Vestnik 1965 03 10

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HERALD Official Organ Of The Sfavonie Benevolent Order Of The State Of Texas. Founded 1897. HUMANITY


VOLUME 53 — NO. 10


Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE, SPJST, P. 0. Box 100, TEMPLE, TEXAS

MARCH 10, 1965

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ABOUT CRITICISM Criticism should be of the constructive variety. It should strive to improve, to strengthen. If criticism really has merit, it will find sympathetic listeners and attract adherents, especially if it is based on thorough research and investigation. • • We must be on guard and distinguish between CON structive and DEstructive proposals. There's a big difference. Criticism for the sake of criticism is worthless; confusion begets confusion. It's like the fellow who was full of bitting criticism about the way the premises looked around his own lodge hall. When the lodge president however, requested that he show up on Saturday morning with the other members to spruce up the place, he was full of flimsy excuses. You'll find them in many places: full of criticism but short on enthusiasm when it comes to improving something. • • There are also those who simply come apart at the seams when someone else is on the receiving end of a little bit of publicity or notoriety. They just cant stand it! Such a person is the source of constant grief and consternation among those who try to work together and get things done. Such a person is to be pitied, because he is suffering from an advanced inferiority complex. Sometimes they reason that the y have a monopoly on all the brains

LOST GAMES It would be a great misfortune If a champion ever came Who was so very skillful As to never lose a game. 'Twould ruin one forever If he were not to meet, 'Mid his success and prowess, An occasional defeat. On life's great course we struggle. The trophy is the same — Success. But he who enters Will sometimes lose a game. When, lo! the meet is over We reckon gain and cost, Our greatest values may be The games that we have lost. —Clarence Edwin Flynn • • FAME OR GLORY There is a difference between fame and glory: the latter depends upon the opinions and judgment of the many; the former upon the opinion and judgment of good men. Seneca — Letters to Lucilius and when someone else comes up with a workable proposition, they are blind to it, blinded by their own arrogance and selfishness. If THEY are in the limelight, however, that's a different story, of course. Life is enough Of a chore without having to put up with such malcontents. Another of this annoying breed

is the "oh-so-touchy" one. He for she) is offended by the slightest raising of the eyebrow, turn of the head, a casual glance, and a lot of other things that usually don't amount to a hill of beans. Their first act is to go crying to someone with a sympathetic ear, and tell them all their complaints. They almost never approach the person at whom they're directing all their invective. Heaven forbid! They then proceed to go around and infect and contaminate the otherwise fraternal minds of those around them, and the ;first thing you know, you've got real trouble on your hands. The damage has been done, and it is often hard to undo. Some persons are always ready to level those above them down to• themselves, while they are never willing to level those below them up to their own position. But he that is under the influence of true humility will avoid both these extremes. On the one hand, he will be willing that all should rise just so far as their diligence and worth of character entitle them; and on the other hand, he will be willing that his superiors should be known and acknowledged in their place, and have rendered to them all the honors that are their due. • • He who is unable to work for an organization, for his community, for his nation, without a lot of fanfare and glory, is a weak person and a weak



Vest P k (HERALD) SINCE 1897

Enterea as second class mail matter, January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act of Congress of August 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Supreme Lodge SPJST, Box 100, Temple, Texas OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ORDER OF THE STATE OF TEX Published weekly EDITOR NICK MORRIS — Box 85, West, Texas Residence: 1204 N. Davis Street Telephones: Res. HI 6-5989 — Shop: HI 6-5282 Publishers CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY, WEST, TEXAS Subscription $3.75 Changes of address anO correspondence concerning delivery of Vestnik must be sent to Supreme Lodge, Box 100, Temple, Texas Paid Subscriptions and advertising matter should be addressed to Vestnik, West, Texas SUPREME LODGE EDWARD L. MAREK, President JOE B. HEJNY, Vice-President R. A. URBANOVSKY, Secretary JOS. KOLIHA, JR., Treasurer BEN ZABCIK, Financial Secretary All of Temple, Texas, Box 100 AUGUST KACIR, Attorney, Temple, Texas P 0 Box 845 DR. MARVIN LESIKAR, Medical Director P. 0. Box 410 -- Taylor, Texas DIRECTORS JOHN A. KUBENA, First District P. 0. Box 180 — La Grange, Texas HENRY VITEK, Second District P. 0. Box 43 — Granger, Texas CYRILL (Sid) POKLADNIK, Third District 2924 Elm Street — Dallas, Texas 75226 R. E. BROZ, Fourth District Rt. 3, Box 320 — San Angelo, Texas ERNEST J. HANKA, Fifth District 6759 Cindy Lane — Houston Texas 77008 ED P. SRALLA, Sixth District Rt. 1, Box 110, Edna, Texas CHAS. HOLASEK, Seventh District 2513 Nemec St., — Corpus Christi, Texas PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE MRS FRANCES OLEXA, Chairman 6402 Taggart St. — Houston, Texas RUDOLPH TROUBIL c/o SPJST Rest Home — Taylor, Texas HUGO SCHEFCAK 1267 Harlandale -- Dallas 16, Texas BY-LAW COMMITTEE ROY E. HRANICKY, Chairman Drawer A, Orange Grove, Texas LEO KRAUSE, Jr. — Secretary PO Box 427, Inez, Texas 77968 Deadline for material to be accepted for the following issue is Saturday noon. Unsolicited material for oublication cannot be returned unless sufficient postage is attached. This includes pictures. Expenses for publication of engagement and wedding p ictures must be borne by the &tender.

DISTRICT ORGANIZERS DISTRICT I Melvin Skrabanek P. 0. Box 270 Caldwell, Texas 77836 DISTRICT II Leonard D. Mikeska 1416 E. Avenue B Temple, Texas 76501 DISTRICT III Arnold M. Vrla 6307 Saratoga Circle Dallas 14, Texas DISTRICT IV Fred Kveton Route 1 Abernathy, Texas DISTRICT V Frances Olexa 6402 Taggart St, Houston, Texas 77007 DISTRICT VI Leo Krause, Jr. P. 0. Box 427 Inez, Texas DISTRICT VII Roy Hranicky Drawer A, Orange Grove, Texas STATE YOUTH DIRECTOR Jim Kucera P.O. Box 100, Temple, Texas DISTRICT YOUTH DIRECTORS DISTRICT I Mrs. Rud C. Matejka Rt. 4, Box 504 Bryan, Texas DISTRICT II Mrs. Clara Hejl Route 4 Temple, Texas DISTRICT III Mrs. Inez Zalman 2523 McKenzie Waco, Texas DISTRICT IV Mrs. Ed Haisler Route 1 Seymour, Texas DISTRICT V Mrs. Tillie Helmcamp 432 West 32nd St. Houston 18, Texas DISTRICT VI Mrs. Frank Brdecka Rt. 1, Box 150 Rosenberg, Texas DISTRICT VII Mrs. Maxine Pavliska Route 2, Box 1(,1 Floresville, Texas

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 pcTron cannot lead. The Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, once remarked, "If you did good and the good works bore fruit, what else do you want? Why do you foolishly seek further acclaim and reward for your good. deeds?" One of the best rewards for our good works is TRUST and CONFIDENCZ placed in us by our fellowman. From trust and confidence comes respect, which is the highest form of recognition. It binds all parties and factions, and forms the basis for all authority. Love One Another Love is likewise the basis of all human endeavor — and of a democratic society. We are all, in some way, dependent upon one another. It has been often said that "no man is an island." A person may suffer deep personal losses, physically and otherwise, and all planned things seem to be thwarted by adversity. In such moments, a sudden manifestation of love and help from, a fellow being brings us out of our doldrums and personal misery. Perhaps just a kind expression did the trick. One cannot say that our society lacks this mutual feeling of love, but it is still lacking in many places. There is little love where there are quarrels, indifference, spite, selfishness, a lack of confidence, desire for revenge and personal gain. Love then, is the whole idea and basis of true democracy, and is the solution to many of the ills that exist among man today. It also involves a genuine desire to understand and tolerate our fellowman and his differences of opinion. •

Young Adults A change of major significance to the economy and to the nation at large is underway in the age composition of the population with the appearance of the first wave of a new generation of young adults. This is the age group between 18 and 24 years old, which has reached the takeoff stage for accelerated growth, according to data compiled by the U. S. Bureau of the Census, and will be a peacemaker in the expansion of the population for the balance of this decade. The big push is coming from the advance cohorts of the postwar "baby boom" who are turning 18 in rapidly-increasing numbers. There will be 3 3,4 million of these to reach this age in 1965, a million more than the comparable number in the last few years.

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 As described by the Census Bureau, the 18 to 24 range generally defines the ages at which adult roles and responsibilities are first assumed. It includes the college age group, the major source of trained manpower for our technological society, and it likewise provides the bulk of the recruits for the working population and the military services. It is also the principal period of new family formation in view of the fact that the majority of momen marry and have their first child before they turn 25. The figures show that the 18 to 24 age group will grow by more than 6 million for the 1964-70 period, or close to a third of the entire population increase projected for those years. By contrast, it increased by fewer than half this number between 1960 and 1964, and prior to that it actually showed a net decline for the decades of the Forties and the Fifties. Looking ahead to the Seventies, the ,growth pendulum will swing to the age group between 25 and 34, another backward performer in the postwar pattern of population changes. The Census Bureau projects a gain of more than 11 million of this group during the coming decade, or nearly as much as the anticipated increase in all the other adult ages put together. Thus the population will take on an increasingly youthful aspect for years to come, and particularly so in the economically productive ages. In recent years those between the ages of 18 and 34 have represented fewer than two out of every five persons between 18 and 64, the predominant working ages, the lowest ratio of this century. By 1980 the proportion will rise to practically half. Whatever its problems, this development will have a major impact on the economy and our growth prospects. In many ways younger adults in their twenties and thirties are the economic backbone of the nation. During these years they are founding families, establishing homes and building careers. Because of their needs and responsibilities, they are the nation's biggest home buyers and a major market for goods and services. And to protect their future and that of their dependents, they lead all others in the purchase of ordinary life insurance. What most mothers are searching for is a breakfast cereal that takes the energy out of children.



THOMAS MASARYK 7 March 1850 14 September 1937 MASARYK'S REALISM

If there was one quality which stood out in the intellectual makeup of the late, great founder of Czechoslovakia, Thomas Masaryk, it was realism. The latter formed the basis of his philosophy, as documented in his works. Realism unvarnished by wishful thinking, was also the principal characteristic of his political career. This emphasis on reality, on simple truth, which remains truth even if it hurts, made him an uncomprising opponet of nationalism, and that at a time and under circumstances, when to take such a stand was highly unpopular. While patriotism is without any doubt, a praiseworthy quality, nationalism, which is based on the contention that there is something special in one's own nationality which sets it above all others, is both foolish and dangerous. It is also almost invariably a sign of weakness. Only nations which KNOW themselves to be weak, try to build up a mystique which then

3 appears to give them a feeling glory and power. Masaryk was deeply aware of the • tragic weakness, so typical of our nanations, to emphasize what makes them different from one another rather than what they have in common. Masaryk worked with all his efforts for Czech and Slovak unity, for the unity of two nations with identical iaciagt backgrounds, with langbages which differ very little, and with a common cultural heritage. He worked persistently towards this goal of a Czech and Slovak nation accomplishing, in unity the. mission of the Czechoslovak state. Not only Czech and Slovak unity was the goal of Thomas Masaryk, but the co-operation of all men of goodwill, of whatever nationality, in the development of the Republic. In these days, when we again remember the great first President of Czechoslovakia, we may well also remember his courageous and statesman like ,fi ght against the pettiness and disruption of nationalism and we have to continue to walk in the path, he has shown us so clearly. And this is our responsibility we have to carry on, wherever we should live. • • On March 7, 1937, Masaryk observed his 87th. birthday. Well-wishers from all walks of life and Sokol formations flecked to Lany. On May 14, the fourteenth anniversary of Mrs. Masaryk's death, Masaryk visited her grave for the last time. And on July 4, left Lany Castle once more: it was the 20th anniversary of the battle of Zborov in Russia, where the Czechoslovak legions ,fought their epic encounter with German and Austrian armies. The stadium in strahov, on Prague's outskirts, was ful to the bursting point. Nobody expected Masaryk. But when his car drove in, the people broke into-interminable ovations. This was the last time, the coinmander of Czechoslovak legions and the beloved President met with his people and his legionalres. On Eeptember 2nd, the nation learned of the aggravated condition of Masaryk's health. His last fight set in. Literally the whole nation followed this struggle with bated breath and deep emotion. Medical bulletins were issued several times a day. They kept indicating some hop_e for improvement. But at midnight on September 14th, the physicians asked the President's family to assemble; President Benes and government representatives were present. In the small hours, the strug-

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4 gle was over. T. G. Masaryk was dead, to become immortal. He lay in state at Prague Castle for two days. And clay and night, what must have been millions, passed by the coffin in awed silence, to pay their last respects. Then, after a most impressive procession through the city, Masaryk was laid to rest next to his wife Charlotte. All Czechoslovaks who pay homage to Masaryk on this 115th anniversary of his birth, whether they are at home or abroad, mourn him still. Yet they take reassurance from repeating the pledge made at his coffin, "To the legacy which you, President Liberator, have laid in our hands, we shall remain forever faithful." --SPJST--

PROJECTION SHOWS TEXAS THIRD IN POPULATION BY '75 Washington — Texas will be the third largest state in population by 1975, Bureau of Census projections show. The figures released recently are based on four different "alternative assumptions as to future interstate migration and future fertility," the bureau announced. At present, by 1964 preliminary estimates, Texas ranks fifth behind New York, California, Pennsylvania and Illinois. Projections for 1975 show Texas with 12,474,000 population following California's 24,748,000 and New York's 20,071,000. The projections show Texas holding the No. 3 position through 1985. One projection, based on continued interstate migration and a minor decline in fertility rates, shows Texas population as 11,481,000 in 1970, as 121,474000 in 1975, as 13,583,000 in 1980 and as 14,749,000 in 1985.

Festival," to show the many different people who have settled that part of the country from abroad. The event will include a delicious supper of foods from various nationality groups, plus a program of folk dances and costumes. The event will take place in the Pan American Ballroom in El Campo. ----SPJSTLETTERS LODGE. NO. 128, MART Dear Members: This is just a reminder about our next meeting, which will be held on March 21st, at 2 p.m. at the home of John Jurecka. Officers elected for 1965 are president L. A. Jurecka, vice president Robert Etgen, secretary Joe L. Mills, bookkeeper Clara Vanek, treasurer John Jurecka. There will be a drawing after the meeting. Winner must be present. Fraternally, Joe L. Mills, Secretary —SPJST-


Dear Members and Fritnds: On Stinday, March 14. Sokol Houston will have its monthly jaternice sale, this being the last one this season. Pleast place your orders in due time and buy enough for the remainder of the winter because there will be no more until next December. The Sokol Houston drive to get financial assistance for the new building has been initiated. Any one desiring to give the organization either a donation or a loan may call any of the Building Committeemen or this writer. In conjunction with the drive to get capital, we have also put into effect a program for publicity and education. The issuance of the commemorative postage stamp was an excellent factor in giving us the momentum to start the drive. Pamphlets are being mailed to all types of businesses, John Schneider, 68, passed away in clubs and individuals telling them of Hallettsville recently. Brother Schneiour goals and accomplishments. Ander was a member of the SPJST. other area where we have striven to • + Mr. A. A. Stalmach, 78 of San Benito, obtain recognition is in the gymnastic meets. This year we will again passed away Friday, February 26th at the San Benito Hospital. Burial was have members of our unit represented in San Benito. Brother Stalmach was in the AAU competitions to be held a retired US Government Quarantine at the YMCA in Houston. Our team has made good showings for the past officer along the Mexican border. two year and we hope to be even betBrother Stalmach was a member of ter in 1965. Tthe gymnasts are pracSPJST Lodge No. 164 in Harlingen. ticing every Tuesday and Friday and we ariticipate that by summer of this On Saturday, May 22nd, the Wharton County Home Demonstration year we will regain the interest that Council will sponsor an "All Nations was had in Sokol in the '30s. The club


will once more be open a week, or more if desired, as was the policy in older days. The paper drive started by our younger groups has gotten off with a great burst of interest. Any one having old newspapers or magazines would do us a great liavor if they would bundle them and brin them to our gym. The income from this paper will be used to purchase new equipment for the gym. The social which I mentioned in my last letter has not been set. It may be necessary to hold it in the first part of April due to other commitments, but you will be kept informed as to the exact date. Hope to see all of you at the jaternice sale. Nazdar! Emil Kuropata ATTENTION, DISTRICT V! District V Youth Activity Date has been set for Sunday, July 18th. District V officers are asking any lodge desiring to host this activity to please notify the District officers. The Youth Activity Day includes the Queen and Duchess Contest and and the Talent Contest. Tillie Helmcamp, District V. Youth Director SPJSTCESKY FRAPOR LODGE NO. 24 CYCLONE Dear Sisters and Brothers: Just a note to say that our regular meeting day is almost here again on the second Sunday, March 14, at 1:30. It doesn't seem possible that the time is almost here for us to have a meeting again. I guess with all the bad weather we had people will be glad to see the sunshine and be glad to get out and start to think about planting and on. Our Lodge 24 would like to thank Janice and Ronnie Vitek and David Pfieffer for taking part in the Youth Contest at the district meeting at Star Hall. You all did real well and we do wish more of you youth would take part in these things. It gives you a good opportunity to get to know other children from other lodges as well as making a little extra spending money. This was a nice district meeting and the program was real good. In yesterday's Vestnik we read Sister Marie Kostelecky's write up from Silverhill, Alabama. It seems that you live in a pretty part of the country. My husband, Jerry, recalled the days when he was a little boy and what good times he had at your home when you lived in Milani County. He came with his TAN lee



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family, Joe Zavodny, to visit your family, a long time ago. There are always plenty of good memories when we think back to our youth. Well, I must stop; the mailman is about to come by. Fraternally, Mrs. Jerry Zavodny SPJSTLODGE NO. 47, SEATON

Dear Friends, Just a few lines to express my thanks and appreciation to the youth of Lodge 47 who took part in the District Talent Contest on Feb. 28, at Seaton Star Hall. Also, my gratitude to all the parents for their cooperation. All of you did a wondenful job! Fraternally, Mrs. Vlasta Divis, Youth Leader -SPJSTLODGE 69, ROGERS

Dear Members, This brief notice is to inform you that we will hold our regular quarterly meeting Sunday, March 14, 1965, at 1:30 p.m., at the New Colony Community Center. After the adjournment of our meeting, the New Colony RVOtS No. 88 will hold their meeting. They will have a special referendum vote to disuss. The members of both of these organizations are urged to attend their respective meetings. Fraternally yours, Jesse E. Shiller, Secretary

New officers of District II. Rear, L to It: Henry Mares — treasurer; Lad Stalmach -- vice president; Frank Klinkovsky — president; Bill Kosarek — secretary. Front: Lillian Kosarek — reporter; Evelyn Mikeska — district youth director. (All pictures by the Editor).


