S&R Foundation 2015 Annual Report

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EVERY SUPERHERO HAS A STORY A wise soul trains a hungry individual and turns their raw talent into the stuff of superheroes. For 15 years, S&R has been part of that origin story; we are where superheroes learn their own strength, hone their powers, and realize their ability to save the world – if only a part of it. When Dr. Ryuji Ueno and I established the S&R Foundation in 2000, we set out to support talented artists and scientists with a passion for charity, science, literature, or education. Over the past 15 years, S&R’s mission has evolved to not only support individuals working in the arts and sciences, but also in social entrepreneurship, with a special emphasis on international cultural collaboration.

We are very proud of what we have achieved. We have not only transformed the landscape of arts and enterprise here in Washington, D.C., but have impacted sectors globally. From the Halcyon Incubator to the Evermay Chamber, to our awards and speaker series, all of our programs have this in common: they draw together disparate groups concerned with a wide variety of issues – cultural, economic, research, and change processes – enabling them to benefit from small, happy accidents, learn from shared experiences, and profit from a sense of community. In the years to come, we hope to build on our success and grow it exponentially. And we are already on our way.

The 2016 launch of the Studios Program at the Fillmore School received more than 200 submitted applications for the 12 slots available for Phase One of the program. We could not have done any of it without the generous support of our donors and partners. Together, we have struck a chord, filled a need, and pushed boundaries – and will continue to do so over the next 15 years. Warm regards,

Dr. Sachiko Kuno Co-Founder, President & CEO


S&R’s Mission Established in 2000 by Dr. Sachiko Kuno and Dr. Ryuji Ueno, S&R Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. S&R’s mission is to support talented individuals with great potential and high aspirations in the arts, sciences, and social entrepreneurship, especially those furthering international cultural collaboration. In support of its goals, S&R sponsors annual awards programs, hosts concerts and events, and works with its partners to encourage social, scientific, and artistic innovation, and promote cultural and personal development.


S&R’s methodology it starts with an individual

Identify superhero potential

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Award & recognize

Hall of Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 support & incubate

TRAINING GROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 showcase

MISSION: SAVE THE DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 inspire & impact


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


HALL OF HEROES Superheroes are hard-working and never lose sight of their goals. We find those with the most ability and provide resources and recognition for them to activate their powers. Our awards and recognition have enabled recipients to further medical research, pursue careers in the arts, and provide platforms for positive social agendas.


The S&R Washington Award The S&R Foundation Washington Award recognizes talented young artists in any field, especially those who contribute to international collaboration. In 2015, S&R awarded four outstanding artists: grand prize-winning composer Lembit Beecher and winners Luosha Fang (violin), Jorge Mañes Rubio (mixed media), and Jonathan Wintringham (saxophone). Each of these international artists was recognized for his or her dynamism, vision, and exceptional creativity. S&R would like to thank six new members of the Washington Awards selection committee: Jenny Bilfield, Philip Kennicott, Klaus Ottmann, Jason Moran, Caitlin Teal Price, Michael Djupstrom, and members since 2001: Diane Kanca and Robert Dwyer, for their enormous contribution to our longest running S&R program, which has made awards to over 50 artists from around the world for more than 15 years.

“ I strive to compose music that creates dramatically potent yet intimate theatrical experiences, through seductive, quirky, and heartfelt worlds of sound. Though my work spans many genres, including chamber music, opera, orchestral music, and explorations of new technology, at its center is a deep belief in the power of collaboration with other musicians and artists, across different forms of media, and across international borders.”

– Lembit Beecher, grand prize winner


Grand Prize Winner LEMBIT BEECHER composer

other Winners LUOSHA FANG violin JORGE MAÑES RUBIO mixed media, sculpture, photography, installation JONATHAN WINTRINGHAM saxophone


Ueno Award In 2002, S&R Foundation established the Ryuji Ueno Award (commonly known as the “Ueno Award”) in collaboration with the American Physiological Society (APS). From 2013, the award has been presented annually to an early career investigator demonstrating outstanding promise based on his/her research in wound healing, tissue remodeling, and/or organ regeneration. From 2002 to 2012, the award was given to individuals demonstrating outstanding promise based on their research in ion channels or epithelial barrier function. In 2015, it was presented to Hua A. Jenny Lu, M.D., Ph.D., Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass., for her work studying the mechanism of renal epithelial cell regeneration and differentiation during tubular repair/remodeling after tubular injury. Her team takes comprehensive approaches and applies multiple model systems, including in vitro 3D culture, in vivo live image technology, in vitro organ culture/ tissue slice culture, isolated kidney perfusion, mouse models, and zebrafish models to study protein trafficking/epithelial polarity/remodeling in various kidney disease contexts.

