Vestnik 1957 06 05

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE, SPJST P. 0. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEL S

Official Organ of Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas BENEVOLENOM

ROC (VOLUM) MAY Cislo 23




DOM NE N Marne-1i jen trochu uprimne snahy udrZeti zde v Texasu naSe deskoslovenske spolky, tak v osadach kde jen trochu moZno, podporujme na ge 'Ceske programy, divadla, slavnosti, kostely, kde se ✓ na§i reei k.a2e a jine kulturni podniky! Tain dlu2no pripoutati tu na gi mlade2 a vesti je pokud jsou mlade. Kdo udr2uje nage eeskoslovenske organisace a ten nag dobrY lid pohromade neli na ge Jednoty, na ge noviny, a i ta naSe SPJST.? Nam nepoma2e nakek, 2e se nam dorost odcizuje. Naprava da se jen doeiliti, kdy2 se ve s yYch radech uprimne pokusime predati nektere Urady silam tak aby se zaueovali s na,rni pokud jim mit2erne untinme poraditi. Pozoruji, 2e do na g eho detskeho odboru pritomne jsme velice piiliv zvolnily. — V techto mistech si g kodime. lines u na gi Jednoty inU2eme prodat tak mnohe razne moderni pojistky, clobte zarueene a za pOplatky, ze snesou s kaZdou jinou vydeleenou spoleenosti. Jakmile ziskame nove eleny, nase djtky mely bychom se snaZit dtistojnYm obradem je uvesti v bratrskY na g kruh. Tento zpusob Zel tea jsme posledni dobou velice zanedbaly. Prvni dojem v2cly mohutne by meli na ge nove eleny hit a dfistojnY obrad kde moana v nagi feel pronesenY, by mel uvesti nak sestry a bratri v ten na g kruh a vzbuditi ✓ nich pocit, ae ta na ge vec je rovnocenna ;2e kdy2 pokusi se hovoriti mezi nami




mluvou sveho otce, sve matky, dedeeka cim obi-ad-inn byli dfistojne, a nejsou-ii. sveho, ze si nijak nezada, ba naopak, ae Vam dosti spfisobile, opralime je, ale verte, 2e "odbYvame" skuteene prijimani v nagich oci ve va,Znosti vzrostou. novYch Clend nediistojnYm spilsobem. Dosud se primlouvam a budu i nadale Ale co neni mii2e bYti, jen mejme senabychom zas vratili se k na gim prijimatry a bratri dobrou vuli, neni dosud pox, de. Je site svrchovanY eas a proto k einu. — Nag e deli path do na gi Jednoty do Jednoty dosud 'Ceske, do Jenoty- lidoDie oapevu y e. Vg echno to co jsem ze uvedl nczna (My Country tis of (bee) mend, 2c nevazim si keel tot° na gi nove K xiasiin slavocstem laskave usehovejte vlasti. — Nikoliv. Hledejme povzbuzeni k usilovne snaze za,chovati nage Vlasti ma, tebc jen, Ce g stvi prave tak uprimne, jak usilujesvobocly sladkou zem me a snakme se povzbuditi na ge lids chci opevovat, by k Jednote nak se pridavaly. Zem, kde muj otec urarel, zern, na ni2, s pYchou edesat let jia uplynulo od zalo2eni svobody isles kde znel nag). Jednoty. Zaklad polokli 6echomoodevtad. ravane. kteti ptinesli lasku a mnoho beti, jsem jist, pro neco co leta pretrvaRocind ty zemr2 lo. Oni verne budovali a to i my chceme voina a slechetna einiti pro lepgi budoucnost pro ty, ktejak rad CO Mani. ti Po "las pkijdou a kterYm chceme co Duane ri.i skaly tve, jsme pro jejich lepsi Zivot vykonali od jich bury Sumive, kazati i svou viru k spoleeenskemu zis rosko g i srdec me votu slovanskemu. Chceme jak doufam vznak se k yam. zanechati v nich tu viru, ae krvi i jazyAt' v hudbe vanku zni kern pattime k sobs, k minulosti naroda v gumustromovi, s Cestnou historii. volnosti hlas. Skusme telly uprimne, denne prodlouMrtve ta pisen vzbud', kti nag vlastni divot naroelni do dnii ka2da ji, dYchej hrucll budoucich a tak i ziskame si ficty nagi hor tichYcla jaset bud' mladgi generaci. ozvenou zas.

age 16


ria 2

T !tilt




Od rerriaUrtuttwo CHCEI%1E

noven;, by schfize 1J:,:teene" neproribb?ovala Pi'•dseCa ostatni V:z6.jmu dobre shndy. a :abyehorfi musi pirebeh s pin3-nn • vystrihali gkodlivYni debatam,i: jmem a pit tom bych na ge sest.ry n. .bratry -abychom je1):',,dseda denkatdY netli it pustime, do rozboru kdo — .pro anebo proti -Daskeho idler` li prujainnv .,‘1 • 1;,u-ul Onlu progrumu i .abcri g te, JLva70 te 0 teto.-veci n.',! , ) dopustit, velice n•Ao skutecne ,kterYkoliv ,z,nas VC:cnO pronaluv'ii•• ab y nokdo druhS7 pa},-; pro ('I OCi nedo 7 .te jest to ver daletita kte: • 6 s.]c l.. , . Entered as' second elate matteri: Jalwary jen pevrchne ho yoriti by nam mohlo at West, Texas, the Act take nulrlo, i se zbyte60 Aug. 24. 1922. Send Fe, e, 9510 to SUbieme Lodge rad b ych na to na ge elenstvo dostane neop ykoi., :.!ii 1 ;PJST, Tem p le, Texas. upozornil, ,abychara net-li se pustime pozciej lenku jit nCdo nejake ro/pr : vy z r .skali spolehlive DNi ORGAN pLovANgr1/4-. : .! porvontratc5". a zrThi 1 0110 rmace o tom c„tho je zapotreby pri uJEDNoTY sTATif se udeieneho slava. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLAVONIC. :13311121voij,iNT skuteerieni takoveho projektu. a sloelenove rtizmich ORIDE-R, OF tHE'' Pamatujme na to ,te jsou kladene ji- Zek spolkovlicia mall ye el.Atech P,EDAKTOR EDITOR ste potafia yky zdra yotnim i bezpeenost- pkednesti pfitom yn'zin pouze ieL. o. TIO§EK nYm oddelenim statnim pri Zarizovani dnani jelich v-STborove cht Box 85 — West, Texas i Vedeni taboriAti. — Dale uva,tulme o 'Snoce licit .cele lednani a del: ydAvate3.6 — Publishers I:tc.c trICHOSLOVAIK PUB. COMPANY WEST, TEXAS nakladu potrebneho no, twine budovy se odehra yaly tuba den pt et To EwJedplato6 23.00 .— Subscri p tion $3.00 " Per Fear zvlagte pro tenskY a limZ:,ItS7 dorost, po- vAeeko je casovym zatiZenim zemek, zatizeni a personal jako -jsou, selyazi a je to dvojite projeniL'wArn, kteZm6ny adres g asilail se do Hlavni firadovny spravice, ogetrovatelky, kuc hake obslu- reynti se mame za katdou eras vylinout„ Tem p le, Texas . ' ' Changes of address must be sent . to Sti p rerne Ledgeha, Lifeguard, a co jineno vie, -- Pak To co rikam o sehaziclt -‘,flhorut plati tepry hovokiti motno o mistu (location) q' emple. ,'TeXas , dve,jna,sob o vYkannem hadovem 'spusobilost krajiny a Zda by zajern proPfedolatno a ovriamiy fad'te adresovany na ru. Predlazdou elenskou schozi ma pied jevenST Ospravedlnif k vYloham s projekV6stnik, West, Texas. svolat vYboroveu'schuti, ye ktere tern thnto spajenYiyi. —Dlutno tet na to soda . ZivotoPisy semrelj, ch 61ent se uveteinuil hezplatn6 pamatovati, te nernotno oeekavati, te Maji"a mohon se projednet ve gkere za• Ba rytinu p odobizr,y Je nutno zaslati redakel 22.50 10ZifOstt SpolkOe rrmohem ri.,bleji a du The obituaries are p rinted Without charge. For elite, by pobyt pro ditky V taint° tabori gti by kladneji. Pokud by - se jednalo o vtci kraj 1t i s n ecessar y to .lend 52.50 to the mohl zdarina. no duretite`, pak je pf.eck.;eda leb taj em to Bode te2"-'dobre- uvatovati o tam, KLAVNf IMADOVNA • • f. 161PREIVIE WI:JON Povinen celou zaietitost elenske 'tent° na g , proj ektovanY rikr j e tbmu! EDWARD President nechat v i e chuzi `struene Vysvetlit "Yeitith Camp', by byl poutivan jen JOE B. BE nedela. Soto se pra,\.„dc,lne ddhla govat. Iderit aolik malo mesien, v Case gkelnich 3. P. C:Fil l piff.7, Secretary J"e • prail -plOanim schuzi, kdyt znovu sly Jak prosim predstavuienie, te by J. KOSSTA, , Treasurer hodinove debaty o -vOcech o kteR. A. URBANgv[zaV,' Book; roper v,§echny tarn innistnene budovy a zari- girhe vf',e're c'eba o y e : Unavujeme , iSich All in Teinnf,, zoni niohlo, sl nechatt bet OpatroVani, 4(10 •clia6e, ktetin's ' 7nei;v0.,;nu inmo A1,1,QUST K•C1R. orn•y !bet dezdru? schuze do -;,'hl)ze rcla- je Teihnic. Tex.s V zimni dObe d.ozajiste. bY 'ten hag --TM. MARVIN LIVATIAci, Drree‘i.,,v "Youth Camp" zfistal nepoutivan. ,. dal merle a im",ar-. P. 0. Box . 110 Tsyh',r. T•xA wnve progra i!tcln Buderne-1i nusie, te' Projevil jf;ena mu" nahled a • . presved6en, mu sChfize: pak Frivol V. Ste p an, Fhst Disirlot JnYlim; rad se c.larri potheit.". n net jefirk to nam nevi ich V1, S upk.hUhY:in pozclravein Vg.(sqn 0.7:1011 beDistylet hodiny a Jim! z .prO kultuchn p ) of& 1, net dye schfize v celkti n' ma, by B. 1- 1110Z. 'Fourth District hodiny: radeji spoilvavS/ grvot? Jak zlep git nag, 0. Box 3;(1 5:Ju A- re,.elo,Texas -. M. SKRAPANEK , Fifth Distri ct routnost -Takto ziska,nou hoclinu Nag spOlkovY tivot: projeVuje - se ye Bellaire, Texas : buclit z(3-, , zpestrit program vecera a vy schazich"jednotlivYch mach tadu. Pr ANK ROD, Sixth District zeli domu El Campo, :Texas ni pominkou • tspeg ne schnze je predena jem posluchaoft tak. aby ad . HOLASEK, Seventh. puteat Devne --stanovenY program, cele schilze neunaveni, spokojeni a NT 2513 Nemec St.. Coruus Christii "l'exaA • a tento program take-dodrtet a ve gkeke veeera utili te ho nezabifi. 'yypinit CISKOVi"- V1 .130Rlint , navrhy ! a dotazy'mime stanove- to hoclinu je ov gem tkol tetic :\T-. ale nc re, RT.IECICATIONS COMMITTE DR. le onkr.10EK. Chairman ze e Sr pro gram: vyriclit• bud' v ,dobe' volnYch Spinitoln. Univert i tY cc. ' Austin.- Teas r, nina rovat s televisi, proste• nebb.: on.Thii --pro Oran. : ° '-lIc:, DA BT R RS clerni rxag zaslouZeneho•odp( 6in schtze: je odlotit do ?•S. F1IAN:2ES OLEXA - . ktere Predseda v gichui Arednici mush b rti pra„ci a s nanoha j i oY6.' n 2 t Houslon; Texas do•sci,ay:e.. ;.STA OVNi 1,Pft. OR, bzpod,rnineene' 'A stoprocenthe a cclem brant elenihm BY-LAW COMMITTEE• r oR„ • i . OTTO jST.E1ILIK., 'Chairman, progrAnath schtze informovani. Vedouci P. 0. B P li 164 schnze v pkedpokladu, te je obeznamen Nezapo!nente na na g `Domov Otipainkle Wichita Falls,' Texas STEPHEN ,VALCIK, Secretary se: stanovami spolku, nesmi dopustit za6402 Pra g ue Street Remember our Rest-Home dnO Uchylky od boat k prbjednani Houston `Z. Texav Td


Of CO:18rCb:::



Ve sttedu, dno 5. eervna 1957

Bratr M. J. Mazanee Bobry pine' na g navitly odegel Pki uzaverce listu minulY tYden dogla smutna zprava, 2e na g bratr M. J. Mazanee vydechl naposled, ye Wacovske nemocnici. Pohtebni obtady konane v patek rano ye Westskem kostele a pozastatky bratra ulo'Zene k yeenemu odpodinku na WestskS, katolickS, htbitov. Bratr M. Mazanec bYval okr. komisakern III. distriktu po nekolik let. Narodil se v St. Louis v rote 1869 a do zil se actyhodneho yeku. (Anal se se sleenou Nemeekovou roku 1893, avgak jeho manzelka jej na yeenost ptedegla. Zesnu1S, bratr Mazanec byl jeden z pavodnich dobivolnSrch hasieft mesta Waco, rolnieil tadu let a pak byl v obchode ye Waco, Texas. — Ne jeden krajan v jeho obchode na gel podporu a zdarma pohosteni. Pamatuji si jak rids celou tadu EnniskYch Sokol( nagi navAteve Cotton Palace Festival V jeho obchode yYdatne poeastoval a vgem xlarma nocleh poskytl. Nikdy jsem to nezapomnel. Br. Mazanec byl .161 zakladajicim elenem Wacovskeho tadu 66 a jeho synove jsou tam dosud einne a vistiene. ZesnulSr bratr Mazanec zanechal eetnou truchlici rodinu a sice: tti syny, Joe R. ye West, Anton G. a Edward, oba na 4 ceste Waco, Texas, d ye sestry Mary a Annu a celou tadu vnuka a pravnuka. Byl uznavan a cten co vadei charakter a za jeho poctivou snahu a praci jsem jist, ze jej bude dlouho a s actou vzpominano. Necht' odpoeiva ye svatem pokoji a Best budiZ jeho pamatce. Poz-astalYm vyslovujem na gi vtelou soustrast. Red. 4, Pomffite nam uvesti ✓ znamost kroniku nekterSrch nagich plcnYra? Kdys k sestaveni dejin bude zapotteby spoilt razne udaje a zaznamy o vgcch tech na gich ptedka a Va g e po'oc cloclanim zprav velice tutu praci


mum =us

Olmcime se na Vas mfige usnadniti. byste mnano-li za,slall nam veruhodne udaje z Va gich rodin od zakladatela neb starch elena na gi Jednoty z Vagich osad. -® Cele na ge bratrstvo Vain bude (dz) za to povdeene. ) • 4 Graduanti v Ennis V t echoslovaku br. Vytopil uveiejnil celou tadu jmen na gich graduanta ktere site osobne neznam, ale stejne nine to velice zajima. Znal jsem a spolkatil jsem za sveho pobytu v Ennis z jejich dedeeky a tegi to, & tak mnohe se lepgiho vzdelani dopracovali. Doufarn nekterYm bude moan venovati se dalgimu gkoleni a & zvolna ale jiste, nage amerieti spoluobeane poznaji, ze ty "Bohemians" nejsou pouze dobre farmate, ale 2e i v jinYch oborech *Orly vyniknou. Mnoho zdaru Vam fgem uptimne Budeteli 'lade ve gkolich kde se vyueuje ee gtina tak snaZne Vas Zadam, nezapomente se ptlueiti keel s ySrch (Wu a tech pracovytSrch babieek Vagich. Nebudu Vain znalost keel na gi gkoditi, ba naopak vgude se ye vlitdni slutbe jinde diva, pkednost osobe ktera je schopna hovotiti cizou tea Tez- si prosim vzpomente na ten nag Vestnik dopisem a zdelte jak pokraeujete. )• Nage mile etenake upozornuji na dilleNtY elanek "Disability Benefits" v anglicke Usti tohoto elsla. Chtel jsem se vyvarovati pothybneho pfekladu a tu uvadfin celS7 elanek v pavednim fikednim zneni k Vagemu laskavemu povglmnuti. • 4, • Nifitevou v tiskarne Bratr Anton Dymiteek z Ennis navalvil nage West s bratrem Karlem Mouekou a zastavil se na, krat gi rezhovor redakci. zdelil, `ie se bude z PH to Ennis stehovat do Mineoli. Doufam, ze nam z noveho bydli gte sve dojmy Yypige. Navgteva i hovor nos potegil. ) • •i■ • (.

4 • (_,

Nalehava i'adost Illavni tikadovna na gi SPJST timto na ge elenstve i nage piatele kdekoliv v Texasu i jinde, kteki /nag dosud nsehovane stare eisla anebo cele roiniiky "Obzora" bSrvaleho to Organn snsT aneb i stare eisla "Svobody" aneb kalentlaki I jinfreh starch easopLs4 v kterich jest nejaki zminka o poeitku, zakladatelii aneb i o piisobeni na gi Jednoty ,od roku 1897 poeinaje, Zda by byll oehotne tyto k sestaveni dejin nisi Jednoty nam na na ge utraty zapitjciti =: Va ge zdeleni laskave adresujte pkimo J. F. Claupiek, Supreme Lodge SPJST Box 00, Temple, Texas.

Skala 3 Nage is!. hymns K nagim slaynostezn laskaA usehovejte HEJ, SLOVAN1 Hej, Slovene, je gte nage slovanska. tee Zije, pokud nage verne srdce pro na g narod bije. 2ije, iije, duch slovanskSv, bude tit na yeky: Hrom a peklo, marne vatic proti nam jsou vzteky! • • KDE DOMOV Mt'? Kde domov mfij, kde domov maj? Voda huei po ludinach, bory Aural po skalinach, ✓ sade stkvi se jara kvet, zernsk$T raj to na pohled; a to jest to kra.sna zeme, zeme eeska, domov ?erne eeska, domov mfij. Kde domov muj, kde domov maj? ✓ kraji zna gli behumilem duge utle v tele eilem, mysl jasnou, vznik a zdar, a tu silu, vzdoru zmar? To je echa slavne pleme, mezi Oechy domov /MIL mezi Cechy domov Nage krisne pisne U STUDANKY SEDELA U studanky sedela, do vodenky hledela, spatilla malou rybyeku, jak polYkala vodieku. Rybyeko ty's nema tvat, ja slygim Ze's posvatna, ty vig co trapi srdce m4, ty vig kde muj mildeck je. S Bohem s Bohem, Milko ma, me zesatne laska tva, az budu v dalne cizine, bude tve gtesti (mine. • • CERVENk AATEtEK ("ervenSr gateeku, kolem, kolem se toe, ma mild se hneva, ja, ne, ja nevim proe. Kdy'Z se chce hnevati, at' se, at' se hneva jen kdy2 ji ptede mnou jinSr neobjima. Kdy2 jsem gel cestiekou lesem, lesem jsem gcl, usedl jsem si tam pod ja, pod jalovccm, zelenY jalovec libe, Ube voni, ze za mou milou jen jink, jinfr chodi. ) • 4•( K poviimnuti Nage Jeclnota ma nyni velkt vfber ruznYch pojistek a ochrannYch Ze mono vyhoveti ternet kola potkebe Skoumladgich 1 stargich zajemcil. mejte je anebo je gte lepo Aavolejte mistniho organisatora aneb dopi gte si pfimo Da Supreme Lodge Box 400, Temple, Texas. j

'aro 4

VEST NI K — WEST, TEXAS a dalSi pribuzne a mnoho pratel, kteri se ye velkem poetu sneastnili jejiho pohr bu. Spolusestra b y la uprimnd clenka p aS_a ho iadu, v2cly racia priSla do naSich schnzich a racla vypomdhala Ye spolko y e prdci pokud ji zciravi dovolovalo. Bu deme ji dlouho postradat mezi mina. Vine mild rodino, 2e teke nesete zarmutek jejihc odehoclu, ale at' je vam asPon easteene Uteehou, Ze i my spolubrat ri a sestry soucitime s vami ye vaSem zdr inutku Zesnuld spoluse-stro odpoei yej v pokoji a Cost budiZ tve pamatce zachovana. Dram za rad Karel JonaS eislo 28. dne 25. kvetna 1957. v East Bernard, Texas. Lydia Kubena, Annie Fojtik, Annie Duckett, resolueni vYbor.

RUSOLUCE SOUSTKASTI Jmenem iadu Totiha, eisio 125 Weshoff projevujeme nasi uprimne eitenou soustrast poznetale recline a ditkara nad ztratou jejicla niatiCky, babieky a prababieky pani Karolina Jurach kterd zesnula v Pane 7. kvetna 1957 ulo, Zena k veenema sPariku 10. kvetna na osadnim hrbitove po boku sveho manBudeme ji dlouho postradat v nakm stredu. Mune ujiSteni mile d.eti, Ze my vsichni soucitime s Vami y e vaSem zarmutku. Cest budiZ the pamatce mild spa lusestro a odpocivej v pokoji. Louis LutkaS", Ed. J. Lukas, Pani Gus. HaroS, res. vSTbor. )• ( RLSOLUCE SOUSTRASTI alenove rdd.0 Karel JonaS eisio 28. v East Bernard, Texas, timto vyslovujem pozustale rodine svoji uprimne citenou soustrast nad ztratou jeiich mile manZelky, inatky a babieky a naS1. spolusestry Franti;ky Novosad ktera zemtela due 17. l e:vetna 1957 v Schuchimann Hospital v East Bernard. Po dlouho trvajici nemoci y e stand 75 let. Pohrbena byla dne 19. kvetna. Pohrebni obrady vykonal 1ViethodistickY Rev , W. C. Webb z UrbiSoveho pehrebniho vu na hrbitov Evergreen Memorial Park ye Wharton. Te,as. Spolusestra FrantiS'ka Novosadova na rozena One 13. leclna 1882 na Morave, pri jela do Ameriky s rodiei co male ditko. Rodiee jeji byli Frank Janik st. a Johan na Bahia r Janik. PrebYvala v okoli East Zanechava manZela Bernard 63 let. 2 decry, 1 snachu a 5 vnucat. Jeji jedinY syn ji predekl na veenost asi prod rokem a teZ zanechdva 1 sestru 4 bratry

Na veenost nam odeSla, nak sestra a elenka ratin els. 28. y East Bernard pi. Frantigka Novosad ktera se narodila v Ceskoslovensku v race 1882 a zemrela dne 17. kvetna 1957 po delSi ehorobe. — Zanechala po sobe truchlicino mute Jana a d ye decry, Annie Lucas, a Martha Vaiser. Jeden syn Frank ji na veenost predekl. — Byla poet-m y-0nd z Methodistickeho kostela na WhartonskY hrbitov. — Oplakavaji ji teZ vnoucata a eetna rodina, pratele a zname. Bidiz ji veenY pokoj a nak vzpominka. ( odehodu pomerne v nejlepMeh leteeh nageho braPomerne v neilenSich letech nakho bratra a elena radu cis. 56 v Corpus Christi Texas Jim R. Smejkala kterY se narodil dne 9. srpna 1907 v Hoch helm, Texas, a zernrel due 28. dubna 1957 v Corpus Christi, Texas, kde byl i pochcvan na Seaside Memorial. -- Zanechal zde truchlici man2elku Louisi a tiltky Mary Louise, Jeanette Rose, Shirley Aim a •Robert James. — Po obradech ilia tolicke cirkvi byl k veenemu odpoeinku ulolen za neasti inn.ohYch svYch prate' a sousedn. cost budi2 jeho pamatce. — Necht' odpoeiva ve svatem pokoji. ) o .T. • ( Naposled rozloueill jsme so dne 2. kvetna, v Methodistickem kostele Fast Bernardskem s na'Sim bratrem a elenem tadu Cis. 28. Johnem Vagiekern kterY narodil se 14 brezna 1879 v Milhelm, Texas a zemtel dne 30 dubna 1957 ye staid 78 let ye Wharton, Texas, po kratSi nemoci. ManZelka Emilie kterd jej na veenost predeSla. Zanechal truchlici ditky, Lydia, Ella, Della, Walter, Alma, Francis, Emma byl poehovan po .kostelnich obtadech za

Ve stredu, due 5, 6ervna 1957 wit:6 I'm pitel a rodiny. Byl v§eobecne vidyn se podilel v kaZdem peki 'mutt v tote osade. — Byl v6 rn:‘. na;[ Jednoty a velice lei ech. — Velice se l. )i• ir • i "u,vu.l. o polrett eels esady a proto Hideu lei tam ziiiiste dlouho pestrdnaii. Zachovejme mu v§ichni eestnou pamet a neela' odpoeival. v pokoji.! ) ( OcleS'el z na.lsallto kruhu nas arils bratr a e'en radu eislo 23. Nova Morava po trapru l nen,t ∎ ri Jose J Droz[1. • kterS7 se narodil dne 11. brezna 1895, na Moravia, Texas a zenarel due 9.1dubna 1957 v Hallettsville. Zanechal ztle truchliei manZelk,u Elizabeth, syny, George a Oscar a deeru Helen. — Jedno di ditko jej na veenost predeSlo. Byl poehovan na SPJ T., hrhitov radu Moravia, Z9. slu deb Rev. C. W. • Kruegera dne l kvetna 1957. --- Byl vyslouZileem z pm ni svetove test valky a naSim Skoldozoreem. jeho pamatce! )*4* Posmrtni zpravy dostavame vetS'inou z nradovny nageho bratra Chupicka a ktere pak do tisku upravuji. — Domnivarne se totilZ oba, Se jest to jen nasi povinn.osti vzpomenouti na'Sich milYeh sester a bratrit -- Dortfain, 'Se Vy sestry a bratri tyto krat§i vzpominky vlidne prinnete a pri torn vkly pamatujme ,de i nas kclys dojde rada. P11 zmene Va gi adresy pou'iljte tohoto kuponu Supreme Lodge, box 400. Temple, Texas. a,dain Vas o zmenu me adresy Vest., nika jak nasleduje:— IVIoje nova adresa jest:—

Moje stara adresa:—

Pattim k kadu e'islo. S pozdravem podpis.

