠,更不 受機上 NT$8,000 元刷卡金額限制,讓您從容採買, 加倍享受購物樂趣。 *本區限量特選商品僅供預訂。*Pre-order required before flight purchase. *請於航班起飛前 4 ∼ 14 日內(不含週末/國定假日)登入台灣虎航免稅精品預購網站,預訂欲購買的 商品(菸品及部分品牌商品除外),即可於機上取貨。數量有限,售完為止。

852. Elizabeth Arden 伊麗莎白雅頓唇膏及眼影套裝組 Elizabeth Arden Lips & Lids Color Set 商品料號 DCM0108



853. Sulwhasoo 雪花秀完美絲絨氣墊粉霜 Sulwhasoo Evenfair Perfecting Cusion SPF50+/PA+++ #21 商品料號 DCM0091


851. Shiseido 資生堂光透耀白柔膚乳 50ml Shiseido White Lucent Day Emulsion 50ml 商品料號 DCS0213




854. BALLY


BALLY 摺疊旅行托特包 BALLY Foldable Tote


商品料號 DGA0134

商品料號 DGW0049





856. Kavalan

857. The Macallan

噶瑪蘭經典獨奏 Oloroso 雪莉桶威士忌原酒單 一麥芽威士忌 Kavalan Solist Oloroso Sherry Single Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky ( 57.8% 700ml )

麥卡倫赤木單一麥芽威士忌 The Macallan Terra Single Malt Scotch Whisky ( 43.8% 700ml )

商品料號 DWW0015





商品料號 DWW0018


未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 Pre-Order Special



01. 萬寶龍馬蹄形鍍鈀針式皮帶 MONTBLANC Belt with Horseshoe Buckle モンブラン 馬蹄型バックルピンベルト

몽블랑 클래식 라인 팔라듐버클 벨트

萬寶龍經典馬蹄形鍍鈀針式皮帶無疑是展現男人品味的低調隨身配件,經典 設計搭配萬寶龍六角白星標誌,在不經意處引領眾人欽羨的目光,是送禮自 用最好的選擇。 Shiny palladium-coated horseshoe pin buckle with engraved MONTBLANC brand name on the sides and MONTBLANC emblem. Self-adjustable, 3cm x 120cm, reversible black/brown leather strap.

■ 尺寸:皮帶長度 120cm,適用腰圍 45 英吋內 / 寬度 3cm 黑色 / 棕色雙面設計,可至專櫃或自行裁剪調整適合配戴長度。 ■ 參考市價 NT$8,300 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0105



02. 萬寶龍 M 系列鋼珠筆 MONTBLANC M Rollerball Pen モンブラン M ローラーボール

몽블랑 M 롤러볼

由馬克・紐森(Marc Newson)設計。萬寶龍 M 系列書寫工具展現出今天的 現代感與未來的雋永優雅。該系列書寫工具採用黑色名貴樹脂製成,流暢線 條柔美變換。創新的磁性筆帽閉合機制自動對齊筆帽,此書寫工具頂部內嵌 萬寶龍六角白星標誌。新款筆身尾端的磁吸設計,於書寫時可將筆蓋放置於 尾端。 Designed by Marc Newson, MONTBLANC M expresses the modernity of today and the timeless elegance of tomorrow. Made of black precious resin, the writing instruments' fluid lines flow gently into one another. Innovative magnetic capclosing mechanism automatically aligning the cap with the MONTBLANC emblem embedded in the "plateau" of the writing instrument. NEW: Magnet in cone to hold cap to barrel while writing.

■ 參考市價 NT$12,900 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0129




03. 萬寶龍匠心系列 8 卡皮夾 MONTBLANC Sartorial Wallet 8cc Black モンブラン サルトリアルウォレット 8cc

몽블랑 Ingenuity 8 카드지갑

萬寶龍全新匠心系列,簡約俐落外型設計氣宇不凡,承襲萬寶龍的低調奢華, 為現代潮流紳士提供最不可或缺的隨身配件。選用義大利全粒面小牛皮製 造,表面細緻具特殊霧面光澤感,耐磨、防潑水,氣質時尚出眾。緹花布襯 裡,外嵌六角白星標誌,細節處理盡顯名品品質。內部:卡片夾 x8、紙鈔夾 x2、收納夾層 x2。 Wallet, made of Italian full-grain calfskin, jacquard lining with MONTBLANC brand name, MONTBLANC emblem with palladium-coated ring.

■ 尺寸:11.5 x 9.5cm ■ 參考市價 NT$11,000 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0106



04. 萬寶龍匠心系列名片夾 MONTBLANC Sartorial Business Card Holder モンブラン Sartorial カードホルダー

몽블랑 Sartorial 시리즈 카드 홀더

萬寶龍 Sartorial 匠心系列名片夾,選用義大利全粒面小牛皮製成,搭配緹花 內襯裡布,及品牌獨特的六角白星標誌。具備 1 個名片夾隔層,2 個卡片夾, 2 個附袋及 1 個後袋,還有像徵品牌獨到品味的萬寶龍六角星標誌。 The MONTBLANC Sartorial Collection speaks the language of modern elegance. Made of Italian full-grain calfskin with saffiano print and jacquard lining with MONTBLANC brand name, this Business Card Holder is the perfect choice for a business man looking for functionality and a clean look. It features a compartment for business cards, 2 pockets for credit cards, 2 additional pockets and one back pocket.

■ 尺寸:7 x 10.5cm ■ 材質:義大利牛皮 / Leather ■ 參考市價 NT$6,200 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0128




Luxury Boutique



05. BALLY TEISEL 皮夾(黑色) BALLY TEISEL Wallet (Black)

バリー ティーゼル ウォレット ( ブラック )

발리 TEISEL 가죽지갑 ( 블랙 )

這款 TEISEL 零錢夾正面飾有標誌性的 Bally 條紋,配有四個卡片夾、一個 零錢袋和兩個紙鈔夾,以及額外兩個口袋,讓您輕鬆攜帶各國貨幣。 Featuring the iconic Bally stripe to the front, the TEISEL coin wallet has four card slips and a coin pouch, accented by a duo of cash sleeves and 2 additional pockets, allowing you to carry multiple currencies at once.

■ 尺寸:10 x 11cm ■ 材質:小牛皮 / bovine leather ■ 參考市價:NT$10,100 ■ 品牌:瑞士 商品料號 DGA0099



06. BALLY 男士雙面可調節小牛皮皮帶(黑棕) BALLY Men's calf leather adjustable/reversible belt in black/chocolate バリー シッフ ベルト

발리 SHIFF 벨트

這款 Bally Shiff 皮帶讓您只需轉動搭扣即可輕鬆地在兩種風格間變換:黑 色皮革紋理正面與光滑棕色反面。拋光金屬搭配刻有 Bally 標誌打造您的 優雅品味。 The Bally Shiff belt effortlessly combines two style choices with the flip of the buckle, and a textured black leather surface contrasts with the smooth brown reverse. A polished metal buckle and subtle logo engraving reflect Bally's forward-thinking style.

■ 尺寸:3.5 x 110cm(可調整) ■ 材質:小牛皮 / calf leather ■ 參考市價:NT$10,100 ■ 品牌:瑞士 商品料號 DGA0098





BALLY STAFFORD Mini Bag (Rosehaze)

バリー スタッフォード ショルダーバッグ(ローズヘイズ)

발리 STAFFORD 미니 백 ( 로즈 )

這款迷你斜背包內設多個夾層,不管是用於上班日或夜晚的狂歡時刻皆是 理想之選。背包採用奢華小牛皮精製而成,搭配 Bally 條紋紋理、光滑皮 革及可拆式背帶,既耐用又百搭。 This small cross body bag houses several compartments and card slips, making it ideal for busy days and evening adventures. Crafted from luxe calf leather with Bally stripe detailing and lined with smooth leather, this bag, complete with detachable shoulder strap, is as versatile as it is durable.

■ 尺寸:20 x 11 x 4cm ■ 可拆式背帶:142cm/Detachable shoulder strap:142cm ■ 材質:小牛皮 / bovine leather ■ 拉鍊內袋、浮雕金屬品牌標誌 ■ 參考市價:NT$15,700 ■ 品牌:瑞士 商品料號 DGA0100



08. BALLY SALDER 卡片夾(玫瑰色) BALLY SALDER Card Holder (Rosehaze)

バリー SALDER カードホルダー(ローズヘーズ)

발리 SALDER 카드홀더 ( 로즈 )

這款 Salder 採用小牛皮材質,為卡片夾的低調造型注入摩登氣質。卡片夾 繪有 標誌性的 Bally 條紋,含五個卡糟,其中一個透明隔層為證件專用。 讓您隨時隨地可將各類常用卡片攜帶在手。 Crafted from calf leather, the dusty pink Bally Salder is a modern women's card holder. Featuring a Bally stripe to the exterior and two exterior slips, with five slips to the interior with one acting as an ID-ready windowpane, the Salder is bound to keep your essential cards on hand in a flash.

■ 尺寸:H:8cm, W:10cm, D:1cm ■ 材質:小牛皮 / Saffiano leather ■ 參考市價:NT$6,200 ■ 品牌:瑞士 商品料號 DGA0121



Luxury Boutique




HUGO BOSS AG PHONE +49 7123 940

09. BOSS 真皮皮夾 BOSS Men Billfold Wallet in Grained Leather ボス 本革ウォレット

보스 남성 가죽 지갑

這款風格獨具的 BOSS 牛皮材質短夾,以細膩紋路突顯皮革質感,並點綴 以品牌 logo 浮雕。配有兩處紙幣存放隔層及八個信用卡槽,是一款彰顯 您時尚品味的隨身配件。 A characterful everyday accessory in distinctive grained texture leather by BOSS. This refined billfold wallet features eight card slots and two note compartments, punctuated with subtle embossed logos.

■ 尺寸:11 x 9.5cm ■ 材質:100% 牛皮 / Cow Leather ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0122




ヒューゴボス TOMASO メンズリバーシブルベルト

보스 신사용 양면 벨트 세트

這款雙面雙色(黑色 / 深棕色)的男士皮帶,採用頂級牛皮製成,並配有 兩個精緻扣頭,適用於任何場合,是經典時尚的必備款式。 This elegant reversible belt (black/dark brown) is crafted from finest cow skin. It is a great accessory for any occasion thanks to its two distinctive buckles. Length 110cm (44 inch) /adjustable

■ 長度:110cm(44 吋)/ 可調整 ■ 材質:100% 牛皮 / Cow Leather ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0127




原免稅售價 NT$5,590 The original duty free price is NT$5,590

Luxury Boutique



THE OFFSPRING COLLECTION Using two interlocking shapes - the smaller one protected by the larger - the Offspring collection tells a clear story about the unbreakable power of love and interdependance. Inspired by the unique bond between mother and child, the pieces can just as strongly represent the ties between siblings, partners and friends. Jacqueline Rabun’s emotional and symbolic pieces have a timeless beauty that allow familial bonds to also be celebrated as the jewellery is passed down through from generation to generation.

G E O R G J E N S E N .C O M

OFFSPRING COLLECTION 兩環相扣的設計—— 較大的環形庇護環繞著小環,這是 Offspring 系列講 述的故事,關於愛和互相依存的堅不可摧力量。這些作品受到母子之間獨 特紐帶連結的啟發,同樣可以強烈地代表兄弟姐妹、伴侶和朋友之間的關 係。讓親情連結如同珠寶一樣得到紀念,從而世代相傳。 Whether it's the bond between mother and daughter, siblings or life-long friends, celebrate it with GEORG JENSEN's delicate and beautiful Offspring jewellery. This collection symbolises the true power of relationships.

11. 喬治傑生 OFFSPRING 系列鍊墜 GEORG JENSEN OFFSPRING Pendant Silver ジョージジェンセン OFFSPRING ペンダント

조지젠슨 OFFSPRING 팬던트

■ 鍊長:45cm ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0091




ジョージジェンセン OFFSPRING ブレスレット


■ 手鍊長度:18cm ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0092



13. 喬治傑生 2019 年度黑瑪瑙純銀鍊墜 GEORG JENSEN 2019 Heritage Pendant - Oxidised Sterling Silver with Black Onyx ジョージジェンセン2019ヘリテージペンダント-スターリングシルバー+ブラックオニキス

조지젠슨 2019 헤리티지 팬던트 - 검은 마노가 들어간 스텔링 실버

喬治傑生極具收藏價值的 HERITAGE 鍊墜重現新藝術運動時期的優雅,同 時融入經典斯堪地納維亞設計的純粹。HERITAGE 系列的靈感來自喬治傑 生大師的早期作品,他喜歡當時新藝術風格珠寶中流動的自然形體,外觀 復古,但兼具新穎而現代之感。特殊氧化處理純銀項鍊鑲嵌黑瑪瑙寶石, 每件作品都在背面刻有年份,使鍊墜成為特殊紀念日或活動的完美禮物。 Capturing the sophisticated flair of classic Art Nouveau jewellery, the Georg Jensen Heritage pendant is a timeless piece of design history. Sterling silver curlicues surround a black onyx stone. The piece is inscribed with the year date on the reverse making it a perfect gift to commemorate a special event or anniversary. The pendant is crafted from oxidised sterling silver and a black onyx stone. It is suspended from a 45cm long Figaro chain.

■ 鍊長:45cm ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0090



銀飾品易受氣候潮濕影響而氧化,實屬正常反應,若乘客所購買的喬治傑生飾品有氧化反應,喬治傑生專櫃提供收費保養服務。 Oxidization is the nature of Silver-made jewelry after being worn. After sales care can be applied with charges in GEORG JENSEN Boutique.

Luxury Boutique



14. AIGNER "PESARO" 女裝腕錶 AIGNER "PESARO" Ladies Watch

アイグナー "PESARO" レディスウォッチ

아이그너 "PESARO" 숙녀 시계 세트

這 PESARO 女裝腕錶反映了 AIGNER 對優雅和永恆設計的忠誠。採用圓形 精鋼錶殼,配襯由極具代表性的馬蹄標誌轉化成的電鍍玫瑰金色錶耳和紫 色壓紋錶帶瑞士機芯。日常生活防水度 30 米,2 年國際保養。 PESARO ladies timepiece reflects the loyalty of AIGNER to elegance and timeless design, in a round stainless-steel case with rose-gold plated lug in the shape of the iconic horseshoe logo attached to purple patterned leather strap. Swiss-made movement, water resistant to 3ATM and 2-year international warranty. Complimented with a AIGNER leather bracelet.

■ 錶盤尺寸:28 x 28 x 8mm ■ 錶帶材質:小牛皮 /Calf leather ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGW0069



附送 AIGNER 皮手鍊乙條。

請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.

15. AIGNER Pina 迷你斜背包 AIGNER Pina Leather Mini-Crossover Bag アイグナー ピナ レザー ミニ ショルダーバッグ

아이그너 피나 가죽 미니 크로스백

這款精巧的 AIGNER 真皮手提包流露奢華質感,設計簡單實用,是收納個 人隨身物品的絕佳配件。雙磁扣掀蓋設計,更加安全。這款小巧的斜背包 附內層收納袋與可調式背帶,品牌高雅的“A”馬蹄圖案標誌,更顯出眾 質感。 The charming Aigner leather handbag is a luxury and practical accessory to store your belongings and is safely closed with two magnetic studs. The bag features an interior pocket and an adjustable strap. The elegant embedded leather A-logo rounds off this eye-catching design. Colour: taupe

■ 顏色:褐灰色 ■ 尺寸:14(高) x 17.6(寬) x 6.9(深)cm ■ 可調式肩背帶長度:58-60cm ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0088



A I G N E R M U N I C H .C O M

16. AIGNER Pina 迷你黑色短夾 AIGNER Pina Mini Purse (Black)

アイグナー Pina ウォレット - ブラック

아이그너 Pina 미니백 - 블랙

尺寸小巧的皮革短夾,適合放入各款包包中攜帶,其特色為具有硬幣與鈔 票的獨立收納空間,以及兩個卡片夾、兩個收納格層,皮夾背面還有一個 格層可供使用,經典馬蹄鐵造型按壓式鈕扣更增添時尚品味。 Due to its dainty size the leather purse fits into every bag. The purse boasts a coin and a bank note compartment as well as two slots for cards, two various slots and one exterior slot at the rear of the purse. The embedded Aigner A Logo adds a finishing touch.

■ 尺寸:8.5(高)x 10.1(寬)x 2.5(深)cm ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0132



Luxury Boutique




17. 雅詩蘭黛特潤超導修護露 Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex II エスティローダーアドバンス ナイト リペア SR コンプレックス Ⅱ

에스티 로더 어드밴스드 나이트 리페어 싱크로나이즈드 리커버리 콤플렉스 II 擁有先進的獨特修護科技,能大幅改善主要老化跡象。持續使用此款高效 夜間修護聖品,即可擁有更光滑、年輕且亮澤的肌膚。 Advanced with exclusive repair technology, it helps to reduce signs of visible aging. Take advantage of the restorative power of night and see your skin look smoother, younger and more radiant.

■ 100ml ■ 參考市價 NT$3,850/50ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0033



18. 雅詩蘭黛 全新•特潤眼部超能量修護霜 Estée Lauder New · Advanced Night Repair Eye Supercharged Complex Synchronized Recovery

エスティローダー ニュー · アドバンス ナイト リペア アイ SR コンプレックス

에스티 로더 신제품 · 어드밴스드 나이트 리페어 아이 수퍼차지 콤플렉스 싱크로나이 즈드 리커버리 夜間肌因級修護、每一天醒來,雙眸水亮彈嫩,一眼年輕!全新雅詩蘭黛 小棕瓶“抗藍光”眼霜,10X 升級濃縮修護科技。激活並放大眼周自我修 護力,多效修護藍光損傷、睡眠不足、紫外線輻射、環境污染等傷害! Wake up to eyes that look bright, hydrated, visibly revived. This supercharged treatment helps repair the visible impact of lack of sleep, UV, pollution—even blue light. A potent hydration booster, including Hyaluronic Acid, infuses skin with vital moisture.

■ 15ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,600 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0181



19. 雅詩蘭黛特潤眼部超級精華 Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Matrix Synchronized Recovery エスティローダー アドバンス ナイト リペア アイ コンセントレイト マトリックス シンクロナイズド リカバリー

에스티 로더 어드밴스드 나이트 리페어 아이 컨센트레이트 매트릭스

喚起眼周彈力,激升超大亮眼早晨醒來睜開「明亮有神」的雙眼-閃耀清 新活力的神采。這款多重修護極致滋潤的超級精華,可提振和強化眼周的 嬌敏肌膚。以雙倍高濃縮玻尿酸為肌膚 24 小時密集保濕。每天早晚使用, 可明顯減少細紋、皺紋、泡泡眼和黑眼圈的現象。 Magnify the beauty of your eyes. Wake up to eyes that look "wide open"— refreshed, radiant, renewed. This multi-repair, ultra-nourishing concentrate fortifies and renews the delicate skin all around your eye area. Intensely hydrates for a full 24 hours with a 2X concentration of Hyaluronic Acid. Use it day and night and dramatically reduce the look of lines, wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles.

■ 15ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,600 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0169






20. 雅詩蘭黛 Pro 極速緊緻肌密全能精華 Estée Lauder Perfectionist Pro Rapid Firm + Lift Treatment Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 エスティローダー パーフェクショニスト プロ F+L セラム

에스티 로더 퍼펙셔니스트 프로 래피드 펌 + 리프트 트리트먼트 아세틸 헥사펩타이드 -8 Pro 極速緊緻肌密全能精華蘊含突破性六胜肽 -8 配方。使用後,肌膚全面 賦活膠原蛋白,打造健康肌膚支撐網絡,平滑表面,澎潤一觸可及!溫和 的果酸使膚質細緻。 The new force to fight gravity. This high-speed formula with a powerful concentration of Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 penetrates quickly. Helps skin boost its natural collagen and elastin to strengthen its vital support network. Your skin feels smooth, plumped, baby-soft. Gentle AHAs refine skin's texture. Lines and wrinkles look dramatically reduced.

■ 100ml ■ 參考市價 NT$4,300/50ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0215



21. 雅詩蘭黛微分子肌底原生露 Estée Lauder Micro Essence Skin Activating Treatment Lotion エスティローダー マイクロ エッセンス ローション

에스티 로더 마이크로 에센스 스킨 액티베이팅 트리트먼트 로션 保養權威雅詩蘭黛,推出革命性新改變 - 微分子肌底原生露,專為亞洲女 性特別研發出「微分子精準高滲透科技」,每滴原生露都經過精密科學計 算,高效滲透直達肌底,充分吻合亞洲膚質的吸收力,層層喚醒肌膚原生 力量。肌膚更透亮,更彈潤,更細緻,第一次使用就看得到不同! Now activate the foundation of your most youthful-looking skin: Softer and smoother. Alive with incredible clarity and translucency. This next-generation essence lotion penetrates rapidly to renew, rehydrate and balance the look of your skin. Our exclusively formulated bio-ferment—a concentrated extraction infused with rich, vital micronutrients— helps skin activate its natural resistance to visible signs of aging. Skin looks younger and healthier, now and in the future.

■ 200ml ■ 參考市價 NT$3,400/150ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0182



22. 雅詩蘭黛年輕肌密無敵霜 Estée Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Power Crème エスティ ローダー シュープリーム プラス トータル クリーム

리바이탈라이징 수프림 + 글로벌 안티에이징 파워 크림 50ml

展現更緊緻、更平滑、更煥發光采的肌膚。開啟肌膚的年輕潛力,看見肌 膚恢復全新彈力、光澤與明亮活力。運用獨家的 RevitaKeyTM 科技,加入 辣木精萃,這款多效乳霜能深層滋養肌膚。淡化肌膚外觀的細紋與皺紋。 The key to firmer, smoother, more radiant-looking skin. Unlock your skin's youth potential and see it spring back with new bounce, glow with radiant vitality. With exclusive RevitaKeyTM Technology featuring Moringa Extract, this multi-action creme deeply nourishes. Reduces the look of lines and wrinkles.

■ 50ml ■ 參考市價 NT$3,200 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0117



23. 雅詩蘭黛粉持久完美持妝粉底 SPF10/PA++ Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Makeup SPF 10/PA ++

エスティロ一ダ一 ダブル ウェア ステイ イン プレイス メークアップ SPF 10/PA ++

에스티 로더 더블 웨어 스테이 - 인 - 플레이스 메이크업 SPF 10/PA ++

15 小時的強大持妝效果。如絲般柔霧的粉妝,可層層疊擦且含 SPF10 防 曬係數。超緊貼持妝,超無油控油,超無瑕完美。即使在高溫悶熱的環境 下,15 小時過後,不畏近看,妝容依然細膩、完美、不泛油光,就像早上 剛上完妝! Imagine 15 hours of porcelain perfection. Be confident knowing there's no fading, no smudging, even when it's hot and humid. Oil-free. Comfortable. Invincible. Smooth it on once and don't think twice. Shade: 1W2 Sand

■ 30ml ■ 色號:1W2 Sand ■ 參考市價 NT$1,900 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCM0024



24. 雅詩蘭黛粉持久超級無瑕氣墊粉餅 SPF50/PA++++ Estée Lauder Double Wear Cushion BB All Day Wear Liquid Compact SPF50 PA++++

エスティローダー ダブルウェア クッション BB リクイッド コンパクト SPF50 PA++++

에스티 로더 더블웨어 쿠션 BB 온 데이웨어 리퀴드 컴팩트 SPF50 PA ++++

1W1 Bone

超級持妝、無敵光感、完勝控油。妝感舒適且清爽,可輕鬆疊擦,打造 個人喜愛的覆蓋效果,散發自然靚采妝容。SPF50/PA++++ 能預防紫外線 UVA/UVB 的傷害。 All-day wear. No touch-ups. Fresh, moisture-infused, flawless. Comfortable and so lightweight, it's easy to build your custom coverage and keep a natural radiant look. Protects with high level SPF. In a new aspirational package design.

■ 12g ■ 內含粉盒 x 1 + 粉蕊 x 1 ■ 色號:1W1 Bone ■ 參考市價 NT$1,900 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCM0097



25. 雅詩蘭黛絕對慾望奢華潤唇膏三入附彩妝包 Estée Lauder 3 Pure Color Envy Sculpting Lipsticks with Pouch エスティローダー ピュアカラーエンヴィリップスティック 3 本ポーチ付

에스티로더 퓨어칼라 엔비 스컬프팅 립스틱 3 종 파우치 포함

強化、描繪、保濕,只需一筆,便能用強烈色彩描繪並雕塑雙唇,現在 推 出 3 色 獨 家 旅 行 組, 打 造 絕 對 慾 望。 色 號 包 括:410 Dynamic、240 Tumultuous Pink 與 330 Impassioned。現今裝入獨家小紅化妝包內。 Intensify. Sculpt. Hydrate. Lips are shaped, sculpted with intense color--in one stroke, now in a Travel Exclusive set of 3 lipsticks to create pure envy. Includes, 410 Dynamic, 240 Tumultuous Pink and 330 Impassioned — all in a mini red cosmetic case.

■ 3.5g x 3 ■ 參考市價 NT$1,200/ 單隻 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCM0049


2,840 #410 Dynamic

#240 Tumultuous Pink

#330 Impassioned




26. 蘭蔻超進化肌因賦活露 LANCÔME Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate ランコム ジェニフィック アドバンスト

랑콤 어드밴스드 제니피끄 유스 액티베이팅 컨센트레이트 年輕,妳可以自己決定。蘭蔻銷售 NO.1* 全能精華超進化肌因賦活露,獨 特「肌因修護科技」,搭配 +40%的高濃度活性成份,全面修護肌底,一 次實現保濕、明亮、彈嫩、撫紋、細緻 5 大功效!每個女人必備的全能精 華,讓妳超越年齡,展示年輕完美膚質。*2015 年 1-12 月由萊雅公司統計 蘭蔻精華類系列產品於全臺灣百貨專櫃銷售量。 With our unique biotechnology-derived and +40% active ingredient, Lancôme's NO.1* best-selling Youth Activating Concentrate helps restore 5 main skin conditions for youthful looking skin-dryness, radiance, firmness, fine lines and coarse wrinkles. Reveal young and flawless skin with Génifique. * Based on JanDec 2015 L'Oréal statistics of Lancôme Serum counter sales in Taiwan.

■ 100ml ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0137





LANCÔME Advanced Genefique Yeux Light Pearl Reno ランコム ジェにフィック アドバンスト アイセラム ライトパール

랑콤 어드밴스드 제니피끄 이으 라이트 펄

蘭蔻首創肌因亮眼精粹,全新升級配方帶來即時效果。配合全新革命性多 維旋轉按摩亮珠,每天數分鐘,靈動按摩眼周,觸及每一處細微角落,改 善眼部問題,雙眸更大,散發年輕瑩亮光采。 Our 1st eye illuminating serum inspired by gene science, Lancôme introduces a reinforced formula for immediately visible effectiveness. A few minutes massage a day to open up your eyes to the radiance of youth. Eyes look bigger and younger in just 1 month. Regain the radiant power to capture the attention.

■ 20ml ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0162



28. 蘭蔻絕對完美唇膏三支裝 LANCÔME L'Absolu Rouge Click Trio Nude(#202/#262/#331) トリオ ラプソリュ ルージュ ヌード(3.4g x 3)

트리오 압솔뤼 루즈 누드(3.4g x 3)

彈指間,炫耀完美雙唇 ! 全新絕對完美護唇膏,滿注蘭蔻獨家研發的「鎖 水保濕因子」,搭配頂級抗老成分「普拉絲鏈 Pro-Xylane™」,針對唇部 肌膚組織有卓越修護功效,提供 8 小時修護效果。天然荷荷巴油能帶給雙 唇持久滋潤,不讓乾燥、脫屑等問題找上妳的雙唇。一套三款特別為亞洲 女士們呈獻的色調。 Lancôme's NEW L'Absolu Rouge lipstick - Formulated with moisture-boosting Pro-Xylane™, for hydrated, soft and comforted lips. Our color range features three different make-up finishes: SHEER, CREAM,MATTE. The sleek black case features an innovative click opening system and looks undecidedly luxurious. The set is specially crafted for Asian ladies.

■ 3.4g x 3 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCM0095






29. 資生堂激能量水乳霜 Shiseido Essential Energy Moisturising Cream

資生堂 エッセンシャルイネルジャ モイスチャライジング クリーム

시세이도 에센셜 에너지 모이스처라이징 크림

喚醒肌膚年輕能量,重現肌膚透亮光澤。產品系列專注於神經科學領域, 探索肌膚感知的祕密。您是否感覺平常保養的效果不彰顯?肌膚的美麗能 量可能因外部環境的傷害而下降。這款柔滑細緻的乳霜能迅速滲入肌膚, 維持舒適、保濕的感覺。它採用 ReNeura Technology™,可提升肌膚對 保養品的感知靈敏度,即使最微小的老化跡象都得以改善。宛如充滿年輕 能量的肌膚,光澤、細緻、水潤再現。 Turn your skin's energy back on. Get your skin's glow on. Focus on the neuroscience of your skin's senses. Does it seem like your skin has stopped responding to your regular skincare? Your Skin's Responsive Power could be declining because of damage from external aggressors. This silky soft cream penetrates quickly into your skin, for a comfortable, moisturizing sensation. It features ReNeura TechnologyTM, to make skin optimally responsive to its skincare benefits. Visible and even subtle aging signs are counteracted. As if charged with energy, your skin is luminous, smooth, and fully hydrated.

■ 50ml ■ 品牌:日本 商品料號 DCS0211



30. 資生堂全新紅妍肌活精華露 Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate N

資生堂アルティミューン パワライジング コンセントレート N

UTM 파워인퓨징 컨센트레이트 N

持續肌膚美麗狀態,時光荏苒,美麗依舊。在惡劣的環境中保護肌膚的健 康,並強化肌膚內在維持肌膚的理想狀態 ImuGeneration Technology™* 注入植物自然力量,讓肌膚保持最佳狀態,經得起歲月考驗。不變的內在 能量使肌膚看起來光滑、柔軟且散發光澤。 Lasting strength, to defend your skin's well-being every moment. Discover how you can keep generating inner skin defenses, even when you're in a harsh environment. ImuGeneration Technology™* uses potent natural extracts to encourage skin's ability to defend its own ideal condition, defying concerns now, and over time. Your skin looks smooth, supple and deeply radiant, with unwavering energy from within.

■ 100ml ■ 品牌:日本 商品料號 DCS0180



31. 資生堂百優精純乳霜 Shiseido Bio-Performance Advanced Super Revitalizing Cream 資生堂バイオパフォーマンス BOP スーパー リバイタライジング クリーム

시세이도 BIO- 퍼포먼스 어드밴스드 수퍼 리바이탈라이징 크림

破解肌齡密碼、跨越抗皺界限。以高濃度配方研製的高效活膚霜能讓肌膚 快速吸收,活化肌膚,顯著淡化細紋,改善粗糙、乾燥和其他過早衰老跡 象,讓肌膚重現年輕光采。 Unlock the secrets to endless youth. A fast-absorbing cream that revitalizes skin's youthful texture to combat signs of premature aging. This smooth, resilient texture diffuses the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a look of renewed youthfulness and a fully moisturized feel.

