Vestnik 1959 03 11

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE SPJST P. 0. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS

Official Organ of Slovanic Benevolent Order of Me State of Te BENETiOLENCE



11. BEEZNA (MARCH) 1959





Co jen milYch platel, bratrU a sestet- by lo jiZ odvolano posledni dobu z naSich rad Zde ze zpravy od br. tajemnika Chupika, seznate, Ze mimo jinYch °pet jsme ztratili Umrtim dva zaklaclajici Merry. Jsou to, sestra Terezie Valentova, glen ka radu Culak Oslo 165. Ona byla zaklaclanei elenkou naSi jednoty od prvniho eervence 1897. Laskave si pleetete zpravu oejlm sko ru v anglicke Zemlela dne 20. imora 1959 a budiZ Cest jeji, pamatce mezi nami zachovand. Zaroven teZ zprava br. tajemnika vykazuje, ze navZ(ty z naieho kruhu na veenost se odebral nai br'. Jan Jure,ak, kterY teZ byl Menem naieho bratrstva 62 let, telly od zaloleni nasi SPJST ode dne prvniho eervence 1897 PM sv:n situ nu byl elenem tadu Rovnost 6. 107 ye Ploresville, Texas Dle posledni zpravy od naSeho bratra tajemnika Chupika zt,Yva. mezi nami ze 782 zakladajicich naiich Blend pouze 30 na Zivu. Povaluji telly za east sv-Ych povinnosti Vas sestry a bratli na to upozorniti, abychom je obeas kde to inoZno dokud' jsou mezi nami s povdekern uctili. Je nam smutno v srdci kdy2 tyto vzpo minky na naie sestry a bratli piSeme. Ridnou ty naie lady tech naiich zakladatelt1 a men bychom ZivYch i mrtvYch s laskou a s povdekern prilaitcst ne vzpominat.

Ptes viechny teZkosti ktere se nail Jednote v mitmlych davnVch letech do eesty stavili, oni pevne vetili, ze naie bra trska Jednota svornou praei a dobrYin snaZenim, east() nespravedlive kritiky plekona. Razili nam cestu a verne setsvali, jsem fist, ze meli na sklonku sveho Sivota s ftspechu naM SPJST uplimnou radast. Chci zde jests vd'eme uvesti, ze zesnula sestra Valentova po schnzi ye Sweet Home mi tekla: "Etled'te k tomu, aby to naie bratrstvi se povZdy a vice projevo valo skutky, v teei, nebot' teei pominou, ale skutky ztistanou."„ Mela tato dobra sestra jiste svatou pra vdu. Necht' oba tyto naSe pionYti ocipoeivaji v pokoji. • Na ge zakladatele a jejich dobre snahy nesniime nikdy zapomenout! Vas redaktor —) •"' ero Radostna zprava Od noveho roku 1959 die zpravy od bratra HejnYho teditele organisaeni pra ce, ziskala naie Jednota 290 nOvYch V pooled' jest rad 66. Waco, s 19 eleny a hned za nim lad 34. v Dallas s 15 eleny. tad eislo 80. v Holland, ziskal 13 elenii a na etvrtem mists jsou dva lady spoleene a sice 'Oslo 130 v Dallas a 'isle 154. Fort Worth s 12 eleny kaZAST. — Na.: se plan! k snaZeni yge:m ostatnim

neozna. Oin iod uje, zOstiva Vzpomnel jsem zde pled easem, Se za dneShi doby obchod bez omezevani jen z volna a prospiva. Vztahuje se to i na obchody bankovni a pojiit'ovaci vie ho druhu. Viciime toho cinkazi kolem sebe. Oznamkou upozoriluje na setr„ obchod kterY jinak zUstal by nepoviimnutY. My, tot1Z, zveme oznamkou osoby, aby skusili zptisob obchodovani a jakost zbai ktere nabizirne. Naie Jednoty ktere nabizi pojistky at' jiz Zivotni, raznych druhti, i ty ktere poji St'uji proti Zivelnim pohrumarn. (MM., bouti; a jinYm pohrornam bez pravidelneho soustavniho oznamovani spolehajice se jen na soueinnost .elenstva, jsou rozhodne v nevYhode. Zatim, co spoleenosti v:/cleleene ziskava ji pomoci , dobte placen sVch jednateh: a systematickeho oznamovani nove a nove zdroje prijmu, naie bratrska orgarnsace tuto east a methodu roz giteni vetknou zanedbavaji. Nektere naie Jednoty sice vlastni organy. ale mnoho-li techto do dnes vni kne do kruhu sirsich zajemetl, mimo kruh sveho elenstva? Dovelte me zde poznamenat, i e lhostejnost naie je velice nakiadna. Za 0:17 (Pokrae-o;T ani

English Section Starts on Page 14

arane 4)


raPtter, Januar y 3rd, the Act of Con g ress of 3 F. 76 to Su p reme Lodge PODFORTOIDI 111,a1AS ,PIT

iuslishers SIM .ANY, WEST, TEXAS Subscri p tion 53.25 Per Year zasilati so do tIlavol Cutadevn9 460, Ten-ale. Texas • rp list be sent to Su p reme Lodge •. Tennile, Texas dresov5nv na se uv Ouif bezialatn6 !S. LODGE esident esident JR. Treasurer ill3P,Aq0VSKY, Bookkeeper A in Tem p le, Texas, Box 400 Attorney DR. MAR ,•

Medical Directo r. Texas

and District Te; , p le. Texas ThRd District

th District aa510 Bellaire, Blvd. Bellaire. Texas ED, P. SltALLA, Sixth District Rt. 1, Box 110, Edna, Texas LAS ER, Seventh District 2513 Nemec St.. as Christi, Texas t


STS Chairmen 0. 0. Box 1464 stlaita Falls. Texas STI' L'T`: N VALCII;., Secretary 402 Pra g ue Street V4 ,3115tOn I. Patas


Dne 7. brezna bylo vYroei jednoho z nejvetSich sync eeskoslovenskeho p atoda — Tomak G Masaryka, zvaneho presidentem osvoborlitelern, anebo jak jsme ho vMchni za jeho plodneho Zivota zvali: "tatiekem Ma,t,a:okem", kterY se nejvice zaslonZil o dosaLni svobody a samostatnosti Ceskoslovensholiclu Kde se v soudobe historli najde postsva, kterd by se mohla rovnat Masai ykovi? Byl synem ko • ho, nevoinika Da hr,bsburskem velkostatku , a kdyby se byl na rodil 0 rok &five, byl by pikel na svete take jako nevolnik. Potom byl pestunne kovarskVm ueednikem, ne'itelern, predrta sel na universite, byl profesorem filosofie, byl velmi nepopularnim zastancem historicke pravdy, elenem pariamentu a znenadani vtidcem sveho naroda, ortranisatorern jeho sil doma i za hranicemi, tvhrcem a vrchnim velitelem °pra ydove armady mun, kterd bojovala v Hu- . sku a. vykonala cestu kolein sveta. Stal se zakladatelern Ceskoslovenske republiky, jejim prvnirn presiclentem a po svem odstoupeni p •esidentern Osvoboclitelcm. Byl to velkk myslitel a humanists a take velkY statnik, byl to lielika.n 6.eskoslovenskiTch dejin. jehoZ si i cizina nesmime vaZila a cti dosud. Joh° jmeno bude •v"Z'cly symbolem velke ho hojovnika za demokracii a svobodu. Byl to clovek vy:SlY z l ido, kterY cely svt).j Zivot pracoval pro lid. V den jeho 109. vYroCi narozeuin verni Cechoslovaci po celem svet'e Amerieane eeskoslovenskeho pnvodu vzpomenuli dne 7. bPezna sveho Tomato G. s pocitern hrclosti, nebot' ten Masaryka to velkY' myslitel stale ,ije mezi narni cinch jeho nezentkel. ( a 0,

ji povinnosti Citim se, 2e jest rady a vybory techto dirtkliVe na to upozornit, by nez-li budon °net poradat spoleeenskon hen "Vyvolani eisel" ptesvedeiti u„mistnich lit ado s yY- 1.1 zda to to bra jest ti loch diVo!t••a. Mohlo by se pi7;1100U, Le btviete za pcradani toto hey (Bingo s Uredne stinane NeorlklarkIte toto vatovCirti nepavimoutd! ! ! Kdyi jinak nemiliete sve Jednote prospeti, prosim po pfeeteni Vestnik deite svenni sousedu neb piitely, kter(T dosucl neni v naAi Jednote.

Ve, st3'edu, tine

bi-' 2


e obchod pritele Kleaky v Fast Bernard inintilY vynorel. —Lituji. • . • „ a — Ze ha. poSledni cestu Slevatm. velka rads • pratol, rodiny a znaroYch. Nak aprimnd S-toast. — Byl poehevan ye West. ?e v ' sousedni Oklahome .se huct,u. ohCane pokol . ;c:t volbou 0 zrukni peohibice ktere jeHni v platnosti .(?) po 51. let, ale Y. kaS: rtfini mestt), Ze• pr f7 moZno keltpit lihoviny,

prY soud nadoduje kommiisttim al toto jednani oclsoudilo zdi'udeni americkY,tia pravnikil a oni by tornu snad melt rozumet - Za radiovY pro ze stanice New nglickY je libiv e; Braunfels tyto-ii.:-: S7 - Ze v Shiner pohitena 1:yla Dr. Kopeckeho kteed, natile skonala 13 tides, - Ze co toto pi:Seme zde ye West o nove osacinici se prisOhovali. \Mame le k nam. e J. L. Chervenka z Rogers je sedou Bell County Unit of Texas State Teachers Association. 0


phtcle F. B. Vrly slaviii 40 let sestrenko ma0.elskeho zdravi! preji Vara ohoum sI a - Ze man2ele StraZnickY z Rosenberg byli p a "flame v Dallas. Jsou aba dobri narodni a spolkove pracovnici. a zerntel bratr Adolf Valla v Ho , Istonu mini]' tYden• By toy v,'S'estrannY spitsobilY ochotnik a zajiste de bade v krotra syYch pratel dloaho vznominan. - Ze ten EnniskS7 §ici keouZek den, .§ich to sester, dobre•nrosp:va sic se tomu nedivini. Mail tam- dobre sily. C-r;, abymo:_>.1•16 se enicrch per o. Nahrac"

poi.. ;torrie,

Pro na§i Jed otu i letos se smOme vtici dohi'omady abychorn se mobil op:A radorati p konci i'oku.

Ve sttedu, due 11. biezna 1939

Strana 3


Zivotr poji'Steni jest dobrou investici v torn smyslu, ae kaZdY majitel pojistky ptileaitosti nayStevy Wacovskeho Bratr B. Mikolaj, Distriktni organisator ziskava od sve Jednoty zajiSteni pro eas tadu tazal se rune jeden teastnik na 'desoznamuje ,, naSirn organisatortm prvniho nutne potkeby. 4. 0 ke zpevnieky. i druheho okrsku, se nasledkem tohcr Adresu pani Charvatove ktera, ma, na druhy okrsek nedocilil vet§iny novYch pojistek v poslednim zavodu, jsrne ho- MinulY tYden poteSen'jsem byl navSte- sklacle eeskoslovenske pisne a zpevinky tove vysloutti -.viteznernu prvnimu okrs- you br. Leshikara z Waco, rovnea nav- jsem nemohi jemu dati a promo zdeluji ku hostinu. — Bude se vysluhovat na Stevou bratra a sestry Vitek z Fort Worth touto cestou, ae adresa pani Otakar Chat Koval dne 12 biezna v sini tadu 38. — bratra Chas. Holaska z Copus Christi, vatove jest — 3146 South 16th Street ONaSe vybrane or ganisatory obouch dist- br. Urbanovskeho, Kazdy a Zvolanka, maha 9, Nebraska. riktu jsou k neasti fictive zvane. Bratr 1\,11 dale ptitel Emil Tobola z Penelope se v Tea na sklade zpevnialy ma firma Pakolaj zdeluje, rozeslal pozvanky na tiskarne zastavil. L(ji gt'uji Vas vS'echny, cnerova y Chicarsu -- 6514 W. Cermak organisatory a pakli jste je neobdrZelt, ae nam tyto kratSi navAtevy jsou milYm Road, Berwyn, Illinois. hlaste se u br. V Batiny, Srnithville Rt. povzbuzenim. Bratr C. C. CherVenka se Kterakoliv tato firma yam poslmfai 1 pro podrobnosti tar> hostiny vitezt. tea stavil v tiskarne minulY tYden a pH.- seznamem zpevnieku dle vaSeho ptani. Pamatujte na den hostiny v sini na nesl nam vhadne zpravy o programu My zpevniCky na rozpiljeovani neinaKoval: pii Smithville dne 12. biezna, to chystanern okrskem v Seaton, Teltus. me. jest ye etvrtek (Thursday) veeer. 4 Nemilou shodou okolnosti, promeSlali t .■ jsme naMtevu bratra J. J. Mikesky, Ed. a Alberta Mikesky ktere na sve zpateeUP ni ceste z Dallas se u nas v tiskarne zaCo nevidet, hudou vase Josifky,Pejlei, . kere na§e stavilt. Lituji velice, ale pracovali jsrne Velice cittlelitY elanek pro ve S elenstvo ze psal bratr taj. Hlavni tkadov- doma, meli jste se ke rnne rozbehnout. J6kove, Pepieky a Josefnally siaviti sve svatky a proton ie jim vSena nebo kaideny v anglicke easti uvetejnenY. Ptijd'te zas. • e nau zvla§t' naln nelze blahopiati, talc Mel by bYti pozorne eten a o nem sveprosina tout° cestou pfijrnete na ge srde6domite uvaZovano. Jest nadmiru dalene pfani zdaru, spokojenosti a dobretio aitY pro na gi budoucnost. 0 eS ffi ( zdralieka, Iludente Vas vSeeh vzponnnat. .14 • ( ----------) x Meal davnYmi listinarni zajimave a vYznamne proto, ae vyjadiovali touhu lid Josef Vaclav Sladek:— stva pro svobodu jest jedno pro nas zde v SpojenYch Stated' obzvlaSte cena, — ktera :ads i dnes zavazuje ae tvotime jeVzchop se kziti, hlavu vzhtru, dno obeanske teleso dle rodneho listu abojuj, kdya jsi v svete ua, 2ivotni pojiSteni. nerntae bYti povaaova, mericke demokmcie. Byla zepsana poutblesk a blesk at' /dial chmuru, no za ukladani penez v obvyklem slova niky po nebezpeene dlouhe piavbe , pies to jsou aiviy, ty jsi mud! smyslu, nebot' prvni funkci PojiSteni jest ocean aby zaloaili na btezich Ameriky opattiti ochranu pro rodinne ptisluSniky zaklady mocneho naroda, acme, kterd Po nadeji nadej v 2iti v pripade smrti pOjiSteneho. Tate ach- se stala ritoeiStem a ptistteSim at' si triad vichru svist, rana, ptirozene, nee° stoji. Premie poji- dalSich poutnikii. Amerika nesmi zapodoufej, dokud slunce sviti Steni nemohou bYti srovnavany s ukla- menout na plamenna slova jineho bojona jedinY ZlutY list. danim penez v cennYch papirech nebo vnika za svobodu svedorni, Patricka Hen Spadne tea, — to bYti musi: ryho, kterY volal ye "Dejte mi nemovitem majetku. jesen deka na svtij lup, 2ivotni uojiSteni jest ukladanim obno- svobodu nebo dejte mi smrt!" klidne yKuk, ae vetve v kusy, A v stare pamatne listine, kterou naSi sit pro budouci blaho vaSi rodiny, vagich na sekeru eeka. dub. miloyanYch, investice, kterd vam ziska ptedkove vystavili co vYnos pra y — Pro uspoko.jeni a klid mysli, pramenici a hlaSeni Neodvislosti prohlaSuji toto: Ve svete kdy2 po vsem veta, "Uznavame tyto pravdy se Samortejme, vedomi, ae at' stane cokoliv, vase ty si klidne tekni: Jest! — se v'Sichni brie dle stvoteni jsou si revbude zaopattena. zoulat umi kaZdY saeta, Zivotni pojiStenim yam ziska, eas, ever ni; se vgichni jsou ob.:322,11mi svYm tvoti mua jen Ziti btime nest. gii a klid. protoae tento bezpeenostni telem jistYmi neodcizitelnYmi pravy; se S nadejemi, bez na.deji, plan nevyZaduje vaSeho dozoru a nepietr meal temito nalezaji divot, svoboda a vysmrt se nepta, vkm da klid; hledavani Stesti." fistava pak (lava adaiteho dohledu. bud' si, — to je prate jeji, Zivotni pojiSiteni jest. dlouhudobou in- ruku, s nelvetAi zietelnosti vYjadtenou, tva je, dokud an; jsi, vestici pro pozdejSi berstarostna, leta, dovolavajic se sveclomi7 "&sina nabcprotole kdya ua nebudete., pottebovati po Zenska zkottS'ka nesmi bYti kdy poladoV du.S1 jasno, v srdci silo, nitaete miti z nej prijem na od- vana jakoZto zpfisobilost pro kterYkoliv nezahazuj v bitve zbrari, poeinku. Statistiky ukazuji, se pojiStenci vetejnY utad, svetenY SpojenYmi Staty" stale vzhfuu, stale k aiji dele. Je to pkirozene, protole nentaji — "Kengres netna, konati ZacinVch zakodokud dYcha g, neustari! nti vflei zatizenina nabolenskym, aneb finanenich starosti. Posies, kdyZ to boute schvati, 2ivotni poj gteni jest jedinou investici, zaka2ovani svobody ku provozovani napadni, — jako kaZdY ktera vam umbariuje vytvotiti si majetek baZenskeho ptesvedeeni." vSak v bouti stati, To je slavnY odkaz Ameriky. Ale vaaijedinYrn podpisern namisto, abyste mazes klidne umirat. me si tohoto odkazu? na jeho ziskani dlouha, leta.

Potrebuiete zpevieky•

Zpthva z Taylor, Texas

Nas'e navitevy



Dluino si Ybeas

iivetnit pojfifeni 'ski klid a za patieni pro rodinu


Vzthop se k

idtrana 4


Ve stredu, One 11. brezna 1959

novenY deo jak ozuSineno. Doufame, to Pale okrsky L'udou brat ohled no naS" den. Dally oznameni a program pozdeji.

ni po dobu kontestu mezi prvnim a dru W"71-n okrskem, jste podle ujeduani opravnene k hostin g pH °slave naSelio vitez stvi. SCIrdZi. lerosim poznaete sob e datum1.2. brezPrvni okrsek V §estem okrsku jsou tyto rady:— na 1959 a jistotne ph j ed'te It ,tam na Prvni distrikt oznamuje, ze jejich jarni Koval' ten weer. schOze se bode konat pii Coikge Station Calhoun — County eislo 41, Bratr Mikcle j proto kontest p • otrod nedell v kvetnu to jest one 17. kvet- Colorado County eisla 8, 83, 144 hral bode nas i flak manZelky tam ten na 1959 v Shilow 1-la11 a nak zOrok'ne. Deevitt County eislo 31, 125 viler hostit peeennna norkama a jinS I rady v tomto distlikto jsou k fleas q no- Jackson? Cocaty eislo 133 ' 153 -mi.doblty. ne. v prvnim okrsku zdru2ene jsou tyto Law acs County aisla 3, 4, it, 16, 19, 23, 27, 45, 53, 140, 165. PJzval sebe i Shiny FIlavni flradovny i rady:— jejich manklky ., redaktora a i Poe hoary. ✓ oki esu Austin 22, 33, 37, 44, 59, 60, 3\4ata gorda County eislo 148 163 Wharton County eislo 28, 39, 10, 50, 5 Jsem,navy Sc vans to bode opravdu stat 68, 122, 141. 51. zato mezi nas ten vector pkijk ,. a se s ✓ okresu Bastrop 18, 38. Victoria County eislo 32, 97, 98, 143. ✓ okresu Brazos 39, 129. p aint vsemi pekne pobavit. Budeme Cclke'n tidy 31. radii. v:=3eciany na jisto oeekavat a tHinse se na ✓ okresu Burleson 7, 9, 17, 34, 100, 116, 120. Ws. okrsek S pozdravem a na shledanou ten ✓ okresu Fayette 1, 2, 11, 12, 21 , 51, 64, svoji scliftzi na den 26 teho zastayam ozamuje n 67, 103, 106. dubna to jest etvrta nedele v dubnu , dist. org. eislo 1. ✓ okresu Gonzales 57 Vaclav c*- 6 ( radii La Parita eislo 161. p21 Jourdanton, ✓ okresu Lee 13, 105, Texas -i3ratr tajemnik 3. Shortne2zags ✓, okresu Washington 14. oEtatni okr•ky aby jim tato nr,dfic le pro C elkem 34 radil. e tutu schrtzi byla la.skave poneciana -TaylorskY tad oznamuje, jejich PodrobnY nrozram bade v eas cznamen. DruhS7 Okrsck IVIajova °slava bade se konati prvni Oznamuje, Ze jejich jarni okrskova nedeli v kvetno t, j. 3 kvetna a podrobschuze jest planovana na nedeli odpoted nosti tohoto dne a to siavnosti budou ne dne 22 brezna a nice v Seatonske sizaveas oznamene. Dale tento kad Pra ni Pada 47. pobliZe Temple. Zae.atck o ha, eislo 29, planuje poindat sve 60ti leti 1 . 30 odp. Program trilade'Ze pod vede vSfroei zaidz":eni slavnostnim zptisobein a nim sentry Liejlov6 zapoene presne o 2. sloe 4tou nedeli v eervenci to jest dne iodine. KaZdY jest zvan. 26 eervence a ka'P,dY pas pritel jest na C. C. Cherveoka Dreds.da. tyto oba cloy Uctive zvan. --- Vice bode (Dokon.eei-d so strany 1) vYborein podrobne oznameno. Tieti olf,r.9e.k klad si beru miS" bratrskY pojiSt'ujici spo 133. v San Antonio bade oslavova,t Sestra tajemnice trails° okrsku ozna- lek SVPS zde y e West. muje, Ze jarni schOze tohoto okrsku koTento spolek by mohl nejen ale, ale 42 leti vYroei sveho zalo2eni dne 22 . blanati se bode v Dallas u HALT 84 na Floyd v tech naz;lch cetnych osadach rozvi- zna, celc,denni slavnosti, spoleenY obc1A ulici, dne 22. brezna (4t5 riled&le). Pofad nout neltiej11 agitaci ktera by nam info i veeere, tanec a naSe laudba bude zoveas oznamen. V 3tim okrsku ho prospela. si oznameni v CTOPISIT br Sazayskeho. zdrOene jsou, v Cooke County lad 101, znamo, Sc vydeleene spo Je nam v Dallas County rady 34, 130, v Ellis Ccun leenosti a jejich jednatele nikcie lad eislo 92. porada toneeni zabavu ve ty 25, 82, 135. v Grayson County rad 5, v a zis,kavaji nase pratele v znaenem sve spolkove sin), Roberts Cut off Road Hill County rady 71, 145, v Kaufman rad to v ka416 osade. Je to ke Slcode naich due 29. brezna (March.) t. j. velikcnoeni 110, v McLennan lady 6. 35, 36, 54, 66, spolkU, at' j2 to je kterYkoliv spolek a- neciale pri Foraiziove hudbe. KaZdY je 126, 128, 158. v Tarrant County .i".'ady 92, neb kierakoliv Jednota vitals 154 . i osade. West. byKu prikladu, v no S Sestra Sefeikova oznamuje, ze lad Hou Celkem telly 21 MOO. chom mobil miti SVPS odboeku ston 88., , porada pro svoji mladel tak tak silnou ph nejmen§im jak je pritornOhrsek Pat.3i ale boz agitate neporostome an zde zvan "Easter Eg g Hunt" a site v sobotu doe 21. brezna o 7.30 weer. Neza.poOznansuje svoji jarni schi.zi okrsku na ani jincic. menLe a prived"te vkchnu — den 24. kvetna. Misto a program boKdo se ma o to starat? de ozoo.rmm co nejclrive mOnc). Die naSeho nahledu Ueelna agitate by Pov' imnete si doolso v an lick Casti. 0 mela b ti soustavne usporadana a vede na z Illcivni Uradovny to kte , e Jednoty, ft ad Cottonwood eiflo 6. bude pro d i tgestS, okrsek a prospMo by to na ps wells. ky a pro oak ralade pl'atele tak Schitze ;;esteho okrsku S;PJST stanosve bratrske sluZby. 'Crestnik One 22. bie2:zvan "Easter Egg Hunt" vena na tleti nedeli v duonu o jedne naM sini pobiUT West na odpoledne iodine odpoledne due 19 duboa (April) a isle srdeene zvane a pNved't, ditky It 1959 v Moravia Rt. 4. Schulenburg, :rad Nezapomensrd•6nemu sus pobaveni eislo 23. te! ! ! ✓ padu nejake pHeiny, ze s:!latze by nemela bS7t odbYvana na stanoveny den Koval. Texas rok mini Treba, byl pro pas fistajernnik Mda aby by; o tom uvedomen Vsichni oreanisatori prvniho okrsku, pe, hled'Ine letos soolein_47m snaienitu lined !thy schtize inchia byt preloZ•ena na jimi den jinak schtize bude ve sta- kteri ste prodali pet tisic neb vice pojiAte dociliti jeAte lep;ich —