Ve stredu, One 5. cervpa.957




itad . Vesmernost eislo 68 Nelsonville, Texas, Ctene sestry, bratti a otenati:— Pricladzim s troskou do toho nageho Vestniku. IV1inule nag e d y e schtize jsme meli dobre a zajlinave. Bratr neetnik chvalil sestry a bratry, ze spravne plati svoje poplatky. Vyjimaje tech, nekolik, co jsine museli suspenclovat. Deufame, ze prijdou se vyrovnat a rids pote gi, jiste nedostanou takove poj ig teni j inde. Sestra Olga Taylor si ptibrala certifikat na $500.00. Mame tri dekatele na p •iSti schfizi. Vratili jsme poplatky z osm G. ChernockY, po bratru Bratr piedseda vyzval k povstani vzclat jemu Best. Prigti na ge schttze bude v sobotu devatelaO eer yna ye d ye hodiny odpoledne, prieina je, ze v nedeli bude "Rybo sm6,2". Mejte se vg iehni dobre, a aby yarn bylo lep gi, ptijd'te do schtize. S pozdravem vas dopisovatel Joe W. JeZek. ) 4 a •( ikad Woodrow Wilson eisla 146 Galveston, Texas Sestry a bratri:— Timto se Vain dava na vedomost, ze Padove schtize se ocibYvaji u ses. a br. L. Macik, 3323-L druhou nedeli kaZdY mesic v 7 hodin yeeer. Ve prospech du a vgech Mena Vas laskave Zadam by jste se dostavili do pti gti schtlze ktera se kond 9 Cervoa. Jsou rtizne zmeny a pravidla ktere ye Vag zajem a zajem tadu, bylo nutno ustavit. Je-li nektera sestra a bratr, ktert se do schtlze nemilZe dostavit, Zadam je by se o nasledujicich zmenach uvedonaili dle moZnosti. S bratrskYin pozdravem, C. 13uresh. predseda 146 (Poz. red.:— Dekuji Vain za dopis. Co se tyre Va gi stiZnosti v zalelitosti nedoda.vky Vestniku pro bratra Valti gka, upozorneni odeslali jsme do Hlavni tiovny kde se jedine adresat na geho elestva opravuje. Prosim v gimete si upozor nerd ktere se pravidelne opakuje v organu. — Diky! )• • nd KomenskY- eislo 20 SPJST Granger, Texas Sestry a bratri:— Dne 9. eervna bude se konat na ge pravidelna schtize o jedne hodine odpoledne. Vgichp i elenove a elenkyne jsou Zaclane aby se dostavili v hojnem poetu. BuOdpoeinku' de se jednati, jakYm zpilsobem na2A rad

Koval, Texas Mile sestry a bratil.:— Ptichazim abych °pet pripomenul vgem organisatoram, ale zvla gte organisatorum distriktu eislo 1. ze jiZ nein zbYva jenom asi dva tYdny do konce kontestu v ziskavani novYch Clem a gedesatileteho vYroei na gi mile Jednoty. A piece jeAte jsou mnozi tak zvani organisatori kteti doposud letos neupsali ani jedineho elena. Nemyslite, ze by to bylo od vas hezke kdyby kaZdY kterY jste doposud Ziadneho neupsal, do to doby aspon jednelto noveho elena ziskal a tim doka,zal, ze si piece to na gi Jednoty vaZite a ze jste take meli podil na teto dobro praci kontestu. Ano aspon jedneho eleEa vgude tarn kde ji.Z nekolik rokil 'Olen nepribyl by byl zajiste pekny darek k tomuto vYroei. 2e to u yes neni mane? Jak to rrittZete tvrdit. KdyZ jste se o to ani moZna nepokusil? A pak kcly2 jest moZna u nekterYch radu ziskat novYch elenti celou iadu, proe byste vy neniohli ziskat alespori jedneho. Nekdy to zebere opravdu hodne prace noveho elena ziskat neb nekteri Tide se radi daji hodne prosit. Bude vas v gak alespon blaZit vedomi, ze jste udelali dvoji dobro, ba vlastne troji dobro, to prvni a nejvet gi ovgem tomu novemu Menu, pak dobro pro jednotu a to tteti dobro jest to vase korni gne, valyt' za to komigne by ste se mohl dostat do Temple na tu slavnost, a to ji2 by piece stab za namahu. Nekteti si asi reknou hm, po jednom elenu to toho bude. Ale jenom se prosim presvedete kolik tech neeinnYch tacit a organisatoril je a jiste potom reknete ze by to stale) za to. Ovgem jsou v gelijake ptipady, jako tre ba ten kde nebylo rnoZno dostat kupujiciho aby Zadost podepsal ac se mu to libilo a tikal, ze by pojistku rad mei, Tak pros tedy to nechce g podepsat? ptal se ho koneene organisator. Vig se pied moji Zenou necitim jistY syYm Zivotem. Kdy2 pojistku nemam, jak potern kdybych pojistku mel. No, ale dobrY or,ganisator se nesmi nechat tak lehce odbyt a jestli neproda jednemu musi zrovna jit za druhYm, ttetim i etvrtYm az koneene trefi a pojistka je prodana. Tak tedy hogi, jen do toho, jen do toho at' ten dvojnasobn377 poeet jiste ma,me, a Hlavni Aradovne i sobe peknou radost uclelame. S bratrskYm pozdravem jsem jako vZdy Vag, Vaclav Organisator Okrsku C. 1. ) • 4, • ( Nezapomente na nag

ma prispeti nakmu Domovu Odpoeinku VYbor ustanoven na tento te'el nam svou zpravu . Piijd'te do sehrtze pomoei a dejte sve dobrozdani. Po sehilzi bude svaeina a obeerstveni. NaSe sestry jsou Zadane by prin.esly nejake peeivo a za to diky predem. S bratrskYm pozdravem, lienry E. Vitek, taj. Veliiy Piknik v Corpus Christi Nag tad Anton S. 6ermAk eislo 56 v Corpus Christi, Texas porada svoji rani slavnost v nedeli 9. eervna (June 9th) na obvyklem miste v Sokefovni. Obed spole6nY za6ne ye i hodin a bode pozilstavat ze samYen delikates, v eemZ jsou zahrnuta na ro g ti peeend kurata, specialita tato je v'Yhradni imfeni na gich kucharil a prikrmy vSech dobrot zase vYhradni aprava naieh umelkyri v oboru kuchynskem a pekarskem. VelkY talir $1.00. Nak spolkove sestry se v tom vyznaji a oeekava se, ze i tentokrate prispeli pomohou zasobit tu nagi kuchyri jako predeSle. Po obede a pri obede bude ueinkovat oblibend hudba bratru Majkoveho orchestru. Na to bude spoleene uvadeni elenstva. VSiehni eleni, kteri byli prijati do nakho radu, od 1. ledna 1956 do 12. kvetna 1957, jsou timto uvedomovani a Zadani, by se tohoto slavnos triiho spoleeneho okamZiku Pozvani do Hlavni Uradovny bylo jiZ zaslano a br. ptedseda Marek prislibil UCast. Pak jsou na programu je gte dal gi eisla jenZ pozastavaji z riliznYch her a pobaveni pro v gechny. Nezapomente na 9teho. )• ( Wheelock, Texas Mile sestry a bratti:— Musim clodr-Zet slibu tdy'/: jsme clelali sbirku na ten Domov Odpoeinku. Slibil jsern, ze budu ye Vestniku kvitovane jmena a kolik kdo daroval. Neni to jen tak udelat sbirku cid to trochu prace. Ale da se to udelat kdy2 se toho uchopi. Sestra Julia Schovajsa z Bryan mite byla napomocna. Dekuji za yYpomoc. Na g Pad je slabY, a na ge pokladna pa tech sedrn let sucha se hodne vyeerpala, ale piece jsme vy gkrabali $25.00 z poklad ny a mezi eleny se sebralo $106.50. Zde jsou jmena kteti darovali na Domvo Ofdpoeinku (Hest Home) a mnoho dike jim vgem. Gleni, kteri darovali na Domov Odpoeinku:— — W. P. Nedbalek 25.00 10.00 Robert Schovajsa 10.00 Dr, Krenek

Strana 6 Ed W Seasta, Hatoa Cajka a manZelka Ed. Chytil Julia L. Seasta C. J. Krolezyk J. A. Rychlik Joe Mikulec Ed. 8kubal John R. Seasta C. L. Novosad Henry Blaiek Fred BlaZek Paul Mikulec Emil Mikulec C. A. Shasta Zdenka Curik Albina Seasta Albina Curik Edwin Rychlik Viasta Dalrymple J. J, Scasta W. C. Scasta, Willie Skubal Albina Skubal Albert Seasta Raymond Rychlik Louis F. Nedbalek Ben Nedbalek Theodor Nedbalek A. C. Novosad Edwin Novosad Albert Novosad Angelina Conner Charlie Curik Bill Rychlik Ruby Kindt J, D. Zweifel Emma Milberger Joe Bla&lc Joe E. Seasta Adolf KopetskY'

V t ST Nt K WEST, TEXAS 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 .200 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

A nyni (loco o podasi. Asi vite do polovice maje nam tu hodne prSelo, ale na gtesti nemeli jsme Zadne povodne, tak Ze to nezebralo moc pady. Take doposud maZem tlouc na dievo, Ze nas ty tornada minuly Urody jsou poozdene hodne, tu v nagem okoli. ale na to vSe piece jen nadeje je trochu slibna. Koneim s pozdravem a pieji gtesti a co moZno clobreho vSem Vain a na:Si Jednote. J, A. Rychlik. (Poz. red.:- Dekuji za dopis a zpravy i jsem potegen, Ze si koneene pies jen se ptihlasil s dopisem .Nezapomen, Ce si kaZdS, rad od Vas zpravy pfeete.) •( • Seymour, Texas Milk bratie redaktore:Vide'. jsem v na gem Vestniku jak jste opisoval tu naM. schazi 50ti leti a distriktni v Seymour a Ze jste se tam zminil o to naSi muzice, jako Ze byste nas

zas rad uvidel. Tak Vain posilam nag obrazek. Pojedem zas hrat a sice do San Angelo v patek 7 .eer yna (June) tak chod'te. Na shledanou VaS pritel 0. S. Snapka, Rt. 1. Seymour, (Poz, red.:- Dekuji za pozvani ale nelze 'vyhovet. Vas obrazek bude V priStim eisle. - Pozdra y. -) ) • •Ii• • Organisaan zprava Zajiste, Ze bude was zajimati zcieleni, Ze od novella roku do 31. kvetna ziskano 557 novYch clenu, ktere si zajistili noveho pojiSteni v obnosu $817,000. Z techto novYch elenft oznameno 337 v odboru dospelych a 220 v odboru detskein (Juvenile). - Prihnerna YYSka pojiSteni $1,470.00. - Nej yetSi poCet novYch dent( ziskal okrsek III. DruhY nejvetS1 pooet okrsek gestY. Okrsek V. zUstal na miste tketim. Do zakoneeni naAeho kontestu 60ti letti ,ovAem, Ze toto postaveni se mute jete valne pozmeniti. Teinte se, & tento rok bude znamenati pro noSi SPJST rok uteSeneho a y &obecneho vzriistu. - Nazdar! ) •4•( "MHO Vlaniho" BYvalY americkY vel yyslanec u Sovetskeho svazu, William C. Bullit, ye syYch vzpominkach na sve Oredni pitsobeni v IVIoskve uvadi pkipad, kterY jen potvrzuje, Ze komunismus pfedstavuje vladu hor si gangsterii. Gangsteri, jak je znamo, maji alespon "gangsterskou test" a dostoji syetrio slovu; komunisti vSak nezna ji ani - gangsterske cti, naopak jsou prosalli mravni hnilobou a zverskou zvr hlosti. Pripad, kterY podava Bullit, se zakefneho zpillsobu, jakYm ru'Sti komuniste za bol gevicke revoluce hromadne odpravovali sve odpfirce, neyedome (Yeti nevyjimajic .Bullitovi dostala se 0 torn informace z fist samotneho generala Vorofflova ,jen pti prvnim ofieielnim setkani s Bullitem vykladal tomuto, pry s bujnou hrdosti, jak bylo na Ukrajine poYraaleno 11,000 carskYch diistojnik(i. "V Kieve bylo 11,000 carskYch chistojni kit i se syYmi rodinami" vykladal spo leeensky velmi uhlazeny a I/eerie usmevavY Vorogiloy Meli mnohem vie voj.ska neZ kolik jsme men my. . , proto jsme sahli k propagande. jsme jim, & jim zaruaime pinou svobodu a & ka2cIY i s rodinou mute se vratiti dom.& - A oni nam uvetili a vzdali se. My jsme pak posttileli v&chny mule a hochy. deny jsme dali do bordelti. Moji vojaci potrebo yali Zeny. A mne 'Slo 0 zdravi mYch vojakil a ne o zdravi tech-

Ve stkedu, dne 5. eervna 1957 to Zen. -- A ostatne co na torn? --- V dobe necelYch tI i mesica tyto Zeny beztak vS'echny pomniraly". e.',eneral VoroMov, ten komunistickY "heroj" je jednim z onech komunistickYch predakti, kteri, vedeni KruSeeva dnes prohlaSuji Stalina za zloducha a vraha ruskeho lidu. Z tivedeneho je vSak jasne, Ze jsou se Stalinem stejnYmi zloeinci, nebot' ve vraZdeni ruskeho lidu mu 1.7 ichni ochotne pomahali a ye sve gimgsterske einnosti i dnes stejne pokraeuji *( Duzvuky Newyorskeho Veletrhu Rude pravo z 28 dubna komentovalo tlCast eeskoslovenskeho relimu na,!ewyorskem vcictrhu ,kterY konal od 14. do 27. dubna tohoto roku. Zahraineni oh chodnici pry ucinili popta yky po eeskoslovenskem zhoZi ye vYSi. 7 miliontl korun. NejveitSi zajem americkYch obchodnikti se soustredil na automobily, motorcykly, kola, sklo a potraviny. Z ylaSt' bylo uvedeno, Ze obchodni dam Macy's projcvil zajern o Ceskoslovenskou obuv. "Zastupci velkYch obchodrilch doniti prohla:;:ovali v rozhovorech, Ze jsou pro obchodovani s Ceskoslovenskem, prestole clostali pokyn, aby se socialistickYmi zememi obchody neuzavirali", psalo Rude pravo. "Zejmena z Kanady; byl zajem o naSe hudebni nastroje a sklo a rovne2 v latinsko-a.merickYch zernich roste zajem o na:ie zboZi.." Komentar Rudeho neopomenul zdtlraznit, Ze eeskoslovenskou exposici na veletrhu na ystivili "Cetni kraja,ne", kteri pry blahoprali k vYstave a "vyslovili nesouhlas s diskriminaeni celni politikou americke vlacly." ) • .74, • ( Hospodif-ske nasledky PolskY a Mad'arskjich udalosti noviny otiskly jiZ v listopadu ruzne zpravy a projevy o torn, Ze eskoslovensko neni a nebude s to spinit plan dovozu Wall a Ze se tim potiZe v oboru zasobovani uhlim jeSle zvYft Nyni prizna va, Rude pravo v n yodniku, pojednavajicitim o situaci v hutnictvi a strojnictvi Ze take v techto odvetvich neziistaly zme ny v Polsku a Mad'arsku bez odezvy. "Je pochopitelne, pie list, Ze zejmena udalosti poslednich mesicti zUstaly bez vlivu na nas zahranioni obchod. a tin i na yYrobu, take bode tfeba leccos v piano na rok 1957 zmenit. . Zakazky, kterk byly materialove zabezpeeeny, budon zmeneny zakazkami, na ktere bude tfeba material teprve objednat." Autor je si -adorn, Ze tento sta y zpilsobi "nemale potiZe" jak pro pracovniky ye strojirenztvi tak i v hutich.

Ve st •edu, dna 5. eervna 1957

VEST NIK — WEST, TEXAS krmy. Oena $1.00 za talif, deti 60 centn Bude k dostani cele odpoledne ,ter peCry:), kava a obeerstveni v geho druhu, jak si kdo bude prat . — Dalai pobaveni, jako bingo a jine, bude pro velke i mla deZ. (Prosim pov§inmete si oznamky tla, jinem misted Timto uprimne zveme (deny obou tadu, pratele a celou krajanskou verejnest, zdejS'i i z okoli, prijdle se s nami pobavit a tint podporit podnik, pro clobrY neel poraclanY.

Hlidka Zen Jate lie slavnosti "Majales" v Austinu Jako kaZdoroene, tak i letos byli jsme pozvani CeskYm Literarnim sdruknim k navSteve a zpestreni programu student ske slavnosti "Majales", konane v Austinu v nedeli 5 , kvetna, t. r. NavSteva byla poeetnejAi neZ leta minula a slavnost vydatila es veinal dcbre. MYm rimyslem neni referovat o slavnosti, chci jenom nekolika slovy se zmi nit o nasi skupine ze San Antonio. Z naS'e ho privodniho planu predvesti navStevnikfun krasnou Oeskoslovenskou basedu, seSlo pro nedostatek taneenikt. Abychom vyhoveli prani Oeskeh.o literarniho sdruZeni, predvedli jsme nekolik eisel hudebnich a zpevnich, jak bylo oznameno v peed slavnosti. 2e jsme tak uoinili, vdeeime vkm tem dobrYm krajanfun, kteri ochotne vyhoveli, zvlaAte pak pani Emilii Amburnove, ktera yenovala svilj Cas a ziskanim nekterYch z fieinkujicich zaslouZila se o uskuteeneni programu. PonevadZ si spoluprace vkch vaime, pouZivam teto prilditosti a srdeene dekuji vkm, kteri freinkovali, pant Emilii. Amburnove za sposkytnutou pomoc i vkm prateltim ze San Antonia, kteri vdZili ta kdalekou cestu a v hojnem poetu se saleastnili. Jiste toho nelituji, seSdi se s mnoha krajany z Texasu a odnesli si domil prijemne dojmy. MYm pranim jest abychom se ye zdravi vAichni opet ,seSli v roce 1958. Marcella M. Kleprliliova • 4, t Rid Svaz techoslovanii eislo 92 Fort Worth, Texas Mili bratti a sestry: Je:Ste paru radkft o torn nakm bazaru, ktery naS tad Oslo 92 poradd ye sve spolkove sini, 3316 Roberts Cut-off road, v nedeli 9. earl/ha, -a zapoene obedem ye 12 hodin. Bude barbecue, se Tiemi chutiVini

VSechny dary, naSich pratel a elenstva jak pro bingo, neb dary penelite budou s povdekein prijaty. Jak je Vain ji.Z znamo, vYlekk z tohoto bazaru, bude venovan do fondu pro ten naS Domov Odpoeinku, kterY se jiZ stavi, pri Taylor.

Strana Tak -koncim a vola.rn na shledanoul VaSe dopisovatelka, Marie Fabian. (Poe. red.:— JD", jsem se obaval, ten naS Vestnik jste zapomnela v2clyt7 ye Hallettsville by nemelo bYti o poVin„ky noose.) / • 4-8 V dopisu sestry mei° bYti uvedeno spravne, in ses. Cepakova prispela obnosem $5,00 a ria $25.00 jak bylo v dopisu inYlne poznanic,. nano. K oprave od sestry Valeikove pripolut jeme zpravu, ze obdrZela ad pi. A. Herza, nave $2.00 a dale dodava: Tato uvedomela tena Sokolka nemohla byt pritomna 26. q'ttna v SO7; kolovni, kde naSe ornladina. Sokolska poradala dbed spojenY s programern va prospech ziskani finaneniho fondu no zajezd cvieicich na SokolskY Slat, IsterY", bUde odbYvan ye dnech 28, 29, 30 v Chi,; cagu. Pani A. Herzanova je jedna z mala ten, ktera i kdy2 nemute pro dfilelitOit prieinu byt pritomna kaZdou dobroU yee finanene podpori. Dektem. Odevzcial jsem na misto patriene. S pozdravem

Jake jednou srdeene zveme nak bratry z Hlavni firadovny, bratra redaktora L. 0. HoSka a jejich mile manZelky. Doufame, to na nas nezapomenou a stpestti to nnaS program, nejakYm peknYm m'oslovem, na cos se jiZ teSime. Nak mile sestry jsou Zadany, by prispely rfiznYm peeivem do kuchyne a vice net jindy oeekavame velkou nav gevu, tak aby nepochybelo. Predem srdeene drky. Krajanske vYprave do to rodne nagi y lasti, eeskoslovenska pfeji mnoho zda ru a mile pobaveni tam a WastnY na.* ) yrat zpet, itad eislo 107. S pozdravern Floresville, Te*.aS 1\iarie Juran, dopisovatelka Sestry a bratri:— ) ,T, PiSd vam techto par radkri abych varri itad Karel Havlie'ek e. 4 oznamila, ze nak Padova schtize bude riA• tteti nedeli na misto druhe totO, 46: Hallettsyille, Texas eervna (June) Mili bratti a sestry:— Zde deSte mime dost prSi ntm NaS rad opet bude poradat zabavu 9. tYden, tak pezapomente a priid'te.vS1eervna pro deny co maji narozeniny v chni 16. eervna :do to sehfize budem Vas dubrm, kvetnu a eervnu ty tti mesice. A eekat, zaroven oslavime den Matek a Oten naS pozdravem Vain vSem jednou. Sop hia sralla Napred bude schfize jako Ni2cly o jedne hodine odpoledne, pak nejakY program a svaeina. Mila Hlidko Sestry jsou Zadane by laskaVe donesly Doufam, to jste dosud noodplavali nejake peeivo jako vtdy, a bratti se do- tech rozvodnenVch rekach Texa.9ksich do za.jiste postaraji o nejake zapiti. more. Dostavte se vSichni, at' jest rads hodNoviny, televise a radio. jsou toho pine, ne jako vZdy, ukaZte to si Jednoty vaZipovodne vsude a neSt'astmYch lidi jak me a zapomerite na ty denial trampoty v lod'kach z ranci na zaclech se stehuji aspori na chviii. ze syYch dornova anebo nabytalt stelauji Jest jiZ to na povafZenou neb jestli ne- povozem a voda jiZ jde jim ar%, pa dVeprSi tak leje a ti chudaci rolnici Je to Zalostne. Je na mtech lidi Bude i nejaka a co potom ta neumorna starosti jak bude dal. po muzika a tak si mutete zataneit. vratu to vkchno suSit a uvest do 130'4 Gratuluji a innoho Stesti 'robe Marlyn l'adku — srdce nad nitro To musi Drones k tve graduaci a preji ti abys elovek profit aby pochonil to situaci. mohla postoupit do College jak si prejeS. (My jsme to skusili pri hm . ii-Thu no( ji-; A co vy tarn na tom Wheelock? jeSle fru). -to Voda, -vitr vas tam voda neodnesla? &tele! Cele nove osady se.'-ybudovaly.,v, Tak bratti a sestry nezapomente dru- poslednich sedm suchch let jak mes.t,a• hou nedeli v eervnu, (June 9th) v to roatly — a nebylo ani nuAno zj istit zdarnaSi N. Y, A. budove. li majetek bude preplaven a kcly2, je§te

Strana spodne v nekolika hodin 5-8 aZ 9 coulit vody tak na to neni tadnY pripraven. Naglecikem tolika de gt'fi rolnici maji naspech dosadit bavlinu do konce tohoto mesice die Acreag Allotment -Programa. Traktory na v g ech stranach, prebi• haji pa polich ze s y krai babny semena, horko, nehorka a slunce, ne sinnee, vge chno kvapne zasadit. Ten na g pan "zpra vodaj poeasi" nam s 1181:nevem predpovi da zas "thundershowers", aby ho koza koplal V ,. tera, veeer nose mesto West bylo po peageno DOT. Ho gi na truku s tau ma ginou meli gvandu — a peknY vanek bral pragek a,2 do ko gatYch stromti, take lads komari uebudou trdpit diky naSim mestskYm firednikarn kteei steal note zdravi a ponodli; ;Mau to vetSinou, nagi lido— pod vedenim na geho inajora Jiriho Ratite, Mouchy te2 jsou no obt.12 v teto jarm (lobe. Obzvla gte na venkove ye stajich trapi dobytek nemilo g• dne. Rozpra g ye sta-te."chlordvapentY".kena, ji aby se vynucilly Ygechny mouthy, hiav me vgak ony gtipave. Tet kdys elovek oarvi, jam mouthy dotery sednou na na,barvenY peedmet a eloveka to jenom dop,9,1uje, ale cia se, ticirteti mouchy a jhaY hrayz na vzdalenost ad eerstve nabarvenYch povrchil, trochu babkoveho oleje (vaveineveho oleje) do olejove barvy areb vlejte trochu do nadobky a. postavte ji: pobli2 ob-arveOch peedmetu. Pies horkel any kdy :neni mane do zahraciky, spravuje se pradlo zimni, aby se mohlo alotit . Pert a tam ten icuollik chybi a tak ten bas uteee a den ie a hence.

