Vestnik 1968 10 16

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Official Organ Of the Slavonic Benevolent Order Of The State Of Texas, Founded 1897. BENEVOLENCE

VOLUME 56 — NO. 42


HUMANITY Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE SPJST, FOB 100, TEMPLE, TEX 76501

OCTOBER 16, 196$

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Convention Proceedings and ByLaws. Printshop personnel are preparing the booklet form of the convention proceedings from the 20th Convention, and they should be ready in a week or ten days. Eliminating errors, both in the original copy and those made here, has been quite a job, but we pride ourselves on the fact that the final product is very readable, in good English, with very few, if any errors. The next big job involves the bylaws. The first installment of these appears in this issue of the Vestnik. There are some discrepancies that appear in these that will have to be resolved before we print the final booklet version. With the mail as light as it is these clays, we hone to get all of these in just a few issues. Please bear with us. No. 1. Killer. Statistics from the State Health Department tell us that heart disease is still the state's leading killer in 1967, with about twice as many deaths stemming from various heart ailments as were caused by cancer. Heart disease took 29,643 lives in Texas in 1967. Cancer took 13.954 lives. StrOkes were the third leading

cause of death, claiming 10,014 deaths, followed by accidents (6,665), diseases of early infancy (3,067), pneumonia (2,945), generalized arteriosclerosis (1,544), diabetes mellitus (1,457), murder (1,013), and cirrhosis of the liver, 980. Divorce and Birth Rates. An Institute of Life Insurance analysis of latest government figures indicates that the na tion's marriage and divorce rates may climb higher this year, while the birth rate may still be falling, and the death rate shows no noticeable change. Nearly two million marriages may occur this year — probably the most since the nationwide rush to the altar just after World War II. The marriage rate is approaching' 10 per 1,000 population, and will likely be the highest in at least 15 years. The family responsibilities of married men present by far the greatest need for life insurance protection. Of all the "ordinary" life insurance issued to American men, 83 per cent is purchased by married men. And ownership of life insurance runs significantly higher among husbands with children than among those who are child-


less. The upswing in marriage apparently has not yet reversed the downward trend in births. The number of babies born this year may drop below 31/2 million for the first time since. 1946. Experts say one factor behind the declining birth rate is that women seem, to be marrying later and postponing children longer after marriage. The decline may also indicate that American families are getting smaller. But, regardless of what future direction the birth rate may take, the upward trend in marriages means that the actual number of births is.: likely also to turn upward before top.. Latest figures show women's age at first marriage as 20.5 years, compared with 20.3 years in the early 1960s. The median age for roan is unchanged at 22.8 years. (Ici on -white brides and grooms tend to be a halfyear or more older at I t marriage than their white count:A:par Czech Library to Temple. Permission was granted at the last Supreme Lodge meeting for us to move the Czech Library that I started about 4 years ago here in West to empty offices in



VESTNIK (Herald) itrootred as second class matter January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act of Congress of August 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Supreme Lodge SPJST, Box 100, Temple, Texas 76501. , OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ORDER OF THE STATE OF TEX Published weekly EDITOR NICK MORRIS — Box 85, West, Texas 76691 Residence: 1204 N. Davis Street Telephones: Res. HI 6-5989 — Shop: HI 6-5282 PUBLISHERS CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY, WEST, TEX. Subscription $3.75 Changes of address and correspondence concerning delivery of Vestnik must be sent to Supreme Lodge, Box 100, Temple, Texas. Paid subscriptions and advertising matt

should be addressed to Vestnik, West, Tx. 76691

Deadline for material to be accepted for the

following issue is Saturday noon.

SUPREME LODGE Temple AC 817 PR 32151 and PR 32152 Box 100, Temple, Texas 76501 EDWARD L. MAREK, President Res: PR 87442 JOE B. HEJNY, Vice-president Res: PR 81785 R. A. URBANOVSKY, Secretary Res: PR 33846 BEN ZABCIK, Financial Secretary Res: 985-2472 JOS KOLIHA, Jr., Treasurer Res: PR 81298 Dr. MARVIN LESHIKAR, Medical Director AC 512; EL 25291 P. 0. Box 410 — Taylor, Texas 76474 AUGUST KACIR, Attorney PR 33658 — Office: PR 32171 P. 0. Box 845, Temple, Texas DIRECTORS JOHN A. KUBENA, First District AC 713; 968-3251 — Res. 968-3937 P. 0. Box 308 — La Grange, Tx 78945 HENRY VITEK, Second District AC 512; 859-2549 P. 0. Box 43 — Granger, Texas 76530 CYRILL (Sid) POKLADNIK, Third Dls, AC 214; TA 48072; office RI 11874 2924 Elm Street — Dallas, Tx 75226 R. E. BROZ, Fourth District AC 915; 655-2164 Rt. 3, Box 320 — San Angelo, Tx 76901 ERNEST J. 'HANKA, Fifth District AC 713: UN 25744; Office CA 70883. 6759 Cindy Lone -- IT onston, Tx 77(1a0$ Office 77002 ED P. BRALLA, Sixth District AC 512: Or, 72fi51 151 Rh 1, Pox I10. Edna, TPxo CHAS. ROI.,AEIT,, Se 3mrith 1-z; AC 512: UT. 20840 Texas 78,115 2513 Nemec St. — Corpus Ch


MRS. FRANCES MESA, Chairman 6402 Taggart St. — Houston, Texas HUGO SCHEFCAK c/o SPJST Rest Home — Taylor, Texas BY-LAW COMMITTER ROY E. HPANICK.Y, Chairman Pob. 455, Sim.ou, 're xas 78387 LEO K1„ACISE„1 r., --- Secretary P. 0. Box 437, Texas 77968 D1STR E‘ 'T ORGANIZERS 101:i'LRICT 1 Melvin Skrabanek, P. 0. Box 270, Caldwell, Texas 77836 DISTRICT II Leonard D. Mikeska, 107 Killen Lane Temple, ri.exe...; 76501 ---- Ph. AC 817; PR 83720 DISTRICT III Arnold M. Vrla, 63Gi `.iaratoga Circle Dallas, Ts.. 75214 -- Ph. AC 214; Res. TA 79049 Office RI 22236 DISTRICT IV Emil Holub, 808 W. Oregon Seymour, Tex 76380 DISTRICT V Frances Olexa, 6402 Taggart St. Houston, Tex. 77007 — Ph. AC 713; UN 24392 DISTRICT VI Leo Krause, jr., P. 0. Box 427 Inez, Texas 77963 --- Ph. Ac 512; OL 74678 DISTRICT VII Roy E. Flranisky, Pub 455, Sinton, Texas 78387 Phone EM 4-3379 STATE YOUTH DIRECTOR

James J. Janoussk, Box 100, Temple, Texas. — Ph. res. PR 84519 DISTRICT YOU IH DIRECTORS DISTRICT I Mrs. Bud. Matejka, Route 4 — Box 562 Bryan, Texas DISTRICT II Mrs. Emily Mikeska„ Route 1, Rogers, Texas --- Ph. AC 817; MI 2-3339 DISTRICT III Mrs. Wilma Nesuda, Teller) Road Ennis, Texas 75119 — Ph. AC 214; TR 57790: Office TR 52651 DISTRICT IV Mrs. Ed Raider, Route 1 Seymour, Texas • Ph. AC 817; 888-3309 DISTRICT V Mrs. Evelyn Mattes, P. Box 273, Hitchcock, Tex 77563 -- Ph. 986•7027 -- AC 713 Office UN 95731 DISTRICT VI Mrs. Frank l3rdecka, Route 1, Box 150 Rosenner., Tex 77471 – Ph. AC 713; NO 22085 DISTI;ICT VII. Mrs. Maxine PavItska, Route 2, Box 151 Floresville, Tax. 78114 — AC 512; 393-2030 Unsolicbed material for publication cannot be returned unless sufficient postage is attached. Thls includes pictures. Expense for p ublication of engagement and wedding pietures =rust be borne b y the sender.

ANCE , riff.", •.,01mice to the Flag Of the United dh of America- and to the Re .prOlic for which it stands, One Nation 11o!1 , e with Liberty and justice foi all."

Wednentlay, October 10, 1088 the headquarters building in Temple. We are cramped for space here in the printshop, and the 1,000 plus volumes will serve as the nucleus of the library that will become a part of the museum and library in our new building when it is built. Some of the frequent users of the books in the West area are already complaining about the move, but the books will receive better care in their new quarters. As soon as our facilities and time permit, we will issue appeals for additional volumes for this collection. The ones we now have were sent to us by people all over the U.S., and many more are waiting for the time when we can accommodate more of them. This will eventually be a fine and unique collection. Texas Poonlation Trends. Mr. Walter B. Moore, editor of the Texas Almanac, delved recently into population trends in this state of ours and his findings show that things are changing so rapidly that the 1960 census figures are badly outdated. We've clone a lot of shifting in this state since the last count was taken 8 years ago. These shifts in population are very important to business and industry. Professor R. L. Skrabanek at Texas A&M writes that "patterns that have a profound effect on the location of schools, farms and ranches, churches, housing, highways, retail and wholesale establishments, and all types of services and facilities." We might add to that: insurance sales. The population of Texas was estimated to be 10,972,000 on July 1st of this year, placing us at the same level as the state of Illinois, and fourth in the nation. However, the annual rate of increase is dropping because birth rates have declined (see above), deaths have increased, and migration into Texas has fallen off. A good index or barometer of an area's growth or lack of it are the number of scholastics. Chances are that if the number of school-age children drops, the general population in that area does likewise. Rural counties continue to lose population. Mr. Skrabanek points out that 39 counties in Texas now have more deaths thait births each year. All are farming areas, where the youn ger people have been migrating to the cities since the 30s and are still doing so. About one-third of Texas' 254 counties have fewer residents than they

Wednesday, October 16, 1968 did in 1060; about two-thirds have more. Here are some important conclusions about Texas population trends that anybody who has anything to sell would do well to take note of: --Metropolitan growth is in the suburbs, rather than inner cities, in buying power as well as in number. Cores of cities are dominated by lower-income groups often Negroes or Latin Americans. —There are more women than men. University of Texas estimates are that there are 5,586,448 males and 6,018,225 females. Ten years hence, Texas is expected to have 6,817,320 men and 7,532,197 females. —Young dominate Texas population, UT estimates for 1070 indicate that there will be more than 250,000 Texans in every age group from less than 1 year to 13 years, but no age group older than that will have as many as a quarter-million. These and other changes provide a fascinating guessing game for those who deal with population or rely upon such statistics to guide their business. And it will all be guesswork until the 1970 U.S. Census, long after the April 1 count is made, supplies' more complete figures. ♦ • Finally, in my rather extensive travels throughout the state, particularly in the southern and south-central areas, I have been constantly amazed at the trend in land purchases throughout that area. It seems that wealthy businessmen from the big cities (Houston, Austin, and San Antonio) are buying up land considerable distances from those cities. When an elderly farmer puts his land up for sale, his buyer is likely to be a big businessman from one of these cities. An elderly couple in Ammansville have been approached repeatedly by a Houston lawyer offering to buy their farm. (He already owns the adjoining property). A Penelope farmer had a bid from a San Antonio businessman within two days after he put his land up for sale. (He bought it). This is a very interesting development . • • "Nation Must Find Its Foundations." (The following is an editorial from the pages of the Dallas Morning News). "Farmers seem, to be vanishing from the scene, vet farming still goes on, and the United States produces all the

VtiSTNIK food it needs and some for other countries that cannot produce enough. Farming is changing from an occupation for families to big 'operations. The farm no longer is a place for a willing and able man without capital to pitch in and start competing with his neighbors. "A lot of the farm population has been going to the cities to look for jobs. They find it tough there unless they are prepared for the kind of employment that is available. Then troubles for the cities grow. "City planners, social planners and economic planners worry about ways to stem the flow of rural populations to the cities. So far, the ideas have not been outstanding. Machines are doing too much of the farm work to leave enough work for more people. "This is considered a major problem because it is seen as a cause for the growth of unemployment in crowded centers and of problems of health, education and public safety. It is the reason that a search is being made for ways to keep people from leaving 'the countryside for the city. There are suggestions of various ways of making it profitable for industries to scatter plants among the small towns or of getting rural recreation projects going. "While the planners are thinking of these things they should consider ways of living with the situation, and they have not thought of all the problems yet. One is in the statistics showing white collar and service employees now in the majority, "This shows that now more people are engaged in planning, directing, selling, entertaining, keeping records, collecting taxes and doing other such things than in providing the necessities of life. This is good in a way. It means that the people now producing necessities with such efficiency that they have collectively, much more time to devote to cultural improvement. That is theoretical. Iu fact they have more time to compete with one another for what the fewer and fewer numbers produce. "The basic necessities still, are food, clothing, and shelter. The foundation of America has been the people who produced those necessities, especially on the farms. They have been the people who could come nearest taking care of themselves, even if not in luxury. "Now we have a nation of 200 mil-

3 lion, and practically none of us could get by long without dozens of services supplied by other people. This is not a reversible situation, and not many would want it reversed. But it is a big change from a few decades ago, It presents a new problem, one of finding a new basis of personal responsibility and consequently, of national strength." Anecdote of the Week: One of the stories making the rounds in Prague concerns some of the leading Czechoslovak government officials who were being raked over the coals in Moscow. At one point, a Russian official demanded: "Why is it that Czechoslovakia, a land-locked country, needs a Ministry of the Seas?" One of the Czechs, perturbed by the Russian's interrogation, answered abruptly: "Look, let's live and let live. Don't ask me why we have a Ministry of the Seas, and I won't ask you why you have a M,inistry of CUlture." Czech Day, 1,5g. 88, Houston — Oct. 27t1'

Newsbriefs Brother John Kutni is recuperating at home after surgery. He has returned to his office duties on a part-time basis. His address is: 5207 Loch Lomond, Waco 76710. • , Sister Marie Bartosh is recuperating at home after her prolonged stay in a .Hillsboro hospital. Her address: PO Box 26, Penelope , Texas 76676. • • Mr. Frank Kotrba, of Omaha, Nebr,, is helping out on a temporary basis at the printshop here in West while Bro. Jerome Kopecky checks into the hospital for surgery. • • Willie C. Mazoch, 55, passed away in a Taylor hospital on Oct. 4th. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery in Granger. Brother Mazoch was a member of SPJST Lodge No, 20, Granger. • • Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Reznicek of Waco were honored by their children on their 25th wedding anniversary with a. dinner on Sept. 29th. Fifty-seven guests registered. The Rezniceks have 3 daughters and 1 son. All are members of sPJsT Lodge No. 66, Waco. • • Antoinette Stevens. 73, passed away in Joseph's Hospital in Houston on Sept, 15th. Burial was in the Moulton

Wednesday; (ochober 10, 1968


dance will be held from 6 to 10 p.m.; music by the BemisFair Band from Texasland, the Hub City Dutchmen from. Yoakum. They will play your favorite polkas, waltzes, and modern music. We are looking forward to seeing you ano hope you will erase and help us celiideite this occasion, Eva tee Mrs, Haprskar , 11 Oct. 27tei NO, 38,

Catholic Cemetery. Sister Stevens was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 165, Moulton. Joseph Hovorak, 74, passed away in T. L. GoOdnight Memorial Hospital in Caldwell on Sept. 25th. Burial was in ithe New Tabor Cemetery. Brother Hovorak was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 17, New Tabor. Mary Simecek, 86, passed away in the Cuero Hospital on Sept. 29th, Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery in Westhoff. Sister Simecek was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 125, Westhoff. o Louis Holub, 68, passed away in Polly Ryon Memorial Hospital in Richmond on Sept. 25th. Burial was in Greenlawn Memorial Park in Rosenberg. Brother Holub was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 58, Hungerford, • Eman Kouba, 70, until recently employed by the Cechoslovak Pub. Co. in West; passed away in his West residence last Friday morning. Funeral services were held Sunday in West and burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery in West. Mr. Kouba, had previously lived in Houston and in Brazil for a good Many years prior to that. He served with the Italian Army on the Allied side during WW I. Anniv. Celeb., I,cbic. 92, Ft. Worth ®. Oct. 27th


Ills lenCe inchides two years -Lecturer at Ilnieersidart y Tecnologlea de Coloinbin in Ten otcl at La Pontificia Uniy i Javcr nit Bogata, Colonibin lcc taue at the University of Fei Hie). e at Cornell Universitu It:nave For two years, he helpe( I train Corps volunteers for se duo in ist and Asia. Ills oeblica;:iii, include a book "Colombian and published in Boy, • steves," and anothNorlb Alr,Orjeall ",.Thiesurcineni of Bilingualism and Bicultural ..:ocialization," pu,biished in Austin, os as a number of research reports. Edwe pai I a itteieher of SPJST Lodge No, e, parents are also t: Epao.:1

Aon — Oct, 27th


Edward J. Cervenka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Cervenka of Waco, has joined the faculty staff at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City, as an assistant professor of linguistics and education. Edward has his BA and MA degree from the University of Texas in Austin. Professor Cervenka comes to Teachers College from the University of Texas at Austin where he was divisional director, communications studies at the Child Development Evaluation and Research Center. He also served as director of evaluat i on at Creedmore .Experimental Bilingual School, Del Valle, Texas; research associate with Educational Research AsSociates, Inc., Austin, and c onsultant, S ∎ uthiwest Educational Development Laboratory, Austin.

NO. 92, FORT Dear Mredivies, Ors oet. 2'7tb, we will be• celebrating the 30in eienversary of National Hall, Lodge 9'i oelend a cordial inVitation to all itap • ome Lodge officers, to attend this ocfriends and casion.' rieegyred to have Brother We will president.. of the Edward i• nor guest speaker honored to have en 8/1. . the Ci to our t_;: "flaps fay_ hear tine other selecorite dressed in their tions. begin with dinner at 11:801 . . 1:30 p.M.; •the • pro-. grain will beein at 2 p.m., and a

Deer Bl imels, With pleiasure and pride I am reminding you that Oct. 27th at Lodge 83 will be a day to remember. The famous Gil Baca Orchestra will entertain from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Joe Ga y -ranovicfSt nWHMiRosenburg will broadcast the AmericanCzech Hour from Lodge 88. During this Gil Baca's music will be on the This occasion is the 50th Anniverary of the Czechoslovak Republic. I will go into e details about this in a later Is Sue. Our president, Louis Hanus, has chosen a very commendable way to honor some of our senior members. They will be , Members who have worked e hard to put Lodge 88 where it is teden-r. Obr President-Elect Bro. Niel;':\i" irris will deliver a speech to us. Lad Maudr will have some words in the Czech langruage, and our youth will b eln during the program. Later in the e y rio ter they will dance the Reseda. 'flan to come for a delicious dinner, view a beautiful Czech display, listen to wonderful music, and attend a free outstanding program. When the Program is over, dance to the music of cc, Roy Arfatechar We promise you will have a wonderful time. Mrs. Lydia Hendrick An p i • . Celeb.,

92, Ft, Worth — Oct. 27th

DISTIFFf_CT H FALL MEETING Dear Members: The Bistriet IT fall meetin g will he held nonday, Oct. 20th. Lodge 29, Ta y lor, will host the district meeting. of.fice e s invite all the 4-r of"ice"s of the Attorney, State i 3 their amilies. AlYou i;• so [reet, (Aber districts are welcome. follows: The, to., Registration at 1:30 p.m. Meeting called to order 2 p.m.

Wednesday, October 16, 1968 Pledge of allegiance Welcome Presider)It, Lodge 29, Taylor Response Moment of silence for deceased members Roll call of district officers Reading of minutes of spring meeting by Secretary Sidney Kacir Reading of correspondence Report of district officers: District Director -- Henry Vitek; District Organizer — Leonard Mikeska; District Youth Director Emily Mikeska; District Treasurer -- Alfred Gensler Introduction of Supreme Lodge officers State Youtn Director and Editor — their comments Recognition of visitors from other districts Old business New business Selection of site and date for the spring meeting Recess — 20 minutes Youth Program — District 'Youth Director Emily Mikeska. (Each lodge is allowed a 15-minute program) Announcement of winners in poster contest and awarding of prizes Adjourn. Lodge 29 is preparing a supper immediately Ater adjournment. Let's all stay for a social and eat a delicious meal with them. Hoping to see all of you at our fall meeting. Fraternally, Frank Klinkovsky President, District II Expansion Celeb., Ldg. 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 63, SWEET HOME Dear Members, Our next meeting is to be held on Oct. 20, and we ask all our members to come out and bring their friends. After our meeting we will have another free dance; music by Hubert Janak and his Polka Boys, from 2:30 till? Everyone come on Oct. 20. Fraternally, Irene Slova.cek Reporter and Youth Leader Czech Day, Ld g. 88, Houston — Oct. 27th


Seaton Star Hall SPJST Lodge No. 47 would like to take this opportunity to extend to all Supreme Lodge officers. directors, SPJST members and friends, an invitation to the Grand Opening of our enlarged and air-conditioned hall on Oct. 27th, 1968. Be-

V'ESTNIK ginning at 1:30 p.m. there will be a ribbon-cutting. Music for dancing will begin at 2:30 p.m., with the four following bands: Vrazel Polka Band, Otis Beck and His Melody 5, Ray Baca Orchestra, and the Temple Rhythm Masters, playing throughout the evening until about 9:30 p.m. There will be games and entertainment for all. The kitchen will open at 1:30 p.m., serving barbecue on bun, sausage sandwiches, hot dogs, and , popcorn. Plenty of icecold beverages will be available. Come one and all — bring the family an evening of entertainment! Fraternally, J. L. Vanicek Presider, Anniv. Celeb., Ldg. 92, Ft. Worth — Oct.

