Vestnik 1963 12 18

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Radostne a vesele vanoce v§em ellentim nagi bratrske Jednoty, piiteliim a v g em lidem dobre y ule thde, pfeje FILM/NI ORADOVNA Slovanske PodporujicI Jerinoty Stahl Texas (SPJST) EDWARD L. MAREK, p•edseda JOE B, HEJNY, mistopiedseda R. A. URBANOVSKt, tajernnik JOS. KOLIIIA, ml. pokladnik BEN 2ABtIK, ifeetni AUGUST KACift, pr6vni radee DR. MARVIN LESIKAR, lekak

JOHN KURENA, feditel HENRY Vi.[TEK, feditel ROBT. UERVENKA, ROHM E. iiRO2, ieditel JOS. M. SKRABANEK, •editel EDW. P. SRALLA,

CHAS. HOLASEK, feditej




Entered as second class mail matter, January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act of Cong ress of Au g ust 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Su p reme Lodge SPJST, Box 100, Tem p le, Texas /0/1.sta

thTtEDNI ORGAN SLOVANSKE PODPORUJICI JEDNOTY STATU TEXAS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ORDER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS REDAKTOR — EDITOR NICK A. MORRIS — Box 85, West, Texas Residence: 1209 N. Davis Street Tele p hones: Res: III 6-5989 — Sho p ; 6-5282 V y davatele — Publishers CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY, WEST, TEXAS Ffed p iatnd $3.50 — Subscri p tion $3.43 plus 7 cents State Tax — Total $3.50 Emeny adres zasflaji se do Hlavnf d ado= Box 100, Tem p le, Texas Chan g es of address must be sent to Stipremo Lod g e, Box 100, Tem p le, Texas Pfedplatn$ a oznamky bun'tet adresovany no Vestnflc, West, Texas

OKRSEK I V. H. Bakina Route 1 Smithville, Texas OKRSEK U Johnny J. PlaAek P. 0. Box 88 Rosebud, Texas OKRSEK Arnold M. Vrla 6307 Saratoga Circle Dallas 14, Texas OKRSEK IV Fred Kveton Route 1 Abernathy, Texas OKRSEK V Jarda Cerny 1521 Woodvine Drive Houston 24, Texas OKRSEK VI Leo Krause, Jr. P. 0. Box 427 Inez, Texas OKRSEK VII Jaroslav Kleprlik 202 Schmeltzer Lane San Antonio 1, Texas Telephone DI 4-1700 —SPJST-


zemfel§ch dleat se uvefelfinif bezplatnd The obituaries are p rinted without charge


SUPREME LODGE EDWARD L. MAREK. president JOE B. HEJNY, vice-president R. A. URBANOVSKY, Secretary. JOS. KOLIHA, JR., treasurer BEN ZABCIK, financial secretary All of Tem p le, 7 eras, Box 100 AUGUST KACIR, attorney, Tem p le, Tern' DR. MARVIN LESIKAR, medical director P. 0. Box 410 — Taylor, Texas ftEnrrEut — DIRECTORS JOlIN A. KUBENA, First District P. 0. Box 180 — La Grange, Texas HE1 J RY E. VITEK, Second District P. 0. Box 43 — Gran g er, Texas 10BERT CERVENKA, Third District& West, Texas R. BROZ, Fourth District Rt. 3, Box 320 — San Angelo, Texas 3. M. SKRA3ANEK, Fifth District ./20 Bellaire Blva., — Bellaire, Texas ED P. SRALLA, Sixth District Rt. 1, Box 110, Edna, Texas CHAS. HOLASEK, Seventh District 251:3 Nemec St., Corpus Christi, TexaS RLAVNI U RADOVNA —

TIBIKOVY VkBOR—PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE PAUL SABLATURA, Chairman P. 0. Box 8 — Louise, Texas MRS. FRANCES OLEXA 3402 Ta g gart St. -- Houston, Texas RUDOLPH TROUBIL c/o S,P.J.S.T. Rest Home — Taylor, Texas IITANOVNt VtBOR -- BY-LAW COMMITTEE Z. E. SRENEK. p resident. Dime Box. Texas PAUL SABLATURA, SecretarY P EX Box 8 — Louisa. Team



OKRSEK 1 Mrs. Rud. C. Matejka Rt. 4, Box 504 Bryan, Texas OKRSEK II Mrs. Clara Hejl Route 4 Temple, Texas OKRSEK Mrs. Wilma Nesuda Telico Road Ennis, Texas OKRSEK IV Mrs. Julie Bayer c/o Motel Texan 301 Lubbock Rd. Brownfield, Texas OKRSEK V Mrs. Maxine Sefcik 2301 Airline Drive Houston 9, Texas OKRSEK Mrs. Frank Brdecka Rt. 1, Box 150 Rosenberg, Texas OKRSEK VII Mrs. Marcela Kleprlik 202 Schmeltzer Lane San Antonio, Texas

Ve stredu, clne 11_ pro:since 1963

Od redakeniho stolv VANONt. 1111(4ENKY Ua po nekolik mica bYva toti2 zvykern, 2e mirno viditelnYch darkti, jer2, kla.dena pbet vanoeni, stromeeek, dame i ty druhe intimni darky, lea nebyly 'koupeny v obchodech, nYbr'2 vychazi z naSich vlastnich srdci a dnSi. SYYrn milYm prejeme zdravi, Stesti a spokojenost, zdar a itspech v praci, a sami sobs prejeme, aby letoS"ni vanoce nebyly posledni, kdy v'Sichni jako jedna rodina, usecineme kolem stedroveoerni tabuli. K tomu prejeme a tou'2irne po svetovYrn a koneenym miru -- po Cem touai narody celeho sveta — a dtistojnost eloveka. • Jsme yarn, sestry a bratri, uprinme vder eni za ve'Skerou vak pomoc a spolupraci nam venovanou behern prave •uplynuleho roku. Jsme Yam vdeeni za uznani a pochopeni naSi snahy. jsme v.§ichni yydatne k posilneni naAi mohutne Jednoty a rodove uvedornelosti elenstva a z ylaSte nakho dorostu. Snimek na pi'vni strance: Pustevne na RadhoW Dnes vice ne2' kdy jindy je potrebne, aby svatek narozeni Mistra z Nazaretu zponnalil blaznivY beh dneSni 'doby, aby ka220 si uvedomil, ae jsme eleni jedne velike lidske rodiny, spolupoutnici testy aivota, yzajemne si rozumejici a pracujici pro lepSi budoucnost. Svet vice ne'2 kdy jindy potrebtde bratrskYchorganizaci. jako je naSe SPJST, praeujicich za docileni sbratreni w`jeobecneho lidstva. Zitstane, -jako ji2 po dlouh.o Pada let, pouze slovech, ktera budou zapomebyla pronesena? Dounuta rychleji s ni svatky budou opravdu fejme, ae leto S dny miru v myslich a srdcich vkch di sveta. V teto nacieji prejeme vain, vaa drahym, sim PrthEIVINE SVATKY VANOeNi Necht' jsou to pro vas vkcky opravdu svatky miru, radosti a lasky. REDAKTOR, VYDAVATELE VRSTNiKU A PERSONAL V TISKAPNI —SPJST

Na Slovensku zaeali pradavat vanoeni cukrovinky, ktere yetinou znazornuji kosmicke lode a jejich posadky. Neni pry treba mit obav, ';:le by jich byl neclostatek,

ye stredu, tine 18. prosince 1963 Jaroslav VrchlickY: Vanoce Hlas zvonh Wine nad zaveji, kdes v dalce tie zanika; dnes vSechny struny zneji, neb mladost se jich dotYka. Jak strom jen pohne haluzemi, hned strasa ledne kriSt'aly, rampouchy se strech visi k zemi jak varhan velke Zern jakby liliemi zkvetla, kam snip pad', tam se zachytil; Bith Usinev v tvarich, v oknech svetla a v nebi hvezdy rozsvitil. A stare pisne v duSi zneji, a s nimi jdou sny jeslieek kol hlavy me, jak ve zaveji bias traticich se rolnieek. Mitj duck zas tone v blahu vzdech srdcem tahne hluboce a. zvony zneji, svetla boil — vanoce, o vanoce! -SPJSTLaskave iadanne. . dopisovatele, kdyi pi;ou dopis pro uverejneni ve Vestniku, aby psali OB BADKU, abychom zbylo misto na opravy. PiSte pouze na JEDNE strane papiru. 14.14e, kdyi man°, inkoustem. Tim se usnadni na.Ae redakeni prate a budeme moc lepsi vyhovet v' em etenartim. Predern diky! SPJST

Oddil dopisovatelii Od Donlova Odpainku v Taylor

Mile sestry a bratri! Kvituji zde dary pro Domov odpoeinKu! Misto vanoenich pozdravit Bolena Valeikova, — ---- 5.00 Misto vanoenich pozdravti Do1phie StranskY — 10.00 Na vanoeni stromek Adolphie Macha — — 5.00 KrouZek 6'eskich Zen v Dallas -- 25.z0 Danny 12th Street Methodist kostela prinesli cookies a zpivali, Krest'anske sestry prinesli ovoce a .cukrovi a zpivali; Pani Pope nam predvedla hudebni program s jejimi Zaky. Pani Baena. Spaeek New Britton, Connecticutt nam poslala knihy. Sid a Justine Poklatinik nam darovali do kuchyne klobasy. K ucteni pamatky Annie Orsag Sid a Justine Pokladnik -- 5.00 Pani Vanieek darovala jablkovS7 zavin.

✓ prvni rare od leva: Steven Vrla, Shirley Vria, 11 inc Novak, Linda H.alouzka, Mary Frances Novotny, Janic ✓ druhe made od: leva: Freddie Machae, Kenneth Vs Ia, Dausiy Vila, George Halottzka, pi. Valetkova, Kathy Vrla, Melvin Novotny, Johnnie MachCC, pavid Novotny, Eddie Oates. Pain Peter RabStejnek dar 5.00 K ucteni pamatky Emma HejnY pan a pani John a Antonie 8ebetkovi — — -- 4.00 K ucteni pamatky bratra Rudolph Koei: P. Raymond Jimmie Hubenak, p. a pi. Richard Huberiak, p. a pi. Richard Huberiak, Jr., p. a pi. C. R. Durham, p. a pi. Tony Tatarevich, p. a pi. Joe KN.vanek, p. a pi. Frank Oujesky„ p, a pi, Steve Matusevich, p. a pi. Joe Botik, p, a pi. Joe Danek, p. a pi. Robert RUZieka, p. a, pi. J. R. Bartek, p. a pi. Albert Kubala, p. a pi, Frank Paprskar, p. a pi. Vend Mika a pi. Vlasta Dolkos. Ceikon — _,$8.25 ✓ ern clarcilm Hall vrelY , Prejeme y am vAem bohateho JeliSka a mnoho zdaru do Noveho roku. S bratrskym pozdravem Distal/am jako vkly vas Rudolph Troubil SPJSTDallas, Texas Mili brativi a sestry, Nemam v umyslu se kroce rozepisovat (jak ja, to umim), chci jen bratra redaktora nee° kratce napsat pod uverejnenYm obrazkem mojiho zpevniho detSkeho stout radu Jaro 130, ktery jsem pied dvema roky la. Jak jste se presvedeili vkchni, kteri jste slySr ell jich zpivat, uZ nekolikrat se moje dilo pOdarilo. A main z neho radost, mam v to skupine 8 deveatek 9 chlapcii. Potrelauji je gte jedno deveatko aby to bylo do para. Talk mne ji prived'te a kdyi jich bude vice budu vam vdeena. A vakm detem to prospeji, Ze se nairei Ceske pisnieky a ty se v jejich hlaviekach udr21 nav2dy. KdyZ

112 budou rint svoje Ceti YZcly se L)u.dou pamato-vat ty pisnioky, mere jc mama Valeikova naueila, tak jak Si vzpominaji ti, 'ktere jsem ueivala. pied 30 -- 40 lety. Brala jsem. je take no, ruzne programy a bran jsme detske divadla. A ty rnlade maminky a tatinci se vzdy s laskou na Marini ValCikovou vzpominaji a v mem srcici take maji teple rnisteeko. A ja. dekuji Bohu, Ze v mojem 1)0a-1pinn staid mohu byti,aspOrt tem detem uZiteend. Minio neeni deti xpevu delam jeSte jine prate. Verim, ,;:,c pactive • kenana prate, at' je bystre schopnosti, mame kaZdou pract delat s tim vedomim, Ze prizpivaine Velice pokroku lidstva, zvlaSta u zasluZnou praci delaji s onaladinu yedouci sestry v radech, toW youth leaders. Kde deli mohou uplatnit svoje schopnosti, Ceske deti jsou talentovane a tarn maji prile2itost ukazat co v'Secko dokaZou, jak, deveata tak boSi. To dokazuji ty jejich vystavky ruenich praci a take v buclbe a zpevu v rfizny'ch vystupech pro, pobaveni obecenstva. Mivaji pri okrskovYch schtizich svoje kontesty a je radost si prohlednout ty jejich brace a 'mimo toho jsou oddalovani od ‘Spatneho vlivu :nynejM zvrhle mladeZe, ktera kracie, pMkozuje skoly, kostely, a po , 1 lo o torn ani nepsat. Ua jsem se zase zapovidala. p ro tuto moji slabou strinku, Ze to yiedovedu kratce napSat je mnebern lep‘Si pro me i pro vas etenari, kdyi nej)i.n rile. Ja W.2 jsem toho za tech 50 let co jsem IT Texasu napsala Cost! Kapitola velice uspUneho letoAniho eeskeho dne je uz uzavrend. Vellee pekne popsala program Ceske: 110 due naE7>e velice dobra dopisovatelka Zenskeho

• 4 krou2ku, AneZka Houdkova. Ja ji ze je bila vrana. Je zde rozena a vychovana, do Ceske g koly ani nechodila, jen co se naueila z oeskYch novin, ktere jeji rodiee odebirali. A velice dobee s vyjadtuje v psani, Take jsem byla i ja na programu s moji skupinku zpevakin kteki se dobee uplatnili; zazpivali 6 pisnieek a v tech krojich, ktere jim maminky dle mojilao vzoru usily, vypadaly rortomile a mezi nimi to nejmen gi nenia dosud ani tai roky a jeji sesteieka 5. V loni na oeskem dnu to byla Lidu gka Halouzkova nejmladgi, letos d ye sesteieky Novakovy. Po programu pei gla za mnou jedna pani, projevila uznani (ale ona nebyla jedina, bylo jich vice) a pravila, Ze jsena jako kvoena s kueaty a, Ze nam to vgem slusi. Katu g ka Vrlova, ktera je mistriae doprovazi ye zpevu na harmonice ma nadherny Piest'ansky kroj a ja, take, jenZe mnj nosim LIZ pees 40 let. A ja jsem v cleivej gich letech od roku (snad 1924) neschazela a cela na ge ro:dina na Zadnem Ceskem dni a byvala jsem vklycky na programu, bud' jsem zpivala solo neb peedna g ela dlouhe vlastenecke basne. A neb jsem byvala na vYboru, Ty moje vzpominky mne zase zavaZi do daleke minulosti tak radeji zase obratim list. Po deskem dnu mi doglo psanieko, obsah jeho varn zde opisi, abyste Yeah, Ze i ty moje male deti oceriuji tu drobnou praci. Dopis zaeina,; ". . . Mila pani Valeikova, chceme Vam podekovat za, starost a lasku se 'kterou jste nas naueila tab pane zpivat. Vadi, Jana, Jirka a Lidu gka Halouzkovi." Tento kratkY dopis jak mne jejich maminka Pekla si deti sestavili sami a poslali. Udelali mne velikou radost a ja veeim, Ze me to uznani projevili za vdechny ty moje detieky, kterych ueim zpivat ty starodavne Ceske pisniCky a ktere my staid pionYti zpivavali ve dkole y e stare viasti peed 60 — 70 lety a jegte dale. Jak vg eci vite, program letodniho eeskeho dne byl poeadany v ohronanem Coliseum, budova mela svoje vYhody a nevYhody. Byl velice peihodnY pro sokolske cvieeni a pro 7 kol taneicich besedu. Hudba, zpev a Peeneni se jaksi ztracely, zvla gte to moji skupiny, nanozi rnne iikali Ze neslyg eli slova pisni co deti zpivaly, jen, Ze to byl malebnY obrazek. Vecleli jsme, Ce 10. listopadu k nam pidjedou houston gti ochotnici zahrat Ceske divadlo "Z eeskYch mlYntr. A byla zde dobra peilelitost, Ze deti . molaly jejich zpev opakovati. VYbor pro potadanl Ceskeho dne svolil k tomu, aby deti peed divadlem mohli opakovat


pisne, Mere zpivaly na eeskern dnu a navgetvnici, kterych na tom divadle bylo — 250 -- byla to pekna nav gleva — meli tu peilditost vyslechnout detsky zpev a rozumeli kaalemu slovu a peesvedeili se sami jak den pekne vyslovuji i ty pro ne Cake slova (r a t). Deti sklidily mnoho potlesku z ylagte za pisen. "Cerveny gateeku, kolem se too" a Ze jsme byly vgichni obleeeni v krojich poladala jsem vhly ochotneho pana Nesudu, aby v sini eaclu Pokrok C. 84, kde se divadlo odbYvalo, vzal nas na obrazek. Jak vite, na g' bratr redaktor bere a dava do Vestniku hodne obrazkri nadd mladde, co2 je dobrY zpfisob neb je to povzbuzuje k vet gi einnosti a tak neni divu, ze i ja jsem se nakazila. Tentokrat posilam uZ druhy obrazek moji skupiny do Vestniku a jsou tam vgichni a to je co ja si peala. Na torn prvnim jich bylo jen 12 deli a nebyla tam Katu ga, a ja vedle ale ne v kroji. Take zde dekuji v gem yam, kteld jste me eizeni sboru eadu Jaro C. 130 projevili i detem jak se naueili za ten kratky eas pekne zpivat. Nekteei mne Ze to neni poznat ze jsou to deli americke, ktere neumeli ani slovo Cesky, kdyZ jsem je zaeala ueit. AC na pet deti a to 3 Halouzkovi a d ye Novakovy, ti chvalu jejich "Tidied Cesky pekne mluvi. Jak jste se doCetli ye Vestniku, Ze u nas 16. listopadu zaCalo vyueovani Ceske dkoly, kterou s ochotou uCi pan Milog Halouzka, pani Halouzkovd, a pani Kankrlikova. Byla jsem pozvana panem Halouzkou, abych se pid gla podivat do prvni hocliny gkolni. BYvala jsem na Ckolnim vYboru dlouha leta a pomahala i iicit. Napoeitala jsem jich 32 deli i dospelYch co se peihlasili. Nage Ceska Akola dallaska je yam vdeena, ze jste se uvazali v fizeni Ceske gkoly a to zdarma. I my to peed 30 — 40 lety zde deIali. Pozdeji ov gem, s ueitelem zjednanYm povolanim jsme platili ale to je dlouha kapitola. My vgichni peejeme na gim novym ueitelton trvaly 11spech; ktery my jsme nedokazali za ty desitky let. Maji k tomu lep gi schopnosti, vygkoleni a tak snad se jim podaei eeskou gkolu udrZet. Pfejeme jim mnoho zdaru. Mid dopis se zase prodlouZil a lituji, Ze uZ mi nezbyva eas abych se zminila o vykonostech houstonskYch bereft a ochotnikti, kteel nam z takove ddlky zahrat. Povim to jen malo slovy: hrali jste v gichni znamenite a my yarn za va gi ochotu vgichni dekujena. A peljd'te zas! A je moji povinnosti poclekovat Pi. Halouzkove za jeji pomoc, Ze rozepisuje

