Vestnik 1953 01 07

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eislo 1

ye stredu (WEDNESDAY) 7 LF,DNA (JANUARY) 1953

Postmaster, please send Form 3579 with undeliverable copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, Fayetteville, Texas

Amerika potrebaje airsivi

America Needs FrO ernalism

`‘,.;l.irptijeme do noveho roku, kdy zerne musi hajiti idealy dernokracie.

We are entering into a new year when our NatiOn has to defend the ideals of democracy.

V teto rozharane dobe musime si vSichni uvedomiti, Ze duch bratrstvi je jednim z pia() °beanske svobody.


Vc spbchu moderniho Zivota ptehliZime sveho bliZniho a zapomimime povaZovati souscda za bratra. Je tteba klasti vetM. claraz na zaklady bratrskYch spolka. Je deba promeniti sine na gkoly fraternalismu. Je tieba podporo vati loyabae vladu ye snahach pro svetovY mir. kuji vSein brattim a sestram od hlavnich Atednikir aZ k tornu nejmladMmu Menu u domaciho tadu, za vkchno, co vykonali minuleho roku. Pieji na-_ dale vkm clenum fispech ye v§em jejich podnikani, hlavne, v praci ; spolkove, aby elovek eloVoku byl vzdy bratrein.

Edward L Marek, • President of the Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas Urges Rededication To Fraternalism

these unsettled times we must realize that the spirit of fraternalism is one of the pillars of civic freedom:

In the rush of modern living we arc too prone to overlook our fellow man and to forget that a neighbor is our brother. We should stress the basic principles of fraternalism. We should change our halls into schools of brotherhood. We should aid cur Government to attain universal peace. I thank all Brothers and Sisters, the supreme officers and the local workers, for their unselfish e f f or t s in the year parsed. I wish all members success in all their undertakings, especially in advocating fraternalism so that all of us feel and act as brothers.


Entered as second class mall matter, January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas under the Act of Con g ress of Au g ust. 24th, 1922


(MMUS* ONCE&N SLOVANSEE romomunos orm ECM STATU TEXAS CITICIAL WIGAN OP THE SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OP THE STATE OP TEXAS ENDA/ETON — =VON STEPHEN VALCIE 6402 Prague Houston Texas V y davateld — Publishers OECHOSLOVAE PUB. COMPANY — WSST, TEXAS Pfed p iatne $3.00 rodn5 — Subscri p tion 113.00 s year Zmeny &dreg sasilaii se do Mavis! Hfadora y vu Fa yetteville. Texas. Chan ge of address must be sent to Greed Ledge. Fa yetteville, Texas. Preci p bane a oznamky adrescrany na: Vestnik, West. Texas. atroto p isy semreirch Menu a. sivefeitinfl itemising. Zs r y tinn podobizn y Je nutno saslati redakall 82.50. The obituaries are p rinted without chars*. For eats is necessar y to send $2.50 to the Editor. HLAVNI HHADOVNA — SUPREME LODGE Pfedseda — President, Ed. L. Marek; Vice President Pr. G. Svatllefiak, Thrall, Texas, Talemnik — Secretary John F. Chuvick: Haetnik — Pin. Secretary, Ra y m. UrbanorskY: Pokladnik — Treas. Josef Ito11ha, Jr. Pravni radce — Counsel — Au g . Itself, Temp le, Texas Vrchni lekaf — Medical Director -Dr. J. A. Halamieek, El Cam p o, Texas. iteditele — Board of Directors — J. M. AkrabAnek, 4720 Bellaire Blvd. Bellaire, Texas: Chas. Navratil 516. E Ave A, Tem p le Texas, J. C. Eineigl, Yorktown, Texas. Robert Cervenka, West, Texas. Frank Rod, El CSII1PO. Texas. Stanovnf Vlbor — B ylaw Committee: George H. Eacif, 1:teases's — Chairman. Vest. Prank B. Steiner. taiemnik — Secretory 4350 Dickason. Dallas. Texas. Tiskovi y Yhor — Press Committee — Pfedseda — Chairman Josef Nortek. Colle g e Station. Box 125, Texas, Mrs. Ant. Borek 5007 Aloott, Dallas. Texas, Mrs. Frances (Me g a. 6402 Ta gg art St. Houston. Texas.

Naiim denim od redaktora . . Vg E14.1 eLENtM SPJST, a vgem etenaiiim a odberatehim Vestniku Tiskovy vYbor, kterY dohliFi na to, aby zavazky vydavatelti Vestniku•byly dodrFovany, dostal od vydavatelii upozorneni, Ze rok 1952 mel o jednu sttedu vice neZ jine roky. Nasledkem teto kalendatni kombinace mel by uplynulY 40. roernik Vestniku 53 eisel. TiskovY vYbor byl clan, aby vydavateltim Vestniku bylo dovoleno upustiti od vydani padesateho tretiho eisla koncem roku 1952. Tiskovy vYbor uznal Zadost vydavatelu za opravnenou, a proto 53. eislo nebylo ye stredu dne 31. prosince 1952 vydano. Aekoliv etenati Vestniku nedostali svou pravidelnou Cetbu minuleho tYdne, dostall v nahradu pet eisel v lednu, pet ei-;, sel v dubnu, pet eisel v Cervenci a pet



One 7. ledna 1953.

eisel v ki nu 1952, tedy o..etyki 6isla vice ny budou v kalendari opravy, jake dnes neF vyclavateliim Vestniku bylo zaplace- ani netugime. no. NovY rok je vlastne dnem slibu, dnem TiskovY vYbor dould, Ze elenove SPJST nadeje, dnem budoucnosti. Lidstvo uznaji. toto rozhodnuti za spraryne. vy den pottebuje. Ne snad pro vyrovna7 S pranim At'astneho noveho roku Irani obchOcinich Unit a zavazku, ale ja1953 vgem elentim SPJST a v gem etena- ko ZiciovskY novy rok, Rosh Hashana, pro rum Vestniku„ lepgi pkedsevzeti a nova usneseni. Nov' za TiskovY vYbor rok, kdy elovek vaZne a opraVdove Jos. Horfiak, predseda. mYSli vykonati neco noveho, bud' pro se• * be, nebo pro eleny rodiny, nebo pro girgi Troche opozdene prichazi tyto radky. okoli. O novem roku rikame, Fe obracime Mely bYti vysloveny pied t'dnem. Pted- oistY list v knize Fivota, nebo kdy na taseda Marek ptipornenul mi pted vanoci, , bull svYch ptedsevzeti smaZeme sve chyabych nezapomnel tlumoeiti v gem elentim l by a zaeneme znovu. Bez tohoto dne, kdy prani veselych vanoc a o Oden pozcleji obnovujeme na ge sliby a iimysly, kdy vySt'astneho noveho roku. A2 kdy bylo ho- fietujerne sami se sebou, abychom zadali tova ptedva.noeni diSlo Vestniku a sazee znovu, bez tohoto dne, kdy pohrbime namenu bane eislo roeniku, zpozorovali v , Se nezdary, snad by v gechny ty zmary a tiskarne, ae ptedvanoeni 'Oslo je vlastne zklamani nas premohly. eislem poslednim:v roku 1952, Cislem dvaJsme tedy na rozhrani easu, ktere jsme apadesatYm.- Na g kalendat neni dosud si sami vytvorili. Mel nas start' rok jako tak upraven, aby ureite datum v mesici na retizku a na ge trpelivost zaeinala dopripadlo pokaZde na stejn' den v tYdnu. I stavati odreniny. Prisel novy rok, nova Tim se stab, 'Fe prvni eislo 40. roeniku nadeje. A v tomto lep gim rozpololeni myvySlo 2. ledna 1952 a posledni (52.) 'Oslo sli mohli bychom si pripomenout nektera bylo vydano 24. prosince. Mel v gak rok to usneseni, ktera jsme jiZ. tired rokem 1952 o jednu sttedu vice nee roky jine a vzali v fivahu: Trochu vice trpelivosti tato triapadesata streda pripadla na po- s temi, kdo2 se zdaji pomalYmi; trochu sledni den v roce. Padesate treti eislo od- men* domYglivosti. Fe zname; padlo, nebylo vydano, a z toho dtiwodu trochu vice pokory a • Uvahy, zda nage prichazime o cely tYden zpoalene, vSak vlastni cena neni vysoka.; trochu stejne uptimne: 8t'astny navy rok 1953 tovosti prehlednouti chyby jinYch; trovgenl bro.trim a sestram, a v gem or tend- chu ptipravenosti vysloviti diky a uznaturn Vestniku. ni druhYm; trochu tlumeni sveho vlastRozdelovani easu je snad nejstark lid- Mho hlasu; trochu pohotovosti na poskou vymolenosti. V ltdskern nitru asi skytnuti bratrske pomoci; a trochu oddtima vrozena moudrost, abychom urov- vahy k vykonani projevu lidskosti. nali svoje dny na jakesi brazdy, zahony NovS, rok je prihodna doba dohlednouti a lany. Nezaleli, jak jmenujeme toto easove rozdeleni, ale zajimave je, ae rozde- na mezery v plotech pratelstvi. Pratele leni easu musime miti. 2acinS7 lidskY tvoti lepgi divot. Pratele jsou divot. KaZdY kmen neni tak zaostalY, aby nemetil ne- z nas musi miti pratele, aby divot mel jakYm zpusobem dobu, kdy se ma nejakY cenu. I kdyZ nekdo zahotkne v du gi, lek slib spiniti nebo odloFena, vec vykonati. nalezneme mezi ptateli. Oni nam dodaji V kalde teei a v kaldent veku bylo slovo moralni a duSevni posilu. Proto nejcen"al zitra". PftSti den nebo pti g ti tyden riej gi novoroeni usneseni bude, kdy2 : oopravime na ge povalene ploty. Pri gti me- pravime mezery v plotech pratelstvi. Tot' sic bude obloha jasnej gi. Prigtiho roku jedna novoroeni prate, kterou bychom nemeli brati povrchne. . . . ano, pti gtiho roku .. . Prigel novS, rok. 1953, tak aspoii eerstvS, Z obehodniho hlediska je novS, rok zapapir a eiste eislice nastenneho kalenda- stavkou, kdy uzavirame itety a naznaeuji. Na dlouhem pasmu, ktere- me vykonanou praci. V kratkosti podaji mu rikame gas, udelali jsme si puntik. To nam hlavni eislice, jak na ge SP je konec stareho a zaeatek noveho roku. JST pokroeila finanene a na elenech. PhAbychom tuto nenviditelnou hranici lope totn mtiZeme si pov gimnouti, zdali jsme pochopili, Mame ramus, oslavujeme, po- vykonali, jako bratrskY spolek, sve podavame si ruce, ptejeme si lepSi easy. U- vinnosti spoleeenske. Abychom nemluvili ptimne keeeno, tato chvilkova zastavka naplano a do vetru, zopakujeme si sve mohla priiit kdykoliv. Ve stredoveku v ge- povinnosti: "TTCelem ... jest poskytovati chny ktest'anske zeme zaeinaly novy rok . . . dobre Zivotni poji gteni a peeovati o na 25. brezna. V gestnactem stoleti mno- zachovani eeskeho jazyka v teto zemi . he zeme zaealy novy rok na 1. ledna. My povzneseni spolurodakti v mravnim, duzde v . Americe prijali jsme zpilsob poei- Sevnim 'a blahobytnem ohledu." To jsou tani noveho roku tYden po vanocich nage povinnosti, to je iteel a cif na. gi SPJ teprve v roku 1752, tedy pied dvema sty ST, jak naznakno je v na gich stanovach, lety. NeZ uplyne dalgich 50 let„ provede- jejichZ novy vYtisk dostane kaIdY Clen,





V 11 T N I K


fj ti 7o;0

kterk se dosta,vi do pti gti schfize sveho sobe sve nepatrne narodni veclonn, jente schfizi u domacich tadu. Lee i ad i , radu. od nas dostanou v torn ohledu malou po- zorovati, te se nektere tady eini a zashtV ohledu tivotniho poji&teni ueinili silu. Starame se o eeskS, zvuk, ale neu- huji si pochvaly. V minulem cisle je do-jsme v roce minulem slibnY krok kupte- mime apelovati na desire citeni. TakovY pis od bratra Kleprlika, tajemnika tadu du. Od noveho roku mame dva nove dru- elanek o Bedfichu Hroznem, ptistupnY San Antonio. V jeho zprave mobil byhy certifikatti, ktere jsme citive nemeii. nagim synfun a dceram, znamena vice chom snad najiti onu zlatou nitku, kteMarne t •idu "M", v nit se poskytuje pen- net deset sloupcn detske besidky. rou bychom mohli upottebiti, aby ten kasijni pojistka, a mame ttidu "N", tak V ohledu zlepgeni nageho spolkoveho bat spolkoveho aivota v kaLlem Svu neevana, Upisova, nebo hypoteeni pojistka„ tivota byly minuleho roku podniknuty praskal. Pile bratr Kleprlik, te do sehdze ktere, je od 1. ledna 1953 vystavovana kroky, ktere v kratke budoucnosti zaenou ieldu se dostavil hlavni fitednik, tern, kdo maji od SPJST vypfijdene peni- ukazovati, te jsme na dobre ceste. Zave- SChfIZI se dodalo vatnosti i lesku. Pak jeze na majetek a chteji niiti dostateenou deny byly organisaeni distrikty, v nicht Ste dalg i poznarriku ma bratr Kle,prlik, a ochranu pro ptipad nahleho Umrti. 0 budou probirany otazky, ktere obyeejne sice, ae hlavni fitednik slavnostnim zpti;echto dvou pojistkach budou podany se probiraji pouze pied sjezdy nebo at v sobem tiVedl v (dad nove zvolene dark informace, jakmile je dostanu z sa,motnYch sjezdech. OvS'em, dosud jsme Tedy dva pokyny v jednom dopise: hlavni fitadovny. Krome toho zvysili jsme si nenavykli na fidinne vedeni distrikt- pozvati si obeas nektereho hlavniho ftpojiSteni na maximalni sumu deseti tisic nich schtizi. KaLla, schtize, ktera ma ne- tednika a take udelati uvadeni novYch a zavedli jsme bezlekatske pojia'ovani e() znamenati nebo ma nee° vykonati, ptipadne novYch *Lent, aktcm do obnosu $3,000. Tedy po strance dobre-imusi bYti p •edem vyplanovana a musi do slavnostnim. To jsou pokyny, n<^1 kterYho tivotriiho pojik'ovani prijali jsme ptijiti nekolik ptipravenYch osob, kte- mi motno se zamysleti. Cite vSl hody, ktere jsme drive nemeli. re vedi, o eem se ma ve echfizi rokovati. o dilstojnetn a slavnostne nastoTake v ohledu zachovani eeskeho ja- Kdyby se v distriktni schtizi probral jen leni tadovYch pine tak6 ,.antra zyka v teto zemi vykonali jsme svtij dn. jeden bod di kladne a veer* aby se ne- Juranova, nefinavna dopisovatelka tadu Ad podet studentU na statni universite v mluvilo na prazdno, aby se docililo neja- Svaz Oechoslovant Cislo D2 ye IP:. Worth. Austinu rok od roku klesa, posilili jsme keho ureiteho planu pro dalSi postup, Takove potMujici zpravy jsou jako kvezajem o deskk jazyk tim, te 16. sjezd p0- byla by senate UspeSnou. Na ptikla.d, touci keke v zanedbane zahrade. Meli byvolil fond k zavedeni stolice slovanskYch chceme teSiti otazku, jak otiviti schfize u chom se pustiti do opravdove spolkove jazykfi a v A & M College. Jak mne bylo katdeho tadu ye zminenem distriktu: einnosti a obnoviti celou na gi zahractu. scieleno, vyueuji se tarn d y e ttidy eeStiny musime napted poznati, jak easto jsou Byla kdysi v kOclem rohua na vgechny a dalk postup je velice slibnY. Je ovSern schtize u katcleho tadu, jaka je navSte- strany rortomilou, ale pomalu zaealy nootazkou, jak dlouho si udrtirne eeskou tee va nebo jake prostkedku byly v minulosti ktercs , na.sti ukazovati n.. te,Liaost ponejen na vyAkch Skolach, ale take ;v na- poutivane, aby schUze byly lepk. Na§e hodlnost. Jak hf.ejive, mile, ha dokonce Leh schilzich a v nakch domovech. Stale distriktni schilze zaenou pozdeji ukazo- impcsantni .jsou obtady nastole,vOnt nnoklademe dUraz na, deskou tee, na zvuk do- vati dobre vSrsledky. vych v jinYch bratr31;; h spolTake nage organisaeni einnost dostala cicb. Vzpontinarn si, jak pPed.5val jsern lehajici k uchu, ale Indio se starame o ske citeni, o naletite porozumeni du- minuleho roku znaene zlepSeni. Na sjet- I jednou v Priem spolku sve pte,c1sednicke chovniho dedictvi, ktere ptinesli na'si du bylo usneseno, ze hlavni fitadovna je kladivko bratru jinemu, aby zase on vedl ptedlcove z jejich stare oteiny. Starame povinna najmouti statniho organisatora. spolek v ptiaim roce. Ptedsednicka lhfnse o zvuk jdouci k uchu, ale ne o narodni Jit tato podminka vytadovala ptedbetne byla jen jednorodni, aby pokud moZcit iclouci k srdci. Tlueerne na narodni teSeni, totit odkud je mono takoveho 110 CO nejvice della se v fit a de c h vysttibull anit bychorn d:e'tern vysvetlili, statniho organisatora ziskati. Koneene dalo. Melt jsme nastoleni novVelt itted• prod ;Ian threeme. Deti narn nerozumi a 1 poznalo se, te hlavniho organisatora bu-• mica veder. Vybor, kterST reel na staroeti my nerozumime deter. Uvedu osobni de si muset hlavni fitadovna vychovati z' vypracovani progranau . peo nastolovani .• • m nou, oa:ituniniet, • .> prise' za tech, kdo budou studovati organisatorske uredinku, ptipaci v nasledujicim odstavci. kursy. Za tim cilem mame Sit 29 mistmch Nines' mi syn rkstiiiek z americkeho 'l qhninutopfedsedou, abych si tYdeniku Newsweek. Ptal se male na p0- I organisatorfn kteti studuji tyto kursy. Ne- q proslov ku ktorema m.el vnedaY drobnosti. Pteeet1 jsem si ykstfitek, da-I kteti chteji se jen ptiuditi a zdokonaliti hudebni doprovod. Take hudbu jsem si tovank 29. prosince, kde stalo, te zemtel ! pr o sve vlastni dobro, jini snad doeili to- motel vybrati. Vzponenel ice::: si na nadBedfich HroznY ve start 73 let, ktery v' ho, ze pozdeji budou moci bYti ustanove- bernou Dvotakovu skladbu, Koncert v roku 1915 pfekvapil cely svet rozluSte_ ni distriktnimi organisatory nebo dokon- B-moll. Pri mem prosiovu bylo sotva slynim klinciveho a obrazoveho pisma na- ce statnim orga,nisatorem. Takova vy- Ltelne hrati hudbu Oeskeho Fiiharmoroda Hittitii, kteti till y e sta,roveku v Ma- chova orga,nisatorfi necia se provesti a u- nlekeho orchestra, rekordy z Evropy, ale le Asii a jejich kultura se tam udrtela skuteeniti v nekolika mai° tYdnech, ale koupene pro onu ptiletitost zde v Arne. _. tEludba byla zesilena, kcbet pravodi3i P0 dvanact stoleti. Vysvetlil jsem synovi, zaeatky jit jsou velice slibne. Byly dosud ,i r ice orga! e organisacni schuze, jedna pro y ' ,(‘ o dejiny a tee Hittite byly vedenyl d t y, aby jinn ptedvadel jedno live 6fednijinn cilouhe vedecke dohady, at 6eskY jazyko- , nisatory v distriktupatem, 30. listopadu I byly naznaeeny jejich povinno3ti, nebo zpytec Bedfich HroznST podal spravne rot- v Rosenberg, druho, pro organisatory v kdyt byli uvadeni na sva nova mista. lug teni jejich pisma. Poznamenal jsem,! distriktu prvnim, 21. prosince y e Fayette- Bvl jsem pfitomen pti rnnoha iinS ,ch ehe podiva-li se do velkeho americkeho ville. Dal g i skola organisatorska ma bYtii i'adech nasi,olovord, alo. kdykoliv si vzposlovniku Websterova, najde tarn vysvet- 118. ledna v HalIettsville pro organisatory i menu no °nen vaer, . , j rx'I Avn. 1 i. leni, 2e dejiny velike rise Hittitit byly ob-; sesteho distriktu, a 25. ledna pro organi- i,lad11,1,0 iaerie, koy i„,c, jasneny d'eskin treencem Friedrichem I satory v distriktu sedmem, pro nit mistol vdriie .c ti,(,11tiku bvi pi, c, en, 0 eo • „neeboa sr • e hu c,b ou,Lter:0, Hroznjrrn, tenkrate z Vidne, vykopavka- idosud nebylo ureeno. Take lepk vS Tchova! , • mi 90 mil vSlchodne od mesta Angora.. organisatoril zaen.e ukazovati dobre vY- Istavenou i.c.esktm zaklaclatelern na amePtipa.d tento naznaeuje, ze dal si sledkyv nedaleke budoucnosti. ricke pficle, vadycky rozlije se mi nitrem vgimaji veci, ktere nam ujdou, deti I Sedine zlepkni, ktereho isme minuleho I hrejiva vzporninka. ba touha. aby se porl,ii sali.y up i ❑ 1; 01,1 oneete aby posilily v roku nedocuilli, byla pravidelna nav gteva dobnk nastolovaci obtact motel oi):A1,;nvriti