STEFANIK LODGE. 142, HOUSTON Greetings: To all of you good readers of the Vestnik, may your future be filled with good health and happiness! This morning as I sat on the pier here at Alamo Beach baiting the hooks and trying to catch some stray fish, it suddenly dawned on me that it has already been a week since I went to Houston, and attended MTS. Mary Cilny's funeral. She was an outstanding worker at Stefanik Lodge No, 142 for many years and a beloved Sister who always found time to do more than her share of baking for the lodge. To the family (four generations of them and Stefanik members, too) she left behind, we extend our most heartfelt condolences and may time ease their sorrow. Mrs. Cilny was a very good friend of my mother and they always visited over the telephone in the last year of my mother's life, that is, until the last three months when a second stroke took my mother's speech. We used to call them the "wheel chair conversationalists." On the 15th of October mama Will be gone to her eternal resting place two years. Time has eased the pain a little, but I believe the emptiness will always remain. So dearest mother, we will always miss your gentle smile and encouraging ways, but we want you to know we will never forget to be ever so proud of the heritage you and papa left us. Dear friends, as a parting thought: to all of you who still have parents, even one, regard them with awe; not with lavished gifts, but with kind words of love and thoughtful. gesttires

of sincerity! • You will never regret it and you will have a very happy morn and dad. Wishing all of you the best of everything. On behalf of the Vaja Family, I am, Respectfully yours, Amelia (Vaja) Sturm Expansion Celeb., Ldg. 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th


Dear Members, Quite a number of our members attended the district meeting where we enjoyed the good .chicken and sausage dinner prepared by those good cooks of Lodge 142. Secretary F. A. Kadlecek did a fine job with the minutes, and good reports were given by President Charlie Matcek, Treasurer Tommy Lostak, Director Ernest Hanka, Rest Home Director Joe Skrabanek, and District Youth Director Evelyn Mattes. Vice President Harry Rice introduced the officers and guests from the Supreme Lodge. Editor-Elect Rudy Sefcik made a brief talk thanking us for our support, and Jarda Cerny spoke on the importance of reviving the small lodges. President E. Marek received a standing ovation after making his farewell speech; he told us how much the SPJST has meant to him and that he will continue to help whenever possible. Editor and our Pres.-Elect Nick Morris, who was the principal speaker, spoke on two main topics: Precepts for SPJST members and the 'SPJST youth. It was a great speech, and he received a, standing ovation. I wish more of you would have been there to hear both the outgoing and the in-coming presidents! We also enjoyed the program that Y.D. Evelyn Mattes and the youth presented. It is this Sunday that we have our Homecoming Day, and it is sure to be a full day of enjoyment! It starts with a barbecue beef dinner at 11:30 (free to lodge members present between 11:30 and 3 p.m.); other guests will pay the usual price, $1.25 and 75c. There will be a social from 2 to 4 p.m., and a free dance with the famous Norman Barnes and the Lamplighters playing; the dance is free to members and all other guests! And you good cooks, don't forget the pies and cakes! We hope you are making plans to also attend our first Czech Day on the 27th! It also will be a full clay of interesting activities, starting with a chicken barbecue dinner served from noon on with Radio Station KFRD broadcasting the American - Czech


6 Hour from our lodge from 12:30 to 2:30, with the Gil Baca Orchestra playing. A fine program will start at 2:30, and a dance will follow with popular Lee Roy Matocha playing. There will be an interesting Czech heritage display which you can see any time from 10:30 on; this will be free, as is the program. It's a spaghetti supper and social this Thursday , so come for a good meal and lots of fun! Then Saturday you can dance to those fine musicians from La Grange, the Blames! NAMES IN THE NEWS: Our managers Minnie and Joe Bravenec are on vacation in Mexico! We are mighty happy to have Pat Baca on our Display committee for the Czech Day! Sgt. Charles and Betty Eilsher of Fort :Hood spent the_ weekend with parents Estelle and Steve Kelly and grand;mother Daisy Drab; Betty was given a beautiful- shower at the lodge by Bird: ie Hilsher and Dorothy Hilsher!: The many friends of Frank Dvorak are happy to hear he is doing fine after his recent surgery! Jerome Walkoviak was really surprised, when he and _Jeanette walked into the Chandelier Ballroom and the nights of Dixie started playing "Happy Birthday"; a group of their relatives and friends helped them celebrate! Elsie and A. J. Zalesky and their friends celebrated birthday, and the orchestra played a special number for her! Herbert Kloese.1 and his Knights of Dixie were receiving many compliments on their fine music! Mildred and Frank Kucera and son Chris of Memphis, Tenn.. are here visiting their in PAS, the Valas and Willie 1,,- occras; they also were enjoying the _V.:lights of Dixie! Pres. Louis Hanus. who has vsTorked so hard on the program fee the Czech Day, hopes you are Planning ta come! Hoping; to see you at the spaghetti ship per and social Thursday, the Blume Dance Saturday, and the Homecoming Day with its barbecue beef dinner, donee Sunday! 'f ocial

card from the Joe F. Hovorak family for the floral spray. A resolution of sympathy was read for our departed Bro. Joe F. Hovorak. Let's remember the domino tournament Sunday, Oct. 27, at 2 p.m. The youth club will have a cake walk and a concession stand. Our next meeting will he held on the 2nd Sunday of November (the 10th), at 2 p.m. We would like to urge more members to attend our meetings. Fraternally, Ethel Zavodny Reporter Ltilg. 92, Ft. Worth — Oct. 27th


Be sure and attend the regular lodge meeting on Oct„ 20th at 2:30 p.m. The ladies are requested to bring eats for their families. There will probably be many important matters that need to Le discussed at this meeting, so all of -,you come. Fraternally, Jean Spence Secretary li*OallSiO1

1,dg. 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th


Dear Members and Friends: This is to remind you of our Grand Opening (of our expansion of our hall) on Oct. 27th, starting at 1:30 p.m. We invite all of you to the opening and especially everyone who likes music or dancing because we will have four bands playing from about 2 p.m. until about 9:30 p.m. The bands are as follows: Vrazel Polka, Band, Otis Beck and His Melody 5, Ray Ram Or;:dlestra, and the Temple Rhythm Masters. So you see, there will be plenty of music. We have a much larger dance floor and seating capacity. It is folly airconditioned. We also have a youth room. I must say we think it is really nice and we hope you will agree. We will also have games and we decided to do a little "begging" by asking each member to bring some type of a prize, preferably groceries or some pal ry to be used in the games department, and since I am the games Tune Helmeamp chairman, I am doing the asking. If 27th I rtouston of you feel you could donate a bring it to the gaMCS departNEW on that Sunday at the mall. We Doer lv"Inbei,-;. New Tabor Lodge No. 17 held its are planning on having the games on the outside if the weather is favorable. monthly meeting Oct. 6th, since the District I I fall meeting is at Bleibler- We are hoping the weather -man will - be on our side and we can have all of vill on the 13th. you people come out and see our The secretary read a thank-you

Wednesday, October 16, 1968 beautifully enlarged hall. Also, anyone wanting to help in the games department, please call me su I can get a schedule worked up. I will appreciate it very much. Remember this hall belongs to ALL of US, so won't you please help? Hoping to see you Oct. 27th. Fraternally, Frank Klinkovsky Czech Day, Lclg. 88, Houston — Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 47, SEATON Dear Members and Friends: The meeting was called to order by President Johnnie L. Vanicek at 2 pan. Flag bearers were Donnie Pechal and Ricky Novosad, who also led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Vanicek asked everyone to rise for a moment of silence for a departed member, Sister Mary Dukatnik. May she rest in peace. Reported on the sick list were Joe F. Hejl, Theresa Homasek, and Jerry Ann Skrabanek. Here's hoping they are all well by now. Visitors were Mrs. Leo Baca and Bro. Joe Zvolanek, Sr., and wife. The lodge welcomes visitors - and you regular members bring along an extra member, or at least invite some one to join the ;group. New members in the adult class are Loyal E. and Evelyn O. Yates, Joe Kruse, Raymond Louis Schwate,- Leo Kahlig, and Helen Marie Matl. Juvenile class, Cynthia Yates, Kenneth McCormick, and Frank Joe Mikulastik. Transfers: Leo Baco, Debra Baca, Clara Fester, John Dokupil, Dorothy Denise Dokupil., Albert Lee Schiller, :Sharon Deanea Schiller, Wanda Jean Schille r , and Clifford Lee Schiller. President Vanicek welcomed all new members present and hopes they all participate in the lOdge activities. These various chairmen are going to need your help on the grand opening Oct. 27th at 1:30 p.m.: Bar Chairmen, Willie and Adeline Kohutek Kitchen, William and Lillian Rosanek: and Dan and Geraldine Balusek Games, Frankie Klinkovsky - Teddy Bear stand, Walter and Annie Jakubec Ball Throwing Stand, Eugene Fricke, assistant youth leader. Lodge 47 is asking members to donate at least one prize to be used at

Wednesday, October 16, 1.968 the games stand. It can be valued 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. You can tell Bro. Klinkovsky what it is worth. Everyone has .. iumething around that can be used for this good cause — grocery or staples of any variety. Ladies, we are asking again for kolaches or cake for the kitchen. It might be cool that day and a good cup of coffee along with something sweet would he awfully nice. This, alone with :;a usage and barbecue sandwiches, will be just what the doctor ordered. Tickets \\ ill be $1.50 per person for this special doings — afternoon and evening entertainment. Ribbon-cutt ing and speeches at 1:30 The Seaton Choral Group will sing for your pleasure. Cake walk by the Youth Club. Dancing starts promptly at 2:30. Four bands for your dancing pleasure Vrazels, Otis Beck and his Melody Five, Ray Baca, and Temple Rhythm, Masters. I must say a little about Saturday, Oct. 5 when Otis Beck played at Seaton Star Hall, and it was also a wedding dance — Reed and Heugetter. The hall was just barely in shape and nearly needed another expansion. The walls were really talking saying, "can we stand it?" We are really proud to have such a nice place and such nice people who patronise it. Choral group practice the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Come out and join. It's lots of fun. Next regular lodge meeting at 1:30 on Nov. 8. See you on Oct. music by tee Ilse. Fraternally. Ruby (Pavlica) &Hon Anniv.

Pt. Worth — Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 66, WACO Vinobrani — Harvest Dance Dear Friends: This coming Saturday, Oct. 19th, Linden Hall is having its annual Harvest Dance, known in Czech as "Vinobrani." This is always a lot of fun for everyone — those who try to "sneak something," and for the ones who do the apprehending. There will be plenty of good things to "filch." The music will be provided by the Music Masters from Ennis, the band that guarantees to please your dancing tastes. These boys are good, make no mistake about that. Come join the crowd at Linden Hall, and here's hoping you don't get


VPSTNfl< caught, but if you do, maybe you can out-talk the judge. Heah come da judge! Fraternally, Otto Hanus For the Eint. Com . Expansion Celeb., Ldft. 47, Seaton -- Oct.27th

LODGE NO. 54, WERT Bear Sistcr c and Brothers: Our last meeting was held last SundaY and called to order by Peesident August Pustejovsky. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Brother Mazancc read the financial report of both the hall and treasurer's report; the combination:Was a very t0 0 (1 report. There were three new members who joined the juvenile Class. They are Patrick 1oseph Poehls, son of Mr. and Nti'S. Albin Poehls, Eitiephan Joseph Ilutyra, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hutyra; and Tina Jo Wolf, daughter of Roberta Wolf. We had two visitors, Brother Rudolph Zahn:an of Elk and Brother John Peter of Penelope. We always like to see visitors come to our meetings. On the sick list three members were named; Brother Frank Holacka who is in a Waco hospital; Brother George Katit who was in the hospital but is now rrcuberating at hOme; and Brother Johnnie Poop who was in the hospital and is now recuperating at hoMe. We wish nil of these a speedy recovery. TTc door prize was won by our president, Brother August Pustejovsky. The mceting was adjourned and Minch we served by the ladies. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, NoV. 3rd at 2 p.m. Fraternally, Bennie Soukup Reporter ft& 1-lou g ton — Oct. 27th Czech Dflv. SAN ANTONIO LODGE NO. 133 Dear Members: I must take a minute and drop you a line to tell all members and friends we are having a meeting Sunday, Oct. 20th, startin g ' at 2 p.m, I have been very busy with my new high school cafeteria since September. Our last attendance prizes were won by Sister Ruby Holly,. 1st, ; and Sister Sophie Maly, 2nd. Ha ppy birthday was observed as usual. I must send greetings today to my mother-in-law who is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph lirncirik in Sey-

mour. Fraternally, Viola Mazac Treasurer Anni'. Celeb., Lcig. 92, Ft. Worth — Oct. 2 eth

TO TILE' MEMBERS OF DIET. V; Brothers and Sisters: The officers of District 5 will meet at Bill Williams', Richmond, Texas, on Nov. 12th at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to determine the date and place of the District 5 spring meeting. In this connection, lodges desiring to host the spring meeting are urged to contact any district officer or be present at the district officers' meeting on Nov. 12th. Fraternally, F. A. Kadleeek Secretary, Dist. 5 Expansion Celeb., Lctf;, 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 92, FORT WORTH Dear Members and Friends, Lodge S.vaz Cechoslovanu No. 92, Fort Worth, cordially extends an invitation to all of the Supreme Lodge officers, friends, members and sister lodges to attend this occasion. We will be honored to have Brother Edwarc.:. L. Marek as our guest speaker and we will be honored to have the Choral Club of Lodge 84, Dallas to sing on our program. They will be dressed In their Czech krojc. Dinner will be served beginning at 11:30, until 1:30 p.m.; the program will begin at 2 p.m. A dance will be held from 6 p.m., to 10 p.m.; music by the HemisFair Band from Texasland, the Hub City Dutchmen from Yoakum. They are a nationally known orchestra and will play your favorite polkas, waltzes, and modern music. We're looking forward to seeing you. Come and bring your family and invite your friends for a good time and enjoy the fellowship with old friends and meeting new friends. Fraternally, Mrs. Mary Paprskar Czech Day, Ldp;. 88, Houston — Oct. 27th Q""


The fall meeting of District II will be held Sunday, Oct. 20, at Lodge No. 29, Taylor. CZECH DAY IN HOUSTON SPJST Lodge No. 88, Houston, is having a big Czech Day celebration



on Sunday, October 27th, in commemmoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the First Czechoslovak Republic.

Wednesday, October 16, 1968


Expanblon Ccieb., Ldg. 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th

ATTENTION LODGE NO. 88: Lodge Homecoming Day on Sunday, Oct. 20th: barbecued beef dinner serv,ed free to lodge members present between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. (other guests $1.25 and 75c), social from 2 to 4 p.m. and free dance for members and all guests, with popular Norman Barnes and the Lamplighters! All you good cooks: your pies, cakes, etc., surely will be appreciated! Czech Day, Lcig. 88, Houeton — Oct. 27th


DISTRICT II Dear Members: The fall meeting of District II will be held Sunday, Oct. 2,0th, at Lodge No. 29, Taylor. Youth, there is a special contest for this meeting. It is the SPJST Individual Poster Contest. Theme: Your choice on anything relating to the SPJST. Who can enter? — An y youth who is a member of SPJST. No more than five entries from a lodge in each of the following age divisions. 6-9, 10-12, 1315, and 16 19. Prizes: These will be given by each district, Size: Not to exceed 9 by 12. Each youth shall accompany his or her Own poster to the district meeting. As in the past, a short talent program will be presented and all lodges are eligible to participate not to exceed 15 minutes. Fraternally, Emily Mike sk a DYD, Dist. II

This group of young singers from Lodge 30, Taiton, samg at the District VI fall meeting at Taiton recently. Back l'OW, L to R: Clarence Kahanek, Josephine Krpec, Judy DItthos, Madilyn Merta, Monica Merta, Anbta Krpec, Kenny Mrnustik, Marion Dorotik, accompanist. Next row: Rodney Dluhos, Karen Dorotik, Thomas Dlahos, Janette Krpec, Kevin Dorotik, Frances Krpec, Silvan Dluhos (MC). Front: Claire Dorotik, Glenn Kahanek, Rosann Dorotik, Mary Jo Dluhos. The group sang all their songs in Czech.

Annlv, Celeb., 1.,(1,L 92, Ft. Worth — Oct. nth

DISTRICT IV Dear Friends, Halloween will soon be here! Have the youth of District IV planned their parties yet? I know Bomarton Lodge 77 has and I hope they have a good time. I met with the Boniarton group on Sept. 28th and demonstrated weaving; basklAs with reed. They all wove baskets of different shapes and did a good job. I was really amazed at the small ones, but I guess the children

Other youth who performed at the District VI fall meeting inculded, back row, L to P.: Diana Dyson (153), Sally Sembera (153), Geraldine Kalina (58), Peggy Kalina (58), Judy Sabrsula (a), Patsy Kalina (58). Front: Marlene Vincik (153), Frankie Trojeak (153), William Bennett Janes, Jr. !153), Sandy Dyson (153), and Keith Dyson (153),

Wednesday, October 10, 1963


just learn a lot quicker than we older folks. I again make a plea to the other lodges of District IV to please get some ladies to take on the duties of youth leader and get your youth started in a youth club. There are so many things they can participate in. I would like to hear from those interested. I will be happy to answer any questions or come help you get started. I will gladly send you the Manual of Guidance for Youth Leaders. The youth are always eager to learn to do new things and they can usually carry on with just a little helo and encouragement from the youth leader. I do hope to hear from the loibpei that do not have a youth club. Fraternally, Mary Haisler DYD Expansion Celen„ IAA, 47, Seaton — Oct, 27th FROM THE LODGE YOUTH LEADERS LODGE NO. 47, SEATON Dear Members, I hope everyone read Mrs. Mikeska's letter in the Vestnik about the poster contest we will have on Oct. 20th at our district meeting in Taylor. If you haven't read this letter be sure to look it up in the Sept. 25 issue and make your poster and bring it to the meeting Sunday, Oct. Gth. Also your poster for decorating the youth room. I have seen at least two of these posters and they looked very nice, so everyone get to work on these. Fraternally, Mrs. Adeline Kohutek Youth Leader AnnIv. Celeb., Ldp;. 92, Ft. Worth — Oct. Tali

LODGE NO, 81, TEMPLE Dear Readers, This is to let you know that our club is busy as bees. We are working on our posters and a program for our fall district meeting, which will be on Sunday, Oct. 20th, at the Taylor SPJST Hall. I urge everyone in our district to attend this meeting; also anyone from the other districts will be welcome. The children are also making plans for a Halloween program and making decorations fOr the Temple Day Care Nurseries. Tuesday night our youth club president, Patrichia Shenkir and I, attended the Temple annual Christmas parade meeting which was held in the Fountain Room of the Kyle Hotel. Our

Poster Award Winners, District VI. L to R: Judy Sabrsula, Birdie Bialecka, Sall y Sembera, all first-place winners; Patsy Kalina, 2nd place winner. club will have a float in the Christmas parade which will be held Dec. 6. Our theme will be "Shepherds Watching Over Their Flock." The theme of the non-commercial parade is religious and tells the story of the Nativity through the use of floats and narrations along the parade route. The parade is sponsored by the Temple Ministerial Alliance, the Temple Jaycees, and the Temple Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the parade is to properly keynote the Christmas season and provide pleasure to the hundreds of spectators from Temple and the surrounding areas. Make your plans to attend. See you at the district meeting Oct. 20th. Fraternally, Frances Bartek Youth Leader Czce I Day, Lag. BS, Houston — Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 25, ENNIS Dear Members, Because of other activities being held at the hall, we will not have oar talent program as planned on Oct. 20th. However, let's not forget the ,dance posters to be made for our next dance on Oct. 26th. Call me if you'd like to make one. Our next meeting will be held on the second Sunday in November at 3 p.m. (Nov. 10th). Be sure to come. Fraternally,

Margaret Krajca, Youth Leader Annie. Celeb., Lcr. 92, Ft. Worth — Oct.