Ve stredu, dne 11. brezna 1959

Cteni bratti a sestry:Timto se Vam oznamuje, Ze behem mesice Unora, 1959, Hiavni idarloYna, SPJST, vyplatila pcji§teri pa na:Sich zemrelYch brattich a sestrah jak nasleduje: Umrti eislo 6742. Br. Frank Kuba, rolnik, od radu Svaz oechosiovann, eislo 92, zemtel 22, ledna 1959 ve stati 67. Do Jednoty ptistoupil 5. eer yna 1937. Cert. B1821 na $500.00. eisio 6743. Ses. Anna Krenek, hospodyne, od radu Pokrok Plunnn eislo 64, zemtela 30. ledna, 1959, ye staff. 91. Do Jednoty pristoupila 13. sruna 1905, Cert. A-2761 na $1,000.00. Umrti eislo 6744 Br. Charles Janeeek, delnik, od real Jaroslav VrchlickY, eisio 111, zemrel 19. ledna, 1959, ye star' 69. Do Jednoty pristouoil 1. pros. 1912. Cert.A-4984 na $1,000,00 Umrti eislo 6745. Br. Martin Lisy, na odpoeinku, od tacit" Pokrok Texasu, eislo 1. zemtel 19, pros., 1958, ye stati 69, Do Jednoty pristoupil 13. b3ezna, 1921. Cert. Pd-up 596 na $223.00. eislo 6746. Br. John Jureak, na odpoeinku, od tadu Rovnost, eisio 7 zemrel 30 ledr_a, 1959, ve start 89. Do Jednoty pristoupil 1. eervence 1897. Cert. A373 na $1,000.00. Umrti eislo 6747. Br. Frank V. Rychlik obchodnik, od tadu Ladimir Klacel, eislo 129, zemtel 24. ledna 1959, ye stet'. 70. Do Jednoty pbistottoil 23. dubna, 1916. Cert. A-5714 na $1;000.00. eislo 6748. Ses. Frances Slovaeek hospodyne, od radu Pokrok Texasu, eislo 1, zemtela 31. ledna 1959, ye staid 86. Do Jednoty pkistoupila 6. list., 1908. Cert. A-10016 na $500.00. Umrti eislo 6749 Br. John Chlapek, rolnik, na odpocinku, od tacit" Ilvezda Texasu, cislo 47, zemrel 6. unora 1959, ye stn ii 86. Do Jednoty pristoupil 1. eervence 1900. Cert. A-2829 na $1,000.00. Umrti 'Oslo 6750. Ses. Emma Pekak, hospodyne, od tadu F. B. Zdrdbek, eislo 112 zemi-ela 6. unora 1959, ye staid 70. Do Jednoty pristoupila 19 ftoora, 1934. Cert. 13-1001 na $500,00.


vice olejovYch majetkin od ke..du Neodvislost, eislo 76. zemiel 1. Unora 1959, ye staid 77. Do Jednoty ptistoupil 4. eervence, 1902. Cert. A-9329 na $1,000.00. Umrti eislo 6753. Br. Jos. J. Kleeka, strojnik hydraulickYch strojt na odpoeinku, od tad"' Pokrok Houstonu, eislo 88, zemtel 31 ledna, 1959, ye star' 67. Do Jednoty piistoupil 12. eervence, 1909. Cert. A-4502 na $1,000.00. 1.3mrti. 'Oslo 6754. Ses Marie Rohari, hospodyne, od radn Touha,, eislo 125. zemre la 5. Unora, 1959, ye stall 88. Do Jednoty ptistoupila 13. list. 1904. Cert. A- 5855 na $1,000.00. thnrti eislo 6755 Br. Arnold J. Martinets, na odpoeinku, ad redo Komensk. Oslo 20, zenitel 14. unora 1959, ye start 52 Do Jednoty pkistoopil 10. r , 1934. Cert. D-118 na $1,100.00. Umrti eislo 6756. Br, Vacla y Vincik, strojnik od tadu Vlastenec, eislo 45, zemrel 7. Unora, 1959, ve slat'' 51. Do Jednoty pristoupil 12. zati 1926. Cert. Pd-up na $134.00. 1Jmrti eislo 6757 Ses. Annie Stacy Tiro nek, hospodyne, od tech" Rozkvet Cooks Poins, eislo 116, zemtela 7. unora, 1959, ye staid 63. Do Jednoty piston plia 14. eer yna, 1916. Cert. A-6873 na $1,060 CO. llmrti eislo 6758. Br, Willie Jolutica, rolnik, ad tacit' Touha, eislo 125, zemtel 1.5. Unora, 1959, y e stall 75. Do Jednoty ptistoupil 11. fulcra, 1912. Cert. A-5860 na $1,000.00. Jmrti Oslo 6759. Ses Terezie Valenta, hospodyne, od tada Culak, eislo 165, zemtela 20. unora, 1959. ye staid 92. Do Jednoty ptistoupila 1, eervence, 1397, Cert. A-2189 na $1,000.00. Hlavni Utadoy na, SFJST, thrito vysJ.ovu je pozUstalm pc techto zenlrelTc'eh brat rich a sestrach, jeji nejhlubM soustrast. J. F. Chupick, taiemnik. Hlavni Arado yny, SPJST. ) e7.1.,

7rane 17s;-1 aclrosv pou'iljte tohoto kap, Supreme Lode SPJST. box 400, Temple, Texas. Madam Vas o zmenu me adresy jak na sleduje:Moje nova. adresa Jest:-

Moje stare, adresa:--

Oslo 6751, Ses. Martha Vesely, ho spodyne, od raclu Woodrow Wilson, eislo 146, zemiela 7. ledna, 1959, ye staid 73. Do Jednoty pkistoupila 5. srpno, 1923. Pat Cert. A-3873 na $1,000.00. Umrti 'Oslo 6752. Br. Otto Stehlik spry

k tadu 'Oslo S pozdraveM P


Od Radii 1,Sj

C. 6 . SP.IST

bratti sestry:-"6311w()°6' T(xas PraYidelni schtze radu oislo 6. v Cottonwood, Texas, byla konand v nedoli 1. bteZna 1959 za pekneho Poeo,si tohoto kadu na Cottonwood ; za pritoumosti hodoe Cloud a neySteYnikti". Br, predseda, Jos. Joneeka seiniZi ye 2 00 odpoledne a pall;:. poladal 0 preete`ni protokoli ta,jenn"ici. pi. Marie Janeekovou z postedni solnitze, here byla konand 1. Unora 1959, Tr.,1 ) proiokol byl prijat jak bvi &ten. Byl Loden navrh Di. Ruth ...2anovou, pro aby byl potadan "Easter .miadet", ktery bude brozna t. r. - Zverne vechny ditjcy patti k na.erau spoiku wood aby se sdtasudli tore thbavy ktere zabaVe bude kterem. budou uOinkOvat dal naSieb Cloud. Tana nas v teto schtlzi brat ra redaktora, na4'ho naileho W:itniku L. 0. Ho§ka, kterY k main pran"].a.711 a p nam hodne zdaru a naSc1:-kb ri-nlu a take naSi Jednoty SPJST. Po ukoneeni teto zdarile Sebilz,e za tomnosti mnoho Cent byi, p0lprayena chutna svaCina, ktera p0 itavala z do c• tala par breho barbecue, ktere Antonio March a z "ere elenkyne tohoto re.du pkinesly - jako sCtla,ty, zakusky, zemakovY salen ill.Prttto elenkyne chutne svaeine ySichni glen se srcle(me bratfi a sestry, pros nezapomen to na 22. unora ma ria.. ; "Ea, • -0 Hunt" u, Jo 6. SPjnae. ho icadu na Cottonwood ST, no kterY se te§ims, jai . kterou oec4 •• rri.0 i ease nein peetu. Se srdeelaYm pozdravem no shied non, Va:,." zpravoclaj, VolMk. Raj71110:L . t Texasu, Oslo 47 SPIST Sri I on, Texas Sestry a bratti:posledni schnzi nakho idda bylo oznameno, ze okrskova schtIze druheho okrsku se bride odbYvat v nt. • c.:61i 22. brezna. Podrobnosti proesramu sdeli sestra Clara Hejlo y a nak cvieitelka mlade2e. PH Estee nrilelitosti Cace take usooHlat. 'Eastar hiedani velikonoenich. sioolkc," Egg Hunt) K :.ote seMzi zv;: bratty a pit;Itt•,! mezi chni kdo Na listku nemociVch mame nekolik Menu. Bratr Rajmund syn Jos. Mikesky (ja mu kikam Pepik) onemocnel nahle srdeenim zachvatem jak jel

Vt S T N I K

Strana 6 na letadle (aeroplanu) do Dallas IT nede li 1. btezna. Byl dopraven do nemocnice. St. Paul v Dallas, ale jeho sta y je dobrY a podle zprav, bude meet brzo jet domu. Br. Jan Btedka, ktereY neni clavno s prestupnou listinou byl pkijat do naSeho ka.du je v nemocnici, ale ui" je na ceste k uzdraveni. Driv zanet plic byl preva2nou vetSinou smrtelnou nemoci, ale dnes diky penicilinu zanet plic neni tak nebez peony. Dale, jest delSi dobu na Mau upoutan br. Jos. Dana star:si a jeho sta y v jeho veke (je mu 86 let) je beznaciejnY.-Trpel 1.1Z delSi dobu nesnazemi zraku ale pOsled ni dobou ztratil zrak skoro nadobro a k tonal oehromnul na nohy. Je to UM pakroeileho start. Operaci musila podstoupit Marie Chlapkova, manZelka br. Jos. Chlapka ml. Br. Ka§par predseda radu mi sdelil telefonem, 2e pry se zlocleji vloupali do ka.dove sine a ukradli z tarn odtud skladaci Zidle. A prave v nedeli ye schtizi jsme meli debatu•ohledne pojiAteni padu krade2e a yandalismu (zIomysineha poSkozeni) a koneene vyrizeni bylo od lokno do dubnove schtize, zatim si nekdo pospAil. Dostali jsme navAtevu z L ittlefield, Texas Pita], se sem podivat br. Jos. Andinec, -kterY ztravil svoje mlada beta a pak se odstehoval do zapadniho „ Texase. Br. Jos. Aneinec rna sveraznY humor a je s nirn mile .pohovorit. Kdy2 tady byl Ueastnil se einne sokolskeho hnuti poked Sokol u nas existoval. Radi jsme ho mezi rebou videli. bratrskYm pozdravem Karel Kalenda, dopisovatel.

Pact Velehrad eislo '19 Schulenburg, Texas Mill etenari: prgi jen se leje a venku stejne se nada. nic cleat, tea zas yarn je,q e napiSu co nam nevlastni tata vypravel kdy2 byl v dobre nalade. tea do tretice vSeho dobreho. NaSim sousedem byl takovY. malt' elovieek, jmenoval se — ale co by . Vam povedel jak se jmenoval, stejne jste ho neznali a mate to za jedne penize, jestli vite jak se jmenoval, nebo ne. Byl to tako yY maliekY elovieek no, hotovY chrirst, aaba by ho Iehko preskoeila, tak se aspon lido vysmivali Stryk se na to eertili ale kdy2 videli, 2e to je jeSte horS1, pravili toe si zrblejte co chcete kdy2 vas to teal. — Stryk byli aji na vojne, aji knatY a zas se lido paklebovall, 2e mama iich k osentu aji za galanku v lochtun nesli. de se neradi a dycky cosik musa vymyslot a dopalovat. Stryk byli vyudeni kovarem a byli kovat zruenY ale nejradeji kuli u Volneho


Ve stiedu, dne 11. bkezna 1959

v :. .,enku a u piveeka a vysedel celY Bo- nekteril hruSke a alj te2 domt. Zi. den. Zenu si urneli pekne vybrat. ZaTo2 to je konec vypravovani, nevlast dek mela jako almaru to aby pry mohla niho taty, a te2 zas cosi jineho podana. VAS" strYkovi v kuZni poma.hat a perlikern se dobre ohanet ale kcly2 1.1uz to strY§kovo Ferd Miduika. vyseciavani v hospode nebralo konce, tet ka strYcovi nabandili po chlebarni., Ze ju lad Nova Morava Oslo 23 meli opuchlti jak banu a strYk se pare Sehulenburg, Texas dni ani mezi lidi neukazali a kclyZ jich Sestry a bratri:-potom Jude dopalovali jestli jim tetka Tak ta rose okiskova, schaze se natldkla, vrteli sebou a byli uraZeni, a Cho okrsku ktera bode konana 'ado na. co by, ale to ty zatracene zubjadka u2 Moravia, Texas v mistnesti osadni me trapi a kolim noel. 2e stre na vojne due 19. dolma 1959. Je potreba aby se byli: (trebas luda nad tira potra5;ali hla- v priSti kadove schazi u naSeho rack; eivami) dokazuje. ze umeli na pjasti vytru slo 23 nas hodne pride do schdze. Bratri bovat v§ecky vojenske signaly, no raciest a sentry bodeme hodne potfebovat porno poslouchat -- ask byli u vojska hornis- ci abychom se patriene mohli dojednat v tt. pravidelne schtazi priSti. Buda se konat Kc.lyZ tak jednuc se :Senke marSavali do druhou nedeli v mesini brezna o civalah mu, hocIne napareni u suseda vyvO2ali hodinach ocipoledne dne gho brezna tak prave hndj a ye voze melui zaprahli sta nezapomente a pkijd'te do sahtze re vojenske kone, pravili jim "remunS bratrskYm pozdravem dy" a ty jak slyseeli strykem kovatern kra J. Kallonek. * sad vytrubenY " general marS" to2 hlavy vziatiru zcir2 nezdr2 vaecko marne i s imoj El Campo, Texas nYrn yozem do parady a do Party jak. lilysastry a bratri a ctena redakce nage byly zvykle u vojska a2 poznali sviij oho Vestniku. my' toZ, se daly uchlacholit. Ta umeii Zajiste vSichni pozorujeme, a take no strYk ka y ak vytrubuvat. ni o torn spore, ze z jednojazyenosti eeVedle kuzne men stac7 c vend' loarSku skoslovenskeho soolkoveho a narodniho "medunku" Ca cukrovku a na tie strYc si Zivota prechazime do dvoujazyenosti, jiZ zakladali, ani pan farar nemali ta- delSi eas, ji2 cele et yrileti a -v gude je kove ye farskej zahrade, tea meli ba se prizpOsobovati, zvlaSte tarn, kde nod dim zakladat a vartovali broSku jde o nell miadd, z nichZ: chceme vyye dne v noci, jen dyby tej hromske hos- pestovati, vedomi eeskoslovenskeho ptipody nebylo, ta by byla velkYm lakadlem vodu a zachovati je pro nab bratrske a toho se strYk neuvarovali a tak jednuc Jednoty a vSeehny nab or ganisace a kdy2 strYk zas svodu podlehli a my klu- zdruZeni. Do no:lama nak Ceska fed ci statiTa vyaihali, Ze sir v iramku, hajcly byht hlavnim pcjitkem naSeho spolko na hrUSky meduky. No meli jsme demo sa y am Zivata, a namnoze dosud jest, a ml rUzneho ovoca. jablek, slivek. tko. 7,sai vgak zhleclavame, ze ledacos bychom dues aji hruSek, ale toe marne dyZ ci ciziho jiZ neudrZeli a mnohe krasne vYsledky kolikrat hor:Si ovoee lepSi Smakevalo no sve prace nemeli bychom komu predaa ten spas, teZ za nen stal. Toz sine ta- ti, kdybychora nepripustili dvoujazydnost tove gate" vycpali slamia kabat tM no hie ktcra umoZnuje ha§ema mlademo lidu, vu klobuk a chlap hotovY, vynesli rat aby pracoval s nami a mezi namj. hru§ku a na vrSku uvazali aby chlap Prozatira v teto veci je skoro wade spad! TeZ sme od vrku ovazanY dart sta y velmi priznivY pisi tady hlavne o hnali okes spare do kuzne kde byli jsme Zivete v radech neni Jednety. VetSina na schovani. Kdy2, strYc na zetmivku kobr- sick radii uZiva vYhradne reel eeske, jatali z hospody, brblali a na celY suet ko feel jednacj. Ale tam kde si zvolili nadavali, aji nosem ohrnuli hremadku do nradu lidi mlade, tarn se uZiva keei kamena, a jak cio:Skol y tali se post loE;ku, anglicke, nebo oboje, my v kuzni schovani zadli drAtem trZajiste se v,ichni teSime na to riar.,.1 hat a hruSky se sipal y strYekovi na Na- okrskovou schOzi, kterou budeine had va. "Basam teren tete, co to?" Potvora clot! v Mora y!! 19. dolma, pod zaStitou zlodej a ty late snalena, toe ty tak ? Hued rade Oslo 23-4 nehot' kaZda takova solid dolU lebo to zastrelim jako vralaca", ale ze je mild, ponevad2 si pri ni popovidame hruky se sipalv dale. Stryk leteli do cha a vzajerane se poteSime. KaZdY mama lupy pro takovY stare Aver kanslami nejakou starost a neco r yas boll a kdy2 pleskali po chlapovi na hro'Sku ale ale- si to v:=3echno navzajem svekime, je Man dej nic, strYc dostali sami strach ba byli pak lecheeji. Mime radost z toho, 1,-10,1; povereivi as hruza, to musi bYt jakYsi vidime to nai mladli generaci mezi adancikrist. JeRe krideli na zlodeja "a te2 mi. My stall. to radi vidime jejich epo se tech hrnAek naZer, at' ti treba aji laa- luprace si vaZime, coz zajiste i je pote'Si, chor praskne," a utekli My zebrali jen kdy2 oni vidi, ae jsou nam mill, V teto

Ve stredu, due 11. btezna 1959 vYrodni schUzi se budcu voliti okrskovi firednici a po yclbe Utednikti by jste pamatovati i na zvoleni okrskoveho pisovatele, nebo dopisovatelky do nakho Vestniku. Kdyby napsali jen nekolik rad kit a nekolik povsbuzujicich slov z naSich schuzi, nebo radove, organisadni ein nosti prispeli by k spestreni Vestniku a take i k mvYkrii zajmu o svaj rad, okrsek, ba celou Jednotu. Nak okrskove schnze maji vSecnny stejne poslani a v uspotadani jsou si podobne, ale prece to a tam pi-ijde rozdilny nebo odlEnY navrh, jen svedei e tom, Se se hledaji stale cesty k zvysex,i uSiteerlosti, tedbto mhromaSdeni, pro Sivot radu, okrskrn Jednoty. Schtize tyto maji predev!;'im iteel oSivovaci a posilujici. Podava se na nich prehled vYsledkft prase, pro dalSi roskvet nai,;. 1 mile Jednoty. Zastupci rachl by men si povedeti. teSkosti nebo radosti jejich radu, vypravjeti o sv, r 311 zkuknostech a s cinosti spolkove, v rose minulem a vsichni pak pesuzujeme eo nam prospiva a co nam skocii. Do kaSd'ej okrskovej schuze, brijedou naSi, hlavni tednici, aby nam. Dadali zplavu o stavu a. pokroku nazi Jednoty. My nemame, ani jsme nikdy jaksi predepsoneho a. tiskem yydaneho voditka, pro rimeni na:Sich okrskov.)2ch schtizi, ale v:Iude si no'Si dobti pracovnici vyznadi postup a noradek k jednani podle poti'eby a okolnosti. Bez techto okrskovYch i i'adovYch schitzi, by spolkovY Sivot zajiste brzy uhasl, nebot' nebylo by toho osveSeni a lasky k tadtim a k Jednote. takovem bratrskern duchu se sejdeme 10. dubna doufame na Zaroven zdeluji zaznam organiso(mi pr.i.ce. a jmeno organisatora, Ralik kter- pejistil za mesic imor: 3,00000 Mrs. Carrie Bohadik 3,000.00 Mrs. Anna Havlik 3,000.00 Leo Krause 5,000.00 Chas Holy 2,000.00 Mikuleneak 1,000.00 E. P. Sralla 1,000 00 Ostoja Muniza, 3,000 00 Fr. HloSek 4,000.00 Senkylik S pranim daniho 15spechu znamenam ir. .Senkyiq k disc. ors. Wheelock, Texas Cteri t bratre redaktere, mile sestry, brat ri a ffatele"--: Posledni dobou obcArSel jsem nekolik dopisf.l. a po qovnich listkit od etenaPU nakho Vestniku. Vybizi nan6 bych pakradoval v dopisovani do nakho Vestniku. Jedna naSe spolusestra rune zvlaSte poteMlo, Se se snaSIm aby na ge ;,:eska. east, v nakm Wstr.C.ku nezahynula. Mirad bych Vam vkm odepsal, lt