LODGE FORT WORTH NO 154 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our last meeting was held, February 21st. There was a moment of silent prayer for our deceased member, Bro. Joe Milan and Bro. Cervenka, The minutes of our last meeting were read and approved. There was a discussion about the District Three meeting that will be held at Lodge 154 Sunday, March 14, We extend our warm welcome to all districts from Tar and near, all officers of the Supreme Lodge and their lovely wives, and Brother Nick Morris and his family. Our entertainment committee will take good care of you. The good sisters are asked to bring whatever they would like to bake, kolaches, or pies. Thank you. All the members express their sincere sympathy to my sister, Annie Milan, and her children in the loss of their husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Joe Milan, Sr. We miss you and always will, brother-inlaw. May you rest in peace.

W.Av Members in District II receiving theh aa-year pins. Rear, L to R: Joseph Ruzicka (15), Frank P. Olejnik (47), Joseph L Olejnik. Front: Anna Valigura (87), Rosie Mares (24), Marie Cabla (47). Everyone come to the district meetMg March 14, at Sokol Hall in Fort Worth. I'm sure you will enjoy the meeting and the social. Fraternally, Mary Hale -SPJST---


erous donations towards out Souvenir Program Book. We shall always cherish your loyalty, help, and support; your love and kindness in helping us compile the history and locate pictures to make it truly a Souvenir Chronicle worthy of our lodge. Much research and countless days and nights have been spent with many assisting us in various capacities. A partial list of

6 those who helped us the most would include: Ann Fluikinger, Harriette Allison, Naomi and Tim Kostom, Frances Olexa, Frank Tesar, Helen Kroulik, Evelyn Mikeska, Herman Baethe, Albert Bristik, Tillie Helmcarnp, Ernest Hanka, Louis Hanus, Nick Morris, Mary Kalousek, Louis Maresh, Joe Fusig, Bill and Evelyn Vornsand, E. J. Stang, Raymond Urbanovsky, all the Charter Members, and to many others who helped with the stories, pictures, etc., too many to mention, we also owe a gratitude of THANKS. Without all of you, the book would not have been possible. We sincerely hope that each and every member of Lodge 88 will not hesitate too long before purchasing their book, because the supply on hand is getting small, and there will be no more books printed after these are sold out. We will, however, sell to any member of the .SP,IST who writes for one, first come, 'first served; so, don't wait, call us now. This Souvenir Program Book contains 134 pages of stories, pictures, and advertisements, wellwishes, and memorials, and will be one you will always treasure. The price is only one dollar. This book contains many, many pictures, some of the old Tailor Shop where talk of organizing the lodge first began — Langers' home, their first meeting place; the charter; first policy; the very first building and its story; the earliest badges worn to meetings and funerals; charter members; 50-year members; past presidents; present officers, local and Supreme Lodge; committees; first Czech class taught and history; first Beseda dancers; the Busy Bees (sisters of the lodge who met the national crisis during the first World War by helping the Red Cross); first dance bands that played in the old wooden hall built; histories and pictures of the Birthday Club; Glee Club; Youth Club; Dramatic Club; Lodge 88 Royalty; chart of men and women who served in the Armed Forces; Lodge 88's 50th Anniversary pictures; SPJST Houston Convention; section of Oaklawn Cemetery purchased by the lodge; the young ladies' Star Waltz drill; flights to Prague; original costumes; first pictures of interior of new lodge home and floor plan; and many other interesting facts and articles compiled for 'your reading pleasure and for a memento keepsake. This is a book you will truly treasure and be proud of. You will also see advertisements of your business associates who helped to


Wednesday, March 10, 1965

Talent contestants, ages 6-9. Rear, L to R: Denise Bartosh (29), Carla Engbrock (887), An;n Franek (80), Ronnie Vitek (24), Belinda Bartek (87). Front: Walter John Jakubec (47), Anna Marie Jakubec (47), Ched Engbrock (87). In this category, Walter John placed first, Anna Marie second, and Ann Franek third.

Contestants ages 10-13, District II Mtg., Seaton. Back row, L to R: Janice Vitek (24), Ralph Kohutek (47), Darrell Fojtasek (47), Gordon Kohutek (47). Front row: Brenda Lesihar (29), Jeanette Etruska (47), Anna Rose Divis (47). In this age group Jeanette won first place, Janice 2nd place, and Anna Rose 3rd place.

Talent contestants, ages 14-17. L to R: Glenn Pfeiffer (24), Kenneth Kohutek (47), and Don Rejny (47). In this division, Glenn placed first, Don second, and Kenneth third.

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support this project, your fellow lodge members and friends who so loyally contributed to this worthy book as a real remembrance of the occasion. Don't let it pass you by. Get one today. Mrs. Birdie Wisher, Chairman 1215 Heights Blvd. UN 1-7083, Huston, Tex. 77008 Mr. Dick Schnell, Co-Chairman 10905 Long Shadow, HO 8-6481, Houston Mr. EMU Horeilea, Treasu er 228 W. 31st St., UN 2-7394, Houston ----SPJST--LODGE NO. 66 CHORAL GROUP Dear Members, Our bus trip to Houston was a lot of fun. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We got a big thrill iron' the crowd's ovation, and the fact that the applause demanded an encore. We worked long and hard on our numbers; don't let anyone kid you about that. The Dallas group also did beautifully, and we enjoyed being on the same "billing" with them. We sang the following songs at the Houston opening: "LH' Liza Jane," "Ja jsem z Kutne Hory," "Zahucaly hory," "The VVhiffenpoof Son g," "Gaudeamus Igitur" tin both Latin and Czech: "Tesme se dnes pratele"), and our finale numbers were "America, The Beautiful," and "Battle Hymn of the Republic," the last two being augmented by our brass quartet with tympani from West High School. For the record, the names of those four fine young people are: Charles Nemec, T. J. Plsek, David Urbanovsky, and Kathy Devers. We appreciated having them with us. At our next session on Thursday, March 18, our director, Brother Nick Morris, will tell us about our next engagement, plus the prospects of our choral group recording an album of our favorite selections. In conclusion, we wish to once again congratulate Houston Lodge No. 88 on their splendid building. It is really something to behold. We were proud to have had a part in the opening day ceremonies. Fraternally, 'frank Miller, Reporter Here's how to determin:, c a approximate number of calories used daily by a moderately active adult: Multiply one's ideal weight by 18 for a woman. or 21 for a man.

Group Talent, District II Mtg., Seaton. Rear: Glenn Pfeiffer (24), David Schiller (47), Kenneth Kohutek (47). Front Betty Olejnik (47), Ann Franek (80), Joe Franek (80). The musical quartet composed of Glenn, David, Kenneth and Betty tied for second place in the Group Talent division. Ann and Joe Franek placed third in this category.

Group Talent, DLArict H Mteg., Seaton. L to R: Janice Vitek (24), Ronnie Vitek. (24), Carla Engbrock (87), Carmen Engbrock (87), Pamela Engbrock (87). Carla, Carmen and Pamela placed first in this category. ![,,A PARITA LODGE NO. 161, JOURDANTON This is to remind all of you members that our regular monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, March 14, at 2 p.m. Please try to make it a point to be there. Very few members have been attending our last few meetings. Mrs. Carolyn Valchar Reporter

NEW TRITON LODGE NO. 30 Dear Fellow-Members: I want to let you know, that our regular meeting will be held March 14th instead of March 7th, because on that Sunday the district meeting will be held in La Salle, and a lot of us, I am sure, are planning on going. As you know, we formed a Youth Club here in Talton Lodge 30. We now



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have 36 members. I must say that it is a very active club. We have some talented youth in our club and some good little dancers. Hope you will see all of them perform some day. The youth club meets every 1st Wedenesday of the month at 4:30. Come and meet with us soon! See you at our adult meeting Sunday, March 14, at 2 o'clock. Fraternally, Mrs. J. W. Krutilek, Fin. Sooty. - Youth Leader -SPJSTPROGRAM FOR THE DISTRICT III

MEETING March '14, 1965 Lodge No. 154, Fort Worth 9:00 a.m. — Registration 10:00 a.m. — Meeting called to order _ Dist. III President Ben Jarma Presentation of Flags and Pledge of Allegiance — Chris Spence Moment of Silence for Deceased Members Welcome — Lodge No. 154 President Jerry Milan Welcome- Dist. III Pres. B. Jarma Response — Dist. III Vice Pres. -Rudy Zalman Roll Call of Lodges — Dist. III Secretary, Mildred Baleja Reading of Minutes and Correspondence — Secretary Treasurer's Report — Dist. III Treasurer, Mary Renfro Introduction of District III Officers Introduction of Supreme Lodge Officers and brief reports Acknowledgement of Visitors Committee Reports: Dist III Youth Leader — Inez Zalman Dist. III Organizer — Arnold Vria Dist. IIT Direr,tor Cyril" PokladniP Rest Home Director — Cyrill Pokladnik 12:00 Noon — Recess for lunch — Recall to order 1:30 Presentation of 50-year pins Program by youth of Lodge 154 Guest Speaker — Congressman Jim Wright Unfinished business New business Nominating Committee's report Installation of officers Selection of next meeting place Selection of place for Youth Activity Day Adjournment Social

Group Talent. L to R: Anna Rose Divis (47), Jeanette Hruska (47), Calvin Janak, James Bartosh, both from Lodge 29. Anna Rose and Jeanette tied for second place. LODGE NO. 165, MOULTON Dear Readers and Writers to the Vestnik: Our last meeting was fairly well attended despite the cold weather. This reporter won the door prize. We discussed some improvements at our hall Culak. A three-man committee was appointed to look into the possibility of indoor toilets and a water pressure pump. The three are Bill Mikulencak, Adolf Dlouhy, and Bill Fojt. These facilities are badly needed. You members be sure and come to our next meeting on the second Sunday in March (the 14th), and help us deliberate on this matter. Our Moulton Legionnaires are having a celebration on that same Sunday — a stew dinner with all the trimmings, so I'm wondering if we can make it to the meeting. All of you try to be there at 2 p.m. sharp. Fraternally yours, Bessie Fojt, Reporter -SPJSTTHIRD DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP

Dear Brothers and Sisters: On Sunday, March 14, the District Three Meeting will be held in Fort Worth at Lodge 154. The meeting will start promptly at 10 a.m. and your district officers encourage and invite all members of District Three to attend and participate in the district activities on this date. We also extend an invitation and a warm welcome to members from, other districts. We hope that this meeting will be interesting, meaningful, and that some good for the district will be accomplished. At 1:30 p.m. the first thing on the afternoon portion of the program will be the presentation of 50-year emblems

Frank Kli:nkovsky of Lodge No, 47, Seaton, and newly-elected District H President, acted as Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon's youth talent contests. to the following honored elder members Of District Three: Lodge 6 — Sisters Frances Danek, Catherine Krizan, Brothers A u g. Ondrej and Anton Pavlas. Lodge 25 — Brothers Frank B. Vrla, and Vladimir Winkler. Lodge 35 — Brothers Emmett P.

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 Farek, and Vine Pavelka. Lodge 36 — Sister Frances Demek. Lodge 54 — Brother Jos. Kudelka. Lodge 84 — Sisters Julie Baugh, Marie Broz, Theresa Ehrenberger, Brother Leopold Hamusek, and Brother and Sister Vaclav and Bertha Kartous. Lodge 130 — Sister Marie Rezek, Brother John Frank Houzvicka. Lodge 135 — Brothers Stan Houdek, Henry Kovarnik, Jake Pavelka. Lodge 154 — Brother Jos. Vitek. Lodge 167 — Brother Charles BarCosh. We will deeply appreciate it if all officers and immediate families of the members who are to be honored would make sure that these members have a way and that they attend if possible. Please do your part to help us honor them on this occasion . May I repeat the time: 1:30 p.m. because we felt this would be the most logical time to have this presentation. In our last district meeting, our fall meeting, held at Lodge No. 35 Elk, there was a social after the meeting. Music was provided by Lodge 35 and everyone had the opportunity to visit with others from the district and to enjoy a couple of hours of dancing. In our District Three Officers' Meeting we had so many favorable comments regarding the social part of the last district meeting that we unanimously decided to have a social again following the meeting. We honestly feel that this will stimulate more interest, and if it does, then our efforts will not have been in vain. We are hoping that this district meeting will be well attended. We will strive to make the meting as interesting as possible but we must have your help and cooperation. We are looking forward to visiting once again with all of you. One of the main items of business will be the election of officers for another year. Since I will be your outgoing district president, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow officers for their assistance and cooperation. I have truly enjoyed working with you. Thanks to you and to the entire third district membership for everything. It was an honor and pleasure to serve as your district president. Fraternally yours, Ben Jarmo,


Buy packaged cereals and other packaged fods by weight rather than by the size of the package, says A.8L1V1. Extension home economists.

VASTNIK LODGE PRAHA NO. 29, TAYLOR Dear Members, The year 1965 is surely slipping by fast. Did we do anything worthwhile in 1964? There were some offorts to organize a youth club in our lodge. Will we keep on trying? Let's not give up but keep trying until we have one. In our next meeting we will renew our efforts to that end. This meeting will be held March 14, at 2 p.m. as usual. We are going to elect our two queens, ;one for the May Fete, which will be held Sunday, May 2, and one queen of Lodge Praha. All members of Lodge 29 who are 16 to 20 years of age inclusive, are eligible. All children and teenagers are especially invited to attend this meeting. We want to make this year's May Fete the best ever. Don't forget the youth Club. We need one and I'm sure we can and will have one soon. Fraternally yours, A. L. Boudny, Secretary JOSEPH MILAN MEMORIAL FUND Dear Brother Morris, Please, would you add the following to the Joseph Milan Memorial Fund: Mr. and Mrs. Dalton $ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Troubil 10.00 Arnold and Helen Vrla 25.00 10.00 Francis and Libbie Smith Correction from previous listing: Anna Korteff $10.00 Roland .Hallbergs $25.00 Thank you, Henrietta Milan


LODGE NO 107, FLORESVILLE Dear Members, Our last meeting was held on February 14th, 1965. We had a nice attendance. On February 20th, the SPJST Lodge No. 107 and Labatt Community had a dance and Mexican supper for the March of Dimes. We cleared $212.72, which I think was very good. All members please take notice that our next meeting will be on the second Sunday of the month, March 14th, at the Hall at 2 p.m. Let's have a good attendance because we have some important things to discuss at the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting Sunday, March 14th. Fraternally, Mrs. Alvin J. Hrna, Reporter It's getting so that the only wideopen spaces in this country are around fire hydrants.


SPJST Bulletin Board DISTRICT V FALL MEETING District V's fall meeting will be held on October 17th. Lodges desiring to host this meeting should contact any District V officer. Fraternally, F. A. Kadlecek,


LODGE, NO. 66 CHORAL GROUP Let's meet for a little get-together and rehearsal on Thursday, March 18, at 7:30. Sister Mazanec, please notify Bruce Thomas, our accompanist. We have some new material we can start work on. Nick Morris, Director



MEETINGS The spring meeting of District I will be held on Sunday, May 2nd, 1965 at Kovar Hall. Host to the meeting will be Lodge No. 38.

-SPJSTDistrict III will hold its spring meet-

ing on March 14th, 1965. Host Lodge is No. 154. Sokol Hall, Fort Worth. The spring meeting of District V will be held on March 28, 1965. Meeting will convene at 10 a.m., and will be held at Lodge Pokrok No. 88, Houston, 1435 Beall St. District Seven will hold its spring meeting on April 25th, 1965. Robstown Lodge No. 117 will be host to the meeting in the Community Hall. My Husband's a Bit Inconsistent Seventy's perfectly safe When the pedals are under his feet, But 50 with ME at the wheel Has HIM on the edge of his seat. —Ruth Chadwick

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.



Wednesday, March 10, 190

TYPES OF CERTIFICATES OFFERED BY THE SPJST Type Issue Age Preferred Whole Life 5 to 55 Life Paid Up at 85 0 to 70 Life Paid 17p at 65 0 to 55 Twenty Payment Life 0 to 60 Fifteen Payment Life 0 to 60 Ten Payment Life 0 to 60 Single Premium Life 0 to 60 Fifteen Payment Endowment 0 to 55 Twenty Payment Endowment 0 to 60 Twenty. Payment Endowment at Age 60 0 to 39 Endowment at Age 65 0 to 45 Endowment at Age 18 0 to 9 Single Premium Endowment After 20 Years 0 to 60 Retirement at Age 65 0 to 55 Ten Year Decreasing Term 20 to 55 Fifteen Year Decreasing Term 20 to 55 Twenty Year Decreasing Term 20 to 50 Twenty-five Year Decreasing Term 20 to 45 Thirty Year Decreasing Term 20 to 40 Five Year Renewal-Convertible Term 16 to 59 Ten Year Renewable-Convertible Term 16 to 55 Twenty Year Convertible Only 16 to 45 Term 16 to 44 Term to Age 65 Family Protection Plan Mother up to age 50 Children 15 days and under 21 Term to Age 16; Convertible 0 to 15 prior to or at age 16 Waiver of premiums or payor riders may be attached to all the above insurance plans. Double Indemnity Rider may be attached to all plans except the Decreasing Term Insurance. We write applications for $10,000.00 through age 40; for $5,000.00 through age 45; and for $3,000.00 through age 50 on non-medical forms. Joe B. HeirlY, Vice President —SPJST-


Changes of address are NOT sent to us here in West. All changes of address, and complaints about members not receiving the Vestnik (except paid subscriptions) are handled by the Supreme Lodge, SPJST, Post Office Box 100, Temple, Texas, ZIP 76502.

Organizers' class held in Elm Mott, February 26th. Back row, L to R: A. M. Vrla, Edmund Mareli, Frank Kofnovec, Antone Pavelka, Edwin Holub, James Favlicek. Front row, L to R: Joe Dujka, John Mach, Norma Pavelka, Rudolph Krizan, Frank Mazanec, Ed Mazanec. We were sorry that Brothers Otto Harms, Chris Spence, and Raymond Volcik had to leave before the meeting ended and didn't get in the Did:me.

Organizers' Class held in East Bernard, February 23rd. Back row, L to R: Charlie Bucek, Jr., Stanley Bartos, Louis Kovar, Anton Kehler, Lee Roy Janik, Justus Urbish. Front row, L to R: Carrie Bohacik, Viola Macha, Elsie Brdecka, Leo Krause, District Organizer.

Youth Section LODGE NO. 54, WEST Dear Members and Friends, I want to write just a few lines to let you know that I passed my six week's tests. Well now since Lent has come I guess we will all have to rest for a while. On February 28, at 4 till 9 p.m. Lodge 51 had a free dance at the hall. We sure did have a real nice time. There were a lot of people there.