Dear Members and Readers, Our youth meeting was well attended last month. How about making it even better this month? Many thanks to those who took over for me with the youth program. on the lodge's 62nd anniversary. Jul ' sorry, but I just had to miss it. Lodge 66 had a nice group attending the District III meeting. Congratulations to all the youth. who won on their posters. Winners from Lodge 66 were: first --- Donna Gerich; second, Thomas Galler, ages 3-15. Patricia Stanislav won first place, ages 6,9. See what a little work can do for you! I always say, you can't win, without trying. I hope to see all of you at the meeting Sunday, Oct. 20th. There will be a lot of things to discuss and make plans for. I know you are busy in school but club work is also important. It has to go on; it's you MI6 make the club with your work and spare time. Don't forget, I'll see you at the meeting. Fraternally, Libbie Parnia Youth Leader

10 LODGE. NO. 88, HOUSTON Dear Readers: Sunday, Oct. 6 was the District V meeting at Lodge 142 in Houston. We wish to thank Lodge 142 for their hospitality and for the delicious lunch they prepared for us. Sunday, Oct. 20th is Homecoming Day for us at Lodge 88, There will be festivities all day, so be sure and be at the lodge on this day. Sunday, Oct. 27th is Czech D.ay. We will have rehearsals for the program for Czech Day on Saturda y, Oct. 19th, and ,Saturday, Oct. 26th. Practice will begin on both of these clays at 3 p.m. If you are in any part of the program, please arrange your schedule to be at both of these rehearsals because they are very important. The social for the month for the teen club will be to attend a play at the Houston Music Theater. The name of the play is "Under the Yum-Yum Tree." If you attend the October meeting or call and give a reason for not attending the meeting, you are eligible to go see the play. By the time you read this letter you will have been contacted about going to the play and also reservations for the play will have been made. Please remember, if you tell us you are going, your ticket will be purchased and canot be returned. The mystery word for this week is "LYRE." Fraternally yours, Mrs. Marlene Caraway Youth Leader Expansion Celeb.. /Alt:. 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 6, COTTONWOOD TEvN CLUB 1ltt'mhprs en d Friends, — nnt blv meetin gs were held 0-t, A re)th clubs and lodge. The atdance was good. One officer of the teen club was absent. Vice President Jeanette Krizan attended the West Day at the State Fair in Dallas. She participated in the West parade as head majorette of the West High School Band, escorting "Miss West," Kath y Zapalac. She is also our memhoe W° are very proud of her. new business concerned a hallo,19"f x, for both clubs on Wednes-, + at 7 p.m. All members and ril =ed to come dressed in co qtumes. Three prizes 11-, - bier • to the funniest, spookiest and ugliest costumes. Games will be played and refreshments will be served afterwards. All members are also


Wednesday, October 16, 1968

Members of the Lodge 117 Charm and Self-Improvement Class, learning how toenter and leave a car gracefully. These girls will stage a style show for parents and friends at the Neuces Co. Show Barn on Dec. 1st. The group meets at the home of Sister Eugene Brneir, Lodge 117 youth leader, and are taught by Miss Charlotte Knesek, local dance teacher. The girls are, L to R: Susan Barrett, Joni Gordon, Mar y Ann Davis, Karen Barrett, Rose Ann Mrazek, Karla Gentler, Connie IIrncir, Diane Patillo, asked to bring your brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, and friends We will also have a social together. Our next new project is a poster contest to be held among the club members and leaders. All are asked to have them ready for our next meetings on Nov. 3rd. The name drawn for the door jackpot prize was Al Polansky of San Antonio, but since he was not present, Expansion Celeb., Edg. 47, Seaton — Oct. 27th

the maximum of $10 has been reached, and another door prize will be started at the next meeting ($1). The $10 prize will continue to be drawn for in each meeting until it is won. In the teen club, the door prize went to Edward Helona. The junior door prize went to Eddie Hykel. The surprise door prize went to John Parma, Jr. You must be present to win these door prizes. Mark your calendars right now after you read this report: Halloween party for everyone on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 7 p.m. and our next meetings Nov. 3rd, poster contest and judging, door prizes, prizes for posters. Lunch served as always. Hope to see you How about you? Fraternally, Ruth Krizan

Teen Youth

LODGE NO. 153, LA SALLE Dear Readers, We were happy that eight of our club members were able to attend the fall district 6 meeting in Taiton. It was good to be able to visit and be with the members of our district whom we see only at these meetings, and especially to see the Supreme Lodge officers. We are grateful for their interest and time to spend the afternoon with us. At our regular meeting this month, we were given a flower-making demonstration by Miss Susan Sembera. Afterwards each member made a giant water lily to take home. These were made with shaded crepe paper and were beautiful. I'm sure that many of the mothers were surprised and happy at the accom plishment of their little ones. The club had voted earlier to have a float in the Jackson County Fair parade. They decided to work on the float on Saturday preceding the parade. A word of gratitude to Brother Sralla for volunteering L i s trailer to be used for the float. Fraternally, Martha Serabera Youth Leader

Expansion Celeb., Ldg. 47, Seaton — Oct 27th



Oct. 8, 1968 Dear Fellow Workers: During September we received 320 applications for $774,500 of life insurance, for a total of 2,561 applications for $5,i51,310 of life insurance written this year. Congratulations, Dist 'let 5, for exceeding your quota in nine months. Congratulations to Willie Dusek, Emil Horelica, and Ray Moore, winners of expense-paid trips : to the Texas Fraternal Congress. Top organizers of the month are: District 1 --- E. R. Jakubik District 2 - Willie Dusek District 3 - Mary Hubenak District 4 Jesse Hajek District 5 - E. E. Cameron District 6 -- Method Dornak District 7 - Frank C. Sacky Organizers in the Application aWeek Club: Organizer Weeks Lillian Kruse `p47 Emil Horelica 197 Helen Hegwood 188 Della Kadlecek 187 Agnes Miculka 86 Evelyn Mikeska 70 Willie Dusek 35 13 Willie Hejl Organizers in the API 'cation-aMonth Club: Organizer Months 81 Frank C. Sacky 81 J. M. Skrabanek 69 Edwin Holub Lillian Kruse 69 69 A. J. Lostak 64 Bessie Franek 63 Anna Milan 61 Johnnie Krajca 57 Willie Hejl 57 Evelyn Mikeska 57 James Pavlicek 50 Ruth Krizan 49 Helen Hegwood 45 Emil Horelica 43 Della Kadlecek 42 Sidon Tuinis 41 Johnnie Gaidusek 35 Albert Bristik 33 Alvin Melnar

Agnes Miculka nian Baetiw Johnnie Krizan Willie Dusek Amelia Pokorny Helen Povelka Jerry Mikulas, Rohn B ro has Chas. Holy Agnes Lesak L. J. Zatopek Joe Krivanek Ben Jarma Lad Shiller Mollie Ewell Rita Broz Ernest Hanka Earl Cameron Robert Kimball Albert Kubala Mary Laznovsky Louis Hanus E. P. Sralla Eric Moucka Ray Moore A. L. Hilsber Marie Blanar With best regards, 1 am, Fraternally yours, Joe B. Hejny, Vice President

33 32 32 31 31 28 27 22 21 21 19 16 15 11) 1) ti

6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3

• INSURANCE WRITTEN August 1st to August 31st, 1968 Lod g e Mee. Lm..

Herman Baethe Jerry Barber John Barabas Georgia Boron Marie Blanar Ruby Bolton Albert Bristik Rita - Broz lee Roy Cervenka Willie Dusek Louis Elsik. Mollie Ewell J. F. Fiala Bessie Franck Johnnie Gaidus Alfred Gensler Emil Hanus Louis Ham's Ernest Hanka Helen Hegwood Willie Heil A. L. Hilsher J. A. I-USher Edwin Holub Holub Chas. Holy Erwin Poly Emil Horelica

88 171 80 146 132 47 88 88 170 30 118 180 30 81 66 48 66 88 38 88 48 88 83 05 95 4 4 88

9 1 1. 1 1 3 2 3 10 7 1 1 7 2 3 3 1 2 5 10 2 10 1 1, 1 1 13

11,500 15.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

28,000, 2,000 4,500 14,000 7,000 1,000 1,000 38,000 2,000 6,500 7,000 40,000 3,000 6,500 24,000 8,000 20,590 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 13,000

Rudy Ivicic Della Kadlecek Leroy Kamas Lillian Kasparek Robert Kimball Jam. Kleprlik Prank Klinkovsky Frank Kofnovee Johnnie 1 :ica Joiwnie Ruth Lillian Kr.i, Albert Kubota Agnes Lesak A. J. Lostak Franklin Martinet Clifton Martinets Alvin Melnar Agnes Miculka Evelyn Mikeska Leonard Mikeska Jerry Mikolas, Jr. Anna Milan Ray Moore Eric Moucka Anton Pavelka Helen Pavelka James Pavlieek Roy Peal Endi Pete Amelia Pokorny Frank Sablatura Frank C. Sacky Willie Schovaisa Johnnie Sobelka I ad J. J. M. Skrabanek E. P. Sralla Ludvik Surovec Charlsie Svetlik George Troiacek Sidon Tamis Raymond Vochoska Mary Wasek L. J. Zatkipek

80 88 81 29 35 133 47 15

11 92 88 91 24 80 142 88 24 47 154. 66 135 35

511 84 29 40 70 33 130 15 139 153 :112 25 142 123 87

8,000 30,500 23,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 9,000 1,000 1,000 1 1 • 090 •.000 li 5,000 8,000 1,1)00 1 1,000 1 1.000 4,000 13.000 42.500 36 29.000. 7 5.000 3 7 25,000 5 6,500 1,000 1. 1 1,000 1,000 1,000. 1 9,390 1 1,000 3 3.000 500 1 4 17,000 4,000 1 5.000 5 1 1,009 4 100,000 22,000 3 1 1,000 21,500 1,900 1 5,500 5 1,000 1,000 4 5,000

3 19 3 1 1 4 5 1

$730,840 275 Members Sept. 5th, 1968 INSURANCE WRITTEN Sept mber 1 to September 10, 1908 Lod g o Mom. Ins.

Dan Balusek John Barabas Marie Blanar John Blinka Albert Bristik Rita Broz Earl Cameron Norma Cava,naug,h Frank'IL Dolezal Method Dornak

47 80 132 81 83 88 170 20 88 148

5 14,000 2 2,000 1.000 1 1 1,000 4 10,000 2 2.000 2 105,000 3 3.000 3 30.000 2 11,000


12 Willie Dusek Mollie Ewell Bessie Franek Johnnie Gaidusek Jessie Hajek Louis Harms Ernest Hanka Helen Hegwood Willie Hejl A. L. Hilsher Edwin Holub Chas. Holy Emi Horelica Mary Hubenak E. R. Jakubik Ben Jarma Della Kadlecek C. P. Kern Robert Kimball Johnnie Krajca Joe Krivanek Johnnie Krizan Ruth Krizan Lillian Kruse Albert Kubala Mary Laznovsky Agnes Lesak A. J. Lostak Alvin Melna r Agnes Miculka Evelyn Mikeska Leonard D. Mikeska Jerry Mikulas, Jr. Willie Mikulencak Anna Milan Ray Moore Eric Moucka Melba Novosad Mary Paprskar Helen Pavelka James Paylicek Amelia Pokorny Erwin Pustejovsky Frank C. Sacky Lad J. Shiller J. M. Skrabanek Jos. Slavik E. P. Sralla, Henry Sralla John Trice Sidon Tumis Raymond Volcik A. M. Vrla L. J. Zatopek

80 169 81 66 73 88 88 88 48 88 35 4 88 92 9 84 88 139 35 25 92 6 6 111 92 135 88 91 142 88 88 24 47 165 154 66 135 168 92 117 6 29 54 79 15 139 110 153 107 20 142 54 1$0 87

17 32,000 1 2,000 2 2,000 6 5,000 1 5,000 5 7,000 1 2,000 8 10,500 3 12,000 1 5,000 4 4,000 1 1,000 78 119,500 5 14,000 2 6,000 2 1,000 24 29.000 1 1,000 1 1,000 1 1,000 1 1,000 1 1,000 1 500 2 15,000 2 4,000 4 8;000 9 11,500 10 49,000 2 20;000 16 99;500 22 37,000 5 23,000 4,000 3 1,000 1 2 6,000 4 2,500 2 6.000 1 1;000 2,000 2 4 4,000 2 2,000 2,000 2 3 2,000 5,000 5 3 3,000 1 1,000 1 1,000 1 1,000 1.000 1 1,000 1 10,000 9 2.000 2 1 000 1 7.500 5 $774 70.0

320 Members Oct. 8th, 1968 Fraternally yours, Joe B. Hejny Vice Pres. Supreme Lodge

Wednesday, October 16, 1968


LODGE NO. 13, DIME BOX Dear Readers, The Bryan Youth Club invited the Dime Bo y Youth Club to a tacky party and wiener roast on ,Sept. 29th. There were prizes given for the prettiest, ugliest and tackiest dressed. After this, we played several games. The one that was enjoyed most was baseball. After we ate we played and talked for a while. I would like to thank the Bryan Youth Club for inviting us and I know everyone had a great time. On Oct. 5th, we had our monthly meeting. We had a very good attendance. We have a new member. Her name is Sherry Marek. I know she will enjoy being in the youth club and participating in various activities. We also practiced what we are planing to do at our district fall meeting. Our youth leader also reminded us about our posters for our district meeting. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served. Fraternally, Marlene Horak Czech flay, Ldc:. 88, 'Houston - Oct. 27th

LODGE NO. 13, DIME BOX Dear Readers, On Oct. 5th we had our meeting at the hall. There were 12 members present. The meeting was called to order and then we decided on what to do for the District I fall meeting. We decided to sing "Beautiful Brown Eyes." The mothers had to get us tuned and started off. Then we practiced and were tired of singing. Judy M. practiced her poem. Mrs. Horak told us about the special posters, how and what to do with them. She also told us that they counted 10 points. That makes it interesting. Then the meeting was adjourned. Sylvia made the motion and Marlene seconded it. Then cokes were served. We played a game. The last to get through was a rotten egg. Jud y was the rotten egg. Fra ternally, Pat Merck (13) T.d , (12


- Oct 27th

Lo,,;:1-7,7 NO. 56, CORPUS CHRISTI Dear P eaders, We have two new members, Ricky and Greg King. We had a door prize. Martha Elzner and Randy Majek won 40 cents. We are thinking of having a car wash at Sokol Hall in Corpus Christi.

We'll wash everything for only $1.50. We elected officers: Marsha Elzner, assistant treasurer; Adolph Sassin, sergeant-at-arms; Billy Spencer and Ronnie Majek, social chairmen; Randy Sijansky, publicity and historian; Membership Committee: Susie Regmund and Heidi Spencer; Randy Majek, sunshine committee, assisted by Jimmy Elzner; and Cherri Hansen as new ideas chairman. Fraternally, Randy Sijansky R,eporter LODGE NO. 6, COTTONWOOD Dear Readers, Our monthly meeting was called to order by our president. For our October meeting we had to learn the SPJST Youth Pledge. Under new business, our club is having a poster contest related to the SPJST. Prizes will be given away. Our next meeting will be the first Sunday in November. Be sure to come. Fraternally, Marek (11) LODGE NO. 47, SEATON Dear Members and Friends, Our regular meeting was called to order Oct. 6th at 2 p.m. There were 48 members present. Minutes were read and approved. Under old business, we finished our guessing contest. Everybody guessed how many tile blocks were used to build the youth room. Wayne Sula won first place, Donald Pechal second, and Janet Hruska, third. We decided to postpone our hayride until a later date. Under new business, we decided to have a guessing contest to see whc can guess how many tickets will bâ‚Ź sold at the door at our opening of the new addition to our hall on Oct 27th. For our money-making project w( will have a cake walk at the open. ing of the hall and at other dances al least once a month. We will make a float to enter in the Christmas parade, which will be heir in Temple in December. Our youth leader reminded every, body about the poster contest whici will be at the fall district meeting a Taylor on Oct. 20th. Frankie Klinkovsky won the doe: prize. After our meeting we went tc the Temple Fire Department station


Wednesday, October 16, 1968 We saw the alarm room, classroom, kitchen area, dormitory space, and the equipment garage which makes up the hub of the city fire department. Our next meeting will be Nov. 3rd at 2 p.m. Fraternally, Leon Zavodny LODGE NO. NEW TABOR Dear Readers, Our youth club had its meeting on Oct. 6th, because on our regular meeting date we are going to tbe District I meeting. The youth club will have a short skit. I sure like our record player. We are going to have a Halloween party and clean-up on Oct. 26th. We invited the Snook Youth Club. After the meeting and refreshments we made some extension cord holders for our craft. They were fun and easy to make. Fraternally, Edward Zavodny


trict I. The district meeting will be held at Bleiblerville on Oct. 13th. We will see you all at the District I meetFraternally, Daniel Matcek (12) Reporter NO. 48 Dear Readers, We held our reguLr leonthiy meeting on Teesday night, G; l,. 8th at the lodge hall. President Dia Matoska called the meeting to ord had a short business scs:;ion. Wo talked about going to the Dietric ■- II meeting at Lodge 29 , on Oct. 20th After the meeting, we spent most of our time practicing singing songs for the program at the Texas Fraternal Congress in Austin. Fraternally, Bruce Stalin:I.::

lowed by rites in the SS Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Granger. The Rev. George Tydlacka and the Rev. Isador Rozyski officiated, with burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. RESOLVED by the members of Lodge Komensky No. 20, Granger, in the premise represented by the undersigned Special Committee, that condolences and deepest sympathy be extended to the bereaved family of our departed brother. Dated and signed at Granger, Texas, this, the 9th day of October. 1968. Jno. P. Trlica E. J. Mikulencak R. F. Holubec —Committee —SPJST---


sroianturvA romtosmcsA sixtBA era to our new youth room. After our meeting was over we we to the Tem ple Fire Station where tl ey had open house. They took us on a tour through the kitchen, classroom, the fire chief's room., ` l and also '.:VIIPre, 'N7 the firf, r,-- ■

Jame pohotovi Vain posolutitl bez rozdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv gvlanniho paplatku. S nand mete mluvlti deft. My nabizime Pohtebni pojiAteni pro katddho dlena radius?. 1 .1.1.c


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Pete E. Etlinger FUNERAL. FIONIF

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LODGE' NO. '0, B Dear Readers, We had our last meeting on Oct. 9th. At our meeting we decided to have a cake sale to raise some money for our party. club. Last we,.‘k San , lie,? a ta( ; Vs e are row -0 1, ;,15,' cl u b is hnnP cm' soon, I thin l o ire; a ver y 'line clean u p aT CP) wi ll pick mow tine groe our SPJST hall Jill P ,pick We are also working on talent for Dis-

a member of Ilodge a omen. *y Kfo. 20, Granger since Ma, r1 1, 1944; also a member of the Legion, and the Granger Fire I Tent, On June arried urvives, mother, Mrs, son, sister, a

Dr. Thos. N. DeLaney 0044


Brtle spravne pilpravene elle intlyiv-v


513-18 SPJST Bldg.

Tel. ii• 7dovr9 8 7 7 were held 'Tic ;c at 9 a "a. in the Concha Funeral Home in Granger, fol-

7777- '1‘

Temple, Texas 76501


Wednesday, October IC, 1903


PREAMBLE The main ideal, and rpose of this Society as organized by fearless and peace loving Czech pioneers in Texas, Was and is: To provide and promote fraternaland social fellowship among its members. To endeavor to keep alive the cherished traditions, customs and language of our forefathers. And generally, through moral, spiritual, and economic respect, to encourage benevolence and humanity through the Society with sound practical life insurance for its members and neighbors, that we may better adapt ourselves to this new democratic nation as worthy citizens in the country of our choice or birth. NAME The name of this fraternal Society is (Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas) (Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas SPJST). PURPOSE The purpose of this Society is to provide economic and social security for its members and their families in the event of death of the insured, through the various certificates issued by the Society permitted to be issued in accordance with the fraternal insurance laws Of the State of Texas. ORGANIZATION The Society is composed of local lodges in the various counties, communities, and towns within the State of Texas. These organized local lodges are affiliated with the Supreme Lodge and are under its supervision. They are responsible to the Supreme Lodge and must adhere to all rules, regulations, and by-laws of the Society. MEMBER,SIIIP All persons of both sexes of the Caucasian race can become members if they enjoy good health, are within the specified age limits, live a decent and respectable life, and who are capable of earning a living in a respectable manner. All members must be citizens of the United States, or if not, must pledge to become citizens within the near future.

