Vestnik 1959 08 26

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST P. O. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS


Official Organ of Slovanic Ben olent Order or the State of Texas


tislo 34.



26. SRPNA (AUGUST) 1959


JAKA BYLA A RUDE U VAS ONNOST? Nebude ani celice dlouho trvati, jen nekolik mak) tclail a dostavi se prvni severak. Bude chladnej gi cas Vam davat pkilaitost k vSunluve, ze se prave neda lepgi cinnost tadova. oeeka,vat? Jak jste se u Vas ph radu lakes leto — Mnoho-li podnikti pro dobro du a jeho pokrok jste potadali? Co pro inlade2 ye vagem okoli jste podnikli? Jak velky pocet novych elenti byl ziskan? Vgude tam ' kde, velke horko nas v dinnosti zdrZelo v chladnej gim poeasi zas zima u kamnech nas najde, tam velkSr pokrok nebudeme v stavu zaznamenat.-Kde closud moZno a dobra vale, pokusme se tedy neco•dohnat co jsme navzajem promegkali. Na mnohe tyto otazky ktere jsem kladl a ktere jste ne mile, ale sami sobe dluZni zodpovidat bude Vain obtiZno riajit uspokojujici odpoved'. VzpOminam Vas vsech ye vsech radech to nasi mile Jednoty a ptemSi gliiri, jak Vain aai bude nyni, kdy listi pornalu se stromu poeinaji opadavat a kdy si ci ptipomenern, Ze zas v kratkosti jeden rok a radost leta bude za nami. Vzpomente sestry a bratti, jak u mnohSrch nagich tadech se letos konaly kra,sne podniky, co pekneho cesky spolkotiVot a mlideti tam vsude ptinesl, Zak blahe potechy a posilu v piatelskem krou/ku, ziskali. Hled.'me tedy vkide dohanet co jsme pohodnosti promegkali. Neni jeste


zde. — V kaZdem tade jests jest manost uspotadati peknSr podnik neb i vice jich pied svatky a zajiste kdy Va ge dobre sestry tadove poznaji, Ze chcete poke,dati nejakou peknou oslavu, tak vain dozajiste a vy'clatne pomohou. Vim, Ze nage mile sestry jsou vAude velice ueinlive, jen jest zapotteby je zdvotile o vYpomoc poladat. Ovgem Ze jest Mdoucno abychom si toho hledeli, zapracovali na ge mlade sily kde jen man°, aby nas neptekvapil den, 'Ze staid nam nahle odejdou a ty mlade jsme mezi nas neziskali. Doufejme, ze v ptiAtich letech se nem podati ziskat mlade eleny do aradu a budte jim v gestranne napomocne. Za pkiklad bych rad uvedl na g III. okrsek, kde cela tada mlad gich nagich elenil se tispegne a vzorne na na gi pre,ci spolkove podili a mame s toho uptimnou radost. Nejen to, na g tteti okrsek si takto dobte jiZ po del gi dobu vedl, Ze jsme spoleenou praci znaene pokroeili a lehko se o torn jedenkaZdS7 ptesvedCite, kdy se stidastnite na gi ptigti okrskove schtize ktera, se bude konati v Elm Mott u hosticiho tadu "Slovanska Lipa" eislo 66. pobliie Waco, Texas v nedeli dne 27. Ml( Sept.) KaZdSr bude viten tentokrate katc1y tacl v a doufame, okrsku bude zastoupen. Bude to pro kazdeho nejen pans*, vylet ale i poueeni a take mile pobaveni v kruhu bratti a sester z blizka i vzdalenych mist.

Vgechny na g e Texaske okrskST se letos velice etvrtY okrsek 23. srpna v Lubbock, druh3.7 okrsek dnem mlacleZe ph Belton dne 30. srpna, sedniSr okrsek dne 20. zati v Corpus Christi, prvni okrsek dne 4teho kijna, ye Snook, Tex. a koneene na, g gest3i okresk v Taitian, Texas dne 25. kijna, — se chystaji vynikflout. S toho co jsem zde uvedl seznate, kde se sestram a bratrtun neleni, ze v gude se vyvinula krasna einnost a nage mila Jednota se s toho raduje. Valyt' jest na ge uptimne ptani vsech ja. vetim, aby na ge SPJST rostla a mohutnela a my k tomu na gi fidasti ptispivame. NiZclyt' mame spoleene zajmy a stejnY cil a k tomu kraketi budeme spoleene radostneje v uptimnem pfcatelstvi. Budeme-li v kaZdem na gein fade, kaZde na gi schazi miti stale na pameti jakS7'm polehnanim jest prave ptatelstvi a srdeene vzajemne styky, tak kaZda na ge prace pro dobro tadu se nem bude lope a leheeji konat i datit. Ku konci Vas vSechny fictive Zadam, abyste si vge co jsem zde uvedl zapamatovali a hledeli vSude tam kde zapotteby se v budoupnosti poopraviti. Sarni v kratkosti seznate, kdy pozmenite svuj spiAsob jednani u syYch

English Section Starts on Page 12

(Pokratovani ua strane 4)

Strana 2

veal #K . WEST, TEXAS

Ve stfedu, dne 26. srpna 1959

Od redakCniho stolku Ze sriatek sleeny Lillian Janeekove s Co pies tSrden jsem — Harlen Hilscherem se bude konat dne 20. zati v Schulenburgu. • • zaslechl

Entered ' as second claim Mail matter, January 3rd. 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act a Con g resis of Aug. 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Su p reme Lodge SPJST, Box 400, Tem p le, Texas.



.IEDNOTY STATE/. TEXAS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ORDER OP THE STATE OF TEXAS REDAKTOR — EDITOR L, 0. HOAEK Rol 85 -- West, Texas VIdavatele — Publishers CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY. WEST. TEXAS Pfedolatne $3.25 -- Subscri p tion $3.25 Per Year Zmtny adzes zasilaji as do Hlavni, dfatiovny Box 400. Tem p le. Texas Chan g es of address must be sent to Suortnitte Lodge Box 400. Tem p le. Texas Predolatne a oznamk y budlet adresoyinil Vestnik. West, Texas. Zivoto p isy zeratelYch blend se uveteinuJi bezplatne The obituaries are printed without charc.3.

ILLAVNI UKADOVNA SUPREma LODGE EDWARD L. MARES. President JOE B. PIEJNY. Vice-President J. F. CF1ITPICK. Secretary JOS. KOLIHA. JR. Treasurer R. A. URBANOVSKY. Bookkeeper All in Tem p le. Texas. Box 400 AUGUST KAC1R. Attorney Tem p le, Texas DR. MARVIN LESIRAR, Medical Director P. 0. Box 410 — Ta y lor. Texai ftEDITELlt — DIRECTORS FRANK V. STEPAN, First District Bellville. Texas CHAS. NAVRATIL. Second District 818 E. Ave A. — Tem p le, Texas ROBERT CERVENKA. Third District. West, Texas R. E. BROZ, Fourth District Rt. 3. Box 320 — San An g elo, Texas J SKRABANEK, Fifth District 4720 Bellaire Blvd. Bellaire. Texas ED. P. BRALLA, Sixth District Rt. 1, Box 110, Edna, Texas CHAS. HOLASEK. Seventh District 2513 Nemec St.. Corp us Christi. Texas

rissovl VfBOR —

PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE DR. EDUARD NICEK, Chairman Universit y Station. Austin, Texas MRS. HILDA ERTIS, Secretary Buckisolts, Texas MRS. FRANCES OLEXA . 8402 Ta gg art St.. Houston, Texas

- STANOVNf VIBOR — BY-LAW COMMITTEE FRANK HLOZEK. SR., Chairman P. 0. Box 137, Blessin g , Texas isTEPREN VILLCIK. Secretary 8402 Pra g ue Street Italustos T. Taxa,

-- Le nova dceruSka pkibyla do rodiny inladVch James KocianovYch ye Vietorii. Blahopkej eine ! • • Ze sliena Jeanette SlivovSrch a Albert Zajidek z Wallis se rozhodli spoleene kraeeti dal gim 2ivotem. Ptejeme Stesti. • • — Ze v Shiner, Francis Rainogek si vyvolil za clru2ku 2ivota sleenu Dorothy Mae Mikesovu. Gratulujeme. • • — Te2 v Shiner hlageno, 2e konal se tam bratr Frank Vytopil si neleni a zve stiatek sleeni Mary Ann, dcery manZelt vgucle kam zaji2di, k jejich oslave ktera Willie KutaeovY;ch ze Shiner s Hilberse bude konat v Bryan u kadu 39. dru- tem Novakem, synem Frank NovakovS7ch hou nedeli v zati to jest due 13teho od Witting. (Sept.) — Litujeme, ze v to nedeli jsme, piislibili se .,,,(1eastnit slavnosti Dallas- — Ze v 93 letech zemkel dedeeek Jan kych Sokolu a i-fidu Jaro 130. Pfeji Vam F. Jukica a pochovan byl v nedeli 9. srptam v Bryan velkou navStevu a dobre na na htbitov SPJST. Rozen byl 24. srpeasy. na 1965 ye stare vlasti, s rodiei ptiSel do • • Arneriky kdy 2 . byl rok star. Rodina se — Ze zahodno si obeas yzpomenouti usadila psi Praze. Tam se o2enil s Franvgech tech nacich star gich pracovnikil, tigkou Va6katovou 31. kijna 1887. Nage kteri kdys pied lety nam verne a obe- soustrast rodine. • • tave pomahali "tahnout" ten na g' spolZe stara pani E. Ba2antova ve West kovST vozik. Oa sto nase testa byla pina byla stigend srdeenYin zaehvatem a 'lakarneni a gla do kopce, ale nelenilo se. leza se v dornacim o'Oetteni. -- Co tu dnes nase mlade g buduje, — • • klade jen na ty poctive a pevne za1oiene --Ze Caste sprchy minuleho tY'dne znazaklady tech naiich star gich a prosim, Cue zdr2ely zber baviny v okresu • Fort vzpomente je, obzvla gte nase churave, Bend. skavY slovem. —Ze ptig ti sjezd Jednoty SVPS byl odhlasovan do rnesteeka Bryan, Texas. Je to tam pro Vas sestry a bratri povzbuzeni, nebot' jsem jist, 2e do to doby budete tam v Bryan vlastnit krasnou fadoyou sin. — Jen s chuti do toho! • • — Ze na g start pkitel bratr Karel Stupka je na zasIou2ilem odpoeinku Za tali dovedneho kovate bude na Guy as te2ka nahrada. P•ejeme staleho zdravieka sousede!

Vim, 2e je pote gi a parriatuite na, to, - 2e nag staregina bratr Joe Zeman z ze nevdek je bolestnSrm opomenutim. Ne Guy jest yr ogetteni v Polly Ryan nepfeju abyste to sami zakusili. mocnici v Rosenberg. • • — 2e /las nad mire te gi, ze na g synek Vla d'a Hoek v Dallas, se snaL aby jineno nagi rodiny nevymizelo ze Sokolskeho pamatniku. 2e se taime na den Dallaskeho svatku, netteba snad ani zvlaSte pkipomenout. •

pki nedavne elektricke bouki pobli2e Hallettsville rninulSr t3-7den, zabit byl cenny kiln krajana Lud. 8majstrli. Te2ce zranen bleskem byl zarnestnanec Highway Dept. John Klopoenburg na moste ptes keku Navidad. Blesk na nem roZtrhal Cast odevu i boty, ale on vy— Ze v Shiner bude zaiizen v kratkosti vaz1 givotem. Domov pro og etteni star gich pacientti "Lutheran Welfare Society" na 20 akZe v okoli Skidmore panuje ji2 delrech pozemku. Domovy pro stare se dobu hrozne sucho a desive horko. posledni dobou zrizuji po ceV7ch Spo- Vge je tam die zdeleni jak tiVatene a jenSich Statech. eekaji dSichtive ovla2ujici degt'. • • • -- 2e v okresu Lavaca nedavne de gte se podobali prtitr2i mraeen die zdeleni v Shiner spadlo skorem 5 cou p i vody za kratkY eas,

- Ze pan I. J. Parma v Ennis ztratil dceru svoji JOsefku. byla je gte pomerne mlada a zanechala zde sveho mute a dva syny, tii vrioueata, rodiee, sestry a

Ve stfedu, dne 26. srpna 1959 bratry. Nage uptimna Vam vgetn roust cast. • • — Ze sleena Irene Drymalova si vyvolila kraeeti dal gim aivotem po boku Louise Polanskeho ye Fayetteville a pfejeme jim Stesti hojnost. • • — Ze to pani dopisovatelka Amalie Koudelkova snad pojede na nejakou "svajbu" do Granger. Ja, site ty Horakovy znam ale vim, ae se tam bude mit dobte. — Mohla by v dobre nalade si vzpomenout na redaktora, ye West a nejakY ten tvarohovy kolde do West ptivest. Neni k nam z Granger daleko jen na dva skoky a drobatek dobehnout. -- No poekame a uvidime, jestli neoslepnem.


Kalenditir olaskovich schfizi PRVNi OKRSEK Podzimni schtze prvniho distriktu bude se konat u tadu Oslo -9. Slovan. na Snook v nedeli dne 4. tijna (October) a jest proto tak ensile oznamovana, aby nam tuto nedeli .ostatni okrsky lo,skave ponechali. Dekujerne predem Vain vgern! Oznameni sehdze druheho okrsku Letni schtze druheho okrsku se kona v nedeli 30. srpna, 1959, v Camp Tahuaya, pH Belton, Texas. Schfize tato jest venovana yetginou jen mladeal, ale dospell budou mit s ni dosti poZitku. take. Registrova,ni zapoene o 10 hodinach rano. Zdviaeni vlajky Spoj. Statu 10:30 pak rozliene zavOdy a hry. Obed od 12ti do lhod. °bed bude uchystan s toho co kati dY pfinese, a k tomu budeme zapijet ledovY eaj, (ice tea). Soutei rnladeae od 1 ne hod. do 2. hod Dale budou zavocly v plovani a inland jine zavody po eel& odpoledne. Odekava see od Vas, ae vynaljete teto pkileaitosti a sandastnite se teto schfize. Povgimnete si laskave elanku v anglicke east. A. L. 13oudnS7 tajemnik Tireti okrsek 3 okrsek v kterem jsou zdruaene 21. Mai nags Jednoty planuje svoji podzim ni poradu na den 27. zati a site bude se konat u tadu dislo 66. Waco, v jejich sin! na Elm Mott. Prosime aby tato nedele nam byla ponechana. Ka'adY z bliz ka a i vadalene jsou fictive avail& 8estS? okrsek Podzimni schfize gesteho okrsku konati se bude dne 25. fijna (October) v Talton, Texas. Zaeatek schfize o 1 hodine odpoledne. Podrobnosti budou yeas oznamene.

jsme eekali, ae nam bratr Urbish z East Bernard po svem znovuzvolerti v dobre nalade pole neja,kY dopis o slesdu SVPS, ale kdepak, on jak obyeejne Budeme velice skoupY, ani muk. kat. My bychom zde ve West trochu nejake to povzbuzeni veru pottebovali nebot' v tak silne osade jak je na ge West ten nag spolek SVPS by mel eitat nejmene 150 elenti a ne jen takovou hrstku jak tu mame pfitomne. — Ale nedivte se, ono se tu v torn horku pane podrimuj e. • • Ze jsme radi vzpominali nagich ptatel, — sousedh a sester a bratra v okoli Guy s bratrem St. Slaealkem a manaelkou pii tadove schnzi v Buckholts. Pfejeme jim vgem tam mnoho zdaru, zdravieka a dobre firody. • • Ze ve Snook, CMB porldaji barbecue a kuratka vepfove pH sine radu Slovan Oslo 9. a ae MAY vYdelek celeho dne bude venovan na stavbu noveho kostela to cirkve. — Tedy laskave neopomente pry ni nedeli v zati (Sept.) to jest dne 6. SED1Vrir OKRSEK a prijd'te. Diky Vam v gem ptedem. Oznamuje avoji schfizi na den 20. zati, • 4, • I. to jest tteti nedele v September u fadu Antonin J. Cermak eislo 56, v Corpus Christi. Sestra tajemnice Betty JuNagi redakci navgtivili minulY tYden tica dada ostatni okrsky aby jim tato bratr R. Zalman od Mdu 35, br. Jno. nedele pro tuto schtzi byla ponechana. Kfiann, Vanaura Frank Coeek, Hugo ) • 4, • ( Freund, sestra M. Kofnovec a pan Fr. Seith, kterY co iltednik na gi zdej gi banky slavil minulY tYden 40 let sveho plodneho phsobeni obliben a vaaen vgemi. Ze nektere pozde do gle dopisy budeme Bratfi F. 8tepan, K. Navratil a Robert Cervenka sta yili se na par slov minulY zas nucene odlo'ait do pfi gtiho eisla. — tYden kdy ptes West jeli za ftredni ein- Litujerne. Dopisy ktere odesilate v panosti. Kaadanav gteva a ptatelskY roz- tek no, venkove, obyeejne nas dojdou hovor nas va"dy pote gi. — Rodiny Nez- v pondeli rano, kdy Vestnik jest ji2 valove pozdrav z Kanady nas tea velice kladan do forem. Jest ti gten dopoledne a odesilan v fiterY odpoledne. potegil. Dekujeme.

Naie nivitevy

Ondouvame se

Strana 3

Kolik &toll kole'jni vzdelarii Kolik stoji prfunerne jeden rok studia na americke koleji nebo universite? Podle nedavneho ptehledu umerickeho Departmentu adravotnictvi, vzdelani a socialni peee pottebu typicky vysokogko lak asi $1,800 merle, v eema jsou vedle g kolniho zapoeitany i Zivotni potteby, transportace, zapisne a pod. Zije-li vg ak student Boma a naYgtevu je bezplatnou universitu, muse se obejiti s pouhYrni dvema, sty dolary. stat ma jednu nebo vice takovychto rejnYch vysokYch gkol, v nicha ran ge mistni usedlik studovati bezplatne, a kde i student z jineho statu plati jenom nepatrne Skolne. PrinnernY americkY student yydelava, asi etvrtinu nakladu, spojeneho s jeho studiern. Student! pracuji po pfedira g -kachoprzdniach.Roedav,jistu dujicimu synovi nebo dceti asi 40 :procent vydani, dal gich 30 procent pochazi ze studentovYch fispor a let stredo gkolskYch a z darn ptibuznYch. ZbYvajicich pet procent representuje stipendia. Z vladniho pfehledu vysvita, 'ae va gina arnerickYch vysoko gkolakt nepochazi ze "zamoZnYch" rodin — jak se zamoZnosti rozumi. Osrnnact procent je jich z rodin s roenim ptijmem pod $3.000 a 60 procent z rodin s pfijmem pod $6.000 coa je typicky prijem delnika v americkern prinnyslu. Jenom osm procent vysokog kolakft pochazi a rodin, jejich'Z pMjern pfesahuje 15,000 dolarti roone. Pit zmene adresy poulijte tohoto kuponu Supreme Lodge SFJST. box 400, Temple, Texas.