Strum 7

ale nevi none to moSno a kdyS vas vzpo- Frankfurt, Byla to loci' nova a jak menu v naSem Vestniku to patti ram clan vary rychle jsme se vmdalcvall ad vSem, Prosim vzpomente si obeas na breha nil mile Amulky, nine da none to vedemi, Sc mojc doPisy Pokraeovani prii4e) etete a Se ptec jen nekeho potehn a mo- VaS", je namoha nevi nadarrao. Frank Vytop Dnes Vain zaenu vypisovat nose cesCorpus Chii.sti, Texas tovani do stare vlasti a moatky send do Ameriky doufam Se to bode etendre za Paraatuji c na cleby mojeb jimat. kdy2 kiuci od desiti nahoru si pochutBylo to v roku 1911 v mesici zati rochee navoli na kouPeni tabaku a ci garet. To prodali farmu dobytek naradi a tak dale, tatovi jestli kouril cigarety potajmu vzali a nekcle v zatiSi'sj na nich pochutnaSe se vystehujem do stare vlasti. Moje rodiee bydleli v teto semi ten- vali neb byl-11 tata, kutak fajek, tak krate asi dvacet let, Lair ze ja a sestra pomorovone se debt s tatou o tabak fajjsme rozeni v teto Sestra zerare ko yY, kterY se zattdil do papiru v po6oeigarety. Kdy2 byl starSi, tak si la v roku 1945. Roku 1911 17. rijna na take nejokou lajfeieku svejeho .Q."!.nazi bYvale farme bylo jakc pa vyhol'eni a tes ticho. Na -Leto farme jsme bydlell robku K tomu kdyS se r,ecloStaval tabak, deset let k vederu tohoto dne sedeli jsme tak 'east° se rometrelo, nejake listi a vi. e mrohYm chutnala i zemapied domem na lavici. Za chvili pro nas de" jsern 2 prijel spolubratr Frank Elsner ,'tarsi na kova nat'. vozi a jak jsme na yUm nalaZili kulry te2 Ji , jsem meal take kouilt cigarety- a my nasedali. Bratr Elmer vzal oteSe do to potajmu kdy2-mi bylo 15 let. Byl jsem ruky a rekl no tak vijo. Btjh vas vypio tehdy v uceni a mistrove cibali any Sad-, vazej na vaSi daleke ceste. Jak isme li-i ny used nekouril, asp.ofi no v jebo pritom 1Vfel jsem kamaracia, o rok naiad jell do Bryan ktrfry jsme nechali na Sektery none ponotikal iou koure leznieni stanici koupili listky do Galv:_<; . ;iho tonu a jell k bratranku 'Petr y, Vyto pilo- - neb on ri.d keuril mifno c:;iQ'aret i fajfvi no vedeil kdee teS byli pritomni brat Jednou rids oba, nas mistr spozoroval ranek Pavel Mikulec a tetieka Mikulcova po put nod jsme sll na stanici a as chvi- a v dobrote domluvil, aby ,isme ko-ae.Tii h "personka" ptijela a pa srdeenera roz- zanechali, ale my po tajmu koutili diii. loudeni my nasedali a ubiralf se Jo Col- jen s vetAi opatrnosti. To bylo ye stare vestonu. Musim poznamenat, Se vM-J,4-ini vlasti. Videl jsem Ide po Yekove na, falma.c.h nas k vlaku yyp rovodill a U:S. napiSu, Se vSichni jiS odpodivaji sea veenV l.en ja nok deske star'Si Seny koutit ne cigare a bratranek Pavel Mikuiec jefte Sijeme ty, ale fajfky a ne pri vafeni rich pfl jikdyS jsme ku Galvestonu, to ne praci , v dome. jako' ns, pilklad pii obylo nee.° pro mile a sestru uvidot telik patrovani ditete, nynej'Si manly vody jell jsme jeSte pa tom stavern mos- si poctuttnavaji no cf. arete v fzstech. tu jak jame jell z vlasti mPatky jiz Isule jsme najate Me:,Akarly no, praci jell po to velke 'luau jiS ji mell dodolo- pokud jsme bYvaii na forme a skoro kaSiiou. KdyS jsme prijeli do Colvestoou da starSi Mexikanka si umela sama ftSli jsme do hotelu k panu Krilanovi kde dela ci gmretu se zruenOsti ktere jsern bylo veselo Na vkchny strany bylo sly - se obdivoval. Take jsem duel nanocl-_,,bit Set deskou red neb nekolik krajonft jednou rukou matodit eigaretu z priprave krajanek teS jell do stare vlasti. Otee vy- neho tabaku a papirku ale jaksi 510,11 co bylo treba k vederu Se bude.m se- to neda.tile, tick jak tend oddan9m kudat na led'. JO se sestrou jsme se procha ka.kfma ciParet JO kem daval pre ost f'ajfce a clzeli po me e ts vkcIono narn bylo vmaene aS •isme mabloudili ale Se ja od malieka garam pied cigaretan I. av§ak 12 rokil jsem mel debrou v ytidliku zeptal jsem zpatky na rodu lekarti jseni koufenj zase policisty a ten nas nampatek hotelu nechal. K veceru isme nasedali no nod' An eridanky AngloSaskeho pCtvoctu slunieko se brave klonilu k zapadu kclyS za se. libovaly na pouSivani "snuffu" ale sirenTna loch zadaly piskat, lod' pomalu rolsto ifiuparri neb dichani si nainadely maeola pa nxoii plouti. My, cestovatrie koledek v tom tabaktt a ten drSely za _ „ II- spodnim pyskem. still Pa palube a closti velka s di stala na bi7e.bu, my mavali tiny a ':do Na veefjnosti Seny me zdroYalY od jako 'hooky a yolali Bye Bye a oni more tabaho ic. I c Vrobn a pi Dili rain Wastnon cestu. ))07.lyani liboyin. Na tento obrazek nikdy nezapomenu. Mrioho miliona dolarft. je utraceno taZdalo se nine, i=,'e I to krasne slunieko r,6s bakovYmi barony na, omnamovani a zv:,/ yyprovazi a Selma nam na nazi dalekou Seixl jejich pf'5jinft, ra akor lidskomu zdra. cestu. Tato lad' byla nemecka jmenem vi. 31.:"A S

Strum Pri cteni novin a pozorovani TV shleda me, Ze koureni cigaret zaujima predni mista mezi jinYmi aznamkomi, propagae nimi, aby byly co nejvice lakave tak se pouZivaji najati rtrzni herci, jen2 doporueuji zdravi Skoctlive produkty. Nic by mile neprekvapilo ; kdyby jednoho tine se na. TV objevily obrazky, kde. na priklad byl otiSten jeden takevY vzor v Corpus Christi Caller Times denniku nred nekolika mesici Ten obrazek se vyjimal oproti jinYin obrazkfim jako kclyZ, pri10,ime pest k oku_ Byl .to chlapec kterY dr2e1 zapalenou cigaru v hube. Popis pod onYm obrazkemna svedeoval toniu, Ze jeho tata s mainau byli tudi had svojim uminen:;im- synaehem kterY si navykl na ka 7Modenni key_ reni cigar. John Stria.


je relief T. G. Masaryka. Aby zciuraznil spoleeenstvi demokratickYch naroda americk.eho a 6eskoslovenskeho a podil SpojenYch Statti na obno ye eeskeslavenske samostatnosti, venoval Polakk Ceskoslovenske republice soclnl presidenta Wilsona. Byla za Ueasti americkYch krajonit slavnostne postavena pied WilsonovYm nadraZim v Froze a za nemecke okupace byla symbo lem nadeje nakho lidu v pomoc Ameriky. Promo ji zniejli a proto ji komuniste nedavolili obuovit. Krome folio pamatoval Albin Polakk na rodnY kraj sochami 'amistenYmi na RadhoSti a v rodnem raest. Na odpoeinek odeSel naS slavnY sochar do Winter Parku no. Floricie. Ale odpoeinek se priei PolaSkove po yaze. Treba• te2ce onemacnel a je nyili upoutan do ko leekove tidle. Mistr Polae.k nepiestal krajanii ve sveio pracovat. Kresli, moluje a madeluje je pin ZJJ.1 -111 o ykeko a .1)11,1 hult?ru na— Z 'Rakouska jsme dostali mravu, diky introkam nekolika jct ,,incit bylo ra- kaz, ze jako valycky, i I 1' (lavewis viu. kouskou poijell rozputena "SdruZeni es. tezne zmahat nen •izen aby Pripojujeme note uprchlikti v Rakausku" kteie melo adresu Salzburg 1., Postfach 178". Upozornuje- se tento naS inistr t6111 jeS".te inn3ho me na tutu okoliiost z y laStel na • kraja- lepSiho zdravi a vrelY dik, za y:6,e to co ny, kterY do Rakouska naSTira uptchlikam Pro si gma nakha nuena svYm dilern vy, posilali rUzne vecne, dary a penize. Zpra konal. vu o zruseni SdruZeni princsly take "Videnske svobadne listy" dne 6. Unlora 1959. telV OePOC Ntr;6. — Jak, nam sdelll br. Josef Rou;§ar, precise da MenMnove rall y Ceske a slovenske vetTemple, Texas y e v Rakau--Iku, ve Vidni objeven dhm Cteni broth, sestry a pratele:— v kterdin bydlel T. G. Masaryk. MenSiZde potvrzuji prijem dart, ktere kern nova raids se usnesla, .Ze na nevi letos od posledni dobu obdr_Zel no SPJST. Rest hall pametni deSku. Popud k cele akci Home. vySel od br. l t.. Nekoly, kterY Vicien navPani Rosalie Dujka, Fast B. ^^tivi.l lucre fete. Socialoi peee o nak uprchliky v Ra- no ucteni pamatky jeji sestry Anna $5.00 kousku je nyni v rukou Dr. J. Andriala, Mayer Orchard, Texas 5.00 kterY je vedoucim iirednikein AFCR a -a-- Pan a pi. V. J. Kahanek Dambury roduje v tabore Glasenbach 1i Salzburku Pani John Chlapek, Temple ; Texas a v rukou nekolika obetavYch naSich kne no ucteni pamatky jejiho clobreho 3.00 mezi nii nit na prvnini miste je Rev. rnankla John Chlapek. E. Pitrun. Oba doparueltji, aby anti kraja $13.00 ne byli y e styku s jednotlivYmi uprchliky Ceikem ;sem obdrZel Vzdavam srdeene diky Uinta darctim v Rokousku pokud je dabre neznaji — za,tyto jejich mile dory. Daufam, Ce buapotrni. 4 e. deme pamatovati se svYmi dary no tutu dobrou a lidumiimm vec. Albin Pold§e.k osmdesatnikern Dale zdeluji, Ze mime je q e sedm mist Ve Winter Parku no Floride se clo'Zil osmdesati let Albin Polakk, ,jen2 rags v nakm Domove octpoeinku nevypine.s yYmi soCharskYmi dily proslavil ye Spa-- nYch. Prato tedy zdeluji, Ze kdo by mel j enYch Statech. Jeho price, z nichZ nano zajem jiti do Douai Odpoeinku pritilaste he byly pocteny precinimi umeleckYmi se co nejdrive. Davame prile'Zitost na,M.m lidem aby se prihlasili. Av'Sak jestli se cenami. jsou v rilzOch galeriich kYch a ovSem i v Chicago, kde Mistr mno neprihlasi, tedy vezmeme jinonarodavce. rich chceme miti Domov Ocipoeinku vyho let ptisabil v Art Institute. ' Svou addanost e_ekoslovenskemu net- PlnenY. Abysme mohli uplaceti nate parode proje 7711 r lack harlivou podporou yinnosti. Proto kdo mate zajem zajecrte prvniho i drubelta odhoje. ale vyjadril ji se podivati do Domova odpoeinku. UjiSru umelncky rhohutnou sochau blanicke- ji vas 2e se Yam tam bade v:sechno llbiti. ho rytire, ktera nyni 5• toji lured Chicag- MinulY tYden byli tarn od zdravotnitm skou universitou a no jejimZ podstavci odboru z Austinu. Bran obrr.;.zky, ktere

Ve stre u, dne 11. brezna 1959 budou v rtrznYcla mistech ukazovati, pra vili, Ze to jest nejlepSi Rest Home ye wItchni hr state. Na co by jsme 11,611 cli Ze jsine neco takoveho vybudovali S bratrskYm pozdravena Chas Novratil. poklaclnik SPJST Rest Home 816 E. Ave A. Temple, Texas ) 6

u:44; Lucie po • s , • ji priSti schtizi dne 12. brezna poeinaje o 10k00 y e etvrtek v ra , i(3\;6 tmdove no Roberts Cut oft a hastitelkky budou sestry- MilEsta Illubenak a Tillie hills. Jute sestry vSechny sudeene zvane. Prived'te tee Vak nOv q evy a pratele. — Na se pcviedi4 schnze byla velice zdatila do u fame, Ze pro clabro nak a pro EaS1 unrimnau pratelskau Nhodu budeme dobre pakrM',Ovati. Vestnik se teSi na do bre zpravy od Vas. -- Na zclar. Ze Oeiho krou'iku Cosa v Ennis Ennis, Texas V naSi schuzi 5, brezna, bylo pritomno 27 sester. Ze jsou ty nose sestri6iky to kove mile a privetive, tak, jsme ziskali 4 nove elenkyne a sloe; pi. Bolenu Tupou, irivae:rovou nati Botenky Tope a tak mame d y e jmenovkyne, bade as nutno si je nejak s pridzivlcem pismene oznaeit, ktera je kterou si prejeme oslovit, obe jsou ale mile. Dale jsme &as. julii Maealik, ktera posledne byla u mats navftevou a ze se ji men riami libilo, tak k nam te-2, pristoupila eemu2 jsme radi. Dale pristoupili k nam mile sestry Anna KoSTak a Bob. Zdzvorka, ykehny k nam srdeene vitame,! Mile hosty jsme Albinu Titt eek z Dallas, ktera, hned nam darovala do krouZku $1.00, tee hosta, pi. Mary Novak, doufame a prejeme si, by je q e jive co haste k :nam zavitali a my kaalou

Ve sttedu, dne 11. btezna 1959


srdeene zveme, Date, Ze, se jim mezi mi bude libit a moZna, Ze je teZ do nakho krou2ku ziskame. naSem krou2ku proSdly jsme deku pro ses. ErantiSku Rozprim, kteca nam dala za ni $2.50 tak eitame za praci pro naSe elenkyne a tom nam do na :Si pokladny utekne ptibYyd. TeZ sest!'y Pavelkova a Tuna, zhotovuji peroutky mastitka a dm jsme ziskali dalSi "In $2.00. Za darky ziskaly $4.00. Dale usneseno bylo, aby sestra Kubinova pokladni zakoupila narozeninove listky a soustrastne, v padu onemocnpni nektere sestry, ktera bude vaZ:nett mocna,, by se ji koupil darek. Zadano by tajeinnice listky rozesilala. TeZ usnesesno dati $100.00 do banku na Uroky (interes)) Sestra ptedsedkyne., mild Mary Kopeekova, ktera o vse tak starostlive stare., zvala sestry, kt€e.ym je mono aby ptifly za 14 dui, to jest 19. btezna, prave na den Josefa, proSivat deky„ neb holt maji hodne do ptedu i drat pcti.

13, all 154, Fort Worth Ctend redakce, sestry a bratti:---Odpust'te, ze jsem to zas. -- Muslin totiz chybu co jsem rainule udelala v mem poslednim dopise kdyZ jsem napsala, Ze jsme nerneli Zadnou navAey u. Ja jsem tan minila, z jinYch mest, naSich elenn hyl peknY hioueek ko(e.rn 20ti aneb vic. Te2 jsem opomela poznamenat, ze jsme vzdali Oest po ystanim na lint zesnulYrn pi edsedum tadu, byli to bratti. SVajger, Krupka, Obal a Hejl. Maj muZ Josef Svitak pracoval s nimi 14 rokd co ueetni u nakho radu a pied tom byl Ueetniin u tadu 92. ne;]-1i byl tad 154 zalolen. BUde tomu v dubnu osm let co nas opustil ByvalY ptedseda Hejl slonZil co nosie rakve memu muZi a za, kratko na to sam na y eenost se oclebral. MCI krasnou tee u hrobu na rozloueenon. NaS bYvalY pteciseda Obal byl tea takoVY dobrY a tichY elovek. Nikoho nezarmoutil a vk bral tak vaZne pa staro Cesku, ze jej byla radost poslechnout.— Ted' neco veselejSiho. ---

Te2 nam v2dy budou vitany roily hoste, ktere srdcene zveme mezi nas.

Konali se zde d ye velke svatbv. Bratr a sestra Kned aenili syna Ruclolfa a br. a sestra Chaloupka vdavali dceruSku a bylo to moc pane. No vSat ono to sestra M. Juran0va, dopisovatelka ad tadu 92. popiSe, ona to tak pane umi. — TeZ tak nak sestra ,Svaekova zas v arrdietjne, vklyt' dostala velkou pochvalu za jeji dopise a ja ji to pteji. — Take u br. a ses. • Jerry Milana dostali minule pekne naPosmrtni vzpomin iza na deleni, chlapeeka. Gratuluji a. ted' Josepha Rezniaca natim Joseeftim a Josefkam k jejich svat kfan mnoho zdravi a §.testi pteji. Z-v1a§t' Men tadu eislo 24. kterS7 se narodil due Mrs. Mitev a Mrs. Kuchat. 16. dubna 1877 v okresu Austin a zerntel SrdeenY pozdrav redakci a Om etou- po kratSi nemoci dne 1. btezna 1959 v nemocnici v Temple Z,:;arebal zde „.' erat elm Anna Svitak, dopisovatelka pi. Albion a ditky Louis. Ed) 0 e ward, Anna, 011ie, Laurine. Alvin a Evelyn. — ZesnulY bratr byl pa obtadech Moje pani je nadmiru skromna: oneh- aMB cirkve ulo'Zen is veenemu odpoeinku clY nine tekla u zlatnika: "NeniliZ Pravda. na Narodni htbitov v Seaton. ---- Nae Emile, koupil mi pouze prave perly. Ty uptimna soustrost rodine a ptejeme, brat faleSne jsou pious moderni." ru klidnY spanek veenY. )• Prvni zlodej: "Jak uovidarn, nechtel se INT6meckY pravoniF, ma se mnou rozdeliti o lup." zna&-te zjednodu:4en DruhY zlodej: "To je hrozne, jak jsou dues lido nepoctivi." Mluvei zapadonemeckeho ministerstva, • o vnitra oznamil. Ce byla utvotena Sotidce • "Ale pane advokate, vklyt' komise odbornikt, ktera. me. vypravas klient se :!iZ sam ptizhava, ae krade2 covat navrhy tea zjednodukni nemeckespachalt" ho pravopisu. Tato komise bude pied Advokat • "Ale prosim vas, takovemu koneenim • ;vYch 'proof jednat take s odeloveku piece neni moZno vetit:" borniky ostatnich zemi ve kterYch se mlu e vi nemecky, zvlaSle s Rakoutem a 3v ,VJeden z obecenstva k elenu, divadla.,: carskem. e to "Mate jeSte toho hubeneho statistu koK tomu bychom micke postavy?" same zjednodukni by se melo -,praco. "Zaj iste, ale tiz pov).7S'il! dtive ptecista- vat i pro CeStinii, ktera je zbyteene obtEvoval mrtvoly, ted' uz hraje straSldla," na,

Joe :Srainkova, taj. kroOku. Dodateena Velice. kra,sne pojednani anva 'or. L. 0. HoSek y e svYeb. rekaenich nvahach, ktere se tak krasne 0.tou. Casto jseu obsahu poueneho, neb navazuji na to, co ma, nam bYti cenne, nose 'Ceske ptesvedOeni, za ktere se nernarne nikdy a nbzde stydeti. Hla y ne. ti vedouci a riiznVch oes kYch spolkn. Jak to bc'valo da y no, kdy se ve spolkovYch sinich i v Sokole razle hal CeskY zpev. .V. 3ude nastal VeSeleji such. Dnes, jako by se kaZdY bal promluvit ye spoleenosti Cesky, tteba Ze je tarn vetS'ina naSich eeskYch pootivYch lidi. vSu de sestina vytlaeovana, ba i zaktikovana, jak by nas ani nebylo, narodne,sti Ceskoslovenske. Jakou krasnou basal nam v poslednim Vestniku, ku poste nakho prvniho presidenta, tatiCka T, G. Masaryka, napsala sestra Bolenka Tudobra aeSka, ze scsterske Moravenky. Krasne se etou tea dopisy p. Fr. Vytopila, dobreho zperaka naSich eeskych pisnieek, ktereho jsem osobne, s jeho mi lou ZenuSkou zpivat ve West i 113, Seaton Snad prave v tech pisni.: ,,h vyzpi vaval jell° velkY Cal, nod ztrataa nadejnen° synaeka. Srdeene Varn oboum zasilam uptimmci pozdrav a ty nose Ceske pisnieky, ktere i ja s manZelem radi zpivame, rozesilejte dale. Joe Sramkcva,

REdOLU('E SW";",' ASTI Resoluern vYbor rac ial Now; Tabor, 6.310 17. Orate projevuje optirnne citenou sou strast pozUstale rodine nod odchodem bratra naSejejich milovaneho syna ho tadoveho spolubrat3a. Johnnie 5`:'11;fl'e kterY se odebral na veRoost 28. nnora 1959 v nejlepSim veku 36. tut neb smrt by la mu vysvoboditelkoa bo utrpeni kte re proZil polovic swill° Vime, mili pozUstali, Ce teZee Zelite jeho odchedu, ale budiZ vaJe fiteehou, zarmutck. i nas tad soaciti s vami Tobe, roily spolubratte -;„Iivejem pokoj veenY a test tvemu Za tad NovY Tabor eislo 17 SBJST Melvin H. Skrabanek, John W Vavra, John 3. F.1rubat, res, vfl:Jor.