SUPREME LODGE, The Supreme Lodge is composed of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary, legal advisor, and seven directors. The body is elected by the convention and is solely responsible for administration of all business affairs of the Society according to the constitution and bylaws as approved by the delegate body in the convention. This functioning of the Supreme Lodge is divided into three departments: Administration Department, Irl =airanre Department, and Investment Department. DIRECTORS The seven duly elected directors have constant control and supervision over all the management, business transactions , and general progress of our Society. The directors of the Supreme Lodge have the res p onsibility to see that all by-laws, discussions of conventions and the Supreme Lodge are strictly complied with. CONVENTION The ,SPJST convention, Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas, composed of duly elected delegates, elected according to rules and regulations of the by-laws, is the controlling and legislative body of the Society. Regular conventions are held once in every four years in a city selected by the preceding convention. LANGUAGE In stressing the use of the Czech language, it is realized that this can be done only where and when practical and possible. All deliberations and minutes in districts and lodges may be conducted either in the Czech or English languages. The chairman at said meetings has the option to use the language he prefers with the approval of the majority. The minutes of the meeting or convention shall be kept and approved in the language in which the meeting is conducted. ARTICLE. I. Definition of words: (a) The word "Society" as used in these by-laws shall mean "Slavonic Benevolent Order cif the State of Texas," more often abbreviated by the initials of the original Czech name as SPJST. (b) The word "convention" means the gathering of duly elected delegates of the local lodges, and members of standing committees, the members of the Supreme Lodge, who meet for controlling and legislative purposes. (c) The word's ) `Supreme Lodge"

means the executive and administrative body of the Society. (d) The words "district," "lodge" and "youth club" shall mean a subordinate body under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge and organized as provided by these by-laws. (e) The word "By-Laws" shall mean "Rules and Regulations" adopted by the delegates at the convention to control, administer and inane, affairs of the entire Society. (f) The words "rules and regulations" shall mean "by-laws" adopted by members to govern the districts, local lodges, and youth clubs. (g) The word "premium" shall le an the payments made to the Lodge on the insurance in cc (h) The word "dues" or "assessment", if any, shall mean money collected by the local lodges for the administration of local units. (i) The word "active" shall mean member who is still paying preminins, clues and assessments, if any. (See "Full i3enefit Member for fur tner clarification). (j) The words "Full Benefit Member" mean a member whose limited time certificate of not less than $500.00 is paid in full and a member who has a prematurely paid-up certificate of not less than $500.00. (A Full Benefit Member may be an active member by paying clues and assessments, if any). (k) The words "social member" means a member holding a certificate paid-up in due course, a prematurely paid-up certificate, or a member who cannot be insured on account of his age or health, who pays his local lodge clues and assessments, if any, annually in advance, in January. ARTICLE 3. Convention of the Slav(a) The convention of the Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas is the sole judge of eligibility and qualifications of all delegates and alternates. (b) All proceedings in the convention, as well as in local lodges, and district meetings, unless such rules are not covered by our by-laws, are conducted in accordance with 'Roberts Rules of Order." ARTICLE 3. Convention Of the Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas (SRIST) has the power to: (a) Adopt, amend, and supplement by-laws, rules and regulations of the Society. (b) Set, and through the medium of

Wednesday, October 16, 1068


lodges, collect from every member premiums based on Mortality Tables established by the convention as required by the laws of the State of Texas, and to maintain the reserve of all plans of certificates issued by the Society. (c) Provide for the safe investment of all money belonging to the Mortuary Fund of the Society and maintain sufficient available reserve needed to meet all the obligations of the Society in compliance with the by-laws of the Society. (d) Receive, investigate, and decide on all reports filed individually by every member of the Supreme Lodge, and all committees, which must be published in the organ of the Society two (2) months before the convention. Directors may make one joint report if they so agree. (e) Consider the last report of examination delivered by the Commissioner of Insurance. (f) Encourage the existing districts to their their best activities. (g) Elect members of the Supreme Lodge, Editor of the Vestnik, all required committees for administration of the Society, determine their salaries as well as compensation for all delegates, convention officers, committee members, and all convention expenses which shall be paid out of the expense fund. (h) Authorize the Supreme Lodge to employ an actuary, a medical examiner, a state youth director, and necessary assistants for administration of Society affairs, buy necessary equipment, furniture and supplies, and decide what donations will be made to various charities, eluca!nonal institutions, etc., to be paid from the expense fund of the Supreme Lodge. ,Supplement (replaces 4, 5, 6, and 7) ARTICLE 4. Delegates. (a) The convention of the SPJST is composed of delegates elected from among active and full-benefit members of the local lodges. Every lodge has the right to elect a delegate on a numerical membership basis from its membership, according to the following scale:

convention may elect an additional delegate. (b) A lodge organized during the convention year may elect its delegates and substitutes any time before conceiling of the convention without regard to length of membership and without regard to the number of members. (e) A lodge losing the required number of members between the time of the election of delegates and convention will not lose delegate or delegates clue to such change. (d) Qualifications: Only that member may be elected delegate or substitute delegate who: 1. (Either) Pays his premiums and local lodge dues and assessments regularly and promptly on certificate of not less than $500.00 at the time of the election and a member who has his certificate prematurely paid-up of not less than $500.00 at the time of the election, who complies with Article 1-j and has premiums, dues , and assessments paid, if any. 2. is present during the election, or is absent due to unavoidable circumstances. 3. Has been a member of his lodge at least 12. months before the election. 4. Attended at least one-half of the meetings of his lodge the calendar year before the convention. 5. Is a citizen of the United States of America at the time of the election. 6. Is not an insurance agent (underwriter) selling life insurance in coinpetition with the SPJST 7. Is not an officer or director of any grand lodge of another fraternal life insurance society. (e) METHOD 1. Delegates and their substitutes to the convention are elected in the annual meeting preceding the convention, or in nearest succeeding meeting, for the term from one convention to the next convention. 2. All members present and voting must vote for as many delegates and substitute delegates as the lodge is entitled to. Ballots containing more or fewer nominees must be declared void. (Not counted).

1. From 20-200 members over 16 years of age, one delegate. 2. For each additional 100 meinoers, one additional delegate. 3. A lodge attaining an additional 100 members between the annual meeting and 60 days before the

3. When a lodge is entitled to two (2) or more delegates, nomination of all nominees are made at one time and the election of all delegates from among those nominated is completed at one time through the use of ballots. 4. When a lodge is entitled to two

(2) or more delegates, nomination of all nominees are made at one time and the election of all delegates from among those nominated is completed at one time through the use of ballots. If a nominee does not receive a majority of the votes cast, voting must continue, each time dropping the canoidate with the least number of votes, until the number of nominees and delegate positions are equal. When a lodge is entitled to only one delegate and only one is nominated, no 째allot is required. 5. The required number of substitutes are elected in the same manner. The substitute with the highest number of votes fills in the first vacancy. Not more than 10 substitutes are to be elected by any lodge. 6. Delegates divide the vote equally amongst themselves. Odd vote or votes are taken by the delegate receiving the largest number of votes. (f) No member, officer, representative, or delegate shall vote by proxy. Each delegate will vote his or her allotted number of votes by separate vote or separate ballot. ARTICLE 8. (a) The result of the election of the .delegate and substitute shall be announced to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge within thirty (30) days after the election. (b) The secretary of the Supreme Lodge forwards to the secretary of the local lodge the required forms in duplicate which must be filled out by the secretary and signed by the president and secretary of the local lodge, .to certify the election of the delegate and substitute. After completion, one form must immediately be forwarded to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge and the second must be delivered to the committee on credentials by the elected delegate. The credential forms must contain: 1. A statement of the number of meetings held by the lodge the delegate is representing. 2. The number of meetings attended by the delegate in the calendar year preceding the convention, and 3. The mileage from the delegate's home to the convention site and return. ARTICLE 9. Lodges failing to comply with all required lodge duties and obligations before the 25th day of the month preceding the convention lose their right

16 to representation at the convention. ARTICLE 10. A lodge represented by its delegate or delegates is entitled to one vote for every active member and every fullbenefit member over 16 years of age belonging to the lodge at least 00 days before the convention and who has his premiums paid in full to the Sapreie. , Lodge and his local lodge. 11. co:,veuiton is held once eve! • : i in compliance the I. i io tiltate of Texas. ILL 12. A . convention may be called by WeF. • eine Lodge only when an Minot : Lil matter arising between conve titi(a r.; eoneer [ling. the Material welfare of the Society cannot be resolved lorough any other means. The purpose for calling the special convention must receive two-thirds (2/3) of the vote of the members of the Supreme Lodge present during the meeting, whereupon the majority of the members present determine the issue. At least two-thirds of the lodges must .participate in the voting to make such election valid. Then two-thirds of the delivered votes determine the issue. Such convention must be held in the city of the home office, and will be represented by the delegates of the preceding convention or their alternates. Such convention determines only the p urpose for which it was called. At such called convention the delegates from each local lodge have the number of votes as such lodge had at the preceding convention. ARTICLE 13. All by-laws must be enacted by twothirds (2/3) of the authorized votes of the delegates present. All other matters are decided by a majority. Voting in the convention is conducted in compliance with the wishes of the delegates in the following manner: (a) Raising the hands (b) Rising (c) Calling the names of the delegates and recording the vote "for" or "against" (cl) Secret vote by ballot ARTICLE 14. (a) All members of the Supreme Lodge may participate in the discussions at the convention and have the right to make motions to amend bylaws, but they do not have the right to vote or to nominate members of the

VESTNfIC Supreme Lodge unless they are delegates from the lodge in which they have membership. b) All former presidents and all former vice-presidents of the Supreme Lodge remain permanent members of every convention, with the right of deliberation but with no right to make motions or vote, unless they represent the lodge to which they belong as delegates. (e) Members of the Supreme Lodge, former president and former vicepresidents of the Supreme Lodge, who participate in the convention proceedings, receive the same compensation as delegates of the convention. ARTICLE 15. All convention expenses shall he paid out of the Etxpense Fund. ARTICLE 16. Two-thirds (2/3) of the elected delegates are required to be present for deliberations during the sessions. Onethird (1/3) of the delegates can require the reading of the names of the delegates. ARTICLE. 17. All proeeedings of the convention will be conducted according to these by-laws. If a matter is not covered in the by-laws, then according to Robert's Rules of Order, in the following order, unless decided otherwise by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote: (a) Convening of the convention by the president of the Supreme Lodge. (b) Report of three-member committee on credentials. (c) Reading names of elected delegates, number of votes every lodge is entitled to, and reading of the names of members of the Supreme Lodge. (d) Election of convention officers and naming of various committees from among the . regular delegates. (e) To investigate, discuss and decide on all reports, as directed in Articles 3-d, 42-s, and 54. (f) Deliberations on by-laws. (g) Reports of convention committees. (h) Miscellaneous business. (i) Election of all members of the Supreme Lodge, editor, and various committees. (j) Selection of place for the succeeding convention. (k) Installation of all members of the Su preme Lodge, editor, and all committees. (1) No complaint can be discussed in the convention unless it was first pre-

Wednesday, October 10, 1968 sented to the grievance committee and acted upon by this committee either in the affirmative or negative. (in) No . request for donations, support, salaries or increase of..salaries may be presented to the convention until considered, approved or rejected by the committee on salaries and donations, Request for donations to sick members -must be presented through their local lodges. explaining , all the circumstances and certified thereto by the lodge officers. , (n) No motion to change by-laws or amendment thereto can be presented to the convention unless the motion or amendment thereto has been submitted to the:; committee on by-laws so that the committee could study such motion or amendment and deliver its opinion. (o) Adjournment of the convention. ARTICLE 18-. The following committees appointed by the chairman and vice-chairman of the convention will function during the convention: (a) Committee on resolutions, three members. (b) Salaries of members of the Supreme Lodge, editor and medical examiner, donations, various committees, etc., five members. (c) Grievance committee, five members. (d) Insurance Committee, seven members, one from each district. (e) Committee on order in- the convention, three members. ARTICLE 18-f: Committee on election tellers, nine (9) members. (This committee is to have authority to employ machine operators if needed). (g) Committee on by-laws, elected by the preceding convention, will also function during the convention. (h) All' other necessary committees. ARTICLE 19. (a) Before the adjournment of the convention, delegates of each district will nominate and elect one member and one substitute from their members to a seven-member committee for the succeeding convention for the purpose of considering, arranging and recommending of motions, for amending by-laws by the succeeding convention; eliminating conflicts in the by-laws, codifying, rearranging, and having the by-laws printed which were approved by the convention. (b) In the event that neither the elected member nor his substitute can

Wednesday, October 10, -


serve on the committee, the district delegates from the preceding convention shall elect another member from the district membership to serve on the committee. ARTICLE '20.

la) Members of the -Supreme Lodge are not eligible for membership on the committee on by-laws, but they assist in its work in an advisory capacity. (b) The legal advisor must attend all meetings of this committee and shall give the committee legal advice. ARTICLE 21. (a) The By-Law Committee convenes immediately after adjournment of the convention . - and elects from among its members a president, vicepresident and secretary. (b)- The committee convenes not later than 8 months before the convention, deliberates and decides on all recommendations for amending the by-laws and may also prepare and present its own recommendations for changes, additions or deletion of any articles, and shall publiSh all recommendations' of the committee in the Vestnik 2 months prior to the convention. (c) In the event additional recommenclations are made, and if the committee deems it advisable for the purpoSe of considering and deciding- on such recommendations, the committee will convene at least two (2) weeks before the convention and render a complete report to the convention. (d) Motions for changes to the bylaws must be submitted to the secretary of this committee and the secretary will insert the recommendations according to the by-laws to which they pertain. (e) The secretary shall immediately forward _-.all- recommendations to the Vestnik for publication within 30 days after receipt. (f) Motions May be submitted either in the English or CZech language and will be published in the language in which they were -received. (g) Rejected recommendations can be presented by an accredited delegate in the convention during deliberation of the respective article. ARTICLE' 22. (a) Upon adoption of the by-laws with all changes and amendments, the seven-member committee on by-laws immediately arranges and compiles the newly adopted by-laws. The committee on by-laws is charged with the

VESTNIK responsibility of eliminating duplication in the by-laws and parts of bylaws; removing conflictin g articles, (the articles first adopted and not repealed in the convention shall take precedence over subsequent by-laws enacted, unless the earlier by-laws are first repealed ) ; re-codifying all the by-laws, and preparing an exhaustive index. (b) After completion of this work all records of the convention shall be sealed and forwarded to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge. The sealed package may be opened only in a meeting of the Supreme Lodge in case of utmost necessity. (e) Tub Sunreme Lodge determines the numbe • of copies of by-laws to be printed and the publisher delivers them only to the Supreme Lodge. (d) The printer must forward one copy of the proof to each member of the committee on by-laws and one Copy to each member of such translating committee for approval, and one copy to each of the members of the SOpreme Lodge for their comments. Such comments shall be forwarded by such Supreme Lodge member to the translating committee within ten clays after receipt thereof and prior to final approval of such translation by the committee on by-laws. ARTICLE 22-e: The by-laws will be published in the Vestnik in the Czech language. ARTICLE 23.

(a I The Supreme Lodge delivers conies of the by-laws to the respective lodges according to their membership and the local lodge delivers one copy to every member in the meeting or by mail on written request of the member. (b) A copy of the by-laws shall be given to every new member of the adult department and to every member of the juvenile department joining the adult department upon request. ARTICLE 23-c: A cony of the convention minutes shall be sent to the secretary of each lodge, all delegates of the convention, members of the by-laws committee, and all members upon request, ARTICLE 21.

The insurance committee will meet six months prior to the next convention and submit its recommendations five months prior to the convention to the committee on By-Laws. Members of this committee will receive compen-

sation for attending this meetin g. , as adopted by the preceding convention, and will function during the succeeding convention. ARTICLE 25. Neither the Supreme Lodge nor any member of the Supreme Lodge, nor district officers, nor any local lodge. nor its officers, not organizers, nor members have the power or right to disregard any part of the constitution and by-laws, nor claim any authority not fonferreci by these by-laws. This constitution and by-laws bind all members and beneficiaries of n embers, ARTICLE 26-a:

All new by-laws become ef fective on January 1, following the convention at which they were adopted. except those particular by-laws the convention voted to become effective immediately by a two-thirds vo4:. ARTICLE 27. All business affnirs of the Society between conventions are transacted by six Supreme Lodge officers: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, financial-secretary and legal advisor, and are under the control of the seven directors. ARTICLE 28: To be an officer of the :Supreme Lodge an individual must meet the following requirements: 1. Be an active member of this Society for at least five consecutive years prior to his election. 2. Does not have all his insurance with, the Society prematurely exchanged for paid-up insurance. 3. At the time of the convention has all his premium clues and assessments, if any, paid. 4. At the time of the election is a citizen of the United States of America, 5.. Is present at the convention or has an excuse acceptable by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the delegates for not being present. 0. Have a knowledge of both the Czech and English languages and qualifies under the provisions of Article 42-T. ' RETURNING PICTURES If you recently sent us any unsolicited photographs which have appeared in the Vestnik, and with to have them back, please forward sufficient postage for that puiTose. Also indicate which picture you have reference to, since we have quite a number on hand.—Editor.


ROCIVIK. 56 -- CIS. 42

Ve sttedu 16. iijna 1968

Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE, SPJST, POB 100, TEMPLE, TEX. '76501

Oddil dopisovatelii f*d Cechoslovariii é. 92, Fort Worth Bratri a. Sestry: Dne 27. rijna slavime 30. vYroei otevreni noSi sine (National Hall) radu C. 92. Zaeatek s obedem presne • v 11:30 dopoledne do 1:30, program zapoone ye dy e hodiny odp. po obecle.. Slayncistnim. teenikem bude HI. p •edseda br. Edward: L. Marek, pak dalsi reenici s kratSim proslovem. Pak nam zaspivaji zpevaci od peveckeho sboru od radu C. 84 v Dallas, vSichni obleeeni v krojich, tedy jich prijd'te vyslechnout. Je moZnost, Ze bude vice eisel na program?, o kter1cla se nebudu zmiliovat. Taneeni zabava, zaene v Best hodin a potrva do .10 hodin v noci pri hudbe Hub' City Dutchmen z Yoakurn. Tedy na shledanon a Tras 27. Nina! S pozdravem,' • Josef Beean, dopis. —SP.; Venovano Mnohe hzzko, v ktere spaval snad jediny sen, na matku se valycky smaval, kdy2 ho brala ye svilj kiln. Dnes je to ld5ko prazdne; treba, tak zustane navRly ye valce jsou cesty zradne ne yrati se vSdy kahlk mnohY bude oplakavan a jako hrdina oznaCen; mnohY bude zas vzpominat s bolem kamarada sveho — rek mu, by pozdravoval matku, otce a Milku svou.

1VIili kamaradi, take zkazi srdce rvu —Posila, Anna Trampota z Crosby ---ord ST-Houston, Texas Ctena redakc,e a etenaki Vestniku: Jako minula Yee leZ% za narni v,kch11.0 doufani usili pine lasky a oddanosti i nepretrA.teho napeti, ktere jsme prolili v letech 1914 - 1918. Jak rychle utikaji dny! PlnYch 50 let ji g uplynulo od to doby, kdy Cecil-am a Slovakum vzesla hvezda svobody 28. iijen den prohlaSeni eeskoslovenske samostatnosti. Den 28, rijen je tak obrovskeho vYznarriu pro nas a celou Evropu, proto Sc nebylo ji2 myslitelne existence samostatnosti naroda nakho, a piece doslo k jejimu uskuteeneni. Kdyi 71, roku 1914 hraza valky zaplavila celou Evropu, tahly pluky CeskYch lidi do krvavYch 'bite y, kopat hrob sami sobe a S176° mu neXastnemu narodu. Hrihne ticho bylo tehdy v Ceske i slovenske zemi a jen verna srdce bila na poplacla. V to zoufale chvili zachvela se oeskoslovenska Amerika u veclorni hrUzy, ktera, neekava jeji rodnou zemi i malt' slovenskY narod pod. Tatrarni. Krev eeskoslo yenskeho lidu v Arnerice probuzena hnula se zdamlive z kornatelychzil. Nena y ist k Habsburske k nisi cisarskYch panfi, sluZebnikii otroku zalomccvala desetitisici Bolave vzpominky na porn2ovanou chudobu zotroC'eneho ducha i tela vyvolaly hoikost pinou nenavisti ye chvili, kdv Rakousko-Uhersko samo jsouc ye sluZbach Flohenzollernci hnalo Ceske i slovenske pluky ua jatky k ukojeni svYch imperialistickYeh ehoutck v to

16. iliJNA 1968

Jobe doma, jako v Americe ukaza,1 dohrY nas lid, kde je jeho srdce a Jake jest jeho rozhoclnuti. Lid ptedstavuje narocl jell° utrpuni a jeho touhy. Jiz prve dny valky ukazaly rakouskYin generalam, kde je Achilova pata ztrouchnivele (TAti vojaci pacali houfne prehihati k nepriteli a snad prave na tuto chvili v ciejinach nakho naroda eekal osud. Cekal, aby mu naSel vddce, kterk by ho za staleho otroctvi, dodal nave nacieje jeho smrtelnym Uzkostem a vratil mu velikeho ducha jeho dejin. V !iodine smrtelneho nebezpeei milosrdn osud dal narodu nakmu vddce v osobe T. G, Masaryka, ktery tajne prcha z rodne zeme, aby ke spoleenemu boil shromaZdil rozehnane stado sveho lidu ye vS'ech koutech sveta, aby ho spojil v jedno telo a jednu du'Si a zdvihl svyma starYma hrdinskYma rukama pied jeho zastupy prapor odboje proti staremu otroctvi, a za novy lepsi Lvot naroda v hranicich Rakousko-Uherska spoutaneho. Pied Masarykem stal 0kol, kterk byl snad nad sily eloveka. Organisovati Cechy a Slovaky no celem sveto rortrouSene, ziskati k tomu cili velike finaneni fondy a prostreclky. Postaviti koneene armaclu, ktera by skutkem clokazala touhu naroda no svaboc16, a smysl pro °heti za demokracii. Masaryk ne p iohl bojovati tento 0210 boj sari"), ale v eele desetitisicn, statisicti naSich lidi. Sve pomocniky Masaryk musel hledati v zahranieni ye OvYcarech, Francii. na Rusi a v Ceskoslovenske America. Byli to vet-