Ve steeclu, •doe 11. prosince 1963 na stroji vgechny pisne co deti zpivaji. A take pi. Albine Vrlove, Ze pro mne peiji2di a vozi domu od zpevu. Vgem moje diky, A povi,drav vain 'yg em et-endrum zasila Bolena Valeikova 8631 Diceman Dr. Dallas, Texas 75218 —sn.isT--Hvezda Texasu C. 47 Seaton

Mill bratei a sestry, doufam, Ze LIZ jste v gichni trochu zpamatovani s to hrozne uclalosti co se peihodilo v tom nagem krasnem Texasu. Ano, je to k neuveeeni, ale skoteene se to stalo, a tak nam jineho nezbYva. jen se za na geho zesnoleho Presidenta J. F. Kennedy upeinule pomodlit a Boha prosit, aby na g governer John Connally se brzy a -Opine uzdravil z jeho teZkeho zraneni. Doufarn, ze je to pedni nas vgech. Nag e Padova, schtize se odbYvala jak obyeejne. Prvne na g peedseda po ystanim vg ech udelal tichu modlitbu pro zesnuleho presidenta a pak bylo pokraeovano pii obyeejnYch obtadech. Cleni co maji doplacene certifikaty jsou rad.sledovne: br. Willie Biskup, sestry Ella Haisler, Mary Haisler, br. Emil E. 1V11kulag a sestra Emilie Lillie 8efoik. Noyy Glen George Divi g . Milt' bratte, s radosti to Peljimame mezi nas. Na listku nernocnYch jsou sestry Albina Le gikar a Bertha Pechal. Mile sestry, peejeme Vam byste byly obe brzy fipine zdrave to je na ge upeimne Vanoeni stromeeek i s mikula gem budeme mit v na gi eadove sini C. 47 dne 21. prosince y 6 hodin veeer a teZ se pH tom bode 'davati i veeeee, Pad se postara o chleb, klobase, a ogurky a ostatni my sestry mame clonesti co ktera chcete kolaee a rtizne peeivo si vie nanesem a peichystame o tolik se budeme mit lep gi. VeCeee zaDane v 6 hodin weer a pak zapoone vanoeni program. Talc mill eleni, kteei mate ditky tak jich dovezte a hled'te jich dostati do vanoeniho programu. Mikulad podeli v g echny, to bude jeho starost. Tab mill bratei a sestry, zanamatujte si, Ze je to na due 21. prosince v 6 hodin veeer. Zase bylo odhlasovano, ze bratei a sestry zase budou pracovat pro na g fad zadarmo na rob 1964. Tab bratei a sestry, peeji yam mnoho g teg fi a yytrvalosti.vim, •e s tim mate mnoho prace a obetavosti. Tez bylo ujednano, ze Carlobudova se nebude Cistiti az po svat kach a zas se bode pokraCovat kaZdY cleuhY etvrtek veeer v mesici.

Ve stledu, fine 18. prosince 1963 Na opravovani stanov na pritti rok 1934 byli zvoleni nasledovne: Frank KlinkovskY, Jerry Pechal, Clara Hejl, Emilie Mikeska, John Hrugka; vedouci mladete byla zvolena sestra Vlasta Divi g ; anglicka dopisovatelka Clara Hejl, eeska, dopisovatelka Frances Ruthalt; tadovi lekata Dr. W. A. Chernosky, Dr. W. W. Platek a Dr. Samuel Schiller. Doufam, ze jsem nee° nezapomriela oznamiti jestli ano, tak to oznamim ptittim Nage tadova schilze se bude odbYvat jak obyeejne, prvni nedeli v mesici v lednu o 2 hodinach odpoledne. Tak vam mill bratti a sestry pfeji vesele vanooni svatky a mnoho gtesti a zdravi v tom nastavajicim novena rode, a pro mile jest to pkani vtele abyste s mojim dopisovanim pro ptitti rok 1964 byli spokojeni net, budu hlecleti uspokojit vtecky, ale vteci jsme chybujici a vteci neltdy uclelame chyby, tak na to bled' yak dopisovatelka Frances Rugiadkova z vyrodni schfize fadu VoIna Ceehie Oslo 135, Ennis Bratti a sestry. VYroeni schtlze tadu eislo 135 se v nedeli odbyla velmi dobte. Mame trochu tmenu ye zvoleni fitednikti a to predseda bratr Rudolf Hrneit, mistoptedseda bratr Julius Chudej, tajemnik, sestra Marie Latnovska, fiCetni bratr Jerry Chudej, ktery ma jeho adresu 807 S. Carlton Str. Ennis, Tex. Ptedseda, mistoptedseda a Adetni jsou novi Utednici, a doufam, ze mlady Jerry Chudej nom udela dobreho Pokladnik zvolen bratr Fr. A. Latnovsky, delegat do sjezdu zvolend byla sestra Marie Latnovska a misto delegat sestra Betty Houdkova. Bliti se ty vanoce a ten nog rok 1064 ku ktegm vam vtem pteji dobre zdravi a spokojenost, ktere spokojenosti jest lido tteba. Na toho mazavku Sylvestra to oslavime v sokolovne phi hudbe bratr Ed Faraizla. S bratrskym pozdravem Jos. Vytopil Crosby, Texas Ctena redakce a bratti a sestry nateho Vestriiku, za necelYch dvou tSrdnech bude zdelavat ze sten kalendate stare a vetet tam druhe z novYmi eislicemi a z novYm obrazkem a take z novyrn letopodtern a z novYmi nadejemi a pocity. Pravi se, ze Casem v ge bere kazem nage naiad' 1 na ge radost, ale nacleje nam sal tioposledniho vo,cleehil

SSTS Dam v srdci hteje, ale kolik tit tech nadeji se nam nevypinilo — ale kdyt pkiide Nov rok co bysme od neho chteli. Jak ho s radosti vitame ten nog rok nog jak list eisty nepopsany nevime ale dim bude popsan, at zase budeme ho za rok zdelavat se sten ale gstrihejme se vteho co by kalilo tivot nam i na gim milYm. Jenorn se tomu divime jak ty roky u gli a vzpominame jak se vte zmenilo, mnozi z nas protivali jette pionYrske doby a ti maji zvlatt' pestre vzpominky na ty zatle easy. Rodide budou vzpominat kolik ze j'e to rokii kdy celou rodinu meli jetto pohromade a ktere. naplhovala jejich domov. Rodina opustila otcovskY roze gla se po svete a rodieove utikaji. . stall sami, utikaji ty roky Jsou to svatky radostne, ne ze bysme se tetili na ty darky, ale tetime se, ze se sejdem s ptateli a detmi ale mnohe to misto u toho stolu zUstane prazdne, a ti nati mill odetli od nas navtdy, take i my jich budem jednou nasledovat. I rodina Kennedyho bude hledet smutnYm zrakem na to prazdne naisto, zajiste vtichni Amerieane telili jeho tak nadejnY tivot a ten byl zrnaten lencem. Smrt Kennedyho ottasla celym svetem, jeho viadcovstvim a tapasu o trvaly mir, zustane v dejinach navZdy. Amerieane bez ohledu . na nabotenske picesvedeeni se loudili s mutem, kterY mel zajistiti trvaly mir na svete at' jsme s jeho diny a vuli nesouhlasili neb souhlasili, piece jsme telili jeho odchodu. Koneim ten tak smutnY dopis snad to slunce vysvitne spat mrakti na nagi tesklivou hlavu a duti. Pfeji vam vtem vesele svatky a radostny ten novY rok a vam pane redaktore jsem snad vyhovela, pi gi ob tadek, ty moje chyby za emarajte a bude to 0. K. S pozdravem Anna Tra pota

Rad Nelsonville cis lo 68 Bratbi a sestry: Nate vyrooni schaze byla pobadana 8. prosince; to jsem byl at ptekvapen, ze byla tak hojna navtteva. Tak by to melo bYt vklycky, ale ti co jste nebyli ye schuzi tak zde yam podam zpravu, ktehi Mednici a delegati byli zvoleni do ptittiho sjezdu. i1bednici byli zvoleni ti sami jak byli roku minuleho: John Bravenec, ptedseda, Orvin Huff, mistoptedseda, Edwin Shupak, tajemnik, W. D. Kamas, fleetnik, John P. Kamas, pokladnik.. Ostatni gbory tet zustaly ty same co byly. Delegati jsou zvoleni nasledujici: John Bravenec, W. D. Kamas, Edwin Stalmach; nahradni delegati jsou: Edwin Shupak, Edwin Krause, Edwin Kamas. Pteji vesele vanoce a gt'astny Nov rok vtem elentm nati Jednoty a Vet vtem ostatnim, vat dopisovatel John Bravenec


Rat Hvezda Jihu e. 30, New Talton Cteni bratbi a sestry tacit' Hvezda Jihu eislo 30 v Talton. Timto jste tadani, abyste se dostavili pinem poetu do letinove schtze, ktera se bude odbYvat 5. ledna 1964 ye 'the hodiny odpoledne. Plipada volba iitednikii a delegata do sjezdu tak ptijd'te v gichni a take zapravte sviaj (111111 co dlutite ta.clu. V prosinci byla maid navtteva tak volba musela byt odlotena at do ledna. Mame mnoho co dluti hodnou eastku penez a bad to nemute zdrtet posilat za vas na Hl. Tak nezapomerite a pbijd'te do Veto sell-Cite a zapravte svtitj (Huh, S bratrskYrn pozdravem Fiala, tai a pokladnik.

manide John a Karolina Fajkus Bratr John a Karolina Fajkus slavili svou zlatu svadbu 24. listopadu 1963 v Riverside Hall v East Bernard. Oni nektere Mi a vnoudata path k tadu Karel Jonat eislo 28. Fajkusovi maji 5 dal, 17 vnouoat a jedno pravnonee. Vtichni byli ptitomni tato vesele adalosti. A tea mnoho bratria a sester spolkovYch a picatel. Vtichni se hostili na noreim obede se vtemi ptida yky. Ptejem inanteltim Fajkusogm jet* mnoho groei a hodne zdravi, spokojenosti, a veselost se svymi vnoueaty. Byla to krasna Udalost. Carrie Bohaeik



Ve vesnici Oberndorfu, vysoko v horach rakouskYch na 8tecirSr. den weer roku 1818 farat dp. Josef Mohr pripravoval se k Vanoeni pulnoeni m gi svate. Byla ticha, jasna, mesiani noc, kdy tak pozoroval odi sve fary ty vysoke hory pokryte snehem a pod nimi skryta Na jasnem nebi pino hvezd, ktere vnagely v jeho mysl slova pisne Vanoeni, kterou lined ye fate napsal. V gichni timed maji sve tvorive chvile kdy dila sva je treba jim jen poznaditi, jinak sotva je kdy sehnali a. , pamatovali. Tak povstala nesmrtelna piseri Ticha noc, svata noc. Ve svatek Baiho narozeni za gel dp. Mohr k svemu priteli mistnimu ueitemilovniku hu:dby Graberovi, aby k to pisni sloZil napev. Kdy2 byl hotov, zazpivali tu piseri ponejpr y spolu doma, pak v kostele kde skladatel napevu Gruber doprovazel zpev na kytafe jelikoZ kostelni varhany byly prave PokaZeny. KdyZ tu piseri uslygela manZelka ueitele, zvolala: "Tato pisen pujde svetem!" Netu gila sama, jak prorocky mluvila. Tato piseri skuteene v Case vanoenim zazniva, pa celem svete, v mestech, na yenkovskYch osadach, ba i v dtunglich Indianu, e'ernochti a na ledovcich Eskymakft nebot' byla prelolena do v gech keel ale stejnY napev ma ye vgech reeech. Dp. farat Josef Molar ye sve skromnosti pisen uloZil do sveho psaciho stolku, kde zfistala :dlouho leZet neznanta svetu. Zda se ze az po jeho smrti byla nalezena jeho pritelem knezem, ktery rozhodl, ze piseri to ma pH.jit do verejnosti mezilid a postaral se o to. Z nezname prielny v gak byla pisen uvedena bez jmena autora i. skladatele. KdyZ" nemecky kral slyiel poprve tu pisen, na Vanoce roku 1854, byl ni tak nad gen, :Ze lined chtel vetlet kdo je autorem pisne a skiadatelem napevu. Ale nikdo toho nevedel. Rozkazal tedy aby na jeho ritraty byli autoPi vyhledani. Vzalo to vgak nekolik mesicti easu patrani po cele zemi neZ nalezli ueitele Grubera. Ten potvrdil svfij napev i jmeno autora pisne, dp. Josefa Mohra, kterY kratce pied tim zeintel. V prvni svetave valce kdy americke a nemecke zakopy byly blizko sebe, oznamil nemeckY velitel americkym vojdkfun, ze na g tedrY veeer se vgechno nepratelstvi zastavuje. Na obou stranach v zakopech v oboe reeech zpivana byla vanoeni piseri Ticha noc svata noc na kterou Nemci jsou jaksi hrdi neb vygla od jejich krajana,

ZAPADOCESKi KRAJ ZapacloCeskY: kraj vznikl v podstate sloueenim fizemi bYvalYch krajt1 Plzen a Karlovy Vary s malYmi rizernnimi ftpravami nekterYch okrajovYch east', z hlediska plogne vYrnery kraje vcelku bezyYznamnymi. Rozhlohou i poetem obyvatel patti mezi nejmen gi kraje Oeskoslovenska. Pramerna hustota osidleni je hluboko pod celostatni Urovni, prieem2 v gak existuji znaene rozdily mezi jednotlivYmi eastini kraje. Kraj se sidlem hlavnich organfi v Plzni je rozdelen do deseti okrestl: DomaZlice, Cheb, Karlovy Vary, KlatovY, Plzen-mesto, Plzen-jich, Plzen-sever, Rokycany, Sokolov a Tachov. Kraj me vyznamna loZiska nekterych uZitkovYch nerostii, z nichZ celostatni vyznam maji zejmena zasoby hnedeho uhli na Sokolovsku a v Chebske panvi, kaolin v okoli Karlovych Var a u Horn' Brizy, laiska chudych Zeleznych rud v oblasti Barrandienu, ktera tvori surovinovou zakladnu pro ejpovicke hrudkovny. Zasoby vapence prtimysloveho rozsahu jsou v jinni easti kraje a Su gice. Zvlagtni pritom ale celostatni vYznam maji rovne2 leeive mineralni prameny v severni easti je. Pro moderni hospodarstvi ma, stale vetgi yYznam zasobovani vodou. Z tohoto hleciiska. vg ak kraj nema, priznivou situaci, protole vet gina tokfi je malo bohatYch, se znaene rozkolisanYmi prfitoky, take zasobovani vet gich priimyslovYch aglomareci vodou je venni obtiZne a nak.lacine a rozvoj prtimyslu naroeneho na vocal je prakticky vyloueen. 'Feiner 40 proc. ITYmery kraje predstavuji lesy, jejich produkce tvori surovinovou zakladna presahujici ramec, kraje. Zemedelske pfaiy naldeji ptevHne k vYrobnimu typu bramborattskemu, s vyraznyrn podilem aita a brambor v rostlinne vYrobe. Okrajove easti Sumava, Cesky les, Kru g ne hory, pak naleZeji k horskemu vYrobnimu typu. Vysoce proclukeni teparsky typ je zde zastoupen jen ye velmi malern meritku. Temto podminka.m v podstate ocipovida zameteni zemecielske vYroby. Rozlohni prfimyslu je nerovnomerne, s vyraznYmi centry, kterYnal jsou Plzen, Rokycany, Ejpovice, pramyslova Oblast Sokolovske panve a prostor severne od KarlovYch Var. ZapacloCesky kraj je y yznamnYm dodavatelem uhli, elektriny a strojirenskYch procluktil. Hlavnim strediskern strojirenskeho odvetvi je krajske mesto.

