Spirit of AVALON Magazine

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Morgana West

Morgana began her spiritual journey in her late teens, training to third degree inWicca, while studying many other differing belief systems and mystery schools. She lives in Glastonbury, UK, where she welcomes and serves pilgrims and visitors of all faiths.

The Charge of the Great Mother


am the four faces of the white moon at night, And I am the warmth of the red sun at day. I am the green earth beneath your feet, And the black heavens above your crown. I am the song of the morning maiden, And the wisdom of the dark woman of the night. I am your birth, your life and your death and only through me, Can you come to know my mysteries. I am the darkness within your soul and the light within your spirit. Come to me, for I am your mother, take me into your breath. Inhale my power and know that I am always with you. Drink from my cauldron of rebirth and know that always you are my child. Eat from my cornucopia of abundance and know that always I will nourish you. I am the sweet smell of the earth, released as you press me beneath your feet. I am the very breath of air that you draw into your being. I am the dancing fire of passion when love is shared. I am the water that flows through your blood - touching every part of you. I, and I alone knew you as spirit even before you were created, And I will know you even after you have turned to dust.


AVALON Magazine

And by all the elements that are my source, I charge thee: Ever strive for the growth of your eternal soul. Challenge your thoughts and your mind. Let not the worries and cares of your everyday life, Take you away from what you know is your destiny, A destiny that is yours and yours alone, And is my gift that I have bestowed unto you. Act always for the betterment of your brothers and sisters. To strengthen them, is to forge the true chain of humanity. Keep the chain strong and do not weaken in your endeavours,You are my brother, my sister, my lover and my child. I know you by your actions and your deeds, by your thoughts and your intent.You are strong and you are wise and full of the power of life that I have given to you. Go forth into the world in the light of my love. Turn to me when the darkness threatens to overcome you, And turn to me also to share your triumphs. Reach deep inside you and remember I have always been with you, And I will be with you when the last star dies in the sky, And my winter settles over the Universe.


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