October 19 2017 edition 506 for the web

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Springwater News • October 19 2017 • Edition 506 • E-mail: springwaternews@rogers.com • www.springwaternews.ca

Letters to the Editor

Please include phone number with any L to E You might not appreciate seeing your name on something you did not write.

Suspected Orr Lake Sewage I read your article with interest. There is a crystal, Gentian Violet, obtainable thru a pharmacy that is wonderful for tracing a source of leakage. Now it reacts to water, not the sewage. It turns brilliant purple when in contact with water. And youwill see it as it flows from source into the lake. Dump it into the toilet as you are flushing so it does not stand and stain th3 bowl. Flush several times. If there isa direct link to the lake, you will see the purple. MOE use this all the time to catch cheaters! Just an anonymous thought........ ok? Colin

Results Before advising that it is safe to swim in Orr Lake you should have results for e-coli and total and fecal coliforms. (Bacteria typically found in sewage). Judy Waher

Democracy in Canada

I was asked a rather interesting question by a mother of high school children and a ratepayer in Springwater Township. She asked me if I knew how the schools systems dealt with teaching children the complex system of democracy in Canada. Of particular interest was the functioning of municipalities. I undertook a quick search of the Provinces Education website. I was looking for curriculum and in particular, this item. What I found was a 188 page document which was far reaching and appeared to be designed more for a teaching professional than for someone like me who was looking for a simple answer. Having said that, I do know after 3 years of municipal service on Committee of Adjustment in Oro/Medonte and four years as a Councillor in Springwater, that there are two Acts of the Ontario Legislature that carry the bulk of the weight of our municipal government. These are the Municipal Act and the Planning Act. The origins of municipal government in Ontario reach back to the Baldwin Act of 1849. Since then, there has been considerably more law written, including over 150 pieces of legislation. The current Ontario Municipal Act was actually developed from 1995 to 1997. After several more years of study and consultation, it was enacted into law in early 2003. The Municipal Act 2001 sets out the roles, responsibilities and powers for Ontario's municipalities. Most recently (2017) the Act has been renewed, yet again, and this time includes new rules for accountability and transparency, municipal financial sustainability, and responsive and flexible municipal government. The conclusion that one could make (and I believe it would be the correct one) is that there is very little that your local municipal politicians actually can control. Yes, there are guidelines but that’s all they are. The standards and rules are controlled at Queens Park. Often local councils are face to face with ratepayers who are concerned and demanding of change, which is their right and prerogative, but the power to affect those changes rests with the Province. More often than not, the ratepayer would be better advised to take their needs straight to the Ontario Government for answers. In this regard, I am reminded of the old golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. In most cases, what your municipal elected officials are doing is following the rules handed to them by the Ontario Legislature. And now the Planning Act. The Planning Act sets out the ground rules for land-use planning in Ontario and describes how land uses may be controlled, and, as well, who may manages them. While there is much more that is said on the Government website, simply put, this act is a top-down document. Almost every planning decision taken at the municipal level goes up the hierarchy, through the County of Simcoe and then to the Province. Anywhere in between, most decisions of the Municipality can and often are, challenged, altered or declined in some shape form or another. So what can Municipal leaders do? The significant part of being an elected official is to make certain that the local infrastructure investment is being cared for including water and waste water and that our residents are travelling on safe winter roads, bridges and culverts. Emergency fire services and policing is also the domain of the municipalities. Our municipal leadership is charged with collecting sufficient (and not more) property tax dollars and fees to accomplish the above as well as to provide parks and recreation facilities that insure a healthy and safe environment of all residents. In our municipal election in the fall of 2018, be sure to ask those who are looking for your support how they intend to follow the Municipal Act and the Planning Act so as to accomplish the goals and needs of building our future and beware of those who say they can do more than the law provides. Rick Webster, 67 Luella Blvd, Anten Mills

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705-322-1932 • 705 322 5587 Suggestion for the paper Ever thought of an index or page reference on the front page that would lead us to regular columns? Name and page number In the past the Editors comments were followed shortly thereafter by letters to the editor. Of late, these letters seem to be buried anywhere in the paper and I find these letters to be on importance as they reflect the thinking of the common guy …. The contributor. Someone who has taken the time to organize their thoughts and get them on paper. To start the bi-weekly ‘hunt’ through the paper is an unwanted chore. Now, if this suggestion fails, would you consider a large bold print heading… one that stands out on the page, to draw the eye of the reader. ‘Letters to the Editor’ Last issue, not certain whether I missed it or perhaps there was none!! Hard to know. Just my suggestion for consideration by you! Many thanks Colin 705 717 9560 “We are in the Business of Helping YOU Succeed!”