Straus 10



Minn, zaclival se k oknu a opet bloudil mySlenkami v ocIlelalYch easech. ").ry muLcti jute vSaci takovi", zaZertovala Kristka, odskoeila ke dverim a plak odbehla. Milin pohlecli na ooze a vale:-2.11.1 do sebe teZkou jich vuni. Polovice jich ;via poupata, ktera. nenaela rozpueeti. Cosi pc/dobneho rozIehlo Milinovi na -Jak je tomu cldvno, co jsem byl studentem a zpival s iii o svatcich na kuru. Chodila jeSte v klatkYch, blankytnYch sukniekach a inela Lakove snive, fekl jezerni oei. Jeji hias byl take takcvY jemnY a vysokY a pruZne, mekce 111 se pod klenbou kostela Tcntokrate byl jsern ji zanicen, blouznil jsem o ni, videl jsem v ni nezna.mY cil sveho nilda, ale potom vSecko se rozprchlo, rozletlo, vystydlo, pobledlo. A ted' jenom zbyly ty ruZe, nic jineho ne2 ty ril2e, ale tak sladke. jako to plani blouzneni. V.S.ecko to patri jiZ jen vzpominkara," myslii Milin, nahnul se s lcZe, dosahl rukou pro sklenici a pfl.venel k Jemnd, jako mladistvd, vi-le cictkla se lehce jeho eichu • nitrem jeho rozlil se tesknY, litostnY cit, a oCii jeho bezcleky zvlhly. Ale v torn czvaly se v sousedni jizbe iKristeiny kroky, a drivej,§i scena zatanula 31111 na mysli. Pripomnel si, jak celd avetnieka oCivila se Kristkou, a pecistavil si nyni Januv i jeji Zivot a nail;e1 v nem netlikne kortzlo, On, jenZ dosud nerozva:aa/al o vaZnYch otazkach rodinneho Zivota, jera2 dosucl 211 samotai'sky sa7;n1 kniham a pr'eludtlm, najeduou pocill ko, ,-) roclinneho Zivota.

V to chvili pocitil, e jej ovanulo sti. Ale ihned prociri a rozniedi se kolem. ze nein na pastviSti a ze to ani lipy ani stareho Jurky a ze vilbec ji2 ani nerd chlapcem, nYbr2 ze leli neniocen v male: svetniece, a ze to v..,;ecko byla jen ehvilkova illuse. . "Ach; jak to bylo clohrel" oddychl achtel znovu privolati onen dojernnY 0kamZlik, ale nauarmo, A proto oylo mu jakoby ho byl nekdo yytrlal z rozkoSnelio sadu a vysadil na pustY breh pritomneho Zivota. Sklene, zjasnene svezly se mu na rnalY stolik, na nem22 byla navrSena spou sta knih, po jedne strane sesuta, a mezi nimi leZelo i nekolik svazkii Schopenhaura, od neho2 se nedovedl ocitrnneu ti. "Chtel jsem to vSecko shitat, obohatit niozek a delat zkouSky, ale k eemu to vSecko 9 1\Tebucle-li mne, nebude ani knila ani zkouSek, s mYm Zivotem shasne i maj svet, me predstava. Vecek Zivota obrati se v clYna Jan chcii koupiti grunt, pretili se novymi starostmi a drenirn, ale on to zniuze. On nebude Ziti nadarmo, kcicZto ja, —?" rozvaZoval chaaa chtel vstati a sahnouti po svazku Schopenhaura, v nearaZ 'Ceti je qe pied °bedew, ale v tern se vytrhl. Svakrova Krista poticha dveaby nesktipaly a jenom hlavou nahle dla do dyer'. "Myslila jsem, Ce spite," rekla s UsNovi;a. prue jsem dosud na ty mevem, vkcka zapYPeria a pina nedovaThe neptipadl. V2dycky jsem myspoVeclenYch slov. Vratila. se do jizby a znovu se objevila lil, joSte to a to vykonarn a pot= teprve ve svetniece s tiny. stydlivYm Asme.vem poenti Citi a nyni pude prichazim a y evenkovske Zeny. ve sklenici kyt- demi Zivota. lily lick', dn6r,ich ku z eerstvYch, prekrasnYch ridi a po- jenom hostmi Zivota, jsme ptdky, kteti nezakiddaji hnizd. Jak rnnohem St'aststavila ji na stul Civet je lililin pi'ekvapen na ni popatill a za- neji 'Lie Jan! Ce1,1 praci, svazanou v jedinY clival se nn ride cllouhYm, zjemnelYm po Civiti rodinu. On sam a sobe nema hledem. "Ockud jsou?" zaSeptal rychie a ta- namu, ale v celku patri mu prve misto. On se lopoti, die, siard, a piece je gf 'azave pohlecil na Kristu "Pani sleeinka ze 'Skoly yam je posia- stem SlYcham ho, jak spokojene chra la," rekla Krista hmatajic v rozpacich pe Unavon po dennim petu. A rano vsta rukania, aC se zachytila stolu. Bylo ji va vyspalY, sveli, s novYmi silami, atere jakoby pies not divotvorne se v nem stydno, ze ji rano Milin prekvapil obrodily. — A rovneZ Kristka, stale ma, kojeni. Milin se odrolCiel. Napadla mu divna, v sobe piivaby mladosti, ba zda semi, ze sveZejSi neZ drive. Je ostYchava, ale odlehla vznominka. jak ji to svedM! Jake to kouzla, usi-n6leza! Rano jsem "Tiled'te, je:46 se no vas pomattrje" li se a ty di_ rekla Kristica, se iiniichera, a pad i ryhrnri- 0 ona se zarCAu a 1 , ",i ji potom Om item zalesk 1 so ji rad bilYcn, sviti- ht ely studem. Tak byla heziat, e jsem cich zubti Ale ihned zakryla oCi a fista ji skoro Janovi zdindel Ona je hybnYin pohledla do zeme a zatoeila neko- nervem rodiny. CelY (Mtn jest ji oZiven, likrate nohow na podpateich. jeji reel. kroky a smichem. Anebo otec "Ale ja jsem zapomnel," priznaval se s matkou jakY to patriatchalni obra-

Ve stredu, due 11. bkezna


zek, zrovna Filemon a Baucis , Ani si jednoho bez druheho neclovedu predstavit. --- A ja chodil dosud okolo Civota a nepoznal jeho podstaty. 211 jsem sarnotarsky, v eo'oismu, a zanitibil jsem se. Je to, jakoby elovek abv ji rozprdSil. JakY v torn neel?" premital diouho a stale se vracel k tende kam, jakoby se nedovedl od nich odtrhnouti Vzal ()pet sklenici a privonel k chi-im. Napadly ho apet snive, vzdalene inyMenky, jim2 se byl drive oddaval, a s dychtivou rozkoM dYchal v sebe davno rozvazmareneho mladi. te Cdpoledne naloZil Jan pluh na chteje zapraviti podrnitku po Michal dival se na nej ze stajc chvili se rozpakoval, ma-li mu fled SAT, )11 dttleCitou zalelitost, ale koneene doCcl k nemu pod kolun. "Mohol bych, prosirn te, za “Tden na pout'?" rekl pokornYrn, nesamostatnYm hlasem a dvakrate se zajikl. "Co2 je tobe, nemaS" ZadnYch ; tairati. Jenom bys po poutich chodil a penize iozvaZel pc svete," rekl Jan a lirmatne hodil pluh na vtiz; nikdy se s 5/lichalem nemazlil a pro jeho telesne vady hledel na nej jako na nedokonaleho, nezpfisobileho eloveka. "NernusIC se zlobit. ja, to jenom prosim, aby mne pustil," ZadalaMichal, je§te ni2skromnejSim hlasem a, bleOma, usinavYrna oeima utkvel na Janovi. "Pro mne za inne si jdi tkeba na kraj sveta, nebude-li prate," ocipovklel Jan, pohodil lhostejne hlavou a vysedl na. vuz. Michal rozradostnen zabehl do stale a dal se do hvizdani. Nevedel chuclak, co ma delati radosti, a byl by se nojradeji rozbehl za strYcem s estakena, aby mu ozndmil novinu, ze ho Jan pustil. Ale v torn zaslechl t yrdY hlas Januv: "Pohnit, Mid-rale!" Michal se vzparnatoval a pobi.,;:oe za bratrem, kterY ch y atne vyji2del ze dvora, aby ani rninuty nezmeAkal. Jan prijel clorriu veeer, slo211, za sera naradi, ociffahl hone a poveeefel Byl v: ecek unaven, seal pod kamna a naslou chal, jak Milin v male svetniece zteZka a pracne odka:Slava. Vzpomnel si, jak Milin rano zavravoral na louce a. jak zpet jako podt'atYm krokem. A raririi sobecka myMenka opet usadila se mu na mysli a preteZovala ii. Kristka 11.3"7 6.kala p a rukan clevedtko a tenkYin thimen3"im h ascra ■.'clzpevovala zname pisnieky, ale robatko, jako by se -R11 libilo chovati se no i.iikau nechtelo usnouti, otvirdlo oci, L;vYkalo malinke prsticky a mlaskalo. "Pokolebej ha, moZna. Ce usne," icekl Jan Septem, premitaje a tom, cc v nem

Ve sttedu, dne 11. bfezna 1959 dues na poll pevne uzralo. V hlave jeho motaly a kriSovaly se do nekoneena mySlenky na Kvetontly grunt, na les a na Milinuv pedil. Kristka -ttloZila robatko do kolebky, houpala ji a temne kii ala. aby nepreka, Zeta Milinovi, Za ch.vili robatko usnulo. Kristka po prstech pokrodilaSi a sedla vedle neho, "AZ voter ma jeden chvilku puk je. -CoS„ ti tam za peci se pies den vybeho.j1, vyskael, a veder jako by je do vody hoVincek pii.sel cely mokrY donra , chy ta.1 raky, pod srnovYin a zarnaehal se," rekla Kristka a saloSila pevne, ii cite ruce.. Milin ye svetniece zdrS'enlive "Nebude dlouho. Rano dal se du .seeeni s tatiekem a div so nesvalil. Je ho jen stin, kde jakou kustku by na nena spodital. Sven° nodilu uz neb;ide brat. Tak si rosmYSlim, ze bych piece rnel koupit Kvetontiv grunt. Je v draSb.e a vysoko neprijde. HotovYch penes, pravda neni mnoho, ale je les, rnohu ho prodat na stojato — a Millnovi take nebadu splacet podilu. Za etyri tisice, troidam, ze dostanu grunt," . eptal Jan, hleOel pied sebe a stale videl pied sebou tY pruhy &erne, sorane prsti, po ktere nel. "Nevim, nevim, povesime si starost na krk. Nestadime sami na sve, sotva to capi'avime — a cizi rude polovice .price. A s tim lesem je to take takove. jeS"te neni zraJY. - UnahliS se a prodaS ho za babku, co z toho? Porad.' se s tatiekem jak bys do toho," rninila Kristka. kterou odstraSovala smeld Janova mySlenka, pno tote nebyla uchvacena vaSnivou touhou po semi jako mud, a proto dosircala dale ke konctirn. "1„JZ jsem se na preptaval. Povidali mi, ahych si dal pozor, de by nine kupec moi-d o;-‘iiclit. Rodin. mi, abych spoeital vS'ecky stromy, smeril tloaWku a vY,Sku prostid niho a dal si od znalce y ypoeitati jeho kuhidnou mint; take v jakYchsi kniSkach pry to je vypoeitano. Podle toho uz pry snadno vypo6itam, zae,' bych les mohl pro dat. Jenom to mi vesi v hlave, jak zrne1.7Y' lc.u?" vykladal Jan s Zivou fidasti na predmeta a na konec, jako by na=II no. tvrdY predmet, zaraSen se odmleel.




venou mysl, nemohl nijak ptipadnouti na tuto pranepatrnou vec, a nyni spokojeneji si oddychl. "A naposled nad ty okolky? Vis piece, sad je takovC prostredni bored, nepotkebuje dodala Kristka dive a Inala ara sebe rozumnou tvaraust. "To je take pravda," rekl Jan a piehled1 v mysli vkcky, budouci kroky,.jiclr'z bylo tteba ke koupi. Pochopil, ze celd otazka prodeje lesa neni tak snadnd, adkoliv se mu zdala tak nedostupnou, a zaroven si uvedornil, ze :nebude nesnadno pri takove rozumne de ne ovladati dvoji majetek. Cela, otazka koupe byla jiZ pied nim jako na dlani ro zevrena. A proto spokojen poloZil Sene hlavu na pine rameno, a bylo mu tak dobre nemysliti a oddavati se sladkenm pocitu klastneho rodinneho hvOta. e • Nedelni cdpoledne chlapci Rajnochovi vedli kone na pastvu. 'tarsi desctilet:V Jan sedl na S'irekou kobylu a mladS'i Vincek na statneho vaiacha, hladke, jako hedvabne srsti. Dvorem a cestou uprstted zahrady jell krokem, protok meld phkazano neuhaneti koni, ate na S'irokelm pasniku najednou zachtelo se Linn se proj eti. "Vsad'me se, kterSr drive dojedeme k lesu," navrhl Jan s radostne rOzjiskrenYma "Vsad'ine se, oe?" souhlasil Vincek.. "0 millj nov-ST hid, Dojede:Sli dtive, bude tvftj," odpovedel Jan. "ja budu eitat; az teknu tri, pojedeme" rekl Jan a jak vyktikl "tti.", piaci kobylu po krku a rozjel se. Vincek se opozdil o d ye vteriny, pobidl poscleje kone, a proto zustal pozadu. Ale jako prudkY se v nem revnivost, a nasledkem toho hazel sebou na valachove hrbete, bil kone rukou a pobizel ho do behu. Kiev bila musilne v spancich, ale on toho neposoroval. pied sebou Jana ku ptedu skloneneho, jakn2 i ostre, vzprimene boltce kobyly, ktera vytrvale pied nim .uhanela. Na mister kde se svah sklanel, dostihl skuteene Jana a nekolik vtetin jell zaroven, ktieice a pobizejice kone- do behu nejprudSiho. Najednou statnejM valach vzdorovite sebou trhl a ocitl se jiZ pied kobylo, ale nasledkem zpateeneho trh',Cod o to by nebylo. to je leltka vec. nuti shodil Vincka, kterV padnu y do tra Shod' jeden takovY strom a zmet ho na vy jako hrlfSka YAM se po pasinku, kriee semi, dl'evo se sejde," povedela Kristka divokYm hnevem. pochopitelne, Civic se, prod se rnuSi no6eJan skoeil s kobyly a pkibehl v' eock chraly Pasy a prod mu nad tak.,vou Joulekan k Vinckovi, kterV se ottepal a dnoduchou veci narostla na dole waszlOstne hledel na bratra. ka. "Co sis udelal?" vyrazil Jan ze ache Jan zkournave pohlecil na zenu. Necka a strachy se ttasl. pal, jak mohla tak snadne rorte§iti, vec, "Nic, ale tys vyjel spi§, je qe nebyly s 111, si byl lamal hlava pa etvri d'ni, ale MIL," vyeital Vincek bratrovi, olarn.atavaje ze mei najednou nmoha starostmi zapia- si love stehno, inn kter6 upadl.

Chlapci se chvili pfeli, ale Pak za pomneli na sazku pro nehodu, ktera se stain a ktera na Stesti nemela horgch Mt. Jan sedl na kone a jel k lesu, ale Vincek jiz nesedal, mrze se na vzdorovital° valacha, jet)I mu zgasobil hanbu; ze zlosti uhodil ho pesti po nozdrach a napadaje na levou nohu, dovlekl se k mladistvemu bkezi a usadil se v trave. Byl ponekud bled od pfestaleho strachu a prvni bolesti, ale oei jeho, doCela, podobne matainym, vesele teltaly. Ale u Jana zaeinala se jeviti Tozumnost Zrak jeho byl soustteden a zahlouban. Myslil, dosud na lehkovaInou sazku a byl rad, de se nicnestalo. Vincek ohmatal se na slabine, ale ye chvili, jako by zapomnel na bolest, pru2ne vyskoeil. "ViS" co, udelejme neco sttYcovi Obrtlovi," rekl bystfe, clivaje se pies pole na SV'estkovou alej, kde stain dijevenaabou Ca. "A co?" — ozvaj se Jan "Shod'me mu boudu," zvolal Vincek, poskakuje rozradoStnen nad svYm tad-pattern. "Ale budeli v boucle, natluee nana," te.kl Jan vYstta2ne, aekoli se mu Vincktiv napad zalibil. "Vii, de on vklycky chodiva pied boudou a kouti. V nedeli ptichazi az veeet. Pojd'nie," lakal Vincek bratra a sam se dal do behu. Jan chvilku vahal, ale na konec v nem chlapecka krev a on v•Seeek se oddal dobrodranemu kousku i pustil se za Vinckem. Chlapci ptebehli poseeenou lueinou, pteplikli se elSovYm houRim kolem potoka, dali se k S'vestkove aleji a ptikrad15 se k boucle. Nena§li v ni nikohoaprotok str:k byl v kostele na.pokhnani. "Shod'me ji !Zaeni ty", navrhoval Vincek, ottasaje Aindelovou boudou sttechoviteho tvaru. "Ne, ty — tys zaeal o torn," rekl Jan, nedtlyetuje bratrovi. "ToZ saeneme oba", rozhodl Vincek 0ba se opkeli , o boudu a pkevrhli ji "JeAte je to slama,, rozhasejme ji!" s,vo lal Vincek oZiven ye chvili byla sla, ma rozmetena po celem okoll. ",Str, "7c bude nadavat, az pkijde", del Vincek, a divoka radost rozlevala v§emi jeho Nlami ze neustale vyskakoval, zapominajic na otlueene stehno. Ale Jan po tomto skutku pecitil cosi tisniveho, samleel se a potichu behl dolid k potoku. nepoveclomV* bias oil nekud z nitra stale mu napovidal: "Prot iste to Mali?" Chlapci pribehrl na ludinu a ohlReli se po konich, ale koni nebylo. Na§11 je az za btezovim lesikem na cizi leteline a zahnali je zpet. (Pokradovani


Ve sttedu, dne 11. bkezn.a 1959


potom opet spravne °pi g do sektu! Po- Slechticich aby finacovali jeho y Ypravu ocednem, proto•e si byl jistY, Ze najkus se pkeetene desky vypravovati! de ncivou cestu do Indie. Nikde vSak neS pozd;favem pochodil a proto a pl ine skieslY, s teZkYrn trck Mieelr z Austinu. srdcem se rozhodl, ie vstoupi do klaStera. Kdy2 pkiSel do klaStera, byl v hador. Ed. ivtiderr„ rach a vyhladoveUT . Jeho syn, kter' chooi Texicuo. Vuiversity S ••• dil s nim, byl v podobnem stavu. Shodou • aro ° ( okolnosti, opat tohoto klaetera znal velIIESATE CVIC;ENi. mi dobic e kralovnu Isabellu. Byi ColtonZkracene zprasy ze stare vlasti bern tak dojat, ae ji napsal dopis, aby — Podle hlá4eni s. rozhlasu z Prahy sta- financovala Columbovu vYpravu. Isabel lo se Cleskoslovensko nejvetSim odberate- la to udinila a tak misto cesty do Inde, lein baviny z e g yptske oblasti Sjed.nocene byla objevena Amerika. • arabske 'republiky. V mesici lednu dovezlo se 17.000 tun baylny. A.:— "Prod pak se, prosim vas, porad — KorounistickY relim ziskava rodne mi4, zlobite se svYm pkitelem malikem?" liony dolara prostiednictvim Tuzexu. 0B.:-- "I pro nic, pro hloupou maliekou znarnil to Ustredni teditel Tuzexu podle otazku; ei vlastne jen pro jedno slovo. Jait Vederni Prahy ze dne 24. ledna t. r. Projektovane VVehodoslovenske Z'ele- vymaluje obraz, pta se mne v.Zdycky, joke to je, kdOto ja, se zas ptam jeho: co zarny maji. stat v obvodu Haniska to je?" ca Velka Ida na celkove rozloze 8 etve rednYch kilometre a pkirno zamestnavat 20,000 pracovniku. Mrs. 0. vypravi: "Já vytiduji v campu - Sklizen brambor celeho kraje Usti nad vakeni v pkirode tak dlouho, e kdyZpitij Labem se rok od roku sniZuje. V r. 1955 du donna, musirn se Oa znova varqt byl prilmernY hektarovY vYnos 140 cen- kamnech." ta, loni jen 92 centii a na Dedinsku doTo zaslechla maid skautka. Fib ptiSti konce jen 49 centa. Zda se, Ze je to v pkime souvislosti s rtistem poetu kolcho setkane, za nastaleho ticha u stolu v campu, pta se s d6asti: "Mrs. 0., 112 jste za v tomto kraji. - Mezi nejcennejS1 a nejstarSkstromy v se naudila vont?" • )° i1SE?, patri dub u Opalic na eskobudejovicku. Napis na jeho kmenu hlasa,e "Tak u2 jste se °pet popral se'Zenou? je to dub z doby, kdy byl zalolen CeskY 06 se tentokrate jednalo?" stat. "To vite, stall vesta. Ona mela pra y - Pata na.mokni lod' pro Ceskoslovensko du a je. s ni nesouhlasil." o nosnosti 13,000 tun je budovana v jafltr,n..o..,nim,iui,nnn,thtfl,OlillflUtfl.0 ponske loclonici v Osace. — Zemke' dr. 0. Letfas, vynikajici k1avirista a skladatel, znarnYji pied Iwo posluchaatim es. rozhlasu, kde mel rytmickou skupinu. -- (2s. film "Deciedek autornobil" byl pro rnitan v LondYne, PrvaZeno byla zvolena za farakku ,sloNebreete litovat kdye,i pil rviii pl'i1t vans1;e evangelicke eirkve augsburskeho Iltasti nav'Stivite vyznani no jiZnim Slovensku. V HarlovarskYin obchodnikurn bylo -pkislibeno 300 tis. polskYch i1etek kterd m ai l WTt doclany tento mesic. 40 4 ( AmerickY jih vady oplYval dkevern, ale ne papirern. Pied padesati lety ve 12 jiZBudete piijemne prekva.pene a dosved nich statech se naclaazelo jen nekolik mai° tovaren na papir. asi jen etyki. Ty- cite svoji naNkevou zaroveri, ze se zajito dodavaly jen 50,000 tun papiru, dili mate o pomery jak tam naS'e starenky a d y e procenta v.S.kere na.rodni spotkeby stafiekove fiji. W;". upfirnny zajem buck 1;6 doby. Does se tam nachazi a.2 67 vel- ijinm pobidkoti aby znamost o tatoto krasnena potiniku se 130 ,ielern Texas)/ l en baPiren, ktere mohou Americe doclot ai 13 mi1iont ten papiru, dill 67 pr-o Pro5,1nr nczapomeute! cent ve:;kere spotteby v USA. 4 Pkimluvte se za Domov ve vaicJi 'iaplt Mist• nove testy do Indie, objevil Amer. dovYeh sehtlzich. Diky Vam piedem. Columbus ji Z 15 roku prosil a chodil mullg, 47=7,, Mina tatinkem uebo maminkou a kralovskch dvorech a po zamoZnYch aurrenirr^Tumpran ma mum sms


Pamatujte n Domov Odpoanku

Domov Ocipoanku v Taylor, Texas,


Wednesday, March 11, 1959


Strana 13

Questions and answers about your individual Income Tax report for 1958, as presented by the Texas Press Association. flow many exsmptions can I claim? Peach exemption is a $600 deduction. That is, for each exemption you are allowed to make $600 tax free. Exemptions determine the amount of tax-free income you arc allawed each year, and are devised to make the tax fair between single persons, marrd couples and large and small families, You are entitled to one exemption for yourself. You are entitled to one additional exemption if on December 31, 1958 you had attained 65 years of age, or if you were blind.