■ 75ml ■ 品牌:日本 商品料號 DCS0161






32. 契爾氏超進化全能精華霜 Kiehl's Super Multi-Corrective Cream

キールズ スーパー マルチ コレクティブ クリーム

키엘 수퍼 멀티 코렉티브 크림

5 效合一!全方位抗老保濕精華乳霜 * 萃取 3 大精華液濃縮精萃注入抗老乳霜,讓乳霜同時擁有精華液的瞬間 吸收力及乳霜的鎖水力,讓抗老效果更深入有效。 * 獨家 5 效合 1 抗老配方,可同時淡化皺紋、粗糙等肌膚老化現象,抗老 乳霜讓肌膚更緊實、保濕、細緻、平滑、緊緻。 * 不含 Paraben 防腐劑、香料,敏感肌膚也能安心使用 Multi-targeted anti-aging moisturizer that corrects the most visible signs of aging. It lifts, firms, sculpts contours and smoothes skin. Clinically proven to significantly improve skin

■ 50ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0164



33. 契爾氏亞馬遜白泥淨緻毛孔面膜 Kiehl's Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque キールズ レア アース ポア クレンジングマスク

키엘 레어 어스 딥 포어 클렌징 마스크

幫助肌膚深層清潔、淨化毛孔、改善多餘油脂分泌的神奇面膜,使用後肌 膚呈現完美平滑及潔淨。 * 深層清潔:亞馬遜白泥 含有多種微量元素及豐富礦物質,有助軟化角質,深層清潔。 * 緊緻毛孔:紫草萃取 收斂深層清潔後的毛孔,達到緊緻效果。 * 舒緩保濕:翠葉蘆薈萃取 於深層清潔後,提供毛孔鎮定與舒緩的功效。 * 長效控油:燕麥粉 吸附肌膚多餘油脂,徹底解決出油所造成的毛孔問題。 Formulated with Amazonian White Clay to gently draw out oil, dirt and toxins that clog pores. The addition of Oatmeal and Aloe Vera helps to soothe.

■ 125ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0163



34. 雪花秀潤燥精華 EX Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum EX

ソルファスファーストケア アクティベーティングセラム EX

설화수 윤조에센스

關鍵第一步,肌膚重返完美平衡。前導升級,綻放極致瑩潤光彩。當肌膚 乾燥、暗沉、失去活力與明亮度,肌膚失衡現象隨之浮現。全球首創前導 概念,傳承 18 年智慧之美,第四代「潤燥精華」滲透肌底深層潤澤,五 大珍貴草本菁萃,煥活肌膚活力,提升澄澈度、恢復緊緻彈力,由裡而外 明亮潤澤。 Formulated with Korean Medicinal Herbs, this essential regimen boosting serum assures optimal skin care. results, unlocks the secret of healthy skin, promotes blood circulation, quenches and nourishes dry skin, and reveals the harmonious beauty within.

■ 90ml ■ 參考市價 NT$3,680 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0155



35. 雪花秀與潤面膜 Sulwhasoo Overnight Vitalizing Mask 雪花秀ソルファス與潤パック

설화수 여윤팩

質地水潤不黏膩的晚安面膜,提供鎮靜潤澤的效果。黃岑根、胡桃萃取精 華及東當歸,徹夜為肌膚補充額外滋養成分,重現肌膚活力與朝氣。塗上 面膜安心入睡,肌膚一覺醒來便能煥發細膩光澤。 The soft texture of this mask cream provides soothing moisture without excess residue.Scutellaria root, walnut extract and Angelica Acutiloba deliver extra nourishment and nurtures your skin while you sleep. After a deep sleep while wearing the mask, you will awaken with smooth and glowing skin.

■ 120ml ■ 參考市價 NT$1,580 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0183




雪花秀與潤面膜 30ml

凡一次購買任兩項 Sulwhasoo 商品 ,即可獲贈一件。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0036




36. 雪花秀輕透雪紡氣墊粉凝霜兩件套組 21 色號 Sulwhasoo Sheer Lasting Gel Cushion Duo No.21

ソルファス シアー ラスティング ジェルクッションデュオ No.21

설화수 쉬어 래스팅 젤 쿠션 21 호

融化凝膠質感與細網的完美結合,給予肌膚增添粉嫩淨白的輕盈系列氣墊 粉餅。以輕透水粉質感可在上妝的同時保養您的肌膚;同時粉餅還可讓您 的妝感更加完整,讓您上妝後散發粉嫩淨白光彩。21 號 自然色(粉色) A cushion that creates a vibrant complexion with its melting gel texture and micro mesh formula. Of a melting gel texture, the serum is absorbed and the powder softly finished, leaving skin naturally glowing with a vibrant complexion. No.21 Natural (Pink)

■ 12g x 2 ■ 內含粉盒 x2 + 粉蕊 x2 ■ 參考市價 NT$3,760 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0104



37. 雪花秀臻顏逆齡氣墊粉霜 #21 SPF50+ /PA+++ Sulwhasoo Perfecting Intense Cushion #21 SPF50+ /PA+++

ソルファス パーフェクティングクッション インテンス #21 SPF50+ /PA+++

설화수 퍼펙팅 쿠션 인텐스

嬌寵自己,揭開煥發青春、健康潤澤肌膚的秘密。灌注源自雪花秀臻雪丹 御系列的珍貴赤松精萃深入肌膚,延緩肌膚老化。再以梅花萃取物提供抗 氧效果修護肌膚,透現光澤與彈性妝容的氣墊粉底。 Pamper yourself and uncover the secrets to a firmer, healthier skin with a youthful glow. Capturing the vitality of red pine from Sulwhasoo's Timetreasure line, anti-aging ingredients is delivered deep into skin while anti-oxidizing properties of plum blossoms help rejuvenate skin.

■ 15g x 2 ■ 內含粉盒 x 1 + 粉蕊 x 1 + 補充蕊 x 1 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,580 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0101




雪花秀與潤面膜 30ml

凡一次購買任兩項 Sulwhasoo 商品 ,即可獲贈一件。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0036





38. 倩碧鮮萃瞬效安瓶 高純度維他命C10%(8 支裝) CLINIQUE Fresh Pressed Daily Booster with Pure Vitamin C 10% (8-vials) フレッシュ プレスト デイリー ブースター ウィズ ピュア ビタミン C 10 % (8 本入)

크리니크 프레시 프레스드 데일리 부스터 위드 퓨어 비타민 C 10% (8 개 )

猶如你每天早上飲用的鮮榨果汁或維他命一樣,有助於讓你的身體維持健 康活力。此超級強效的鮮萃瞬效安瓶以日用保健品的概念設計而成,由內 而外地顯著滋養肌膚。同時以簡單完美的方式激活你的抗老機制,除了年 輕的肌膚,一切絲毫不改。每天早晚,只需於你的潤膚霜中混合 2 滴,即 能見證年輕肌:初次使用,肌膚煥亮高達 36%,色斑減少高達 32%。持久 使用,肌膚表面的細紋與皺紋減少高達 43%。適合所有肌膚類型。活化後, 單瓶的完整功效可維持七天,顏色因氧化作用而變深屬正常現象,請安心 使用。建議在開封後七天內使用完畢,可獲得最有效的極效修護力。 Just like your morning fresh-pressed juice or vitamin helps you stay healthy on the inside, this super-potent Booster was designed as a daily supplement to visibly rejuvenate skin from the outside—and a simple, seamless way to reinvigorate your de-aging routine without changing a thing. Simply mix 2 drops with your moisturizer AM & PM and see: 36% brighter skin with first application, 32% reduction of age spots. 43% reduction in the look of lines and wrinkles over time. *Apply for any type of skin.

■ 8.5ml x 8 ■ 參考市價 NT$6,800 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0221



39. 倩碧滋潤高效水嫩保濕套裝 CLINIQUE Ultra Hydration Update Set

クリニーク モイスチャー サージ ウルトラ ハイドレーション セット

크리니크 울트라 하이드레이션 세트

旅行免稅專售:水嫩保濕必備三劍客。使用 Moisture Surge™ 72-Hour Auto Replenishing Hydration,盡享迅速滋潤與持久清新的保濕呵護。即 使潔淨肌膚後,仍持久滋潤長達 72 小時。倩碧全效霜則能擊退眼部浮腫 與淡化眼下周黑眼圈。想隨時隨地為肌膚注入水份,即可隨身攜帶倩碧水 磁場長效噴霧,適合於飛航時完美保濕。通過敏感性試驗,百分之百不含 香料。此套裝包含:水磁場 72H 超循環保濕凝膠 125ml、水磁場長效保濕 噴霧 30ml、全效眼霜 15ml。 Travel Exclusive: A trio of moisture must-haves. Enjoy rapid and continuous refreshment with Moisture Surge™ 72-Hour Auto Replenishing Hydration. Works non-stop to keep skin hydrated for 72 hours—even after washing your face. All About Eyes™ diminishes the appearance of puffs and undereye circles. For an instant boost of hydration anytime, anywhere, there's Moisture Surge™ Face Spray Thirsty Skin Relief. Perfect for use in-flight. Allergy Tested. 100% Fragrance Free. Containts: Moisture Surge 72hr Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator 125ml, Moisture Surge Face Spray 30ml, All About Eyes 15ml.

■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0171



40. 倩碧水磁場微分子保濕精華兩支裝 CLINIQUE Moisture Surge Hydrating Supercharged Concentrate Duo

クリニーク モイスチャー サージ ハイドレーティング コンセントレート 2 本セット

크리니크 모이스처 써지 하이드리에팅 슈퍼차지드 콘센트레이트 듀오

獨家旅行套組:密集保濕配方,肌膚立即變得更飽滿光滑。注入抗氧化因 子的水凝露配方,質地特別輕盈,卻能為肌膚深層鎖水保濕,滋潤一整天。 想擁有健康光采盈潤肌膚,水磁場微分子保溼精華是您的最佳選擇。適合 所有肌膚類型,通過敏感性試驗,百分之百不含香料。 Travel Exclusive: An intense moisture boost for instantly plumper, smoother skin. This antioxidant-infused water-gel serum is ultralight, yet deeply hydrates for a full 24 hours. Moisture Surge™ Hydrating Supercharged Concentrate is for healthy, radiant skin and supercharge yours. Appropriate for all skin types, allergy Tested. 100% Fragrance Free

■ 48ml x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$3,400 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0152







41. 克蘭詩煥顏緊緻日夜保養套組 CLARINS Extra-Firming Partners

クラランス ファーミング EX デイ&ナイトクリームセット

클라란스 엑스트라 퍼밍 파트너

富含高效植物精華的突破性抗老產品,有助強韌肌底結構並重塑肌膚彈力 網絡。彈力日霜獨特添加有機燕麥糖與加勒比櫻桃果核萃取,給肌膚立即 平滑與光澤效果。彈力晚霜以月光石礦物萃取提升夜間修護賦活力。含克 蘭詩抗污染複合物,有效對抗空氣污染所帶來的肌膚傷害。 Your expert firming duo. Put the spring back in their skin! Enriched in intensely regenerating kangaroo flower extract that acts on the signs of ageing - wrinkles, loss of firmness and slackening - for skin that's visibly firmer for longer.

■ 50ml x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$6,500 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0223



42. 克蘭詩黃金雙激萃 - 超級精華 CLARINS Double Serum

クラランス ダブル セラム 클라란스 더블 세럼 克蘭詩明星護理產品,專為 25 歲以上女性所設計的雙重延緩老化精華, 獨創的水 + 油黃金比例系統,仿照肌膚的水油比例,讓萃取自 20 種植物 精萃及創新科技成分,得以滲透至肌膚底層,全面鎖定再生、保濕、滋養、 活氧、保護等 5 大控齡修復關鍵, 超越單一延緩老化精華,雙瓶合一 , 激活年輕。 Clarins Double Serum has a unique formula with 5 anti-ageing functions that promises a visibly youthful look: firmer skin, visibly reduced wrinkles, more even complexion and less visible pores. Combining two powerful age-defying serums into one golden ratio, this award winning anti-ageing serum helps fight all aspects of visible ageing keeping you looking younger, for longer.

■ 30ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,900 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0158



43. 克蘭詩漾采肌活眼霜 CLARINS Multi-Active Eye

クラランス マルチアクティブアイセラム

클라란스 멀티 액티브 아이크림

繁忙的白日、晚睡熬夜及壓力與缺少睡眠會導致眼周肌膚看上去暗淡疲 累,浮腫無光。克蘭詩必備配方,顯著減淡第一道細紋與疲累痕跡,包括 黑眼圈與眼袋,令雙眸更年輕明亮有神。清爽的凝霜質地,即刻舒緩眼周 肌膚。超冷低溫金屬頭能夠促進眼周肌膚排水,立即展現明亮光彩的年輕 狀態。你將會愛上你之所見。 Hectic days, late nights? Stress and lack of sleep can leave your eye area looking dull, tired and puffy. Clarins' must-have formula keeps eyes looking younger, fresher, brighter by visibly minimizing first lines and signs of fatigue—including dark circles and puffiness. Its refreshing, cream-gel texture instantly soothes eye contours. An ultra-cold, cryo-metallic application tip enhances drainage so eyes appear instantly luminous and more youthful-looking. You'll love what you see.

■ 15ml ■ 參考市價 NT$1,850 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0185



44. 伊麗莎白雅頓 8 小時輕感平衡油

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour® Cream All-Over Miracle Oil

エリザベスアーデン エイトアワークリーム オールオーバー ミラクルオイル

Elizabeth Arden 에잇 아워 크림 올 오버 미라클 오일

全新伊麗莎白雅頓八小時輕感平衡油含有質地清爽的柔滑配方,結合了保養界最 新的熱門成分山茶花油。 此產品適用於全身,能夠柔嫩臉部和身體肌膚,並給 予頭髮動人光澤。 具深層保濕功效,長達 8-12 小時保濕。* 隨時隨地呵護全身 美麗。 Nourish your beauty. The New Elizabeth Arden EIGHT HOUR® CREAM ALL-OVER MIRACLE OIL is a light, silky formula infused with beauty's newest favorite ingredient, Tsubaki oil. This head-to-toe oil leaves your face and body soft to the touch and gives hair a beautiful shine.

■ 100ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0062






45. 伊麗莎白雅頓超進化黃金導航膠囊及玫瑰金 抗痕膠囊日夜雙品

Elizabeth Arden Advanced Ceramide + Retinol Ceramide Capsules Day & Night Serum Duo

エリザベスアーデンアドバンスセラミド &レチノールセラミドカプセルデイ &ナイトセラム

엘리자베스아덴 어드밴스드 세라마이드 + 레티놀 캡슐 & 나이트 세럼 듀오

超進化黃金導航膠囊,精華輕盈絲滑,升級複合成分蘊含與肌膚成分相同 的分子釘,另外還可維持自然脂質水平。肌膚倍顯年輕,幼滑緊緻。玫 瑰金抗痕膠囊,集中修護的全新產品相比未密封包裝的維他命 A 醇強效 76%*,顯著淡化細紋及皺紋,同時改善膚質及膚色。* 根據非膠囊包裝維 他命 A 醇測試作出的 10 個月保質期等效預測。 Advance Ceramide Capsules, the lightweight, silky-smooth serum delivers an enhanced complex of skin-identical ceramides and supports natural lipid levels for a visibly smoother, firmer and youthful appearance. Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum, 76% more potent than unencapsulated retinol*—a new, targeted treatment to visibly diminish lines and wrinkles while improving skin texture and tone. *Based on testing of unencapsulated retinol equivalent predictive of 10 months of shelf life.

■ 30 顆超進化黃金導航膠囊 + 30 顆玫瑰金抗衡膠囊。 30 piece Advanced Ceramide Face Capsules, 30 Piece Ceramide Retinol Capsules. ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0198



46. 伊麗莎白雅頓光纖鑽白全新智慧淨白修護膠囊 三支裝

Elizabeth Arden Visible Whitening Melanin Control Night Capsules with Advanced MIx Concentrate™ エリザベスアーデン ハイパフォーマンス ラディエンス 3 本セット

엘리자베스아덴 비저블 화이트닝 캡슐 3 개 세트

獨家「全新智慧追蹤淨白科技 ™」(Advanced MIX Concentrate™),能精準 追蹤黑色素源頭,並阻斷其生成,能有效減少現存的黑斑、曬斑、泛紅與 膚色不均;萃取自法國啤酒花的「SpectraBright™ 光纖鑽白科技」,美白 同時更能有效抗老化,抵禦環境傷害,並在睡眠時修復膠原蛋白與彈力蛋 白生成,幫助肌膚更加緊緻平滑且白皙透亮。 With our exclusive Advanced MI x Concentrate™, this advanced nighttime serum works synergistically with skin's natural repair process to help minimize the appearance of excess pigmentation and dark spots and support skin's natural collagen and elastin matrix, giving skin a smoother, brighter look. See a profoundly visible transformation: skin looks smooth, crystal clear and translucent.

■ 37 顆裝 x 3 ■ 參考市價 NT$3,550/50 顆 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0159



47. 伊麗莎白雅頓超進化黃金導航眼部膠囊 Elizabeth Arden Advanced Ceramide Eye Capsules エリザベス アーデン アドバンスド セラマイド アイカプセル

엘리자베스아덴 어드밴스드 세라마이드 아이 캡슐

這款輕盈絲滑的精華蘊含升級技術,甦活肌膚,令雙眸更顯亮麗。重塑青 春的分子釘及強效植物因子可幫助膠原蛋白生成,有助於眼周肌膚緊實有 彈性,減少細紋、皺紋、魚尾紋、浮腫及黑眼圈。眼部肌膚倍顯幼滑緊緻、 明亮、拉提,散發年輕光采。 This lightweight, silky-smooth serum features advanced technology to revitalize and brighten the look of eyes. Youth-restoring ceramides and potent botanicals reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet, puffiness and dark circles. This set includes: 30 pieces each

■ 30 顆 x 3 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,800/60 顆裝 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0130



48. 伊麗莎白雅頓 8 小時潤澤護唇膏 SPF15 三支裝套組 Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour® for Lips Trio

エイトアワークリーム リッププロテクタント スティック SPF 15 Trio

엘리자베스 아덴 SPF15 립밤 트리오

獲得許多美容獎項的八小時系列是許多明星、模特兒、彩妝師及美容專家 的 " 必備 " 的美容工具。八小時能隨時讓您的雙唇保濕柔嫩,能舒緩乾裂 脫皮的唇部,且提供抗氧化的維他命 E。紫外線隔離成份 SPF15,有效抵 禦陽光造成的傷害。 Multi-award winning Eight Hour ® Cream is a "must have" beauty tool for celebrities, models, makeup artists and beauty experts. Helps relieve chapped, cracked lips and provides antioxidant protection with Vitamin E. Sunscreen ingredients(SPF 15)guard against the damaging effects of sun exposure.

■ 3.7g x 3 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,550 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0100



#02 粉紅色 Blush

# 裸色 Nude


#05 桃紅色 Berry



50. 伊麗莎白雅頓水漾清新保濕凝膠 Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Replenishing HydraGel Complex

49. 伊麗莎白雅頓 21 日霜雙瓶裝套組 Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Refining Moisture Cream Complex Duo Set エリザベスアーデン ビジブル ディファレンス リファイニング モイスチャークリーム コンプレックス デュオ

Elizabeth Arden 비저블 디퍼런스 리파이닝 모이스처 크림 콤플렉스세트


엘리자베스 아덴 비져블 디퍼런스 리플레니싱 히드라 겔 컴플렉스

全新上市,對抗皮膚缺水。完全無油、質地輕盈的保濕凝膠,能瞬間被肌 膚吸收,除了帶來 24 小時的持續保水外,冰涼膠狀質地還能帶來立即冰 鎮效果。適合所有肌膚,通過皮膚科 & 敏感肌測試,活膚膠狀的水凝霜能 為肌膚注入大量水分,強化肌膚保濕屏障,讓肌膚更柔軟、光滑並看起來 超保水的膚況。

Treat your skin with Visible Difference Refining Moisture Cream Complex. The original Visible Difference moisturizing formula, this rich, emollient, protective cream cushions skin with moisture. Smooth onto cleansed skin, morning and night for a difference you can see and feel.

Combat dry skin once and for all with the NEW Visible Difference Replenishing HydraGel Complex. This lightweight, oil-free gel cream melts into skin to deliver an immediate cooling effect and provide continuous hydration for a full 24 hours. Formulated with Hyaluronic Acid and botanicals like Tree Mushroom Extract, Visible Difference Replenishing HydraGel evens skin tone and texture, minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and leaves skin looking moisturized, smooth and glowing.

■ 75ml x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,300/ 單瓶 ■ 品牌:美國

■ 100ml ■ 品牌:美國

商品料號 DCS0021

商品料號 DCS0193

含有獨家保濕及滋潤成分,協助重整肌膚生理功能,使用一週後即可發現 細紋明顯減少,14 至 21 天內肌膚變的水嫩光滑,煥然一新。






Tiger Taiwan AS: 110mm(w) x 45mm(h) 187 座美容獎項* *自2006年由各大國際傳媒頒發給PREVAGE®系列產品的獎項。 Material: Hires 187 Beauty Awards* TC *Awards granted to PREVAGE® products by international press since 2006. Propose Layout

■ 4ml ■ 參考市價 NT$3,400 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0099






手護嬌嫩 柔軟細滑 Hand Cream. 手護嬌嫩 柔軟細滑 Hydrate. Soften. Smooth. Hand Cream. Hydrate. Soften. Smooth.

52. 茱莉蔻潤澤護手霜套裝(30ml x 4) Jurlique Nurturing Hands Quartet 散發玫瑰、薰衣草或柑橘香氣且兼具保護功效的護手霜,其高效植物成份能深入肌膚,令手部 肌膚回復柔軟光滑。 A rich, protective hand cream set with the relaxing scents of rose, lavender and citrus to restore smoothness and keep skin looking youthful. ■ 玫瑰 30ml x 2、薰衣草 30ml x 1、柑橘 30ml x 1 / Rose 30ml x 2, Lavender 30ml x 1, Citrus x 1 ■ 品牌:澳洲 商品料號 DCS0112





三十多年來,茱莉蔻以眾多絕妙的護膚配方,一再改寫理想美肌的定義。純淨無污染的南澳 1,780 阿德萊德是茱莉蔻最初的誕生之地。我們依然於此種植、採摘、提取品牌最具標志性的天然 成分,確保所有產品都擁有卓越功效。皇牌護手霜蘊含高效植物精粹,給予手部精華般滋潤, 令雙手回復柔軟細滑,芬芳愉悅。 三十多年來,茱莉蔻以眾多絕妙的護膚配方,一再改寫理想美肌的定義。純淨無污染的南澳 For over 30 years, our concentrated botanicals and pioneering f 阿德萊德是茱莉蔻最初的誕生之地。我們依然於此種植、採摘、提取品牌最具標志性的天然 expectations. Our signature herbs and plants are grown in the unspoiled hills of South 成分,確保所有產品都擁有卓越功效。皇牌護手霜蘊含高效植物精粹,給予手部精華般滋潤, Australia using organic farming methods. Our iconic hand creams enriched with nourishing 令雙手回復柔軟細滑,芬芳愉悅。 plant oils and natural fragrances, Leave your hands feeling deeply moisturised, velvety soft Forprotected. over 30 years, our concentrated botanicals and pioneering f and expectations. Our signature herbs and plants are grown in the unspoiled hills of South Australia using organic farming methods. Our iconic hand creams enriched with nourishing plant oils and natural fragrances, Leave your hands feeling deeply moisturised, velvety soft and protected. 2018/02/07

3:23 PM





3:23 PM

53. 茱莉蔻臻萃活顏眼霜 Jurlique Nutri-Define Eye Contour Balm

ニュートリディファイン アイコントゥールバーム

뉴트리 - 디파인 아이 컨투어 밤

針對眼周肌膚老化問題推出的臻萃活顏眼霜,蘊含嶄新天然抗衰老技術 Biosome5 及高濃度草本活性配方,質地豐盈細滑,重點減淡細紋、令眼 部輪廓更加緊緻,重煥柔滑肌膚,更賦年輕活力。 Our Eye Contour Balm has been specifically crafted to address the multiple signs of ageing, and rejuvenate your entire eye contour. Enriched with our breakthrough, patent-pending Biosome5 technology, our ultra-rich eye balm helps replenish, tone and firm the eye area. It targets deep lines, crow's feet and sagging skin to make eyes appear firmer, more youthful and beautifully smooth.

■ 15ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,900 ■ 品牌:澳洲 商品料號 DCS0195



54. 茱莉蔻高效防曬妝前乳 SPF50 PA++++ Jurlique UV Defence Lotion SPF50 High Protection Lotion PA++++ UV ディフェンスローション(SPF50/PA++++)

쥴리크 UV 디펜스 로션 SPF50 PA++++

全新防曬乳不含油分,即時築起超高 UV 防護膜,隔絕紫外線,預防提早老 化;同時揉合獨特草本精華及高效抗氧化物,令肌膚水潤柔嫩,無懼陽光。 This ultralight, oil free UV Defence Lotion offers high level protection against the sun's UV rays protecting your skin againts the harmful effects of the sun whilst unique botancials and anti-oxidants help skin feel protected, hydrated and smooth.

■ 50ml ■ 品牌:澳洲 商品料號 DCS0206



55. 茱莉蔻玫瑰按摩油 Jurlique Rose Body Oil

ジュリーク ローズボディオイル

쥴리크 로즈 바디 오일

一款精純的玫瑰按摩精華油,可作全身按摩或局部使用的按摩油。蘊含極 其珍貴的玫瑰精油成分,使肌膚天然平衡的同時恢復健康狀態。肌膚透亮、 光滑、緊緻、滋潤有彈性。 A moisturizing, delicately rose-scented body oil to nurture the skin as well as the senses.

■ 100ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,400 ■ 品牌:澳洲 商品料號 DCS0055



* 此商品有兩種包裝,以機上實際販售為主

552 任買兩項 Jurlique 商品,送玫瑰護手霜 15ml * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0020




56. 歐舒丹玫瑰及櫻花保濕噴霧套裝 L'Occitane Rose & Cherry Face Mist Duo

ロクシタン ローズ & チェリーブロッサム フェースミスト デュオ

록시땅 페이스 미스트 듀오 ( 로즈 & 체리블라썸 )

玫瑰及櫻花保濕噴霧旅遊套裝,讓旅途中的您體驗清爽煥發及時時保濕功 效,用後肌膚散發淡淡幽香 ; 將會是您出外旅遊的最佳選擇。玫瑰保濕噴 霧蘊含玫瑰花水,令肌膚散發優雅的玫瑰花香。櫻花清新保濕噴霧加入來 自普羅旺斯呂貝隆的細緻櫻花香花水,為肌膚增添柔美花香果味。包括: 玫瑰皇后保濕噴霧 50 毫升 x 1、櫻花清新面部保濕噴霧 50 毫升 x 1。 Ideal for travelling, refresh and hydrate your skin with this exclusive duo of Roses et Reines and Cherry Blossom mists. Discover both the elegant and delicate rose fragrance and the soft and fruity cherry blossom scent. Contains: Roses et Reines Fresh Face & Body Mist 50ml x1, Cherry Blossom Fresh Face Mist 50ml x1

■ 50ml x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$680/ 單瓶 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0136


使用方式 How to Use


閉起雙眼,距離大約 20 厘米並直接噴於臉上。 也可噴於身體,散發迷人芳香。

57. 歐舒丹普羅旺斯醉人護手霜套裝 L'Occitane Touch of Provence Hand Cream Collection ロクシタン ラ・プロヴァンス ハンドクリームセット

록시땅 베스트 오브 프로방스 핸드크림 콜렉션

此護手霜套裝每款皆蘊含天然植物保濕成分,並擁有不同香調可供選擇。 附送精巧禮物包裝,讓您與閏密隨時隨地感受普羅旺斯的迷人花香。包括: 玫瑰皇后美甲護手霜、乳油木護手霜、馬鞭草護手乳、櫻花護手霜、牡丹 護手霜、薰衣草護手霜。 Express your gratitude to your loved ones with the floral aroma of Provence. A colourful hand cream collection with various scents containing natural organic ingredients. Complimentary gift wrapping materials included. Includes: Roses et Reines Hand & Nail Cream, Shea Butter Hand Cream, Verveine Cooling Hand Cream Gel, Cherry Blossom Hand Cream, Pivoine Flora Hand Cream, Lavender Hand Cream.

■ 30ml x 7 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0226




58. 歐舒丹蠟菊賦活極萃霜 L'Occitane Divine Cream

ロクシタン イモーテル ディヴァインクリーム

록시땅 디바인 크림

全新蠟菊賦活極萃霜,蘊含更高濃度的蠟菊精華油,為肌膚對抗外來環境 侵害。新配方質感更豐凝滋養,令肌膚回復緊緻並從肌底透出光澤,重現 恍如新生的青春神采。 The NEW Immortelle Divine Cream, now with higher concentration of Immortelle essential oil, helps protect skin from environmental aggressions. The lightweight formula is packed with nutrients which will transform your complexion to reveal smoother and plumper skin.

■ 50ml ■ 參考市價 NT$4,480 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0147



59. 歐舒丹光萃肌活露 L'Occitane Overnight Reset Oil-in-Serum ロクシタン オーバーナイトリセットセラム

록시땅 이모르뗄 세럼

雙重質感的光萃肌活露能完美融入肌膚。幫助肌膚從每天的壓力中修復, 從而提升肌膚光澤,撫平細紋,讓你醒來更年輕。可於其他系列的精華液 / 面霜前使用,強化後續保養品吸收力。 A delicate oil-in-serum dual texture that melts perfectly into the skin. Overnight Reset Oil-in-Serum helps your skin recover overnight from your intense everyday life. Over time, skin appears more youthful, noticeably rested with less visible fine lines, for skin that looks reset by morning. Use before serum/cream to reinforce the properties of your skincare routine.

■ 30ml ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0189


1,970 *每瓶約含 3,000 顆蠟菊微囊 About 3,000 Golden Bubbles in each bottle




60. 蘭芝水酷肌因保濕精華 兩件套裝(水潤版) LANEIGE Water Bank Moisture Essence Duo

ラネージュ ウォーターバンクモイスチャーエッセンス 2点セット(しっとりタイプ)

라네즈 워터뱅크 모이스춰 에센스 듀오

以蘊含豐富天然植物精華的獨特水配方喚醒肌膚,即時注入飽滿水份! A hydrating serum enriched with the Green Mineral Water from vegetables to fortify the skin barrier for healthy skin.

■ 70ml x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$3,200 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0187



61. 蘭芝睡美人香氛水凝膜 雙包裝(舒緩鎮靜) LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask Duo (Lavender)

ラネージュ ウォータースリーピングマスク 2 本入り ( ラベンダー )

라네즈 워터슬리핑마스크 _ 라벤더 듀오세트

全新獨特香氛 —— 薰衣草舒眠香氛,讓您進入深度睡眠,採用 Sleeptox™ 科技,於夜間為肌膚源源補濕,在睡眠中排走毒素,讓肌膚睡飽 8 小時,預約隔日的水嫩透亮香氛大進擊,舒緩鎮靜疲憊肌更舒眠!更療 癒!更清新! Intensive moisture sleeping mask makes skin look clear, bright, and revitalized in the morning with the purification function of Sleep-tox ™ as if having had a good night's sleep.

■ 70ml x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$1,980 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0186


1,440 27%

62. 蘭芝睡美人極萃滋養晚安唇膜 四件套裝 LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask 4P 4Scents

ラネージュ リップスリーピングマスク 4 点セット

라네즈 립 슬리핑 마스크 4 개 세트

晚安唇膜可去除唇部老皮細胞,使唇部保持光滑潤澤 ,內含以下香味:莓果、 葡萄柚、蘋果青檸、香草。 Gently melts dead skin cells and makes the lips feel smooth and elastic during sleep. Experience smooth firming lip night care with the new lip sleeping pack, available in berry, grapefruit, apple lime, and vanilla scents.

■ 20g x 4 ■ 參考市價 NT$700/ 單瓶 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0218


1,900 553 睡美人水凝膜 15ml + 睡美人極萃滋養晚安唇膜 3g

凡一次購買任兩項 LANEIGE 商品, 即可獲贈一組蘭芝晚安禮品套組。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0025




63. 蘭芝玫瑰光雙效氣墊粉霜

LANEIGE Layering Cover Cushion & Concealing Base No.21 ラネージュ レイヤリングカバークッション



라네즈 레이어링커버쿠션 21 호

獨創二合一雙層雙效氣墊,遮瑕+底妝一次滿足,使用方便,輕鬆遮蓋臉 部瑕疵,維持全天明亮妝感。Step 01 一拍遮瑕,沾取適量遮瑕於眼周輕 拍進行遮瑕。Step 02 二拍水亮聚光氣墊全臉輕拍上妝,玫瑰光澤珍珠粉 末,明亮並增加臉部氣色。分層上妝區域,打亮眼周區域能使整體臉部看 起來更明亮!建議上妝先以此區優先完成。 Complete Match of Cushion and Concealer. The 2-in-1 Layering Cover Cushion, Provides Perfectly Brightened and Anti-darkening Long-lasting finish Step 01 Concealing Base Apply Concealing Base on the Layering zone to cover blemishes perfectly and even out skin texture. Step 02 Layering Cover Cushion Express natural cover finish in rose tone by applying on the entire face with Layering Cover Cushion. What is Layering Zone? Brighten the zone to make the face look bright! Apply on this zone first when touching up makeup with cushion.