“In addition to the research support, I greatly value the prestige of this outstanding award, and I am very fortunate and extremely proud to be an alumna of S&R Foundation.”


– Dr. Lu

Kuno Award Toxic stress is unremitting and unbuffered. it’s unfortunate we are seeing it in so many children today... We see physical and structural changes in parts of the brain that are key for learning and memory. – Sheila Ohlsson Walker, Ph.D.

S&R Foundation’s Kuno Award for applied science for the social good provides financial assistance and other resources to support social innovators using scientific research and principles to address a 21stcentury problem. The award is designed to support the translation of scientific research to a practical and real-world solution that achieves measurable social impact. In 2015, the award was given to Sheila Ohlsson Walker, Ph.D., for her research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Arizona State University focusing on how information from neurobiology, genetics, epigenetics, and endocrinology can be applied to enhance educational outcomes, promote healthy behavior, reduce rates of chronic disease, and optimize health and learning throughout life. Dr. Walker is currently exploring chronic stress and how high-poverty educational and family contexts can affect health and academic performance.


Taking a risk is the only way to produce something truly innovative.

As you can see, our projections allow us to both earn a profit and protect the environment.

Alright team, let’s get to work.

TRAINING GROUND Superheroes have a burning need to right the scales of justice and leave the world a better place. Ours are no different, whether they are empowering girls, creating safe environments for children, or building a sustainable food system. S&R serves as a training ground so that our heroes can grow to meet their potential and use their powers to pay it forward.


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Ari Raz is now selling his High– Pressure Pasteurized organic baby food in stores throughout California and 33 Whole Foods stores in the Northeast.


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people employed



people served


Halcyon Incubator The Halcyon Incubator program, launched in September 2014, supports fearless social entrepreneurs through an 18-month fellowship, which includes a five-month residency period and access to strategic, legal and PR support, mentors, and a network of potential funders. The program provides a platform for creativity, allowing forward thinkers to address 21st-century challenges and achieve meaningful results.

Andrew Foote of Sanivation has opened one of the world’s first human waste processing and briquette production sites in Kenya, creating jobs for over 30 people in the process.

Diana Sierra launched Be Girl products in the U.S. with a Kickstarter campaign, raising more than $50,000 from more than 400 backers.

2015 HIGHLIGHTS The U.S. Small Business Administration selected Halcyon Incubator as one of the premier growth accelerators/incubators nationwide in the second annual Growth Accelerator Fund Competition in August. Halcyon will use the $50,000 prize to strengthen and expand the program.

Mariama Kabia secured a partnership with the Embassy of Sierra Leone, guaranteeing Memunatu Magazine distribution to 16,000 girls in 2016.

Halcyon secured partnerships with Amazon Web Services and Arnold & Porter, adding high-value capacity to the bench of fellow support.

Kate Glantz pitched her venture Heartful.ly, and won the Washington Post’s inGENuity competition, receiving $250K in Post advertising credits.


Halcyon Incubator | Cohort


| spring 2015

PARAM JAGGI Ecoviate encourages a more sustainable planet with environmental technologies designed to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions. In addition, for every product sold or downloaded, Ecoviate plants a tree to reduce carbon in our air. ERIC ELLESTAD & DANIEL KUENZI Local Roots addresses the flawed system that results in the spoilage of over 40 percent of all produce, as well as the produce deserts that occur in many areas nationally and internationally. Local Roots combats this issue by situating in neighborhoods vertical-growing, climate-controlled farming environments housed in shipping containers to ensure that all communities have access to locally grown produce. ANDREW FOOTE SANIVATION is dedicated to improving the overall dignity, health, and environment of urbanizing communities in East Africa by delivering clean, safe, and efficient sanitation services. By providing affordable toilets in homes and at refugee camps, Sanivation works to prevent the thousands of daily deaths from diarrhea and unsanitary conditions. STEVE MOILANEN Solstice Initiative partners with neighborhoods to fully leverage the power of community solar. Solstice Initiative will provide those who either rent homes or cannot afford solar arrays the opportunity to access lowcost solar power through its community hub model.


