1999 Petrean

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n April 3, 1998, fifteen students and

region o f le M arche in central Italy. T h ere, they

th e ir te a c h e rs , S ig n o r a A n to n ia

attended school and later met the m ayor's assis­ Cansonni and Signora D aniela Della Bella,tant from in the older central area o f the city, enclosed

the Liceo Scientifico Leonardo D a Vinci in Jesi,

by ancient walls, where there were historical

Italy, arrived at Prep, where they were greeted

buildings from tim e periods as diverse as the

by m em bers o f P rep’s first Italian E xchange and

M edieval E ra, Rinascim ento, and the Rom an

their fam ilies in a reception in the H arry

E m pire. Students took total trips to the nearby

Siperstein Library.

city o f A ncona, the provincial capital, as well as

Thou gh much time in the follow ing tw o

to the caves at Frasassi and to U rbino, the town

weeks was spent in Jersey City, as all exchange

w here Rafael was born. T w o days were spent in

students attended classes at Prep the week prior

Florence, as well as a short tim e in Rom e and

to spring vacation and later had the opportunity

V enice due to lengthy travel times. However,

to m eet M ayor B ret Schundler, m ost o f the time

there was sufficient tim e to view the m ajor sights

was passed in N ew Y o rk City, w hether going to

in Rom e and to w alk across m uch o f Venice

the M etropolitan M useum o f A rt and Museum

from the P iazza di San M arco to the train station

o f M odern A rt, attending a perform ance o f the

on the opposite side, though some o f the Walk

Broadway musical “Sm okey Joe’s C afe,” visit­

was through the rain.

ing such sites as the W orld T rad e C enter and

Sig. A nthony L oria organized and directed

Em pire State Building, or w alking through C en­

the exchange with the aid o f M r. D e A ngelo for

tral P ark. Students also visited Ellis Island, and

the purpose o f allow ing students who are study­

subsequently spent two days in W ashington,

ing Italian to have the opportunity not only to

D .C . toward the conclusion o f the two weeks.

study m ore profoundly the languange, but to

In June, m em bers o f the exchange spent two

truly understand the culture and country itself.

weeks in Jesi, a m illenia-old city, o f a population

Reflecting upon his experience, Sig. L oria stated,

not m uch sm aller than that o f Bayonne, in the

“HE stata una bella esperienza. A m iam o Italia.”

At the “Im agine M osaic” in Straw berry Fields, Sig. Loria attem pts to sing “C an’t Buy Me Love” as those surrounding him enjoy the m om ent. The m osaic honoring Jo h n Lennon was m ade in Naples, Italy.

4 2 Community

Jo e Naviello, Jo e Falcicchio, and Daniel Di/eo lead the way to the Capitol building in W ashington. Exchange members subsequently toured the Capitol and several other governm ent buildings.

Signor Anthony Loria

“E ' stata una bella esperienzai. Am iam ojtalia. ” 1 (“I t was a beautiful experience. We love Italy.")

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