■ 14g + 2.5g ■ 內含粉盒 x 1 + 氣墊粉蕊 x 1 + 遮瑕蕊 x 1 ■ 參考市價 NT$1,150 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0093



64. 蘭芝水聚光淨白氣墊粉霜兩件套裝 SPF50+ PA+++ LANEIGE BB Cushion Whitening No. 21 Duo SPF50+ PA+++ ラネージュ BB クッション 2 個セット SPF50+ PA+++

라네즈 비비쿠션 _ 화이트닝 듀오 No. 21 SPF50+ PA+++ 一拍水亮聚光,蘭芝水聚光淨白氣墊粉霜結合美白保養與淨透底妝的雙重 功效,打造光采透亮美肌。 Brightens inside and outside skin! "Whitening BB Cushion" makes skin look clear and bright with dual whitening care.

■ (15g x 2) x 2 ■ 內含粉盒 x 2 + 粉蕊 x 2 + 補充蕊 x2 ■ 顏色:No.21 明亮 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,800 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0080


2,030 No.21 明亮


65. 蘭芝柔光調色氣墊隔離霜 No.40 SPF22 PA++ LANEIGE Skin Veil Base Cushion No.40 Light Purple SPF22 PA++ ラネージュ スキンベール ベースクッション No.40 SPF22 PA++

라네즈 스킨 베일 베이스 쿠션 SPF 22 PA++

同時完成飾底、隔離與調色,膚色瞬間明亮,針對亞洲人容易蠟黃的膚色 或容易泛紅膚質有顯著提亮效果。極致研磨細膩智慧球型粉體,妝前填充 肌膚表層坑洞,使妝感更浮貼。 Speed Tone-up Cushion for bright tone and smooth texture. Skin Veil Base Cushion makes skin tone flawless, even, and bright. It closely and thinly adheres to skin with more tapping. More tapping provides closely adhering, thin skin tone correction.

■ 15g x 2 ■ 內含粉盒 x 1 + 粉蕊 x 1 + 補充蕊 x 1 ■ 顏色:No.40 柔紫 ■ 參考市價 NT$1,150 ■ 品牌:韓國 • 柔紫 Light Purple

商品料號 DCM0081


有效改善肌膚臘黃狀況並提亮。 Makes skin look revitalized, corrects yellowish skin tone.



553 睡美人水凝膜 15ml + 睡美人極萃滋養晚安唇膜 3g

凡一次購買任兩項 LANEIGE 商品, 即可獲贈一組蘭芝晚安禮品套組。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0025




66. 蘭芝玻璃誘光蜜唇膏三件套裝 LANEIGE Stained Glasstick Trio

ラネージュ ステンドグラスティック 3 点セット

라네즈 스테인드 글라스틱 트리오

水感質地的唇膏展現了明亮、清透感,創造高含水量的雙唇。塗抹於嘴唇 後,柔軟水潤質地的唇膏能防止水分蒸發,並維持長時效的水潤雙唇。內 附贈化妝包(No.4 陽光蜜桃 / No.6 性感誘紅 / No.9 熱情暖紅) Water-stained glow pigment expresses bright, clear, hydro-radiant lips with each application. Upon contact with the lips, the softly melting texture keeps the lips moisturized and comfortable for long hours. Pouch Included. (No.4 Pink Sapphire, No.6 Red Spinel, No.9 Carnelian Rose)

■ 2g x 3 ■ 參考市價 NT$850/ 單支 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0105

NT$ No.4 陽光蜜桃

No.6 性感誘紅


No.9 熱情暖紅

67. 蘭芝超放電晶潤雙色唇膏 兩件套裝(#3 & 6) LANEIGE Two Tone Tint Lip Bar Duo(#3 & 6) ラネージュ ツートンリップバー 2 本セット(#3 & 6)

라네즈 투 톤 틴트립바 듀오(#3 & 6)

隨興輕抹,感受無與倫比,雙色魔力,雙色渲染與保濕能量的晶采邂逅。 全新 V 型韓潮切割,提供唇部飽和鮮明唇彩效果。極致保濕潤唇膏質地, 可以提供雙唇透亮水潤,柔暈內側主色,打造更自然透光的渲染漸層唇 色。No.03 香柚薄荷 & No.06 蕃茄雪酪 Two-Tone Tint Lip expresses natural gradation by combining the features of defining tint and moisturizing lip balm. The new V-cut created for the golden ratio of tint and lip balm defines the inside of the lips vividly and moisturizes the outer side of the lips. #3: Tint Mint #6: Tomato Sherbet

■ 2g x 2 ■ 參考市價 NT$1,700 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0060

NT$ No.3 香柚薄荷


No.6 番茄雪酪


투톤 틴트 립 바 투톤 틴트 립 바 라네즈 투톤 틴트 립라네즈 바 라네즈 투톤 틴트 립라네즈 바

No.3 Tint Mint 틴트 민트 (1459)

178 C

No.3 Tint Mint No.6 Tomato Sherbet No.6 Tomato Sherbet

틴트 민트 (1459)

331 C178 C

토마토 샤베트

331 C 2347 C


토마토 샤베트

698 C2347 C


698 C

睡美人水凝膜 15ml + 睡美人極萃滋養晚安唇膜 3g

凡一次購買任兩項 LANEIGE 商品, 即可獲贈一組蘭芝晚安禮品套組。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0025

68. innisfree 濟州經典護手霜三件特別套裝 innisfree Jeju Heritage Hand Cream Triple Set

イニスフリー チェジュ ヘリテージ ハンドクリーム 3 種セット

이니스프리 제주 헤리티지 핸드크림 3 종세트

純淨綠茶保濕護手霜 50ml,以濟州島純淨綠茶的豐富水分與卓越抗氧效 果,打造滋潤肌膚的護手凝霜。濟州寒蘭防曬護手霜 SPF15 PA+ 50ml, 由濟州寒蘭強韌的生命力帶給手部肌膚光滑潤澤,並從隔離紫外線開始守 護肌膚的機能性護手霜。油菜花滋潤護手霜 50ml,含有濟州油菜花成分, 讓雙手肌膚柔嫩的高營養保濕護手霜。 Green Tea Gel Hand Cream 50ml, Refreshing gel-type hand cream enriched with moisturizing from jeju green tea to restore resilience.Orchid Hand Cream SPF15 PA+ 50ml, Hand cream made from Jeju Orchid provides sun protection for your soft and moisturized hands. Canola Honey Hand Butter 50ml, High nutritious hand butter made from Jeju Canola honey builds moisture layer on your hand for well moisturized hands.

■ 50ml x 3 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0173



69. 埃及神奇修護霜 Egyptian Magic - 100% Natural Travel Size EXCLUSIVE エジプティアン マジック - トラベルサイズ エクスクルーシブ

이집션 매직 크림 - 여행용 사이즈

多功能乳霜可修護肌膚,適用於身體任何部位。可當作面部保濕霜及眼霜、 護髮素及滋潤唇部、護甲。其配方也能預防妊娠紋,淡化疤痕。主要成份 有橄欖油、蜂膠、蜂王乳、蜂蠟、蜂蜜……不含化學成份,百分百天然無 添加,為純天然原料萃取。 This all-purpose, 100% all-natural balm is made from six of nature's most powerful and healing ingredients. Use as a facial moisturiser and eye cream, hair conditioner, lip balm, nail and cuticle conditioner, and to treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. its formula also makes it perfect for helping to prevent stretch marks, fading scars and healing blemishes

■ 75ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCS0165






70. innisfree 綠茶籽保濕精華 3 件套裝 innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum Triple Set

イニスフリー グリーンティー シードセラム 3 点セット

이니스프리 그린티 씨드 세럼 3 종세트

含有濟州島無農藥新鮮綠茶水和綠茶籽油,讓肌膚從內到外明亮潤澤的保 濕精華。 Concentrated serum delivers hydration and anti-oxidants from a balanced blend of Jeju green tea extract and green tea seed oil for sufficiently hydrated skin and a healthy-looking glow.

■ 80ml x 3 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0172



71. innisfree 無油無慮控油蜜粉 4 件組 innisfree No Sebum Mineral Powder 4P Set

イニスフリー ノーシーバム ミネラルパウダー 4 点セット

이니스프리 노세범 미네랄 파우더 4P 세트

雙重控油系統打造清爽嫩白肌膚 - 皮脂吸附粉:親油性粉顆粒,可以吸收肌膚表面的皮脂。 - 天然礦物質皮脂調節粉:超強吸油力的粉顆粒,可快速吸收大量油脂與 汗水。 Fresh and bright skin with double sebum control system - Sebum absorbing powder: Absorbs excessive sebum with powder that's friendly with oil than water. - Sebum control powder with natural minerals: Powder with excellent sebum absorptive power that completely absorbs sweat and sebum.

■ 5g x 4 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0151



72. innisfree 完美UV三重防護防曬霜 SPF50+ PA++++ innisfree Perfect UV Protection Cream Duo Set Triple Care SPF50+ PA++++

イニスフリー パーフェクト UV プロテクションクリーム SPF50+ PA++++

이니스프리 퍼펙트 UV 프로텍션 크림 듀오 세트 트리플케어 SPF50+ PA++++ 不油膩 、溫和、持久三種機能性的防 UV 防曬霜。防水、美白,同時抗氧 化的全效防曬霜。 A multi-functional UV protection cream that is smooth and long-lasting without a sticky feel

■ 50ml x 2 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0190







74. MOROCCANOIL 護髮修護旅行套組

Moroccanoil Traveler Set

Moroccanoil Hair Repair + Moisture Trio

Moroccanoil 트레블러 세트

Moroccanoil 헤어 리페어 + 모이스쳐 트리오

Moroccanoil トラベラーセット

讓秀髮如絲、 健康又閃亮,生意盎然! Moroccanoil 是髮油護理的領導 先驅,是基礎護髮、造型與最後定髮妝的好幫手。它獨特配方以抗氧化 效果的堅果油,可強韌秀髮的蛋白質,還有多種維他命,能擊退粗糙毛 燥,縮短吹乾時間,重現髮絲光彩與滑順動人。 Hair that's silky, healthy, shiny and full of life. Moroccanoil Treatment is the product that pioneered oil-infused hair care and created the worldwide buzz on argan oil. An essential foundation for hairstyling that can be used as a conditioning, styling and finishing tool. Infused with antioxidant-rich argan oil and shine-boosting vitamins, Moroccanoil Treatment leaves hair smooth and nourished. This set includes one 25 ml and one 50 ml bottle of Moroccanoil Treatment.

■ 25ml + 50ml ■ 品牌:以色列 商品料號 DCS0178



使用方式 How to Use

Moroccanoil ヘアリペア+モイスチャー トリオ

Moroccanoil 護髮套組,讓秀髮健康閃亮,獨特的修護配方,溫和地清 潔秀髮,且高效護髮素富含高度修復配方,讓秀髮不糾結,獨特的抗氧 化劑的堅果油,角蛋白和其他營養素。Moroccanoil 護髮修護旅行套組, 是由非凡的 Moroccanoil 堅果油注入配方,可作為頭髮的調理基礎,平 滑的造型產品和奢華的髮色光澤提升點睛之筆。內含:修護洗髮精 70ml + 修護潤髮乳 70ml + 護髮油 25ml。 Three high-performing hair products from the brand that pioneered oil-infused hair care: Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo and Conditioner feature highly reparative formulas that gently cleanse and detangle, nourishing each strand with antioxidant-rich argan oil, keratin and other nutrients. Moroccanoil Treatment is an extraordinary argan oil-infused formula that works as a conditioning foundation for hair, a smoothing styling product and a luxurious shine-boosting finishing touch. Moisture Repair Shampoo 70 ml + Moisture Repair Conditioner 70 ml + Moroccanoil Treatment 25 ml.

■ 品牌:以色列 商品料號 DCS0179



洗髮後取少量 Moroccanoil 塗抹於毛巾擦乾的髮中到髮尾。接著吹乾或自然風乾。也可於乾髮上使用,更能擺平不聽話的髮絲或重點滋潤髮尾。 Apply a small amount of Moroccanoil Treatment to clean, towel-dried hair from mid-length to ends. Blow-dry or let dry naturally. Apply on dry hair to tame flyaways, condition split ends and smooth hair.


パーフェクトワン 薬用ホワイトニングジェル

퍼펙트 원 화이트닝 겔

帕妃雯全效美白水凝霜─新日本製藥公司結合最新技術打造,以紫草根精 華為主,加入美白成分熊果素、甘草精華及 55 種保濕精華,有效對抗斑 點,為肌膚帶來白皙,改善肌膚暗沉膚色不均的問題。除此之外,也可以 維持肌膚機能,讓肌膚不容易受到外在因素的影響。讓肌膚隨時呈現最白 皙潤澤的狀態。



PERFECT ONE WHITENING GEL , made by the latest technique from Shin Nihon Seiyaku Co. WHITENING GEL helps fight age spots and also addresses the loss of firmness and moisture that comes with age. It contains the active ingredient tranexamic acid and now also contains the popular brightening ingredient arbutin, which acts on the causes of age spots. Also contains a double formulation of licorice extract and Lifting Collagen EX, plus 55 other moisturizing ingredients. With more use, your skin will be more clear and firm. ■ 75g ■ 品牌:日本



商品料號 DCS0205






76. HQ 防水深層潔面儀 HQ Facial Deep Cleansing Brush HQ フェイスクレンジングブラシ

HQ 방수 페이셜 딥 클렌징 브러시

HQ 防水深層潔面儀以 3 種矽膠表面溫和地清潔皮膚,皮膚被淨化,消除 死細胞和化妝殘餘。啟動血液循環,放鬆面部。皮膚深層清潔,緊緻,更 容光煥發。2 年國際保養。 Water-proof HQ exfoliating brush gently cleanses the skin thanks to its silicone tips. The skin is purified, the dead cells and makeup residue are eliminated. The pulsations activate the circulation and relax the facial features. The skin is deep-cleaned, firmer and more radiant. 2 year international warranty. ■ 品牌:瑞士 商品料號 DGE0021



附贈 1 個潔面肌膚護理液。 1 sample HQ cleansing gel

77. ReFa S CARAT 白金美容滾輪 ReFa S CARAT


ReFa S CARAT 플래티넘 뷰티 롤러 尺寸:45 x 142 x 32 mm 重量:28g 材質:ABS、壓克力、不鏽鋼、尼龍、白金 Size: 45 x 142 x 32 mm. Weight: 28g. Materials: ABS, acrylic, stainless stell, nylon, platinum.

■ 品牌:日本 商品料號 DCS0201






78. PAUL & JOE 糖瓷校色珍珠蜜粉套裝 PAUL & JOE Illminating Loose Powder Set

ポール&ジョー イルミネイティングルースパウダー

폴앤조 루스 페이스 파우더

蘊含薰衣草紫珍珠微粒的糖瓷校色珍珠蜜粉,能夠折射光線,帶來亮白、 均勻的無瑕精緻美肌。薰衣草紫珍珠微粒可以為亞洲人普遍暗黃的肌膚進 行互補修飾,而令調整偏黃膚色達至自然亮白。此機上獨家套裝包括:蜜 粉 10g、補充裝 10g、贈品:糖瓷校色隔離霜 (10ml) 旅行試用裝塑造您的 無瑕妝容。 A loose face powder with lavender pearls that reflect light to brighten, lighten and even out skin's appearance for a complexion that appears flawless. This inflight exclusive set includes: powder 10g、refill 10g、GWP: Illuminating Foundation Primer (10ml) trial sample to complete your flawless look.

■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCM0094



554 PAUL & JOE 糖瓷親肌水凝粉餅 N 旅行試用裝 1g * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0038

79. PAUL & JOE 糖瓷絲潤隔離乳 S 兩支裝 SFP15 PA+ PAUL & JOE Moisturizing Foundation Primer S Duo SFP15 PA+

ポール&ジョー モイスチュアライジング ファンデーション プライマー SFP15 PA+

폴앤조 모이스쳐 라이징 파운데이션 프라이머 2 개 입 SFP15 PA+

皇牌糖瓷絲潤隔離乳 S,功效超越一般彩妝打底用途,卓越的潤色配方能 夠修正膚色,塑造透澈自然的肌膚。配方除了保留一貫的凝潤質感及卓越 妝感外,更同時提高橙花水的比例,達致調理肌膚的作用,蘊含五種天然 植物精華及三種透明質酸,提供修護及保濕功效,令肌膚清澈通透。 Shade 色號:01 A moisturizing evolution for the best seller - Moisturizing Foundation Primer S, it does more than prep skin for makeup application, its superior formulation also corrects complexion to create clear, natural skin. While retaining the same proven popular texture and finish, formula contains an increased amount of orange flower water to condition skin. Formulated with five natural plant extracts and three types of hyaluronic acid conditions and moisturizes the skin for a clear complexion.

■ 30ml x 2 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCM0057



80. PAUL & JOE 典雅瑰麗唇膏兩支裝 001 PAUL & JOE Lipstick N Duo 001

ポール&ジョー リップスティック N デュオ 001

폴앤조 립스틱 엔 듀오 001

只在機上發售的唇膏組合,包括一支柔美的淑女紅,色調濃郁而質感柔潤 幼滑﹔另一支是貓咪珍珠柔光護唇膏,持久讓櫻唇長時間水漾滋潤及立體 閃亮。在唇色上加一抹貓咪唇膏能營造另一層次的寶石般閃爍瑰麗。唇膏 芯及筒可自由組合。採用美麗印花布製成的唇膏筒,讓唇膏也穿上俏麗的 連衣裙 ! An exclusive lipstick set only available on board the plane, this set containing sensual lady red lipstick, with beautiful coloring & treatment-like moisturizing ability, and the feline Secret d'or lipstick, which achieves full, plump lips. Add this feline on top of lip color for another level of sparkling gorgeousness. Lipsticks and cases can be combined freely. Limited Lipstick Cases are made of fabric materials; you can dress up your favorite lipstick like fashion!

■ 典雅瑰麗唇膏芯 - 瑰麗 色號:301 Poisson rouge (Goldfish) – 容量:3.5g ■ 貓咪珍珠柔光護唇膏芯:402 – 容量:2.6g ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCM0092


1,590 554 PAUL & JOE 糖瓷親肌水凝粉餅 N 旅行試用裝 1g * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0038

81. PAUL & JOE 限量版化妝鏡 01 PAUL & JOE Beauty Mirror 01

ポール&ジョー 限定ビューティーミラー 01

폴앤조 한정판 화장거울 01

小巧輕盈的化妝鏡,靈感來自雪花,可輕易放進任何化妝包。附貓咪圖案 束繩袋,方便攜帶之餘,也是小禮物之選。 This mirror is inspired by snowflakes and can easily fit in any purse or handbag making it the perfect holiday accessory. Housed in a cat-themed pouch, it is a perfect gift for your loved ones.

■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCX0001


810 554 PAUL & JOE 糖瓷親肌水凝粉餅 N 旅行試用裝 1g * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0038




82. ETUDE HOUSE 玩轉色彩多色眼影盤 ETUDE HOUSE Play Color Eyes Trio (TR Exclusive) エチュードハウス プレイカラー アイパレット

에뛰드 하우스 플레이 컬러 아이즈 3 종 세트

春夏人氣玩轉色彩多色眼影盤 - 戀戀櫻花、蜜桃農場、橙漾果汁三種組合。內含橘褐 色、櫻花粉色、蜜桃色三種不同色調的眼影盤,能隨時轉換多種風格,一盤在手便能 輕鬆打造各種樣式的眼妝。澄樣果汁 - 桔澄色調眼影盤,百搭的 10 色眼影混搭出多樣 的迷人好眼色。戀戀櫻花 - 粉紅色調眼影盤結合可愛浪漫的自然色調,高度附著力的 細緻絲滑基底,能長時間維持鮮豔的色澤和達到不易龜裂及飛粉的效果。蜜桃農場 蜜桃色調眼影盤能呈現可愛眼神的眼影色,搭配甜蜜氛圍的蜜桃色調做組合,打造出 各式各樣的蜜桃眼妝。 The Play Color Eyes special set consisting of Cherry Blossom, Peach Farm and Juice Bar are the best colors for the spring-summer season. The set include three different colors, which are orange-brown and pink cherry blossoms and peach, can transfer various styles and easily have eye make-up with different types by using one palette. Juice Bar - The 10-colors eye shadow like a glass of juice comes in various textures for different expression of the eyes for different occasions. Cherry Blossom - A shadow palette delivering various makeup looks with romantic&lovely point colors and natural shade colors.Highly adhesive soft texture delivers vivid color and helps pearls last all day without cracking or settling into fine lines. Peach Farm - Peach-like eyeshadow color will make your eye make-up romantic and lovely. You can do your make-up sweet with Peach Farm.

■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0106



83. ETUDE HOUSE 碳酸活力唇彩自動販賣機 4 件組 ETUDE HOUSE Soft Drink Tint Vending Machine Set 4PCS

エチュードハウス ソフトドリンクティント自動販売機セット 4 タイプ

에뛰드 하우스 탄산 톡 틴트 자판기 4 종 세트

此款碳酸口味的唇彩組合 , 如同散發清爽活力的蘇打水,賦予雙唇柔和的 飲料色調。如清水般滋潤、如汽水般清爽覆蓋雙唇的碳酸活力唇彩不僅色 彩鮮明,更能長時間維持同一色彩。清涼透亮的碳酸色調!如同氣泡般清 涼透亮的色彩能讓雙唇呈現滋潤的果凍般質地。每次塗抹都能感受到的沁 心汽水香!四溢的清甜汽水香讓人越塗抹越開心。 Soft Drink Tint colors make the lips look refreshing like a burst of soda. Moist like water, light and cool like soft drink. Vivid color with clear gel texture and soft drink soda tint keeps the color long. FRESH & CLEAR SODA POP COLOR! Full juicy lip make-up like popping soda drink. COOL FRESH DRINK SCENT! Juicy and sweet, fruity soda scent refreshes your feeling.

■ 牛奶汽水 (Milk Soda) 4g、紅茶氣泡飲 (Zero Red) 4.6g、夢幻葡萄柚 (Grapefruit Fantasy) 4.6g、成熟水蜜桃 (Peach Tok Tok Tok) 4.6g ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCM0107



紅茶氣泡飲 Zero Red

牛奶蘇打 Milk Soda

夢幻葡萄柚 成熟水蜜桃 Grapefruit Fantasy Peach Tok Tok Tok

84. ETUDE HOUSE 奶油沐浴護手霜組 ETUDE HOUSE Butter PLOP Hand Cream 4 Kinds Set エチュードハウス バター プロップ ハンドクリームセット

에뛰드 하우스 버터퐁당핸드크림 4 종 세트

此款護手雙套組使你擁有如奶油般細膩、起司般滋潤的纖嫩玉手。富含營 養的高保溼質地卻不黏膩,達成美白及撫平細紋的雙重效果。此款護手霜 對於極度乾燥的雙手,給予全效的保溼及營養。此套組內含 : 奶油沐浴護 手霜、鮮奶油護手霜、莫札瑞拉起司護手霜、切達起司護手霜。 Butter Plop Hand Cream that makes hands soft like butter and moisturized like cheese. Powerful nutrition and moisturizing texture without sticky feeling. Whitening and wrinkle care, double solution. For extra dry hand, this hand cream will gives your hand full moist and nutrient. The hand cream set include:Fresh Cream Butter, Whipping Cream Butter, Mozza Cheese, Cheddar Cheese.

■ 25ml x 4 ■ 品牌:韓國 商品料號 DCS0219



555 凡一次購買任兩項 ETUDE HOUSE 商品, 即可獲贈 ETTI 貓耳造型髮帶一只。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0039




85. 奢華寶貝極肌密輕霧氣墊粉餅組 SPF35 - 02 Beige Bebe Poshe Diamond Cushion Pack SPF35 - 02 Beige

Bebe Poshe ダイヤモンド クッションファンデーションセット SPF35-02 ベージュ

베베포쉬 다이아몬드 쿠션 SPF35- 02 베이지

最強無破綻輕霧裸妝,16HR 長效控油持妝。奢華寶貝氣墊粉餅,擁有完 美遮瑕力,控油氣墊粉餅持久不脫妝,時尚的霧光妝感,讓妳完美炫耀。 Bebe Poshe Diamond Cushion delivers a fresh, flawless finish in a moment. Use alone matte finish, for a luminous, full coverage finish. ■ 10ml x 2 ■ 粉盒 x 1 + 粉蕊 x 1 + 補充蕊 x 1 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DCM0099




86. 奢華寶貝炫色雙芯唇膏五支禮盒組 Bébé Poshé True Color Tint-In-Balm Lipstick Value Pack

Bébé Poshé トゥルーカラー ティント イン バーム リップスティック バリューパック

베베포쉬 트루 컬러 틴트 인 밤 립스틱 5 개 세트

奢華寶貝經典「絕對光感智慧顯色專利技術」,添加獨家雙芯科技升級版, 完美打造兩種成分雙配方。外層為「絕對光感智慧顯色專利技術」,賦予 極濃郁飽滿色調,強烈色彩使唇型立體;而內芯為「溫感護唇精華」,結 合天然潤膚成分,提供超潤澤保濕力與極致舒適感受,讓唇瓣顯色而不乾 澀,塗抹同時滋潤。 Bebe Poshe's Classic Tint-In-Balm Lipstick is an "absolute shine color technology", exclusive dual-core technology upgrade, perfecting two formulas. The outer layer gives a high pigment color and full coverage; and the inner core is formulated with lip treatment essence, to provide super hydration and comfort, leaving your lips hydrated and lustrous all day !

■ 3.5g x 5 入 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DCM0087



556 凡購買 Bébé Poshé 奢華寶貝炫色 雙芯唇膏五支禮盒組搭贈光感唇蜜 3.1ml x 1,顏色隨機出貨。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPP0009




87. 露華濃晶燦耀眼亮唇膏-魔方組合套組(9 支裝) Revlon® Super Lustrous™ Lip Cube - The Collection レブロン スーパー ラストラス リップキューブ (9 本セット)

레브론 수퍼 러스트러스 립스틱 세트(9 개입)

忍不住愛上這款世界代表性的唇膏 ! 擁有一系列經典時尚色調,適合所有場合。 唇膏注入超強保濕成分,展現絲綢般艷麗誘人的雙唇 ! Fall in love with the new lipcube from the world's most iconic lipstick! With an array of classic and trendy shades and finishes, there's a lip look for any occasion. Each travel exclusive set comes with 9 full-sized Super Lustrous™ lipsticks infused with mega-moisturizers for silky smooth seductive looking lips.

■ 4.2g x 9 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCM0071



88. 海鹽舒緩頭皮潔淨霜雙入組 Christophe Robin Soothing Detox Hair Treatment

クリストフロバン デトックスヘアトリートメント 2 点セット

크리스토프로빈 바다소금 헤어각질제 2 개 세트

深層淨化,讓頭皮輕盈呼吸。這是一款具有淨化、保濕和舒緩三效合一的 頭皮清潔品。地中海天然海鹽顆粒能溫和潔淨毛囊,添加植萃保濕因子舒 緩頭皮搔癢,針對染髮後或需淨化、排毒的頭皮,能立即獲得舒緩與平衡, 感到前所未有的清爽舒暢,也讓秀髮展現輕盈的蓬鬆美感。不論男女、敏 感頭皮或是油性頭皮皆適用;建議一周使用一到兩次。 PURIFYING SCRUB WITH SEA SALT. A new gesture for sensitive or oily scalps. This purifying, moisturizing* and soothing shampoo is ideal as a detox or post coloring treatment. The scalp is soothed and rebalanced, it regains freshness and comfort. Hair is shiny and feels amazingly clean for a long time. Ideal for men and women. No parabens, silicones or colorants. * Hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis.

■ 75ml x 2 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCS0229



89. 活性炭美白潔牙粉 Grounded Body Scrub Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder 活性炭ホワイトニング歯磨きパウダー

활성탄 치아 미백 파우더

全新 100% 全天然活性炭美白牙粉能帶給您夢寐以求、大明星一般的閃亮 微笑!其中的活性炭及鈣質會去除牙結石以及紅酒、咖啡、食物或香煙所 帶來的污漬。無添加色素、防腐劑、人工調味或氟化物。100% 全天然, 對琺琅質無害。英國製造。注意事項:1. 建議每周使用 1~2 次,以牙刷沾 取活性碳美白潔牙粉輕刷牙齒,再以清水漱口,可單獨使用,也可接續使 用牙膏再刷一次加強潔牙。2. 請使用軟毛牙刷輕刷牙齒表面,請勿大力刷 洗口腔壁、牙齦、舌頭上。3. 請勿使用電動牙刷及硬毛牙刷。4. 口腔本身 有發炎、傷口或潰爛流血者,不宜使用。 Get the Hollywood smile you have always been searching for with our New 100% Natural Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder. Simple wet your tooth brush and dip in my tropical whitening powder, the Activated Charcoal with calcium, will instantly start to remove plaque, stains such as; red wine, coffee, food or tobacco, polish teeth & freshen breath. No added colours, preservatives, artificial flavours or fluoride. 100% Natural, safe on enamel, Made in the UK.

■ 50g ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DCS0228



90. 寶格麗女士迷你香氛套裝 BVLGARI The Women's Gift Collection ブルガリ ザ ウーマンズ ギフト コレクション

불가리 여성 향수 미니어쳐 기프트 세트

免稅店獨家旅遊套裝系列,寶格麗女士迷你香氛套裝包括五款著名迷你香 氛:活潑清新的紫晶純香女士淡香氛、純潔柔和的晶瑩純香女士淡香氛、 全新閃耀花香調的粉晶女士淡香水、以及兩款女神氣質香水 —— 羅馬之 夜女士香水和玫瑰金漾女士香水。5 款香氛均有精美獨立包裝,適合自用 或送禮。香氛套裝散發女士嫵媚的氣質,盡顯寶格麗品牌的華麗高雅。內 含:羅馬之夜女士香水 5ml、 玫瑰金漾女士香水 5ml、晶瑩純香女士淡香 氛 5ml、紫晶純香女士淡香氛 5ml、粉晶女士淡香水 5ml。 Part of BVLGARI Travel Collection, the Women's Gift Collection includes the most prestigious miniatures of BVLGARI's feminine portfolio: the sophisticated floral Omnia Amethyste, the radiant floral Omnia Crystalline and the new fresh and floral sparkling Omnia Pink Sapphire, in addition to the two latest seductive and luminous fragrances Goldea The Roman Night and Rose Goldea. Perfect as a unique offer or multiple small gifts, the exclusive to Travel Retail miniatures are individually packaged in boxes. This delicate feminine set evokes BVLGARI's luxury and elegance. 5ml Goldea The Roman Night EdP, 5ml Rose Goldea EdP, 5ml Omnia Crystalline EdT, 5ml Omnia Pink Sapphire EdT, 5ml Omnia Amethyste EdT.