Ve sttedu 16. iijna 1962 Sinou lido prosti, vetainu nebohati, siretu temet neznaini, kteti pochopili velikou dobu a jeSte vetSi povinnost. Masaryk prohlasil za prostou nutnost, aby si narod sarn platl svou revoluci. Narod, kterY by toho nedovedl a na revoluci tebral, mezi cizinci na revoluci si scad yypiljeil, ten narod neni schopen vlastniho 'Zivota,. Proto obratil se k eeskoslovenskemu lidu v Americe. Nebot' to byl nejvetSi Ukol, ktery revoluce polozila na Ceskoslovenskou Ameriku. bYti finanernin ministrem revoluce. A hle, eeskoslovenskti, vetev Masarykovy nadeje nezklamala. aeskoslovenska vetev zaoceanska, ktere rtizni inesiaAi zvonili umiraekem, cola desetileti stavo, se mocnYm opennYm ramenem sveho naroda v dot* kdy pod tihou ran a btemen klesal, kdy krev mu z otevtenYch nil uchazekdy narod znovu zase v cizich slit'Zbach krOcel za, vec Rakousko-Uherska, za vec Apatnou a mravne ztracenou tenkrat, kdy poeal s yYma vlastnima rukama kopati si hluboky hrob. Chceme-li bYti spravedlivSrmi, musime ptiznati, ne clobrYmi pomocniky MasarykovYrni mimo desetitisicti na'Sich dobrYch muk. a k . n byli na miste pr y •i, kteti-nimCestaSlovrin a Po celou dobu revoluce naroda byli navYin a Z'ivYin svedomim nakho lidu. na male vYjimky byli to na gi novina •i za redaktorskYrni stoly, na ktere bolo, zel, ji zapomenuto, kteti vlastne cluchovne vedli celou revoluci, kteti osvobozencekou akci uvadeli v nejmopohyb, kteti znovu a znovu podnecovali lid k °Mem a volali ke snoleene praci, aby se velike.dilo neni narocla uskuteenilo. Byli to oni, kteji minvili k narodu i k eizine, proto zasluhuji, aby jim bylo ptipsano co jest jejich, to jest zasluha za ohromne Cilo, jehok se podniali a j0, vedli hen ocidechu. V to pohnute oeskoslov. vetev prokazala svou hlubokou vernost i hvezcinatemu praporu. Kciv" v mesici dubnu v sedmnactem :,: edesatY pat' kono'res S poi. static tu severoamerick:irch Ustv presiclentn. Wilsona vvblasil valku Nemecku, tisice dobrovolcii eeskoslov. pilvodu vstoupilo do armad y amerieke. Ale nezilstalo ion nti to Dhoti, od roku 1916 pOkou gel se Masorvk o yvtvoteni snmostntnr ; '44estmon_ venske armarly na Pusi. Kdyz pak v roeP sechnnactem t vvntiklo, v RuskJi revoInce a armada Masar ykova proslavivAi se pied tint 11 7borova. b yla sesilena unevnena, vznikla mv zlenka tuto pi:lel-nisi:al no. franeouzske boiMe. nhv i na zapacie byla viclena touha eeskeho a

slovenskeho olo yeka, po svobode. MySlenka tato nasledkem ritznYch ptekaZek tehdy vyystaySich doSla jen z easti uskuteeneni a tu v klamne domnence, ze esl. vetev v Americe jest schopna vyslati znae-nY poeet svYch m•tti do Csl. armady y e Francii, ptikroeeno k naboru dobrovolcti v Americe. Na yYzvu elena 081. narodni rady Patili. M. R.Stefanika vydanou v tijnu r. ;1917 ptihlasilo se do Csl. armady ye Francii pouze 2,309 dobrovolcti, elentipracovniku narodnich organisaci, kteti Ali dovrsiti nejvetSi mo2nou skou °heti naistnou revolueni akci vetve americke. Vezli tu svou lasku k naroclu pies daleky ocean do Francie, aby tarn u Vouziers a Terronu na itpati lesu ArgonskYch v krvavYch dnech tijnotrYch bili se a umirali za lepS% easy sveho lidu. KdyZ i potom oni c:onesli vitezny prapor odboje do osvobozene vlasti, volalo je Slovensko, volal i tarn bojovali a umirali ye je Te i tam stall tvati v tvat nechvili, kciy2 vlast uZ byla svobodna. Dne 28. tijna ua tomu. bude 50 let, co uplynulo od mezniku dejin naroda deskoslovenskeho, kdy rozlehla se nivami vlasti na gich pteradostnti zvest o osvobozeni naroda. Narod eeskoslovensky aby zachranil svetovy mir, obetoval v roce 1938 sve historicke hranice, ktere ani tisic let, ani sto valek nemohlo zmeniti. Oeskoslovensko v roce 1945 ziskalo °pet svobodu pomoci velkYch spojencil slayne rude a.mericke a anglicke armady. — Pravda vitezi. S bratrskYm pozdravem, bYvalY deskoslovensky francouzskY legionat od 53. peg i divise 21. pluk, prvniBatal. 2. rota 3 seta. Jerry Baletka

• K ukoneeni posilam piseil pod no.zvem "Slunce jasne"; tu piseft jsme slozili v zakopech a byla ye velke oblibe: Slunce jasne za eernYmi mraky se uchyluje, Slovenati vojaci ee gti dobrovolci rukuji do boje. Loueeji se ze svou drahou vlasti, 1)01no jim u srdce, aby obsadili tarn v dalne Francii Gernske hranice. Na hranicich velke Germanic propast je velika, tam lecktere Ceske mocIrooke device milaeka zanecha. Hery, doly a skitly vysoke jsou naAfi ptatele, to nam nenavrati co jsme melt radi,

deveata milene, Az nam bude to eeska. muzika "Kde domov brat, tenkrat bude jiste. kake Ceske (levee plakat, natikati. Tu pisnieku skladali vojaci Ceti dobrovolci v 18. roce v to svetove valce nti josnem mosici, pact eislo 47, Seaton Mili bratti a sestry a etenati Vestniku. Dnes nam tu hodne zapraelo, pies dva coule. Hodne to Tarmare zdr21 od sbirani baviny, nekteti uz jsou hotovi a nekte •i jeSte ani nezaeli. Posleclni schnze byla clob •e zastoupena. Novo eleny dospele jsme Loyal E. Yates, Evelyn 0. Yates, Joe Kruse, Raymond Louis Schwate, Leo Kahlig, Helen Marie Motl. Do detskeito cddeleyAi .ptistoupili: Cynthia Yates, Kenneth McCormick, Frank Joe MikuPtipojiSaeni si vzali Wilma Motl, ptestupne listiny si zebrali Leo Baca, Debra Baca, Clara Foster, John Dokupil, Dorothy Dokupil, Albert Lee Schiller, Wanda Jean Schiller a Clifford Lee Schiller. Nemocni Cleni jsou: Joe P. Hejl, Theresa Toma g.ek a Jerrie Ann 'Skrabanek. Tel; nam jedna sestra odeSla na veenost, sestro, Mary Dukatnikova. test jeji pamatce! Nav*Stevou jsme meli pi. Leo Baca manacle Joe Z yolanek, st. Nak fadova sin je ttZ' hotova a buderne mit slavne odevzdani a otevteni 27. kijna. Zaene to o pui druhe hodiny odpoledne. Budou vyhravat etyry orchestry pH teto °slave Vrakl Polka Band zaene o 2:30 hod. a budou hrat 2 hodiny. Po nich bude brat Otis Beck and His Melody Five take 2 hodiny, pak Ray Baca 2 hodiny a Temple Rhythm Masters 2 hodiny. Vstupne bude $1.50 na odpoledne i Yeeer, to je 8 hodin muziky za $1.50. Ten budeme mit rtizne hry jako hazeni bolu, "teddy bears", a cake walk. Budeme proclavat Barbecue-on-Buns, jsou parky a klobasove senviee. aby donesli neiakY darek do vkhry a kteti byste chteli vypomoci ptihlaste se temto ptedsedilm: v kuchyni jsou manacle Dan Balusek a manacle Wm. Kogarek, na hry je Prankle ptedseda; na hazeni bolu je Eugene Fricke; na tedd y bears je Welter Jakuhec, a nalevnu me na starosti Wm. Kohutek; prodet vstupenek ma ria starosti L. J. Motl. Tak chcete-li kteti vypomoci, tak se ptihlaste, Ins4ude je prate dost. Pfijd'te vaichni, pobavi-

20 to se. Nage vanocni party budeme mit 15. prosince, ale o tom budu psb.t aa pozdeji. Dvekni cenu vyJarala Gladys Marek. Nage pkigti schtze se bude odbYvat prvni nedeli 3. listopadu o 1:30 hod. odpoledne. Zaeneme o pal hodiny dkiv, neb budeme mit volby rikednikil, tak se hled'te v gichni dostavit do schtize. Mary Haisler, dopisovatelka -SPJ ST'id C. 133, San Antonio Mile sestry a bratti, oznamuji, ze na ge pravidelna mesieni schtize bude se ope't konat v nedeli 20. kijna ye dye, hodiny odpoledne v sini American Legion, jako obyeejne. Jak vite, na ge schtize netrvaji nikdy prtli dlouho, jednani neni protahovano a tak nam zbude vkdycky dost easu na spoleeenskou zabavu. Proto, malkete-11, pkijd'te mezi nas, dm vice lads bude, tim lepe! Zvla gt' elenove nageho kadu, narozeni v mesici kijnu, jsou p •iinne zvani, za •icl'te si, prosim, tak, abyste se mohli ureite dostaxit! Po schtizi, jako vklycky, bude dobte postarano o zabavu. Nage schilze v mesici zaii byla velmi pekne nav g tivena. Minio jine pkijali jsme novou elenku, Janici Valchatovou, kterou ziskala na ge pilna organisa.torka sestra Marie Blanakova. Take jsme meli naySteldniky, pani Virginii Rogersovou, dce •u sestry Betty Traftonove a pani Evelynu Matulovou, Pic losovani dveini cony •testi se tentokrate usimilo take na nine. Prvni cenu jsem obd •Zela ja, pisatelka tohoto dopisu a druhou cenu dostala sestra, Sophie Maly. Pa projednani vSech zalekitosti tem, kteki oslavovali svoje narozeniny, zazpivali jsme spoleene piseri Happy Birthday, naeek schfize byla ukoneena. Po schuzi bylo pkatelske pobavenipN oblibene hte a velmi (..thutnem °beerstveni. Nezapornerite na nedeli 20. Nina ve 2 hodiny odpoledne. Piijd'te a plivecl' to svoje zname. Na, shledanou se tegi Rubie Holly -SPJ ST —

Upozorneni Timto oznamujeme, ze Krou'kek Oeskjich Zen v Dallasu mini pokadat zfjezd do Domova ocipoCinku v Taylor ye etvrtek 7. listopadu a upozorfiujeme verejnost, ze mohou se k nam pkidati i neelenky panove jsou vitani 'Lek). Prosirne ti, kteki. by men zajem, aby ihned zavolali nine, aneb napsali, p •otole rausime vedet kolik osob pojede a

VESTNIK take musime sdelit panu Gaidovi v Domove pro kolik osob maji pkipravit (Meat. Pak ty, ktere si chteji koupiti pecivo v pekarne ye West, must sdelit predem mnoho-li si toho pkeji a vse bude pro ne pripraveno a na ka,tdeho se pak jiste dostane; pak kdo by chtel masove produkty, mute je dostati, nebot' u Nemeekti. se taky stavime. Tedy prosirn, neme gkejte a sal6as dejte yedet. Cena testy tam i zpet bude asi $8.25, ale bude-li jich vice co pojedou, pak to bude lacinej gi. Obed bude ale extra. Vyjede se asi v osm hodin rano a asi v gest veder pkijede se do Dallasu. Pro ty, ktere by z West se chteli k nam ptidati, nnieeme je vziti, jako jsme peed tim a rady to udinime. Tedy prosim, priblaste se co nejdrive. S pozdravem, AneSka Houdkova Telefon EV 1-1695 6606 Wofford Dr. Dallas, Texas 7522'1

Verli jsine v slovo zapadnich velmoci a byli jsme hrozne pkekvapeni, ze nusto dodrteni shim Chamberlain a Daladier "zachrariovali", na nas rieet, mir s Hitlerem. Verdi jsme slijatim StalinovYm a byli jsme leeeni Rudou armadou, Gottwaldovy a Fierlingry. Namlouvali jsme si, ze vytvatime nejidealnej gi socialni rad na svete — a vytvoriti jsrne komunistickY krirninal.

Anekdota k jubileu republiky Pro Spojene stity eyropske Budoucnost ma nepekny zvyk pohravat si nelaskave s naglmi sny a ptedstavami, Sen 28. kijna skoneil v tragedii Mnichova a pkedstavy Druhe sitetove valky vykrvacely v trvalej gi tragedii imorove. Bylo by po getile oeekavat, ze nage dnegni pkedstavy o zitkku uniknou osudu nagich yeerepich pkedstay o dnegku. Ale snit je dovolerio a predstavy jsou kolebkou skuteenosti, jakkoliv prchave a prekvapiveCo lee fici o skUgenostech poslesdnicb 50 let? Asi toteS, co lze rici o zkuknostech poslednich 500 let: ze lidska, povaha se mnoho nemeni. V to et one forme — nekdy trochu civilizovane, jindy nezakryte barbarske — zakon aungle, zakon silnejMho, zakon sobectvi vladne jeclinctim i narodinn. Nechci popirat existenci mravnich sil, okainkikil sebeobetovani a hrdinstvi. Ale ye eve podstate Sivot jedincil i narodn je inntivoyan sobectvim. Nage zekladni instinkty se mnoho nel gi od instinktit ji0ch SiVoeiChtl: teritorialni imperativ se zda platit stejne pro lidi jako antilopy a erovek a opice maji vice spoleeneho, neZ by na ge jegitnost ehtela pkipustit. Mezinfirodni zakon clkungle zasahl Oeskoalovensko za poslednich 50 let z ylaR' bolestne nejdfive nas pohltila rozpinavost nemecka a pozdeji rozpinavost sovetska. Vnitropoliticky ani yelika pribuznost eeskeho a slovenskeho riaroda nezabranila kmenove tevnivosti a t •iclni a stavovgke sobectvi skoneily v zdanlive rovnosti bidy pro v ge-

Zjednoduguji? Nepochybne. Zda se mi iAak, to jsme si zidealisovali skuteenosti mocenske politiky i sant' sebe. Zda se mi, ce prvnim pO2ado.vkern pfltomnosti i budoucnosti je zrevidovini nagi koncepee svetove politiky i svYch pkedstav o sobe -- pro nas do valky nikdy n.eptljde a my nejsme schopni hrdinskeho veepeti kaklYch dvacet let. Musirne proto usilovat o takove usporadant Evropy, v nemS by mocenska sila nasicli sousedil m.ela co nejmerai vliy. Spojeni staty evropske — i za cenu znaeneho omezeni statni svrchovanosti — jsou snad jedinou nasi nadeji. Musime poctive analysovat nas narodni charakter, s jeho nenaalYrni pkednostmi, ale stejne velkymi chybami (sklon k hulvatstvi anebo lokajstvi, nesna genlivost a zavist) a sna'Zit se vytvorit lep giho Ceskeho a slovenskeho eloveka. Svet se rneni blaznivYm tempeni citove fe'geni problemil, socialnich ei jinYch, je luxusem, kterY si malt narod nemilSe dovolit. NaAe zaujeti pro dogma a ideologil je neodpustitelnYm plYtvanim narodni energli. Musime se naueit resit sve problemy bez vaAne, je'Z rozdeluje narod na nesmititelne tabory. Jak si tedy pfedstavuji budoucnost narodu oeskoslovenska? Chtel bych videt oeskoslovensko jako jeden ze statu Spojene Evropy jako stat, jehoS" dva hlavni kmeny se naueily vsajemnemu respektu rovnYch partnert; jako stat, jeho'Z obeane nejsou ani hulvaty ani lokaji; jako stat, jeho obyvatele se nevsciali hledani pravdy na teto semi, ale nerozbijeji si vzajenni6 hlavy proto, lie jejich interpretacc pravdy neni valy

Ve sttedu 16. Wm, 1968 city.

Presvecleovadi jsme sami, sebe, ze jako malt' :narod maiZerne zvitezit jen silou mravni. AvSak pud fysicke sebezachovy byl silnej gi net nage mravni presvedeeni v IVInichove a pked dnorem a v rinoru se demokraticka vet gina naroda mravne zhroutila. 0 tom, jak se chovala komunisticka Cast naroda, je lepe pomleet. Snili jsme o bratrstvi Cechti a Slovak& Bratrstvi se zmenilo ye vzajemne vYditky a v ha gtekeni o funkce a moo.

Ve stredu 16. rijna, 1968 tototna; jako stat, ktery sve problemy rek rozumem na zaklade fakt a zkuSenosti a lie vaani, tivenou ideologii a dogmaty. Jako stat, ktery usiluje o mravni rad v tivote jedincd i naroclii, ale neoslabuje se ilusi, e?'.e mravnost je zakladnim motivern jednani jedincu di narodti. Josef Cermak "Ceske slovo"

-61'd 0 I -

Na navateve ve vlasti syStch predkft Dle yypravoyani pi. Marie Kopeekova napsala Aneaka Houdkova Pritelkyne Marie Kopeekova jit co mlade (levee toutila spatriti rodnou zem syYch predkti, nebot' slYchavala yypravoyani svYch stariekti o teto male, ale krasne vlasti Ceske; jeji starieci Hubaekovi zaroven s prastatiekem (otcem to jejiho starieka Hubakka) prijeli do Ennis, Texas asi v rote 1884. Tam jia byla tehdy mala osada, nebot' Ennis byl zaloten roku 1872 a rodina 8ebestova a HaSkovcova byly jedny a tech pr y -nicheskYpritehovalcdjitm byly usazeny, kdyt Hubdekovi prijeli. Statieci museli projit mnoho starosti, prate a svizeld ale postupem easu jim piece jen bylo lepe nolli ye stare vlasti — i kdyt je Caste uchvatil stesk po rodne dedince tam na 1VIorave. Jen prastarieek Huloaeek si nepiivykl jit nikdy stale toutil a tesknil a za kratko odekl tam, odkud, neni navratu a uloten byl v te, texaske zemi, kde tak dlouho odpoeiva v klidu. Nak Marie pak take poslouchala yypravoyani stakenky Vitovske, matky to jejiho otce, to vae ji utkvelo v pameti a toutila ania by byla mela nadeji, ze to dalnou zem nekdy spatri. Ale jeji da y -nY,espiy cjnvpItail letos v eervenci, kdyt jeji syn s mantelkou a tremi detmi ji pozval, aby jela s Mini a take o vk se ji postaral. Vyjela odtud 9. eervence a v New Yorku se seNa s rodinou syna a spoleene, letadlem se vydali na cestu. Cestu mell krasnau a ve Frankfurtu presedli na jine letadlo a rovno do Prahy; odtud nine zaslala listek, bola dojmy tak obMonona, te se ji zdalo, ze je v jinern svete — v pohadkove nisi; psala rime, Ze ani nemfy e vypsat jak se citi, vie ji ohromilo. Tn teprve rozumela touze jejiho prastarieka 'ae to mala zome eeska ie tak krasna, a to kouzlo tech vesnieek, tv prirodni krasy a velebnost star' eh nn matek V6tide. Vedela nvni, te lid eeskornora,vs ky nerad onouAtel sve chalounk y a Polieka. ale zQ by] k tomu prirmeen okolnostrni, nebvlo mo'tno vvivit eetni, rodinv a clalna zem americka je vabila, te zde piece najdou

s TN po dem touti. Byla-li hrda na svftj vod dlve, nyni byla jeate hrdejk, vice videla krasy te vlasti deskoslovenske. Pobyla si v Csl. tii tYdny, to ovSern nestaello na vS'e, co by rada videla, ale syn mel jen Cas vyrnerenY a tedy ostatni muselo zatim poekat. V Praze se zdraeli kolik dni, pritel syna jejiho j e vSude provazel a vysvetloval; videli chram sv. Vita s jeho nadherou, korunovaeni klenoty eeskYch kralu, velebnost Hradean, sal deskYch kralt a tet hrobek jejich (kral IV s jeho etyrmi tenami a clruzi kralove a kralovny); pak Vaclayske namesti se sochou sv. Vaclava, obrazarny, Narodni divadlo, Loretu se syYm umereckYm bohatstvim, biskupskY palac, Pettinskesady s rozhledem po eel& Praze; ty male klika-Le ulieky, ktere pamatovaly peknejk slavnejk doby Ceske, ale zaroveri i doby smutne; dlatby hrbolate a slavnY most Karl& se sochami sveten a s pohledem na teku Vltavu a projitclejicimi lod'kami. Taude pekne upravene sa,dy a parky a vSude kvetiny a vice kvetin — na,§ lid mel odjaidiva rad kvetiny a stromy -- to uoinilo na navStevniky silnY a nezapomenutelnY dojem,. Wilde bylo jim, jako Amerieanfim, dana, prednost, velka Uslutnost a pray& pratelstvi; lid tak dobry a S"tedrY, by byl rozdal to posledni co mel; katdy (i male OW pekne pozdravil, (oba-vieSte na venkove) a prodavaei v obchodech se s katdYm kupujicim rozloueili se slovem "na shledanou". Poveeerell u "Zlate Husy" a pochutnali si na dobrem. Ceskern jidle. a druhYm dnem se podivali i do obchodtl v Prate. Na to jell dale na Moravu do Buenvic, odkud pochazel mantel pani Kopeekove a kde bydli dosud gvakrova Anna Kopeekova, vdova po bratru jejiho manZela (Pohl/sla y Kopeekovi). Deti teto Avakrove se sjeli do Bueovic a hiedeli jim zprijernnit pobyt v Osi. Na y stivili zarnek v Bueovicich, kterY ma pekne parnatky, nabytek a obrazy; pak kostel a hrbitov, kde je pohrben Svakr Bohuslav a tchyne Katerina Kopeekova Vypravela mi, jak tam katdY peeuje a hroby svYch drahYch, kaadodenne videla teny jak zalevaly kvety na hrobech a eistily a okopavaly, takte to bylo jak v zahrade. Zajeli si do LuhaCovic. do Zlina-Gottwaldova, do Priluk (odkud. Pocbazela babieka baekova a zdejk pi. Marie Petrikova, kamaradkal a jednou v nedeli rano zajell i do Ither,skeho Hradi§te a viciLli teny v kroji jak sly do kostela. Taky jell i pies Zadverice a kostel jejich s tim znamYm zvonem, jehot hlas se 'iroko daleko nesl a volaval lid k pobo4-