VEST Ni — WEST., TEXAS tak stare jako ja, je gte od jeji praba bieky, 2lute delane z kosti,'ze skla, mecli, plastiky, mu gle i ozdobne drevene. si, jak jsme jako deti se souseclnimi deti poradali divadlo jsme byly v tech letech rytien, princezny, kra le a kralovny, a vstupne bylo pet knoflika. Cele sousedstvi cletske se chodilo do divadla pouCit . Kciy2 nam chybel knoflik, utrhl se z kalhot! a vstupne bylo ihned. Chudak maminka se nernohla vynadivit 2e se ty knofliky tak rychle ztraceji. Dne gni niatka tech knoflikti nerria... tolik na pri givani. Vysvobodili ji zippers a elastic a je ji ten pokrok plan, — stale je to peace domaci dost a dosti bez tohoprigivani. Preji Vain mnoho zdravi abyste se mohli z tech va gich zahradek a teplouekeho slunka, ktere te2 trochu ten "revina" vyhani aby ten Va g tivot Vas vice tegil. S pozdravem Vann vtem, jsem Redaktorova tena. ) e44. 0 ( )3ud'nce jak strom u potfieku, kterir svYm stinern a ovocom obeerstvuje poce,stneho, kterY si to odpoeiva.

Ve stledu, clne 5. eelyila


KALENDAR VelkY pikoik u radii v Seaton, Texas. Na oslavu ciosazeni 5teno sta (Iona, rad Hvezda Texasu eislo 47. potada spoleene ze spolkem RVOS., eislo 6. dne 7 eervence to jest nedele velikY Piknik. -- Podrobnosti budou zdeler5 pozdeje. Zapamatujte si datum prosim. V nedeli 9. eervna had Anton. Cermak eislo 56 v Corpus Christi bude poradat svoji vYroeni slaynOst. Ve 12 hodin bude snoleenY abed. Po abecie odpoledne bade spoleene [oracle-al nave peijatYch Hudba a eazne hey pro pobm becenstva. Vetere a 8:30 tanecini zabaya pei Majkove orchestre.

SpoleenY obed radu 39. v Bryan Velika oslava a spoleenY abed each.; 39 v Bryan, T,exas (Hermans Son-, Hall) elenove Pada do jedneho jsou upozoenene na tuto oslava a privedte sve znamc a pratele. Prislibend fieast bratra mistopredsedy Hlavni fi •adovny J. liejnrho a Jedno dobre slovo 'Caste povi vie nam redaktora Vestnika. Tet o bade posta•ano, jak cela kniha. Budete vitane! Neopomente nedeli dne )* ° 9. eervna a dostavte se do Bryan, Texas. Bratru F. A. Markovy tad 92 ye Fort Worth chysta se na den v Cameron, Texas 9. eer yna poradati velikY bazar ye sve Zdeluji, ze Va g pekiV 2ivotopis v po- spolkove sini a sice vYtetek a vgechny radku do ge' i s prilotenYm dopisern a dary p •atel na gich a elenstva budou yepouizazkou na $10.00 pro moji osobu. — novane fondu pro ten na g "Doinov OdZivotopis budcme iivekejnovati rile mi poeinku." — Sna21MO so na, tent() dun sta v organu. a za Va ge slova uznani u- zaveas upozorniti tak aby navS1eva prinine dekuji. Onen obnos nemohu' vYte.Zek byl co nejskvelej gi, - Pro.sim Pia,jmout aekoliv dobra y ule, Vage nadmi pamatujte na rids. Stare peadlo uno g eni, rjr se ru pote gila • Dovolite vg ak predam onech ()mina hadry pri bar veni, Piknik Sokola Houston bt la I., ,/,;]n Lino rrre moji %l ' you maminku, kterd rids u- $10.00 za Vas na ten na g "Domov Odpo- 16. eeryna v nedeli odpoledne ,ct rozeinkti" a vette, 2e tim dovolite podporiti CUa ygechny knofliky odrizilout a uscho, loueenou s vYpravou do Chicago. Chatvat. Pres t,3leta se tech knollikti tolik za, sluzny zamysl. ne barbecue, dobre chlazene napoje, 681. sam ale mnozi kteei Vim, te nejen nashrorna';:dilo, laudba z gramofonovYch desk. jsem tnho mela at, me. od ciganich Vas znan piejeme Vam je gte celou radii rovo krabici ninon (dz) let tak aby jste ovoce sve dlouholete pomohla eorztomila ynaeka, Glenda. prate dlouho to utival. ftad Slo yan, eislo 9 ve Snook oznaPre ni ty knofliky melt' nevysvetlit,n1nou pozdrav, muje 2e poradaji Barbecue v nedeli doe pritatlivost od malieka. V2dy jak prijeli Red. 23. ecr yna all sve Sini a kaalY jest fictina navglevit male, jit do knoflikii! ) * ve zvan. Inala a peebirala Cele hodiny se s ,,znobarevne, velike, male knoflieky I,odirane shromaiadefir ► nwmo oznatttcrii, ze pristi scl um 11 vady se ad nick nemolila oclioneit. Tak V nedeli 9teho ecevna, 1957, radina okrsku bucs se konat trcti noteli v jsem ji 'totes pripravila krabici knoflikt Vajdakova bade poradati svou rodinnou Nina dne 20. eijna. (on the 20th day of pro ni zvla g t', aby pry mohla ucirtovati 'schfizi v sini fradu Slovan SPJST., ye ye spolkove sini radii. Tyrg bratelekovo pradla jejitio tatinka pro• Snook, Texas. — Ka2dY, kdo jest ja- Oct.) 1957 eislo 80 v Holland, Texas a zapoene v zpasobem spriznen s nekte- 10 hodin rano. dlo 17)N kne flinch. lined ■17-112. j ehli. a n i hire uii r ■"on Menem 1.Tajdakove rodiny, je fictive ti a ii' zn y 'ale trail Mladeti II. okrsku neza.pomente tent° 1,: an Aby pri gel na tuto rodinnou slay den! Bude to vase schfize. Prosime ostat a eil^r se nost. ni okrsky aby pamatovaly na na ge dadostaly at P In( N. K (I rodina necht' prinase s sebou ji tum yeas oznamene. Diky preciem. knofilky utival tatinek jak byi dlo ke spole.enernu obedu. Budete vitani! ) • .Te malY klotieelc Jell° "coveralls" mely knoEddie Vajda.k, tajemnik Inky z aluminium, Pozdeji nosil knofliky Houston, Tex. 1016. Dismake st. Nezapomente o ►ov Odpoelnka'

p ,d,redo, clue


eervna 1957


ITusistskY kral Jild z Podebrad mel say ka, kterY ho nejen obveseloval, .nybrZ take am radii a pravdu povedel. ;ja.,'Sek jmenoval se Jan Palecek, pochar,e1 z rytirske rodiny, a peotole kaZdeho oslovoval 'Theatre", rikali mu bratr Palecek. Beate Palecek mel dobre srdce, "'Mal lidern mueho dobreho. Kaclou sobotti d5staval od krale 15 stribenYch eToSn, ale obyij.ejne je vSechny zase rozdal chudobnYm. Nosival svuj meSec psi past" na reminku. Jednou Set na prochazku d.aleko za Prahu a zUmtal na roe v hostinci. Tu byl jiZ nejaRY tolak a spal s Paleekein v jedne svetnici na slame. Palecek paanal, ze je to nebezpeenY elovek, kterY ponhSli na to jak by mu a2 usne utesal me See s pe.nezi .KdyZ tak stolu a oba pies ptIlooe, nespali. Palecek vstal rozsvitil a zaklepal na rameno tolakovi. Ten delal, jako by t y rde ' spal. "I vstan" rekl Palecek, "vim Se nespi.S." Palecek vysipal penize potom na stud, udelal z inch d y e stejne hromadky a pra vil: "Milt' bratre, rozomim tomu, Sc ChceS mi uriznouti meS'e:c. A ja take nespim, peotole davam na to pozor, abys mne neokradl. A tak se oba trapirne a nesnime. Proto si 'vezmi polovinu, ja, take si necharn polovinu, dejme si pok-oj a speme." A tak potom spa.. KclyZ se vyspali a rozchazell se rano ka2Z CY jinou cestou. Palecek pravil tomu

E £l a.K


nebezpeenemu eloveko: "Mej se dobre, bratte! A prosim to nech toho zlodejskeho remesla, site bodes povYSen- no necticeSli toho. Jednou meli u krale Jirlho k obedu ryby, U kralovskeho stolu sedel kral, kra, lovna, princove, princezny, vzacni rytiri a jejieh pani. Mla,dSim rytirtim, paZattlin kralovskYin sluZebnici prostreli no jinY stud blizko dveri. Kdy ;. ; Orate Palecek priSel k obedu, sodili ho mezi ty onadence ke dverim. Vldel, Se nosili no stud kralovske miry s velkYmi rybami tend a u dveri ze podali misu a drobnYmi rybkami, na kteeVch bylo vice host', nez masa. To se mu noVzal jednu to rybieko, pristrell ji k uchu a tazal se ji: "Rybieko, vii need o mein beaten?" A zase ji poloZil. Potent), vzal druhou a tazal se opet: "Rybieko, vii co o 1116111 bratru?" PoloZil ji, vzal treti a opet se tazal: "Hybieko, viS co o mem bratru?" Mladi u jeho stolu dali se do smichu. Kral se jich zeptal od sveho stolu: "Co se to deje?" Jeden odpovedel: "Milostiv3i krali, bratr Palecek mluvi s rybama". r zavolal na Paleeka: "Bratre Kral Jul Paleeku, co pak to delay?" "Bratre odpovidal Palecek, "pavim ti to .Mel jsem bratra rybare, a ten se mi utopil v Sete. Preto se tech rybek ptam, o nem." "A co iikaji rybicky?" tazal se kral. "ftikaji mi," pravil Palecek, "ze jsou je'ite tuze mlade, a. 'nail e: ke, a proto nit o nevi nevedi. Ale roam se pry zeptati start eh .a-velikYch ryb, kteee-jsou na tvem stole, ty ze snad neco vedi," Kral se zasmal a poeueil, aby da.L na talir nejvetSich ryb a donesli je brat" ru Paleekovi. A tak Palecek. -pomohl k velikYm rybam sobe i tem mladYm rytirfun, paZattim.. A vAichrii z toho byli veseli. Jan Herber" 4 e ) 'OVA BRATIkI

';t,rana 9 Zakovi Jednou 511 zase po ebrote to nahopovidly ma dolt dala selka kyseloo zany, syrekern. vy , ;oko Ten so smetanou pobelenivd010]( do ram zaradoval, Ryehle ce, -active d&i:coval, (lode s ;.:ratrein "Co'o Ale pied vraty poviff. vyprosii? "A ta lk", ubolak. Mel strach, aby nit, brat' vdolek Ina7 "Wok vial, Setono, vaole%. natiZe.?-; zany, oh j soonoLasit. Scott!" Dej vSak e tc 1 ti vdolok s A tined se btosti, too vzal hnevera, ant dtobe61.;:u povidly Potent jea6 prcv=i1, to vraceli mazaneho llr 1edestali. aprecl, zo so P do.movu pees nim k voc•;6, T; L dy va]yc P tavoval, abY•bratra pod ubezalc k?.11/.2iny prevedl. Ale paZ1 vzal a ko pa does bud z:-.pol , 1 bud' ze ani 01 trestat chtel , -aeel dale. nev;timi, sitni. kali" o,-) NajdSlepec jde, jde, slepec klooZ, non noha ),:o si: "Brat mrsk-5. scion v v6i re, pomoz, prosim, beaUc rp-proos!" bratra Ubolak. se ohledne a. CID. :Aiello., _aehati v kaluE ;air? Zavyvedl a pravil: "Prot, la( zas zhor bit se jeA6 mf1W,0" A to: "Ca, t y kirno, mys7a, Thloh ka;area", lull videt, vk&k. ,;si xaii rodn '.;)tist', bra abys none pre-vedl, "Myslil odpost.',"nihI mina Oath., ti soak ne, eich zloperadi." `';Jok pak, klmo. it se slepec, 1110111's Ale ubonk Peki: 'Ni col, mob' jst ucitit maliekY vdolek, uml zpozorovati veJikou kalu'2", ..:11em a hi. Zastydel se lied nikdy lid ho neutiskoval, Na(30 rtivUeva.: PoteMa nas kr(Aka navaeva bratra B. Zvola.nka a ;jeho manMik3'. se. no nekolik sloe no ceste coo '.'emple k ruivSteve, nakho pismalm„Tos. Zvolan-. ha. Take navUeva bratra a sestry P. Sim boda v sobotu nas ':;'ento bratr jest zakla,dajici Cleo naSi g!.;1:,;1'a jeho Zivotni zkoSenosti zajiste by ,uihly plait nekolik stranek. naieh dain •.to v TeXasu

(Napsal Vojta BeneS.) Verte—neverte, ale byli jednou dva broth oba Zebraci od mladosti. Jeden byl slepec, druhY takov , nebolak slabY, neduZi'VY, jenZe ten slepec byl zlY a urpu tut, ubolak byl velmi povolnY a bazlivY. A talc slepec ubolaka vSelijak utiskoval. Zustavali sami dva v chaloupce za vsi a chodili deli ze dne po Zebrote, v patch doma po vsi, jine dny po okoli. A jak 413 oZ ye svete bYva, VSecko obracene, tat i to. VSecky kospodyne orpotnerou slepSVc.! ekej mc au !%,(1..(1ne divy, „ ci vice praly, myslely; slepec, a talc u- Moe bud' i hi ltheslem nod line asbolak nikd.y nemel lepSiho sousta, bezzt1 vedeene. 4 e. bYmi dasnemi t yrd3"f chleb ZvYkal, co zatim slepec na sladke kaSi si pochotnapile, radost Svornou praci val. Ale nikdy nedal slepec ubolakovi tvori, eerpat cheeme novou s vagiat ant okusit, ani l giet oliznout, bylo to ubo- povzbuzenim.


Stoma 10 EDUARD Mii3E11:


jeite bych Vim nenahradil jeden mozol tvrdSrch dlani.

With otci.

Proto mist° h y ezd a perel tatieku miij-jsme tak chu misto darii, co jich koli, sklonim se dnes k mime skoro jenom ruce sebe, a prec bych Vim touZil a zlibim ji na mozoly. diti Pieeti s maminkou nebo stakenkoubabiekou a popros ji, aby Ti vyavetlila neznima slova! Potom spravne opiS do [lerly z more, hvezdy segitu! Na den 16. eervna, na nedeli, peipada, Den Oteii. Nezapomeri na tatinka a pHnebe. pray Kd bych ja Vim k nohim i gechny hvezdy, co jich zari, ch Vim nenahradil rupej potu horkS7ch

K ybych la Vim k nohim vieclany perly rnoiskSich plini,

ma nejake mile piekvapeni! Piaui otci je v nave obrazkove eitance Jaro o nii je znaenST zajem. StrYeek je rad, ze pfibeh "Co je dobre, samo se chvali" se libil. Je to skuteenY pribeh. Znovu opakuje, ie by byl rad, kdyby mu skuteene piihody byly napsany, aby je mohI upotiebiti pro Maly etenar. V nedeli, dne 9. eervna, bude strYeek na ceskem dnu ye Wallis a Val se, ie se tam uvidi s• nekterYmi velikkmi i malYmi etenari a etenarikami. Na shledanou! S mim pojede prof. Malik, jeni se take teSi na shledanou. S pozdravem STRitEK Z AUSTINU Adresa stdeka je: Dr. Ed. IVIieek, University Station, Austin, Texas.

DANE:461471 (PokradovanD U hrbitova vrzla vratka. Tarn do kouta hititova, k zavatemu hrobu jde deveatko v eernSich gateekach. Tak, jak byla na pohrbil sve mminky, tak ji dnes jde navStivit — Lidunka. Vypravuje =mince vaechno, jak trpi

Ve stredu, dne 5. eervna 1957 a zkotig a prosi ji, aby si ji vzala k sobe, jako to ueinila maminka v to pisni "Osifel° dite." Slzy jako perlieky padaji z kra snYch eernYch LiduneinYch. Telo se ji zimou trese, ruce ma eervene, zkrehle, no2ky promrzle v lehkYch botiekach. Kdy2 po obede umyla nadobi, zabehla sem po2alovat si na lidskou zlobu. Nikdo ji nema rad. Jen pan ueitel ji nekdy pohladi a, usineje se na ni. Je toho mnoho, velmi mnoho, co mamince chce povedet. . . Lidunka ani neslyai, jak se zdaleka ozSiva bias zvonkii. Nevi, 2e pied hrbitovein zastavily se pekne sane. Z nich vystoupila krasna pain v hlubokem smutku. Jde k nadherne hrobce statkare Jirsy. Tarn je postaven malt' vanoeni stromeeek, na nem2 pani Jirsova, rozsv'tcuje svieky. Pied pul rokem zemrela )1 jedind jeji dcerugka. Krasna pani odhrnuje zavoj, upravuje na stromeeku ozdoby a vzpomind pH torn na svou, eernookou Libugku.. . Tu zaslechne pani Jirsova tichS7 plae. Co je to? Odkud prichazi ten plad? -Rozhlili se kolem a vidi tam v koutku larbitova malou postavieku. Jde blit a SlySi tiChe nakikani a Amtri pied sebou male deveatko. Ve snehu nevi slykroky pani Jirsove. Jiz je u Lidunky. Polai ji ruku na hlavu a pta se: pak jsi, divenko, a proe tak narik0? Lidunka se lekla. Obratila se a uprela sve krasne oei na neznamo-a pani. Pani se na Lidunku usmiva, hladi ji a jemnYm kapesnikem stira Lidunce slzieky s tvare. Bare Liduneiny zkrehle ruce do syYch, pozvedne deveatko a pta se: "Koho pak tu ma.§? kdo ti ublizil, ze tak narika'S?" Lidunka znovu zaplakala a tichYm smutnYm hlaskcm odpovedela:.• "Mani tu v probe mamink y a prosim ji, aby si nine vzala k sobe do nebe." Pani Jirsove sevrelo se srdce litosti nad malkm sirotkem. Videla pied sebou malou hubenou holeieku, ktera Z'ije bez maminky, bez Lasky. Podivala se do jejich krasnSrch, eernYch oci, ktere se topily v slzy — a predstayila si svou elernookou zemrelou V torn ji napadlo: "2e mi ji Libu,§ka posila za sebel" Zaehvela se pani Jirsova a pritiskia k sobe cizi deveatko. °hiedla se v to stranu, kde v hrobce &Mid weeny seen jeji dcer0ka a nahle zalilo se ji srdce nenadal9m Atestim, jake citivala, kdyZ" ji kdosi libaval jeji dcer0ka. Pani Jirsova byla razem rozhodnuta. "Deveatko si necharn!" pomyslila. si . Vedla Lidunku ze hrbitova. Usadila ji do mekkSrch, zabalila do koffain a 0 kone klusali po zasnelene ceste a zvonky vesele zvonily. (Pakraeovani)



;:ervna 1957 , •


TA" .."-`:0

pfipadu timrti od veku 1 roku. Vida JI: 20ti splatkova, nadaeni ye y eku 60 leet, pinSr obnos se vyplati v ptipadu ümrti od yeku 1 roku. Vybeirte Si die -poffeby Payor Insurance: elernlm v torn Detskem OdVida 13: DoAvotne poplatky se plati boru jest Jednotou poskytovaa2 do smrti. na vSrhoda ochrany poplatky Vida. C: 20ti splatkova, daivotni. Poza ditko platiciho, tak zvanou platky se plati pouze 20 let. "Payor Insurance", kteraIto Vida D: 15 ti splatkova doMvotni. Poochrana za mirriSr mesieni poplatky se plati pouze 15 let. platek zbavuje, v ptipadu smrTi E: 10 ti splatkova doEvotni. Poti platiciho poplatky povinlatky se plati pouze 10 let. nosti dal'aiho placeni poplatVida F: 15ti let. nadaeni. Obnos cerkft na takto chranenY certitifikatu jest vyplacen za 15 fikat. let. ) • ••• ° ( Vida G: 20ti lets nadafti. Obnos certi fikatu jest vyplacen za 20 le. ADDRESSES OF DISTRICT Vida H: Nadaeni ye 65ti let. Clen plaORGANIZERS ti poplatky a:Z. do 65ti let. Vida I: 20t1 splatkova, nadaeni ye 60ti DIST. I—V. H. Barina Rt. 1 let. Smithville, Texas Vida K: Splatkova do 65ti let, do2ivoDIST. II—Chas. Navratil tni. 816 E. Ave. A Vida L: Dvojnasobne arazove pojiAteTemple, Texas ni (Double Indemnity) certi nick se vystavuje do obnosu DIST. III—Aim. Vrla 5532 Ellsworth $5,000.00, dodateene k jineDallas, Texas mu certifikatu. Tfida M: Pensijni pojistka: Po dosale- DIST. IV—Fred Kveton Route 1 ni 65 roku stari Glen dostava Abernathy, Texas mesiena plijem dokud Mv. ZeDIST. V—J. M. Skrabanek pfed 80 lety stáii, de4720 Bellaire Blvd. dici dostanou mesieni prijem Bellaire, Texas do 80 vYroei pflfl MeDIST. VI—Ign. Senkyrik na. 405 Market St. Vida MC: 20ti lets apisova ochrana kteEl Campo, Texas ra se roene zmenSuje, a zu- DIST. VII—Chas. Cerny stane vyplacene pojiSteni na 1125 Austin Hwy. $1,000.00. San Antonio 9, Texas Vida MX: lOti leta apisova ochrana kte-) • • ( ra se roene zmenftje, a zilstane vyplacene poji§teni na $1,000.00, Vida N: 1.0ti lets apisova ochrana. elenam ktef-i mail vypiljeene penize od S. P. J. S. T. Vida N2:, lOti lets apisova ochrana.eleThere seems to be some misinterprenum, kteri nemaji ptjeku na tation of the convention ruling that all majetek od S. P. J. S. T. paid up policy holders are entitle to the V Detskem Oddeleni Vestnik. Vida JT: Doeasne pojiReni do 16 let, In this case the "paid up" refers to ktere se miUe zmeniti na kte- those policy holders who carried their rekoliv jine pojiSteni r kdyko- policies to MATURITY and are now liv ne2 dosahne 16 let. paid up policy holders of a 10, 15, or 20 TUda JS: 20ti splatkova doLvotni. Pln.S7 year policy. obnos poji§teni se vyplati v Those who did not carry their instil pfipadu amrti od veku 1 ro- ance policy to maturity and received a ku. paid up policy for that portion of the Vida JE: Nadaeni v dosa2eni 18 let; policy value it represented at that time pinY obnos poiiaeni se vypla- ARE NOT entitled to the Vestnik. Beti v pfipadu ümrti od veku 1 fore writing to headquarters for your Vestnik, please be sure that you are roku. Vida JG: 20t1 leta, nadaeni, pinSr obnos a Paid Up By Maturity policy holder with our SPJST. obnos poj gtOni BO vgPlati

qb6r r4ch pojistek S. P. J. S. T.