BRIAN FERGUSON & ALBERT FERGUSON Start Line’s goal is to maximize former inmates’ chances of reintegrating into society and reduce their likelihood of returning to prison. Start Line is an easy-touse website that aggregates myriad organizations, job opportunities, and re-entry programs for former inmates. SAM OWEN Otolith Sound is attempting to mitigate motion sickness, which affects upwards of 40 percent of the population, by building innovative technologies using ultrasound waves. DAVID DEWANE Librii, a network of low-cost, digital libraries across Sub-Saharan Africa, balances digital and physical offerings and uses local partnerships to spread information, knowledge, and culture in the region. AMELIA FRIEDMAN Student Language Exchange has built in-person programs in 32 languages and cultures – ranging from Bengali to Dzongkha to Haitian Creole to Vietnamese – at universities across the Northeast by recruiting and training international students to run semester-long, not-for-credit courses. Program graduates have started social enterprises, launched advocacy programs, built online or in-person language learning communities, and conducted research projects in the region. MARIAMA KABIA Memunatu promotes literacy, leadership, and empowerment for teenage girls in West Africa through a range of educational and fun content delivered via a classroom magazine and teacher’s guide.

Halcyon Incubator | Cohort

KATE GLANTZ HEARTFUL.LY is a wedding registry platform for social good. By partnering with nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and around the world, heartful.ly enables couples, families and friends to fund community development projects in lieu of traditional wedding gifts. PATRICK AYLWARD & CHARLIE GILLIG RemitRight is a real-time fee comparison mobile and web platform for remittances. The company brings transparency and competition to the notoriously opaque remittance industry, making it simple for immigrants to make informed choices and send more money to the people who count on them. SARA MINKARA Empowerment Through Integration empowers blind youth in developing countries to become change makers in their communities. The venture achieves this through an integrated summer camp of blind and sighted youth followed by a social project. SHERRY LACHMAN Foster America aims to build a movement of transformational child welfare leaders by recruiting accomplished professionals and placing them as fellows at child welfare agencies. It also offers training, work experience, and a network to prepare them to lead child welfare reform efforts. DANIEL YU Reliefwatch is a platform for developing world organizations to track essential supplies through mobile phones. Launched in three countries with over 18 million units of medical supplies tracked to date, Reliefwatch has plans to expand to four new countries.


| fall 2015

DERRICK HOSEA ONELAMP Express is a same-day, last-mile clean energy delivery service that enables off-grid households to order solar lights by mobile SMS and receive door-todoor delivery using an existing transportation network. ONELAMP Express targets 85 million people living without electricity access in East Africa. DERWIN DUBOSE & VEDETTE GAVIN New Majority Community Labs (NMCL) is empowering communities of color to identify and solve their own challenges using big data and community engagement tools. NMCL recruits and trains residents to gather data about their communities, share it with their neighbors, and launch community-funded solutions to their civic challenges. PHIL WONG & ANN YANG MISFIT Juicery is reimagining how to use the six billion pounds of produce that go unharvested or unsold in the U.S. each year. MISFIT Juicery takes a portion of those fruits and vegetables and makes cold-pressed juice, working to change the discourse around food waste and what is ugly and what is beautiful. SAGE SALVO Words Liive engages students by incorporating urban music lyrics, social media lingo, and computer programming languages into app-based classroom lessons. Currently in beta, the Words Liive app creates a marketplace for lesson plans and gives teachers the opportunity to earn ancillary income.


Artist-in-Residence The Artist-in-Residence program provides talented artists with opportunities to further their careers. Artists-in-Residence serve as artistic ambassadors for S&R, help curate artistic programming and community engagement, and expand and develop their own artistic practice. In collaboration with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, S&R embarked on its first pilot project for the new Fillmore School with a class violin program for young children. Initiated under the guidance of Ryo Yanagitani and taught by Machiko Ozawa, the program commenced in September 2015 with the aim to bring free violin lessons to under-served children interested in learning a new instrument. A class of six talented individuals, ages 7 to 10, came in for lessons, and ended the inaugural semester with a small performance at Jelleff Community Center in Georgetown. The lessons were a success with both students and parents alike asking for the program to continue. S&R has continued this program with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, and reinstated free violin lessons for students in April 2016.




S&R Foundation selected one of Canada’s most talented pianists, Ryo Yanagitani, as the first Artist-in-Residence, in May 2013. Ryo holds a Doctorate in Musical Arts from Yale University, where he served as an instructor for Yale’s Chamber Music Program. Ryo provided creative direction to the Overtures Concert Series and the Evermay Chamber. He collaborated with the Library of Congress, Washington Ballet, Sitar Arts Center, and Duke Ellington School. His programs often focus on talented high school-aged musicians from underserved communities.