2adam Vas o menu me adresy jak na sleduie:— Moje nova adresa, Jest:—

LVIoje stall adresa:—

Pattim k tadu 6islo S pozdravem podpla

Strana 4


Jaki byla a bude u Wa einnost? (Dokoneeri se strany 1) dit, at' ye schnzich aneb ye styku jeden s druhSim, ie ye ptatelskim• jednini se neidal dolde a ispechu se dodelame. Nage rfizne shromaideni vedene v telskem ovzduM zajiste ze button srdegdarnejg a vYsledneiSi. Budou nam VSem posilou a povzbuzeni k dalSimu svornemu snateni pro na§1 SP•

o jsern se pi iucil o piatelstvi Za ptitele povatujeme osobu s nit jsme si blizci, protote v zdsadnich otazkach jsme stejneho Usudku. Ptatele se vzajemne cti, vati si sebe a jsou k sobe uptimni. Nedopusti, aby priteli bylo ubliteno a poindhaji si, kdyt nekdo z nich pomoci pottebuje, ale nikdy sveho Ptitele nezrieutiji. Stat se a bYt nekomu pfitelem vyta• duje gas. Pravi piltele se musi vzajemne pfedem dobte poznat, aby jejich ptatelstvi rnohlo bYt pevne. Ptatele si jsou vtdy charakterove blizci. Nenajde se, aby pokraucenY charakter se stal a mohl bYt ptitelem eloveka s pevnYmi a eestnYmi zasadami, aby podvodnik se stal ptitelem eloveka poctiveho, nebo udavae eloveka, ptimeho. Urazi-li nekdo va.Seho phtele, utazil i vas. Uratka se de, ode nit a jiste ji katdY rozumnY elovek promine, kdyt se onen na cti utrhovae sluSne omluvi. Jiste vAak uratku ptitele neprominete, kdyby se vinik neomluvil. Tim merle byste ji prominuli za zady sveho do teeneho ptitele. Zradili byste ho. Ptatelstvi neznamena povrclmi brattiekovani. Je mnohem hlubM. Pevne a opravdove ptatelstvi tadne intriky a kle py nezviklaji, naopak ututi je. Velmi se mYli ten, kdo si mysli, ze stalYm naporem mute dobre a pevne ptatelstvi naruSit. Naopak elm vie se o to snail, tim pevnejSi se ptatelstvi stavd. Ptitel, to je 'vase zrcadlo, a proto se tikd spravne — "tekni mi s kYm obcujeA a ja ti povim kdo jsi." Chranite-li sveho ptitele, nite tim take sebe, sve zasady, sve /tatory, sve idealy a tutby. —) • a, • Dne 12 a 13 zaii, otevieni nove Sokolovny a Domova faclu 130. Jaro v Dallas, Texas.— Zneastnete se techto narodWen svatkii! I


DOPISOI ATELO Popis Rychlikove rodiny od pkijezdu do Ameriky (piSe J. A. Rychlik) Wheelock, Texas Bylo to roku 1880 kdyt, otcova rodina ptistala na Ode Americke. Otec byl nejstarSi z rodiny ale on byl v Evrope zadrten nebot' byl odveden. Byl ye Vidni tam 13\1 vyueen kovatern a tameonikem. Otcova rodina, odjela do Ameriky a usadila se poblik ,Caldwell, Texas. Roku 1882 otec mel vyslouteno a chtel se dostat do Ameriky ale nemel penez na pteplay. NejakY Dansby ad Bryan, Texas postal otcovi penize a za nedlouho otec byl v Americe. Po kratkem besedo\rani set k tomu panovi adsloutit si to cestovne a tak sloutil celY jeden rak a vykladal nam, te lidi byli dobti a prace se mu libila, ale ze toho cornbredu a bijit byl ptejezen. Dluh jit mel odsloutenY a nekterY dolar k dobru mel, tak nekdo mu poradil, ze Sktivanek ph Caldwell pottebuje delnika a tak otec zajel tam a pronajal se na rok price. Rok pkeSel a prate se mu libila i strava a hospodat taky tak sloutil dale. Rok 1885 otec pfebYval poblite Bryan, a take v tom roku naSel si spoleenici kterou pojal za mantelku a pc:teal bYti svYm hospodatem. Po dvouch letech kou pit si farmieku a rolnieil dva roky. V roku 1892 otcova rodina a i on dostali to zapadni horeeku a tak vyprodali vSe co nedalo na vote sebrat a "Covered Wa gon" vydali se na cestu do Seymour v Baylor County. Nevim jak dlouho byli na ceste a tak pak tam usadeni zase poeali xoinicitL Uplynul rok a nroda byla mala; sucho, a uplynul druhY rok a zas to same. No, tak bylo doslYchat, pry ye Wichita Falls jsou lepSi drody, zase nalozili vozy a vydali se na cestu. Po kratkern cesiovani udelali zastayku pti stanici Holiday. Tenkrat tam byla jen stanice a kostel. Od to doby ja jit pamatuji co se dela. Zase se rolnieilo, uplynul rok a zase droda byla skromna. Otec chodil po vYclelkach a mezi vYdelkamy zase sekal musketove dtivi a vozil je do Wichita: trill co kde se dalo kdyt to drody bylo malo. Ten eas v tom okoli byla par eeskYch rodin a to byli: Matiska a Krajed.. Doekale, Plaaek a Za,vada no a d ye Ryehlikovy rodiny a HorskY. Otee mel tam etyki bratti a jednu se stru. -sestry byly pro ydane net-li opustily Bryan. Jedna mela, Kubina, druha Navratila a tketi Vesmitovskeho. Jeden z otcily brats byl usmrcen ne gtast-

Ve stkedu, dne 26, srpna 1959 nou nahodou nekde tam na rend — no, a tak to se ukonail rok 1896. Urody zase male, dspory probite. No, ten slavnY zapad se ut omrzel. Tak co je delat? — Otyki suche roky po sobe — budem se stehovat zpatky do Bryan. *We se ptipra vilo a za par dnit jsme byli na ceste. Za vadova rodina se vypravila taky. Otcova rodina zdstala pozadu tak to se jelo nekolik drift. Dojeli do Waxahachie a pak nedaleko u Hillsboro byla pekna bavlna a farrnati pottebovali pikovade, tak to jsme tam zdstali nekolik drift a par dolard se vydelalo, pak zas se jelo dal. Po 14 dnech jsnae ptistali v Bryan. Pobyli jsme u strYce Navrd,tila asi dva dny a pak se jelo na Brazos Botnu (Brazos bottom) na pikovaeky. Balny tam bylo jeSte hodne. Byla to za Jones Bridge, okres Burleson. Tam jsme pfebyli at se bavina zebrala. Bylo to ku konci roku otec uz mel farrnieku zrentovanou asi dve mile na vYchod od Bryan. Tak jsme se tam nastehovali a zase se rolniello. Urody byli dosti dobre. Jen cena slaba! Bavina se prodavala za tti centy libra, a semen nemelo tadnou cenu. Otec je vozil domu a utival to na hnojeni. Tarn to jsme ptebyli 4 leta a 1899 zase jsme meli June Flood. Uroda byla hodne poSkozend. Ku konci roku 1900 zase jsme se stehovali na Wheelock. Nyni musim se vratit do Wichita Falls ke stargi Rychlikove rodine kde jsme je zanechali. Za, kratkY cis se nam dedeeek z rodinou pfestehoval poblite Dallas. He byli tarn rok. Statenka dostala zap,' pile na kterY zeintela. Dedeeek po smrti sta,tenky ptijel za nami do Bryan. HorskY a strejeek Francek, Karel, Tonek a tetka Teresa se vydali do severni Dakoty. Tam si zabrali domovinu. Bylo to Alamuse. Dostali po 160 akrech. Po nejake dobe tento HorskY se stal mym strY cem kdyt si vyvolil moji tetku za mantelku. Pozdeje se dali do prate a postavili se staveni "drnakyr s tej zemy napichar* a pak zaeali "brechovat" Oft. 'ge ph tom nebyla tadna, legrace, tete \refit, ale pketili to. °Was nam psavali. Toto vSe se odehralo v rote 1897. Muj dedeeek PfebYval u zete Vesmerovskyho v Bryan. Ten dedeekovy a stryekovi dal vSechnu kovatskou praci, a i jinou. Staveli "fence" a tak jednou kdyt pracovali po spolu a usazovali sloupky, dedeeek drkl stoup a kovatik je zatloukal "pantokem." Na jednou pantok vyletel z topora a uhodil dedeeka do hlavy a na miste jej usmrtil. Dedeeek byl ulaten v Beenville k yeenemu odpoeinku. Dne 22. listopadu v roku 1893, kdyt se etyti Ceske rodiny usadili poblite Whee-

Ve sttedu, dne 20. srpna 1959



I btezna y e Wheelock. Ku konel toho roku lock ,tak tehdy tam byla zalo2ena otec prodal farmit a koupil jinou, 250 ska osada. Prvni osadnici byly: Jan Seasta, Joe J. akru a tam se farma •ilo na dale. KroSea,sta, Viricenc 8kubal, a Ned13alkoya py byly dosti dobre a otec pii tom korodina. My jsme se tam usadili koncera vatil, tak 2e on ptivydelaval a ml kluci roku 1900. V roce 1901 u2 tam bylo vice jsme rolnieili. Netrvalo to dlouho a forma byla vyplaeeskYch rodin, a zde se pokushn je pojmcnovat. Tam ty z hora, jmenovani a k eena. Bylo to asi v roce 1909 a otec si tomu )e gte: Jan K oVariK , Josef Rolik, yyjel na vYlet do severni Dakoty, za brat Frank Syptak, Prank Btozik, Frantigka ry a za sestrou. Byl tam asi (Iva mesice Chytil, Tom Schovajsa, Balouskova ro- a pomahal jim tam pti Znich a pak se vra dma, Frank WYmola, Pavel Syptak, Jan til zase domu. A Wheelock po •ad pokraNedbalek, John Matejka, l'oma g Matej- eoval, v roce 1910 byl zalo2en SPJST tad ka, n'ejakY &Waft, je gte jeden Joe F. Sca, Dennice eislo 94, 24teho listopadu. Zagta. Novosaclova rodina a Frank Janieek, kladajici eleny byly nasledujici: John T. Dostal, Joe J. Mikulec, A. C. Novosad, V. no, a na ge rodina. Byl jsem jen 10 lety klueina,, ale pama- 8kubal, Jan Nedbalek, Ad. Syptak, Jan tuji si 2e u Btezika melt schuzi, no, ale Seasta, Vlasta Novosadovii, Julie Syptak, take i "bedieku" piva. Toto byla schuze Petronila, Mikulec, P. V. Syptak, Vil. P. hospodatska a zalo2ila si tam hospociar- Nedbalek, Tom W. Matejka, Frank SypskY spolek a Inman stanovy. tak, Pavel Mikulec, Karel Novosad, VinTak tedy zaeal hospodatsky spolek ale cencie KopeckY, Anna Skubal, Frantigka zrovna v tom Case jsem nevedel co to Nedbalek a Rozalie Ktenek. znamena. i12 v roku 1903, osada rostla Zakladajici eleny dosud. na Zivo jsou: a rostla a ka2c1Y rok ptibylo nekolik no- Vlasta Novosadova, Julie Syptak, Vil. P. trYch osadnika. Tak se ten spolek zmohl Nedbalek, Tom W. Matejka, P. Mikulec, a v torn roku si postavili sin. Olenove Karel Novosad, Ad. Syptak a Jan Dostal, spolku dovezli stavebni clfe yo, prate by- ale ptestoupili k jineinu taciu a ja, jsem la, darovana a sin postavena. ptistoupil v roku 1911 a tak ten eas ubiSpolek ji2 mel trochu penez a na o- hal. statek udelali sbirku a kaldY daroval V roku 1914 Novosadoyi meli hezkou kdo co mohi a tak se to sin na Wheelock holku, a vite lidieky co? Ja jsern se nezaplatila, co na,raluvil k ni, ne2-li ona tekla ano, Potom schtze se oclbYvaly v sini ale ale podatilo se to. co vge hospodatsky spolek znamenal, to, (Pokraeovani pfigte) nevim, ale vim co se delalo. Ten spolek John Rychlik. kupoval Ygelicos ye velkern, dostali to -IP I. ) • lacineje a vim 2e kupovali ocet, sirky, voRad eislo 15 zovou mast a jine pottebne veci do doBuckholts, Texas macriosti a k tomu meli i "masovy spoBratte redaktore, sestry, bratti a etendlek" a v2dycky j eden druhemu davali ti:-rueni pornoc v praci. Nage nedelni schtize, spoleenY °bed oByl no, to ustanoven jeden e'en aby bouch tadt jak SPJST cislo 15, tak i spol dr2el zaznam a kdy2 nekdo tehdy onemoku RVOS Oslo 5. se nam nod oeekavaenel, tak mu vgichni dali tti dni prace, ni dobte vydatili. v bas nemoci. Taky zaprodavali bavinePravidelnou schfizi Paclo you v to nene semeno na "carload lots". Semeno jig bylo tehdy drahe a vozilo se 20 mil na deli jsme konali pted obedem za ptitomstanici za $6.00 tunu. Chci taky podot- nosti kol 65 elent a elenkyri cot jest knout ,2e ,spolek daroval v2dy $10.00 velice pekna nav gteva a jest si jen ptakdy2 nekterY Glen ztratil kravu a co vim ti aby to tak i pov2dy setrvalo, velice vyplatili za dye kravy, ale po nejakem by nas to vgechny potegilo. lined po schilzi nage sestry chystaly a Case se ten elanek ze stanov vy gkrtptinagely hojnost dobreho jidla na dlounul. HospodatskY spolek po dnes ma 'Mar- he stoly. Mezi tim se sji2deli hosty nage. tin Ditcher", a velkY Hydraulic Jack, ale Ze vzdalenej gich mist U •ednici na gi HI. gkoda, ze je tomu ji g par let co spolek ntadovny z Temple a ton fitednici nagi RVOS z Temple. Nejvice jsem byl ptese rozpustil. kvapen kdy2 mezi nami se objevil bratr Otec koupil farmieku 100 akrovou. By- redaktor Hoiek z West, na geho Vestnilo to v tom samem roku kdy2 k nam ku a jeho man2elka, co2 nas tegilo. dojeli dnes ji2 zesnule spolubratti Jan Ptijeli take jine_ nam mile hosti z Seasta a Kubena. Pro jakou praci tam Wheelock, br. a ses. Frank Vytopil, br. a byli to jsem nevedel, az pozdeje. Bylo ses. Steve Regmund z Bryan, Texas, kteto v roce 1904 kdy2 byl zalo2en spolek re jsme s moji 2enou z ylagte radi uvideRVOS, tad eislo 79, Nova Morava, 15. neb pi. Regmundova je moje sestten.-

ka. isnic se nevidell asi 20 •rokii. bale ptijely hoste p. a pi. Stanislav SlaCalkovy z Guy, Texas, kteti zde maji ptibuzne, rodinu KuZelovzYch. Take byl ptitomen nag zastupce v Texaske legislatute, pan Herman Je2ak se svoji pani a jejich tit Ptijela matka a sestra pi. Ye2akove. Vgichni bydli v Brenham, Texas. Pied obedem ptednesene hosti nektere kratgi proslovy. Byli to od bratra Ed. Marka pted),edy HI. Aadovny, Johna Chupika,, taaeninika SPJST. Dale promluvil p. Jerry Valchat, ptedsecla RVOS, pan J. Slavik tajernnik tekl jen paru slov. Take br. Frank Vytopil promluvil krat gi tee' a pozval nas vgecky, jako ptedseda jejich tadu tam k nim na zabavu a spoleen0 se pobaveni, na, den 13. zati. To jest druhou nedeli pti gti mesic v Bryan. Na konec promluvil redaktor Vestniku, br. Hogek. Jeho tee" se ygem ptitomnYm libi. la neb v ni bylo hodne pravdy. Dekuje. me. Pak volano, 2e obed je ptipraven, dy jsme vie skoncili, neb jsme jig vgichni hiadovy. Slyiel jsem obdiv, kolilc • • toho vseho dobreho jidla bylo ptipran • veneho a Mineseno naiima sestramy„ , Tak elenkyne BuckholstskYch tadil se o. pet vyznamenaly. V gern chutnalo zname nite. Mnoho diku. Bylo nas kolem stolu asi 125. Viak jegte zbylo jidla dost pro dal-' gich 100 lidi. Po obede pak zaeala vyhravat Vra2elova kapela. Oni dovedon zahrati, ze pici. tomni neodolali se pustit do tance. Nej.' pry omladina, a pak se pfidali i ty star...) ii. Ka2dY jiste se dobte bavil, 2e se aril nechtelo jet nam dornu. Doufam, ze je gte mnohokrate se vgic11 takto sjederne. S pozdravem viem, Val. Nemec Route, 1. Thorndale,


tad eislo 47, SPJST Seaton, Texas . ' ,. )11 Sestry a bmtti:--V mem poslednim dopise jsern se zmi.nil, ze jedna z na gich starch elenek se na.chazi v nemocnici Kings Daughteri Hospital ale ye spechn jsem zaporael dat jeji jrneno. Je to 89 roku stard Ro. sie Chlapkova, ktera je elenkou od roktt 1906 a Myslim 2e je nejstargi elenkou tadu. Spechal jsem do nemocnice kde byla moje man2elka a doktor prohlasil jeji stay za va2nY., Trpi cukrovkou a td je doposud nevyleeitela nemoc a jegte pied paciesati lety mit cukrovku zname. nalo ortel smrti, ale clnes uz lekakska veda. pokroeila tak dalece 2e dovedou cu. krovku udr2et pod kontrolou a osoba ma- la, jici cukrovku anuae kit pti spravne tivo•

Strang 0 tosprave normalni Zivot, mite Wit Ziva aZ do smrti. Je mnoho lidi kteri trpi eukrovkou a nevi o torn, mysli Ze jejich nesnaze jsou docela nee° jineho a nekdy vynajdou jen nahodou, Ze maji cukrovku. PH teto nemoci je velka, Zizeri. Ono je nekdy yeliká i bez cukrovky, ja sam ii mivam a nejvetSi Zizeri mam v sobotu odpoledne kdyZ se sejdu s nekolika kamarady v meste. To: bYva izeñ skoro neuhasitelna, ale to Ze neni od cukrovky. V minule radove schtizi (2. srpna) nas navStivili bratti Karel Navratil a tepan Valeik z Houstonu. Br. Valeik nam vyrizoval pozdravy od krajant ze stare ot'dirty. A o eem br. Navratil mluvil, je hodno uvaleni. Mluvil o Domove ,odpodin ku v Taylor. Dnes Jednota, mute bSrt hrda, na Domov, tento slouZl za vzor druhYm podobnYm podniktim. Bratr Troubil spravce Domova psal pied nedavnem o tom samem predmetu o kterem mluvil Karel Navratil. Toti2 o pristavbe k Domovu pro chovance invalidy. Do Domova nemohou bYt prijati starici nebo starenky, kteri potrebuji nemocnici protole Domov neni pro neco podobneho zarizen, ale prijdou tam chovanci v dosti dobrem zdravotnim stavu, mini tam zUstat po dobu sveho Zivota ale kdy2 onemocni nejakou vaZnejSi nemoci musi je sprava Domova poslat do nemocnice. A pro takove pripady se jevi potreba zvlaStniho pristayku nebo oddeleni aby nemuseli bYt pacienti posilani nekd y jinde. NCco podobneho ma Kings Daughters Hospital tady v Temple, zvlaStni 'wardu nebo oddeleni kde jsou opatrovani pacienti invalidove za mesieni popiatek kteri tarn ale obnaSi. 300 dol. mesiene. Velmi mile prekvapeni nam pripravili bratr a sestra Frank Vytopilovi z Whee lock. V UterY 4ho tohoto mesice vjela do dvora kara. VenuAa (to je moji lepSi pG lovieky jmeno) vyhledne z okna a pravi: To asi prijel kdosi od TPL Gist kolik jsme spotfehovali elektriky. Ale kdY2 jsem yen co vidim: Bratra a sestru Vytopilovi vystupovati z kary. e eetli o nemoci moji manZelky ve Vestniku a nedalo jim to pokoje aby si nezajeli se na ni podivat. 80 mil cesty. To udelaji jen dobri a Uptimni pratele a my jsme jim za to velice povdeeni. A take dekujeme touto cestou vSem, kteri moji manZelku po Cas pobytu v nemocnici navaivianeb ji pozdravne listky poslali. Jak je ye Vestniku oznamovano letni schitze 2ha okrsku ktera bude venovana skoro vYhradne mlede2i bude se odbYvat 30ho srpna (uZ to bude brzo) v Camp Tahuaya zapadne od. Belton pH rece Lampasas. Treba je to venovano /Ina-

Vt8TNiK,—WEBT,TEXAS de& dospeli budou take vitani. Doufam se ji hodne iteastnite. A tuhie jsem doslechl, Ze bratr a pHtel Jos. Zvolanek (ja, mu Mica= Pepik) je u z cesty doma. Jefte jsem se s nim nesekl, ale Ze pr Y prijel sam. S bratrskYm pozdravem Karel Kalenda dopisovatel ),I?,.( "TY PREKLADY DO ANGLICTINY" (Uverejneno die narizeni tiskoveho vjrbora). Sestry a bratri:— Za melt° cestovani poslednich nekolik tYcInt, pH dem2 jsem nav'Stivil nekolik osad v Texasu, byl jsem east° tazan stran kritiky Statnich dohlilitelft v jejich posledni zprave, ye ktere se Sifeji nepriznive vyslovuji o pfekladu do anglicke keel protokolu a stanov z posledniho sjezdu, kteri byl konan v Temple ✓ 1956. Tato kriticka zprava byla podana naHlavni tiradovne nekolik mesicti po ukoneeni prohlidky na gich majetkovYch zalelitosti za roky 1955-56-57 — udelane ✓ roku 1958. Die elanku 39-j na gich stanov, kaZda, takova zprava musi bYti rozmno2ena ye Hlavni idadovne a jeden otisk musi bYti zaslan kaldemu kadu na adresu radoveho tajemnika a take dodan kaZdemu elenu, kterY se o nej • pisemne neb osobne. Tato posledni prohlidkova zprava byla zaslana na nagi Hlavni Uradovnu dne 21. srpna 1958 a ja jsem na poladani dostal jeden otisk dne 12. prosince 1958. Po bedlivem prostudovani teto zpra.vy, zvlaSte kde jest vyslovena kritika toho prekladu, uloZil jsem tuto zpravu a nechal ji odpoeinouti. Ale, po tech mnohYch pololertovne-polovaZne vyslove nYch dotazech naS'ich elent v sebeobrane jsem se rozhodnul porokovati ye Vestniku trochu o teto kritice a vysvetliti jakd pram tyto preklady ye skuteenosti jest. ObzvlaSte po torn, kdyi mile bylo pripomenuto e vYlohy za tuto praci byly predmetem hodne nepriznive kritiky od jistYch elent. Pro techto 'Cent' poueeni a porozumeni pi g" tyto radky. Ale — stale mite tane na mysli — jak mohl ten pan Statni prijiti na to, Ze ty preklady jsou nepresne jsou-li nepresne vtibec? A prod kritisovati nyni piekiady ktere jsou ve stanovech ji po mnoho rokti? Proe, ku prikladu, nebyly prohlidce za roky 1952-53kritisovany 54? Na strankach &Isla etyri, sedmnact a osinnact teto posledni zpravy najdete nasledujici nepriznive Usudky, ktere uvedu v anglicke reei doslovne; na strance etyri: "The English version of the by-laws

Ve stfeilu, 'dile 26. srpna 1969

appeared to be poorly Written. Some articles were very ambiguous and some seemed to be meaningless" . . . "It Was noted also that in two by-laws the english version contained words which were not in the Czech version (99999-S) and the added words in the English version gave certain authority to the Su1 preme Lodge which was not given in the Czech version." Naskyta se nyni otazka ktere dva elanky to jsou? Jest to moje poctive mineni Ze ten pan mel hned take ty dva elanky vyjmenovati, tak aby ten "nepresnY pfeklad" mohl bSIti prileNtostne opraven. Jinak cela tato kritika me bYti povaZovana jen za plane povidani. Uvesti eisla tech dvou elankti jest jeho povinnost. Na sedmnacte strance pan kritik se pakoua. a pfeklad elanku 42 uvedenim jak by ten elanek vlastne mei zniti v anglicke reCi ovg em, nespravne. Na stran cc osmnacte tato zprava kritizuje ten elanek 42 znovu a tato zminka by mega bYti a as bude, predmetem daiSiho pojednani ye Vestniku. Bylo to nasledkem opetovne kritiky (tentokrate ale opravnene) Statnich pro ze jest pro ne nemozne zjistiti spravnost stanov protole protokoly sjezdoveho jednani jsou uverejneny jen v Ceske reel, e jsem podal no.vrh na opravu elanku 24 na gich stanov VYboru na opravu stanov, kterY navrh jsem uvere j nil ye Vestniku dne 30. kvetna 1956, ZAdaje aby sjezd dovolil predsedtim sjezdu v Temple jmenovati trielennS) vYbor, kte lllll .1.111$

111011. lllll .0 .1 lllllllllll

Pamatutie na Domov Odpoeinku Nebudete litovat kdyi pig prvni iitosti navgtivite

Domov Odpoeinku v Taylor, Texas, Poznate, e pomery tam co se pohodli, v*pravy a stravovini nagich hostk sta.' fenek a staricku tYee, jsou prvo-tiidni Dosud nektera mista V Domove jsou k zapineni. Presvedete se osoboe o mem podniku svoji nifitevou. Budete ptijemne pfekvapene. Prosim nezapomente! — Piimluvte se za Domov ve vaitch dovYch Diky Vám piedem.

