The Elite Magazine - Summer Head Edition

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Summer Heat Edition


Summer Heat Edition


The Elite Magazine // Website Management // Sale Book Design Ad Design // Event Live Streaming // Event Clerking Livestock Operation Photography // Livestock Show Photography

Summer Heat Edition


TheElite Staff Summer Heat Edition

Tyler Ertzberger/ Owner


I always had the dream of launching a livestock publication to bring more attention to the youth livestock industry. After lots of work The Elite was born. Even though I am the owner of Square One and The Elite, the amazing team members and photographers we have are the ones that make it grow. Our goal with this publication is to bring more spotlight to the smaller species as well as cattle. My heart and passion for the youth livestock industry started with showing and will continue to grow through the Elite.

Gracy Sexton/ Marketing & Sales Rep

Growing up in the show barn, I always loved to pick up a livestock magazine and see all the amazing livestock exhibitors succeed across the country with their livestock projects and dreamed to one day make the big spotlight too. After my livestock show career come to an end, I quickly found my new passion in capturing the perfect moments for youth livestock exhibitors. The Elite magazine is just a great topping on the cake that allows the Square One team to share the accomplishments of livestock exhibitors across the nation and let all species have their

Sam Raney & Hayden Echols/ Graphic Designer & Field Rep

Hayden and Sam both grew up showing small ruminants, and found a passion for clipping, picturing, and marketing goats. Their common interests of talking to people and stressing the importance of ag related issues brought them both to Texas Tech University to pursue a degree in Agricultural Communications. Sam’s talent for graphic design, coupled with Hayden’s salesman personality, fits hand in hand with their own personal goals, as well as those of the Square One team. “We are extremely enthusiastic about what this team has to offer and what contributions we bring to the table!”

Tad & Lacy Harper Georgia T: 229.392.4711 L: 229.567.1292

Garth & Jessica Simpson Indiana G: 574.201.1295 J:574.201.1296

Jordan & Bethany Daigle Tennessee 252.520.3419

Summer Heat Edition


Riley Hoyle Arkansas 318.578.0378

Eli Smallwood Texas 770.891.4075

TheElite Field Staff

Join our team today! Contact us for more information

Summer Heat Edition

Hall of Fame


“You learn something new everyday,” something I heard frequently while working alongside Ann at their farm the summer of my sophomore year in high school. Though I thought this job was going to be one of many to come, I continued to work toward my goals that developed while soaking in every bit of knowledge at their farm. Getting out worked by Ann and Hugh Bryan as a 15 year old quickly showed me what leaders are made of and have inspired not only myself but hundreds of other role models across the United States to chase their dreams. In 1993, the Schafer’s played a large role in the inaugural introduction of the Boer breed to the goat species, bringing them over from Africa and beginning their legacy.

Ann and Hugh Bryan

Located in the small town of Big Spring, Texas, Ann & Hugh Bryan Schafer own and operate the 28 year old breeding program that continues to influence the goat industry and has since the beginning. Glasscock County became one of the most elite regions of goat breeders, developing foundation genetics that are heavily used in Boer goat production from coast to coast. Ann and Hugh Bryan started from the bottom and worked their way up the totem pole. Hugh Bryan served in the Vietnam war and Ann was a nurse at the Scenic Mountain Medical Center in Big Spring. Once the idea was presented to bring goats over from Africa with a few other families in their community, they started raising commercial goats and full blood Boer goats. Market goats became more profitable than the fullbloods and Schafer Farms transitioned to raising Club Goats.

Ann has a heart of gold that makes you feel right at home, whether you need a band-aid or a brownie she’s gotcha covered! Any question, involving goats or not, Ann will have a solution, her knowledge of both the human and caprine species is astounding but her humbleness and willingness to learn is what makes her so special. With every hardship and struggle that Ann has gone through, she marches on with strength and grace that only the strongest of women are capable of doing. Through those hardships, she wasn’t afraid to ask questions to avoid those mistakes in the future. Rain or shine, Ann will be in the barn alongside Hugh Bryan caring for their herd. Hugh Bryan, the barn jokester and the other half of the brains of the operation, is just as amazing as Ann.

Anyone who has had the opportunity to meet the Schafer’s know how welcoming the bright smile of Ann and quick wit of Hugh Bryan truly is. Even though Ann has many years of knowledge under her belt she frequently says “you learn something new everyday,” proving that even industry leaders never stop asking questions. Ann and Hugh Bryan pushed me to better myself and will forever have a special place in my heart. I am incredibly blessed to have been mentored by two of the hardest working individuals in the nation and hope that I make them proud in all my ventures. That first day of my summer job at Schafer Farms when Ann and Hugh Bryan worked circles around me, lit a fire and drove me to work harder in every aspect of my life. Inspiration and an idea is all it takes, but asking questions, learning hard lessons, and keeping your head level is what separates success from potential.

Summer Heat Edition

Talking genetics with HB is certainly one of the best activities at their farm. The foundation of the Boer and Market goats stemmed from their initial herd, so hearing about the partnerships, the breeding decisions, and the history of an industry that holds such a dear place in my heart, is so precious and such a special part of my life.



Summer Heat Edition

Gabrielle Ralston

Summer Heat Edition

Most Rewardeng Moment?