WEST; TEXAS znovu a znovu. Jaky neclostatek jaka ch-udoba, jake nedorozumeni panuje dosud pki nastolo yani nkednikil v naglch SPJST kadech. Jak sami sebe okradame o 74Zitky tak uchvacujici, tak dojemne, by se nikdy nedaly zapomenouti, kdybychom je pouze jednou Neal to naSi vinou'ie nedovedeme vne.1 nem noveho do nakho spolkoveho 21.-vota. Vyrostli jsme v ureitern prostfedi a -1“-poznali jsme nic jineho. A ()pet malt' obiii ptibeh. Vyrostl jsem v chudobnem i_raji Valakka a byl jsem pkesazen na ir. -Kaskon farmu. eitaval jsem o neeem, `emu lide kikali "gunka", ale nikdy jsem vac nevidel a nejedl. AZ jsem zaeal pracovati v tiskarne a stravoval se v a.mericke jidolne, ochutnal jsem ponej-pry 'tunku. Moje vina? Vina mYch rodiett? P r zhodne ne. A jsou na gi fikednici vinni, nemame lep gi schtize, lepSi obkady? veene. ne. Lee chucloba nenausi mime nage vlastni vinou, takovYmi, jake jsou dnes. Pomalu jme je zanedbavali, pomalu jsme se od (tustojneho bra.trskeho vedeni schfize aleaZ nam zustala jen pouha skeMPz bYvaleho nad g eni. Kdyby jine institak zanedbavaly svuj neel, dopadaly podobne jako my. A zase kde se vyskytne nekdo s novou mySlenkou a ma closti y ule a energie zkusiti, zdali by to slc novYm zptisobem, vS7 sledky pkekvapi. Na pkiklad, jista osada vystavila spoleenY,. kostel, ponevadZ v osade nebylo dosti aby kaZda sekta mela s ynj vlastni kostel. Zjednan byl kazatel. Ph prvnim jeko kazani bylo pouze 34 osob. To bylo pad 18 lety. Onen kazatel je v osade dosud. Lonskelio jara ph velikonoenim kav(Ini bylo pkitomno pies 10,000 lidi. Nevese do kostela, ale osada si pokidila prom v teto zemi "drive-in" kostel. Na lf; akrech kolem kostela mute parkovati automobile. Novota? OvSem, ale phvYsledek.

itad Pokrok Houstonu hislo 88 Mill brat •i a sestry: Talc nyni uZ si nemohu nakikat, ze znam nakho bratra redaktora, ponevadZ minulou nedeli jsem mela peknou rozmhivu s nim a jeho pani v na gi spolkove schttzi. Schuze zapoeala kolem desete hodiny ran g . Mehl melt a pill desate, ale prodlouZila se. Schnze byla zahajena predsedou bratrem Rudy Sefeikem. Trvala celY den a meli jsme zdarma abed pro eleny, kteki se sneastnili ranni schtize. Aekoliv no.A fad vita picas tisic ze na ygteva ye schfizi byla velmi male, kdyZ se to pkirovna s poCtem Cle nn nakho radu. Toto byla velmi sclinze voleni novYch itkednikti na pkig ti rok 1953. Zvoleni byli nasledujici tifedniei: Bratr Rudy Sefeik, pfedseda; bratr Al•fred Hilsher, mistopi. edseda; bratr Albert J. 13riSlik, tajemnik; sestra Louise Kadleoek, flOetni; sestra Frances Olexa, pokladni; bratr Jerry Ermis, prilvodei, sestra Lillie Barbokakova, zpravodajka. Vgichni jmenovani byli znovu zvoleni, krome sestry Lillie Barbofakove, ktera byla zvolena zpravodajkou. Mali jsme dva nova eleny pkitomne na gi schuzi, bratra a sestru KolftenSich. Vitame vas do nakho rachi, bratre a sestro KoldenY.

Pro eleny, kteri nebyli schuzi plitomm scleluji, he budeme miti naSe mesien schtize na druhou nedeli kaZdeho mesice, misto na prvni, jak jsme dosud delavali. Nekteki eleni byli proti konani nagich schtizi na prvni nedeli a tak jsme o tom hlasovali a zvolena byla druha nedele. Vann `'nejsriieenej gi diky" vSem elenum nabeho kado, he jste nine zvolili za vaSi zpravodajku. Chci vain iei, ze jestli kdy /tad° z vas elenn bude miti nejakou zpravu spolkovou nebo navrh na zlepgeni nagi Jednoty a dice svilj nahled podat v nakm spolkovem V'estniku, prosim, neu p iimne diky vzdavain za sebe i svou oclkladejte na nine zavolati. -nu ■ nZelku vkm sestram a bra id-1m, praNage nove zvolena reditelka mladeZe, til dm a znanim, kteri poslali nam lid-11{0'AI a novoroeni pozdravy. Je nemoZ- sestra Birdie Hilsherova, promluvila ye nasti za vSeclany osobne podekovati. prospech mladek. Chci podati svou oEaclina. Jos. V. Bayera vzocmnela si na sobni gratulaci sestre Hilsherove, ze by11 .:1, o. z Kalifornia. Bratr Anton Hope- la zvolena, keditelkou mlaclek. Na g rad je eek s manZelkou a synem Jaroslavem hrdY na Tebe. Bratr redaktor Stepan Valeik vypsal vzpomnoli si s pozclravem ze sveho zajezdu do Noveho Orlea.nsu v Louisiana. "attendance prize". JelikoZ toto bude asi mu) posledni doPkig ly pozdravy od elenti z Michiganu, z Oregonu, z ChIcaga, z El Paso, z tech pis if tomto roku, jmenem nakho kaclu kde by elovek netu g il, ze mama Pokrok Houstonu Oslo 88 pfejeme vgem 61enfn naSi Jednoty SPJST Wastne a ye-, naSi velike SPJST recl-Tny, sale vanoce apozelinanp novY rok. 1953. uplimne diky. Na shleclanou v pri gti schuzi v nedeli ) 11. ledna. Pi.iroda nepoSle Zadneho tvora, badeloveka na svet, ani by mu ne- Se sesterskYm pozdravem p •iclala maleho nadbytku jeho vlastSleC. Lillie Barbokakova, (Emerson.) ' nosti. zpravodaj ka

t da,



NAST SPJST POSIETTUJE NASTADU• JICI VillODNE POJI g TENI PRO CELOU ROD/NU. Tfida B. — Dotivotni, y e ktere plati poplatky aZ do sve mutt. Vida C. -- 20 lete splacene„ Men piati v teto tfide poplatky 20 roku, avgak v padu smrti podpora jest vyplacena kdykoliv se tato uda. Tfida D. — 15 lete splacene, glen plati jen 15 rokil; vYplata podpory jako ye tilde C poznadeno. Tfida E. — 10 lete splacene, Men plati jen 10 rokt, s vplatou jako ve tridach C a D. Vida F. — 15 late nadadni, obnat cartifikatu jest vyplacen po 15 letech pin-ceni. Tfida G. — 20 'eta nadaeni, obnos certifikatu jest vyplacen pa 20 letech cern. Tfida H. -- Vyplacene v 65 letech eta.ti, elan v teto tilde plati poplatky at" do di,sateni 65 let, kdy je mu obnos certifikatu vyplacen. Vida 1. — Dvacetilete, vyplacene v 60 letech, Clen v teto tilde plati poplatky po 20 rokti a obnos certifikatu se• vyplati, kdyt Oen dosahne 60 let stafi. Tfida H. — Poplatky plati se do veku 65 let, net obnos certifikatu vyplati se at pa smrti. Dalsi vYhody k temto pojistkam jsou: 1. Dvojnasobne poji§teni pro pfipad soled neAt'astnou nahodou. 2. Zprogeni poplatku v pfipadu trvaMho zneschopneni Clena. DetskY odbon Lhfitni pojiSteni do 16 let. Vida — aspornY dotivotni cer tifikat vyplacen ye dvaceti letech, s pinym obnosem podpory ye veku 19 let. Vida 3—S. dvacetileta dotivotni, s pinym obnosem podpory ye veku 1. roku Vida J—E. nadaeni ye veku 18 let, s pinym obnosem podpory ye veku 1. roku. Vida J.—G. — nada6ni pa dvaceti letech placeni, piny obnos podpory ye veku 1. roku. Dargi v3", hody v detskem odboru jsou: Pojateni platiciho (Payor Insurance) cchrana tato za mirni m6si'eni nab roi'n! poplatek, zbavuje v ptipade &nal poplatky platiciho, povinnosti dalMho placeni poplatk Ona takto chranenY certifiko.t, kterY ale prodlutuje vakere hodnoty v new. uvedeius(dz),


T e sti• e(111, (1-oe

VtSTNtK Asimmorostintimbas

Oddil Dopisovatelskf fiad Ogveta eislo eterm tecialce, bratii a sestry: NJA tad konal svoji vYroent schilzi v mesici listopadu. Stati ittednici zvoleni aklamaene, Ptedseda Vaclav Batina, mistoptedseda -- Frank Stepan, tajemnik — Jerry Stepan, fieetni — Felix Hajdik, pokladnik — Felix Voleik, thelennY majetkovY vybor — E. E. Holub, Karel Hflbek, Leon Kalina; nemocensky vybor — bratti Louis Valek, E. E. Hollub, Jos. Elgik, a sestry Marie 8' tepan a Lillie Evieic. Tak ty na c volby dopadly tak jak brats redaktor psal te se to vet ginou deje. Nevim pros mlad gi elenove nechteji pi• at Kaldy se vymlouva, 'te nema, na to easu. Ale co se tYee na geho ptedsedy tak toho tak lehce nepropustime, neb on jest dobry ptedseda; stara se o v geaby tad prospival, ale pottebujeme vice spoluprace v gech Clem nageho tadu. Protot prosim, dostavte se do p•igti schtize druhou nedeli v mesici lednu, neb bude dilletite jednani. Vanoeni program od sestry Birdie Hilsherove jsem obdrtel a hned jsem s tim jel za bratrem ptedsedou. Po rozmluve s bratrem ptedsedou jsme uznali, te by to bylo tetko sehnat v tak kratkem ease. V nagi osade Koval- mivame vtdy dva vanoeni prograrny, a site vefejna kola miva, program a pak nedelni kola teskoMorayskYch Bratit Ale na pti gti vanoce, budeme-li zit, tak se pokusirne, aby i u nageho tadu jsme meli nejakY program, a vtdy budeme vdeeni sestke Hilsherove, kdyt nam nejakY program. Bratru redaktoru a v gem etenattm preji gt'astny novY rok 1953. S bratrskYrn pozdravem Jerry Stepan, tajemnik. )+ tiad Vlastenee Oslo 45 Shiner, Texas. riratil a sestry a v gichni, co jste ye vYroeni schuzi ptitomni nebyli: Aekoliv my uiednici vaseho tadu jsme vas tadali, byste ye vetsim poetu vYroeni schtize se sueastnili, ale psat nepsat, jest vam vge stejne. Tak vam sdelim, co jsme vse provedli. Volba atednikti byla, jak jit nekolik toku bYva, vge jednohlasne. Dan navrh, by stati atednici zustali. Navrh podporovan a stali atednici zvoleni jednohlasne. My bychom si prali, kdyby nas mladsi zastali, ale mladi do schtze neidon; tak my star gi musime zas sami nout


Tak vam zde davam vedet, alespot tern vzdalenym, a v eas potieby, na koho se maji obratit. Ptedseda John' H. Elgik, mistoptedseda Vine. Parma; tajemnik — Jan PodanY; tleetni — John J. I3arog; pokladnik — Frank M. Mikeska. Ireetni vybor --- Frank Malina st., Emil 8embera, Stanley Ivieie. Majetkovy vybor — John H. Elgik, John J. Barog, Fr. Malina st.. Frank M. Mikeska, Vine. Parma. NemocenskY vybor — John J. Barog, Frank Malina ml.. Frank M. Mikeska. Rozalie Elgik, Franti gka Malina. Resolueni vybor -- John H. El gik, Fr. Mikeska, Frank M. Mikeska. Tak jsem y am vae vypsal, ale to neznamend, 2e do schtize .nemusite Naopak, my v gichni atednici budeme velice radi, kdybyste se v tomto nastavajicim roce hodne polepgili a schtize hodne navatevovali. Vgem bratrtim a sestram, bratrOm z Hlavni Madovny, br. redaktoru a vgem otenattim co ctou nas organ pfeji gtesti, zdravi a hodne trpelivosti v tomtO novena roce 1953. To vain pteje Jan PodanY, tajemnik. )•A•( Rad Hvezda Miru eislo 33 Bleiblerville, Texas. Mill bratti a sestry: Chci yam, jste nebyli ye schtzi, oznamit vYsledek ria gi vYroeni schtze. Schtze byla hojne na yStivena. ()bed meli jsme dobry — smatene ryby. Odpoledne sestry donesly kolade, kejky a jine peelvo; vaeho bylo dostatek, je gte toho zbylo. Jrnerivin tacit' vgem sestram pekne dekujerne za to dobre peeivo. Odpoledne byli voleni atednici pro phgti rok 1953. Frank V. 8tepan byl zvolen ptedsedou; Willie Schovajsa byl zvolen mistoptedsedou; Vincenc Chaloupka tajemnik. teetni Edgar E. Ectshorn se nam podekoval a na jeho misto byl zvolen noyY, mladY Pat Roy Mikeska.. Pokladnik je Ben Schovajsa a prilvodei Willie Sugen. — Kteti posilate penize na iieetniho, tak jeho adresa je: Pat Roy Mikeska, Star Route, Welcome, Texas. Zfistavam s pozdravem Vincenc Chaloupka„ tajemnik, Rt. 1, Bellville, Texas )• •( Rad Karel Jona,A eislo 28 Mile sestry a bratti: VYroeni schtze je jit odbyta. Byla dobte zastoupena. Ktefi jste ztistali doma, mate co litovat, neb v ge bylo zajimave provedene. Utednici na rok 1953 jsou: Ptedseda Manley Barton, msitoptedseCardo — John GajevskY, tajernnice

Straria. 5 rie Bohaeik, teetni-- Frank V. Urbi.,-,11. pokladnik — Anton Kehler Jr., knihoy nik — Martin Vanek Sr., teditele zabavniho vyboru — August Kleeka, Joe Janik, Albert ' -'pfteek, Lydia Kubena, Carrie Be haeik. Dale chci podekovat sestram, ktere plijdou s detmi do cvieeni na variant program, nebo bez vas by ani program nebyl. Vgechna Oest a diky yam. Net tote ptijde do tisku, tit bude po programu. Doufam, te se vydati, neb deti se pilne uei a jest jich 18. Oznamuji vgem bratram a sestram, ptigti schtze bude potadana prvni nedeli v mesici lednu, to je 4. ledna 1953 ye dye hodiny odpoledne. Tak na to nezapomerite, dostavte se jak minule. Pheina odloteni jest, te, na druhou nedeli v mesici lednu budou ochotnici od •adu Pokrok Houstonu hrati v na gi sini divadlo. Vgichni jste fic-tive zvani. Pfejt vgem sestram, bratrtun a cele Jednote St'astne vesele svatky vanoeni. Carrie Bohaeik. ) • 4. Rad Pokrok Zapadu eislo 107, Florezville, Texas. Sestry a bratti vY ge jmenovaneho to.du: Timto Vain sdeluji, te nacre pravidelna schtze se bude konati druhou nedeli v lednu, v padu gpatneho podasi, tteti /lean, v jednu hodinu odpoledne Zmena easu jest proto, te Vas velka vetgina plati na celY rok. Budeme tea uvadeti th. &Rance a hater& can spaleeenske eleny. Bylo tedy usneseno, aby se uspota.dala spoleena svaeina. Bratr ptedseda mne natidil, abych potadal nase spolusestry, aby katda, die moanosti ptinesla nejake zakusky, vaak uZ katda vite, co k tornu path. No, ale kdyt to bude zelenina, jako ku ptikladu klobasy nebo new podobneho, bude to tea s diky phjata. Rueim Vam za to, te to domu neponesete. Prosim, ptijd'te co v nejvetgim poetu, abychom ty na ge nove 'eleny ptivitali mezi nas. Ono, vite, to vyzYvani do schtze je vlastne pro koeku ale rozkaz je rozkaz, ten se musi vypinit. Tak prosim, nezapomente na to schtizi a ptijd'te kaZdY, konnt jest motno. S laratrskYm pozdravem a s ptanim innoho zdaru v novem roce Vom a cele

Viem dopisovateliim Veikere depisy pro Vestnik, Zlinky a referaty posilejto as adress redak tora: EnrrOu OP vtsTNIK $402 PRAGUE HOUSTON 7, TEXAS

Strand 6 nasi JedniAe.. Tube obzviaste, bratre Valaiku, mnoho zdartt k T ye uglechtile praci mnoho zdaru a kadeni Zaludek. Tom Novak, dopisoyatel. ) • 40 • ( Rad Robstown eislo 117.



Ve stfedu, dne 7. ledna 1953.