Violinist Machiko Ozawa, an accomplished tango violinist, joins the S&R family as the newest Artist-in-Residence. Machiko received her Master’s degree at the Juilliard School and started her term at S&R in April 2015. In collaboration with Ryo Yanagitani, she has conducted classes and given performances throughout the Washington, D.C., area. She has performed a free concert alongside Carlos Avila at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Millennium Stage, and has collaborated with performances for The Washington Ballet.

on the way To success

Kingfisher Global Leadership Program The Kingfisher Global Leadership Program, a study abroad program for Japanese undergraduate and graduate students, is designed to empower the next generation of leaders with the skills and networks they will need to thrive in an increasingly globalized society. Through a rich series of lectures given by experts in their respective fields, this multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural experience provides participants with opportunities to gain new perspectives directly from leaders at such prominent Washinton, D.C.-based organizations as the World Bank, NASA, and the U.S. Department of State.


Tell me how... Tell me when... Tell me who... ...who I can illuminate?

This is the way it begins, with hope!

Mission: Save the Day S&R Foundation public programs are where mere mortals can experience our superheroes, with support and performances from award-winning visual and performing artists as well as thought leaders with an eye for innovation and iconoclasm. The scope of our public programs varies – innovation, global issues, collaboration – but they all have the commonality of serving as a springboard for change and inspiration.

Swan Lake Collaboration In April, S&R Foundation launched a unique and historic collaboration with The Washington Ballet and staged a new production of Swan Lake featuring the Evermay Chamber Orchestra at the Kennedy Center. The collaboration marked the return of live music to The Washington Ballet’s performance series. It also marked a milestone for the Evermay Chamber, which expanded its size and configuration to perform as a chamber orchestra, featuring many international performers as well as musicians from the Washington, D.C. metro area and throughout the U.S. The ensemble also featured young musicians from the YOA Orchestra of the Americas and the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University. This production was punctuated by the dynamic Misty Copeland and Brooklyn Mack, marking the first time a major ballet company featured two African-American leads in Swan Lake.


She Disrupts In March, Halcyon Incubator convened its first She Disrupts, a conference highlighting the female entrepreneurs, change makers, and rule breakers who are leading innovation and driving impact across the nation. Held in conjunction with Georgetown University’s Beeck Center for Social Impact & Innovation and Institute for Women, Peace and Security, this day-long event featured a keynote by Omidyar Group Managing Director Pat Christen, who has dedicated her career to innovative disruptions in the health field. Christen, along with other high-caliber speakers, addressed how we can encourage and support more women to become impact-driven entrepreneurs.


Evermay Dialogue S&R Foundation once again convened the Evermay Dialogue, a series dedicated to high-level discussions from global leaders, experts, and innovators. The 2015 series focused on terrorist attacks, natural disasters, cyber attacks, and humanitarian and military contingencies in Northeast Asia. This effort was co-chaired by S&R Co-Founder, President and CEO, Dr. Sachiko Kuno and the Honorable Michèle Flournoy, Co-Founder and CEO of a Center for a New American Security.

LIST OF SPEAKERS/NOTABLE PARTICIPANTS Suzanne Basalla Richard Bejtlich The Honorable Dr. Kurt M. Campbell Dr. Victor Cha Frank J. Cilluffo Roberta Cohen Dr. Patrick Cronin The Honorable Richard Danzig Mr. Robert J. Fenton, Jr. Dr. Steve Fetter Nathaniel B. Fick The Honorable Michèle Flournoy Dr. Maki Fukami Mayumi Fukushima Tetsuro Fukuyama Ambassador William Garvelink General Michael V. Hayden, USAF (Ret.)

Ryuichi Hirano Professor Bruce Hoffman Goshi Hosono Aaron Hughes Brian Jenkins Dr. James Kendra VADM Yoji Koda, JMSDF (Ret.) Dr. Sachiko Kuno RDML William “Bill” Leigher, USN (Ret.) Dr. James Lewis The Honorable Jane Holl Lute David Maxwell RADM Michael McDevitt, USN (Ret.) Dr. Narushige Michishita Dr. James N. Miller, Jr. Dr. James Mulvenon The Honorable Andrew Natsios

Dr. Norman Neureiter Kirstjen Nielsen, J.D. Itsunori Onodera VADM Umio Otsuka, JMSDF Harvey Rishikof Nobuko Sasae His Excellency Kenichiro Sasae Greg Scarlatoiu Mark Shaheen Ushio Shiota Dr. Sheila Smith Dr. Anne Speckhard Yuki Tatsumi ADM Nirmal Verma, Indian Navy (Ret.) VADM James P. Wisecup, USN (Ret.) Shotaro Yachi


I’m honored to have been a part of Evermay Chamber...