My most rewarding memory is watching my sister Jazmine win her first state showmanship buckle. Because neither one of us has ever done that at the time, and the look on her face was priceless. I had gotten 3rd in that class and when the judge shook her hand I was filled with joy and happiness. I let out a big yell (I am her number one cheerleader). When we went to the backdrop there were tears in both of our eyes and we met with a hug. That is definitely one day I will never forget.

How did you overcome COVID?

Honestly I feel as if Covid and the whole quarantine gave me more reason to work my livestock harder and not give up. During that time I used it as a coping mechanism and to reassure myself that things will go back to normal sooner. I pushed myself harder than I have before and came out resilient.

Proudest Moment?

My proudest moment would have to be when I won the State Breeding ewe Show in February. I have spent 6 years of my life working and grinding to get to that point, and when it finally happened it was breathe taking.

Favorite Show?

My favorite show is the State Market Show in October because you get to see friends from across the state.

Little eyes are on you!

Don’t get defeated, you will lose/ fail time and time again. Just know that as long as you work hard and What are your future Plans? I have been fortunate to have continue to learn and enjoy what signed a letter of intent to judge at you do you should come out on top. Black hawk College, and intend to pursue livestock judging throughout college. I have career aspiraWho is your role mottle? tions in the livestock nutrition field Brandon Callis is my role model as a sales representative for a feed because he makes me feel like you company. don’t always have to fit the stereotype in this industry.

How do you describe your passion for agriculture? Time to teach showmanship! What My passion for agriculture in endis your main point? less, because we feed the nation as I would hope to teach the child to well as the world. An being able to have the WANT to be successful. I be a showman and showcase what think once you have that the sky is farmers can do. the limit.




“If you are afraid of failure you do not deserve to be successful”

How did you overcome COVID?

How do you describe your passion for agriculture?

I am very passionate about agriculture. Whether it was planting crops with my pawpaw, riding horses with my uncle, or even now exhibiting livestock. I have been around agriculture all my life. I want to spend the rest of my life in this industry and become a positive impact to agriculture.

Favorite Show?

Little eyes are on you!

Never Give Up! I do not come from a livestock family. When I purchased my first goat 8 years ago, I was clueless. Even though I had no idea what I was doing and got dead last most of that season, I had fun! I remember thinking “Jazmine you’re crazy, you don’t know what you’re doing”, but with hard work, good friends, and support from my family I have learned and accomplished more than I could ever imagine showing livestock.

Who is your role mottle?

Ashley Judge is my role model because she gives me hope as female to be successful in such a male dominated industry.

My favorite show is the GCLA futurity because the committee always Time to teach showmanship! What is does a great job incorporating your main point? activities both in and outside the The benefits I have received while show ring. They do things like the exhibiting livestock are abundant. watermelon or ice cream social. Knowledge, friendship, learning responsibility, and setting goals and achieving those goals. I would be Proudest Moment? thrilled to see them go home with My proudest moment while showjust one of these necessary life skills. ing is the first time I won state showmanship. Showmanship is very important to my family. We feel that it is the only area in showing where it doesn’t matter how much money you spent in on your animal or what the ear tag in its ear is. The only thing that matters is how well you do present the animal you have. I think winning showmanship showcases the hard work and dedication I put into my stock.

What are your future Plans?

Exhibiting livestock as helped guide me to my career path of choice. With my showing adventures quickly coming to an end and college being around the corner I have finally decided on what I want to do after I graduate. I love to teach others about livestock; my dreams and aspirations after graduating are to go get a degree in animal science and work to expand



“Practice like you’ve never won, preform like you’ve never lost”

Summer Heat Edition

I believe Covid-19 was not a challenge but an opportunity for me. Though the number of shows was down. Being at home so much I was able to put 100% of myself into my stock. With that I was able to ensure my livestock and I could perform to the best of our abilities at each show.

my knowledge about livestock. I want to bring all my knowledge back to Georgia and make a difference. I want to see Georgia livestock expand not just in numbers but in knowledge about livestock.

Jazmine Ralston

Most Rewardeng Moment?

The most rewarding memory I have is time spent with my family. The miles traveled and time spent in the barn has given us the opportunity to talk (about lessons learned), share laughter and tears, and celebrate our wins and losses. I truly believe not all wins were at a show. Some of the wins happened in the back yards when that animal finally walked for me, or I bonded with that wild one that made us think “why did we get this one”, or after doctoring an animal that got sick and recovered well.


“Achieving Maternal

Summer Heat Edition

Excellence & Optimum Preformance"




XColeman Eriskay 3331

S A V Resource 1441 Crooked Creek Cattle

Registered Angus Cattle Athens, GA Wadley, GA










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For embryo availability contact McKayla Snow 678.858.1602

Summer Heat Edition


Alabama Jr Beef Expo

Summer Heat Edition

Heifer Show Judged by Jim Bloomberg, IL


Supreme Champion Female

Avery Ruf (Angus)

Reserve Champion Female

Annabelle Wesley (Chi)

Reba Hicks Photography

3rd Overall Female Avery Ruf (Commercial)

Summer Heat Edition


4th Overall Female

Natalie Lovell (AOB Continental)

5th Overall Female

Natalie Lovell (Commercial)