Paid Up Policyholders Notice

tliTana it

Twenty Types of Policies offered by our S. P. J. S. T. Class B. Ordinary Life Class C. 20 Pay Life Class D: 15 Pay Life Class E: 10 Pay Life Class F: 15 Pay Endowment Class G: 20 Pay Endowment Class H: Endowment at age 65 Class I: 20 Pay, Endowment at age 60 Class K: Ordinary Life; Paid-up at 65 Class L: Double Indemnity Insurance, issued up to the sum of V.000.00 Class M: Retirement at 65 Class MC: 20 year decreasing mortgame protection with a $1,000.00 Paid-up certificate after 20 years Class MX: 10 year decreasing mortgage protection with a $1,000.00 Paid-up certificate after 10 years Class N: 10 year decreasing mortgage insurance, issued to members who have real estate loans from SPJST Class N2: 10 year decreasing mort gage insurance issued to members who have real estate loans from other than the SPJST. Juvenile Department Class JT: Term insurance to 16 years of age which may be converted into any other class of insurance before attaining age 16. Class JS: 20 Pay Life, full benefit at age 1 Class JE: Endowment at age 18, Full Benefit at age 1 Class JG: 20 Pay Endowment, Full Benefit at age 1 Class JI: 20 Pay Endowment at age 60. Full Benefit at age 1 Payor Insurance: This Order offers payors of premiums for members in this department the benefit of PAYORS INSURANCE according to which plan payment of premiums stops upon the death of the payor. ) • et. • ( THERE ARE CERTAIN LAWS ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN SAY BY MAIL It is a good idea to make sure that you do not make any statements in your letter that you cannot prove, that are injurious to the character of the person that you address your letter to. If you have any explanations to make, make them short and simple and always remember that th lare are laws about what you can say by mail. Adlik

St ana 12

AMER CAN 110_E itt: la

Sokolski Hildka IX. srET AMERICKE OBCE SOKOLSKE Ptatele sestry — bratthVstupujeme do sletoveho mesice — a innohe jest je gte k vykonani, aby slet byl v gestranne fispe gnYm. Proto ve vsech sokolovnach v telocvienach ye vgech dsecich sokolskeho usilovani je tivo . Tyrpoctiva prate vicond divy. Slet byl vtdy zkugebnim kamenem na geho ducha. Dosud vtdy ten ditch obstal skvele a pri IX. sletu nebude jinak. Jit od gedesatYch patYch let minuleho stoleti mel na g tivot sokolskou naplri a sokolske snateni mei° vtdy tadouci vYsledky. Je malo deka je main slavnYch chvil, kterYtm se na ge americka, yetev zapsala do dejin sveho naroda a do vota Araeriky, ktere nejsou spojeny se Sokolstvena. A Sokolstvo se opiralo 0 lasku a pochopeni na geho lidu .Ziskalo ' auto lasku, po v gechna ta dlouha, leta si ji udrtelo a nendroenou praci ani pro zisk, ani pro sla,vu — dace si ji zasloutit take vtdy v budoucnu. Proto yetime, to v posledni dny 'dervkdy koname svuj IX. slet, vgichni nagi lido, cela nage Amerika bude s nami. atelY elovek, kterY dam, poji gt'uje se proti potaru. Jak bychom nevetili, te nebude poji gten take aim nageho byti, budoucnost Sokolstva o jeho sletu, oroti katde pohrome. tk? Podpotenim sokolskeho na gtivenim v gech sletovYch podnikri, fteasti na hlavnim dni sletovem 30. eery na na stadionu vy ggi gkoly Morton na 24. ulici a Harlem Ave v Berwyn. Kdyt nagi krajane, na gi bratti, ra ge sestry budete s nami, v gechno to pekne, co si vgichni ve s yYch srdcieh prejeme, nam spini. Zveine Vas, zveme Vas v gechny jmenom vorneho sokolskeho bratrstva, kte, e tentokrate nezklame Vase oeekavani. Bud'te s na gi sokolskou praci 0 rluchem, ale ptimou rieasti. Pomorte s y:%"zin prispenim udelat leto gni slet lepg im, yet gim, radostnej gim. Naplrite vetsi Chicago nad g enim a bratrskou i sesterskou laskou. Vstupenky na slet jsou jit v prodeji. 1,6iiadnete starosti sictoveho vYboru. a,






dne 5. eervna


tele, aby darovali peat y° a potteby do kuchyne a na yydrateni. Informace sestry E Valova, JA 8-7627. Oeekavame hojnou navAtevu na gi krajanske vetejnosti, katdY se dobte pobavi a pote gi se se znainYmi hudbe a spoleeenske zabave. Zazpivame si nage pisnieky. Sokol Houston. • Re • (a..Neni zajem o RuiWnu, Lide se An,glietine a Nerneine Jak aalo chuti maji es. obeane do studia ruskeho jazyka, vyplYva, z tam, to dekanat filosoficke fakulty Karlovy university v Praze oznamuje 'ueitelitm jedenactiletYch Skol a uchazeofim o studium na vysokYch Skolach v tisku, ye gkolnim rote 1957-58 bude ptijat "'do I. roaniku vetgi poeet uchazeefi o studium ruskeho jazyka a literatury. Mlada Fron ta 30. lol'ezna upozorriuje, to "zajemci ma ji motnost hlasit se ke studiu ruttiny mimo vysokou gkolu ruskeho jazyka a literatury v Praze take na filologicke fakult y Karlovy university." Pkihlagky se poclavaji do 20. dubna 1957. Naproti tome objevilo se *e Veeerni Praze 25. btezna tento inserat: " Anglietina, nemeina -- —pro velkY zajem otevteme je gte dal gi nove kursy . — Osvetova besed.a, pasat Lucerna, mezzanin. . ." Lze si tett° ptedstavit je gte jasnefgi Mladi hogi a deveata cvieici v Sokole drikaz, na ktere strane jsou sympatie maji velikou vYhodu jsou-li povolani k eeskoslovenskYch °beadle_ vojenske slutbe. Proste pteddi nmohe 0 0,5 • ( rekruty znaiosti Tyrgovy telesne vYZRNKA PRAVDY chovy, ktera byla adoptovana vojenskou Nate ptani jsou praci soli. Zivot vgak spra,vou USA. Jsou dtive povy g oveni a nede, ti dosici v geho co si pteje g. Brzo ptideloy ani kvy gg im slutbam. 0 tom by si se nasytil, nam mohou mnozi povedeti. Jest proto v zajmu mladYch Sokoliku, aby se pilne Cim mane starosti si Mame, tim St'ast venovali cvieeni. nej ga je na g tivot. Prot si delati zbyteeV nedeli 25. kvetna byl by nikdo ne- ne starosti. easto se bojime veal, kteuhodl br. PrataLkovi jeho yek podle toho re se nikdy nestanou. • jak omladl pti ()slave svYch narozenin. • Slavnost nael uchystanu peknou za Vag lime y da tivot radostnY, nadejnY Vtdy easti sv erocliny a ranoha znamYch. — vgcm kolem Vas a proto Zvlagtni hudebni eislo k jeho pocte pied s jasnou mysli s usmevern delejme to vedlo trio harmonik k niht se ptidaly co na gim rikolem. es, • ( jegte housle A tak aspori v duchu jsme PHporninka! mu broukali sve skoro At Ti bude osm jegte jednou osm VyaavateY ani reaaktor ye West, nejlet, sou opravnene ciniti zmeny v adresaii osmclesat osm let, a kat'dou tadost o zmenu posilejte Pripak Ti z toho bin go na 'r y a niJada leta mo na adresu Hi. idadovny, box 400, Tem zaanou vlasy Seclivet. ple, Texas. -- oznameni zmeny ad7ivo a veselo bylo at do pozdnich ho- resy, kam si pfejete aby Vestnik Vam din yeeernich. Radi jsme uvitali bYv. ses. byl zasilan, udejte v'tdy 6islo sveho CCM. Pavey-Pa yliekovou, ktera ptijela z lu ku kteremu nalaite, svoji novou ale Oklahomy na nekolikadenni ravgtevu. taky i starou svoji adresu. Jinak jest Net zabavni vYbor chysta plknik na 1;o dosti zvizeina, prate a zbyteena strata nedeli 16: eervna ye prospech zajezdu asu vyhledavati v seznamu fadu a tinagich cvieencti do Chicaga na IX. Slet. sice, e'asto i stejnch jmen to pra y& — Bude podavano aerstve barbecue a kloba Formular pro zmenu najdete v tomto sy s pkikrmy. Madame na ge sestry a pta- elsle k laskavemu poutiti. kupujte je is nyni. Opatite si sletove nalepky na dopisy, jine na automobily, sletove clopisnice, upominkova pera a vge, coo sletu bovoti, co ponnite jeho zdaru. At prijdou dny sletu, sledujte take zavody, znieteni sil za.vodnikt, kteti se k taint° charim s nezdolnou vytrvalosti Po dlouhe mesice piipravuji. Vyhrad'te si nedeli 30. eer yna na slet -- a ptijdle. Pkijd'te zrakem se poteSit vgemi tern iobrazy, ktere jednotliva, eisia ptinesou. Ptijd'te okkat na duchu, pkij dte naphait svoje nitro. novou virou budoucnost a novYin odhodlanim k elnrim. Ptijd'te a ptivedte sve dad.. Slet povi jim vice o Sokolstvu a o nas, net dlouhe poueovani. Bud'te v gichni ftea.stni sletoveho rozjasani. Ptijd'te a nasbirejte nove vzpominky na St'astne chvile, ktere o sletu protijete. Nenajdou se slova ktera by pov,?.'.,dela to, aim budou hovotit zraky, duge a srdce. Vy ptijdete! Pkijdete, protote slet nevi pouze podnikem Sokolstva ale je take Va g. Tot na sletu na shledanou. SLETU ZDAR VYkonnY VYbor Americke Obce Sokolske Karel M. Prchal, starosta Blata J. eihakova, jed ) ° 4g• • (

Ve s kedu, due 5. eervna 1957


Strana 13

2IVOT TEXASKEHO 9.0LNil<1, Parnatee bratra Jos. DuSka ml. Mile sestry a bratri:— Laskavosti naSeho keditele bratia Karla Holaska z Corpus Christi, byl mi doclan Zivotopis naSeho zesnuleho bratra, JOS. Duaka ml., druheho precisedy naSi SPJST., (1907-1924) NaS zesnulY brat• Jos. DuSek zaklaclajici Glen Jecinoty byl mi dobre znem, nebot' jsem s nun coven slouZil pled lety na reditelskern sboru RYOS., a velice jsem si jeho platelstvi vaZil. Jen s actou a vd.eku Vam tedy Zivotopis jeho prinaSim nebot' vim, ze nail dluZno pamatovati proto, ze se 0 vzrast a pokrok naSi Jednoty tak neziStne piicinil. -- P •es to, ze jeho Zivot Sel mu trnitou cestou jeho odhodlanost, pevna vine, poctivost a clobra, snaha, vyzvedla jej nad pramer a jeho eetne rodino i nam vSem, zanechal zakivou metu k dosaZeni. Wend parnatka budiZ bratru Jos. DuSkovy mezi nami zachovana! Red. —Poznamka:— Zivotopis bude uverejnen v eastich tak aby i jine latka nagla misto. fiivot Texaskeho rolnika, Jos. DuSka, ml., 2 peedsedy SPJST. Narodil jsem se 4. eervna 1864 na malem mist zv. Laudon, jen patrilo k obci Herbotice, okr. LandSkroun v aechach (v r. 1929 eitalo 40 domil, 171 obyv., z nichZ 3 es1., 163 nemecke narodnosti). Rodiee moji byli Josef a Katerina kovi, matka rozena LeSikarova. Byl jsern z dad nejstarSi. Otec byl vojakein a slouZil 13 let. Bojoval v Rani, v Densku a r. 1366 i proti Prusku, ktere tenkrat vtrhlo do Rakouska. Dornil prichazel jen na dovolenou, Matka zdedila po svYch rodieich chalupu a asi,13 meric pole, kde hospodarila a c)aattrovala svou starou matku. Oba moji rodiee jsou jiZ nanoho let mrtvi. Matka zenarela u sve nejnala,c1Si provdane dcery, 83 roky stare., a otec, kteIeho jsme my 15 let opatrovali, zemiel 84 roky star. Matka rale, svou starou matku, tak ze nernela Casa pro deti a tudiZ deli mne, paldrulaeho roku stall, a maw bratra prave narozeneho, na vychovani z donao va k me kmotriece, otcove tete, do yesnice Cerne. Matku jsem vide' obeas, kdyZ kclyZ pricladzela do Oermne do kostela a ctce pamatuji ze jsem videl kdyZ ml by lo asi 9 a pal roku. NezaZil jsem tedy peCe a lasky recite-LA jako moji druzi sourozenci. Moje kmotrieka, vdova po evengelickem superintendentu Filipim, bezdetna, nine mela rade, a opatrovala mne jako vlastni ate Rostl jsem jako kaZde :rine dite na vesnici. Divne je mi, ze se nepamatuji kdy jsem zaeal chodit do

Skoly, ac se dobre pamatuji jak .po to fitleho mladi y ypomehat. Musel jsem prusko-rakoaske valce r 18656 se pith- dy i ja 10-let; pasat nehalik krav a jinalo elo vesnice mnoho nemeckYch vo- nak pomahat. Pamatuji jak v dobe jaka, kteri se utaborili kde mobil. Pa- bylo pilno a strYc nine n,lleho chlapce matuji, ze to asi bylo v dobe detain se- postal s pole damn pro sprkeni krav, na, nebot' jsem videl jak ti vojaci kupky nebot' tech se pouZivalo L Lahti, a pro sena rozhazeli a v sene leZeli. Jeliko2 ZebrinovY viiz. Ja ovSem nebyl vstavu moje kmotrieka mega peknY domov a kravean del postroj, ale byla doma stav nem vIe pekne zarizene, dostala k u- re, matka strYcava a to mi pomahala bytoveni dva, dastojniky. Museli mit vy- (nee on asi poeital.) sokou hodnost, nebot' po celY eas co byli U strYce jsem se mei dobre, nebot' ac u nas, stela pied domem vojeriska straZ byl prisnY, byl dobreho smdce a nikdy a oba meli zlate strapce usavli. Byli nine pro kaZdou malichernost netrestal. to dobri lids a z yla.Ste jeden nine vzdy Pamatuji, ze kdyZ inlatil ()bill a men zjevzal na koleno a houpal se nanou jako dnano nekolik nalatca, tedy note" ria, koni. Mluvil na mne, ac jsem mu ne- jak strYc rikaval, mne take vNali a je, rozumel. Ke vkmu mi prines1 i drevene- tnnel mlatit cRpern do Sestero nebo i osho kone, abych mu nejezdil na jeho Se- mexo. Ale i pobyt u strYce rust s ytij kOvli, ktera se mi s terni zlatYmi ozdobami nec,nebot' asi ke konci roku 1874 prfSli libila. Die vSeho jsem zaeal navStevovat moji modioe se zpravou, ze se rozhodli jeSkolu asi ye 4 letech veku. ti do to zaslibene zeme Ameriky a ze Skolu jsme men velkou, zdenou, tro- nine vezmou s sebou. Byl jsem s tim chu jinaeich zdi ne2 jake tally vidime. spokojen. Ueitel byl stark, jmenem Uherka a met Nepamatuji se kdy jsmc Kamm' vlast ve Skole pies 80 ZAMA. Lze si piedstavit, opustili a kudy jsme jell. Viin jen, ze jsme jako to ueeni mohlo bYt, s tolika cletmi, jell pies Prahu do Bremen a vsedli na vS'ech riAznYch veldt; zde v Americe nerna velkou parni lad'. Cestu jsme men dosti. ueitel mit vice neZ asi 30 Zakti vtride, dobrou, aZ asi na dva dny trvajici boujedne vekove skupiny. Stark ueitel byl ii, ze ktere jako nerazumne deck° jsem dobrak a ja nikdy nebyl trestan pro neu nemel Zadneho strachu. Skoro v'Sichni ce cent se, nYbrZ pro nezbednost. Jak se pa- stujici na lodi trpeli mcrrReu nemoci, matuji, nikdy jsem nemel jine kniZky, ale ja, byl zdrav jako ryba. Led' se na neZli prvni eitanku (slabikar) a ac jsem ceste stavela v Havru, a na ostrove Cubyl prelolen do tieti eitanky, nekolikrat ba, v Havane, kde jsem vide]. prvni e'eri trestan, piece se ml nechtelo od mlad- nochy, kteri. p ipluli v malYch elunech Sich spolulakit. VIak bylo ninohYrn cit y prodavali oranZe a jine ovoce. -ne,zvdjpistmu,oech Do New Orleansu jsme prijeli pled mnohem jinem jsem byl s detail ye tre- ranem a jests tehoZ die rids prevezli na tim oddeleni, ale sedal s temi malYmi. drahou stranu reky Mississippi, kde jsme Take farer Jaren, otec fara•e Jurena z vsedli na draba a jell do Morgan City. Fayetteville, Texas, stariekY to inu2, mile Tam jsme vsedli na oil dobytci preproto nekolikrat napominal. vozni lod, .jen nes dop • avila do GalvesPamatuji se na pribeh, kterY se uclal ton-Li. Galveston pied 60 lety nebyl taye vesnici k vuli vile. Prijel toti2 odnekud kovYm mestem jako dnes. Pamotuji, ze z Nemec misionar jmenem Harwig a za- tam meli poulteni draha taZenou paCal zakladat jakousi novou sektu, my- rem mulakit. Nevim jak dlouho jsme se shm ze to jmenovali "horpotaci" (tak tam zdrZeli, ale pak jsme nastoupili dabtome liken na vesnici.) A to se dobre pa s]. cestu po draze H. and T. C. pies Houmatuji, jak stariekY feral Juren, ac ji- ston do Brenham. nak nairnY elovek se dovecll rozeilit a Mesta Houston tehdy bylo pine stroma proti tomu pracovat I moje kmotrieka a mechu a ani potuchy po tech kresnYch mu pomahala, tak ze ten misional mnoa vysokYch budovach, jt-T;ke jsou tam, ho nesvedl. dries. Mesteeko Brenham melo tenkrat, Tel pamatuji prvni kazani tamale Jinclricha Jurena, po Texasu dobre znameho, ktere konal po svem vysveceni na kazatele v eerrnne. Tak jsem nil berstarostne, aZ asi v 9 letech veku nastala v mem Zivote na. Moje dobre, krnotriaka zemiela na Noutenku a si vzal strYc, Svakr meho otce, a ktereho jsem byl skoro 19 let meta° Zivota. StrYc met hospodarstvi a ye stare vlasti musi kaZclY hned od

jen asi 5 nebo 6 zdenYch staveni. Nepamatuji se jak dlouho jsme v Brenham Zilstali, ale koneene jsme moll pilleatost dOstati se k evil nab cesty, Wesely. Do Brenham toti2 plijeli brati ci Josef a Ludvik Markovi z A/Vesely jsme jell. Nevim kdy jsme rano v•/jeli, ale pamatujj, 1.. ;sine ten den Well asi polovinu cesty a zastali kale pies nee pit lese phi femme jakehosi eernocha. Jake byriak podiveni, kdyZ Mano Cori-loch, tha-

Strana 14 jitel to farmy, pi-gel a zval nas k Bylo nam divne, zdej gich pomeru neznalkch, kdyg jsme men jit k eernochovi k snidani !Ale koneene jsme si dali Mei a Mi. Snidane byla dobra, a chutna. Pak jsme nastoupili posledni kus nagi testy a ocitli se ye Wesely. — Musim podotkriout jak ja jsem tu cestu z Brenham do Wesely delal. S bratry Markovkmi byl jejich soused, jeng jel na. koni. Ten videl, ze na voze neni pro nas vgecky dost mista, a v gal nine tedy za sebe na kora,. To bylo neco pro mne! Sotva jsem pkijel do Ameriky a ji g jedu na koni! Ale klruheho dne to jig nebylo tak pekne a ja mel jizdy dost. Kun mel htbet, g e se na nem mohlo dtivi fezat. Po pkijezdu do Wesely jsme se ubytovali u krajana jig ye stare vlasti nam znameho, p. V. Balcara a pomahali sbirat bavinu. Na nasledujici rok 1875 rodice najmuli malou farmu od Americana jmenem Wood, asi mile severne od Wesely, koupili spre geni vole, z nichg jeden byl tak stark, ge sotva chodil, a druhk jakoby by mel v sobs vgecky eerty zasite. Tak jsme zacali delat prvni firodu. Ze jsme byli ve zdej gim rolnieeni novaeky, tedy jsme mnoho nedokazali, ae i kdy by se byla aroda udelala, tedy by nam ji boute byla znicila, nebot' toho roku 1875 mel Texas tu nejvet gi bout', jeg trvala tti dny a noel a znieila vgecku iuodu. Vge bylo vetrem a vodou znieeno. Domek, v nemg jsme bydleli, byl zpola rozboten a my se museli na eas ubytovat u nejbli ggiho souseda, Drgaee. Nasledujici rok rodiee najmuli pozemek od krajana p. Ripla, asi 2 mile zapadne od Wesely. Ten rok byl lep gi a my jsme 11delali dosti dobrou nrodu, jenge misto k obkvani bylo nezdrave, tak ge vgichni z nas' rodiny meli zimnici, tak zv. ma'aril. Jen ja ji nedostal. To jig nas bylo vice Do Ameriky jsme ptijeli rodide, tki bratti a jcdna sestra, ale v r. 1875 nam ptibyla sestra, a r. 1876 zase jedna. Ten rok jsem jig mel take otci v poli pomahat. Mel jsem radost, 'ge mne jig povaguje za velkeho a ge budu jig v poli carat. Ale seglo s toho. Otec si vypirjeil spie '2eni volt a dal mi dtevene tfirohe brany, abych pole vldeel. Ale ge bylo v poll mnoho starkch pateztt a ne gli jsem lakejel po jednom kadku, jig jsem nemel v branach ani jeden zub nebo bfebik, bylo po radosti a Po praci. Ten rok byla troda zvla gte dobra, jak kukutice, tak baylny, ae na bavinu pti gly listove housenky. Za celk muj pobyt v Texasu jsem nevidel tolik housenek jak ten rok. Ale to nebylo jegte vge. Kdyg byly housenky s bavinou hotove, tu ptigly mraky kobylek, ge jsme ani slunce dobte nevideli, lee jen jako skrze mlhu. Kobylky se graly fge co jegte bylo zeleneho, a pak 'gra-



ly i ty housenky! Byly keel, ie se I do prasat pustily, je g tenkrat behaly yenku. Ja to ovgem nevidel. Jelikog ono misto bylo nezdrave, tedy rodiee pronajali farmu od p. Havlika pin Wesely a my se opet stehovali. Na farms p . Havlika jsme bydleli dva roky a ja co 13 a 14 letk jsem u. delal vgecko eeho pti rolnieeni bylo zapotiebi. Obe leta byla dosti dobra, jen ge naafi rodinu potkalo neatest'. Urntela liana nejmlad gi sestra ani ne rok stara, na detskou nplavici. Le gi pochovana na tak zv. htbitove Hav likove u Wesely. V r. 1878 podlehli moji rodiee stehovaci horeece, je g tenkrat panovala a my no, podzim se p •estehovali do Noveho Tabora, v okresu Burleson, kde ji g vice krajann bylo usazeno. Okres Burleson byl v to dobe jegte male obydlen, byla to jen sama prerie a na ni trava6 stop i vice vy soka. Na ni se pasla cela stada dobytka, a zajica t. mulakti bylo gude v pino, i eels houfy divokYch slepic. Rodiee najmuli farmu od p. J. Ma gika, prerie a my museli teprve vge prola,movat, panenskou paella orat na kukutici. Otec pronajal kus stareho pole od p. Toma ge Ellika. Ten rok byl neobyeejne suchk a ja nepamatu ji, aby zde v okresu bylo tak diouho bez degte jako ten role Kukufice jsme vgak udelali dosti pro naafi pottebu. Hli1e bylo s bavinou. V nove zemi a p11 takovem suchu byla firoda baviny mala. V ge by vgak bylo uglo, nebYt neatest', je g nas potkalo. ICidyg jsme byli vgichni v poli na sbirani baviny, chytil se na g domek od gpatne upraveneho kominu a shotelo vge do zakladii vge co bylo uvnitt. Na hage ni nebylo ani pomygleni, nebot' za panujiciho sucha byl nedostatek vody. Ztratili jsme v ge krome toho co jsme meli na sob& Negli jsme zaeali znovu, sousede nam vypomohli jak kterk mohi a my a chuti zacali ptipravovat zemi k dalsi &ode, a druhk rok ji g byl lepgi. Ve ttetim race na geho bydleni v okresu Burleson jsem ji g musel delat hospodate, nebot' otec zaeal vyueovat ye gkole Novk Tabor, a u611 tam nekolik let. On nikdy nemel velkou zalibu ye farmateni a kdy prestal tteit, tedy si nagel misto prodavade v obchode v Caldwell. Tak ptipa.dlo vedeni celeho hospodaistvi rime, ae mlad gi bratr m5 pfi vgem dosti vypornahal. Asi roku 1882 jsem se pfidal ku 6tenatskemu spolku, zv. "Moravan" v Novem Tabore, kterk tam meli na gi krajane jig deli eas zalo genk. Byl jsem narugiqm etenatem a spolek vlastni peknou knlh.ovnu, tak ge jsem toho nikdy nelitoval, nebot' tarn jsem se etenim knih nau611 vice nee za dosavadniho givota. Rovneg vzdelavacimi byly spolkove schtze,