even if not related to you. So-celled "spot checks" won't do. Adeif your dependent can qualify part quate, health protecting inspection of time and earned less than $600 in $1958 poultry means having a trained, fullor was your child under 19 or over 19 time man in the plant, and a student and income tax was with- Housewives shopping for poultry can held from such earnings, the dependent tell if the bird they choose has been inshould file a tax return to secure refund spected by looking for a tag showing of the tax witnheld. . "Inspected and Passed" by the agency This will in no way prevent you from which made the check. also claiming the exemption, of course, , Don't mistake the large wing tag readthat dependent meets all five of the ing "Grade A" to mean the bird has been inspected for wholesomeness. It may or above conditions. If your dependent can qualify in all it may not. other ways, except that you do not fur- Always look for the "Inspected and nish over one-half of his snpport, then Passed" legend. This is the statement perhaps you can arrange ith the others that protectS your health by insuring inwho contribut to his support for you spections for wholesomeness under conto claim the credit anyway under a Mul- ditions of good sanitation. (Service featiple _Support Agreement — Form 2120. ture of the State Health Dept.) ) •( HEALTH NOTES

If you were both 65 and blind you are entitled to two additional exemptions. You are also entitled to exemptions on the same basis for your wife, if you file a joint return. If you file a separate return, you can claim your wife's exemption only if she has no income and was not claimed on any other taxpayer's return for 1958. If your wife or husband died in 1958 the additional exemption for age and blindness are determined as at the date of death, rather than December 31st. You are entitled to one exemption for each dependent. Additional exemptions for old age and blindness apply only to you and your wife or husband, not to dependents Each dependent must qualify under all five of the following conditions. 1. Dependent must have received over cne-half of his support from you in 1958. 2. Dependent did not have over $600 income in 1958, besides what you provided, unless the dependent was your child of stepchild under 19 years of age or if over 19 years of age, a full time student, in which case the dependent child can earn any amount as long as you actually provide over one-half of the cost of support. 3. Dependent is net claimed by any other taxpayer and does not file a joint return with another taxpayer. For instance, do not list a dependent married daughter who files a, joint return with her husband. 4. Dependents must be a citizen of the Unite' States or a resident of the United St t C • Conaft Republic e! P. nn- or •i o e Canal Zone. be closely related 5. De: t n real else who meets leeany to you qUirCITICTItS 1, 2, 3, and 4 above and had your home as his public place of abode and was a member of your household,

A Better be extra wary of that chicken or turkey you buy for Sunday dinner. Our Tay.or Lodge Praha No. 29. anUnless it carrys an inspection tag you nounces, that they will hold their anmight get one that isn't fit to eat. Fol. nual "May Festival" on the first Sunthe vast majority of Texans, odds have day in May, which will be May the 3rd. probably increased since January 1, that They are also planning the 60th Annithe bird they select will not have bee': versary of their Lodge to be celebrated inspected for wholesomeness. on the 4th Sunday in June — This will This state of affairs developed when be the 26 of that month. So. please all the federal government, effective on the of you, our friends watch for our spefirst day of this year, made it manda- cial detaled announcements that will be tory that all poultry products shipped in our Vestnik real soon. Thanks, and across a state line must first be checked you all be prepared to be with us as you for wholesomeness by a federal inspec- are cordially invited. tor. • 4.) a( What this means i s obvious: Texas LODGE SAN ANTONIO CELEBRATES poultry products which are not of suf— Lodge San Antonio will celebrate its ficient quality to pass federal inspection 42nd Anniversary on March 22nd at the and subsequently out of state marketing Comanche Park in San Antonio. This are going to be marketed at home. celebration will include dinner and enTexas has no mandatory statewide in- tertainment. Everyone is cordially inspection law for poultry. Rather, it has vited. legal provisions whereby a poultry plant ( ) • 49 The Teen-agers of Lodge 84, Dallas can voluntarily — and that is the key word — arrange for inspection service announce that they will present a 3-act and thereby win the right to attach an comedy entitled "In the Money" on official legend of approval on whole- Sunday, March 22. — We are sure that some birds. this will be a pleasant evening of enYou're lucky if you happen to live in tertainment. The play will begin at 6:30 HouSton, Pecos, Wichita Falls, Midland, after the District III Meeting. d or Brenham. Of all Texas cities only these five presently are known to have Lodge Cottonwood No. 6 near West local ordinances prohibiting the sale of will hold an Easter Egg Hunt for all the uninspected poultry products. children of our Lodge and Friends at the Similar ordinances are pending in Lodge grounds Sunday afternoon March Tyler, Lubbock, Amarillo, Odessa, Waco, 22: You all bring the children! A /' — -and Big Spring. Every other city in the state faces the possibility of beco-Ttirig District HI meeting to be held March a dip:taping ground for unfit poultry. 22 at Ec •,. .Pokrok Dallas SPJST No. , Dinner will be .:ridetr present I', ono,:a . c ea, the only Loclgt ilo. 84, please ruts' tan be H e onsuming is by spat- bvinpt s, pies, cake ., and kolaches. not being v`:: in, out in otni3aarice the, fact that all a Party for the children (ages poultry sold within city limits must have to 12) and dance at night at Lodge Pokbeen examined by federal, state, or lo- rok Dallas, SPJST No. 84, on Sunday, cal officials. March 29

Inc*me Tax Facts



I.: I


Strana 14

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 Reports from oar Lodges, or any other Reading Matter to be published should reach the Editor, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all, matters to the Editor: P. 0. Box 85, West, Texas.


Postmast r° Please Send Form 35'19 With Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, P. 0. BOX 400, TEMP ' TEX.

$20,01 k 'SS by

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Language Instructors May Attend Institute

Every 24 hours during the past year, American families received, on the av ab erage, nearly $20,000,000 from their life insurance policies, according to the Ins'Wefts. .4:741 titute. of Life Insurance. Aggregate - benefit payments from the ',42^ more than 250,000,600 life policies in force duringe the year, were $7,231,500,000, up $570,800,000 from the year before and nearly $4,000,000,000 more than ten PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE earlier. "1 pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the "The continuous expansion of the use insurance in family financial Republic for which it stands. One Nation planning and increased effectiveness of under God, indivisible, with Liberty and this great bulwark of protection is Justice for all.' deplonstrated by the decade's rise of 123 per cent in the annual flow of benefit per cent of total benefits in 1948, they payments and also by the similar gain accounted for 60 per cent of the 1958 in the portion of benefits going out as total. The aggregate of "living" benefits planned family and personal income was greater in 1958 than the total of all payments," Holgar J. Johnson, Institute life policy benefits only six years earlier. In addition to these life policy benepresident, said. "The payment of income from the proceeds of life insurance pol- fits, American families received $2,212,icies is today more than twice the aggre- 300,000 in benefits from their life ingate of ten years ago. The payment of surance companies under health inincome from annuity contracts has also surance policies held with them. This was $144,700,00 more than the year bemore than double on these years." fore and more than six times the 1948 Both death benefits and "living" bene- aggregate. fits have increased. The 1958 total of ) • 4 9 death benefit payments was $2,909,100,000, up $198,400,000 from the year before and more than twice the payments ten years ago. This rise is largely a reflection of the greater amount of life insurance outstanding, rather than a rise in Ir,ortality, for the 1958 death rate Friends: Our next meeting will be held at Seaamong policyholders, while slightly highton, Texas, in the hall of lodge Hvezda er than the year before, was still below Texasu No. 47, on the 4th Sunday in the rate of 1948. March, 1959. That's on the 22 day of "Living" benefits, com prising such March at 1:30 p.m. Youth Program will payments to policyholders themsleves as start at 2 p.m. .Mlownlents, disability payments, annuI am hoping that some one will write ities, cash surrender values and policy more before the meeting. I hope to see dividends, were $4,322,400,00 in 1958, up all of you there. $372,400,000 in the year and nearly two Fraternally yours and one-half times the 1948 figure. A. L. Boudny, Secretary While the "living" benefits were 55 District 2 .

Fr m The Secretary Of District No. II.

Applications are being accepted for an eight-week summer institute for teachers of French, German, Russian and Spanish, pending final arrangements with the U.S. Office of Education. Enrollment is limited to 80 teachers of secondary and elementary schools. Preferences will be given to high school teachers. The proposed institute, supported by the National Defense Education Act, would enable selected teachers to improve their competency in languageteaching. Each applicant must submit a tape recording of his voice, speaking the foreign language that is his specialty. The June 22-August 14 institute is designed for teachers in service, including those who have language-teaching positions next fall. Application blanks and other information may be obtained by writing Dr. Stanley N. Werbow, Batts Hall, Austin 12, Texas. Applicants should request instructions before March 13. The University's widely recognind system of language instruction will offer intensive advanced training in speaking reading and writing the four languages. Instruction also will include linguistic analysis and testing techniques. Demonstration classes will be conducted with Austin elementary and high school students. --From The Daily Texan, Austin, Texas 49( NEW MEMBERS January 1st, 1959 to February 28th, 1959 Insurance District Members $ 34,500.00 35 No. One 39,000.00 35 No. Two 134,000.00 90 No. Three 7,000.00 7 No. Four 94,500.00 36 No. Five 43,000.00 39 No. Six 42,000.00 42 No. Seven 290 March 1st., 1959




arch 11, 959


Request the following organizers be present at our next District III meeting at Lodge No. 84, Dallas on Sunday Starch 22, 1958. They have earned a part • the "Cash Awards Contest for 1958" Name which will be distributed at that meet1. Annalam 154 $11,000. ing. 2. Mary Laznovsky 135 10,500. Sister Anna Milam 3. Stanley Vrla 130 7,000. Brother Emil Petr 4. Bennie Jarma 34 6,000. Brother Ben Jarma 5. Otis J. Ceska 66 4,000. Brother Ed. Mazanec 5. Albert Kubah* 92 4,000. Brother Alvin Nesuda 6. John Mach 35 3,500. Brother Stan E. Vila 7. Jos. Hclasek 36 Brother Otis J. Ceska 7. Geo. Trojacek 25 3,000. Brother Frank J. Haskove: 8, T5rujJ Harms 65 2,500. Brother John Krizan 84 8. Ernil Petr 2,500. Brother J. B. Bartek 9. Er. J. Haskovee 1,000. 25 Brother John Mach 1,000. 9. E. F. Jaresh 5 Brother Emil Hanus 1,000. 54 9. Ted. Kocian* Brother Mary Laznovsky 1,000. 6 9. Rud. Krizan* 1,000. 9. Ed. G. Mazanee 66 looking forward in seeing ail of you 1,000. t our next District III meeting, date 25 C. Alvin Nesuda * New Organizers mentioned above. Look out Brother Organize}, Beware If I can be of any help to you, please of our Sister Organizers — Lock at the No. 1 and 2 spots. Sister Milam and write or call me. Fraternally, Sister Laznovsky — Congratulations to A. M. Vrla, you both, you two really did show our e Dist. III Orgn. oTo brother organizers hew to sell insurance and its wonderful. Congratulations are • ri order to the other 15 organizers listed above, this is the longest list we have Our Vestnik will gladly publish anhad in some time. By all of us working as a Team, we shouldn't ha y e too much rouricements of members family reuntrouble in making our goal for 1959. Bro. ions if you give us the date, place of the Albert Kubala ,, No. 02, a new organizer, reunion and of families concerned. We appreciate reports of other famhas 4,000.00; Bros. E. F. Jaresh,. Ted Koclan and Rudolph. Krizan each have a ily tidings, births, weddings, anniver1,000.00 That is good. and we are happy saries, activities of our Lodges or Memto have each of you on our Band Wagon. bers of interest to all our readers. — Thanks. I must apoligize to Brother Rudolph Krizan, a new organizer for Lodge No. TEMPLE; TEXAS 6, for ommiting his name from. my January report, 1 sol d 3,G00.0 in January Notice to Members of Ocker Lodge theis VOS No. 1. Our regular March meetand his nameis coopaariP r off with is ;t. e held on the 22nd of March at incread of the -usual date. John J. Klinkovsky Secretary RVOS Na. 1 Co_ a Free Trip to " • ) ter Mary Laznov.- ky Sister Anna Milani Brother Bennie Jarma Brother Stanley E. Vila

Family Reunions

Should You Change Your Address


As you r, y now, yet No. won our contest and the 'e District No. 2 has to give the cnIzers of Dist. 1 a Dinner! This Dinn,; • will be at the Kovar Hall, March 12, at ri :30 p.m. Now, so that all of ye p:. L.,e •stand it correctly; the agreerneot • that only those organizers 'that sell *:,000 or more during the contest, from July 1 through Jan 31, are ' Dinner. Therefore yh: No. 1 that did In your own gible and you ceive a per•., be my invita:lo): Brother and he will take Those that have receN; be sure that you retui Now as to the 01:":; No. 2, you licve ceive the flintier i= sake Tb dinner meal, So is You will be so._' Frate.LnalL:i Ben V. Mikolc, Dist, No. 2 C WH EN


Ky old a, .

Each of the four listed above sold over $10,000.00 or more insurance in the Please notify our Supreme Lodge at Ily new address, is designated time of the contest. Congra- east 3 weeks in advance. tolztions. The contest sold 574,500.00 of Include the old address label clipped Dlstrict rf had a new it from your latest copy, clearly stating : 01 your new address. If your new city has postal zone numbers, Include this numner in your new address. You will want to get your copies unabh. a day of good Fraternal Fellowship, promptly, so write only about your eats galore and refreshments and en- change of address to the Supreme Lodge Box 400, Temple, .Texas. tertainment that wouldn't stop.

of District iirca amount, are rerne to this contact triter you. -vitation, I to me. -District will repart in to

'ieus ere,

Strand le

Dear Brother and! Sisters: The duties of the Secretary of the Supreme Lodge are definitely outlined and set-out, in detail, under the various subdivisions of Article 39, of our by-laws, but for the purpose of this article, stated briefly, the Secretary of the Supreme Lodge, receives and attends to all correspondence !adjressed to the Supreme Lodge, except that which is addressed, directly, to one of the other officers; pays all death claims and publishes a death claims paidfull, statement of all death claims, paid in the Vestnik each month; records in the minutes of the Supreme Lodge proceedings of the Supreme Lodge meetings and of all the transactions of the Supreme Lodge; receives all dues and moneys for the Supreme Lodge, and delivers same to the Treasurer of the Supreme Lodge; makes all loans on certificates, sends statements on and collects all interest due on certificate loans; solicits and procures applications for mortgage loans; receives all applications for mortgage loans, conducts all correspondence relating to mortgage loan applications and submits them to the directors, first for appraisal and then for approval, and after approval forwards the applications, to the attorney, for closing and sends all other papers concerning the loan ap plications to the Treasurer; attends to the purchase and sale of bonds and stocks by the Supreme Lodge and collects all interest and dividends on them; and performs all other duties which are not specifically mentioned, or assigned to him or to any other officer of the Supreme Lodge. Complying with an agreement with the Directors of the Supreme Lodge, and the request of Editor Hosek, at the last meeting of the Supreme LOdge, that I should prepare and publish in the Vestnik, a general report, resume or synopsis of the official activities and duties performed by the office of the Secretary of the Supreme Lodge, SPJST, for the year 1958, I wish to submit to you the following condensed report, for the various business functions, transactions, duties and activities that came to, were transacted 'and disposed of by the Secretary of the Supreme Lodge and , his assistants, as

VESTNIK ÂŽ WEST, TEXAS provided by our by-laws, during the year 1958. During the year 1958, there were received at the Supreme Lodge, 249 applications for mortgage loans in the total amount of $2,906,607.94, of which amount loans, in the total amount of $2,444,801.90, were approved and from which applications 185 new mortgage loans or increased mortgage loans, in the amount of $1,597,423.72 were actually closed. During the year 1958, our real estate mortgage loans increased from $6,430,346.85 to $7,240,436.81. On Dec. 31, 1958, we had 1,427 mortgage loans in our portfolio. During the year 1958, we closed and/or renewed 422 certificate loans in the total amount of $104,607.30. On December 31, 1958, we had 2,949 certificate loans in our portfolio. Our certificate loans increased during the year from $576,329.27 to $592,615,84. During the year 1958, the Supreme Lodge paid 265 death claims amounting to $258,094.51. This is a decrease by one, in number, but a slight increase in the amount of death benefits paid over 1957, we paid .266 death claims in the amount of $244;138.15. All of theSe death claims paid in 1958, were reported in the Vestnik regularly, from month to month. The double-indemnity claims paid amounted to $1,000.00 in each, of these two years. Matured endowment claims paid in 1958 amounted to $24,000.00. . Our bond and preferred stock holdings decreased during the year from $1,118,101.80 to $1,105,619.70. During the year 1958, the Secretary of the Supreme Lodge prepared and with the President of the Supreme Lodge, executed, acknowledged and attested 163 releases, scores of partial releases, subfogation agreements, transfers and assignments, and other miscellaneous legal instruments. Under our present by-laws and set-up every mortgage loan application received at the Supretyce Lodge involves the writing of approximately 10 to 15 letters; every application for a certificate loan involves the writing of approximately 3 to 5 letters, besides statements, etc. All this letter writing, together with the vast amount of inquiries and letters of all kinds, coming to the Supreme Lodge, that have to be answered, involves a great deal of correspondence and accounts for our yearly expenditure of approximately $3,000.00 for postage alone. As disclosed by the books and records of the Financial-Secretary of the Supreme Lodge, during the year 1958, the interest collected by the Supreme Lodge

Wednesday, March -1. , 1959 on its mortgage loans amounted to $346487.24, as compared to $324,980.22 collected in 1957; the interest collected on certificate loans amounted to $26,704.06 as compared to $25,738.31 collected in 1957; premiums on certificates of members collected amounted to $625,493.65 as compared to $608,942.59 collected] in 1957; interest and dividends collected On stocks and bonds owned by the Supre,te Lodge amounted to $59,017.50, as compared to $34,667.50 collected in 1957. The amount of $59,017.50 interest and did.!fends collected on stocks and bonds includes $24,750.00 delinquent dividends collected on preferred stock owned by the Supreme Lodge, Which payment restored this stock to current conditiOns as of Dec. 31, 1958. The revenue or royalty from oil production on real estate properties and royalty and mineral interests owned by the Supreme Lodge amounted to $7,992.05 as compared to $10,203.87 . received in 1957. This decrease in revenue from the oil holdings of the Suprenie Lodge due primarily to the curtailed production of oil in Texas during 1958. The rent received from office space in the Supreme Lodge Home Office Building increased from $28,730.38 - received in 1957 to $28,903.48 received in 1958. Insurance in force increased during the year from $29,608,184.00 to $30,802, 509.00. The number of certificates of insurance in force increased during the year from 29,804 to 30,620. Our reserve fund increased during the year froTA $9,209,182.16 to $9,729,747.47 or a net increase of $520,656.31. Our SPJST as far as its financial structure and affairs are concerned is growing very satisfactorily. So many of us are constantly referring , to that. In fact, considering the many handicaps under which the Supreme Lodge ha; operated and the many obstacles it has had to over come in its operation, over the years, it has made a remarkable growth. While our Order is a Fraternal Order, it should always be born in mind that its business affairs and interests must be or should always be conditeted, managed and transacted in the same manner, and in the same proven business way, in keeping with the same proven business methods and principles as any other business institution and its officers should be ajs competent and as well qualified in all respects as °Meet's • of any other financial institution of comparable - magnitude, size, scoph and character. The fraternal societies pioneered life insurance in the United states and dominated it for many years. It would, there-

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 fore, follow naturally, that with that background and with their membership scattered all over the country to recommend their insurance, that the fraternal societies should have maintained their place of leadership in the insurance field. However, such is not the case. In fact, the amount of insurance on the books of the fraternal societies, at present, represents only a very small segment of the life insurance in force in this country. In the last 30 years, not a single fraternal insurance society, was organized, during which, time insurance companies were organized by the hundreds, and most of them seem to be doing very well. Why?



make and save, or lose thousards of dollars for the Order, annually, without your knowledge of either. This year you shall elect delegates to our convention next year. Now is the time to be mindful of how to provide something worthwhile for the future welfare of our Order. You can insure that by electing gdod, qualified and conscientious delegates to the next convention; delegates that have the best interest of the Order, really, at heart, and not those that are interested in nothing but being elected delegates to the convention and there serve either their own selfish interests or the special interests of some special group, without any regard for the welfare of the , Order. Our Order 'has, great possibilities. It is often referred to as a "sleeping giant." What onr Order aceomplishes from now on - depends on you and me. I am interested in the welfare of the SPJST, not only now, but also in its welfare after I am long gone and forgotten. Are you? Are we going to provide for the future growth of our Order at the next convention or are we going to put it •off again. It is my hope that the next convention will take heed of the signs of the times, and also provide for the training of its own official personnel at the Supreme Lodge, so that it would always have some qualified younger men in wining at the Supreme Lodge, to replace any deceased, outgoing or retirlug Supreme Lodge officers. The work that is expected of the Supreme Lodge officers and that will be expected of thm'; in the future is of a specialized nature, because of the Czech language requirement, if for no other reason, and this requirement will persist for many years, even after the Czech language will cease to be used, generally, in our Order. Unless the supreme Lodge does provide such schooling and training for its future officers, it will not be passible for it in the future to obtain the right kind of official personnel for itself, and thereby maintain the Order for the purposes and preserve the traditions for which it was founded. Think this over seriously, because it really merits your consideration.

Strauss, 1?

the following deceased brothers and sisters, to-wit: Death Claim No. 6742. Brother Frank. Kuba, farmer, member of Lodge Sval. Cechoslovanu, No. 92, died Jan. 22, 1959, at age 67. Admitter June 5, 1937. Cert. B1821 for $500.00. Death Claim No. 6743. Sister Anna Krenek, housewife, member of Lodge Pokrok Plumu, No. 64. died Jan. 30, 1959, at age 91. Admitted Aug. 13, 1905. Cert, A-2761 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6744. Brother Charles Janecek, laborer, member of Lodge Jar•, oslav Vrchlicky, No. 111, died Jan. 19, 1959 at age 69. Admitted December 1, 1912. Cert. A-4984 for $1,000.00. Death Clair No. 6745. Brother Martir. Lisy, retired, member of Lodge Pokrok Texasu, No. 1, died Dec. 19, 1958, at age 69. Admitted March 13, 1921. Cert. Pd-up 596 for $228.00. Death Claim No. 6746. Brother Johr. Jurcak, retired, member of Lodge Ro y -nost,N.7dieJan30,195atge8. Admitted Julyl, 18v7. Cert. A-373 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6747. Brother Frank. V. Rychlik, merchant, member of Lodge Ladimir Klacel, No 129, died Jan. 24, 1959 at age 70. Admitted April 23, 1916. Cert. A-5714 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6748. Sister Frances Slovacek, housewife, member of Lodge Pokrok Texasu, No. 1, died . Jan. 31, 1959, at age 86. Admitted Nov. 6; 1908. Cert, A10016 for $500.00. Death Claim No. 6749. Brother John Chlapek, retired farmer, member or Lodge Hvezda Texasu, No. 47, died Feb. 6, 1959, at age 86. Admitted July 1, 1900. Cert. A-2829 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6750. Sister Emma Pekar, housewffe, member of Lodge B. Zdrubek, No. 112, died Feb. 6, 1959, at age 70. Admitted Feb. 19, 1934. Cert. B1001 for $500.00. Death Claim No. 6751. Sister Martha Vesely, housewife, member of Lodge Woodrow Wilson, No. 146, died. Jan. 7. 1959, at age 73. Admitted August 5, 1923. Cert. A-8873 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6752. Brother Otto Stehlik, Real Estate Oil Operator, mem ber of Lodge Need yislost, No. 76, died Feb. 1, 1959, at age 77. Admitted July 4, 1908. Cert. A-9329 for $1000.00. Death Claim No. 6753. Brother Jos. J. Klecka, retired Hydraulic Equip' Sent repairman, member of Lodge Pokrok Houstonu, No. 88, died Jan. 31, 1959, at age 67. Admitted July 12, 1909. Cert. A-4502 for $1,000.00.