Summer Heat Edition

Supreme Champion Steer

Greer Jones (Crossbred)


Reserve Champion Steer

Walker Johnson (Crossbred)

Alabama Jr Beef Expo Steer Show Judged by Scott Werning, SD

3rd Overall Steer

Caden Childers (Chianina)

Summer Heat Edition


4th Overall Steer

Lexi Bolding (Mainetainer)

5th Overall Steer

Bryn Lake (Charolais)

“In our show barn at Sullivan Farms we are always comparing hair health products. After comparing all like products, Sure Coat Max stood out to us. The science and documented success is unmatched and speaks for itself. “

John Sullivan,

Sullivan Farms Home of Multiple National Champions

Summer Heat Edition

Supreme Champion Female - 2020 NAILE Congratulations to Sara Sullivan

“Sure coat max is a staple in our skin and hair program. We use this product regularly and have seen increased hair growth, improved skin condition and an overall improvement in hair quality. While we have primarily used this produce on show steers, we recently began using this product on legs in our show goats and have seen the same results. We highly recommend this product. “ Dustin Glover, Glover Show Cattle, Oklahoma

Reserve Champion Steer - 2018 Denver Congratulations to Tommy Glover


“At our barn we typically don’t use the “magical” type of products. We are firm believers that hard work and a constant daily routine is still best. However, we do feel that Surecoat is a must use product for us. Our biggest show of the year is OYE and it is very hard to keep live, healthy hair to that point. Surecoat gives us an added advantage when trying to combat shedding, dry skin, and rubbing that starts that time of year.“

Jeremy Clark,

Clark Show Cattle, Oklahoma

Reserve Angus Female - 2020 Cattlemen’s Congress - Jr. Show Congratulations to Chancee Clark

“Sure Coat Max is exceptional in conditioning the skin. The daily hair care quality is soft, conditioned, and full of volume. Sure Coat Max is part of our daily routine with proven results at home and in the winner’s circle. We highly recommend this product. “

Todd Caldwell,

Caldwell-Jones Show Cattle, Illinois

Grand Champion Steer - 2019 NAILE Congratulations to Olivia Caldwell

“We use Sure Coat products on a daily basis in our showbarn and there is no doubt I believe that this product line has given us the ability to put a fresh vibrant look on our cattle’s hair and played a vital role in Black Frost achieving the Success he has at both the North American and Cattleman’s Congress the last few months!”

Tad Harper,

Appalachian Angus, North Carolina

Champion Chianina Bull - 2020 Cattlemen’s Congress Congratulations to Hunter Prescott, Appalachian Angus

Summer Heat Edition



Summer Heat Edition

Passion Summer Heat Edition


pas·sion ~ noun ~ strong and barely controllable emotion. /’paSHən/

“a man of impetuous passion”

Summer Heat Edition

We are focused on building lifelong relationships through our livestock.



September 2021 Issue: Champion Drive Edition Published September 1 2021 : Content due August 10th 2021

January 2022 Edition: New Year Edition Published January 1 2022 : Content due December 10th 2022

April 2022 Edition: Spring Rival Edition Published April 1 2022 : Content due March 10th 2022

July 2022 Edition: Summer Heat Edition Published July 1 2022 : Content due June 10th 2022

October 2022 Edition:Champion Drive Edition Published October 1 2022 : Content due September 10th 2022

January 2023 Edition: New Year Edition Published January 1 2023 : Content due December 10th 2023

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2 1/2 Page ads - $550

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Two or more Issue advertisement rates Ad Size Full Color Rate Special Rate Full Page


2 Full page ads - $550

1/2 Page


2 1/2 Page ads - $450



1 Year



2 Years






View Online Go to our website and click on the current issue to view the magazine online. Want to be in the magazine? Email Square One with the Information that you want listed in the magazine. We will reach out to you with questions or concerns to finalize your information.

“It’s not just about the business, it’s about friends and families through the business!” Full Page - 8.375 x 10.875 + .25 Bleed

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1/4 Page - 3.5556 x 4.8056

Full page and 1/3 page requires .25 bleed. All content placed on the file for a FULL PAGE or 1/3 PAGE should not Extend .5” from the edge. This area is trimmed during printing and binding. Square One Agri Marketing is not responsible for content in this area that is trimmed off. Contact us for inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover. Tyler - 706.599.8194 Gracy - 678.882.2044 1/3 Page - 2.625 x 10.875 + .25 Bleed

Tyler - Owner 706.599.8194

Gracy - Marketing & Sales 706.599.8194

Summer Heat Edition

One Issue advertisement rates Ad Size Full Color Rate Special Rate



Tennessee Beef Agribition

Summer Heat Edition

Judges Randy Daniels and Blake Bloomburg


Supreme Champion Female

Andrew Meier (Commercial)

Reserve Champion Female

Allie Raab (Gelbvieh)

3rd Overall Female

Addy Tipton (Limmi)

Summer Heat Edition


4th Overall Female

Andrew Meier (Simmental)

5th Overall Female

Alli Perry (Angus)

Aidan Raab (Cross)

4th Overall Steer

Kylie Cornelius (Shorthorn)

5th Overall Steer

Mattie Harris (Hereford)

Summer Heat Edition

3rd Overall Steer


Summer Heat Edition

Supreme Champion Steer


Reserve Champion Steer

Tennessee Beef Agribition Judges Randy Daniels and Blake Bloomburg

Reid Decker

Most Rewardeng Moment?

