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Gracefield Arts Centre



29 April – 29 July

Artist Rooms: Diane Arbus

A pioneer of the social documentary form that blurred the line between art and reportage, her profoundly original works record the astonishing variety of attitudes, emotions, and appearances to be found among the people around us.

13 May – 24 June

Galloway to Gracefield

A collaboration with the Galloway Glens Scheme heritage project.

Spring Fling Open Studios continues as Upland’s flagship event but we also offer a yearround programme delivering a range of projects, events and exhibitions working with young people, emerging and established artists and makers.

As the visual arts and craft development organisation for Dumfries & Galloway, Upland aims to provide a network for learning and sharing, offering advice and support to creative practitioners whilst aiming to inspire and educate a wide range of audiences to participate in and be supportive of visual arts and crafts.

As a membership organisation we work to create opportunities that connect our artists and makers with audiences, communities and each other. With a strong sense of place, we aim to highlight and celebrate our unique region and its creative community, raising its profile in a national and international context.

Current Projects

This year we have a full programme of events and projects, including the Artful Migration Residency which offers artists a unique insight into the migratory birds of Dumfries & Galloway through partnerships working with local nature reserves. This year we are partnering with Forest Land Scotland and the RSPB Dumfries & Galloway to enable artists Leeming & Paterson to explore the elusive nightjar, one of Scotland’s rarest and most unusual birds. The residency will culminate with an exhibition in the autumn.

This year we are also delivering two complimentary projects which will explore and grow space for contemporary art and experimental projects in our rural region. ROAM (Space) explores the idea of creating a project space run by and for emerging artists, while ROAM (West) investigates how contemporary art practice can be developed in the western region of Dumfries & Galloway, led by artist and curator Jack Ky Tan.

We’re also delighted to be developing a new art and craft fair, Upland made, bringing a selection of our artists and makers under one roof in the run up to the festive period.

To keep in touch with all our projects and events throughout the year, please visit www.weareupland.com