...I felt a unique connection to the audience in THIS special and intimate space.

Overtures Artist Concert Series Since 2012, Overtures has featured award-winning, world-class performing artists at legendary venues across the D.C. metro area, including the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and S&R’s Evermay Estate. In the spring 2015 season, S&R once again collaborated with the Library of Congress to feature Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra principal flutist Lorna McGhee; Curator of Musical Instruments and speaker for the evening, Carol Lynn Ward-Bamford; and pianist Ryo Yanagitani. In May, the trio explored the ancient history of the flute and McGhee performed on some of the Library’s rare instruments from the Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection. In the fall 2015 season, S&R welcomed its newest Artist-in-Residence, violinist Machiko Ozawa, in a duo recital with pianist Carlos Avila (September 25), as well as performances from the world-renowned Jerusalem String Quartet (October 13), and a wonderful musical partnership with musicians from the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Ryo Yanagitani (October 30). S&R also gave the stage to two winners of the Washington Award, cellist Char Prescott (October 16) and violinist and Artistic Director of Evermay Chamber Tamaki Kawakubo (November 13). In the 18 concerts of the 2015 Overtures series, we welcomed intimate performances from over 40 artists from 11 different countries, truly reflecting the international dimension of S&R’s work.


— Char Prescott Grand Prize winner, 2011 Washington Award

“If kids are exposed to adversity they don’t develop [building blocks for learning] in a normal way.” – Pamela Cantor, M.D.

“my job as a teacher is to help students understand their limitless potential. They can do anything they put their minds to.” – Reverend Dwight Davis

Illuminate Speaker Series A 21st-century salon that encourages the growth of new and bold ideas through passionate and thought-provoking discussions. THE ADVERSITY EPIDEMIC: SCIENCE, SCHOOLS & SOCIAL EQUITY In October 2015, leaders in education, health and social research convened to discuss child development in the face of adversity. SPEAKERS: Katherine Bradley (Moderator), President, CityBridge Foundation | Pamela Cantor, President and CEO, Turnaround for Children | Dwight Davis, Assistant Principal, Wheatley Education Campus, District of Columbia Public Schools | L. Todd Rose, Director, Mind, Brain, and Education Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education | Jim Shelton, Chief Impact Officer, 2U, Inc. | Sheila Walker, Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

you can expect companies to pursue social impact alongside financial impact and not have to sacrifice one for the other. This is a big trend to watch. – Sheila Herrling Senior VP for social innovation Case Foundation

HOW TO PICK WINNERS AT AN EARLY STAGE The November 4 discussion gathered leading investors in the Washington, D.C. region to discuss how they assess risk and find winners in early-stage startups. SPEAKERS: Sheila Herrling, Senior Vice President, Social Innovation, Case Foundation | Todd Klein, Managing Director & CIO, SWaN & Legend | Yanev Suissa, Founder, SineWave Ventures | Tien Wong, Chairman & CEO, Tech 2000, Inc.



pounds of coffee consumed


supervillain attacks thwarted

2015 was a watershed year for S&R. With the help of our partners and supporters, we made great leaps in furthering our goals to inspire innovation and empower excellence. This year alone, our impact went far beyond the $328,920 awarded to individuals, the 25 awards presented, or the 70,000 people impacted by Halcyon ventures. It was measured in the people we inspired and the communities we helped globally.




S&R purchased the Fillmore School building from the George Washington University in April. The new space will allow S&R to launch its latest venture, a fellowship program to support emerging artists who are creating social change through art. Synthesizing the learnings and successes of Halcyon, the program will provide workspace, mentorship, professional development, business skills, community project opportunities, and platforms to help artists amplify their critical message to a broad audience. The Fillmore School will become a new haven and laboratory for creativity, critical thinking, and innovation in the arts.

In celebration of S&R Foundation’s 15th anniversary, S&R held an inaugural alumni weekend in July, bringing together past and present Washington Award winners, Ueno Award winners, and Halcyon Incubator Fellows. This diverse group of artists, scientists, and social entrepreneurs actively participated in a variety of outreach events at local Boys & Girls Clubs, the DC Youth Orchestra Program, Imagination Stage, Hirshhorn’s ArtLab+, and the Kennedy Center, to name a few. Alumni also had a full-day retreat at the Fillmore School for both moderated and free discussion to stimulate innovative thought in their respective fields.




vending machine injuries


awards presented since inception


social enterprises supported

2015 Expenses


Supporting Services


Program expenses


Contributions $2,043,035

Program Services

Miscellaneous $10,106 In-Kind Donations $1,419,297

Grants & Awards $452,546 Arts Programs $701,799 Events $228,019 Halcyon Dialogue $201,748



Supporting Services Kingfisher Global Leadership Program $86,783 International Institute of Global Resilience $308,548 Halcyon Incubator/ Illuminate $1,449,172

Total Program Expenses

$3.4M+ awarded since inception


people impacted by Halcyon ventures in 2015

Donor contributions to S&R Foundation go directly to funding its programs. Overhead and general operational costs are covered by founders’ contributions and use of existing assets. Despite this, S&R works diligently to maximize direct support and programmatic impact, and we’re pleased to report that our core operational costs dropped seven percent from 2014.