■ 5ml x 5 ■ 品牌:義大利 商品料號 DCF0076



91. 安娜蘇 2019 年迷你香水化妝袋套裝 ANNA SUI 2019 Pouch Miniset

アナスイ 2019 ミニ香水セットポーチ付き

안나수이 2019 파우치 미니어쳐 향수세트

Anna Sui 香水總是帶有一種異國情調的幻想以及充滿夢想的浪漫未來。全 新 Anna Sui 迷你香水化妝袋套裝將帶您前往全新的世界展開另一個夢想, 用獨有的魔幻浪漫風格創造一個神奇閃亮的新故事:永遠不要忘記你的夢 想,閉上雙眼許下心願。套裝內含:Anna Sui 化妝袋、Fantasia 5ml 香水、 Lucky Wish 5ml 香 水、La Vide De Boheme 4ml 香 水、Secret Wish 5ml 香水、Fantasia Mermaid 5ml 香水。 Anna Sui's Fragrances represent a fantasy of the exotic past, mixed with a dream for a romantic future. The new design of Anna Sui's Pouch will whisk you off to faraway places and different worlds. Anna Sui's Pocuh Miniset will bring you the another dream, another magic romance with style and sass creating a new sparkling story: Never forget your dreams, close your eyes and make a wish. Content: Anna Sui Clutch x 1pc, Fantasia 5ml x 1pc, Lucky Wish 5ml x 1pc,La Vide De Boheme 4ml x 1pc, Secret Wish 5ml x 1pc, Fantasia Mermaid 5ml x 1pc.

■ 5ml x 4 + 4ml x 1 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCF0093







Chloé Signature Modelshot_200x140mm_1,43.indd 1

09.01.19 14:26

92. Chloé 經典淡香精 Chloé Eau de Parfum クロエ オードパルファム

끌로에 오드 퍼퓸

玫瑰精華香氛。香水的精髓,盡在 Chloé 玫瑰:如此細膩,如此迷人。 木蘭花香揉合帶蜜糖的琥珀香氣。高雅的玻璃瓶綴以銀牌和經典的米色絲 帶。Chloé 帶來全新誘人風格。盡顯女性嫵媚,自然時尚。香水香調:清 新的粉花香調。前調:牡丹。中調:玫瑰花瓣、玉蘭花。後調:雪松、龍 涎香。 A sublime rose fragrance. At the heart of the Eau de Parfum, the Chloé rose: dazzling and delicate. A velvety bouquet interlacing floral notes of magnolia and honeyed accents of amber. The luxurious pleated glass bottle is crowned with a silver plate and enlaced with the iconic beige ribbon. A new addictive way to wear Chloé. Feminine. Natural. Chic.A fresh powdery floral fragrance. Top: peony. Heart: rose petals, magnolia. Base: cedar, ambergris.

■ 50ml ■ 參考市價 NT$3,600 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCF0072



93. Chloé 香水迷你套裝 Chloé Miniatures Coffret

クロエ ミニチュアコレクション

끌로에 (Chloe) 미니어처 코프레 하우스 신상품 贈送他人或自用的絕佳禮物。奢華套裝含 Chloé 標誌性香水的完美旅行裝: Chloé Eau de Parfum (5ml), Chloé Eau de Toilette (5ml) and Nomade Eau de Parfum (5ml x 2),獨立包裝。 The perfect gift to indulge yourself or others. This deluxe coffret is a collection of the iconic Chloé fragrances in the perfect travel size: Chloé Eau de Parfum (5ml), Chloé Eau de Toilette (5ml) and Nomade Eau de Parfum (5ml x 2). Individually Packed.

■ 5ml x 4 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DCF0090



94. 蔻馳芙洛麗淡香精 COACH Floral EDP

コーチ フローラル オードパルファム

코치 플로랄 EDP

蔻馳芙洛麗淡香精以蔻馳經典茶玫瑰皮革系列包款為靈感,呈現夏季徜徉 於花海中的溫暖愜意。以花果香調結合水晶麝香,融合出獨特香氣,完美 演繹蔻馳的知性柔美與自由奔放。前調:鳳梨、柑橘、粉紅胡椒。中調: 茶香玫瑰、雙瓣茉莉、梔子花。後調:水晶麝香、奶油木、印度尼西亞廣 藿香精華。 Coach Floral is inspired by Coach's signature leather Tea Roses and evokes the warmth of a summer's day spent in a field of wildflowers. Combining fruity and floral notes with crystal musks, the unique scent perfectly embodies Coach's feminine, free spirit.

■ 50ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCF0083






95. 一生之水淨花蜜女士淡香水 ISSEY MIYAKE L'eau D'issey Pure

ロードゥイッセイ ピュア ネクター ド パルファム

이세이 미야케 로디세이 뿌르 팜므 오드 뜨왈렛

三宅一生「L'Eau d'Issey Pure」 系列的蜜露花瓣淡香水盛開成一座花園, 染上黎明色調的花朵,在性感龍涎香與喀什米爾香氛拂來清新無比的海洋 微風中輕輕搖曳,是三宅一生「L'Eau d'Issey Pure」系列三部曲獨特的代 表香氣,溫柔的爆發專屬於春天的甜蜜香氛。 With Pétale de Nectar, L'Eau d'Issey Pure blossoms into a garden of dawntinged flowers, swaying in the fresh sea breeze of the sensual ambergris and cashmeran accord that is the unique signature of the trilogy. A soft explosion of sweet springtime scents.

■ 50ml ■ 品牌:日本 商品料號 DCF0088



96. Dolce Peony 香水 Dolce Peony Eau de Parfum


돌체앤가바나 돌체모란향수

水晶水梨的透亮果香與牡丹調的奢華花香揉合木質廣藿香,創造出滿溢喜 悅的華美 Dolce Peony 香水。 The fruity transparency of the nashi pear note and the sumptuous floral volume of the peony accord combined with woody patchouli create the joyful and colourful Dolce Peony Eau de Parfum.

■ 50ml ■ 品牌:義大利 商品料號 DCF0089






BVLGARI Man Wood Essence EDP

ブルガリ ウッドエッセンス メンズフレグランス

불가리 맨 우드 에센스 남성 향수

寶格麗城市森林男士香水詮釋了城市與自然之間的緊密聯繫, 散發出濃郁 的綠植清新香氣,木質香調迸發出頑強的生命活力。香氣純淨清新,回歸 本源。這款全新香水融合了三種木香和優質香精,包括雪松、柏樹和香根 草,木質香調與暹羅安息香的結合盡顯神祕莫測與和煦陽光的激烈碰撞。 清新涼爽的香氣融合意大利柑橘皮,伴著芫荽特有的綠植芬芳久久縈繞。 前調:芫荽精油、義大利柑橘皮。中調:絲柏木、香根草精油。 後調:暹 羅安息香、雪松木、龍涎香。 BVLGARI MAN WOOD ESSENCE epitomizes the strong ties between the City and Nature. A perfume pervaded by a powerful green freshness and exhaling a wood-driven life force. A scent of authenticity and a return to cardinal values. The new EDP blends a wood trio uniting the finest perfumery essences – Cedar, Cypress, and Vetiver – resonating with the warm and sunny notes of Benzoin resins. Incredible freshness tinged with an Italian zest and the subtly aromatic green accents of Coriander.

■ 60ml ■ 品牌:義大利 商品料號 DCF0079



557 凡購買寶格麗城市森林男士香水搭 贈森林男士香水 5ml x 1。 * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0035





CK ONE 鉑金版


캘빈클라인 CK 오드뚜알렛

CK ONE 鉑金版是我們代表性香水的全新演繹,清爽而溫暖,體現我們這 個群體青春樂觀的特色。新鮮的青蘋果與芬芳的小豆蔻,融合粉紅胡椒與 肉桂的迷人辛香,柔和中帶著狂放的性感氣息,綿延恆久。引人注目的鉑 金瓶身,象徵著現代風格的未來宣言與輕鬆自在的自我個性。強勁、動感、 明亮。前調:青蘋果、荳蔻果實、人造醛。中調:粉紅胡椒、紅肉桂、薰 衣草。後調:礦物琥珀、喀什米爾木、香根草。 CK ONE PLATINUM EDITION is a new expression of our iconic fragrance — both cool and warm, it embodies the youthful optimism that defines our tribe. Fresh green apple and aromatic cardamom open to spicy pink pepper and cinnamon, creating a swath of softness and bold sensuality. The striking platinum-coated bottle is a futuristic statement of modernity and effortless individuality. Powerful. Dynamic. Bright. Top: Green apple, Cardamom, Aldehydes. Heart: Pink pepper, Cinnamon, Lavender. Base: Amber, Cashmere wood, Vetiver.

■ 100ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,000 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCF0081



99. CALVIN KLEIN 男士香水套組 CALVIN KLEIN Men's Multi-Line Coffret

カルバンクライン メンズミニチュアコレクション

캘빈클라인 (Calvin Klein) 미니어처 코프레 - 남성용

讓您一次擁有多款最受歡迎的 CALVIN KLEIN 香氛,採用小香組合設計, 不僅攜帶方便,更是您出遊時的最佳選擇。內含:CK One 10ml Eau de Toilette, CK One GOLD 10ml Eau de Toilette, ETERNITY AIR for Men 10ml Eau de Toilette, ETERNITY for Men 10ml Eau de Toilette, euphoria for Men 10ml Eau de Toilette。獨立包裝。 Enjoy the best of CALVIN KLEIN Fragrances with this coffret set of portable mini fragrances perfect for travel. This set contains: CK One 10ml Eau de Toilette, CK One GOLD 10ml Eau de Toilette, ETERNITY AIR for Men 10ml Eau de Toilette, ETERNITY for Men 10ml Eau de Toilette, euphoria for Men 10ml Eau de Toilette. Individually packed.

■ 10ml x 5 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCF0091



* 2019/04/01 開始販售




100. HUGO BOSS 男士香水迷你套裝 HUGO BOSS Miniatures Coffret for Men

ヒューゴボス メンズフレグランス ミニボトルセット

휴고 보스 남성 향수 미니 세트

自用或饋贈他人皆宜。此奢華套裝包含 HUGO BOSS 暢銷香水的旅行裝:兩 款 BOSS 自信淡香水,為現代男性打造的男性氣息,一款 HUGO 男士清新 活力淡香水,還有令人無法抗拒的 BOSS 紳士男士淡香水。內含:BOSS 自 信淡香水 5 ml x 2、HUGO 男士淡香水 5 ml、BOSS 紳士男士淡香水 5 ml。 The perfect gift to indulge yourself or others. This deluxe coffret is a collection of HUGO BOSS best-selling fragrances in the perfect travel size:Two BOSS BOTTLED fragrances, an unmistakably masculine scent for the man of today, a HUGO Man fresh and energizing fragrance, as well as the irresistibly seductive BOSS THE SCENT. Contains: Boss Bottled EDT 5ml x 2, Hugo Man EDT 5ml, Boss the Scent EDT 5ml.

■ 5ml x 4 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DCF0087



101. 萬寶龍傳奇白朗峰男仕淡香水 MONTBLANC Legend Spirit EDT

モンブラン レジェンド スピリットオードトワレ

몽블랑 레전드 스피릿

萬寶龍 Maison 公司最新推出一款夢幻逸品,帶給您不同層次的感受。萬 寶龍結合現代美學,用回火鋼打造出完美光滑的瓶身,純白烤漆加工處理, 設計出這款傳奇白朗峰男性淡香水,從眾多競品之中脫穎而出。此款香水 的靈感來自純白清新又具性感魅力的男人香,就如同是看到壯麗景致一般 令人屏息,給人不同層次的感受。此款萬寶龍傳奇系列呈現出較為休閒、 輕鬆的一面,展現多重魅力,卻不失男人味的經典優雅。 MB_Legend_Spirit_ADV_133_225x300.indd 1

29/02/2016 11:33

The Montblanc Maison introduces a new dimension of compelling charisma. Montblanc Legend Spirit stands out thanks to its radically modern aesthetic of immaculate glossy white lacquer and tempered steel. Inspired by all forms and shades of white, the fresh, virile and intense fragrance is as breathtaking as a resplendent landscape. If this new fragrance reveals a more casual and unguarded aspect of the Montblanc Legend man, it still embodies the versatile appeal and quintessentially elegant elements of his character.

■ 50ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,200 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DCF0044



102. 萬寶龍迷你香水套裝

MONTBLANC 5 Piece Miniatures Set モンブラン ミニフレグランス 5 点セット

몽블랑 미니어쳐 세트

精巧禮盒成就萬寶龍香氛的優雅縮影。萬寶龍傳奇男仕淡香水是一款經久 不衰,永恆經典的馥奇調香氛,充分體現了萬寶龍品牌的豐富內涵。萬寶 龍靈動傳奇淡香水則是一款清雅脫俗的木香調香氛,以全新的維度詮釋令 人難以抗拒的個性魅力。萬寶龍紳夜男仕淡香精,芬鬱盛烈,在俊逸不凡 的紳士面前展現出卓然不群而不失神秘的一面。套裝中包含兩瓶萬寶龍傳 奇男士淡香水,兩瓶萬寶龍靈動傳奇淡香水和一瓶萬寶龍紳夜男仕淡香精。 Discover the Montblanc fragrances in an elegant miniatures gift set. The Legend fragrance embodies all the richness of the Montblanc brand, an eternal and timeless fougère. The Legend Spirit, a fresh woody aromatic fragrance, introduces a new dimension of compelling charisma. The Legend Night, a new magnetic and woody Eau de Parfum that reveals the charisma of the man who wears it. This set contains two Legend Eau de Toilette, two Legend Spirit Eau de Toilette and one Legend Night Eau De Parfum.

■ 4.5ml x 5 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DCF0085



103. JVxNJ 約翰


john varvatos JVxNJ the new fragrance for men

JVxNJ ジョンヴァルヴェイトス ニューメンズフレグランス

JvxNJ john varvatos 뉴 남성 향수

JVxNJ 由 John Varvatos 與 Nick Jonas 合力創製,充滿令人難以抵擋的活 力芳香。隨著日暮西垂而夜色綻現,盡情煥發多姿多彩的城市魅力。透過 知名年輕歌手的角度,呈現精彩時刻。JVxNJ 是煥發勇氣與自信的香氛, 別具現代氣息。清新的海洋與柑橘香氣歷久不散,糅合扣人心弦的濃厚華 貴木香,令人陶醉。前調:橘子、青檸、粉色胡椒、Cascalone 海洋香調。 中調:薰衣草、薄荷、鼠尾草、迷迭香、天芥菜精。後調:檀木。 A creative collaboration between John Varvatos and Nick Jonas, JVxNJ is a dynamic, irresistible fragrance that captures the upbeat energy of the city, as dusk settles and nightlife comes alive. A moment revealed through the eyes of one of the most iconic young musicians. JVxNJ is a courageous, confident fragrance with a contemporary spirit. The scent blends an enduring freshness of aquatic and citrus notes with the irresistible and powerful tones of rich, luxurious woods.

■ 75ml ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DCF0082






104. PORTER ULTRA 斜肩包(黑色) PORTER ULTRA Shoulder Bag (Black) ポーター Ultra 斜めがけバッグ ( ブラック )

포터 Lutra 숄더백 ( 블랙 )

超越自我,蛻變無極限!設計師運用超輕量山東綢布與多功能夾層,營造 高效使用體驗。為了追求極致進化,讓積累的能量蓄勢爆發,背上斜肩包 邁開腳步,與 PORTER 攜手不斷挑戰自我! Surpass yourself and chase infinity! The designer applies the super lightweight SHANTUNG and multi-functional layer to create the experience of high effectiveness. To chase the ultimate evolution and explode the accumulated energy, why not take a stride with this shoulder bag and challenge yourself endlessly together with PORTER!

■ 尺寸:L28 x W9.5 x H19.5cm ■ 材質:山東綢布 ■ 參考市價 NT$3,650 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DGA0135



105. PORTER LOGIC 皮夾(黑色) PORTER LOGIC Wallet (Black)

ポーター ロジック ウォレット ( ブラック )

포터 LOGIC 가죽 지갑 ( 블랙 )

總是拿進拿出的日常小物,最怕髒污和手汗。LOGIC 系列顆粒狀皮面的扎 實觸感耐髒耐刮,不須小心翼翼的呵護,讓小物使用更隨心所欲。首重功 能性的 LOGIC 系列,實用且接受度高的短夾款式,內層夾層豐富,讓卡 片鈔票各居其所乾淨俐落,特別加設的貼心斜口設計方便拿取卡片,推薦 給喜歡實用簡約的同好。 The daily objects we take most frequently easily get stained with dirt and hand sweat. The solid texture of the granular leather surface of the LOGIC series is resistant to dirt and scratches. Without the need to take too much care of the small object, it is more carefree to use it. We'd like to recommend it to the users who like practicality and simplicity.

■ 尺寸:L9.5 x H12 cm ■ 參考市價 NT$3,850 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DGA0111



106. PORTER NEW HEAT 單肩包(深藍色) PORTER NEW HEAT Sling Bag (Navy)

ポーター NEW HEAT ショルダーバッグ ( ネイビー )

포터 NEW HEAT 슬링백 ( 딥블루 )

傳遞著無可比擬的專業氣勢,為品牌經典熱銷系列。沉穩的外袋面料下, 內裡跳脫一貫配色,以條紋進行色調排列,展現別於純色的時尚鮮活,適 時平衡剛強外在。耐用性極高的面料選擇,搭配美國知名品牌 Maglite 手 電筒的配件點綴,代表「執著、自信、品味」的品牌精神,有著剛柔並濟 的經典氣度,是都會型男的時尚選擇。 The NEW HEAT collection has been a big hit from its inception. Redesigned to be lighter and more comfortable than ever, this collection is perfect for all day wear. Each bag has a striped lining composed of matching, tonal colors, offering a pleasant and refreshing surprise each time you open a NEW HEAT bag.

■ 尺寸:L(17.5 x W(7.5/3.5) x H31cm ■ 材質:尼龍經緯平織布 ■ 參考市價 NT$5,850 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DGA0136



107. PORTER LUXY 系列托特包(黑色) PORTER LUXY Collection Tote (Black)

ポーター LUXY コレクション ショルダーバッグ XS ( ブラック )

Porter LUXY 컬렉션 숄더백 xs ( 블랙 )

別讓闇鬱的情緒搞砸一切,盡情享受 LUXY 系列所舉辦的低調華美卻迷人 的時尚 PARTY 吧!選用優質尼龍布料,加上表面的防潑水處理,可暫時杜 絕水份滲入袋包纖維中,以利於即時的清潔處理;採用高級運動包款面料 作為內部材質,在 LUXY 系列隱含的迷人氣息下,展現另一番都會質感。 In need of a pick-me-up? Let the LUXY bag work its magic! The ribbon top handles, attached to each bag at a delightful angle, giving off a fun and playful vibe while a longer, adjustable shoulder strap ensures comfort and convenience. Each LUXY bag is fabricated from a specially treated nylon to make it strong and highly wear-resistant.

■ 尺寸:L(32/20.5) x W14.5 x H19.5 cm ■ 材質:尼龍經緯平織布 ■ 參考市價 NT$4,150 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DGA0094






Travel with confidence and simplicity

自信出發,悠遊世界 Quick access card slots


A handy micropen






Bellroy Travel Folio – RFID 旅行妙用皮夾

Surprising storage


108. Bellroy 旅行皮夾(黑色) Bellroy Travel Folio Black

一款超越傳統定義的功能型配件。外型零巧精緻,內部空間豐 富,護照及卡片存儲更便捷。精美拉鍊設計,讓出行更安全, 旅途更安心。 •• 可容2本護照,•4-8 張卡,現金及登機牌• •


•• 附送1支迷你隨行筆 •• 真皮分隔多夾層,旅行更安心 •• 快速抽取卡槽,多重存儲空間 •• 優質環保認證皮革 •• 三年品質保證

ベルロイ トラベルフォリオ ブラック

벨로이 트래블 폴리오 블랙

妥善收納所有旅行的必要物件,是旅途必備之選,讓您安心放鬆地享受旅 程。這款精巧的對開設計旅行皮夾,內含:多個多功能卡槽,可收納 2 本 護照、4-8 張卡片和登機證,後方甚至還有隱藏夾層以收納現金,讓您的旅 行更安心。附送一支迷你隨行筆,以方便您即時填寫出境卡。RFID(無線 射頻辨識)防盜保護、認證無公害有機皮革、三年質量保障服務。 For peace of mind zipped up with your travel essentials. This compact Travel Folio has a leather divider inside to store your cards and boarding passes, and even hide cash in the back for extra peace of mind. There's space for multiple passports, plus a micro pen lets you fill in departure cards on the fly. Feel secure, arranged and relaxed. Fits 2 passports, 4-8 cards, cash and boarding passes, RFID protection, Includes a micro pen, and space for a full size pen, Leather divider organizes documents and keeps cash hidden, Quick-access card slots in the middle, stacked storage at the back, Premium, environmentally certified leather, Backed by our 3 year warranty

■ 尺寸:175 x 115 x 20mm ■ 品牌:澳洲 商品料號 DGA0133




to effective giving charities

Certified B Corporation — Bellroy身為B型企業,視商業為積極的力量回饋社會,將部分收入進行公益捐贈。

Slim your wallet 為你的錢包瘦身

Hidden bill section 隱藏式紙幣存放層

4 quick access card slots 4 個快速抽取卡槽




變這樣 Hidden coin pouch 隱藏式硬幣專用口袋



BellroyBellroy HideBellroy & Seek – RFID & Seek 經典皮夾 Hide Hide & 109. Seek – RFID Bellroy Hide & Seek Wallet RFID, Black The slim daily wallet with a hidden section for ベルロイ ハイド&シークウォレット

Hide 클래식 지갑 foreign currency extra cash & Seek The slim daily벨로이 wallet with a or hidden section for

foreign currency or extra cash • • • • • • • •

「Slim Your Wallet」就從現在開始! Hide & Seek 收納藝術,讓紙鈔零錢瞬 • Hidden bill section for added security when traveling 間「隱身」!內含:隱藏式紙幣存放夾層,旅行更安心;4 個卡片收納袋、 • 4 quick access card 隱藏式硬幣專用口袋、 RFIDslots (無線射頻辨識)防盜保護、卡片及名片保護層, Hidden bill section for added security when traveling • Hidden coin pouch 可容納 12 張卡、硬幣及紙幣,認證無公害有機皮革,三年質量保障服務。

4 quick access card slots • slim RFID Protection The daily wallet with a hidden section for foreign currency or extra cash. Hidden bill section for added traveling, 4 quick access card slots, Hidden coin pouch • Protected section forsecurity cards &when business cards Hidden coin pouch, RFID Protection, Protected section for cards & business

• Holds RFID Protection cards, Holds12+ 12+ cards cards, Premium, environmentally certified leather, Backed by our 3Premium, year warranty. • section certified leather Protected forenvironmentally cards & business cards ■ x 95mm ■ • 尺寸:115 Backed by our 3 year品牌:澳洲 warranty Holds 12+ cards 商品料號 DGA0117 Premium, environmentally certified leather NT$ Backed by our 3 year warranty



NT$2,770 Certified B Corporation — At Bellroy we use business as a force for good and donate a portion of revenue to effective giving charities






Secrid Miniwallet Original Black Red Exclusive

セクリッド ミニウォレット オリジナルブラック&レッド

Secrid 블랙레드 도난방지 미니 지갑

透過 Secrid 的專利設計機制,只需輕輕一拉,無需打開錢包即可輕易取出 卡片。具備 RFID 防盜功能,保障晶片卡資料不被盜取;輕薄耐用的鋁合 金材質,保護卡片免於彎折。經典時尚的紅黑色調結合輕巧外型,易於隨 身攜帶。可放置 10 張卡片以及現金、名片和收據。所有商品皆於荷蘭製造, 3 年國際保養。 The patented Secrid mechanism gives access to your most-used cards without opening your wallet. The aluminium core protects cards against bending and unwanted wireless communication. The Miniwallet fits every pocket and carries a maximum of 10 cards as well as cash, business cards and receipts. All our wallets are made in Holland and come with a 3-year warranty.

■ 尺寸:65 x 102 x 21mm ■ 重量:80g ■ 品牌:荷蘭 商品料號 DGA0115



111. Buckley London Barbican 系列 編織真皮手鍊

Buckley London Barbican Wrap Around Bracelet - Gold Plate Buckley London Barbican シリーズ レザー編みブレスレット Buckley London Barbican 직조 가죽 팔찌

以兩條交疊的真皮編織繩和拋光金色調不鏽鋼搭扣組成,此款 Barbican 系列的手鍊是任何穿搭的絕佳搭配。 With two overlapping genuine leather strips and a polished gold tone stainless steel clasp, this wrap from the Barbican collection is the perfect match for any outfit. Length: 42cm.

■ 手鍊長度:42cm ■ 手鍊材質:牛皮 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGA0124






112. Adidas Wayfinder 太陽眼鏡 Adidas Wayfinder Sunglasses

アディダス ウェイファインダー サングラス

아디다스 Wayfinder 선글라스

Adidas Sport Eyewear 新 Wayfinder 運動風格 - 輕款 Wayfinder 縮小了眼 鏡形狀與功能之間的差距。可調節鼻托和防滑 眼鏡腳,讓眼鏡在您運動 時更加穩固。包含延伸型鼻托(亞洲尺寸)。 Run in Style with the new Wayfinder by adidas Sport eyewear - lightweight Wayfinder are bridging the gap between form and function.Stable fit for exploring your running territory with adjustable nose pads and non-slip inside temples.Extended nose pads (Asian Size) included.

■ 鏡面寬度:60mm ■ 鏡面高度:45mm ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0113



113. PAUL HEWITT Phrep 黑色船錨手環 PAUL HEWITT Phrep Black Anchor Bracelet

ポール ヒューイット Phrep ブラックアンカーブレスレット

PAUL HEWITT Phrep 블랙 앵커 팔찌

充滿濃濃海軍風格的「PHREP」手環,是一款永恆經典之作,最適合引領 潮流的時尚配件。體現正統德國北方的優雅與簡約精神!手環採用黑色皮 革與不鏽鋼黑色船錨製作,絕佳的完美組合! Perfect for sophisticated trend setters, this maritime "PHREP" bracelet is a timeless classic masterpiece. A true incarnation of our Northern German elegance and simplicity! The strap is made of black leather and the black anchor of stainless steel. A match made in heaven!

■ 尺寸:21cm ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0087



114. ANNA SUI 太陽眼鏡 ANNA SUI Sunglasses アナスイ サングラス

안나수이 선글라스

安娜蘇推出此款太陽鏡配有金屬框架和雙眼鏡橋設計,加上玳瑁花紋及帶 有復古味道,集典雅及時尚於一身。一年原廠保養。 Anna Sui eyewear presents this sunglass with metal frame and double bridge design, adding the dark demi front and vintage style, simply combining the elegance and modern fashion as one. One-year manufacturer's warranty.

■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DGA0096



115. Pashma 喀什米爾羊毛粉彩印花披肩 Pashma Cashmere Silk spray printed Wrap パシュマ カシミヤシルクプリントストール

Pashma 캐시미어 실크 스프레이 프린트 스카프 Pashma 以古老織法將頂級喀什米爾羊毛與蠶絲交織出著名的“KASHGAR” 編織,這條圍巾更運用獨特手工印染技術,以舒適柔和的色調,如淡綠、 淺粉、杏桃色為您妝點時尚,隨時隨地展現浪漫輕盈的完美風采! The finest qualities of cashmere and silk are woven on ancient primitive looms to create the "Pashma" signature weave, the "KASHGAR". This scarf uses a unique hand dyeing technique to create an effortless chic appearance with soothing pastel hues and tones of light green, light pink and light peach, a perfect lightweight layer. Size: 70 x 200 cm. Content: 50% Cashmere 50% Silk

■ 尺寸:70 x 200cm ■ 材質:50%喀什米爾羊毛、50%蠶絲 ■ 品牌:印度 商品料號 DGA0118







116. ANY DI SunCover 眼鏡套(憂傷貓咪款) ANY DI SunCover Sad Cat

アニーディー サングラスケースチャーム ( サッドキャットシリーズ )

ANY DI SunCover 안경 케이스 ( 새드 캣 )

柔軟的 ANY DI SunCover 眼鏡套能保護眼鏡,防止刮傷、刮痕,而且體積小,不會佔 用包包太多空間!可掛在手提袋或腰帶上,眼鏡總在隨手可得之處,而且保證吸睛! 只要將 ANY DI SunCover 眼鏡套蓋住眼鏡,扣好按釦,再將鏡腳折起收在眼鏡套背面, 就能確實收好。首發專利設計眼鏡套,適用於各種形狀、尺寸的眼鏡!使用高級皮革 製成,搭配鍍金的金屬零件。 The soft ANY DI SunCover protects glasses from scratches and marks and just takes up little space in bags! Hanging from your handbag or a belt-loop, the glasses are always close at hand and definitely an eyecatcher! Just cover the glasses with the ANY DI SunCover, close it with the snap and flip the temples shut at the back. The first design-patented cover, which fits EVERY shape and size of glasses! Made of finest leather and real gold-plated metal elements.

■ 尺寸:13.5 x 7 x 1cm ■ 材質:牛皮 ■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGA0109



*本商品售價未包含手提包,此價格為單一眼鏡套價格 Price is for one SunCover only, doesn't include bag.


Roots 流蘇小肩包(Navy Blue)

Roots Zip Tassel Pouch

ルーツ タッセルポーチ(ネイビーブルー)

루츠 캐나다 테슬 파우치(네이비 블루)

Roots 源自於一個簡單的理念及夢想。1973 年,創辦人 Michael Budman 及 Don Green 憑著對加拿大阿岡昆省立公園的熱情而開啟了創建休閒品 牌的概念,而 Roots 所有的產品都和這個概念息息相關。皮革系列商品 Roots 堅持手工製作,這雙巧手來自於皮革領域的專家 Karl Kowalewski。 Kowalewski 家族延續了家族皮革工藝的傳承,延續了四個世代,技術純 熟的工匠們是 Roots 皮革製品的重要核心,Roots 對於供給名符其實的加 拿大製手工皮革相當的自豪。此款流蘇小肩包以精選義大利 Super Prince 皮革製成,皮革磅數厚實耐用,於表層更具卵石壓紋營造飽滿圓潤的特色 和活力;Super Prince 皮革時也是 Roots 經典及暢銷的皮革之一。流蘇小 肩包結合功能性及流行性,流蘇使包包看起來更為俏皮,輕便簡單的設計 方便隨身攜帶個人物品。 Roots beautifully handcrafted leather goods are made in state of the art factory in Toronto, combining both form and function. Zip Tassel Pouch is designed and handcrafted in Canada. Removable shoulder strap. Made from Italian Super Prince leather, an evolution of Prince leather; firmer and more structured with a smooth finish which is durable and low maintenance. Combined with functionality and fun, this Tassel Pouch is perfectly fit your everyday essentials.

■ 材質:義大利牛皮 /Material:Leather ■ 可拆式背帶:Removable shoulder strap ■ 尺寸:22 x 15 x 5cm/ Size:22 x 15 x 5cm ■ 品牌:加拿大 商品料號 DGA0081






BRING BACK SOMETHING SPECIAL Find the perfect gift for a loved one, or a special treat for yourself. Shop onboard today.


118. PANDORA 前程似錦手鍊套組 PANDORA Bright Future Bracelet Set

パンドラ ブライトフューチャー ブレスレットセット


就用這款令人驚豔的 PANDORA 手鍊套組,準備迎接閃亮美好的未來吧! 純銀愛心串飾上刻有「The future is bright(前程似錦)」,搭配兩顆鑲嵌 心形粉紅水晶的甜美夾飾,還有什麼比戴上 PANDORA 以鼓勵自己昂首微 笑面對明天更加完美! Get ready for a brighter future with this stunning bracelet and charms set. Two spacers with dazzling pink hearts complement the silver heart dangle engraved with "The future is bright". It's the perfect way to remind yourself to keep your head up and smile.

■ 手鍊長度:18cm ■ 參考市價 NT$7,820 ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0074



119. PANDORA 旅行套組 PANDORA Triple Travel Charm Set

パンドラ トリプル トラベル チャームセット

판도라 트리플 트래블 참 세트

以 PANDORA 捕捉難忘時刻,記錄在世界各地旅行時帶回來的那些恬靜而 愉快的回憶。這款串飾套組包括準備離開跑道的飛機,獨家推出以紅色琺 瑯作點綴的「我愛去旅行」手提箱和雕刻細緻的 925 純銀護照串飾。 Bring back all of those idyllic memories from travelling around the world. This charm set features a sterling silver airplane ready to jet off; the exclusive "I Love to Travel" suitcase with a red enamel heart and a finely engraved sterling silver passport dangle. Capture the moments with PANDORA.