From the past ten years living in the industry, the most rewarding memory I will take from it is enjoying the process of reaching my goals. You’ll never be content with what you’ve achieved if you don’t enjoy the little moments of progress in between.

Summer Heat Edition

How did you overcome COVID?


Covid was a real scare for the entire stock show industry. Several shows were cancelled, including many of which I planned on attending for my senior year. Fortunately, my family and I decided to go big no matter what the future looked like. When we had to wear masks, we wore masks. When it wasn’t enforced, we often times didn’t wear them. Although, we had a few hiccups in the way for my final year, we stayed strong and determined to finish out on a great note.

Proudest Moment?

In 2019, I won Class 1 at the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo with a lightweight we raised. Going in, we knew we had a good one on our hands, but would’ve never expected to come out of the ring with a blue ribbon. To have raised one good enough to compete with the “big dogs” was a feeling like no other. What are your future Plans? After I graduated I am going to be attending Butler Community College in El Dorado,Kansas where I will be a member of the Livestock Judging Team and I will be majoring in Ag Business.

How do you describe your passion for agriculture?

Tenacious: Now that I’ll be out of the show world, I can take what I’ve learned, and share it with others. Also, raising quality stock is my next big goal to reach. It’ll be a big challenge, but I know I can reach my goals.

Favorite Show?

Houston Livestock Show. The barn in huge and they always have the best exhibits. Our stock show group would also always hang out, go eat, and have fun together the whole time.

Little eyes are on you!

Never give up on your dreams, find what you’re passionate about, and always outwork others.

Who is your role mottle?

Daniel Krummel. From moving across the country and taking advantage of rare opportunities to making a name for himself, he’s followed his dream and passion.

Time to teach showmanship! What is your main point?

Know your animal! Always know what needs to be done to make sure you and your animal look good and work best as a team.



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Don Denny Owner c: 806.789.7713 p: 806.794.7752

Summer Heat Edition

We specialize in making you stand out.


Do it with PASSION or Not at ALL! Summer Heat Edition

Alec Hoffner: 850-860-2107 Ben Hoffner: 941-730-1424


Calves available for purchase at all times.

Success starts from the BOTTOM UP!

5375 E Washington HWY Monticello, FL 32344

Summer Heat Edition






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Summer Heat Edition



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Summer Heat Edition


As a fourth-generation dairy farmer who has dedicated the majority of her life to the family farm, STEPHANIE NASH quickly learned compassion for the agriculture community.

Summer Heat Edition

Growing up in central California, Stephanie had the opportunity to be on the dairy challenge team at Fresno State, she was crowned dairy princess, involved with her local farm bureau and found her voice as a agriculture advocate. Nash says “I found my love for our farm through my dad, I saw him fighting everyday to bring awareness to family farms... I knew then, I would follow in his footsteps”. As a community we have been driven so far out from Farmer to consumer and I want to educate people on how to support locally. Without family farms... the industry will be turned into factory farms.


Her latest venture also incorporates her other passion and career, country music. Growing up I would crank up the radio and ride around the dairy farm. I always thought how cool would it be to pursue this career and take my agriculture background with me. You can listen to her story told through her October 2020 release called “Time Changes”. A message of hope for the industry and she didn’t stop there. Nash also raised money for FFA chapters stating “we are falling to far from the farm... we need next generation farmers”. Nash awarded three chapterswith a $750 scholarship... making it her mission to support Future Farmers of America students.

Stephanie Nash also saw a need for the farmers to be the face of their product, she said “it’s great to put out commercials of why milk is healthy for you but it’s different listening to farmers that produce the products”. She’s created a series titled ‘The Life of a Farmer’for her YouTube channel to bring awareness to the needs of those that cultivate our lands and waters. Those you sacrifice daily to feed the world. “Growing up I saw strong agricultural communities diminish,” says Nash. “Sadly, so many farms that are vital to providing food do not get the same opportunity as other businesses to grow and flourish and their success is critical. My hope is that the series is educational and sheds light on the importance of farming.”

Summer Heat Edition

Episode one of the online series features a charming, nearly 98-year old Paul Smith O’Dell of Laurens, South Carolina. He showcases his cotton, beef and crop farm, now run by his

children, and 1947 tractor, the first one released after WWII which he bought new for $146. New episodes of featured farms and their cultivators from across the U.S. post Fridays at 12pm CT on Nash’s YouTube page. You can also find her episodes on the rural networks and RFDTV. She will profile agriculturalists in Alabama, Montana, Tennessee, Indiana and more.

Instagram - Stephanienashmusic TikTok - stephnashmusic Email: You can also stream her music on many platforms

Stephanie Nash says she will continue to pursue her music career, she will continue to be a voice for family farms and she prays within these series people will understand what agriculture is going through. Stephanie encourages farmers out their who are reading this today to reach out to her, so she can tell your families story and bring our agriculture community back together.