The fact that fraternal societies are being forced far into the background in the insurance field is causing great concern, and alarm, in the minds of many fraternal society leaders in this country. The night before the opening of tha National Fraternal Congress Con-• vention, at Miami, Florida, last September, a special plenary session of the delegates to the National Convention was held, for the purpose of ascertaining and determining the reasons, for this condition, and devising plans that the fraternal society should adopt to overcoTie it. Several reasons for this condition were advanced, the principal one being that the fraternal societies took it for granted that insurance would come to them, without any effort on their part etc. Several suggestions were offered and discussed how to correct the situation, among which, in my mind, the salient or the one most worthwhile how to overcome the stagnant condition of the fraernal orders, was, that the fraternal societies, in order to compete successfully with commercial life insurance companies, in addition to the fraternal features of insurance that they offer, and in addition to offering the same plans of life insurance, etc., as cornmercial life insurance companies, the fraternal societies should or must put the management of their societies, on the same plane as commercial life surance companies, by getting well qualified, competent, alert and aggressive officers — workable management — dsmand of them the same performance and results, provide for them the Fraternally yours, same consideration and the same atmosJ. F. Charpick, phere of security for satisfactory perSecretary, Supreme Lodge formance of work as that required r,add_ " • I, offered by commercial life insurance companies. This may be the solution of .ar Sisters and Erothers, the stagnant condition of so many fraPlease be advised that during the ternal societies. month of February, 1959, the Supreme Death Claim No. 6754. Sister Marie Ronetriber that a competent, well Lodge, SPJST, has paid death benefits, Rohan, housewife, member of Lodge qualified„ SSupreme Lodge can either due by virtue of certificates issued to Touha, No. 125, ,died Feb. 5, 1959 at awe


Strana 88, Admitted November 13, 1904. Cert. A5855 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6755, Brother Arnold J. Martinets, retired, member of Lodge Komensky, No. 20, died Feb. 14, 1959, at age 52. Admitted Sept. 10, 1934. Cert. D118 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6756. Brother Vaclav Vincik, Mechanic, member of Lodge Vlastenec, No. 45, died Feb. 7, 1959, at age 51. Admitted Sept. 12, 1926. Cert. Pd-up No. 59 for $134.00. Death Claim No, 6157. Sister Annie Stacey Flronek, hoieeewife, member of Lofge Rozkvet Cooks Point, No. 116, died Feb. 7, 1959, at age 63. Admitted June 14, 1916. Cert. A-68 ,73 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6758. Brother Willie Jaitifka, farmer, member of Lodge Touha, No. 125, died Feb. 15, 1959, at age 75. Admitted Feb. 11, 1912. Cert. A-5866 for $1,000.00. Death Claim No. 6759. Sister Terezie Valenta, housewife, t-6ember of Lodge Culak, No. 165, died Feb. 20, 1959, at age 92. Admitted July 1, 1897. Cert. A-2189 for $1,000.00 To the bereaved relatives of our deceased brothers and sisters, the Supreme Lodge, SPJST, expresses its heartfelt sympathy. J. F. Chupick Secretary, Supreme Lodge, S.P.J.S.T.

Attention Diptrict One Or Kovar, Texas All you winning organizers of District One that have sold five thousand or mote insurance during our contest with District. Two, and are according to the a greement with Brother Mikolaj and my self eli gible to attend the feast given us by the defeated district, please been in mind the date of March 2, 1959 and make it al must to be with us at our Kovar Hall that evening. That is the date and place . where the defeated district, must pay off. Brother Mikolaj is going to do that by feeding us baked turkey and all the trimmings while he himself must eat cold crow. It should certainly be worthwhile to come 130 this great celebration and the fun We are going to have. He 'mm to bring year wife too, so she can enjoy the fan with us. We will be looking for everyone Of you. Looking forward to seeing all of you on that evening, I remain fraternally yours V. H. Barina District No. I Organizer,

District Calen, DISTRICT ONE OUR DISTRICT ONE announces that they will hold their Spring Meeting at the Shilow Hall near College Station, Texas on the third Sunday of IVH,y the 17th, and all the 34 Lodges of this Di6trict are urged to have some representation at this important meeting. A detailed program will be published as soon as possible. We are asking to reserve this ,Sunday for our 1st District. DISTRICT TWO ROGERS; TEXAS Dear Brother Editor, District II will hold its annual m?:ting on the fourth Sunday, March 22, 1959 at the Seaton EIPWST Lodge 4'/ Star Hall near Temple. The Meet i :og w111 stert at 1:30 p.m. Watch the Vestnik for further announcemer 13 concerning this meeting." Fraternally, Calvin C. Cervenka President Dist. II District II will hold its annual Spring meeting on the Fourth Sunday, March 2, 1959, at the Seaton SPJST Lodge 47 Star Hall near Temple. The irrieeting will start at 1:30 p.m. and will feature an address by Dr. lEctuard Taborsky, a disclosure of plan: fret; b.c SPJST' Youth Day at Camp Tahn:, - , nn August 30, and the election of , ,:lstrict officers. Watch the Ve.; ,enik for further announcements of this meeting. District II also will hold its 1959 Youth Meeting on the FoUrth Sunday, August 30, 1959, at Camp Tahuaya, which is the Heart of Texas Council, Boy Scouts of America. Camp near Belton on the Lampasas River. This meeting should be an enjo.7;bie one for both the adult and you :,:g members SO everyone plan now to attend and watch the Vestnik for further announcements about this meeting,

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 OUR SIXTH DISTRICT Planning to hold its Spring Meeting a reunion of all the associated Lodges of this Ili5t5iet 1cm Itield at the RJT :Hall of on, the 1:-.)th of Aoi ii. They hope tint the other DI,:,xicts will not irrtfere with this date, for which they will be thankful, 'Phe associated Lodges of the Sixth District are in Calhoun County- No. 41 Colorado County -- Nos. 8, 83, 144 DeWitt County -- Nos. 31, 125 Jackson County - Nos. 138, 153 he vaca County - Nos. 3, 4, 10, 16, 19 23 63, 140, and 165. LagOraa County - Nos. 148, 163 Wharton County - No. 28, 30, 40, 50, 53. and 51, Victoria County Nos. 32, 97, 98, 143. A total of 31 Lodges SEX This is to inform you that our next District Meeting will be held on April 19th, 1959 under the sponsorship of Lode La Parita 1,To. 161 at Jourdanton, Tex. The time of this meeting and the Program will be published in detail as soon as possible. Please leave this Sunday to us in our Seventh District. Thanks District 7 is composed of 18 lodges. rhey arc as follows: Atascosa. County: No. 78, No. 147, and No. 161. Bee County: No. 26 Bexar County: No. 133. Cameron County: No. 164, Karnes County: No. 93 and No. 127. Kleber County: No. 118. Live Oak: No. 113. Nueces County: No. 56, No. 79, No. 117, and No. 152. Refugio County: No. 150, Sanatricio County: No. 137, Wilson County: No. 61 and No, 107. _

INSTRICT THREE ii Announcements have been received that District III will hold its Spring Meet _ the announcement of District 'L ye, that ing at Lodge 84, 2625 Floyd Street, Dal- they will hold their Spring District Ac- Meeting at the Seaton Hall of Lodge 47, Ins, Texas, March 22. - Later Youth Ac lo- Sunday the 22 of March. You all are tivity Day will be held at the same lo cation. June 28. Please mark your cal- invited 'and it will be a successful meetDetailed p ro g rams will be an- ing ,am sure. District Tv , , o, has 18 assoenda,r. flounced later. - A three act comedy by elated Lodges they arc: the Teen-age Club Will also be presented Bell County. No 24 47, 69, 80, 88, and after the District If Meeting March 22. 87; Falk. ':o., J...on Co., No, 74 -• "-.'? IhJfJft artso.1 1',; 13.5 15.5 FIVE .'75, 102 rring Meeting will be and 159. Disrizict held on May 11th, 1959. Let's hone that all these Lodges listed Time, place and program will be an- will be well represented. The Editor nounced, at a later date,

./ednesday, March 11, 1959

District IT

r Ls.

The annual Spring Meeting of SPJST District II will be held on the Fourth Sunday, March 23, at the Seaton Lodge No. 47, SLar , Hall near Temple. The meeting will be an afternoon meeting only with the Call to Order scheduled for 1:30 p.m. A program of variety entertainment by young members of the district will be presented at 2:00 p.m. under the direction of District Youth Director Clara Hejl. Later in the afternoon, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the children and games will then be played on the Lodge grounds. Immediately after the program of entertainment by the youth, Dr. Eduard Tabcrsky will speak on the theme "In-' ternational Relations." Dr. Taborsky is a professor of government at the University of Texas and was formerly Secretary to President Benes of Czechoslovakia, Brothei Taborsky, who is a member of Lodge 47, is a popular, well known, and very interesting speaker and is scheduled to speak in both the Czech and English languages concerning his subject which should be of interest and importance to everyone.

CALVIN OIERVELNKA After Brother Taborsky's address, there will be a short business session during which new officers for the district will be elected. As a special item of interest to elieryone, Sister Clara. Hejl will present outline of plans for the SPJST' Youth Day which is scheduled for Sunday, August 30 at Camp Tahuaya near Belton,


Strana 19

I wish to say that, as a. matter of fact, the subject of the Supreme Lodge participating in the celebration of the new Lodge 166, in Beaumont, Texas, and paying part of the expenses in connection with the installition of the new Lodge, was discussed in our October 9, 1958, Suprem Lodge meeting and in the discussion that followed it was brought out that the Supreme Lodge, never did participate in any expenses of a new Lodge when it was installed, consequently it was understood that the Supreme Lodge would not participate in the expenses of the new Lodge, so the matter was tabled. Brother Cerny wanted to put on a good program so I volunteered to go onehalf of the expenses, we never at any time asked the Supreme Lodge, nor any one else for any re-imbursement, we did this of our own free will and expected no C7 'RI. HEil, contribution from anyone. As authorized by the last District II In our Jan. 8, 1959 Supreme Lodge meeting in Taylor, the District II offi- meeting the matter was brought up cers met recently and definitely de- again by some of the Officers and Direccided to hold! the 1959 youth meeting at tors that the Supreme Lodge should have Camp Tahuaya, which is a Boy Scout paid for the dinners, stated at this Camp just a few miles Southwest of meeting that I did not want any re-imBelton on the Lampasas River. The res- bursement, but it was voted and carried ervation for the camp and all its avail- that the Supreme Lodge pay for the dinable facilities has been made for the last ners. Sunday in August. I want to thank the Officers and DiFollowing the business session, the rectors for giving this matter their conSisters of the host lodge will have a buf- sideration the second time, but I must fet style lunch prepared for serving and again decline to accept any re-imbursea social period will follow. It is expected ment. that the meeting will adjourn by 4:00 There is one more who needs to be p.m. and everyone should plan now to mentioned, Brother Pokladnik of Dallas, attend this meeting. All local lodge of- Texas, would not accept pay for the deers and members of the district, all licious sausage that we enjoyed at the state SPJST officials, and visitors are celebration. Fraternally yours invited trid urged to attend this meeting. J. M. Skrabanek Calvin C. Chervenka • • (— President SPJST District II "How do youlike my new evening. gown?" asked the wife. `Pretty, but confusing," acid the husband. "How do you mean confusing?" "Well, I can't decide whether you are on the inside trying to get out or on the 42ND ANNIVERSARY -- Lodge San outside trying to get in." Antonio No. 133, will celebrate its 42nd anniversary on March 22nd. It will be A young minister in a small North an all-day celebration. This will include Carolina town perfromed• a wedding dinner and supper and dancing to the ceremony for a mountain couple. When music of the San Antonio Czech Orch- it was over the groom called him aside: estra. Every one is invited to attend. The "Parson, I feel bad 'cause T. ain't got celebration will take place at the Com- no money to give you, so I tell you what anche Park in San Antonio. I aim to do. I got an old hound dog that I was fixing to sell for ten dollars, but , HOUSTON, TEXAS I'll let you have him for five." o• Dedr Readers, God gives us relatives; thank , God we In answer to Brother Cerny's letter in the Feb. 25.. 1959 issue of our Ves L ink, can choose our friends.

Strang 20


Mrs. Ffronek was born in the San AntoriM Prairie community of Burleson Co. She was the Sund. hoot Secretary of the Cook's Point C,u. Survivors are tea ?; is: Melvin Hronek and A. G. Hronek and three grandchilren, six brothers and six sisters. She was Laid to rest at the Cook's Point Cemetery, ly, our heartfelt To the bereaced sympathy.

Funeral for age 51 v: ths and. hays, were held at die ington neral Home, Shiner, Februain 8, 1959.., Mr.. Vincil. ;t in Houston wh.• icken with a hc, , . before medical aid coulil be ad}• ed. Satunsay, Feb. 7, 19a9 at.7:45 a.m, Mr: Vin•ik was born in Moulton June 11, 1907, the son of the late Albert and Katherine (Hajek) • Vincik. Survivors inchMe his wife; two sons, Erwin, 21 and John 4, of Houston; brother, Edward 'Vino ik of Shiner; six sisters. Burial was in PP. ST Cemetery, Shiner. Our sympathy to the bereaved Family.

Age 82, long .who died Sunhospital followday in a Corpus. C,1 ing a brief illness. Msgr. George Scecina, -p astor of St, John Catholic Church, officiated at the service. Burial in Robstown Cemetery. • A native of Czechoslovakia, Brother Jurecka had been a resident of Robstown since 1923. Survivors include four daughters,' Mrs. Elizabeth Cervenka.. of Gran.ger, Mrs. Find Situ:Thar?f. u stin, Mrs. Anna, B. • • 9,71d. Mrs,. Eba • Rose Reineke of f:.ur sons, I. J. stown., H. 13. of , of Laredo; „to, V . ..'ne% s. Joe Tomeck. of Schthree sisters, 1Viikr1,-.21 of Rosenwertner, Mrs. berg and Mrs, Anna lac of Bartlett; 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Our sympathy to the bereaved Family. e( —) e

'‘!!`A a Charter Member of out SPJ,ST and at - time of her death member of Lodge Our deemed sister was born May 13, 1871. in and died a sudden death d, e to a. heart attack at the home of her a ter-in-law at Shiner, Texas. seer Valentaf attained the age of 87 years and nine months and was always progressive and civic minded. Sister Valenta was loved by all who knew her and even iri difficult times she always managed to provide a cheerful home for her lo y;Hi ones. She lived a truly helpful life to her fellowmen and enjoyed being with people, friends and yes. Her funeral services were held from the St Joseph's Cathk-Te Church. Her remains were conveyed to t'in Flatonia Cemetery, Serving as pallbearers were her grandsons, and there was a multitude of friends that saw her to her final resting place. May this good sister rest in peace and our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. )

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 that he built has been the gathering place for family reunions for inTany years, and his thoughtfulness as a loving father will live on in the memory of his family for all the future gatherings to come. 43

RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY WHEREAS, he members of Lodge No. in cattle farming. His . farm and home 65, SPJST' desire to record their deep sorrow at the death on February 20, 1959 and burial in Flatonia City Cemetery at 9:30 a.m. Bebruary 23, of their member TEREZIF, VALENTA who was an esteemed member of this local lodge for a number of years. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that all members of Lodge No. 165, SPJST do hereby give their formal expression of their sorrow, and do hereby note on the records of this local lodge the passing from this life of a member who was .esteemed by her associates, loved by her friends and respected by all that knew her. BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be published in the Vestnik the Official Organ of the SP3BT, as a ,humble expression of all the members of local lodge No. 165, SPJST, , of their heartfelt sympathy to all members of the family of the deceased, in their bereavement. Emil V. Krejci Emil Darilek Sr. Charles Filipp Resolution Committee ) e, e One of the greatest marksmen of the FBI was passing through a small town, and everywhere he saw evidence of amazing shooting. On trees, on walls, on fences, and• on barns were numberless bull's eyes with bullet holes in the exact centers. He asked to meet the one responsible for this great marksmanship. The man turned out to be: the village idiot. "This is the most wonderful marksmanship I have ever seen," exclaimed the FBI man. "How in the world do you do it?" "Easy as pie," replied the simpleton, "I shoot first and draw the circles afterwards."

IN MEW CIP■ FRANK KUBA nber of Locen,! No. 92, Fort Worth, born December 16, 1891 in Europe. o;.11 1- t. a died January 2, 1959 at _uleso n Texas, nnng are his wife Eva Kuba and n'en: Anna, Sophie, Mary, Stella and omas. After services from the All Saints Catholic Church in Ft. Worth, Texas, Brother Kuba was laid to rest at Mt. Oi ivett Cemetery in Fort Worth, Texas. Frank Kabala came to America fro.n Poland on March 10, 191.0 and arrived at Galveston, Tex. He immediately came to ll'ort 'Worth where he obtained his first position in this country at the packing IN 4 0 house. The new Pope John lived in Paris for open.... a neighborer, ..Side of sonic time as papal nuncio. There he a o-dred a, considerable reputation es a associat(t. Once he said. • otosky in the "I have noticed that if a woman arrives wearing a gown that is rather dar, moved to a farm in JohnTexas In 1.935 b: Cooks C.M.B. C e niverend Henry Beseda, can County near Burleson, Texas and ingly low, everybody gazes not at the ast week. since that time has established himself woman, but at me." Jr. officiated.

Wednesday, March 11, 1959




Strana 21

and Pat ,Sebik, Miss Margie Sebik, Miss ward, with pleasure, to working with Beatrice Sulak and Gene Sebik, all of them. Aquilla; Mr, and Mrs. John Retchek and To our departed brother and member, Mrs. Frank Kadlubar, Freddie and John- Joe Kunetka, was dedicated our standny, all of Dallas. Also present was ing in a minute of silence and nespect Father Schmidt of the Catholic Church to his memory. of Garland. We, then. proceeded, with the meeting, The honorceS, and Mrs. Retchek minutes were read and accepted as read. received many congratulations and best A sick and entertainment committees wishes arid were presented many nice were appointed. On the committee to gifts. The invited guests also presentedRektorik, look after the Kalenda sick are:and Brother Rudy BennieJam PaMr. s and Mrs, Bruegging many beautiful gifts in a surprise housewarming, Still Fort the entertainment theRekfollowing. were was velka. ehosen: Sisters Alice another special hOnoree that day torik, Helen Pavelka, and Mary Janak. Freddie. Kudlabar, who was presented Also two organizers were nominated: a big birthday cake in celebration of Rudy Kalenda, the present one, and the his birthday. new nominee is Oscar Hrncir, now we Congratnlations Brother and Sister will have some competition and hope Retchek, We enjoy0 very much visit- that they will get us some new members ing with you in your home a few Sun- with ou.r assistance. One of our old friends and father of day.3 ago. Our very best wishes to you Brother Albert Jurecka, passed away, for many more years of happiness. Sunday, February 22, after a brief illEmma Ceska ness. He is Joe Jurecka, a resident of Officers and Youth Leaders of the Waco SPJST Lodge Robstown since 1923, he Was a native of ) Third District met in Dallas Feb. 15th at Czechoslovakia. He is also survived by Pokrok Lodge Nr. 84 to approve a forLODGE 111, RgpsTowm, TEXAS three other sons and four daughters. We mulated plan for • SPJST District III extend our sincere sympathy to the beYouth Activity Day and Queen's Con- Dear Brothers and Sisters:. test as presented by Youth Directors Well, this is my first attempt to write reaved family. }We were really happy that our past Emma C'eska and Bessie Petr. Rules and as a reporter. president (now honorary president), Regulations for the event will he reThe most welcome news of all is the leased to the 21 lodges and the Vestnik "Beautiful" sunshine we had yesterday Brother John Rektorik has recuperated by the directors. and today (Sunday and Monday) every- enough to come to this meeting. He has been on the sick list since the first The Youth Activity Day as-well as the one is keeping their fingers crossed for part of November, including five weeks Spring meeting of the Third District the sunshine to continue. As this is the in the hospital. We wish him a speedy will be held at Lodge 81, 2625 Floyd St. sixth wettest February we have had and CCI -_riPiete recovery. in Dallas. The meetings were originally since 1894. It is already March and the We also want to thank the ladies for . planned to be held in Waco, Lodge 66, farmers are pacing the floor as the fields the sandwiches and other goodies they have water standing in them and it is Elm Moth This lodge is in the process brought. I am sure everyone enjoyed of elaborate remodeling and will be time for planting. There is quite a bit of the after-the-meeting get together. winter weeds in some of the fields also. unable to at as host. Last Saturday, February 23, Miss MaWe had our regular meeting yesterDates set for the :meetings are Spring rie Carmen Meek and Lt. (jg) Larry Meeting, District IIi March 22, and day, (Sunday, March 1). Brother Victor Lee Maloy were married in the NAB e r t called the meetJanak, our Prvid Youth Activity Day, June 28. ing to order. Then the officers were in- 'C athQ] ic Chapel in LiTke hu rot, N. J. 4, stalled. There were some changes and 'They arc both frornR,obstown, Marie is some of thecii, I. might say, after a, bon the daughter of Brother and Mrs. J. Mebek cf our Lodge. Our congraends: Dr al time. Brother and Sister Piay Moore, memBrother Victor Janak, president re- tula•ions and best wishes to the newbers of Waco SPJST Lodge 66, reported elected, Brother Rudy Kalenda, vice- lyWe ds. I think that will be enough for the t'.;e;,,ii were uu Ile to attend the meeting president, reelected, Sister Alice Rektofirst time, if this passes, I may get at Linden IT P on Sunday March 1st rik, Mrs. Herbert) newly elected secresince they attended the celebration tary, Sister Helen (Mrs. Geo.) Pavelka, enough courage and write again soon. honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Retchek of I bookkeeper, we promoted her from re- Best regards to all. Fraternally yours, Dallas on their 40th weeding anni- porter; Brother George Pavelka treasMary Janak, Reporter versary. The Moore's daughters, Cathy urer, re-elected and Sister Mary Janak, Editors Note: This is indeed a very nice and Cindy, also accompanied them. Reporter, (new). :g Mr. and o We want to commend and thank our and informative letter, neat a well writ, The stnorise party bonori -We hope that you will Erna:, ten. Thanks Mrs. Retchek was held in V.3.e of home outgoing officers., nd keep your fine lodge • . nal% mr, he has Write of tbeir son-1:1-1a, net ;: past sts,,,,re the pi r,In I and Mrs. o wc r e .:; „faro ,Fr r he b . Friends NO. 6 and, Mrs. Rektolik, he held the post for 35 years. pee , ( Mr. and Mrs. :L . 11 ers; Gerik, Miss Janet Sulak, Mrs. We are truly grateful_ to them for so Dear 171',.)thers Lnid Our meeting and quarterly barbecue Louis Kapavik, and Bill Kapavik all of ably performing their duties as officers. West; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sebik, Albin We welcome our new ones and look for- lunch was held. March 1st. as planned.