Bratr predseda ukoneil schazi slovy, byly pfitailivej gi pro 'deny a chodili vice Ze prig ti schaze uZ bude v novem roku, do schazi a aby schaze leto gniho roku dne 4. ledna o 3. hodine odpoledni v so- byly vice navgtevovany elenstvern. kolovne. Bratri a sestry, bude nas to te git, ktlyZ Tedy nezapornerite a prijdete do scha- budete miti nee° k projednani u nakho ze. fadu, prijd'te do schtlze a predneste VaAntoine Horakova, dopisovatelka. navrhy a mfdete bkti jisti, ze nas Robstown, Texas. )• 4 • tam vkly najdete, nebot' kdybyste snad Ponevacd nag novk tajemnik eesky prisli mimo schaze k ffeetnimu nebo taRad Fort Worth eislo 154. psati nezna, chci je gte sam oznamiti jemnikovi a tento nebyl zrovna ,doma, vksledek volby ye schnzi ze dne 21. proFort Worth, Eexas. zabere Vam to zbyteene mnoho easu. since. ObdrZel jsern z Hlavni afadovny staMill bratfi a sestry: Pfedsecia a ucetni zustavaji staii, za novy, upravene dle posledniho sjezdu, koOznamuji yam, Ze na ge pravidelna ta- naneho v Houstonu, makte si je vziti tajemnika byl zvolen br. Oscar Hrneif, i6te mlaciik, vefim, ze udela dobreho dova schtize bude jak obydejne konana pokud zasoba tajemnika, jakmile se jen do toho za- prvni nedeli v mesici, totiZ 4. ledna ve Tento mesic, v prosinci, zapahla ledova pracuje. Za pokladnika zvolen byl bratr 3 hodiny cdpoledne v Sokolo yne. (NA- ruka u nageho fadu a vyrvala nam 'dva Geo. Pavelka, te2 jegte miadik, ale uZ sledkem toho, Ze 53. eislo Vestniku ne- dobre eleny, bratra James J. Hopba, ye Ina dva potomky v Jednote, proto jej bylo yydano, dopis nemohl byti uvefej- stall 55 roka a bratra Ignace Voreeka, ani chvalit neni zapottebi. My zde vice nen yeas. — Red.) ve stafi 83 roka .Zeinfelk bratr Horeeka V minule schazi byla volba atednika byl Menem nakho fe.du 50 roka a zeinferitednika pii fadu nepotrebujeme a schaze se budou odbkvati jako .minule pro rok 1953. Doufam, ze si kaZdk zvolil lk bratr James J. Hollub patfil k nagemu Otyrikrat roka, prvni nedeli 1,7 mesici. dle chuti. Oznamovani schtizi a dopiso- radu 35 rokt. Odstupujici tajemnik a pokladnik do- vain zas mne zastalo. Pfala jsem si vgak, Co toto pigi, svatky vanoeni jsou jiZ stal veiikou pochvalu za jeho vykona- aby si to nekdo vzal, Co umi lepgi psati za nami. Dosti Casto nam to pr gi, take nou praci pro ftdd. To je lacine,. Ze jo? neZli ja. Mne to moc dobre nejde. Slibuji vlahy mame nyni dosti a vody tez. M vgak bratru redaktoru, hledet tyto faclky budou otisknuty ye Vestniku, (Plat sobe ale uhajil.) Dalo by se psati zajima,ve dal, je ale co nejlepgi. 13ratr J. Bevan oznamuje bode i svatek Novell° roku za nami a bukonec roku, tak necht' to konei s nim. jrnena, ktefi a do jakelie fifadu byli zvo- deme se teait, Ze nam snaedonese gtesti F. J. M. leni. a rnir v celem svete, coZ nam aspofi novk Na zdar! Jegte preji bratru redaktoru, celemu president slibuje. )* personalu v tiskarne a bratram a sesPfeji vgem gt'astnk novk rok 1953 a Ze set-nue radii Jaro eislo 130. tram mnoho dobra v torn nastavajicim Jednote hodne novkch elena. S bratrskkm pozdravem Dallas, Texas. roce. Frances Jeemenek. S pozdravem John Kahanek, tajemnik. Schaze byla pekne naVgtivena a hezky ) 4, (Pzn. red.: — Jen pi'Ste, 'sestro Jee• sme ji odbyli. menkoya. Vag rukopis je ahlednk, dopis 11,64 Svaz Ceehoslovanii, Oslo 22. lIfedniky mame stare. Br. Miro Jureik, mate pokaZde rozdelenk na cdstayce; ittedsecla; br. Stan. Hulo yec, mistopfed- Vag sloh, mluvnice a pravopis nepotteFort Worth, Texas seda; br. Joe Maca, tajemnik; br. Arnold buji opravy, Va ge rnyglenky jsou yyja- Mili bratri a sestry: Vrla, fzeetni. Novou mame pokladni a . to dfeny spravne, tak jen pokradujte v dolest sestra Helen Vrla. Sestra Vlasta Ma- pisoyani.) Pfed yanoeni ruch a ty krasne svatkY + 4 yanoeni jiZ path minulosti a nastupuje ca se nam fdadu vzdala, neradi jsme to videli, neb se pekne do prace zapracovanovk rok 1953, s novou nadeji do budoucRad Nova Moravie, eislo 23: na, ale co dobreho neb zleho nam pHla, knihy byly vZdy v potadku. Dekujeme Ti, sestro Maws* za Tvoji Schulenburg, Texas. nese, Zadnk nevime, vaak mushne doufat v to nejlepgi. dobrou praci a prijdi zase do schaze. Jsi Cteeni bratri a sestry : S novSrm rokem pfichazi i nage prvni inlada, a valy ochotna pri praci spolkove vypomoci. Vkroeni schfize na geho radu Nova Mo- fadova, schfize, ktera pflpada na nedeli, Dalai arady budou obsazeny ve schazi ravie Cislo 23, se konala druhou nedeli dne 11. ledna ye 2 hodiny odpoledne. lecinove. v prosinci dne 14. Schaze byla na ygtiye- Proto bratri a sestry, dostavte se v poetu Dale jsme odhlasuvali u naS•eho na tak jak obyeejne, skorem stale ti co nejvetaim. Radi bychom videli i ty, f'ddu okrskovou schtizi a bratr tajemnik sami elenove jako v minulkch schazich, kteri malo nebo Yaw do schaze nechoma dopsati bratru R. Oervenkovi, redite- nebyla take provedena Zadna zmena v di a pak nejsou s tim neb onim spoii na'Seho okrsku spolkoveho okresu. Te- UFednicich a budou nam slotdi dale ti, kojeni, aby pfigli a ruku k dilu priloZili, dy tato zaleitost bude projednana v kteri nom jiz tak dlouho slouZi. Pfedse- nebot' jsme v gichni eleni Mehl a nejen schtizi. dou zitstava Frank J. Ol govskk; misto- tech par, co pracuji pro,ty, co neptijdou. Na listku ncimienycli je stale bratr p •edsedou Paul BroZ; tajernnikem John TeZ bude Ctena celoroeni zprava, totd AlCka a sestra M. LinkOva, uz zase jest Kahanek; fieetnim Eddie Vrana; poklad- prijem a vydani. Minula vYrodni schanikem Emil Vrana. Do vkboru zabavniho ze byla dosti Cetne nav§tivena, obojim ,Lirava, coz pf.ejeme i bratru byli zvoleni bratri Henry Kubo g , Alfons pohlavim. Tjtednici, vkbory a dopisovaBratr Sefeak nam fekl par slov ze tele, byli znovu zvoleni jednohlasne, a Stavebniho vYboru pro budovu Hlav- Schwartz a Paul Bra Mho fadu. Schtize budeme odbYvati u na geho fa.- tak schfizese nam nad okkavani znaene 1.3eetni vYbor prehlael knihy a vse na- du v roce 1953 kahlY mesic a to vMy dru• zkratila. Dekujeme Vain, bratri a sestry ;:;e1 v po •aciku. Sestra Ma •enka Pilipec hou nedeli o dvou odpolednich. za daveru a doufame, ze i naciale budejest na svem miste co Teetni vYboru a my me pracovat ye svornosti a miru ku spoZabavni vYbor byl zvolen u na.Seho aby vypracoval nejake zabavy pro kojenosti vSech. Nav'Stevou nas poctil rebychom si prali, b y tl/ praci yzala deny a, elenkyne ,aby tak nak schirze ditel Hlavni afadovny a p •edsecia *napro pkiSti rok.

e .stIcdla i

HIlla 10

geho distriktl, bratr Rojx-yrt, Cervenka z West a na paadani na geho bratra pied' sedy, vysvetlil nam pfijekovY system Jeclnoty a jak si mat poeinat, kdo o pitjeku 2ada. Te2 byla debata o distriktni schfizi, Meru ma bYtti nekdy v anoru, misto a das' bude oznarneno. Po nastoleni ktere proved' na g roily navgtevnik, :,cha/e ukondena. Dekujeme bra.tru Robertu Uervenkovi La naN gtevu a nastoleni na gich atednikU pro rok 1953. -- Po chutne svaeine se ka2clY bavil dle libosti. Musim podekovat bratram, ze dali hlavy dohromady a postarali se o ciol)re klobasky a jine k tomu nale gejici a sestry ptinesly dalsi, take bylo vgeho hojnost. Diky vgern Znovuzvoleni atednici pro rok 1953 jsou tito bratti a sestry: Piedseda, J. R. Bartek: mistoptedseda, Joe Juran; tajemnik, John Chaloupka; fleet-1i, Joe Koe1; . pok1,-.1cini:R, Frank )31a2ek; pravodei, Sava Elich. Dopisovatele, Marie Juranova a J D. Wagner. — Spravni vybor: Frank BlaZek, Joe Koei, Joe Juran, Rich. Hubefiak a Steve Matusevich. — NemocenskY 1.7 1)or: Bennie Bartek, Marie Juran, Mary Hubeitak, Joe Juran, Joe Kodi, Frank Bla2ek a tajemnik, John Chaloupka. Zabavni vYbor: Mary a Rich. Huberiak a Bob Easley. — Resoludni vYbor: M. Juran, Bennie Bartek a Helen Zich.— tdetni trYbor: Rud. Kodi, Bob Easley a J. D. Wagner. Take musim podekovat poiada.jicimu vyboru, maminkam a detem, ze narn tak peknY vanoeni program pH stromeeku ptipravili. Nebyl dlouhY, ale deti se zhotily svych tiloh znamenite. Nejdfive Pteclseda tadu, bratr Joe Bartek, ptivital ptitomne pial vgem veselYch svatkft vanodnich a ptani k Novemu roku. Po programu vgichni dychtive oeekavali Santa Clause a zvla gte ditky, aka jim jen hrdly a kdy2 ve gel do sine s velkym dervenym pytlem na rameni, na.pinenyrn darky, to tleskani nebylo konce. A con a2 zaeal rozdavat darky, deti radostne kdy tcho neb onoho jmeno vyvola. Posledni byla spoleona nadilka od tadu pro v;;echriy ptitornne, deti i ostatni. V kabelee bylo ovoce, ofechy, cukrovinky a guma. Na y steva vyla velka, a ja, jmenexn :add vsem sideene dekuji a doufam, 2e na p •i1;11 vanoce se v gichni ye zdravi °pet sejdeme. Obdr2ela jsem nekolik vanoenich ni, ktere jsem vitbec neodekavala, zvlagte od vzdalenYch osob, ktere mne potegily, za ne2 iouto cestou uprimne dekuji. Sestra Joe Kodi podstoupila takou operaci minulY patek v nemocnici Pennsylvania Ave . a je na ceste k uzdraveni, cot' ji vgichni ze srdce ptejeme, Zde podavam jrnena deti na vanoonim prog,rainu sit6astnenSP ch Prvni eislo lii (let bratra a sestry Joe Hubefialovych.



1.) Joe Paul, trumpet, Kathryn Fay, piano a nejmen gi Gordon Lee Hubefiak zpival. Basnidky p •ednageli: Georgie Kubala, Jimmie Lee Ktivanek, Doris Kubala, Paul Albert Pulliam, Angela Paprskat, Michele La Bate, Norma Jean Chaloupka a Johnny Motl. Vanoeni pisne pane zazpivali a zahrali: Johnny Chaloupka piseri, Billy Kodi pisen, Brenda Beth Ktivanek basen a zpev, Carol Zich accordion solo, Mike a Johnny Paprskat dues — piano a accordion, Mary Ann Juran accordion. — Krismus s panenkama sehrala 4 men gi deveatka a hezky se s panenkami na jevi g ti vy,jimala a velice dobie sehrala, nacvidila je sestra Annie Polk:. Barbara Skrasek, Joan Skrase , Diane Marie Polk a Bety Jane Ktivanek. -- "The Christmas Mother" sehrala vetgi deveata vYborne: Helen Marie McMillen, Joyce Jeen Huberiak, Carol Ann Polk, Mary Jane Svadek a Lenda Powell. Na piano je doprovazela Jo Ann Hubefial a Bobby McMillen byl ceremoniar a provall to dobte. Take jsme nekolik variodnich pisni zazpivali spoleene. Dopis se mi nejak prodlou2i1, tak br. redaktore promirite, podruhe to vezmu zk •atka. Zato Vain piceji ranohO zdravi a sv. trpelivost s narni. S testi a zdravi pieje vam v em v torn nastavajicim novem rote. Marie Jurandva, dopisovatelka. 4, ) ftad Jaromir eislo 54

Stuano 7 stavajicim novem roku. Uz vain ydo pfe,‘: prosinec spadlo 8 a pal palce vody a rno2na vice. Posledni dent' byl pornalY, take alo vgechrio do zeme, a kdo mei over sets' za sucha, u2 zadina se zelenat, ale jegte ne moe. Hodne rolnika si dali udelat velke natdrZky a ty jsou v gude pine vody. Jako kahlY rok, ye v gech Akolach a americkYch kostelich melt vanodni stromky a pak nadilky. U nisi radnice rozdaval jako jina. leta Mikula g jablka, oran2e a cukrovinky, jen 2e bylo zima a prgelo, tak deti mnoho nepti glo a ani koledy , se nezpivaly jak jine roky. Mame zde i dost rYmy nasledkem toho menivelto podasi, ale to zase pfejde. Mmuly mem zde bylo nekolik svateb. Br. a ses. Frank Holaekovi vdavali jejich posledni dcerku Barbara Ann. Pak se vdala Irenka Podsednikova a je gte dye neb tri jine, ale jmena "Zenichfil nevim, jen 2e jsou Ameridane. V gem 0ejeme v tomto novem ttavu to nejlepgi. Myslim, ze ukoneim. Pfeil vgem etendtam v tomto novem roku to nejlep gi a p. sazedi hodne trpelivosti. SrdednY pozdray. Marie Klausova. (Tiskarna musi poslati v gechny dopisy, ureene pro Vestnik, redaktoru do Houstonu. lig ettite Cas a nekonitu praci, kdy2 dopis pog lete ptimo tune. Srdeene diky. Red.) ) 41, Needville Cjslo 81 Needville, Texa

West, Texas. Braun a sestry:

Mile sestry a mill bratti:

Asi se divite, ze nebyla oznamena schaze nageho •acit), a to bude a.2 18. ledna, nebot' byla odlo2ena pro nejakou ptidinu, a tak se dostavte az tteti nedeli, 18. ledna. Doufam, 2e nas tarn bude dost hodne. Jak jste se meli vgichni na vanoce? Doufam, ze dobte. Jeli gek byl letos asi vaude dost gtedry i pro nas, take jsme si toho ani tolik nezaslo2ili. Jen& do toho v2dy musi pi-ijit nee°, co nadela starost. Na g malt' 4lety vnuk upadl na. Boti narozeni na sklo a dost zle se poranil. Museli mu dat dvakrat krev a byl ten v Providence nemocnici dva dny a je gte to neni v potadku, ale doufame, 2e se to zhoji. To je na vysvetlenou tern, co se ptaji jak se mu dati. Svalky vanoeni utekly, ani jsme se nenadali. Co to bylo disteni, chystani a rozmYgleni, co komu dat, aby se vyhovelo pak aby se to libilo. No a pak jak se to nelibi, tak po svatcich jit zamenit, jestli se to da. Jestli ne, pa.k se to odlo2i, a2 se to nekomu hodi za darek bud' ku na,rozeninam nebo jinak. Podasi marne dost uchazejici, neni mot zima a piechazeji dost dobre de gte, tak2e /name nadeji na lep gi arodu v torn na-

Zde yam chci oznamit, 2e na ge tadove schaze pro rok 1953 se budou zase konat ka2dou druhou nedeli v mesici. Nyni zimnim Case schfize zadnou v jednu hodinu. Take yam chci oznamit vYsledek voleb faednika pro ptigti rok. Za ptedsedu byl zvolen Albert Franek; mistoptedsedkyni je sestra Ella guchma; tajemnik JOhn Blinka; ifeetni John Kolaja; pokladnik Frank Shefeik. Zvolili jsme take dva delegaty do distriktnich schuzi pro rok 1953 a sice, John Blinka a sestra Ella uchma. Volby vaech vYboru byly ponechane at do lednove schaze. Ted' varn povim, co se stalo na nagi jedne silnici. Jel 'Cloy& na stare fordce. Byl to stark "model T". Fordka zastala stat a elovek nemohl ji zadit. Jel okolo jeho kamaracl na kate Buick a nabidnul se, ze ho potahne. "Kdybych jel piin g rych.le, tak zatrub, abych zmirnil rychlost Prave byl ustanovenY nejakY novY policista, kterY mel natizeno, dby chytil ka2kdo by jel pies zakonitou rychlost Kdyt policista zadal dohanet onu starou fordku, poznal, ze fordka jela '70 mil za hodinu a pied fordkou druha kara stejnou rychlosti. Policista chtel chytit




()be kary. Ka.marad v Buicku uvidel ye dYch teem, cot lehko dokaleine, kdy2 buseem bodnim zrcadle, k za nun Zeno po- deme na ge pojistky odporudovati nagim licista. Zapomnel na starou fordku za se- ptateltim a znamYm a na prvnim bou uvazanoti a zrychlil jizdu. Jen'Ze pro naaim cletem. eiovek ye fordce byla to piin g rychla Zadal na sveho kamarada troubit, a- f S bratrskYin pozdravem Chas. Navratil, tajemnik. by zmirnil jizdu. Policista podival se na svuj rychlomer a videl, e obe kary pied nim jely rychlosti 90 mil za hodinu. Na Rad Tioga eislo 5. misto aby kary pied sebou dohonil a Tioga, Texas policista se obratil nazpet do mesta a ptimo na policejni stanici. Pti gel ku Bratti a sestry: svemu ptedstavenemu, odepnul temen s Po svatcich ji g marne a zadiname nopouzdrem na pistoli, sundal s prsou od- vy rok 1953, yarn, kteti jste nebyli v poznak, polo2i1 to na stolek a prohlasil, 2e sledni schnzi, oznamuji, 2e byli zvoleni prestava. Nadelnik chtel vedet prOd? opet staid ntednici a site: V2clyt' teprve zadal. Michal Ptihocia, piedseda; Albert Ku"Nebudu chytat blazna, ktery jccle na bala, mistoptedseda; Chas. HejnY, tajemstare fordce 90 mil za hodinu a jegte nik; Mary HejnY, neetni; Alma Jaresh, troubi na jine kary, aby mu uhnuly z ce- pokladnik. Na iteetnini vYborit jsou Ben sty!" • Jekk a Mrs. Steve Novak. S pranim vgem ntedniktim a take vgem Knihy budou prohlikny az Ye schitzi cicnim SPJST g t'astneho noveho roku, s ptipadajici na 11. ledna 1953. bratrskVin pozdravem Ptedseda mi naridil, abych uvedomil eleny, by se dostavili do priad schrize, John Blinka, tajemnik. druhou nedeli v lednu. V pripadu S‘patreclakce: Cast Tveho do- neho poeasi sehtize bude o tYden pozdelasu, oznamujici piknik minule nedele, ji. Tedy, bratri a sestry, nezapomerite na byla vynechana. Minuleno tYdne v UterY schfizi. Vestnik nevygel. Rok ma 52 tYcInti, ale Chas. Hejny, tajemnik. ) loriskY rok 1952 mel 53 fiterkti, proto tkiapacle5sate Oslo odpadlo.) Rad Cegti Bratii, eislo 44. • 4* • ( Industry, Texas. kad Cesky Ilrapor eislo 24. Cteni bratti a sestry: Temple, Texas. Chci Vam vgem sdeliti, ae schuze vYcteni bratti a sestry: rodni se konala dne 14. prosince dopoMusim jegte na chvilku rnezi vas v ledne. filtednici pro pti gti rok zUstali zaiointo starem rode, abych yam sdelil kte- se ti sami a site piedseda Josef Coufal, rl Utednici byli zvoleni u naSeho radii pro tajemnik Miroslav Petru gek, fidetni Otto pri gti rok 1953, abyste vy, kteti jste ne- Marek a pokladnik John Marek st., Schn v1i ye scl uzi pritomni (a bylo vas hod- ze se budou padale konati ka2dou druvedeli, ktere mate Utedniky, Pkedse- hou nedeli v mesici dopoledne v buclove da F. J. Marek, mistoptedsecla H. M. Ja- nagich hasida. Nate pti gti schrize ptipakubik, tajemnik Chas. Navratil, ucetni dana 11. ledna. Pteji Vain v gern gtlastnY Ben 2abeik, pokladnik M. J. Stepan, Po- a pokhnanY novY rok 1953. ractani zabav pro ptitomnou dobu jegte S bratrskYm pozdravem bude ddeti br. R. J. Marek. Dal gi vYbory Miroslav Petrusek, tajemnik. bralou ustanoveny v pti gti lednove •( • Zaroveri upozornuji bratry a sestry, kterch dochazi p •edplatne koncem roku 1952 a budou-li si chtitl zase zaplatiti na cc1y rok 1953, tedy udirite tak v mesici lecinu, bud' u br. fidetnika, anebo u nine, totit jestli se nebudete moci dostaviti do priSti schtize. Zaroveh upozornuji eleny, kteri by se chteli ptihlasiti do Nemocenske podpory, kterou mame u Hlavni Ufadovny, aby tak udinili co nejdrive. Anebo, kdy2 byste chteli nejake vysvetleni ohledne tato nemocenske pojistky, rad y am podam vyavetleni. Ku konci yam vgem pfeji St'astny a y eSHY NovY rok 1953, by se yam v nem ale),1))))1) casteeine spinily yak toully a pram. Nisi :Talnote pteji hodne novYch mla-

Rad Svornost Jihu ash) 15. Buckholts, Texas. Mili bratti a sestry: Specham Vain scielit, 2c jsrhe si ve vYrodni schtizi ujednali, poradati schnze v pkiStim roce v tketi nedeli v mesici. Tedy priSti schtize bude 18. ledna a nikoliv 11. Mame nadeji, te tato zmena se nam osvedei, ac budem si ze zaeatku muset zvykat, neb leta trvajiei zvyk se jen tak lehce nezapomene . tkednici pro prrSti rok zastava,ji ti sand, jako roku) prede gleho a jrnenem nas vgecla preji Vam zdravi a spokojenost v novem roce, a ztistavarn se srdeenYm pozdravem 1111da Brtisova, tajemince.

