2006 Petrean

Page 206


G o ld

S ilv e r

G e n e r a l E xc e l l en c e E ng lish

Kevin Dougherty Ian McTiernan

Ian McTiernan Corey Leadbeater

H isto r y

Ian McTiernan

Kevin Dougherty T. James LiVolsi "e.a

M ath

Roland Zemla

Daniel Libatique

R e l ig io n

Michael Spivac

Roland Zemla

S c ie n c e

Roland Zemla

Michael Dmytriw

S c h o la r A th le te s

Casey Antczak Joseph Avallone

F rench

Raphael Zaki

''e.a - out o f that

Michael Barbarula

G erm a n

Brian Dalton

which is equal

Henry Bolante, Jr.,

I talian

Patrick Comey

S panish

Lorenzo Rafer

C lassics

Daniel Libatique

E c o n o m ic s

Kevin Dougherty

C o m p u t e r S c ie n c e

Andrew Anderson

A rt

Thomas Mullarney

M u sic

Lorenzo Rafer

Charles Hood *e.a

R e v . F r a n c i s T. S h a l l o e . ST A w a r d

Raymond J. Smith Je s u it S e c o n d a r y E d u c a tio n A s s o c ia tio n A w a rd

Ryan P. Gelchion Jonathan Treble

Kevin Dougherty N a tio n a l M e r it

Patrick Duffy

S c h o la r s h ip C o m p e titio n

Christopher Fitzpatriclj

C om m ended

Padraic Friel

Mark Cavanagh

Ryan Gelchion

Gabriel Clermont

Louis H art

Brian Dalton

Peter Hoffman

Matthew Doherty

Martin Hogan

Daniel Libatique

T. James LiVolsi

Neil Majmundar

John Llaneza

Ian McTiernan

Ryan Loftus

Valentino Mills

Ian McTiernan

Mark Timmins

William Naughton

Jonathan Treble

Nilesh Parikh Derek Ramos

Andrew Wallace

Michael Serzan Jonathan Treble

J o h n E . B r o w n i n g . ST ’46 A w a r d

Neophytos Zambas

Francis X. Romano T e ro m e P e t e r s o n '9 2 A w a r d

Michael F. Haas

S e m i-F in a lis t

Gabriel T. Claremont

B e n e M e r e n ti A w ard

Michael Burgess A gap e A w a rd

Julian Pormentilla Michael Serzan

S p ir it A w a rd s

Andrew Anderson

John Llaneza

Scott Baran

Francis Llarena

K a c h e l M e m o r ia l

Christopher Barry

S c h o la r - A t h le t e A w a rd

Christian Buenafe

Stephen M cDermott Thomas Ongeri

Scott E. Barari

Mark Cavanagh

Jom a Pormentilla Francis Romano

D o n a l d M o r i a r t y *4 8 A w a r d

Andrew Cevasco Patrick Comey Hector Flores

Joseph Skillender

Christopher Fitzpatrick

Conor Supple

Colin Gallo

Andrew Zhu Aleksander Zywicki

John T. Llaneza V i n c e n t T. K e n n e d y ’3 9 A w a r d

Mark G. Cavanagh

David J . Garcia

Jeffrey Rubin

The 2006 Petrean Supplement was created by M o d erato r: Melissa Dowling, with the assistance o f Editor-In-Chief: Davie Garcia, M anaging E d ito r Marc Pappalardo, Editors: Daniel Brennan, James Liggins, Jom a Promentilla, and Juan Norde The entire staff would like to thank C.J. Kopec, Ms. Needham-Doyle, Mr. H oran, Mr. Collins, Ms. Finn, Ms. Gualar Mr. Cuddihy, Mr. Reidy, Mr. D andorph, Ms. Collins, Ms. Supple, Mr. M uir, and Sr. Frances, OSF.

The 2006 Petrean Su pplem ent is d ed icated to Fr. Jam es F. Keenan, SJ.

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