■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0076



*機上專售 In-flight exclusive.

120. PANDORA 貴族之心串飾套組 PANDORA Regal Hearts Charm Set パンドラ リーガルハーツ チャームセット

판도라 리갈 하트 참 세트

佩戴上這套由 PANDORA Rose 材質手工完成的串飾套組,讓您感覺宛如 女王。套組包含一枚閃耀的小串飾以及一枚由皇冠、兩顆交纏的心組成的 貴族之心串飾。 Feel like a queen with this regal-inspired charm set. Hand-finished in blushhued PANDORA Rose, it features a sparkling spacer and a charm featuring two interlocked hearts and a crown.

■ 參考市價 NT$4,360 ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0077






121. PANDORA Bella Bot 項鍊套組 PANDORA Bella Bot Necklace Set パンドラ ベラボット ネックレスセット

판도라 BELLA BOT 목걸이 세트

初次見面!快來認識 PANDORA 家族新成員- Bella Bot !她就像每個女人 心中住著的那位小女孩,經常做出驚人之舉。這件讓人愛不釋手的機器人 造型純銀鍊墜,裝飾著可愛的粉色蝴蝶結,搭配細緻優雅的純銀項鍊,像 是時時提醒自己,無論做什麼,都要做到令人刮目相看! Meet Bella Bot, the mascot for all the amazing things women do. This necklace set features an elegant silver chain with a Bella Bot figurine to remind you that no matter what you do, do it in the most amazing way possible.

■ 鍊長:45cm ■ 參考市價 NT$4,060 ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0075



122. PANDORA 喜迎新年串飾套組 PANDORA Year of the Pig Charm Set パンドラ いの亥年チャームセット

돼지띠 해 기념 판도라 참 세트

想以最時尚的風格喜氣洋洋迎接農曆新年?你絕對少不了這款 PANDORA 豬年造型吊墜組!頭戴紅色蝴蝶結的優雅小豬,搭配作工精細的傳統東方 紅燈籠, 為您照亮來年一切的好運與祝福! Celebrate the Year of the Pig in style with this charm set from PANDORA. It features an elegant pig charm with red accents and a Chinese lantern to light your way into the new year.

■ 參考市價 NT$3,360 ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0079



123. PANDORA 煙花璀璨串飾套組 PANDORA Dazzling Fireworks Charm Set

パンドラ ダズリング ファイアワークス チャームセット

판도라 다즐링 파이어워크 참 세트

彷彿一束束煙火綻放般,滿室生輝,這組 PANDORA 純銀串飾,無疑是陪 伴您歡慶新年假期,或是慶祝任何一個嶄新日子的絕佳配飾!精緻細膩的 工藝打造出動人的花火樣貌,並點綴以耀眼寶石與神祕優雅的琺瑯光澤, 令人欣喜的亮藍晶瑩風采,為您的節慶裝扮增添無限魅力! Light up the room like a burst of dazzling fireworks with this set of sterling silver charms. They're perfect for celebrating the new year – or a brand new day. The charms feature beautifully-crafted firework details and bright blue accents in the form of sparkling stones and enamel.

■ 參考市價 NT$5,160 ■ 品牌:丹麥 商品料號 DGJ0078



124. 施華洛世奇水晶系列橢圓形手錶 Swarovski Crystalline Oval White Watch スワロフスキー Crystalline Oval ウォッチ

스와로브스키 Crystalline Oval 워치

就以這款時尚創新的施華洛世奇橢圓形手錶,為每天的造型注入光彩魅 力。 錶殼採用橢圓形不銹鋼外環,圓形內環鑲有約 1,700 顆透明水晶。銀 白色錶盤搭配放射線圖案網底,3、6 和 9 點位置綴有刻度。白色小牛皮 錶帶配以扣針式錶扣。日常防水功能,瑞士石英機芯。 Add a touch of sparkle every day with this fashionable Swarovski timepiece in an innovative oval shape. Specifications: case - oval stainless steel outer ring, circular inner ring filled with approximately 1,700 clear crystals, 37×43mm; dial - white silver sunray with applied index markers at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock; strap white calfskin leather with ardillon buckle; water resistant; movement - Swiss quartz.

■ 錶盤尺寸:37 x 43mm ■ 品牌:奧地利 商品料號 DGW0047




原免稅售價 NT$10,070 The original duty free price is NT$10,070

125. 施華洛世奇米奇項鍊 Swarovski Mickey Pendant, Multi-colored, Rose gold plating スワロフスキー ミッキーペンダント

스와로브스키 미키 펜던트 목걸이

就以這款玩味十足的鍊墜一起慶祝米奇老鼠誕生 90 周年!經典的米奇剪 影造型,以施華洛世奇獨家 Pointiage® 技術鑲嵌黑色水晶,搭配另一枚迷 人的線形輪廓墜飾,吸睛度百分百,就連玫瑰金色項鍊上也點綴著許多令 人愛不釋手的小細節,華麗又可愛,肯定是一份最完美的禮物! Celebrate Mickey Mouse's 90th anniversary with this playful pendant. A charming silhouette of the iconic Disney character, decorated in black crystals set in our signature Pointiage ® technique, dominates the design. However, there is so much more to this on-trend piece, as the rose gold-plated chain is also peppered with delightful details, including a clear pavé silhouette of Mickey and a fancy-cut black crystal. A gorgeous accessory, perfect for gifting.

■ 項鍊長度:42 + 5cm ■ 參考市價 NT$3,990 ■ 品牌:奧地利 商品料號 DGJ0081






126. Folli Follie Match Point 系列玫瑰金腕錶套組 Folli Follie Match Point Watch Set

フォリフォリ サフィアーノロングウォレット

폴리폴리 하트 투 하트 지갑

Folli Follie Match Point 玫瑰金色腕錶套組,配備可替換的鍊帶及紅色皮革 錶帶,搭扣式鎖扣設計可隨喜好切換錶帶,完美演繹各種造型風格。日常 生活防水。兩年國際保養。 This exclusive Match Point set by Folli Follie is the perfect addition to any style. The rose gold plated timepiece features an interchangeable bracelet and red leather strap allowing you to switch from active to chic instantly thanks to the smart snap on mechanism. 2 year international warranty.

■ 錶帶:不銹鋼鍍玫瑰金及牛皮 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 錶殼直徑:33mm/ 錶殼厚度:5mm ■ 品牌:希臘 商品料號 DGW0052



127. Folli Follie Miss Heart4Heart 系列幸運草項鍊 Folli Follie Miss Heart4Heart Necklace

フォリフォリ ミス ハートフォーハートネックレス

폴리폴리 미스 하트 4 하트 목걸이

此款 Heart4Heart 系列的項鍊為 925 純銀搭配優雅玫瑰金,上面並綴以閃 亮鋯石,雋永的設計容易配襯,是您不可或缺的必備款式。 Silver 925 rose gold plated short necklace with clear cubic zirconia stones from the Miss Heart4Heart collection. A timeless piece to help you create your own combinations.

■ 長度:38cm + 5cm 延長鍊 ■ 材質:925 純銀 / 鍍玫瑰金 ■ 尺寸:11 x 9 x 2.5cm ■ 品牌:希臘 商品料號 DGJ0080



128. Folli Follie Saffiano 系列長夾 Folli Follie Saffiano Wallet (Baby Purple) フォリフォリ Saffiano ロングウォレット

폴리 폴리 Saffiano 장지갑

Folli Follie Saffiano 系列獨家限定淡紫色長夾,飾以鍍玫瑰金色不銹鋼 Folli Follie 標誌,內裡設有存放紙幣、硬幣、名片及信用卡的多功能夾層。 This Saffiano wallet by Folli Follie is available in lilac color and features the Folli Follie logo in rose gold plated stainless steel. The interior has compartments for banknotes, coins, business & credit cards.

■ 材質:PU ■ 尺寸:20cm x 10.5cm x 2.5cm ■ 品牌:希臘 商品料號 DGA0125






129. Folli Follie Saffiano 系列長夾 Folli Follie Saffiano Wallet (Black)

フォリフォリ サフィアーノロングウォレット (Black)

폴리폴리 하트 투 하트 지갑 (Black)

Folli Follie Saffiano 系列長夾經典黑色款式,飾以鍍玫瑰金色不鏽鋼 Folli Follie 標誌,內裡設有存放紙幣、硬幣、名片及信用卡的多功能夾層。 This exclusive Saffiano wallet by Folli Follie is available in black and features the Folli Follie logo in rose gold plated stainless steel. The interior has compartments for banknotes, coins, business & credit cards.

■ 材質:PU ■ 尺寸:20cm x 10.5cm x 2.5cm ■ 品牌:希臘 商品料號 DGA0104



130. Folli Follie Carma 手環 Folli Follie Carma Bracelet

フォリフォリ Carma ブレスレット

Folli Follie Carma 팔찌

全新 Carma 手鍊充滿時尚動感!獨特的鍍玫瑰金設計配上 PU 皮織手帶是 時裝愛好者的不二之選。立即戴上 Carma 手鍊,馬上散發潮流氣息。 Fashionable and Trendy! The new Carma bracelet with its distinctive rose gold plated design combined with the woven PU make this barcelet the ideal fashionista's choice. Length:18.5cm One size, not adjustable.

■ 長度:18.5cm ■ 單一長度不可調整 ■ 品牌:希臘 商品料號 DGJ0047



131. Love X Infinity 香檳和香檳杯鍊墜 Love X Infinity Champagne Pendant

Love X Infinity シャンパンモチーフペンダント Love X Infinity 샴페인 펜던트 這款手工細膩的香檳和香檳杯鍊墜,是所有紀念 日的最好禮物!香檳杯內金黃閃爍的氣泡點綴喜 悅氛圍。此套組附上寫有「用高貴香檳 Prosecco 慶祝歡喜的時刻」訊息的禮品卡。 This exquisite necklace features 2 highly polished charms, plated in 18k Rose Gold and cool Rhodium presented on a gift card with the message 'Prosecco is always the answer'. This is a thoughtful, personal and memorable gift. Chain length 40cm with 5cm extender.

■ 項鍊長度:40 + 5cm ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0088



132. Love X Infinity 羅盤手鍊 Love X Infinity Compass Bracelet

Love X Infinity コンパスモチーフブレスレット Love X Infinity 나침반 팔찌 「生命是旅程,而非目的地」一句富有深意的訊 息,是送給特別的人的完美禮物。這款手工製手 鍊搭配人工鑲嵌仿鑽的 18K 鍍玫瑰金羅盤墜飾。 'Life is a journey not a destination' This cute bracelet features a compass charm highlighted with hand set simulated diamonds and plated in 18k Rose Gold. Size Adjustable.

■ 手鍊長度:16 + 2.75cm ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0087



133. Love X Infinity 地球形鍊墜 Love X Infinity Globe Pendant

Love X Infinity 地球モチーフペンダント Love X Infinity 지구본 펜던트 這款手工的墜飾有著鏡面拋光 18K 鍍玫瑰金球形 吊墜, 附上寫有「工作、存錢、旅遊、再來一次」 訊息的禮品卡。這是一件富有想法又具有紀念價 值的禮物。 This delightful pendant features a highly polished 18k Rose Gold plated Globe charm which is presented on a gift card with the message 'Work, Save, Travel, Repeat'. This is a thoughtful, personal and memorable gift. Chain length 40cm with 5cm extender.

■ 項鍊長度:40 + 5cm ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0086



以上 3 款皆附配有絲帶的豪華禮品袋 一年國際保固




134. Buckley London Camden 兩件手環套組(粉藍、粉紅) Buckley London Camden Duo

Buckley London Camden バングル 2 点セット ベビーブルー&ピンク Buckley London Camden 팔찌 세트 - 파우더 블루 & 핑크 這款造型精細的串珠雙手鍊帶來清新的夏日氣氛,為白天的裝扮添光彩。 每串手鍊外圈為粉藍和粉紅色珠串,再配有極細的玫瑰金色手鍊和玫瑰金 色幸運掛飾,更添質感和格調。 This colourful duo of intricately beaded bracelets are evocative of fresh, summertime vibes and make a great addition to a daytime look. Each beaded bracelet features a double layer of delicate glass beads in pastel blue and pink shades, paired with ultra fine rose gold tone chain and finished with a polished rose gold tone charm for an extra touch of quality and style. Bracelet length 7.5"

■ 手鍊長度:19cm ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0082



135. Buckley London Belgravia 鍊墜及耳環套組 Buckley London Belgravia Pendant and Earring Set Buckley London Belgravia ペンダント&イヤリングセット Buckley London Belgravia 펜던트 & 귀고리 세트

極富女性魅力的玫瑰金,雅致方形項鍊及帶稜角立方氧化鋯石,Belgravia 套組完美展現高品質和現代感。套組包括一件圓圈型的美麗墜飾及配套的 耳環。 With a combination of feminine rose gold plating, sleek box chain and angular cubic zirconia stones, the Belgravia set perfectly epitomises high quality, contemporary style. The set includes a beautiful pendant with circular design and matching hoop earrings. Pendant chain length: 16" plus 2" extender.

■ 項鍊長度:40 + 5cm ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0084



136. Buckley London 精緻八對耳環套組 Buckley London Mixed Plate 8 Piece Earring Set Buckley London イヤリング 8 ペアセット Buckley London 귀고리 8 종 세트

這套優雅的耳環套組是每日穿搭的絕佳搭配!它包括 8 對精緻款式,有金 色,玫瑰金色和銀色,並鑲有閃亮的水晶裝飾,讓您輕鬆將日常穿搭轉變 為華麗晚裝,僅適合有耳洞佩戴。 This pretty earring set is the perfect way to mix up your look every day of the week! Featuring 8 fun styles in rose gold, gold and silver tone with accents of shimmering crystals allowing you to effortlessly take your look from day to night. Earrings suitable for pierced ears only.

■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0083






137. Buckley London 倫敦經典掛飾手鍊 Buckley London Best of London Charm Bracelet

Buckley London ベスト オブ ロンドン チャームブレスレット Buckley London Best of London 참 팔찌 齊聚所有英倫特色,從黑色計程車到紅色電話亭。這款漂亮的銀色魅力手 鍊有 6 個吉祥小掛飾,代表著倫敦的歡樂和繁榮。手鍊以精美禮品盒包裝, 可作為紀念品或是送給摯愛的信物。 A celebration of all things British, from black cabs to red telephone boxes. This gorgeous silver tone charm bracelet, is adorned with six exquisite charms to represent the fun and splendour of London. The bracelet comes packaged in a Buckley London gift box making it the perfect souvenir or a keepsake gift for a loved one.

■ 手鍊長度:19cm ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGJ0085



138. SNÖ of Sweden 通往你心首飾三件組 SNÖ of Sweden Connected Hearts Set

スノーオブスウェーデン コネクテッドハーツ 3 点セット

SNÖ of Sweden 커넥티드 하트 액세서리 3 종 세트

為您呈獻 Snö of Sweden 經典套裝包括一條項鍊和手鍊,兩顆連接的心形 和一對優雅的同系列耳環。簡單大方的淡金色,上面並綴以精緻水晶,無 論任何場合都能輕鬆搭配。 Snö of Sweden's new classic set includes a necklace and bracelet with two connecting hearts and a matching elegant pair of earrings. This set is goldplated with glass stones that sparkle and with adjustable chains on both bracelet and necklace. Nickel safe. This loving set makes the perfect gift for someone you like - or to yourself. Bracelet size: 16-17 cm (adjustable), Necklace size: 42,544 cm (adjustable), Earrings: diameter: 8 mm

■ 手鍊尺寸:16-17cm(可調節) ■ 項鍊尺寸:42.5-44cm(可調節) ■ 耳環直徑:8mm ■ 品牌:瑞典 商品料號 DGJ0097



139. PAUL HEWITT - Miss Ocean 系列 大理石紋玫瑰金網眼錶帶

PAUL HEWITT - Miss Ocean Line Marble/Rose Gold Mesh

ポールヒューイット Miss Ocean Line マーブル / ローズゴールドメッシュ

폴 휴잇 미스 오션 라인 마블 / 로즈골드 메쉬

這款優雅的腕錶採用大理石錶盤和玫瑰金細節裝飾。腕錶設計描繪地球上 迷人而浩瀚的海洋,體現獨特現代風格,非常適合享受都會生活和熱愛航 行海洋的女性。搭配耐刮藍寶石玻璃鏡面,MIYOTA 日本石英機芯,防水 5 ATM,不鏽鋼材質,錶徑 33 毫米。2 年國際保養。 Elegant watch with a marble dial and rose gold details. It represents the fascinating and endless vastness of the world's oceans and embodies a unique and modern style. It's a piece that is perfect for women who feel at home in the city or out on the sea. Quality features: anti-scratch sapphire glass, premium MIYOTA quartz movement, 5 ATM, stainless steel, diameter of 33 mm. 2 year international warranty.

■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGW0079



請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.




©2018 COACH®

Coach Perry Chalk Leather Strap coach.com

Approvals Fonts BrownStd (Bold), Garamond (Regular, Italic), Clarendon (Light)

140. COACH Perry 仕女腕錶 COACH Perry Watch


Coach Perry Tiger Air

Scale 100% Printed At 100% Bleed Trim

206 mm (W) x 146 mm (H) 200 mm (W) x 140 mm (H)

Layout to Client Mechanical Release Page 1


Images コーチ ペリーレディースウォッチ 18Fa0669_HR300.tif (CMYK; 387 ppi; 77.5%), Coach_2015_Lockup_MD_blk.eps 코치 Perry 여성 손목시계 (66.82%), 18Fa0721_HR300.tif (CMYK; 1074 ppi, 1081 ppi; 27.91%, 27.75%) Inks Cyan,

VP, Creative Studio DVP, Creative Prod Art Director Account Mgr Production Mgr

Perry 腕錶系列以紐約市西村一條安靜的街道命名,是一款適合日常使用

Visual Merch. Magenta, 的傳統圓形腕錶。錶盤上刻有品牌標誌性馬車圖案和玫瑰金色刻度。36 Yellow, Black

毫米不鏽鋼錶殼搭配象牙白色皮革錶帶。備有 30 米日常生活防水深度及 Studio/QC 兩年國際保養。 Copywriter

Named for a quiet street in New York City's West Village, the Perry Watch PR Collection is a traditional round watch perfect for every day. It features the Retail iconic Coach Horse and Carriage etched on the face. 36mm Stainless Steel Case, Carnation Gold Markers, and Chalk Leather Strap. WaterMerchandising resistant to 30m. Comes with a two year international guarantee. Licensing

■ 錶帶材質:小牛皮 ■ 錶面直徑:36mm ■ 錶殼厚度:7.5mm ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:美國


商品料號 DGW0070



請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.


( 베르사체 매스티지 브랜드 ) VERSUS VERSACE FIRE ISLAND 패션 손목시계 TRIM:140 mm

BLEED:146 mm

這款以矽膠打造的腕錶,觸感柔軟輕盈,設計靈感源自最能代表 Versus Versace 品牌特色,展現活力的都會風範。包覆錶殼的一體式錶帶以立體 獅頭標誌及鉚釘裝飾 , 錶盤的時間刻度之間則以品牌名稱的英文字母點 綴。附送一個綴以品牌標誌及獅頭浮雕的同色系錶盒。兩年國際保養。 Soft and lightweight, this timepiece is made from silicone and is inspired by the lively and urban style that represents Versus Versace's Signature. The strap and integrated case cover features 3D lion heads and studs, while the spaces between the indices are filled with the letters spelling out the brand's name. It comes with a special coordinated pouch with the logo and raised lion head. It is offered with a two-year international warranty.

■ 錶帶材質:矽膠 ■ 錶殼尺寸:39mm ■ 錶殼厚度:10.4 mm ■ 防水深度:50 米 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:義大利 商品料號 DGW0062



142. French Connection 女仕腕錶套組 French Connection Ladies Watch Set

French Connection レディースウォッチセット

French Connection 숙녀 시계 세트

這款簡約的女士腕錶,來自英國品牌 French Connection,潔白的表面配 以電鍍玫瑰金錶殼及淺粉紅色小牛皮錶帶,充滿少女味又不失優雅。額外 搭配電鍍玫瑰金不銹鋼織網錶帶。 This feminine timepiece features an eye catching white dial set with complementing polished rose gold and pink markers. The sleek shoulder profile coupled with the light pink leather strap pairs well with the polished rose gold case, creating a minimal elegant look. Perfect for your everyday wardrobe. This watch also comes with an interchangeable rose gold mesh strap. Waterresistant to 3 ATM and comes with 2-year international warranty.

■ 錶盤尺寸:32 x 32 x 9 mm ■ 日常生活防水 3ATM ■ 2 年國際保養 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0071



請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.




143. Daniel Wellington Classic Petite Melrose White 女士腕錶手環組

Daniel Wellington Classic Petite Melrose 32mm White Dial + Classic Cuff Rose Gold Small

ダニエルウェリントン クラシックペティート メルローズホワイト レディース ウォッチ&ブレスレット

다니엘 웰링턴 Classic Petite Melrose White 여성 손목시계 팔지 세트

白色錶盤的 Classic Petite Melrose 32mm,玫瑰金金屬網格錶帶與 32 毫 米的錶盤尺寸盡顯大方得體。套裝配以 Classic Cuff 玫瑰金色手鐲,令你 時刻展現優雅、迷人的一面。日常生活防水、材質:不鏽鋼。 Classic Petite Melrose features an eggshell white dial and an undeniably elegant rose gold mesh strap. This watch brings out the effortless chic in everyday outfit. The combo pairs with the small rose gold Classic Cuff to show the elegance in your style.3ATM. Material: Stainless Steel

■ 手鐲長度:15.5cm (S) ■ 品牌:瑞典 商品料號 DGW0064



144. Daniel Wellington 時尚玫瑰金腕錶 Daniel Wellington Classic Black Cornwall 36mm Rose Gold ダニエル ウェリントン Classic Black Cornwall 36mm ローズゴールド

다니엘 웰링턴 Classic Black Cornwall 36mm 로즈골드 손목 시계

Classic Black Cornwall 錶盤氣質卓越,帶全黑色 NATO 錶帶,醒目漂亮, 不愧為我們的 Classic 旗艦系列成員,典雅高貴,恆久流傳。設計時尚、 氣質迷人,是一款適合所有場合的現代 Classic 腕錶。 With its distinctive dial and all-black NATO strap, the Classic Black Cornwall is a true eye-catcher. With a sleek design and a captivating essence, this is a sophisticated watch evocative of timeless elegance that attracts the eyes of everyone you meet. A modern classic.

■ 錶殼直徑:36mm ■ 錶殼厚度:6mm ■ 錶帶寬度:18mm ■ 錶帶材質:尼龍 ■ 品牌:瑞典 商品料號 DGW0048



*注意事項:商品一經使用恕不退換,如需維修 / 售後服務,請先至 DW 官網「問與答」 中查詢維修登記方式。 The goods cannot be returned or replacement once used. Kindly contact Daniel Wellington's website and customer service will assist you directly, if you feel it's a matter of warranty.

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145. ACCURIST 仕女腕錶珠寶套組 ACCURIST Ladies Gift Set

アキュリスト レディースウォッチ&ジュエリーセット

아큐스트 여성 손목시계 주얼리 세트

Accurist 精緻的三件式禮品套組,包括極簡風格的不鏽鋼材質女 錶,錶圈鑲以璀璨水晶,結合銀白色放射狀飾紋錶盤與編織米蘭 鍊帶,另搭配雙圈設計項鍊與同款耳環(針式)供您變換造型, 並附精美禮盒。2 年國際保養。 A beautifully designed women's 3 piece gift set from Accurist including minimalist styled timepiece with stunning stainless steel stone set case, silver-white sunray dial, mesh bracelet and splash resistant. Includes co-ordinating pendant with 45.5cm (18") chain and stud earrings with two interlocking circles-one stone set and one plain. Includes 2 year guarantee. Presented in a lovely mulberry tone gift box.

■ 錶殼尺寸:30mm ■ 鍊長:45.5cm ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 防水深度:3 ATM ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0072



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146. ACCURIST 男士腕錶 ACCURIST Men's Watch

アキュリスト メンズウォッチ

아큐리스트 남성 손목시계

ACCURIST 手錶一直堅持沿用品牌的獨特英倫風格,設計超卓, 性能可靠的手錶超過 70 年。這款時尚且性格的男士腕錶採用槍灰 色不銹鋼錶殼,並配有日期 / 星期顯示功能的灰色錶盤。相襯的 錶帶為手錶加添時尚感。防水深度達 100 米,適合男士日常配戴。 Proudly British with a long tradition of distinctive style, Accurist has led the way in making watches of exceptional quality, style and reliability for over 70 years. This handsome Accurist men's watch features a gun metal plated stainless steel case housing a complementing grey patterned dial with a day/date display. This stylish timepiece is fastened with a matching bracelet and has water resistance to 100m. The perfect wrist accessory to suit any man's daily lifestyle.

■ 兩年國際保養 ■ 錶帶材質:不鏽鋼 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 錶殼尺寸:42.1mm ■ 錶殼厚度:11.1 mm ■ 防水深度:100 米 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0061



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147. SEKONDA 粉杏色腕錶珠寶套組 SEKONDA Ladies Gift Set

セコンダ サーモンピンク レディースウォッチ&ジュエリーセット

세콘다 여성 손목시계 주얼리 세트

SEKONDA 為您獻上此款三件式禮品套組,優雅可人的玫瑰金錶殼結合放 射狀飾紋錶盤與粉杏色牛皮錶帶,並有同款墜飾及耳環供您搭配造型。兩 年國際保養。 This ladies gift set is brought to you from SEKONDA. The watch boasts a rose sunray dial with batons, pink leather strap and comes with a matching pendant and earrings. 2-year guarantee.

■ 材質:合金、牛皮錶帶 ■ 尺寸:26 x 7 mm ■ 鍊長:42 + 5cm ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0073



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148. SEKONDA 運動計時三眼腕錶 SEKONDA Gents Chronograph Watch セコンダ クロノグラフウォッチ

세콘다 크로노 그래프 손목 시계

這款時尚的男裝計時手錶採用玫瑰金色和藍色雙色錶殼與深藍色牛皮錶帶。 配備 24 小時計時碼錶與日期功能,這款運動風格手錶適合所有場合。防水 深度 50 米(5ATM)。兩年國際保養。 This stylish Sekonda gents chronograph watch features a rose gold plated and blue plated two-tone case and dark blue leather strap. Complete with blue dial, outer minute track, 1 second chronograph timing with 24 hour read-out and date function. A sports style watch for all occasions. Water resistant to 50 metres. 2 year guarantee.

■ 材質:合金、牛皮錶帶 ■ 尺寸:43 x 12 mm ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0074



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149. CLUSE 波西米亞系列不鏽鋼腕錶組合 CLUSE La Bohème Mesh White/Silver + FREE Strap Brown クルース ボヘミアンステンレスウォッチセット

클루즈 보헤미안 스타일 메탈 시계 세트

在嚴謹的風格中,隱含淘氣的氣質。以纖薄的錶殼包覆清新的白錶 面,呈現出精緻的簡約設計,搭配前衛不失典雅的金屬編織錶帶, 另外配備經典又帥氣的棕色皮革錶帶,可輕鬆地交換使用。使用洗 鍊的現代經典,定義自己的風格。 Serious style, with a sparkling wink. Sophisticated simplicity makes a subtle statement with a fresh white face framed in a slender silver case. Edgy yet elegant in metallic mesh. Or classic and cool in brown leather. The strap can be easily interchanged. Define your style with a refined modern icon.

■ 錶盤尺寸:38mm ■ 防水深度:30 米 ■ 2 年國際保養 ■ 品牌:荷蘭 商品料號 DGW0065



CLUSE 的故事,訴說著一段關於簡約之美的追尋。遠離喧囂複 雜,沉靜專注於生活中真正重要的經典。來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 的時尚腕錶品牌 CLUSE,以極簡風格深獲全球品味人士喜愛, 靠著獨特而強大的社群行銷曝光手法,並結合高知名度部落客 的喜愛認同,成功渲染出一股 CLUSE 風潮,迄今已在 IG 擁有 40 萬名追蹤者以及百萬名 FB 粉絲。

*此商品售價只包含一只手錶及一組替換錶帶 The price of this watch set includes a watch and a free brown strap. 請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.

150. POLICE "LAWTON" 男裝腕錶 POLICE "LAWTON" Gents Watch POLICE "LAWTON" メンズウォッチ


LAWTON 是一款 3 針時尚男士腕錶,配有 45 毫米的槍色錶殼和 同色的凹凸圖案錶盤,完美搭配棕色皮革錶帶。這款腕錶能為任 何打扮增添時尚魅力。日常生活防水 30 米及 2 年國際保養。 LAWTON is a modern 3 hands Police watch features a debossed dial with a 45mm gun colored case completed with a brown leather strap. This watch brings a touch of style to any outfit. Water-resistant to 3 ATM and comes with 2-year international warranty.

■ 錶盤尺寸:45 x 45 x 13mm ■ 錶帶材質:小牛皮 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:義大利 商品料號 DGW0067



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T h e p e r f e c t b l e nd o f V i s io n a nd Ti mi ng .

151. KOMONO Winston Regal 溫斯頓英倫系列黑調腕錶

KOMONO Winston Regal All Black

コモノ ウィンストンリーガル オールブラック

코모노 윈스턴 리갈 손목시계 ( 올블랙 )

Winston Regal All Black 以溫斯頓英倫系列黑調打造您的黑調時尚思維。這款來自比利時 Antwerp 安特衛普的當代設計 KOMONO 腕錶,精緻耐用,配有黑色錶盤、義大利 Winston Regal All Black 皮革錶帶、日本石英機芯、不鏽鋼錶背與 3 ATM 生活日常防水。 Winston Regal All Black

Think in black with the Winston Regal All Black. Strong and sophisticated, this Winston Regal All Black KOMONO watch features: black dial, Italian leather strap, Japanese Quartz movement, a stainless-steel back and 3 ATM water resistance. Contemporary Think in black with (Belgium). the Winston watches, designed in Antwerp 41 mm.Regal All Black. Strong and

sophisticated, this KOMONO watch features: black dial, Italian

■ 錶徑:41 年國際保養 ■ 品牌:比利時 leathermm ■ strap, 2Japanese Quartz movement, a stainless-steel back

and 3 ATM water resistance. Contemporary watches, designed in Antwerp (Belgium). Diameter 41 mm.

商品料號 DGW0063


NT$Think in black with the Winston Regal All Black. Strong and sophisticated, this KOMONO watch features: black dial, Italian leather strap, Japanese Quartz movement, a stainless-steel back and 3 ATM water resistance. Contemporary watches, designed in Antwerp (Belgium). Diameter 41 mm. 請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service. NT$XXX

Welcome to KOMONO, a community of dreamers and designers dedicated to perfectly timed accessories, and rooted in the Belgian tradition of fierce dedication to quality and craft. KOMONO means

o t epym patches or yrawr ya tw a t scdhan esd aeyewe nd eyewear, ig in Antwerp. C oCnorar t enm ow ra c he adesign r, de s i gn inne ntwerp. twe r p. Contemp an eyewear, eddeesdin AAnd

152. KOMONO Renee 黑色玳瑁太陽眼鏡 KOMONO Renee Black Tortoise Sunglasses KOMONO Renee ブラックタータスサングラス

KOMONO Renee 블랙 토터스 선글라스

剎那即經典! Renee Black Tortoise 黑色玳瑁太陽眼鏡將防刮聚碳酸酯鏡 片、UV 400 防護能力、高品質腳鍊和造型鏡腳等特點集於一身,再搭配 時尚玳瑁款式,是安特衛普(比利時)設計師設計之時尚前衛的太陽眼鏡。 An instant classic! The Renee Black Tortoise features scratch-resistant polycarbonate lenses, UV 400 protection, high quality optical hinges and moldable temples with a stylish tortoise pattern. Contemporary sunglasses, designed in Antwerp (Belgium).