Events Income $254,505


jobs created by social enterprises




General & Administrative $547,737



Sachiko Kuno, Ph.D. President

Sachiko Kuno, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer

Marianne F. Chaconas Vice President Douglas W. Charnas Secretary/Treasurer

Honorary Board Ami Aronson Christopher B. Denby Debbie Driesman Samuel Gottesman Mark McFadden David T. Menachery Gouri Mipuri Victoria Sant Courtney Straus Silvia Taylor

Kate Goodall Chief Operating Officer Kei Tolliver Assistant Secretary & Treasurer, Director of Operations Karina Burger Office Coordinator Shreena Patel Marketing & Communications Manager David Corson Director of Events Danielle Reed Special Projects Coordinator Will Hiley Director, Estate Management

Anton Kurnosov Assistant Estate Manager Jeremy Ney Program Manager, Arts Programs Lisa Oberstoetter Program Coordinator, Halcyon Incubator

SUPPORTERS ALLIANCE SPONSOR All Nippon Airways Arnold & Porter, LLP Capital One Deloitte

Machiko Ozawa Artist-in-Residence

Sachiko Kuno, Ph.D.

Yuri Chayama Arts Program Coordinator

Small Business Administration

Ryan Ross Program Manager, Halcyon Incubator Ryo Yanagitani Artist-in-Residence Takayo Katayama Intern Ayako Tobita Intern

R-Tech Ueno, LTD

Anonymous Bernstein Family Foundation Drs. John Cuppoletti & Danuta H. Malinowska

Hilda Ochoa & Arturo Brillembourg Kahlil Byrd Capitol Kettle Corn & Lemonade Love Castro & Haase+Brown

Diane & Robert Dwyer

Julie A. Chase

Emmanuel J. Friedman Philanthropies

Computer Showcase

Tammie Collins

Robert Hisaoka

Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell

S&R Technology Holdings, LLC

HR Sage

Caroline Cunningham

Sucampo Pharmaceuticals

OBXtek Inc.


RDV Vineyards

Pamela & Chris Denby

Ryuji Ueno, M.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.

Rill Architects



Debbie Driesman & Frank Islam Goldman Sachs & Co. Sage Communications

Saks Fifth Avenue Washington Fine Properties

SUPPORTER American Physiological Society Julie Andrews

Dolci Gelati, LLC Drink Right Embassy of Japan Nancy Folger Suzanne Kim Doud Galli Glenfiddich Neal Grunstra

U.S. Trust/Bank of America

The Audio Edge, LLC

ITOCHU International Inc.

Bacchus Wine Cellar


Juliet Jesson

Bank of TokyoMitsubishi

Jodi Macklin Interior Designs

Stephanie J. Benefield

Keiko & Steven Kaplan

Michael Berkman

Kay Kendall

Nathaniel Bishop

Kunio D. Kikuchi

JP Morgan Chase KPMG Martha Washington Straus & Harry H. Straus Foundation Lyn & Mark McFadden



Tandem Legal Group, LLC

Shigeko Bork

Christopher T. Kiple


Jennie Buehler

Emma Dockery

Christina Hanke

Cindi Lackey

Samantha Abrams

Andrew Bulmer

Michelle Harburg

Eve & William Lilley

Faisal Alenezi

Stacy Burka

Judy & Gayle Dolecek

Mark Lowham

Sia Anagnostou

Karen Campbell


Robert Anders & Atsuko Blevins

Hannah V. Carey

David Menachery Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, LTD Timothy Owens Nancy & Ellis Parker Perfect Settings Peruvian Brothers Peterson & Collins Inc.