VP stfedu, due 26. srpna 1959 r:c., by preloBll sjc7clovY protokol a teZ sta eel. novy VS, bor ne opravn stanov tento navrh polozil na soil, tc d kdy elanek 24 byl y e sjczdu proirrinavOn, podel jsem tento navrh ` promo s iezdu, jai; bylo moji povinnosti i pravem, a siezd navrh ` jai bez debaty. NoZii sjezd ukoneil, bratr predseda sjezdu George E. '<exit a br. mistoptedseda Cyril Pokladnik jmenovali na tento la:nor I-lasted-1111cl Auglist Kactf. Stepan Valeik a Frank E. Steiner. vni schuit isine hned po ukonceni soz.da ktere jsme se usne:li no zpusobu jakYin bildeme v teto praci poiiraeovati. Rozhodli jsme aby kaZ dY z airs udelal pfeklad prve doma a pak ze budeme miti pottebne schtize dokoneiti praci. Jelikoz 101 ze neco Vice neZli 250 oznaeenYch clanku neb easti techto nebylo zmeneno, rozhodli jsme podrZeti pdvodai preklad jak jest ye stanovech z roku 1952 (sjezd - v Houstonu) — a ten tolik oplakavanV elemek 42 jest jeden z protole v Temple Emenen nebyl, jenom posledni paragraf byl na navrh Hlavni firadovny yyptigten. Aby jste si mohli udelati ptedstavu o teto praci, dovolite mne zajiste zde uyesti nekolik prikladt tech mnoliSrchpotai, ktere jsme pH torn men ve voleni toho praveho anglickeho slova. jsme tri schfize; prvni jen jeden den, druhe dve tri dni kaZda, — a to mini tri pliac dny osmi rano do deseti a die v noci. JelikoZ jsrae si pine uvedomovali dalelitost zodpovednost a dosah to pra ce, neptehledli jsme ani tu nejmengi podrobnost, a meli jsme mnoho rtizmich zapletek. Ku ptinkladu: pi•ekladani dnanfho elanku 74 jsem si nacrtnul kaZde anglicke slovo ktere jsme museli vziti vii vahu pri ptekladani s]ova "zavadneho" v tornto elanku, a zde jest co jsme meli na vYbe • : Objectionable, Faulty, Hinde lino-, Derogatory, Unfavorable, Adverse, Prejudicial, Detrimental, Blamable a Disadvantageom. V celku jenom deset slov. Ted' .sQ,ber to prave. V chae gnim elanku 94 jsme meli za Ceske slovo "uloZiti" nasledu j ici: Prescribe, Levy, Charge, Impose, Exact a Raise -lest ,slov. Ve elanku 112 dne gnich stanov zase, za slovo "propada" jsme meli: Cancelled, Nullified, Revoked, Voided, Forfited, InValidated. Tak si vy jedno vyberte,

Strana 7

VESTNiK— WEST, TEXAS Ice a kaZde jedno toto anglicix :go\ o mu w io 131 1,1 uva,Zeno samostatne - - 1rkS7 skuteenY yYznam, aby jsme rnohli pouZiti to prave slovo. K tomuto dCelu jsme meli k pouZiti deset slovnikii Oesko-Anglicke, a Anglic ko-Ceske a Anglicke. MUZete si ptedstaviti ten eas pottebnV na vyhleciani toho vgeho, i kdyZ jsme hledali UvaZite-li nvedene okolnosti uzna,te, ze jest zrejme ze ta nepredloleria a neuvaZena kritika v to zprave neni spray na ani opodsta.tnend .Pak uvaZite-li le, ze tyto kritisovane prekla,cly byly pine uvercnieny ye Vestniku Wayne proto, aby, kclyby etouci no gel neco zavadneho. moll] to uverejnenna y e Vestniku neb ciopts ern na nektereho elena vYboru pa bratrskii opraviti, tak aby se YYbor mohl bud' ospl avedlniti neb opravu udelati. Takove jednani pak by bylo spravne, poctive a bratrske. A to jest ta nejlep gi cesta. Bratrsky a pravdive Yak Frank B. Steiner.

ilad els 155. Austin, Texas Mile sestry a bratti:— PrichaEirn s nekolika radky aby elenoye vedeli, ze my tu v Austinu jegte Zijeme. Chci podekova br, I. J. Janeovy a jeho pant, Ze nam dovolil konat d ye scht ze tadu v jeho dome i nas vodnima melouny z jeho fanny pohostil. — Br. Prasatik nedavno Zadal abych ptijel k 'nemu ze tam bude br. Mikolaj a HejnV od HI. fitadovny, ale kdyZ v ten yeeer zde li lo jak z konve, tak mi nebylo nuZno. Schdze byla svolana aby se zde neco clelalo pro ziskani elenstva do jednoty nag -- Ono zde je pole giroke ale nikdo nic nedela. Bylo by zde tteba eilou silu pro organisaeni praci. Je nam tu tkeba radce a 'go by to. 2aclairn na ge ele ny aby se vice zajimali a pti gli do nail pfi gti sclifize. Vgude se da neco delat kdyZ je dobra, yule a tak pkijd'te do schilze. Pozn. red.:— Kdy a kde se bude konat?) — Budeme Vainza to vdeeni a budem si toho va,Zit. Moje 'Oslo telefonu je Hi-22404 aneb volejte br. Raymonda Prasatik. Dale Vas upozornim kdy bude pri gti schtze. Minule jsme se vydahi s moji marr2elkou na delgi cestu pies Ennis a Dallas.— trody podel cesty dosti clolate. Jen bavina misty nend velice paradna. Vra,till jsme se domu gt'astne a pravda je. Melt jsme mnoho , takovS7ch slov, kde ze vgude dobte ale doma nejlip. jsinc munch rozhodovat mezi ttemi Zde bychom pottebovall de gte, ale zas osmi slovy aby jsme uZili to rolnici jej nechti nebot' sbiraji bavinu a .prave anglicke za to neb nun slovo aes- krrnivo. Bratte red. Ho gku zdali se to

do koge. Ponehodi do tisku, tak s druhe bode toho vic. S bratiskVin pozdraveo Frank Janeoc". i i ed. radu 155, 4, • Wheelock, C.lio Hutu eislo Mile sestry a bratil 39.:-Timto jste vg ichni zvani do nail schtize a na na g °bed druhou nedell prigti mesic, zati, v sini "Sons of Herman". Prosim aby jsme prijoli asi o pial jedenacte hodine dopoleci ne co bychom vsechno ptipravit. Nage, sestry isou snaZne Zadarie by na tento obed prive.zly moZno-li okurky,.zemakovY kolaee, ate!. Na ge laodne sestrieky lepe vi co k obedu patti. Maso a chleba obstara red -- new na zapiti. Tani- s °Wedeln a bude prodavat za jeden dolar pro doSpele. Ditky do `2ti let -- padesat centu. TeZ brd_eme mit mu ziku. Tak si mitZete i zatencovat. Na ten to ()bed jsou zvani v gichni nail elcni, teZ eleni ad jinVeh rad.0 a, ro',itele. Vgichni nail firednici jejich mar&qky od nail Hl. firaclovny, teditele, orq.nnisaoti i jejich naanZelky, br. redaktor s ma0,elkou a vgichni na ge ptatele! .Molm Vas vSechny ujistit, ze nam bodete vitani. VYdelek, bude-li jakY„ bude venova,n. do Fondu pro staveni na .g i nove sine. Prosim, mile sestry, bratti a ptatele od jinYch radii by jste byly al; laskavy a uvedomill mne po gtovnini listkem aspod tYden pied druhou v sari kolik vas asi ptijede co bychorn aspon pribliZne vedeli kolik nachystat inasa. Za vast laskavost of.edein dekujem. Tak na gt'astnou shledn rion se na yes teSime Frank Vytopil, ptedseda tadu. A visitor to a lar ge la oratory noticed several scientists work diligently on some project. "What are those men doing," he asked the guide. "They are do volop a universal solvent," "And what is that?" o gked the visitor. "That is a liquid that will dissolve anything, said the idr. "It's a great idea, but when you find it, wi-tit are yen gr'.1 t keep in in?" ( "Yep," said the one guy who can. at the bottom_ top." - "How's that?"' "I began shining bar!leii."

pcoudly, "I'M the 7 b e started. reached the

Strana 8


Hlidka Zen Rid ;dig° 154 Fort Worth, Texas Mill bratfi a sestry:— Oznamujeme nag i schiizi ktera bude se konat prvni nedeli v mesici gab. (Sept. 6.) Pfejeme si, aby nas tarn bylo hodne a aby vg eei se pobavili pa schilzi. Povime si kde kdo byl pies prazdniny. Jig bude po tech prazdninach a zase do gkoly maminky pfichystavat budou mile deti. Nog Youth Club mel v nedeli piknik, to jest neco pro ne do to vody se ochladit s toho velekeho horka. Meli se velice dobfe, vg eho tam bylo dost, jidla i sodov • ky. Neni jak to nage mlade g se dab:re v pofadku bavi! Dekujeme sestte a bratru Renfro i sestte a bratru Eric Koch co se tak dobfe o vg e postarali a domu mladei weer St'astne pfivezli. • Nezapomente schfizi v nedeli odpoledne, prvni nedeli v mesici zati. S pozdravem, Mary Hejl, dop. ) • i • kid Pokrok cis. 88 Houston, Texas Mile sestry:JTak jsem opet mezi vami s nekolika kadky. Takte g yam vgem ptipominam, nag Krougek opet potada "Card Party" dne 2. zafi prvni stredu v mesici jako vidy. Jste v gichni zvani komu jen mog rio. Vezmete sire pfatele a zname. Minulk mesic jsme men peknou nav gtevu, tak doufame, ze opet pfijdete. Hostitelkami pro mesic zaki budou ses try: A.Svadina, A. Svestka M. Filipek a A. Jordan Veci ktefi pfinesli a darovali pro "door prize" jsou nasledujici sestry: M. Elzner, L. Sog tak, E. Kelly, E. Mikolag , N. Kostom, L Hanka, D. Kadleeek, M. Johnson, R. Ploss, M. Tillich. Takteg br. Al. Hilsher nam opet daroval peknk "lawn chair". Br. L. Hanug ,daroval nekolik bochnikil chleba pro "table prizes". Ses. R. Zimerman daro-



vala jako vgdy kagdk mesic galon mleka do kavy, cog jest velka pomoc. Sestry od naSeho krou gku vzdavaji nmohe diky vg em kteti pfispeli darky a pile veci. Cog bylo i ye schazi Ptipomenuto a doufame kterkm jest trochu mo gno .ge opet s nejakkm dareekem pfispejete. Tak nezapomente ye stfedu dne 2ho zafi na na g "Card Party". Zadatek v 10 hodin a v poledne chutnk abed. S pozdravem na vgechny etenafe za Birthday club pige, Sophie Hrubk. ) • 4, • Aspen, Colorado Milk bratfe redaktore.:— Pig i toto z Colorado tak nevim jestli nekdo jingi jig Vam to nenapsal a poslal resoluci, tak s tim nalogte jak uznate a i tfeba opravte. Je zde pekne a men by jsme se dobfe kdyby milj zet' nemusel bkt v nemocnici. Spadl s kone a ma polamane 'Zebra je v torn dosti zle. No snad se uzdravi neg pkijdem domu. Mam zde bkt as do 5teho (Sept.) zati. Srdeenk pozdrav na Vas i sestru Hogek. Na zdar!

NAS ZALOV RESOLUCE SOUSTRASTI lenove fadu Svaz 6echoslovanu Oslo 92 Fort Worth, Texas, vyslovujeme zarmoucenkm poznstalkin na gi uptimne citenou soustrast nad odchodem man gela, otce, bratra, dedeeka a na geho spolubratra Josefa M. Knapika kterk zemkel po dlouhe a trapne nernoci dne 7. srpna ye staff 62 let. Pochoya,n byl 10. srpna pa katolickkch obfadech v Shannons Memorial Chapel na hititove Mount Olivet. Za fad se s nim rozloueil mistopfedseda Josef Paprskaf a nosiei rakve mu poslougili bratfi od tadu. Zanechavo, zarmoucenou man gelku, 3 dcery, dva nevlastni syny, dva bratry, sestru a dva vnuky. Mila rodino, vime, ge tegce nesete od-

Ve stkedu, dne 26. srpna 1959. chodu Vageho mileho, ale budig Vam titechou ge i my soucitime s yam!. Zesnulk bratr at' odpodiva v pokoji. Za fad Svaz 6echoslovanii dislo 92. Helen Kubala, Mary Paprskaf, Helen Zich, res. vkbor. )• •( Posmrtni vzpominka na Frank Kaipar Men fadu 92, kterk se narodil dne 24. list. 1876 v Dragicich u Tabora CSR a zemfel v Benton Ill. dne 13. eervence 1959 Zanechal zde man gelku Terzii a ditky, Agnes, Anna, Frank Jr. Helen, George, Charles a Anthony. — Byl k yeenemu od poeinku ulogen na Masonic htbitov v Benton, Ill. — Zesnulk bratr pfijel ts rodinou do Lyra, Texas a pozdeje pracoval ye Fort Worth. Koneene do Benton, Ill., kde gil do sveho skonu. Byl delegatern do sjezda SPJST a podilel se na yefejnem givote nagem. Oest jeho pamatce a pokoj yeenk mu pfejeme. ) • 4. • Posmrtni vzpominka na Anna Janeik elenka radu 28. ktera se narodila dne 6. srpna 1876 a zemfela po dlouhe nemoci 11. dervence 1959 v Corpus Christi. Zanechala zde 7 deer a 4 syni, vnuci a pravnuci. — Dokud bydlela pH East Bernard schtize kadove povidy s man gelem navgtevovala. — V race 1954 se odstehovala do Corpus Christi kde zemtela. — Po obfadech cirkevnich byla k vednemu odpodinku ulogena na htbitov Seaside Memorial Park v Corpus. Christi. -Nage soustrast rodin y a pokoj veenk zesnule sestfe. )•

ICAL tlenove kadu 39. na ge vetejnost v 0koli Bryan a ye Vzdalenej gich mist mei by si povg imnouti dopisu s oznamenirn a i pozvanim sestry Matejkove v angl. east t. eisla. — Na den 13. zati planuji tam toti g peknou pfatelskou zabavu kagclk jest Active zvan. Pofad toho odpoledne jest peelive ptipravo yan. Kdo jen trochu milgete pitedte do Bryan. ) • 4) • t R d• /

o inny sjezd

Sjezd rodiny Zavodnjr bude se konat prvni nedeli v Ines. gall t. j. dne 6. earl (Sept) v sins na Cyclone (Flag Hall). Kagdk spfiznen s rodinou jest k Adasti Active zvan. — Pfineste si svilj napineni ko gik k spoleenemu objedu. Budete vitan.

Ve sttedu, dne 25.


Obnoveni v3ruiovini 6eitiny na statni universite v Lincoln, Nebraska

Celou ceskoslovenskoui Arneriku jiste velmi potegi zprava, po nekolikalete ptestavce bude no, statni universite v Lincoln, Neb., v nastavajichn semestru opet zahajeno vyudovani destine, a to jak pro zadateeniky, tak i pro ty, kteti jig dastedne nagi matetStinu ovladaji. Zakazeni vyuenvani destiny na nebraske universite v Linciln je z hlavni éasti zdsluhou snad pani Olgy 8tepankove, vdovy po vlasteneckern profesoru Orinu Stepankovi, ktera pro obnoveni kursu eeskeho jazyka na jrnenovane universite mnoho vykonala. Je nesporno, ze znaenou pomocl snah pani Stepankove a pro rozhodnuti feditelstva statni university bylo Usili americke vlady ziskat zajem americke yefejnosti k uCeni se cizim reeem pro v geobecne dobro cele zerne. Zprava o vyneovani destine na universite v Lincoln je pote gitelna, take z toho dny odu, ze Nebraska byla osidlena sedmdesati tisici deskYch pionYrir a ma velkY podet obyvatel deskoslovenskeho pay odu. Z universitnich kruhri bylo teZ ptiznano, nemalou pomoci pro obnoveni kursu deskeho jazyka byla take diva: vYzva: "bete se desky", kterou pied dasem vydala Oeskoslovenska Narodni Ra da Americka v Chicagu, jiZ se dostala znaeneho ohlasu. Podle oznameni, vydaneho spravou university v Lincoln, budou kursy eegtiny konany nastavajicim semestru dvakrat tYdne, v pondeli a ye etvrtek od sedmi hodin weer. fidastnici kursu budou mit ptileg itost ziskat dodateenY "kredit" pri svem universitnim vzdelani." Instruktorem techto vedernich kursti destiny bude podle ozna,meni tiditelstva university Dr. Vladimir Kudera, kterY je nyni spolupracovnikem Statniho histo rickeho musea v Lincoln. Dr. Kudera je bYvalYm gefreda,ktorem deniku ktest'ansko-demokraticke strany v Brne, gijici nyni ve SpojenYch statech. Registrace irdastnikil obnovenYch kursu destiny na statni universite v Lincoln, Nebr. bude se konat ye dnech od 1. do 26 zati. Jakekoliv blizsi informace pods zajemcum kiditelstvi nebraske statni university: University of Nebracka, Extension Division, Lincoln, Nebr., anebo Dr. Vladimir Kudera, Nebraska State Historical Society, 15 R Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.