.F7475Fi, Ve, sttedu, dne

eervna 1957

nichg se konaly vcne, debaty spolkovkch bratrti, jako byli Hugo Chotek, Tomag KrajOa, st., Eng. Polack, Frank Kadanka st., Petr Mikeska a rnnoho jinkch .To byla pro mne Skala pro celk givot. Potadala se 1 divadla, taneeni zabavy a m. j., nebot' spolek si byl postavil svou vlastni sin, ye ktere se vge konalo. Nesmi si nikdo myslet ,ge se ze mne, p11 dteni v gelikYch romant a povidek stal nejakk samotat. Pti vgem tom jsem se sezndmil s nekkm, lido mel pro mne vets' cenu nee vgecky knihy a spolky dohromady. Byla to dcera na geho souseda Josefa besty, Rosalie, s nig jsem ;se jig' delSi dobu znal, dohodli jsme se tuto pozemskou pout' spoleene konat. Dne 43. za•i 1883 jsme slavili nagi svatbu. "de se zdat divnkm, mladik ne zpina 20-letk a divka ani ne 17-leta, se ji g odvagili na tu boutlivou cestu givotni, a ptece se tak stale a my jsme zde dosud a v roku 1933, jsme slavili 501ete. ykroei nageho snatku, — zlatou svatbu, A nyni ntico o tech slastech a starostech, jeg jsme za tu dobu 50 let zagili. Zaeali jsme farmatit na naVem pozemku meho tchana, kterk jsme si asi za 2 roky od nej koupili. Bylo toho asi 40 akru. Pak jsem ale poznal, ge tu nebude pro nag gadna budoucnost, a tudi g asi po 5 letech jsem prodal a koupil 80 akrii asi 8 mil jihozapadne od okresniho mesteeka Cald well. Opet to byla hold prerie. Tu opet zaealo to, eemu se tiko, radostne farmateni: Obydli stavet, padu pro pti gti nrodu ptipravit, cog jsem vge delal s pomoci mangelky, ktera, umela s potahem jezdit, orat, vladet a i p11 tesatske praci mi pomahala, nebot' na najmuti temeslnikil nebylo penez a ona p11 opatrovani etyt ditek a vedeni domacnosti v ge vkge uvedena delala. Byly to pro nas tenkrate trp Ice easy. Pamatuji, ge jsem si tenkrat vyptifeil $150 na 10 procent firoku a vgalo nam to 7 balti baviny to zaplatit, nebot' cena baviny byla tak nizka, ge nam na luxus nic nezbylo. Ale gettili a ye vgem se uskrovnili, jen abychom se udrgeli, snad bude lepe, ae hladu jsme pfi vgem torn . nikdy nezakusili. Pokraeovali jsme jak se za tech pomerti pti to 4- a -5 centove bavine dale. Sna gili jsme se co nejvice potreb pro domacnost sami vypestovat. Na tech 80 akrech jsme bydleli 4 roky a jeliko g nam rodiny pribkvalo, videl jsem, ge budeme pottebovat vets' farmu. Proto jsem onech 80 alma prodal a koupil hned vedle 200 akril, zase hole prerie. A zase se opakovalo co jsme jig dvakrat pied tim pro gili. Ale rika se, ge do ttetice v geho dobreho. Zaeali jsme tedy zase obydli stavet, prerii prolamovat a vge jine, 6eho je na zhola novom pozemku zapottebi. Opet jsme to delali jen sami dva, ja, s man gelkou, a pak nam

Ve stredu, dne 5.

ala 1957


zaealo bYti trochu volneji, ac dluhu jsme meli jeSte dost. Abychom se dluhu co aejdfive zbavili, zaeal jsem delat tesakskou praci pro Dile, nebot' manZelka s jrromoci c t of e cloma ob..larala a zviael v — asd bavh:y nokolikhat dva I vice bath nasbiranYch, net jsem rezdelanou stavbu dekoneil Byly to tenkrat jine pc:x.6u ne2 jsou pritomne. pracoval ode ani do tmy, za $1.25 denne, a kdyS jsem (Instal $1.75 &rine, tu jsem si `212 ze mne bode brzy bohae. Tak jsme pornohli a vsecky .dlany zapratili a v ge talc zakidili, to jsme spokoje no hlede!d do budouenosti. TA-age radest se v gak promenila v Zalost nebot' r. 1899 v listopadu nas potkalo neg testi, ktere se zdalo, .2e :pas rozuni pripravi. Zeintely nam tri na ge nejrnladgi ditky, ye stall, od 2 do 7 let na zagkrt, vsecky v 11 etnech. Tehdy lekari nerneli prosttedka. proti to nebezpeene nernoci. Kdo nee° podobneho nezakusil, stet.' uveri jak nam bylo, kdyt milevane vzdor vgemu opatrovani a lekarske pornoci muscly pied na gimi oeima zeinfit. Musell jsme to vgak pretrpet, Asi za dva re ky jsme dostali na.hradu za ztraeene dltky a sloe dceruSku. Me jsme telly cam ditek, z nichS jsme vychovali di/a syny a tri decry. Jeden syndeek a dye ciceru gky zemtely, jak vY ge podotkiatito. SynoVc.", jsou oba tenati a decry vdane 'a my se teSime z 19 vntita a jednoho-pra vnuka. Nyni sice zijerne jak se_ rika °Opt), einku v meste Caldwell, ale vlastnime nu farmu, na ktere jsme zaZili slastl i numb° strasti. Na, one farms jscut nage di ky a v okoli jsou usazeny v geeky , .ostatni, a ye- vYroei na geho 50tileti nain pripravili velkY abed,, (11 to

. 11. uveSt co nas prixiielo'k 'ten Utulnou farm.'.' opustili -7-no toivg 77,16fAili

vgak fn.rindry j k nH' ie c:":;L daclgi deera v gak inela chut' jako k rieeni po vyjiti naSi venkoVSke Akan zaeala navaeVevat ' yyS"SI Skolit v meSte Caldwell a ja Zadan rnyini starymi prateli, abyeh prnal uprazdnene misto vYpatmenebo kasha na zdejsi statm ban ee, jejiZ pocliinikenT jsem byl od jejiho zaleZeni. Misto bylo uprazdneno odelacdPolska; kterY k vtli; star.' ' gel na p. -.(:,:'];osk a. banka, jet dela °belled s na gich krajanri v :okresu; chtela a easteene byla rincena dat ono iniste na,Sinci. Po cllorthem Tozialern a 112, radu pratel jseTcn 011.0 rnisto prijal. reeital jsem, ze JO, jsem se dosti teSko • napracoval a tar ze si aspen easteene -odpeCia mt. Ale zmilil jseria se, -octet' eloveku, ktery Yet ginu sveho easu proZiLna

me, ono misto neslouSilo. Dne 1. imora 1919, jsem ono misto nastoupil. Poeital jse,m, kcly2 dcera navRevuje v meste. Sko In a ja budu pracovat na, bance, to budemo jezdit spolu; ale ne'Slo to, nebot' jczdit skoro 8 mil demi es v kaZdem poeasi, pa obyeejne hlinene ceste, nebylo jenme .Take manSelka, ktera s mYm staTYm otce-m musela bYti eels dny sama coma, si na to stYskala, a proto jsem se . rozhodl plesidla ,do mesta. Koupil jsem tedy obydli v rneste a 1. srpna toho roku June se stehoyah a farmu . pronajah, cchoZ dosud s manZelkou litujeme. (Pokraeovani) PROe ' ESKOSI,011ENSKO?

Uddlosti v Polsku a 1Via.d'arsku zjevne pkidaly na, vase nahledu, ze je na ease aby jit take lid v Oeskoslovensku "neco" aby se mold zbavit komnuistickeho otr octvi a diktatury Sovetn. Pod sliwkem "neee" mysli se samozrejme na ozbrojene povstani, i kdy.Z se to otevfene nefekne. Takova ptani mohou se ovSem Zr0dit jedine v myslich , lid!, na jejich2 hlavy nepacla z toho Sadna odpoveclnost a Stdna Ulla nasleclku. acskoslovenskY lid dodma nejlepe vi Po soudit, co mute a co nemilSe delat v nynej gi situpci svetove. Jiste se nepusti do clobrodruSstvi, ktere by si vySadalo yelikYch obeti a nakonec by nikam nevedlo. Poueen plzenskYin povstanim roku 1953 es, lid vi, to s pomocl zvenei poeitat nernilSo a situate v zemi jeSte nedozraJa, aby pro sve osvobozeni mohla zahajiti fispeSnou a,kci silami vlastnimi. K pou,hYm slibrun, byly pololeny na pevnYcla pergamentech a opatreny peee temi a pecipisy tuctu statnikil, ma opravnenou p ectin/Cm Pro MO motion platit jen skutky, A pa teto strance ceskoslo° a velice trpkYch zkuSenosti. Nezapomina, Se 1. V race 1938 Marne se domahal porno ci u sylich ,p ojencii proti ukladum Hitlera. Fra • cj•, .c.nisto ochtany yzajranneu smlotivoti zarueene- obratila se k Ceskoslo venskti." z(idy , kriticke chvili odepfela svuj sithivni z avazek sph7it. MnichoVskon dohodou pak Anglie a Francie hod!_ ly OeskosleVensko za korist nacistickenu 2. V mnichoyske dbhode Francie a An glie se slavnostne zavazaiy zarneit neporuSitelnost noyYch hranic okleStene,ho eeskoslovenska; ale kdyS pak Hitler tento zavazek za car papiru zenli aeskon a Moravu pflpojil k NCmecku jako protektorat; protesty a 26,dosti a ztkrok proti tomuto drzemu koku Hitlera byly v Anglii a Franeii ha zenv do kose nepoy'Aimnuty. 3. Za druhe svetove valky pak, teheran Ska konfcrence etyr velmoci bez vedorni

Straus 15

a souhlasu es. lidu, zafadila 6eskosloven sko do vojenske a politicks' sfery komu nistickeho imperia Soveth. Tim neineril. byl prvY krok, kterY otevfel cestu, aby se Ceskoslovensko stab zemi kemunisti-i 'ekou. 4. KdyZ americ,-a vejsk„ generalem Pattonem, ve svem vd..C>znern to Zen! dorazila aZ k Plzni, bezi)eene obsadit nejen o pomoc volajioi Prahn, ale i eels Cechy, MoraVu, do;;:once i Sio-., vensko, protoSe v tu dobti sovetska, mada si tepr y probijela cestu Mad'ACL* skein. To by bylo:C'eskosloyenskO pfea: koniunismem zaclaranilo. Americka. , mada byla vAak Ve svem spostufm zadrSe na nesmela dal. 4) (

0 ,statni. telovehove. v CSR. Z referam ktere pronaSeli pfedni Zimiste na ustavujiaim sjezdu hove or: ganisace statni telovYchovy v Ceskoslo venku, je patmo, Se pornery v telesn& vYcliove nejson and zdaleka v potadkM, Aekolly stat Stedre financuje tuto nost, 'organisace nevabi ar-Li miadeS. 'Kam se podele to vesele, krasne di, ktere se nam drive ozYvalo od vesnieaS po Mesta z telocvieen a h •ia,'?" 'Aar. se na zasedani Jan Pilaf, Serrodaktor "Kde je jell() roma,ntlH terarnich ka, zdraVa ctiSadostivost 'a ehut' utkdt se na zavodi gti? Ptam sc, protoSe ze sVse: Viii, Se to vSe'chno:Sije vie' zkugenosti naSich vzpOminkach net ye gkuteena-' sti." Kriticke hlasy -platily take vybavent teloevi eeti. Konn.luig ticky r elim site vybtti". scud of ale n n Dr'. 4:-. ' doval iadu novycn ii Horriik pravil, Sc 'Sta y zatizeni telocvieen je Casio traphY. V Titz'hVoli SkladiStich je polifebi S. te tOoevie.,, i l eho hafadl, a dOkOnce i mien. poby-oi: 'nemn1-11e. pla y. i.:§ou ne preve q tjvni prehlidkY. 7a optavu,2kt."6'. b,`,i; 10: by trysla dVe vice. Musnne nr) Vvporinnahr . Stesky se osvii.b.: '1.41eSrie na V 'soko Orel, b chovy, "v(1 /.• 11:c. a rn:6'.&ao ii-' za PrYni ci charakteTistickY red stri . leho obdobi bV1 v zanedbic yp.m. roZvoje za7 teleshe v.ychovy jaKOZI zakla,dny t,elovYchoyne eihnoSti", konAatoval ptetl soda Pfip rayneho VYborti primator Adol. SVoboda. 'Troy) jsme dosuC :veciky--net dostatkfl celkove pohybov6 w.vspelOSti'a tikaznem"'sti_ cylc:men. , TiCinn tobbt8 vidime v tom, Se jsme bevynSili dfivel4 S'ICh zkuSonosti. ." kosloverisli4 Poknd jde, o 'bra telbvS7obovy, fistUPek: v hove stAtni garrisaci . byl obnoven stt.rj pozdrav, "Nazdar!" •

t T


,. June .5).1957 Reports bin -our Lodges, or any other Reading Matter to be publislved should reach the Editor, Saturday before the date of issue. Address all matters to the Editor: P. 0. Box 35, West, Texas.



Postmastex: Please Send Form 3579 With Undeliverable C ollies 41,1 S-U-Te5 °"%l'e E LODGE SPJSr,

ed in the fraternal benefit system. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the WHEREAS, The National Fraternal City of West this 30th day of May, 1957. Congress of America by tits president GEO, E. KACIR, Mayor has proclaimed June 9-16, 1957, as FRA,,Ta 4 ( TERNAL WEEK, and WHEREAS, The local lodges of the fraternal benefit system are devoted to Te All of Our charitable, beneficial, patriotic and benevolent purposes, and organized for Con the purpose to make provision for the Many members have stated that they care of the sick and needy and are active in civic and community undertak- would like to write in to the Vestnik ings for the betterment of the public but that they cannot handle the Enghealth and the general welfare of the lish language well enough for publication. people; and


WHEREAS, The Honorable Price Daniel, Governor of the State of Texas, by official memorandum has designated the week of June 9-16, 1957, as Fraternal Week in Texas, and urges all citizens of the State of Texas to observe it as such and to attend fraternal functions open to the public during that week, and, WHEREAS, the fraternal benefit societies will give special observance to Flag Day, June 14, 1957, with appropriate exercises since the dates of FRATERNAL WEEK were chosen to include that day as a fitting one to proclaim their inherent patriotism. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Geo. E. Kacir, Mayor of the City of West, do hereby proclaim June 9-16, 1957, as FRATERNAL WEEK. And 1, as Mayor of this City invite the people to lend their support by attending fraternal functions open to the public during said week, to the end that they may become aware of the splendid purpose of the societies ineorporat-




WHEREAS, The President and Executive Committee of the National Fraternal Congress of America have called upon the executives and leaders of societies and lodges comprising the entire fraternal benefit system to unite in the promotion of the annual observance of FRATERNAL WEEK in order that the people of this state and other states may be fully apprised of the ideals and objectives of said fraternal benefit system; and

0. /BOX 40U,

visions and chapters; the largest groups coming froM New YOrk and Chicago. A message Was sent the President of the United States, affirming the lOyalty of the members as Americans and their full support Of his efforts to 4guard freedom in the United States and in the flee world: Special thanks were given the Preident for his message to the Congress calling for a revision of the American immigration policy so as to serve our best Arneriean national and humanitarian traditions. A resolution, sent . to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, reiterated the council's determination td- continue the struggle against communism. It also called for free elections in the captive countries, to be held under United Nations supervision.

Again we advise you that it is the thoughts in your letters, the news items of your lodge and your locality that are important and interesting. The editor will gladly correct grammatical errors A resolution to the Committee on the in your letters so you needn't be em- Judiciary commended , the humanitarian barrassed by your ungrammatical let. acts of the Congress Displaced Perters. sons Act of 1948 and the Refugee Act of Everyone gets "rusty" in any langu- 1951. However, thousands of Czechosloage when it is not used too much and vak and other escapees, still in refugee letter writing is no exception, so if you camps, could not be, admitted to the will just sit down and write the hap- U. S., although far .namigration, penings in your immediate lodges', the because of certain limitations incorporeditor will take care of the rest. Just ated in the above laws., In its resolution, the council appealed to the Congress' of write. the United States : to act speedily on the Let the Texas fraternal family know proposals for . revision and improvement that your lodge is still alive and on the of American; immigration policy as twice map. Try it and see how easy and sim- recommended by the President of the ple it is. You will create more interest United States. . in your local lodge and all your memThe senator frOin Nebraska, the Hon. bers will thank you. My best regards, to you! Roman lirmka, speaking at the council's luncheon at the Willard 'Hotel on --Editor the subject of the unchanging aims- of soviet imperialism, gave , as an. illustra tion, his experiences , at the N. Y. hearings of the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security (congressional Record, May 13). At the evening banquet, the Washington Conference I-7-m. Chas. A. Vanik of Ohio, in payibute to , the Czech'and Slovak pioOn May 4 and 5, close to five hundred spoke of the part national hellmembers and friends of the Czechosloplays in building a nation. vak National Council of America gath' ) o o ered in Washington. Originally, it was planned as an annual conference of the Now that . cigarette tar, has been found executive committee, but became -in- to contain :a: chemical that definitely stead a meeting on a national scale at- causes cancer mice; without fail, we tended by delegates from regional„di- suspect sales will pick up, ftgaill.,!..


ional ica

Wedne rxIay, June 9, 1957

9 T NI


Kallus, Kubena Boys OuT. important Notice ANNOUNCEMEN • F An urgent appeal being made to all State Choices TWO MEET N (;) of our nembers, readers and friends by District No 2 will hold their meeting the Supreme Lodge for copies of old La Grange will be represented by two on the third. Sunday in October, which editions of the Vestnik, Svoboda, old youths at the annual Lone Star Boys' State, scheduled to be held at Austin comes on October 20, 1957, beginning at calendars and the old organ "Obzor," 10 a. in. This meeting will be held at for information pertaining to the activfrail' June 5 through 11. hies of the SPJST or its founding mernErnest "Bing" Kallus will represent Lodge TyrS No, 8.0 in Holland, Texas. Boys and girls do not forget that this hers since 1897. the La Grange American Legion post The Supreme Lodge will he glad to and Johnny Kubena was chosen as the will be your meeting. Make plans to enter at least one of the contests zndreimburse your postage and expense for Lions' Club representative. Both young men, have been quite ac- come to the meeting. Remember the tie inconvenience of mailing this ma20th. terial to us. tive in sports, and each lettered in foot- dat October the ) e ( ball, basketball and track during the A,s you know, up to date we do not school year just closing. have any official "History of tAie SPJST" "Bing," 16 and the son of Mr. and and Br. Chupick, our secretaq; has conMrs. Ernest Kallus, is one of the top rented to endeavor to gather this inand Brothers: students in the distributive education Sisters Even though we had severe weather formation which is needed 'for an inclass. He was one of two out of the storms in nearly all parts of Texas, our teresting chronicle of our fraternity for class chosen as a delegate to the recent D. E. convention at San Antonio. report shows that you have secured posterity. Young Kallus is also a thespian of note, well over $200,000.00 of insurance with Dear fellow Texans, any contribution having been a member of the Inter- 135 members for the month of May, it you can make to the collecting of this scholastic League one-act play cast for makes us happy to be able to make this material will be ever so Much apprethe past two years and was chosen the report showing the splendid mrork you elated by the whole SPJST Family. best actor in the district at Brenham organizers have clone. Please check your old trunks, attics We have 30 days left before the 60th in March. He i. president of the Cathor basements as the case may be, your Anniversary of our Order, and also to olic Youth Council, and will be one of the end of the contest among your dis- shelves, for old records of htese. SPJST the football tri-captains next fall. activities. Johnny, who is 17 and the son of tricts, so let us all pitch in and do our Thanks for your immediate attention County Clerk John A. Kubena, has va- utmost to secure as much new insurried interests — but they're principally ance as we possibly can, let us go on to this appeal. related with sports activities. Both he record to make the month of June, the Please mail all material to: and "Bing" are members of the local record month in sales that we ever had American Legion baseball team for the I before. J. F. Chupick, Secretary,( Supreme Second consecutive year, and prior to We wish to thank you for the splen- Lodge SPJST, Post Office Box 400, Temthat they played in teenage league cir- did work you have done in the past, ple, Texas. and hope that we will receive many new cies. et. • ---------) The two lads are high school juniors applications this month, to enable us to break all previous records. in the term now closing. To those of you that need help, I ) • et. • ( BAND RECEIVES FINE COMMENT AT suggest . that you call on your district orgamzers your district, they are CORPUS; GRADUATION FINALE ready and willing to work with you and Be. Navratil has been approached by The La, Grange High School Band re- to assist you in any way you wish, or eeived a number of complimentary corn- you may write direct to us at the Su- individual members who wish to furn-lents at the recent music festival at P reme Lodge and we will do all we pos- nish a complete room in the rest home Corpus Christi, according to the criti- sible can to help you with your work. in memory of some loved one but who If you have any suggestions to give wondered how that room would show cism reports just received. "A very well worked out performance, on how to improve and incr e ase cur the memorial. A small bronze plaque will be struck fine tone quality, good balance and good sales they will be appreciated, also any sound," were some of the comments. constructive criticism , will be accepted. and placed on the door of such a room Concert judges were Manley Whitcomb Thanking you and wishing each of you to show in whose memory it has been furnished and by whom. of Florida State University, Jack Evans the best of success, I am It is a wondrous way to pay tribute of Ohio State University and Leonard Fraternally yours, to your loved one, and for $300 a livHarry of the University of Oklahoma. Joe B. Bejny ing person will use that tribute to your Clarence Gates of Tulsa, Okla., was the )• beloved, given in the name of God's sight reading judge. TO ALL OUR ORGA7s: love to mankind, for all the times to A first division rating was given to come, to give witness that you have We would like to aosure Audrey Frers, Lucy Jo Conn, Carolyn understood our slogan— Citzler and Elva Marburger as a clari- that our Vestnik is Avilling at Benevolence, net quartet. to be of service to every one of Humanity, All of the soloists received second We arc mindful that you need and Brotherhood. visions: Carolyn Citzler, bass clarinet; publicity in your work and here we aye • 4. • Charles Doleeal, alto saxophone; Eugene to serve you. So do not hesitate to call Niemeyer, vontet, aitel Fred Oppermann, on us. Your letters should be here the all remember to Help our bass elariatet. Sunday before our organ is published, R.e. t Home for the Aged! •

To All

r Your !Cind Infer ation




Wednesday, Tune 5


Benefits Are Now Available t'oe have become unable to work laa.ei use of severe and long-lasting disabilities have a new type of protection under the social security law, bet according to the Bureau of Oldoi; Survivors Insurance, which adr._n_;iid eas the new provisions, many are nut—applying for their rights. Foe o.any disabled people, failure to file applica.tion with their social secifrity district offices before the end of June will mean the loss of all their social security disability protection, and for sane it will also mean the loss of their rights to any old-age and survivorsP ;urance benefits for themselves and their families in the future. Should a disabled worker die without having flicd an application to protect his social .security disability rights, the sur,Nlyora benefits payable to his family under the social security law may be greatly reduced. The iinreau says that an estimated 700,000' severely- disabled men and women in the country have worked long enough:under social security to be eliZbir to- have their social security record ,: hozen under a 1954 provision in tile is w. When a disabled worker's recoid IS frozen, the years when his disability keeps him from working are not counted against him in figuring the social security benefits due him in the future or payable to his family in case Of Ills death. Of the 700,000, about 400,0011 • po:iple - • those between 50 and 65 years of age are eligible for monthly ciis;ibit by insurance benefits beginning with July. .811 itcugh social security district offices have been accepting applications fon?..chsa bled workers-since Jan. 1, 1955, the bat t u ne)tits that many of those have not yet applied. Under the law, woekers who were already disabled were given. 21/2 years to apply to protect their social security rights. After june :10. 1957, the end of that 21/2 year perie , L an application will bp effective to le urae a worker's social security record for no more than one year back.