■ 品牌:比利時 商品料號 DGA0040



歡迎來到 KOMONO。KOMONO 是一個起源於比利時狂熱追 求品質與工藝的高尚傳統,專供夢想家與設計師創作最新時尚 潮流配件的社群。KOMONO 意指「小事物」,以及由社群成 員共享萃取文化精髓和追求外型極簡化的豐沛熱情。KOMONO 是您觸手可及的全球時尚代表。

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マセラティ ゴールライン ブラックウォッチ

마세라티 TRAGUARDO 블랙 손목시계

這款精彩的瑪莎拉蒂 TRAGUARDO 男士腕錶,具備 45mm 豪邁大器錶殼, 黑色面盤上如同浮雕般的三叉戟 logo,突顯品牌頂級風範。直線型排列的 計時錶圈與 24 小時顯示,融合玫瑰金色調與黑色車縫牛皮錶帶,在在體 現出延伸自車款儀錶板與內裝皮革工藝的設計靈感,賦予整體既優雅又充 滿動感的時尚風采。錶冠為旋入式設計,欲調整時間需先將錶冠旋開,並 於調整完畢後再次將其旋緊,以免水氣進入影響防水性。兩年國際保養。 防水 100 米。 This MASERATI TRAGUARDO timepiece features an important 45 mm case in black PVD and black dial where rose gold details dominate giving to it the right mix of elegance and sportiness. Characterizing elements are the in-line stopwatches, clear reference to Maserati car's on-board instrumentation and the stitching on the strap which recalls the workmanship of the sophisticated leather interiors of the Maserati cars. Water resistance = 10 ATM. 2 years international warranty.

■ 材質:玫瑰金、黑色 PVD、不鏽鋼 ■ 錶殼厚度:12.4 mm ■ 錶帶:牛皮 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:義大利 商品料號 DGW0068


8,700 請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.

Challenge Time



SWISS MILITARY HANOWA "ARROW II" 남성 손목시계 既復古又優雅的 SWISS MILITARY HANOWA - ARROW II 運動時 計,精鋼錶殼配襯電鍍黑色頂環及一體式精鋼錶帶,配搭瑞士計 時機芯。


An elegant and retro look sport timepiece from SWISS MILITARY HANOWA - ARROW II. This timepiece in a stainless steel case with IP black top ring and integrated steel bracelet features a Swissmade chronograph movement.. Water resistant to 5 ATM and 2-year international warranty. Complimented with a solar torch.


■ 錶盤尺寸:43 x 43 x 12 mm ■ 防水深度 50 米 ■ 2 年國際保養 ■ 品牌:瑞士 商品料號 DGW0076




WWW.SWISSMILITARY.CH 請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.

www.swissmilitary.ch Fashion



155. French Connection "WARWICK STYLE" 男裝腕錶 French Connection "WARWICK STYLE" Gents Watch French Connection "WARWICK STYLE" メンズウォッチ

French Connection "WARWICK STYLE" 남성 손목시계 這款男士腕錶來自英國品牌 French Connection,採用亞光的黑色錶盤並配 上白色的時針和分針。其 41 亳米電鍍黑色錶殼採用獨特的現代設計,以噴 砂處理,搭配黑色襯墊尼龍錶帶,營造出時尚休閒的感覺。 A contemporary 41mm timepiece featuring a matt black dial with white detailed hour and minutes tracker for precise time keeping. The IP black case has a sandblasted finish in a unique modern design, complementing the black padded nylon strap to complete the casual look. Water-resistant to 5 ATM and comes with 2-year international warranty.

■ 尺寸:41 x 41 x 10 mm ■ 防水深度 50 米 ■ 2 年國際保養 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0075




SUPERDRY "REBEL CHALLENGER" 남성 손목시계 SUPERDRY REBEL CHALLENGER 擁有軍裝風格的外觀。其特色在黑色底 座上有深灰色細節分鐘和小時標記,以及在錶盤內加入橙色元素,增加腕 錶的時尚現代感。搭配壓紋品牌綠色皮製錶帶。防水度 50 米及 2 年國際 保養。 SUPERDRY REBEL CHALLENGER, has a military-inspired look with dark grey detailed minutes and hour markers on a black base. Elements of orange are used within the dial to give the watch a sleek modern look, teamed with an embossed branded green leather strap. Water-resistant to 5 ATM and comes with 2-year international warranty.

■ 錶盤尺寸:44 x 44 x 12 mm ■ 錶帶材質:小牛皮 ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:英國 商品料號 DGW0066



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William L. 1985 復古款腕錶

William L. 1985 Vintage Style Calendar

William L. 1985 ヴィンテージスタイル カレンダー

William L. 1985 빈티지 스타일 캘린더

這款指針式復古藍色腕錶完美的平衡了三個錶盤的設計 – 日期、星期、24 小時時間盤, 分別罝於錶盤 6 點鐘、3 點鐘和 9 點鐘位置。 日常防水 5 ATM。日本 Seiko VX9J 石英 機芯。是一款精巧融合復古與現代功能的腕錶。 This well-balanced three counters calendar is inspired from mid-twentieth century watches with two pushers. These are associated with the date and week day functions, placed in the sub-dials at 6 o'clock and 3 o'clock respectively. The sub-dial at 9 o'clock tells time in a 24h format. The perfect combination of functionality and the elegance of the 50's. Japan Made Quartz Seiko VX9J.

■ 錶殼直徑:40mm ■ 防水深度:5ATM(50 米) ■ 機芯:日本 ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DGW0057



William L. 1985 最早由一位名為 Guillaume Laidet 的年輕鐘錶狂人所創 立 ,在經歷過數家最具聲望的瑞士製錶公司歷練後 ,同時受到一款家 族傳承的 50 世紀復古計時錶的啟發,決定發展自已的品牌。William L. 1985 品牌創世的初衷,是讓經典設計、卓越工藝的鐘錶有更多被珍藏的 機會。於是 Guillaume 設計出一系列復古結合現代改良的時計,每一款 作品均是設計於巴黎,製造於深圳。其鐘錶的獨特價值與工藝美學的歷 史就此開始書寫。 This is exactly why William L. 1985 was born: to offer quality timepieces with classic designs for a very attractive price point. For nearly a year and thanks to his many contacts within the watchmaking industry, Guillaume developed a modern and affordable version of his vintage chronograph. Each piece is conceived in Paris and manufactured in Shenzhen, enabling William L. 1985 to compete in this price range.

請保留收據以維護售後權益 Please keep the sales receipt for after-sales service.




158. ÖGON 安全防盜鋁殼菱格紋護照夾(黑色) ÖGON Quilted Aluminium Passport Holder (Black) ÖGON アルミキルトパスポートケース ( ブラック ) ÖGON 도난방지 알루미늄 케이스 여권지갑 ( 블랙 )

法國製優雅菱格紋護照夾。內含 4 面夾層,可讓您將所有的物品裝進一個護照夾裡:15 張 卡片、鈔票、護照、機票、錢幣(拉鍊口袋)和其他文件。RFID 安全防盜功能。終身保固。 Elegant quilted wallet made in France. Two seperate compartments to store everything in one wallet : 15 cards, banknotes, passport, airline tickets, coins (zipper pocket) and other documents. Ideal for everyday use, business trips, holidays. RFID Safe: protection against demagnetization and electronic data theft. Lifetime warranty.

■ 尺寸:13.8 x 10.3 x 3.3cm ■ 重量:199g ■ 品牌:法國 商品料號 DGA0114



159. ÖGON 碳纖維保安鋁製錢夾 ÖGON - Smart aluminium wallet - Carbon Fiber Edition

ÖGON スマート アルミニウム ウォレット - カーボンファイバー エディション ÖGON 스마트 알루미늄 지갑 這款錢包材質輕盈堅固,操作方便,同時提供絕佳保護。單手操作設計,輕按即可打開錢 夾,迅速取用卡片。可容納 10 張卡片與收放現金。 RFID 防盜設計:防止卡片消磁和電子資料遭竊,終身保固。 This light and strong wallet gives a super fast access and an optimum protection. Quick and easy access to your cards. Designed to open with one hand. For 10 cards and cash. RFID Safe: protection against demagnetization and electronic data theft. Lifetime warranty.

■ 尺寸:11 x 7.4 x 2.1 cm ■ 重量:70g ■ 法國製造 商品料號 DGA0095



保固範圍包括產品的材質缺陷或製造瑕疵,若因使用不當、自然耗損(外觀刮傷、掉漆)、人為因素造成損壞皆不在保固內。 The warranty covers defects of manufacturing and/or materials. But doesn't cover unreasonable or abnormal use of the product, damages(fall. shock), as well as the normal wear and tear of the product.

160. CROSS 湛藍風采三件式紳士禮盒組 (含皮夾、卡夾與護照夾)

CROSS Passport Sleeve + Slim Wallet + Credit Card Case


크로스 신사 기프트 세트 ( 지갑、여권지갑、카드홀더 포함 )

這款西班牙皮革手工皮件套組,包含皮夾、卡片夾與同款護照夾。皮夾擁 有八個卡槽,兩個鈔票隔層和兩個多用途口袋。以獨特的藍色調呈現沉穩、 時尚的優雅風範,是您送禮自用的完美首選。 Handcrafted from spanish leather and complimented with a card case, this wallet comes with eight card pockets, two currency compartments and two multipurpose pockets. A passport sleeve comes along as a perfect set.

■ 尺寸:皮夾:11 x 9 cm、卡片夾:9.7 x 8 cm、護照夾:10 x 14 cm ■ 材質:皮革、PU ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DGA0120



原免稅售價 NT$2,810 The original duty free price is NT$2,810


161. CROSS 可替換式雙扣頭紳士皮帶 CROSS Leather Belt with an Extra Buckle クロス レザーベルト & エクストラ バックル

크로스 교체식 정장용 가죽벨트(엑스트라 버클 포함) 這款穩重且流露都會風格的紳士皮帶,以質感絕佳的 Andalucian 皮革打 造,搭配黑色長方形霧面拋光金屬扣頭,並細緻雕刻出 CROSS 字樣;另 附一枚同色系設計師款扣頭,讓您能隨個人喜好變換魅力。皮帶寬度 3 公 分,可裁剪調整長短,腰圍 48 吋以下皆適用,不僅能為您的正式服裝點 綴時尚品味,更是型男們不可或缺的一款風格配件。 This stylish leather belt, crafted in the best quality Andalucian leather features a top quality rectangular polished black metal buckle with a subtle engraved CROSS logo comes with an extra designer black buckle to add attitude to your style. 30mm, cut to fit, and suitable for waist sizes up to 48"(inches). CROSS leather belt is designed to add a touch of style to your favourite formal attire.

■ 皮帶長度:約 122cm ■ 材質:牛皮 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DGA0060



162. GODIVA 巧克力豆 (3盒裝) GODIVA Chocolate Pearls (Trio Pack) ゴディバ チョコレート パール (3 パック )

고디바 펄스 초콜릿 ( 트리오 팩 )

時尚精緻的 Godiva 巧克力豆,品味出眾,讓您任何時候都能品嚐頂級巧 克力的極致享受。內含 2 盒牛奶巧克力豆及 1 盒黑巧克力豆。 Godiva's chocolate pearls are the jewels in the crown of stylish indulgence. For those who need a hit right there and then, simply pop a pearl and feel the delight of quality chocolate. Now available in a pack with 1 Dark and 2 Milk Chocolate Pearl Tins.

■ 3 盒裝 / 129g ■ 品牌:比利時 商品料號 DGR0009



Selected Gifts



163. moshi IonSlim 10K 行動電源 moshi IonSlim 10K Portable Battery moshi IonSlim 10K ポータブルバッテリー

moshi IonSlim 10K 휴대용 배터리

IonSlim 10K 超薄設計,適用市面主流行動裝置(手機 / 平板 / 筆電),支援 USB-C PD 快充協定(可達 30W),可替 USB-C 筆電(例如:MacBook 或是 MacBook Pro)充電,具有一個 USB-C 和一個 USB-A 充電端口,高通用性並 可同時為兩台裝置充電,Dynamic Power Sharing™ 系統,能夠按照優先順 序,為兩台設備智慧分配電流。IonSlim10K 採用高質感的鋁合金外殼、纖薄 的體積與具備先進的功能,絕對是您外出時,隨時保持電力滿載的理想選擇。 IonSlim 10K is an ultra-thin portable battery and supports multiple devices (smartphones/ tablets/ laptops). Thanks to USB-C PD technology (up to 30 watts), the battery can also provide emergency power to a USB-C laptop like a MacBook or MacBook Pro. With both a USB-C and USB-A port, charge two devices simultaneously with Dynamic Power Sharing™, which prioritizes the charging current to each connected device. Constructed using premium anodized aluminum in an extremely slim form factor, IonSlim 10K's stylish design and advanced functionality make it ideal for power users on the go.

■ 尺寸:14 x 7.4 x 1.29 cm ■ 重量:236g ■ 顏色:鈦灰 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,490 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DGE0017



附贈兩條充電傳輸線 Includes 2 charging cables (usb-C & usb-C to usb-A) *購買後即享有 1 年保固, 官網註冊驗證後,延長為 2 年有限保固

164. moshi Progeo 旅充系列

USB 4-PORT 充電器 (35W) +萬國轉接頭組合

moshi ProGeo 4-Port USB Wall Charger (35 W) with Adapter Pack moshi ProGeo 4 ポート USB 充電器 + アダプターパック

moshi ProGeo 4 포트 USB 충전기 + 어댑터

ProGeo 旅充系列 USB 4-Port 充電器 ,附有 4 個高電力輸出的 USB Type-A 端 口,可替手機、平板電腦、數位相機、空拍機、運動攝影機等更多裝置快速充 電。動態電源分享技術能智慧地偵測總電流,內部的管理電路系統能防止過 流、過充,且符合美國能源部第六級效能標準。不僅方便攜帶,插頭為可拆換 式設計,內含適用於美國、歐洲、英國和澳洲的轉接頭,適用於 150 個以上國 家,讓您在世界各地旅行時輕鬆轉換。交流輸入:100-240 V, 50-60 Hz、直 流輸出:5 V/7 A MAX (each 2.4 A MAX)。 ProGeo 4-Port USB Wall Charger features 4 high-output USB Type-A ports to fast-charge your phone, tablet, digital camera, drone, action camera, and much more. Our proprietary Dynamic Power Sharing technology intelligently senses the total charging current to ensure optimized fast-charging of all connected devices. The charger's power management circuitry provides overcurrent and surge protection, and is compliant with the US Department of Energy's Level VI efficiency standard. The travel-friendly charger features a slide on/off plug that can be easily swapped, including 4 different international travel adapters to meet our power needs in over 150 countries.

■ 尺寸:6.7 x 6.7 x 2.8 cm ■ 重量:141g ■ 顏色:白 ■ 參考市價 NT$1,580 ■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DGE0018


1,450 *購買後即享有 1 年保固, 官網註冊驗證後,延長為 3 年有限保固


Selected Gifts




一機在手,溝通無障礙,語言零距離 Crossing Language Barrier with Single Device



165. 快譯通 VT300 雙向即時口譯機


Abee VT300 Voice Translator Abee VT300 双方向同時通訳機 Abee VT300 양방향 동시통역기

LCD螢幕 隨講隨看

快譯通雙向即時口譯機支援 40 種語言,可連續使用 6 小時,待 機 8 天。翻譯速度快速,即使在吵雜環境下也可以辨識。播放聲 音大。且有螢幕顯示翻譯內容與重複播放功能。


播放音量大 超長使用時間 在吵雜環境下,也可聽得很清楚。 內建充電聚合物鋰電池,可待機8天,連續使用6小時。

Supporting 40 Languages with long lasting 6-hour usage time and 8-day standby mode. Fast Translation with Noise Reducing Function for Clear Recognition.Loud Speaker with LCD Screen for Showing Translation and Repetition.

■ 尺寸:115 x 44.5 x 13mm / Size:115 x 44.5 x 13mm ■ 重量:約 69 克 / Weight:69g

全向麥克風智能降噪 全向麥克風加智能降噪技術,在吵雜環境也能翻譯很正確。

■ 顯示器:2 吋、320 x 240 像素 LCD Resolution:2 inch, 320 x 240 ■ Languages:
































Arabic、Bulbarian、Cambodian、Cantonese、Chinese(Traditional、 Simplified)、Czech、Dutch、English、Finnish、French、German、 Greek、Hebrew、Hindi、Hungarian、Indonesian、Italian、 Japanese、Korean、Malaysian、Nepali、Norwegian、Pilipino、 Polish、Portuguese、Romania、Russian、Serbian、Spanish、 Sinhara、Swedish、Tamil、Tanzanian、Thai、Turkish、Ukrainian、 Vietnamese、Slovakia、Danish. 言語:

希伯來語 保加利亞語

アラビア語、ブルガリア語、カンボジア語、広東語、中国語(繁体字、 簡体字)、チェコ語、オランダ語、英語、フィンランド語、フランス語、 ドイツ語、ギリシャ語、ヘブライ語、ヒンディー語、ハンガリー語、イ ンドネシア語、イタリア語、日本語、韓国語、マレー語、ネパール語、 ノルウェー語、タガログ語、ポーランド語、ポルトガル語、ルーマニア 語、ロシア語、セルビア語、スペイン語、シンハラ語、スウェーデン語、 タミル語、スワヒリ語、タイ語、トルコ語、ウクライナ語、ベトナム語、 スロバキア語、デンマーク語。 商品料號 DGE0020


NT$ 馬來語








Ultra gentle care, visibly less static as of the 1st stroke.*

Satin•Hair™ Brush with IONTEC • Natural bristles for extra gentle brushing. • Releases millions of ions at the touch of a button – anytime, anywhere. • Effectively tames frizz and flying hair for tangible smoothness.

Before After

*compared to Satin Hair Brush with deactivated IONTEC.

RZ PG-17-030 Braun Ad Hair Brush Taiwan 200x140 mm V2.indd 1

13.11.17 11:14

166. 德國百靈牌天然鬃毛離子髮梳 BR750 BRAUN Satin Hair Brush BR750

ブラウン サテン ヘアブラシ BR750(ホワイト)

브라운 사틴 헤어 브러시 BR750(화이트)

再也受不了一頭毛躁亂髮嗎?就讓這支天然鬃毛離子髮梳為您隨時隨地解 決困擾!只要輕觸按鍵就會立即釋放活性離子流,打造柔順光澤感,消除 髮絲毛躁。結合天然鬃毛與無縫刷毛,使梳理頭變得輕鬆溫柔,進而達到 保護髮絲的作用。可拆卸的齒梳墊,方便清潔,手提包尺寸特別適合旅行 攜帶。內含兩顆 AAA 電池。 Can't stand frizzy hair? Satin Hair Brush is here to help – anytime, anywhere. At the touch of a button it releases millions of ions to give you noticeably more shine and less frizz as of the first stroke for instant smoothness. A combination of natural bristles and seamless bristles makes brushing extra gentle and thus protects the hair. The removable bristle pad allows for easy cleaning. Its handbag size makes Satin Hair Brush particularly suitable for travelling. Includes 2 AAA batteries for instant use.

■ 品牌:德國 商品料號 DGE0012



Selected Gifts



167. SOUL ST-XS 真無線藍牙耳機 藍芽自動配對

格調時尚 輕盈無負擔

防汗設計 麥克風收音

ST-XS True Wireless Black

SOUL ST-XS 完全ワイヤレスイヤホン SOUL ST-XS 트루 와이어리스 블루투스 블랙 SOUL 真無線藍牙耳機 ST-XS,不只擺脫纏繞束縛的傳輸線,與眾不同 的輕巧設計,打造出真正便利和舒適配戴的真無線耳機,男女皆適用。 ST-XS 採用自行配對功能,只需與手機配對一次,往後便會通過藍牙系統 自動與手機連結,享受您喜愛的音樂和通話功能。體積輕巧的充電收納盒, 可為您的 ST-XS 耳機重複充電 4 次,總使用時間達 10 小時。具備防汗水 功能,一年原廠保養。 SOUL's Truly Wireless earphone, ST-XS, absolutely cable free. Features SOUL's signature sound quality with 2 powerful 6mm dynamic neodymium drivers; its sleek design fits everyone's style. ST-XS comes with an AUTO PAIRING function, after the first paring, your smartphone can automatically connects with the earphones in just a few sec! The compact charging box, allows you to recharge your ST-XS for 4-time, keeps you moving up to 10-hour. Sweat proof. One-year manufacturer's warranty.

■ 耳機尺寸:1.6 x 2 x 2.4cm ■ 耳機重量:4g(單顆) 可更換耳塞 貼合舒適

■ 品牌:美國 商品料號 DGE0015



質感專屬 耳機充電盒

168. Princesses 169. Cars

Oral-B 電池式兒童電動牙刷 Oral-B Children’s battery toothbrush - Princesses / Cars

オーラル B 電池式子供用電動歯ブラシ ( ディズニープリンセス / カーズ)

오랄비 건전지형 어린이 전동칫솔 ( 디즈니 공주 캐릭터 / 카 캐릭터 )

此款電動牙刷是專為 3 歲以上兒童養成良好刷牙習慣而設計,柔軟花狀外放 式刷頭,電動轉頭比手動牙刷提供更好的清潔效果;搭配防滑握柄以及 2 分 鐘智能提醒(刷到 2 分鐘時,牙刷會短停 3 下提醒孩子刷牙時間),幫助孩 子養成愛上刷牙的好習慣。 Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease. Fight it with this battery-powered toothbrush especially designed for children aged 3+ years. It is available in two different colours and comes with two AA batteries for instant use.

■ 兒童迪士尼刷頭 (EB10) ■ 3 號電池 2 顆 ■ 品牌:美國 (迪士尼公主 Princesses,圖案隨機,無法挑選)商品料號 DGE0016 (汽車總動員 Cars,圖案隨機,無法挑選)商品料號 DGE0019



170. 12 年陳年金門高粱酒 Aged 12 Years Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor 12 年陳醸金門高粱酒

12 년산 진년 금문 고량주 金門酒廠自 1952 年創立至今,發揮超過一甲子的精湛釀造工藝 , 獻上「12 年陳年金門高粱酒 」,以「平步青雲」為設計主軸,承襲古法釀造出滴滴 香醇的高粱酒,窖藏於恆溫恆濕坑道中 12 年以上熟成,風味口感圓柔醇 厚,陳香濃郁,綿甜淨爽,隨著吐納波動,品味優雅,感受酒韻、酣暢滿足, 適合與友共享。 Established in 1952, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. demonstrates its superb distilling techniquestecs over 60 years to present "Aged 12 Years Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor. "The main design concept comes from "píng bù qīng yún" , which means "fast track, going up fast track, going up in the world " in Chinese. It's produced by ancient distilling techniques and then aged in tunnel at constant temperature and humidity for over 12 years. The smooth and mellow taste with rich aroma gives you the most satisfaction share with friends.

■ 容量:600ml ■ 酒精濃度:56% ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DWS0005



171. 金酒典藏珍品 Premium Kaoliang Liquor 3 年熟成金門高粱酒

금먼 고량주 소장판

金酒典藏珍品嚴選窖藏各式優質陳年酒基,以酒勾酒的獨特勾調技藝,窖 藏三年淬煉而成之佳作,孕化出極品佳釀,其口感細緻溫醇、陳香優雅柔 和,是值得細細品嘗的入門陳年酒款。金酒典藏珍品於 2016 年首次參加 世界烈酒競賽,在譽為酒界最具權威的舊金山世界烈酒競賽中,獲所有評 審一致高分,榮獲最高品質的雙金牌獎,展現出金門酒廠傲人的釀酒工藝。 Premium Kaoliang Liquor is a blend of different selected batches of aged liquor by special liquor blending techniques and aged for three years. With delicate and mellow palate, it's an entry-level product worth tasting for beginners to aged liquor. Premium Kaoliang Liquor earned highest points from all judges and won highest honor "Double Gold Medal" in well-known "San Francisco World Spirits Competition" for its first participation in 2016, showing the top distilling techniques of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc.

■ 容量:750ml ■ 酒精濃度:56% ■ 陳年年數:3 年 ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DWS0006


1,380 115


未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 Selected Gifts




未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒

172. 麥卡倫絢綠 The Macallan Lumina マッカラン・ルミナ


The Macallan Lumina 麥卡倫絢綠點燃未來的希望,照亮前方的旅途。採 用了歐洲和美國雪莉橡木桶與豬頭桶 3 種不同類型的雪莉桶,獨特的乳脂 香草和木質辛香調,賦予酒體強勁鮮明的口感層次,以及豬頭桶賦予的濃 烈生薑氣息。這一款單一麥芽威士忌溫暖順口、風味強勁、層次鮮明,適 合在各種場合飲用。 'The Macallan Lumina shines a light on future endeavours, illuminating the journey ahead. Matured in three different cask types, European and American oak sherry-seasoned casks and hogshead casks contributes a unique sherry influence which offers a warm and smooth, bold and zesty profile from the distinct notes of creamy vanilla and wood spice, with the kick and depth of ginger from the hogshead casks, making this single malt whisky brilliantly versatile. 41.3% ABV.

■ 容量:700ml ■ 酒精濃度:41..3% ■ 品牌:蘇格蘭 商品料號 DWW0019



173. 麥卡倫琥珀單一麥芽威士忌 The Macallan Amber 1824 Single Malt Scotch Whisky

ザ マッカラン アンバー 1824 シングルモルトスコッチウイスキー

맥켈란 엠버 1824 싱글 몰트 위스키

麥卡倫琥珀-反映威士忌的實際色澤,100% 由首次以及二次填裝的西班 牙和美國雪利橡木酒桶釀造而成。芬芳花香、甜蜜柑橘、香草與麥芽相輔 相成。青蘋果、檸檬與肉桂香合一,緊接生薑與果香,附帶橡木香味徘徊 舌尖。口味適中,連帶著水果和麥芽味收尾,餘韻偏乾。 The Macallan Amber reflects the actual colour of the whisky which is matured from 100% First Fill and Refill Spanish Oak and American Oak Sherry seasoned casks. Opens with a floral, citrus sweet nose. Fresh green apples and lemons mingle with cinnamon on the palate. The finale is light to medium, with soft fruits and cereal, slightly dry. 40% ABV.

■ 容量:700ml ■ 酒精濃度:40% ■ 品牌:蘇格蘭 商品料號 DWW0017



558 麥卡倫釀酒師精選 單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌 50ml * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0002


未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒



未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒

174. 噶瑪蘭經典單一麥芽威士忌 Kavalan Classic Single Malt Whisky

カバラン クラシック シングルモルトウイスキー

카바란 클래식 싱글몰트 위스키

由調酒師精選波本桶、雪莉桶、重裝桶等多款橡木桶,以絕佳比例調配, 經由台灣獨特的亞熱帶氣候淬鍊,於短時間達到熟成、呈現香醇平衡的風 味。採用雪山山脈純淨水源,創造出酒質的順口厚實,是第一支噶瑪蘭單 一麥芽威士忌、亦為相當經典的入門酒款。 Kavalan Classic Single Malt Whisky exemplifies the sheer quality of whisky currently coming out of Taiwan. The skills of Master Blender Ian Chang work with the humid Taiwanese climate to create whisky that is diverse and complex. Fresh and clean, the spirit is rich with silky smoothness and hints of tropical fruits, mango in particular.

■ 1,000ml ■ 酒精濃度:40% ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DWW0013



175. 約翰走路藍牌威士忌 Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whisky ジョニーウォーカー ブルーラベル

조니워커 블루라벨

從世界上最罕有及珍貴的威士忌中精心挑選的約翰走路藍牌佳釀,擁有極 致豪富品位的蘇格蘭威士忌,最適合用以慶賀非凡成就。每瓶均附設專屬 編號,尊貴獨特,無法取代。 The ultimate luxury Scotch whisky, created from the rarest and most expensive whiskies in the world. Johnnie Walker Blue Label makes the ideal gift for celebrating success. Each bottle is individually numbered as a mark of distinction.

■ 750ml ■ 酒精濃度:40% ■ 品牌:蘇格蘭 商品料號 DWW0010


4,680 559 約翰走路藍牌威士忌 200ml * 數量有限 送完為止 * ■ 贈品料號 DPF0022



未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒


未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒

176. OMAR 單一麥芽威士忌(雪莉果乾) OMAR Single Malt Whisky(Sherry Type) オマーシェリータイプ

오마르 싱글 몰트 위스키 (셰리 타입) 「OMAR 單一麥芽威士忌(雪莉果乾)」酒精度 46 度,係台灣菸酒公司 南投酒廠沿襲正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,經橡木桶熟陳 4 年以上 優質酒品,經調酒師巧手調和,展現出綿密龍眼蜜香氣並且融合著芒果、 芭蕉、葡萄、梅子蜜餞等水果香氣,及柑橘果皮之清新香氣。 Non-chill filtered whisky is bottled at strength of 46% abv to keep the best aroma and palate. The blending batch is done with careful selection and marked on the bottle. Golden color of label represents the richness and mellowness of the fruity sherry whisky. Color: sunset brass. Aroma: Longan honey, ripened mango and banana, raisin, plum preserves with woody scent following by the fresh scent of citrus skin and apple. Palate: Sweet with rich fruity aroma. Finish: long, dry fruit, orange cake flavour

■ 700ml ■ 酒精濃度:46% ■ 品牌:台灣 商品料號 DWW0011



177. CHOYA 限定熟成梅酒 CHOYA Premium Umeshu CHOYA 限定熟成梅酒

CHOYA 제한 숙성 매실주 CHOYA 限定熟成梅酒以高品質的紀州產南高梅,特選其中果粒厚實的梅 子釀製。果實的品質數量因年產收而異,因此 CHOYA 限定熟成梅酒的生 產數每年都不一樣。經過三年的熟成,豐潤的酒香和濃郁果香混合一體, 值得您細細品嘗。 Exclusive vintage of the famous traditional liquor, the Choya Premium Umeshu is aged for more than 3 years. It is produced from a kind of "ume" named Nankobai, only cultivated in the Wakayama region, famous for the quality of its fruits.

■ 720ml ■酒精濃度:17% ■ 品牌:日本 商品料號 DWX0009





未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒

cm 14

cm 10

喵的四次元小罐頭 旅行擴充包 Tigerair Taiwan x Kuroro Foldable Travel Bag ネコちゃんの四次元缶詰 折りたたみトラベルバッグ 여행용 보조가방 台灣虎航 x Kuroro 飛行寶物 推出新品囉 !四次元小罐頭,買買不 怕沒得塞。(失心瘋者必備) 小小的罐頭,不占空間造型獨特;拉開罐頭蓋,立即搖身為超實用的 旅行擴充包;材質輕,韌性高,可乘載10 kg重量;拉桿插帶設計, 可輕鬆套置在行李箱上,不易掉落,隨時隨地優雅地shopping! New Tigerair Taiwan x Kuroro products are coming! This small 4D can is great for shoppers. (A must-have for serious shoppers) The little can saves space and looks unique. Pull the can opener to turn the can into a useful expandable travel bag. It's lightweight and holds up well. It can carry 10 kg. You can easily hitch it onto the handle extender and it won't fall. You can always shop with ease and elegance. ■ 材質:100%聚酯纖維 ■ 尺寸:摺收 14cm x 10cm x 3.5cm 攤平 47cm x 27cm x 18cm


商品料號 TSL0026

喵的飛行毛毯 Tigerair Taiwan x Kuroro Blanket タイガーエア台湾 xクロロ フライトブランケット 타이거에어 x Kuroro 냥이의 하늘을 나는 담요 旅行備好尺寸合宜的毛毯,無時無刻享受自在的睡眠;束口袋設計方 便輕巧,不占空間;經特殊水洗處理,毛料極柔軟親膚,好睡到流口 水,可愛的Kuroro伴你進入香甜的夢鄉 ! A suitably sized blanket for you to en joy a good sleep at any time. A drawstring bag design makes it easy to carry and convenient to store, saving space. Pre-washed treatment assures a skin-friendly feel for a perfect sleep. The cute Kuroro Blanket brings sweet dreams. ■ 尺寸:約 140 x 70 cm ■ 材質:聚酯纖維 Polyester


商品料號 TSL0015

Tigerair Taiwan Exclusive



207. 台灣虎航 A320 模型飛機

208. 台灣虎航玩偶

Tigerair Taiwan Aircraft Model

Tigerair Taiwan Plush Toy

Tigerair Taiwan A320 비행기 모형

Tigerair Taiwan 인형

Tigerair Taiwan A320 モデルプレーン

台灣虎航特製航空版模型機—A320 1:150,是您搭機紀念及返國 贈禮的最佳選擇。 Exclusive A320 aircraft model for Tigerair Taiwan. A great gift for yourself, family & friends. Proportion: 1:150, Size: 25×23.4×16cm

■ 1:150 ■ 機身尺寸:25 x 23.4 x 16cm 商品料號 TSL0004



Tigerair Taiwan マスコットぬいぐるみ

台灣虎航特製的玩偶,柔軟蓬鬆的可愛小老虎,送禮自用兩相宜。 25 cm tiger plush with a Tigerair Taiwan logo tag tied around its neck and very soft outer fabric, perfect for hugging and gifting.