Patnact uprchliku Jedenatticet narodu zahajilo v derven ci rozsahlou akci ye prospech begencii. Udinilo tak ve shode s planem, na jehog zaklade byl dervencem poeinajici rok oznaden za SvetovY rok uprchlikt. V tomto rote ma se vyte giti pokud mogiro nejvice problemil lidi bez domova, gijicich v Evrope, v Asii, v severni Africe a na StkedovYchode. Podle odhadu je ye svete je gte patnact miliontr takovychto lidi. Tito uprchlici, vygtvani z pnvodnich domovu valkou nebo politickYmi ptevraty, giji v ruznYch koneinach sveta — v nejlepgim pade v tabote, nebo za je gte neute genejgich pomern mimo tabor. Podetne vyrovnaji se jejich lady populaci Kanady, Rumunska nebo Unie jihoafricke. SvetoyY rok uprchlikt, kterY je yYsledkem resolute: SpojenYch narodil, ma bYti periodou snahy o repatriaci, ptemisteni nebo integraci techto bezdomovcrl. Kde gije nejvice techto lidi? Za jakYch podminek plyne jejich divot? Co bylo pod niknuto na zmirneni jejich osudil? Vetgina bezdomovcil gije v kecku, Rakousku, Nemecke spolkove republice a Italii, a to, v taborech v techto zemich yydrgovanYch Jde vetginou o uprchliky pied komunismem. Tabory i kdy g celkove eiste dobte fizene — jsou piece jen prosttedirn velmi neute genYrn. JistY novinakskY zpravodaj s o inch yyjadtil jako o "Utodigtich negt'astnikt". Tot° oznadeni je snad nejpkilehavejM pro tabory s velkYm procentem stargich lidi, z nich g mnozi dekaji na piesidleni jig deset let. Marne hledaji vsrchodiska ze sve tegke situace. Vgdyt' ani pro lidi mnohem mlad gi neni to divot zavidenihodnY. Ani pro ne neni snadne najiti yYdeleenou praci, ktera by jim trochu zpkijemnila yydkavaci dobu, ne g gitost usaditi se-lisejmnaskytepil trvale nekde jinde, mimo tabor. I holou existenci umo gimje jim jedine pomoc mezindrodnich, vladnich, soukromych a cirkevnich organisaci. Vice ne g-li 100,000 uprchlikft v Evrope gije mimo tabor ,a pro ty, kterYm se nepodatilo najiti praci, je divot je gte svizelnej gi, neZli kdyby gili v tabote. Problem zastavy i nadale zava gnY. Jak maji bYti tito lide vraceni do starch domovt, jak maji byti ptemisteni do jinYch zemi? Vyhlidky pro nalezeni prace v Tunisu jsou mizive, a v Maroku je samy Wady klasifikuji na "nulu". Na zaklade Svetoveho roku` uprehlikik

ntrana 9 vybrane penize a zavedena mezinarodni kooperace zmirni aspon easteene svizel, pronasledujici bezdomovce. SvYcar dr. Auguste Lindt, vrchni komisai fitadu pro be genecke \red pri Organisaci spojenYch narodii, pova guje za stejne dOle gite vymYceni taborti. Nejhorgi strankou givota v tabore je podle jeho nazoru "pocit odloudenosti" ptivodenY u begence vedomim ze dije odli gne od sveho okoli. Na zlepgeni irdelu uprchlikil vynasnadi se narody zvY giti pkistehovalectvi, vycviditi uprchliky pro ruzna, opattiti jim vice pribytku a gkol, poskytnouti jim drobne piljeky obchodni, zlepgiti lekarskou peei a pomoci lidem vekem se glYm. Toto jsou cite jedenatriciti narodu mesic pc) zapoeeti Svetoveho roku uprchlikU. • )

"gla leta" (od Vlasty Javoticke) (Pokradovani) Nanynka to myslila dobte, pobizela Ve nu, aby gel pro ty hospodskeho dcery, ze jsou jedna lep gi neg druha -- a pogeptala mu — Hedve se dobre vyrovnaji! Ale to pfetekla. Dej mi pokoj!" utrhl se, "nechci gadnou ani videt." Ach kdyby Nanynka yidela, jakou ma v nitru bolest a co tam odmetuje hotkYch slz. Na Makove korunovali Pannu Marii. Takova slavnost se tu odbYvala jednou za 50 lete a ti co ji videli tehdy, skoro, vgichni ug byli na pravde Bo gi. Prosim vas 50 let! Za tu dobu om.givaji stromy a yyrUstaji z mlazi cell velikani. Za 50 let zmeni se les — zmeni se mesta a lide blame lide. V lese dostava v ge jinou tvaknost. Kde byl vysokY les tam je mYtina kde byla mytina tam vyrasta bujne mla.zi, a ye meste? Cele nove etvrte velke budovy dlouhe ulice — to v ge za padesat let. Na takovou segel se celY kraj - kne gstva tu bylo a dru gieek! Neptehledne davy drugieek. Kostel stadit nemohl — bylo kazani venku. A k tomu tu jeden raladieky knez primici. Byl ze t3rabska a mel take kazani. A to vam bylo krasne. Jedno oko nezilstalo suche! Plakali muZi i geny a hlavne ty, proto ge mluyil Matce Bo gi, jak je na nebi i ‘lu na zemi korunovana a ze by tak bYt korunovana i mnoha matka z lidu, protote jde tim givotem samYm utrpenim. Mge sv. byla take venku pod girYm nebem u kostela, kde staly yysoke lipy a nadherne buky nebe bylo azilrnYra baldachynem a ptactvo v tech stromt,ch

V E STNIK— WEST, TEXAS zpevaoky. Hildba fur hrala nejlepe ovtetn zesilend Peeicka! fro to byla muzika, to zrovna srdce a ta riejehladhejti nitra podva:a s'avriostnim nadtenim. D ye ho dituy b,: :o slytet jak z hluboka a do ✓y, ot to nabirala. Koster no .!..:aftovet stoji na vrtku a tak so to nese Shoko daleko. Take to bi lo. pino spolku, veterani a haslei jicht laelmy svitily, jako nebeske hvezdy. Hedvlee se ze vteho nejlepe v kostele libily d ye soeby andeltn ktere byly velike jako testilete deli a ti snateji Pannu Maui s nebe na altar. Na tech irrohla oci nechat. Kleeela p p- celou pobotnost na kolenou a vrooene se modlila. Modlila se jak mela.doma od maminky nala1z.anc, za zeratele rodiee a snatila se 1; 1-itiominat si je . a upoutat k nim svou myst. A take se =ditto, za Souekovy roOleo a a vtachny, na Mere nikdo nepamatuje, ale naudtUa so juste za nekoho, co ji nikdo n •unainal, A za toho se tout n a take pti tom si



t trochu dlou tha, ale mela tau, svetska stranka ste vice vabila. ae .za kramy a do hospoio kitanall pane krali! t, y, ruteneeky, eukrovi, lettky a tatky. At' pan fapilau brojil, te se to • o pouti I( Kristus Pan se na to horv eh:ran-tech prodavali, te to

pryc. tu byl kolotoe athoupaeky tesfl ejsa r Ak roe]. v Ustech slavika a pisl-al a z,t lehaly potulni harmoniioeku o tom stratnem mor dovan a mett'• Them milovani — v hos pocle, ala a party ut se tally — u kostela v koiliku se hraly parky a ze sudu se tarn Cepovalo pivo ba ani kysole okurky to nechybely. Vena Benet1.fw stal - s Hedvou u kram1 ernikovYra a kupoval a kupovalaSrdc a hvezdieky a koldeky, tru bleky, tureckY med dit'ata s kolibkou, lahvieky se sladktYm puneem ,pendrek.— ho Nanynka kopat musela, aby se krotil, nebo by byl skoupil snad eel* krain. A iMyt toho noel pytel jako svett, obratil se k Hedvieeti a povida: "Tak. -Ohio mat" vode me pouti." Krkave rozpaky. Hedva se stydi a zdra ha se, je ye stratwYch rozpaeich — do pytlika a ma, run za zady. No tak snad mi nedat kokm", p

vida Vena a je pinY strachu. "Cot to vode me nevezinet?" "Veno nezlob se -- ale ja, — no — ty nevit j'a — ja, aspon to srdce -- no ---- nenuThu." Hedva se zalyka a krvi je jako Poclorilo se ji ze zaplavy sladkYch veci vyt51111out srdce a vraci mu je. "Prosha ie, Veno — ale nezlob se." Jeji modre oci pout piny fakosti. Nanynee je liorko hledi litostive na bratra. Ma, ho tak rada. Cor by za to dala, aby nebyl zklamal. Vena je nledY. jako stena. Drti srdce a nevi co s nim. 2alem a zklamanim srdce mu useda1. Neeo kokta, potom se ztrdei meti chasou. Hedva stoji a kiopi oei -- ma hrdlo stateno a hledi do zeme, jako by se byla neeim vehni ziYm provinila,. Pot= sli Benetovi do hospOdy a zvali ssebou i Soueka i Hedvu. Te se valne neehtelo, ale musela, kdyt tatinek A tarn byla cpanice — a tarn bylo kriku a zpevu! Kdo na takove pouti nebyl, nenauZe si ani predstavit. liospodskY Bueek mel peknou mistnost sal ut tam byl jat(o ve meste a tenk mu knisne vynatel. Daiilo se jim znarnenite a meli etyri (leery, pro net nachystal z toho take pekne veno. Holky byly jako, rate. Take hosty obsluhovaly a pri torn o vsechno prye taneily. Pani hostinska, byla tlusta malieka, ale jako vitr. Jen se loOila. Za to Nanynce se tu darilo znamenite a vette mi, to na tuhle Makovskou pout' t dy nezapomela. Na clnetek spali ye Smolotelich, protoze je na vrtieku a ma tarn pouze faru a kostel, spat se proto jde do Smolotel, to je to blizko. PM ceste je hrbitov pekne na jinni strane, tak ze na nem rostou kvetiny a stromy at radost. Silitiee se vine krasne, do vrtku a rozbiha se a Milina. k Svate Hore a Smoloteltm. Na ten hrbitov se pochovavaji bide at z Klueenic, Doliku, Jablonne a Hbit, take z Latovic. Proto je rozsalalY a vypada, jako neja,kY park. Ale to vte nezajimalo Nanynku, jako tu tech Kudrmi, co spali, nejstarti syn. Byl to chlapik jako jedle a sud' to 1311h, jak to tak pritlo. Jak Nanynku uvidel uz mei oei jen a jenom pro ni. 13yla tu pier ce krasna liedva, ale ta ho nezaujala. Je to ta.k uz na torn svete zarizeno, ze ma katdr elOvek ji.nSr vkus. Co se jeclnomu libi, druhemu je lhostej no a naopak! Kuchnii Jidra ut met pPevzit statek, ale jette si nevybral holku. 2adria se mu jaksi nelibila. Byl to takovY' chasnik pismak a chtel neco jemneho a netneho. Mnoho Ceti a mel svuj ideal. Nanynka

VC Stkedu, due 26. srpna 1959 • se na nej ye dvekich koukla a zadervena la se. Jaktiva nevtitlela takoveho ehlapce. Byl jako pan. Iirozne_ se ho stydela. A u2 to bylo jako by na nej hodila. Jindra nemel pro nic oei, lee pro 'Nannyde a to se eervenalo a bledlo a po.. taji jen pokukovalo, kale by naSla ehvirleeku, aby Jindru pozoroValo. A ted' •v• to bospode. Jidra a jako po pameti k Benegoviim, vzal si od stareho dOvoleni a rzz ditel Nanynku a z rukou ji netiougtel. KaZdY to vial a Nanee se stydelo, ale vte bylo Jindrovi jedno. Zarniloval. se , tak prudce, ze byl jako zapalenY. ' Tatik Benetitv by si toho byl nevAimnul, ale Vena to viciel a videl 'to, take Soueek. Tak si toho i Benet povSimnul a hned si pomyslil: "dej se vide Pane". Byl tady u spravy BoZi a tak mu bylo v nitru hezky • IlbspodskY Boueek je ehlaP jako hora. Vypadal jakci riiedved, ale byl bodrY a uptimnY. S kaZdYm promluvil a .kdy't. si prisednul nm,im poutnikam, poVedel BeneSdvuni, zc Kachnovi jsou z..gruntu dobri licle a eruni moll eist)i — ze by to tedynebylo tento, ktlyby si Jindra tuhle drritiekti namluvil. Deveata obsluhovala a mohl tedy paseat. Najednou vtak se strnia v sale hadka a pranice — se t,Yeit peste, prget Okvetnela slova a ut se kuiitl ye vzduehu prvni pfillitr. Ilnedle 1) ■%7 pievaleny die a jejich nohy v rukort chasy.. Deveata BOuekova pribehla ideSene za otcem. Aby se jim . tak ta krasna zdbava pokazila! To r marninka•bned., brala do kontrarky a tatinek hoSPodu vyhazel. Eitieek vybehl na sal -- Podival se' bYst re do chiimelici se smesi. Pane! Tam to vypadalo. Holky stagyria lavicieh a strachem' jeeely — nektere utikaly okny i dvermi tetky jim v l(Mku pomalialy. ye .stte7 du kill se asi etyti hozi valeli v jedne chtimellei — ostatni zveclaii pest& StrhIO se to k vuli jedne drutiece z Jai tonne: Netla, se zdejtirn ehasniltem do kola. Bueek neztracel duchapritomnost. Ohr nul si rukavy sahl do IC chumelenice a popadl dva claasniky za tSrl a ut je vlekl. na naves.

Pred hospodou byl rybnik. Mel nazele nalou hladinu, pluly po nem husy * , a tkopky, necky a putYnky. Mezi to haraburdi hodil Back roznalene rvade a vratil se klitine do hospody. Tani schladly rozpalene hlavy a za chvi. li se za v8i sutili svorrie oba sokoVe.. (Pokraeovani)

Ve stfedu,.due 20 srpna EDUARD

ATEN e All UCte me Ceskv eisti! MLY


Holka modrooki. Holka rnodrooka., nesedivej u potoka, holka modrooki, nesedivej tam! V potoce je velka voda, vezme-li te, bude ikoda; holka modrooka, nesedivej tam! Holka rnodrooki, neeclivej u potoka, holka modrooki, rteedivej tarn! Vactcce se voda podemele tvoje holka modrooka, nesedivej tarn! Preeti nejdfive s tatinkem nebo maminkou, pieeti nekolikrat sam a opi g do seg itu bez chyb! Popros rodiee ,aby Te nautili zpivati piseii. Zpivanim se dobre uel eeske feel. S pozdravem Strfeek Mieek z Austin Adresa stryeks iet Universit y Station Austin, Texas. Dr. Ed. Alifiek,



Detska. Besidlia:— Jak naSi proddvali Vranku (Jos. Holedek) My jsme ztratu kaZdeho kusu koriskeho nebo hoveziho dobytka, oplakali, zvia, Ste stareho, nebot' neinost prAtelstvi me zi elovekern a zviretem kaalkin rokern. roste. KdyZ bylo treba prodati dobytee, ku ktereinu jsme prilnuli, co tiu bylo vzdechn, jak' uptimny smutek v celem staveni! Nejprve dojat bYval otec, n.ejsilnejSi a nennekei. "Jaka pomoc svata," rikaval od easneho rana a vzdychal: "Musi to bYt!" Se1 rovnou nohou k vrance: "El ty lenoSna! Vita, nechce se ji! VstavaS hned!" Vranka vyskodila„ jakoby chtela lid: "To vy tak, strejeku? Ani vas nepoznavam." "Hoj, maid, hoj!" Vranka ustoupila, svema hospodati mi sto udinila, on ji hladil a objimal a ona se k nemu tulila. "Vid', male,, nerada od nas ptijdeS? A co pak ty, sveta nezkude, Mt! Tobe je to jedno, kam se dostaneS, jen kdy2 tam bude 21ab pinY ovsa aza jeslemi-hodne sena na.lo2eno! Co pak ty! VZdyt' ja, vas znam, jake jste! VSechny jste stejne, jedna jako druha. Sejde s oei, sejde s mysli. Za dva, z.s ti .i dui; ani si nevzpomenete, kdo vas odchoval." Vranka jakoby rozumela a nerozumela. Nikdy jeSte neslY.,=„ela, aby k ni jeji hospodat mel tak dlouhou fee. "Co pak se to dela". Lisa se knenta, otiira ze hlavou o jeho prsa a ramerm, hubou chilapd po jeho tvari i iu.ce a pohrtjtava spokojene. "Ej, maid, ma," wadi se otee jakoby raZen, "jen si hrejtej, hiejtej! Nevdeenfi! -Co pak jsi se u nas naela 'Spatne, 2e tak vesele se chystaS na cestu od nas? Jen pookej, jak ty bude vzpominat. Stareho drnu ti tam daji a ne sena, mekkeho, sladkeho sena, jako jsi u nas mivala, OSklivd! Plev ti tam daji a ne zrniteho; jadrneho oviska, jako my jsme dava!i! Jak ty si jeSte stokrat telmeS: "U Holeeka jsem se mela jako hrabenka, ale pozde bude, k nom se jiZ nikdy nazpdtek ne,ostaneS. Milo ma!" Vranka jakoby vycitila lyrysm v slovech hospodafm/Yen. Ji2 netn .ajtd, jen se GUM a lisd a velkin. okeu. dna se na hOspodare. Jeintt se v tomto okarnZiku zda, ze mu vranka porozumela a ze ma 2a1 pro osud, kterV ji deka. 1.7zdychl z hluboka a koneKsil ji: "Svemu °sada nikdo neujzie, ka2;0 se mu musi podrobit, i elovek i zvire. Potad se rozchazime. syn od otee, dcera od matky, bratr od bratra, sestra od ses try, soused od souseda, pintal od pritele. Uz je to tak, mile, vranko! Rozchazime se a nesejdetne se na tomto svete niJosafat." kdy jiz a'Z' tam v Biblicka slova posledni pronesi ponekud po kazatelsku a tim doda.1 mveli sobe vranee. Popleskal ji a kuraneji,mluvi:

Straus 11 "Tak jen smele do toho, vranko! Musi to bYt! At' mi ji, slySite, poMdne nakrmite a napojite! Ciste Zlab vyttete, aby v nein nebylo ani praSlu a leskiy at' je jako sklo. Vyplavte ji, at' se vykou pa jako morska panna, vydrbejte ji vechtem a vyhrebeletijte, at' se sviti jako rys a vrkode ji zaplet'te a. dervenYmi pen tliekarni proplet'te, at' je vyStiorend jako nevesta." A kdy2 ji vyvedli vytifebelcovanou, zapletenou a vySriorenou na dvtir a polnitnek ji dr2el na svateeni ohlavce, cele staveni se sbehlo, aby se naposled s vran kou vial° a rozloudilo. . Otevreli branu, vyvedli vranku na naves. Vranka se poohlin jako fiflena, zpti sobne zdviha tenkou nohu a zle-m ji klade na drn, jim2 je naSe naves dlaZde na. Neni okna, aby z neho nekdo nedival se, jak naSi vranku vyviddeji. A vranka, jakoby si byla vedoma, 2e je tereem lidske pozornosti, prijima ji zpola jako hold sve krase, zpola se sna21, aby si jeSte vetSiho podivu zaslou2ila a vystavuje na obdiv vSecky svoje ptednosti a ptivaby. Ti, kdo ziistali doma, poceVr den nemluvi o jinetn ne2 o vrance. Veeer vranku ptivedli nazpet, neprodali, davali za ni malo. VSichni veselili se, jsou radi tomu, ze mall vranku zas clorna, s tYm2 uprimnYm neastenstvim ji vitaji. jako rano se loueili Ani otec se nelineva, zc ccprodal, jen ho hnetla ure.L6ka, jeho vb-istni osoby, ze kupujici piohli2eli jakoby stala u odvodu, nepopiratelne jeji pi.ednosti nedocenovali a vytYkali ji chyby, kterYch nema Otci je jako sladlc;n zadostiudinenim, 2e vranka pilaf dosud jemu a ne tem zlYrii, utrhadm'n handlirum. ( ) • 4 Peskoval mime jeden chat' svou mladou 2enuSku: "VeruSko, copak nedove-. deS nee° jineho? Ted' jsme .ji2 tYden svoji a mama pc, sedme k obedu gulaS." "ViS, Tonioku, ja si davam takovou praci s vatenim ,ale na Monet je z toho. v2dyckY — V den 9. vYroel vypuknini korejske valky byl na hranicich Severni a JiZni Koreje klid. Aby se neopakoval pfepad jihokorejske republiky komunistickYmi oddily ze severu, nachazeji se pobli2 bra nic dve motorisovane divise armddy Spo jenYch SOUL Dne 12 a 13 zaii, otevieni nove Sokolovny a Domova fadti 130. Jaro v Dallas, Texas. — Zneastnete se techto narodBich svatkfi! l !

Wednesday, August 26, 1959

etrana 12 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF sLAvotat BE




Reports from our Lodges, or any other Reading Matter to be published should reach the Editor, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all matters to the Editor: P. 0. Box 85, West, Texas.

—HERALD— FOUNDED` 1897 ostanaster: Please Send Form 3579 With Undeliverable ,Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, P. 0. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEX.

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Rules Listed For EmLife Companies of The ploying Farm Laborers U. S. Now Number 1,407 There are now 1,407 U.S. Life insurance companies, 81 more than a year , ago and more than twice the number provideing life insurance services ten years ago. This total, shown by an annual survey conducted by the Institute of Life Insurance, includes all life insurance companies reported by the Insurance Departments of the 50 states -,and the District of Columbia as of June 30 of this year. "The vigorous population growth in all sections of the country and a regional shifting of industrial areas have been factors in the formation of, a record number of life insurance companies in the past ten years," reports the Institute. "In concentrating on the life insurance potential of fast-growing area; especially in the South and West, these newer life companies have experienced a rising pattern of growth and an increaseing share of the amount of life insurance in force."

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."

151 or 11 per cent are mutual companies. The majority of the older and larger companies are mutual and mutuals account for about 62 per cent of the life insurance in force. As of June 30, 1959, there were 17 companies in their second century of operation. Companies with over $1,000,000.000 of Life insurance company home offices are located in every state, with 20 states life insurance in force numbered 70 at having 20 or more companies. Texas, mid-year. • ,,,, • which has led the state list for a number of years, had 314 companies domiciled there; Louisiana ranked second with 122 companies, followed in rank by Arizona, 108; South Carolina, 53; Indiana, 51; Illinois, 49; Alabama, 47, Pen. nsylvania, 45; Arkansas, 37; Deleware, Fort Worth -- Two children drowned 36; Georgia, 32; Oklahoma, 32; New in a swimming pool here Tuesday. York, 30. Included in the survey for the They were Billy Joe Milarn Jr. 31/2-year first time are the new states of Hawaii old son of Mr. and Mrs, Billy Joe Milani, with 5 companies and' Alaska with 2 who live in a trailer park, and Debbie companies. Young, 7, daughter of Mrs. Aline Young of Angleton. There are 326 U. S. cities with life 1The children apparently fell into the surance company home offices, led by Crystal Springs pool as they tried to Dallas with 141. Houston ranks second walk a drain gutter about a foot above with 63 domiciled companies, followed in the water. • order by Philadelphia, 38; New Orleans, ) • it* • ( 36; Chicago, 32. There are 37 cities with 10 or mere life company home offices. During 60 yenrs of married life one Stock companies account for 1,256 or good lady said she never once thought 89 per cent of the 1,407 companies, while of divorce — just murder.