''NO WORRIES'' [Just BILLS]! ''That'' came on the Friday, in response to my email, letting this prospective employer know that my 'voice-mail' was set-up, [and ahem, awaiting her response]. None, had been the reply from the Thursday email - advising her of my new cell #, in fact I hadn't even left the parking lot - using the store's WiFi where the new cell phone was purchased, to make sure she had the ''new cell #'', having not yet received word, by email or otherwise, if I had 'got the job'. ''I'll let you know by Wednesday'', promised on a Monday morning interview. In fact, I had to do the ''I contact'' routine for at least 2 weeks, to get the answer, ''no'', for a job I was way over-qualified for. People with a steady income, from whatever source, often fail to realize the ''worries'' of an under-employed person, when, just like everyone else, the steady stream of 'bills' continues into their mailbox - hard-copy or otherwise. Just recently I had a great interview for a maintenance position, in another era I might have been hired on the spot, but because of the advertised salary range, I expect this particular employer had to interview a hundred maybe several hundred depending on their screening process - and I was advised a second interview would be necessary, on and on it goes these days. But courtesy is often lacking. My ½ hr. drive to the plant was noted in the interview as somewhat of an obstacle in an 'emergency situation'; but when I messaged the fellow, asking him if I was being seriously considered - telling him, ''I would rather not spend the time and data uploading pics of my work to you, if I have no chance to be hired'' - I didn't even get the courtesy of a text response. C'mon, 15 seconds of YOUR time, Sir, please, a quick answer. Being into home and cottage maintenance for decades, blessed with some great customers over the years, but also running into the type that want to underpay, even for work done 'above and beyond'. Those types, I early on learned to steer clear of, but it seems, I have been running into them again lately. One time a new customer that with another customer, had left a $10 deposit for his 'clearing his roof'. For a couple of wknds., he would pretend to ignore me, til I finally politely asked him ''to be paid'' for the balance on the snow clearing, and for any of you that have ever done so, it can be 'heavy work'. Absolutely no hesitation, as he pulled out his [fat] wallet and whipped out a crisp paper bill to 'get me out of his hair', so to speak. I'll give you 5 guesses as to what the 'bill' was from this 'generous' customer as to what he thought the 'appropriate balance owing' was - ''tip'' included LOL. $100 / $50 / $20 / $10 / $5 ? [Clue was the 5 guesses]. But, bills are just bills, no worries, eh? Peter E Davenport TINY, ON

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Healthy Grieving Saying good-bye to those we love is never easy, but it is essential that we allow ourselves time to grieve~for pretending that the loss never occurred to avoid feeling the pain can be very harmful and in time the unexpressed grief can actually cause us to become physically sick. If you have recently experienced a loss or someone close to you is grieving, the best gift you can give to those you love is to simply listen. You are not there to ‘fix’ what cannot be fixed, and as the bereaved feels listened to while sharing her story without judgment, the intensity of the pain will slowly diminish. It is my hope that the heartfelt words below will help you to know that whatever you’re feeling is right for you, and if you have been privileged of being present, please understand that grieving has no time limit and everyone will grieve very differently based on our age, inherent personality traits, life’s experiences, education, etc.

The After Loss Creed

“I need to talk about my loss~~I may often need to tell you what happened & to ask you why it happened. Each time I discuss my loss, I am helping myself face the reality of the death of my loved one. I need to know that you care about me~I need to feel your touch, your hugs. I need you just to be with me. I need to know you believe in me and I have the ability to get through my grief in my own way. Please don’t judge me or think that I’m behaving strangely~remember—I’m grieving~I may even be in shock—I may feel afraid—I may feel deep rage, I may even feel guilty—but above all—I hurt. I am experiencing pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before. Don’t worry if you think I’m getting better and then suddenly I seem to slip backward. Grief makes me behave this way at times, and please don’t tell me you “know how I feel”, or that it’s time for me to get on with my life. What I need is time to grieve and to recover. Most of all, thank you for being my friend~for your patience for caring and for understanding. But most of all, thank you for praying for me. And remember in the days or years ahead after your loss –when you need me as I have needed you-– I will understand, and then I will come and be with you.” Rita Be-Still, B.A., H.S.C., Author, Grief & Bereavement Counselor

Astronauts can grow up to 3 percent taller during the six months they spend on the International Space Station. Without gravity, their spines are free to expand. It takes a couple of months of being back on Earth for them to return to their preflight height. NASA officials have maintained that astronauts have never had sex on the International Space Station or during any space shuttle missions. Scientists speculate, however, that while sex in space might pose some mechanical problems, conceiving a child could be dangerous. Low gravity could raise the risk of an ectopic pregnancy, and radiation could raise the risk of birth defects. Ouija boards were widely regarded as "harmless parlor tricks" until famous spiritualists began taking them seriously in World War I. There are 13 words in the official Scrabble dictionary that are impossible to play even using both blank tiles, including KNICKKNACK, PIZZAZZ, and SENSELESSNESSES.

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