Thanks for coming and come again on Easter Sunday, from 6 to 10 p.m. The music will be furnished by the Nemec Musical Playmates. Well, I hope you all will have a nice restful season during Lent. Well. I will close ifor now. God Bless All. Come to the meetings. Rose Marie Marek, Historian YOUTH CLUB OF LODGE 133, SAN ANTONIO Dear Sisters and Brothers: Friday, March 12, 1965, we will have

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 a dance. Place: American Legion Hall, Post 399, 828 Dwight Ave., South San Antonio. Time: 7:30 p.m. Music by Paul Merrell's Band. Refreshments: Chips and dips with punch. Admission: Members free; nonmembers donation of 50c (includes refreshments) . Please note that this dance is for teenagers only, For younger children we are planning another party; please watch the Vestnik for the date and place. Everybody come and make plans to attend this dance. Invite your friends to come with you and have a good time. For further information, please write or call; we will be happy to help you. Fraternally, Dorothy Jecmenek, Youth Leader, 808 Gillette Blvd. San Antonio, Texas Phone WA 3-4649 Marian Lukasik, Assistant Youth Leader 439 E. Gerald San Antonio, Texas Phone WA 4-3581 ---SPJSTLODGE NO. 4, HALLETTSVILLE Dear Members and Readers, I will write a few lines to the Vestnik since the weather is still cold and wet. I guess it will stay like this. They say since the ground hog saw his shadow there will be six weeks more bad weather. We had our last meeting Feb. 14 and it was well attended. The Youth Club had a cake walk, which everyone enjoyed. The door prizes went to Mrs. Emil Melnar and Vivian Vasek, and the birthday cake for the month of February went to Alvin Mikush Jr. Our next meeting will be March 14, at 2 o'clock, with the birthdays for March. Don't forget! Fraternally yours, Marvin Mikush -SPJSTLODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Friends, Last Wednesday I went to the cotton clinic here in El Campo. There were many displays on many different Items. For dinner they had barbecue, and it sure was good. After dinner they had a fashion show of many dresses made of cotton fabrics. There were so many people who came out for din-



The Supreme Lodge

Organizers' Class held February 24th at El Campo. Back row, L to R: Leo Krause, Frank Sabiatura, E. P. Sralla. Front row: Mary Mrnustik, Lottie Krutilek. ner at the cotton clinic. Fraternally, Bennie Krpec, President, Youth Club - -SPJST-LODGE NO. 54, WEST Dear Vestnik Readers, Today is March 3 and it was really snowing this morning. But by 9 a.m. the skies were clear and the snow disappeared very fast. I was hoping to play in the snow and make a snowman. I'd like to remind all the Youth Club members to go to the District III meeting at Lodge 154 in Fort Worth on Sunday, March 14, 1965. Everyone should go to these meetings because they are very educational. Now during Lent I will take it easy until Easter Sunday. We will be having church quite often and I have a lot of home work to do every evening. See you at Lodge 154 in Fort Worth on March 14, 1965. May God bless you all. Kathy Jane Marek, Vice Pres., Youth Club -SPJST--LODGE NO. 39, BRYAN Dear Vestnik Readers, I hope everyone feels as good as I do because we all at school had snowball gifts and I don't believe I ever saw so many people wet. Tuesday the 7th grade went to Washington-on-the-Brazos and had lots of fun. We all went into the Anson Jones home and we went into the concert house. Everything was real nice. They had nice food for everyone. We all went down there on the bus. I guess we

were loud enough because when we went through Bryan and College Station Mrs. Stugall told us to quieten down, because we were singing a song and there were thirty-three of us on the bus. We were including everyone's name and the song got pretty boring. We each got about two or three souviners. It took us one hour and a half to get there and one hour and a half to get back. We were all glad to get back to school. When we got back to school I had to get on the bus and go home and that was another 12 miles. When we got home I went to sleep because I was tired of riding. Saturday, we all got up early and went to Bryan. Saturday night we didn't go to the dance because we went to Aunt Rosie's. We had a lot of fun Sunday evening at their house. We all went to the creek and we were swinging on a vine across the creek and when Aunt Rosie was going across her hands slipped and she fell in. I guess we never heard so much laughing. My aunt gave us a dog. Ludy came home and the dog 'follows him everywhere. When Ludy left today at 10 Mother said the dog cried and cried. Hope everyone is doing fine, and may God bless all. Love always, Kathy Manthei LODGE NO. 39, BRYAN Wheelock, Texas Dear Readers, Boy, we sure got lots of snow! We just got into the room at school. We got the room all wet from the snow. Our teacher sure was mad at us for



bringing in the snow. She said she will be glad when winter is over. She said we looked like wet dogs. We just laughed at her. She sure is pretty when she is mad. Ha Ha! But I like my teacher. She is a good teacher. Ludy left this morning. I didn't want him to leave. I will miss him again. We had lots of fun while he was at home. Ludy and I always like to do everything together. I like to help him with everything he does. When we get some pretty weather, we are going to see him, I hope to see everyone in our meeting next Sunday. Gary Manthei


SAN ANTONIO Dear Sisters and Brothers: On Sunday, February 21st, we had a Valentine Party. We had plenty of cookies and punch, and all of us got a box of candy each. We played games, and had a big time. Paul Adolph Jecmenek


Dear Vestnik Readers, On Friday, February 26th, we went to Oak Manor Nursing Home in El Compo to, entertain. The parents who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Krpec, Mrs. J. W. Krutilek, and Mrs. Jerome Dorotik, Love, Monica Merta

-SPJSTLODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Vestnik Readers, Last Monday at the Taiton Community Center Bennie Krpec played the accordion while Judy Dluhos and Anita Krpec sang two Czech songs each. Denise Treybig, and Marian Dorotik played the piano. Genieve. Gold, a nonmember of the SPJST, played the accordion last of all. During the entertainment the grownups enjoyed refreshments of sandwiches, cookies, and potato chips. This Wednesday at 4:30 we will meet at the Taiton Community Center for our monthly meeting. Fraternally yours, Duane Treybig LODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Vestnik Readers, Some of the Taiton SPJST Youth Club children went to the Oak Manor Nursing Home on the 26th of February. We went to entertain Mr. Joe Bilek on his birthday. We also entertained Mr. and Mrs, John Dornak and the rest of the people present.

The children who performed were Judy Dluhos, Marian Dorotik, Anita Krpec, Monica Merta, Bennie Krpec, and Madilyn Merta. We really enjoyed entertaining there. Yours truly, Madilyn Merta


Dear Members, Well, I hope everyone is feeling all right. It sure is getting cold now. I sure wish the spring weather was here. There was a dance at our hall on February 28, 1965. Music was by the Rhythm Kings. We had a pretty good turnout. There will also be a dance on Easter Sunday. Music will be by the Nemec Musical Playmates. Everyone come and bring all your friends. It will start at 6 p.m. Your secretary, Patricia Kocurek


Dear Vestnik Readers, We had a dance February 28. Music was furnished by The Rhythm Kings. We had a big crowd. We had the kitchen open and hot dogs, chips, kolaches, and coffee were served. That was the last dance before Lent. It's getting pretty cold out here. We had a little snow on March 3rd, but it didn't stick to the ground and melted in no time. I hope everyone will be coming to the meetings because we will have a lot of activities. May God bless you. Shirley Nemec, Reporter -SPJSTLODGE NO, 25, ENNIS Dear Readers, The Youth Club of Lodge 25 met Sunday, February 14th at the National Hall. The following officers were elected for 1965: President — Frances Jo Kudrna Vice-Pres. — Elizabeth Anne Moucka Secretary — Janice Haskovec Treasurer — Gary Kudrna. About 60 children were present for the meeting and Valentine Party. Cookies and cold drinks were served to all. Our next youth meeting and roller skating meet will be Sunday, March 14th, at 3 p.m. All members are welcome to bring their friends. Fraternally, Dorothy Kudrna, Youth Leader

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 LODGE NO. 30, TAITON Dear Vestnik Readers, On Wednesday, March 3rd, we had our monthly meeting. We had a nice attendance with members and mothers. Judy Dluhos was asked to lead the Pledge. Susan Iles read the prayer. Marian Dorotik ended the meeting by leading the Star Spangled Banner. After the meeting we played games. After the games we had refreshments. I am sure everybody had a good time. Fraternally yours, Donna Srubar, Secretary


TEEN CLUB, LODGE 88, HOUSTON Dear Readers, Just wanted to remind you of our March meeting coming up this Friday. We changed our plans a. little about our social. For March we are planning to have a buffet dinner followed by a record ,dance. We delayed the hayride until April due to the rainy weather we are having. Each Saturday night the Teens are in charge of the Hat Check. If you would like to help in the booth please let us know. Teen reporter, Bonnie Cox

RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 32, Victoria, Texas, in behalf of our membership, wish to express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother, R. V. LALA, who passed away Feb. 16 at his home at the age of 75. He was born May 30, 1889, in Travis County, Texas; He was a member of our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Burial was in Schillerville Cemetery on February 18. , Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Paul Balfowz; two sons, Ernest and James of Victoria; one sister, Mrs. Frank Kabela of Port Lavaca, Texas; three brothers, Joe, John, and Adolph of Victoria; three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. J. A. Shiller, Annie Shiller —Resolution Committee

Wednesday, March 10, 1965



RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY We, the undersigned Resolution Committee of SPJST Lodge Vlastenec No. 45 at Shiner, Texas, wish to express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother, JOHN STARY, who passed away in a Galveston hospital, January 12, at the age of 61 years. Funeral services were held Sunday from Buffington Chapel, and from St. Joseph's Church. Burial was at St. Joseph's Cemetery at Yoakum, with the Rev. John Matocha officiating. Not only did the family lose a good husband, father, and grandfather, Vlastenec Lodge lost a good member of 40 years' standing. May he rest in pease Vlasta Vincik Emilie Baros Frank Mikeska —Resolution Committee —SPJST-


We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 97, Placedo, Texas in behalf of our membership, wish to express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed sister, ROSA MARAK, who passed away February 7, 1965, in a DeTar hospital at the age of 71 years. Funeral services were held Feb. 9 at the funeral home chapel. Burial was in the Memorial Cemetery in Victoria, Texas. Sister Marek had lived in Victoria County for 70 years. She was a housewife and faithful member of the SPJST Order for many years. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Port Lavaca. Survivors are her husband, Bro. Lad Marek. of Placedo; one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wyatt; and two grand children, Linda Rae and Dawn Patricia Wyatt, all of Port Lavaca. May our departed sister rest in eternal peace. Ed J. Baros, Inez, Stavarek Johnnie Balusek —Resolution Committee SPJST-

//3.L=1, POINE .F.v.10•1111: larmin mem I. Capitol 2. Supremo Court 3. John H. Reagan State Office Bldg.

4. Texas Employment Commission S. Sam Houston Shah, Office Bldg.

6. Archives & Llaretry, 7. Slate Insurance Bldg. 8. Old Land Office Building Museum

9. Texas Education Agency


10. Highway Department

11. Viallon Building

State Capitol Complex in Austin. New buildings are the Supreme Court Building, John H. Reagan Statt Office Building, Texas Employment Commission, Sam Houston State Office Building, Archives and Library, State Insurance Building -- all constructed since World War II. Walton Building, formerly Travis County Courthouse, has been abandoned. It formerly housed Land Office and some Agriculture Department facilities. AUSTIN: HISTORIC PAST, DYNAMIC PRESENT By Allen Duckworth Political Editor of The Dallas Morning News . Austin, Texas -- This pearl of Central Texas -- the state's beautiful capital city — has a historic and dramatic past, a dynamic present, an exciting future. Most every community in the world has an outstanding feature. But Austin has nearly everything you can think of except ocean steamers, an active volcano and a glacier. The phenomenal growth of Austin outstrips most of the state capitals of the nation. There are many reasons. The state government ha_s grown and will continue to grow. Recreation and tourism are already big bwiiness. There are seven big beantiful lakes on the Colorado River, created by a series of dams, and all within a few minutes or a few hours of downtown Austin. And the Austin Chamber of Commerce is coaxing tourists to "LBJ Land" with maps showing how to view the President's "Texas White House," only 50 miles to the west. Of course. the C of C suggests spending the night at an Austin hotel or motel. In education, Austin calls itself the "brain center" of the state. The Uni-

versity of Texas' enrollment has risen from 7,000 to 24,000 in the last 30 years. There also are St. Edward's University, Concordia College, Houston-Tillotson College, the Presbyterian Theological College. Research centers, both government and private, are tied closely to the university. The Balcones Research Center has 22 labs in operation some of them rloing top secret work. Want to know how to pack a heavy truck for parachuting to earth from an airplane? They can tell you. Really! This center occupies a 393-acre tract and 34 buildings. A department of the university does research for various agencies of the U. S. Department of Defense. Andr a number of private research outfits are doing contract work for the government. There's another lab that builds up evidence against law violators, such as folks who poison their mates. Private research organizations include those specializing in business marketing, electronics, chemicals, petro-chemicals, precision instruments, gravity meters, hydraulics all postwar developments. Combined with the government labs, this adds up to a major industry for Austin Bergstrom Field, a short expressway drive to the southeast, is a Strategic Air Command base. World leaders have landed there to be guests of President Johnson at his ranch, The President

14 himself often arrives there en route to his Texas White House. The capital city is wonderfully located. It is easy driving time to almost any spot in the state, with the exception of El Paso, 593 miles away. Austin is within 197 miles of Dallas, 190 of Fort Worth, 273 of Orange 161 of Houston, 286 of Wichita Falls, 351 of Texarkana, 277 of Marshall, 139 of Corpus Christi, 76 of San Antonio, 231 of Laredo on the Mexican border, 277 of Marshall, 32.9 cif Brownsville, 351 of Odessa. Since World War II, a new airport terminal has replaced the old wooden shack, which once served the city. The thousand-acre airport with 12,500 yard.9 of paved concrete ramp space has 24-hour service 7 days a week. Besides the more than 30 flights a day, there are 45 bus arrivals and departures, eight truck lines in and out of the city, three freight railways. „ "Livability" says the Austin Chamber of Commerce, is a major attraction which contributes to the soaring population total. Many of those who come to Austin as public officials, from governors to legislators, former military personnel, university graduates, decide to make Austin their home. Former governors whose homes were in other cities before election now living in Austin are Dan Moody, Allan Shivers, and Price Daniel. Recreation facilities apparently are unlimited. The city government maintains 37 parks and playgrounds, 21 Tree neighborhood swimming pools, 5 municipal pool, 4 community recreation centers, 8 athletic fields, 2 municipal golf courses and a. tennis center. And there's the beautiful Austin Country Club. Southwest Conference football is played in the university's Memorial Stadium ,The seven man-made lakes start at Austin's city limits and chain northward for 150 miles in the Colorado River's wonderland of hills and valleys. These lakes provide fishing, boating, water sports, hunting or just loafing in some of the luxury or rustic lodges. The dams also are for hydro-electric power and flood control. Climate usually is ideal. The city's unique location on the Balcones Escarpment from the Edwards Plateau distinguishes it from the climate of the surrounding area-. Normal temperature averages 68.2 degrees. Heating and cooling home expenses are reasonable because the city is protected to some extent from chilly winds to the north and humidity from the south-

1/2STNfIC Those seeking a home or homesite have a variety of locations, ranging from grass covered plains to treestudded hills _ new additions within the city, estates high in the hills or on a lakefront. The cultural and entertainment atmosphere prevails. Locally, there is the Austin Symphony Orchestra, the Civic Theater, art exhibits, University Lecture Series. The Cultural Entertainment Committee books operas, plays, cmcerts. Fine churches are available for worship by those of most any faith in the land. Austin has been a beautiful place from the b.yginning. There was a hamlet in the valley when they started building the first capitol there for the Republic of Texas in 1840. It was a two-room log building, surrounded by a 10-foot log stockade and a moat to discourage unfriendly Indians from disturbing the House and Senate. The early days of statehood were filled with romance. A German prince once arrived, in shining armor, to apply for public lands upon which to establish a colony. O. Henry worked in the old General Land Office Building, now a museum, patterned by an European architect in exile after a Rhine River castle. Elisabeth Ney, famous sculptor, had her studio in Austin and there created a masterpiece which can be seen in the State Cemetery, resting place of hundreds of heroic Confederate dead and some of Texas' great, near-great, and not-so-great — the full-size supine statue of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson on his bier. The French Legation of Republic days is still there. The French minister, Count- Alphonse de Saligny, was quite a problem child in olden times. He complained about the pigs in his neighborhood, running at will over his garden. Austin's Growth has been steady from the beginning. But the nearsensational boom began after the end of World War II in 1915-20 years ago. Some statistics: The population of Austin in 1945 was estimated at 110,000. Today, the estimate of the metropolitan area is in excess of 250,000. Bank deposits at the beginning of 1945 were $45,571,522. Last Jan. 1, they were $430,701,650, or a 20-year increase of 824.8 per cent. In 1945, Austin city limits covered 36.10 suqare miles. Last figures (June 18, 1964) showed 59.02 square miles.