Two Children Drown In Pool

Every farmer who has work done by a farm labor crew employed by a crew leader is required to keep a record of the name, permanent address and the employer's identification number of each crew leaner who furnishes him with workers for the farm, according to 1959 Internal Revenue Service regulations. The crew lender who furnishes the members to the farmer and pays them is the employer of the crew unless there is a written agreement with the farm operator providing that the crew leader himself is an employee of the farmer. If ; this agreement is secured', the tarmer is not required to keep • a record of the crew leader's address. But the farmer must then Make regular social security reports and pay taxes on the wages paid to the crew leader sand to the members of the crew. The new requirement is contained in the Agricultural Employer's Social Security Tax Guide for 1959. Copies of the guide are available from any office of the Internal Revenue Service or the Social Security Adnainistration. r• •t

Your Attention Please! Jeanette Helmennp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Helmcamp of Houston, and grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krejci of Weimar, all members of SPJST is rti candidate for Princess of Lodge. No. 88. She is a senior in Reagan High School the Reagan Band Treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society, and a member of our Youth Club of SPJST Lodge No. 88. Her chosen prince is Robert Lee Hilsher, andl both are sponsored by Organizer and President A. L. Hilsher. Anyone wishing to support these candidates please contact. Brother Hilsher at UN 1-7083 or CA 8-8424. (Picture of Princess will be in our next Issue).

Wednesday, August 26, 1959


Straus, 13

July Progress Report

District Calendar



DISTRICT ONE The Fall Meeting of District 1 will be held on Sunday, October the 4th at the SPJST Hall and Grounds of Lodge Slovan No. 9 at Snook, Texas. We ask all the other Districts to leave this Sunday for us, please, since we have given you this early notice. Thanks.

Third Anniversary Princess Dance at Lodge 84, Dallas, Texas. Music by Ed Faraizl's Orchestra. -- Remember Saturday, Sept. 26 andmake it a date. • • Anniversary Dance Saturday night, August 29 at Lodge Pokrok 84, 'Dallas, music by Chuck Perkins orchestra and on Sunday, August 30, anniversary dinner, at 12:00 pan. featuring delicious half of a chicken, charcoal broileiil, chicken giblet gravy, mashed potatoesIgreen beans, pickles, tea or coffee and dessert. AdUlt plate $1.25, children's"' plate 1/4 chicken and trimmings 75c. Program in afternoon starting at 3:00 p.m. A guest speaker, Mr. N. A. Bickley, Assistant City Attorney and a prograin by teenagers and youth afterwards. A dance Sunday night from 8 to 12 1, music by Wesley (Gus) Herzan orchestra. Do come for a wonderful time.

130 $15,000.00 1. Stanley Vrla 154 2. Anna Milan 10,500.00 John Krizan 6 6,500.00 4. George Trojacek 25 6,000.00 66 5. Otis J. Ceska 3,500.00 6. Edward G. Mazanec 66 2,000.00 84 6. Emil Petr 2,000.00 84 1,500.00 7. Bennie Jarma 8. Frank. Haskovec 25 1,000.00 8. J. J. Kostohryz 54 1,000.00 8. Albert Kubala 92 1,000.00 8. Mary Laznovsky 1,000.00 135 A new name in the No. 1 spot -- Bro. Stanley E. Vrla, Lodge No. 130. Congratulations Stanley for being in the number one spot , this month and also to Sister Milan who is running a close second. Just keep up the good work. Congratulations to all whose names appear on the above list. This is making progress towards our quota for this year. We still have a long way to go --- so we must not let down — just keep on digging after 'ern, and not let them get away, just like the Big Fish that always does. We have several inactive organizers in our midst and if you remember the first of the year you received a letter from our Bro. Hejny stating you must write at least five thousand dollars of insurance to stay on as an organizer of your lodge. To those of you who are in this group, you will be hearing from me within the next month or so. Start looking around for some prospects in your community so we could sign them up and keep you on as an organizer. The vacations are slowly being over and the fall season is creaping up on us. As each of you know, this is the best ti ,a,e of the year to write new insurance. Let each of us take advantage of this opportunity and really Shake the Bushes and send in those applications, so District III would become the owner of those beautiful trophies. If I can be of any help to you, please call. Good. Luck for Good Selling! Fraternally, A. M. Vrla, District III Organizer • 4, • (. An initique buggy of an 1890 fire chief was recently f4 itured in the lobby of a New York Bank. Receptionists became so intrigued they dressed in costume to fit the period. • • Whirlybird bqanking is the latest device of Wisconsin bank. A helicopter now brings faster, more efficient servive to customers within a 300 mile radius.

DISTRICT TWO District II also will hold its 1959 Youth Meeting on the Fifth Sunday in August 30, 1959, at Camp Tahuaya, which is the Heart of Texas Council, Boy Scouts of America, Camp near Belton on the Lampasas River. This meeting should be an enjoyable one for both the adult and young members so everyone plan now to attend and watch the Vestnik for further announcements about this meeting.

DISTRICT III The next Fall Meeting of District ID Lodge Bila Kora No. 16 invites all its will be held at the Elm Mott Hall of Members to their next important meetLodge 66, Waco, on September 27th ing Sunday Sept. the 13. • So ydu all Please keep this date in mind — Thanks from near and far please be there and help us, so that our good Lodge become DISTRICT 5 real active again. We are happy to announce that the 4) • date is set for our Queen and King's CALENDAR OF NEW DALLAS Ball and also our Fall District Meeting SOKOL GYM AND LODGE JARO 130 for Sunday, November 1, 1959. The place SATURDAY, SEPT. 12th. — Opening designated is at Lodge Pokrok No. '88, 1140 Robbie, Houston, Texas. Our pro- Day Carnival , Afternoon) Luncheon Evening. Dance 8.30 till 1:00 a. rn. feagram is as follows: turing the New Gus Herzan Band. Noon -- Dinner ' SUNDAY, SEPT 13th. — Ribbon Cut2:00 p.m. — District Business Meeting ting 11:00 a. m, Dinner 12 Noon, Dedi3:30 pan. Youth Program cation Program (Afternoon) Dance 8 5 : 00 p.m. — Supper p. in. till 12 p. in. featuring Don Honk 7:00 p.m. — Dance Band and Gus Herzan Band , 8:00 pan. — Crowning of Queen and SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th. — Special King. Dance. Music by Ed. Rcjeck Band from All members and friends are cordial- Ennis, Texas. 8:30 till 1:00 a. m. ly invited to support and participate —„,a • e • ( in this occasion. A good time is assured. ORCHASTRAS BOOKED FOR LINDEN Fraternally, HALL -- ELM MOTT, TEXAS Mrs. Birdie Hilsher, Secty. Saturday, Aug. 29— Emil Bartos. Oreh. SIXTH DISTRICT of Moulton Invites all its Members and Friends Saturday, Sept. 5th — Vrazel's Polka, everywhere to their Fall meeting at Boys of Buckholts Taiton on the 25th of October. The Saturday, Sept. 12 -- Adela's Music Masmeeting will be called to order at 1 p.m. ters Detailed program will announced in Saturday, Sept. 19th -- Slim Ilaisier's7 time. Keep this date , on your calendar Platy Boys of Temple and be sure to be with us. Saturday, Sept. 20th — Budy kurtz Orchestra of Shiner DISTRICT SEVEN * • IE This is to inform you that our next In every Lodge of our Brotherhood District meeting will be held on Sept. 20th, 1959 under the sponsorship of let's strive to carry our Youth Program Lodge Antonin J. Cermak at Corpus to a successful conclusion as our future Christi, Texas. Please leave' this Sunday depends on the winning of our young to us in our Seventh District. Thanks. friends.

Strum 14


star ik supper this year on Saturday night, Sept. 12th at Wenfrey Point on White Rock Lake time from 5:00 p.m. until . the party is over and everyone is ready to call it an evening. T trophy will be presented to the "Most Valuable" player on the tciam, as seledbed by the secret vote of all the team members. Another trophy, one for the batting champion on the team will also be pre. sented. Delicious charcoal broiled steaks will be served with all the trimmings and drinks. Brother Willie Oniltruiek will again supply the steaks as he told the theam tat the beginning of the season that 'lig offer of a 'steak supPerl ,still goes providing we win our league chamLODGE 84, DALLAS, TEXAS pionship. We not only won one league Dear Brothers and Sisters, Though. the season is officially closed championship but two of them, gness as far as the regular league games are that promis of those deliciouS steaks concerned, we still hope to play some, had a lot to do with our record. more : games. If we can work it out, we An thursday night, August 27th the want to go to Fort Worth and play the Dallas Softball Mantagers' , Association SPJST and Sokol team a doubleheader will have its Annual Awards Banquet to possibly on Friday night, August 28th. This is just a possibility, however, I am present trophies to the League champions at the Statler-Hilton Hotel in the contacting them today and see if the game could be arranged. We would real- Embassy Ballroom 'at 7:00 o'clock. A group of players, some of their wives and ly enjoy playing our fraternal brothers some of our sponsors will attend the in Cowtown andI we will do our best to banquet. There will be approximately beat ` them. if we can. 16 members representing our SPJST Or.. We' wish to announce another new der at the banquet. prospect for our 1980 team, proud parIn closing, I wish to remind all our. enth are Mr. and Mrs. Don Hanks, congratulation to our star third baseman and his wife. A group picture of our softball team will be forwarded to our good Brother Hasek our wonderful editor, in the near future for publication. Last night, Wednesday, Aug. 19, our softball team had a business meeting at our lodge. All members of our softball team,, including bat boy and assistant bat , boy, were presented a warmup jacket which they so richly deserve. Th jackets are red sleeves, on navy blue body with a large SPJST Fraternal emblems on the sleeves and each jacket has the name and number of its owner on it. They are really nice and each player expressed his appreciation for the jacket. We 'assure all our members of our SPJST Fraternal Order that they will be proudly worn by all of the team members. These jackets were made possible by each player working hard and contributing their equal share in making our annual Softball Team Benefit Dance a huge success .We are all proud of the fact that it was possible to reward the members on this year's championship team with, a justly deserved award such as this. It' was decided to have our annual

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 members, friends, and readers to please attend our SPJST Lodge Pokrok 84 Dallas Annual Anniversary the week of August 29 and 30th. Saturday night, Aug. 29, our Anniversary Dance with music by Chuck Perkins orchestra, Sunday, Aug. 30, Dinner at 12:00, a, program and guest speaker at 3:00 p.m with program afterward by the youth •and teenagers of our lodge and a dance at night 8 to 12 — music by Wesley (Gus) Herzan orchestra. Fraternally yours, Ben Jarma, Softball team manager ( )•

o Our Contributors We' are sorry that some of your letters were received too late, to be in this week's issue. They were from Snook, Robstown, Temple, Corpus Christi, Houston, Ft. Worth, Dallas, and Rogers, Please try to have your letters in West not later than Saturday morning, to receive any attention, for our print shop works only half day. Then too, we are visiting some lodge every Sunday and mail is not picked up on that day. If it is important, get it to me in time. Thanks!

The above picture was taken at Caldwell, Texas, during the SVPS Convention. (Left to right) Mayor Shiller of the City of Caldwell giving a hearty welcome to Brother Charles llolasek, President of the SVPS, with Brother J. Kahanek, VicePresident, looking on.



Straus 1

read to pass the time. She read our Vestnik the day she died. Sister Kristof lost her husband, the KUTACH FAMILY REUNION late John J. Kristof, while the children The Kutach Family Reunion will be were all small, she is to be commended held on Sunday September 6th, 1959. At in raising a splendid family. May she Blase's Konvicka Place on the Hallettsrest in peace. — Reported by Brother J. ville-Shiner Highway. Any one related to J. Krupa. the Kutach family come and enjoy your ) • * • self. Bring your baskets full of good eats. IN MEMORIAM OF Drinks will be ,available on picnic HENRY WYSATA ground. You are cordially invited. Member of LodgC 'No. 31, born June 26, 1886 at La Grange and died after an JOSEPH M. KNOPIK, 62, DIES SEBESTA . STEPAN REUNION heart attack June 9, 1959 at Cuerd, TexAFTER ILLNESS OF 18 MONTHS The annual Sebesta and Stepan famas. Joseph M. Knopik, 62, of Fort Worth ily reunion will be held on Sept. 13th, Surviving are his wife Emma and son died at his home Friday after an illness 1959, at American Legion Ball, BrenHoward. of about 18 months. Our brother was laid to rest at the ham, Texas. Everyone that is in any He had lived in. Fort Worth about 45 Oak Grove Cemetery'at Yoakum, Texas. way connected or related to the Sebesta years and was employed by Swift and Our deceased brother moved from or Stepan families is invited to attend. Company. He was an Army veteran of Each family attending is asked to World War I. and member of SPJST Lod- Yoakum to Los Angeles, Calif., in 1907. bring its own basket lunch to be served *He lived in that area and worked as a ge No. 92 of Fort Worth. cafeteria style. Survivors include his wife; two step- landscape gardener, until retiring in 1955. 1,1asta Snanberg sons, Max Holomek of Fort Worth and He made his home in Pasadena, Calif. Chairman Robert M. Gee, with the U.S. Navy; He was married in 1920.' He was visit• three daughters, Mrs. Rosalie Bodkins of ing brothers ond sisters in and around ZAVODNY FAMILY REUNION Arlington, Mrs. Dorothy Starnes of the Yoakum area when he passed away The Zavodny family reunion will be May he rest in Peace. — Hurst and Mrs. Esther Hale of Fort held an the first Sunday September 6t1) ) • 41, • Worth; a sister, Mrs. Mary Rozanski 1959 starting about 10:00 a.m. at the IN MEMORIAM OF of Fort Worth; two brothers, Bruno KnoFlag Hall in Bell County. Anyone in any CHARLES A. GAJEWSKY pik of Houston and Stash Knopik of BreMember of Lodge 81, born at Sealey, Tex, way related to the Zavodny family come mond, and two granddhildren. Our deceased brother will be long as March 16, 1905 and died July 9, 1959 and enjoy the day with the kinfolks. Each family is asked to bring a picnic remembered. May he rest in eternal at Houston, Texas. Survivors are his, wife, Mrs. Albina lunch for the noon meal. peace. • • Glajewsky; daughters, Mrs. Dorothea Mc1 • I Clure. Mrs. Landon V. Alexander all of IN MEIVIC,RY OF Wishful Writing Houston; son, Lt. Franklin Gal cwsky, A customer owed a bill for several, MARIE SFBESTA Member of Lodge 114, born June 6, 1877 Edgemont, Calif., grandchildren Mary, months and paid no attention to state,, at Wesley, Texas and died aftei brief ill- Sherry and Keith Alexander, Houston; ments. The credit n-danager w r ote that.if. Kyle and Melaine Gajewsky, sisters, Mrs. he didn't remit at once, the account ness August 6, 1959. Surviving children are Willie, Arnold, Alice Joswiak, both of Richmond, Mrs. would be placed in the hands of a laW Walter, Edmund, Erma, Yrs. Joe Sch- Lillie Sembera, Mrs. Cecile Krolczyk, yer for collection. Back came a letter midt, Mrs. Alfred Valenta, 14 grand- both of Houston, Mrs. Mary Stojanik, the very next mail: Georgetown. Mrs. Frances Slacalek, Dachildren and 9 great-grandchildren. "Enclosed find check to settle ac After church services our sister was mon, Mrs. Helen Jungerman; brothers, count referred to in your letter. Thank laid to eternal rest at the W.O.W. Cem- Bernard Gajewsky, Daniel Gajewsky, all you very much indeed for all past favors etery at Rosenberg. of Rosenberg, Frank Gaskey, Houston. and your wonderful patiece. Yours' truly. He was laid to rest at Forrest Park She was a member of 1-7-12 First PresP.S. This is the kind of letter I would byterian Church of Rosenb. , ,-g. With her Cemetery Houston, Texas, after services write you if I had the money." o husband, Mrs, Seloesta farmed until 1950 Rev. Rodney Sunday officiating. Our sympathy to the bereaved! and, when her husband! died. May she rest in Expensive Improvement may our brother rest in peace. peace. Our sympathy to the Family. Epicure: "I've just found a way to im• • ( ) • 4 • ( prove the test of salt." CZECH AIR ACE DIES IN ENGLAND IN MEMORY OF Puzzled Diner: "How's that?" Trubo, England — A Czechoslovak war LIDUSKA KRISTOF Epicure: "Eeasy! I just sprinkle it over hero and fighter plane pilot credited Member of Lodge No. 7 born July 12, with shooting down 22 German planes a jucy piece of steak" 1880 in Austin Co. and died suddenly died of thrombosis Tuesday. He was August 5, 1959 at her family home. Sur- Karel Kuttelwascher, 45, a senior capAll men are created equal -- and enviving children, John, Lydia, Henry, toin of the British European Airways. dowed by their creator with' an inEdwin, Emil and. Ella. After services of He was stricken suddenly while on leave. sat1able urge to become otherwise. the CMB Church Sister Kristof was laid ) •• • (— • es • to rest at the San. Antonio Prairie CemeDne 12 a 13 zari, otevieni Rove Sokotery. Grand opening of the new Sokol Hall She had enjoyed health and while lovny a Domova fedi* 130. Jar. v Dallas, and , also of SPJST Lodge 130, Jaro, will held Sept. 12, and Sept. 13, at Dallas. she could work she loved to work with Texas. -- Zneastnete se techto narodWatch for detailed Program. flowers and garden and she loved to nick svatkul I I

Family Reunions

In Memoriam




edne day, August aa, 1959

, ZPRAVA PitiJMU A VYDANi ZA MF,Sie tERVENEC, 1959 Expense Mortuary Vyttanii tmrtni

Mortgage Loans - Majetkove Vijay 120,163.55 Certificate Loans - Certifikatove pfljeky 4,088.59 Premiums - tlmrtni popiatky od rau0. 22,956.43 2,502.10 Interest from certificate loans - trok z certifikatovYch pt jeek 24,355.86 int. on Mortgage Loans - (Jrok z majetkov,sich pfkjeek Dividend 2,250.00 750.39 R.. M. 0. Z-mineralniho majetku 2,389,29 Najem z budovy S. p. J. S. T. Building Rent Appraisal fee - Na odhady ... Sale of Supplies - Prodej fadovYch potfeb Total Receipts -- Celkovy pfijern Cash Balance 7-1-59 - Hotovost 7-1-59 DISBURSEMENTS - VIZDANI: Mortgage loans - Majetkove pfaky Certificate loans - Certifikatove piljdky . . .... Matured Endowments - Vyplacene naiadni noliStem Death Claims - Vyplacene tlmrtni podpory Returned premiums and bonus - Vracene iimrtni pop. a bona, R. E. 0. Repairs - R. E. 0. Opravy R. E. 0. Travel - R. E. 0. Cestovne SPJST Build. Maintenance - rizeni a vydr2ov,Ini budnry Actuary - Fees - Za aktuarskou praci Advertising - Oznamky Appraisal Expense - Za odhady Attorney Fee - Pravnikovi za vyfizovani ptigelt Audit - Prohlidka knih Car expense - vYlohy na auto • Commissions - KomiSne DiArict Meeting - Distriktni schfize Emblems - Odzna v elBht & Express Medical examinations - Lekatske prohlidky Non-Medical Exams -- 13cz-lekarske prohlidky Vestnik Press Committe Meeting - VYlohy tiskoveho vYboru Df rice maintenance - Na vydrtovani Utadovny Office Rent - Najerrine z ritadovny Organizational Expense - Organisadni vYlohy Postage - PoStovne Salary Editor - SluZne redaktora . . .. yYpomoci Salary of employeesSlu4ne Salary Officers - ShAne fitedniket Stationery and su p plies - Tiskova prace a psaci potteby Supreme Lodge Meeting - Schtize HI. . radovny Tax: FICA & TEC ';.'elephone and Telegraph - Telefon a telegraf Travel: Officers - Cestovne firednikii rravel Editor -- Cestovne redaktora Youth Activities - Oinnost mlade2e Total disbursements - eenwve Cash Balance 8-1-59 -- HOtovost 8-1-59

Juvenile Detske „



120091.8( 4,088.5' 47,459.61 2,502.11 24,553.51 2,250.02 750.3; 2,389.2 1,211.01 20.2'




1,211.00 20.27


179,456.21 368,398.14

25,375.36 8,334.53

1,385.07 6,395.32

206,216.64 383,127.9;




589,344.% 227,985.81 9,596.24

227,985.81 9,596.24 1,000.00 26,122.91 442.76 81.40 89.70 1,603.83


300.00 180.80 1,238.46 2,163.41 505.00 54.02 2,292.65 83.54 18.00 1.67 444.50 316.05 2,515.54 208.48 124.27 400.00 2.65 69.62 600,00 2,100.00 3,350.00 G41.78 608.16 172.38 126.79 118.15 14.76 278.25

26,122.9, 409.18 81.4{, 89.7C 1,603.83 300.0C 180.8C, 1,238.46 2,163.41 505.00, 54.02 2292.6f 83.54 18.00 1.6C' 444.5f 3lGAk 2,515.54 208.41 124.27 400.00 2.65 69.62 600.0C 21,100.00 3,350.0C 641.78 608.16 172.36 126.7f. 118.16 14.76 278.25

266,922.65 280,931.70

18,928.91 14,780.98

56.42 7,723,97

285,907.98 303,436.65








ASSETS - MAJETEK IE.DNOTY Cash --- Hotovost. V. S. Bonds - U. S. Bondy


280,931.70 895,156.00


liVedne.clay,- Au g ust -Pa, '1959' V As T nds: Municipal - Okresni bandy Jrtgage loans -- Majetkove puicky rtifleate loans- Certifikatove prijaky Dak - Akcle P. J. S. T. Building -- B. P. J. B. T. budova al Estate Owned - Majetek 'lateral Loan - Collateral ptlijdka m .0 --- Minerilln/ a Olejovt majetek Podily uity. %I:I/tura and fixtures - Nabytek a zatizeni v fitadovnii Automobil

Straus 11 195,656.20 7629,882.86 606,485.41 100,000.00 180 000 00 25,240.48 85.37 , 60.00 10.00


6,822.40 $4,937.53

35,836.29 3,500.00

202,478.60 7,714,820.39 606,485.41 100,000.00 180,000.00 25,240.48 85.37 60.00 10.00 35,836.29 3,500.00



Fraternally yours - S bratrskym pozdravem

Piljem od radii v mesici eervenec, 1959 Income From Lodges In July, .1959 Lodge Date Amount 1 882.61 17 2 29 137.47 3 24 5.22 4 17 595.54 2 24 141.33 6 17 294.99 7 24 245.51 8 29 11.19 9 29 530.00 10 29 443.50 11 17 17.44 12 29 9.34 13 29 269.56 14 24 72.46 15 255.04 29 16 24 224.89 17 24 1,578.07 19 24 191.64 20 29 744.79 21 17 55.25 23 29 254.08 24 933.86 17 25 732.75 17 27 29 236.13 28 17 840.22 29 2,054.24 24 30 272.72 17 31 11.52 17 33 17 572.60 35 24 85.38 36 10 462.05 37 6.67 24 38 24 486.96 39 176.06 24 41 24 60.14 44 187.87 24 45, 127,27 24 47 674.70 24 48 282.28 24 49 ' ' 24 578.44 50 10 916.42 70.89 51 17 54 580.03 24 55 • 24 32.23

56 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 63 69 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 4100 101 105 107 108 110 111 112 114 116

29 24 24 24 10 24 17 24 10 17 29 17 24 17 29 24 10 24 24 17 29 17 24 24 10 17 24 29 24 10 29 17 24 10 10 17 24 29 24 29 24 29 17 10 17 24 29

R. A. Urbanovsky, Financial Secretary -- tdetnt. 267.77 117 17 510.09 118 102.97 24 19.44 119 7.82 24 216.23 120 88.75 29 44.66 122 45.58 29 118.69 125 45.18 24 580.12 126 222.63 24 58.41 127 19.16 24 65.52 128 65.81 24 536.84 129 36.58 24 123.83 130 1,329.19 17 1,399.71 131 5.46 10 95.45 132 834.34 29 42.55 135 296.90 29 145.18 136 8.21 17 '..59.16 137 80.26 24 627.86 24 86.43 133 196.23 139 1,026.21 10 53.82 140 39.05 24 98.37 141 142.65 29 182.64 142 276.20 24 899.20 143 547.46 29 578.95 144 20.64 24 88.20 15 22.54 29 1,159.13 146 116.53 24 30.70 147 101.25 24 51.16 148 818,15 10 1,158.57 151 329.90 10 6,119.56 152 108.24 24 244.09 153 135.94 24 78.62 154 2,162.42 29 359.71 156 21.63 29 1,550.34 157 138.02 10 95.63 158 49.17 24 138.80 160 398.43 24 11.46 161 314.70 17 71.66 162 106.70 23.40 164 22.56 32.61 165 234.90 7.26 26.96 $47,459.62 477.01 190.58 Tip to motorists: Watch out for school 68.34 kids - they wern't brought up to be 37.64 run down. • 4? 471.08 27.97 A couple of good socks would put some 168.55 heels on their feet.