Summer Heat Edition

Ohio Beef Expo Supreme Champion Heifer Delaney Jones


Reserve Champion Heifer Morgan Neill

3rd Overall Heifer

Kathy Lehman

Top 10 Heifers 4th Overall Heifer

McKala Grauel

5th Overall Heifer

6th Overall Heifer Montana Hulsmeyer 7th Overall Heifer

9th Overall Heifer

Reed Hanes

Delaney Jones

Hudson Drake

8th Overall Heifer

10th Overall Heifer Olivia Jones


Samantha VanVorhis

Heifer Breed Winners

Champion % Charolais Hanna Schroeder

Reserve Charolais

Sydney Sanders

Reserve % Charolais

Tanner Butcher

Champion Chianina Kathy Lehman

Champion Hereford Abbygail Pitstick

Reserve Hereford

Reserve High % AOB

Champion Mini Hereford Johanna Blaich

D’lelah Laber

Delaney Chester

Champion Charolais


Reserve Chian

Mackenzie Grimm


Austin Hunke

Champion High % AOB Marshall Capps

Reserve Mini Hereford

Annabelle Johnson

Champion Simmental

Reserve Simmental

Hanna Schaub

Reserve % Simmental Kendall Davies

Masen Jolliff

Reserve Mainetainer

Naomi Fenning

Reserve Shorthorn

Reed Schumacher

Summer Heat Edition

Reserve Main Anjou

Paige Lucic


Reserve Shorthorn Plus Ethan Davies

Summer Heat Edition

Ohio Beef Expo Supreme Champion Steer Jenna Young


Reserve Champion Steer Samuel Sutherly

3rd Overall Steer

Annette Augustine

Top 10 Steers

4th Overall Steer

Fox Morgan

5th Overall Steer

6th Overall Steer Colton Braska

7th Overall Steer

9th Overall Steer

Allison Lust

Sydnie Stewart

Claire Kramer

8th Overall Steer

10th Overall Steer Mackenzie Neal


Harlan Fulton

Summer Heat Edition

Steer Breed Winners

Champion Angus

Camdyn Burns

Reserve Angus

Isaac Miley

Champion AOB

Kyle Kardotzke


Reserve AOB

Jaycee Reed

Champion Chianina

Rees Toler

Div 1 Crossbred Reserve

Stormi Duvall

Champion Charolais Paige Pence

Reserve Chianina

Tanner Butcher

Champion Hereford

Abbygail Pitstick

Reserve Charolais

Carson Shafer

Div 1 Crossbred Champion Dawson Osborn

Reserve Hereford

Jacob Wiechart

Champion Mini Hereford Seamus Bly

Reserve Shorthorn

Emma Helsinger

Reserve Mini Hereford

Allie Redick

Champion Shorthorn

Wyatt Osborn

Div 2 Crossbred Reserve Caiden Daughtery Div 4 Crossbred Reserve Kamree Frey


Reserve Main

Shala Graham

Reserve Shorthorn Plus Bailey Dusseau

Reserve Simmental

Gus Wilt

Summer Heat Edition

Drive 44

drive ~ noun ~ an innate, biologically determined urge to attain a goal. /drīv/

“emotional drives”

Most Rewardeng Moment?

How did you overcome COVID?

I just kept the same mental focus that I had in all the other years and just kept working hard in the barn each day will the same goal of getting my animals to look and act the best that they possibly could.

Proudest Moment?

How do you describe your passion for agriculture?

Favorite Show?

My favorite show is the NJSA Southeast Regional because this is one of the largest pig shows in the entire country and it happens to be in my home state of Georgia and this allows for an opportunity to meet people who live in other states and learn about the different aspects they face when raising livestock in other parts of the country.

My passion for agriculture is a very strong one. My main focus Little eyes are on you! and what truly makes me happy is teaching the youth of the agricul- I would tell them to give their 100% tural industry. I’ve always felt that if best effort each day whether they we don’t build a strong foundation are at home in the yard or in the grand drive of their state fair. in this industry then our future will not be strong.

Who is your role mottle?

My role model would have to be Phil Page. Phil had taught me many of skills in the livestock industry. These skills include how to select quality livestock, showmanship skills as well as many other major life skills.

Time to teach showmanship! What is your main point?

The first thing I would say would be that your first impression is going to either make you or break you.

Summer Heat Edition

My proudest moment would have to be watching a young kid that I had been helping coach and mentoring for a while win showmanship at our state fair and seeing the smile on his face was something I will never forget.

What are your future Plans?

After I graduated I am going to be attending Butler Community College in El Dorado,Kansas where I will be a member of the Livestock Judging Team and I will be majoring in Ag Business.

Mason Wall

My most rewarding in ring memory would have to be being named the 3rd Overall Market Hog at the Georgia National Fair but outside of the ring it would have to be all of the friends and relationships that I have made that will last a lifetime.




“There may be people who have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do”


Summer Heat Edition

Summer Heat Edition


Finding Common Ground: Becoming a Beef Advocate

Summer Heat Edition

Even before a consumer approaches the meat case at the grocery store, questions about price, taste, nutrition, and sustainability swirl. Consumers are bombarded with advertisements, slogans, and information at every turn, often with conflicting messages. So, how does someone make purchasing decisions when they do not know who to trust for accurate information about the products they are buying? Unlike 150 years ago when most families lived an agrarian lifestyle, today fewer than two percent of the U.S. population resides on a farm or ranch . These changes have resulted in a large gap between where food is produced and where it is consumed. In the past year alone, the beef community has faced new issues and challenges from special interest groups that leveraged the COVID-19 pandemic to shed light on their goal of ending animal agriculture, as we know it. Now more than ever, it is vital for producers, consumers, and all engaged members of the agriculture community to share their stories, instead of relying on someone else to do it for them.

