2006 Petrean

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T forkin g through a masW sive stack o f payroll paperwork, Ms. Catherine Ford, who oversees payroll and benefits for employees, ensures that employee records remain up-to-date and accu­ rate. "After spending 17 years with the most kind and compassionate people, one could only feel at hom e," com­ mented Ms. Ford.


r. R o b e r tN m opens the Prep w m to check the daily annou ments before entering M financial system. As the 0 surer and Director o f Fli cial Aid, M r. Nodine, accurately represent the fil cial position o f the school safeguard its assets.

rocessing the tuition c sent from a delinq student, Ms. Diane McC handles a ll student accoi for Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ the Accounts Receivable & tant, M s. M cCabe tra&M monies collected from i students and alumni don


A s the Accounts Payable jL jJV lan ag er M s. Grace O'Brien spends time reconcil­ ing and recording a ll expens­ es incurred by the school. In addition, M s. O'Brien han­ dles the payment o f employ­ ment reimbursement checks.

S to ry by P a tr ic k Coiney


ith almost a thousand students and dose to 100 faculty and staff members, handling the money that passed througji Prep proved a difficult task However, the industrious Treasurer’s

Office workers made the task more manageable Mr. Robert Nodine, acting Treasurer for the past two years, oversaw all the work handled in his office. His duties as treasurer induded accuratdy presenting the school s financial situation, safeguarding its assets, and overseeing the employee benefits program. Ms. Catherine Ford, as Assistant Treasurer, handled the payroll and benefits for all employees and also managed the daily income and expenses of the schooL Tm here all the time,” said Ms. Diane McCabe, the Accounts Receivable assistant

who has made Prep a second home in her ownway. Dailyshe tradced tuition payments and other monies collected for various events, as well as donations made to the school. Ms. Grace O’Brien hdped as head of Accounts Payable and Ms. Erica Rivera, daughter o f Ms. McCabe, worked as an aclministrative assistant for the office. With a new financial software program the recording of revenues and expenses became more accurate and easier. Also, an updated banking and payroll software made the distribution of money to employees simpler. Mr. Nodine and the entire Treasurer s Office staffhdped make the home to so many run so smoothly. It came as no surprise that their compassion and care for this home stemmed from their own feeling that Prep acted like a seoond home to them too.

102 Treasurer's Office


aking a break from assisting the s ta ff o f the Treasurer's Office, Ms. Erica Rivera completes homework for a class she takes at Monmouth University. Her mother, M s. Diane M cCabe, also worked in the Treasurer's Office.

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