(liatileci person must meet certain requirements at the beginning of his official Period of disability. He must social security credit for at least oet of the 10 years before he became disabled, and at least a year and a half of the credit roust have been earned in the three years just before his official period of disability began. i.nsabled workers who believe they are cligjblO under these disability provis-

ions should complete and mail the coupon printed with this article to the social security disrtict office shown below: Are You Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits? If you are disabled and have not yet found out about your disability rights, answer each of these questions: 1. Have youVorked 5 years under the social security law? 2. Are you so disabled that you are and will be unable to do any work? 3. Have you been disabled more than 6 month's? If your answer to each of the three questions is yes, fill out the blank below to get further information about social security disability benefits

We are dealcatur7 ourselves to speak the truth as we see and find it and never overlook or nilsreprc:sent cn serve anyone blindly, regardless bow powerful he may he. c.y.„ • ( PLEASE NOTE In case of death, the secretary of our Supreme Lodga needs from a local lodge; 1. Proof of death from the Bureau of Vital Statistics. 2. Official death notice from-the local lodge. The death notice must contain/ the names of all bervaliciaries• in the 'event the beneficiary is deceased, wife or dceased husband, the official death nm tice must contain the names of all the children living or dead. if any of the Your social security number — children are deceased and left some Date of Your Birth -heirs, the names of such hairs and the dates of their birth, if can yof them are Your Name — under 21 years of age. Address — By giving all of this info gmation to the Grand Secretary, you will speed up Date disability stopped work — -- — paymient of the policy. e Mail the completed blank to: Social Security Administration, P. 0. Box 1149, Farming is a healthy occupation but Austin 63, Texa,s. it is usually not one which makes the ) o 4 • owner rich. ) 4 4, 4. There ought to be a little-town club to end clubs — and exterminate orAlthough man has made amazing sci- ganizers. entific achievements, Nature still puts ) e * on the greatest show on earth and exhibits miracles, every day, which put WHEN CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS man's efforts to shame. USE THIS COUPON Some people fail to recognize the miracles which occur around them ev- Supreme Lodge, ery day. For example, take the occur- Box 400, Temple, Texas. rence of rain, upon which event the I am asking you to change my address hopes of millions of farmers, and oth- of The Herald (Vestnik) as follows: ers, are hinged. A fanner, with a hundred acres of My new address is: planted clops , must have, of all things, a plentiful supply of water. If he receives a rainfall of one inch, which often occurs during the planting season, Nature has dropped 2,714,300 gallons of water on his crops. And Nature My old address: can accomplish this in just a few minutes. Scientists, who attempt to compute the tremendous forces involved in such an operation as a heavy rain, are constantly amazed at the power of Nature and the ease and gentleness with which she usually does her job. If the reader belong to Lodge No. — will think about it, he too will be constantly amazed at the miracles which Fraternally, take place about him every day, which are accepted as commonplace occurrences.

The Miracle of Rain

rednesday :

5, tJ

Our Heritage Our heritage is best understood by a study of the things that the ordinary folk of America have done and thought and dreamed. This chapter of the bulletin is of remind us of their labor and clear vision. The first Czech immigrants sought religious freedom on these shores in the seventeenth century. The great wave of immigration from Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia did: not begin, however, until in 1848. The people's revolution against the Habsburg dynasty having failed, a number of the unsuccessful young revolutionists fled to America. Here they chartered the course of action for thousands of others who followed in ever increasing numbers to escape economic poverty and foreign rule. Most of the young leaders were not money-minded, but invested their energy instead in cultural and educational values. A good example is Vojta Naprstek, who founded a newspaper in the United States and who for a decade took an active part in his countrymen's cultural development in the new land. Returning to Prague, he devoted the rest of his life to opening windows to a new breath of freedom, as he had experienced it in America. Naprstek was a great believer in exchange of ideas and his prosperous home became the meeting place of the most liberal men and women of his country. He was also an ardent champion of suffrage for women. His "American Club" was the first of its kind in Bohemia; even after his death it continued for another halfcentury, inspiring a kinship with America not only of blood but also of thought. When Czechoslovakia finally came into being in 1918, it was the realization of a nation's long quest for freedom; her citizens were found ready mentally and emotionally for a: democratic way of life. Women were given full rights , not only by the constitution but in practice as well. There were women doctors, lawyers, business administrators, and senators. The rights of the individual were fully respected by law and by man. The dream became reality. In the process, America too was enriched by the young fervor and energy of the newcomers who had come here to put their dreams to the test. America is made of toil and dreams; the Czechs and Slovaks gave their full share of both. • 4, 41,

S T Ni


People-to-people Program %len o fMany Origins Lead the Nationalities Committee of the PeopleTo-People Program

Executive Board Constituted; Temporary Offices Set Up The Executive Board of the Nationalties Committee of the People-to-People Program recently held its first meeting in New York City, presided over by Col. John Slezak and Judge Juvenal Marehisio, the national co-chairmen. Mr. Valuchek was elected secretary of the executive board, and Mr. Andrew P. Maloney, vice president of Bankers Trust Company, accepted the post of treasurer. Associate director of the Common Council, Yaroslav J. Chyz, formerly editor of a Ukranian-American newspaper, was apponited executive director of the Nationalities Committee, and. Mr. Joseph Jordan was appointed public relations consultant. Since the appointment of Col. Slezak and Judge Marchisio last September by President Eisenhower as co-chairmen of the Nationalities Committee in the People-to-People movement, outstanding organizational work has been done to coordinate efforts of the two score American nationality groups in prom pting better understanding of America among their kinsmen abroad, and, at the same time, in fostering friendship between Americans and the peoples of their countries of origin. Read Lewis, August Steuer and Andrew Valuchek serve on the committee on charter and bylaws. The executive board approved plans for immediate action, which will concentrate on organizing People-to-People committees in each of the nationality groups, and will also include a campaign in the foreign language press to acquaint as many of our foreign-born citizens and their descendants as possible with the objectives and methods of the movement. ) If you hear a fellow who always says more about any subject than anyone else around him, he is either a politician or more ignorant than his cornpan ions. ( o

When you hear wifey telling husband The stars are a great source of in- how fine he is and hubby telling wifey terest and inspiration. Of course, there how lovely she is, you are in contact are those who prefer playing polo. with a happily married couple.

trana 19

Who Are "They? " We all have a way of saying "they say" this or that of some person or some thing and accepting it ourselves as authentic when someone says "they say" to us. But if we stopped to inquire into the exact source of the information, either we would be unable to trace it back to anyone other than that elusive individual "they say," or we will find back of it the unkind gossip of some enemy. And just because "they say" fails to put the blame of a falsehood on any one person's shoulders it really is the most dangerous of statement's and one of the hardest to refute. So let us beware of believing "they say" stories. Let us treat lightly all gossip introduced by the words "they say." Or if this, gossip makes us suspicious of its object—and it is natural and huran that it should at times--let us suspend judgment until we KNOW. In other wards, let us doh the object of "they say" the justice to investigate until we find someone who is in a position from actual knowledge and whom we can trust to make a positive statement over his own name as to the truth or falsity of • the "they say" story. ) et. • LOUISE STUDENT GET HIGH MUSIC HONOR

WHARTON. — Alice Sablatura. of Louise was acclaimed this week by fellow students as the "outstanding music student" in the Wharton County Junior College. Her name will be engraved on a plaque which is kept in the college trophy case. It was presented to the music department several years ago by the Wharton Lions Club, for recognition to the distinguished student in each graduating class. Miss Sablatura, daughter of Commissioner and Mrs. Paul Sablatura, is a music major who has participated in the band and choir for two years. She was a vocal soloist with the choir, and clarinet soloist with the band. This newest honor is one of many Miss Sablatura has received this year. A few weeks ago she was chosen "Miss Future Teach" of the college by fellow students; she was awarded a speech letter as a member of the state junior college championi,hip women's debate team; she is assistant editor of the college year book, and active in class affairs. She plans to complete her music studies at Sam Houston State College.


Strum 20


Wednesday, June 5, 1957

THE OLD AND Ti TE NEW ORDER In 1776, for the first time in the history of the world, a group of men dared to state a philosophy based on the innate divinity of the individual, and to rear upon it a political edifice. For the first time it was stated that man was a creature of God, that he posSe&-ed certain unalienable rights and that,among these were life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that governments were created by men and that men could destroy them if they so desired and replace them with governments more to their liking. For the first time the individual person was regarded as rthe master of the state and not the slave and creature of government. This was the New Order of the Ages. It was radically revolutionary, and it defied all previous human history. Since 17 76 this phiosophy has been the pattern fur other brave people. Regimentation of people is as old as civilization. From the days of the Pharaohs through the bloody annals of Tamerlane, people have been regimented, regulated and forced to serve the dictates of government. no trick to regiment people. You do it by force. Anybody who disagrees you •execute or, in modern terminology, "liquidate." The Old Order is regimentation, and regulation. The New Order nfreedom and individual responsibility. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, and all other such "isms" have one common feature: in each, the individual is, always subordinated to the state. Power comes from above not from those who are governed. Freedom of the press, religion, assemblage, petition and the rest are subject to the control and caprice of th,e rulers. This is the Old Order—even if, it is being advocated in the 20th Century. We have recently observed the Old Order in action when the tanks and troops of the. Soviet Union slaughtered the Hungarian patriots in a bloodbath in Budapest. Though the weapons were different, the tedinique was the same as that used by Alexander the Great, Nero, Alaric the Goth, Genghis Hhan, Ivan the Terrible. the Duke of Alva and Adolph Hitler., Today the words "conservative" and "liberal" are used so loosely that they have lost value as yardstocks by which to measure human behavior. People hstening to politicians can very easily get confused, but not if they think of No,vus Ordo. Seclorum while the person is speaking. . One of the fantastic developments in

American politics, is that a certain group who favor a bigger and more powerful central government, socialized medicine, socialized industry, social security from the cradle to the grave, and government controls and regulation of every facet of our lives call themselves liberals and get away with it. Yet almost every program which they and others of their stripe espouse means more government control, more regimentation and less freedom for the individual. If we follow their lead, will we maintain and strengthen the New Order of the Ages, or will we return to the regimentation which characterized the past? In essence don't they all stand for more rules, for more ' regulations, for more regimentation for more government control and for less individual responsibility and freedom? No matter what they say, aren't they going backwards? Won't they eventually end up with a "big brother" government to take care of all our activities? The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution which put into law the fundamental principles which were embodied in that declaration bluntly stated that man could take care of himself and that government should only enter into thoSe areas where the individual could not satisfactorily cope with the problem. To a philosopher the intellectual arrogance of the professional liberals is asto ending. They are as intolerant and intemperate as the high priests of the Ancient Egyptian God of Ra. Furthermore, their advice, if followed, would eventually lead the American people back to the chains of government servitude. The philosopher today is also amused by the,fact that those who most vigor•usly champion the basic tenets of the Declaration of Independence and the New Order of the Ages are now scurrilously referred to as "reactionaries." The minute a politician opposes some government giveaway program, some government intrusion on. individual responsibility, sonic plan for regulation or contrel he is Worked over by the liberals as being a man who has no Vision. The defenders of the faith today have a hard time combatting the propaganda barrage of those who claim they are looking forward while in reality they are, walking backwards. Certainly nothing is more true than that everything on the face of this earth has a limit to its existence. This applies to people, 'institutions, and golf-

ernments. Whether or not a person or an institution lives to the limit ordained by destiny, however, depends to some extent upon its own conduct. A person can shorten his life span by irresponsible actions and by reckless behavior. By the same token governments can shorten their existence by du:lat.:lag from the fundamental principles upon they were founded. Any society which recklessly abandons the tenets which made it great is pursuing a course of national suicide. ∎ • 6• SPJST REST HOME The Charter The SPJST Rest Home charter specifies the purpose of the organization: "The purposes for which this corporation is created shall be to provide assistance, charity and relief for aged persons of both sexes by acquisition of land for the construction of appropriate buildings, and by providing the necessary funds for the complete operation, maintenance, extension, and addition of and to such home for the aged; and to provide personal and custodial care, incident to old age and infirmity, in such a manner as e to give most comfort, sheltered care, privacy, emotional stability, and happiness to aged people, such assistance and relief being limited to persons of advanced age not suffering from serious illness at time of admission, and not including medical care and treatment except in the case of minor, temporary illness; and to employ a sufficient number of competent personnel for adequate nursing care, food service, personal, occupational and activity needs of the residents, according to the standards, requirements and goals of first class homes for the aged, however named; and all available voluntary financial contributions and assistance from the public in order to carry out the objectives and purposes herein set forth and more fully outlined in the by-laws of the corporation. which shall operate on a non-profit basis." ) • 49 •(-It might be worth while to think about saving the lives of some of the children who are killed by automobiles. It is surprising how ninny good, patriotic Americans are to be found in the small towns and rural areas of our country. ) a &a( Getting to Europe is sometimes half the fun, and telling other poeple about the trip is the other half, for sonic people.

Wednesday. June 5, 1957

frigailhag SPJST SOFTBALL TEAM Dallas, Texas. Dear Brothers and. Sisters: Last Wednesday night, May 29, our team suffered a 4 to 2 defeat administered by State Farm Insurance. As a result of the win, State Farm Ins. won the First Half championship and we finished in 2nd place, Fireman's Fund 3rd and Dallas Times Herald 4th. Second half play will began the week of June 10th and our first Game will be on Wednesday night, June 12th. Game time 7:30 p. m., opponent Firemen's Fund. Game No. 2 June 19th, Game time 7:30 p. m., opponent State Farm Insurance, Game No. 3, June 26, Game time 7:30 p.m., opponent Dallas Times Herald. July 3, game time 8:45 p. m. opponent Firemen's Fund; July 10th, game time 8:45 p. m., opponent State Farm Ins. and Wednesday Night, July 17, game time 8:45 p. m., opponent Dallas Times Herald. This is the schedule of Game for the second half, and we will play every Wednesday Night at Samuel's Diamond No. 2 Jim Scoggins, our pitcher, hurled a very good game Wednesday night, allowing only 5 hits, 3 walks and striking out 5 batters. The large total of 7 errors were a great contributing factor in the 4 to 2 loss. I will say this though, that everybody was really trying; possibly too hard which resulted in allowing 2 unearned runs. Our team also was pressing at bat and we didn't get enough hits and runs to win. Wilbur munger caught the whole game. Leading hitters with single safties were: Albin (Bino) Vrana, JameS Wortman, Jim Scoggins and Joe Jai%)lik who drove in our two runs. Jack Moffitt and Raymond Smith each got on base by getting walks. It was still an exciting game as our team rallied for 2 runs in the bottom of the 7th inning and two runners were left stranded on bases as the final out was made. With a stroke of luck, in form of

V t 8 T Ni K — WEST, TEXAS

a base hit, we might haVe won the game. We will have to try that much harder i to win all our remaining games in the 2nd half to remain in contention for the league champioship. I know the players aill be in there trying to do their best and that'S all we can eXpect of them. We had a very large turnout of friends and members at the game and we were truly glad to see so many of you at the game rooting for the team. Hope you all will continue your faithful attendance for the last half of the season. After the game, a group of the players, their wives and children and some of the fans got together at a Drive Inn and enjoyed a few "pivos" and soft drinks and replayed the game we had just lost. Thursday night, May 30th, we played a practice game with the 49th Tank Btn. team and we came out on the short end of a 10 to 6 ball game. Several of our regulars could not make the game, but our reserves gave a good account of themselves and we almost came out victorious. Incidentally for the Second half of play, we also play on Monday nights in the Dallas City Major League, plus our regular Wednesday night League. This will give us a better chance., to let all the players play as we have 17 team members currently on our roster. The other teams in our league will be Woodard Motors, Browne Window and 49 Tank Batallion plus our SFJST team. With all the rain we have been having this season, it is almost impossible to get a diamond to practice on or a practice game at night, so we are more or less forced to play in another league to give all the players a chance to play. Our first game scheduled in our Monday Night League will be Monday, June 17th and our opponent will be Woodard motors, game time 7:30 p. m. at Lawnview, No. 1, just off Seyene Road.

Strana 21 nesday night, June 12, 7:30 p. m. at Samuels No. 2 Fraternally yours, Ben Jarnia, Mgr. SPJST LODGE NO 84 ) ° •T• 9 (

Double Taxation Destructive Ever since 1918, the United States revenue laws have contained what is known as the foreign tax credit. The purpose of this provision is to relieve U. S. businesses operating abroad from double taxation—that is, the payment of U. S. income taxes on top of :foreign: income taxes on the same income. is available ta any citizen or corpora,-' tin doing business abroad or deriving income from abroad. It is obviously necessary if business is to be protected from a burden of taxation so crushing that foreign operations would become excessively difficult and perhaps impossible, thus destroying incentive for American businessmen to go , abroad and lend the strength of the American 'eco-' nomy to underdeveloped areas. But now the foreign tax credit is der attack. That attack is specifically directed at American enterprise producing oil in Saudi Arabia — oil which is vital to the defense and securit•::of•: the U. S. as well as the whole free What would happen should this 'at tack succeed? Facts show that an 'oil company concerned, in every year :in which it has paid Saudi Arabia income, taxes, has paid more income taxes than: it would have had to pay the U. B. Treasury if it had conducted the same, business with the same profit in the U. S. If, in addition to these Saudi Ara,:`' bian taxes, the U. S. laws had required it to pay a U. S. income tax on what was left, the company would have borne' a far heavier income tax load than than would a comparable business in the U. S. Under existing laws the U. Si': Treasury derives substantial revenues-1' from the taxes levied on the dividends:: of this company and on the dividends to stockholders of the corporations OWning it. American influence and activity zi , world economic developments Would dwindle and wither at inestimable damage to ourselves and our allies without such credits. The way would be open for communist economic expansion on a vast scale. 4, • ( )

Thursday night, our leading hitters were Adolph Janecka, Daryl Griser and Henry Miller with single Safties. Getting on base via walks were Ted. Dusek with 3 each, Albin Vrana with 2 each and Frank Mach, James Wortman, Adolph Janecka, Joe Jarolik, Henry Miller and Jack Moffitt with one walk. Six errors were committed which were a contributing factor to the opponents scoring of several runs. Frank Mach hurled, a creditable game allowing six hits, 5 walks and striking out 7 batters. With better support afield, we should have won the game for our pitcher. There will be no game next week as a lot of the teams will be playing If you have always wanted a swimmake up games, which had been rained ming pool, and can't afford one, You out during the first half of play. needn't worry about the fact that this, Sp we will see you at the game Wed- is the time to start construction.


Jane a, 1957


REPORTS FROM LOCAL LOY TT'S San Antonio, Texas wear their btimp guards, and to see , Brother Cerny for insurance against Sisters and Brothers: Having postponed our regular meet- shock, for there is a- surprise waiting. ing from the second Sunday, Mother's In this connection also see Dr. Bundil Day, to third Sunday, did not lesSen who can cause you to walk straight in the turnout of our members May 19. In this world and save your soles. fact the members were more eager, Not in this connection but an opporafter five weeks of waiting, to again tunity to get in touch with Brothers join in discussing various problems to Klepriik, Dressler, Cerny and Sister Blabe solved and how to solve them. The nar, our organizers, to add to your life first thing on the agenda was the sing- insurance. Incidentally , we love to have ing of another beloved Czech song Lou- visitors at our meetings and those of ka Zelena, — The Green Meadow. We you who have "paid-up" policies or any think these songs are becoming to be one reading these lines, please come and loOked forward to by the audience. It be sociable. You can help by being presleaves one feeling that there is a song ent, and the chances are you may go in your heart; the easing of tensions; home well rewarded. Following the meeting games were the time for harmony during our busi( played and the same shall follow the ness session has arrived, The Green Meadow, at this time, was next meeting which will be as usual Most appropriate for the grass is green- i the second Sunday of June, the 9th. er than it has been for many years.) Question: Why do we have meetings Literally growing out of water after once a month at WOW Hall? Answer: Months of soaking rains, left the writer First, our by-laws tell us every lodge behind in keeping up with the mowing.' must hold a meeting at least once a So he is up to his bow tie in grass— month. Second, the meeting is for the green grass that is! i purpose of fraternal get-together where ChairMan Brother . Cerny welcomed plans are • made for the entertainment three new members and one old mein- of our membership; where problems are ber into our midst. The old member, worked out during business session. Bro. Louis Stefek, explained that on ac- Third, it is a place where the treasurer count of his late wife's illness he had 'must be present to take care of the been unable to attend meetings for dues of our members. In other words, years ,but from now on he'll he with us.lit is a place to do business and take Incidentally, he was the lucky winner care of complaints. Don't air your cornof the attendance prize. So, it pays to plaints outside of meetings. Bring them come to the meetings, no matter how where they belong — to the meeting. you look at it. The new members: Bro- Don't expect and demand that the treather and Sister John Wells and Sister surer MUST BE AT HOME to take care Louise Broscheit, were ceremoniously in- of your dues. After all, you should conducted into our Order. sider the treasurer has a private life Final figures are in from our cele- to live. If you cannot come to the meetbration event, raising funds for the ing the treasurer, I am sure, will take Rest Home for the Aged. Our sisters care of your needs gladly. If not at had, also, done a grand job of selling home, please be, considerate. Brother Emil Miculka, honorary preskolaches at La Villita during "A Night in Old San Antonio," the week of Fiesta ident of District Seven, is now at the San Jacinto. They netted $58.00. That Warm Springs Foundation, Gonzales, is a lot of kolaches when you think of Texas. Let's all send him our best it, and we are proud of them that they wishes. Fraternally, worked to "bring in the bacon" to benS. C. Bundil efit our Rest Home. It was agreed to Editor's Note: Brother Bundil, thanks outfit a double room, and a $500.00 for your really interesting letter. check will be sent to the treasurer for ° mRa • same. And thanks again to all of those VIEWS OF AN ORGANIZER who helped to make it possible. The attendance was reminded of the Ennis, Texas picnic to be held at the Lone Star Bre"Yes, I believe in insurance all right, wery June 18. The music for the shindig tut not to the extent of straining mywill be furnished by the "Alamo. Polka self." That was the answer I received Dots," double mellowed as the Lone Star from a prospect for additional insurBeer. Brushing off the dust of the rest- once and that, in the presence of his ing orchestra, injections followed, reviv- wife. ing the eight piece band for this par- "Do you not believe that as long as titular event. This time the injections there are the two of you together you worked. Members are again reminded to can find, it a lot easier to strain than

when your wife might have to strain. alone? Suppose it is a strain to keep up insurance, anything worth while that we work for requires a certain amount of strain. The family car that you drive is no longer a luxury: it is a necessity that you could not get along without. It certainly is a strain to keep it in ironing shape and keep it supplied with gasoline. As we look about us, we see many of the modern conveniences that require financial strain and it makes us realize that we want to provide and have adequate life insurance so that our loved ones can enjoy these same conveniences even if we are dot here to help. "Whatever 4 your life insurance premiums are, and though they may seem high, remember that you are building an estate and if you and your wife do not do this together, your widow will nave to do it alone." Fraternally yours, Alvin Nesuda, Ennis. Organiser Editor's Note: Brother Alvin, your articles are really good, so please keep them coming. Thanks. • • LODGE VESMERNOST NO. 68

Nelsonville, Texas Sisters, Brothers and Readers: Here I am, again with a few notes from our past two meetings which were good and interesting. Brother Kamas, our finance secretary, gave thanks to the members for their good support, and regretted the few members that we had to suspend. We hope that they become reinstated and make us all happy again; we are sure they can not get better protection elsewhere. Sister Olga Taylor increased her insurance $500.00. We have three candidates for the next meeting. Refunded dues for 8 months for the late Brother I. G. Chernocky. Brother president called on us to rise and give a silent prayer for this deceased brother. Our next meeting will be held June 29 at 2 p.m.; reason for this is that Sunda y the 10th will be our fish fry. Wishing everybody well and hoping that you all come to our meeting Sunday so we and you will feel better, I beg to remain with by best regards to all Your correspondent, Jos. W. Jezek • 4 • Personality is the ability to get along on banana oil instead of elbow grease. KnoWledge like timber is best when well seasoned,

Wednesday, June 5, 1957 LODGE KOMENSKY NO. 20 Granger, Texas Brothers and Sisters: Lodge Komensky will hold its regular quarterly meeting on June 9, 1957, at 1 p.m. All members are urged to be present as we will discuss in what way beat to support the SPJST Rest Home. The committee appointed for that purpose will give their report at that time. Be sure and attend this important meeting. After the meeting we will have the customary lunch and refreshments. Fraternally, Henry E. Vitek, Sec'y, • 4. • LODGE NO. 29 Taylor, Texas Lodge Praha No. 29 will hold its regular meeting on Sunday afternoon, June 9, at 2 o'clock. The president is urging a large attendance to hear the report of the committee, which was appointed at last month's meeting on changes and amendments to the present by-laws of our local lodge. The committee consists of Edwin Kovar, W. H. Glover, Ben Mikolaj, A. L. Buudy and J. B. Kubala. After the meeting the ladies will serve lunch honoring the fathers of the lodge. Mrs. 3. F. Hunka, Reporter )A( ° SOKOL FT. WORTH, TEXAS Hello Everyone! It's carnival time at Sokol Hall on Saturday, June 8th starting time at 5 p.m.. Proceeds from the carnival and bazaar will help to send twelve drillers to Chicago to represent Ft. Worth Sokol in the Slot being held there beginning June 28th. Hot dogs, Bohemian sausage, coffee, cakes and cold drinks will be served. All help and any articles anyone wants to contribute will be greatly appreciated and I'm thanking everyone in advance. Then on June 15th the very popular Rejcek's orchestra will play for a dance, beginning at a, p. m. Judy Lee Hattendorf, my little niece, was on the sick list for a week or two. She had her tonsils removed. Last Tuesday night I went to the hall to watch the children drill and I was surprised how many of them there are. Since both of our children are grown and don't drill any more I don't go there very often on drill nights. Joyce and Jo Ann Hubenak were drilling the very young one and they do a marvelous job of it. They also drill the Junior girls. Thanks girls, the mothers and dads really appreciate the time and patience you spend on the children. Hope you all come to the carnival because I know you'll have fun. Mrs. Fred (Maxine) Merkel;


Mama 23


Attention of


V. H. Barina District ONE organizer Rt. 1, Smithivile, Texas Mr. Chas. Navratil, District Two organizer, Temple, Texas Mr. Fred Kveton, District Four Organizer Route 1 Abernathy, Texas Mr. I. Senkyrik, District Six Organizer 405 Market St., El Campo, Texas Mrs. Chas. Cerny, District Seven organizer, 1125 Austin Hwy. San Antonioe, Tex,, Dear Brother Organizers, We are sure you all know that District. Three and District Five are in another contest and at the same time the two districts agreed to invite the 'other five districts; that is Districts 1, 2, 4, 6 and. 7, to a friendly contest: meaning( that District 3 and 5 will write more rribmigers, and more insurance than Districts 1,., 4, 6 and 7. This is to be counted .,by points: 1 point for each member and 1 point for each $1,000.00 insurance written. The time is from January la 1957 to July 1, 1957, inclusive. We believe if all the districts enter, into a friendly contest it will create ,14, good, deal of enthusiasm arid interests from which all will benefit, beginning, with the local organizer up to the Supreme Lodge. The losing side would dine: the winning side. This is a friendly invitation to all a you and we hope you will accept it in the same fraternal spirit as we are presenting it. Will appreciate heaoing from you at your earliest convenience Fraternally yours, A. M. Vrla, Distr. Organizer; Thiid District j. M. Skrabanek, Dist. 011ganizer District Five. ) • „Te It takes about 770 gallons or water' to refine each barrel of crude oil -- enough water to suds and rinse 43 loads of fam.,-,1 ily wash in the automatic washer. • • Every day the nation's 537.682 wells are turning out 6,807,000 b:-!rrelsoof oil — an average of 12.6 barrels per well.