Whether you are new to advocacy or a seasoned veteran, everyone has a story to share, and a foundation to becoming a powerful voice for beef. Advocacy is for anyone in support of an idea or a cause. In the case of the beef community, advocates promote a lifestyle that raises a wholesome, nutritious product that is sustainable as producers seek to constantly improve their conservationist methods to care for their animals and the land. Producers across the United States have been joining the conversation and engaging in critical discussions surrounding the beef community, backing their beliefs and systems of thought through social media, writing editorial pieces, posting live videos, or 48 continuing their education through programs such as Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA). The MBA program, managed by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, started in 2009, and to-date there are more than 19,000 graduates. The MBA program consists of five modules: •The Beef Community - Context of raising beef from pasture to plate focusing on the community of people involved throughout the beef lifecycle. •Raising Cattle on Grass - An introduction to the first step in the beef lifecycle and the many benefits of raising cattle on our country’s vast grass pasture resources. •Life in the Feedyard - A discussion on the role of feedyards, including animal care, nutrition, and environmental stewardship, at this important step in the beef lifecycle. •From Cattle to Beef - An in-depth look at the slaughter process and the humane handling and safety measures in place at today’s beef processing facilities. •Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. - A primer on choosing and cooking the right cuts of beef and the important role of beef in a healthful diet. Once all modules are completed, graduates gain access to a variety of continuing education resources ranging from online courses that delve deeper into specific topics such as beef sustainability and nutrition, to in-person top advocate training, and more. Graduates are also invited to join the Masters of Beef Advocacy Alumni Facebook group, a virtual community for MBA graduates to ask questions and get connected to the latest advocacy resources.

Recently, the MBA program launched MBA NextGen, an updated version of online training modules. The refreshed training makes it easier than ever for a new generation of farmers and ranchers to share their stories and advocate knowledgeably for the beef industry. Updated information and resources are accessible with the click of a mouse to help answer consumer questions. The MBA program continues to be a free, self-guided online course that provides farmers, ranchers, service providers, students, consumers, and all members of the beef community the tools and resources necessary to effectively answer tough questions about consuming beef and raising cattle. Taking your first step into the advocacy arena can be intimidating. However, starting your journey as a beef advocate has never been easier, with programs such as MBA available to help you gain the knowledge necessary to begin sharing your story. During the time spent completing the MBA program, you will develop valuable techniques and skills to build relationships both in person and online, to better communicate a powerful story about beef. The MBA program will help you rethink the value of your story and share updated talking points to help you keep beef front and center during all your conversations.

If you are interested in becoming a beef advocate or learning more about the beef community, you can apply for the MBA program by visiting After submitting a short application, you will be admitted into the program and can access modules, which take approximately three hours to complete. To learn more about NCBA’s advocacy efforts, contact Chandler Mulvaney at or Paul Dybedahl at About the Beef Checkoff The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents of the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national Checkoff program, subject to USDA approval. About NCBA, a Contractor to the Beef Checkoff The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) is a contractor to the Beef Checkoff Program. The Beef Checkoff Program is administered by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, with oversight provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Summer Heat Edition

When asked about the benefits of advocacy, Paul Dybedahl, Manager of Masters of Beef Advocacy, commented, “The MBA program is one of the most effective tools we have to teach a wide audience the core principles of the cattle industry and has been a tremendous asset in our efforts to better inform consumers and thought leaders about our industry. Whether you’re from a family of ranchers or a consumer simply wanting to know more about how that delicious beef dinner got on your plate – MBA NextGen can arm you with the information you need to be a strong advocate for the beef community and communicate with interested consumers.”


Summer Heat Edition

Jessica Simpson 574.201.1296



Rafiki x Max


Pulse Rider x Grey Goose son x Prather Absolute


ABOUT TIME Clique (Grey Goose) x Matter of Fact x Grey Goose’s dam

DIGGIN’ FOR GOLD Nasty Habit x Matter of Fact/NBF flushmate

Contact Ben at 574.386.9473 to purchase semen

Summer Heat Edition


you the desire... you the ablility ...

He gave He gave now

go get the WIN!

Tad, Lacy

Kendall & Kolt Harper


Allow us to help you achive your next win

Summer Heat Edition

Kentucky Farm Bureau Beef Expo


Supreme Champion Female

Mercedes Ferree (Angus)

Reserve Champion Female

Mercedes Farree (% Simmental)

3rd Overall Female

Seth Martin (%Simmental)

Summer Heat Edition


4th Overall Female

Houston Ferree (Mainetainer)

5th Overall Female

Cheyenne Kisser (Angus)