Ve stkeciu, dne 1 . prosince 1963 Nejvetg i strojirenskY zavod — Zavody V. I. Lenina v Plzni dodavaji sve vYrobky i do zahraniei. Velmi 'dfilelitym odvetvim je lazenstvi a turisticky ruch. Svetozname jsou predev gim Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Franti gkovy Lazne. VYstava "Vella. Morava" V Brne V polovine srpna otevreli v brnenskein Dome umeni vYstavu "Velka Morava", kterou take vrcholi leto gni oslavy 1100. vyroei prichodu byzantske mise a poeatku slovanskeho pisemnictvi. VYstava byla rozdelena do ad easti. Prvni se nachazi v prostranstvi pied Dornem umeni, druha v prizemi a treti v prvnim poschodi vYstavni budovy. Mohutne symboly Velkomora yske rise, pftsobive exponaty, znazortmjici hrobku z nalezi gte, lala yne vdak monumentalni maketa rekonstrukce dvotiapsidove rotundy v Mikuldicich jsou dostateene pritaZlive pro tisice navgtevnikii, kteri v teto dobe prijialeji do Brna taktka z celeho sveta. Druha Cast vYstavy ye vstupni hale mela za rikol obeznamit nav gtevniloa s historickYrn yYznamem velkomoravskeha obdobi, v struenYch, ale velmi vYstiZnYch textech mu priblilit ideayou naplft vYstavy i histarickY vYvoj prvniho zapadoslovanskeho statu na zemi nagi vlasti od obdobi Samova, pies vyvrcholeni statniho a kulturniho rozvoje slovanskych kmenti na, fizemi Velke Moravy v 9. stoleti az pu jeji doznivani a osudy v 10. a 11. stoleti. Exponaty, umistene v titetim poschodi, zahrnuji tri tematicke celky, ktere tvori viastni jadro vYstavy. V prvni east se navgtevink seznamuje s velkomora,vskYmi nalezigti, s nalezy v oblasti Stare Mkt°, Nitra, Pohansko. FotografickY material, modely, origiaaly nalezri i opisy gla,golskYch textil se snaZi navgtevnikovi vysokou kulturni &oven obyvatelstva Velke Moravy. Druha east obsahovala dokumenty o vYrobni einnosti zapadnich Slovantl, kteri krone zeniedelstvi se zabYvali rtiznYmi remesly, hutnictvim, bednatstvim, tkatcovstvim, zlatnictvim .atd. At' u2 to vidime mohutne mete ze ei s filigranskou presnosti umelecky zdobene gperky, knofliky, prsteny, naugnice ,vgechny exponaty nas stejnou merou presvedeuji o vysoke kulture jejich vYrobcft, Pfisabl yYm doplrikern tato easti vYstavy je cllouha sklenena vitrina, v ktere se nachazeji nejkrasnej gi vybrane kusy remeslne a 11naelecke vYroby, maketa onazorriujici radu peel, v nichZ velkomorav gti Slo-

Ve s redu, dne 18. prosince 1963 vane tavili kovy a vypalovali hrneirske predmety, i svetelnYmi prvky a projekci dopinene mohutne many, znazornujici jednak sidligte na evropskena kontinentu i oblast vlivu slovanskych kmerril a druha, , ktera ukazuje rortnisteni nalezigt' na fizemi na geho statu. V treti easti se nav gtevnik seznamil s temi, jimZ dekuje za, celou radu yYznamnYch objevti a nalezfi, jez urnoZnily vrhnout novY pohled na historicke obdobi mezi patYm a jedenactYm stoletim v stredni Evrope a prirozene, i instalovat tuto vYsta,vu. Fotograficke zabery, panely, vystavka pracovnich nastrojia na gich vedeckYch pracovnika zavedou nas mezi na ge archeology, historiky, jazykovedce, antropology. Vidime je pri praci na jejich pracoviStich, pri jejich zocipovecine praci, kterd nam odhaluje minulost nagich jejic velikost a staVa se tak dalSim pramenem narodni hrdosti, vlastenectvi. Dik teto praci na gich archeology se vYzkum dejin Velke Moravy stava dnes uZ nejen otazkou narodni, ale mezinarodni. V zapadnim Nemecku, v Rakousku, v Mad'arsku je dnes rada yeakteri nam pri yYzkumu pomahaji. Svedei o torn napriklad nedavna konference v Salsburku i mezinarodni konference, kterou na zaeatek Mina svolali do Brna a do Nitry, a ktere se zrieastnilo okolo 30 vedcri ze zahraniel. I tyto konference jsou soneasti oslav letogniho vYrooi.

Oznameni radii, schize JARNi SCHUZE NASICH OKRSKU Okrsek II Jarni sehiize II. okrsku se bude konat 22, brezna 1964 u radu C. 15 v Buckholts. —SPJSTOkrsek III. Jarni schfize se bade konat 26. dubna 1964 u radu Pokrok C. 84 v Dallas. --SPJsTOkrsek V Jarni schilze pateho okrsku bude p0Mclana 17. loyetna 1964. Nabidky od byti hostem teto schrize budu prijaty do 31. brezna. Nabidky za glete na urednika okrsku F. A. Kadleeek, taj. —sPJSTOlirsek VII Jarni schrize sedmeho okrsku se bude konat 3. kvetna 1964 u radu C. 161 v La Parita.

VESTNfK MASARYK POLITIK SESTAVIL K. STLOUKAL Theorie a praxis K °tame pasivni politiky eeskS,ch poslanen (1876) Pokra6ovani. Podobne narodni pohrOnly vysvetliti mohou jen vgeobecne narodni pomery morayske, k jiclaZ objasneni chceme i my prispeti. Pray & na Morave slovanskeho Obyvatelstva znaene je vice a pies to v poclruei jsme Nemcn. Podleha-li eesky Zivel nemeckemu pies eiselnou svoa prevahu, chyba na ge vezi v cele nagi narodni organisaci. Uz davno citila se potieba tulgi organisace, a proto v Brne, v Olomouci a j. uoineny pokusy; jiZ v prosinci 1882, tedy prde 5 lety, sjezd citivernikft v Brne uvaloval o pilne jeji potrebe vyslYchal dfdkliva slova zesnuleho dra Hoppeho: "Na ge strana bojuje od prvniho okanaZiku, co nastalv Rakousku Zivot konstitueni, stateene a vytrvale jednak o dosahnuti politickeho vlivu nam prislugiciho'die na geho poetu, die na gi dame, die nageho vzdZlani, jednak o dOsahnUti -v gech tadrodnich pra y nam zakladnimi zakony zarueenYYch. Boj ten vede na snemu nag klub poslanecky, v fri gske rade nase delegace poslancriv a v cele zemi? Tali se, kdo vede ten boj v cele zemi? Jen ona neeetna rada jednotlivYch uvedomelych obetavYch vlastencti, kteri se pro v geobecne dobro, o pokrok nag politickY a narodni staraji. . . Stesky na, odstrkovani nagi strany, na zanedbani gkolstvi na geho jsou nekoneene.. e tak stojime, le nemame vet gich vysledkii, to jest jecline chybou na gi organisace." Fri to prilelitosti dr. Hoppe poukazoval na, votrebu, aby se poslanci stYkali se s yYmi volici, aby voliei obracell se k zemskemu vYboru s navrhy Ilene do okres. gkolnich rad atd., aby drivernici easteji stykali se s poslanci a koneeny navrh jeho znel: "Aby divernicke okresni sbory vAude byly permanentni a pracovaly take mimo dobu volebni." Zajimavo je, le reenik tehdy jil upozorrioval na volby do bchodnich komor a potrebnou agitaci k Mtn. Resoluce dra Hoppeho "prilata za hlueneho souhlasu". TaZeme se: StYkaji se poslanci s voliei syYmi horliveji od to doby? Nestykaji. StYkaji se easteji aspori dfrvernici s poslanci? NestYkaji. Pokusil se nekdo na pr. "Mora yska orlice" zrizeni permanentnich okresnich sboril? Ani prstem nehnula. Kdyby klub poslanecky mist° planYch prohlageni,

7 je2 posila do sveta, kdyby poslanecky organy misto vlasteneckeho bubnovani a kacerovani osob sobe nepohorllnych byly ruse prilolily k takove prakticke praci narodni, nemohly se minouti s Uspechem a ipso facto bylo by j im ubylo nepratel. Kdyby "Mora yska orlice" jen tolik peee, tolik mista a tolik reklamy bylo venovala volbarn do brnenske obchodni komory, kolik vgeho toho vyplYtva do roka pro elitini plesy, pro gibrinky a pro jubilea s yYch "malYch velikanti": strana na ge nemohia tak hanebne propadnouti 946 hlasy tarn, kde pled dvema roky mela, vet ginu 363 hlasa, Stopujeme bedlive einnost jednotlivYch poslancu i "Mora yske orlice". Nekteri z poslancft za posledni leta nehlesli ani na ri gske rade ani na snemu a col dfilezitej gi nepracovali v komisich, nepfisobili ye svych okresich. A to pohodlna, vyjeZdena, duclaaprazdna gablona, s jakou "lVfor. orlice" je rediriovana, prevyguje daleko povestnY nekdej gi "koleny organ" pralsky a muod eteni novin lid (Astrate govati, neZli ziskavati jej pro vec narodni. V Brne zalolen byl tel "PolitickY spolek", v nemZ eilej gi Zivlove chteli se soustrediti, ale spolek ten sejde se nekteryy rok sotva k tomu, aby obnovil vYbor a potom lives du ge neusly gi o nem, 2,2 p11 nejake naroclni parade. Kdyby nebylo divadelni otazky, snad by se v brnenske spoleenosti vilbec nepracovalo. Pokud organisace vychazi z Olomouce, vede se s vet gim usilim, cal s radosti uznavame. A piece drilelitost Moravy pro 6eskY narod bije tak do oei! oeska otazka ma snad sve teligte prave na. Morave, nebot' kdyby Morava byla zgermanisovana nebo jen prilig nasakla germanisaci jsou i Cechy jako ztraceny. Na ten eas lid morayskY je ryzej gi a zachovalejIi, jest vgak zas o tolik vita eeskemu lidu zde v kralovstvi neprobudilcjgi neteenej g i. Proto jest organisacc, budeli a tuleni otazkou paleivou. Morayou eesky narod souvisi se slovanskYm svetem. Kdybychom Moravu ztratili, Cechy budou od Slovanstva odseknuty a stanou se ostrovem v nemeckern mori. 0 pomerech mora yskYch napsdna byla precle dverna lety zde v Praze tato laskava. slova: "2ivot naroclni na Morave podoba se decku, ktere send pr y -nimkrfleonp kji.Bevpomci cizi jest mu to je gte nesnadno." Soueasne dr. Rieger v 6as naVg-tevy sve na Morave narikal na mekkost lidu morayskeho a radii mu, aby si ul jednou zaskaroval.

8 Narodni probuzeni na Morave je prae y tak sto let stare probuzeni v Cechach; aivot narodni je tedy ditetem staletYm a kekneme zakrslYm. A pies to, kde energie se prate ujima, delaji pe. Uh. se pokroky znaene. Vizme Hradigte. Mesta to je rodietem a easteene ptisobi gtem dra. Al. Praaaka. Pa nem usadil se to dr. Al Srom. po Sromovi dr. J. Fandrlik: jeden druhYr pritomny a tketi budouci narodni na lVforave. A hledle, toto niesto majici sotva, desetinu aivlu nemeckeho ztistalo do roku 1886 jectnim z nejzarytej gich nemeourskYch ba gt. Az roku 1886 prieinenim prosteho poldadnika zaloany a megt'ana tamejgiho Ant. Sojaka na obratku z Uh. Hradigte vylouplo se mesto Ceske, jea ve vg ech trech sborech volilo Ceske zastupce obce. VYteenici narodni odchazeli a prichazeli, dean vysokou poltiku, snad pri torn i bohatli, ale po narodnim jich ptisobeni nezustalo stopy. Podobne 'cnad i Prerov jen proto uhajil svou ryzost Ceskou i za vlad ustavackYch, ae byl ugetken dobrodini nejakYch vadat'. Uh. Hrad• gte jest obrazem cele zeme. Predaci politieti vet ginou zustavali bez vlivu na narod; v gechno jich pasobeni soustred'ovalo ze u vyclavani "Morayske orlice" a dost. Jen takkowim apilsobem bylo moano starYm nepratelskYm vlaciam tesiti z neuvedomelosti lidu a ze S'osactvi megt'anti. Lraei zuby, jea minule vlady zasily, nikdo dosud nevyrval z mora y -ske'Judy.Minulevadysi smelost k bezpravi a nespravedlnosti do nebe volajici. Nemecke necele etvrtine daly tkikrat tolik g kol neali CeskYm teem etvrtim, absolutne tedy NemcUm desetkrat tolik co 6echilm. Tento AkolskY aparat pracuje pawn jegte novani ducha eeskeho v Medi u (Ines a znamend, zmrzaeeni a znemra,ve 'kYch rozmerech, znamena velikou gkodu, ktera se deje olupovanim eelych generaci niestskYch o narodni vedomi. Valle gkolskeho aparat iirednickY svou rutinou je nebezpeenYm nepritelem narodnosti 'Ceske. V mestech pomaha, byrokracii aivel aidovskY a gosaci, takae v Prostejove, ye Vygkove, v nejbohatgich mestech hana.ckYch, na ge strana nemtiae se domoci vet giny v zastupitelstvi. K Cemu asi dilkladna, a dtisledne provadend organisace prihliaeti by mela, se kterYmi ciniteli politiktitm eeskYin, pa soudu na gem, jest iletovati, vyloahne struene.


Kulturni piinos Leto gniho roku ted' v podzimni sezone dramaticke oddeleni UCLA, statni university y Californii, uvede na scene; krome klasickYch del SHAKESPEAROVYCH take dal gich pet mistru dramatickeho umeni. Budou to podle vYberu teto university, Luigi PIRANDELLO, Jean OCTEAU, O'neil a Sean O'CASEY, a mezi nimi take na g Karel CAPEK. Z Capkova dramatickeho dila bude uveidena jeho hra R. U. R. Karel Capek videl do budoucnosti a v torn smeru o mnoho predbehl ty ostatni, R. U. R. se melo stat vYstrahou svobodnemu svetu, stejne jako jeho utopisticky roman VALKA S MLOKY. V techto dllech plnych ironie, vyjadkil hrtizu z mechanicke polovzdelanosti, straeh z dobyvatelstvi zpitomneleho davu, dobyvaenost masy, ktera boil brehy civilisace, jakesi proroctvi zkazy, ktera hrozi svetu z novYch hesel totalitarnich reaimil a z ospalosti straacti tak zvaneho svobodneho sveta a stareho kadu. Divadelni hra Karla oapka o "robotech" odlidgtenych strojich i kdya v poclobe eloveka, bez du ge, jea mely za elovela vykonavat v gechny teake prate a za neho i bojovat, a kteki se nakonec vzburili a vyhubili do posledniho sve "stvoritele", je stale easova, akutni a ma sve poslani. Byl to sveho easu varovny signal, vYrstraha Evrope a celemu svetu v hodine dvanacte pied hrozicim nebezpeeim a dal gi dilo Oapkovo "Valka s Mloky", 'kteri se zmocni sveta bokice jeho hraze bylo ua jen jakYrmsi opakovanim a jakYmsi auto- plagiatem CapkovYch "robotti" z RUR, proto'ae autor myslil, se svet nema dost jedne vYstraze, aby v KRAKATITU ua tehdy pkedvicla.1 zrozeni atomove pumy. A ov gem nic se na, to nedalo a svet se napolo zhroutil v plamenech pod fiderem militaristicke rozpinaivosti Hitlerovy 'Vet' Rae. A i dnes, po vgech teakYch zku genostech, je hlas spisovateltiv "volanim na pou gti" a tak se moana po vgech "tanich" a letech 1dealni koexistence jednodu ge dne doaijeme toho, jak se toto proroctvi napini v pinern rozsahu a svet vezme za sve a zahyne v plamenech pa spoleenem fitoku at' rude nebo alute davove ittoenosti zmechanisovane, oddugevnele, beztvarne masy, jea se vyroji bud' a fizemi pre Uralem nebo z uzeini za Uralem, nebo obema proudy najednou. Proto se ee gti v jinni Californii zajimali o predstaveni 6apkovSTch robotii, jea videli v divadle "Playhouse" in MacGowan Hall - UCLA, Theatre