Vu S. V.

(ltic 7. 1c.dli:ri 1!)1):3,

P. S. eislo 11. San Antall)))


Sestry a bratki: Na vedomost Vain clavam, te naSe reeni schetze, Slovanske Vzajeinne PojiSt'ujici SpoleOnosti proti ohni, bude zahajena v patek veee.r, 9. ledna v osm hodin veeer, u bratra Bundila, 1002 Pleasanton Rd. Ut jest na case, byste si zvolili noveho tajemnika, nebot' nyneji tajemnik to vzal na sebe do to doby, a 2 . si najdete jineho. Prosim, byste mi ulevili trochu to spolkove prate. Je nas vice, nea aby jeden neb dva r•useli zastuvat vge. Prijci l te, pohovoilhne si, pobavime se, Preciseda Alfred Kalmus scielil,'wte pry Jeliilek nam nadelil na stromeeek jedinou veikou hvelciu (Lone Star), asi, abychom zpivali koledu? Bratti na treetnim vYbore, p • ijd'te trochu spice, abyste prohledli knihy, tee co bude na led& Nastava nain novY rok, Preji vSem bratrim a sestram nade vSeck-a zdraviako a. viSe, co si sami prejete v roce 1953. a to i za rad eislo 11, S. V. P. S., a za rad 133, San Antonio, SPJST. S uprimnYm pozdravein Sylvestr ) • 40 • ( Wharton, Texas. CtenY spolubratte redaktore: Prosim, nechejte techto par tadkti vy tladit jegte letos, Na prvnim miste chci jrnenem nageho ta.du Columbus 'Oslo 58 podekovat rodine bratra Ed. Sabr guly, 2e se postarali a vypomohli ptipravit, okra glit a darky ptichystat, abychom uclelali co nejvice raclosti tern malidkyrn. Samo sebou se rozumi, co jim zbylo, dostali to i ti veBi, ale jen ti, co byli pritomni. Tem, co kistali doma, nedali jsme zhola nit. Dle meho ndhledu bylo to spravne. Schfize byla obstojne nav g tivena. Pkitomno bylo asi jedna tretina Clem. PHjali jsme sedm novYch Clem. Jeden carWHOA neptigel. Odelcavam, 2e tu bude v lednu. Prace nam Sla hladce, a2 na tu volbu firednikti. Jak jsem vzpomnel, co mime cltile2ite udelat, tak odpoved' byla, jako obydejne jednohlasna, at' jsou staii. Zaeali jsme debatovat, 2e nekdo miadsi by se mel priueovat, ale marne. Ta dot" nema, chuti brat zodpovednost, dokud se mail na koho spolehnout. Osobne jsem se omlouval, neb jsem jeden nejstargi z nich a slou2irn pies 40 let, ale marne. Pratele, bratti, sestry a obeane teto nasi vlasti, jsem yam za to vdeeen a vaZim si va gi podpory. Co se meho zamestnani tyre, z hloubi srdce vain dekuji a ptcji vam hojnost zdravi, dobra yule,


tt(H111 vesele svatky a gt'astnY a polehnanY nastavajici novY rok. Pokoj lidem dobre vfio Ostoja Muniza (Bosfaik). •

4, • (

Dallas, Texas. Bratei a sestry jak sokolgti tak krouZku a vgichni na gi peatele: Poeinajic novym rokem 1953, chci Varn vgem peati toho nejlep giho, hlavne zdravi a spokojencst, to ostatni peijde samo. Perila bych Vam ,oznamiti, Ze sestry od Sokola Zizka z Dallas odeslaly do tabora pro beiZe.nce 80 liber Satstva, za cos ovg em clarcam upeimne dekujeme. Jsou to pani HoupY„ Rotrekl, Toberny, Linka, Maca, Jureik, Peevritil, Houdek. Kopeeek, Valeik, Ehrenberger a efeAk a penize $5.00 na zaplaceni po gtc y neho daroyal pan Jos. Valeik. Bylo poslano Best peknYch baliku. Oznamuji v gem peatehim, %e akce je stile oteveena a kdo nepoteebne gatstvo bride s vdekern peijato a odeslano. Prosim, nezapomineite negt'astrie! Vanoeni nadilka a program byly pekne v Sokolcvne. Te2 byla nadilka a program y druhe sini a eadu Pokrok Dallas 'Oslo 84, nebyla jsem pritomna, neb jsme ztravili Vanoce u na gi nemocne maminky v Houstonu, V nagi sokolovne se rozmiha velka einnost mezi mladYrni Sokoly. Maji peed sebou slet v Chicago.' a opravdu se tudi. Mud podivand je na deti kterYch mezi 35 aZ 40. Bade-li la tak pokraCovat a mlicleZ se udrZi, bade dallaskY Sokol jeden z Texasu nejvetgi. Edy'Z ' jsem •csledni d pi v roce 1952 pohliZela spit, co elenstvo sokolske dnoty za pomoci drulrYcla aktivnich Za, ten rok vykonalo v Dallas, poznala jsem, Ze nemusime se bit, Ze vymeeme, ak toho ti starts zanechaji. Ba ne, na na ge 'nista nastupuji mladi, kteri se toho chapou, ov g em, .povedou to. podle sveho a piljde s duchem dasu a pokroku. Sly stargi energii pozbYvame, kdeZto oni jsou ji pini, jako nabite dynamo. Proto Zadne strachy. Meli jsme slet, kterY se vydai'il jak finariene tak moraine. Cvieilo se v rtiznYch mestech pei vetejnYch cvieenich, sehralo se asi lest divadel, asi dvakrat bylo vys;:oupeni s detmi. Nagi Sokoli si peinesli trofeje, kdyZ mezi americkYmi kluby, tak co chceme vie.? Ocenme tu jejich dobrou praci, ty jejich nave myglenky. Koncem roku jsme mill sokolske volby a dostali jsme noveho mladeho borce za staros .111, Emila lirabinu, nlistbostarastu je nas brats P •evratil, tajemnice R. Kopeeek, fteetni M. TobernY, pckladnik J. Rotrekl. Aby ch nezionnineln, mezi darci, kteei

r 1.

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darovali gatstvo pro beZence, byl jeden. jehoZ jmeno nebylo moZno peeeisti, proto byeh- ho prosila, aby se nezlobil, neuvidili sve jmeno v clopise, a byli bychom mu vdeeni, kdyby se peihlasil. P •igti podnik sokolskY bade velki ma gkarni zabava a to etvrtou nedeli v ledpo Zapni schrizi veeer. TeZ chci p • ipomenouti, Ze pan Houdek bade davat 11, ledna krasnY film v Crosby "Ave Maria". Nov' film bade se brat ✓ Temple 13. ledna a zde v Dallas 21. ledna, bade to v ti same mistnosti, co bylo posledne. Nazev noveho filmu bade "II pokladny star: hrajc Vlasta rian, velki komedie. Tedy nezapometite, peatele. Retie bratra Ludvy Toberneho je two naval prdce odlolena z posledni nedele ✓lednu na etvrtou nedeli v Unora. Misto toho bade v lednu ma gkarni bal. Tak se vgichni miadi pripravte. CO tent:: dopis dopisuji, dovedela jsem se smuincu zprivu o funrti bratra ;lay, ilena od radii Jaro. Chudaeek, dotrpel. BudiZ mu semi lehkou. Ty, sestro RaZiekova, ktera jsi ho talc obetave o getrovala, prijmi na gi aptimnou soustrast. Citime s Tebou. Tak odenazi ti star gi nagi prukopnici, kteei s nadgenim tihli tu na gi narodni a spolkovou brizdu, do nenivratna, jeden za druhYm. Je to ale kakleho z nas adel adelat inista tem, ktere jsme zrodily a vychovaly. Doufejme, Ze pro lepgi svet. Tobe, bratee redaktore, teZ p •eji At'st nY novY, rok. Karla Kraftova, 4, • Nebade plod pGslati blahopiani

"Nisleclkem nedostatku easu, nebude nine moZno tento rcic posilati peateltun a znamym vinoOni a noroeni blahop •ani, a tudiZ na -mist° venuji $10 na lay pro trpici deli v Oeskoslovensku. "Tento muj peispevek zaead' ku sbirOeskeho Nirodniho SdruZeni. • Jos. R. Anton." Tento sin je jiste naslectevini hodny. Snad i jini mohli by obeas nisledovati jeho peikladu. Bratr Anton vi, Ze odsud se posilaji do Oeskoslovenska leky, ktere se tam nevyribi, a tim zaciaranuji Zivoty rodieti a deli, o eemz svedei stovky dekovnYch dopisli. Vedle toho Zadosti do chizeji stile o dal gi leky. Mnohdy ale fond a sbirky nestaei, aby v gem Zadostern mohlo se okam2ite vyhoveti, Edo by se chtel podileti na tete humanni prici a chtel poinahati zachrafiovati zicoty, peihlaste se. Schitze O. N. S. konaji se iecliyai mesiene v sini eadu tefanik. Rad poskytnu dal gi informace. 0. 8' . Vala, tajemnik, 309'/2 East 29 Street, Houston 8, Texas.

Is. Grapevine, Tax; Milt' brat •e Valaiku! Syatky vanoeni skytaji nim tort, abychom s yYm peatelian Innen, Ze je chovame v pameti. Mam prieiny Tebe casts vzpominati, nebot' jsem vdeeen tomu, Ze jsi nil list z to jednostrannosti vyvecll. Stirnu, ale v to sve samote vic, jak kdy peed tim dovedu pozorovati, posou diti a proto dnes Tobe pieji staleho zdravi, vytrvalosti a Uspechu v kaZdem poeina. CastiV, Vim went, novY rek 1953. Ludva 0. Hogek S pozdravem 4, • .-.) Dallas, Texas, Brat •e Valeiku! 'I've &kinky uve •ejficvane vea Vestnika jsou velmi .ajimave a pollen& a voile,' se nam libi a na gim psanim jest, by jsi i hodny dlouho v teto praci pouene vzdelavaci pokraeoval. S piatelskYm pozdravem a pednini grastneho noveho roku Annie a Anton Kosoyl. 1• •( Ronzales, Texas. Mili spolubratei a sestry: Predem, net budu pokraeovati v men) dopise, vim peeji g t'astne a vesele vinoce i novY rok. Velmi nine tegi, Ze °pet objevil se brats Brazda a pH torn souhlasi, ie se bratrstvi lepgi. Sam to dokazuje s yYmi slovy. Ze i on peigel k tomu nahlecht. Mohlo bYti vice porozumeni, hlavne od osoby. ktera nee() pile, aby vedela co pi ge a Co Ote, aby nevedomky nezesmegnovala. Olovek ten vi dozajista, co 'Ceti i co psal, a proto to neni mistne psati "sliby---chy by". Nevim, na koho to spadi. Na mn,_, zajiste ne, ale mohlo to bYt. Ja udelal slib, ale ne chybu. Udelal jsem slib darovat petadvacet dolari na itulnu pro na se bratry a sestry v p •ipadu, Ze se bride stavet. To mohl. 'aerial* pochopit, oe jedna, z me strany. ProtO pi gi, Ze by kaZ dY etena • mil vedet, co pile a co ete. To je to nejhlavnej gi v nagich dopisech. Kolikrate pH tom padne new sme gneho 11,1 bratra a nekdo se najde, Ze tomu uveei. ponevaa nevi, co Ceti a co to znamena. TakovYm psanim pisatel neprospeje and sobi, ani druhemu. A ted' nee° o tom fondu bratra Moueky. Je to dobra vie, Ze se bade na to pHspivat kaZdY rok. Ono se to mile uskuteenit v druhem pokoleni. Jak podotkla jedna sestra y e Vestniku, tak se maji pre ce na .neco te g it, ne tohle pokoleni, ale to druhe, Ze se jinn neco postavi. Na ty, zakladali spolek a pro gli vg elijakYmi ne snazemi, bude uz zapomenuto. Ale ti mla

;tram 10

deli rano v kancelati u bratra Matushe s temi etyhni architekty a v gichni jsme se pustili do prate, byl s nami na g achotnY pravni radce, bratr Knit, aby nam poradil 'a byl pH, race v ptipade pravni zalelitosti. lined na zadatku teto celoclenni schaze jsme vaichni uznali, ze plan prvni se pro nas vabec nehodi, ad budova prvni statni banky ma clobrY zaklad a je na tom nejlep girn miste v Temple, piec jenom je to stara budova; stavitele nam dali na vedomi, ze na by dali tuto budovu do moderniho stavu, jak my si pkejeme, ze by museli vaechno uvnitt zbourat a jen venkovni zdi upottebit a tato oprava by stala moc penez. Tak Dallas, Texas. jsme se pustili do planu druheho, do Stavinohovy Zelezne story, kteraZto bubratki a sestry: dova jest take na dobrem miste, 110 stkeMuslin 'Vain podat nejakou zpravu, jak vic na strane na sever„ na ulici co se jede nag stavebni vybor pokraduje se sta y do Rosebud, tato -budova ma. cementove -bounekpibudovyrnaiHlv ptizemi, tak velke jako je prvni, ale phatadovnu, kterou2to praci na gi delegati gla take otazka, je-li zaklad teto budovy nam ustanovili dverna tketinami dosti silnY, udrZeti vice poschodi, Zacisjezdu v Houston& z tech dty • stavitela si to nechtel vzit Nag stavebni vybor se se gel 15. a 16. na zodpovednost a Nei nam ureite, je-li listopadu v Temple, Texas, za p •itomno- zaklad dosti silny pro vice poschodi, bez sti bratra redaktora a bratra pravniho osobniho inZenYrskeho vygetteni, take br. radce, Valdika a Kacite, aby uvaZovali Jelinek nas upozornil, ze tato budova na o dalgim jednani stavby naai Hlavni &a- jedne strane praska, a te by tuto budodovny. vu musel dukladne prohlednout, flea by Tento vybor se rozhodl jednohlasne po nam jeji koupi odporueil. Prot() tento deigim uvaZoyani na techto tiech pla- podvYbor se rozhodl ustanoviti bratra neeh: (1) }wapiti tak zvanou Ferguson I. Jelinka ,aby vy gettil zaklady teto budovy nebo starou prvni statni banku, naproti a podal nam vYlohy s touto praci spojene, namesti od jiZni strany a naproti pogty tento vybor take ustanovil mne, jak phod vYchodu, za $112.000.00. (2) koupiti jedu zpatky do Dallas, nav gtiviti staStavinohovu budovu hned vedle Sears- vitele George L. Dahla a take s nim proRobuck & Co za $100.000.00. (3) koupiti mluviti ohledne pkehlednuti techto zakladva nebo vice lota nebo pet akra pozem- clii a co by to stab. Tato stavebni spo Ru v dobrem miste a postaviti si dobrou t lednost jest jedna z tech nejlep gich a budovu s dobrYm zaklaclem jen pro naSi nejspolehlivej gich v celem Dallasu, tato akadovnu a pak pozdeji ptistavi- firma postavila ty tki nejvet gi budovy ti vice poschodi bude tteba. Tento vY- pro Sears & Rubock a jednu v Temple her se take rozhodl, zvoliti si men gi pod- 'a nyni opravuji jednu velkou budovu v vybor, aby ("Sethi yetgi vYlohy naai Jed- Temple, takle jeho inZenYr nebo strojnote s pinYm vYborern &elan& Na tento mistr nam mute podati tuto zpravu doetytelenny podvYbor byli zvoleni nasle- sti levne, kdyi u2 je na, miste .George dujici bratti: Matush, Olexa, efeak, Sip- Dahl pochazi z Chicaga, ,kde mel vztah Lit. Tomato podrYboru bylo ureeno a s naaim lidem a kde se naueil jist prase celyrn vYborem odhlasovano, by se seael Ceske kolaee. Haled jak jsem k hermit ph30. 11:,topadu v Temple, Texas se dtytmi gel a dozvedel se, ze jsem pekat„ hned se ;]rcliitekty a sice: W. A. Little od nine ptal, kde by motel dostat v Dallas L Dahl & Co. z Dallas, Texas; Gau- deske kolade. JA jsem mu odpovedel, ae dill 17 owlett, Scott z Bryan, Texas, u dallasgti pekati pekati kolade nepedou, 1;lcre , to spolednosti pracuje syn br Ole- ale at' si zajede nekdy do naai sokolovny, N V Buttrill & Marak, Temple, Texas; jak tam budeme mit pti gti slavnost ,ze Berman G. Cox z Ft. Worth ,Texas, kde tam najde ty nejlep gi kolade. Nebo aZ delta br. R. Jelinek. Tento podvYbor mel bude nekdy v San Antonio, at' si zajede na starosti v tomto zasedani vyzkournat za, moji avakrovou Ruble Holly, ktera pead techto odbornika ,jakY zaklad tyto Ce ty nejlep gi, 2 mnou ptipravene moucive budovy maji, dalo-li by se posta- ky, kterou prodavam pekatam po celem vili vice poschodi na techto budovach, Texasu. George L. Dahl take ma. to nejhteleZto plany by byly nejlep gi pro nagi leynejg i cenu na opravy budovy v TemJocirrotu po finaneni strance, a jakd cena ple, neb on IA tarn ma svoje lidi a hro001,tt'y nebo budovy by stala A. T .D. madu stavebniho materialu; on Cita, 6%, cr,I 1)( clvYbor se se gel 30. listopadu v ne- vgichni nstp tni 8 R' , 10%. Jestli nam stabudou mit moZna, lepgi, ale nebudou mit o tom ani poneti, co prate a odhkani to stab. Ale doufejme, zeti rnladgi budou mit vice pochopeni pro bratrtvi, ponevacIZ nebudou z druhe planety. l'ovedou si to po vzoru americkem. To myslime, 'ze toto pokoleni je ptilig michane, ale to by nemelo miti aoinek na bratrstvi, adkoliv ma, nebot' ma kaZdY jine ptesvecideni. Tak sbohem a podruhe napi gi jinou kapitolu, budeme ohtivat ty na ge htichy, ale bez bolesti. Tak na shledanou ptigte. Afatej Bra

ciiie 7. lecina 1953.