Champion Chiangus

Kayla Wolfer

Champion Chi

Champion Gelbvieh

Karley Rumfelt

Reserve Gelbvieh

Reserve Hereford

Levi Womack

Champion Black Hereford Kayla Maket

Rylie Lanum

Colton Cox

Reserve Chi

Olivia Jones

Champion Hereford

Oliva Neal

Reserve Black Hereford Kayla Market

Heifer Breed Champions

Champion Limousin

Aubrey Neal

Reserve Limousin

Reserve Red Angus

Annie Meier

Champion Shorthorn Ryan Wickard

Reserve Shorthorn

Reserve AOB

Reserve % AOB

Champion Simmental Andrew Meier

Reed Hanes

Maddy Gardner

Champion Red Angus

Hannah Taylor

Carter Wickard

Aaron Kavanagh

Summer Heat Edition

Supreme Champion Steer

Spencer Goettemaeller (Cross)


Reserve Champion Steer

Taylor Hobbs (Cross)

3rd Overall Steer

Austin Bush (Main)

Summer Heat Edition


4th Overall Steer

Ross Howard (Main)

5th Overall Steer Reese Toler (Chi)

Champion Hereford

Weston Maddox

Reserve Hereford

Mary Karter Shirley

Champion Red Angus Isaac Siedling

Champion Shorthorn Plus

Champion Simmental Blake Smith

Reserve Market Heifer

Mallory Johnson

Jayden Cantrell

Champion Limousin

Makayla Jo Massey

Reserve Shorthorn Plus Lanee Swindell

Reserve Shorthorn

Lance Swindell

New Year Edition Summer Heat Edition

1 59


Summer Heat Edition


Summer Heat Edition





Summer Heat Edition

Summer Heat Edition


Kadence Overby

Summer Heat Edition

Most Rewardeng Moment?

Proudest Moment?

My proudest moment in my livestock show career is winning Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer at the 2017 NC State Fair. I have had my fair share of success in the show ring but this win meant so much to me. Rinsing steers twice a day, spending all my time with steers finally paid off. The day before the steer show, my best steer of the two I had actually hurt his foot coming off the scales. We were super discouraged but then we were super grateful for it to heal How did you overcome COVID? up almost fully over night before the show. Honestly I feel as if Covid hit my family hard. My mom is a hair stylWhat are your future Plans? ist and was out of work most of the summer, which left us with little to I will be attending Oklahoma State no income. As well as my grand- University to major in Agriculture parents who both have underlying Communications and Animal Sciconditions had to stay away from ence. I plan to find an internship the rest of the family. COVID-19 with a marketing and livestock also tried to take away my se- photography business while in nior year showing livestock but I college to travel on the weekend wouldn’t let it. I have often thought to shows. In doing this I want to about how fortunate I am to show expand my knowledge of the marketing and photography aspect of livestock during such a time. the industry. My most rewarding memory is winning Senior Market Lamb Showmanship at the NC State Fair in 2020. This past state fair was my last time competing with sheep so it was very important to me. Before I walked in the ring Travis Mayo looked at me and said “ If your on your game no one can beat you”. He doesn’t know this but he flipped a switch on for me, and I went into showmanship feeling unstoppable.


How do you describe your passion for agriculture?

My whole life has been centered around being an advocate for the agriculture industry. Agriculture to me means hard work, drive and friendship. I hope to be a life time advocate for the industry. My future career goals also reflect my passion for agriculture, I hope to use my future degree to better others understanding of agriculture.

Favorite Show?

The North Carolina State fair is where I started showing. The NC state fair might not be the biggest or have as much quality livestock as others, but I know it is has the most high class leaders and youth. I am so grateful that I am able to be an exhibitor at the NC State fair.

Little eyes are on you!

If I had to make one statement It would be to soak it all up, enjoy it all. Do not take for granted one single moment in the barn or show ring. I let the time pass too quickly without truly appreciating what I had for too long.

Who is your role mottle?

My biggest role model is my grandfather, Sandy Batten. He is not only a role model for me but he is a role model for everyone around him. He has faced so much hardship including cancer and has overcame them. He continually supports me in all I do. He is the sole reason I started showing livestock, he’s even the one who bought me my first sheep 15 years ago. He always makes sure to correct me when I am wrong and always makes sure I know he’s proud of me.

Time to teach showmanship! What is your main point?


I have learned that showmanship is not only won at the show but it is also won at home. When I teach at showmanship clinics I often relay to the children I’m helping that they aren’t going to win if they do not put in the hard work that goes along with it.


“Be thankful for what you have; work hard for what you don’t have”

Summer Heat Edition


Summer Heat Edition

Success 66

suc·cess ~ noun ~ the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. /səkˈses/

“there is a thin line between success and failure”

Summer Heat Edition


Summer Heat Edition


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Summer Heat Edition

27.5% Chi


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JDSF Diva 304Y WVW Miss Grace Daughter of Driver Owned by Kendall Harper Division 4 Reserve ACA All-American Raising Quality Chiangus Cattle for more than 30 years. John & Debbie Woodroof Lebanon, Tennessee 615.330.4195

Stephens Farms

David Stephens Madisonville, Tennessee 423.337.1650

Contact: 229-326-1718 Email:

We carry Umbarger Feed, Lindner Feed from Matthews. Choice of Champions products, Kentucky Shine and Pine River Shavings.