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 What was Austin like 20 years ago? And what are some comparisons? I was assigned to helpreport the govings on of the Legislature in 1945. Getting to Austin was a tedious drive from Dallas. The highway was just a plain two-way traffic deal, with slowdowns through many towns or villages. When you finally made the city limits, you had to negotiate around the north of town, past the State Hospital (for menally ill), down the university "drag." Today, the freeway is almost completed from Dallas to the capital. Already, you can take routes that bypass such towns as Waxahachie, Hillsboro, Waco, Temple, Belton, Round Rock. And when you get to Austin, in the event you are going on to San Antonio and do not desire to stop off, the freeway takes you — elevated part of the way — right on through the downtown and suburban area. Parking was no problem in 1945. You just left your car for the night in front of your Austin hotel. Today, at noontime, you may find it difficult to enter a downtown parking station in the hotel area. And look out for women— today's Austin police department employs uniformed girls to put those parking violation notices under your windshield wiper. They do it without fear or favor of those having state official license plates, such as members of the Legislature. The- capital had only two hotels which could be classified as first class, the historic Driskill and the late W. L. Moody's Stephen F. Austin. A favorite eating place was the Millett Mansion, an ancient native stone and timber 2 story structure where you could get a good family style lunch for 75c. Today, Austin has some of the nation's finest accommodations for travelers. A new downtown hotel is the Commodore Perry. The Driskill and the Stephen F. Austin have modernized. Before war's 'end, there were no motels to speak of, just some "tourist courts." Today, Austin has some of the nation's finest-, chains and privately owned. There's a downtown motor hotel abuilding, just a slingshot from the capitol grounds, the Downtowner. Two of Austin's motor inns are unique. The Terrace, an early post-war project, was ereted on the old San Antonio highway across the Colorado River to the south, on a hillside, with winding roads and paths. Opened only a few years ago is the Gondolier, on the beautiful and parklike south banks of the Colorado. Austin had no luxury clubs, of the

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 cocktail-gourmet type after the war. Today, the town has a club at about every turn of the corner, some good and some bad. The "goods" include the first and still most ornate, the Austin Club, in the Commodore Perry Hotel. Also in the Perry is the Deck Club, where you can drink, dine, dance and swim, all in the same arena. Most intimate of the nice clubs is the Headliners, a must membership for newspapermen, professional men and politicians, in the Driskill. This hotel, which still displays the original Carlotta mirrors in its historic Maximillian Room, has its own private club—Driskill Club—with relics of the inn's original bar and murals designed with cigar bands. The Stephen L. Austin has its Capital Club. There's the Forty Acres Club for faculty and wealthy ex-students of the University drag, with hotel and health club facilities. Many of the fancy motels have private clubs. Austin's recreational facilities really got under way just before and after the war. The chain of lakes began with the building of Lake Buchanan in 1938 to harness the Lower Colorado River. Lake Inks was completed the same year. Lake Travis (near the city limits) was built as Mansfield Dam, in 1940, and Lake Austin (also near the city limits), as Tom Miller Dam (rebuilt) in in 1941. Lake Granite Shoals (Alvin Wirtz Dam) was completed in 1961, and the same year, Lake Marble Falls (Max Starcke Dam-. Town Lake (Longhorn Dam) was dedicated in 1960. Austin has, as of the present and looking into the future, an unlimited water and power supply. (Fart II Next Week)

Yards and Gardens SPECIALIST SUGGESTS PLANTING PECAN TREES If you plan to plant trees this spring, Texas' state tree, the pecan, might be a wise choice. One of the most widely adapted trees in Texas, the pecan serves a dual purpose. Not only is it a stately shade tree, but if properly cared for, it can produce good; edible nuts, cays B. G. Hancock, Extension horticulturist at Texas A. and M. University. "One of the most important decisions to make is the selection of a proper variety," says Hancock. "Hundreds of varieties are available but

VESTNtK only a few are specifically adapted to given areas and interests." Mahan and Stuart varieties are most widely used for shade purposes because of their strength and desirable habit of growth. Mahan is the most widely distributed variety. It can be grown in practically every area of the state. Stuart is best adapted to the Gulf Coast and Eastern and Central Texas. Choctaw, one of our new USDA varieties, shows promise of being a good all purpose shade tree in the Gulf Coast. Eastern and Central Texas. Desirable and Success varieties are popular where production of high quality nuts is of primary importance. However, because of their structural growth habits, neither is ideal for shade purposes. They are best adapted to Central and East Texas. Wichita, Western Schley and San Saba Improved are good varieties for nut production in West Texas. If given the correct cultural care, ample moisture and the proper nutrient elements, pecans can add much to our lives, Hancock states. Not only do they add beauty to our homes, they also greatly increase the value of property and may well serve as a heritage to future generations. -SPJSTSMALL FRUITS SUGGESTED

FOR HOME GARDENERS "Texas homeowners can have a satisfactory and dependable source of home fruit by using the four small fruits," says Bluefford Hancock, Extension horticulturist at Texas A.&M. University. These small fruits include figs, grapes, strawberries and blackberries. "The small fruits have numerous advantages over the tree-type fruits, Hancock explains. They are juick to come into production, easy to propagate at home, exteremely dependable in production, have fewer disease and insect problems, and require very little room from growth. Small fruits will always produce the season following planting while treefruits often take much longer to produce, Hancock said. Also, varieties of small fruit are adapted to a wide range of Texas soil and climatic conditions, while treefruits require different varieties for different areas, Hancock adds. Hancock recommends the following varieties of small fruits for Texas soils: Figs—The Texas Everbearing variety which produces a large vigorous plant

15 with large golden fruit, and the Celeste variety which is commonly known as the little blue sugar fig. Both varieties are excellent for preserves and fresh fruit. Grapes—The Fredonia variety which produces an excellent dark colored juice and pelly and the Siebel 9110 variety which produces a white eating grape with practically no seed. Blackberries — The Brazos variety which produces extremely large fruit, ripening in May. :Strawberries For the southern and Gulf Coast region at Texas, Florida 90 and Missionary varieties are recommended. For the central, south central and east regions of the state, Pocahontas, Blakemore and Dixieland varieties and for the western region of the state, Gem and Superfection varieties are recommended. -SPJST----

For Your Information: THE FAMILY LAWYER TRIAL WATCHING What has become of the ancient and honorable pastime of trial-watching? In old England, where it was known as "attendance at court," people of all classes indulged. But today, except at a few well-publicized spectaculars, there is often no audience at all. True, we watch plenty of make-believe trials. On TV, in movies, at the theater, the trial scene is the cornerstone of countless dramatic thrillers. But the real courtroom adds something vital. That grim yuong man on the witness stand is no actor earning his weekly wage. He is really afraid he may be found guilty of burglary and sent to jail for three years. That aging widow, seeking damages for the death of her husband, really needs the money to give her children a respectable upbringing. Perhaps you feel that trial-watching is a form of ' idle curiosity. Surely it shows curiosity. But is such curiosity idle? The law itself doesn't think so. The silent spectator, there only to watch, is not just tolerated but welcomed. in the eyes Of the law, he serves two useful purposes: 1) He helps justice. His show of interest tends to put all of the participants on their mettle. The dictatorial judge, the apathetic juror, the dishonest witness — all may fear that they might, somehow, run afoul of the anonymous observer in the back of the courtroom.


Wednesday, March 10, 1965


2) He helps himself. He learns at first hand how democracy meets the acid test: the way it treats an individual. The things he finds wrong can make him a more constructive citizen. The things he ,finds right can breathe fresh meaning into the slogans of freedom. Access to the courtroom may be limited in a few special circumstances. For example, if the testimony is sordid, children may be barred to protect their morals. Troublemakers may be kept out to preserve decorum. Crowding may be forbidden as a matter of public safety. As a rule, however, the courtroom doors are wide open. No one will take your name or ask your business. You can walk in or out at any time. ,But stay awhile. Far more awaits you in a courtroom than the sight of a

few people in trouble. It is, in fact, the best place to discover why Daniel Webster called justice "the great interest of man on earth." (This column is a public service Of the American Bar Association and the State Bar of Texas. Written by Will Bernard.)

Dr. Thos. N. DeLaney

Yak mira ochrany, kdyi podivate NONAT U venkovn es zavinenV• ch infekci bolestem a etrapam mo'ino delft pouiitim teto medikaln masti, ureene k ulevenf postiZene Casa Nebud'te bez NONAT! tsporna velikost $1.15, pravi• delna velikost 65c.

o CNI LEKAIt Sege spravne pfipraven6 Oas die ilmievy 1513-17 SPJST Bldg Tel. iltadovna PR 3-3241 OPP



Death Claims Paid During February, 1965 SUPREME LODGE, S.P.J.S.T. LEMPLE, TEXAS March 1, 1965 Death Claim No.


8360 Charles Drgac, 8367 Marie Rendl, 8368 Henry Machac, 8369 Pavel Sopcjak, 8370 Rosalie Ulrich, 8371 John J. Kunz, 8372 Willie Boehm, 8373 Sticlonia F. Sefcik, 8374 John F. Jurica, 8375 William Jochec, 8376 J. J. Sula, 8377 Albina Fabian, 8378 Vine Krupicka, 8379 Leslie L. Cox, 8380 John. A. Schneider, 8381 Edward J. Borowski, 8382 Rosa Marek, 8383 Felix Dlouhy, 8384 Frances Luksa, 8385 Fred Baros, 8386 John F. Cervenka, 8387 John. J. Start', 8388 Marie Stuchly,


Lodge No. Location

farmer housewife salesman retired housewife retired retired housewife retired retired retired retired farmer salesman retired employee, desk infg, housewife retired housewife farmer carpenter rancher housewife

41 130 134 167 91 20 10 17 25 28 100 167 15 166 4 80 97 142 15 107 154 45 167

Port Lavaca Dallas Crowell Penelope Crosby Granger Shiner Caldwell Ennis E. Bernard La Grange Penelope Buckholts Beaumont Hallettsville Holland Placed°, Houston Buckholts Floresville Fort Worth Shiner Penelope

Date of Admission

Date of Death


3- 8-03 2-28-09 7- 8-17 8- 3-19 6-26-10 4-14-07 1- 9-10 8-10-13 9-11-53 10-10-09 4- 3-27 2- 8-18 5-14-11 8- 8-62 3-20-40 2- 1-60 9-11-27 12-10-05 7- 7-05 11-26-05 5-17-54 10-12-24 12- 3-16

1-16-65 1-15-65 1-29-65 1-30-65 1-22-65 11-28-64 1- 6-65 2- 4-65 2- 1-65 1-30-65 2-12-65 2- 5-65 2-11-65 2-11-65 2-15-65 2-16-65 2- 7-65 1-26-65 2-11-65 2-10-65 2-12-65 2-12-65 2-18-65

81 82 74 71 73 86 76 74 55 75 76 73 73 62 67 5'6 71 87 92 94 70 61 70

Cert. No A-2656 A-11085 A-1349 A-15207 A-6407 A-6919 A-85 A-1046 B-4344 A-2009 B-267 Pd-up No. 618 A-704 C-27757 B2647 & B2841 G-23746 B-312 A-11035 A-6791 A-6043 B-4445 A-9174 A-3758

To the bereaved survivors of our deceased brothers and sisters, the Supreme Lodge, SPJST, expresses its heartfelt sympathy. R. A. Urbanovsky, Secretary Supreme Lodge, SPJST

Wednesday, March 10, 1965


Texas Vegetables Almost $100 million was the value estimated for Texas' 1964 commercial vegetable production. Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service noted the leading crops in value of production during '64 were carrots, onions, Irish potatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, lettuce, and cabbage. California and


Florida still outproduce Texas in terms off' value. e

Feedlots Keep Growing Feedlots continue to grow in numbers and size. Last month, there were 234 (of at least 1,000 head capacity) in operation in Texas, a growth from 124 lots in January 1961. With 488,-

000 head on feed, Texas is challenging Colorado for third place. Big leaders are Nebraska with, more than a million head of cattle on feed, and California with just under a million. • •




DINNER AT 12:30 — PROGRAM AT 2 P.M. Dinner $1 a Plate

4514 Edsee, Houston, Texas

Officers of the Supreme Lodge RVOS Will Be Present


WBFA Hall, 9135 So. Cen. Expwy.


Dallas, Texas







Lodge Pokrok Houston No. 88 1435 Beall St.

7448 Greenville Avenue Dallas, Texas

Houston, Texas




Jim Allen Orchestra



Admission $1.50


18 The eye doctor patiently tried lens after lens on an elderly woman who wanted to buy some glasses. "Now don't become discouraged," the doctor reassured her. "It's not easy to get just the right glasses, you know." "It certainly isn't," the woman replied, "especially when you're shopping (for a friend."


Doskocil Special Wrench THREAD BOLT



This is the handiest cultivator bedder and planter wrench made for attaching Sweeps and Weeders. The box end fits 5/8 in. bolts with 15/16 in. hex nut; the open end is 34 in , fits left and right hand thread bolts. Once you use this wrench you will never be without it. There will be no more wrench slipping and skinning your knuckles. Price $2.35 plus 5c tax — $2.40 SEE YOUR TRACTOR OR HARDWARE DEALER Or Order From

ED DOSKOCIL Burlington, Texas

SPJST Entertainment Calendar As a matter of policy, only those activities and functions promoted by or sponsored by the SPJST, or any of its lodges. will be published in the SPJST Entertainment Calendar section. Such notices for publication should be submitted by a bonafide lodge officer, or in some cases, by lodge hall managers. Cottonwood Lodge No. 6 March 21 — RVOS meeting, 4

-SPJ —

Lodge No. 25, Ennis Saturday, May 22 — Private dance; music by the Music Masters, Ennis. Lodge No. 29, Taylor April 19 — Patek (Easter Monday) May 8 — Patek May 15 — Hi-Toppers June 6 — Patek June 12 — Vrazels June 19 — Hi-Toppers July 10 — Patek July 17 — Hi-Toppers Aug. 7 — Vrazels Aug. 21 — Hi-Toppers Sept. 11 — Patek Sept. 18 — Hi-Toppers Lodge No. 35, Elk March 13 — Albin and His Rhythmn Playboys of Waco March 20 — Slim Haisler's Playboys of Temple March 27 — Ladis Vrazel and his Polka Masters of Temple -SPJ ST--Lodge No. 40, Easter Sunday, April 18 — The Traits. -SPJST--Lodge No. 48, Beyersville Sunday, April 4 — Regular monthly meeting. Sunday, April 25 — Dance, LeRoy Matocha, afternoon and night. Sunday, May 2 — Regular monthly meeting. Sunday, May 16 — May Fete Celebration. Dance; Vrazel's Polka Band. Sunday, June 6 — Regular monthly meeting Sunday, June 20 — Erdman Reunion Saturday, June 26 — Dance, Sil Krenek Sunday, June 27 — Shiller-Hejl Reunion Sunday, July 4 Dance; Vrazel's Polka Band Sunday, July 11 -- Weisner Reunion Saturday, July 24 — Dance, Sil Krenek Sunday, July 25 — Prokschl Reunion Sunday, Aug. 1 — Regular monthly

Wednesday, March 10, 1965 meeting Sunday Sept, 5 Regular monthly meeting Saturday, Sept. 25 — Vrazel's Polka Band ST-

Lodge No. 49, Rowena Easter Sunday, April 18 — Dance, at SPJST Hall; music by Jimmy Heap --SPJST-

Lodge No. 54, West April 24 — Wedding June 6 — Party June 12. — Wedding June 13 — Party July 17 — Wedding July 24 — Wedding -SPJSTLodge No. 80, Holland Easter Sunday, April 18 — Gilbert Kautz Saturday, April 24 — Eddie Klepac and the Rhythm Masters Saturday, May 1st — Louie Stef fek and the Versatiles Sunday, May 30 — Annual Picnic, all day; music day and night by Joe Patek Sunday, July 4 — Gilbert Kautz Sunday, Oct. 17th — Fall picnic; Joe Patek, day and night. -SPJST-

Lodge Pokrok No. 88, Houston Wednesday, March 10 — Birthday Club Sisters' luncheon. Serving starts at 12 noon. Bring your friends for a delicious hot lunch. Friday, March 12 — Ilegular monthly lodge meeting and Youth Club meeting Saturday, March 13 — Dance; Music by famous Les Blume's Orchestra of La. Grange, featuring the latest modern music Saturday, March 20 — Dance; music by Henry Brosch Saturday, March 27 — Dance; music by the Danceables. -SPJSTSPJST Lodge .130 Dallas — Sokol Zizka Saturday, March 13 — Dance; music by Jim Allen Saturday, March 27 — Dance; music by Eric Honza Orch. Saturday, April 10 — Dance; music by Eric Honza Orch. Saturday, April 24 — Dance; music by the Peppermints -SPJST-

Lodge No. 133, San Antonio March 12 — Teenage Dance March 21 — Lodge Meeting April 18 — (Easter Sunday) Lode meeting. James Kostelnik, Pres.


Wednesday, March 10. 1965

19 .1111116111MONSIMMINOstb. - .


Hiidler's :irtrr Supply Co.


N.W. 28th Street — FORT WORTH, TEXAS

Specializing in Czech lidelaase and Liver Sausage (Jiternice

2020 Washington Ave., CA 8-8424 730 K 20th at N. Main UN9-1441 5225 Washington UN 9-3387 301 East 11th Street UN 9-3351 HOUSTON, TEXAS For All Your FURNITURE APPLIANCES and EVERYTHING ELSE FOR YOUR HOME Be Sure to See


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A perfect tribute to devotion and love We aim to make final services a worthy

Lii3ERIY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION sill Fannie, Houston, Texas • Dial JAckson 3-7167

0,1710113 L.A. Rums, Pre:stetson

Chemosky, Executive Vinsfattaldj 1lk. R. a. Ms:ask VIcsorvaistskial WI* Cbtansesky, Tanamolfin —


expression of all that the departed has meant to those nearest and dearest ... an occasion deeply reverent, spiritually inspiring. Perfection of every detail is a tradition which we honor as a sacred trust.

Marshall & Marshall FUNERAL HOME "Serving All Faiths" HILLSBORO, TEXAS



oznamovatel INTRODUCTIONS. Czech descent only. Send for information. The Czech Social Klub, P.O. Box 323, Omaha, Nebraska 58101. (dzc) ---SPJ HELP WANTED: Upholsterer. Must be first rate and know how to cut and sew. Salary very good to right person. Please write to: Carpetcair Interiors, 10006 Hanka Dr., Houston, Texas 77055. (dzc) WANTED FOR CLEANING DIVISION, neat white man with responsibilities, to train for rug and carpet service work. Salary expected and qualifications to Carpetcair, 10006 Hanka Drive, (dzc) Houston, Texas 77055. --SPJSTFOR SALE: Granger SPJST Lodge offers to sell brick building, choice Main Street .location, presently occupied. Sealed bids wanted by March 12th, 1965, with any or all bids subject to rejection. For details see either R. P. Beaty, Alfred Vitek, or Frankie Machacek, Jr. --SPJST--FOR SALE: 124 acres in vicinity of Dallas near fast growing suburb; all conveniences; terms; an -investor's opportunity. Write Box 140, c/o Vestnik, West, Texas 76691. (10p) ----SPJSTFOR SALE: 239 acre stock farm; 200 acres in cultivation; 7 room house, ample water and good location. For details write. Anton Svetlik, P. 0. Box 162, Buckholts, Texas. Phone LY 32813, (10-11c) __sr:5 STFor many years he was a confirmed bachelor, and his friends never believed he would marry. But eventually SPOLEHLIVA POHROBNICKA SLU2DA


Jsme pohotovi am posoltditi bez rozdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv zvlattniho poplatku. S nami mtdete mluviti desky. My nabizime Pohtebni pojitleni pro katdeho elena rodiny.

Wednesday, March 10, 1965

he did — and about three months afterward was complaining vehemently about married life. "What's the trouble?" a friend asked. "She's always getting in my way when I try to cook dinner," th -exbachelor moaned. SPRAVNE VYKONANA POHREBNI SLU2BA V hodine talu zarmouceni naleznete Edward Pace pohtebni ustav pohotove k sympatickemu vyfizeni nezbytnch jednotlivosti a k vypraveni dojemneho pohtbu. Levne ceny ism nati zasadou.

Edward Pace Pohtebni teditel Clen SPJST Tel. Prospect 3-3606 113 N. 5th St. TEMPLE, TEXAS


Dr. Chas. J. Hollub Ceslcy Lekat a OperAtor HOUSTON, TEXAS OV 6-7000 Telefon res. CA 7-2553 Telefon (dad. 711 Medical Arts Building

Gommert Funeral Home ROGERS, TEXAS Phone MI 2-3211 Member of SPJST Lodge No. 47 Ambulance Service 24 Hours Honor All Burial Insurance Serving All Religions (dzc)

with Ease and Comfort

Git, SSES DI. I. H. STEEL Properly Fitted

Optometrist Phone JU 2-5511 Read Bldg. HILLSBORO, TEXAS

I ake Texas National YOUR BANK . Give Us The Oppi rtunity To Serve You

Pete E. Etlinger FUNERAL HOME


Elsie Pratak-Etlinger damsta pomocnice BELLVILLE AND SEALY Tel.: Bellville No. UN 5-3121 Sealy No. TU 5-3535


Temple, Texas

ROCNiK 53 — Cislo 10




Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE, SPJST., P. 0. Box 100, TEMPLE, TEXAS

10. BREZNA 1965

OD REDAKCNi110 STOLKU NECO 0 KRITICE Kritika musi byti tvotiva — jinYmi slovy. konstruktivni — musi poctive u.silovat o zlepSeni. KdyZ se vyskytne dobrY navrh vZdycky se najde ohlasu, zejmena, kdy se vec dfikladne prozkoumala. ♦ • Proto, hled'me opatrne na kritiku kontra navrhu — je v tom veliky rozdil. Vzpominam na eloveka, kterY po nekolika letech si stale steZoval jak miserne to vypada kolem tadove sini — sama neobarvena sin, atd. KdyZ ale ptedseda Zadal toho elena aby v sobotu pomoc eistit, barvit, lined mel vjbnluvu. TakovYch je v kaZdem podnikani, kritikoupini, ale JAK neco zlepeit anebo pfidat ruku k dilu to je docela jina vec. Kdo nema sily, aby pracoval pro spolek, osadu, svfij narod bez oslav, beze slavy — je slabY. A kdo je slab nendriZe \Testi! Marcus Aurelius, timsky cisat z pravekil "Ueinil-lis nekomu dobro, jeZ ptineslo plod, proe se domaha'S jeSte jako, blahovec pochvaly a odmeny za svfij dobrY CM?" 0vSem, kaZdY pracovnik, kterY pracuje v Cele je hoden mzdy a jeho mzdou je drivera. oleni, Ci spoluobeane mu davaji za praci nejlepSi mzdu: duveru. A z drivery roste Acta, jez je nejvet§im vyznamenannal, jeZ zaroven zavazuje oboustranne a spolek el osadu povznag i, z niz muze vyniknouti a vyrristi autorita.