Will be held on Sunday, June 9th. at the S. P. J. S. T. Hall No. 9 of Snook, Texas. Everyone that is in any way connected with or related to the Vajdak families is cordially invited and urged to attend this reunion at Snook, Texas. Each family please bring a lunch basket for the noon meal. You will all be very welcome. Eddie Vajdak, Secretary 2016 Dismuke St. Houston, Texas ( ) *4 LESIHKAR-SHILLER REUNION The Annual Leshikar Shiller Reunion will be held Sunday, June 16th at the S. P. J. S. T. Hall at Nelsonville, Texas. This will be the 106th Anniversary of settling in Texas, Invitation is extended to all the descendants of the (33 families) that came to Texas in 1851 and 1853. Bring your eats --- Cafeteria Style. Special Father's Day Service at Nelsonville, at the CIMB Church at 11 o'clock; Sermon by one of the descendants. It's your picnic, please attend. I. J. Stalmach, Secretary Smithville, Texas ) * 4„, GUMS CAUSE TOOTH LOSS Disease of the gums is the greatest single cause of tooth loss, Comdr. Samstone Holmes of the U. S. Naval Dental School, Bethesda, Md., declared, at the meeting of the American Dental Association in San Francisco. Dentists call the condition periodontal disease. It involves the layer of tissue covering the root of the tooth and lining the wall of the tooth socket in the jaw bone. Failure to use the toothbrush in the right way and at the right time is a principal factor in the breakdown of gum tissues, Comdr. Holmes said. Bone destruction accompanying periodontal disease was found in 97 per cent of persons between the ages of 41 and 45 in one study, he reported. In another, bone loss was found to exist in 85 per cent of persons in a 36-to 45year age group. The Navy dentist deplored the night and morning tooth lirnening habit, pointing out tIn2t food debris and tartar build up foam the morning brushing progressively at each meal until bedtime.

Living kindness is greater than laws.and the charities of life are more than all ceremonies. There was a time when preaehei:s warned again-t card playing, dancing and even skating. Maybe they were right—aloout skating. And there was the man who only took • a drink to steady his nerves and who sometimes got so steady he could,n't move!

vEs TNI,K —

Btrana 24,

Protection for Arthritics Existence of a watchdog committee to help protect arthritis sufferers from being exploited by quacks was announced by Dr. L. Maxwell Lockie of Buffalo at the American Rheumatism Association meeting in Chicago. This was the first public announcement of the committee. The committee, set up by the association, works with the U. S. Food and Dcug Administration. It gathers evidence required by law to develop a case that will hold up in the courts against a misbranded drug or device sold as a cure or a treatment for arthritis al d rheumatism. Members of the committee do this through controlled clinical evaluations to show by objective criteria that the products in question have no value. "There is no cure for arthritis," Dr. Lockie said. "We doctors in the field of arthritis know of none. Every person with the disease should be very suspicious of any remedy or procedure that is advertised or represented as being a cure for the disease. "Many new and worthwhile drugs do appear from time to time as a result of extensive research in the field. But even these drugs, potent as some of them may be, are not cures for arthritis. At hest, and when used properly by a physician, they will do little more than lessen the pain, stiffness, and discomR,rt associated with the disease." Among the many examples of quack cures and bogus remedies, now out of business, listed by Dr. Lockie, were: 1.. A pair of metal plates, one of copper - and the other of zinc, to be worn inside -a person's socks and which supposedly set up an electrical current that Was to benefit the arthritis sufferer. 2. A packages product of natural vegetation that on its label claimed it was good for rheumatic aches and pains. Analysis of the product proved it was nothing more than peat the promoter was digging from a peat bog near his home. 3. Mineral water sold at $20 a gallon on the West Coast for arthritis treatment. Analysis proved 'it was a bit of the Pacific Ocean with a dash of potassium lodide.—Science News Letter. ) • c • (Terminus

I love a finished speaker, Believe me, Sir, I do; I don't mesa one who's gifted, I just mean one who's through. —18.xehange

AN lsT, TE .


On Sunday afternoon, June 3, at 3 p.m. Chicago Americans of Czechoslovak descent drove out to Lidice:, near Joliet, Illinois, to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of a war event and at the same time to proclaim their invincible faith in freedom. The Chicago, District of the Czechoslovak National Council of America, a central representative body of American organizations and American members of Czechoslovak descent, holds, an annual pilgrimage to Lidice, named after the small town near Prague wiped out by the Nazis. This year a large turnout is expected and a program at the Lidice monument is planned. The grounds have been put in order, grasS planted, wreaths are made ready. The main speaker will be Or. Francis Sehwarzenberg, who fled communist tyranny several years ago and is now teaching at Loyola. Mr. Alois Kopecky, resident of Hollywood, Ill., president of the Chicago district office, will lay the wreath and will conduct the ceremonies; 15 years ago the unveiling was attended by the late Marshall Field and the late Wendell Wilkie and many other dignitaries and by a crowd of 8000 persons. Chorus of Czechoslovak Women in Exile Club, member of Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, will perform. Lidice has gone down into history as the Czech town the Nazis razed in an effort to wipe out the underground and to instill fear in the population: The men and boys were .shot and the women were separated from their children and deported to labor camps in Germany. To 01-M11aize the deed; the Nazis announced to the world that the name Lidice is never to appear and that the citizens of Lidice are not to. be heard of again. Thus - Lidice became the clarion call to the free world, a challenge to free peoples everywhere to defeat Nazism. In the United States, in a great public demonstration, Americans of Czechoslovak descent bestowed the name Lidice to a new war community near Joliet. When the war finally came to a victorious end, a search committee was organized immediately by the CzechOsloyak government to look for the children the Nazis had dragged off to Germany, changing their names and obliterating deliberately all trace of them. Only a small number of the children was found; and some of the women, who had managed to survive, also returned. It then became a national duty to help them' start a new life, alone,

IVPdnesch 7,

childless , and homeless. The Czechoslovak government began rebuilding the town on the old site,, and there was a plan to make it a modern AmericanLike village. Unfortunately, the communiAs took over the country in February, 1948; in the last nine years they have clone their utmost to make Lidice a "model communist community." Bo called international "peace" delegations make pilgrimages to Lidice, bringing rums for the Lidice Peace Park. The town council is headed by avowed commuhicst. So the Lidice citizens in Czechoslovakia are not free, and again, s in the war years, Lidice USA will...,11-rnain symbol as long as Lidice, Czechoslovakia is not free. Americans of CZechosloyak descent turn to the small American community, Lidice, as a symbol of free)•



There are many false conceptions concerning diet, and one :atlas to do with fats. Some people think fats arc not healthy , and should be avoided. It is commonplace for people wishing to reduce in weight to attempt to follow totally fat-free diets. The weight of present day medical evidence is against this coneopt. The exact role of fat in the diet has not yet been fully defined. But the dieticians now know that fat is both desirable and necessary to health whether body weight is to be reduced or not. Fats contribute to the processes of growth and replacement of tissue. They are an important source of calories. And, of no small moment, they make foods more inviting and better tasting. A common sense, authoritative appraisal of the subject of fats in the diet appeared in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, written by Dr. Charles D. May of Iowa City. He urged caution in setting arbitrary levels for the amounts of animal or vegetable fats we consume. He stated that the current situation is surrounded by lack of knowledge, incomplete research, and the threat of "exploitation by selfish interests or undue emotion and competitiveness among investigators." He also said: "The problem of obesity is separate from the determination of the proper use of fat in the diet for the promotion of sound nutrition .. . It is obviously unwise and unnecessary to exclude fats from the diet, and even if desirable would no doubt be virtually impossible."


e nesday June 5, 1957 ta


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Big Things and Little Things

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f Insurance of the ate of Texas THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT

Benevolent f The State of Texas Temple, Texas

POLKADANCE CALENDP Wednesday, June 5 Majek orchestra — Wedding Dance Moravian Hall in Corpus Christi Sil Krenek orchestra — Plainview Community Center near'El Campo Friday, June 8 Eddie Skeets Worthington,, Minnesota orchestra — Bill Mraz Hall in Houston

Saturday, June 8 has according to sworn statentent, • con- Lee use orchestra — Boedeker's Place plied with all requirements of law appliin Shiner cable thereto and is hereby authorized Konvicka's Worthing Band -- Waco to pursue the business of SPJST Linden Hall at Elm Mott Sill Krenek orchestra Plantation Club in Dallas Rudy Kurtz orchestra — KT Hall in San Antonio Majek orchestra — Wedding Dance — Moravian Hall in Corpus Christi insurance within this State for year end-, in on May 31, 1958, in accordance with Charlie Mikush orchestra — Sokol Hall in Floresville provisions of Chapter 10 the insurance SPJST Hall in Joe Patek orchestra code. Taylor SEAL Eddie Skeets Worthington, MinneSota orchestra — Bill Mraz Hall in HousIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto ton sign icy name and affix my official seal at Austin, Texas, this 28 day of May, Sunday, June 9 1957. Emil Bartos orchestra •— Day and Night Picnic and Dance — American Leg(Signed) ion Hall in El Campo JOHN OSORTO Henry Brosch orchestra -- Wedding Chairman of the Board Dance — Moulton Hall Lee use orchestra — Taiton Community g Julfmcvmmarua unuThlraromstimmunnutra divinimffi Center at New Taiton Our schools must be strong, else false Sill Krenek orchestra — La Bahia Hall SPJST Hall in propaganda and disguised messages in Rudy Kurtz orchestra, Hi 11 j e the entertainment medium will mislead Majek orchestra: — SPJST Picnic and our youth. Dance —Sokol Hall in Corpus Chri) • sti Youth is going to tackle the things Eddie Skeets Worthington, Minnesota orchestra, — Daily and Night Bartomorrow that old age failed to acbecue and Dance •— Bill. Mraz Hall complish today. in Houston ) • 4, • Day and Night Celebration — WalIt's fine to talk straight from the Vacek's orchestra — 7th Annual Czech shoulder but it's better to talk from Wallis Hall higher up. Slim and His Playboys and \Irani Poi-

Frat rnal Benefit Society

ana 25

Here is a sound rule-of-thumb that every householder can profitable follow: If your fire insurance has been in effect for a number of years without review or revision , it's an odds on bet that you are seriously under insured. Since 1945, the statistics , show, the cost of home building has just about doubled. So, if your home fire insurance Policy dates back to that or some comparable time, you can imagine what could happen to your pocketbook if fire strikes. What is true of the home itself i, 'true of practically everything inside of it. For instance, the cost of household furniture, women's clothing and dinnerware — items found in every home — has more than doubled since 1940. The cost of washing and sewing machines has almost doubled. A similar inflation in the cost of "little things" like books and bedding and curtains and so on has taken place. These little things add up to a surprisingly big total when an accurate inventory is made. The remedy is for every householder to consult his local insurance agent and bring his coverage up to date. In many cases the householder will find, to his pleasure, that adequate insurance may not cost him much more with a new combined or single policy than he is now paying for inad:equate insurance through two or more separate polices. One of the best ways to improve your: town is by giving the children a better' chance than ever to 'become men and women of character. ka Band --- Battle Dance -- SPJST Hall in Buckholts Monday, June 10 1 mil Bartos orchestra — Free Wedding, Dance — Fairground Hall in .,L Grange Rudy Kurtz orchestra — Wedding Dance KJT Hall in Praha Henry Broach orchestra — Plainview Community Center near El Campo All the above dances are at night im-. less otherwise specified. This is a free service but applies only to those dances at which mainly polka and waltz music is played by a live orchestra. The Vestnik or writer will assume no responsibility resulting from any dance announcement which is listen in this column. Listings from orchestras and dance llst119 should be received at least one week before publication. Send all listings to Jalvin Chervenku. Route 2, Rogns, Tex


yikcinesday, June 5, 1957

"Temporary Taxes" !Calendar of Activities "How long is temporary?" That plaintive little question is asked in a leaflet produced by the National Conference For Repeal Of Taxes On Transportation. And it's an important question indeed -- not just to the commercial agencies of transportation and to the businesses which patronize them, but to every last individual in the country. For all of us are direct and indireel, consumers of transportation every day of our 'Ives. These transportation excise taxes are At the Lodge 84 — Dallas, Texas paid by the customer of the transpor2625 Floyd St. tation services—the services themselves We are submitting the following sche- simply act as tax collectors, and pass chile of all our dances through July 20 the money on to the U. S. Treasury. 1 this year: They amount to 10 per cent on pas'Saturday, June 30, dance, orcnestra senger fares, and to 3 per cent on freight or express charges, except for Unannounced Saturday, July 6, dance, music by coal, which carries a tax of 4 cents a John Dlabaj's orchestra ton, and oil movements by pipeline, Saturday, July 20 , dance, music by Fa- which carry a tax of 41/2 per cent. In raizal Polka Band of Ft. Worth, Texas other words, for every dollar spent for We, the entertainment committee, a ticket on a train, plane or bus, the hope that we can help make 1957 an governMent adds another dime. For every dollar spent to send something by enjoyable year for all. freight or express, it adds -another 3 Fraternally yours, cents. This is a pyramiding, multiplyBen Jarma. chairman. ing tax, as it is applied to every move•( )• ment of goods. from raw materials to LODGE NO 88 — HOUSTON Every Saturday, except when some- finished items. It is thus an inflationthing 'special is held, such as a wedding ary tax, that adds substantially to evdance for someone, especially members, eryone's cost of living. These excise taxes are not part of the is game night at Lodge No. 88. Sunday, October z0, Lodge No. 88's rormal. tax structure which applies to annual October Czech play, with da n ce I all enterprises and incomes: They were passed as a World War II "temporary" at night. Tuesday, December 31-January 1, 1958 emergency measure, and they were de(Wednesday) Lodge No 88's Annual signed to discourage unnecessary travel New Year's Eve Dance, with tables fof and shipping as well as to produce was revenues. Yet the war ended 12 years ALL! ago—and the taxes are still on the books. Senator Soaper says: Civic recogni. How long IS temporary? tion customarily goes to the citizen who ). • ,4 ;,:)ends the most time at banquets; comIt is estimated that by 1960, some meetings and other worthy oc- 250,000 swimming pools will be in use n for food and speeches, but some — of which more than 100;000 will be day how about giving a plaque to the built with petroleuni-derived vinyl man who, in the last 30 years, has spent sheeting or reinforced plastics. the most evenings at home with his 4• Lzmily? An estimated $200 million dollar's * * worth of Pesticides, many of them peThe greatest ability in business is to troleum chemicals, protecth close to $30 get, along with others and influence billion of the nation's farm producttOr actions. A chip on the shoulder -non. When you deplore the condition of is too heavy a piece of baggage to carry the world, ask yourself, "Am I part inr, )ugh life, —John Hancock of the problem or part of the solution?" )• •( - 'There are more than 18 '8,000 miles Decide an argument between: two of of erude oil and refined products pipe lines — some of them a few miles in your friends and you lose one. Decide length, others spanning half a conti- an argument between two strangers and you gain a friend. nent,

The Lodge dinner and bazaar will be held on June 9, in our Lodge Hall in Part Worth on Roberts Cut-off, benefit for the old people's SPJST Rest Home. All of our members and their friends are cordially invited. On June 16 the Lodge 92 will hold a Mother's Day and Father's Day program jointly and all of our fathers and mothers, young and old, are invited to this celebration. Remember that on June 9th, at our Dinner and Bazaar, Brother Chupick, the Secretary of our Supreme Lodge will be the principal speaker. He will have interesting message for all tIf us, so \-3 please come to hear him. ) • 4 • ( Big Lodge Picnic at Seaton, sponsored by Lodge No. 47 and R. V. 0. S. Lodge No. 6 on the 6 and 7 of July. — Senator Ralph Yarborough will speak Music will be furnished by the "Baca's" from Tayetteville. Now you all remember to be there. ) • 4, • SUNDAY,' JUNE' 9: Lodge Svaz Cechoslovanu No. 92 will have a dinner and bazaar starting at noon. Benefit of the SPJST Rest Home. We invite everyone! ) • Lodge No. 39 of Bryan, Texas, intends to celebrate with a s special dinner for its members and invited guests on the second Sunday in June which is the 9th, day of that month. — So all you members and friends make plans to be there at the Herman Sohne Hall in Bryan. ) • 4, • ( PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The Vestnik will gladly publish announcements of family reunions if you will give us the date, place of reunion and names of families concerned, in time. Also, all other family tidings such as anniversaries, weddings, local theatrical programs and church activities that are of interest to all of our SPJST readers. This is YOUR Vestnik, so, keep it enjoyable! We are glad to publish in our Vestnik announcements of these family reunions, without charge to members of the S. P. J. S. T., but please remember to make them as short as possible and Thanks. to the point. ) • 4 • ( Let's all remember to Help our Rest Home for the Aged!


Ve stredu, dne 5. Cervna 1957


Pokraeovani. "Pout', nepout'! Chleb nas vezdyjk je prednijk , neZ tancour," vadil se vYmenkai pri etede, kdyt hlasila hospodyne, ze deveCka Utel?, na pout' hned rano, to ani neurnyla nadobi po snidani. Sktivankovi 'fines nechtunal ani nedeka obed, ani si ted' nemohl po nem zdtinmcut v sade pod hruSkou. Stale se rnu v hlave prevalo yaly vSelijake mySlenky, ha i tajemne strachy jako by se na nej kradly. Venku bylo parno i ye stinu stalete plane hru gky, nmuchy a komari vrhali se laene na dedouSe, takte makl vytahnout z kaosy 'Satek a prikryt si jim oblieej. Vstal koneene mrzu, to a Sel do stodoly, kde sedel mlady na Spalku a delal pilne "Cak sem jich.' eke malo navazal?" optal se nevrle, maje zlost,- te se mu hospacial' plete do vYmenkarske prate. "Ravi hajt' nam jich kopa zbyde, net haby jedno scho.zelo. Nemaar zrovna nic chytrijkho na praci, tak sem si k tomu sed do chladku," usnial se syn, hlede na otce, jak ,Si S ill nese z rezarny stolioku, na ktere naklepavafkosy, aby mu pomohl. Stark Skrivanek ySak neupletl mandel povrisel, kdyk se celYm Borovnem ozvalo vireni obecniho bubnu a hnect za nim zunatene vYkriky: je to tu!" "Bur° vojna, bure!" "Mobilisaci." Oba Sktivankove vyskoeili a padili pies dvdr rovnou k vratiun. Tam, ut stala BlarkYta s nejmiladSim klouekern na ruce, jeden ,ge ji drtel za sukni a dva vybthli sami pied staveni. Obecni stratnik zastavil se prave pied nimi, kde valycky poeinal ohlaSovat vie cky Aredni rozkazy a narizeni — nestal tam vSak sam. Stal tam i pan purkmistr a pili nem neznamy pan, kterY — sotvate ztichl buben, mohutnYm hlasem preeetl zdrcujiici zpravu, ze Rakousko vypovedelo Srbsku valku a vSichni zalotnici aby se dostavili behem osmaetyriceti hodin k svemu pluku. Pod starYm Sktivankern po prve v Zivote se rortrasly nohy, takle se mush optiti o pflir mohutnYch vrat. MarkYtka nevedouce pros se dala do place, deti piakaly s ni a MatonS stal tu bledY jako krida, nebot' on jeke piny rok patill do svazu rakouske armddy jako reservista plzenskeha pluku. "Tutoho sem se nenadal," vzpaniato-

val se prvni Skrivanek. "Nestujme tu ha pod'rre se poradit do send." Tam zasedl do ruohu za start', javorovY stul, nohy oprel o dubovou trnot a chvili se dival do prazdna. Jeho vlastni vojna v SestaSedesatem, bitva u Vysokova a u Nachoda, smrt jeho otce matky, Mufti drake teny, nejtetSi rariy tahly mu hlavou, tadna vSak nezdala se mu tak tetkau, jako nahlY odchod IVIatouStrv. Mozkem se mu kmitaly jako bleSky rtizne napady, jak a 'elm zachraniti syna. Ma poraditi, .aby utekl? Ale kam..? Ma mu Mei, aby se vyplatil? Ale kde a jak? Ma mu rid, aby se radeji -tined zmrzaeil? Na to ut je pozde. Potrestali by jej hut, net ho potresta vojna sama. "Dyt' tam nejdu sam! MuSime tam Sichni! Plaeem se nic nespravi," slySii vyinenar jako ve snu a jako v mite vidi Mateo S : e, jak drti v naruei a test ji: Dyt' tu nebureS vopuStena. Ma§ tu piece tatu." To slovo hnulo ,Sktivankem. "Pravdu mak MatouSi. — Nesmime leko ztratit hlavu. Rukovat rnuSiS, tadpomoc neni. Jd teky rukoval ha chea sne se. vratil demti. Hani vlasek se mi tam nezkrivil." "Vy ste bul svobodnyj, hale von ma tudle kyry deti," rozplak.ala se znovu MarkYta. "Prdve proto se vrati! Ty deti s tebou si musi vymodlit, haby ho na vojne nezabili," prisne, tvrde rekl vYrnenkar a pokracoval: "Vo nas, milyj Martine, nemej tddnou starost! My to 'Seek° bet tebe potlaei, jak to pure. Svezein s poll hourodu, zasijem ha zatim se vratiS'. Dyjt' v 'SestaSedesitYm race za Strnact dni bulo po vojne. DV' to hani nemitte trvat, protote dnes mail &Ste vic kanorra ha zbrani lijakyjch, net milt tenkrat. Dokajt' nehuzavrou mir, to eke pravda musi stat w.,,jsko ye zbrani. Tak to mute trvat, Pekneme moe, do vanoc!" "JetiS Maria — Do vanoc!" zalomila rukama mladd Lena. "Na vanoce se k nam vratiA, buret-li moudryj, na sebe vopartnyj ha nepotlaCIS se sam, kam. te tadnyj neposila. Pamatuj si, te katda kulka netrefi ha to oficiri sou prvni, co se skovaji." Po chvili uz pribehl scary Zahorik a jako vtdy pustil se do ,Skrivanka: "Ha ty'jeren mudrlante! reko to mame! Vojta je tu ha ty si si furt Thal, nebure." "Dyt' eke v posledni chvili se mu2ou humoudrit," vytahoval se z pasti vYmenkar. "Tutu S . 'eclw eke neni vojna. To sou jenom pripravy na ni. Eete se netrili! ECU) neteee krev!" — Z Jakubske pouti. vraceli se domt mladi i stati. Strach se jim •dival z oCi a vypraveli, jak musila muzika prestat hrat a v nospode vyhlasili vojnu s kru-

