VCHpresents Intimate Moments: Nocturne

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12 & 13 Sep, 7.30pm

Victoria Concert Hall Dance Studio

Supported By


姚晓云 钢琴 张鹤杨 主持人

Yao Xiao Yun piano

Zhang Heyang presenter

肖邦 (1810 – 1849)

第八号降D大调夜曲 Op. 27, No. 2

姚晓云 钢琴


Nocturne in D-flat major, Op. 27, No. 2

Yao Xiao Yun piano

莫扎特 (1756 – 1791) 歌剧《魔笛》选段:“啊,我感觉到了消 逝”

姚晓云 钢琴

Kaitlyn Kim 女高音 新加坡交响合唱团

莫扎特 (1756 – 1791) 单簧管、中提琴与钢琴三重奏 K.498 “保龄球馆”:行板,回旋曲:小快板

姚晓云 钢琴 李新 单簧管 顾冰洁 中提琴

舒曼 (1810 – 1856) 降E大调钢琴四重奏 Op. 47:如歌的行板 姚晓云 钢琴 叶琳 小提琴 顾冰洁 中提琴

郭皓 大提琴


Pamina’s Aria from The Magic Flute

Yao Xiao Yun piano

Kaitlyn Kim soprano, Singapore Symphony Chorus


Andante and Rondeaux from Kegelstatt Trio

Yao Xiao Yun piano

Li Xin clarinet

Gu Bing Jie viola


Andante cantabile from Piano Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 47

Yao Xiao Yun piano

Ye Lin violin

Gu Bing Jie viola

Guo Hao cello

舒伯特 (1797 – 1828)

A大调钢琴五重奏 D. 667 “鳟鱼”:适中的 快板

姚晓云 钢琴

叶琳 小提琴

顾冰洁 中提琴

郭皓 大提琴

杨征弋 低音提琴


Allegro giusto from Trout Quintet, D.667

Yao Xiao Yun piano

Ye Lin violin

Gu Bing Jie viola

Guo Hao cello

Yang Zheng Yi double bass

Yao Xiao Yun

姚晓云五岁起随上海音乐学院著名钢琴教授杨韵琳学习钢琴,后又拜师于上海音乐学院 著名作曲和钢琴教授赵晓生。1995年,年仅13岁就录制了她的第一张钢琴专辑,中国著 名作曲家陈铭志的钢琴小品八首。

1999年,晓云荣获新加坡南洋艺术学院全额奖学金,师从英国皇家音乐学院资深钢琴教 授郁君怡研习钢琴演奏专业。2003年,作为顶尖毕业生,她荣获了英国威尔士大学的 荣誉学士学位。

2004—2007年,晓云在国内和国际的钢琴大赛中多次获奖,其中特别包括:2004年 肖邦国际钢琴协奏曲比赛第三名(马来西亚);2004 New Acropolis 皇家国际钢琴比 赛首名(西班牙);2005新加坡全国钢琴比赛公开组冠军。获奖期间,晓云作为优秀 钢琴人才受邀参加新加坡总统纳丹的接见晚宴并受新加坡前文化部长李文献之邀成为新 加坡公民。

作为一名钢琴演奏家,姚晓云经常受邀于新加坡国际钢琴节,中国音乐节,纽约国际艺 术节。

在教育方面,晓云的学生们在钢琴演奏领域里分别取得了卓越的成绩,其中包括在很小 的年龄就取得了英皇八级,演奏一级二级的优异成绩,有些同时创下东南亚英皇最高分 的记录,部分学生已在各大比赛和音乐节崭露头角,荣获殊荣。

Yao Xiao Yun began her piano studies at the age of 5 under professor Yang Yun Lin and Zhao Xiao Sheng in Shanghai Music Conservatory. In 1995, at age of 13, she recorded her first album, 8 Works for Piano by Chinese composer Chen Ming Zhi.

In 1999, Yao Xiao Yun was offered a full scholarship by Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to study under Professor Yu Chun Yee. In 2003, she graduated as the top student and awarded an honors degree by the University of Wales.

Xiao Yun has won numerous awards including Third Prize in the 1st ASEAN International Chopin Piano Competition in Malaysia (2004), First Prize in the 24th New Acropolis International Piano Competition (Madrid) and First Prize in the Open Category of the Singapore National Piano Competition in 2005. In the same year, she was honored to become Singapore Citizen recommended by former Minister Lee Boon Yang.

As a guest artiste, Xiao Yun has been invited for Singapore International Piano Festival, Chinese Music Festival and International Culture Arts festival in New York.

Besides being an accomplished pianist, Xiao Yun is also a passionate and dedicated music educator with many of her students becoming award-winning pianists themselves.



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