Ve streclu, tine 11. prosince 1963 Arts Dept. V Los Angeles, denne ve dnech od 14. do 24. listopadu t. r. (B. Smutnik _js --NsopvyrDomov, Toronto) . Ve dnech 7., 13. a 15. prosince 1963 USC — School of music — Opera Theatre — uvede na scenu v Los Angeles poprve operni dilo Antonina Dvaraka "Rusalku" temer neznamou americkenin obecenstvu a v lednu 1964 bude v Los Angeles dirigovat symfonickou basefi Bedricha Smetany vlast' Rafael Kubelik. )O) — Na Dejvickem namesti v Praze byla odhalena pametni deska k 90. vYroei. narozeni Maxe Svabinskeho na dome, kde umelec, all a tvokil ad roku 1930 as do sve smrti v race 1962, Symposium o vyzkumu mesice Ing. Karel Velan svolal jmenem SVU (Ceskoslovenska spoleenost pro vedy a umeni v Americe) do Montreala na McGillovu universitu na 6. a 8. ledna 1964 vedecke symposium o vYzkumu mesice a meziplanetarniho prostoru. Jako hlavni keeniky pozval na toto symposium prof. dr. Vaclava Hlavateho z university state Indiana, 'kterY mathematicky dokazal spravnost je,dne Einsteinovy teorie, a prof. dr. Zderika Kopala z university v Manchestru. Prof. Kopal je dnes povaaavan za, jednoho z nejvYznainnej gich badatelti o mesici. —SVU Prvni eesky basnik pougte V nakladatelstvi Universum Press Co. (149 Wooster Street, New York 12, N. Y.) vySla prave kniha anglickych basni redaktora Josefa Martinka, ktery aije v Arizone. Tento Cestny elen SpoleCnosti pro vedy a umeni v Americe, novinar, historik 'krajanske Ameriky, spisovatel, politik, a odborar (snad jsme jegte vynechali kadu adbortl, ye kterYch se uspeSne uplatnil) se v nejbliaii doaije 75 let a je proto obdivuhodne, ac Ice s yYrin ctosavadnim aivotpridal je g te jeden nim stal se anglickym basnikem pougte, snad prvnim deskYm basnikem v tornto smeru. Jeho kniha basni "Songs of the Desert" je dal gim obohacenim svobocine es. kultury. Mtlaeme 'k ni blahoprat nejen basnikovi, ale i nakladatell. SVU —SPJSTKniha esejii o Ceske literatuie V holandskem nakladatelstvi Mouton and Co. v Hagu vy gla pod zaUitou Spoleenosti pro vedy a umeni (SVU) nova kniha profesora srovnavaei literatury na Yaleove universit y dr. Rene

Ve st •edu, dne 18. prosince 1963 Wellka "Essays on Czech Literature" (E;J'eje o Ceske literature). V teto anglicke knize je idevet Wellkovych esejn, y e kterYch jsou zajimave poznatky jak pro Cecha nebo Slo yaka, tak i pro etenate, ktery ma o Ceskosloyenske kultu •e jen znalosti zeskoly. Prvni esej analyzuje dve tradice Ceske literatury. eseje se zabYvaji Ceskou literaturou v letech 1918 — 1938, 1948 — 1953 a :koneene V nynejSi deb& Dva eseje venuje dr. Wellek Karla Capkovi a T. G. Masarykovi. Pro Americana, Kanad'ana, nebo Anglieana jsou velmi zajima ye eseje o Ceskych nametech v anglicke literature a o smell( K. H. Machy k anglicke literature. Koneene cievaty esej se zabYva nemeckym podidem na literature v Cechach. Knihu mono objednat na teto adrese: Mr. Oldrich Cerny, 1826 Harvard Street, N. W., Washington 9, D. C. Clenove SVU plati za knihu sniZenou cenu SVU dolarti ($5.35) s poStovnYm. vedeeti pracovnici na studijni nalSteve v USA Dr. Vladimir Fend. z Prahy zahajil aka,demicky rok fyziologickeho yYzkumu na lekarske fa(kulte Harvardovy university v Bostonu. — Dr. Jaroslav Drobnik a jeho manZelka Vera Drobnikova, se zUeastnili mezinarodniho symposia o pralni mikrobiologii na universite statu Colorado v Boulder. Dr. Drobnik zastane ve SpojenYch statech do konce brezna 1964. Stale prednaSet a pokraeovat v biofyziskena yYzkumu na universite statu Michigan v East Lansing. Bade prednaSet take na Connellove universite a na universitach state Florida, Louisiana a Arkansas. Dr. Valtr Ehrlich ma Best mesict studovat neurochirurgii na lekarskYch fakultach v Bostonu, Chicagu a v Ann Arbor. — Dr Zdenek Votava ma navStivit americke farmaceuticke laboratore a lekarske fakulty v Princetonu, Washingtonu, Chicagu, Indiane, Ohiu, Michiganu a v Bostonu. —SVU SPJST-

dr. Franti gek Dvornik o Velke Morave eestnY Clen Spoleenosti pro vedy a umeni (SVU), Dp. dr. FrantiSek Dvornik, profesor Harvardovy 'university (Dumbarton Oaks) a autor rady \WeekYch knih z historic Slo yanti, prednaeel 3. prosince na universite George' town ye Washingtone, D. C. na tema "Central Europe: the Coming of Christianity to the Sla ys" (St • edni Evropa; prichod krest'anstvi mezi Slovany). PreclnaSku poradaly spoleene fa'kulta historickYch veci university Georgetown Dp.

VESTNfK a washingtonska pracovni skupina SVU. Predsedali spoleenef ,delcan fakulty historickych ved university- Georgetown, prof. dr. Penn a predseda washingtonske pracovni skupiny SVU, dr. M. Kybal. Ve sve vedecke prednaSce dr. Dvornik shrnul historii byzantske misse sv. Cyrila a Metodeje na Mora y& ZcIfiraznil, ze oba svetci prisli na Velkou Moravu s poslanim "vytioovat ye vire" a ne "viru zvestovat", jak historikove tvrdili je"Ste do nedavna. PfednaSejici uvedl dale radu novYch vedeckYch obktere osvetluji tehdej'Ai politickou a kultutrni historii steedni Evropy. Zminil se take o vYstave "Velka, Morava." v Brne, kterou osobne shledl, a o leto:Snich konferencich slavistu v Brne a Nitre, kterS7ch se sam zdeastnil. Zduraznil, ze nove archeologicke objevy na Morave a Slovensku maji mimoeadnY yYznam, protole vrhaji nove svetlo na kulturni vYvoj Velke Moravy devateho stoleti. NavSleva dr. Dvornika letos v lete na Morave vedla jeho einenim k tomu, ze se o archeologicke objevy zajimaji odbornici ve svoloodnem svete, zejmena v USA, kteei mohou vynikajicim zpusobem prispet k od borne interpretaci vykopavek. V sobotu 7. prosince dostal Dp. dr. FrantiSek Dvornik z rukou kardinala Spellmana v New Yorku cenu za vynikajici vedeckou praci v oboru theologie. —SVU Gerald Humel na, eeste k vy ggim metam V "Merchant of Venice" Shakespeare pravi: "The man that bath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treason, stratagems and spoils." Hudba vyjadeuje razne nalady: fiznY pochod vzpruZi pochodujici unavene vojaky, ,sinuteeni vynuti slzu z oka, milostne pisne vykouzli jemnej gi cit u zamilovanych, inu hudba je universalni reei lidu. 20, ze v nakm systemu volneho podnikani, pro umelce v§ak i systemu volneho zanikani, vyZaduje obdiv a pomoc, i kdyZ jen moralni, ten, kdo vzdor nebezpeei, stradani, east° i posmechu a uraZek od lidi ZarlivYch, mene schopnYch, se dal na cestu k vy§'S'im metam v umeni, bez ohledu na zisk slavu. Vynikajici skladatel je chloubou roda, z ktereho pochazi, ale je hanbou, ze tento v mnohYch pripadech nechal tohoto zahynouti peedeasne nemoci, hladem, 'aniZ by si z toho delal tesZke svedomi. Predmetem na geho obdivu mezi mlad Simi skladateli je Ludmila Ulehlova z

9 N. Y., ktera si svYm umenirn dobyla uznani a chvalu i v Praze, kde byly jeji skladby hrany, a pak Gerald. Humel, syn pokrokovYch Ceskych rodieft z Clevelandu. Jelikod jsem met s timto naclanSun vysoce vySkolenYin mladikem prilelitost se seznamiti, uvadim pro informaci na g krajanske verejnosti nasledujici data: Gerald Humel se narodil 1931 v Clevelande, studoval hudbu a hlavne skladby na "Hofstra, College" v New Yorku, "Royal College" v Lond*ne, na "Oberlin Conservatory" a obdrZel titul Master of Music na University of Michigan a na teZe universite studoval u Ross Lee Finney a Roberto Gerhard. Gerald Humel skladal od 11 let, a v 17 letech obdrZel "National Scholastic Awatrd", a v r. 1959 Award", pak 1962 Arthura Shepherda cenu komorni hudby, Mimo jine skladby ma 3 opery, hudbu pro balet a jeviSte, a jeho komposice byly hrany u C. B. S. Symphony a "Cleveland Orchestra," dosud vS'ak pokraeuje ve stucliich na "Fulbright" stipendium v Berline, aC rad by Ael do Prahy, kam'Z by za nynej'ai situace stipendium neoladrZel. Dne 11. kvetna 1963 byly hrany sklad by V. Frohna z La Porte, Indiana, a nakho Geralda, a to nasledujici kusy jeho. Prelude a Scherzo pro fletnu, Sonatu Cesta do Prahy pro housle klavir, Fantasie pro 2 fletny, cello a klavie. Trio pro lesni rob, vielu a kiavir a to v American House v I3erline. Pfejeme temto mladYm hudebniktin mnoho Uspechu a doufame, ze jejich jmena uvidime easteji na programu, a k tomu radim: tspech ma pouze takoyou cenu, kolik za nej zaplati'S, vyhleda vej kritiku konstruktivni, Ma yne od di AspeSnYch v tvem oboru, nieivYm, Zarliyym, se vyhYbej, neb ti tebe zbyteene znechucuji a k pokroku neprispeji. Pamatuj si, co Schumain pravil: "Es is des Lernens kein Ende," Cli ueeni neni nikdy konce." (Peed nekblika tydny, na g poctili nay gtevou pan Humel a jeho matka. Zastavili se v tiskarni pri svem zajezdu po celYch SpojenYch statech. Tesilo nas panu Humelovi prejeme dalCI fispechy v jeho hudebnim oboru. -- Red.) -SPJST------

V Praze byl nedavno uveden novY eesky film Kral komikii-Vlasta Burian natoeeny podle ukazek ze znamYch sta.rych veseloher velkeho eeskelio herce. Hlavni roll hraje imitator J. .Stuchal.



Osudna not ROMAN Pokradovani Jenk Kulad byl opojen s yYm vitezstvim a hned, kdy sel od spravcov,Ych, zastavil se v panskom hostinci, kam svobodni arednici na strava chodivali a vpadnuv mezi ne jako puma, ruce rozhodil a zasmal se. "Prijirnam gratulace," volal na celOu rnistnost, `brave jsem se zasnoubil s nejrostondlelk bytosti na svete, do mesice budu Zenat a kdo mi nebude Stesti prati, ten bude mYm neptitelem." "Prosim te, ktera je to neSt'astna bytost?" ptal se fidetni z pivovaru. "Hadej! Je to nejkrasnejSi (levee, vg ichni byste brali, ale ona si vyvolila me a pied chvili jsme dostali polehnani rodietil." "To jsou jiste nejaci lide cizi, kteri to neznaji a chteji sve dite uvrhnouti do neStesti." "2adni cizi, zdejSi to jsou a znaji me lepe ne2 ty. Neuhadnete? Povina vam to tedy sam, je to sleena Klara Durclelova." Pozoroval, jeho sdeleni opravdu prekvapilo a ruce si zamnuv usedl mezi ne. "Ubohe (levee!" rekl freetni, nachyluje se nad talir a pokraeuje v jidle. "Pozor na jazyk, v tom smeru nejsou se mnou Zadne hraeky", povidal Kulae svysoka. "Jsme sice kamarady, ale mezi kaniarady maji Zerty sve meze. Mrize snad nekdo proti mne nee° Spatneho kid? Nejsem hrabecirn revirnikern? Nemam vzdelani? Byl jsem ussvedeen z neeeho podobneho? Prokop Kulae nepotrebuje se celeho sveta bati, pamatujte si to." "Nic nerikam," odpovedel feetni suSe. Jiste jsi sve snoubence rekl, ze jsi byl ji2 dvakrate zasnouben a 2e z toho nevim proe." "Protok jsem to sam zruSil, mYril jsem se, to nebyly partie, ktere by se mi bodily. Dejte mi piti, mam hlad a Zizeri," volal na hostinskeho. "Oche jsi neZastal u spravcovYch na lobed?" ptal se ifeetni trochu kousave. "Zvali me, ale ja jsem odmitl," lhal lehce. "Olovek je prilis dojat a kazil by si naladu. Zitra jdeme na faru, fdechno yyjednam a potom to po Z s enu parou." Mlad§i urednicd zaeali se vyptavati, jak hluenou veselku bude strojiti a litovali, ae to bude tak tale a bez taneeni zabavy. Roz z'e si tak sam

peal, ale vyzYval je, aby brzy neja,kou zabava usporadali, ze na iii privede svou mladou pani, aby videli, jaky St'astnY los vyhral. Rozjaill se, rychle pil a kdy se vracel do myslivny, pobrudoval si veselou pisnieku. Kdy2 se doma rozhledl, prikreil nos. Panedku, nevypada to zde pane, Klara se malo poteSi, ale at', aspori na starych vymak, Ze byt dobre Stark penize ma, to se vdeobecne vi a vi se take, ae je houhreka, jenk to s nim Klara dovede a byl si jist, Ze na konec piece od rodieli dostane, co bude treba. Neudkodilo by, kdyby spravce dal mu nekolik tisicovek, ma to a tarn dlouZek, ktery ho site netlaer, ale o kterem by s Klarka nerad hovoril. Nastanou vydani, hned sluZka bude stall penize, Klara bude doma variti, zkratka penez bude treba a nezbude mnoho na nejake vyrakni. Nu, co nebude hned, bude potom, lehce zbavoval se starosti. Nebudou-li se penize dostavati, Klarka zajde domii a penize prinese. Musi ji poraditi, aby zmenila taktiku, aby neatoeila na otce, ale abv lichocenim ho obinekeila a ji se to podal'i, otec i matka na ni visi a nepHpusti, aby mela v neeena nedostatku. Krasne se mu bude Ziti, chvalil sam sobe, hezkou a mladou Z'enu bude miti, zavede ji do spoleenosti, ona, rada tailor lide mu ji budou zavidet a krasne u nich bude. Poridi si novou uniformu, bude vystupovati jako pan a jiste ae take lesmistr prestane se na neho pies rameno divati, protok bude zetem spravcovYm a Durdela neco na panstvi znamend. Stare hajne lied, jako Stesti ho eeka, a ukladal ji, aby se po nejake vhosluZce poohledla. Mel radost, kdy" velebila, jakou krasnou a bohatou pani dostane a nadsazoval jeSte vice. Nem& doma staid i do lesa zaSel a pred lesnimi delniky sve tajemstvi vykladal, take weer po okolnich dedinach se rozneslo o sriatku myslivcove a jeho vYhodne Zenitbe. Rano byl by rad ke spravcovYm zaskoeil, ale spra y 'Oekal, jake zpra--cesintkvebal. vy mu Klarka prinese. Napadla bo zla rnySlenka, k snad v posledni chvili rodide Klaru premluvili a Ze mu ona oznand svilj astup. To by bylo osudne, eekala, by ho nesmrtelna ostuda, a stal by se na panstvi nemoZnYm. Sam sobe spilal blaznA, k lidem o siren' zasnoubeni likal a vyeltal si, ae je lehkonayslnY a hloupY, kteremu by patillo, aby se do21.1 nejakeho skandalu. Kdyz v prve chvili Klarku spatril, srdce se mu strachern sevrelo. Byla trochu zrejme sklieena a jcji podani ruky bylo beze vii vrelosti.