vitel cla gpatnou zpravu o Stavinohove budove, tak budeme muset si postavit nekde novou budovu dale z mesta, nebot' vgechny loty zrovna v meste, ktere jsxne rneli obhlednute, jsou mot drab& Kdyby majitele petiposchod'oveProfessional budovy pkijal naai nabidku na $125.000.00, byl by to nejlep gi kup po strance finandni, nebot' tato budova by nam nesla 10% distal° najmu. S bratrskYm pozdravein Hugo 6eMak. • ) • 4

Dallas, Texas. V nagem spolku je velka chyba, ze kdyt deco zadiname ve prospech bratrstvi, nenechame si zaleZet, aby se to delalo kladne, aby v torn byla nadeje dis budouenosti.‘ Ja, jsem se tefrila, ze na sjezdu delegati daji lepgi zaklad k Mouekovu fonclu." Prod delegati sami nedali tomu zaklad ptispenim jednoho dolaru 'mane na alena kaZdY ze sve kapsy? AZ by pti gli domohli poladat eleny ye svem facia, aby nasledovali jejich ptikladu a take ptispeli. Pochybuji, ze skrze ten jeden dolar rodne nekclo by musel tedelat bankrot. Ja mam ma Y ptijem, ale jako &lenka dala bych do ar. Tak bych byla bez nej Ziya, jako kdybych si ho nechala. Cern jste na redakeni strance, kde nag redaktor pige o tech pumpach? e se do nich musi napted nalit trochu vody, aby zadaly pumpovat? Ja doufam, ze nebudeme Zivit druheho takoveho chudaeka jako na gi nemocenskou. My obydejne kdyZ neco zadnerne, co nevi na to zakon„ ve stanovach, tak to povesime nekteremu Atedniku ku jeho na kterou byl zvolenY sjezdern. Jestli se mu ptidalo na platu, nevim. Ja nemyslim, ze jeden Olovek mute nekolik praci zastavat najednou. Ale IcclyZ my velice opatrne na nekterYch mistech gettime, jako elovek, kterY za celY Zivot nedal na sebe slugnY oblek, jen aby nabyl bohatstvi. Petapadesat roka to na ge bratrstvi mdme na papite. Dnes se jen studuje, jak obejit placeni dani radeji men gi vYdelky. To papirove bratrstvi nam posavad stadilo. Pfeji yam ygem gt'astnY novY rok a nejvice ze vaeho zdravi. S pozdravem Spanhelova. ) • 4•( Ma to do sebe nepopsatelnou rugnost, ztraceti se v nekoneenosti vzduchoveho prostoru a odnima tak najednou vgechny malicherne starosti a tuZby Zivota, jako2 i skutednosti jeho jinak snadno tisnici dulelitost. (W. v. Humboldt.)



reports from Lodges, biographies, etc., intended for publication, must be in the hands of the Editor a week before the date of issue.Address all editorial matters to: Editor, 6402 Prague, Houston 7, Tex.



POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 with undeliverable copies to S. P. J. S. T., Fayetteville, Texas.

MUSINGS OF THE EDITOR THE GREA.LEST HAPPINESS FOR YOU AND YOUR DEAR ONES THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR IS OUR SINCERE WISH. SUPREME LODGE, PRESS COMMITTEE. PUBLISHERS and EDITOR THE YEAR at last is ended, All over, finished, through. Its term of days expended, Farewell to '52. It had its good days, bad days, It had its joys and sorrows. It had its gay days, sad days, Its yesterdays, tomorrows. At times we wished it speeded. At times we wished for more. At 'times our hopes succeeded, At times they hit the floor. But now the year is finished, Though the end still in sight. With ardor undiminished And forward look, we write To '53 this letter, These little lines of verse: We hope that you are better, Or, anyhow, no worse. GLANCING BACKWARD through the year 1952, we should not have any reason to complain regarding the progress of the SPJST. It will be several weeks before we get the statistical picture, but the over-all view is almost flattering. Let us review some of the achievements.

pared all the groundwork for the 16th convention in Hiouston and had decidedly contributed to the long-range improvements.

AN OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENT was the creation of seven organizational districts. The real value of the plan will not be apparent for some time, but as we get used to it and begin to work more in and through the district meetings, the entire atmosphere of our fraternal and social work will get a boost. • • ANOTHER FORWARD STEP was the decision of the delegates of the 16th convention to inaugurate training courses for our local solicitors. The Supreme Lodge was given the right to spend a rep, sonable amount to train the organizers by holding classes or meetings in each district once in three months. • • ONE SPECIFIC PROVISION was approved by the 16th convention regarding the organizational activity. The Supreme Lodge must employ a state agent, a state organizer, who will devote his time to see that the inactive local lodges are aroused, to train the local solicitors, and t' organize new lodges in localities where no lodges exist and opportunity seems to be favorable. • • THE ORGANIZATIONAL WORK has already received a fairly good start in 1952. The Supreme Lodge has already furnished textbooks for the fraternal training courses to 29 local solicitors. More applications are coming in every month. The solicitors in District Five had their first supplementary class instruction on Sunday, November 30, 1952, in Rosenberg. A similar supplementary class for solicitors from District One was held in Fayetteville on Sunday, December 21. The school in Rosenberg had attendance of nearly twenty organizers, the class in Fayetteville had ten organizers present.

IN FEBRUARY 1952 the nine-member preconvention By-laws committee started to work on various items of improveBEFORE THE CLOSING of the year of ment. The By-laws committee had met 1952, another important step in the right three times before the convention and direction had been made. Sister Birdie twice after the convention. It had pre- Hilsher, while attending the Texas Fra-

ternal Gangress in San Antonio, had been named to be in charge of the youth activities in the SPJST. Again, it is impossible to predict what this step is going to bring in future, but it unqttestionably is one of the best happenings within our organization in the year just gone. • • BEGINNING JANUARY 1, X953, the SPJST will offer two new benefit certificates: class M, which will be an annuity certificate, and class N, a mortgage benefit certificate, which will be issued to members up to the age of 50 years who have real estate loans from the SPJST and wish to have additional protection. The features of these two new benefit certificates will be explaintd in the Vestnik very shortly. • • THE NEW BY-LAWS have been distributed to the local lodges shortly before Christmas. The booklet seems to be quite a volume, but after you compare it with the old book of By-laws, which had 208 pages, you will find that the new provisions adopted by the 16th convention, together with the new index and a complete list of officers, directors, Publication committee and the new By-laws committee, added only nine pages to the old book. Your local lodge officers should distribute the new By-laws to all the member who come to the next meeting. There are not enough copies to go to every member, but enough copies are held back for the prospective new members in the next four years. APPLICANTS FOR INSURANCE up to and including $3,000 who are not more than 45 years of . age are not required to have a medical examination. Every local organizer should remember this new advantage in writing of new applications. But if an applicant for insurance up to $3,000 desires to have a medical examination, that privilege is granted to him. THE LOCAL SOLICITORS who reside in District Six will hold their class of instruction on the third Sunday, January 18, 1953, in Hallettsville. Every organizer will receive an invitation to be present; also an information as to place and exact

Strana 12 time of these private lectures. President NIarelt also plans to call the meeting of the organizers in District Seven to be held on January 25, 1953. The place of the meeting District Seven will be announced later.


N I E.


Wednesday, January 7, 19b3

Da After Christmas and all over town Santa is denounced (By Carl Victor Little)

THIS ISSUE MARKS another forward step to bring the SPJST before the eyes of the public. Many years ago, the door of every SPJST lodge hall used to be closed to every one but the member of the SPJST. We used to be clannish. The paper was published only for the benefit and entertainment of the members who knew the Czech language. A member, who did not know Czech or couldn't read it, had been short-changed. Four years ago, it was decided to give all the members a medium of expression, give everybody a chance to learn that the SPJST stands for unity, fellowship, and brotherhood. Starting with this issue, the first number of Volume 41, the reading will be fifty-fifty: one half for those who read Czech, and one half for the English readers. It will be the job of your editor to report impartially in two languages hat goes on in the local Lodges, in the Supreme Lodge, in the organizers' meetings, in the fraternal world Any help from you, Sisters and Brothers, will be immensely appreciated. Let me assure you that your help in the past have been a tremendous inspiration every week. May I count on your friendship and support? Many , many thanks. ) • 4. • HAPPY NEW YEAR I am the New Year — A blank sheet of paper On which to write the great American Novel Or paint an immortal masterpiece Or just let me remain blank ...

'Tis the day after Christmas and all through the flat All the folks are berating Old Santa, the rat; The gold watch of clear sister has tarnished all green And the tie he brought brother has lost all its sheen. Our dear mother is blue for her silverware's black And the stogies for father tobacco did lack. All the family's sore at that dastard St. Nick, Such a playful old mug with a short- :selling trick. 'Tis the day after Christmas and all of the stores Are besieged by the public who smash in the doors. Come to rectify errors that Santa Claus made, To untangle the scurviest tricks ever played. The white whiskered old gent, weighted down by the years, And so muddled and heedless with wax in his ears, Got his orders so mixed in confusion and haste, On the worst information his giving was based. A maternity garb went to maidens unwed, And those asking for red he gave purple instead. Blowsy tipplers get sweets, teetotalers gin, The poor hungry got banks with no money therein; The plutocrats fat got more stock by the block For to bury with that they hid in their sock; The wee kiddies of two got new razors from Chris, What a fine mess of fish, not a hit but a miss. Tis the day after Christmas and all over town All the folks are denouncing Old Santa, the clown, For the girls who got' cards and no fine minkish coats, (What a hell of a crop for a year of wild oats!) And those getting no gems from their tight-fisted beaux, Are not taking so kindly deeds, malapropos. We don't wonder a bit they're indignantly roused And are asking today: Was old Santa Claus soused? —Contributed by Jos. Kosut, Sr.

—to listen politely to a child. --to pay an older woman a compliment. —to say "I'm sorry" even when the other It will never be a mistake In the New person is in the wrong. Year –to tell a man you value his opinion. I am twelve shining months --to tell a man how clever, or smart, or —to guess a woman's age (if you are Which can be your stairway to the stars forced to do so) at least 5 years under interesting he is. Or a dead-end street to oblivion . what it could possibly be. —to tell a woman she looks beautiful. • I am the New Year! —to say, "I don't know" if you really Three hundred and sixty five days don't. As her new boyfriend sat down beside In which to make a dream come true . —to ask the advice of an expert. her on the sofa, he looked around. "I A fresh start ----to praise a well-cooked meal. thought you had a kid brother," he said. So make the most of me —to notice that a woman is wearing her "Where is he this evening?" "Oh," she Hold me tightly to your heart hair differently. replied, "I don't know, but just jingle Or let me slip thru your careless fingers --to take the time and trouble to put an- your change and he'll come out from beLike the sands of Time . other person at ease. hind something!" I am a newly ,minted coin To be spent foolishly in a day Or invest in happy plans for a lire time....


11111:1.1' ,\,




OPPORTUNITY IN THE WEST How did I get acquainted with this By F. J. Elmer, member Lodge area? During the World War One while B. Smetana 39 still in France, but I do not rethember the year, 19.17, '18 or '19, my father more trouble then to obtain a loan of wrote me that he was in correspondence $150. than I had years since to get a with his old country neighbor who told temporary loan of $20,000. him of these possibilities, and according Due to the political and other conto this man's Teter the government was contemplating to give. the returning vet- nivances of Mr. Fall, then Secretary of erans prior chance of winning then rich the Interior, all homesteads opened to lands, and only after 90 days the gen- entry in 1922 that were not immediately eral public was admitted to enter for taken, were withdrawn from further these homesteads. The gentleman, Steve entry until that Tea Pot Dome episode Kudr, whom I have bought out about 12 was clarified. There were 65 applicants years ago went into details of just what for the homesteads in 1922, and quite a and how much was raised on the land. few of these could not make the grade. In the meantime, I had a job promised, So it was decided by the government (while still in France) with the First that each applicant should have some State Bank and Trust 03., of Bryan, capital; the sum of $2,000. either in Texas. My salary was above normal, but cash or other property was made one of I was not making any $8,000, per annum. the requirements; the (other requirement was farming experience, but none of Well, to make the long story short, I these were strictly enforced. got interested, • and after a year with The country began to gain reputation the aforementioned bank I decided to as a sure crop country. We are not abje migrate a little closer to the land proper. Not being a drinking man, etc., and be- to raise as many things as you can in lower elevations, but what we raise is ing somewhat better educated than the of superior quality and in great quantiaverage soldier, I went to France early, and have been advanced thru the ranks ty. The year of 1929 brought us South ern Pacific railroad; two years later very fast until I attained the rank of Great Northern. The country is highly Master Sergeant Temporary -- This paid $96. per month in France. So, hav- electrified and has been since 1920. That ing a little capital, I thought I might as is one of the requirements imposed upon the electric company — in order to gain well move a little closer to the * future franchise to produce electricity, the land of promise. I did not care where company had to agree to furnish elecI went, but being always occupied all tric power to all homesteaders right thru my life, when I reached Portland, away. We have enjoyed all manner use Ore., about two weeks after leaving Texas, I decided to seek employment. of electricity as scon as I could afford This, with my past experience was not it. The rate is ver y cheap. Next time the homesteads were hard to find, and so I worked until the opened to entry was in 1927; veterans homesteads at Tulelake were offered to veterans for entry. This was in fall of having a prior right to file for 90 days, 1922. I filed for a homestead and in the after that any citizen qualified could spring of 1923, I made. the long trip apply, and that's the last time no ex• from Portland, Oregon, across the state servicemen were able to enter. Since to within 1/2mile of its southern border then there were more veterans than with a team of horses and a covered homesteads available. The government wagon. What was a trip of 12 days to begin to be choosy. It seems to me that the more man had to back him up the young one like me? better chance he had in obtaining one After arriving, I went thru my share of these rich farms. This had led to )f tribulatiom and it was not long and considerable embarrasment of the govs broke. The thing I deplored more ernment, and so it (the government) enthusiastically than anything else was wanted to know how to go about dislily cooking. I got acquainted with a tributing these homesteads to the new young girl who also was stranger in a crop of veterans (cf the World War Two. As a past commander of the local ._.trance community, having arrived from Czechoslovakia just three years before. Ameriean Legion club, and since none The inevitable happened. We fell in love cared to voice their opinion in the matand married. We were blessed with two ter I thou ght it proper to bring this sons and two daughters. We had to matter up in the post meeting. Naturwork pretty hard. The community was ally, I have been appointed chairman of young, untried and so were the people; a committee of three to formulate some credit was very hard to obtain. I had sort of plans. I waited for the other two

members to do something while l have formulated plans how I would handle the situation. When we met, my plans were accepted in toto, and at the next meeting, a resolution was drawn in support, all public bodies, officials,• etc., were circularized, and believe it or not, present day of awarding the homesteads all over the United States follows this plan. Maybe it was an act of Providence or bare luck, have it, whichever way you want, but my oldest boy was lucky to obtain one of these homesteads in 1947. And, if your name is drawn according to this plan, brother, there is just luck, or Providence, but no corruptn. Drawing is public and you have bunch of dignitaries 4c-icing the drawing, and how can you select a proper capsule among, say, 4,000? The post-Second-World-War homestead openings were made, the very first in U. S. A. here at Tulelake in 1947; then others followed all over the western states..The years of 1948 and 1949 saw some more homesteads4i‘being . given to veterans. All these drawings are well covered by the press, radio, etc. The first drawing in the early winter of 1946 possibly was( more publicized than any other since. Such nationwide publications as Life, Look, etc., gave the occasion quite a bit of publicity. There were some 4,000 applicants for the first drawing; succeding drawings the number was more than doubled, so you can see the these lands are highly desirable. And no 'wonder. I have been here al years, and in that time I have seen no crop failure. If one thing fails, we have time to replant and reap a good yield yet. If the applicant • is lucky and his number is drawn and he qualifies, he is, 'to put it in common vernacular "made". He might be a pauper the day before the drawing, qualifying with someone else's capital or chattels, the minute his 0.Ked by the (officials, he is conservatively speaking worth $40,000.00 up. Have you got the "guts" to let this opportunity to slip by you unnoticed? In the past under the provisions of GI Bill of Rights you could, as self-employed person, draw $90 up per monit: until you drew in all $600.00. There are also schools of training at Tulelak(', California, which, if you enter, you get the support of GI DM of Rights. Revn nue from this land? You could lease part of if for cash, that varies, frojil $50 an acre tip to one year. If you raise potatoes for instance, your revenue could easily be $100.00 an acre gross,





dependin g on price of potatoes. The :;,:)vernintrit begins to frown on the nesteaders leasing all their land; Exactly four years ago, when I started ,,,-are might be a provision regarding to direct the English section of the Vestt in the forthcoming drawing. low, don't doubt this. These home- nik, I wrote an article about an old rakle eteads are not like what you possibly read. The SPJST has a number of lodges have in mind. The land is level and in the territory served by the railroad every foot of irrigable. It has been in nicknamed "Macaroni:" I took for p • oduction since 1924. The soil is very granted that the SPJST members in rich. Tulelake, California. a little city Beasley, Hungerford, Wharton, Pierce, right in middle of the Tulelake proper El Campo, Hillje, Louise, Ganado, Inez, (H lied for water, after 1800 feet they and Victoria would appreciate the history of the railroad passing along their ven't struc,k a rock yet. 1vfaybe you will be tempted to discount farms. On Monday, December 29, 1952, the last ail this. If so how can some of these moss affe:rd $50,000.00 homes on their passenger train went by toward Houston eeems if they haven't got ample re- in the early-hours of the morning. It arvenue? No one can own more than 160 rived in Houston at 6:50 a. m. With that -'es of this land; se don't have an idea train the passenger service on the "Maat this is sparsely settled country. caroni". line ended after almost 65 years. Ay eraege farm is around 75 acres. As far Railroad officials claimed that it did not cost, well, I admit it is costly, es- pay to run passenger trains on that line. lally here in Oregon. But most of Many of our older readers remember r. s land lies in California, and I, being that once as many as six trains a day th Oregon, had to commence payments had served the towns of that section. Ofmy construction charges in and for ficials now say that paved highways, au1927, $4.50 an acre, whereas my buddies tomobiles and busses forced the railroad that took up the land in California out. As a recollection, let me repeat the haven't commenced paying this yet. This constrteetion charge amounts to story of the "Macaroni" railroad, as it $33.75 and you have forty years to pay was given to me by one of the charter that•h no interest. To many of you members who died a few years ago at the ng around $10. or $11 per acre might venerable age of ninety. This is what he m awful. that's what I pay, but I told me of the history of "Macaroni",' 0).egon, and I happen to have running not far from his three-hundreda. $30,000.00 worth of machinery. The acre farm. A rich man, named Beasley Hunger7 homesteaders were possibly luckof all. We grow top quality Hann- ford, and his wife Victoria, lived with n Barley here for brewing beer. The their two daughters, Louise and Edna, Ids are heavy and that year the price' somewhere near New York. When the ; highest on record $4.80 per cwt.' older daughter Louise married a millioI the average grms income from 75 naire by the name Mackey, her-dream of traveling abroad was fulfilled. The newwas around $10,000. lualifications? You have to be a vet- lyweds had spent their honeymoon in World II or Korea, and must be Spain, France, Switzerland and Italy. biy discharged from the sere--; While in Italy, they became acquainted ,an or woman; Must have $2,000.- with an Italian nobleman, Giuseppe Tel in cash or 'other property: must be ferner, a remarkable person, a railroad to work the place yourself, etc. If builder, who had just returned from ,re interested, write to U. S. Bureau South America where he had finished Of Reclamation, Klamath Falls, Ore.' the building of a railroad. Telferner, meeting the young Mackeys '5rf- ls will be Wit on the list of applicants d when the General Order is publi-, from America, inquired about the grants cized, you will be notified, and given which the state of Texas offered for all the information. I cannot go into dee building of railroads. Telferner was not 1TH about this, as. some of the require- i only a railroad builder but also a colon;its may be changed. But don't for-! izer. He wanted to repeat in Texas the ; must have farming experience,' same plan which he had successfully carleast tv,o years after 16th ried out in South America. He would use also do not know when these' Italians as laborers to build the railroad, will be opened Far entry, possibly and after completing the plan he would or 1059 --- that is anybody's, have a wide strip of land to use for giTC!SS. "unless you are among the powers _— 0, at bee Don't let , the lack of capital in these United States, and I do not r you. If you are one of the lirckies, know where else you could work so little will have no trouble to farm.. Re-. and yet gain so much and that is no reenlber that these farms are of the best lie.


