Squirrel Hill Magazine Summer/Fall 2022

Page 26

learning economics

Angrist with his Nobel medal. © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Risdon Photography

By Melissa Eppihimer

Joshua Angrist's Nobel-Prize Winning Research ECONOMIC RESEARCH HAS SHOWN THAT

spent time in Israel, including as a member of the Israeli


Defense Forces, before earning his PhD from Princeton

typically earn less income than those who complete the

University in 1989. In the years since, he has pioneered

required years of study. Oddly enough, one of the co-

the analysis of natural economic experiments.

authors behind this research figured out a way to skip his senior year of high school. When Joshua Angrist

This means Angrist uses real-world data to understand

realized he needed just a few courses to graduate from

the effects of specific policy choices, like permitting

Taylor Allderdice High School, he left after 11th grade.

children to leave school when they turn 16 or 17. Because a class cohort is made up of students with

“Ironically, I was a terrible student,” said Angrist, who

birthdays randomly distributed throughout the year,

grew up in Squirrel Hill North, near the border with

some students will age out and be able to leave school

Shadyside. He attended Linden and Wightman Schools

before others. Because of this, it is possible to study

and graduated from Allderdice in 1977. Recalling his

how additional schooling affects earning outcomes,

high school years, Angrist remembers most exploring

as Angrist and his colleague Alan Krueger did. Angrist

Frick Park or visiting Rhoda’s Deli on Murray Avenue.

has also investigated the impact of mandatory military

Of his time at the lunch spot, he said, “we called Mr.

service on income, class sizes on student learning, and

Fisher, the principal of Allderdice, ‘The Hook’ because

school admissions practices (like exams and lotteries) on

he would catch us there and drag us back.”

closing the “achievement gap.”

Angrist is now a Nobel Prize winner in Economics and

Despite his own “exception-that-proves-the-rule”

a professor at MIT. After high school, he worked for a

experience as a young student, education is central to

while before enrolling at Oberlin College in Ohio, where

Angrist’s professional life. He teaches economics to

he developed an interest in economics. Angrist then

students at MIT, where he leads Blueprint Labs,

26 | shuc.org

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