Stran g, 2l


TN1K -


. ednesday, March 11,

WACO SPJST LODGE NO. 66 We had a wonderful crowd and it and.. carried out at our February lodge Dear Brothers and Sisters: was a beautiful warm day and we were meeting. We want to acknowledge, fir st of all, 'rho regular meeting of Lodge No. 66 was so glad to see so many come. We were also Very glad to have our our visitors from • Waco and Dallas -- held at 2:30 p. M. on Sunday, March 1, Brother Editor Louis Hosek with us and you all were 'very welcome to visit, us 1959 at Linden Hall. ,Beverly Gaidusek sorry to learn heat his wife., Mrs. Ho- and 'we hop. you win come again. vlas selected to lead the group in the March 1• which is a Sunday, was the Pledge of Allegiance :Visitors were Mrs. sek was sick with a cold and couldn't be with us. date agreed upon to have the initiation Lies Wiethorn of 1VIcUregor, BrotInTs Many thanks goes to all sisters who of all new members and transfers to Toe Zvolanek of Temple, Rosalie Supak brought these tasty dishes and also to our lodge during tbe year 1958 and up and Linda Clark of Waco, and a sale those sisters who sent fool by their until this, .Sunday. As you may know, delek of West. Also, we were happy to husbands but couldn't be with us be- this is also our meeting . Sunday, so -we have our Editor, Brother Hosek, attend cause of some other care asking everyone that intend to at- :an meeting.. Thank you for your wonI am proud. to reoe nother new tend this affair, try and cone early in Ilerful words of encouragement; we apmember joining our Lod . 'The is Sister order to get a good seat. Following the predate it. Hazel Davis of Waco. he hope she and meeting and initiation, a tasty snack We were sorry to have the report of her family will visit Wi;Gil us at scaie, of will bre sencn.l. To the new members and our Sick Committee that Brother Frank transfers it will be free. For ad others, Thamead Lad suffered a 'heart ...k our meetings and other activities. A motion was, made by Sister Krizan it will be only 75e a plate. After our ap- :ecently. Also that Brother Henry West; at our last meeting to have , an Easter petites leave been satisfied, we can all nad been confined to the hospital where Egg Hunt, for our youngsters and at finish the Co y by staying for Family he underwent surgery, and before his iglat. So, wine one, come ail. elease their small / daughter, Barb.:ra first it seemed no one was especially inAnother date to kee p in Mind is Sun- Ann, was taken to the same hospital terested but 'then after Brother Hosek spoke and explained the consequences day March. 22. The eneeting of District with.: pneumonia. All of you have oar of neglecting our lodge youth, that our Three will be held at our lodge (Lodge wishes for a speedy recovery. Candidates accepted for membership lack of interest in their. ha ying any No. 84) on that date. The meeting will fun; never thinking of their entertain- be.:.?.in at 10 a. in. Dinner will be serv- were Mau Sue Moore„Sister Margaret ment would also mean no future for our d at noon and the meeting will con- Gaidusek, Brothers 'William Supak and lodge in the years to come, the lodge clude in the afternoon. We ho p as Eugene John Sebik. We are happy to membership then voted to have an Eas- many of you as possible will be there as have you as members and look forward ter Egg Hunt for Lo: -...oath with a these meetings are very interesting and to your joining us in our lodge activities. short program on f, Birthday Club honorees during Ma..rch „/ arch 22nd, anyone having an interest in the SPJST beginning at 7.30 p. i we are in- will find this meeting informative and included Sisters Mary Nell Narovec, Roviting all brothers o se Narovec, Matilda Harms, Mary Kudel7,s to bring beneficial. The ladies of the lodge are asked to ka, Millie Korenek, Maurine Trefny, their children to our La.!: We will have the Hunt on the !,;roonLl around bring- some of their fine pastries, cakes, Norma Traywick and Melanie Hanus; the Hall. There seems to be plenty of pies and kolaces. They have never let Brothers Albert Casper, William Kudelgrass. the /ledge down, so we should have a ka and Clement Karlik. Winners of the door prizes were The children shall be Civided into nice variety of desserts en hand. three g,thups, and there W i 11 be one On the evening of March 22, the Teen nell Ceska and. Brothers Frank. Par soa. Much discussion centered, around t•e Prize Egg for each group. Refreshments fare Club will present a comedy in 3 will be served after the Runt. The eggs „r..i the Money". So, why not plan youth activities of the Lodge and of Diand drinks will be furnished by the to make a d cy of it by attending the strict HI. Sister •ibbie Parma presentLodge and our good mothers are re- didtrict meeting and stayin g to be en- ed cheeks from the Supreme Lodge in quested to bring a few cookies. Let's .tained by our teen-agers. From the amount of $15.00, $10.00 and $5.00 make this First Pfister Egg Hunt a big what we hear, the comedy promises to to Hattie Matus, LaNell Ceska and Helen. Kolenovsky. These awards were pressuccess! Pr ovif'e plenty of laughs. Our Brother Editor, Hosek, also spoke On Easter /Sunday, March 29 there ented to the youth for having earned to us about the Third District Meeting will he an Pet... . ter Party for the children, the highest number of points in Lodge which will be held Sunday, March 22nd from the tiniest one through age 12. 63 during the past year's contest spoil at Dallas Lodge No. Pk explaining all end, in the evening, a dance will be 3ored by the Supreme Lodge. Our con • details and wished some of the Cotton- held with. music provided by the popu- gratulations to each one of you. Kee. wood membership would be able to go lar band of Wesley (Gus) Herzan. Please ip the good work. there. Sister Farina discussed the Youth watch the Vestnik. for additional inforActivity Day and District; III Queen's We want to thank Broth e r. Hosek for mation concerning the party. all the inspiring talks and hope he and dlontest to be held in June. Norma Jean The Sunshine Committee reports the Traywick was elected to represent Lodge his ;ff,iSSUS will visit us soon again. With best wishes for a Happy Easter, follo ,ving on the sick list: Brothers F- No. 66 as Princess in the Queen's Conrail Pe,' ..acitnik, Sr., and Sisters Angeline test. Other candidates were Hattie 1VIaI reMain, Ozyn Agdcell, Dan ' Fratern ins and Ir.),Nell Cu k Congratulations. Bcicck. Also .€ Johi. Norma„ and we are sure you will find Ruth still sick. So, to all you, a this a Wonderful experience. po President Brother Ed. Mazanec re-, LODGE . t the meeting, rted he had been selected to attend Dear Members and Friends, Fraternally, the seminar at SMU recently, that he Would like to inform all of you of Frances Baleja enjoyed it very much, and gained val3onie of the things that were discussed Helen Pokladnik, asst. uable information.


Wednesday, March 11, 1959 Our Lodge is happy to have the plaque prepared by Brothe=r Otto Banns listing all the charter members of Lodge 66, with their pictures , also listing all mein bees who donated their services in build ing Linden Hail. When our hall is remodeled, the plaque will be hung in an appropriate place and we do ask that you go by to see it. Our thanks too, to Brother Roman Parma for doing such a nice job on the frame. Work is well underway on the addition to Linden Hall and we all look forward to a irriore beautiful and cornfortaple place to meet. Tie next meeting will be held on Sunday, April 5, 1959 at 2:30 p. m. at Lin.den Hall. Fraternally yours, Emma Ceska Recording Secretary _



SPJST LODGE NO. 5t Dear Sisters and Brothers: I have not been at our last meeting. Sunday Morelli, but having heard from different members that this was meeting with a big attendance and especially there were quite a lot of the ladies present, we always like to see the women come to the meetings and take p art in suggesting their ideas. Among those present were few members who were not able to come to the meetings for a long time cause of illnesses, they were namely: Brother Leo and Sister Millie Girard of Waco both having been under the weather for some length of time, Sister Regina Hromadka who was in a car accident and Brother Emil Popp Who had an eye operation. Everybody was glad to see these members back, and hope all of you will stay well fray; now on. We are glad to say that a motiob was made and carried, that at our next meeting 'a committee be appointed to organize a Youth Program. This will give the Youth of our Lodge an opportunity to have thier own gatherings and entertainmens. The first dance after Lent will be on Easter Sunday, Music will be furnished by Slim Haislers Band of Cameron. We are looking forward to having a big crowd and to seeing all of you at this Easter dance. Respectfully, Bennie Soukup. WEST


always master of my time, therefore will you kindly bear With me? A matter of pr) Ine interest to all members of our lode, \Vas the extention of the hall ) the Vrazel brothers. We are very ;.; • .;sf because they have successfully cnwig i the hall the past two years which =ten $ source of great satisfaction, not only to them, but to us, as well. It has provided us with the two advantages most important to us. For one, we are financially dependent on the cash value of the lease: and secondly, it adds so much to our social life. Since the dances are of the polka type, they have an orderly, congenial atmosphere. It is just the place to meet our frier.::; h)).• mutual pleasure and at the sa y le nlso bring our young foikg . day of prevalent juvenile delinquency,.t nice clean place of entertainment is enjoyed by decent young people and doubly appreciated by their parents. The Lent season is being observed at this time, but dances will commence with Easter to continue at regular intervals throughout the summer. The highlight will bo the big picnic which will be held Jun , The very popular Patek Orche • • i of Shiner, has been hired for the me We are ,.rend of increases in our lodge ra‘nolL, p. We have started early this year, for January, John Edward RollinS was admitted in the juvenile department. lie and his sister Elizabeth are ray sister Irene's children. We have always loved these little children but after the sudden death of their father last summer, they are dearer to us than ever. It meant a lot to me to bring Johnnie into the protective circle of our SPJST. In Feb.uary, Anton V Y : was admitted to the ledge, b.:2 is one of leasers, he is sti::•) o us, and we know we can count on him to attend lodge meetings. Another member, Milton T. Wright, Jr. has added- another certificate to the one he has held several years. Milton, a native of ROgerS, 'Pexas, is serving in the Navy, presently being somewhere at sea. Upon ecisipletlon of this tour of duty, he will rejoin his wife, the forincr Marion Fuchs, and will most likely settle in this area. dwich Ited:

wor pr; j• Dear 1. f,atention to let you Vie extend to It was not wait so long for the English !;terson of the Ruzicka familj up:)n the loss of their my original Czech message. Most of you mother, Mrs. Frances (Joe) Ruzicka. know my circumstances, where I am not Her children and grandchildren are

who3m lroafna 2 members of the SPJST, severSat belong to our lodge. Mrs. Ruzicka, age 83 was a native Texan, being a daughter of Anna and Martin II::ubac Sr., a pioneer Czech family who came to Texas :n the early 1850's. Thh: fact is worthy of mention, because .not only have the aid pioneers passed away but even the ranks of their direct descendants are tepidly thinning. We should pause to remind ourselves and others, how much we owe these courageous people who blazed the trail which we are now following. Please, let us not forget them too soon. After eighteen years. by a one-vote margin, I -am no longer your secretary. Since I had always enjoyed the work, I became so attached to it -- 1 was afraid would miss it ,iery ::.rued . As yet, I have not had the opportunity . because so many of you came to me and asked me to carry on. So far; I have transact,),c1 lodge business, except the official details,. just as I have always done. I did not realize how many loyal supporters I did have, until they came to remind me that it was my duty to continue working. Since I had neither reWed nor moved away, and my interest In the lodge's progress is as keen as ever, I see no reason why I should not oblige. Therefore, you may continue to call on •ne in My place of hnsinPss to leave me your dues. I will . also help you with any problems you (tray have relating to the SPJST. For me, lodge work has always been a labor of love. It was my interest in fraternal Work, and a sincere desire to serve our members impartially, that nrom-oted me to accept the office of •i peretary. There is a distinct difference such a motive and just wanting the .Tffice from pure p.msol)al spite. As I. understand fraternal );\ m•fc, the best interest of the lodge corns before all else. May I reoeat that I am g rateful to you for granting me the privilege of working, for you'so many yearS and I am looking, forward to working with you for yearS. to come. Fraternally yours, Hilda Brtis TiOga, Texas 17 coders and Friends! The SPJST' lodge No. 5 will hold their • y, April 32t11 at 2 Ltinch will be u Jude all kinds of :iominoes and your goc 5:: 0:1 company and friend: domino and 42 After the meeting lunch will be servs Tommie Faber, See'v ed.

Strana 24

SPECIAL AI_ There will be an 'rogmm held at Lodge Pokrok No. 88 Saturday, March 21st, at 7:30 p.m. We hope all of you will make this a date and cane to the Lodge, and relax while your young ones do an excellent performance. After the program, Mr. Bunny will Day another special visit to all the children, who will be present. So let's make this a date and come out to have an enjoyable time. There will also be refreshments served in the kitchen, by Sister Minnie Bravanee. Remember: Saturday, March 21st, Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Lodge Pokrok No. 83, 1140 Bobbie Street. Fraternally yours The Youth Pireto--1 6 NEWS FROM Because a 12-year-0 Temple Daily Tele!.rom. seventh grade geogr:y.hy School has a new Texas The girl, Barbara Coufel, cLui0er of Mr. and litre. Henry Couliak wrote the Telegram: "Dear Editor, Would you be so kind as to send me a 'Texas Almanac if you nave oi We have to study it almost every da ., , - U y e 12 pupils in our grade and we :;hare the book. I would appreciate it if you would send me one. Yours truly, Barbara Couf al" The Telegram editor to do something about the sitea1ic'' , signed a staff writer to fin ' Almanac and give it to Barbara and. classmates. The The reporter hunted :11 ov the and no Texas .0 be found. It seems as if T. lege students and other had purchased the lot. A hurry-up coil went to the Belton Bureau of the Telegram and within 30 minutes, a Texas Almanac had been located. Monday it

V E S T N I K — WEST, TEXAS was presented to Barbara and her class mates by the Telegram. "I asked mother and father if the let-. ter was okay. and they said it was fine." Barbara told the Telegram reporter. "I didn't know for sure if I would get one, but I thougtt maybe I would." Mrs. Clara Heil, the class teacher, said she looked everyplace for an almanac. "We tried to buy them, tried to borrow them and tried to order them, but we couldn't get any," she said. Barbara said she liked to look up "things" in the almanac. The class is studying Texas geography and the pupils use the almanac to find maps of cities and rivers. )• •( Lodge 66, Waco, Texas • Dear Readers, A few months ago I became a member of the SPJST and now I am very proud that I did. Since then, they have started adding on to our building and hope to get it finished before Easter. Last Sunday, March 1st, we held our Lodge meeting and I was very surprised and honored to have been selected the Princess to represent Lodge 66, on June 28, at the Youth Day in Dallas. I wish to thank everyone of you who voted for me and I'll try my very best to help our lodge come out on top. Tanks again. On Sunday, March 15th at 3:30 p. M., the lodge will give an Easter Egg Hunt for the youngsters. All of the children are asked to bring four boiled eggs each. So come out and have an enjoyable I evening hunting eggs. Prizes will also he ,9v,,Tareb for the best hunters. Good Luck! Irraternally and Sincerely, INTormo Traywick TI-7,EAGre; DIVISION NO. 84 Dallas, Texas Attention All Teenagers In And Near Dallas! Since our starting over two years ago our division in all ways are successful. All of our members look forward to all of our get togethers. They are always well attended by our members and their friends. As a result of our members bringing their friends, they in turn have econie SPJST members. Why? Well, I guess they have such a good time they want to come back and before you know it, well there is another memb,r. Even though we don't have a new-membership committee this year is no sign that we don't want new members. We always welcome new members with 'open arms' We have increased in membership and we want to keep up the pace. So tell all your teenage friends about our club and

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 encourage them to attend our activities. Not, only are those Who live in Dallas invited; but also those in surrounding towns and suburbs. Several of our present active members live outside of Dallas. Anyone who is interested in our club or any other information may contact: Mrs. Bessie Pete, leader 5406 Morngside TA-6-3557 James Janousek 6317 Bryan Pkwy. TA-7-9754 Either one of us will be glad to hear from you. Fraternally yours, James J. Janouse,k Entertainment Comirroittee • LODGE NO. 66, WACO Dear Readers, This Sunday, March 1st, Lodge 66 Had their regular meeting. At this meeting, we discussed the building of the lodge. (We are adding on to it). The foundation has been laid and we are hoping it will be what we want. Then, we talked about the Youth Day in June, and we were told that we would hear more about it later. Then three girls received checks for the highest points in our lodge. I (Hattie Matus) received' a check of $15.00, LaNell Ceska, received a $10.00 check, and Helen Kolenovsky received a. $5.00 check. We would all like to thank the Supreme Lodge for giving us these checks. We will all try to get more points, as we . arb very anxious. Then, we decided to pick out a representative from our Lodge to be a princess in the District III Contest on June 28th. After a short while we came up with these ballots. Norma Traywick, 11, La Nell C'eska, 8, Hattie Matus, 10, So as you all see, our representative for this Youth Day will be Norma Traywick. We are going to try and back her all the way. Best of luck to the Best Lodge. Then we discussed the date for our Easter Egg Hunt. We decided it would be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month that being March 15th. Oh yes, I would like to tell you, Brother Hosek, that we all enjoyed your presence at our Lodge meeting. I am sorry Sister Hosek could not be with us, as she was ill. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Also, we heard over the radio Tuesday morning that y ou met with an accident in the shop._ We wish you a speedy recovery. Well, that is all we discussed in our meeting. Thank you for taking time out to read it. Fraternally yours, Hattie Matus, Co-Teenage 1?,eporteN

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 Corpus Christi, Texas Dear Readers, The Teen-Agers of the Teenage Division of the Youth Club of Lodge 56 went to a. basketball game on February 26, 1959. The basketball game was played at the Del Mar College Gymnasium. The Del Mar "Vikings" played Wharton County Junior College in a conference game. Del Mar won a thriller by the score o! 62-58. All of the teenagers ,,seemed to enjoy the game. After the game, the teenagers went to a Whataburger place and got a root beer. Hope to have some more good times like this one. Yours respectfully, Frances Jurica ) •4•( Dallas Teen-Agers To Present Play Lodge No. 84, Dallas, Texas Dear Me)rbers and Readers, Sunday, March 22, marks the date of the Spring meeting of District No. 3. It also marks the date of the teen-agers' presentation of the comedy entitled "In the Money". This is the story of a young and ambitious playwright who„ by the idle gossip of a female friend, is said to have fallen heir to a sizable sum of money. Every moment is filled with laughs as the playwright's sweetheart attempts to rectify his situation, disappointing, at length, the town's leading socialities. The cast includes the following: Henry Hall — Richard Sykora, Lucille Moore — Jerry Ann Urban Demopolis Demijcihn — James Janousek Mabel George — Juanita Janousek Ed Leander — Kenneth Brown Maurice Lovejoy — Joe Ondrusek Roberta Bosberg — Nodya Rejeek Ina 'Dillaway — Sandra Laza Mrs. Daniel Dillaway — Mary Ellen Pekar Beulah Mae Waters — Carole Nemec Mayor Ezra Cummings — Rickey Kopecky. It's a play you won't want to miss and I can assure you that it will be well worth your while. So be sure to attend! Remetnber — it will be presented immediately after the District 3 meeting at 6:39 p. m. at Lodge 84, Dallas, 2625 Floyd Street. Hoping to see you all at the play, Jerry Ann Urban Secretary — Reporter • • Lodge No. 66 — Waco — Easter Egg Hunt Dear Members: Easter time is here again. The Easter Bunny will be at Linden Hall on Sunday, March 15, 1959. The Easter Egg Hunt will start at 3:30 p. in.

S T N I K — WEST, TEXAS All the youth and their friends are invited to attend. Each is o bring six boiled eggs. There will be two hunts; one for children through seven years of age, and another one for children eight years of age through teen agers. There will be prizes awarded to both age groups. Hope to see you there. Sincerely yours, LaNell Ceske: Teenage .Reporter )•k• LODGE NO. 66 ELM MOTT Dear Editor and Friends; On February 15th. we attended a meet ing of Dallas Lodge No. 81. All Lodges of District III, officers and the Youth leaders were supposed to attend. It was nice to see all of these people and it was also the first time that I attended a meeting at the Dallas lodge. It is pretty place. After the meeting the ladies of that lodge served free lunch, coffee and cakes, to all members and guests, and at night the teenagers served supper "Baro-Burgers" and they were sure good. After the supper, we went home. Last Thursday, we had Brownie meeting Where we started making gifts for our mothers on Mother's Day. This is suposed to be a secret here and we must not tell our mothers what it is. It is a useful thing. I know my mother will like it. As I came home from school today, I helped my mother plant a garden. enjoyed it with mother and daddy. Last Sunday, March 1st. our lodge held a meeting and I was surprised to see many of us attend . Our Hall is in a; mes. The builders are really working an material is stored everywhere. It will be pretty when they get it done. We also had some visitors in our last meeting and the Editor Hosek was one of them. I enjoyed talking to him, but was sorry to hear that Mrs. Hosek was sick and couldn't be with us. Hope she will get well soon and be with us the next time. We always enjoy having visitors. I received a prize on "points" earned, and I must say' "many thanks" to our Supreme Lodge for this gift. I InTsust also thank Brother Joe Hejny for the very nice letter he sent me. Many thanks, Brother Hejny, and I will try again to keep in my work. After the lodge meeting, the Youth Meeting took place and plans were mad for our Easter Egg Hunt on the 15t1r o March. This will be Sunday afternoon. Here is a little stoly: I tope you like it.