Summer Heat Edition

GA Feeds 629 TyTy Omega Rd. Tifton, GA 31793


Hannah Slate

3rd Overall Hog

Mia Torigiani

Reserve Champion Hog

The Revival 72 Ainsley Erickson

Supreme Champion Hog

Summer Heat Edition

Supreme Champion Hog Hannah Slate

Summer Heat Edition

Reserve Champion Hog Mya Ramos

3rd Overall Hog Mia Torigiani


Addyson Zerbach

3rd Overall Lamb Emma Woods

Reagan Rodgers

Supreme Champion Lamb

Summer Heat Edition

Reserve Champion Lamb


Supreme Champion Lamb Reagan Rodgers

Summer Heat Edition

Emma Woods

Reserve Champion Lamb


3rd Overall Lamb

Madison Woods

Reese Turman

3rd Overall Goat

Arianna Lundgren

Reserve Champion Goat

76 Reese Turman

Supreme Champion Goat

Summer Heat Edition

Supreme Champion Goat Reese Turman

Summer Heat Edition

Reese Turman

Reserve Champion Goat


3rd Overall Goat Emily Wise

Summer Heat Edition

With the Cattlemen’s Congress happening back in January, we spoke with Jarold Callahan, Cattleman’s Congress Board Chairman about there experience. With the National Western being canceled in 2021 the gears started rolling with Jarold and his cure. An event that had over nine thousand head of cattle over sixteen days. We took this opportu78 nity to learn more about the biggest challenges, biggest rewards, future plans and how to set them apart from the National Western. What was the biggest challenge with putting on a national show in so short time? “The biggest challenge we faced was securing the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds to be the location of the Inaugural Cattlemen’s Congress. The facility is booked for years in advance and we were incredibly fortunate that prior to Congress being created, no other event had been booked in January. Otherwise, the fairgrounds are completely booked year round. The elite team at the Oklahoma Youth Expo was already in place and were the obvious choice to manage the Cattlemen’s Congress, so we secured the fairgrounds and hired their team to execute. “ What was some of the biggest rewards that you experienced? “The biggest rewards simply was the praise we received from exhibitors and breed associations. We set out to make a show that catered to cattle exhibitors. We truly are a show for cattlemen and women, put on by cat-

tlemen and women. Most sales all broke records here in OKC, show entries far surpassed our expectation and the feedback we’ve received has been incredible.”

With National Western Happening this year, how do you plan to set CC apart? “At Cattlemen’s Congress we are going to do what we do best, create an event focused on our exhibitors. We strive to be the most exhibitor friendly show in the nation, creating a relaxed environment that allows seedstock breeders to showcase their genetics, market those genetics at world class facilities, and therefore work together with fellow cattlemen and women to advance the cattle industry for generations to come.”

Summer Heat Edition

What do you see for the future with Cattlemen’s Congress? “The future for the Cattlemen’s Congress is bright to say the least. We have resounding support from our state and local officials and Oklahoma is cattle country. We see Cattlemen’s Congress growing and being a new tradition for breeders and cattle enthusiasts to attend each and every year!” “We have plans to really expand on the trade show, the sale area and Oklahoma State Fairgrounds has agreed to help us address a few of the minor improvements exhibitors recommended this past year. We have a few additional breeds asking to participate and we have a year under our belts. As covid restrictions are lifted in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City, we feel Cattlemen’s Congress will continue to grow as a cattle only event, but we will always strive for the best experience for the exhibitor.”


Summer Heat Edition

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Index Ohio Beef Expo...................................................36 Osteen Southern Sires.......................................8 R1........................................................................50 Senior Spotlight - Gabriella & Jazmine........10 Senior Spotlight - Kadence.............................64 Senior Spotlight - Mason................................45 Senior Spotlight - Reid....................................28 Slate Group........................................................29 SLR Designes......................................................31 Spence & Co Show Cattle...................................3 Square One Agri Marketing..................2, 59, 80 Stock Show Secrets.........................................32 Sure Champ & Vitacharge................................13 Sure Coat...........................................................18 Tennessee Beef Agribition..............................24 The Rivival.........................................................80 Titanium Livestock...........................................72 Twizted Fitterz.................................................51 Woodhaven Farms............................................70

Summer Heat Edition

5C Livestock......................................................60 Alabama Jr. Beef Expo.....................................14 All Hours Farms...............................................46 Barcron Cattle Co...........................................69 Conkel Show Pigs.............................................22 Crooked Creek Cattle...............................12, 47 Custom Livestock Solutions...........................33 Elbow Creek......................................................61 GA Farms Fred & Supply....................................71 Georgia State Livestock Show........................66 Her Blade Sharpening......................................50 Heritage...............................................................9 Hoffner Cattle Company.................................30 JMCB Justify 521F..............................................90 Kentucky Beef Expo.........................................52 Lamberth Farms...............................................91 Lazy J Farm........................................................68 Life Of A Farmer................................................34 Lindes Livestock Photos..................................80 Matthews Feed & Grain....................................63



Summer Heat Edition

Summer Heat Edition

Bubba Lambirth


Summer Heat Edition

Sullivans Show Supply


Sullivan Supply - GA, FL, AL Jason Weaver Family 229-873-8954 Norman Park, Georgia

Dunlap, IA | Hillsboro, TX Lodi, CA | Hillsboro, OH 800-475-5902

We are expanding our show schedule. Contact Jason Weaver (229-873-8954) for more information.

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