nostem (zemiela starenka Bobalikova a pi. Braunova odtud pochazcly a pi. Kopeekova si pamatovala jak ony o tom valy vypravely). Jednou tet videli pohreb krajana na 1VIorave, jaho2 rakev byla doprovazeria decnovou hudbou jako za starch Case a po sli muzikanti se posilnit do hospody; videli teny, ktere nesly travu v nfik tak jak to •lYchavala od stariakti, te pied lety se to konalo. blade, obzvlaSte ye mestech, se to pomalu modernisovalo a v Praze stavell moderni byty eill "apartmenty", cot silne kontrastovalo s tou "stovetatou Prahou" z clavnYch dob. Vaude se hoclne opravovalo jenae materialu se stale nedostavalo a nekde misty byly budovy hodne oSumele. 6i to bylo vinou? Nak nav gtevnici si zajeli tea do Slavkova se podivat na `'Mohylu Miru", kde 2. prosince 1805 v pamatne bitve u Slavkova francoutskY Napoleon se syYm vojskem zvitezil nad armadarni rakouskeho cisare FrantiSka I a ruskeho cara Alexandra I. Po vice jak sto let — za vedeni kneze prof. A. Slovaka, zbudoYana tato Mohyla Miru v r. 1910-1911. Tento pamatnY pomnik je na vysokem kapci a s vYS'kou 26 metro jaksi veyodi celemu Adolf; u paty pomniku stoji sochy etyr mutfr: Ruska, Rakouska, Francie a Moravy — a katclY ma, svfij zemsky znak eili erb. Uvnitr je kaple s pozastatky padlYch vojind, je z earrarskeho mramoru a pied ni u vchodu stoji dye figury: truchlici 2ena a Matka — obe prekrasne. Vypravela mne pi. Kopeekova, jak imposantni jc tento poinnik a jak daleko jsou videt ty rayske dedinky odtud, a jak nezapomenutelnY dojem to udela na eloveka. DruhY takovy dojem meli, kdyC;', si zajeli na znamV hrad KarlSte • n, kus za Prahou u reky Berounky • hral tento stoji na strxne stale a kdyt prijdete k nernu, tak vas to zrovna ohron , i Je to jeden z nejkrasnejSich hradd v celem Cs1., kterY byl postaven na popud Karla IV. Tento panovnik byl velmi vzrlelanYm a bystrym a te chtel mit bezpeene misto pro klenoty korunovaani, zalotil brad v r. 1348; zde v tato takrka nepristupne yeti byly opravdu dobre uschovany a NU, se, tte jsou st•etany 6tyfmi dvehni a 19 zamky. 9env drive nemely vubec pristup do techto mistnosti, ale nyni mute jiti kahlY se podivati na razne vzacnosti jako: kaple sv. Kateriny, jet byla osobni kapli krale Karla — tato kaa3lieka, je bobate adobena vyleCtenYmi polodrahokarny na stenach. Druha kaple sv. Krik je rose ;'.: zclobend polodrahokamy, zasazenYrni do

22 zlacene omitky a je jednou z nejnadhernejSich .pamatek v Csl. Pravila mne, ze jim ukazovali i studnu 91 metrti hlubokou, napuStenou vodou z potoka. Brad jest v existenci lid pies 600 let a dosed stoji — kdyby mohl vypravet, co vk by nem mohl iici, Ze ano? Odtud se jelo do Lodenic, pak do Lidic, lade Nemci. vyhubili a itpine vymYtili obyvatele a mesteeko za II. valky; zde se udala to hrozna tragedie, ktera otrasla celYm svetem, Zeny od y leeeny do koncentraenich taborii, 11110,i Postrileni a deti zavleeeny do Nemecka. Nyni tarn ukazIlji film o vSech tech rverstvech, spaehanYch a utrpeni Ceskeho lidu, m.61 by to pry kaaiV videt, stoji to za to. Novo Lidice zbudovany o kus dale ad starelm, neWastneho mista a tam, kite kdysi stavaly Lidice, jsou nyni nasazeny stroinky a kvetiny jako pametka no ty muee,dniky. f'Zikala pi. Kopeekova, jakYch kresnYch kvetin tarn bylo a jak to opotruji, co2 jest jiste pra ydon, nebot' jsme to pak videli na ktery naM syn jeji oak ukazoval. Jiny vYlet si pak uciciali i do jiZnich Oech," zajeli k moji sestreffici do Bechyne a odtud do Pisku a pak do Vodnon navtivit sestru pi, Skotakove-, (sl. Berta Paryzkovou), ktera zde byla na neVSteve celY rok 1967 a ktera pozvala pi. Kopeekovou na nev q,evu aZ budou v Osl. Bylo to velice pane, nebot' .pak mohla zas ji co vk se ale udelo od doby, kdy sl. ParYzkova se navretila do sve vla.sti a pak kdyz se vratila do tak povedela pi. Skotakove vkchny novinky tamni. Te2 v Pisku byli tosty jedne pani doktorky v jell pekne vile -- syn teto pani bydli v Los Angeles a znaji se se synem pi. K. Men se tam velice dobre, nebot' ona pani byla r.ejen lekarkou, ale i v:4eenou kucharkou, tee mela v zahrade koho ovoce, coZ bylo nee° zvlaSAniho pro deti Jaroslava Nopeeka mobil trhati zrovna ze strornu a takove vZdy lone ehutnC, Jo ano? V starosla y ne Bechynl se staveli jen na chvili, nebot' hodne prklo, ale piece isem recta. Ze 111011 111il011 sestuenku noznali a mobil ji 11e1 neco o none a vyridit pozdra y . Jab) vi-;ade Uncle, i ona chtela tune noslat pattOltn, ale nritelk yne'mobla vziti ropl ytmst . protok Droste nemela misto, fr"1ue klift• inn to a g e' no ht ii kaZ(N cbtel det na A foto brin nil 1 ;di. 1,1. ('N n0)1,11 iH- s rs 37, s Chtell, R tobn n161a. ,,ndormint, whir mtvrdli, ink rnaii re di Oechnarneritar y : ie to liZ to mama, staroslovanske uprimnost a nobostinnost, ktera

lie Sti'edu 16, •ijno 1963 musi zahrat kaldeho, kdo zavita, do me vY'bornou pamet' a jeho hlas a Kopeekovi projezdili skoro celou Prednes je prvotridni, moc se to kaZde-Moravu a hodne teZ i v Cechaeh, ale mu libilo. Pritomno bylo asi pies 125 lidi a je Skoda, Ze vice naSich lidi tam. na Slovensko se jiZ nedostali — skoro nebylo, nebot' film byl neobyeejne Cisstale prelo a to se Spatne jezdi a taky ty a josnY. Ukazoval obrazky predese mnoho zameSke. Byli pozvani dvema vSim z Prahy a okoli, ale i z Moravy — starenkarni fipine aby prijeli do obry la.46 z rodi§te jeho resnuleho (Ace Uherskeho- HradiSte na primici jednOAntonina Kopeoko v Bueovicich, ho kneze 30. eervence, Ze tam budou tov, ne,mesti, rodnY domov a pod. Ta krasne kroje z cele Moravy a Ze jiste tetieku Annu Kopeekovou, velice to si butte syn Jaroslav moc] vziti herke hodnou a milou (mobil a jeji rodinu, Ukarky tech pestrYch a barvitYch krojti na film — jenZe nebylo to moZne, taky priburne se strany jam pool (rozene PaMsove) a jejiho deda„ znameho nebot' ten den Kopeekovi ji2 vyjiZdeli z Prahy. Jake to Skocla, jiste by to bylo malire Lek)vskeho z Los Angeles. Zajimave bylo videt ty krasne a zrale stab za to. Ty tri krasne, ale velmi treSne na stromech, ty kvetiny peskratke tYdny dovolene ryehle ubehly museli se rozlovieit a pomYSlet na na- trYch barev, ty lesy a hory, perniky na Vltave, hracly a zamky, z niche nejvrat &mil do Ameriky. Letacllcm dojeli lepe se vyjimal Karlaejn jeho vele do Anglie a tam ztravili 2 dni a uvideli a kresnY qhled odtud); a co? ty kvety zas kus jine zeme. V LondYne avideli klenoty kralovny .Wbety, coZ stab za a stromovi v Lidicich s pamatnikem no to, jenZe nav4evniktii tolik, Ze nemeli °heti tam zahynin;1. Taky vYjevy z eas, aby si to mobil prohlednout ze- Uherskeho liradiS"te za nedelniho rem, vraline„jak by si byli prali; teZ se zit- kdy2 Cony "sly do kostela v krojlch a Castnili toho, emu se tike "changing jedna prijela te ,2 v kroji, ale na hole (bicyklu) a zasmely jsme se, kdy2 p. K. of the guard", eili vYmena straZe a palace. Bylo to velmi zajimave, nebot' nes upozornil, abychom si vsimli, jak strelnik na koni tnel tak vycvieeneho : ikovne. a sviZne z toho kola sjela, postavila kolo a kostela asla dovnitr — hone, Ze ten sem tlaeil lid zpatky, jestk posledu teprve seznala, Ze je fotoliZe se tare moc strkal do preclu, tok sikovne dovedl ty lidi drZet met a to p,Tafovana a jaksi stydlive vesila hlavu. I velebnieek hiedel udivene na to je jiste, jak se tika, "kumW. VSe bylo pekne, ale hodne draho v:.hicle a no to fotcg •afovani, ale piece jell, zachoval dastojnost asel dale bez vyptavani co diSkreci pry moll stale natalenou ruku, unieji turisty hodne "Zdimat". Od- se deje. Pekoe bylo ukazani ,jizdy no de'Ste a obrazek husi a kaeen, jak .se tud jela pi. Kopeekova primo do New pomalu nesly po ceste, a ovocne stymy Yorku ,a syn s rodinou rase do Los Angeles, takle nejeli jiZ„ pospolu jako po ohou stranach silnice zrovna tak, pied tim. Ona dojela do Dallasu no jak to bylo, kdyi i ja jsem tam DOsledne byla. Ale nejpeknej:S. i pro mne cos, ale- syn s rodinou se moc opozdili, byl obrazek velebnYch Hradoan s chratak e mela o ne obavu. tikala nine, mem sv. Vita, to nerna Zedne rem na projeli, ei vlastne preleteli Belgii. NCmecko„ \/Yeary, Anglii a Oeskosloven- svete! Vial: taky mi povidala pi. Kopeekove., Ze kdyZ od,iizdeli dome, rekl ji sko a liride to bolo pekne, ale neiPekneji a nejmilejM Ze byla to "stovela- doktor Kotek, kterr je \Jeri, aby se je to jednou ohledla zoet na Prahu a kdyi-% ta, Praha„ a to Ceske rem, ktera tak videla Hradeany °raretolikrae zaZila riizna utrpeni a prikori ne a pozlacene rannim slankern no a piece zas, talc() Prove zlato, poznova. Ach, zlate Pralm„ chloubo ten okandlk ze nikdy v- Zivote neranostredni Evronv keZ bvs zase brzv mene, nebot' to byla echvatne podivane.. Doufeime, Ze j6te_ jednou bode zerila svobodou a leskem driveiL;ich let! Kdo by ti to neprel a kdo b y se ne- nem umoZneno se torn podivat a porarl oval. aZ rase jednou budeS' to, cos koebat se krasne zeme na;;: ich slavr;rch hrdinjtch oreclka eeskYch. bvla chive, robot' tve krase se Zadne mesto no s yete nevyrovna! Po nredstaveni byl kaZdSr pozvan doKu hand b ych raft. sdelila, Ze 26. zeri Ift do kuchyne sokolovn y na kavu a pezde ukazoval pan Jaroslav Koneeek eivo, ktere ochotne uneklv Cony nas.eho kru?ku s vYnomoci i nekterYch Zen, film, kterV sem nataeel letos v Osl. ktere nelson alenkv. bylo dosti coro ydo to stClo so tn. Pan K, me ten mohly isme pohostit vkchny priton-me riP ininr e i Af stool promitaci a ide samoeinne, take on mohl se postavit k rni- a chvili se pobavit rozhovorem s pre.krofomi a nekne nem vie vysvetlovat tely. Rada isem uvidelo, i z Ennis a z Dorchester, bylo to herke. Pan Koa muslin Ze to umi znamenite; on Peeek si zajiste zaslou21 nos' vi7e1St dik

y e sti'edu 16. fijna 1968

UCME SE CESKY Lekce sedinadvaeata Lesson 27 Before we go on to adverbs, let's look at terms having to do with students and colleges. STUDENTI a KOLEJ VOCABULARY kolej - college; also students' dormitory mistnost - room prizemi - ground floor poschodi - story, floor kuchyne - kitchen hancela • - office (adrn.) office Uradovna eitarna - reading room knihovna - library Satila -- cloakroom umyvarna - wash room sprcha - shower jests -- also, yet nabytek furniture byt - flat, or apartment tifednik - official ski iri - closet, cupboard gaty - clothes kkeslo - armchair Ustredni topeni - central heating potom --- then, afterwards piedria§ka - lecture, speech poslucharna -- lecture room mluvnice - grammar rozumim - I understand mluvim - I speak trochu - a little jestliie --- if (conj.) quickly (adv.) rychle pomalu - slowly nahlas ,-- loudly mesic - month, moon pkirozenY - natural dulezi - important rozhovor - conversation kam? - Whither? (showing action) kde? - Where? (no action) penize - money zprava - information, news report rodiee - parents jak easto? - hobv often? tyden - week prace - ,work manielka - wife manic' -- husband zietelne - distinctly spisovatel writer mistake clayba pravopis - spelling roman --- novel Exercise Translate the following sentences, which use words from the above vo-

V cabulary listing: 1. Vidime taut naSi kolej. 2. Moje mistnost je dole. 3. "'kitel rna mistnost v prizemi. 4. 'Davin hudova ma :test poschodi. 5. V piizerint marne jicleinu a kuchyni. 6. filavni budova lik:7 take kancelare, eitarny, a rtizne ime mistnosti. unuy7. Nahoie mime pokoje, varny, a sprehy. 8. Kde vy mate aS byt? 9. Bydlite jeSte mimo mesta? 10. Mate koupeny VAS novY nabytek? v koleji. 11. B • at • Alois je 12. Koupil jste si move Saty? 13. NaSe kolej ma zarizene itstredni topeni. 14. Pan profesor narn ltaidY den piednaSi. 15. 13ani ueitelk nam pketina g i v poslucha rni. 16. Ona mluvi mot rychle. 17. Pan Svetlik mluvi pomalu. 18. Nerozumirn, kdyi nemluvi oni naWas. esic. 19. PiSu domit 20. Je to pkirozeny a thileiit3'r 21. Mel jsem s panem Dvokakem kratrozhovor. 22. Kam jedete? 23. Kde jste byl? 24. Rocliee nit posilaji po4ou penize. 25. Jak easto pieS ty clornu? 26. Ja, pits Icaidy den. 27. Mtij mantel kona svoji pisemnou praci z•etelne. 28. Capek byl veliky ceskY spisovatel. 29. Cetl jste jeho romany? yohidek Thoughts for today Zvykni si ukladati veci sve na jiste sto, abys, kdyi jich potrebuje'S, snadno je nalezti Tim uspol'iS sobe a jinym mnohe myzutosti, nchrani§ se mnohe skody, vAucle v oraYY eas a y yhn6 se nmoho vVeitee, ano i trestu ze strany rodieri a ueitcht svYch. Zariechej vSech marnS,ch hadek. Dbej jest Niclycky o pokadek. Discuss this thought with your parents, Get them to explain it to you. Kutna. Hora. Meet let bohate kulturni einnosti dovr guje v tomto rote 'C Jiitelsky smiftw",7 neveckk sbor. Za vedeni Cirigenta J. Prochazstuduie pravidelne kaZd3-7 t9den no, .Qkladby a se sv:i.'n programem, enym ze starM i moderni sborove tvorby absolvoval mnoho koncerth v republice I v zahraniei.

23 za ochotu nam ukazat krasne obrazky a za, to °bet', nebot' piijel pozde ten den z obchodni cesty a niece ptijel pak do sokolovny a pobyl tam as do pozdnich hodin a velmi easne rano se vydal se svoji mantinkou na cestu autem do Kalifornie, kam2 dojeli an v nedeli odpoledne. Maminka, jeho prodala svuj domov zde a piestehovala se do Kalifornie, syn ji zakoupil peknY dornov zrovna pies cestu od jeho domova. Pi'ejeme ji to, nebot' bude se mod teAlt s vootteaty a videt syna easteji nee dosud. KrouZek se s ni rozloueil s peknYm darkem a jeji pkitelkyne rovne2, ba i z Ennis piijely piedsedkyne M. LaZnovska s pi. Bettie Houdkovou a pi. Viktorou Novou a sl. Sylvou LaZnovskou a privezly ji hezkY darek teZ od enniskeho krou2,ku. JeSte jednou dekujeme p. Kopeekovi za laskavost a piejeme vSem mnoho kesti a zdravi. Mili etenaii, doufarn, ze tento elanek vas pobavil a privolal vzpominky na leta bYvala. Kakiemu preji vse dobre a nejvice zdravi. S pozdravem, AneSka Houdkova SPJST-


fad it schfize

PODZIWINI SCHUZE OKRSKOVE Pcdzimni schnze II. okrsku se bude konati v nedeli 20. iijna u tadu C. 29 ph Taylor. -SPJSTp esky den v Houstone

kid SPJST C. 88 bude pora,dat aeskY den v nedeli 27. iijna na paest vyrod zaloleni Prvni Oeskoslovenske Re publiky. -SPJSTJINDRICH BIMON BAAR: "ILIAIVE"

A clitstOjnik nelhal, jenom se pi:Tpoeital. UZ druheho dne na zpenenYch konich piiletelo do Klenei nekolik jezdcti s rozkazem, '2e gab newt ins v Hor§ove. MI6, ale '& dojede 0%. sem. Ze Ztistane pies noc, druhYl den Se bude odpoeinek a pak velka piehlidka vojska, p0Sledni, rieZ se piekroei hranice. Pit to zprave . mihla se sice ditstojnikovi to litrapena Sena, co s p i rano mluvil, Sc by ji met vz ithzati, poved6ti o zinene, ale pak na niz anomnet. Bylo nutno zadrZeh vSecky plukyk nad Klenoim v iese taborici I ty, co uS jsou na pochodu. dela i vozy zastaviti, vybrati vhodne misto pro prehlidku, postaTati se o - polaodln:c7 me10h i kuchyfi ga'ou. KdoZ by Ph torn myslil na sel-


ku a jeji bolesti. Odpoledne opravdu v koearech i na konich prijal Stab. Areivevoda s druZinou ubytovali se na stare, rozsahle poSte, ostatni panstvo na fare, ye Skole, v hostineich i v ea'ansk;c7ch domech, Odle Klenei se podobalo ohromnount mraveniSti, ohne polnich kuchyni vysoko zaplaly, uniformy zlatem se zablYsholy, 'vojaci pobihali ke konim, kymili je, napajeli, ordonance prinZdely a odjadely, postavene Cestne striae kat%dou ; chvili pinYm. brdlem vclaly, "do zbrane", kdyZ nahle v tom zdanlivem zmatku a neladu yeeernim zatrepetaly se .zvuky jezdeckeho pechociu. Pet trubana bilyeh konich troubilo start' rejmar: u I-tory a aZ do Klenei„ s pul hodiny^ cesty daleko, bylo jej sly"Kyrykysari jedou!" rozkriklo se mesteekem a vAerni to trhlo. I nejlhostejnejSi sousede yySli dnes a vzruSene. divall se na nadheru generalniho ve kterem s arci y evodou jela knieata a hrabata, obdivovali hone i postroje a. snaZili se poznati jednotlive osobnosti skyeleho prnvodu, V to chvili vSak portineh na ykeko a s VYkrikem: "Kyrysari jedou!" hrnuli se It silnici, aby nejoblibenejSi vojsko, ve kterem nejvice nasich synkn. Cvakot kopyt se ozval a blilil se. "In; jedou na Dilcich!" vykrikl kdosi a a2 kostml projelo, jak trubaei znovu nosadili trubky k vousatYm ytinn, -tvare a. spustili. Pink vjiZdel mezi prvni domky pornolu, krokem, ale sveZe a v poradku. V Odle jel plakovnik s tasenym palaSem v ruce ne SAihlem, vysokem koni sam postavou privy obr. Klusem prijiklel mu vstric jiny dilstojnik, kterY mel no starosti ubytovani vojska, oba zvedli Savle do yYSe a jezdci se razem zastavili. NejbliZSI slyseli, jak posel Masi, Le mesteeko pino, Ze to nelse zustati noclehem, ze nezbyva nit rozjeti se po sousednlch vesnicich, do Chodeva, Trhanova, fijezda, a zvlaSte. Postrekov s ✓ lYncem Ge tvori velikou Yes, tri sta jezdeti ae tarn ohlasill stojnici ovSem zfistanou zre v Klenna tyze je pamatovano, ale mu2stvo 2e mush no not jinam. "isme v sedlech od rano, teSili jsme Sc. . . pomoci, vSecko vojsko, hone, volt', cela armeda lez and Siryin nebern, kysysnici vSa 17.nejyyS:',;imu yesrdni: vas- vYslovne naridil I s konmi. za 1C9M011 CCIAL1 pod strechy." Plukovnik jen s kone se rozbli;Rq nrracne po vojacich, kteri to stab pMproveni, aby jednotliqm oddiltnn