Ve stredu, chae 11. prosince 1963 "HnevaS se na nine?" ptal se se strojenYm pohnutim. "Ach ne, jen mi je srnutno," priznavala se. "Nealela jsem tak unainene na rodiee atoeiti a seekat, al by byli sand svolili. A take main strach, Ze tva laska dlouho nevytrva.' "Ma laska? At' blesk do mne uderi, nebudu-li to a2 do smrti nade vdecko na svete milovati." "Ke2 by to byla pravda," povzdychla si. "Nu, UZ se stale a ja, vytrvam." "Ja take, Klaro, presveddiS se, ae Zadny inuZ na svete nernel to tak rad jako ja. Raj na zemi ti udelam, mou kralovnou budeS a jeSte za padesat let budu ty" jako jsem dnes." "Mile dostarei, kdyZ aspori nekolik let nine budei miti rad, aby min divot neminul bez radosti. Ale pojd'me, at' si odbudeme svou povinost. Potom na nas bude v aleji maminka eekati, chce se se mnou do nayslivny podivati, aby posoudila, jaky nabytek ma nine koupiti. Main azkost, kel se nespini, echo se bojim." "VSechny starosti ti s vela vylibarn, nebe ti k noham snesu a s celYm svetem se budu pro tve Stesti potYkati. Pojd', ma kralovno!" VIII. A tak se stala. Klarka Zenou Prokopa Kulade. Rodide ji myslivnu zaridili, matka s laskou opatrila vie, aby fitulnY a hezkY byt, kuchylika se leskla nadobim a Klarina vYbava napinila dye velke skrine. KdyZ" o svatbe poobedvali a spravcovYch, spravce, taje pohnuti, dal zaptahnouti a se Zenou provazeli novomanZely do jejrch noveho hnizda. Spravce byl malomluvny a Kulae ztracel V jeho pritomnosti svou obvyklou hovornost. Az v myslivne se rozehral, vodil tchana a take tchyni po v§ech mistnostech a take se s yYm hospodarstvim se chlubil. "Tohie 'deck° za nic nesoji," rekl tchan sae. "Lobytek mad stars', vyhublY, ponese jen ikodu. Prodej ho. Poll ho ke nine do dvora a reznici, kteii mne kupuji, daji ti vie, ne2 kdybys na trhu ho prodaval. Pridti tYden je trh, pojedei se mnou a koupim ti, co potrebujeS1. Slulku mate statnou, Kldra si povede kuchyni a s-Oka at' nanosi s pasek pici. 0 drabeli vam poradi matka. DrabO, a chlev da yam polovleku Zivobyti a take deputatnich poll si hied' . Praci Ind§ zdarma, je pouze aeba dohlednouti na lidi. Nu, snad se easem na to podivam. Take ploty dej opraviti, zahrada je pina trial a kopriv, stromy jsou neprorezane a nic neskli-


Ve streru, due 18. proSInce 1963 dite. MAA uayslivnu treti rok a jeAte j si na nic rukou nesahl." "Prosim te, svobodny elovek nedba, nema pro koho se starati, ale ted' budu dbati, za v'Sim ptijdu, Klarka bade ehoditi se mnou." "Klarka bude miti :lost starosti doma; snarl v nedeli mute si vyjiti na prochdzku, ale i ona se musi prieinovati, vtdyt' by lid() take ji judo nedbalou ponalouvali." "Prosim CO, tatinku, pevez mi vS. eehno, co se ma stati; ja si to spite pamatuji a budu nalehati, aby se vSechno Yeas udelalo," Zadala Klarka a bystre naslouchala otci, kterY ji poueoval, jak tma .dohliZeti a co se ma opraviti. -To pro ni neni," prohodit Kulde, chode za nimi, "od toho jsem ja, mut, a ja main energie dust" "NeuSkodi, kdyt budete oba to vedeti, co vedeti mate a ty bYvaS east° v lese. Hospodyne ma byti se vS"im obeznamena a at' se prieinuje. Zahalka, je matkou nepravosti a na vyraZeni nebudete miti prvnj eas dost kdy." "Pont ti nekolik slepic, mat v'S'echny stare," povidala matka. "Tally za plotem yam teee potaeek, z jam si nasad' kachny a kurat IMAMS" miti nekolik set." "Poc,hytaji je vrany a lasiedy," namital Kulde. Pokrae'ovani




alravitamin sily spravi. MI6Ste ted' kdyt je malo slunka, kdyt je vlhko, zima nebo rnraz a flu kdyt eeka za rohem aby vas navStivila, kdyt je telo sestable nedostatkem ocIpoeinku nebo nespravneu. vY2ivou to jedna kapsle Zdra-vitamin rano se sniclani dela. divy! Ted' je eas ,abyste oil laelnYch a slabych vitamina 'k velmi neinnerou ZDRA-VITAMINH, jak take ueinita krajanka Barbora Jetek z Milligan, Nebraska, 'ktera piSe: U syna v Californii jsem :utivala vitaminy, ktere ml tam dali, ted' vSak kelyt jsem opet doma posilam si pro ten opravd:u Zdra-vitamin o kterem jsem se piesvedeila, to je ten nejlep§i! Proto presvedete se i vy tak je snacine bYti zdravejim a WastnejSim. Udelejte si red a nani:Ste si jest ted.' 0 ZDRAVITAMIN na 5 tYclnti z:21. 3.98 nebo radeji dvojnasobnou clavku kapsle ZDRAVITAMIN na. 10 tYdnik jen za 6.98 rychlou p&ltou vyplace,ne. EUROPEAN DRUGS B •etisla y Jelinek, csl. lekarnik 3255-10th W. SEATTLE 99, WASH


Lekee trick to — Lesson 30 Dates — Seasons -® Months Abbreviations Days of the !week: pondeli — Monday fiterY Tuesday streda — Wednesday etvrtek — Thursday patek — Friday sobota — Saturday nedele — Sunday Note that days of the week are NOT capitalized unless, of course, they are at the beginning of a sentence. They always are in English. Months of the year: le•den — January fluor — February biezen — March duben -- April kveten — May eerven — June 6ervenec — July srnen — August September October November e — December (S f.' •e r le•,

1)0/. byvaK (former) hod. hodin (o'clock) nap •. — Na piiklad (for example) odpoledne (afternoon—p.m.) odp. n. 1. --naS•eito letopoetu (A.D. — after Christ) Pr. n. 1. — p •ed nakm letopoetem (B. C. — before Christ) p. — pan (Mistr) pi. — pani (Mrs.) rok (year) r. tohoto roku (this year) t. r. sl. sleena (Miss) str. — strana (page) sv. syaty (Saint — St.) tohoto mesice (this month) t. m. tj. to jest (that is — namely) tzv. tak zyaitY (so-called) st. — stark (Joe BP-14n, Sr.) ml. -- junior (Joe Brown, Jr.) nejml. nejrnladk (the youngest) koruna eeskosloyenska Kes. (Czech crown — unit of currency) CSR — Ceskoslovenska repuhlika. (Czechoslovak Republic) (The present regime uses the abbr. CSSR, having added another S for Socialist) eeskosloyenska, tiskoYa. kanCTK cela • — (Czechoslovak News office, or Bureau); Government News Agency.. Cedok — eeskoslovenska dopravni kancela • -- (Czechoslovak Transportation Bureau) • Measures of Length — Miry delkove 1 inch — coral, palec 2.54 cur. 12 inches — stopa 30.479 cm. 1 yard — 91.439 c.m. 2 yards — sah — 1,828 in, o


as above).

The 4 Seasons: zima winter jam — spring leto — summer podziin — fall

Commonly used abbreviations jine (and Others) aI , poaebne (and similar) atd. — a tak dale (etc. — and so on) (number) es. CeskoslovenskY (Czechoslovak) dop. dopoledne (forenoon — a. rn.) — drive (before)

Miry dine -® measures of capacity 1 pint — 0,568 litru 1 quart — 1.138 litru 1 gallon — 4.546 litru 1 peck — 9.092 litru 1 bushel — 36.368 litru

Holidays Vanoce — Christmas Velikonoce — Easter Den Dikil yzdani Thanksgiving Den pkimeri Armistice Day Zdobeni itrobfi — Decoration Day Den Matek Mother's Day Den °ten — Father's Day Na Sylvestra — New Year's Vve StedrY yeeer — Christmas Lve Sy. Mikulage—St. Nicholas (Dec. 6th) Stedry Den — Christmas Day Den Veteranfi — Veteran's Day



Wednesday, December 18, 1963




PosL n aster: .'lease Semi Form 3579 With Uride verable Co p ics to SUPREME



Reports from our Lodges, or any other Reading Material to be published should reach the Editor, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all matters to the Editor; P. 0. Box 85, West, Texas.



As anctilic-..r Christmas season approaches, our hearts and spirits are lifted up in a happy concert of happiness, love and everlasting j ey. To every member of every lodge, and to all our co-workers at every level, we extend our wishes and hope that every blessing be with each of y u this Chi ictmas.



EDWARD L. MAREK, President

JOIN A. KUBENA, Director

JOE B. HEJNY, Vice President

HENRY E. VITEK, Director

R. A. URBANOVSKY, Secretary

1.0BERT CERVENKA, Director

JOS. KOLIHA, JR., Treasurer

ROBERT E. SRO-Z, Director

BEN ZABC/K, Financial Secretary


AUGUST KAM, Legal Adviser




Wednesday, December 18, 1963

From The Editor's Desk There is so much about Christmas that is all too obvious. Lights are every where. Store windows come alive with lively and beautiful decorations, and an endless array of gifts and toys for people of all ages. Up and down every street in America, and most of the world, windows and doorways are gaily decorated, saying, "welcome," in the form of a holly wreath or evergreen. The burdened postman at the door, the sight and smell of goad things to eat — these are all signs of the season. Not so noticeable, perhaps, is the change that comes over people themselves, with very few exceptions. Everyone seems to have a new or renewed purpose in life, a new incentive. The paces are a little quicker than usual, smiles come a little easier, impatience is pushed aside, and somehow we're all just a little more tolerant of our fellow creatures. This overall feeling is hard to describe adequately; it simply must be the miracle of Christmas at work. It must be; it comes from the heart. It is hard to resist. It is compulsive. What else could it be? In spite of all the outward trappings of the season, the miracle of the Christmas season shines forth from the human heart. The miracle has remained, through centuries of oppression, persecution, and the impartial attrition of time. Deposits, dictators, and pagans have had their day, and have made their mark with their "isms." But the miracle remains. Down through the ages the one single dominating influence upon generations of men and women has been the simple affirmation of the heritage and dignity that belongs to none but mankind among the myriad creatures of land, sea and sky. Man, then, is a special creature. created in the image of eternity. Yes, Christmas comes to us. whether we like it or not, we cannot escape it. But, do we really come to the spirit of Christmas when the spirit comes to us? Not if our celebration of Christmas begins and ends with only frivolity; with only gaiety; with only material giftgiving. The idea of gift-giving—trying to remember everyone who is likely to remember us — is that enough? Give yourself at Christmas: there really is no more wonderful gift. Out of the pretty box you gave flew all sorts of rare intangibles, once the rib-


bon was off and the lid lifted. Affection, nostalga, laughter, shared memories — all these can crackle in the tissue paper along with grace and generosity. Give fun: laughter is beyond price. Open up a door on the world, for a child. Polish up the existing landscape a little, for an adult. Give courage, or leisure; give intimately. A gift can show that you honor someone's achievements, or heart's desire. Stimulation is far better than a pair of socks. The art is to put into every package more than the gift itself. We should think to ourselves that any gift will rattle around in any box unless the box is stuffed with human values, with joy and smiles, and loving kindness. Put yolirself in every Christmas package.

CHRISTMAS PRAYER Let Cnristmas not become a thing Merely of merchants' trafficking, Of tinsel, bell, and holly wreath And surface pleasure, but beneath The childish glamour let us find Nourishment for soul and mind. Let us follow kinder ways Through our teeming human maze And help the age of peace to come From a Dreamer's martyrdom. • • How seldom Christmas comes — only once a year; and how soon it is over — a night and a day! If that is the whole of it, it seems not much more durable than the little toys that one buys of a fakir on the street corner. They run for an hour, and then the spring breaks, and the legs come off, and nothing remains but a contribution to the dusty heap. But surely that need not and ought not be the whole of Christmas — only a single day of generosity, ransomed from the dun servitude of a selfish year — only a single night of merrymaking, celebrated in the slave-quarters of a selfish race! If every gift is the token of a personal thought, a friendly feeling, an unselfish interest in the joys of others, then the thought the feeling, the interest, may remain long after the gift is forgotten. • • . . AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN." Let us pray that strength and courage abundant be given to all who work for a world of reason and understanding — that the good that lies in every man's heart may day by day be magnified That men will come to see more

clearly net that which divides them, but that which unites them — That each hour may bring us closer to final victory, not of nation over nation, but of man over his own evils and weaknesses — that the true Spirit of this Christmas Season, its joy , its beauty, its hope and above all its abiding faith, may live among us -- that the blessings of peace be ours, the peace to build and grow, to live in harmony and sympathy with others, to plan for the future with confidence.

TO ALL OUR READERS AND FRIENDS EVERYWHERE, WE EXTEND OUR SINCEREST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS, HAPPY, AND BLESSED YULETIDE SEASON! THE EDITOR.- PUBLISHER., AND ENTIRE VESTNIK PERSONNEL. I would be remiss if I did not add my sincere personal thanks to all those lodges and individual members of the Order who remembered me and my family with their expressions of good wishes. Thank you all! —Your Editor

LETTERS 1814 Justin Lane Austin, Texas Dear Vestnik Readers, My sincere thanks to those of you who have written to me offering your suggestions and information about where one might go to find material concerning the Czechs in Texas. As time permits I promise I shall answer each of you with a personal letter. M'y research paper on the "Czechs in Texas" is coming along nicely. I would like to explain about the college course I am taking. As an employee at Austin State Hospital I was given an opportunity of enrolling in a two-year college course offered by Blinn College (Brenham). Instructors hold classes on the hospital grounds here in Austin. The course is 66 hours and upon completion the graduates receive an Associate in Science Degree and are also graduate Psychiatric Nurse Technicians. I will finish my two years in January. I am taking my last two courses, English and Microbiology. I began classes in January 1962. For the past two summers I took two six-week



courses, so you see I have been in the classroom most of these past two years. This has not been an easy time but I have enjoyed every minute of the time spent in the classroom. I finished high pool in 1940 at 'Taylor, Texas. The past two years have been very rewarding and the experience of learning to help others certainly rn. , ans maul) to me. Whoever said, "life begins at 40" sire knew what he was talking about! I began working at Austin State Hospital in june 1961. When I began to go; to worked only 24 hours a .cled classes 1.6 hours each week (I received full attendant's pay durnig all the months while taking classes). My husband and I have three children living at home. One (Laughter is married and. lives mere in town. A seven room house, garden, church work, and grandchildren take up some of my time Yes, I admit it has been a busy two years but it has been so much fun! My daughter, Darenda Phillips (Mrs. Billy Marvin) presented me with a granddaughter on November 4th. Christine Ann was born at St. David's Hospital in Austin. My grandson, Bruce will be 3 in May. He loves to visit his great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Boudny in Taylor. Sincerely, Patricia B. Bryan (Mrs. W. P. Bryan) P.S. Is there any one who has the history of the ',Sokol? I would like very much t0 have some recent news about this group. Hew active is the Sokol in Texas at this time? (For news on the American Sokol movement, write: The American Sokol, 5611 West Cermak Road, Cicero, Illinios — Editor). —SPJST.—

166, ,BEAUIVIONT 10, Dear Members and Friends: Lodge 166 Beaumont held their monthly meeting on December 9 at the Elks Lodge, 697 North Pearl St, Sorrow was expressed for the illness of Brother Leslie Cox, who suffered a stroke four weeks .a..•:;o. Brother Cox is making slow r:,:o7c,i'y, althou, -. he is o,,, a.1-""' still s recovery, Y0111' Put • Galvestiwre rt that Sister was previously Shotsie Muter, the hospital follo• •. . , g a car accident, is home, and doing fine. Brother Bill Moreau! was not with us clue to a very bad cold.

Wednesday, December 1 8, 1963

Lodge 152 Officers. Left to right: J. C. Zapalac, qdent, ac,[1 John Hranicky, Secretary. We are very grateful to the Elks Lodge for giving us the privilege of using their lodge hall to hold our monthly meetings. We expressed our thanks to Brother Louis Kayatt as a spokesman for the Elks. We elected the following officers for 1964: President Leslie Cox Vice-President -- Roberta Moreau Secretary - Treasurer -- B e v e r l y Schmidt Guide -- Robert Schubring Youth Director — Louis Kayatt Brother Cox was elected President with the firm hopes that he recovers from his illness, Our next meeting' will be on January 13, 1964, at 827 North Pearl St. We welcome any visitors. Fraternally yours, Sandra Watson —SPJST-

ANNIVERSARY OF LODGE PGER,OK AGUA DULCE The thirtieth anniversary of Lodge Pokrok Agua Dulce No. 152 was held in the home of Brother and Sister John Hranicky at Orange Grove, Monday, December 9, 1963. About twenty members were present to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the lodge, which was organized at Agua Dulce, December 1933. Two of the charter members of the lodge who are still active in the lodge were present: 2,0111

9 milt: J. C, R. J. Mister, of Orange Grove, Brother R.• J. Haisler who served as lodge president for many years, and Brother J. C. Zapalac wile has served as bookkeeper for 30 years. Four of those present had a total of 221 years of accumulated membership. Brother R. J. Haisler joined Lodge Jan Ziska No. 8 in 1903; Brother Frank Raska joined Lodge Velehracl in 1905; Brother John L. Jansa joined Ledge Pokrok Rowena In 1011; and Brother John Hranicky joined Lodge Te;;T:sti Bratri No. 104 in 1912. Lodge Aqua Dulce has members who jive in the following communities: Agua Dulce, Alice, Orange Grove, and

Wednesday, December 18, 1963




Sinton. Presently there are 55 adult members and 22 juvenile members. During the business meeting the following officers were re-elected: Eddie Smith„Agua Dulee, president; Louis Bubenik, vice-president; Jul .. Hranicky, Grange Grove, secretary; J. C. Zapalac, Alice, bookkeeper; Convention Delegate, John Hranieky; Alternate Delegate, Roy Dranicky. Fi aternally, Roy E. Hanicky SPJST

LODGE 30, NEW 'LUTON •e-ps: Dear Brott ere and Tic:is is notice for as; many of you as possible to attend our January nieetiing, which will be hold January 5th, 1.-!;64, at 3 pm. We will have our annual election of officers, plus electing a delegate to the ,convention. Some of you need to take care of your dues, since-the local lodge cannot forward these for you indefinitely. Our December meeting was so poorly attended, we had to postpone all our elections until January. Don't forget the January meeting on the 5th of January. Fraternally, J. F. Fiala, Secretary-Treasurer —SPJ ST

LODGE, STEFANIK 142, HOUSTON Dear Readers, Cin Saturday, December 21 Lodge Stefanik 142 Youth Club will present cur Christmas play. We have practiced very hard and hope many of you will and sec it. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. The admission is free. Until Dec. 21, I remain, Respectfully yours, Nona Ciestewitz President. Youth Club Austin, Texas Dear Vestnik Readers, It 'eon my pleasure to be present at the meeting held ,Sunday, December 8th at Lodge 29 Praha in Temple. To those of you who weren't there I want to say you certainly missed a pleasant three hours. The ladies served a tasty feast. There was a brief meeting, followed by a program of songs and musical numbers by the youngsters. Santa Claas had sent one of his helpers to represent him. He listened to the boys and girls as they told him what they wanted for christmas. Everyone present received a bag of candies and fruits.