■ 尺寸:約 25cm 商品料號 TSL0006



210. 台灣虎航悠遊卡(受託代銷商品) Tigerair Taiwan EasyCard (GOC-I ) タイガーエア台湾 悠遊カード

타이거에어 타이완 이지카드

209. 台灣虎航飛機造型筆

台灣虎航與悠遊卡公司合作推出獨家造型悠遊卡,可愛又狂野的 虎掌,和台灣虎航一起 GET WILD !

Tigerair Taiwan Airplane Pen

★ 本特製卡為悠遊卡公司發行,票種為普通卡,不含押金,恕不 接受退卡及退還售價。

タイガーエア台湾 飛行機型ペン

타이거에어 타이완 비행기 모형 볼펜 台灣虎航特製飛機造型原子筆,辦公家居療癒小物,是搭機紀念 與返國贈禮的最佳選擇!

★ 本卡採空卡販售(可用額度為零),使用前請先加值,詳細辦 法請參閱使用說明。

■ 長度約 15cm

In partnership with EasyCard Corporation, Tigerair Taiwan has launched an exclusive EasyCard with the design of tiger's paw. Let's GET WILD with Tigerair Taiwan!!*The special design EasyCard is issued by EasyCard Corporation. It is an adult card.*The card does not include any deposit. Please add-value before use.

商品料號 TSL0020

商品料號 XXP0001

Office/home healing aircraft ballpoint pen. A great gift for yourself, family & friends.






E D L I E V E M R O Y H 宅配購 輕鬆買 開心購 免提免運 送貨到家 Shop onboard and get the purchase at your place in Taiwan. Ask your cabin crew for more details.



1 洽空服人員 進行預訂服務

信用卡付款 或銀行匯款

送貨到指定台灣各地 (限台灣本島)

宅配購訂購說明 1. 宅配購商品恕不參加機上折扣優惠活動。 2. 訂單出貨時間為 10 ∼ 14 個工作天。 3. 依消保法第 19 條,目錄郵購商品享有到貨 7 天的猶豫期(含例假日)。 4. 猶豫期並非試用期,若收到商品經檢視後發現有瑕疵或任何不合意之 處,請勿拆開使用,並請於七日內撥打客服電話辦理相關退換貨事宜。 5. 退貨商品須為未經使用過之完整新品,並須保持商品本身,與其包 裝、附件、贈品、保證書等所有附隨資料之完整性;如經拆封使用過, 依民法第 259 條,本公司保有要求消費者負起將物品恢復原狀或負擔 部分補償之權利。 6. 寄送範圍為台灣本島,外島及國外地區尚未開放寄送。 7. 商品照片會因為攝影角度光線及印刷等因素可能與實際商品略有差 異,敬祈見諒。 8. 宅配購商品數量有限,售完為止。台灣虎航保留接受訂單與否及修 改、變更活動內容的權利。 若有任何疑問請來信 ttwservice@stdoras.com.tw,或於上班時間 (週 一∼五 9 am-12 pm & 1:30 pm-6 pm)撥打客服專線 TEL:+886-22705-0028


eminent品牌發源於台灣,長期深耕於歐洲,以其精湛的德國設 計及工藝技術,並採用國際知名的100%高科技PC材料做為原 料,多年來獲得歐美國家各階層人士的愛用,其獨特新穎的造 型與設計,更是eminent重視品質的創造力結晶。 擁有它,讓您在旅途上更加愜意與自在。



凡單筆購買eminent商品滿NT$5,000贈送太空人兩用造型頸枕。 (每一個商品料號贈送乙個,贈品以實物為主)

24” 20”


KG65 100% PC Luggage With Protected Cover 香檳色系搭配磨砂質感表層展現旅行的低調時尚品味。 全PC防爆耐衝擊外殼,耐摔、超輕、堅固耐用。 專利設計鋁合金拉桿,堅固防護不易斷裂;360度耐磨靜音飛機輪; 美國專利設計TSA海關鎖。 防爆拉鍊,安全抗爆,防水性更佳。 享「一年保固,五年保修」之服務。

珊瑚粉 (A)20吋登機箱 (B)24吋行李箱 (C)28吋行李箱 54*40*26cm 66*48*30cm 77*52*34cm 3.1kg 4kg 5.1kg NT$ 5,980

NT$ 6,980

NT$ 7,980

28” 珠光咖啡


珠光咖啡 (D)20吋登機箱 (E)24吋行李箱 (F)28吋行李箱 54*40*26cm 66*48*30cm 77*52*34cm 3.1kg 4kg 5.1kg NT$ 5,980

NT$ 6,980

NT$ 7,980


702. Walker Multifunction Backpack 日系百搭丹寧牛仔風設計,多用途出遊/休閒百搭款。 大容量收納空間,內附防撞收納層與多功能夾層,取用方便。 後背夾層專利設計,方便又省力。 防滑透氣S型肩帶,後背輕便更舒適。 材質:滌綸布配牛皮

(A)丹寧後背包-黑灰色 (B)丹寧後背包-藍色 46*35*15cm 46*35*15cm 1.2kg 1.2kg NT$ 1,980

NT$ 1,980



KH91 PC Luggage


經典流線設計展現簡約時尚風格。 專利設計鋁合金多段拉桿;360度耐磨靜音飛機輪; 美國海關專利TSA密碼鎖;嚴選德國100% PC材質耐衝擊外殼。 享「一年保固,三年保修」之服務。

玫粉紫 (A)20吋登機箱 (B)24吋行李箱 (C)28吋行李箱 57*41*23cm 67*46*28cm 77*51*32cm 2.6kg 3.4kg 4.2kg NT$ 2,780


NT$ 3,380

28” 24” 20”

NT$ 3,980

NT$ 9,280

料號 靛星藍



(E)20吋登機箱 (F)24吋行李箱 (G)28吋行李箱 57*41*23cm 67*46*28cm 77*51*32cm 2.6kg 3.4kg 4.2kg NT$ 2,780


NT$ 3,380

NT$ 3,980

24” 20”

NT$ 9,280



Home Delivery



704. 705. 金箔緊實抗皺眼膠 Anti-Age & Repairing Eye Counter

水感完美質地,含有多種修護成分,於眼周延展開時,可快速滲入肌膚,為眼周部肌膚提供滋 養成分,在眼周形成「隱形保養修護膜」,滋潤並帶給肌膚能量,延緩眼周肌齡,精準打擊針 對眼周皺紋、暗沉、鬆弛等老化狀況。主要產品成分:明亮因子:增加緊實度並強化眼睛周圍 部位。金箔:具有抗老化作用,增加肌膚對水分吸收能力與防護肌膚水分流失。玻尿酸:保持 皮膚彈性的功能,還能鎖住大量水分子,幫助肌膚保濕潤滑。蠶絲萃取:增強肌膚緊緻修護功 能,同時幫助肌膚撫平細紋,維持肌膚平滑效果。白金:協助肌膚留住水分子,活化肌膚、促 進有效成分吸收,賦予肌膚保濕能力。 ■ 50ml

DR.KING 達麗金源自台灣,是多年來專注 於僅提供頂級貴婦名媛圈間,口耳相傳的 保養品品牌。DR.KING 強調不添加任何對 人體有害的化學成分, 安全、有效改善弱 敏性和老化肌膚問題,讓肌膚回復自然平 衡的健康狀態。DR.KING 全系列產品使用 來自日本蘊含 95.24%高純度食用級金箔, 經過國際檢驗單位高規格的低敏、無毒與 人體測試,結合用於修護的端粒酶,鎖水 保濕的多胜肽及玻尿酸等多種萃取精華物, 讓使用過的肌膚再現青春潤澤與細緻。

706. 707.

1,750 / 瓶



商品料號 HJS0005

3,000 /2 瓶


商品料號 HJS0006


Ultra Nourishing Gold Toner 肌膚深層補水,在表面形成一道保水膜,豐潤舒適的觸感,隨時隨地創造肌膚內外水合濕潤狀 態。全面提升肌膚能量, 蘋果抗老萃取精華具高度修護力,可幫助肌膚抗皺,淡化細紋,增進 肌膚彈性及質地。酵母萃取,從有機酵母菌萃取,含維他命 B1 和 B6 抗氧化物,可以強力活化 肌膚,減少皮脂產生,維特年輕健康狀態。三胜肽,協同肌膚膠原蛋白增生提高肌膚平整性, 淡化細紋,使肌膚平滑緊緻有光澤。白金,活化保濕。端粒酶激活素,諾貝爾抗老概念,彈力 緊緻。玻尿酸鈉,高效保濕因子,解除熟齡肌的乾燥警報,在皮膚形成透明保護膜,能快速補 充皮膚大量水分超強的滲透及親和力可改善乾燥及皺紋膚質,確保皮膚的柔潤、光滑感。 ■ 120ml


860 / 瓶

商品料號 HJS0001


1,620 /2 瓶

商品料號 HJS0002

708. 709. 金萃賦活滋潤霜

Comprehensive Gold Essence Revitalizer

珍貴黑松露萃取物及多胜肽,另添加維他命 E 及 B5 給予肌膚充足能量,同步抑制黑色素形成 並改善蠟黃肌底。富含玻尿酸鈉與智慧抗敏多醣體,能長效保濕,舒緩肌膚。有機乳木果油與 蜂王漿、艾地苯深層呵護、抗老、保濕滋潤肌膚,從肌底養出柔嫩透白!亮白同時給予肌膚保 濕修復,補水提亮雙效合一。頂級活萃深層修復肌膚,提升肌膚健康。 ■ 50ml


2,080 / 瓶


商品料號 HJS0003

凡購買 DR.KING 任一產品即贈 10ml 金箔抗皺眼膠乙瓶(價值600元)數量有限,送完為止。

3,800 /2 瓶

商品料號 HJS0004

710. 711.

■ 25ml x 5 片 / 盒

商品料號 HJS0009


商品料號 HJS0010


712. 713.

■ 30ml x 3 片 / 盒

商品料號 HJS0007


商品料號 HJS0008


Home Delivery



714. 黑耀彈潤精華面膜

結合芳香療法自然、健康、美麗的保養品 A Pioneer in Infusing Aromatherapy into Natural, Healthy, and Beauty-enhancing Products. 「觀察傾聽大自然,將自然界的奧秘,變成健康美容事業的創新 配方,並呈現在消費者面前」這是佐登妮絲的神聖使命。研發團 隊堅持採用植物原料、尊重綠色居住環境,開發出芳香療法與保 養產品完美的結合。 "Observing and listening to Mother Nature while presenting her wonders to consumers in the form of revolutionary wellness/beauty formulas" is the unswerving commitment and production guideline of Jourdeness. Using only herbal ingredients out of respect for green living. Our R&D team constantly seeks cutting-edge skin care formulas that are flawlessly combined with aromatherapy.


【黑耀極光膜+黑耀彈潤精華膠囊】 ■ 產品尺寸:248mm x 168mm x 36mm ■ (25ml+0.7g) x 6 片 ■ 參考市價 NT$2,200


1,540 商品料號 HKS0004

715. 村上正彥裸光奇蹟無瑕粉底液

716. 村上正彥晶鑽美白雙重奏

美麗零距離,讓你自然不假妝!不用卸妝,自動對色。融合恢復亮采及 修飾膚色成分,維持裸妝質感,不使用化學性紫外線吸收劑,運用物理 性防曬成分,保護肌膚不受紫外線的傷害。獨特的卵磷脂與維他命 E 配 方,讓粉底甩開油膩,輕薄透氣與肌膚結合,讓你的肌膚能夠自由呼吸, 同時在上妝瞬間能夠兼具潤澤保養與防曬,換回肌膚的青春自然光澤, 帶來最佳的好氣色 ! 無添加酒精,無添加香精。

不挑肌膚,適用於任何肌膚,預防反黑保養效果尤佳。此系列採美白精 華液為前導、美白霜續入,啟動肌膚代謝原理,溫和、循序漸進、徹底 有效改善肌膚暗沉及抑制黑色素,預防肌膚反黑的效果顯著。無添加酒 精、無添加香精、無添加凝膠、無添加著色,食用級金箔大量使用。

■ 30ml

1,280 / 瓶

商品料號 HTS0003


■ 微導入金箔美白美容液 30ml + 晶鑽美白霜 30ml ■ 參考市價 NT$2,800 + NT$2,600 = NT$5,400


2,680 / 二瓶一組

商品料號 HTS0007


717. 村上正彥微導入金箔美容液

718. 村上正彥十月春女兒霜(豐華金萃)

提升肌膚保濕度!迅速明亮、細緻,使肌膚更具光澤,適用於任何肌膚。 淡化細紋,使肌膚平滑、緊緻、活化,並達到抗皺、抗老化之效果。

「Made in Japan」創造晶亮透白無瑕美肌,讓肌膚透、亮、有光澤!

■ 55ml

■ 30ml

1,960 / 瓶


商品料號 HTS0001



1,280 / 瓶

商品料號 HTS0008


Home Delivery



719. DNA 活膚精華面霜 提亮膚色、滋潤保濕。含有膠原蛋白讓皮膚緊緻有彈性,胎盤 素讓皮膚細嫩,玻尿酸讓皮膚清新保濕! 使用方法:潔膚後,使用附贈的小勺取適當的量,均勻塗抹在 皮膚上,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。 ■ 30ml



商品料號 HXS0001


720. DNA 緊緻面膜 淡斑美白、提亮膚色、滋潤保濕。 主要成分:幹細胞(濱海剌芹培養液)、DNA-K、EGF(上表 皮生長因子)、FGF 保護成分(黃葵種子精華)、滲透型低分 子寡聚透明質酸、輔 Q10、蘆薈液汁等。本產品是通過調配 名為【Eryngium Maritimum】芹科植物的葉子中的幹細胞製成。 使用方法:取適量本品後,均勻塗抹於臉部, 慢慢產生泡沫, 覆蓋於整個臉部。敷 5 分鐘左右後,用水清洗即可。 ■ 200ml



商品料號 HXS0002


721. 百痛貼 ( 磁力貼 ) 使用最高檔次日本醫用化學品釹磁鐵,磁通密度為 200mT。 可以隨時輕鬆黏貼。 ■ 磁力持續不間斷 ■ 不含任何化學藥品 , 利用天然磁力原理 ■ 黏著效果可達 3~5 天 ■ 貼布本身表面有奈米塗層,使肌膚敏感的人不容易產生紅疹 ■ 注意事項:若有使用心律調節器等植入式醫療電子設備者, 請勿使用本產品 ■ 金/ 84 入



商品料號 HXL0001


722. 723. 健康鍺石手鍊 ■ 男款:寬度 11-12mm,長度可以調整。 ■ 女款:寬度 7.5-8.5mm,長度可以調整。 ■ 內側顆粒為永久磁力高純度 99.99% 以上的鍺石。


4,880 / 單條

男款 商品料號 HXL0002

女款 商品料號 HXL0003











724. 健康鍺石項鍊 ■ 白銀玫瑰金:長度 52cm、寬度 0.6cm ■ 玫瑰金:長度 52cm、寬度 0.8cm ■ 子彈銀:長度 52cm、寬度 0.6cm ■ 內側為永久磁力 99.99% 高純度鍺石、沒有男女款之分。 ■ 日本製

5,380 / 單條


商品料號 HXL0004





Home Delivery




商品料號 HDS0051

寶齡紫草潤唇蜜 12g 長效保濕、 滋養啾啾唇

726. 多元修護防曬霜 SPF50 PA+++(敏感膚質)

727. 歐凱爾天然酵素潔顏粉

寶齡皮膚科研究團隊,研發溫和不刺激配方,且不含香精,適合敏感性、 脆弱性及一般性肌膚使用。特別添加 Tocopherol 能防止肌膚老化;利 用 Retinyl Palmitate 能幫助代謝老廢角質,讓肌膚明亮有光澤。調理肌 膚紋路、撫平細紋、淡化皺紋,使肌膚光滑柔嫩,常保肌膚健康。

■ 產品特色:木瓜酵素可溫和潔淨肌膚上的油汙殘妝,創造晶瑩滑亮肌 膚質感!維他命 E,賦予洗後肌膚的水嫩潤澤,茶樹精油及葡萄柚精油可 通暢毛孔,銀杏萃取有助於滋養肌膚,提升肌膚對環境傷害的保護力!

■ DS 多元修護防曬霜 SPF50(敏感)30ml x 3 條 ■ 原價 NT$3,600 ■ 用途:防曬 ■ 主成分:Zinc Oxide 6%

■ 原價 NT$1,350 ■ 用途:溫和潔淨肌膚 ■ 主成分:木瓜酵素

特價 NT$

商品料號 HUL0001


■ 歐凱爾天然酵素潔顏粉 50g x 2、加贈寶齡紫草潤唇蜜 12g x 1


特價 NT$

商品料號 HUL0003


728. GU- Lumitusi 滿天星投射安撫夜燈 (俄羅斯娃娃+鯨魚) GU- Lumitusi LED Star Projector with Music 俄羅斯娃娃:星星投射功能,最高至天花板 3 公尺。搖籃曲音樂播放,可選擇音 樂及靜音模式。魔幻轉動影像,《奇幻俄羅斯森林》投影片幫助入眠。內建 30 分鐘自動關閉功能;USB 充電後,可使用一星期(每日使用 30 分鐘)。 ■ 尺寸:13 x 13 x 17cm


鯨魚藍色:投射出三種色彩星光並輪流變換。搖籃曲有 3 首古典名曲與海浪,可 調整音量,15 分鐘後自動斷電。整體 45 分鐘後自動斷電。 ■ 尺寸:17.3 x 12 x 10cm

商品料號 HNL0008

■ 2 入一組





729. 730. Hello Kitty 滿天星 LED 星星投射夜燈

GU- Lumitusi LED Hello Kitty Star Projector

Hello Kitty、LittleTwinStars、My Melody 化身為星星投射夜燈,帶來滿天星空。 投射滿天星星到 3 公尺高的天花板。多段式觸控開關,您可自由變化星星色彩 (橘、藍、綠色、自動輪播)。45 分鐘後自動斷電,使用 3 顆 AA 電池能持續使 用 60 個晚上。陪伴您一起置身童話夢境,一夜好眠。

Hello Kitty

■ 尺寸:12.5×12.5×8.2cm ■ 材質:ABS ■ 商品檢驗局安全檢驗合格。 ■ 電池不包含在內裝中。 2 入組 - 任選

3 入組 - 任選






商品料號 HNL0005

商品料號 HNL0006



My Melody

Home Delivery



731. Fujida 時光石醒酒魔棒 ( 附懸掛支架 ) 享受空氣與紅酒完美混合的柔順美味,30 秒快速醒酒 紅酒開瓶後,將醒酒魔棒插入瓶裏或酒杯,特殊設計的氣閥輸入空氣後可產生細微豐富的 氣泡,迅速軟化紅酒中的單寧、減少澀味,讓酒的香氣充份發揮,這種最充分徹底將酒醇 化的醒酒方式,讓喚醒後的紅酒口感更是圓潤香醇、芳香四溢。 ■ 醒酒棒全長約 30cm ■ 醒酒棒氣閥是以 #316 不銹鋼粉末專利技術燒製,可產生細微豐富的氣泡,攜帶氧分子 的細小程度接近奈米 ■ Made in Taiwan



商品料號 HTL0003


732. 台雷醫療級熱敷帶(未滅菌)- 腰帶 ■ 尺寸:腰帶 105.5cm(約 41 吋)


3,980 商品料號 HTL0001



台雷醫療級熱敷帶(未滅菌) 膝帶 / 肘帶 / 腕帶

■ 尺寸:護膝 53cm /護肘 40cm /護腕 39cm 任選 2 項



商品料號 HTL0002


適合輔助舒緩局部痠痛感、促進局部血液循環, 更適合手術後經醫師建議需熱敷保養者使用。

北衛器廣字第 10712019 號 本產品已投保第一產物保檢新台幣 1,000 萬產品責任險

■ 富彈性、穿戴舒適 ■ 半導體複合材料電熱片,自動控溫 ■ 輕鬆輔助緩和局部酸痛感,減輕疲勞 ■ 手術後熱敷復健,需遵從醫師指導 ■ 耐用,可彎折及水洗 ■ IS09001 2004 等多項國際認證 ■ 適用 100~240V 電壓,插電及行動電源兩用 ■ 衛生署核可之第—等級醫療器材

734. 紅薑黃先生超值組 內含:紅薑黃先生200顆+京都版200顆(共400顆) 贈品:紅薑黃先生隨身盒 產地:日本 活動價


735. 紅薑黃先生 紅薑黃為薑黃之王,目前全世界只有日本沖繩 栽種。紅薑黃先生是由天然的紅薑黃粉壓錠製 成,非一般市售薑黃素的化學萃取物,紅薑黃 除了可以調節身體機能和促進新陳代謝之外, 更可以幫助提振精神,為日本現在最流行及港 台演藝圈內名人爭相追捧的營養補充食品。

3,950 /組

商品料號 HYH0004

736. 紅薑黃先生京都限定版 紅薑黃的薑黃素含量是所有薑黃植物之冠。 獨有的天然磨粉壓錠製成保留了豐富膳食纖維和多 種礦物質,使排便順暢、維持消化道機能。 更是現代人健康補給,促進新陳代謝的好幫手。限 定版更添加了京都利休園的兒茶素,雙倍組合讓代 謝更有感。

內含:紅薑黃先生100顆X1 贈品:紅薑黃先生隨身盒

紅薑黃X兒茶素加速代謝孅盈順暢 調節生理機能 養顏美容


日本進口 通過TMS檢驗保證 內含:紅薑黃先生京都版100顆X1



1,000 /瓶 商品料號 HYH0003

贈品:紅薑黃先生隨身盒 產地:日本 活動價


商品料號 HYH0001

1,250 /瓶

Home Delivery



737. 日本 Kamoshika

738. 日本野田琺瑯 White

Kamoshika Ceramic 3 Way Pot

Noda Enamel Stocker Set

土鍋界的多功能商品,一鍋即可滿足煮、 蒸、烤三種烹調方式,激發無限料理創 意。以耐火陶土製成,「鍋子本體」 可以用來烹調鍋物湯品,「蒸盤」 可用來蒸煮蔬菜等各種食材,「鍋 蓋」則可當做淺底鍋直火加熱或烤盤 使用,疊起收納不佔據您的廚房空間。

以圓潤光滑的線條搭配純淨的白色琺瑯,琺瑯 容器可直接於爐火上加熱,或放入烤箱、蒸 鍋,最高溫度可承受 250 ∼ 300℃;樹脂盒 蓋可耐熱至 140℃,因此可直接盛裝熱湯,非 常方便。*本商品為手工上釉,如有釉料較薄 或色澤不均狀況,屬正常現象。


■ 鍋:直徑 18cm(不含手柄)、 25.8cm (含手柄),高 9cm。蒸盤:直徑 17 cm,高 5cm。鍋蓋:直徑 17cm(不含手 柄)、25.8cm(含手柄),高 4cm。

Series 系列密封盒組

■ 方型密封盒(樹脂蓋 0.7L):容量:0.7L、 尺寸:約 12.8 x 12.8 x 8.4cm、重量:約 335g

商品料號 HBE0025

■ 長型密封盒(樹脂蓋 0.38L):容量:0.38L、 尺寸:約 15.4 x 10.6 x 5.8cm、重量:約 245g


商品料號 HBE0026

■ 完全堆疊收納,高約 14cm。


3,750 739. 日本野田琺瑯 POCHKA 系列單手鍋(15cm)

740. 日本柳宗理不銹鋼雙耳鍋(附不銹鋼蓋)

Noda Enamel Sauce Pan

Sori Yanagi Stainless Steel Pot

POCHKA 為俄羅斯文「花蕾」之意。本款鍋具造型渾圓討喜,搭配原木材 質的鍋蓋頭,淨白優雅尺寸輕巧適中,非常適合單身或小家庭使用,是美 感與實用兼具的廚房好幫手!*本商品為手工上釉,如有釉料較薄或色澤 不均狀況,屬正常現象。

日本設計巨匠,榮獲無數國際獎項肯定,旗下作品中最具代表性的不 銹鋼鍋具,採用特殊一體成形,低調優雅的霧面處理與大口徑尺寸, 方便用於燙、煮、滷、燉等各類料理,用途非常寬廣,是廚房中型鍋 具的第一選擇!

■ 尺寸:約 29 x 15.9 x 10.6cm ■ 容量:1.1L ■ 重量:約 610g

■ 鍋蓋:直徑 22cm 、鍋體:直徑 22cm x 高 10.5cm




商品料號 HBE0027

■ 容量:3800ml



商品料號 HBE0017

美國泡麵達人評比第 3 名

742. 小廚師慢食麵 泰式綠咖哩雞麵 道地泰式綠咖哩風味,使用新鮮食材熬煮而成,鮮嫩雞肉與泰國新 鮮小茄子,辣的清爽辣得過癮,乾湯兩吃,隨您喜愛。 ■ 每組 2 箱,每箱包含 x 6 碗


商品料號 HVF0002


741. 小廚師慢食麵 牛肉麵綜合禮盒 採用澳洲進口上選大塊牛腱肉,嚴選原生蕃茄搭配新鮮蔬菜熬煮, 湯頭甘甜層次感豐富。


743. 小廚師慢食麵 菩提白果香菇麵 嚴選八種鮮蔬,珍貴白果與黑木耳、香菇、秀珍菇、金針、筍絲、 花生、豆皮,宴席使用的「珍貴銀杏白果」並「全素可食」,顛覆 素食印象,讓您吃素不委屈。

■ 每組 2 盒,每盒包含紅燒半筋半肉 牛肉麵 x 2 碗 + 蕃茄牛肉麵 x 2 碗



商品料號 HVF0001

■ 每組 2 箱,每箱包含 x 6 碗

商品料號 HVF0003



Home Delivery



Or à chaud ou


871C ou CMJN

20% C 25% M 60% J 25% N


744. 甜蜜時光 & 心動熱戀爆米花罐

745. 法國波爾多拉圖康布蘭堡紅酒(6 入)

CANDY POPPY x LINE 聯名爆米花罐裝系列

Chateau Latour Camblanes

甜蜜時光是專屬於我倆的浪漫禮物!粉色系的夢幻玫瑰鹽口味,清爽不 膩口,更是女孩專屬的口味!怦然心動就是與你甜蜜的熱戀!黑糖的香 氣注入奶茶的靈魂,香滑濃醇的沖繩黑糖奶茶口味,讓人一吃就上癮。

深磚紅的酒色,帶有野生的覆盆子、辛香料及橡木桶的香味,柔順的單 寧及圓潤的酒體結構,使本產品擁有均衡的口感與令人愉悅的後餘味。 2011 年份於 2013 年獲得法國及國際酒展 2 面金牌。

■ 甜蜜時光(玫瑰鹽 60g 罐 x 1)、心動熱戀(沖繩黑糖奶茶 70g 罐 x 1) ■ 保存期限:12 個月 ■ 製造日期:標示於外包裝 ■ 奶素 ■ 保存方式:請放置陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射及高溫存放;開封後未 食用請密封保存,並儘快食用完畢。 ■ 原產地:台灣

■ 750ml x 6 ■ 年份:2011 ■ 酒精濃度:13% ■ 葡萄品種:66% 梅洛、30% 卡本內蘇維翁、4% 馬爾貝克

430 / 組


商品料號 HAF0008

*各年份皆為限定產量,若該年份售罄 將詢問以其他年份代替。

商品料號 HQF0009



禁止酒駕 746.



摩肯 Dr.Save 抽真空機 - 居家旅行收納利器

輕鬆解決食物腐敗問題,幫你延長食品存放期 5-7 倍。140g 超迷你外出都方 便! 居家 / 旅行方便攜帶。沒有複雜按鈕,一鍵瞬間真空,連阿嬤都會用! 無需插電,大功率低耗能,只需 3 顆 AA 電池,就可連續使用 150 分鐘不間斷。 專利真空技術,-66kpa 吸力真空。專利設計抽氣口,可用於多種廠版的收納 真空袋, 一分鐘可抽出 3.5 公升空氣。 產品應用廣泛,可用在食品袋、收納袋、 真空罐(盒)、真空酒瓶塞。 小巧攜帶超方便,只有 140 克好輕巧。 ■ 商品內容:藍色抽真空機 x 1(尺寸:10.5 x 4.5 x 5cm / 重量 140g)、食品 真空袋(26 x 34cm)x 5、收納袋 - 大(70 x 50cm)x 3、收納袋 - 小(60 x 40cm)x 3 ■ 中文說明書一份,加贈 4 個收納袋另外包裝 ■ 食品袋通過 LFGB 及 FDA 檢測,耐熱 90 度、耐寒 -5 度 ■ 使用鹼性 3 號(AA)電池 x 3 商品料號 HZL0001





衣服使用前 衣服使用後 行李箱整理前







747. 748.

749. 750.