Nekteti lide hnedle onemocni z toho, kdy nekdo z jeho znamYch obdr21 nejakou mimotadnou publicitou, anebo vyznamenani, proste, tomu neche uvetit, Ze se to stalo jinemu a ne jemu. TakovY elovek chce byti valycky vptedu vSeho v Cele kaZdeho hnuti, jenZe nekdy mu na to schazi talent a schopnost. A kdy se dada jink dostane na picedni iadu je zle. Stale si natika, stale provadi nesvar a nepokoj mezi eleny a mezi spoleenost Takovemu eloveku jest nemo2no vyhovet. Kdy Z s jiny obdrZi nejakou pochvalu anebo uznami snaZi se -delijakkm zpilsobem tuto einnost bud' podceriovati anebo ripine zdrtiti. Zkratka, takovY elovek otravuje yeechny kolem sebe a svaj vlastni Zivot si znemoZriuje. Druha osoba, kterou zname je ta, ktera je ye yeeckYm lehce uraZena. VSechno je namiteno proti ni; kaZdY polled, kade mrkani, kaZde slovo znamena neco neptizniveho pro takovou osobu. KdyZ nahodu nekdo vynecha jeji jmeno anebo kratkou poznamku o jeji einnosti, je oheri na stfeee. Jsou to proste ptecholostive di a je teZko jim vyjiti vstfic, teZko jim vyhovet. Hiedaji pouze pochvalu a slavu. I kdy na veci velice malo anebo nic nezaleli takovi si vyvoli udelat z toho jak se tika z komara vola a nasleduje kraval a nepokoj. Nejhorei je to, Ze takovY "ubliZenY" jde fined k druhkrn a jich otravuje a provadi svfij nesvar a rozdvojuje ostatni lidi. Nikdy si takovY elovek netroufa jiti ptimo k tomu, ktery ho "urazil", pro-

tote v duchu vi, Ze to nestoji za 'psi gtek." • • Proto, bud'me si vedomi,ze kaZdY nem0e byti ptedsedou a v Cele; nekdo musi vest a ostatni musi jiti za a pomoci. V anglietine tikame, ze vAichni nemriZeme byti "chiefs"; Meinou z nas musime se spokojit s roli jako "Indiani" ,totiZ pracovnici. V tom to duchu vykoname nejvetel fispech, jak v tadech na gi jednoty tak i v naSim soukromnYm a spoleenYm Zivote. • • Laska je zaklad vSeho lidskeho snaZeni, je zaklad i smysl demokracie. Jsme odkazani jeden na druheho, nestaeime ZadnY sam na vSe, nedovedeme kaZdY sam vge. Jsou veci eiste osobniho razu, kdy eloveka stihne neaesti nezdar, poralka, kdy veecky plany se tit a sesouvaji. Kolikrat to vysvobodila okaingta, pomoc spolubratra. Mnohdy slovo stall°, aby zachranilo. Nelzerici, neni lasky v lidske spoleenosti; neize ji zapirat, ale neni je'Ate vgude, kde by byla na mister Neni, kde jsou hadky, nesvary, tevnivost, vist, zloba, nedrivera, podedivani, podnecovani, osobni prospech. Lidskost je smysl i zaklad prave demokracie, je skuteenYm te'Senim pomeru eloveka ku eloveku, k Zivotnim jeho pottebam i pravrim a povinnostem. Lidskost zna-mend tez skuteene chapani eloveka viru v Cloveka, soucit, spoleeenstvi du- lasku. ♦ • Humanitni ideal, nas ideal obrodni ma pro nas Cechy hlubokY smysl narodni a historickSr. . Humanitou kraOeti




SEZNAM ORGANIZATORU OKRSEK 1 Melvin 8krabanek P 0 Box 270 Caldwell, Texas 77836 OKRSEK II Leonard D. Mikeska 1416 E. Avenue B Temple, Texas 76501 OKRSEK Arnold M. Vrla 6307 Saratoga Circle Dallas 14, Texas OKRSEK IV Fred Kveton Route 1 Abernathy, Texas OKRSEK V Frances Olexa 6402 Taggart Houston, Texas 77007 OKRSEK VI Leo Krause, Jr. P. 0. Box 427 Inez, Texas OKRSEK VII Roy HranickSr Drawer A, Orange Grove, Texas


Entered as second class mail matter, January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act of Congress of August 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Supreme Lodge SPJST, Box 100, Temple, Texas UREDNI ORGAN SLOVANSKE PODPORUJICI JEDNOTY STATU TEXAS Vychazi tYdne REDAKTOR NICK MORRIS — Box 85, West, Texas Residence: 1204 N. Davis Street Telephones: Res. HI 6-5989 — Shop: HI 6-5282 Vydavatele CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY, WEST, TEXAS Inedplatne $3.75 Zmeny adres zasilaji se do Hlavni tfadovny Box 100, Temple, Texas Ptedplatne a oznamky bud'teZ zasilany na Vestnik, West, Texas HLAVN1 DRADOVNA EDWARD L. MAREK, pfedseda JOE B. HEJNY, mistoptedseda R. A. URBANOVSKY, tajemnik JOS KOLIHA, JR., pokladnik BEN ZABolK, finanni tajemnik rg ichni v Temple, Texas, Box 100 AUGUST KACIR, pravni radce, Temple, Texas P 0 Box 845 DR. MARVIN LESIKAR, vrchni lekaf P. 0. Box 410 — Taylor, Texas iiEDITELE JOHN A. KUBENA, prvni okrsek P. 0. Box 180 — La Grange, TexaS HENRY VITEK, druhY okrsek P. 0. Box 43 — Granger, Texas CYRILL (SID) POKLADNIX, tfeti okrsek 2924 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75226 R. E. BRO " , etvrty okrsek Rt. 3, Box 320 — San Angelo, Texas ERNEST HANKA, OAS', okrsek 6759 Cindy Lane — Houston, Texas 77008 ED SRALLA, Aesty okrsek Rt. 1, Box 110, Edna, Te%as CHAS HOLASEK, sedmY okrsek 2513 Nemec St., — Corpus Christi, Texas TISKOVY VYBOR MRS. FRANCES OLEXA, ptedsedkyne 6402 Taggart St. — Houston, Texas RUDOLPH TROUBIL c/o SPJST Rest Home — Taylor, Texas HUGO SCHEFCAK 1267 Harlandale — Dallas 16, Texas


Jim Kue'era, P. 0. Box 100, Temple

STANOVNI VYBOR ROY E. HRANICKY, pi'edseda Drawer A, Orange Grove, Texas LEO KRAUSE, tajemnik PO Box 427, Inez, Texas 77968 Latka na uveFejneni y e Vestniku musi bYti dodana v sobotu dopoledne. NevyZadanou latku neuschovavam6 a nevracime. Obrazky se vracejl jen kdy2 je pokovne ptiloZene. Uverejneni zasnoubnich anebo svatebnich obrazku must si 61enove semi hra-J


Seznam vedoucich mladeie OKRSEK I Mrs. Rud. C. Matejka Rt. 4, Box 504 Bryan, Texas OKRSEK II Mrs. Clara Hejl Route 4 Temple, Texas OKRSEK III Mrs. Inez Zalman 2523 McKenzie Waco, Texas OKRSEK IV Mrs. Ed Haisler Route 1 Seymour, Texas OKRSEK V Mrs. Tillie Helmcamp 432 West 32nd St. Houston 18, Texas OKRSEK VI Mrs. Frank Brdeeka Rt. 1, Box 150 Rosenberg, Texas OKRSEK VII Mrs. Maxine Pavliska Route 2, Box 151 Floresville, Texas

Ve stiedu dne 10. bicezna 1965 mame v hlave lidskeho pokroku. Humanita znamena nam na g narodni kol vypracovanY a odka,zanSr nam naint humanitni ideal je VSecek smysl nakho narodniho Zivota. Vkcek smysl na g historic v tom je uzavfen: pochopiti cil humanitni po strance mravni a rozumove, pochopiti pine, k eista elovekost nesmi laSrt pouze. . heslem, ale Z'e. musi bVt snahou nas kaAdeho a v'Sech, e humanita jakoko cil a program narodni musi diisledne spravovati i nai narodni taktiku. OVSem Imma,nita bez diisledne usilnosti a neinnosti je nartva. Humanitni ideal vyZaduje, abychom soustavne, vkde a ye vSem vkly odpirali zlemu. Lasko, prava spoeiva na nadeji. V nadeji na Zivot veenY. . Takova, laska je teprve laskou, protole veene veenemu nemtZe bYt lhostejno. Veenost -veenost nenastava teprve po smrti, veenost je jiZ ted', v tomto, v kaZdem okam'Ziku. VZPOMINAME . . . SedmS7 bfezen roku 1850 dal nam velMho muze, filosofa a prvniho presidenta 6eskoslovenske Republiky. TomaSe K. Masaryka. Syn chiuleho kovafe svoji pili a snahou vystudoval ve Vidni a v Lipsku, a stal se profesorem filosofie v Praze, kde byl hlasatelem modernich politickYm i soeialnich idei. piI prvni svetove valce odebral se do sveta posleze do Anglie, kde pracoval pro narodni osvobozeni ze jha Rakouskeho a stal se uznavanS7m radcem tohoto hnuti. V rote 1918 vracel se co vitoz a prvni president do Oeskoslovenske Republiky, kde uveden byl 11. prosince 1918 do sveho iffadu, kterST z yule lidu drZ'el aZ do prosince roku 1935, kdy odebral se na odpoeinek na svilj letni domov v Lanech, kde v roce 1937 zemfel, oplakavan vAemi dobrYmi 6echoslovaky. Uvedeme nektere z mnoha pravd, ktere nam zanechal: "Svoboda nam uklada velikou zodpovednost nelistne prate pro cel3i narod a lidstvo." "Musime pfekonati zlo dobrem. Mutime zavrhnouti vS'elijake nasili a dtitsledne, sice se nedostaneme dale. Braniti se Vkk rndeme, mame a musime." T. G. Masaryk je nam dnes symbolem demokratickeho smVg eni a uglechMello snakni po lep gm pfigi lidstva a pfikla.dem neohrolene a nesmlouvave prace pro narocL

Ve stiedu dne 10. biezna 1965 Jako kaddoroene, vzpominame i letos dne 7. biezna vYroei narozenin nageho nezapomenutelneho presidenta Osvobodi.tele, Tomage G. Masaryka. S hlubokou vdeenosti sklanime se pied pamatkou velikeho muse, kterY vedi narod k boji za samostatnost a polodil zaklady k jeho republice. °slava jeho narozenin nabYva zvla gte vYznamu v nynej g ich takYch dobach, kdy narod eerpa posilu z jeho pinikladneho divota a dila.


VESTNfK vnouee, pak jednu sestru pi. Willie Duge v Jourdanton a bratra p. Emory Krupa y e Waco. Cell rodina, necht' prijme nagi uptimne citenou soustrast. Huh Vas poteg ye vagem velkem zarmutku a ty mild spolusestro odpoeivej v pokoj i. Za celY na g Pad eislo 167 posilam blahopiani elendm Padu Cis. 88 v Houstone, k jejich nove krasne sini. Radi bysme se ted sdeastnili, ale ja zase doktoruji s moji nohow dostala jsem do ni krevni dmolek a porad to jeSte citim. Nakmu piiteli p. Val. Neincovi, jem, by se operace zdatila a byl Uplne uzdraven. Pani Milanove a jeji cele rodine tlumoeim za nas v gechny uprimnou soustrast nad ztratou jejich draheho mandela a otce. Vgem nemocnym pkeji brzke a dpine uzdraveni. Marie Bartosh, tajemnice r. eis. 167


TOMAS MASARYK 7. biezna 1850 14. zaii 1937

Oddil dopisovatelfi Rad Penelope eis. 167 Mill bratti, sestry a etenaPi Vestniku. Nemyslela jsem si, de budu tak brzy psat, ale kdyd jsem zase posilala Resoluci soustrasti, jid tieti v jednom mesici, tak piitom napi gi i nekolik kadZase jsme ztratili jednu milou spolusestru pi. Mary StuchlY, ktera pied minulY tYden 18. fmora, negt'astnou nahodou spadla do tanku a utonula. Jejiho odchodu do veenosti deli jeji mandel Edvard dye (leery Dorothy Firasek v Penelope; Thelma Trojan ye Waco a lest synti Jesse a Woodrow v Hubbard, Alton v Penelope, Edwin v v Axtell, Billy v Mesquite a Jimmy ye Waco; dale 17 vnoueat a jedno pra-

Houston, Texas Vadena redakce a 'cteni bratri a sestry SPJST. V pohnuti mysli sdeleno mne Julii dcerou zesnule sestry Padu Pokrok Hou- stonu, de matka jeji Anna KoPenek dokoneila vek svilj v fictYhodnem, pokroeilem veku. Pochazela ze stare vlasti od Vsetina na Morave z rodiny Januge. Puvodne naledela k fadu v La Grange, pak u piesidleni do Houstonu, stala se elenkyni radu Pokrok Houstonu, k nemud naledela dlouho iadu let. Zanechala zde jednoho syna a tki decry. Je zde vice bratti a sester, kteii naledeji ke SPJST a jsou pilvodem od znameho Vsetina na Morave a kteri se i pamatuji na rodinu Janu ge na Vsetine. Dcerou br. Hamuska sdeleno de otec jeji ukoneil divot s ytij ve veku 78 let v Californii, kamd se odstehoval z Iioustonu, pied vice lety jid. V Houstonu sidlil po vice let a naledel ke Padu Pokrok Houstonu, kde byl co bratr ye vadene -Clete a uznani. Za jeho divota v Houstone podilel se rovned na einnosti spolku Sokola, pro onen podnik byl velice nad gen a daval pfiklad mladedi nejen syYm slovem, ale i hmotnou pomoci. Je zcela dobie pozorovati a v fivahu vziti einnost organisaci, jed blahodarne pdsobi pro divot na gi vetve 6echoslovanii ve Spoj. statech. Jak blaze to na nas pusobi, kdyd slygime, de stavaji organisace pohotove, jed vedou lid k yezdej gimu prospechu. Zdalo by se, de

3 sami se nemusime vice nuditi k dosadeni neeeho deelnej giho ye vezdejgim pozemskem diti. Bud'me ale piece obezretni a nespolehejme se na vgechno co nam nabizeno k osvojeni. Neni nas za tolik, abychom si sami mohli pornovcizakeppet;obuo jh zena i pa k nasledovani neeeho okrokovejgiho v divote nagent? tvedu nee° ye znamost, nad eimg bychom se mohli pozastaviti. Pied mnoha lety jid, verohodnY autor vzacne jinak knihy, pocit nektere z narodij Evropy pro jejich fieelne uspechy pro vzdelani lidstva. Zadna zminka jim nebyla vgak ueinena o na gem narodu Oechoslovantt, jakoby vlast na ge nemela dadnou least pro pokrok lidstva. Neni nam potPebi ztistati v udiveni. My sami aekoli jsme eechoslovane, mluvime tim jazykem, ale jak dalece je nam povedorna znamost na gich vlastnich dejin? Teprva v zadtku tohoto stoleti sepsan spis dejin Cechoslovand v anglickem jazyku. Wive zminenY autor velebici narodi evropske, nemohl miti znamost s ohledem na na gi vlast. Kdyby on mei vedonai ohledne Frant. Palackeho, on byl by jiste postavil zasloudile osobnosti na geho naroda, pied jine narody evropske. V nagi rodne feel jid pied pet sty lety sepsane nesmrtelne dilo v ohledu na vzdelani, jehod diem bylo postaviti nag narod na nejlep gi stuperi humanity. Sousedni narody teaily z toho, zatim co na gi vlasti easteji nastaly take easy. Piece neco pozoruhodneho se stalo. Byl to president university ye Spoj. statech, ktery zaeatkem stoleti vyzval profesora, by se pokusil o sepsani dila ohledne einnosti Jana Aniose Komenskeho. American profesor vypravil se do vlasti nagi, by zjistil co nag lid tam jid &Arno mel vhodneho pro ostatni svet. Nalezl toho opravdu hodne. Vicekrate pieplul lodi ocean, by ye vlasti na gi nasbiral vhodnY fispegny material, kterY se stal kamenem mudrat v universite Ameriky. Jid po celYch 50 let men jsme zde tu pilleditost, bychom na gi rodnou kee poudili proto nejlepgi, pro co se to nape iee vlastne pouditi mule. Mildeme se sami jid prieiniti q tu modnost poznati to, co rids vede k vy ggi mete lidskeho divota zde na zemi. Na ge vlast byla svedkem nejen mnoheho utrpeni, ale kdykoli piihodna doba se k tomu naskytla, bylo tam poznani i ye vzdelanosti, vychove a filosofii, jed piedeila i moderni materielni dobu. Je to v pravde po2ohnane dedictvi na§ich pied-