Strana 27 chtieky, jak uZ visi o tom velika provolani na radnici, na kostele a na Skole. Tu not nespal nikdo po celem Borovn.. Cetnici prochazeli mesteekem a narizovali, te vkchni povolani do zbrane musi vyjeti z Bolovna rannim vlakem do Plzne. Zenske skladaly do eernych kufrikti jako do rakvieek s yYm mutton a syntim Saty i pradlo, zadelavaly na buchty, pekly jim na cestu kousek masa a solily to jidlo vic Slzami net soli. Ve vymenici sedel .sedlak Matou g proti svemu otei. Ukazoval mu kontribuent knitky, nay, zpovidal se mu, kde je co dluten a u koho co ma, kdy se oteli moura a kdy plavka, komu zaProdal jeeTren a kde objednal "moueku" na pole a louky. "Naposled vim vorevzcilvam, co mi na svete nejmilejkho, tenes detma —" ukoneoval mladY Secllak. Tu se mu zl'amil hlas a dale nemohl. Zat'al horejSi zuby do dolejkho pysku, ramena se mu zatrasla a obema rukama podeprer si hlavu. Skubal jim Veeerni Sera tlaeilo se oknem do svetnieky. VYmenkar zakYval hlavou a namahaye vstal. Jako by mu nalil ova do nohot'. Soural se ke sve truhle. Oteviel ji a podeprel tetke viko pritruhlim. Sahl do ni at na dno a vytahl z ni malt' balfeek, kterY polozil na sttil a pail jej pomalu rozbalovati. Prsty se mu znatelne chvely, kdyt rozvazoval cipy stareho, hedvalmeho, hodne ut otiipeneho kitku, jak nosivali nak muti kolem krku. "Tu vopatruju pomatku na mho tdtu ha tvYho derka," kaki rozvatne, kdyZ povolily uzly. Zatrepal k'dkem a z neho vypadly dva kusy pretr%eneho tetazu klanieniku. "Tuto sem te eke nevokazal ha nepovedel, co 'Co ieko povim. VidiS ten retez?" "Vidirn, tato. Je to houvinik." "Neni to hovinik, ten je kraei. Klanienik je to." "Jd videi jenom ptillku." "Vobe pulley t yorily jeren r'etez. Tu s tim retezem svazali husaii neboitika tatu, dyt tu jednou letili na exekuci. Bul sem chlapec jako palec, hale pomatuju si to, jako by to dries bulo. Svazali ho ha saapli se na mamu. Ha to tata trh rukama, hat tuten retez pretrh, popad ho ba byl by s nim snad voba husary humlatil, hdyby nebuli hutekli. Soudnyj den se tenkrat hu nas strh. Husati se vratili s pomoci ha chtili tatu rozsekat. Tata-se jim postavil se sekYrou v ruce, krik: `Pojdte, esli chceter ha Zadnyj se hani nehnoul. Takuvou silu mail Kicivankove, dyZ jim de vo Zivot. Ty ji teky mat. Ale to te chci feet, habys ji nevydaval nihdyZ ha nehdeZ za etat, keryj na rids posila husary, kteryj nas Cechy • tlaCi ke zdi ha z nail semi i z rids

Strana 28 ma jenom dame ha platy. Povedou te proti Srbom, motna, ze i proti Rasom, ha to sou naSi. bratri. Ruka by te muS'ela hupadnout hu samYho ramena, dyby si po inch trilel. Ty trilej Palau Bohu do voken ha koukyj se dostat pry6 vod naSich, na slovanskou stranu ha tarn jim potom pomahyj, jak butes moct. Slib mi to, MatouSi!" "Slibuju," vstal ted' mlady hospodar a stiskl otci ruku. "karnen se nine spad," rozhovoril se znovu vYmenkar. "Tu mi nee° povida," ukazal si rukou na srdce, "te se vratiS tak, jako se tvuj derek vratil z Netalije ha jako ja sem se vratil vod KralovYho Hradce." — Vice spolu nepromluvili. Matou'S rano odejel zena ho vyprovodila, otec vsak kosou na rameni kradel na Petoutku Lekat jeemen. Musil si na neeem vylit vSechnu bolest i horkost, ktera mu zaplavovala cele nitro. .XV. C' tvrte vanoce valeene ut davno minuly a vYmenkar Skrivanek se vyhYbal' staremu Zahorikovi jak eert ."Hdy pa but ta vojna verne konec?" valYchali lide na potkani a Zahorik ni' ktdy neopominul na to rici: "To se mu'site voptat Krivankouc stryjeka. Nad toho proroka neni!" "Cak vo ni prorokuje?" jak zaela, predpovedel, te do 1:(1noe skonei. Jenoon ze zapomil feet, do keryjch." Tak si to Skrivanek opravdu nepredstaVoval Chodil ut jako zmamenY, aekoii pied MarkYtou delal hrdinu. "Nununu!" tesil ji, kdyt to na ni obeas sedlo pooala vyvadet. "Ty jedna, ty! Cak nc is, ze nasi predkove piezili tricitiletou vojnu? Tak dlouho tuta piece nepotrva." "Pro Boha, tato! Meet let dyby to milo trvat, raei se nechci videt na ,sjete." "Cot vo to!" usmal se starec. "Ty nebottici se majl'iako vopravdu lepsi net my. Hale cak by tomu rikaly tvY deti? Ha MatouS, hat se vrati? NeviS, te ste mir slibili este diveieku? Ja pa bys nem mohla humrit ha nespinit, corn mi slimluvil, tertobila.?" •VYmenkar val, sam vSak dobre citil, jak ubYva ohne, vSecko ze zni jaksi mdle, nejasrie, a kdyt se octl sam a sam ve sve svetniece, sepial ruce a zcela malomyslne Septal: "Pane Bote, ja pa to s narna se vAema skonal?" 'Z' e ma syna v ruskem zajeti, vyridili mu saint eetnici a zle se na neho od te doby mraeili. Tii leta ut jim MatonS nenapsal ani radky a psal-li, jiste nejake surova ruka jeho p.sani I listky zachytuje. Borovno se hemti valeenYmi uprChliky tidovskYmi at odnekud z -Polska, , pfed kterkon se vsecko trese. Ukradnou, nae prijdau, z y laSte slepice. S nevida-

Irt S T


nou drzosti vymahaji na selkach mleko, rraslo, vajieka, do lesa na drivi si chodi jako do sveho, jenom prace jim nevoni. "NaSli v ni chlup si ji," trpce se usittiva Skrivanek a sam die za dva. Uz nemdte delat "sedla ha va.lce" ani on, ani tado1 jinY vYmenkar po celem mesteeku , nebot' zbyli tu na y Secko jenom deti, starci a mrzaci. Cot Skrivanek by rad 'drel, jen kdyby si mohl alespori weer poslat pro holbieku piva a nacpat si svoji korenku po libosti krt.jenYm tahaekem. Na to vSak neni pomySleni. Oemu se dnes rika, pivo, to jsou bidne patoky, ktere chmel a slad ani nevidely. A net by kouril bukove listi r,adeji schoval "vernou drutku tivota," jak rikal ted' sve zamffivane brad ce, to truhly a, zarnkl ji tarn na dva zapady, aby ji radeji ani nemel na oeich. "Huba me. tururn! Nernate pit hani kourit," vzdychl si bolestne pied starYm Zahorikem, kdyt si k nemu zaSel. "Dyt' ty ji z,ahalet nenechaS," dopaloval jej vernY kamarad, "jazyk tobe — chvala Paoli Bohu — dobre slouti ha dovede g se s nim yohanet." "Cak sem dub, habych vSemu mleil? Ba i ten dub se vozve, dyt mu fouka na hlavu." "Cot vo to, za vetrein ma lecdos kurat. Hale mil by si se vozvat na patrienYrn iniste." "Ha na kerYm?" "Na radnici trebas. Na g mladyj, jak viS, sedi v rade. PriS'el pied = chvili demil ha povida, te but zas je zle. Voheri na, trete te by rad. videl net zittijSi. den." "Cak se bure dit?" "Prijede sem na nas z mesta sam pan hyjtman." "Hm! To je toho!" ma y ' nedbale rukou Skrivanek. "Sam cisar dyby prijel, nelek bych se ho." "Tak to dokat! Povidal nas mladyj, ze bys rril jit zitra do. sezeni ha povedet to hyjtmanu jak se patri." "Teky te puru, hubu vemu sebou ha nedam si ji na zamek," rozhodl se Skrivanek a ciostal taky slavne svemu slovu. Schrize byla svolana na desatou dopoledne, ale start' Skrivanek ut od deviti preSlapoval pied radnici. Mel by sice kraeet za ploutkem a priorat brambory na Kritanovci; mel by uvalet jariny; mel by jeti do lesa, kde zima zle hospodarila a, nadelala polomu, te na d y e leta bude 'Orin topit; mel by zaprkhoout kobylu do tentouru a narezat tezanky; pine ruce prace by mel a piece chodi pled radnici jako pan a jen si odplivuje. Svateene se na to oblekl, i vla,sy si namaz1 olehekein a prieisl, jenom rukama nevi, co si poeit. Saha stale po starem zvyku do kapes, hleda pytiki tabackm a dYmeeku, pokatde ATS'a,k vytah-

y e stledu, due 5. 6ervna 1957

ne prazdnou ruku a to jej rozeiluje. "Jak by se mi tu ieko pekne kouPilo ha jak by mi tu pekoe cis huSel," predstavuje si v duchu. Sliny se mu chuti sbihaji na jazyku a volky nevolky rrusi si znovu odplivnout. Pomalu trousi se "pain radove," kteri tu zbyli jako "nepostradatelni" phi vymahani valeenYch ptijeek, dani a jinYch davek. Konaji svdj Urad horlive, nebot' potieila je trpce nabyta, zkuSenost od jejich predchtiden, ze dost malt liknavost tresta se povolanim do fronty. V'Sichni dekuji panu hejtmanu za sve osvobozeni a poslouchaji jej tudit jako hodiny. "Dobre, strejeku, te ste to," chvali jej hoed sam pahnistr. Vede ted' ten Urad sedlak Jalovec, nebot' Oldrich ,tZhoaraIS/ se ut davno uchytil nekde nv, y ojne a domil se mu,, nechce. — "Pan hyjtman si preje, habysme pozvali do schUzi i Secky vatenejAi voboany, 'te k mm chce prorrluvit," pokraeuje hla,va obce, "tak sine zkazali prede vsima jiyjma vain, potom Zahorikotic stryekovi, Daryjskovi, starymu Vokrinovi ha Mouekovi." "SamYm vyjminkarom," broukl Skrivanek. , "Cak si mame poeit?" vzdychl si ustraknY Jalovec. "Varn se nemute nic star, hale my tudie stojime tak rikajic jednou nohou v hrobe. Zpitime se hyjtmanu ha poSle nas Becky do fronty jako na poratku." "Hut jich tam poslal hodnou nas mladyj muSel mezi prvnima," vzponine' si Skrivanek a citil, jak se mu krev vzpenila. "Von si, pan hyjtman, teky pomort nernute. Na, neho dynujou zeshora. zase vytti hlavaei, tak holt je to zlY," omlouval starosta sveho predstaveneho; vymenkar jej neposlouchal. Naklonil hlavieku k levemu rameni a zlostne zavreel: " S ' eek° se mi zda, ze hrei koear." "Hut jede! Cerstva katdyj na svY misto," pribehl v tom mladY Zahorik, kterY stal pod radnici a opjate hledel po bile silnici k mestu. "Hmf Jede! Ha Orem!" ohledl se jeAte ve dvetich Skrivanek a spattil koCar uhanel prave kolem jejich gruntu. Nam vemou posledni konskou nohu, ha , voni Sir jezdi parem," syeel zlostne. A ta zlost ho neopustila, ani, kdyt up pan hejtman v uniforme a s ineeem po boku sedel rr.ezi nimi za stolem. Pled nim letely set'oSe vYkazy obilni, kata.stralni archy a jine papiry, ve kterYch se chvi prehrabaval, at pak si odkatlal, povzdychl si a ouavenym hlasem se klidne "Pozval jsem si vas, panove, abychom se v dobrote dohovohili a nemusil jsem vas nutit k vaSim vlasteneckYm povinnostem tresty a pokutami. NaSemu okresu se vytYka, ze je nejliknavejSim v celYch 6ech .Ach. Upsalo se pry v nevi nejmene valeenSreh piljeek a

Ve stredu, dne 5. eervna 1557 pri rekvisicich neseslo se ani poi obilniho kontingentu, kterY y am byl prectepsan. Dnes mate zaseto, brambory zastizene a proto musite oclevzda yat state obilnich semen a bramborn, cod eini pro va gi obec" — to si pan hejtman nasadil skripec, rozbalil arch, naMedi do neho, pro vet gi jistotu prejel jeden radek i prstem a odpovedel: "vagon ovsa, vagon jeemene a tri vagony brambor y." Sunclal skripec a . rozhledl se po shroinaMenYch sedldeich. V gichni sedeli prikreene a divali se pod stul na, gpinavou podlahu radnieni sine. Jenom proti hejtmanu sedel stalec zprima, jako by jej ze Zuly vytesal. Na Cele se ma varhanily asi tri rovnobeZne, nad korenem nosu hlubokou rYnou kolmo pret'ate vrasky, a pod hust.Vm, SedivVin oboeim svitily se dve oei, ostre jako jehly. Mimovlone mushl se divat pan hejtman prave na nen°, kdy2 pokraeoval: "Nevyhovite-li proti v g enau oeekay arn ton-alto rnirneinu podadavku dobrovolne, nemohu si pak pomoci. Muslin si opet vyZadat vojenskou asistenci a zrekvirovat to nasilim. Doufam v gak, ze k tomu nenechate dojit." "I ba, nechame! Jen hat' zas pridou vojaekovel" neudrZel se dee Skrivanek, bybuchl a rezave se pri tom zasrnal. Hejltinan. zbledl. "Kdo peak jste?" optal se prisne. "Krivanek, staryj Krivanek mi rikan, ha Hanton se mneuju." "Mate hospodarstvi?" "Tot' ze marn, ha nyj yeei v celYm Borovnu." "A odpirate statu ntunou pomoc, a to verejne? Prode mnou? Vite, ze je to velezrada?" "Velezrada?" opakoval Skrivanek, oprel se obema dlanemi 'a stul a bylo videti, jak jej to slovo zvedat do vYge. "velezrada?" glehl se Um sloviekern jeSte jednou a uZ stal za stolem jako rozZatk svice. "Hde nic neni, hani Cert nebere," naprahl ruku prim& proti hejtmanu, kterY rychle privrel oei a ted' mu sypal na hlavu, co po cela etyti iota v jeho dugi rostlo, zralo, sraaelo se, a2 utvrdlo jako kameni. "Vzali nam syny, vzeli natal dobytek, vobili, .vajieka maslo, seno, sluCmu, tabak, hde co nam pobrali, hani se nas neptali. Volebraeili nas, ha leko se nas najednou ptaji, esli chcem e gte neco dat, ha dyl nic nemame, tak je to velezrada? Mortete!" uderil dedou g mukou na stal, az lejstra na nem poskodila do vYSky. "Povidam, to neni vojna, to je drak, keryj lei v behne, ha diva se zelenyjma voema po nas. Vidi, ze se egte yleeee, e gte pleteme nohama ha rukama. Vidi, ze sine kost a kale, hale ze si e gte skovavame brambory, pytliCek mouky, kousek vomastku, branin-ie se smrti jak muZern, ha to ten drak vorvi-

V i S 1' NI, K — WEST, TEXAS ra tlamu, ha kriel:' `to - patici ' tune, ha vy pochcipejte v aechach hladem, za vie nestojite'. Ha tuto neni velezrada? Tuto stat nevidi ha nesly gi? Hdo pa je to slat? Stat sme my tak clobre jako vy. Ida esli ten stat rids chce humorit, tak za vic nestoji, neZ habysme se na neini gichni s vodpugtenini —" "ZadrZte!" rozkitl se hejtman a take vyskoeil. 'Muslin vas nechat limed zat-1 knout." "S Panern Boheml Aspori si V kremenalu vocipoenu. Hale ja e gte nejsem se vgirn hotov. E g te y am chci sect, ze nagi Nemci se nafukujou, ha rikaji nam: `Poekyjte, jenom hal vyhrajem! Pied plouhy vas Cechy zaprihnern, ha burern s vama vorat'. Mylpour, 8ustrfranc, Hon skink , giehni nam hrozl. Mulem to dokazat svedkama — ha tuto se smi? To neni velezrada?? Ty nenechate zatknout?" Hejtman nasadil si prudce Cepici, neohlecll se ani vpravo, ani vlevo, skoro Ivybehl z radnice a, neZ se shromaldeni vzpamatovalo, ud °pet hreel koear po silnici k mestu. Jenom Skrivanek stab dal vzprimenY za stolem, oei mu hotely a hlas jeho buracel: "Hale jak vo torn eteme v bibli, tak se najde Danijel, hodi tomu draku do chrtatu giSku, drak pukne, zvihne nohy do vyj gky zatrepa s nima, ha pojde. Potom si, lidieky, voddychnem. Potom tepriva pozname, ze kaldY zlY je pro nee° dobrY, ha gecko trapeni na ge nebubo marnY, to le bula prave ta gigka, kera draka zabjila. Dyjt se vorvaZili i samYho Rana Boha vo zvony ha vo pigt'aly z varhan! Ja pa by jim mahlo projit , co je e gte stokrat hor giho neZ velezrada? Ja pa by jim moh Pambtl vor pustit .svatokradeZ? Proto se nic nebujt, ha trpte!" "Hurnirkeek nain na veal prece necha li," pripoinnel starST Zahorik. "Ano, nechali, habysme mohli tY bestyji vodzvonit, haZ dodela," divoce vykrikl starec. "Myslite, stryjee?" zdvihl hlavu Jalovec a za nim ostatni. Slzy se jim leskly v oeich a chtelo se jim strYeka poslouchati do veeera. "Nemyslim, chlap ge, hale vim. Ten drak niele iiste z posledniho," zasmal se Skrivanek, "penize nema, gaty nema, vobuti mu schazi, co do huby dat neni, jak seen rek, mu g' pojit, huZ je s nim nadycky Hamen!" "Dyjt' to nebeskej Pambil," jako pc, kazdni v kostele odpovedeli kolem sto10. Jenom. purkmistr seal dal zainy glene. Pro strYce prijdou ureite eetnici; vyZadaji si jeho doprovod a jak by je mohl vesti ke Skrivankftm? Jak by se mohl divat na to, al tohoto gedeho starce povlekou do Zalare? Do mesteeka po-

Strang, 29

gle hejtman jiste setninu •ojakft, obsadi Borovno a vypleni je hod neZ Zvectove. A zase on, purkmistr to bude, kterY s nimi musi dam pd domu. Ani se mu nechtelo z radnice .domt a ani nepozoroval, Ze uz v gichni oclegli a ze tu sedi sam a sam. XVI. Dny se Amorne vlekly. V Borovne paean sekat a eekali na hrornobiti, ktere jim viselo nad hlavou. Hejtmanstvi urputne mIeelo, icC prave z toho rrileeni gel nejvetgi strach. Jenom ten, kdO zavinil to cele nove nebezpeei. start' sktivanek, ten chodil °pet s hlavou vztyeenou jako tenkrat, kclyZ vymohl peed hely mesteeku nadraZi. Jezdil si k nemu az z Prahy nejakY pan rada pro mleko a brambory, firmagel mu za ne nejen tabaZek, ale r noviny. Ty noviny,tiskli nekde al ye Franell a prece byly eeske a jako! A pan rada to je gte weer vYmenka •i v jeho sVetniece inezi etyrma alma v gccko jak vysvettil , osolil a opepril, takle se Skrivanek pl.i tech zpravach jen olizoval. Pak uZ i na ge denni listy se jaksi osmelily a psaly tak prithlecly, Ze nebyl11 zrovna pytlem pragtenY, sil si yypoeitat, ze to s Raltouskem a jeho spojenci jde od peti k ety •em, I vojaekove, co se vraceli na dovolenbu, zpivali o valce podivne pisnieky, schovavali se, eetnici je sice hledali, ale take jejich horlivost velice polevila. Vgichni pojednou citili, ze nade gel zaeatek konce. V py gne statni budove poCabo to podezkele praskat, objevily 'se i v zakladech pod ni trhliny, jako paVueina, nikdo si jich dlouho nev gimal, ted' vgak se rychle gaily i dlouzily, otrocke race snaZily se sice je gte podchytit pocleprit a kle gtemi stahnout, ale ta =me. Kdo ,mohl, hledel se spasiti iitekein, aby nenti-iel v zriceninach predeasnY hrob. Vojaci prchali z italske i neitiecke fronty a vypraveli o zkaze, ktera se tam Borovnem projely dva vojenske autoinobily pine delostreleil. Ujadeli z nemecke armady pies Bavory do tech. Zastavili pied hospodou a za bochnik chleba tam prodavali pu gky, remeni, bodla a vedli rein, aZ vlasy na hlave vsta valy. Pribehl k nim i start' Sktivanek, prohliZel si ohromne vozy, proti nlinZ byl "antonobil", ye kterem jej Travnieek vozil Prahou, detskYrn voziekern, prohliZel si i vojaky, poslouchal, mleel vgak a nekupoval. LeZela mu na srdci ohronma starost a tlaella jej jako balvan. "Matoug !" to otazka seciela mil na rtech, vstavala s nim A uddlosti valily se prekotnou rychlosti, — V Praze vypukla revoluce a rozlila se jako povoderi ad k hranionim hotu nas strhavali dvouhlave orram.

Strana 30


Ve stfcdu, due 5. cervna 1957

lieky se zdi trafik a cestall'im s eepic, Nikdy nepiRe o Z'acInem pi:edmetu dozpivalo se, muziky hraly, vYskalo se a kud jste jej dfikladne nepromysleli. ) • " • (— taneilo, jenom vYmenka.1: vzdychlal: "Matou! Esli pa se vrati naS MatouS'? Nezapemeilte na ni g `Domov Odpoeinku' Hde pa hasi vezi 1Vfatoug?" Dech se mu v tele zatajil, kdyI noviny hlasaly, Ze se k nam vraceji z Fronde nagi legionaki. SychravY, kalnY den listopadovY vstal nad Borovnem. Martinske posviceni stalo skoro za dvermi a selka se dosud ani nezminila o kola,Cich. MarkSta, behala jen, pa vsi, ba i pies pole se pouftela a ptala se vojakft: "Nevideli ste tam nehde na.Seho MatouSe?" vracela se uplakana, a upirala, sve obi smutne na vYmenkare elm dal, tim vyeitaveji. "Potad ste slibavai, Ze se jiste vrati ha von se nevraci," mluvily ty jeji neme oei a jen aby jim usel, zaprahl si vanek heed rano starou klisnu, ktera jej jegte pamatovala jaka sedlaka, a vyjel preoravat bramboriSte. Oral od silGENERAL PRACTICE nice, co by kamenem dohodil a piece SPECIALIZING IN ani nespatfil eerne kostry strorrra, kteART (CORDIO-VASCULAR) lemovaly silnici a ted' se topily DISEASES THE WAY TO mlze. NATURAL HEALTH (Pokraeovani.)

Ernest J. Hanka PRAVNiW 101 Houston Title Bldg. Dallas and Caroline Sts. HOUSTON 2, TEXAS TELEPHONE: Preston NM 011•111■1•1■111■1=1111.

Dr. Thos, N. DeLaney otrii LE Bryle spravne pfipraven6 as dle timluvy 513-17 SPJST Bldg. Tel. Itiadovna PR 3-3248 Res. PR 3-268'7 TEMPLE, TEXAS 3591111.61001111111111.110111

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Ed ward Pace Polifebni feditel Olen S.P.J.S.T.—Tel. Prospect 3-3606 UM N. 5th St.. TEMPLE: TEXAS

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DIRECTORS Phil D Woodruff Dr R. E. Maresh L A Kucera E E. Chernosky Earl J Wood Frank Tesar Cordon Smith wimmetammestemettm*, •twittitm -

John W. Leiikar



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Strand. 3/



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