V is S T N 1 IC akazali nejkratSi cestu do vesnic, aby si zbyteene. nezajeli. Pak pokynul trubaei, ozval se signal a ze siku yyjiZdeli dustojnici a poddustojnici k svemu y ehitch. Ten jim struene oznamil rozkaz no zitrek, a pro dnekk odevzdal je tem, kteri meli no starosti ubytovani. VIII Za trejvetSi chodskou vesnici plati podnes Postrekov. Pies padesat sedlaktt seclelo tarn tehdy na s yYch gruntech. Co by kamenem ctohodil, jen pies tra yinky, lezi vesnie...ka MlYnec, ale v ni ne pouze jeden, nYbrZ nekolik mlyncti klape na bystrem pottleku, a kouser cesty sam v SirYch polich u rybnika rortalutje se pansky cl yfir, zvany "Podhanni". Pripoeitaji-li se ke statkirm jeSte chalupnici, kteri 'bran "na kvartYr" alespog jednoho hone s jezdcem, Ic.deUo na sedlaky pocitali se tri, neeinilo tam abytovain tri set jezden z ylaStnich obtig. lined rano, jak natizoni cloSlo, pi-ipravili v chi ce'Vech kogska stain, svrij dobytek srazili bud' do hustejSi rady, nebo ho na not vyvedli do stodoly, a selky staraly se o vojenskou 0obra yeee •e musila 1391,, mela-li byti dobra vide s vojaky. Nejviee a nejradostnneji chystala se S' vejclova. Adela ve sklepe naloenori sko povou kYtu, schovavala si ji na nedeli, ale ted' ji hned vynesla a uminila si, ze celou trvari na smetane yojakilm. Sedlak sice brueel, '2e by staeila vajieka na smetane anebo na music, jako jinde delaji, ale nedomluvil. "Mle hned —" ok •ikla ho zena, " yzpomen si na Vondru, jiste mu to nekde jinn selka za nas oplati." "Jenom kdyby nep •ijeli za. tmy," zavadel Svejda radeji jinou Pee. "MIMI potom se svetlem do stodoly, do killny, pozor neciaji a trnu vCdy stra.chem, aby se neco nestalo s boMm ohnem." Slunce schovalo se za lesy, prfisvitne stiny kindly se na yes, padalv niZ a houstly, rybniky pooaly se pariti, kdyz tint pod yeeernim tichem na Vrchach zahlaholila pisnieka buj11(1, vesela a daleko Mroko se rozlehala: "Poulravuite va S. i Lizu, so hrabe list na strouze, clue-li s nami do ParYzu, Ze uvidi Francouze. Bride tam stat h nami virtu, s nami bade bojovat, az nare2em Bonapartu, s 11(11/1i domn vandrovat," Ktizefi v jizdnim houfu se uvolnila, • neieli a poddastojnici s mndstvem byli jako bratri. Vojaci dozpivali • zavYskali. Po Ceske pisnroce ozval se ✓ prvnich iadach i CeskSr hovor.

Ve stiedu 1G. Iljna

"Jedeme jako plZi, vacheistre, pust' nas," rozkrikl se rejtar v prvnich tadach, postavil se ye trmenech, natahl krk a ohniva oci uprel pies hlavy jezden Dted sebe do Sera. Ten rejtar jako deseatnik a jmenoval se Ondrej Svejda. 11 kamarada teSil se velike oblibe, jsa nejlepSi zpevak pluku, a u piedstavenYch jako nejsmelejk jezdec. Pouze mu easem vytYkali, Ze nema rad hrubYch Zertn, ze je ctulnY a sticimY, stydlivY jako panna a tak eiste veselY jako dite. "Jedeme s kopce, neznam cesty, musime krokem," vysvelloval story strait, misty, kterY jel v Odle jezdce vedl. "Cesta dobra, kopec prestal, pojedem ted' po rovine az ke vsi." Pritloustleho straZniista take paid° a tlaoilo sedlo, Zaludek se ozYval a V hrdle ho Skrabal prach. "Svejdo, vyrozki-ikl se dozadu. jecl' ke Ze Cady jezdett sjel s cesty kyrysnik na koni Cednern jako havran. Hup, nekolika skoky octl se v dele tt velitele. "Ty cestu znas'?" "KaridY kamen na ni. Ja jsem se to narodil, vyrostl a v to vsi me chytill na, vojnit." "Dobra. Tak. pojedeme. Zatrub 'trap'," porueil za sebou trubaei. Trubka zajeeela, kone strihli usirna,,zafrkali, jezdci piitahli uzdyi aeeta se rozjela. Ve vsi ozval se aekot psit. JeZ'ate , hiebeny doAkovYch stodol protlaelly se sexem, houf deti rortilkl se pied jezdci na dye strany, vederni klekani. tenkYm hlaskem zvonku vitalo jezdce a na temnemodrem nebi zaplala /tad ehrnYm svitem jedina dosud hvezda vederni ce. "Pomalu snad," ozval se bazlive vachmisty, kdy, citil v sedle, jak se testa svaknj e. "Nit se nestane, jsme na nfivsi," vyktiki Ondra, vesele, kdy2 prave proji Z • deli Hojdovic dvorern a kdyz zahledl po deviti letech °pet klenute briny a branky, dievene Atity a plarikove ploty rodne vesnice. Srdce mu tlouklo pod ocelovkm kyrysem jako zvon. V tgich mu hudelo, pied ()dim jako by mel mlhu a jen v hlave slYWI neftprosnou, doternou otazku: "Co asi Hande? A mama s tatou? Co delaji? Co feknott! Poznaji-li mne?" "Padesat poslednich jezdcii dolt\ do Papirny, padesat do MlYnce a ostatni podle elsel ziistanou zde," hned jak se seradil_i, kneel s kone straImistr a take se valil dolu, hodiv svemu vojaku "Pojed' se mnou ki na§im," pozval ho Ondra. "Mam spati u rychtate, tam ma Mitt


Ve stkedu 16. kijna 19 komando." "Mai otee bYval rychtakem, pojd' jenom! Neni-li a nas rychta, co na torn? Vzkaateme novemu rychtaki a poSleme mu vojaky, co maji spati u nits." StraSmistr ehvili vahal, a2 mu napa,dlo: "Jdi, pomejeS se tam dobie, snesou jiste synovi, co nejlepSiho maji," a proto lined nahlas portion: "Dobra, tak nojd'rne." "Ale me neprozrazuj," poprosil ho jeSte Ondra a tii jezdci pki konich zamikili rovnou k 8vejcliim. V otevienych vratech eekal je sedlak s pacholkern„ oba s odkrytou hlavou, a brali hned kone vojakum z ruky. "Jen dal, pani vojaci, jen dal, jako domit," vital hospodat. "My uS vain sami kone oS'ettime. odsedlame, niZete se jen pkijit podivat. Jdete rovnou do svetnice, selka, deka na vas s dobrou veeeki." Hospodak znal vojaky i jejich zlou, prchlou naladu, kdyi hladovi, Siznivi a jako rozlamani pkijedou, jak poenou hned klit, nadavat, tteba i udeki, nevyjde-li se jim po dobrein vstfic. Ve vratech zjevili se novi tri jezdci. "Jedte misto nas k rychtaki, ja ui se nehnu," porueil jim prudce straimistr a kolebal se po nerovne, hrubYm kamenim dlaidene zaspi do osvetlene svetnice, z niS az na dviir prudce lo ostre koteni smetanove, nakysle omdeky i skopoveho masa. lined od dveki, podel zdi pod, oknern az ke stolu v rohu tahla se cikevena lavice. Ostruhy zazvonily na prahu, na lavici dopada,ly pkilby s hunatYroi hiebeny, tekSice palaSe, vojaci si rozpinali kyrysy na femenech, kulate polni lahve, St'astial, pevnou pildu pod nohama. Selka si jich nevSimala, nemela easu. 0theela se kolem ohronmYch kamen, se kterYch na dlouhe vidlici vytahovala oeouzene hrnce a kastroly. Zato stra2mistr ji rrilsne obehazel jako star] kocour a jen se ptal: "TIvatila jsi dost? Jsme tki a marne hladu za deset." "I dost, pani vojaci, dost se najite, chvalabohu, vOecko se povedlo," odpovidala selka, rortezavala kytaute knedliky a kladla je pozorne na misa. Vonna para z nich vystupovala, vojakinn v Ostech sliny se sbihaly. "Tak pones 0, pones," nutil stark rejtar, sam popadl misu a hrnul se s ni ke stain. Selka se smala, lovila knedliky z Vakici vody a nutila: "Jen si neehte chutna,t, jako doma, vojaekove, jako doma."' Pkilevola jim i p •idavala, na misty, &ban t s pivem pkinesla a pochvalila. "Bade studeno, Imola jsem je

ve sklepe," sama Svitokila, obskakovakovala je a nic se nedivila, zc tak malo mluvi a jen jidla si Wadi. "Pane BoSe, jako vlci, jen se to do nich propada,” kiaSovala se v duchu, ale lined prejicne dodavala: "Zdravi at'' jim jed k duhu, kdepak asi muj Vondra v to chvili sedi.. ." Jeden, ktery seal zacly obracen od stolu do svetnice, takie mu do tvare ani jaksepatri nevidela, poloSil idici a utiral si mohutnY, Cerny knir pod nosem.

"Copak, vojaeku," hned ozvala se selka, "nechutna ti?" "Chutna, ale main Bost," odpoveclel nejakyin zastrenym, jakoby chvajicim se hiasem. I hlavu sklonil pri tech slovech a ta.kovY1 smutny se zdal selce, aS se ji litosti srcice sevrelo. "Snad si take vzpomina na domov, jako ja na Vondru, a dost se mu podoba, takove. vlasy i oei i nos, ba i eelo jako by mel Vondrovo, jenom ramenatejSi je a ty Jhrozne kniry pod nosern take nas Vondra nemel." "Jojo," ozvala se nahle nahlas, aby tee nestala a toho smutneho vojaelca aby pote'Sila, "my take mame syna na vojne. Uz devet let a slouSi na koni. AS pkijde sedlak, da se s vami do keel., povi, u ktereho regimentu slouzi, neznate-li ho snad, anebo kdybyste se s nim setkali —" mluvila, ale oei spustit nemohia s toho prostkedniho kyrysara, obraceneho k ni zady. "Vondra, jak tak sedi — celY Vondra," myslila si pki. torn. "Podivam se ke konim," vyskoeil nahle smutny vojdeek °tail se a hrnul se ke civerim. 8vejdov abystke se mu poclivala do tvare. V tom okamliku prinaSel pochalek ze staje do svetnice vojenske Saty a plaSte, chtel oznamiti, e kone ot•eli slamenYmi vichy smejixli je napojit, nea nasypou ovsa, Se maji stra gnou Siseri, Se jinak jim ani chutnati nebucie. Trefil se k nejlepMmu. Vide' selku, jak dr21 vojaka k ni nakloneneho v naruei a jak hlasem prosycenYm WastnYmi slzarni jen tiSe vzdycha. '`1VInj etalapee ziatY, my drally cute," druzi dva vojaci za stolen se smell. PraStil se vSim, co v rukou cliAel, a jako by mu hlava h •da, letel do chliva. "Sedlaku, sedlaku, beSte do svetnice. Vojak tam drSi selku v naruei, to pldee, vzdycha a tuze nakike.." jako kdyl pichne. Prave si prohliSel sedlo, lined vS'ak jim uliodil divoce o zem, popadl v koute bit, kiilcel na Celedina: "Martine, za =our a se na civOr. Krev se mu klokotern v Silach varila a hlavou jako blesky se mihalo, jak dceram 1 cieveece naridil,

aby se uklidily na ptidu, Sebrik za Sebou vytahly a neukazovaly so, dolcud rano neouctett vojaci na nevsi sedeti v race na iconich. A zatim hle na Sena mu sanaji! A on tak je vital, tak se poaaal. .e Jako vichr pruduce rozhoctil cvcre a vpadl do svetnice. Toni vsaraku sedi Sena na lavici, vojaci se vesele smeji a ona ter t'uchem Aida Si sizy. "Co je? Kd ojste ji rozk•ikl se Svejda, aS se okna trasla. "Jai" — postavil se pied neho vojilk jako svieka a srazil paty, aS °stud:1y zazvonily, a zasmdl se St'astnYrn smichem. "Ty?" optal se sedhilc, ale nejak nojiste, ruka napraSend i s bieem mu kiesla., jenom oci vpily se do osmahle tvare. 'Ty?" opakoval Svejda pro jistotu jeSte jednou. "Ano, ja, ja," volal vojak, ale uS nesttil tak rovne, uS neznel jeho hlas tak vesele — "ja, tato!" vyrazil to prudce a kies1 mu na prsa. Martin strkal chundelatou hlavu s beranici bojache do &ell. a vyvaloval oCi. Cekal, ze sedlak bude se bit, Se bude zle. Chystal se skoeit po Savlich a vyhodit je yen d olouSe, aby k nim vojaci nemohil. Chtel krieet a volat sousedy na pomoc, a zatim — hle novY smith za stolem a sa msedlak polyka nejake sliny, a jako by se dusil, jen vyrai: "Vondra! Vondra! Mitj ,chlapec!" Ix. Borova lout a Svejdu na krbu sviti a pracka, svetem krdei pomalu pitlnoc. Ale selka znova priklada a Clvi ohYnek, aby neuhasl. StraZinistra uS damn uloicomory, do forotnieh pekin, vojak ocleSel do eltleva spat ke 'mann, se v noci nepotloukli, ale Onclra sedi u krbu, vzpoirtina a vypravuje. S 'pfly zvolal otec ostatni deli, .,seAli Se i secilaci, pribuzni a znami, Tabor, Zeman, Sokol, Bartak, Porazil, Brychta, sedi v kole a poslouehaji tine, jako v kostele. 0 arcivevodovi Karlu vypravuje Ondra. Jak pied deviti lety dostal se odtud prim° do jeho dobrovolnickeho sbortt v Praze, co zemi s tinito slavnYm marSalkem zjezdil, Italii, Bavory i Uhry. Jak se spojili s Busy a spoleene bojovali u Slavkova na Morave.. O Napoleonovi mluvi a o Francouzich a ted! Se zase jedou proti jeho harm dam, odplatiti jim za Ulm a Slavkov, chromne vojsko ze se tam srazi, co tudy pkes Klenei tahne, Se je, sotva jeho pata, cast... Al ev Bavorich Se so sejde armada alespon dvakrat stotisic mum staid' a must zatlacit Napoleona zpatky za reku RYin, do jeho

26 fra,ncouzske zeme, aby byl pokoj. Naslouchali vgichni s utajenYm dechem, kYvall hmla.vami a srdeene "Ano, ano, jenom pokoj aby uz byl." "A tebe Pa Buh, a2 dosud chranil. Vondro, co?" s ilaikama sepjatYma, ptala se matka, a ustra gene oei jeji spoeivaly na jYeho tvati, ktera se ji ustaviene zdala jinou, cizi, nee() divokeho hledelo ted' z tech jindy tak veselYch col, smith jeho znel drsne a zuby pod eernymi kniry svitily se jako dravei. "Chranil," prisvedeil Ondra radostne. "Vojna bez gramu neni." A zase yypra; vel klidne, v jakem byl kolikrat nebezpeel, dva hone pod nim zastrelili, on sam byl do nohy bodnut, ale vysekal se St'astne ze vgeho. "Jen aby stal andel straZce I ted' pri tobe, aby ses nam St'astne vratil ui tu s nami mohl zUstati," zatouZila opet matka. "Doekate se, mamo," zasmal se bezstarostne syn. "Ted' nam dal cisar pan kon2, Ze ohnem nas pronesou a z pekla vyjedeme. Ale nemlu.vme uZ o torn! Povidejte radeji, jak vy jste se melt, jak Yam se vedlo?" otaeel Ondra peknon, srdeenou rec. "NuZ, po vuli BoAI, zdravi jsme byli jaksi nerad odpovidal otec. "A copak ze nepri gel sem dnes Kubinovie strYeek?" optal se prudce, nedoekave nenadalY host a oeima rozialeed se po v g ech kolem. O starem Kubinovi miuvil, ale na jeho dceru — Hanel pH tom myslil. "0, ten IA neprijde!"' "Ten se navrati!" "Toho u Z s nespatti " odpovidal sborem. "Snad neumkel?" "Ba umtel, tied rok je pod drnem." "A co Hance?" — — — Trapne ticho nastalo po teto otazce. Vgichni se naraz odmleeli. Soused Tabor v rezpacich presedal na start Sokol se St'aral v dYmce. Zeman vyta,h1 hubku a kamilnek, jako by chtel °hen rozkresat ,ae lout na, kdbu horela pinYm, jasnym plapolem, a ostatni hledeli do zeme a myslili Si' Jak mu to jen lici, jak mu odpovedeti? "A neptej se na ni —" rekl prudce otec, zlostne anon hlavu a vyplivl se do kouta. "Rad bych piece veal —" "Povidam, nechtej v g ecko veclet," zase tak prisne okrikl ho Svejda. "Ale ja to musim vedeti," vyskooil nahle Or a o6I divoce mu zaplaly. "Vialyt' ja, jen pro ni, kvtli ni, jak dobre vite "Virne, dobte vime, ja,kpak bychom

VETNS.K nevedeli," oehotne a hitter& lined priznavala cela svetnice. Jenorn matka se optala neZne: ,( "Tak tys na ni,,AndrYsku, dosud nezapoinnel?" "A ona snad zapomnela?" otoeil Ondra k matte _kue(.,ra ■,,on hlavu. 1Vlatka hned neodpovedela, jako by se rozatyglela, jako by hledala slova, kterd. by nejthin bolela, ale pak se rozhocila a rekla ti ge, ale virit.e: zapornenout, "Musig take no, chlapee, music, Nit, }^Ianto neni "Povezte, Co sc o. ;istou pravdu mi povezte," neikpros;). eZadal Ondra a ptisnyma oeima rj'..-1,1 se po vgech. "Bylo by lip, nezaeinal. „ Ale kdytt jinak povim ti vteeko, povim —" peeinal hovoriti otec trpce a nerad. za tYden po "KdyZ to tent rat torn sesadilt Me z Nic me Tegilo me, to nemrzelft nemusim vie bra z:'nuek a stYkati se se spravcem, pisuti (irabem. Ale Hanodpustili ee, s ton by lo Vif ona musila jiti na celou robotu, "A kam'?" "KamZ jinam .- lo zainku," "Do Trhannyzi "Ano, tarn. Na otiz nastala v firednich zmena. Vrelmost s nimi najednou zamichala. Diektora si part brabe nechal iThan,ovsky spravei dostal se do Kouta na jeho misto, vgichni postoupli a pisar Schraubeck stal se u nas obroenim." zamek," "Preto musila pomenul s posinegkein a onovrZenint sodlak Brychta. 'To rote se vratila," jako by neslyS'el, pokraeoval sedlak "a pkinesla si cedulku, Ze se smi "Vdavati?" op ad ; r.! Ond,:a. "A za koho?" pAi torn do plamentt na krbu, ale zdalo se u.ku, jako by v nem, v. jeho nitru, silny ()hen praskal a "Za, panskeho ko;-Tho se vdala —" ,Tyhrkl sedlak "Za toho, co vial Schraubeckm. hrichy na sebe. Mueler se jmenude, ale nikdo ho tak nevola, rika se mu Kubin," Ondra zaskripal zuby. ale otec zas jako by neslySel: nffnilosrdne pokraeoval: "Chtels to sly grAl ten ted' trpe live poslouchej. svatbe fian(a kitili sync. Za m za kmotra obro bYti 0bracene. Z !•••!-:1 se nag rychtar, misto n a cbodi tam ted' obroeni a starr5bc, lb ,na to Ygecko privecilo do hrobu.' Mrazive ticho dusilo W.iecky. I na kr-