Lodge 152 Members yvita over 50 years in the Order. Left to right: Frank Ra.ska, 58 years; John Hranicky, 51 years; R. J. Haisler, 60 years; John L. Jansa, 52 years. It has been quite a while since I attended such a friendly gathering. I talked with people I hadn't seen for a number of years. I truly enjoyed myself. I do hope I can find time to be more active in Lodge No. 29 Praha. Sincerely, Patricia D. Bryan

reservations now to get your party together, and order your tickets as soon as possible to get the best selection of tables. In the event we do not have a reserved full house, the additional people will be admitted the night of the dance — but only until 550 is reached. —SPJST-


SPJST LODGE'' 130, /DALLAS NEW YEAR'S EVE BALI. To help make your New Year's Eve Party at the Sokol Athlete' Center more enjoyable, we are limiting our reservations to 550 this year. Reservations will be taken by advance ticket salfE‘s, only! Tickets will be $5.00 per person, including admission, favors, noise-makers, ice and set ups. (Price of admission does not include beer). OF the. advance reserTin vations will be December 28. No reservations can be accepted after that date. Also, additions to parties already reserved must be in by December 28. No additions will be made the night of the dance. No refunds will be made on tickets. Make your reservations early, because once the number of 550 is reached, no further sales will be made. Tickets are now on sale, and may be seemed by calling TA 1-1808 Dallas, code 214, or by mail, address: Mrs. Bob Zvolanek 6317 Ravendale Lane Dallas, Texas 75214 It is suggested that you make your SOKOL =KA

LODGE 161, JOURDANTON Sunday, December 8, 19-63 Lodge 161 held their monthly meeting. The meeting was opened by President Jim Zezula. The minutes were read by Mrs. Tillie Val:.tar, in place of Arthur Kloth. Old and new business was discussed. The members elected officers, which. are as follows: President — Mr. Jim Zezula, Mrs. Joe Juricek, Sr. Vice President Mrs. Jim. Financial Secretary Zezula Secretary — Mrs. Pete Valchar Treasurer — Mr. Pete Valchar Reporter — Miss Annell Pivonka Mr. Pete Valchar was elected delegate to the convention in Waco, in June. Mr. Jim Zezula was elected alternate delegate. Mr. Jim Zezula then adjourned the meeting. Reporter Miss Annell Pivonka


SPJSTOne of the tragedies o f our times is that ollr intellect has forged so far ahead af. our hearts. We can split the atom, but we can't get along with our neighbors.

16 REPORT FROM DISTRICT SEVEN Sisters and Brothers: All members in District Seven have good reason to be happy because of the splendid work our organizers are doing. As you know, this year again we reached our quota, and are already more than 3 per cent over. And we are making; further progress in securing new members and selling insurance, thanks to our hard-working organizers. In the Month of November the following organizers sold: $7,000.00 Brother 'Clifton Trlica: 6,000.00 Brother John Hranicky 4,000.00 Brother John Stasa_ 2,000.00 Brother Frank C. Sacky 1,000.00 Sister Tillie Valchar Congratulations, sister and brothers; and sincere thanks for your nice cooperation. I appreciate it very much. We still have a few days before this year is over; why not take the last chance to make up for lost time, to help in our sales contest between Dis tricts 2 and 7, and place yourselves as high as possible. Please, everybody; I wish you good luck! May the blessings of Christmas give you and yours a glowing experience in love, sharing, and tolerance, and may you find new joys, renew old friendships, rejoice in happy memor i es, and with bright hopes begin a Happy New Year! Fraternally, Jaroslav Kleprlik, District Organizer LODGE NO. 35, FLK Dear Members and Frieds: The lodge meeting was held on Sunday; Dec. 8, 1963 at 2:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Youth Club members, Cynthia Wood and Kathy Zalman, after the meeting was called to order by Brother President Zalman. Visitors recognized were Rose Wood, Byrd Kilgo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Breitkreutz, Bill Hand, Mr.. and Mrs. Vernon Dulock, Ernest Banik, and Brother and Sister John Krizan and daughter, Jeanette and Leo Dennis. New members accepted were David Samuel Cancilla, Gary Walter Bates, Sonya Lynn Farek, Allen. Dean Hand, and Freddie Lee Lostak, Brother Secretary Eugene Pavelka read the minutes of the last meeting. They were approved as read. The various chairmen made their reports. No businesswas submitted under old business. Under new business we had

VASTNf election of officers. The results were as follows: President: Antone Pavelka. Vice President: Rudolf Zalman Secretary-Treas.: Eugene Pavelka Reporter: Dorothy Banik Historian: Gloria Pavelka Youth Leader: Ruby Pavelka Assistant Youth Leader: Norma Pavelka Trustees: Vernon Wood, Charlie Pavelka, Sam Canada Auditors: Billy Bordovsky, Edwin Holub Building Chairman: John Mach Clean-Up Chairman: John Mach Refreshment Cam, Chairman: Willie Adamek Delegates: Brother Antone and Sister Norma Pavelka Alternates: Brother Edwin and Helen Holub. The meeting was adjourned and it was nice having the Krizan family with us. Fraternally yours, Norma Pavelka, Reporter

--SPJST-SOKOL HOUSTON Dear Members and Friends: We had a most successful jaternice sale last Sunday except that our supply and demand did not match — we ran out of jaternice. We wish to apologize to those whose orders we could not fill. We made 100 pounds more than ordered, but this was not enough. Our procedures are to advertise for orders and by these orders we try to determine what our demand will be; except that this does not always work. Our next jaternice sale will be on January 12th, therefore, the week preceding the Sunday of the 12th, please call in your orders to us. We will mention this subject next month before the sale. Most of you have heard about the campaign for the issuance of a commemorative stamp honoring the Sokol movement in America. The plan has been presented to the Postmaster General who showed great interest in the project. The govrrnment not only has to be convinced of the value of the project but also that the people desire it. Here is where you come in. It is requested that all of you write the Postmaster General, your senators and congressmen urging them to support the project. On December 31st you will have a big night if you attend the New Year's

Wednesday, Decerrirber 18, 1D63Dance at Sokol Houston. We will keep you reminded of this date by our ad in the Vestnik preceding the dance. This will be a gala affair in which the hall will be gayly decorated by balloons, paper streamers, tables with snow-white tablecloths and bright candles, and best, of all we will have the popular Franta Vavrik Orchestra entertaining you. At 1 a.m. me will serve a complete turkey dinner which will be free and included in the price of the dance ticket. Now, the ticket will be only two dollars, per person. Get your tickets early because I know we will, have a sellout and we want you, our friends and inembers to have first chance. Nazdar! Emil Kuropata, Reporter


LODCE NO. 154, FORT WORTH Dear Members and Friends: The regular meeting of Lodge No. 154 was held Sunday, Dec. 8, 1963 at 3 p.m. with a good attendance. Our newly-elected officers for 1964 are: President — Jerry Milan Vice President — John Becan Secretary — Mary Renfro Fin. Secretary — Anna Milan Treasurer — Mary Hale Sergeant at Arms — Henry Grote Delegates to the Convention are Mary Renfro, Anna Milan, Jerry Milan and Bill Renfro. Alternates are Mary Hale, Jean Mason, Joe Milan, and Wilbur Mason. Saturday, Dec. 2.1 is the date of our Christmas party at the Sokol Hall at 8 p.m., so everyone come and see Santa Claus. I think we have the nicest Santa Claus who visits our hall each year. If you haven't seen him, you'd better not miss this year. Many thanks, Santa, for being with us each year. Next meeting will be held January 12, Sunday at 3 p.m. Our Youth Club will have a meeting January 19, 1964, Sunday, at 3 p.m. Fraternally, Mary Renfro LODGE 88, HOUSTON Dear Vestnik Readers: The annual Lodge 88 meeting was held Sunday, December 8. The meeting convened at 10:15 a.m. and adjourned at 11:20 p.m. The meeting got off to a good start, with the majority of the members being present for the morn-

Wednesday, Decern-ber 18, 1963 ing session. There were some 130 members present. The monthly reports were presented in the morning session, followed by the annual reports by the officers of various committees. All the members were served a delicious goulash dinner prepared by sister Annie Vala and other lodge sisters. The meeting reconvened at 2:00 p.m., after which the election of officers took place. A seventeen-member entertainment Committee was appointed to serve for the coming year of 1964. We wish to welcome the new members into the committee, and hope that we have continued success as we had this past year. We all will work hard to give you the best type of entertainment in this part of the country. A group of delegates were elected to represent Lodge 88 in the forthcoming SPJST Convention in June of 1964 in Waco. The Board of Directors reported that our new hall should be under construction rwithin the next few weeks. That is the best news yet. All Lodge 88 members try to attend the first monthly meeting on Friday night, January 10, at which time the officers will be installed and also new members will be initiated into our Order. Don't forget, we always have a social after every meeting including snacks and refreshments. Have you; made any plans for Christmas and New Year's Eve? Start now to make plans to come and dance to the music of Randy K on Christmas Day from 5 to 9, and on New Year's Eve, Tuesday, December 31st, dance to the music of the Johnnie Holub orchestra from 9 to 3. Come and enjoy the holidays with us. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Fraternally, Evelyn Vornsand --SPJST----

Features MR. and MRS. LYS CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lys of Rt. 1, Wheelock, Texas, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary December 1, 1963 at their home. They were married November 27, 1913 in Temple, Texas. Mr. Lys was born in Hrabova, Moravia, Czechoslovakia, November 14,

V2STNfl< 1892. He came to this country at the age of 12 and landed in Galveston, Texas, in 1903 with his parents and five brothers and sisters. He lived in Temple, Texas until adulthood. Mrs. Lys was born Marie Demel, December 29, 1894 in Bluff, Fayette County, Texas. They settled in Wheelock, Texas, Brazos County, and have farmed and lived in this area all of their married lives. To this union was born seven children. The six surviving children are Mrs. Georgie Apodaca of Los Angeles, Calif., Joe Lys of Bryan,, Mrs. Slsie Jones of Greenville, Mrs. Gladys Mc'Carey, of Wayzata, Minnesota, twin sons, Lee Lys Jr. of Rosenberg, and Robert Lys of Navasota. T1-.e couple has ten grandchildren. Mr. Lys has been active in Czech lodges all of his married life. These include RVOS Lodge 79, of Wheelock, and the SPJST Lodge No. 129 of Kings Highway. He has been secretary of the RVOS' Lodge since 1930 and has held elected officer posts in the SPJST Lodge since 1915, presently holding the president's office. The anniversary table was set with a white lace tablecloth, yellow mums and a crystal punch bowl set. The three-tiered cake was decorated in gold trimming with a miniature bride and groom on top. Gold trimmed napkins carried out the color scheme. Their children, relatives, and friends, visited during open-house hours from 2 until 5 p.m. on this happy occasion. (R,especilfully presented, Elsie nee Lys Jones).



The children of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jurasek of Louise, Texas, honored their parents with a reception and dinner in observance of their Golden Wedding Anniversary from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thanksgiving Day, November 28 at the SPJST hall in Hilije. The hall was decorated with gold and white streamers and bells. Their children are Mr. and Mrs. George Capak, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dolezal of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baros, Mr. and Mrs. John Jurasek of Blessing. The dinner was served buffet style to the guests. Miss Helen. Dolezal, granddaughter assisted by Miss Barbara Jean Boenisch of Houston regis-


tered the 200 guests at a lace covered table in the entry of the hall. The table held an arrangement of gold and white roses and the guest book. Twenty-four were seated at the head table including the honorees, their children, and the honorees' wedding attendants of 50 years ago. The table, covered with a lace cloth, was centered with a four tiered cake resting on a mirror plaque encircled with a white ruffle and gold doilies. The cake, embossed with white sugarspun roses, gold leaves, lillies of the valley, gold wedding rings and old beads, was topped with a dainty 50th anniversary figurine. On each side of the cake were two lighted gold and white candles and on each end of the table were two lamb mold cakes decorated in white and gold. The cakes were made and decorated by Mrs. George Capak and Mrs. Victor Dolezal, daughters of the honorees. Their other daughter, Mrs. Ed Baros, made all the beautiful floral arrangements, Mrs. Jurasek chose for the occasion a two-piece brown dress with black accessories and an orchid corsage. Mr. Jurasek wore a brown suit with a gold carnation boutonniere all members of the house party wore gold and white orchid corsages or gold carnation boutonnieres. Mr. and Mrs. Jurasek were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts, which included a large wall clock in gold from their children. The gifts

18 were beautifully displayed on a table covered with a white tulle skirt over white featuring a flounce of net. Each corner held a white orchid from which suspended white streamers holding gold and white wedding bells. An arrangement of gold and white roses and Minns centered t -,Ie table. Throughout the day, Sonny Bartosh and his boys from El Campo furnished the music. Mrs. Jurasek is the fouler Albina, Fiala, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fiala of Taiton. The Juraseks were married on November 26, 1913 in St. John's Catholic Church in Taiton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Beldt. The cou ple lived and farmed around El Campo and Palacios before they retired eleven years ago and moved to Louise where they are residing. Mr. and Mrs. Jurasek, Mrs. Ed Baros, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Dolezal, Mr. George Capak and his two children Daryl and Stevie are all members of the SPJST Lodge No. 30, New Taiton. TO FAYETTEVILLE AND HALLETTSVILLE Sunday, December 8th, your editor visited Lodges No. 1 at Fayetteville, No. 4 in Hallettsville, and No. 64 in Plum. The hours of the respective meetings were staggered so that we could attend all three. The number on hand for the Fayetteville meeting was very small. The Fayetteville area abounds with SPJST history, and is indeed the original center of Czech settlements and history in the State of Texas. It seems that just about everybody, at one time or another, came from the Fayetteville area, if you trace it back far enough. Lodge activity seems to be on the decline, with no young people coming out at all. This is, of course, a problem faced by many other of our rural Ridges. There are, however, approximately 345 young people attending schools in the Fayetteville area, and perhaps some way can be found of getting them interested in fraternalsocial activity. We took some pictures of other landmarks in Fayetteville, and they, with, an accompanying writeup, will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Vestnik. The meeting at the Plum lodge had either been very brief, or had not taken place at all. Stops at several places in Plum, including Mr. Fojtik's home, led us to the conclusion, however, that


Wednesda--, DL _aber 18, 1903

Annual Meeting, Lodge No. 1, Fayetteville. Lodge officers, L to E: P. P. Baron, Secretary and Delegate to the Convention; Lad. Cmajdalka, President and Delegate, Edwin F. Kubena, Financial Secretary. John Kuberia, Director of District No. 1 is standing in the rear. (The Editor's son, Nicholas, also got into the pi . Lure).

No. 1, Faye, m;bership. I. to IR: L. P. Kulhanek, F Kulhanck, Lawrence Kulhanek. They are all brothers and have always been members of Lodge No. 1. the meeting had not taken place. We enjoyed our chat with Brother Fojtik and the proprietors of the business establishment where we stopped briefly, and whose name we cannot recall. (Was it Egler?) The annual meeting at Lodge No. 4 in Hallettsville was about to get under way at the Recreation Hall when we arrived. Brother President Ervin Bucek acted as host and guide in introducing us to the membership, and we thank him for his extended courtesies. The

people at Lodge No. 4 are a busy group, especially the youth leader, Mrs. Selina Grones, who had prepared an excellent youth Christmas Program for the evening. The youth were all quite talented, and I was especially impressed by the two youngsters, Marvin Mikush and Victor Vasek, who presented a Christmas skit in Czech. They spokv very nicely, and it is to their parents' credit that they are devoting some attention to the language. Some 100 to 125 people attended

7-,clay, December 18, 196i CHRISTMAS EVERYWHERE

Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight Christmas in lands of the palm tree and pine, Christmas in lands of the palm tree and vine, Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white, 'CbrilAmas where corn fields stand sunny and bright. Christmas where children are hopeful and gay, Christmas where peace, like a dove in his flight, Broods o'er brave men in the thick of the fight; Every-WI, ere, everywhere, Christmas tonight For the ubrist-Child who comes is the Master of all; No place too great, no cottage too small. —Philip Brooks

;J,A1 gate; rotary. Front: F.rvia the program, including a lot of excited pre-school children. (Some cried when they saw Santa!) It was a vvnderful evening, and I wish we coil) have stayed longer, but the hour w gg.1 getting on and the trip ahead was a long one. Our sincere thanks to Bro. Bucek, Bro. Holly, Vasek, Sister Crones, and Sister Ailikush:' for providing us with names and a lot of other information to go uder ur layout of pictures. I enjoyed seeing the elder Bro. E. K. Bucek at the meeting. There are other names, which. I cannot recall, but your editor and his son, Nicholas, enjoyed being with you, and hope we can come again soon. — Editor ViTATCH OUT FOR INHT.":-..IT7i1 SAYS. LIFE IN Winter is the season to take special care of your health, says the Institute of Life Insurance. The number of deaths in the United States runs almost 15 per cent higher in winter months than during the summer. This rise is due mainly to heart attacks and cis :- ..latory ailments, preumonia, influvaza and other respir g: - • that tak , a • diseases. But er tell in wit ler also include diabetes, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, cirrhosis of the liver and others. The Institute estimates that at least 75,000 more Americans will die during


December, January, February and March than the number who died last June, July, August. and September. Deaths during the four-month period this winter will likely total between €00,000, and 650,000. About two-thirds of the winter increase is due to heart and circulatory fatalities, which go up about 15 per cent. Deaths due directly to pneumonia, influenza and other respiratory infections increase about 60 per cent and account for about one-eighth of the overall rise in winter mortality. But their indirect toll may be much worse. arc ' : .l do not die from a respirw-c,),7 but from side effe can so weaken a is heart condition Another important reason for heart and circulatory. fatalities during the winter is that physical activity in cold weather causes extra strain on people with im p aired health. January ia the worst month of the year, from a mortality standpoint, with December and March not far behind. February has fewer deaths, simply because it is a ,, o _ter month. the lowest number of Septetol- pr deaths lower than June, July and Aug. About three times as many women reach the age of 100, as do men,

Have you ever wondered what older folks are talking about when they speak of a "Christmas of old?" What is an old fashioned Christmas?" Certainly, it is impossible for us to go back to the "horse-and-buggy" days. We can't even get back to the days of the "Model-T." We live in a modern world. We have modern transportation. We have modern conveniences. In the old days, Sunday was "dress-up" day and when folks went for a stroll or a surrey ride, they donned their Sunday-best. Today, we wear whatever we please, take an hour or so to drive to a place where no one knows us -- or cares what we wear. We can't go back to the old days. So, what can we do about Christmas? Simple: we can observe Christmas in the traditional manner. First, we must remember that Christmas is a religious holiday, a day given to observance of the greatest event in the history of mankind — the birth of Christ. Let us keep Christmas a religious holiday. Secondly, let us keep Christmas as a family observance. Christmas becomes more meaningful when families plan together; make gifts together, have or engage in social affirs in which all family members have a part; have a family worship service at home; and stress the religious aspects of Christmas throughout all the season's activities. Many Merry Christmases may result from such a family tradition.