Brandon Anderson Joel Ang Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater

Teresa Carlson Connie Carter Margaret Carvin Edwin Chapman Daniel Chiville

John Arundel

George Chopivsky

Keishaa Austin

City Perch Kitchen + Bar

Jennifer Carey Bak Caroline Baker

Piano Craft

Amy Ballard

Carl Pierre

Leonard N. Bebchick

Thomas Reckford

Shelby Benkert

Rita Roy

Joseph Berger


Tracy M. Bernstein

Shake Shack

Robin A. Berrington

St. Clair Advisors, LLC

Elizabeth Bizic

Toyota Motor North America Inc.

Richard Bobo

Carol Trawick

Dr. Ann Bonham

Urban Network Inc.

Donald Borut

Katarina Weir

Clara Brillembourg

XML Insurance Group

Brenda Brody

David Yao

Constance & Michael Broomfield

Penny Bonda

Buck’s Fishing & Camping

Rhum Clement Clyde’s Restaurant Group Jay Cohen Comet Ping Pong

Lawrence Dunham Margaret & David F. Dunning

Elizabeth Klass

Ivy & Horace Howells

Vance Knapp

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Emes, Jr.

Ike Behar Georgetown, LLC

Mary C. Kopper

Ronda Esser

Katsuyuki Imamura

El Kuti

Gladys & Thomas Ettinger

Laurence Jarvik

Faye Laing

Stephanie Fischer

Christopher Johnston

Philippe Lanier

Flendalough Distillery

Anne-Lise Jones

Sallie H. Forman & Jonah Gitlitz

Conrad Jorgenson

Francis Lawn Service

Yumiko Kaizuka

Yoko Eguchi & Jacques Sirvain

Lynne Gallagher

Lizette Corro

Andrew Gelston

Nan Coughlin

Georgetown Cupcakes

Dean & Deluca Margaret E. Degnon Anastasia Dellaccio Diamondback Brewing Company

Evelyn Hirsch Rodney Hood

Massimo Dutti

Milton Corn

Johan De Bruijn

Daniel Heininger Dr. Marguerite Kingston

Kathleen Frankle, DDS

Isabel Cutler

Gertraud Hechl

Frances Holuba

Community Foundation for the National Capital Region

James Crenshaw

Thank you for supporting tomorrow’s superheroes!

Amelia Carmen Friedman

Lillian Jorgenson Mrs. Sumiko & Dr. Junichi Kambayashi Yuji Kaneko Patrick Kastein Natsuko Kato Kathy & Richard Katz Randy & Russell Katz

Douglas Gill

Henrietta Keller

Andrew Gilpin

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Robert Groshon Ursula Guerrieri Ghazaleh Hafizi Kenji Hamaguchi

Jason Kuller

David Lawson Barbara S. Levitt Samuel Lindo Wendy Luke Ellen & Gary Macdonald Kathryn Martel Sher Mathew Diana Mayhew Dorian Mazurkevich Michael Mccarthy Camilla McCaslin David J. McPherson Beth Mendelson

Joan Keston & Hugh Grindstaff

Amy A. Millen

Andrea & James Kiernan

Richard Morris

Sumiko Mori Yoko Moskowitz


Evelyn Hirsch

Dr. George Packard

Anne-Lise Jones

Susan Papadopoulos

Robert Anders & Atsuko Blevins

Conrad Jorgenson

Nancy & Ellis Parker Daniel Price

Anne Sabloff

Honorable Harry Thayer

Joel Ang

Lillian Jorgenson Yumiko Kaizuka

Tim Price

Carlos A. Saenz

Dion Trahan

Amy Ballard

Mrs. Sumiko & Dr. Junichi Kambayashi

Nancy A. Regan

Carrie Sarver

Rebecca Truxall

Leonard N. Bebchick

Tazuko Schmitz

Angus H. Twombly

Elizabeth Bizic

Katrin Schulz

Shinichiro Uemiya

Penny Bonda

Scott M. Prichett

Maiko Ueno

Dr. Ann Bonham

Michael Sellers

Nima Veiseh

Luis Serrat

Robert Vom Eigen

Constance & Michael Broomfield

Shakespeare Theatre Company

Millicent Wasell

Edwin Chapman

Washington Institute for Dentistry

Lizette Corro

Hallie Sherard

Nan Coughlin

Tim Sidie

David Wellborg

Isabel Cutler

Jane Siena

Kate Wharton

Judy & Gayle Dolecek

Daniel B. Silver

Leslie Whipkey

Elizabeth Klass

Brandon Smith

Whole Foods Market Georgetown

Margaret & David F. Dunning Yoko Eguchi & Jacques Sirvain

Ellen & Gary Macdonald

Victoria Reis

Barbara Szoradi

Takashi Muragaki

Renaissance Dupont Hotel

Ali Tatari

Raymond Murakami Hiroshi Naka Junko Nakayama Michael Niksa Jun Nitta Ann & William Nitze Melissa Nowak Jim Oconnor Jennifer Oehme Laura Ogden Mariko Oka Elena & Bob Olson Todd O’Neil Michael Orfini Dr. George Packard Raymond Panas Susan Papadopoulos Alma & John C. Paty III Pamela & Malcom Peabody Alexander Pelzer Phillip’s Collection Daniel Price Tim Price Ella Rakitin Abby Reeg Nancy A. Regan