Strana 25 A woman was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in a distant city. The. postal clerk asked her; -- "Does this p ackage contain anything break• able?" Lady: "Only the Ten Commandments!" Your friend. Helen Eiolenovsky 4 • (

Pictured above is Geraldine Cabla Sinton, Texas, who was recently awarded the Grand sweepstakes Award in the Food Division at the San Patricio County Fair. Miss Labia won this award on het Sponge Cake whiCh she entered and which scored 100 to be judged perfect, over MS other entries for this prize in the Food Division. Miss Cabla also won two Blue Ribbon Awards and one Red Ribbon Award fol other Food entries placed, and upon entering and modeling her dress entry, she won a Blue Ribbon Award in this Division. a senior in the Sinton and a member of the FHA Piinten Club. >,t he is the ,:t:inglite.r of Mrs. Viola and adis Cabla of Sinton. The brotherhood extends its heartiest congratulations to one of America's Future Homemakers. A ti.e


Strana 28


Mr. and Mrs, rank S. Martina of Temple have announced the approaching marriage of their ,danghter, Patricia Frank, to James Edward Kubala, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kubaia also of Te.", In mailing us clippings and reports plc, The wedding is planned for April 4 froM your local papers about happen- at St. Mary's Catholic Church. ings to our members in Texas, please • send then in immediately while they are Bartlett — Mrs. C. R. Iindsay, nee Wil"hot", while they are News. This column in the Vestnik has gain- ma Buser, was re -clactad president of ed fad vor with our members and readers the Woman's Wedn. y Club at the and in order to keep it informative and meeting held in the b'Jne of Mrs. Gee. interesting we solicit your kind co- Fowler with Mrs, E. O. Lindeman as cooperation in sending us clippings form hostess. your local paper about our members and We solicit clippings or of of activities in our settlements long your friends. you for your ei';:cts in behalf of this

"Men- . ,vs"

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 A panel discussion by a group of high school students from the Drivers Education class hihs liglated the program with Robby moder5tor, and Mary Alice Zrub., Ffaeles Ann Bailey and y Keller composing the group. Points discussed were Drivers Education, Highways, rules of the road and ways in which Bartlett traffic problems might be solved. It was stated that Bartlett was the first B school to offer DrivET'S Educalon. A petition to make this subject possible throughout the state of Texas was signed by the members and


• of M most be-loved wornen. es. h . -Valenta, was called to her Friday afternoon Feb. 20, was visiting in the holyie of her iter-in .-law, Mrs. Rudie Valenta in rs. Valenta who attained the of 87 years, 9 months and 7 days, died of a heart attack. She was a member of our Order for over 50 years. Florence — The Williamson Cou its gr:ad jury returned 20 indictments Tees cl ay oil living two of investigation Raymond Holub ,,c of Granger serve.d as foreman of the juts;'. e

ices for Joe E ,Sulak, 68 .s■ y ,rning from the senberg, followed by 'in m .:ss at the Beasley Catholic Church, Mr. Sulak was horn on April 10, 1891 in Dubena. .0 Funeral services were held Fritay at 2:15 p.m. at the Koenig Chapel in Fayetteville for Louis E. March, 83, who died at his home at Fayetteville Wednesday. •


Funeral services for Mrs. Frances Su:p ^k, 74, who died at Fayetteville, Wed-. Koenig crape day, were held at Fayetteville Friday at the Fayette-vjile Catholic, Church and burial in the ,c_. cemetery. r Grange ---- Funeral sex Funeral Home., held at the Grange, Ttbe orning, February 19.. 1959 with., continued services at the Sacred Heart Catholic • Church fOr Frances Faltysek, 86, who died Tuesday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sa,ndera.

- The a ly weds WhO. a double ring C.c. nary 31st. They are and Mrs. Joe Tupa, Jr. The bride, formerly Miss Rose Kucera, was given in aWriage• by her father Mr.

v. Hlat. Janacek off if iat, ,d. he b is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joe V. Kucera of Edna, Texas. The newly steels are. making their home in Yoakum, Texas. Our best wishes!

Wednesday, March 11, 1959 will be sent to the State Senators and Representatives. 0 We are sorry to hear thatJerry Vasek of Rosenberg is in Wharton Hospital. Mr. Vacek is well known around Fairchild community. He lived there for many years before moving to Rosenberg. •

Conroe — Mr. and Mrs. JCie Lee Ing are making their ho in Dallas after their recent wedding in that city. The bride; the former Wanda Dean Kosarek, is a 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kosarek of Temple. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ing of Conroe. The newlyweds are graduates of the University of Texas. • • The Queen City Kiwanis Club at its meeting this week took steps to perpetuate the memory of the late Rev. Victor J. Ja.nek, Club Secretary who died several weeks ago. Resolutions were adopted to name a park and picnic area being constructed adjacent to the Municipal Golf course by the drib for the minister who was a charter member and first secretarytreasurer of the Queen City Club. The resolutions set forth in part thai, "it being the desire of the club to expedite the completion' of the park and at the some time honor the memory of the late Fe y . Victor janek who displaygreat interest in the club and its activities, said park to named, designated and formally dedicated the Victor J. Janek Memorial Park and that an appropriate plaque with inscriptions be erected upon the park site on the date of dedication — and that completino of the park be given first precedence in the on:ier of projects to be conyleted by the club during 1959." Mrs. Janek was a guest and heard the Rev. W. E. Speed eulogize her late husband. •

Joe Reznicek, 82, died at 7:45 p.m. Sunday following a brief illness. Born in Austin County Feb. 16, 1877, he came to Bell County with his parents as a child. He spent most of his life near Seaton. He is survived by his wife, Albina; five daughters, Mrs. Tillie Otta of Houston, Mrs. Annie Handers of Houston, —Mrs. Olga Sawyer of Houston Mrs. Lorene Krahulik of Dallas and Mrs. Evelyn Jakubik of Temple; four sons, Emil Reznicek of Temple, Loris Reznicek of Houston Ed, Reznicei-: of Temple and Alvin Reznicek of Waco. o •



native of Czechoslovakia, she was born 7, 1836, and had lived in Granger for the past 74 years. She was a member of the Saint Cyril and Methodiuscatholic Church of Granger and a charter member of the KJZT lodge. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Marie Cervenka. of G:anger, Mrs. Millie Marek of Taylor, Mrs. Minnie Pekar of Granger, Mrs. Effie Hajek of Schulenburg, Miss Hattie Jonah of Granger; one son, Frank 1. Jonah of Granger; 44 grandchildren, 101 great-grandchildren and 17 greatgrencichikiven. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Mrs. Louise Zbranek. • • Miss Barbara Elits, treasurer of the La Grange chapter of Future Homemakers of America, was nominated for the office of Area III FHA treasurer at a recent meeting at League City. Barbara is a junior student at La. Grange High School.

Dolores Ann Sulak and Donald R. Whitney pledged marriage vows in morning ceremonies Saturday, Feb. 7, at 10:00 in St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church. Rev. Robert Forliti, pastor, officiated. o

Straus. 27

uate of Larertar Consolidated High. School was a junior at the college. • • Fort Henning — Army 2nd Lt. Robert L. Biskup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop, of Cameron, recently completed the four-week officer airborne course at the infantry School, Fort Henning, Ga. • • Mrs. Adolph Adamcik re-turned home Saturday morning from the Youens hospital in Weimar, where she had been a patient for a week following a sudden illness. • • Dallas — Raymond Mikeska, Temple beer distributor, may be able to return home in a few days, a St. Paul hospital spokesman said Tuesday. Mikeska was stricken With a. heart attack on a plane coming into Dallas Sunday morning and taken to St. Paul's for treatment. Hospital authorities said his condition is good. • • The Leedale H. D. Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Lesikar. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the president, Mrs. Jerry Zavodny. The roll call was answered by 18 mentabers. Mrs. John Sehovajsa of Temple was a visitor.

Granger — John Miebael Spacek, 15"ear-old FFA member of Granger High School, captured a calf in the FFA Scramble at the Houston Fat Stock Show Young Spacek was one of the 10 lucky PFA boys who were winners from among 20 boys who ja •ticipated. Winners in the calf scramble keep their calf and enter it in next year's eAtock show • • Pauline Theresa Hubnik is the. 1959 liThmemaker of Tomorrow at Yoe High School. She was recently honored by the Cameron Future Homemakers of America. Mary Francis Lesikar, FHA president, presented Miss Hubnik with an award pin.


Friday at Salado, Holland took a 36 to 22 victory. They claimed the championship Monday with a 33 to 32 score. John Surovik won the ball game for Helfand with a last second basketHe hit a jump Shot with just 10 seconds left on the clock to give Holland the district championship. Surovik, was high for the -winners With 15 points.

Miss Joan K • enek, daughter of Mr. Mrs. -Wilbur Krenek of Rosenberg, had been elected as one of five candidates for AFROTC Sweetheart at SouthGranger — Mrs. Hermina Janak, 92, of west Texas State Teachers College in Granger, died here Tuesday morning. A San Marcos. Miss Krenek, a 1956 grad-

The above picture is the likeness of Richard sh1le son of Mr. and Mrs i:rank of Waco, who recently received a proniotion at Sheppard Force Base. He is a graduate of the University High School and a member of Lodge Jaromir No. 54 of West, Texas Congratulations!

Strana 28 Mrs. Shirley Ashcraft re-enrolled and Mrs. Louis Rohatek came in as a new member. Exhibits were a dress, pillowcases, and a sewing box made Out of cheese box which was made by Delores Cervenka. Mrs. Edwin Psenaik has charge of recreation. Council report was given by Mrs. Ernest Schiller. Yearbooks were filled out and secret pal names were drawn. Mrs. Woodrow Chervenka gave a talk on gardening and Mrs. Frank Shenkir gave a demonstration on tailored button holes and hat remodeling. Delores Chervenka and Dorthea H.oelsher gave a dairy demonstration for a busy day pie and Esther Che.rvenka, gave a demonstration on peach and cottage cheese salad. The girls are members of the East Bell County 4-H Club.


Wednerd:y blare

at her school and she is also a moo dper of the Teen Age Club of Lodge No. 84. She is the daughter of iNfr and Mrs. C. J. Staglik.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kapavik proudly announce the arrival of a 7 pound 11 OTTC HOSEK ounce baby girl, born Feb. 24 at Providence Hospital. Rita 1Marie has a sister, PAU TEXAS Peggy Ann and two brothers Robert Lee HUN GAINING IN andHenry Jr. The 1nel-h•r is the former. Regina Dudiki are mr. .1 shooting resorts Texas h.2i1 and Mrs. Frank j. • pa y ik of West. Ably will have as many We are sorry to hear that Father Pekar Great-grandmother is Annie Kap- last year ar,': this vear, ..1u.11,irth in Austin, says of Neeciville is still at the hospital in avik, In the opinion of Cutbirth as well as 0 Houston. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Krejci of Shiner those who manage the shooting pre-, are the proud parents of a baby boy serves, this is the shooting pattern of the Granger — Judges selected Patsy Zru- born Feb. 21 a.t the Wagner Hospital. The future. "Within the ne..t generation most bek as the "Most Beautiful Girl" and little fellow will answer to the name of Harvey Nemec as the "Most Handsome Wayne Anthony and is welcomed home hunting will be Cone on shooting farms' said Cutbirth. "Dindling bag limits Boy" of Granger High School at a re- by 2 brothers and 2 sisters. cent presentation program. will see to that.". The Game and.Fis 1. Commission keeps Mrs. Billy Zid211 and Mrs. Beatrice McMr. and Mrs. Jerry Sinkule are the a closer watch on shooting activities 'aley of Taylor an:1 , Charles Lindsay of 'tie c t ser ved as judges and made the proud p arents of a baby boy born at and, sits up several hard and fast rulo sel ,, ction from among seven girls and 11:0 Sunday night, March 1, at Provi- which will go a long way toward conserdence Hospital. The mother is the form- vation of game. s:vco boys nominated. er Miss Margaret Grmela. A typical shootin g resort is the Hun Sarah Croughen and Annette Strmiska ricane Creek Hunting Farm at Anna, were runners-up for girls and Victor Merck and Buck Pope Jr. for boys. Mr. and Mrs. John E ifatula. of Old less than an hour's drive free D Dallas and e * Ocean announce the Arrival of :a son, Fort Worth. There, hunters can, in a half day's Granger — Funeral services for Mrs. born Feb. 24, weighing 9 lbs, 15 ounces. Steve Menace, 64, of Granger who died They have two other children, Monica shooting get 'a bag . of pheasant, chukThursday morning in a Taylor hospital, and David. Grandparents are Mr. and ker partri22,e or quail. Pheasant and were held Thursday. Mrs. Nemec was Mrs. Homer Crook and Mr. and Mrs. partridge may be 'lot during the entire born March 8, 1894 in Corn Hill. She had A. P. Matula, all of Cameron, six-month - . ..e!on on the preserve whicli runs from October 1 to April 1. However iry, ade her home in Granger for the last a quail may be baggcd only between Nov. 27 years. She was 2 member of the Saint Ali. and Mrs :William Bartosh an- 1 and Feb. 10. Cyril and 1V2ethodius Catholic Church nounce the arrival of a son, born on Feb. "Reason for this," explained Cutbirth, of Granger and of the KjZT lodge. She is survived by her husband, Steve 19 at Providence Hospital. The mother "is that quail is a native bird and we Nemec of Granger; five daughters, Mrs. is the former Denise RaJuschuber of try and hold shooting closer to the regular state approved times of Dec. 1 to Jan Mar y 11'.artosh end Mrs. Bettie Cervenka Tours. 1 0 et. ( bath of Granger, Mrs. Angeline Sander-16. Partridge and-pheasant are, 'of course son of using, Mrs. Lillian Kaderka of completely foreign to this part of the The editor of a, poultry journal reVictoria, Mrs. Frances Rhyme of Corpus ceived the „following inquiry from a wom- country." • three sons, Frank Nemec of The Hurrica-n- Creek Hunting Farm an reader: "How long should a hen reAdolph Nemec of Lubbock, Joe Covers ahnost ;1,0(0 acres, There are 1,200 main on the eggs?" of Taylor; one sister, Mrs. Rosie acres on the- el-101;iOng rn:ort owned diThe editor replied: "Three -weeks for --ek of Rosenburg; one brother, rectly b:;,, Tom has ac,1ickens and :.'011I weeks for ducks," Crnerc k ci 0 ranger'. eass to m.i.oth(';. A :7,1e edit Or received a a 4second ‘Thmks for your kind "Last ye-, 'ilk of Dallas lie: s :Iconed the advice," it rn . :“ . i 'The hen remained' on was a tromenc, "But success,' Jr. Yolur , er SerVice Corps." As a. Jr. the eggs ',three 1, and there were no this year should 1. _passfifit t. ' volunteer nurse at Baylor Hospital, she chickens hatched. As I didn't care for Charlie McCollum, the game warden is a student at Woodrow Wilson High, dUcks, I took her off the nest and sold for the area, cited the best reason. and a member of the Future Nurses Club the eggs." "The area abounds with birds," he said

Wednesday, March 11, 1959

VESTNig — WEST, TEXAS Strana 29 "Whoever said you can't raise partridge GoWn, Beaumont; Ray D. Barrett, DalSc In an hasto live with himself, and or pheasant in this country hasn't been las; and John R. Morgan, Bastrop, he should see to it that he always has around here." good company. At the same thee, both Rattan and Central Texas law enforcement offi8 McCollum e.dmitted that the birds here cers are searching for hunters who if you anything had a far better chance for survival than broke into a private pasture over the )15e for give your elsewhere. "I didn't farm an acre of veekend and killed a Valuable cow. neighbors this land, but just let the natural grass The hunters had apparently broke inTi-' may someday and grains provide cover for the birds" .:7o the pasture at S. 5. Dtimas' place on on said Rattan. "Then we keep a close Highway 317 to hunt rabbits but instead watch for predatory animals. Actually; shot a mother cow, stray dogs and house cats are our bigDumas, who valued the registered bragest headache." 'Tama cow ;':1T) to $500, said the an The genie warden says the birds imal was anan. ,:nlly shot Friday night Jsmrie poliotovi N Tam po'louZiti bez smarten up and stay within the'3,000 and was found f. -Laurday morning. OMrozdilu jak d e leko bydlite bez jaacres although some partridge and cers found, the cow shot twice with a i. ciliv zylaRniho popla.tku, pheasant were reported seen as far awa y high-powered rifle. She had walked mrrl.ete vb.. Pesky. My as Lake Texonia, about 35 miles north. nearly to the barn from the pasture be.•;eni pro e Polnebni, nab l And, while you don't need a license to i fore dying, shoot the birds on the game preserves; Dumas said he had stopped hunters the partridge and pheasant seasans are from using his pasture for fear of some clOsed outside the reserve. of his stock being killed, but the gate Most shooting farms have identical i had been broken open last week. regulations. Hunters pay $25 per gun, The culprits left the gate to the paspomocnic which entitles them to either four ' cure open when they left the field, al"collect" Tel 33 pheasants, six chukkar or eight quail, de lowing other cattle in the pasture to pending upon their choice and the sea- escape. The cow which was killed had a son. ,1-2.1f less than a week old. 8 If hunters bring their own dogs, they get five pheasant, seven chukkar or ten quail. 1.

However, that is just the minimum requirement. Fur each additional kill you pay $3.50 per pheasant, $2.50 per chukkar and $1.75 per bob white. Thus your pocketbook is your only limit. The reaction to the shooting ranches has been tremendous. Most persons start out being skeptical. They know that the birds are released just a couple of hours before they shoot.. They somehow figure the hunting is tame. But once they go, they become believers. First of all the ,farms all have good dogs, both pointers and retrievers. As you make your kills, the birds are left at stations where they are picked up. By the time you kill your last bird and return to the lodge, your birds have been dressed and they are paced in individual bags for you to take home. Usually The first time hunters always take back one ringneck pheasant cock to stow off.

Pc C,


CALVIN C. Saturday, March Rudy Kurtz orchestra --- KT Hall in Antonio. eorge Machart and His Polka Boys-Sons of Herman Hall in Gonzales. Saturday, March 20 George Mechart and His Polka Boys -Bridge Inn in Inez. Sunday, March 29 Rudy Kurtz orchestra. — Boeclecker's Place near Shiner George Mechart and His Polka Boys — Eas t er Dance — SPJ,ST Hall in Hillje.

All the above (lances are at night. "ran' less otherwise specified. This is a fref. ;ervice but applies only to those dance$ it which mainly polka and waltz musie, s played by a live orchestra. The Vest. Rattan and his colleagues in the busi- ,zlik or writer will assume no r espo ness release half hens and half cocks. bi lity resulting from any dance announ aenient which is listed; in this column The kill is made the sure way, In addition to the Hurricane Creek listings from orchestras and dance la .1W r'st one week be Planting Farm at Anna, Cuthirth said Should he e pu-olic :•-111 licens„es have been issued to P. Al. Curyin Crer.'c; bell°, Ozone; ; Wilmer Gleghorn, Sey_. mour; Eloydi J. Snutt, Lake Creek; L. est Mallett, Groves; Charles Pettit, We all cart lo back with Walnut Springs; W. Hoyt Baird, Fort what has been accomplished by our v Worth; T. P. Houghton, La Grange; J. organizers. — Let's all of us be real helpC. Benediiiii, San Augustine; Kirby Mc- ful to them again in 1959.

• FUNEre Bill Bur .54.6 • 7.110N,


. 'dy rozurano raft Je 17 2 NONAT po ruce, v k0,04 e'ft, jest to infra oehra,ny ur6era pro iiilevii vlent zanetu, nrabnuti atd, -Ohjecinejte fines. tIsporna velikost X1.15. — -ido3ra velikost

14, C. P.O. Box 235

Ve sti'edu, dne 11. biiezna 1959


Strana 30

Ma1 oriamovatel

S ' kolak! "Takova nespraveclinost! Vee ra nam diktoval ueitel: KaZdY elovek de M. chyby kdyZ nejakou uclelame, do staneme vS'prask."

I ESF- Chcete-li navftivit 6eskoslovensko, vyzvednote si co nejdfive americkST cestovni pas. Dodam potkebn3i formuldf a Damn: Jo to hanba! TakovY alra té da1i informace. Mani zamluven o- 1.7 V elovek a ebrat Prot se neolalednete tee mezen3.7 poeet mist na letadle pro ty, kdo po praci?" odleti z Houstonu do Prahy 6 eervna. Mo 2ebrak: "JO, se nemohu ohli%et, milest hu zajistit dalS1 rnista do 10. bfezna. — pani, id main ztrnulY krk." Stephen Valeik, 6402 Prague Street, Hou, ston 7, Tes. (dzc) ( ecskYk kaf •

1 4,sizar !SY ,

Kritke sukne Dy e male divky trhaly v lose jahody.

PfiSel na ne lesnik a zaeal je zpovidat "Conevib, e se zde nesmeji trhat jahody?" ptal se prvni. Holeieka se bazlive podivala na ka, ale neodpovidala. Hka,2e tedy na dru hou v zcela kratk3"rch sukenkach. "To je tvoje mladg sestfieka?" "Ne", vypravi ze sebe koneene tazana, "to je moje maminka."

',.i.V1%,; V

!ONANA P0 -tEiNi

I LUBA V Iodine ta1u zarmouceni naleznete Edward Pace pohfebni Ustav pohotove k syrnpatickemu vytizeni nezbytriSrch jednotlivosti a k praveni dojernnelm pohitu. Levne ceny jsou naAi zasadOu :

BOUSTON, TEXt: UN 9-1222 Te.efon

7-2553 Telpfon

Ella • Slibila jsem Karlovi, 2e mu nebudu nevernou ani jedinY den pfljdu tedy ven pouze v noci.


711 Mreclie q l Ar1:,


Pohiebni reditel Clea S.P.J.S.T. -Tel. Prospect 3-3606 113 N. 5th St. TEMPLE. TEEM;

current annual dividend

Dr. Thos. N. DeLaney ocNt ',mutt

Each account insured to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal Government

Brfle spravne piipravene as die urnluvy 513-17 SPJST Bldg. Tel. feradovna PR 3-3243 Res. PR 3-2687 TEMPLE, TEXAS

Hilsher's Home Supply Co. 2020 Washington Ave, CA 8-8424 130 E. 20th at N. Main UN 9-1441 5225 Washington UN 9-3387 9219 Jensen Dr, OX 4-8831 HOUSTON, TEXAS For All Your FURNITURE APPLIANCES and EVERYTHING ELSE FOR YOUR HOME Be sure to See

A.LSHER And Get "THE BEST FOR LESS" CASH OR EASY TERMS Your Satisfaction Guaranteed And Free Delivery Service VASE CESKE OBCHODY

OFFICERS L. A. Kucera, President E. E. Chernosky, Executive Vice-President Dr. R. E. Maresh, Vice-President Hettie Chernosky, Treasurer Gordon Smith, Secretary .. . .

.. . .


DIRECTORS E. E. Chernosky Dr. R. E. Maresh Frank Tesar L. A. Kucera Earl J. Wood Phil D. Woodruff Gordon Smith

, dne 11, bi."-07nD 1959



Strana 31

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.3`1.9 W. 26th Street, Chicago, 23. ilinorls


VST ostrimii; tloprovene ;kapinove zAjc:.,:dy tlo vgeeh

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Ve prospiIelt stavelotibe fc,ndu N 54233 :MiMASZENVARMIUME024061.0ft

Strana 31



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