Ve :ti.cda. 16. Aijna 1968 bu ztichl vesely uhnieok, p •eStal se smat, jak plarneny pohasly, a jen ky dal rude zanily na ohnisti, Ponocn? venku odtruboval ptnoc. "Tak, nyni to viS vSecko a nn.12eme jiti spat," sedlak Svejda dokoneil a vstal. Zamlkli haste hned naSli tee. Tiskli Ondrovi ruce, pfdli mu St'astnou jizdu a aby se brzy vratil ye zdravi. Vytratili se do tmy. U Svejdu ve svetMei ud ant na °hen neptiloZili a ulehli. VSichni brzy usnuli, jenorn drevena pastel Ondrova dlouho praskala a stenala, jak se na ni pact teZkYmi petinami ptevaloval. ty nespiS", vid'?" optala se matha smutnYm, tichYm hlase=. "Nespim, mamo, nemohu usnout!" "Ty nut ni stale je g te vid'?" "Myslim." "Pornodli se, Vondro vy, nestoji za to," mamo; ale povezte mi, tou pravdu mi povezte, nic mi nelZete: je Hanee vinna: ' "Tuze vinna! Hambatka, ze ji rovno neni," piisne a nenprosne ji odsoudila poeestna, selka. "0 zrnije! Zradna, zrnije! A ja devet let ji nosim v srcici jako svatY obrazek," zastenal Ondra, pro sebe tak zastenal, aby si uleheil. "Devet let ji vernost zachovavam, devet let se na ni teMrn." "Neta' se, nemysli na ni, povidarn, gust' ji z hlavy i ze srdce, neni hodna., abys ji tam nosil —" prosila matka. Ondra se u2 neozval. Zaboril hlavu polStatti a odmleel se, jako by usnul. Ale nespal. Sktipal zuby pod petinou a Aikal si: "Dobte, dobte, ze me na vojnu vzali. lines by snad to zrnije me podvadela s jinYmi a ja bych byl neWastny." X Ten yeeer u rychtatit Kubint eekali na nocleh straZmistra se dverna vojaky, jak jim je ubytovatele ohlasili. ``Prot neptijel vachmistr?" optal se rychtat nemecky zlostne vojakt, kteti misto neho se pAihrnuli. Zlobilo ho to, proto r2e lido stale se mYlili, u 8vejdit dal Alkali "no rychte" a nemohli si zvyknout sedlaku "a Kubint' rikati: ry chta "ProtO2c nechtel," odsekl mu vojak, ktery ved1 nr yniho hone za uzdu. "A kde je?" rychtatu." Ta jsem tu rychtarem." "Divna yes, rna dva rychtare," srne g ne odpovedel druhY voiak. "Snad nerna i dva kovate a dva farate jako v Uhrach" (kde zi ,ji v ohcich katolici i evangelici). VSichni se zasmali a vedli


Wednesday, October 16, 1666 bone dal piimo do chleva a na stani. Ale potom ye svetnici se rozpovidali. Veeete pa.nska, tuze jim chutnala a take na vystrojene mlade selce mohli odi nechat. "Proepak ten pan stra.Zmistr k nam nechtel?" optala se sama a lahodne, usmevave. "Jel s kapralem," take ji lined odpovidali ochothe vojaci. "Ten kapral si ho pozval domid. Je odtud, ze zdejSi vesnice. "Odtud?" pichlo Hanel u srdce. "Odtud de je? Z na S s i vsi?" opakovala a; citila, jak vSecka krev ji stoupd k Wave. "Odtud je mnoho vojakii," ptemohla se je.§,te a zdanlive klidne, lhostejne dodala: "Jakpak se asi jmenuje?" "Svejda!" "Ondtej Svejda!" hlasili o piekot vojaci a hned se take ptali: "Znate ho?" Odvratila se od nich ke kamnfim a kekla tvrde: "Ne, neznam Ale jak to tekla, zatceila se s ni vela svetnice, v dui ji vyktikl ptisny bias: "Zapielas ho, jako Jida§ zapiela.' Pied oeinaa se ji zatmelo a ani nevedela, jak se dostala ze svetnice yen, na sin a na dvar. "Tak Ondra se vratil," bieoval ji tarn dale hlas. "Nezahynul v bitve, nezerotel ye gpitale, jak Li lhali, ale vratil se Ziv a zdray." i

"A co na torn, de se vratil —" napadlo ji v tom zmatku. "Tiste ud na tebe nemysli, davno na tebe zapomnel, s jinou, a ne jedinou, se potail jako vSichni vojaci." "Ale cos kdy nezapomnel na to, cos mu slibila, ba piisahala?" znovu dotiraly mySlenky a Hance je znovu odha.-® nela: "Tak zapomene! Zitra zas odejde, a Bah vi, kdy vrati, ha, snad se nevrati. 0, kid by se nevratil ... !" M. se lekla, kdyZ se ji to straSne ptani naihlo hlavou. Sama sebe se lekla. "Smr, jehto smrt si ptejeV ozvalo se razem zase svedomi, "tak bidna ud ,jsi!" "Co by mi iekl! Co by mi jen rekl, kdyby yedel —' A on se to jednou dozvi, povi mu to, a pak bucle sic. Ina jehc prudkou krev. Zabije ji, mule, dite, Schraubka, v'Secko, ifecko. Nejlip by bylo, kdyby se vskutku nevra,til, kdyby ho zabili, aby ho nikdy ud nespattinikdy na neho myslit nemusila. Al do sadu zahnaly ji v tom veeernim :3"eru tyto hrozne mylenky a obavy. Stromy staly to dosud hole, jenom pupeny nalevaly se jarni mizoti na''piekach zkroucenYch vetvi. RoubenY, dteveny plot vernal se, kolem, a jak Bailee pies nej oei uprela k Svejdfun, alai() se ji, de tam kohosi vidi, Ondru de vidi pro-

stovlaseho, rortrhaneho, jak ho drabi poutaji a hazeji do sani — — "To k vwli toba, Bailee, pro tebe," zaslechla zoufalY hlas, d ye ruce tetizkern spoutane zvedly se pied ni do trYle, i ten tetizek videla se zalesknout a sly'Sela ho zazvonit. VS'ecko to v ni oZivlo, vSecko to v ni vstalo, pojednou se probudilo, co pied deviti roky se to odehralo. 81ySela stetelne i Ondrovu loueivou pisnieku: `Sbohern, ma Haneieko, rodiee, sesttieko —. -Had po letech vejdu, nepoznate vejdu — — A vratil se, je zde, nekolik kroku od ni. Boae, aby mu napadlo jako kdysi pteskoeit to planka, pi'ijit, co by si poela? Co by mu tekla? A stud i strach nahle ji otoeily a hnaly ji zpet na na sin i do svetnice, mezi lidi, kam se


27 snad neodvai, kde by ji branill "Prosim te, kdepak chodiS?" nevrle vital ji mud, kterY se zatim vratil ze chleva a musil sam obsluhovati vojaky i tiSit na klebee plaSici dite. Neodpovedela mu, nemohla. Meth, hrdlo jakoby sevtene, vzala jen dite do naruee, usedla s nim nizko k semi, na stolieku, a uptela oci na dvete . Aby se tak rozletely a on v nich stanul! Skoro si to ted' pkala. Ano, chtela by ho videti, jak se asi jak mu to slusi. Neposlouchala, o eem u stolu mluvi, jak vykladaji vojaci o tom, kterak arcivevoda Karel piivedl z Prahy petadvacet tisic dobrovolnikfi a z nich dobrych tisic muZil. vybral pro svfij pluk teZke jizdy, pro kyrysniky. Je,ji mud sim jako ,bYvaly panskY koei byl zapalenY kofiat a nacfSen pro jizdu. Zvedave prohliZel si sedla, kyrysy i kemeni, ktere ted' vojaci cidili a na zitkek si chysta-

nic Mutual Fire Insurance ASS07. 1.611 WEST AVE. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78213

P. 0. BOX 13337 INCORPORATED UNDER, THE LAWS OF TEXAS JULY 1, 1920 BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1968 ASSETS Cash in banks Cash in office Cash in banks (Savings) Bonds — U. S. Treasury Series "C" Savings and Loan Association stocks Mortgage Loans — First Lien Interest accrued — 12/31/67 Meter deposit,; TOTAL ASSETS


64,789.69 200.00 260,000.00 10,000.00 90,000.00 579,281.60 4,299.07 60.00 1,1108,100,36


LIABILITIES Payroll taxes Unpaid losses Un-earried premiunis Tin-earned profits on sales of real estate

28'1,30 659.19 76,901.23 838.33

78,686.05 929,944.31 $ 1,008.630.36

$ Surplus (unassigned to policyholders) TOT AL LIABILITIES insurance in force June 30, 1968 paid in firSt half of 1968 Members — June 30, 1968 Policies — June 30, 1968

$97,656,550.00 30,497.32 $


Vladimir G. Bily — President John P. Mensik — lot Vice President William L. Bayer — 2nd Vice President jaroslav Kleprlik — Secretary Emil F. Kuropata — Treasurer Chas. Holasek Jno. P. Trlica

5423 7711 Ernest J. Hanka — Attorney Will A. Nesuda — Auditor I. C. Parma — Auditor Carl W. Zich Auditor Honorary President Honorary Treasurer


28 a laene poslouchal o bojich a tatenich, ktere ua prode'lali. "NejlepSi jezdec je vas krajan Svejda," slykla nahle Hank, prikreena na stoliece. Sedela tie jako mySka, ani sebou nehnula, jen aby to tee nezaplaMlar "Chybou je, ze neumi psati. To kdyby umel, uz byl davno vachmisx trern." "Perem psat neum , ale za to Savli! ptidaval druhY. "A jaky zpevak je to! Co pisnieek nosi v hlave!" Rychtat sam dobie pamatoval, co jeho term kdysi Uhl° k Ondrovi. I jini mu o torn, povedeli, proto Slehl po ni okem, ale videl, ae konejei dite a ani snad neposloucha. Piece Veak pro jistotu rychie to zamlouval a ptal se, kdy, vitra vyjedou a kam maji natizeno. Hank myslila, ee musi vyktiknouti, aby mleel, a nechal vojaky yypravoyat1 o nem, o Svejdovi, po torn ze laeni a dychti jeji srdce 1 duk, cela jeji byLost. Ale nevyktikla, nezavolala. Jen se zdvihla po chvili, aby ustala vojakem ye velke vesnici, a sama s detmi ulotila se v ptistenku. Uspala deti, ale neulehla. Stoupla si jako za, svobodna k okenku a eekala. Stare vzpominky dostavily se jako na zavolanou. Ano, zde za tiehYch yeeera ozvalo se nesmele zat'ukani na zvetralim ramu okennim, zde si Septala s Ondrou, aby ji otec vedle noslykl, sem ji ptibehli povedet, kdyt tenkrat s Kapicem a Martifiakem svasail pisate v Podhamti ye stodole. Schraubka svazalir A ona tak mohla zapornenouti, tak se zahoditi! "Bote mej` Mii Bete rozbote! Az Ondra ykcko usly'Si, co jen si o mne pomysli! ' Zaho •ela studen jako planY mak a ptala si, aby ptiSel sem, k tomu okenku, zas jako pied lety chodival, aby se to vAecko vrotilo, ona aby byla tak eistou, jako kdysi b'vala, ten cell jell divot nynei gi aby nominul iako oAklivy sen. Acbr co vk by za to dala! .. "6, to iit se nevrati!" zakrouttla smiitne hlevou a roznlakala se. Teprve kdyt venku ponocny vytruboval ptilnoeni hodinu, protrhla se ze sv'ch mySlenek a po es ala se odstrojovat. Ulehla, ale neusnula. "ZkatenY zivot — zka0.eny cell divot —" tikala si hotce a citila, jaky hnus se ji zmocnuje pii pomyAleni na, mute, na Sehraubka i 119, sebe samu . . A v to chvili neeni tmou jako p •ikrne oko videla pied sebou ohromn' rybnik podhamerskeho dvora, jeho brat ktovinami porostlou, jeho neklidnou, modraYou hladinu vodni, slykla S ustit rakosi na jeho okraji, Septat drobne vinky a

Ve stPeclit '10r t'ljna 191,i1

napadlo ji: "Skoeit tam, na nejhlubAim miste u tapu po hlave tam skoeit, nevi ut„ jineho vysvobozeni pro me." Na kolibee probudilo se dite a za,plakalo. Venku ozvaly se kroky. "Aby sem tak kir lekla se Hanee a posadila se na loti. Ale kroky pfesly, utichly a jenom dite na koleloce del plakalo Pokraeovan1


Daly oznamovatel PoteSte, pomorte Va:§int prateltim ye stare vlasti TUZEX darkem. Vytizuje: J. V. POKORN'k — 1035 Rockow, Box 13197 -- Houston Texas 77019. (33-52)

Pfalt by j4e si pirivezti sve ofatele aneL9 4ibuzne z eeskoslovens:a sem na navAtevu? ELM ma tti zpilsoby, jak vam mete pomoci s cestovnimi •c en* poplatky. 1) Rodinne ji.zdenky. Spolehlir*. KLM ted' nabizi rodinnY plan pro Evropany, p •ichazejici na, ne,v6tevu do SpojenYch state. Hlava rodiny koupi okrutni jizdenku, ale katdY jej proyazenjici Glen ptirne rodiny cestuje sem a zpet za poplatek jedne testy. Totc mute znamenat espory a'd do $750 pro etyt-elennou rodinu za praAdelnou ekonomickou jizdenku. 2) Pertplatne. Tento plan dovoluje yam zaplatit ye va61 lokalni etadovne ptedem za transport va'Sich hostal. KLM Pratska idadovna potom se postara o jizdenky pro Yak ptatele anebo pribuzne pied jajich odjezdem. Jestli nennitete zaplatit cell obnos za jizdenky 3)Placcoi na re.z, ELM yam dovoli udelat prvni 10% splatku a potom ostatni obnos zaplatit ye dvou rocich za nizkY interes, kterY je menSi, net mnohe hanky poeitaji. Vystfihnete It upon pro kompletni podrohnosti.. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Dept. C Niels Esperson Bldg. Houston, Texas 77002 Tel. CA-4-1751

Suite 1321, Davis Building Dallas, Texas 75202 Tel. RI-7-9393

Prosim poglete mi info .mace jak ptivezt ine ptatele anebo ptibuzne Ceskoslovenska. Name

.... .

Adresa Mesto Stet



Ve stfedu, 16. fljna 1968



Gil Baca





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SPJST Entertainment Calendar Its a matter of policy, only those activities and functions promoted by or spomored by the SPJST, or any of its lodges, will be published in the SPJST Entertainment Calendar. Such notice; for publication should be mobknitted by abonafide lodge officer, or in some cases, by lodge hall managers. Lodge No. 6, Cottonwood Sunday, Oct. 20 -- RVOS meeting Sunday, Nov. 3 — SPJST meeting at 3 p.m, SHARP SUNDAY, Dec, 1 — SPJST meeting and election of officers Saturday, Dec. 14 — Walter Plunketts' 30th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, De.c. 15 — RVOS meeting. SPJ S1 — Lodge No. 1!,), Buckholts Saturday, Oct. 26 — Vrazel's Polka Band SPJST-Lodge No. 25, Ennis ► (National hall) Saturday, Oct. 26 — Dance; Johnny Mensik Sunda y , Nov. 10 — Lodge meeting, 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17 — Trojacek Family Reunion at 1 p.m. Saturda y , Nov. 23 — Dance; Vrazel Polka Band of Cameron (Family entertainment every Sunday at 6 p.m.) SPJSTLodge No. 29, Taylor October 26 — Lee Roy Matocha November 2 — Vrazel December 7 — Hi-Toppers —SPJST-Lodge No. 35, Elk Saturday, Oct. 19 — Otis Beck Saturday, Oct. 26 — Two-Steppers —SPJ — Lodge No. 40, Hillje Saturday, Oct. 26 — Monarks Saturday, Nov. 9 Triumphs Saturday, Nov. 23 — Traits --SPJST--Lodge No. 47, Seaton Saturday, Oct. 19 — Dance; Lee Ilse Sunda y , Oct. 20 — RVOS Lodge 5 meetin g Tuesday, Oct. 22 — Choral Club rehearsal Saturday, Oct. 26 — Dance; Temple Rhythm Masters Sunday, Oct. 27 — Grand Opening of enlarged and air-conditioned Seaton Star Hall,

Lodge No. 54, West Sunday, Nov. 3 — Lodge meeting Sunday, Nov. 10 — Louis Chudej party SPJST---Lodge 66 (Linden Hall), Waco Saturday, Oct. 19 — The Music Masters of Ennis. (This will be a Harvest Dance) Saturday, Oct. 26 — The Hi-Toppers of New Braunfels. Saturday, Nov. 2 — The Pavelkas of Robstown Saturday, Nov. 9 -- Vrazel Polka Band Monday, Nov. 11 — Directors and Entertainment Committee meetings Saturday, Nov. 16 — Fritz Hodde's Fabulous Six of Taylor Saturday, Nov. 22 — Wedding Dance; Czechruates of West Thursday, Nov. 28 -® Thanksgiving Dance, Vrazel Polka Band Saturday, Nov. 30 -- Leo Majek's Orchestra of Corpus Christi Saturday, Dec. 7 — Otis Beck and His Melody 5 SPJST-.---, Lodge No. 68, Nelsonville Dec. 14 — Soul Searchers Lodge No. 80, Holland Sunday, Nov. 17 --Vrazels; 5:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20 — RVOS annual meeting — Vrazel Polka Band from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2 — C'J and The Jewels Thursday, Nov. 28 — CJ and The Jewels New Year's Eve — Bohac Sisters Sunday, Dec. 1 — Annual SPJST meeting. Lodge No. 84, Dallas October 19 — Dance; Gil Baca Orchestra October 20 — Meeting at 4 p.m. followed by Family Night Lodge No. 88, Houston Thursday, Oct. 17 — Spaghetti supper and social Friday, Oct. 18 — Teen dance Saturday, Oct. 19 — Dance; Blumes of La Grange Sunday. Oct. 20 — Lodge Homecoming Day. Free barbecued beef dinner for members, (other guests pay). Social and dance with Norman Barnes and the Lamplighters. Thursday, Oct. 24 -- Stew supper and social Friday, Oct. 25 — Teen dance Saturday, Oct. 26 — Dance; Ray Jurecka of Weimar Sunday, Oct. 27 - Czech Day Celebration, barbecued chicken dinner,

Wednesday, October 16, 1968 program, and dance — Lee Roy Matocha and Gil Baca. SPJ Lodge No. 92, Fort Worth Sunday, Oct. 27 -- 30th Year Anniversary of National Hall, Lodge 92, Dinner -® 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Program at 2 p.m. Dance — 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; .music by the Hemisfair Band from Texasland, the Hub City Dutchmen from Yoakum. Saturday, Nov. 2 — Harvest Dance; Polka Peppermints Sunday, Nov. 10 — Regular Lodge - meeting at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14 — Ladies' Circle Family Night; turkey supper at 5:30; games after supper. No charge for members. Saturday, Nov. 30 — Polka dance; Rudy Kurtz from Shiner. —SPJST SPJST Lodge 130-Sokol Dallas Annual Saturday, Oct. 26 Third — Halloween Dance; Polka Peppermints Nov. 9 — Dance; Eric Honza Nov. 23 -- Autumn dance; Polka Peppermints Dec. 7 — Holiday dance; Erie Emma Dec. 21 — Christmas dance; Music Masters Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve Ball; Eric Honza. —SPJSTLodge No. 135 — Sokol Ennis Saturday, Nov. 9 -- Dance; Johnny Mensik (Family entertainment every Friday at 8 p.m.)

During the California gold rush, homemade pies often sold for $10 each, beans at $2 per pound, and rooms often rented for $1,000 per month. Many fotunes were made by those providing services, rather than digging for gold. —SPJSTThe opossum is classed as a living fossil, as the species has changed very little for an estimated 80 million years.

Wednesday, October 10, 1963





Lodge Pokrok Houston No. 88

Enlarged and Air-Conditioned


SEATON STAR HALL SPJST Lodge No 47 Sunday, October 27, 1968

Saturday, October 19th Blurnes of La Grange LODGE HOMECOMING — SUNDAY, OCT. 20 — Barbecue Beef Dinner free to members present from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; other guests $1.25 and 75c. Social from 2 to 4 p.m.; dancing from 5 to 9 p.m., with Norman Barnes and the Lam plighters — free to members and guests. CZECH DAY CELEBRATION — SUNDAY, OCT. 27th. Barbecue chicken dinner served from 11:30 on! Gil" Baca playing from 12:30 to 2:30. Impressive program at 2:30 p.m., followed by a dance with Lee Roy Matocha playing. Czech Display. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL UN 9-5767 PLENTY OF TABLES — WAITER SERVICE


Saturday, October 19th MUSIC BY THE

Music Masters of Ennis Linden Hall, Elm Mott, 'Texas.

Come, have an old-fashioned time. See if you can snitch from the bountiful harvest. Here comes da judge!

— ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY — RIBBON CUTTING AT 1:30 p.m. G HOURS OF DANCING — GAMES FOR ALL DANCE STARTING AT 2:30 p.m. — MUSIC BY 4 BANDS (Vrazel Polka Band — Otis Beck and His Melody 5 — Ray Baca — The Temple Rhythm Masters) PLENTY OF FOOD — Barbecue on Bon, Sausage Sandwiches, and Hot Dogs 7 MILES EAST OF TEMPLE ON HWY. 53 Dance Admission $1:50 Per Person — PUBLIC INVITED (ate) The Karnak Temple in Egypt ranks as the largest temple ever built by man. The entire Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris could be placed inside one of Its halls. ---SPJ ST-The first vessel known to have been built in North America was the 'Virginia,' built on the Kennebec River, Maine, in 1607, or 13 years before the Pilgrims arrived. In the Great Central Valley of California, some 220 different crops are grown on 60,000 acres of irrigated land. —SPJST---About a million acres of tillable land is taken out of circulation each year and used for homes, roads, airports, factories, etc.



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