Stran g 18

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 NTESTNOC—WEST,TEICAS both old and young. This will be a sort this day is being dedicated to and for

the Youth of District II, we are fortuof "just for fun" contest. The field contests will consist of 50 nate in having such a large (lamp site yard dash, high jump, broad jump, vol- that all SPJST members -- both old and ley ball throw for distance, horse shoe, young — from all over the state are inand washers. In the water contest we vited to attend. Additional activities will have diving, swimming and boat- are still being planned and there will surely be something of interest for every ing. The following . members have been one throughout the clay. Sister HejPs plans and instructians for selected to serve on the different committees. If any of you cannot serve on some of the contests and activities and a map showing the location of Camp the committee, ploase let me know. Fifty yard dash, high jump and broad Tahuayla were printed in the last issue jump — F. E. Hejl Jr., chairman; Anton of the Vestnik; and this issue contains Motl, Albert Kasparek, Dennis Bartek, a program and other articles about the meeting. Be sure to read them and plan and Fink V. Spathe]. Volley ball throw, horse shoes, wash- to be eat Camp Tahuaya early for a ers -- Ben Zabeik; Chairman; Reuben full day of activities. Weal comfortable Lesikar, Edwin. Chalopek and WoodroW clothes and bring a basket lunch with just a little more than enough food for Chervenka. Swimming kind Diving — Emilie Mik- your family. DISTRICT 11 ENCAMPMENT DAY If you wish, bring your swim suits, AT CAMP TAHUAYA, BELTON, TEXAS eska, chairman; Regina Zabcik, Ella fishing equipment and bait, and whatSimek and. Mrs. Woodrow Chervenka. PROGRAM • Boating — Jerry Mikulas, chairman; ever ese you will need to 'make this out10:00 a.m. -- Flag Raising Ceremony and Edwin Simek, Martinec and ing the most enjoyable ever. Remember though, that we will be guests and on Invocation Henry Mares. Registration Registration Beni -Alikolaj (will tpye tile property of the Boy Scouts of Amer Camp Tours identification cards), ' Mrs. A. Kasparek ica; so we will not want to abuse this Fishing privilege or their hospitality in any way. and Mrs. E. Kovar. The business session from 1 to 2 p.m. GGUYICS • Z. promises to be K. very short one during 12:00 Noon — Spreading of Basket LunINVITATION TO DISTRICT II which the loCal lodge princesses of Disches in Dining Hall ENCAMPMENT DAY AT trict II will be recognized and plans will 1:00 p.m, --- Business Meeting in Dining CAMP TAIIIJAYA cc made for the Distriet II SPJST Queen Hall Dear Members: Coronation Ball and Youth Achievement Recognition of SPJST District II This is a last reminder and invitation Da?. Princesses for all SPJST members everywhere to Discussion of Plans for District II be at Cax‘p Tahuaya at 10:00 a.m, on We shall be looking forward to seeCoronation Ball and Achievement Sunday, August 30, 1959, for the SPJSI4 ing many of you at Ot mp Tahuaya Day Organization of Youth into Groups District II Encamprnent Day. Although which is five miles Sonthwest of Belton, for Contests 2:00 p.m. — Swimming and Water Con3 /41/LES FROM BELTON tests /) TAKI/AYA TURN-OFF" Field and Track Contests SIGN COM/N6 Continuation of Camp Tours and ROM BELTON Fishing 0 a 2:30 p.m. -- Showing of European Tour el" 0 Movies in Dining Hall by Mrs Thereria Driska c> 3:30 p.. o. — Canoe Contests 4:30 p.m. — Judging of Fishing Contest U2_ 5,:00 p.m. — Adjournment. Dear Friends: Lino 'Ibis is a last reminder for all of you to come to Camp Tailmaya, on August 30, 1959. FOLLOW OISHED LINES AND ,5/6N..5 FOR 2 M/tES There have been a few changes made FROM e/THER TURN-OFF in our contests, instead of getting troTAIWAYA TIRIV-064SIGN TV TAN ✓AYA phies, we are giving cash prizes for the .SIGN COMLNa-FROlvi 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. I db not 14 skert (/ 6EORGET0WV know how much but most of you will LOCATION OF SHOWING probably enter the contest for the fun .f FROM SALADO rather than for the prize. In the water CAMP rANUAVA 27 MILES FROM and field contests, we will be divided GEORWMPAI into four groups: Junior girls, Junior ,SITE OP Sed.S.7: , P/s T. it Al EFT/ G boys, senior girls, and senior boys. In the CCG B-5-59 SUN 0/4 Y -44/GUST 30, /,17.5:51 fishing contest, well let everybody fish



Wednesday, August 20, 1959 Texas. Watch for the Camp Tahuaya turn-off sign near the Lampassas River on U.S. Highway 81. A map showing the location of the camp was printed in the last issue of the Vestnik and a map of the camp itself will be given to you as you register upon your arrival at the camp. Fraternally, Calvin C. Cervenka President of District II 4 ( LODGE NO. 86, WACO, TEQAS Dear Readers and Friends, I would like to invite all of you to our Rock-n-Roll Dance to be held at Linden Hall, August 39. The dance will begin at 8:00'-p.m. and end at 11:30 p.m. Admission will ze 59c per person. Our band will be the Rhythm Rockers featuring Eddie and Billy Young, electric guitars, Mike Sharp, drums and Randy Hudgens paano. We would like to see all of you at our dance this Sunday night, August 30, so be sure to make plans to come; Don't forget, everyone is invited! See you there! Fraternally yours, La Nell Ceska, Teerlage Reporter ) • 4 • ( YOUTH DIVISION LODGE NO. 92 Fort Worth, Texas (Delayed from last week) Dear Sisters and Brothers, The Youth Group of Lodge No. 92 is going to have a Back to School Dance feAuring the Rhythm Rockers of Waco. We think life teenagers that didn't at-, tend our last dance will really like their music and enjoy it. If they can't give you the beat to the music I don't think anyone can. So remember the Rhythm Rockers, Apgust 28, 1959 at 8:00 p.m. to 12,:00 p.m. The admission is the same as last time 50c per person. There were a lot of teenagers present at our last dance, but let's have more people present and show them we like their music and also we would like to 1*.,ve as many adults to come as tenagers. You too will really enjoy them. We would like to invite the E.'itor and his wife to come since they were busy at our last dance and were not able to attend. Everyone come. We are awfully sorry to hear about Sister Marsha Cohen's father who had a heart tqtack while in California on their vacation. We know this didn't help your vacation at all, but there will be other vacations. We would like to wish a, speedy recovery to Brother Cohen. Again we are going to lose one of our members to Uncle Sam. Joe P. Hu-

V t S TN

— WEST, TEXAS benak is going into the Air Force. We want to wish you a lot of luck. About our other member Bill McLendon in the Marines, he will be home on leave in September or October. We are looking forward to seeing him. Come on, let's lave a big crowd at our Rock-n-Roll Dance August 28, at 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.rf.4. featuring the Rhythm Rockers of Waco. Fraternally yours, Cookie Krivanek Reporter ) • 414 • ( LODGE NO. 84, DALLAS, TEXAS Dear Readers, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the five lovely princesses from the Teen Age Club of Lodge No. 84 in Dallas, who are competing for the Teen Queen Crown, and also good luck to their escorts. I know each one of them are real exited. This occasion brings back happy memories to me of the Queen Contest of District III. I feel sure the winning couple will deserve the crown because

Strana 19 they are all working real hard tomake this event a real success. I would like to assure them we are all backing them 1C0 per cent. I missed. the banquet which was given in their honor because we were off on a small vacation in Port Aransas, Texas, we were fishing, swimming and lazying around. I was terribly sorry I was unable to attend the Queen Coronation in Elm Mott, but we were in the process of moving. The new International Highway No. 20 coast to coast) took our home for the right of ways. Another step of progress in this great land of ours. I want to congratulate Hattie Matus and Leo Rejcek for winning the title at their Hall. I feel confident they put forth a lot of effort and they made an elegant couple. Their picture which appeared in the Vestnik was great. I heard it was an impressive ceremony. Speaking of Princesses and Queens there are quite a few girls in the various districts gunning for title at their prospective lodges. May the best sport and most ernest workers win.

The above is a group snaps;iot of the teen-agers of Lodge 84, Dallas. The picture was taken during their stay at Sebold's Dzsde Rauch located at Mineral Wells, Texas. In the background (from left to right) are: James Janousek, David Sevah, Jerry Ann Urban, Carole Nemec, Juanita Janousek, Ricky Koperky, Rosemarie Kaska, James Mandak, Joe Ondrusek, Frankie Faraizl, Ronnie Ilenzen, Richard Sykora. Seated are: Nodya Rejcek, Sandra Laza, Ann Hamer, Cathy Adamcik. In the foreground, are: Pat Adamsik, Larry Par, Toni Kaska, Edwin Trlica. Not seen in the picture is George Nemec. Submitted by Jerry Ann Urban.

Strana 20


Wednesday, August 26, 1959

Here it,is close to the time for school my Kadlecek. YOUTH CLUB VIDOR NO. 133 to start, it seems I still have a million To gain points, we must sell insurance, San Antollio, Texas things I would like to do. It feels like Dear Readers, so if you would like to be a member of only yesterday we were dismissed for After a few week,* absence here I am the SPJST, or if you know of anyone insummer vacation. I firmly believe the again with tanother leport on our Youth terested plase contact me at my home.. old saying: • "All good things must come Club. My telephone is UN 2-4551 in Houston. to a close." The Harlandale LiOns Club Civic Cen- We would gratefully appreciate your I hr ve really had a wonderful sum- ter was the scene of a Game Party on help. Fraternally yours, mer. It will be nice to get back in the August 20th. This party was sponsored by the SPJST Youth, Club of Lodge No. Louise Kadlecek groove (or the rut?) Being as I will be 133. Organiser a senior this year, I hope to have a Editor's Note: Sorry, but the picture We were very pleased to see all the blast. It seems a little sad to think this is the last year of school for me. At this wonderful people who came and helped of the lovely young sister will be i n our next issue. point a person's life really changes. You make this 'a succesa. With the proceed$ we received we find yourself in an adult world over hope to make a trip to Corpus Christi night. on Sept. 20' for the next District 7 meetI was real happy to find so many Tex- ing and also the coronation of the Distans placed in the Sokol Meet at the Los 7 Queen. Once again I wlant to thank all those Angeles, Calif., competitions. We may not be as big as Alaska now but it looks who donated gifts:refreshments, and like the Texas Sokols still manage to also their time. Without their assistance keep boasting "Lone Star State" or "I'm we would' never haves been able to have a successful party. from Texas." ternally yours, A Lodge No. 84 Teen Ag Maryland Strobel President Betty Staglik ) ) • 4 • (..■ YOUTH CLUB LODGE. NO. 92 Fort Worth, Texas Dear Brother Editor, Dear Members, Enclosed you will kindly find a picture Our next youth meeting will be Sept. of Sister Patricia Maresh. 6, due to Labor Day Activities. The She has been chosen as princess of change will be fer this month only We Lodge No. 23 for the District No. 6 queen want to have a lot present. contest. She is 14 years of age and has W e t re going to have another Rockn-Roll Dance featuring the Rhythm Rockers of Waco. They were such a big hit with tl.,e teenagers here tast time, we are sure everyone will enjo y threm HELEN GALETKA again. We would like to extend a perHALLETTSVILLL, TEXAS sonal invitation to all the other Youth Karel Havlicek No. 4 of other lodges. We are sure you wiil Dear Editor: thoroughly enjoy yourselfelf all of the I I iam enclosing a picture of our SPJST adults are also invited. Don't forget the big Rock-n-Roll Lodge No. 4 Princess. She was selected Dance. August 28, 8 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. during our Family Day which was held The price will be 50c per person. See you on August 9th. We would like to have the picture in the Vestnik. September 28 at 8:00 p.m. Our Princess is Miss Helen Rose GaleCookie Krivanek tka, chosen from our Lodge to compete Reporter with ' other District Six Lodges for the , • •I title and crown of District Six Queen, LODGE S8 HOUSTON, TEXAS which will be held on October 25 in Dear Sisters and Brothers; For the queen and king contest of Taiton, Texas, at the District Six MeetDistrict 5, I have chosen Margaret Ann ing. Helen Rose, is the daughter of Mr. and Rezek as my princess and she has chosen Jimmy Hadlecek as her escort. Mrs. Chas. Galetka of Hallettsville, she In order for these two to qualify for is president of our Youth Club of Lodbeen a member of the SPJST since 1946. queen and king of District 5, they must ge No. 4 and she is a second grade SunThe contest is creating some interest first win the inter-lodge contest by hav- day school teacher at CMS Church of in District 6. This District has 31 lodges ing the largest number of points in Vsetin. and we hope for a large attendance. We hope that she will earn enough Lodge 88. Then, they may qualify for Thanks! District 5 queen and king i f they have points in helping our organizers sell inthe largest number of points hi the surance prospects to win the Contest. Fraternally yours, Fraternally yours, Fifth District. Joe B. Hejny Mrs. Emil Grones, Enclosed are pictures of Princess MarVice-President, Rt. 2, HallettSville, Texas garet Ann Rezek and her escort JimSPJST Supreme Lodge AS.L.W.F.W.W,M,>>,: t,M.

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 PRINCE and PRINCESS BALL AT LODGE POKROK NO. 88 HOUSTON September 5 is going to be a Gala Occasion for everyone, and a must to attend and see for the first ti./rie a Prince and Princess crowned at our Lodge 83, end who will then be presented at our Queen and King Boll on Nov. 1st to compete with the other Princes and Princesses of all other lodges of District V for the "crown" of King and Queen. A delicious barbecue 'dinner will be served from 5:00 p.m. followed by dancing to the music of the Houston Play Boys in a beautifully decorated hall. At 9:30 p.m. the grand March of the Prince and Princess candidates will be held, followed by a ceremony at which the Prince and Princess of Lodge 88 will be crowned. Gifts and coraages will be awarde.;:li to each candidate, after which dancing will be resumed. The committees cordially invite all the numbers from everywhere to come out and bring their friends, and to help us make this an occasion for our youth to be long remembered. Fraternally, Sister Birdie Hilsner • 4, • (


To Our. Dallas Youth Club

Strana 21 Requires Time Two farmers from Texas were always trying to outdo each other regarding crops. One morning the first farmer said to his son Jimmie, "Go over to Ernest and borrow his crosscut saw for me. Tell him I want to cut a watermelon." On returning, Jimmy said, "Ernest said he couldn't let you have the saw until this afternoon. He's only halfway through a cucumber." • •

On two letters mailed to the Vestnik we left of the signature of our young friend James Janousek unintentionally. We figured that since they were signed Entertainment Committee, that the name could be, omitted Hope that this note will correct our mistake. The Editor • .5Lighting the way of men to betterNobody ever gets anything for nothment is the finest profession known. ing, but a lot of people keep trying. >Z.


Sokol Sentinel SOKOL AND SPJST NO. 130 DALLAS With the grand opening of the Sokol Gymnasium and home of Lodge Jaro SPJST 130 set for September 12th f.,1-1 13th we wish to extend an invitation everyone to attend and help us m this occarsion one to be long renal herecl. On Sunday at 12:C0 noon, just the flag raising and ribbon cutting ceremonies, the day will be highlighted by a Banquet in the new Gymnasium, seating capacity of which is 500 people. The gymnasium program, scheduled for 3'30 p.m. will be comprised of exhibitions of various units and organizatia Tickets for the banquet are now available, pre-sale begining immediately. Anyone wishing to come to the banquet is urged to get tickets early as we only 500. Banquet reservations can made, or tickets purChased through ther of the following sisters: Mrs. Ben Prevratil, 8633 Daytonia, Dallas, Texas, Phone DA 1-2736. Mrs. Ann Zvolanek, 6317 Ravendale Lane, Dallas, Texas, Phone TA 1-1808. You all Come! ! ! Helen Krutilek, Reporter of Executive Board Editor's Note: Save two for me, please!

'kW Pictured above are the Winners of three trophies at the Los Angeles, Calfornia "Sokol Slet" and members of our Fort Worth Sokol Unit. They are Sister Mary Jean Renfro, on the left; Brother Jerry Milan, and Sister Henrietta Milan. AU three are also members of dur SENT Lodge No. 154, Fort Worth. — Congratulations:

Strana 22

Women's Nook



Birthday club are so thankful to all for the door prizes. Our good president of our club, Sister E. Kelly, is one the sick list, underwent an operation, as we heard she is doing very fine, we really did miss her in our last meeting, we hope she will be with us pretty soon again. Remember the first Wednesday in September — Sept. 2. Best wishes to all Your birthday club reporter, Sophie Hruby • •t• • t LODGE POKROK DALLAS NO 84 Dear Members and Friends, Our annual Anniveriary Celebration will be held the weekend of August 2930. The evening of Saturday, August 29, Chuck Perkins and his atvarian Playboys will pljiy for a dance from 8:30 until 12:30. On Sunday, August 30, a delicious and tasty dinner will be served beginning at noon. The charge will be $1.25 a plate and includes 1/2 charcoal broiled chicken with trimmings, pastry and a choice of coffee or tea. Ham and kolaches will be on hand for those who wish to have either or these for dinner. After dinner our guest speaker, Assistant City Attorney N. A. Bickley, will be introduced. Following will be a short program presented by our youth.