4 kteid se zasadili o to, by nam pro budouci veky zanechali to opravdu potrebne, bez eehoZ zdejSi pozernskY Zivot stava se trudnY a beznaclejnY. Vilem Koldnek 231 E. 26th Street Houston 8, Texas ---SPJSTitad Hvezda Jihu 6. 30 v Taitofi Bratri a sestry, clad. Vas upozornit, ze n_ak priSti schitze se bude konati dne 14. brezna, na misto 7. brezna k vuli okrskove ktera se bude v ten den odbYvati v La Salle. Doufame, Ze se vSdchni v hojriem poctu siteastnite. Nezapomerite a prijd'te do schtize 14. brezna. Se sesterskYm pozdravem, Pi. J. W. Krutilek, fieetnice SPJST

relacviena Jednota Sokol v Corpus Christi Cteni bratid a sestry: Ve schdzi Telocviene Jednoty Sokol Corpus Christi, ktera se konala 14. Unora 1965 ph zahajeni sclnize bratr starosta Frank C. Sack vzponmel Umrti ses. Marie Rendlove kde nas poladal, aby jsme povstanim ji vzdali nail posledni poctu. Na to v obou reeich v jeho proslovu vyzvedl jeji dobre einy a skutky, ktere venovala sokolu. Bratr Jednatel preeetl doSle dopisy, ktere pojednavaly o po'Stovnich znamkach yydane 15. imora 1965 poitovnim Uradem ye Washington, za fieelem sto leteho trvani sokolske einnosti ye Spojenych statech. Ony dopisy byly vYslane z americke obce sokolske z Chicago, sestrou jednatelkou BlaZou 6ihakovou a ses. Marii Prevratilovou jednatelkou Zupy JiZni z Dallas. Sestra Zupni naeelnice Sylvie LaZnovska. z Dallas, nabizi nail sokolske Jednote yYpomoc ph nacvieovani predepsanYch prostnYch, ktere budou predvedeny v Chicago, Ill. ph sokolskem slete, ye clnech 23. -- 27. eer yna 1965. Nacviena v Corpus Christi je Uremia na dny 3. - 4. - 5. brezna v Sokolovni. S povdekem tato nabidka byla prijata. Pritonme se cviei dvakrate v tYdnu, ye stredu a v patek, zaeatek v 7 hodin veeer. Nekteld cvieenci se teSi na ten zaiezd sletovY a pilne nav gevuji telocviene hodiny. Mnoholeta byvala naeelnice nail Jednoty ses. Annie Regmund take se snaZl vypomahat ye cvieebnich hodinach. KdyZ, v minulem roku byl planovan kup ni slet a zavody 18. a 19. eervence v Ennis, Texas, a pak hued na to zupni nacvieou, telocvieny 14denni kurs,

tak se nam pxihlasili etyri kursisti:

Charles M. Majek, Don Hanson, Georgie Peters a Juanita Foster. Viichni tito etyti kursisti pravidelne navStevuji cvieebni hodiny a pact cvieicich portistavd ze 4 drtiZstev. Br. Geo. Bren se podrobil vaZne operaci ze ktere pozdravuje a bratr Jos. a Kosar se take teSi na brzke uzdraveni, ktere utrpel popalenim. ' Ses. Rosie Tiehay ska, take se naleza v nemocnici, kde podstoupila vaZnou operaci. VgCm prejem brzke uzdraveni a navrat do syVch Br. J. C. Eineigel daroval do pokladny sokola $8.40, br. a ses. H. C. Hanson darovali do kuchyne $12.00 nadobu na vareni fazoli a jinYch potreb. Na ucteni pamatky A. C. SvatopolskY dar od br. a ses. Frank SijanskY. $3.00 a na ten saniV heel dar od Anita Regmund $3.00. Na ucteni pamatky zesnule ses. Marie Rendlove do pokladny darovali bratri a sestry nail Jednoty: Edward a Elizabeth Regmund - $25.00 Anita Regmund - - - 5.00 Annie Regmund - - - - 5,00 Wm. a Annie Regmund - - 5.00 5.00 Chas. Holasek Agnes Jurica - - - - $5.00 Edward Kueera - - - 5.00 A. M. Castro 5.00 5.00 Victor a Rosie Huff - - 5.00 Roy a Ann Peal - Frank a Margaret Majek - - - 5.00 Wilbert a Daisy Hermis - - - 2.50 Frank a Adela SijanskY .- - - - 5.00 Wm. a Annie Spencer - - - 5.00 Wm. Jr. Filip Heidi Spencer - - 5.00 Frank C. a Annie Sack - - - 2.50 Month and Mildred Foster - 2.50 Adolf a Martha Sassin - - - 2.00 Josephina Malik z Dallas - - - 5.00 Dolfie Stranska z Taylor - - - 5.00 rSem temto darctun bylo vysloveno bratrem starostou vrele podekovani. Po vyrizeni viech spolkovYch zaleZitosti schtize byla odroeena ye 4:30 za zpevu "Leti Sokol Pekny Ptak", as do priSti schtize, ktera bude druhou nedeli v breznu ye 3 hodiny odpoledne po schtizi SPJST. Nazdar John Staia jednatel SPJST--

MASOPITST VE STARE VLASTI Masopust, masopust, jen me holka neopust . . . (Z eech) Zhusta, chlapci, zhusta, konec masopusta. Uz ty divky lain, Ze sa nevydajti.

Ve stredu dne 10. brezna 1965 Zhusta, chlapci, zhusta, konec masopusta, uz ti chlapci zeta, Ze se neoletia. (Ze slovacka) Viichni svati tancovali, mezi nima Pambu, svatej Petr vyskakoval, aZ se chytal tramu. (z tech) Kdo hodne tancuje, muzice plati, PPij mou ho do nebe andele svati. (Z Taborska) Faianku, faianku, uz je to narnale jako tej rosieky na zelenej trave. (Z Moravy) Jeanne, domine, masopust ponaine, jemine, domine, masopust je prye! Masopust prestane, rUZenec nastane. jemine, domine, masopust je prye. (Z Po'Sumavi) Masopustni veseli vrcholivalo v poslednich trech dnech pied velkYm piistern, o ostatcich. Mladi a staid se veselili, jedli se smaZene koblihy, pila rosolka a zpivali masopustni pisne: Masopust drZime, nic se nevadime, pospolu: prod' bychom se laddali, kdyZ' jsme se tak shledali poznovu? V dobre jsme se seili, rad! jsme se naili pospolu: drive neZ se rozejdem, je gte sobe pripijem poznovu. (7, Plzenska) Proepak Pan Ruh stary panny trestce, ze je Zadnej milovati nechce? Proepak Pen Buh stary panny nema rad? Tem Tilla dej m de, mute, tem starejm nemtiZe: Proepak Pen Bah stary panny nema rad? (Z Kla tovska) O ostatcich taneili take staid, midde2 se jim posmivala: Sla by baba k muzice, nema kaska zubu, ratla by se rehtala, musi dfZet hubu. (Z jinni Moravy)

Ve stiedu dne 10. bfezna 1965 Delala se, 2e je mlada, do pill hlavy vlasu nema, v hube nema net zub jeden, ten se hejba, babo, lez yen.. (Z Lech) Dete, baby, Me laet, u2 je hodin devet, aby vy ste nedelaly na ty mlady kievet. (Z ji2nich 6ech) -SPJST--


radii, schuz°e


Podzimni schfize pateho okrsku Podzimni schtze pateho okrsku se bude konati dne 17. rijna t. r. Ma-1i kterYkoliv rad zajem bYti hostem teto schtze ma dati vedet kteremukoliv okrskovemu atednikovi. F. A. Kadleeek, taj. 4


JARNf OKRSKOVE SCHUZE Jarni schtize prvniho okrsku se bude konati na Kovar u tadu d. 38 a to 2. kvetna 1965.

Jarni schtze ttetilao okrsku se bude konati dne 14. bkezna 1965 u tadu e. 154 v Sokolovni ye Fort Worth. • • Jarni schtize V. okrsku se bude konati dne 28. btezna 1965 u radu 6. 88, 1435 Bean Street v Houston& Zaeatek schtze 10 hodin rano. • Jarni schtze sedmeho okrsku se bude konati dne 25. dubna 1965 u tadu 117 v Robstown v Community Hall. -SPJST-

NHS ZALOV AMENIMENINIMMENSEks. RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI My, ni2e podepsanY resoluoni vYbor, prejeme si vysloviti, za celY rad cis. 167 srdeenou soustrast' pozustale rodine nad ztratou sve drahe man'Zelky, dobre matky, stakenky a naSi mile spolusestry Mary StuehlSr, 70 let stard, ktera zemtela 18. anora pri Hubbard ve svem domove. Byla pochovand v sobotu z katolickeho kostela v Penelope za slu'Zeb vlp. Bohumila Hrubeho na hititov sv. Josefa za velke aeasti rodiny a pratel. Zemrela zanechava bolem zdrceneho man2e1a, Edvarda a dy e dcery Dorothy Firagek a Thelma Trojan; 6 synti, Jesse, Woodrow, Alton, Edwin, Billy a



Jim StuchlY, 17 vnoueat a jedno pravnouee, jednu sestru pi. Willie Duge, a jednoho bratra Emory Krupa. Zemrela byla, mile a vesele povahy, proto na„S rad v ni ztraci dobrou spolusestru. Milk spolubratre a cela pozastala rodino, vime, 2e tRce nesete ztratu sve drahe, necht' Vas Rah potek ye va§ern velkem za.rmutku a zemrela necht' odpoeiva v pokoji. Ernest Barton Dan Janek Charles Bartosh Resolueni vYbor -SPJST-

Kulturni pHnos Kapela, J. Vejvody °pet ye Vidni Ano, znamy hudebni soubor za, CIzeni skladatele tak rozeirene polky "Skoda lasky" zajel do Vidne, aby naeim krajanum na tradienim plese Sokola Videri X. v sokolovne zahral Ceske, mora yske a slovenske pisnieky. Ples "desitky" se konal v sobotu dne 6. anora 1965 a proto dechovka i cl2ezova„ skupina hudebniho souboru vyjela autobusem z Prahy u2 velmi brzy zrana. Nejelo se tentokrat jako vkly pies Hate, nYbit" pies hranieni prechod Velenice. I zde kapela jako vicly nairn i rakouskYm zahrala nekolik pisnieek, cot bylo vdeene prijato. Presto, 2e zacatek podniku byl stanoven na 20. hodinu, prvni navaevnici obsazovali stoly ji g o paldruhe hodiny drive. Ples zahajil starosta X. jedn noty bratr Milaeek, privitanim hostil z rodne vlasti, pracovnika, vyslanectvi a v gech ostatnich hostfi. Celt' podnik- mel velmi pekny a zdafilY prabeh, ze ktereho se radovali jak poradatele, tak i veichni na taneenim parketu, i ti, kteri vysedavali u stolu. NejlepS'im dokladem je skuteenost, 2e prevakia vet gina yydr2ela pri polce, pochodu, valeiku i moderni hudbe do easnYch rannich hodin. Obetavi neve jednoty se poradne zapotili u ten a nokladny a zeimena v bufetu, kde men pine ruce prace, aby uspokojili v"Sechny Eznivce a hladovejici. V nedeli odpoledne vyhravala petielenna skupina souboru na detskem maSkarnim plese, kde se to hemCilo velmi napaditYmi maskami. Prini si na sve i maminky a tatove, obzvlagt' pri volenct, pri ktere si se svou drobotinou museli sami zataneit.

S Ceskou komorni hudbou po SpojenYch statech Od zaeatku unora je na umeleckem zajezdu v Kanade a SpojenYch statech americkych Pra'2sky komorni orchestr bez dirigenta. 172 prvni koncerty v Kanade se setkaly s velkYm Uspechem u posluchada. Po koncertu, kterY se konal v hlavnim kulturnim stredisku francouzske easti Kanady, Montrealu, napsal easopis "Montreal Star": "Ti, kdo nebyli v Palace des Arts, prome§kali neobvyklY hudebni za2itek. PralskY kornorni orchestr je skuteene nejkavlitnejSi hudebni tees° na svete". A podobne vyslovil svou pochvalu i easopis "La Presse": "Mozart by byl §t'asten, kdyby slysel zahrat svou Malou nani hudbu tak, jak ji lard]. PraZskY- komorni orchestr. JiZ' nas neptekvapuje, 2e Praha byla mestem, ktere nejvic milovalo Mozarta a bezpochyby i mestem, ktere Mozart nejvice miloyal." PraLkST komorni orchestr si budou moci poslechnout i krajane ye SpojenYch statech a dalSi krajane v Kanade. SPJST-

Praha. V prosinci roku 1834, pied 130 lety v praCskem Stavoyskem divadie, pri premiere hry J. K. Tyla Fidlovadka, zpival barytonista Karel Strakaty poprve pisen "Kde domov mar, ktera je dnes na g. statni hymnou. Hudbu k ni slozil hudebni skladatel Franti‘Sek 8kroup, narozenY 1801 v 0sicich na Kralovehradecku. F. 8kroup, kterY studoval na hradeckem gymnasiu, se pozdeji yenoval vYhradne hudbe a stal se kapelnikem ye Stavoyskem divadle v Praze. Slo2i1 i hudbu k prvni Ceske opete Dratenik. Na sklonku vota byl dirigentem statni opery v Rotterdamu, kde take zemtel a je i pochovan. V jeho rodieti, v Osicich, stoji od minuleho eervna mramorovS7 pomnik, vytvotenST MyslbekovY.m 2akem, ak. sochatem Ladislavem Kofrankem. Byl puvodne ureen pro Holandsko, kam mel bYt v roce 1938 dopraven a postaven na 8kropove hrobe v Rotterdamu. Mir& ptekazily mezinarodni uddlosti to doby a pomnik pteokal druhou svetoyou valku i dobu okupace zakopan v zemi ye Sluknove. Po osvobozeni byl vykopan a ptevezen do Prahy a letos do rodne obce skladatele, kde nyni stoji na stare ekoly, kde se Frantgek Skroup narodil. *

Praha. Svaz Cs. spisovatela vzpomer.ul 9. ledna t. r. nedoMe 75. narozeniny Karla (apka. Delegace Svazu Cs.

Ve stredu dne 10. bkezna, 1965


6 spisovateln polotila venec na spisovateltiv hrob na VySehradskem larbitove. V rodiati Karla 6apka v MalYch Svatoriovicich u Upice byl slavnostni veCer s ukazkami spisovatelovy tvorby. DomaZlice. Mesta ma letos oslavit sve 700. vYroei. Ale Domatlicim jako obci se priblituje vYroei mnohem valenejSi, a to tisicilete trvani. Jde jen o to, aby historici vypatrali, pripada-li vzac-ne jubileum na rok 1966 nebo 1967. Jindrichtv Hradec. V mestskem ar-' chivu je ulokno 14 eisel snad prvnich eeskYch novin z 15. stoleti. To pan Jindrich z Hradce, zastavajici zemske idady za vlady Vladislava Jagellonskeho, aby veal, jak jednat v otazkach mezinarodni politiky, daval si posilat zpravy z celeho tehdejSiho sveta. V Jindrichove Hradci byla take jedna z nejslavnejaich tiskaren, v nit byl zamestnan od roku 1827 i V. B. Kramerius, syn slavneho novInare a nakladatele z Ceske expedice. Polieka. Mesto oslavi 700 let vyroei sveho zaloteni. Tehdy pied sedmi sty lety dal CeskY kral Otakar IL prikaz lokatoru Konradu z Limberka k vybudovani mesta v -mistech "Na poliekach" v blizkosti starodavne zemske stezky, spojujici Prahu s Brnem, pojmenovane pozdeji Trstenickou stezkou. Mezi nejslavnej gi rodaky patri skladatel B. Martinti, kterY se narodil ye svetniece na yeti kostela. Jeho nedaitYch 75. narozenin Polieka take letos vzpomina. e

Ceske Budejovice. Mesta oslavi letos 700 let vYroei sveho zaloteni. Loni bylo upraveno moderni sidliSte na Lidickem predmesti, zaeolo se s vYstavbou dalSi moderni etvrti u Modre Ilvezdy a obnoveno bylo historicke namesti a prilehie ulice. HorSi uZ to je s npravou vozovek, ktere jsou tamer stale rozkopany. Je z toho hodne blata a Bost zlosti. e

Olomouc. Do nedavna men odborriici za to, to mladieky eeskY kral Vaclav III. byl zavratden 4. srpna 1306 v rezidenci kapitulinho dekana v Olomouci. Podle nejnovejSiho badani byl posledni Pfemyslovec zavraZden nekde v romanskem Premyslovskern palaci, ktery byl prohla ten za narocini kulturni pamatku. I kdyt jeho vzhled byl presto:N/1)am' narug'en, zachovala se v obytnem pr y -nimposchdruZena,oksbhatou ornamentalni easti. Podle noveho soupisu je v olomouckem historickem dru, ktere se rozklada na sto ha, 224

kulturnich, pamatek, z nicht 57 ma mimoradnou historickou, umeleckou a architektonickou hodnotu. Cheb. V letoSnim roce skonei rekonstrukce historicke easti mesta. V minulYcit letech bylo opraveno a nenovovano 230 objektt, mezi nimi proslulY 8palieek a MestskY dvtir. Letos k nim prtude jeZte areal frantikanskeho klagtera se vzacnou gotickou kritovou chodbou a baroknim kostelem. Rozsa,hlou rekonstrukci mesta uzavre obnova chebskeho hradu, zejmena jeho kaple. Sobeslav . Podobne jako italska Pisa, ma i jihoceska Sobeslav naklonenou vet. Jeji kostelni vet z konce 15. stoleti je 78 metro vysoka a k jejimu nakloneni dodo pravdepodobne pri silnem zemetreseni v zaki 1590.