OLD TRAIN SERVICE ENDED colonization. The outcome of the acquaintance with the • American young couple was that Telferner came with Mackays to the United States. Young Mackey and Telferner decided to build a railroad in the coastal region of Texas. Beasley ■Iiungerford, father-inlaw of Mackey, was invited to join them in their venture. Hungerfords were rich, Mackey was a millionaire, and Telferner seemed to have the know-how. All three came to Texas to inspect the possibilities. At that time, the state of Texas offered sixteen sections of state land for each mile of railroad. Hungerford, Mackey and Telferner decided to build a railroad from the west bank of the rlfazos River all the way down to Browns):111e. A railroad had already been built from Houston to Richmond and to Alleyton, known as the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio, and was preparing to push westward from Columbus to San Antonio. In the final working out of the plans, it was decided to start with the railroad at Rosenberg and build it to Victoria. Hungerford and Mackey finished the money, Telferner supplied the labor, and Texas gave the land. In those days the immigration laws did not object to contract labor, so several hundred Italians from Italy 'had been employed to do the road building. Macaroni was their national dish, en "Macaroni" was nicknamed the railroad. The settlements along the railroad were named after the members , of the Hungerford family. It started with papa's given name, Beasley. It ended with mama's name, Victoria. In between came the names Hungerford, Mackey, Louise, Edna and Telferner. Those were the days of pioneers. Today, sixty-five years later, the origin of the names is forgotten and the old "Macaroni" railroad is replaced by automobiles and busses. )• •( KALAHARI BUSHMEN AMONG WORLD'S MOST SKILLFUL TRACKERS The Kalahari Bushmen are among the most adept hunters in the world. In tracking down animals they are said to be unsurpassed because to the the bush is like an open book and they have developed a skill , that is marvelled at even in our modern age. Among the powers of observation they have, is the fact that they can catch a bee, and carefully gumming a very tiny feather or down on it, wi 1 release it and be able to follow its wild flight through the jungle, until the honey store is discovered. They move like cats and white hunters have described them as virtually floating through space.

Wednesday, January 7, 1953

LETTERS S. P. J. S. T. LODGE NO. 81 Needville, Texas Dear Brothers and Sisters, As I thought I'd write a few lines in the English column (this is my first time to write) so I don't know how I'll come out. I love Co read the Vestnik. Why don't you young members of the Needville Lodge No. 81, write sometimes as I know lets of you are better writers than I am. We will have a picnic first Sunday in January which will be January 4th 1953 at the S. P. J. S. T. Hall in Needville in the afternoon about one o'clock all of you members are cordially invited. Sisters please bring something to eat and the brothers will see we'll have some refreshments, Listen you young members I wish to see a lot of you there and also at our regular meeting. I attend a lots of our SPJST meetings and we have a lots of fun. Won't you try to attend our meetings? I think you will agree with me about the fun Let's start the 1953 year off right with big attendance at our meetings. In our Dedember meeting we had of ficers election. Those elected are as follows President -- Al'oert Franek; Vice President — Ella Shuehma; Secretary — John Blinka.; Bookkeeper — John Kolaja; Treasurer Frank Shefcik; all the committees were left to January meeting. Delegates to the District meeting are John Blinka and Ella Schuchma. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Members. Platen-lady yours, Dorothy Blinka )• •( LODGE POKROK HOUSTON NO. 88 Dear Brothres and Sisters, Well, now I cm-1-T say that I don't know our brother Editor any more as I had a nice chat with him and his wife the past Sunday at our Lodge meeting. The meeting originally scheduled to get under way at 9:30 was called to order by our President, Brother Rudy Sefcik at around ten o'clock. The meeting was an all da y affair with a free dinner being served to members who attended the mornuu2, meeting. Although our Lodge nun-Weis way over one thousand members, I must say that the attendance at the meeting was comparatively small, and especially this being a very important meeting: that of electing our Lodge officers for the corning year of 1953. The officers elected are as follows: Brother Rudy Sefcik, President; Mother Alfred Hilsher, Vice President; Brother Albert J. Bristik, Secretary; Sistei Louise

VEST/si 1K-- WEST, 'TEXAS tary; Sister Frances Olexa, Treasurer, Brother Jerry Errnis, Guide, and Sister Lillie Barborak, Reporter. All of the above were re-elected with the exception of Sister Lillie Barborak, who was elected Reporter. We had two new members present at our meeting, Brother and Sister Kolacny who will be initiated at our next meeting. We weldome you to our Lodge Brother and Sister Kolacny. For the benefit of the members who were not present I wish to state that we will hold our regular monthly meetings on the second Sunday of each month instead of on the first as we have been doing. Some of the members were opposed to our meetings being held on the first Sunday so we took a vote and chose the second Sunday. want to say "thank you" to the members of our Lodge for electing me as your Reporter and I wish to say, that if at any time any of you members have any articles of interest about or for the betterment of our Lodge and want your opinions expressed in our official paper please do not hesitate to call upon me. Our newly elected Youth Counselor, Sister Birdie Hilsher, spoke in behalf of the Youth Movement. I wish to extend my personal congratulations, and that of our Lodge to you Sister Hilsher. for being elected Youth Counselor. Our Lodge is proud of you. Brother Editor Stephan Valcik won the attendance prize As this will probably be my last letter for this year, I wish to say in behalf of Lodge Pokrok No. 88 that wish all of you members of our Lodge SPJST a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 1953. Be seeing you all at our next Regular Meeting on January 11. Fraternally yours, Miss Lillie Barborak, Reporter ) • 4, LODGE ROZKVET ZAPADU NO. 107 Floresville, Texas Dear Sisters and Brothers, At our ,last meeting the members decided that in the next meeting, which is January 11, we would hold a social hour, which, of course, Sisters means you should come accompanied by a plate of "good eatin". Being that this will be the first meeting in the New Year we hope to enjoy the company of many members we haven't seen for a long time. As most of you know by now, that a youth movement plan has been put into effect in the S. P. J. S. T. which Sister Birdie Hilsher is the director. It t> our duty to cooperate in every way we can L promote this worthwhile movement.

Strana 15 To benefit by this plan it is up to us parents to see that our youngsters are present at the meetings and put them in action, because that is what youth desires. Let's not deny them this wonderful opportunity of clean pleasure. I wish to thank Bro. J. F. Ghupick and his nice family for the Christmas Greetings. I hope, every member, of the S. P. J. S. T. lodges, enjoys good health and much happiness in this New Year. Sincerely, Mary McCloskey, Se( ) 4, CESTI BRATRI LODGE NO. 44 Texas Indu Dear Members: I hereby wish to inform all of you that our annual meeting was held on December the 14th at 9 a. m. The officers for the coming year remained the same, namely Jos. Coufal, President; Miroslav Petrusek, Secretary; Otto Marek, Bookkeeper; John Marek, Sr.; Treasurer. The meetings will again be held every second Sunday of each ,month in the Industry Fire Department Building at 9 a. m. Our next Meeting is to be held on January the 11th. Wishing all of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 1953. Fraternally yours, Miroslav Petrusek, Sec. ) • 4 • ( CZECH PLAY IN EAST BERNARD A little bit of good news to the folks in East Bernard and neighboring towns. The dramatic Club Hlahol of Houston will present a Czech play "Tulaeka" in East Bernard on the 18th of January at 6 p. in. This beautiful play was put on in Houston and Fayetteville and met with huge success. We have an excellent cast of actors and the story of the play is very beautiful. The Czech costumes add color to the play, and the songs and dances, gaiety. It is a play you won't want to miss, so keep the date in mind. Just a little thank you also to the good people of Fayetteville and neighborin towns for coming to our play. We had u full house and we wish to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for such a swell turnout. And a thank you to those wonderful ladies who cooked such a delicious supper and baked those wonderful kolaches and angel food cake. They even fed us after the play. They didn't want us to go home hungry. Many thanks and we'll be back again. Harriette Earl 4, ) There is one advantage to the moustache. It holds back the ice while you're drinking,

nest ay; January

We doubt if there is much to be :-tained by engaging in argument, for you cannot take an idea out of a man's mind. The best you can hope to do is to put another idea into his mind and, eventually, you both may come to agreement.- --

An old mountaineer 'once told us he had been shaving himself with a straight-edge "for nigh on to five years and ",Z ain't cut myself neither time." • 4•( The only use for a time-table today is to tell how late the trains are.

Every time we stay out late at night the wife gets historical . . . and brin rjrup our past. • • 4 No Susie, the girl who knows all the answers hasn't been out with questionable men.





MORAVIANS' 500th ANNIVERSARY (Contributed by Otto Stehiikl

After a woman has had the last word she is just dying to know what her husband is thinking about. ) • 44 • ( It seems that dolls that cry "mama" when you squeeze them have gone out of style.

In the year 1957, the Moravian Church will celebrate its 500th anniversary, an- . tedating Luther's Reformation by sixtythree years, f:r it was in 1457 that the Evangelical Unity of Czzech-Moravian Brethren's . theological ancestors, the Unitas Fratrum or Unity of the Brethren, was established. The Moravians are the spiritual descendants of Jan Has, who was burned at the stake in 1415 for his insistence that the Bible is the foundation of Christian faith and life. Beata Mueller, writing in the National Council Outlook, the publication of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A., stated; "Theirs (the Moravians) is a history of Protestantism that dates back before the Reformation. It is a history that has been interrupted by war, persecution and legal suppression, but the heritage has lived and grown." Although their 500th anniversary is five years away, the Moravians are going to spend the next five years preparing for it, In America, Lititz, Pa., w a s founded by Moravian settlers in 1747 and named for the estate in Bohemia where the Unitas Fratrum was founded in 1457. There are two branches of the Moravian Church in this country, and they work in harmony in this country, and they work in harmony with each other. The headquarters of the Southern Province is located in Winston-Salem, N. C., where an Easter sunrise service is held that has become nationally famous. The headquarters of the Northern is in Bethlehem, Pa., where the still more famous Bach Choir holds a music festival each spring. The Czech•Moravians in Texas each July 6th hold their synods and conventions in memory of the day of Hus' martyrdom. Between the years 1579 and 1593, the Moravians prepared the Krantz Bible, still used by Czech-speaking people everywhere. It did for the Czech language what Luther's Bible did for German, and what the King James Version did for English. The Thirty Year's War began in 1618 and the counter-reformation. Many members of the Unity were killed or exiled from Bohemia. Among the exiles was their bishop, Jan Amos Comenius, whose reputation as an educator extended throughout Europe. Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts asked him to become the president of the newly formed Harvard College in this country, but he refused, for he hoped that one day he might be able to return to his own country,

The Treaty of Westphalia, in 1643, ended the organized existence of the Moravian Church. It was forced to go underground. This was known as the period of the "Hidden Seed," when the members worshipped in secret. In 1722, a group of the members left MOravia and settled on the Saxony estate of Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf and started the Renewed Moravian Church. Ten years later, in 1732, the first missionaries went to the West Indies, and three years later Moravian emigrants went to Georgia, partly to serve al missionaries to the American Indians, but their Georgia .yenture was not successful. They moved to Pennsylvania, and on Christmas Eve of 1741 they founded what is now the city of Bethlehem. Missionary zeal among primitive peoples caused them, in 1769„ to send missionaries to the West Indies. In 1778 they incorporated the Society for Propagating the Gospel, now th&oldest mission society in America. Schools were the next ambition of the MoravianS, and, in 1742, they founded the first girl's boarding school in America. This is now the Moravian Seminary and College for Women in Bethlehem, Pa. During the Revolutionary War it was used as a hospital and, later, George Washington's niece was a student there. The Moravians have a liturgical form of worship, but the younger Czech-Moravian Brethren are nonliturgical. 'The world Moravian Church has mission work in thirteen fields. Since 1900, the number of churches in the U: S. A. and Western Canada has grown to 150 and the membership is over 48,000. of denominations are constituents of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. The Moravians Church has a tradition of church cooperation which goes back to the first effort for church union at the synod of Sendomir, Poland, in 1570. It was also a charter member of the Federal Council of Churches in 1909, and of the World Council in 1948. The Moravians have three traditional orders of the ministry—deacons, presbyters and bishops, with a succession that has passed down intact from the Bohemian brethren. Their bishops are regarded mainly as spiritual leaders. Jan ,I-rsus, the Bohemian priest, so intimately associated with the Moravian tradition, was rector of the ancient Charles University in Prague. It was he who started the Moravian tradition of The New Age. education.

&Luna 18


ON HIS OWN TWO FEET The readers of the Vestnik may be acquainted with the story that follows. It is appropriate in the light of what is to come. I . had read the story several years ago in the book Soldier of Democracy by Kenneth Davis. Later, I saw it reprinted in the magazine Omnibook. Then an:other version, very slightly changed, was published in the Reader's Digest about four- years ago, a condensation from another magazine. Recently, it was published in the Guideposts. The fact that I had read the story four times in the last six years does not imply that the readers of the Vestnik would not appreciate it. It is still a good reading — and timely reading. -- Editor. • The, boy had fallen, running home after and skinned his left knee. It was no more than a scratch — there wasn't even rent, in his trousers — but by night the knee started to ache. Nothing much, he thought, being 13 and the sturdy -son of a frontiersman. Ignoring the pain, he knelt in his nightgown and said his prayers, then climbed into bed in the room , where he and his five brothers slept. His leg was painful the next morning, but he still did not tell anyone. The farm kept the whole family relentlessly busy; always he had to be up at six to do his chores before/ school. And he must be thorough about them or he would be sent back to do them over again, no matter what else he had to miss, including meals, In their household, discipline was fair bat stern. Two mornings later the leg ached too badly for him to drag hinfself to the barn. That was a Sunday and he could remain behind, while the . rest of the family 'cliove into town. School homework Entitled, he sat in the parlor rocker, examining and comparing the three family Bibles; one in German that held the record3 of all their births and deaths; another in Greek that was his father's proud possession and finally the King James version shared by mother and all t he soils. One'night this week it would be the boy's turn to lead the family devotions. tic could select his own passages from the Old and New Testaments and read them aloud and try to get a discussion going;- sometimes they became exiting. But now the pain blurred his attention; he put=' aside the Scriptures and dozed until his brothers returned from Sunday se hooL Mom and Dad did not come home with them because Sunday was parents' day off; the boys did the housework and

cooked the big meal of the week, while father and mother stayed on for church service. I But by the time dinner was ready the boy had climbed into bed. The shoe had to be cut off his swollen and discolored leg. Why on earth hadn't . he told somebody? Go quick and fetch the doctor! Mother bathed knee and foot and thigh, applied poultices and wiped the boy's sweating forehead with a moist, cool cloth. She was an intense and vital woman. Confronted with this angry infection, her manner remained serene. Mom had nursed her brood through accidents and ailments from toothaches to scarlet fever; one son she had lost, but that only made her calmer and more determined when she had to fight for the others. Old Dr. Conklin examined the leg and pursed his lips. "It's not likely we can save it!" The invalid sat up stiffly. "What's that mean?" he asked huskily. "It means," explained the doctor gently, "if things get worse we-11 have to amputate." "Not me!" stormed the boy. "I won't have it! I'd rather die!" "The longer we wait, the more we will have to take off," urged the doctor. "You won't take any off!" The boy's voice broke with an adolescent crack, as his mother turned away, shaken. But there was no adolescence in the eyes that defied the doctor's reproachful gaze. Dr. Conklin stalked out, nodding to the mother to follow him. As he stood in the hallway explaining to both parents about what could and probably would happen, they could hear the boy calling for his brother: "Ed. Ed! Come up here, will you?" The brother stamped in and they heard the sick lad's voice, high pitched with pain: "If I go out of my head, Ed, don't let them cut off my leg. Promise me, Ed , promise!" In a moment Ed came out and ran to the kitchen. When he returned his mother said, "Ed, what's your brother asking for?" "Fork! T,3 bite on; keep from screamI


Then Edgar stood outside the bedroom door ,his arms folded. Quite clearly he was standing on guard. Ed looked straight at old Dr. Conklin. "Nobody's going to saw off that leg!" he announced. "But, Ed -- you'll be sorry," gasped the doctor. Worpinued on pm,s,c 19,1

Wednesday, January 7, 1953

Resolution of Sympathy RESOLUTION OF SYMPHATY WHEREAS, the Almighty has called from our midst your father and grandfather and our fraternol brother LOUIS KOUSAL, SR,. on October 10th, 1952 to his eternal rest, WHEREAS, he was a loyal and faithful member of our S.P.J.S.T. Lodge Slovanska Lipa No. 66 at Waco, Texas, and highly respected citizen of our community, WHEREAS, we know that the family has sustained a great loss and sorrow in the passing of this good and kindhearted member, therefore the members of Lodge Slovanska Lipa No. 66 express their sincere and heartfelt sympathy o the bereaved family:' RESOLVED, to send a copy of this resolution to the family of our departed brother, and another copy to our Vestnik organ of cur S. P. J. S. T. Lodge and a copy to be spread on the minutes of our Lodge. Anton G. Mazanec, Frank Parmal. Otto Hanus. RESOLUTION committee of Lodge Slovanska Lipa No. 66, Waco, Texas. Dated this the 28th day of December 1952. 4,


RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY WHEREAS, the Almighty has called from our midst your father and grandfather and our fraternal brother WILLIAM MILBERGER on November 28th, 1952 to his eternal rest, WHEREAS, he was loyal and faithful member of our S.P.J.S.T. Lodge SlOvanska. Lipa No. 66 at Waco, Texas, and a highly respected citizen of our community WHEREAS, we know that the family has sustained a great loss and sorrow, in the passing of this good and kindhearted member, therefore the members of Lodge Slovanska Lipa, No. 66 express their sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. RESOLVED to 'send a copy of this resolution to the family of our departed brother, and another copy for publication in Vestnik organ of our S. P. J. S. T. Lodge and a copy to be spread on the minutes of our Lodge. Anton G. Mazanec, Frank Parma, Otto Hanus. RESOLUTION committee of Lodge Slovanska Lipa No. 66, Waco, Texas. 195D2ated this the 28th day of December