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 Sunday evening, 8 until 12, another dance will be held with Wesley (Gus) Herzan and his orchestra providing the music. During the day, (Sunday) game tickets will be sold by the lodge teen-agers. There will be a fish-pond and a Sale booth offering hand-made items, pot plants and htiked goods. Of course, all proceeds go to the lodge, so whether you buy a ticket, go fishing or buy an item from the sale booth (or all three) you will be helping the lodge. In chlRrge of the sale booth are Sisters Fannie Konakovsky and Frances Baleja. We hope Tr./my items will be brought for this booth nd if any information is needed concerning this, please call either of these sisters. Pastries will also be needed for serving at dinner, so all you good cooksplease get busy and decide what to bring (also don't forget something for the bake sale booth. All members, friends and members of surroundin(g lodges are cordially invited. Your presence will be !appreciated and we are sure you will not regret attending this big two day celebration. Frances lialeja Helen Pokladnik

NEEDVILLE, TEXAS Dear Brother Hosek, This is the first time for me to send any kind of news to the Vestnik so if it isn't put together right try to make it the way it should be. Part of this may seem a bit old but we are proud to announce the arrival of our twins and we like to.put it in the news even if it is a bit late. The twins, Leslie Edward, 6 lb. boy and Tammy Agnes Pieper, 5 lb., 12 1,4 oz. girl were born July 17, 1959 at the Polly Ryan Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pieper of Needville. The grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Marchak of Needville and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Pieper of Houston. The Peipers have one other daughter age 8 yoars. More news — Mr. Adolph Marchak of Needville who had a stroke is recuperating at the ElCampo Home. Thanks, Mrs. E. Pieper ) • a, • L ODGE POKROK NO. 88 Houston, Texas Wear Sisters: Here I am again with a few lines to remind you all that the first of the month of September is around the corner and that means that the sisters of our club are sponsoring a party, the W Wednesday, September 2. Take your family and friends and enjoy a go dinner, everyone is invited and welcome. Last month we 10 d a pretty nice crowd so we hope you all will be here again. Hostesses for the month of September are Sisters: A. Svania, A. Svestka, M. Filipek and A. Jordan. Donors for the door prizes were Sisters: M. Elmer, L. Sos 1-41•k, E. Kelly, E. Mikolas, N. Kostom, Ida Hanka, D. Kadlecek, M. Johnson, R. Ploss and M. Tillich. Brother Al donated a lawn Pictured above are the five people to whom Lodge 84's Teen-Age Division is chair, as he did last month. Brother L. • Harms donated many loafs of Sun Beam very grateful. They were chaperones for the recent Dude Ranch trip. They are bread as table prizes. Sister R. Zimer- (from left to right) Mrs. Charlie Adamcik, Mr. Emil Petr, our Youth Director man donated one gallon of good coun- Mrs. Bessie Petr, our Assistant Youth Director, Mrs. Carlene Ondrusek, and Mr. try rich milk for coffee. Sisters of the Willie Ondrusek.

Wednesday, AUgUst 28,-1959 LODGE 39, BRYAN, TEXAS (Delayed from last week) Dear Brothers and Sisters, For our next meeting which will be held on the second Sunday in September. In our meeting last Sunday our Lodge No. 39 decided that they will have a barbecue dinner with a party all afternoon. We will have some home-made music and games for the children. Also dominoes and dards for some of the adults that do not like to make noise. All of the food will be supplied by the lodge officers except the sweets. All of our lodge ladies are asked to please bring some kind of pastries. These will be sold to raise money for our new lodge home which we will build in the near future. Tickets are being sold for the dinner at one dollar for adults and 50c for children up to 12 years of age. This will be held at the ODHS Hall here in Bryan, Texas. Everyone is invited, you don't have to be a member of the SPJST — I said everyone is invited. If you have not been to one of our parties before now come this time and find out what a good time you 143.xe been missing. The youth club will have a project of their own to raise money for their club. This projest will be at a very low charge and I think that every one that is the least bit interested in their SPJST will be glad to help these children. You should know that the youth are doing a great job for your lodge. They have helped! put up the fence that was constructed on our land thiat was purchased recently. Also, they have cleared part of it from brush. The club is bringing in new members for our lodge and by the way if, you icnow of someone that may be interested in becoming one of our mea4bers please let us hear from you for our princess contest is on and we want to help, our princesses as much as possible. Don't forget our next meeting so come out and have some barbecue, just think ladies, you don't have to cook dinner or supper or wash any dishes. What betcer could any lady ask for on Sunday. All supreme lodge officers are invited with their families. Hope that some of you can mtke it. Very truly yours, Mrs Lillie Matejka Youth Director No. 1 P. S. To Snook Youth Club: We would like to get together and give you a hard time at a baseball game. Let us hear from you on this. Thanks )• •


fast so the farthers are busy picking. In some places they are having pretty heavy showers and don't get to pick much. Our last "get together" was well attended. It was held August 9, and those that didn't come missed soave good times. We had -bur Annual Family Supper instead of Dinner. It was followed by a dance that night, and those attending enjoyed it. Sister Helen Galetka, was selected as the Princess for the Queen's Contest, which will close October 25th in Taiton, Texas. We had two cither girls running for Lodge Pria-xcesses,"too. They were: Gaye Nell • Grones and Josephine Ka, hanek. Thank you girls, for all of the

Mtftiel of Taylbr Mr. and Mrs. were surrounded by their ren, their grandchildren and friends of many years as they celebrated their 60th or platinum wedding anniversary at a reception Sunday rfternoon. The celebrants were married on August 29, 1899 in the Sacred Heart Catholic ChurCh. in Smithville, but have long been a part of Taylor. Receiving with the couple in the VFW Home were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaspiarek, Mr. and Mrs. Dan MoHALLETTSVILLE, TEXAS hel, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mohel of Lodge Karel Havlicek No. 4 Taylor, and the Rev. and Mrs. Elmo Dear Sisters and Brothers: Miertschin of Houston..Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Well, the cotton picking time came Hoessin of

Stratia 23 igood you did for our Lodge. Our Judges

I were: Mrs. Albina Balcar; of Crosby; Mrs. Sedonia Kovar of Houston; and •rwin Holy. We want to thank all of thbse who helped with all of this work and the good sisters who helped us out with all the food. Our next meeting will be held Sept. 13 — the second'Sunday, so please come out to this rxieeting; as we will hear a report froin.o'ul– "zet together" supper which we had. Also, all the young folks should come to our Youth Meeting which will be held •the same time. We like to see all of the young group with us. Thanks again! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zaruba and family; Mr. and Mrs. John H,-ly, spent `1-le

rs. Calvin Walker and. Mrs. Danny Mohel Jr., of Houston, granddaughters of the couple, alternated at the gue3t register. Others in the house party were Mrs. Jack Stone, Mrs. Edwin Kovar, Miss Evelyn Meyer, Mrs. C. J. Meyer, Miss • Georgia Zbranek of Granger, Mrs. JameS Bartosh, Mrs. Alex Veselka, Miss Patsy Denson of Houston, Mrs. Dan Zimmerha mei, Mrs. Dan Kovar, Mrs. Dan Gaida of Granger, Mrs. Ray Lightner, Mrs. pill, Kovar, Mrs. Gus Kovar, Mrs.. RoyMand Veselka, and Miss Bertha KOvar. Guests attended from Oklahoma and from 'BUrkburnett, HOuston, Austin, and other parts of Texia.

Strana weekend in Texarkana, Ark., with their son and brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Holy. They returned Tuesday and reported having a nice trip. I must end for this time as the editor might not have enough space. Thanks Brother Editor for printing this in our Vestnik. Fraternally, Mrs. Alvin (Linda) Mikush ) • .f. • VOLNA CECHIE 135, ENNIS, TEXAS Dear Brothers and Sisters, After our last regular monthly meeting our youth held their meeting with several present. There was ra box of candy for a door prize which was won by Patricia Trojacek. After their meeting the parents had a wiener roast with all the trimmings and cold drinks in the evening the youngsters danced to a record player. They all had fun and are looking forward to our next meeting. 'Fraternally, Janice Skrivlanek • 40 • ( CESKY PRAPOR LODGE NO. 24 Cyclone, Texas Dear Sisters and Brothers, Just a note to our brothers and sisters of Lodge No. 24, our District Meeting will be held at Camp llahuaya on S'unday August 30. Our members are urged to be present at this meeting. It is a n all-day affair that should be enjoyed by the whole family, for there will be some attivities foe the young folks. For more informaiton see your Vestnik. Miss Dottie Hoelscher will represent our lodge as princess and her escort will be Daniel Mares. Our lod ge is pteased to have her to represent ur. Would like to say also that oar next regular meeting will not be held on the first Sunday as usual. This meeting will be held on S'aturday night, Sept. 5th due to a family reunion on Sunday. So remember the meeting on the 5th of September on Si,.'-arday night, about 7:30 p.m. Fraternally yours, Mrs. Jerry Zavodny Your lodge reporter

VPSTN1K—WEST,TEXAS do its best to be represented by the youth on the program. Please write me as soon Vs possible so I have enough time to make arrangements for the whole program. Marcella M. Kleprlik, District Youth Director 1206 Lamar Street San Antonio 2, Texas ) • A, •

"Members" In The Texas News In mailing us clippings and reports from your local papers about happenings to our members in Texas, please send them in immediately while they are "hot", while they are News. Heidenheimer -- The first bale of cotton for the Heidenheimer area was baled at Farmers Gin here, announced W. W. Wofford, manager of the gin. The bale belonged to John J. Klinkovsky and Was made from 2,170 pounds of snap cotton. The bale weighed 590 lbs. and produced 820 pounds of seed. • • Gus Schiller Memel-it the first bale of cotton of 1959 to the S. G. Reynolds Gin at Oscar Friday. There were 2,180 pounds of stiappoct cotton which was grown on the J. J. Zaticik farm. The bale Weighed 609 pounds and produced 860 pounds of seed. • • Fort Hood — Cadet Marvin J. Nemec son of Mr. and Mrs. Val Nemec, Thorndole is receiving six weeks training at Reserve Officer Training Corps summer camp at Fort Hood. Cadet Nemec is a 1955 e vacillate of Sharp High School and a 1959 graduate of ham Houston State College, Huntsville.

A big social event took place in Hallel tsville last Sunday. The event was 1 he wi . cial t lg of !hiss Patsy Bucek to Mr. (iilenn Pagel, both of Halleitsville. The double ring ceremony took place at Sacred Heart Church followed by a reception at the home of the bride. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George 13ucek, Sr, and the W'0011- 1 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Pagel, HallettsATTENTION ALL LODGES OF DIST. 7! • • Next_ month, September 20th, our DisDistrictm et meeting wil be held in Corpus Rogers High school teachers and asChristi under the sponsorship of Lodge signments are: J. L. Cervenka, principal Anton Cermak No. 56. and foreign language; Dal E. Coleman, Please, let me know the names of assistant principal, head basketball and your members who will participate in and baseball coach and social studies; the youth; progtiam, stating what they Howell Dean Coleman, assistant coach, Will do, if sing, play, etc. As it is expect- distributive education and science; Miss ed that this meeting will be very well Mary P. Culbretii, librarian and speech; attended, I hope that every lodge will Mrs. Peggy McDonald, Ivy, holnemaking

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 Eugene Kaitwasser, band and public school music; A. A. Kretschmar, math; James .A. Lowrance, head coach, science; Mrs. Johnnie Martin, English; J. H. Merka, vocational agriculture; Mrs. Alta Seay, commercial; and one teacher yet to be hired. • • Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Krenek, received a throat cu t, when he ran against a wire that lad been stretched in the yard in an attempt in put up a fence. He received medic:at attention in La Grange, and two stitches were required to close Inc wound. The lad is recuperating nicely. La Grange — 486 Bales in Area; Maize totals 32 cars at mid morning Thursday Aug. 14. ) Mrs. S. J. Janak submitted to an operation Wednesday morning at the Renger hospital in Hallettsville. • Miss Dorothy Vinklarek is suffering from an attack of rheumatic fever. Miss Mary Gosch is a patient in the Wagner hospital in Shiner. • • Michigan's Bob Ptacek, was chosen most valuable college all-star player of Friday's All-Star vs. Professi8nal football game. • • Mrs. Ben C. Bartok is a patient in Kings Daughter's Hospital after undergoing major surgery. • • Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Stupka and family of Vinton, La., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stupka of Rosenberg, visited with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Stupka, Sr. of Guy, Texas.: Mrs. Ben Parma Towb, 49, a native of I La(nainge, passed away at the Ennis Manicipal hospital Tuesday afternoon af)er a short illness. Mrs. Towb, formercly Josephine Ann Parma was born Dec. 2(3, 1909 in La Grange the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Parma. She moved with her parents to Temple when a small child and in 1921 they moved to Ennis to make their home, She was reared in Ennis and was graduated) from Ennis High School. Monica Hrnir, Moravia 4-H 'Club member placed second in the senior division of District 10 4-H Club Dress Revue at Joske's in San Antonio, Friday, August 14. Kathy Matus, also of Moravia placed second in the junior division. Monica will go to the State Fair in Dallas, October 16-17 to participate in the State 4-H Dress Revue.

Wednesday, August 26, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plasek of Cameron announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Jane, to Robert Walter Hoermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert HoerIrenn of Seguin. The marriage will take place Oct. 17, at the Hope Lutheran Church in Buckholts. ♦ • Courses ranging from basic English to mathematics and science are offered at Temple Junior College. Members of the faculty for the year are Miss Mozella Arnold, head of the English department; Bryant Berry, psychology and socology; Rose Anne Brasher, librarian; Calvin C. Chervenka, physics-engineering; N. E. Clark, art; H. M, Dawson, Spanish; Ethel Haag, mathematics; Irene Haag, English nd education; James Parrish, English and newspaper sponsor; James Brown athletic director; Mrs. Robert Marshall, director of music; Anne P. Newton, science; Johnny S. Payne, education; Car-


Strana 25 oline Summers, speech; Gracie Watson, to serve on the committee were Mr. and business administration; 0. C. Wilks, Mrs. Ernest Schiller, Mr. and Mrs. Woodsocial science; Earl Williams, social sci- row Chervenka and Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. ence and Velma Wilson, Chemistry. Dubcak • • A 25-bed nursing home for elderly A large number of relatives - friend's people of the Shiner area is to be erected from Rosenberg area attended the wedin Shiner by the Lutheran Welfare Society. This announcement was made re- ding of Miss Dorothy Borak and Tilford cently by Rev. H. T. Flachmeier, pastor Eugene Sulak at Holy Cross Catholic of St. Paul Lutheran Church of La Church at East Bernard last Wednesday Grange and president of the board of August 5, at 9 a.m. It was a formal wedding and the bride had 17 bridesmaids. directors of the Society. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and ♦ • Mrs. Paul Borak of East Bernard and he Misses Minnie Biskup, Barbara Zabcik, is the son of Mrs. Herman Sulak and Lanelle Marclaak and Daniel Lesikar re- the late Mr. Sulak, •• ciently reported at an Ocker Brethren Christian Sisters meeting on the seven Mrs. Jerry Sebek axle:, children recently weeks they spent at the Hus Encampment near Caldwell. During the business attended the annual Sladovnik reunion meeting, at which Mrs. Woodrow Cher- in Fort Worth at Rockwood Park. Also venka presided, a fellowship basket sup- attending from Boland were Mr. and per was planned for the congregation. It Mrs. Frank Sladovik and Mr. and Mrs. is set for Nov. 11 at 6:30 p.m. Appointed Raymond Coston of Austin.


4.%%740,11. ..0"4eX

WE ARE PLEASED TO PRESENT -(Left to Right) State Senator Culp Krueger of El Campo and Dr. Joseph Malik, Austin, executive secretary of the Department of Slavonic Languages. University of Texas. In front of Senator Krueger and Dr. Malik is an exhibit prepared at the request of the United States

Information Office in connection with the United States Exhibit at the Moscow Fair. The exhibit is in English and in Russian and depicts how The El Campo Leader-News and Svoboda and Radio Station KULP give language lessons from English to Czcn. to Russian. Scenes are from El Campo showing

students taking the lessons. The fact so many persons 01 Slavonic descent live in the area makes it easy for them_ to learn the Russian language by keeping brushed uu on their Czech. If you are interested contact Dr. Mani; at 4800 Caswell, Austin, Texas, to obtain this exhibit ,for special occasions or celebrations in your community.

Strana 26


Jerome W. Krivacka, for !rierly of Fayetteville has been named elementary principal of the New Caney Independent School. He has been with the school for the past two years teaching agriculture nad the seventh grade. Mr. Krivacka is 27, a g raduate of Fayetteville Rural High School in 1950 and received his bachelor of science degree from Texas A and I college at Kingsville in 1954. He served as a commissioned officer in the Signal Porps, • • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mikeska and family,have returned from a vacation in Colorado Springs and Las Vegas, Nev. Points of interest visited were: Pikes Peak, the Seven Falls and the Royal Gorge. o


Miss Hyacinthe Tulcek who is attending the National Music Camp this summer at Interlochen, Michigan, has won the violin concerto auditions which are , held annually and sponsored by the. University, of Michigan. She will be featured as a soloist accompanied by the University Orchestra there and will perform the Mendelosolin Concerto in E Minor. e • Hhe Tpmple Junior College .Board of Regents at a regular meeting recentely, unanimously. approved a budget of 085,150 for the fiscal year beginning Sept. L The budget; an increase of $39,250 over last, year. Increased revenue from the state this Year will amount to $3,000. The relnaining $7,000 in the budget will be made up of additional tutions andtincreased tax collections, assording to the board estimate. The announcement was made by Hubert M. Dawson,, who will become TJC president _Sept. 1. o Cameron — Mr. and Mrs. William J. Michalka of Cameron have announced ;the , engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Frances Ann to John M. Leggett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Leggett of Corpus Christi. The wedding will be September 5 at 4 p.m. at St. Monica's Catholic Church in Cameron. .6


Nuptial vows repeated Saturday afternoon Aug. 8, at 4:00 p.m. in St. Joseph Catholic Church in Rhineland, united Miss. Jean Orsak and Alois Schumacher. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Anthony E. Schroeder. • Florence --- Miss Joyce Faykus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Faykus was crowned queen of the Williamson Coun.-

ty Farai 'Bureau "Thursday at the SPJST Hall east of Taylor lust weelz. Miss Dar, lene Klein of Walburg was runner-up. 0 . Our friend Henry Zapalac underwent an operation last Friday in Angleton at Holt Clinic. We wish him a speedy recovery, • • Patricia Mares of San Antonio, daughter of Bill a nd Etella 'Mares was in a program, "Over the Rainbow" !sponsored by San Antonio City Recreation Division in Sunken Garden Theater Aug. 12, 1959. ' ' e


Lodge Taylor No. 29 — No report as yet from 60th year anniversary from any of you members, but through the kindness - of Sister Kasparek we have received a clipping we presume from a Taylor newspaper part of which we are reprinting: "Senator 'Charles Herring lOoked forward to the centennial celebration for the SPJST Podge Praha 28 as he addressed the members of the lodge and their friends at the 60th anniversary program Sunday afternoon. Looking back, the senator told of the changes in the world in the 60 years; of the advent of cars, washing machines and other things, coMmonplace today, plus the fighting of two world wars. And in another vein, he praised the lodge in general and the ten charter member who had the ' foresight and courage to organize a lodge back in 1899. "In listing the achievements of the lodge, he told of the rest home here in Taylor, a magnificent gift; of the standards of the lodge, which have never changed, and again of the lodge hall east of town,. built in the depression years,. showing the faith and courage of the members. "In closing he urged the continuation of the community spirit as manifested in the lodge at all times and especially during the celebrlation, and asked the Czech people to keep teaching their children their language. "The program in the afternoon folloWed the noon day meal, RenbenLeshikar of Temple, the president, serving as master Of ceremonies. The call to colors was sounded by Bugler Albert Schroeder, and the color guard of the American Legion advanced the colors; Scout Troop 171 led the pledge of allegiance; Mrs. James Bartosh led the aa s embly in the "National Anthem" and "The Eyes of Texas." "The welcome was voiced by Mayor R. E. Kollin= who said that he was both proud of the lodge and happy to welcome guests to the ball, out of the city

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 limits, but a definite part of Taylor at all times. J. F. Chupick secretary of the Supreme Lodge, directed the memorial service, which was closed with a song, "Beyond the Sunset" by Mrs. Bartosh with Mrs. Alvin Kuballa at the piano. Honoring the members of 50 years or more, a corsage or a boutonnaire was presented by Miss Carolyn Cuba, lodge queen of 1959, escorted by Wendell Coulee. Sandra Kay Mikulencak and Denise Bartosh carried the flowers for the queen, all flowers accented with platimum leaves as a 60-year platimum anniversary. The SPJST motto in Czech was carried by Bonnie Faye Reiger, Cheryl Zinimerhanzel and Linda Kaye Ha mann. "Edward L. Marek, Supreme Lodge President, thanked the senator for his message and urged the members to keep honoring the older members of the lodge, who are still here as a part of it. "Mr. Chupick spoke briefly in Czecn giving thanks to those who have given the present members and others opportunities, high standard of living, freedom of action and of religion. "The anniversary celebration was closed with a late afternoon supper, and a dance in the evening. Adolph Migl and his orchestra of Moulton furnished' the niLlSiC. "Presidents of the lodge for the 60 years have included Henry Fisl, Joseph M. Svadlenak, John H. Strnad, Tom Drozda, F. S. Leallikar, J. P. Mohel, Ben Da yid, Tom Mikus, Joseph Martinka, John B. Dusek, Frank G. Svadlenak, and Reuben Leshikar, who is serving at this time." Our best wishes! We are sorry that this has been delayed. ) o 4, • (

New Arrivals


Mr. and Mrs. John Cufr announce the arrival of a daughter, Patricia Ann, born at St. Jude's hospital in Brenham on July 31. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chovanec and! Mr. and Mrs. John Cufr Sr. Great-grandparents are Doman Kolianovsky and Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Chovanec of near Ellinger. The mother is the former Velarin Chovanec. Mr. and Mrs. John Trlica of Rosenberg a boy born August 16, weighing 7 lbs., 6 ounces. He was named Kelvin Brian,

Wednesday, August Mr. and Mrs. Louis Patek of Henderson are the happy parents of a baby girl, their first child born Friday, July 31 at Henderson Memorial Hospital. Little Sharon Faye tipped the scale at 7 lbs., 6 az. The mother is the former Geraldine Migl. Grandparents for the first time are Mr. and Mrs. Adolf J. Migi of Shiner. The perential grandMother is Mrs. Jim Patek Sr. of Shiner. Great grandparents for the first time are Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hons of Moulton. • • Mr. and Mrs. George Vacek of Richmond, a girl, Rita Marie, born Aug. 16, weighing 9 pounds, 7 ounces. • • Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lee Hruska of Ellinger are the happy parents of a 6pital. At pressent time they have not pound, l0-oz., daughter born Monday morning at the Fayette Memorial hosdecided on the name. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. FIavilka of Rosenberg, a boy, James Henry born August 11, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces • • Mr. and Mrs. Johnny E. Sulak of Houston are the proud parents of a fine baby boy barn August 10,1959 in the Houston Heights Hsopital. The baby weighed 8 lbs. 4 1/2 ozs. He has been named John Edward Jr. He is also welcomed into the family by his 3 year old sister Silvia Jean. The maternial grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ruback of Snook and Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Slenk of Bremond. • 4. •

District Youth Leaders Addresses DISTRICT I. Mrs. Rud. C. Matejka Rt. 4, Box 504 Bryan, Texas DISTRICT II. Mrs. Clara Hejl, Route 4„ Temple, Texas DISTRICT 1TI. Mrs. Emma Ceska, 2709 Park Avenue S Waco, Texas Mrs. Bessie Petr, Assistant, 5406 Morningside Dr., Dallas, Texas DISTRICT IV. Mrs. Ed. Haisler, Route 1, Seymour, Tex. DISTRICT V Estells. Kelly, Della Kadlecek, Maxine Sefcik, 2301 Airline Drive, Houston 9. Texas DISTRICT VII Mrs. Marcella Kleprlik San Antonio, Texas



Strana 27

plus, for slightly more than $700,000. It will be used as a game management area, primarily for turkeys and upland game. Since this area once supported a heavy buffalo population, there will be some deer stocked on the property. "Negotiations have been in progress for some time", according to the executive secretary of the Game and Fish Commission. "When we get final possession of the property extensive plans will be made to set up the management area."