--SPJbT-Jak povstalo jmeno nagi nova vlasti

Oznaeeni "Spojene staty" bylo oficialne prijato roku 1776, v dot* kdy arnericke kolonie bojovaly o svou samostatnost. Pied vypuknutim revolueni valky v dubnu 1775 byla katcla kolonie spravni jednotkou pod britskou viadou; lined po zapneeti valky poeali vaak amerieti vlastenci mluviti o "spojenYch koloniich". Kdyt se vtidci techto kolonii seali na Filadelfii, ktera se stala sidlem Ustreddruhem kontinentalnim kongrese ve ni vlady trinacti kolonii, prijali 7. eer y -na175resoluci,jtznaeovlikne za spojene, a v nit prohla§ovali, kolonie jsou, a po pravu mail 'bYti svobodnYmi a nezavislymi staty". Pri naboru do nova armady oznaeoval kontinentalni kongres nova se rodici narad jakotto "United Colonies of America" nebo "United Colonies of North America". Jit v prvnim roce revoluce mluvilo se vgak oast() o "Spojenych statech" nebo o "SpojenYch statech americkYch". Poeatkem roku 1776 psal mut, skrYvajici se pod pseudonymem Candidus, toto: "Americke staty nejsou ani provincii, ani kolonii, ani detmi Velke Britanie." liTredne util oznaeeni "the United States of America" poprve Toma,S" Jefferson, a to 4. eervence 1776 v Prohla geni nezavislmti. V tomto dokumentu prohlaSuje kongres "the United States of America" za, svobodnou zemi, neodvislou od Velke Britanie. 9. zari 1776 schvalil kontinentalni kongres oficialne pojmenovani "Spojene staty" misto "Spojene kolonie". Z kongresni resoluce se doeitame, ze ye

vSech arednich pripadech, v nich'2 bylo at do to doby uZivano oznaeeni "United Colonies", ma bYti zneni pozrneneno na "United States". V prvnich letech po vybojovani samostatnosti objevuje se east° oznaeeni "United States of North America", ktere bylo site presnejai, ale nikdy se neujalo. oasteji mluvi se dnes o "Spojenych statech americkYch", "Spojenych statech", "Americe" a v tine i proste o "the States" nebo "USA

—Americka rada —SPJ ViCZNAM 14. UNORA 1965

Prvni stoleti sokolske vYchovy pro telesnou zdatnost, sebekazeri, moralni a duchovni zdravy vYvoj v Americe ukonei. 14. imor 1965. Je spravne utivat slova "ukonei."? Je to opravdu sotva prihodny vYraz pro stalY vyvoj Mveho hnuti, ktere v jeden den vykroei z jednoho stoleti sve einnosti a v pine sile vkroei do stoleti druheho. Povatujme tento akt radeji za kratkY oddech — nebo jen za presta yku nekolika hodin vzpominani i kdyz by nejen tYdny, ale cele mesice mohly bYt venovany thodnocovani a nalyse Vgeho, co nam uplynule stoleti nrinesla a k rozhodovani, jak bychom meli pokraeovat v budoucnosti. teastnici slavnosti, spojenYch s dnem vydani riokolske pogtovni znamky v pametihodnYch dnech 13. 14. a 15. imora, 1965 v sidelnim meste SpojenYch state Washington, D. C. budou inspirovani pro cella lesitileti. Vime, neni rno2ne, aby kahly se jich fleastnil. Ale katdennt z nas mel by bYt tento tYden zdrojem duchovni renaisance. I kdyt tak mnozi z nas budou ye svYch clomovech, rortrou genYch po celem svete, nage srdce — nate vzpominky mely by zaletet do St. Louis ye state Missouri, kde byla pied sto leety — 14. 0nora roku 1865 zalotena prvni sokolska, jednota na pilde SpojenYch state americkYch. V gichni budeme vAak jiste myslet s obdivem na naSe predchfidce, stateene prtikopniky, kteri svyrni dalekosahlYmi dirsledky nenajde v historii sobe rovneho. Z takovYch einti je tvoiena historie narodft. A jaka to byla historic. tvofena, v uplynulem stoleti s:Dkoisi, ebo tivota skupinon mu.%171 velk. 1211. diichem. ktefi ye rye uro7iravosti yystihli dfdeNtost a prfaboinost idei sokolske vYchovy pro rkhovu naroda a vytvorili z ni krasnou skuteenost. Pet slov "Ve zdravem tele — zdravy duch" stale se pochodni ide-

Ve stkedu dne 10. bkezna 1965 alit pokroku v tehdejSi divoeine 2ivota. Sokolske mySlenk3r obohatily 2ivot tisien a daly hlubokS7 smys1 jejich ceste 2ivotem. Ve vzporninani jako v kaleidoskopu vidime-kolik cest bylo vykonano, kolik jednotlivcir se v sokolske praci vysttidalo, jak vysokS7ch met bylo dostikno na ka2clem poli sokolskVch snah, protok celo2ivotni sokolska vSichova byla uznava,na, za zaklad rispechu ve vYchove zdatneho jednotlivce i celeho naroda. Pfipominame si, 2e zlatST vek starch Reid' — stale obdivovanST i kdy nas od neho deli dva a pill tisice rokil — prokazal vzdor stinUm pochyb svou doposud neptedstiknou hodnotu v polokni dirrazu na harmonickou vS7chovu -Lela a ducha. Cii jejich snah byl tak podivuhodne jednoduchS7 "Kade dite a ka2dV obean musi se vyvinout v kaZdem sineru az k vrcholu dokonalosti". Tedy ne jenom nekolik jednotlivcti, nebo jen ureite skupiny naroda, ale kaZdS7 a ka2da. Kdy2 kekove na tuto jednoduchou forrnuli k udr2eni veeneho 2ivota zaporneli, jejich narod set Po ceste k zaniku. Od to doby uplynulo vice jak dva tisice let — a co nejhor gho — take mnoha leta materialistiekeho zpusobu 2ivota. A pak svetlo ptikladu pokroku civilisace osvitilo znovu ducha lidstva, 2e od to doby je na stalem postupu k pinemu rozvoji. Ale v gnmeme si, 2e ani pokrok nebyl trvalSr na 'giroke fronte, projevoval se jen obeasnSimi vStuchy, po kterVch nasledovala nova zastaveni. Ostrovy odporu a pevnosti neporozumeni a pkedsudkil bylo tfeba stale pkekonavat. Tfebak Uspechy, ktere postu civilisace pkines1 jsou velke, v nekterStch oclvetvich lidskSich snah temer nebyla zde sjednocujici sila — americka, Roberst Rules — zlata, pravidla vefejneho 2ivota, ktera by z chaosu vytvotila potadek. en neekolik otevtenVch hlav schopnVch vAeobecneho "irokeho rozhledu pochopilo nesmirnou dfile2itost polokni pevriSrch zakladfr pro dosa2eni a zaji§teni rispechu civilisace v minulosti. jmena jako KornenskV, Rous seau, Pestalozzi, Voltaire, Jahn a naSj. Frigner a Tyr byli prisluAniky teto velke skupiny duchovnich velikant. Oni nam ukazali cestu. 14. imora, 1965 my Sokolove v Americe oslavujeme stoleti pr-ace no, ceste ,po ktere jsme nasledovali jejich vzne S s enkch idealfr. A je'Ste jedno si ptipomerime! SokoHim se dobte dafilo v demokracii. Byli obavani a prondsledovani v kadem

VESTNtK obdobi diktatorskVch re2imfr. Amerieti Sokolove pevne stoji za demokracii sve zeme. Dobte znaji pravS7 smysl slavne° ho vVroku Presidenta John F. Kennedyho "Neptej se, co Tvoje vlast ueini pro Tebe, ale co Ty mutes vykonat pro svou vlast" a kidili se jejim duchem po cele uplynule stoleti sveho 2ivota, kdy je vedl sokolskV pfikaz stejneho vVznamu "Jednotlivec nic celek vAe". Nazdar! (Ueske Slovo, Mnichov) IINDRICH IMON BAAR

Jan Cimbura. JIHOOESKA IDYLA Pokraeovani I o hromnicich letos, jako ka2doroone, veSel sem Cimbura tfast stromy. Ohromnou silou svou alespori malieko pohnul i nejvefSim Atepem. "Ttesu, ttesu," eeptal ph torn, "poli, lesu, jaro nesu, stromove probud'te se." — Jak vidi, v'Sechny poslechly, jen aen Vaeiekriv strom spi dal a neprobouzi se, jako by u2 po svatem Josefu nebylo. "OfiSku, prosim te, propud' se," prosi Cimbura strom a v srdci je mu ph torn rizko — pkedtucha zla se ho zmocnila. Boji se ji nahlas vyslovit. "Umfeumte mi i Venoug," napada Cimburu a saha, do kapsy pro ni12. Otejej prudce, a2 pero lusklo, sklonil vetvieku a ufizl ji Apioku. "Sucha," bolestne kekl, pustil ji na zem a utizi dal kousek a2 ke kolinku. Pozorne ten prohlidl a zase na zem pustil. Tak vetev po vetvi prohlzel, all z to prace vyru:Sil ho detskST hlasek: "Tatinku, nekdo k nam pfijel." To Venclioek ptieel sem za otcem na sad — all sem ke svemu oti gku ptibehl a litostive se nari zadival. oerstve rany belaly se v korune a po zemi le2elo pino sefazen3ich vetvidek. "Copak to Mate memu stromeeku?" vyeital hoeik. Cimbura — misto odpovedi — zchvatil sveho chlapce ye svou narue, jako by se o neho bal. "Povez, kdo k nam pkijel?" optal se pak, nasilne potlaeiv svoje pohnuti. "Nevim, neni to 2adnSr ze str3eku ani tet, neni to 2admy z naS'ich kmotri), ba ani 2adnV sedlak to neni — pan s pani k nam prijeli. Nikdy u nas jefte nebyli a my u nich take ne. Neznam je a oni neznaji nas, protok se ptali: `Zilstava to a je domo Jan Cimbura?' "Tak pojd', chlapee, ptivitame ho-

'1 sty," klidne fekl otec, zavtel MA a hocha ujal za ruku. Vedl ho ne2ne pies dvnr, v sini ho poslal k ostatnim do kuchyne. Sam veSel do velke svetnice. "Podivej se mu2l, joke to mame hosty. Cela Putim bude nam je zavidet," prumluvila s nadechem hrdosti Marjanka. U stolu bile prostkeneho skuteene sedeli pan a pani, eerstve naeatV bochnik chleba le2e1 pled nimi — i skrojek chlebovS7 f i nut i slanka. "Kdo je to pani, kdo je ten pan a co je vede k nam?" pfemita hospodat, ale slovem zvedavosti sve nepovolil. Pana nekde viodel, ale v to chvili si nemohl vzpomenouti, kde. "Vitam vas pod na g stfechu," hned promluvil klidne a srdeene. Za stolem zvedl se pan, usmal se vlidne: "Nehnevejte se, pane Cimburo,ze jsme k vam pfijeli. kekl jsem 112 vasi pani, ze jsme stall znami — na schtzi v Pisku, ze _." Oei Cimburovi se zaleskly a va2na se rozjasnila; nebot' v to chvili v dusi mu vstala zapomenuta, u2 podoba — poznal knikte. Usmal se a tekl jako tenkrat v Pisku: "Chyba, pane knik, ja nejsem pan a nemam pani — sedlak jsem a tuhle moje verna a hodna 'Zeno, Marjanka," a tak mile se na, ni pt1 torn podival, 2e i same kne2ne tvati pfeletel fismev. Jako rule zapalila se rumencem po licich i bilem hrdle Marjanka, klopic zraky; i ona skromne promluvila: "Ani ja nejsem pani a nernam pana — selka jsem a to je rrtnj vernST' a hodnSr mull Jan." "Dobre, sousede Cimburo," pokraeoval kni2e, "mnoho jsme s kne2nou o vas slylleli, nejen o vasi sile, ale tell o vaSi pili, moudrosti a bystrosti — tak rnnoho, 2e jsme si ptali blik vas poznat." "Abych pravdu mluvil, pane knik, i mne se tak vedlo. Kdy2 jsem vas v Pisku videl a slygel, zdal jste se mi menS'im panem, skromnejMm a mirnefSim, net delaji ti vasi direktoki, spravcove, ba i net knikci hajni, baetSrti a poklasni." "Tak si dobte rozumime. Nechme to sedet stolu 2eny a prosim vas, proved'te mne po svem bospodafstvi," PoZiadal knik a Cimbura ochotne vy° hovel. Vedi bo nejdrive k drobnemu dobytku, k dfevenrm chlivkfun pro vepte a ke kurnikarn. "Cimburo, nehnevejte se," zastavil se kni2e, "ale chlivky mate gpatne. Nemaji Wit dfevene, ale zdene, maji bit k severu o-

8 bracene, podlahu maji mit naklonenou a koryta zvenei pkistupnd. To by yam povedela Skola." "MilZe bit, pane kniZe," prisvedeil Cimbura; nebot' hostu se nesmi odmlouvat. Otevkel dviika. Laela za nimi prasnice obklopena hnizdem selat. "Jak jsou stars?" optal se host. "Hadejte," fekl Cimbura. "Otyki nedele." "Chyba! Teprve etrnact dni." "Dobrk chov to dela," pochvalil ho4 kniZe, "ale plemeno je dpatne. Main knaerka pkimo z Anglie, budete-li chtit rozkaZu, ptijeim y am ho —" "Cizi plemeno nam sedlakiim nesvedei," inepkimo odmital Cimbura. "Neuinime s nim zachazet, hyne u nas a 'dkodu jen pkinadi. Zilstanu veren domacimu." Ani kniZe neodporoval. Vsiml si slepic na dvoke a zastavil se u nich. Kohout, jako by se pygnil, 2e na nem spoeinuly kniZeci eel, a zaroveri jako by se bal o svou druZinu, nadmul se a hluene zakokrhal. "Ma peknk hlas i postavu. Smelt' je a dobre 'Zivenk. Jehie ma mnoho siepic ma, mit hejno asi o deseti kusech. Lip potom slepice nesou. I jine slipky bych si zavedl, bud' velke koeinky, nebo francouzske houdanky, nebo eerne vladky Skola by yam v tom poradila." Dog li k oveinu. Vane mastne viny zavanula a Cimbura libostne ssdl ji nozdrami, jako by k ruai ptivonel. Kni 2e pan pkidrZel si navonenk gatek k nosu pro prvni chvili ne2 si nos uvykl. I v oeich slzieky se mu zaperlily, kdy hospodar diroke dveke dokoran oteviel, tak ho dtipal do nich ostrY vkpar ovei. Sta do prave po jarnim bahneni -dosud plache a nepokojne, vyrudeno v nezvyklou dobu, bazlive se tlaeilo do nejzazd'iho kouta, jehriata, bahnice i skopci — pouze stark beran kura2ne stal pod olizankm krudcem e'erne soli, je2 tu na ketezu se stropu visel, stanul pod nim, jako by chtel branit tuto pochoutku ovci. Cimbura chystal se vejit a zahnat stado knikti bli2 na oei. "Neni tkeba" branil mu host, "vidim-li berana, vidim v nem cele stado vede. Ma pekne rohy — hezky g roubovite zatoeene a vraskovite, ale sam valne ceny nema." "Co je na nem Spatneho?" beze hokkosti optal se Cimbura. "Mnoho vad ma, milk Cimburo,


Ve stkedu dne 10. bkezna 1965

predne je to beran stareho selskeho Zenkch kalhot do prate? Dovedeme rdzu eeskeho." vinu nejen rozeesat, ale i uptist, a "Myslim, Ze je jeho, pkednosti." ma-li bkti roucho pro svatek ozdoi"Naopak, vadou je to jeho i oveeek., bnej0, i obarvit a tkadlec 2enskkin MilZeme a mame bkti vlastenci v po- sukni kanafasek a nam mu2skkm sulitice, ale v hospoodakstvi bekme tke- kna barevneho nebo derky. nadeld. Z ba od maji-li nee° lepdiho. viny nosi teple houne moje kone, ye Stara ovce eeska mala — lehka pro vinenkch puneoehach po celou zimu air, ma malo viny a jests' k tomu dpa- vSichni si hovime. I pro naheho tne. Povezte mi, kolik va,21 po stkihu braka viny u nas se dostane i synum a deeki do vkbavy 'Zeno, roucha rouno jedne ovce prane a kolik nez viny uklada." prane?" "Dvakrat v rose plavirn a stkiham KniZe se zastavil a pozorne naslousvoje ovce, ale nikdy po striai jsem chal.. "Nu dobre," kekl, kdy2 Cimbura jejich rouna neva2il." se odmidel, "oblekat se — ano — to "Tuze chybujete. Rouno vadich levas obleka hospodakstvi; ale vdecko, vel se zda bkti vetgi nezli ovci myth, co k 2ivobyti pottebujete, sam Si. preprotae je pine osin a vlasin, chunde- -ce na statku. neopatkite." late, pomerne tidke, hrube a mdle. "Ne vAecko, . ale skoro vdecko. Jim Zrnaeknete-li je v ruce, v chumlu varn nejradeji to, co mi 2ivnost poskytuje. zustane. Vlna na myth ovedkach je Od sveho alai° veku, vyjimaje leta nand, leskla, zda se kratka, protoae vojenska, snidam mleko a chlelo si do je vyrovnana a kaderava, ale je pruneho drobim — chleb Cerny, chutnk a 2nd a proto dobte Cesana. — Zmaeknevonnk, jako je eerna a vonna zeme, te-li ji v ruce, lehce se podda, ale jak ze ktere ho dobkvam. V cele Putimi ruku otevfete, hned zase jako jemne neni reznika, maso nekupujeme a neperi se nakypki. Husta je a na vajime jindy, na o pamatkach, kdy i ze proto yyda. Zbavte se sve staropiva se napiji. Vejce, kroupy a krupiCeske ovce tenkoroune a zaved'te si ce, hrach a doeka, proso a mak, ze zenovk raz eistokrevne, bud' saskou alenin mrkev, okrouhlice a zeli, tvaroh nebo rakouskou merinku. Ta vam a maslo a pak pdeniena i jeena, mouvinu jemnou a pH taom pevnou; je ka, to nas na selskem stole Zivi. Zato v prodeji hiedand Irina soukenicka, cheei-li se lahildky, mame derstvou ktera vkborne jde na odbyt a dobie se anebo suSenou 'dvestku, hru gku, ateplati." pne jablko anebo tea kfiZ'alu jedinkm kokenim je sill a co roste v za"Jaidiv jsem vinu neprodal. I kdy petrZel a kien, cibule a Cehradce ovci prodam, kizsi si vyrninim." snek s majorankou." "A co s vinou s tolika ovci Mate?" "Nekoukite?" "Sebe i 2enu, deti i chasu svoji vinou v zime a inem v lets odivam." "Ano; podlehl jsem to slabosti u2 v "Nerozumim yam vylate mi to." mUskkeh letech.. Koukivarn v senoseei za jasnkch jiter, koukivam po ce"To je tak," poeal ze Airoka po sellk rok po praci, jen ve anich dkmku skein zpilsobu svem dilkladne a podrobrie vykiadat. "Zeme rids nejen no- odkladam, tak jako vd'ichni ye vsi; si, ale i 2ivi a 'dati, milujeme-li ji ne ale i tabak dala by moje zerne, kdyby pani dovolili. Z vojny z Uher pHslovem, ale skutkem — to jest praci. Proto s velikou zalibou pestuji a cho- nesl jsem' si tabakova seminka. Po vain vgecko, co me na vlastni nohy nkolika letech jsem je nadel v papirstavi, co me eini nezavislkm, svobod- ku a zasil jsem je v Hradi gti u Kovandu do zahradky a hie, vyrostl tabacek nkm elovekem. Tak, kekneme, tfeba seju len. Vytrhame jej, vyrosim a a po pas byl vysokk. Z Pisku pkidel eetnik s financem, pokutou nine i sevydrhnu, uschnout jej dam a vyklapu, vypoeisam a upi'edu. Semfieko dlakovi hrozili, tabak as na stonlnene dobke opatkim a v zime olej z ky pfekezali a odnesli do Pisku. Tak neho tlaeit dovedu, tale mi stael do je to, pane kni2e," koneil Cirnbura, lampieek po cele veeery na sviceni k "sedlak muse a proto take ma ze svepraci, ye svetnici i thieve. A ze pka- ho alt a dolzke alt. Zeme Akira matdkfnek tkadlec mi vyrobi platno, 2ena ka 2ivitelka naSe, z ni jsme stvoteni — je vybili a potom chodime v platen- po ni chodime, do ni se vratime. Je kach po cele leto. Po lets pkijde zima to matka milujici — zla na zle pfia tu bychom pomrzli, kdyby nebylo sna, na nedbale, ale ke ithem vadycky spravedliva. Miluj ji, vzdelavej ji, zlateho zvikatka, oveeky. Z eeho bychom si nadelali koaichu, nagili ko- starej se o ni a ona ti da jiste po-