Wednesday, December 18, 1963 and crystal beads. Her bouquet was an orchid surrounded by carnations. The maid of honor was Miss Caroline Marak. She wore a royal blue dress of brocaded taffeta with a bell-shaped skirt. Her veil was attached to a matching taffeta rose. She carried a colonial bouquet of white feathered chrysanthemums. Bridesmaids were Misses Betty Jean Herring and Jerrie Ann Motl. Their costumes and flowers were identical to those of the maid of honor. Altar boys were Larry Motl and Ricky Kuehler. Mary Lou Buchanan was flower girl and David Holub was ring bearer. Robert Friske served his brother as best man. A reception was held in the Parish Hall with the bride's parents as hosts. A supper for the wedding party was held at the V.F.W. Hall following the reception with the couple's parents as hosts. After a wedding trip to San Antonio, the couple will make their home in Seymour. The bride attended Seymour High School where she was a member of FHA, National Honor Society, Science Club and Choir. The bridegroom is a 1962 graduate of Rhineland High School where he was a member of 4-fl club. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus. Dianna Faye joined SPJST Lodge 95 in 1949 at the age of two. -SPJST-

Bulletin Board


DISTRICT It District II's spring meeting has been set for March 22nd, 1964, at Buckholts, host lodge No. 15.


DISTRICT III Spring meeting will be held on Sunday, April 26th, at Lodge 84, Dallas.


DIANNA FAYE (HOLUB) ERISKE HOLUB-FIIISKE WEDDING IN SEYIVIOUR Miss Dianna Faye Holub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Holub, Rt. 2, Seymour, and Anton Albert FriSke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Friske of Rhineland were married in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Seymour Saturday at 4 p.m. The Rev. Thomas Griffin, 0111.I, officiated


The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full-length gown of white bridal taffeta. The bodice was encrusted with Alencon lace with a scattering of seed pearls and sequins. The lace was repeated in a tier design on the bell-shaped skirt and on the chapel-length train which extended from a taffeta rose. The waist-length veil was attached to a tiara of pearls

DISTRICT V District Five will conduct the spring meeting on May 17, 1964. Reservation of this .date is re quested, and bids from lodges desiring to host this meeting will be accepted until. March 31st. Contact any district officer. DISTRICT VII District VII's spring meeting will be held on May 8, 1964, at Lodge No. 161, La Parita.

Wednesday, December 18, 196



r4ull OP OGY



PROGRESS OF SALES CONTEST December 13, 1963 DISTRICT NO. 1 fibers 45

zrance ,500.00 Points 1031/2

Members 24

DISTRICT NO. 6 Insurance $49,000.00 Points 73 Fraternally yours, Joe B. Hejny

PROGRESS OF SALES CONTEST December 13, 1963 DISTRICT NO. 2 Members Insurance 17 $30,000,00 Points 47 DISTRICT NO. 7 Members Insurance 7 $9,000.00 Points 16 Fraternally yours, Joe B. kliej:y IMMINSIMISAIrti


SYMPATHY We, the unde,signed Resolution Committee of Lodge 92 Fort Worth, on be -calf of our members, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother, RUDOLPH KOC11, SR., who passed away on December 1, 1963, in Paris, Texas at the age of 80. Funeral services were held in Fort Worth, on Dezember 4 1963. Brother Koci was born in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, on April 30, 1883. He was married to Marie Jiresek in June, 1909, and they came to Galveston on July 4, 1909. They lived in Taylor, for several months, then they moved to Fort Worth where he was employed at Swift and Co., until his retirement in 1948, after 29 years of service. Brother Koci was one of the charter members of Lodge 92 when it was organized in 1910. Through the years he served as PreSident, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, also on various committees. He was a very loyal and hard worker of our lodge for 53 years, and was very active in our lodge until his health began to fail. Survivors are his wife, three sons Joe and Rudolph, Jr., all of Fort Worth, Eugene of Orange; three daughters, Justina Koci, Vernon, Texas, Mrs. Charles Palachek of Fort Worth and Mrs. James Greer, of Paris. Texas, with whom he made his home the last few years; two brothers and three sisters, all in Czechoslovakia, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. May our departed brother rest in peace. Resolution Committee, Lillie McMillen Helen Zich Victoria Murphy ----SPJST--RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY -We, the undersigned Resolution Committee of Lodfe No. 4, SPJST at Hallettsville, Texas, in behalf of our membership, wish to express our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family on the death of their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and our beloved lodge sister, FRANCES MOZISEK, who died on Wednesday, November 20,


1963 at Renger Memorial Hospital at the age of 90 years and 16 days. She joined the SPJST Order on October 12, 1924. Funeral services for Mrs. Mozisek were held from Kubena Funeral Home November 21, at 9 a.m. and continued at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with Rev. A. J. Morkovsky officiating. Interment was in the Hallettsville Catholic Cemetery. Survivors include three sons, John L. and Tom J. Mozisek of Hallettsville, and Anton Mozisek of Crosby, Texas; one daughter, Frances Kutach of Hallettsville; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Mozisek and Mrs. John Smolik of Hallettsville; seven grandchildren and 19 greatgrandchildren. To the loved ones and to our respected long-time member, we wish eternal rest. Dated in Hallettsville, Texas, December 8, 1963. Chas. Holy F. K. Bucek John Holy —SPJST---

Youth Section

Christmas P rogran, Hallettsville, Lodge No. 4. Instrumental duo, who furnished the musical background for the several skits and other numbers, are Betty Jean Sterna,del, and Elroy Sternadel.


Wednesday, December 1.8, 1963

Annual Mtg. and Christmas Program, Halleti!;ville, I dge No. 4: "Welcome" skit, presented by, rear, L to R: He'cr) Zabransky, Linda Appelt, Victoria Vasek, Strod. Front: Vernelle Zak, Charlene Sklar, Gloria Wojtek.

Christmas Program, Hallettsville, Lodge No. 4. Ole Saint Nick handing a present to little Mister Zak. (Sorry, we failed to get his first name). LODGE NO. 4, HALLETTSVILLE Dear Members and Friends, On December 8, at 6:30 p.m. our meeting was called to order by President Ervin Bucek. Following the meeting our Youth Club presented the Christmas program, and best of all, at the end of the program Santa Claus came to visit us, and handed us gifts, candy and fruits, Annual Mtg. and Christ--]as Program, Lodge :•). 4, f•oletts yi ie. 1, o R: Marvin We all were happy to see the Edi- Mikush, and Victor Vasek, who presented a Christmas skit in the Czech Ianfor of the Vestnik come and join us guage. Dennis Rother and Leroy illikeska, presented a skit, "Funny ' in our annual Christmas get-together. It. was a pleasure to meet him and his little son in person. We want to thank him for taking pictures of the Youth members who were in the program. We all sure enjoyed it. We had a large crowd and that makes us all feel happy to see all the people come to our meeting and programs. Here is the copy of the program: 1. Welcome — by a group of girls 2. Song, "Silent Night" an instrumental duet by Betty and Elroy Sternadel 3. An exercise, "Christmas Day," by 12. little children followed by a song, "Bells on Christmas Day" 4. Recitation — "Funny Santa," by Junior Mikeska and Dennis Rother, Annual Mtg. and Christmas Program, Hallettsville. Playlet, "Carols At The Winfollowed by a song, "Jingle Bells." 5. Exercise — "Our Gifts," by two (low," presented by, Rear, L to R: Anthony Grones, Dennis Wojtek, Shirley Holly. Front row: Leonard Sklar, Nancy Strod. girls and three boys followed by a song

Wednesday, December 18, 1963 "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" by Betty and Elroy Sternadel 6. A Czech recitation — "Pasli over Valasi" by Victoria Vasek and Marvin Mikush, followed by a Czech song, "Mo Pan Jezis, Ma mile rad." 7. A playlet — "What Christina: Means," by a group, 8. A song — "White Christmas." In.strumental duet — Betty and Elroy Sternadel 9. Play — "Carols at the Window," by Shirley Holly, Nancy Strod, Anthony Grones„ Leonard Sklar, and a group of carol singers. 10. Closing — "Good Night," by Patricia Zabransky. Announcing Santa Claus — Dennis Wojtek. The door prize went to Mr. Frank Wojtek, Sr. and the children's prize went to little Fred Pesek. Here's hoping that everyone had a nice time. Our next meeting is January 12, 1964. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Youth Reporter, Anthony Grones (I was greatly impressed by your youth, and I had a splendid time! — Editor). —SPJSTNEWLY-FORMED YOUTH GROUP AT LODGE 40, HILLJE There was a large turn out for the regular meeting of the Hillje SPJST meeting Sunday, December 8th. The highlight of the fraternal organization's meeting was a special Christmas prOgram presented by the lodge's newly-formed youth group. Two familiar Czech. Christmas carols, "Ticha Noc (Silent Night)" and "Narodil Se Kristus Pan," was sung in the native tongue by a group of youngsters, ranging from 5 to 11 years of age. They also sang an ancient Czech Carol which has become an English favorite "Drummer Boy." Upon the scheduled entry of St. Nicholas the group enthusiastically sang "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas" for the genial gentleman who distributed favors to all youngsters present. The most thrilling moment, which all of the children will never forget, was the wa ,. rn response they received from the grandmas and grandpas at the Czech Catholic. Home for the aged near the hall. The children went caroling from room to room, and St. Nicholas followed with favors for each one, talking to the grandmas and grandpas in Czech, German, and Eng-



Annual . L to R: ro5•d. 1 'e Jeanette Deri,.‘ke, Glenda Henze', Mareilie .:,! Frankie 1Vojtelc, Fred Pesek, Ir".keska,

Day" skit. Back, , Alvin 11 .ush. Middle row: Voelker. Front row: k.

Ann t Program, Hal . "V'-a: as Means P To Me," presented by, R: Lind,: 's3,, -Patricia Zabranshy, Mollie Stred, en Zahransky. Middle row: Dennis er, Marvin Mikes, Charlie SCrod. Fr ow: Dennis Wojtek, Leroy Mikeska. lish. The old folks are mostly Czech so the youth sang more Czech Christmas carols than English. They sang their very best for Grandma Manus, who will be 100 years old on Christmas Day. After the two programs were finished the junior youth department of the Hillje SPJST elected officers.

They are as follows: Youth Director, Mrs. Chuck Schwartzkopf; President Julie ,',ichw-artzkoof; Vice p resident, A. J. Priesmeyer; Secretary, Diane Kric,,-bel; Treasurer, Susan Knebel. Reporter, Nora SLhwartZkopf; Calling Cornmittee, Linda Gayle and Annette Prieslawyer; Scrapbook, Donna and Patricia



Reck; Entertainment Committee, A. J. and Wayne Priesmeyer; Sergeants-atArms Renee Kaiser and Richard Priesmeyer. Then plans were made for the January program at Hillje SPJST Lodge 40's regular meeting on January 12, 1964, at 2 p.m. The youth will have an excellent talent show in which the children will perform. Other youngsters are invited to take part and join our youth activities. Fraternally, Nora Schwartzkopf, Reporter (Congratulations to Lodge 40, Hillje and their new Youth Director, Sister Schwartzkopf. There is a lot of talent in that lodge! We wish all of you every success and best wishes for a stimulating 1964! — Ed.) ELK YOUTH CLUB Dear Members and Friends: The meeting of the Elk Youth Club was held on December 8th, 1963 with Barbara Breitkreutz, president, presiding. New members were recognized and visitors also. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. They were approved as read. We discussed our Christmas party, 'which will be held on. December 15. We also elected new officers for the coming year. They are as follows: President: Elaine Pavelka Vice President: Kathy Zalman Secty.-Reporter: Linda Pavelka Treasurer: Betty Pavelka Historian: Junior Breitkreutz. Also, the lodge elected a new youth 1eader, Ruby Pavelka. Our previous Youth Leader was Norma Pavelka. We all would like to express our thanks for all that she did for us and our Club. Dues were taken up and we drew names for our Christmas party. Every member can bring a guest and is asked to bring their guest a gift. The meeting was adjourned. Fraternally yours, Linda Pavelka Reporter --SPJSTSANTA CLAUS MAKES GLAD THE HEARTS OF CHILDREN Some people will tell you there is no Santa Claus! Obviously they have never seen pure love spill out of a small boy's eyes as a squirming cocker spaniel pup licks his face on Christmas Morning. Sure, you can say that mom and

dad bought that friendly little pup at the pet shop. But- even if you had the heart to --;do you think you could explain that to a boy? Yet; there are these who say there is no Santa Claus. They say that a Christmas tree is just a pine tree, bought at the corner, trimmed with tinsel from a "Five and Ten" by a tired mother and father after the kids have gone to bed. But they can't tell you what's inside that mother and father that makes their eyes bright, their laughter gayer, their hands more gentle, their energy greater —just because it's Christmas. A few people will insist that Christmas is a holiday turned commercial by retail merchants. But they've never followed a poised young lady of nine from counter to counter as she thoughtfully fingers dollar neckties and fifty cent handkerchiefs — trying to find "just the right gift for dad." There even are some who will tell you that December 25 is "after all, just a date on the calendar." You can bet that they've never listened to cold tired GI's singing Christmas carols in a mess line in Korea. Yes, there are people who will tell you that there really isn't any Santa Claus. Just in case you don't know, deep inside your heart, ask that boy who it was that brought him the wobbly-legged pup romping happily at his side. And when he shouts "Santa Claus" throw away your logic and your grown-up wisdom — and believe him. For no force on earth (thank, _God) can prove him wrong. IS THERE REALLY A SANTA CLAUS? (Many, many years ago the New York Sun received a scrawled note from a bewildered child. It answered her with an editorial that has become a classic of modern Christmas literature. It flowed brilliantly from the pen of Frank P. Church.) Dear Editor: I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in the Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O'Hanlon, 116 W. Ninety-fifth St. Virginia, Your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think

Wednesday, December 18, 1.963 that nothing can be which is not comprehensible to their little minds. All minds, Virginia, -whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes. Virginia. there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest duty and joy. Alas! How dreary the world would be if there were no ,Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance, to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment except in sense and sight. The eternal light which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus. but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that show? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The m _ost real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not; but that's no proof that they aren't there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders that are unseen and unseeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance can push aside that curtain and view and and picture the supernatural beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else more real and abiding. No Santa Claus? Thank God! He lives and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay ten times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Wednesday, December 18, 1963

For The Housewife


stand five minutes. Drop the dough from a teaspoon onto a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate 350 F. oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove at once from the baking sheet and allow to cool on a rack. Makes about 20 macaroons. • • ALMOND SNOWBALLS


2 cups sifted flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1A cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon. vanilla Sift together the flour, soda, and salt. Cream the shortening and sugar together until light and fluffy, then add the eggs and beat well. Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture alternately with the lemon juice and vanilla. Mix well. Drop the dough by teaspoonful's onto a greased cookie sheet 2 inches apart. Bake in a moderate 350 F. oven for 10 minutes. Check the cookies after eight minutes baking time. They are a delicate cookie and should brown lightly around the edges, but do not let them get too brown. Use a spatula to remove them from the cookie sheet and transfer them to a wire cake rack to cool. Store the cookies in a covered metal container lined with waxed paper and put waxed paper between the layers. Makes about five dozen cookies.