Jaclyn Mottola

Kate Rice Joy Robertson

Laura Gail Smith Sona Creamery & Wine Bar Paige Speyer

Silvia Taylor Abraham Taylor

Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts

Kyle Spiegel

Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company

Gary Stevens

Ann Yonemura

MK Stinson

Natasha Yousaf

Flo & Roger Stone

Fred Zafran

Donna Stowe

Daniel Zanger

Elizabeth Streicher & Lionel Epstein

Caroline Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Emes, Jr. Ronda Esser Gladys & Thomas Ettinger

Keiko & Steven Kaplan Patrick Kastein Kathy & Richard Katz Randy & Russell Katz Henrietta Keller Joan Keston & Hugh Grindstaff Andrea & James Kiernan Dr. Marguerite Kingston Barbara S. Levitt

Michael Mccarthy Camilla McCaslin Amy A. Millen Sumiko Mori

Sallie H. Forman & Jonah Gitlitz

Michael Niksa

Lynne Gallagher

Mariko Oka

Ursula Guerrieri Daniel Heininger

Jennifer Oehme Elena & Bob Olson

Kate Rice Daniel B. Silver Flo & Roger Stone Courtney & David Straus Elizabeth Streicher & Lionel Epstein Barbara Szoradi Honorable Harry Thayer Angus H. Twombly Millicent Wasell Leslie Whipkey

2015 Partners KINGFISHER GLOBAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Keio University Kyoto University Kyoto University Washington D.C. Alumni


Rachel Goslins


Sheila Herrling

Libby Graves

Gillette Conner

Jeanne Holm

Susan Jones

Peter Corsell

Michael McDevitt

Cary Larson

Tim Gentry

Erin Horne McKinney

Wendy Luke

Tom Hardart

Mili Mittal

Irvine Nugent

Mike Raschid

Jonathan Neman

Deiadre Rauch

Tom Tinsley

Lance Potter

Mark Sachs

Tracy Washington

Carrie Rich

Pete Swanson

Rob Wilder

Reshma Saujani

Lauren Weinstein

Julie Wolinsky

Sonal Shah

Wendee Wolfson

Matthew Shampine


New York Rakuyukai

Jodi Macklin

Kahlil Byrd

Tokyo University

Yoshie Ogawa

Patrick Dowd

Waseda University

Eric Ziebold

Bill Eggers



A Center for a New American Security

Shelby Benkert Richard Bobo

International Institute of Global Resiliency

Jennie Buehler


Kate Damon

Jenny Bilfield Michael Djupstrom Robert Dwyer Diane Kanca Philip Kennicott Jason Moran Klaus Ottmann Caitlin Teal Price

GALA COMMITTEE Shigeko Bork Tammie Collins Caroline Cunningham Pamela Denby Nancy Folger Suzanne Kim Doud Galli

Rebecca Chin Anastasia Dellaccio Andrew Gelston Scott Greenberg Fran Holuba Chris Kiple El Kuti

David Gorodetski

Candice Walsh


Katarina Weir

Curt Buermeyer

Kahlil Byrd

Matt Cross

John Gamba

Brian Greenwald

Tim Gentry

Hillary Joel

Jackie Hyland

Sonny Levitt

Tom Raffa

Isabelle Moses

Tracy Washington

Alicia Rodriguez

Rob Wilder

Nina O’Neil Carl Pierre Joy Elena Roberston Hallie Sherard

HALCYON INCUBATOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE Katie Bishop Katherine Brittain Bradley

Mandeep Singh Elle Wasyl

Kevin Alansky Leo Blyth

Your time and advice...

Amanda Brown

have helped us grow...

Everyone listed has helped...

our superheroes to create positive social impact!


Special Thanks All of these accomplishments are yours to celebrate with us. Without your generous support, we would not have enjoyed such a successful 2015. We hope you will remain part of the S&R community as we empower increasing numbers of talented individuals to achieve their best and create positive social impact. Unlike most nonprofit organizations, S&R Foundation’s overhead and operational costs are completely covered by existing assets, so your contribution directly supports the programs you choose.


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