Ve stiedu dne 10. biezna 1965 Zehnanou arodu; zanedbavej ji a ona to vytresta, tak, se hladena zmirat budeS. Praci a potem ukazuje ji sedlak svou lasku, ale zahalkou svou Anou neteenost a lehkomyslnost, lhostejnost. NaSemu sousedu Klaskovi srdce odpadlo od teto matky a piihullo k flinte, pytlactvi, honil maso a chleb mu utekl, naeichl se chlastu, piivykl kartam a mestu; zeme ho vytrestala, statek ho neuZivil, musil se Zivnosti, na ktere sedel jeho rod Bah vi jak dlouho lenochenavyhynul," to us Cimbura mluvil jako by to kniZete nebylo, sanl pro sebe mluDomluvil vil v horoucirn nadSeni. a ticho zavladlo. "KokyryhyYYY,' ozval se vtom kohout a probudil oba, kniZete i Cimburu. "Pravdu mate, mnoho pravdy, pekne jste to vyjadfil ze sveho ma Zit olovek, ale piece nebYt lakomcem, kaZdemn dat a co mane, jen nejmane chtit — na tech zasaclach Zivot zaloZit; i tomu by ta kola rolnicka mela Olt," kekl kniZe. "Ano, a hlavne tomu," potvrdil Cimbura — "a pak teprve o strojich a praSkach, o semenech a plemenech vykladat." DoSli ke kravinu. Jak vstoupili, hned se zvedaly po stanich spokojene le kravy, zdrave se protahujice. Byly to plave kravky jihieeske, drobne, tak zvane "suSly Ceske". "Vide]. jste, Cimburo, moje stado. skotu?" optal se knik. "Vial a obdivoval. Nieim nemohu docilit, aby mtlj dobytek tak urostl jako knizeci, aekoliv miluji vSecko y elike a dokonale." "Zde to tedy vidite nazorne, co dela plemeno a chov. Kupuji bYeky ze S .%/Year a tieba tri, etyii sta darn za jednoho. — Take kravin mate Apathy. Okenka jsou maid a nizko — 1 strop je nizkST . a vetrani pracuje nedokonale. 'Zlaby dievene vyhod'te a nahrad'te kamennYmi jesle zrugte, anebo nad same 21aby zaveste z yla'Ste telattiim, aby nemusila hlavy k senu do vY*Se natahovat. Prach do oei jim pada, v kfili se prohnou a na krase trail." "VSecko Pravda pravdouci," souhlasil Cimbura a z kravina hned oteviel dveie do konirny. "Kobyly nejsou doma; — ale hiibata y am uka,2i," radostne — skoro hrde promluvil hospodai, piedbihaje S'lechtice. Nechal si schvalne to nejlepS1 naposled. "SlyS'el jsem, se Marengo byl od vas,"


polichotil sedlakovi knik. Cimbura se zastavil a hostu cestu zastoupil. "Pane kniZe jak co jste fekl? Vy vite o Beldekovi? Povezte, prosirn vas, kde je to drahe zyike?" Prekvapene hedel host na Cirnburu. Ten zrovna hare' nedoekavou zvedavosti, a jako by to nebyl on netrpelive s nohy na nohu prestupoval — vkho klidu a rozvakie usedlosti pozbyl a rozeilene mluvil. "Kdekdo j en by o nem vedeti mohl, kakleho se ta ptam, vojakti se vyptavam, do 8tekne do dvora jsem si zakl, ale kniZe na ranu stonal, v laznich se kdesi hojil ani sem neprijel. Slibili mi sine, ze se poptaji, slibili, ale nespinili. Panske sliby!" — ma y ]. Cimbura pin trpke hoikosti rukou. "Tak jste na toho hiebeeka dosud nezapcmmel?" usmal se knik. "Jak bych mohl! Kdo to zviie v ruce mel, musil si je zamilovat!" "A poznal byste ho?" "Myslim, se bych ho poznal. Mel na hibete zrovna pod sedlem ani ne jako dlan velikou skvrnu a na krku pod hfivou bulku— malou bulku — jako yla gsky ofech. Vite snad nem?" "Nevim, sousede Cimburo, ale optam se kniZete. Slibuji y am to ze i panske sliby plati." "Prosirn, tuze o to prosim," Zadonil Cimbura — ale oei knikte ua byly zahra,zenem stani, pies ktere zveclay e vykukovaly koriske hlavy. "Poekejte, pustim y am je," Cil Cimbura. Oteviel dveie z konirny na dvar a odSoupl Hsu. htibeciho stani. Konici vesele, jako by se zasmali, zakehtali a jako g ipky y yleteli na svobodu. I kniZe celY jako by okial. Bylo videt, na oeich mu to kaZdY eisti mohl, se se mu hilbata libi. "Kollar. je," — uhodl hned Cimbura a jakYsi pfibuzenskY cit ho s kniZetem v to chvili sblilil. Oknem hledela kneZna — a hle i ona ted' ze staveni yychazi a jenom pro kone ma oei. "Kilri je mezi zviiaty maj milaeek," omlouva, se chvatne hospodyni, ktera j i provazi, a uZ piistupuje k mulam. "Na podiv krasna zviiata," znalecky velebi kniZe, "eisteho razu netolickeho, silna, v kfili, svalnata, s hrudi 'Airokou. " "A jake krky mail a hlavy," nemohla se opanovat kneZna dale — "neni tako“Th v nakm hfibetinci." "Opravdu neni," phsvedeil knik,

9 "a nevim, kde by jich bylo." Hlavou tahla mu stada hribat, jak vidaval u eimelic, v Koloredove, v Novych Dvorech, Kladrubech, Chlumci a jinde. Ano, naSel tarn krasnejSi, uSlechtilejSi i dra2S1 hiibata jinYch plemen, co z nich budou jednou kone poracini, • koearovi, behouni na hony i do zavotahouni y zacneho pavodu z Belie a Holandu; ;ale hkibe takove rasy nebylo tam ani jedine. A to vychoval ten sedlak zde bez Skol, bez odborneho vzdelani, v neprakticky zalizene konirn y . "Co by ten elo yek teprve cloy edl v modern]: staji?" napadla kniZeti otazka a hned po ni Zadost mit ho ve s y Ych sluZbach, s y efit mu vYchovu koristva. . "Sousede Cimburo, vim,'se vlastne nehospodarite na svem. Ucinim varn navrh. Piedejte dviir nevlastnimu synu a stupte do myth slukb." "Nikdy a za lac, pane kniZe," odmitl Cimbura klidne, "1 kdybych byl u vas reditelem, byl bych menSlm panem, to jest odvislejSim elovekem, nal v Putime chalupnik. Zapiatim dame a nemam poruenika nad sebou. Jsem na svem taky kniktem a to bych ir vas nebyl. Piedem dvilr, ale do Klaskova a budu hospodaiit dal." "Dobie odpovedel," zara,dovala se Marj anka. "Tak mi alespori ta lafibata, prodejte." "Nejsou na prodej prodavam ,jen kone, par kaZdy • rok — a hribata tahu vytreim." "NesluSi se hostu Zadost odepfit. — Mame hiebnou klisnu a jeji hiibe bude Hale," upamatovala muse jemne hospodyne. "Nedomluvil jsem, poelej, az ukonelm," fekl mime Cimbura a obracen ke knikti a kneZne pokraeoval: "Libili se y arn moje latibatka, smite si jedno vybrat — dam je s radosti pro pamatku." "Nemohu pfijmouti daru tak cenneho," odpiral knik. "Vezmu si Mahe — ale ze stada sveho skotu pain za hilbe nejlepgho bYeka s jalaykou." "Plati," podal ruku Cimbura — panu. "Vybiram si tedy hilbe krajni, to, co z neho bude g iml," a halkou ukazal na konika, ktery jako by Wel, ze je prave o nem ITC, pfibehl nejblik a hrde zdvihl uelechtilou hla,vu. "Nebude to eistY Sim]. — ale Simi vig riovY," dopinil Cimbura a YYProvazel i se Zenou hosty ke koearu.

10 "Sousede Cimburo, zvu vas k sobe. Rad bych yam ukazal svoje hospodatstvi a sluSel vas iisudek," zastavil se jeSte kniZe. "Pane knik, neschazeji se hory, ale lide. Povede-li mne cesta ve yak stranu, optam se jiste, jste-li doma a zastavim se u vas." "Jen abyste brzy dostal slovu," pozvala jeSte kneZna, "a s vami at' take prijde vase Zena." Cimbura se usmal a nerekl ani ano ani ne. Stisk1 jenom knikti a kneZne. podavane ruce a podekoval hostam za postu nayStevou. "Zdravi dojeli "pfal koeimu i 10kajovi na kozliku. "Mejte se to dal dobfe, jako dosud," skoro s nadechem zavisti rekla kneZna. "Po vali bo2i," odpovedela Marjanka. — Povoz se hnul. "S Panem Bohem," rekli si jeSte naposled sedlak s kniktem — 'a na shledanou," jeSte z koedru zavolala kneZ"na, mavajic bilym Sateekem. "Prosim, abyste nezapomneli na Belaeka," bylo posledni slovo Cimburovo. V Putimi bylo prave pozdviZeni Kdekdo jen asta mel, mluvil o yzacne ndvSteve u Cimbura a zavidel jirn. Faraf Skala i ueitel Jelinek tuze se tomu divili; ale Cimbura klidne vratil se sadu k choremu oreSaku a dal se starostlivou tvari serezaval jeho vetvieky. Serezal je ygecky. Pak poznal, 'Ze je se stromem amen. Na knikte i s kneZnou brzy zapomnel, aekoliv mu knik verne stal ye slovu. Poslal i pro Cimburovo hfibe, knikci lide privedli mu pekneho byeka s jaltvkou a dodali mu i psani, ktere Cimburu pote gilo. Knik patral po osudech 13eldekovYch a psal, eeho se dopatral. Raneny Vindi ggrec upadl do pruskeho zajeti a ye zmatku prvnich dna po porake nikdo se o jeho kone nestaral. Hrebec patrne se dostal do rukou nepovolanYch. Ty ruce neumely s nim zachazet, byly asi phis tvridYmmi a Beldeek se jim brand, kousal snad anebo kopal, protok mu na yojne bieem vy glehli oko — a on jako nepotrebnY kun byl vybrakovan a v drane neznamemu kupci prodan. To bylo vSe, Ceho se mohl kniZe o osudech rnileho kone dopatrat. Cimbura vzkazal knikti podekovani, ale brzy to vAak z hlavy vS'ecko pustil, ponevad'Z na sveho synka ustaviene myslil — va dl a hradl mu takika pfed alma a ani pisecky doktor Malec nemohl mu pomoci. "V eem to vezi," rikal lekaf, "otec je zdrav jako buk, matka kvete jako ra-


jeho vlastni bratr se sestrou jsou pini Zivota a jen tomu hochu zde smrt se diva z oei." A kdy jednou vstalo nad Putimi krasne jitro a kdy sluneeko boZi podivalo se z modre oblohy dolt do Cimburoyic sadu, spattilo tam hospodare, opreneho o suchy strom oreSak a horce skoro hlasite plaeiciho. "AM syneeku zlatY, me srdieko drake, co jsi mi to udelal?" natikal Cimbura slzy yelike jako bohaty hrach tekly mu pri tom z oei a padaly, jako by ho zalit chtely, do nakyptene zeme okopaneho stromku. Zarmoutilo se sluneeko nad tim pohledem, jako zavojem zastrelo si ohnivy oblieej dou mlhou a zustalo celY den pod mrakem. "Pojd', strome, ze zeme — Vagidek na'S pajde do zeme," rekl Cimbura a oberna rukama opfel se o strom. Zapraskaly jeho koreny a Cimbura povolil bolesti sevrelo se jeho srdce pri to smutne praci — "at' to odbudu jednim zarmutkem," rekl po chvili a oprel se znovu — a ted' strom povolil, vytrhl jej Cimbura i s korinky — opredla je bila plisen a hlavni koren srdeeni ztrouchlivel. Cimbura rozsekal stromek, kaZdyy drabek z neho pozorne do ko ge sebral a pfines1 jej heed domil, do svetnice. "To drivi je z Venougova orechu spal je, dokud jeSte chlapce 'name," rekl plaeici ne sve; ale sam ua pri tom neplakal slzami ani slovy, jenorn v srdci jako kamen mu le2e1 a tlaeil ho velikY smutek. Vygel znovu ven. — jste ua jitro na selskern dvore? Je to nezapomenutelna chvile, ve ktere probouzi se chut' a laska k Z'ivotu. Po noenim tichu, klidu a odpoeinku zdravYm hladem 'deck() ye statku kflei. Krici drabeZ po dvore a dorai as na zasep, nedoekave volajic, aby u'Z yySla hospodyne s koginkou zadiny, krici ptaci po sromech, zvlagte hladovi vrabci, nedoekave eihajici,aby s drabeli odbyli si i svoji snidani, htaji a hrabou kone na stani, o Z.laby zvoni fetezy hoveziho dobytka -- a v to chvili — kdy k Zivotu v'Secko se budilo, byl stesk Cimburuv dvakrat tak te&Y. Tam v pfistenku leklo jeho dite, jeho dviee mile -- VaSik — ztuhlY a mrtvy — bez 'Zivota a on, ted' Cimbura, mel vybrat jedloye prkno, a dojit k mistru truhlari a krejeimu, aby vzali chlapci miru na posledni jeho roucho — na rakev a na rubag. . . Druheho dne Cistili a davali u Cimbura do poradku dam i dvar. Metli

Ve stredu dne 10. bfezna 1965 nadyori, rovnali vozy a pluhy — drhli podlahy, selka "bai milosti" napekla, prijde cela, prizen na pohreb, prijdou i cizi funusnici a vSeho si vSimnou. Jako pied svatbou tretiho dne poradkem a eistotou leskl se statek a Zenich VaSieek jako andelieek hezky eekal v otevrene rakviece, as pro neho prijdou. — A pfiSli! Pan farar priSel s ministranty, pan ueitel priSel se s yymi zpevaky a pHvedl i Skolaky a Skolaeky, v parech pekne je postavil, prisei velci mladenci a velke druZieky a odnesli od Cimbura na, hititov "mladeneeka nevinneho, andelieka spanileho." j ak pan ueitel Jelinek pekne zazpival. Jan s Franckem spustili do hrobu sveho nevlastniho bratfieka a padaly tam za nim pti to smutne slufte i jejich horke slzy naklanela se nad hrob i matka hlasite nakikajici a rukama lomici. Jen otec Cimbura stal jako socha. 1Thichnivedeli, jak to dite chore miloy al — pro jeho chorobu a nemoc zamiloval si ho vie neZ ygecky ostatni deti, nebot' k lasce otcovske dru2i1 se i soucit, kterY mel Cirnbura se VAim, co se nepodafilo a bylo ubohe, slabe a male, a hie, zde stoji a slzy neuron, jedineho slova bolesti semknutYmi rty nevypusti. "Marjamko, parnatuj se - - Pan Ruh dal — Pan Rah vzal," rekl koneene 2ene as pfisnYm hlasem, kdyz se mu zdal bYt jeji narek zoufalym, "vzal si jedno dite a nechal nom etyfi." A lide podivali se na Cimburu a rekli s podivem: "Silak Cimbura — sink i v bolesti." XI.

Ve Vidni vladlo od imora roku 1871 ministerstvo Hohenwartovo. Dva, ministfi, Jireeek a Habetinek zasedali v nem a PO oechach poealo se mluvit o blizke korunovaci cisare pana za krale eeskeho. V zafi vydan byl pamatnY patent, ye kterem uzna,no bylo Ceske statni pravo a korunovace slibena — vypracovano osmnact fundamentalnich Hanka, kterYmi navZ . dy mel byti upraven pomer koruny svato vacla yske k ostatnim zemim cisarskYm, sliben novY volebni fad, sliben zakon na ochranu narodnostni, slibeno — slibeno — ach, co VSecko nam kdy ye Vidni slibovali. Jako dire pestrYmi kvety, tak lehkovernY na,rod opojoval se temito sliby

ye stredu dne 10. btezna 1965 a ja.sal nad nimi jako nad velik3im viterstvim. Ale prozirave hlavy v Oechach s tzkosti obracely zraky sve k severu, k Berlinu, kam prave vratil se velikY cisat se s yYm ZeleznYm kancletem z pokorene Francie. Pet miliard y e zlate u idasne sebevedomi i hrele presvedeeni o sve nepremoktelnosti prinesli si INTemci jako valeenou kotist z dobyte Sotv si oddychli — dolehl k nim natek rkouskYch bratri . oerne mraky pokryly politicks nebe Rakouska. V zakladech zachvely se tentokrate Cechy; nebot' padlo ministerstvo Hohenwartovo. Jako dym rozplynuly se vSecky zavazane sliby, jako para zmizely vAecky rtiZove nadeje — po Hohenwartcvi ptiSel Auesperg a nechtel vedet o nieem.

ME SE (MY LEKCE SESTA — LESSON SIX (The following is one of the Czech lessons used by the Czech Language School in Dallas. COMMON CZECH GREETINGS

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dobrY den — good day dobre rano — good morning dobre jitro — god morning dobry veeer — good evening dobrou floc — good night sbohem — good bye s Panem Bohem — good bye na shledanou — see you later helo, cheerio nazdar The most useful term is "dobry den" Its common usage is relatively new, but it has almost replaced "dobre odpoledne" meaning "good afternoon" and has been making inroads in replacing even "dobre rano" or "dobre jitro". "Dobry den" has replaced also quite a few overly polite greetings such as "poklona, ma ficta, rukullbam, etc." Good riddance. •

"Dobre rano" is used more in the country, while "dobre jitro" is more common in the cities. "Dobre jitro" is becoming more and more common. Since "jitro" is a poetic word and not otherwise commonly used, you may run across an abbreviation "dobrytro", 'which is strictly colloquial. "sbohem" has a religious origin. Literal translation is "with (lad" and traces apparently to the phrase "Jai (or Mete) s Bohem", "Jcii" is shrnTular, while "Ir dete" is plural imperative (meaning "Go with Gad"). The religious meaning has been slowly lost in the common usage; therefore, it is written now as one word, "sbohem", instead of "s Bohem".

The religious meaning has been largely preserved 'with the longer form of the same greeting "s Poinem Bohem", and, therefore, it is usually written as three separate words with capital letters. Literal translation would be "with Lord God". Occasionally, you may see it written as one word, "spanem bohem". • • "Dobr3-7 veeer" and "dobrou noe" is used similarly as in this country. The same is true of "na shledanou". • • "Nazdar" was made popular by the Sokols, and in this country it 'was regarded as a special Sokol greeting. This is no longer so. "Nazdar" is very common, and no longer connected with Sokol use exclusively. When you meet someone who is older or whom you do not know closely, then the greeting of "dobry den" would come to your lips, while a close friend or contemporary you would greet with "nazdar". From the point of an English-speaking person, the usage of "nazdar" is peculiar in the sense that it could and actually is commonly used, not only when meeting a person like the American "hello", but also in parting, instead of "na shledanou" or "sbohem",

• • Sliby Ire slibech bud' onatrnSr, vernSr a svedemity. Doti nemajic Zadneho jmeni, remtirze mnoho slibiti. Co v gak dle syYch okolnosti s rozvahou slibilo (bez rozvahy neuria nic slibovati), to ma vypllriltL lee by vyylneni Abu s nenfemo'ilieTrion pi'elthazoti se setkalo..flnak lids za vrtka,vebe, by to Clovek chvaly hoden maie ku podivu mnoho dobreho piisobiti, i jest b/ahodejnYm ptikladem, jeni lasku k pravde, pevnost mysli, vernost a duvent Bch k lidern kolkol rozAiimje.



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