3/4 cup shortening 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg, well beaten 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups sifted flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups ground blanched almonds Sifted confectioners' sugar Cream the shortening, add the sugar and cream well. Stir in the beaten egg and vanilla. Beat until fluffy. Stir together the flour and salt and cut in to the creamed mixture. Mix 'in the ground almonds. This will be a very stiff dough. You'll probably have to do the last mixing with your hands. Shape the dough into balls about two-thirds of an inch in. diameter. Place the balls on an ungreased baking sheet and bake in a moderate 350 F. oven for 20 minutes. Allow to cool slightly on a baking sheet, then roll in sifted confectioners' sugar. Store in a loosely covered container. Makes six to seven dozen cookies. Roll again in confectioners' sugar before serving. 4


1 cup sugar 1 cup sour cream 3 cups cake flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon soda 1 ounce' chocolate Dissolve sugar in sour cream. Sift flour, salt, cinnamon and soda together. Combine with sour cream and sugar. Melt chocolate and add last. Drop by 1/2 teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet and bake in a moderate 375 F. oven for 20 minutes. Makes about 70 cookies. -SPJST


1 cup fine flake coconut 1/2 cup finely cut dates or figs 1/Z cup chopped walnuts 1/2 cup sugar 1-8 teaspoon salt 1 egg well beaten 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Combine the coconut, dates or figs, walnuts, sugar and salt; mix well. Add the egg and vanilla, blend and let

The Christmas season is a time of joyous gatherings of friends and relatives, gay tree trimming parties, festive dinners, elaborate decorations and foods. Perhaps you've thought of entertaining during the holidays but dread, undertaking all the planning and work of a big party or have found it difficult to choose a time not already filled with activity. Some families find that a leisurely


Christmas morning brunch is a gracious and novel way to show their Christmas hospitality. The big holiday dinner receives lots of attention, but the early part of the day, after presents are opened and chores done, is relatively free. Most families need a substantial meal then to tide them over until dinner later in the day. Why not invite a few neighbors to drop in for brunch during the morning. It's one of the easiest meals to prepare and serve to a large group. Everyone is in a holiday mood and has time to relax and chat over their food. Their leisurely kind of party is so popular, you may discover that you've started a tradition, that your friends look forward to each year. Here is a menu worthy of holiday appetites. The main attraction is Caraway Cheese Omlet. Surround it with link sausages and serve with spicy cinnamon coffee cake. A fruit cocktail is a good. beginning. Coffee and "conversation" complete the menu. CREATING, YOUR CHRISTMAS TABLE

The ghostly fragrance of Christmases past, the raisins, popcorn and brandy, the pine and the bayberry, come forth these December days to haunt and to prod us into recreating these nostalgic settings. It doesn't take a tremendous amount of money, time, or effort to create a table, even for the family tree-trimming party, that's as bright as Santa's' smile and as imperishable in the memories of all. There's the rich glow of copper, tin, and pewter, the gleam of polished wood and brass, the loveliness of simple food itself, apples, pears, nuts, snowy popcorn and ruby red cranberries. A bright length of felt or satin as a runner down the table, piles of lacquered trays, a single three-branched gilt candelabra tied with a green satin bow and holding tall white tapers, or a black one delicately tapered like a bare tree holding multi-color candles. For inspiration it's fun to don seven league boots and visit long ago, far away places where so much of the nostalgia of our Christmas observances originated. Scandinavia, France, Italy, Poland, and Spain all furnish us gay ways for holiday decor and keep the old traditions alive. The Swedish table for a holiday sup per is festive with butter yellow lacquer and blue and yellow Melamine



dinner ware on an emerald green runner:The Yule canopy, a tradition itself, is fashioned of wood lath and straw, with bright painted birds dangling from it. Or you could just hang a mobile of birds in a corner nearby. A crown of evergreen branches woven around the wrought-iron candleholders is significant of the feast of Lucia, a very old tradition observing December 13 as the darkest day of the year and welcoming the approach of the holiday brightness. Too, the tra dition says that food and drink should be plentiful because the more and the better food that clay, the better would be the next year's crop! As Pennsylvania Dutch as shoo fly pie is the tree-trimming party. Straw ornaments and tin cookie cutters sparkle against spruce branches but can be dropped with no dama e. Candles are tucked in tin cake molds and the "Apple Tree" is made from plywood studded with pegs, and sugar cookies are tucked between the rows of shiny fruit. The dinnerware is a Dutch tulip design of break-resistant Malamine, with accents of red. For the older crowd, a Swiss fondue party is fun and pretty. Set a big terra cotta pottery bowl, or a copper fondue bowl, in the center of a table covered with cotton fabric, perhaps the new flowered ticking, in warm golden color. Tall slender red tapers stuck in real Valencia oranges scooped out just enough, and a mixture of solid gold, green, red and blue Melamine plates with contrasting napkins for each, provide a gay setting. Use copper mugs, stainless steel flatware. For the buffet, put a great golden cheese under a glass ball, Pile red pomegranates is a wooden ho YI, pyramid artichokes, rse 8 pinfel: n'e for a candleholder, to bring the gou:: ■ css of fresh things into the house. And pile littering of and lots of greenery in everything crystal. SPJSTg








,IIEC7„77High in the Austrian Alps, in the region known s.s the Tyrol — "the land in the mountains” is to be found the birthplace of "Silent Night, iiNight" Here, the towering Ty an f, peaks, famed for their grandeur, rise in lofty simplicity into the cool, clear air, guarding smiling _- peaceful valleys. •


Far up- in the Alps where love of music is nature's gifts to every child, nestles the town of Oberndorf, Austria. Here in 1818 lived a devout young Austrian priest- named Father Joseph Mohr. With his friend the village school master and church organist, Franz Gruber, lie was destined to give the world this most famous- of all Christian hymns. The two men, both lovers of great music, had often talked of the fact that "the perfect Christmas song had hot yet, 1)0101 found." Ti7inking oboht it, Mohr sat in his Church study on Christmas Eve, 1813. the 'flushed silence of the night heightened the snow-covered beauty and stillness of the mountain scene. The purity and calmness of the high peaks filled his heart with radiant joy as the recollection of those first Christm e-s tidin s, "Jesus, The Saviour is born," came to him. And the thoughts that had been long forming in his mind suddenly found musical expression in the song which we have since come to know and love as "Silent Night, Holy Night." The next morning, Christmas Day, Mohr hurried to his friend's home with ti- e manuscript of his precious song. Gruber read it intently and exclaimed ontr oiled entrusiasnl, "Friend Mohr, you have found it -- the right song God be praised." Gruber, thrilled with the spirit of his friend's verses, set to work to cornpose the perfect melody for "the perfect song." Finally, the soft, flowing we now use came to him. "It sings itself, your song," he cried to the delighted nriesl. contribution to music the ly and simplicity of the tu e, in perfect blending with Mohr's verse:,;. The two men sang the new hymn over together to have it ready for the church devotions that night. Later in the same evening, when the villagers were athered in the gray In church, Mohr and Gruber Christmas song before its fir al hence. ft touched the listners and after the service, they thanked the two friends with tears of joy in their eyes. A new hymn had been born. The story of how the song spread from its mountain home in the Tyrol to become of the Christmas favor.


with 11112



1. - 1'ir


Wednesday, December 18, 1963 ites in all parts of the world is an enchanting one. Only very slowly did it come into fame. For nearly a year after its first rendition, the song lay almost forgotten in Gruber's desk. Then in November, 1819, the church organ had to be repaired, and the repair man, when he had finished with his work, asked Umber to play something to test the organ. The beautiful melody of "Silent Night" came to his mind and he played it with all its powerful yet simple beauty. So entranced was the organ-builder that he begged to take a copy of the song with him_ to his own town across the mountains. From one music-lover to another the hymn was passed on. Still, it was without a name and was known simply as "The Tyrolese Song," because it had first come from the Tyrolean Alps. With that title it was printed in 1842 for the first time, 24 years after it had been composed. It became widely used in Austria and Germany. On their American concert tour (1839-1843) the Rainiers, a family of singers from the Tyrol, brought this new Christmas carol with them and sang it before large audiences. Within a few years it also conquered the hearts of Americans. From .that time on, the song has been put into countless other languages and carried to all parts of the world to become the best loved of all Christmas songs and hymns, a truly international Christmas anthem. Today, a monument in Oberndorf, perpetuates the memory of the men who gave us "Silent Night." The song touches a heartfelt need, and to all who hear it, it brings the Saviour's calm and peace in its strains of beauty and joy! —SPJST-


Today's Christmas carol is a domesticated descendant of a lively folk dance. The carol started out in the Middle Ages as a circular country dance, called a "carole" in French, according to World Book Encyclopedia. Some of the early Christians looked askance at dancing, however, and the carol soon lost its steps. The lyrics of the songs that had accompanied the dance began to change, too, and eventually the "macaronis" style appeared. This consisted of tacking a Latin phrase on to the popular lines, so the people sang:

Wednesday, December 18, 1963 May we joy now in this feast In qua Christus natus est They didn't necessarily understand the Latin, although it carried on the sense of the song, but the stately Latin words gave them a religious image. In 1223 St. Francis of Assisi started the custom of placing a vreche, or miniature Nativity scene, in the church at Christmas time. People began to act out the events of the Nativity -- one of the steps in the development of mystery plays — and then to compose carols to sing with the plays. These led to the French noels. strictly Christmas songs, which, in turn, inspired the English carol.


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Carols, both secular and religious, flourished in England until the Puritans substituted their more spiritual hymns. These carried along their less earthly message for more than a century, until a. demand for better Christmas music brought back the carol. —SPJSTOn Christmas Eve, December 24, 1776, 184 years ago, George Washington, after suffering military setbacks in New York in the early years of the Revolutionary War, retreated across New Jersey and crossed the Deleware River. The American cause was at low ebb. Washington's main army, reduced to 3,000 men, seemed about to disintegrate. It appeared the British could march easily to Philadelphia. Congress moved to Baltimore. In this discouraging situation, Washington made a dramatic move that ended an agonising campaign in a blaze of glory. On the stormy night of December 25-26 he re-crossed the Deleware, surprised the Hessian mercenaries in the British army at Trenton, and captured 1,000 prisoners. This brilliant move enabled him to occupy a striking position in central New Jersey, whereupon the British ceased offensive operations and pulled back to the vicinity of New York. America's hopes revived and made victory ultimately possible. —SPJST-


Dr. Chas. J. Hollub Ceskt Likat a Operttor HOUSTON, TEXAS OV 0-7000 Telefon res. CA 74553 Telefon Mat 711 Medical Arts Building

Dr. Thos. N. DeLaney 00N1 BrSrle spravne nripravene as die umluvy 513-17 SPJST Bldg Tel. idadovna PR 3-3248 TEMPLE, TEXAS


The best time for gardening is December, January, and February. All you need is a few seed catalogs, a fireplace and an easy chair.

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28 The more one grows up, the less often he blows up. —SPJSTTo have a perfectly happy day — do something for somebody who cannot possibly repay you.

Wednesday, December 18, 1963

If our earth were perfectly round, all areas of it would be covered with 7,600 feet of water. —SPJST-Frankfurters were first made Frankfurt, Germany. in 1559.


About four-fifths of living things, excepting insects, are native to the sea, including 40,000 varieties of oysters and barnacles, and 15,000 varieties of fish. —SPJST--


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Wednesday, December 18, 1963

Malfr ono:km:nate" Introductions to single men or women who want to get acquainted. Czech descent only. From 18 to 80 years. Send for information. The Czech Correspondence Klub, P.O. Box 323, Omaha, Nebraska 68101. (dzc)


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No 88 1140 Robbie Street TUESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 31 FROM 9 P.M. UNTIL ? MUSIC BY


NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE December 31, 1963 SOKOL HALL, ENNIS, TEXAS Music by Ed Faraizl

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SPJST Entertaim Calendar As a matter of policy, only those attivities and functions promoted by or sponsored by the SPJST, or any of its lodges, will be published in the SPJST Entertainment Calendar section. Such notices for publication should be submitted by a bonafide lodge officer, or, In some cases, by lodge hall managers.; —SPTSTLodge Cottonwood No. C Saturday, Dec. 21 — Private Christmas party Wednesday, Dec. 25 — Soukup Family get-together Christmas day; Lodge Dance at night; music by Kaluza Polka. Band. Everyone cordially invited. Sunday, Dec. 29 — Corbin Reunion Tuesday, Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve Celebration as always, starting at 8:00 p.m. till ? Plenty of hats and horns for all. Everyone come. Sunday, Jan. 5 -- Lodge meeting and election of all committees, beginning at 3 p.m. The youth will have their meetings and election ofsorne committees. Please be sure to attend. —SPTST-Lodge No. 15, Buckholts Weanesday, Dec. 25 — Vrazel's Polka Band. Tuesday, Dec. 31 — Vrazel's Polka Baud Saturday, Jan. 18 -- Slim Haislcr's Playboys of Temple Saturday, Jan. 25 — Battle Dance, Vrazel's Polka Band and Bob Ilaisler's Melodians of Temple Saturday, February 8 — Vrazel's Polka Band. —SPJSTLodge No. 25, Ennis Saturday, Dec. 28 — Battle Dance, music by Vrazel's Polka Band of Cameron and the Music Masters of Ennis. Lodge No. Z9, Taylor, Texas December 26 — Hi - Toppers January 1, 1961 — Joe Patek SPJST Lodge 35, Elk Saturday Night, Dec. 21 — Music by Slim Haisler and His Play Boys of Temple Christmas Night, Dec. 25 — Music by Ed Messer and His Western Playboys of Fort Worth Saturday Night, Dec. 28 — Music by Fiddle Swingsters of Waco

VESTNAK New Year's Eve Night, Dec. 31 -Music by Rural Ramblers of Martha Lodge No. 40, Christmas, Dec. , 25 Triumphs Saturday, Dee. 28 — Jokers 14odge No. 47 — Seaton Friday, Dec. 20 — Rehearsal of Christmas Program and gilt packages made. Saturday, Dec. 21 --- Seaton Lodge No. 47 Christmas Party, 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 23 — Dance at night; music by Rudy Kurtz, Tuesday, Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve Dance; Music by Bob Haisler and His Melodians. Lodge 54, West Saturday, Dec. 28th — Private Wedding Party Tuesday, New Years's Eve KJT Dance SPJSTLodge No. 66, Waco Christmas Night, Dec. 25th — Music Masters of Ennis Hi-Toppers of Saturday, Dec. 28th NeW Braunfels New Year's Eve, Dec. 31st -- a Slim Haisler of Temple, Saturday, Jan. 4 — Rudy Kurtz of Shiner Saturday, Jan. 11th — The Hi-Toppers of New Braunfels Vrazel Polka Saturday, Jan. 18th Band of Cameron Saturday, Jan. 25th — Slim Haisler's Playboys of Temple Saturday, Feb. 1 — Rudy Kurtz of Shiner Saturday, Feb. 8th ---- Slim Haisler's :Playboys of Temple Tuesday, Feb. 11th — East dance before Lent — Vrazel Polka Band of Cameron SPJST-1:odge 80, Holland Christmas Night --- December 25th -Dance; Bob Haisler and His Melodians New Year's Eve Dance and Frolic -Music by Bonac Sisters of Granger. Sunday, Jan. — Dance; music by Gilbert l':•:.:1 !.;1:z. Saturday, Feblate cy 1st — Ray Baca of Fayetteville Dance; music Sunday, Febrilary '9th by Gilbert Kautz Easter Sunday, March 29th --music by Gilbert Kautz Saturday, May 23 -- Gilbert Kautz Saturday, July 4th — Gilbert Kautz

Wednesday, December 18, 1963 Lodge Pokrok No. 84, Dallas Tuesday, Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve Dance — from 8:30 to 4 a.m. — music by the John Rejcek Groh. —SPJST-Image No. 92, Fort Worth New Year's E y e Dance — Dec. 31; Music by Ray Swartz Orch. from Fort Worth. Sokol Zizka and SPJST Lodge 130 Dallas December 21 — Dance, music by Music Masters , New Year's Eve Dance, December 31 music by Eric Honza. Lodge 135, Ennis Dec, 31 — New Year's Eve Dance Sokol Hall; music by Ed Faraizl's Orchestra. SPJSTLodge No. 142, Houston Tuesday, Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve Dance, music by Ed Zalesak's Orchestra, from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. —SPJSTSPRAVNE VYKONANA POHiEBN1 SLUtBA V hodine Zalu zarmouceni naleznete Edward Pace pohtebni iistav pohotove k sympatickemu vytizeni nezbytnYch jednotlivosti a k vypraveni dojemneho pohtbu. Levne ceny jsoiu naei zasadou.



Pohifebni feditel g len SPJST Tel. Prospect 3-3606 113 N. 5th St. TEMPLE, TEXAS

SPOLEHLIVA POIIROBNICKA SLUiBA Jsme Pohotovi Vain posohditi bez rozdilu Nit daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv zvlattniho poplatku. S narni innete nnluviti 6esky. My nabizime Pohtebni poj gteni pro kakleho clena rodiny.



Elsie PraZak-Etlinger d'itmsta pomocnice BELLVILLE AND SEALY .. Tel.: Bellville No. UN 5-3121 Sealy No. TU 5-3535 OTANMWM04.1.-.X.adSla


Wednesday, December 18, 1963

SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DANCE Lodge Pokrok Houston No. 88 1140 Robbie St. Houston, Texas Christmas Day, December 25th DANCING FROM 5 'TIL 9 MUSIC BY



take this opportunity to extend warmest wishes to our many friends. Hope you are heading for the happiest holiday season ever!

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Kacir TEMPLE, TEXAS


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ay the Holy Family guide your path to a spiritually inspiring Christmas. And may all the days to come reflect the peace and joy of this blessed Holiday.

Marshall and Marshall Funeral Home HILLSBORO, TEXAS




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