365ml x 24 玻璃瓶


1,253 / 瓶裝

商品料號 HPF0006

330ml x 24 鋁罐


1,037 / 罐裝

商品料號 HPF0004

330ml x 24 鋁罐


1,037 / 罐裝

商品料號 HPF0003

365ml x 24 玻璃瓶

1,253 / 瓶裝


商品料號 HPF0005


「啤酒就是生活,而釀出好喝的啤酒是我們一定要完成 的夢想。」金車集團秉持著釀出一杯好啤酒的初心依循 德國巴伐利亞堅守的「純酒令」製酒工藝,以「麥芽、 水、啤酒花、酵母」為基底,將大自然的餽贈賦予啤酒 千變萬化的靈魂,釀出豐富細緻的精采口感。


未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 Home Delivery









商品料號 HPF0001

商品料號 HPF0002


未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒

753. 蝶矢本格氣泡梅酒 The CHOYA Ume Soda 口味升級的 Premium 版的原味梅酒新登場! 100% 萃取日 本最優質的南高梅的營養成分調製而成的梅酒氣泡飲料, 香味濃郁且純天然不使用色素和香料。 ■ 尺寸:405 x 269 x 100mm ■ 容量:250ml x 24 入 ■ 酒精成分:4 度


商品料號 HCF0008


754. 蝶矢氣泡梅酒 Sarari CHOYA Sarari Sparkling 100% 使用來自日本產優質青梅的萃取液。佐上蘇打水和白 蘭地。富有滑順濃郁的口感,每顆氣泡中都包覆著梅子和 白蘭地的香氣。 ■ 尺寸:405 x 269 x 100mm ■ 容量:250ml x 24 入 ■ 酒精成分:4 度

商品料號 HCF0001

原價 NT$2,880



755. 蝶矢氣泡柚子酒 CHOYA Yuzu Soda 使用嚴選四國柚子汁,充滿新鮮清爽的果汁風味。無添加 酸味劑、香料、著色劑和人工色素,因此可以品嘗到柚子 最天然的原味。 ■ 尺寸:405 x 269 x 100mm ■ 容量:250ml x 24 入 ■ 酒精成分:3 度

商品料號 HCF0002

原價 NT$2,880




未 滿 十八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 Home Delivery



注意事項 INFORMATION 重要事項提醒




1. 各項商品圖片僅供參考,商品實際容量、包裝、大小及顏色等,以機上展售實品為準。 Product images and descriptions are illustrative and for reference purpose only. カタログに記載されている各商品の写真はあくまでもイメージです。実際の商品の容 量、包装形態、大きさおよび色調は機内で販売する実物と異なる場合があります。

機上販售免稅品可接受現金、信用卡。實際結帳金額請以機上銷售系統為準。 We accept cash and credit cards for inflight sales. Please consult cabin crew for the exact payment amount shown on inflight sales system. 機内販売のお支払いは現金、クレジットカードにて承ります。

2. 機上裝載數量有限,如您選購之商品未能供應,敬祈見諒。 Due to limited storage on the aircraft, part of the listed stock may not be available. 機内搭載スペースの関係上、各商品には数量に限りがあります。品切れの際はご了承 ください。

現金 Cash 現金 機上販售之免稅品可接受新台幣、美金、港幣、日圓及人民幣。除新台幣外,其他外幣僅 接受紙鈔,恕不接受零錢;現金找零僅限新台幣。 For purchase made with cash, NTD, USD, HKD, JPY and CNY are accepted. All prices shown are in Taiwanese dollars. Foreign currency coins are not accepted. All change will be returned in Taiwanese dollars. 現金でお買い上げの場合、台湾ドル、米ドル、シンガポールドル、香港ドル、日本円及び 人民元のみの決済となります。

3. 本型錄商品以新台幣價格為準,其他貨幣之價格,交易前請向空服組員確認。 All prices are in NTD. For other currencies, please check with cabin crews before purchase. カタログの表示価格は全て台湾ドルとなっています。その他の外貨の価格につきまし ては、お買い上げの際に客室乗務員にお問い合わせてください。 4. 20 歲以下旅客,恕不接受購買煙酒商品。 Passengers under age of 20 are not allowed to purchase cigarettes and alcohol products. 20 未満のお客様は、タバコやお酒などの購入はできません。 5. 商品提供之保固期間,請參考包裝內說明書,並請將購買證明影印與保證書留存。 Some products may have a warranty period. Please refer to the instructions inside the product package for details, and keep warranty with a copy of your receipt for record. 保証期間のある商品は、商品に同梱されている説明書をご参照頂き、お買い上げ時の レシートと保証書を、大切に保管してください。 6. 依中華民國海關規定,如遇航班取消,凡於機場或機上購買的免稅商品,均需辦理退貨 始得出關。 According to the regulations of Republic of China customs, duty-free goods passengers bought at the airport or during flight must be returned before exiting customs if the flight is cancelled. 中華民国税関の規定では、ご利用の航空便がキャンセルになった場合、空港または機 内でお買い求めになった免税品は、すべて返品の手続きを行った上で税関を通過する ことができます。

退 / 換貨及退款條例

AFTER-SALES SERVICE 返品.交換および返金について 凡購買台灣虎航空中精品,請先參閱 tigershop 產品說明,再予以選購! 1. 凡購買台灣虎航空中精品,敬請先參閱『tigershop 台灣虎航機上購物雜誌』 內產品說 明,再予以選購。機上免稅品交易無猶豫期和試用期,產品購買後若非原廠瑕疵因素, 即無法退換貨,造成不便之處, 敬請見諒。 When shopping Tigerair Taiwan duty free products, please refer to the product descriptions inside the “Tigershop Taiwan“ magazine before making the purchases. Buying duty-free goods on the plane has no free examination or trial. Products will not be refundable or exchangeable after purchase unless it is due to defects from the factory. Please understand if any inconvenience is caused.

タイガーエア台湾の機内販売商品をご購入いただく際、事前に『Tigershop 台湾』内 の商品説明をお読みいただいてからご購入をお願い致します。機内での免税品購入に は返品猶予期間と試用期間はございません。商品のご購入後、メーカーによる欠陥を 除き、返品はお受けいたしかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。 2. 若因商品本身原廠瑕疵因素需退換貨,請於購買日起 30 日內,憑收據及完整包裝物品 辦理退貨或退款。相關訊息請洽客服專線 +886-2-2705-0028。 Only products with original defect can be returned for refund or replacement. Passengers must provide original receipts and products within 30 days of purchase. For more details, please contact customer service hotline. (+886-2-2705-0028)

商品に傷等が付いており明らかな不良品の場合、レシートまたはカード利用控えと未 開封のお買い上げになった商品を、購入から 30 日以内にご提示頂き、返品または返 金を承ります。詳しくは、弊社のカスタマーサービス +886-2-2705-0028 までお問い 合わせ下さい。

3. 因誤用、濫用、意外事故或改造以致損壞的商品,台灣虎航將不予受理退 / 換貨或退款。 Due to misuse, abuse, accidents or modified of damaged merchandise, Tigerair Taiwan will not be accepted for any return or refund. 使用上の誤りおよび不当な修理や改造による故障および損傷の場合は返品、交換、返 金はできません。 4. 客戶服務專線:+886-2-2705-0028 星期一至星期五,早上 9 點至中午 12 點,下午 1 點 30 分至晚上 6 點整。 Customer Service: +886-2-2705-0028 Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm & 1:30pm to 6pm Email: ttwservice@stdoras.com.tw カスタマーサービス:+886-2-2705-0028 受付時間:9:00 ~ 12:00、13:30 ~ 18:00 ( 祝日以外の月~金曜日 )

● 美金:機上僅收受新版美鈔(面額壹元不在此限),恕不接受無防偽線之百元鈔、1996 年(含)之前任何序列票號、2001 年版 C 序列及 2003 年版 D 序列票號美鈔。 ● USD: Inflight purchase accept new US dollars with the exception of US$1 bills. US dollar notes issue in or prior to 1996、2001 notes featuring serial number "C" and 2003 notes featuring serial number "D" will not be accepted. ● 米ドル:機内販売においては 1 米ドル紙幣を除き、新米ドル紙幣のみご利用頂けます。 なお、1996 年および 1996 年以前に発行された米ドル紙幣は機内ではご利用頂けません。 また、2001 年に発行のシリアルナンバー頭文字Cの米ドル紙幣および 2003 年発行のシリ アルナンバー頭文字Dの米ドル紙幣はご利用頂けません。 ● ● ●

人民幣:機上僅接受 1999 年版、2005 年版及 2015 年版人民幣。 CNY: inflight purchase only accept CNY notes issued in 1999,2005 and 2015. 人民元:機内販売においては 1999 年、2005 年および 2015 年に発行された人民元紙幣の


港幣:機上恕不收受 2010 年版(含)以前任何序列票號之港幣,亦不接受仟元港幣紙鈔。 HKD: HK dollar notes issue in or prior to 2010 are not accepted inflight. In addition, bills in thousand HKD. ● 香港ドル:機内販売においては 2010 年および 2010 年以前に発行された香港ドル紙幣は 機内ではご利用頂けません。また、1000 香港ドル紙幣、トラベラーズチェックもご利用頂 けません。 ● ●

旅行支票:不接受旅行支票。 Traveller's check: The traveller check is not accepted. ラベラーズチェック:トラベラーズチェックはご利用頂けません。 信用卡 Credit Cards クレジットカード 我們非常樂意提供機上商品販售服務,若因機內限制及找零不便,歡迎使用信用卡消費。 ● 我們接受的信用卡包括 Visa,Master Card 和 JCB。 ● 信用卡交易僅接受新台幣。 ● 每筆訂單限刷一張信用卡,每張卡最大額度為新台幣 8,000 元。 It is our pleasure to provide the inflight sales; and we appreciate your using credit card instead of cash due to limited change for return. ● ● ●

Credit cards accepted are including Visa,Master Card and JCB. Only NTD is accepted for the credit card purchase. Each order can accept one credit card only and the limit is NTD8,000.

機内免税品販売をご利用頂き、誠にありがとうございます。機内でご用意しております 現金のお釣りに限りがございますため、お支払いはクレジットカードをご利用頂きます よう、ご理解とご協力の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 ● 機内では VISA、Master、JCB カードがご利用頂けます。 ● クレジットカードでお買い上げの際は、台湾ドルでの決済となります。 ● 各ご注文につきクレジットカード 1 枚でのお支払いとなります。各カード最大限度額は 新台湾ドル 8,000 元です。 機上銷售恕不接受下列類型卡片 : ●

● ●

現金多功能用信卡 ( 如 Debit Card、iCash Credit Card) 因機上為離線交易,無法取得 銀行即時連線授權,故不收取此種卡片。 非信用卡形式或無磁條可讀之信用卡(鑰匙、手錶、足球樣式等)。 最終交易可收受之卡片,請以機上銷售系統為準。

The following cards are not accepted for inflight purchase: ●

We do not accept cash cards (e.g. debit card, iCash credit card) because we cannot immediately confirm the identification when pay on board. Cards in novelty formats without magnetic stripes, such as key cards, wristwatch cards, and mini football cards. Final transactions are subject to inflight sales system.

下記のようなクレジットカードは機内販売ではご利用頂けません。 ●

多機能キャッシュ・クレジットカード(例:デビットカード、ICASH クレジットカード など)は、機内ですぐにカードの承認が得られないため、機内で商品をお受け取りにな る場合はご利用頂けません。

● カード裏面に磁気テープのないもの。例えばカードキータイプ、腕時計タイプのカード、 玩具類のカードは利用できません。 ● 機内販売システムの都合により、その他ご利用頂けないクレジットカードがあります。




INTERNATIONAL AVIATION SECURITY MEASURES ĺ›˝éš›čˆŞçŠşĺŽ‰ĺ…¨čŚ?範 ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞć??é†’ć‚¨ďźŒĺ‡Ąć˜Żć?­ćŠ&#x;ç›´ćŽĽćŠľé ”ç›Žçš„ĺœ°çš„ć—…厢ďźŒç•śĺœ°ćľˇé—œć˜Żä¸?ćœƒ玥ĺˆść‚¨ĺœ¨ćŠ&#x;ä¸Šé ¸čłźćś˛ éŤ”ă€ č† ç‹€ă€ ĺ™´éœ§éĄžĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ çš„ć•¸é‡?。ćƒ&#x;äť?需注ć„?ç•śĺœ°ĺ…Ľĺ˘ƒć™‚çš„ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ é™?庌。旅厢ćœ‰貏䝝確äż? ć–źćŠ&#x;上賟財äš‹ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ 珌ĺ?ˆç›Žçš„ĺœ°ĺœ‹厜çš„ĺ…?稅é™?éĄ?ĺ?ŠĺŽ‰ĺ…¨čŚ?厚。 é Žĺ˘ƒ中č?Żć°‘ĺœ‹ďźˆĺ?°ç Łďź‰çš„ć—…厢ďźŒ賟財ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ•†ĺ“ ĺ–Žç“śä¸?čƒ˝čś…é Ž 100 母ĺ?‡ďźŒć‰€ćœ‰朲éŤ”ă€ č† ç‹€ĺ?Š ĺ™´éœ§éĄžç‰Šĺ“ 厚器ĺ?‡ć‡‰čŁ?ć–źä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ďźˆ1000c.c.且ĺ?Żé‡?č¤‡ĺŻ†ĺ° äš‹é€?ć˜ŽĺĄ‘č† č˘‹ă€‚ ć–źĺ…śäť–ĺœ°ĺ?€é Žĺ˘ƒçš„ć—…厢ďźŒĺŚ‚ćœ‰ć”œ帜ćˆ–賟財朲éŤ”ă€ č† ç‹€ă€ ĺ™´éœ§ç­‰ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ•†ĺ“ ďźŒčŤ‹ĺ?‘ç›¸é—œäşşĺ“Ąć´˝ 芢ćœ‰é—œç•śĺœ°çš„澡é—œĺŽ‰檢čŚ?厚。 Local customs allow all duty free purchased on board for arriving passengers. However, passengers should be careful to check the regulations in their destination country. It is WHZZLUNLY Z YLZWVUZPIPSP[` [V LUZ\YL [OH[ [OL K\[` MYLL P[LTZ [OL` W\YJOHZL PUĂ…PNO[ TLL[ [OL duty free allowances and the security requirements of their destination countries. Passengers transferring at Taiwan (ROC) are restricted to the purchase of a single item of duty free liquids, gels or aerosols under 100ml, with the items contained in a transparent plastic bag with a capacity of no more than 1,000cc.Passengers transferring elsewhere with duty free items of liquids, gels or aerosols please consult the local customs for more information. ç›´čĄŒäžżă Ťć?­äš—ă •ă‚Œă‚‹ă Š厢ć§˜ă Żă€ ĺ…Ľĺ›˝ĺŻŠć&#x;ťă Žéš›ă ŤćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;朲ä˝“éĄžă€ ă‚¸ă‚§ăƒŤéĄžă€ ă‚šăƒ—ăƒŹăƒź 饞㠪㠊㠎ĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ ă Ťĺˆśé™?ă Œă ‚ă‚Šă žă ›ă‚“ă Œă€ ç?žĺœ°ă Žĺ…?税範囲を事ĺ‰?㠍確čŞ?ă ™ă‚‹ĺż…čŚ ă Œă ”ă –ă „ă ž 㠙。㠔注ć„?ă ?ă 㠕㠄。ćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;ĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ ă Œç›Žçš„ĺœ°ă Žĺ…?税範囲や厉全čŚ?範を満ă &#x;ă —ă Śă „ ă‚‹ă ‹ă Żă Š厢ć§˜㠎貏䝝㠨㠪り㠞㠙。ĺ?°ćšžă Ťă Śă Šäš—り眙㠎㠎㠊厢ć§˜ă Żă€ ćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;朲体牊 㠎厚é‡?ă Ż 100 ăƒ&#x;ăƒŞăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤäťĽä¸‹ă Žă‚‚ă Žă Ťé™?り㠞㠙。㠞ă &#x;〠ćŠ&#x;内㠧賟ĺ…Ľă —ă &#x;ĺ…¨ă Śă Žćś˛ä˝“éĄžă€ ă‚¸ă‚§ăƒŤéĄžă€ ă‚šăƒ—ăƒŹăƒźéĄžă Şă Šă Žĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ 㠯厚é‡?ă Ž 1000c.c. 䝼下㠎é€?ć˜Žăƒ“ăƒ‹ăƒźăƒŤč˘‹ă ŤĺŻ†é–‰ĺŒ…čŁ…ă — ă Śă ?ă 㠕㠄。ĺ?°ćšžäťĽĺ¤–㠎国㠧㠊䚗り眙㠎㠎㠊厢ć§˜ă Żă€ ćŠ&#x;内㠧朲ä˝“éĄžă€ ă‚¸ă‚§ăƒŤéĄžă€ ă‚šăƒ—ăƒŹăƒź 饞㠪㠊㠎ĺ…?ç¨Žĺ“ ă‚’čłźĺ…Ľă ™ă‚‹ĺ ´ĺ?ˆă€ äş‹ĺ‰?ă Ťç›Žçš„ĺœ°ă Žĺ…?税範囲や厉全čŚ?範を㠔確čŞ?ă ?ă 㠕㠄。

ĺ?„ĺœ°ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ ĺ…Ľĺ˘ƒčŚ?厚 DUTY FREE ALLOWANCE

亍夊夊 ĺ?łĺˆťä¸Š眲é ?訂 ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞçś˛čˇŻčłźç‰Š


貨 上ĺ?–


ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞ ĺ…?稅粞ĺ“

眲衯é ?訂 ćŠ&#x;


ćŠ&#x;上čŁ?čź‰ćœ‰é™?ďźŒć?śĺ…ˆé ?訂盥亍賟牊樂蜣ďź

ćœŹĺˆŠĺŠ›ćą‚ć??äž›ĺ?„ĺœ‹ĺ…?ç¨…ĺ“ ćœ€ć–°é™?éĄ?čł‡ć–™ďźŒč‹Ľćœ‰é—œčŚ?ĺŽšč‡¨ć™‚ć›´ć”šďźŒć •ä¸?ĺ?ŚčĄŒé€šç&#x;Ľă€‚ We endeavor to ensure the above information is kept up to date, but the allowances could change without prior notice. ç§ ă Šă‚‚㠧㠯ä¸Šč¨˜ă Žćƒ…ĺ ąă Œćœ€ć–°ă §ă ‚ă‚Šă žă ™ă‚ˆă †ĺŠŞă‚ ă Śă Šă‚Šă žă ™ă Œă€ äş‹ĺ‰?ă Žäşˆĺ‘Šă Şă ?ĺ…?税範囲 ă Œĺ¤‰ć›´ă Ťă Şă‚‹ă “ă ¨ă‚‚ă ”ă –ă „ă žă ™ă€‚ â—? 中č?Żć°‘ĺœ‹ Republic of China ĺ?°ćšž 200 ćž?éŚ™ç…™ćˆ– 25 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 1 磅煙č?‰ă€‚200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 1 lb of tobacco. 紙塝 ă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 200 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 25 ćœŹă€ ĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 1 ăƒ?ăƒłăƒ‰䝼内。1 ç“ś ä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡çš„ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲料。1 bottle (not exceeding 1 litre) of alcoholic liquor 1 ćœŹďźˆ1 ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤćœŞćş€ďź‰ă Žă‚‚ă Žă€‚éŚ™ć°´é Šé‡?。perfume of Reasonable quantity. é Šé‡?ă€‚ĺƒšĺ€źć–°ĺ?°ĺšŁ 20,000 ĺ…ƒ䝼ĺ…§çš„ç‰Šĺ“ ďźˆćœŞćˆ?嚴人減ĺ?Šč¨ˆçŽ—20,000 ĺ?°ćšžăƒ‰ăƒŤäťĽä¸‹ă Žç‰Šĺ“ ďźˆćœŞćˆ?ĺš´ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆă Ż ă ?ă Žĺ?ŠéĄ? â—? 中ĺœ‹ China 中ĺ›˝ ĺ œç•™ä¸?čś…é Ž 6 ĺ€‹ćœˆďźš400 ćž?錙煙。Staying less than 6 months: 400 cigarettes . 中ĺ›˝ćťžĺœ¨ ćœ&#x;é–“ă Œďź–ăƒľćœˆ䝼ĺ†…ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆâ€ƒç´™塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 400 ćœŹă€‚2 ç“śä¸?čś…é Ž 0.75 ĺ…Źĺ?‡çš„酒。2 bottle of alcoholic beverages(each bottle not exceeding 0.75 litre. ďź‘ćœŹ 750ml 䝼ä¸‹ă‚’ďź’ćœŹă žă §ă€‚éŚ™ć°´ é Šé‡?。perfume of Reasonable quantity. éŚ™ć°´é Šé‡?。

â—? ćł°ĺœ‹ Thailand タイ 200 ćž?éŚ™ç…™ćˆ– 250 ĺ…Źĺ…‹ç…™č?‰ćˆ–é›ŞčŒ„ă€‚200 cigarettes or 250g of tobacco or cigars. ç´™塝ă &#x;ă ° ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 200 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă žă &#x;ă Żĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ 250 g。1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲料。1 litre of alcoholic liquor. ďź‘ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤă Žă‚‚ă Žă žă §ă€‚ä¸€éƒ¨ç…§ç›¸ćŠ&#x;附 5 ĺ?ˇĺş•ç‰‡ćˆ–一部ć”?役ćŠ&#x;附 3 ĺ?ˇĺş• 片。6UL Z[PSS JHTLYH ^P[O YVSSZ VM Ă„ST VY VUL TV]PL JHTLYH ^P[O YVSSZ VM Ă„ST ă‚šăƒ ăƒźăƒŤă‚Ť ăƒĄăƒŠă ¨ăƒ ăƒźăƒ“ăƒźă‚ŤăƒĄăƒŠă Żĺ?„ 1 ĺ?°ă šă ¤ćŒ ă Ąčžźă żĺ?Żčƒ˝ă ¨ă Şă‚Šă€ ăƒ•ă‚ŁăƒŤăƒ ă Ťé–˘ă —ă Śă Żă‚šăƒ ăƒźăƒŤ ă Œ 5 ćœŹă€ ăƒ ăƒźăƒ“ăƒźă Œďź“ćœŹă žă §ă€‚


200 支錙č?¸ćˆ– 50 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 250 ĺ…‹ç…™羲。200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g tobaccoă€‚ă€Œç´™

塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆďźš200 ćœŹă€‚ă€Œč‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆďźš50 ćœŹă€‚ă€Œĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Ž ĺ ´ĺ?ˆ : 250 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ă€‚ĺ‡Ąĺš´ćťż 19 歲的旅厢 ĺ?Żć”œ帜 1 ç“śä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡çš„ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲ć–™ (US$400 䝼下 ) 。A passenger aged 19 or above is allowed to bring 1 bottle of liquor (less than 1L & less than US$400). 19 歳䝼上㠎㠊厢ć§˜ă Ż 1 ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤäťĽĺ†…ă Žă‚˘ăƒŤă‚łăƒźăƒŤéŁ˛ć–™ďźˆ400 çąłăƒ‰ăƒŤäťĽ 下1 ćœŹă‚’ć?şĺ¸Żă ™ă‚‹ă “ă ¨ă Œă §ă ?ă žă ™ 。60ml 錙水。 60ml of perfume 2 . ă‚Şăƒłă‚šéŚ™ć°´ă€‚ĺƒšĺ€ź ä¸?čś…é Ž 600 çžŽĺ…ƒçš„ç‰Šĺ“ ďź›ć”œ帜çžŽé‡‘čś…é Ž 10,000 ćˆ–ç­‰ĺ€źĺ¤–嚣é ˆç”łĺ ąă€‚Goods up to US$ 600. Passengers entering Korea who are carrying foreign or Korean currency valued at over US T\Z[ KLJSHYL P[ [V H J\Z[VTZ VŃ?JPHS ă ?ă Žäť–ă Žĺ“ ç‰Šă Żă€ ĺ…¨éƒ¨ă‚’ă žă ¨ă‚ ă Śă ?㠎市䞥㠎 ĺ?ˆč¨ˆéĄ?ă Œ 600 çąłĺ›˝ăƒ‰ăƒŤă žă §ĺ…?ç¨Žă •ă‚Œă žă ™ă€‚ĺ¤–貨㠧 1 万円䝼ä¸Šă Žçąłĺ›˝ăƒ‰ăƒŤă žă &#x;ă Żă ?ă‚Œă ¨ĺ?Œ ç­‰ă Žă‚­ăƒŁăƒŞăƒłă‚°ă Œç”łĺ‘Šă Œĺż…čŚ ă §ă ™ă€‚ â—? ć—ĽćœŹ Japan ć—ĽćœŹ é?žĺą…ć°‘ ( ĺš´ćťż 20 ć­˛ )ďźšć—ĽćœŹç…™ĺ?Šĺ¤–ĺœ‹ç…™ĺ?„ 400 ć”Żćˆ– 100 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 500 ĺ…‹ç…™羲ă€‚ć—ĽćœŹĺą…ć°‘ďźš ć—ĽćœŹç…™ĺ?Šĺ¤–ĺœ‹ç…™ĺ?„ 200 ć”Żćˆ– 50 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ ćˆ– 250 ĺ…‹ç…™羲。For visitors (A passenger aged 20 or above): 400 locally-manufactured cigarettes plus 400 foreign-manufactured cigarettes or 100 cigars or 500g of tobacco.For Residents: 200 locally-manufactured cigarettes plus 200 foreign manufactured.cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco. 外国çą?ă Žć–šďźˆ20 歳䝼上

ďźš ć—ĽćœŹčŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 400 ćœŹă Šă‚ˆă łĺ¤–ĺ›˝čŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 400 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 100 ćœŹă€ ă žă &#x;ă Żĺˆťă żă &#x; ă °ă “ 500 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ă€‚ć—ĽćœŹäşşă Žć–šďźšć—ĽćœŹčŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 200 ćœŹă Šă‚ˆă łĺ¤–ĺ›˝čŁ˝ă &#x;ă °ă “ 200 ćœŹă€ č‘‰塝ă &#x; ă °ă “ 50 ćœŹă€ ă žă &#x;ă Żĺˆťă żă &#x;ă °ă “ 250 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ă€‚3 ç“śç´„ 0.75 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ĺ?Ťé…’粞飲料。3 Ă— 0.75-litre bottles of alcoholic liquor.1 ćœŹ 750ml ă Žă‚‚ă Žă Œďź“ćœŹă žă §ă€‚2 盎ĺ?¸éŚ™ć°´ă€‚ 2oz of perfume. ďź’ă‚Ş ăƒłă‚šă€‚ĺœ‹ĺ¤–ĺ¸‚ĺƒšĺ?ˆč¨ˆé‡‘éĄ?ĺœ¨ 20 ä¸‡ć—Ľĺœ“䝼ĺ…§çš„ç‰Šĺ“ ( 䝼ĺ…Ľĺœ‹č€…çš„ĺ€‹人使ç”¨ç‰Šĺ“ ç‚şé™? ) 。 ĺœ‹ ĺ¤–ĺ¸‚ĺƒšćŒ‡çš„ć˜Żĺ¤–ĺœ‹é€š常é›śĺ”Žĺƒšďźˆ賟財ĺƒšć źďź‰ă€‚Goods for personal use that were purchased abroad with a total market value not exceeding ÂĽ200,000.  When the price of an article exceeds ÂĽ200,000, duties and/or taxes will be imposed on its entire value. 国外市䞥㠎ĺ?ˆč¨ˆ éĄ?ă Œ 20 ä¸‡ć—ĽćœŹĺ††䝼ĺ†…ă Žç‰Šĺ“ ďźˆĺ…Ľĺ›˝č€…ă Œĺ€‹人㠧使ç”¨ă ™ă‚‹ç‰Šĺ“ ă Ťé™?る。 国外市䞥㠨㠯外 国㠎通常㠎ĺ°?ĺŁ˛äžĄć źďźˆčłźĺ…ĽäžĄć źďź‰ă‚’ćŒ‡ă —ă žă ™ă€‚ â—? ćžłé–€ Macau ăƒžă‚Ťă‚Ş 凥嚴板 18 歲的旅厢ĺ?Żĺ…?ç¨…ć”œ帜下述範ĺœ?內的課ç¨…ĺ“ é€˛ĺ…Ľćžłé–€äž›ĺ…śćœŹäşşč‡Şç”¨ďźšA passenger aged 18 or above is allowed to bring into Macau for his own use. 18 歳䝼上㠎斚ĺ…?税㠎範囲

㠯〠個人的㠍使用㠙る㠨čŞ?ă‚ ă‚‰ă‚Œă‚‹ă‚‚ă Žă Ťé™?り〠一人当ă &#x;ă‚Šä¸‹č¨˜ă ŽçŻ„ĺ›˛ĺ†…ă §ĺ…?税㠨㠪ă‚Š 㠞㠙。19 ćž?錙煙〠1 ćž?é›ŞčŒ„ ( ćŻ?ćž?é‡?é‡?ĺ°‘ć–ź 3 ĺ…‹ )〠25 ĺ…‹ç…™č‘‰ďźˆ總數䚋é‡?é‡?ä¸?ĺž—čś…é Ž 25 克。 19 cigarettes or 1 cigars or 25g tobacco (total weight up to25g)ă€‚ă€Œç´™塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ ĺ?ˆďźš19 ćœŹă€‚ă€Œč‘‰塝ă &#x;ă °ă “ă€?ă Žă żă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆďźš1 ćœŹďźˆĺ?„ 3 ă‚°ăƒŠăƒ ćœŞćş€ă Žé‡?㠕。( é‡?é‡? 25 ă‚°ăƒŠ ăƒ 䝼下 )。一兏ĺ?‡é…’粞埡庌䝼厚çŠ?č¨ˆçŽ—čś…é Ž厚çŠ?ç™žĺˆ†ä¸‰ĺ? äš‹飲料。1 litre of liquor or spirits with an alcoholic strength above 30% by volume. 庌ć•° 30を蜊㠙も㠎㠯 1 ăƒŞăƒƒăƒˆăƒŤă žă §ă€‚














â—? č?˛ĺž‹čł“ Philippines ăƒ•ă‚ŁăƒŞăƒ”ăƒł 18 歲䝼上ĺ?Żć”œ帜 400 ć”ŻéŚ™ç…™ćˆ– 50 ć”Żé›ŞčŒ„ćˆ– 250 ĺ…‹č?¸č?‰ă€‚2 ç“śĺ?Ťé…’粞飲ć–™ ( ćŻ?ç“śä¸?čś…é Ž 1 ĺ…Źĺ?‡ ) A passengers aged 18 or above is allowed to bring 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco. 2 bottles of liquor (not exceeding 1 litre each)





1. ć–źčˆŞç?­čľˇéŁ›ĺ‰? 4 âˆź 14 ć—Ľĺ…§ďźˆä¸?ĺ?Ťé€ąćœŤ / ĺœ‹ĺŽšĺ ‡ 旼癝兼ĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞĺ…?稅粞 ĺ“ é ?賟眲獙。

2. é ?訂您揲賟財的ĺ?°ç Ł č™ŽčˆŞĺ…?稅粞ĺ“ ďźˆč?¸ĺ“ ĺ?Šéƒ¨ ĺˆ†ĺ“ ç‰Œĺ•†ĺ“ é™¤ĺ¤–ďź‰丌ć–źćŠ&#x; 上ĺ?–貨。

Please visit tigershop online shopping website 4~14 working days before your flight date.

Shop your favorite products & pick them up on board ! ďźˆPre-order promotion is not applicable for tobacco and selected items.



â—? é&#x;“ĺœ‹ Republic of Korea é&#x;“ĺ›˝

★ ĺ…śäť–注ć„?äş‹é …čŤ‹ĺ?ƒč€ƒĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞĺ…?稅粞ĺ“ é ?賟眲獙ĺ?Šă€Štigershopă€‹é›œčŞŒ For additional information, please visit www.tigerairshop.com.tw and refer to tigershop magazine. ★ č?¸ĺ“ ĺ?Šç‰šĺŽšĺ•†ĺ“ ä¸?é Šç”¨ćŠ˜ć‰Łă€‚ Except tobacco and selected items.

ç°Ąĺ–Ž 2 ć­ĽéŠ&#x;ďźŒç›ĄäşŤçˇšä¸Šé ?訂樂蜣 !



é…?ĺ?ˆć”żĺşœč?¸ĺŽłé˜˛ĺˆśćł•ç›¸é—œčŚ?ĺŽšďźŒĺ?°ç Łč™ŽčˆŞćŠ&#x;ä¸Ščłźç‰Šé›œčŞŒ丌ç„ĄĺˆŠčź‰ĺ…? 稅č?¸ĺ“ é …ç›Žč¨Šć ŻďźŒĺŚ‚ćœ‰éœ€ćą‚ďźŒčŤ‹洽犺ćœ?çľ„ĺ“ĄďźŒć„&#x;čŹ?您的é…?ĺ?ˆă€‚



In accordance with Government's anti-smoking regulations, to display tobacco items is not allowed in Tigershop. Please contact cabin crew for more information on the purchase of related items. ă‚żăƒ?コ㠎賟兼㠍㠤㠄㠌〠ĺ?°ćšžă ŽčŚ?ĺˆśă Ťĺ&#x;şă Ľă ?ă‚Ťă‚żăƒ­ă‚°ă Ťĺ•†ĺ“ ă Žč¨˜čź‰ă Ż čĄŒă Łă Śă Šă‚Šă žă ›ă‚“ă€‚ĺ…?税タăƒ?ă‚łă Žčłźĺ…Ľă‚’ă ”ĺ¸Œćœ›ă Žĺ ´ĺ?ˆ㠯厢厤䚗務哥㠞㠧 㠊申㠗出〠㠊ĺ•?ă „ĺ?ˆă‚?㠛下㠕㠄。

čĄŒ 政 院 襛 ç”&#x; 署 č­Ś ĺ‘ŠďźŒ ĺ?¸ č?¸ ćœ‰ 厳 ĺ Ľ 庡







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