On His Own Two Feet' (Continued from page 18.) "Maybe so, Doc. But I gave him my word." And nothing changed that. If Ed had not stood his ground, father and mother might have yielded. There were not yet convinced that amputation was necessary; they were doubtful. The adamant attitude first of the sick boy and then of his brother was incredible, for defiance of parental authority was unknown in this household. Yet there was Ed, standing before the sickroom door. "Guess we'll wait and see how he looks by tonight, eh, Doc?" said the father. For two days and nights Ed stood guard, sleeping at the treshold, not leaving even to eat. The fever mounted, and the suffering boy babbled in torment, but the older brother showed no weakening of resolve, even though the discoloration of the swollen leg was creeping toward the pelvis, just as the doctor had predicted. Ed remained firm because he had given his promise, and also because he shared the frontiersmen's horror of being less than phygically perfect. The parents knew that their son would never forgive an amputation, and Ed's attitude continued to be decisive, time after time, when the doctor returned. Once, in helpless rage, Dr. Conklin shouted, "It's murder!" and slammed the front door. Nothing but a miracle could save the boy now! Mother father and watchful brother Ed shared the same thought, as their anxious eyes turned from the doorway. Had they forgotten their faith in the turmoil of their fears? Why, this sick boy's grandfather, that vigorous and inspiring old farmer-minister who had been leader of the River Brethren Colony in Pennsylvania, had always believed in healings wrought by faith. Now in this desperate hour, the three went to their knees at the bedside. They prayed, taking turns in leading one another. Father, mother --- and at last Edgar -- would rise and go about the farm work and rejoin Ithe continual prayer. During the second night the other four brothers would kneel from time to time and join in the prayers. The nekt morning, when the faithful old doctor stopped by again, his experienced eye saw a sign. The swelling was going down! Dr. Conklin closed his eyes' and made a rusty prayer of his own — a prayer of thanksgiving. Even after the boy dropped into a normal sleep, one

THE AMERICAN ON THE $10 PALL Make a bet with your lodge treasurer, asserting that Hamilton was born out of the officer who collects. the dues from wedlock. It could have crushed a lesser you the story of one of the great Ameri- soul. cans whose pictures appear on the paper At 14 years of age young Hamilton was bills he handles, $1, $2, $5, $10 and $20. successfully managing a general store on Would you be able to do it yourself? the neighboring island of St. Croix, in Regardless of the type of bill — our West Indies. government now prints three types of At 15 he came as an immigrant to paper money — all bills of the same de- Boston without a friend in America. nothination bear the same portrait, as At 16 he entered King's College, now follows: Columbia, in New York. At 17 he was Washington appears on all $1 bills; pushing his unbidden way to the nostrum jeffersb..i. on all $2; Lincoln on all $5 at New York's famous "Meeting in the bills; and so on up to the picture of Field" to help promote the First ContiChase on all $10,000 bills. nental Congress. "It is the battlefield or We Americans love Horatio Alger he- slavery," he cried — a full year ahead of roes — brave young men who rise above Patrick Penry. adversity to win great place and fame. At 19 he was captain of Newt York's Well, here is the top prodigy of them all. first company of artillery, cleaned for His portrait is on all $10 bills. Let me give 10 months of -bitter combat in which his yo uthe story of one of the great Ameri- personal heroism brought him to Washcans whose birthday falls on January 11, ington's attention. At 20 he became Alexander Hamilton. Washington's first aide and military sec-, In my impetuous youth, when I studied retary and in the final victory at Yorkthe lives of the great Americans of the town he led the first victorious American Revolutionary period, I felt that Alexan- assault. At 25 he qualified as a lawyer in four der Hamilton never has received full credit for what he had done. To Me, months of study, excitingthe envy tif. Hamilton was the most brilliant mind in one Aaron Burr, a fellow student, who an era of amazing genius. Hamilton was subsequently became his lifetime foe and Washington's right arm in both war and his dueling assassin. Shortly he was to be peace. Hamilton was the brains in the acknowledged as the leader of his napilot house when the ship of state set out tion's bar. At 30 he was in the New York Assembly into the perilous sea of history. struggling for full, free, public education But I have lived to realize that my and for easier debtors' laws. Here, too; youthful selection of American heroes he first enlisted in the mighty conflict had been slightly one-sided. I now son- which produced the constitution. He q y needed I forced his State into the Annapolis Con, equally ce de that a you n g• Nmerica . Thomas Jefferson and his basic rivalries vention from which came the call; which with Hamilton. Jefferson would have he wrote, for the Constitutional Convenbeen cheated of the presidency by Aaron tion in Philadelphia. Then he sat in the Burr, had not Hamilton expressed openly Philadelphia Convention — the only New his disapproval of Aaron Burr. Four years Yorker to sign the Constitution. He later, Hamilton was killed by Burr. wrote the major portion of the Federalist Hamilton was born in the West Indies, Papers, the greatest exposition of the on a small island named Nevis, January Constitution ever penned. It was, and 1S-0 11, 1757. His father was a Scottish ne'er- the "bible" of the Constitution. Then do-well. His devoted mother was a French came the terrific contest over ratificaHuguenot divorcee. The legitimacy of tion, chiefly centering in the New York their union is .still a subject of contro- convention. versy. It never ceased to be a scandalized At 31 he led a forlorn hope in this New weapon of Hamilton's enemies, always York convention at Poughkeepsie, facing a hostile majority through six guerilla member of the family after another kept weeks. At the end he won. It was little short of a miracle. "The overwhelming the prayer vigil. It was nightfall again and the lamps eloquence of Hamilton," wrote Chancelor were lighted when the boy opened his Kent, "was exerted to its utmost pitch eyes. The swelling was away down now, and shook the most resolved in the and the discoloration had almost faded. majority." In the light of this reality I In three weeks — pale and weak, but wonder if it isn't fair to say that without. with eyes clear and voice strong — the! him there would have been no Constitu-. tion. boy could stand up. And Ike Eisenhower was ready to face t At 32 he was called to President Washii:agton's first Cabinet as Secretary of lb&' life.

Strana 20 Treasury. By now he was the dominant figure in the Federalist Party, which held power for the first 12 years of the new Nation's political life. He immediately became the master craftsman of the great American adventure. Not only did he chart the basis for restoring Federal credit and for the redemption of the public debt but also, in flashing succes:•ion, he recommended navigation laws, drafted the first bill for the postal system, proposed the means for handling public lands, establishing the mint, advised the decimal system for our currency with the dollar as the unit, recOmmended the beginnings of the tariff teni, proposed the patent system, and generally charted the Republic's structure. John Adams said he was "all the time the commander in chief of the House and. Senate, of the heads of departments and of the President himself." This, mind you, is that immigrant boy on the docks of Boston only 17 years before. At 36 he dominated America's first great decision in foreign policy. He demanded neutrality in the war between England and revolutionary France -squarely colliding with Jefferson. Washington agreed with Hamilton. In the light of this episode it is easy to trace the source of the eloquent warnings in Washington's Farewell Address -- an address which Mrs. Hamilton, the lovely Betsy Schuyler, later testified came almost exclusively from her husband's incandescent pen. At 40 he chose to strip the veils from every last detail Of the only incidental scandal that ever blemished his private life, his affair with a Mrs. Reynolds, rather than leave a shred of suspicion against the integrity of his public warks. He ,spared nothing and pleaded no palliation. His sole purpose was to put his public honesty beyond attack. At 47, he was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr, his lifetime enemy. Burr chose a relatively inoffensive remark of Hamilton's as an excuse to invoke what was then the code of honor. Hamilton Hated dueling, but honor was the touchAarne of his life, He fell at the first shot. Tile tears 'of a nation followed him to Trinity churchyard. This is the bare chronology of as great an American as ever lived. Ten thousand Pa'',1s would be required to fill in the tell story of his talents, his genius and his impact upon the foundation of Amet lei 7.--re was ever the subject of whitelice I, controversy — in death even as in life. But for myself, summing it all up, I ,-.1;\, that five words might be his epitaph, – 11ic Republic Is His Monument."



KILLING THE GOOSE (By E. E. Edgar) Lovable screen star Marie Dressler was as warm-hearted offscreen as she was on. On more than one occasion, her friends had to restrain her from giving away her money. At one time, she became interested in a penniless family whose plight was pathetic. The father was out of work, the mother was ill, and the five children had to fend for themselves. Several times a week, the actress would appear with a bundle of groceries and clothing and would press a few dollars into the father's hand. This went on for several months. Then one day tragedy struck this unhappy home. When the actress made her customary appearance, she found the family in tears. One look told her what had happened. The mother's weary face was missing. Her still body lay on the sofa, covered by a white sheet. With tears rolling down her cheeks, Miss Dressler took all the money from her purse, more than $200, and laid it on the table for the woman's burial. Then, without a word, she left this house of sorrow. When she reached the street, she realized that she had left her umbrella upstairs. She retraced her steps, and opened the apartment door noiselessly, so as not to disturb the mourners. What she saw made her forget her umbrella — and her sympathy. For there on the sofa sat the "corpse", now very much alive, greedily counting the bills! . ) • 4, • ( THE FIRST UNFURLING OF OLD GLORY There are many legends about "Old Glory", but according to one of the most interesting ones, substantiated by many scholars and historians, is that it was flown over a United States military post and was sewed together from pieces cut from and old blue jacket, red petticoat and a white shirt. )• 4•( The young husband arriving home from the office was met by his rather u p -setwif."What'semrdaling?"he asked. "Oh, I've had a dreadful day," his wife answered. "First, baby cut his first tooth; then he took his first step, and then he fell and knocked out his tooth." And then what happened?" asked the husband. "Oh, darling," answered in a shocked voice, "he said his first word!" 4,70 Count Thurn threw two friends of the king of Bohemia out of a window of the Palace of Prague in 1618, and as a result the 30 years war was started.

STRANGE AUTO ACCIDENT Several years ago in Saskachewan an auto traveling at high speed crashed into a street lamp, and the driver was thrown out and fainted. It was freezing cold and he would have frozen stiff in a short time, because the accident took place at night at the edge of the town. By a strange coincidence, the impact of the auto also broke a fire alarm box fastened to the lamp and summoned help. ) • 07, ( BUSHMEN HEAVY EATERS Australian Bushmen are not only clever hunters of the green jungle, but have amazing skill with bow and arrows. His appetite is formidable and a three-hundred-pound buck antelope is alilost an appetizer for three or four, Of these Bushmen who can eat the antelope at 4.• one sitting and still have a craving for more foOd.. e7e, • (HINTS. When cooking vegetables, fresh or canned, try to use as little water as possible and Save the liquids because the contain Vitamin C, the B, ;vitamin, and iron which esca pe into the water of the pan. The left-over liquids are excellent for flavoring gravies and soups and will last for some lime in energy, and can be stored in the refrigerator. ) HOUSEHOLD HINTS Left -over cooked food always is a problem how to utilize it without making it monotonous. You can use left-over cooked meat to a good advantage by making nourishing salads. One way is to mix equal parts of cooked meat and macaroni, adding chopped pickles and salad dressing ) • 4, • '4._ SAME OLD STUFF Did you by a chance run across either of these two perennials in your postChristmas reading? A correspondent reports that in the past ten years these two items have popped up in every, state, bearing always some other place where it happened, except in Nevada and Oregon, Maybe, this time it happened in the two states, too, One story, always reappearing, is about a little boy kicking a department store Santa saying, "That's for what you didn't bring me last year." The other story, likewise getting in the print during the ChriStmas season, is about a mother admonishing a little girl who has been handed an orange by Santa: . "Now, what do you say to Santa, dear?" Little viii, extending the orange says, "Peel it!"

Wednesday, January 7, 1953 TIlE CHARLES BRIDGE OF PRAGUE (By J. F. Chmelicek) One of the most remarkable bridges as well as precious time-honored architectural structures of ancient times, is the Charles medieval stone bridge, which the capital of Czechoslovakia, Prague, boasts of with all justification. It represents a magnificient sculptural gradation of construction and its site could not hove been chosen with greater care. The bridge has been the indispensable approach to the Prague castle and inseperable complement of its striking panorama since the oldest times. For hundreds of years it has been the main road to the residence of C;Zech rulers and kings and Czechoslovak presidents and has been a silent but majestic witness of history and events, both glorious and sad to the nation. The bridge has two towers, 17 pillars and 16 arches, and its rich statuary is unrivaled in the whole of Central Eur op e. Of the 12 bridges of Prague, this one the most unique story and has preserved its• pride among them. It was not until after its sculptures had been completed (1705-14) that Charles' Bridge won world fame. Since that time, thirty groups of statues have stood on the pillars, including thirteen saints, as it were, show the pilgrim the way to the Castle of St. Wenceslas. An inscription in the St. Guy Cathedral names Peter Parler as the builder of the Charles Bridge, which dates back to the year 1348, although bridges stood there before that time. ) • 4 • ( JANUARY INVENTORY Cash low? Short of dough? That's a common ailment this time of year. But think of the things money can't buy: Money can't buy friendship. It must be earned. Nor a clear conscience. Square dealing is the price tag. Money can't buy good health. Right living is the secret. It can't buy happiness. That is a mental attitude. Money can't buy sunsets, nor singing birds. They are as free as the air we breathe. Money can't buy inward peace. Nor can it buy character. Make a list of your priceless possessions. You'll find you are rich as Rockefeller. ) • 4 • The wife is never distressed about our playing cards, so long. as we win.


Strana 21

A CALENDAR WHICH DIDN'T LAST Your editor has been doing some History, tells us that the people of post-Christmas reading. A book called France once decided to create a week of Karen, published by Prentice-Hall, is ten days. "We have the metric systein the story of a remarkably persevering in everything else: 10 millimeters make child, told by her mother, Marie Minim one centimeter; 10 grams make one deSomewhat above average mentally, Ka- cagram; why not have ten days in a ren is a victim of cerebral palsy. This week?" is a simple and moving account of her They worked out a new calendar. It great tribulations and small triumphs. began at midnight on the 22nd day of It is also, incidentally, a story of the September, 1792. The year was divided genesis and rapid growth cf the United into twelve months of thirty days,. with Cerebral Palsy Association. five additional days for festivals, and • • six in every fourth year. Each month Christmas morning brought another had three "decades" of ten days each. great occasion. For five years we had The week was abolished. The names of carried Karen into church. This morn- the months were as follows: Vendemiaing she was to walk in for the first time. ire (Vintage), Brumaire (Fog,) Frimaire Jimmy let us out at the door. Marie car- (Sleet), Snow, Rain, Wind, Se , Blosried her crutches and Gloria and I som, Pasture, Harvest, Heat % Thermihelped her up the steps and into the dor), Fruit f.Fructidor). "Since we have it so systematic", sugvestibule, where we waited for Jimmy. He helped her fit her arms into the gested some wise men, "we can do away with the silly old system of sixty minutes cuffs, and we started up the aisle. . . It was not only happinest we felt that and twelve hours. Let's have 100 minutes morning, but a great and wonderful to the hour and ten hours to the day. pride. Each slow step we took with her Then everything will be orderly, a comwas in itself a full reward. And each plete metric system." But the perfect systenbogged down. slow step swept away forever all past discouragements, disappointments, hurts Human beings couldn't take it. The calendar was abolished by Napoleon and heartaches. When services were over, we were de- thirteen years later, in 1805. ) • 4 • lighted to find that our daughter must hold court. Neighbors, friends and tot41 AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH? strangers surrounded us to clasp our hands, to give a swift embrace, to conwere Three ambitious politicians gratulate, to praise. walking along a beach, planning a straGlory to God in the Highest! tegic move to defeat a pawerful ) • 4 • ( when they came upon • several 'young boys looking for crabs, As each crab was A CAMOUFLAGE A pretty young woman was driving caught, it was put into a wicker basket. Looking into the container, one of the slowly along a crowded street in Chicamen warned: "You. boys should cover go, looking in vain for a parking space. UnfOrtunately, the only vacant spot was your basket; if you aren't careful the in front of a fire hydrant. She went crabs will all climb out and run away." "Aw, we don't need any cover," slowly by the spot and then drove on, freckle-faced youngster explained. "If only to turn in a few minutes and pull one crab tries to climb up, the others into the vacant parking space. She quickly got out of the car, fur- will pull him down." )• ••( tively looked up and down the street, BROTHERS and SISTERS, we want and apparently not seeing a police officer dashed into a nearby hardware you to have your Vestnik. When you store. She emerged shortly carrying a have a change in address, please send garbage can. She deposited the lid in your change of address to the Supreme her car and then inverted the empty Lodge SPJST, Fayetteville, Texas. Don't can over the fire hydrant and blissful- forget to fill it out like this: ly went on her way. I have a new address! ) • 4 • ( NAME The 1933 Czechoslovakia .stamps honored Prince Pribina, who is .responsible OLD ADDRESS for introducing Christianity to the land LODGE and who built the first Christian church A. D. 833. NEW ADDRESS ) • 4 • The bee that gets the honey doesn't Mail to: SUPREME LODGE SPJST, (dz) hang around •the hive. I FAYETTEVILLE,