Dear Sportsmen and Readers, — Right now conditions are favorable for a top bird season for this fall, according to the assistant secretary of the Game and Fish Commission. Quail already have paired off and doves are nesting. At its last meeting the Game Corntr'ission also made native quail brood stock available to game breeders. A resolution was passed authorizing the sale of native brood quail at $3 per pair to lincensed breeders, on condition that, they be used to raise quail for release only. Such broodstock will not be available until next fall. Birds for stocking farms and ranches also are available to landowners at 50 cents each. Landowners desiring birds for stocking purposes should contact tact their local game warden for further instructions. The Commission also has released 300 gray Francolin partridges from New Delhi, India, near Brady. The birds were brought into this country through cooperation with the U. S. Fish and Wild life Service. "Conditions are, excellent right now in the field," the assistant secretary said. "We've had enough moisture recently that weed crops are coming along fine for both, cover and feed. If nests are not destroyed by flood waters bincts should be very plentiful." — When the Game and Fish Commission takes over some 28,000 acres of the old Matador ranch in North Texas for a wildlife management area, it will be part owner of one of the most historical ranching spots in the State. The Matador ranch was put together in the late 1870's after a cowboy by the name of Henry Campbell sold a group of Chicago financiers on providing a huge spread of rich grassland for, a ranch that would run thousands of head of cattle.. The Game Commission recently contracted for the purchase of 28;000 acres

This area is out of what is known as the East ranch, abuot six miles north and west of Paducah. It is well watered and good range land, with ideal habitat conditions for upland game. )•&•( POACHERS FACE STIFF PENALTY UNDER NEW LAW Austin — A new trespass law will be effective in Texas Oct. 14, it has been announced by W. J. Cutfirt,h Jr. assistant secretary of the Game raid Fish Commission. The law which is covered, in HB 36, will become effective without the signature of hte governor. It provides penalties of up to 30 days in jail and la $500 fine and foreiture ot hunting or fishing licenses for o period of three years, upon conviction. The law makes it illegal for any person to hunt, fish or camp on the enclosed property of another person without the consent of the owner or other person in authority. The new law is enforcable by any peace officer and arrests may be made without, a warrant. "The tresspass problem is a major one in the protection of wild life," the secretary asid. "Persons who climb fences to illegally hunt on the property of others don't usually regard either the season or the bag limit. As a result, prosecutions have been heavy. "Under the new law, however, enforcement of the trespass law is the work of peace enforcement officers, which preclude the game warden. Now when the game warden finds a poaciher the only thing he can do is to notify the landowner. The landowner then can make a complaint and cause the arrest to be made by a peace officer." ) • 4,, • ( Many people could retire comfortably on what their experience has cost them. The number of bank checks drawn each year has increased 10 per cent a year for more than a decade and by 1970, it is predicted, 22 billion checks will be processed a year.

Strana 28

POLKA DANCE CALENDAR CALVIN CHERVENKA Saturday, August 29 Adel and The Music Masters and Vrazel Polka Mind -- Battle Dance — SPJST Hall in Buckholts Emil Bartos orchestra — Waco SPJST Linden Hall in Elm Mott Henry Brasch orchestra — Dacosta Hall Slim Haisler's Pla yboys and Cameron Polka Boys — Battle Dance -- National Hall in Cameron Chuck Perkins and His Bavarian Play boys -- Anniversary Dance — SPJST Pokrok Hall in Dallas Rudy Kurtz orchestra— KT Hall in San Antonio Joe Pt tek orchestra —'Bill Mraz Hall in Houston Vra,zel Polka Band — Zgabay's Ranch near Caldwell



Washington — All at once everyone seems eager to learn a foreign language. Enrollment has soared in high schools and colleges. Two years ago, a handful of high schools taught Russian; this fall around 300 will. 01 her languages also show increases, though not so dramatically. Drop into any bookstore, and you'll have trouble findine; the books because of the teach-yourself languaeo records, Learn Cantonese, ntadow, as you wash the dishes. Sleepy students try to become ling. uists by early mornine television. Tourists bone up an phases calculated to provide food, shelter and directions to the nearest washroom. Our leading tourist, Richard M. Nixon learned to say, "Da zdra ystuvuyet!" In Russian, this means "Long Live Peace." -- By Arthur Edson A.P. writer -1 • 4 • 1 Listening to the gossip in a beauty shop will sure curl your hair. o o

Sunday August 30 Emil 13artos orchestra — Parish Picnic and Dance — Parish Hall in La Salle Slim Haisler's Playboys --- SPJST Hall in West Gus Herzan orchestra — Anniversary Program in afternoon and dance at night -- SPJST Pokrok Hall in Dallas Konvicka's Worthing Band -- All Day Church Celebration ond Dance — Rosenberg I3aca's Hall in Sit Krenek ofchestra Fayetteville George Maehart and His Polka Boys --SPJST hall in Hillje Vra/c1 Polka Band — All Day and Night ', wino and Dance -- KC Hall in Cameron All the above names are at night uhi less otherwise specified. This is a fret Service but applies only to those dame% at which mainly polka and waltz mush is played by a live orchestra. The Vest• nik or writer will assume no responsibility resulting from any dance armour' cement which is listed in this column Listings, from orchestras and dance hath should be received at least one week be fore publication. Send all listings to Calvin Obervenka, Route 2, Rogers, Tea )• 4

Calendar Of Activities LODGE POKROK NO, 84, DALLAS Saturday, August 29 -- Anniversary Dance -- Music by Chuck Perkins and His Bavarian Playboys of Dallas

Wednesday, August 26, 1959 Mandatory retirement at 65 is costing business an increasing amount in pensions -- and dooming some of the retirees to unwilling inactivity or des perate searches for something to do. Half of the company presidents included in a recent Dun and Bradstreet survey are of the opinion that both problems will eventually get an assist from a single solvtion -- the gradual raising of customary retirement age to 75.

Marek — Burns pouttEDNI DOMOV

V hodine zarrp rtb u najdete tt nas nejlepAi polifebni obsluhu a eeny levne Tez prodavarne pohiebni pojigteni od 1 mesice do 80 rokft Ambulance ve dne I v noel MARER BURNS FUNERAL HOME Bill Marek a Bill Burns Telefon 546 TEXAS CAMERON,

Ma1S7 oznamovatel KLM Royal Dutch Airline spoleo,nost, ktera operuje ptimou leteckou linku mezi Houstonem a Pi ahou, pieje si oznamiti krajamke vetejnosti, 'Ze nova yYprava Texant do Prahy a do jinYch mist v Evrope bude 30. eel-ma 1960. Cesta tryskovYm letadlein bude trvat pouhych devet hodin. Z dtivodu, 2e bude velikY zajem navkivit PaS4jove hry v Bavorsku, Olympiadu v Aime a Spartakiadu v Praze, bude nutno zajistit si letenky Best nuesicti ptedem. Pi gte co nejdtive pro informace na zastupce spoleenosti KLM. Jeho adresa je: Stephen Valeik, 6402 Prague Street, Houston, 7, Texas.

SPOLEHLIVA POHROBNICKA SLU2BA Jsme pohotovi Vam poslou2iti bez rezdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv z ylagtniho poplatku. S nami mete mluviti &sky. My nabizime Polifebni PojiRerni pro kahleho elena rodiny.

Pete E. Etlinger FUNERAL HOME Elsie PraMk-Etlinger damska pomocnice BELLVILLE AND SEALY Telephone: Bellville No. UN 5-3121 Sealy No. TU 5-3535

Elea se domovnik domovnik pro fad Pokrok Houston 'Oslo 88. Mate-li zajem, dopig te tia: A. L. Hilsher, 1215 Heights Blvd. Houston, Texas, neb zavolejte telephonem U.N. 17083 nebo C-A-88424. 0 schuzku, projednati plat a podminky.

Wanted: Caretaker For Lodge Pokrok Houston No. 88. Interested person may write to: A. L. HILSHER, 1215 HEIGHTS BLVD. HOUSTON, TEXAS. Or Phone UN-17083, or CA-88424 for appointment to discuss conditions and salary.

ye stfedu, dne 26—srpna 1959

Strana 29


No Use , Ulcers are caused not so much by what Business is like oil, t won't mix with anything but business. Instructor at riding academy: "What you eat as by what's eating you. kind of saddle do you. want --- one with a horn, or one without?" Dude: "Without, there doesn't seem to be much traffic around here." •


A drive-in window of a Pennsylvania bank serves the financial needs of one driver every 84 seconds. During a year, the window handles a total of 63,101 cars.


TANEC:Ni ZABAVU v sokolovni 3221 N. W. 28th Street


ve Ft. Worth, Texas



Dallas SPJST Lodge No. 84 2615 Floyd St. Dallas, Texas

pri dobre hudbe

Joe Milan Orchestra


Kaid, je uctive zvan — Zabavnim Vyborem


Chuck Perkins and His Bavarian Play Boys




SPJST Lodge 88, Houston, Texas 1140 Robbie Street



$1.25 a plate Delicious Barbecue Dinner




p.m. to 12:00 MUSIC BY

Wesley (Gus) Herzan Orch. Everybody is cordially invited! (p)

Dance to the music of HOUSTON PLAY BOY ORCH. 9:30 — GRAND MARCH OF PRINCES & PRINCESSES Come out and see the Crowning of our Prince and Princess!

Strana 30


Ve stfedu, dne 26. srpna 1959

Don't worry about finding your staGrand opening of the new Sokol Hall be held Septa 12, and Sept. 13, at Dallas. tion in life, someone will be sure to tell and also of SPJST Lodge 130, Jaro, will Watch for detailed Program. you where to get off. Money isn't everything, but then you can't say it isn't anything. spirtAvNE VYKONANA POTIREBNi ♦ SLU2BA Some folks can shoulder responsibility V hodine zalu zarmouceni nalezwhile it seems to break the backs of nete Edward Pace polikebni nstav others. pohotove k sympatickemu vytizeni nezbytnYch jednotlivosti a k vyOCNI LEKAft praveni dojemneho pohtbu. Brfrle spravne ptipravene Levne cent' jsou nan zasadou Cas dle fnluv3' 513-17 SPJST Bldg. Tel. tiradovna PR 3-32411 Pohiebni teditel Res. PR 3-2687 e'en S.P.J.S.T. -Tel. Prospect 3-3666 TEMPLE, TEXAS Je \Tidy rozumne mut 113 N. 5th St. TEMPLE, TEXAS

Dr. Thos. N. DeLaney


Edward Pace

NONAT po ruce, v kaidf 6as, jest to Infra ochrany

ur6ena pro dlevu vfeda, zanetil, Skrabnutl atd. Objednejte dnes. Vence Asporna velikost $1.15. Pravidelnai, velikost 65a.

Wu Q.e. pAv 0916

R. C. MILLER P.O. Box 235, Altadena, Calif.

Dr, Chas. J. Hollub


pesky Lekat a Operator HOUSTON, TEXAS UN 9-1222 Telefon res. CA 7-2553 'Telefon Iliad. 711 Medieal Arts 810111111

annual dividend


Hilsher's Home Supply Co. 2020 Washington Ave, CA 8-8424 739 E. 20th at N. Main UN 9-1441 5225 Washington UN 9-3387 9219 Jensen Dr. OX 4-8831 HOUSTON, TEXAS. For All Your FURNITURE APPLIANCES and EVERYTHING ELSE FOR v'O HOME Be sure to See

HILSHER'S And Get BEST FOR ILEss,, CASH OR EASY TERMS Your Satisfaction Guaranteed And Free Delivery Service VAgE CESKE OBCHODY

Each account insured to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal Government Established 1926 iNSl7RED

SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 1301 Capitol, Houston, Texas • Dial CApitol 7.7002 OFFICERS

L. A. Kucera, President E. E. Chernosky, Executive Vice-President Dr. R. E. Maresh, Vice-President Hettie Chernosky, Treasurer Gordon Smith, Secretary

DIRECTORS E. E. Chernosky Dr. R. E. Maresh Frank Tesar L. A. Kucera Earl J. Wood Phil D. Woodruff Gordon Smith

Ve stteciu, One 26. srpna 1959

vIsTri K

Strand 31


Scandal is one thinp, that never gets Temper is a funny thing, it spoils Grand opening of the new Sokol Hall shop worn by being continually passed children, mains man, causes divorces, and also of SPJST Lodge 130, Jaro, will be held Sept. 12, and Sept. 13, at Dallas. around. and strengthens steel. Watch for detailed Program. Liberty is not a gift of God but a hard won achievement. Remember that,

BOLESTNA VZPQMINKA S velkou bolesti v srdcich syYch vzpominame na


8. zaii, kdy tomu bade rok, co nas navidy opustil nas drahST maniel, otee, syn a bratr

Roy George Kropp

Hodlate navgtivit Ceskoslovensko v roce 1960 a shiednout II. celostatni spartakiadu? Ceske narodni sdruieni bucle pokadati jarni vYpravy, kde budete miti velke vSrhody.

1. reservace na lodi i letadle 2. zajistene hotely

Smutne je to misteeko uprazdnene po Tobe jak bylo nam smutno se s Tebou rozloueit, ale vime, ie to byla

3. vstupenky na spartakiadu 4. pestO program v Praze

y ule Boil kdyi si nas opustil. My na Tebe stale vzpominame a pevne vcrime, ie Tebe Pan Bich odmenil za to lasku k nam.

Vge vykidi cestovtil kance BASTA-MUSIL & CO. Obrat'te se na pani Marii gmidovou — 3923 West 26th Street a nebo na kancelif

Tuto vzpominku Ti venuji tvoje manielka Doris, syn James Roy a tvoji vertu rodiee, Joe a Mary Kropp, tvoji bra t •i Joe D. Alvin J. Ray L. Kropp

BASTA MUSIL & CO. Chicago 23. Ill 3919 West 26th St. Telefon: Crawford 7-4800





Chartered by the CONGRESS OP THE UNITED STATES for yam*

Hotel Court

Safety and Convenience

3500 TELEPHONE RD. 1 BLK. E. OF HWY. 90A 2 ELKS. S. OF GULF FREEWAY PHONE WA 3-9741 11..1.041.0410•■0■0■0”.11•1•0111111.041•1111,0411

60 Air Conditioned Rooms, 24-hr. Coffee Shop 14-hr. Room Service -- Swimming Pool, Kitchenettes, Room-Side Car Ports Room Phones Reasonable Rates 1111.0■OONWOOMINN1100.11.041•11.0.1111.11=1.0.001..1111104.11•1.04

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cerny OWNERS AND MANAGERS


ft Types of Certificates Eltra.Mt

VIISTNIE VIEST,TIMAS CLASS E: 10 Pay Life, full benefit at age 1


stiedu, • ane srpna 1050 ne vyplacehe pojilte-

ni na $1,000.00.

CLASS JE: Endowment at ,age 18 full Tktda MX: lOti lets, imisova ochrana benefit at age 1 ktera se rank. zmentuje, zfistane Typlacene pojitteni CLASS G: 20 Pay Endowment, full benna $1,000.00. CLASS B: Ordinary fife efit at age 1 DA N. lOti 'eta itpisova, ochrana. CLASS PR: Preferred Risk, ordinary CLASS II: 20 Pay, Endowment at age 60 Clentim kteFI maji vypilleelife Full benefit at age 1 ne penize od SPJST CLASS 0:20 Pay Life Payor Insurance: This Order offers TRIDA N2: lOti leta, upisova, ochrana. payors of premiums for members in this CLASS D: 15 Pay Life tlenum, kteti nemaji piljedepartment the benefit of PAYORs INku na majetek od SPJST CLASS Et 10 Pay Life SURANCE according to which plan payment of premiums stops upon the death TRIDA 5T: 5ti lets lhutni. Obnovitelna CLASS F: 15 Pay Endowment a zmenitelna. of the payor. CLASS 0: 20 Pay Endowment Respectfully submitted TAIDA 10T: lOti leta, Ihutni. ObnovitelJoe B. Hejny CLASS H: Endowment at age 65 ni a zmenitelni. ) • 4. • t CLASS I: 20 Pay, Endowment at age 60 Tri.tDA 20T: 20ti lets lhutni. ZmenitelVtBER RUZNiCII POJISTEK na. V Detskem. oddeleni. CLASS K: Ordinary Life, Paid-up at 65 nasi SPJST TEIDAI JT: Dodasne pojlateni do 16 let, CLASS L: Double Indemnity Insurance, ktere se mule zmeniti na VYberte si die potteby issued up to the sum of kterekoliv jine poji'stent $5.000.00 TittDA B: Dogivotni, poplatky se plati kkdykoliv net dosahne 16 let. ag do smrti. CLASS M: Retirement at 65

Offered By Our SPJST

TAIDA C: 20ti splatkova dotivotni. Plny CLASS MC: 20 year decreasing mort- TAIDA PR: Ptednostni dogivotni obnos pojiSteni se vyplati gage protection with a TAU:0A C: 20ti splatkova, do givotni. Poptipadu unirti od veku 1 $1,000.00 Paid-up certifiplatky se plati pouze 20 let. roku. cate after 20 years. TWA D: 15ti splatkova, do givotni. Po Tri4DA D: 15ti splatkova, do givotni. PlCLASS MX: 10 year cleareasing mortplatky se plati pouze 15 let. ny obnos pojigteni se vyplati gage proteo*on with a v ptipadu amrti od veku 1 $1,000.00 Paid-up certif- T DA: E: lOti splatkova dotivotni. Poroku. icate after 10 years platky se plati pouze 10 let. CLASS N: 10 year decreasing mortgage TfitDA F: 15ti 'eta, nadaeni. Obnos cer- TittDA E: lOti splatkova do givotni. Plny obnos pojigteni se vypla,insurance, issued to memtifikatu jest vyplacen za 15 ti v ptipadu umrti od veku bers who have real estate let. 1 roku. loans from SPJST TE,H)A G: 20ti lets nada,eni. Obnos cerGLASS N2: 10 year decreasing mortgage tifikatu jest vyplacen za 20 TikiDA JE: Nadaeni v dosa geni 18 let; piny obnos pojiSteni se vY• insurance issued to memlet. plati v ptipadu funrti od, ve bers who have real istate H: Nadaeni ve 65ti let. glen ku 1 roku. loana from other than the plati poplatky at do 65ti let. MIST DA G 20ti leti nade,eni, piny obnos DA I: 20ti splatkova, nadaeni ye pojigteni se vyplati v ptipa CLASS 5T: 5 year term, renewable and 60ti let. du umrti od veku 1 roku. convertable DA K: Splatkova do 65ti let, dollTAIDA I: 2oti splatkova, nadeeni y e yeCLASS 10T: 10 year term, renewable votni. ku! 60 let, pinY obnos se vyplati v ptipaand convertable du finial od veku 1 roku. CLASS 20T: 20 year term, convertable TiUDA L: lavojnasobne firazove pojiatePayor Insurance: ni (Double Indemnity) ceronly Olentun v torn Detskem Odcertifikat se vystavuje do boru jest Jednotou poskyobnosu $5,000.00, dodateene JUVENILE DEPARTMENT tovana vYthoda ochrany k jinemu certifikatu. platky za ditko platiciho, CLAM xis : Tenn insurance to 18 years M: Pensijni pojistka. Po dosatetak zvanou "Payor Insurof age which may be cone ni 65 rokft stati 'Olen dostaance", kteratto °chrome, za verted into any other class ve. mesieni ptijem dokud mirny mesieni poplatek zbaof insurance before attain• Zemte-li pted 80 lety vuje, v ptipadu suirti platiing age 18. staki, dedici dostanou mesieciho poplatky povinnosti ni ptijem do 80 vYroei nadagiho placeni popla.tka na CLASS C: 20 Pay Life, full benefit at rozenin elena. takto chrinenY certifikat. age 1 Respectfully submitted, CLASS D: 15 Pay Life, full benefit at TAIDA MC: 20ti leta, apisova ochrana Joe B. Hejny ktera se mend zrnentuje, age ;1

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