Ati16111:069.7, JaTurtry

SCHEDULE OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL PREMIUMS ON $1,000 CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE S. P. J. S. T. ADULT ► LPARTMI'NT if 1. 1, r ; Ord, Life 15 Paid at. 10 20 15 yr. 20 yr. Endw. At 20 P. Endw Pay Life Pay Life Age 65 Pay Life Endw. Endw Age 65 At . Age 60 lo, Ann. Mo. Ann, Mo. Ann. Mo. Ann. Mo. Ann. Mo. Ann. Mo. Ann. Mo. Ann. Mo. Ann. 11) 1.00 11.36 1.03 11.74 1.65 18,84 1.83 20.87 2.57 29.24 4.90 55.95 3.52 40.22 1.12 12.87 1.89 21.61 1 1.01 11.56 1.05 11.96 1.67 19.08 1.86 21.24 2.60. 29.63 4.90 55.98 3.52 40.28 L15 13.15 1.92 22.00 12 1.03 11.76 1.07 12.19 1.69 19.34 1.89 21.63 2.64 30.02 4.90 56.01 3.53 40.34 1.18 13.44 1.96 22.38 13 1.05 11.97 1.09 12.44 1.72 19.60 1.93 22.03 2.67 30.44 4.90 56.05 3.54 40.40 1.20 13.74 1.99 22:78 14 1.07 12.20 1.11 12.69 1.74 19.87 1.96 22.45 2.71 30.87 4.91 56.09 3.54 40.46 1.23 14.06 2.03 23.19 13 1.09 12.43 1.13 12.96 1.76 20.16 2.00 22.87 2.75 31.32 4.91 56.14 3.55 40.53 1.26 14.40 2.07 23.62 113 1.11 12.67 1.16 13.24 1.79 20.45 2.04 23.32 2.80 31.78 4.92 56.19 3.55 40.60 1.29 14.75 2.11 24.07 17 1.13 12.93 1.18 13.54 1.82 20.76 2.08 23.78 2.85 32.28 4.92 56.24 3.56 40.68 (32 15.12 2.15 24.53 12 1.16r 13.20 1.21 13.85 1.84 21.08 2.12 24.26 2.90 32.91 4.93 56.29 3.57 40.77 1.36 15.52 2.19 25.01 19 1.18 13.43 1.24 14.18 1.87 21.41 2.17 24.76 2.96 33.56 4.93 56.34 3.58 40.86 1.39 15.93 2.23 25.52 ) 2.21 25.27 3.00 34.24 4.94 56.40 1.20 13.77 1.27 14.53 1.90 21.76 3.58 40.95 1.43 16.37 2.28 26.04 21 1.23 14.08 1.31 14.92 1.93 22.11 2.26 25.81 3.06 34.94 4.94 56.46 3.59 41.03 1.48 16.92 2.33 26.63 22 2.31 26.37 3.12 35.67 4.95 56.52 1.26 14.41 1.34 15.34 1.97 22.48 3.60 41.16 1.53 17.54 2.39 27.26 23 2.36 26.94 3.19 36.43 4.95 56.59 1.29 14.75 1.38 15.78 2.00 22.87 3.61 41.28 1.59 18.21 2.44 27.91 24 2.41 27.54 3.26 37.21 4.96. 56.67 1.32 15.10 1,42 16.25 2.04 23.27 3.62 41.41 1.66 18.97 2.50 28.59 25 2.46 28.17 3.33 38.03 4.97 56.75 1.36 15.51 1.47 16.75 2.07 23.68 3.64 41.55 1.72 19.61 2.51' 29.32 2.52 28.81 3.40 38.87 4.97 56.83 26 1.40 15.97 1.51 17.27 2,11 24.12 3.65 41.49 1.78 20.29 2.63 30.08 27 2.58 29.48 3.48 39.74 4.98 56.92 1.44 16.45 1.56 17,83 2.15 24.57 3.67 41.85 1.84 21.01 2.70 30.88 28 2.64 30.17 3.56 40.64 4.99 57.01 3.68 42.02 1.91 21.79 2.77 31.70 1.48 16.95 1.61 18.42 2.19 25.03 29 2.70 30.89 3.64 41.58 5.00 57.11 3.70 42.21 1.98 22.60 2.85 32.57 1.53 17.47 1.67 19.05 2.23 25.52 30 2.77 31.63 3.72 42.54 5.01 57.22 3.7- 42.40 2.05 23.48 2.93 33.48 1,53 18.01 1.73 19.73 2.29 26.15 :11 2.84 32.41 3.81 43.54 5.02 57.34 3.73 42.61 2.14 24.41 3.01 34.43 1.63 18.59 1.79 20.44 2.35 26.81 3 . ). 1.68 19.18 1.86 21.21 2.40 27.48 2.91 33.21 3.90 44,57 5.03 57.47 3.75 42.84 2.22 25.42 3.10 35.42 2.98 34.03 3.99 45.64 5.04 57.60 3.77 43.08 2.32 26.49 3.19 36.45 1.73 19.80 1.93 22.03 2.47 28.18 3.05 34.88 4.09 46.75 5.05 57.74 34 1.79 20.47 2.00 22.90 2.53 28.90 3.80 43.33 2.42 27.64 3.28 37.53 3.13 35.75 4.19 47.88 5.07 57.90 3.82 43.61 3.52 28.8t 3.38 38.67 35 1.85 21.17 2.09 23.84 2.60 29.69 3.21 36.65 4.29 49.05 5.08 58.07 3.85 43.90 2.64 30.14 3.49 39.87 36 1.92 21.90 2.18 24.88 2.66 30.41 3.87 44.27 2.76 31.54 3.60 41.13 3.29 37.58 4.40 50.26 5.10 58.26 37 1.99 22.69 2.28 26.00 2.73 31.21 3.37 38.53 4.51 51.51 5.12 58.47 38 3.90 44.54 2.89 33.02 3.71 42,45 2.06 23.52 3.38 27.21 2.80 32.02 3.46 39.50 4.62 52.79 5.14 58.70 3.93 44.89 3.03 34.61 3.84 43.84 2.13 24.39 2.48 28.40 2.88 32.87 39 3.55 40.60 4.73 54.10 5.16 58.96 40 3.96 45,26 3.18 36.32 2.22 25.36 2.60 29.69 2.95 33.74 3.65 41.70 4.85 55.44 5.38 60.82 41 2.30 26.27 2.72 31.08 3.03 34.64 4.00 45.66 3.34 38.18 3.75 42.80 4.97 56.80 5.41 61.25 42 4.04 46.08 3.52 40.20 2.38 27.28 2.85 32.62 3.10 35.43 3.85 44.00 5.09 58.20 5.45 61.73 4.08 46.53 3.71 42.42 43 2.47 28.35 3.00 34.29 3.18 36.25 3.95 45.19 5.22 59.62 5.50 62.26 4.12 47.02 3.93 44.86 44 2.57 29.48 3.16 36.14 3.26 37.30 4.05 46.33 5,34 61.07 5.55 62.84 , 4.16 47.54 4.16 47.54 45 2.67 30.69 3.34 38.16 3.34 38.46 4.16 47.60 5.47 62.55 5.59 63.30 4.21 48.08 46 . 2.77 31.98 3.54 40.40 3.44 39.29 4.28 48.91 5,61 64.07 5.63 63.80 4.26 48.68 47 2.89 32.35 3.76 42.92 3'.54 40.46 4.40 50.27 5.74 65.63 5.67 64.35 4.32 49.34 48 3.01 34.82 4.00 45.77 3.65 41.70 4.52 51.70 5.89 67.26 5.70 65.00 4.39 50.06 40 3.14 36.39 4.28 48.94 3.76 42.99 4.59 52.46 6.04 68.93 5.75 65.70 50 4.46 50.86 3.28 38.05 4.59 52.46 3.88 44.36 4.78 54.66 6.23 71.06 5.81 66.45 51 3.48 39.79 4.92 56.27 4.01 45.82 4.53 51.75 4.90 56.04 6.41 73.23 5.89 67.30 4.62 52.72 -3.65 41.61 5.30 60.60 4.14 47.36 5.00 57.08 6.59 75.36 5.97 68.25 4.71 53.80 53 3.83 43.56 5.74 65.64 4.30 49.08 5.18 58.80 6.72 76.77 6.06 69.30 54 4.82 54.98 4.02 45.63 5.26 71.54 4.45 50.83 5.30 60.55 6.87 78.52 6.16 70.45 4.93 56.30 4.22 47.84 6.87 78.52 4.61 52.67 5.46 62.24 7.22 82.62 6.28 71.7.6 4.78 54.64 56 5.06 57.76 4.44 50.56 5.60 64.06 7.42 84.76 6.40 73.20 4.98 56.94 5.20 59.36 4.66 53.28 5.80 66.24 7.62 87.00 6.54 74.80 5.18 59.20 5.36 61.14 4.92 56.10 6.00 68.52 7.82 89.36 6.70 76.56 5.40 61.80 59 5.16 59.10 5.52 63.10 6.20 70.80 8.04 91.80 6.88 78.50 5.68 65.00 60 5.72 65.26 5.44 62.30 A Columbus, Ohio, judge ruled that The doctor was very pleased with his paitient'8 proffress. "You're coughing in divorce cases the television set goes' to the parent who gets custody of the. n. -ire freely this morning." replied the c :c ren. impatient patient, "Well, for gosh sakes, ) • •I• • I ought to be. I've been practicing all "Tell me," said the sweet young thing, night." tripping up to the bank cashier's win)• •( dcw, "how do I make out a check so that i\ [any a man has never married be the money will come from my husband's half of our joint account?" cause he doesn't believe in divorce.

First-grader to his 4-year-old brother: "The smart thing for you to do is not to learn to spell your first word. The minute you learn to spell cat you're trapped; from then on the words get longer and harder." • ),,(---Too many people who won't st.-..p at anything are behind the steering wheels of automobiles.


Wednesday, Januaiy 7, 16o3 $1,000



Term-JT Mo. Ann. Under 6 mo. 1 2 4.80 .40 4.80 .40 4.80 .40 4.80 .40 .40 4.80 .40 4.80 4.80 .40 .40 4.80 WHO AM I?



Strana 23


20 Pay-JC Ann. . Mo. 1.12 1.18 1.23 1.28 1.33 1.37 1.42 1.47 1.51


12.86 13.47 14.01 14.64 15.18 15.71 16.24 16.75 17.30

20 Pay-JS Mo. 1.69 1.68 1.66 1.64 1.62 1.60 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.63

Ann. 19.28 19.22 19.01 18.76 18.51 18.28 18.22 18.27 18.40 18.60

END. 20 Yr.-JG Mo. Ann. 40.67 3.56 3.58 40.96 40.80 3.57 3.54 40.50 3.51 40.15 3.48 39.80 3.46 39.58 3.45 39.46 3.45 39.41 3.45 39.42

End at 18-JE Mo. Ann.


I am more powerful than the com- Today, upon a bus, I saw A pretty girl with golden hair. bined armies of the world. I have destroyed more men than all I envied her, she seemed sci gay, I wished that I could be so fair. the wars of the nations. I am more deadly than bullets, and I But then, when she arose to leave, have wrecked more homes than the I saw her hobble down the aisle, mightiest of guns. She had one leg and used a crutch. I steal in the United States alone over And yet, she passed me with a smile. $500,009,000 each year. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I spate no one and I find my victims, I have two legs, the world is mine. among the rich and the poor alike, the young and the old, the strong and the lAnd then I stopped to buy some sweets eak, Widows, and orphans know me. The lad who sold them had such charm; I loom, up to such proportions that I I talked with him-he seemed so gladcast my shadow over every field of la- If I were late `twould do ne harm. bor, from the turning of every grind- And as I left he said to me, stone to the moving of every railroad "Please come again, you've been so kind, "It's nice to talk with folks like you, train. I massacre thousands upon thousands "Because, you see," he smiled, "I'm blind." of wage earners in a year Oh, God forgive me when I whine, I lurk in unseen places, and do most of my work silently. You are warned I have two eyes, the world is mine. against me, but you heed not. Then, walking down the street I saw I am relentless. A pretty child with eyes of b I am everywhere-in the home, on He stood and watched the others play, the streets, in the factory, at railroad It seemed he knew not what to do. crossings, and on the sea. I stopped a moment, then I asked, I bring sickness, degradation and "Why don't you join the others. dear?" death, and yet few seek to avoid me. He looked ahead wihout a word, I destroy, crush and maim; I give And then I knew he could not hear, nothing but take all. Oh, God forgive me when I whine, I am your worst enemy. I have two ears, the world is mine. I am CARELESSNESS! ! ! With legs to take me where I'd go, )• • With eyes to see the sunset glow, With ears to hear what I would know-A small boy was left inside a car Oh, God forgive me when I whine, while his mother was in a shop, and to I'm blessed indeed, the world is mine. amuse' himself was Wildly twisting the -Author unknown steering-wheel and uttering motor-like ) • 4 4 ( sounds. A man watched him for a while, then leaned over and ,put his head in the Little Susan's mother had caught cold window and said: "Sonny, you'd better and resorted to that old fashioned stick your arm out when, you go round remedy, a glass of het whiskey and wacorners or you'll get into trouble." ter. A bit, later Susan was going to bed. The small boy regarded him scorn- When her mother came to kiss her goodfully. "Look," he said, "you stick your night, the child looked at her strangely. arm out of a space' ship and you'll have "You've been using Daddy's perfume," it ripped off." she said solemnly.

4.48 4.79 5.13 5.52 5.93 6.50 7.16 7.96 8.94

51.07 54.61 58.48 62.27 67.68 74.10 81.62 90.74 101.92

I LAUGHED AT THIS'ONE My twin sons, like many childrekti their age, delight in playing fireman ar dressing up in cowboy suits. One morning recently they came dashing into the kitchen, bringing a real Western. atmosphere. Cowboy hats were atop blond heads, and they wore bright kerchiefs; holsters, and boots. His voice shrill with excitement, Bobby burst out, "Mummy, do yo know who we are?" "No," I answered. "We're outlaws," fickle broke in. "We're running away from our in-laws!" -Family Circle. •

•• •• (

Shorts Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but, far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Benjamin Franklin ) • 4. • ( The difference beteen a mirror and a woman is that one talks without refleeting and the other reflects without talking. ) • 4• • ( What a salesman was the guy who talked his Wife into being sorry for the girl who lost her hairpins in the back seat of his car! ) • 4. • ( Despite the best of intentions and exercise of intelligence; a man sometimes gets mixed up in a bridge game with three women. ) • 4• • Hygiene authorities advise us not to moisten our fingers when counting our money. We're not worried. No germ could not live on our salary. ( ) • .T. ' Some fellows don't have to have a new tie to be tempted to stick Mei!' necks out.



PO MANI OBRAZEK ZE SAN ANTONIA dech musi to byt strarilive a tam tic!, jell horn' to 6,i ono. "NeAt'astnY 61ovek", (Poddvd. Marcella M. Kleprlikova) pomyslela jsem si, chudak pes!" Bylo krasne srpnove odpoledne. Slunce Sledovala jsem tuto dvojici dale, zajintalo prucice syYmi ostrYmi paprsky, vzduch byl aZ mdlY, jakoby zbaven ye-- malo me, kam asi se ubiraji. Nemela jsem Icereho kysliku. Hodiny ukazovaly ptes- mnoho easu, ale zdela me to zaujalo. ne dtvrt na pet. Sla jsem ulici Houston Doekala jsem se brzy. Pes syYm jemnYm a jako vkly pozorovala jsem chod- zvitecim pudein poznal, ze je a cile, ce, vYkladni sktine, ruch v jizclni draze., sveho pana na levou stranu *chodba moje oci zatoulaly se dasto i na pro- niku a na volnem prostranstvi pied veltejSi chodnik, aby nic neuSlo. A vet- kym obchodnim clomem se zastavil a sedl te, mili dtenati, 2e staei jit jenom kou- si. Cekal ' a2 do ge' jeho pdn, olizl mu rusek cesty a divate-li se oeima skuteene ku, zavrtel ocaskem a ptednina tlapka"otevtenYma", pak vidite toho tolik, nii se optel o sveho pana (asi no znaPlestaeite ani vse vnimat a tivaZovat meni, ae jsou na miste). Slepec ohmatal vSem hued na miste. hladkY Zulovy kamen, sundal svaj haCoen, postranni braSnu a zaeal v ge klast VetAina chodci sla v obou smerech, na chodnik. Nejd •ive vyndal z bat'ochu iekla bych, nonnalnim krokem. Tu a tam malou dtevenou skiadaci Ndlidku, usedl z:adivali se do vYkladni sktine, ale hned na ni, ph eentZ tete?, od psa si omotal zase pokradovali ye sve ceste. Nekte •i se kolem leve nohy. A ted' se naskyt1 chodzastavili po nekolika krocich, bezmySlen- cum velice krastlY obrazek. Ani nevim odkovite hledeli kolem sebe jako by nekoho kud, zda z kapsy kabatu neb z postranni ttledali, i pak bud' dale, nebo se vratili. bra gny, slepec vyndal male rortomile AteA jini zase, a tech bylo dosti, jakoby hna - ne a polokl je vedle sebe. Pes bedlive slera ptimo utikali, propietali se mezi chod - doval tento dej, pak atene si ptitahl dtt. 111 a naprosto nevnimali koho potkali, p •ipadne do koho vrazili. Jejich, "I am makem k sone a hned panovi olizl ruku a zavrtel ocaskem. Co nelly, co ldsky, usorry" bylo vSe co ze sebe vydali. Net ptimnosti a vernosti • a tohoto nemeho Vgak jste se ohledli, kdo to do vas vrazil, ptitele dloveka a co Atesti zarilo z oei nad uZ byl dotydnY teme • z dohledu. Potkala malym psim potomkem. jsem lidi raznYch typtl i ras a dle yzez •eni a obleeeni dalo by se u mnohYch visaSlepec mezititn rozlokl vie co mel sezovati i o jejich pavodu co do narodno- bou. Nebylo toho mnoho: jakasi miska sti i povolani. Videla jsem tvate vesele i (snad pro psa), krabice s nekolika taZsmutne, sympaticke i mene sympaticke. kami, krabidkami zapaiek a 2'vYkaCi gumou a plechovY hrnedek pro milodary My,se vgak nebudeme zdr'Zovati temito chodcil. Chvili sedeli. Tu ptistoupila starchodci. Moji pozornost pine upoutal jepant, zadivala se na ne, vyndala peti(link chodec — slepec. Sel p •ede mnou asi cent a vloZila do hrnedku. Zazvonilo to, th kroky, na zadech mel menSi batoh, po slepec si vzal peniz, dal do kapsy a popla• strane jakousi domacne zhotovenott moS cal vedle leliciho sveho verneho druha. nu, v prave ruce drZel se dlouheho tete- Ten jakoby vycitil radost sveho pana nad na, jeha2 druhem konci byl jeho ver- prvnim milodarem, olizl mu ruku, zavrtel cy kamarad-straIce a cvieenY prrivodce ocaskem a spokojene oddychoval. Krasprosttedne velikY pes. Byla to fenka. ny obrazek, vzacny a dojemnY. Byla bych Bylo velice zajimave, jak mistrne se pes je poZOrovala dale, ale ("as pokrodil a mopropletal, s jakou jemnosti sveho pana je dalSi povinnosti mi to nedovolOvaly. vedi a trhnutim tetezu upozorrioval na VioCila jsem take do hrnedku drobne co nehezpedi. Pig piechodu ulice posadil se jsem mela a opakovalo se tota, co jsem pes na okraji chodniku, podkal az k ne- jiz svrchu vylidila. Odchazela jsem a teknrtl doSel jeho pan, olizl jeho ruku, zavr- la jsem si: "St'astny slepec a Wastna psi tel ocaskem a bedlive pozoroval svoje mantinka!" Kdy2 pak zelene svetlo oznaello pfechod volnY a chodci ptechazeli, zvedl Nezda. se vain, mili etenati, ze mnohY pes, tetezem a jeho pan ho nasle- elovek mel by si vziti z teto gt'astne dvoPtatele, velice dojemne a pro mno- jice ponatteeni? PH tom neUesti a chuhe velmi pollen& Litovala jsem toho ne- dobe vidite u onoho slepce du gevni rovznameho slepce a pocitila jsem, jak jsem novahu, klid a spokojenost, zatim co u vidim, vadyt' to je snad mnollYch, oplyvajicicla zdravim, bohatIon nejvetAi poklad, kterY &ova ma, Je- stvim a vain' dello k narodnema 2ivotu je ruka neb noha, je to tteba, nachazite nespokojenost, neklid, tli neatesti, ale jiste to neni tak hrozne jako osobni nevrakvost, ba i nechut' k Lvotu. kdy'i nevidi a nikdy jit' videt nebude. Sly Zamysleme se trochu, vaZine si sveho it hla.vou mySlenky, zda dotydnY se na- zdravi a i pH Chudobe a stradani ueme se rodil jiz slept' a nespatill nikdy svet10 Ziti gt'astne a spokojene! Bud'me si vesveta, di zda oslepl pozcleji. V obdu ptipa- domi deny a praveho vYznamu

ti t

Guy, Teaks. Mili bratti a sestkidky: Musim vain sdelit zase smutnou zpravu, kterou jsem obdr2ela z La Salle, Texas, od sestry Rozi Ele:;.ove. Zemtela tam jeji matinka, pani Johann Kusakova, moje mild ptitelkyne hued z naSich mladYch svobodnYch let ve stare vlasti. Narozena byla v Rajnochovicich 6. eervna 1865. Dive'. jeji jmeno bylo Johana GajdOSova. Jeji rodide majetek na rajnochovske strane, jen pies hranici od vsetinskeho okresu. Do kostela chodili do HoAt'alkove. Jmenovali se Stepan a Anna GajdoS. Pani Kusakova byla dvakrat vciana; prvni mantel se jmenoval Toma g Harmlik, a ptijeli s rodinou do Amerilw v roku 1904. Kdy jeji mantel nevim datuni, ani kdy se podruhe provdala. VSe jsem zapomneta. Jak se podruhe provdala v Temple za Josefa Kusaka, tak jsme si stale dopisovaly a udrCovaly mile pH.telstvi. Po smrti jejiho druheho manZela bydlela a jeji dcery Rozi a zete Josefa Elev La Salle, Texas. Pohtbena byla na hititove v Nada, Texas. Zinechala dve dcery: Johanu a Rozi Hanulikovy, a zete Josefa Ele,§e, a vice ptatel. Odpodivej, milk ptitelko, v pokoji. Pozastali ptijmete uptimnou soustrast. V nedeli 21. prosince obditell Mikeskovi smutnou zpravu, ae prave zemfel ndhle Anton Sitta, bratr Pauliny Mikeskove. Byla, to pro nas vS'echny zdreujici zprava. Pohieb zesnuleho bratra konal se 22. prosince v Rosenberg o jedne hodine v evangelickem kostele za sluZ"eb fara•e Besedy. Pohtebni pisne krasne zapel kostelni sbor. Po obtadech v kostele byl bratr Anton Sitta zavezen k pohtbeni do osady Sublime na tamni htbitov. ZesnulY Anton Sitta se narodil ph Hallettsville roku 1895. Zanechal zde zarmoucenou manCelku, Agnes Sittovu v Rosenberg, jednoho bratra Jana Sittu v Rosenberg, tig sestry, Annu Kovatovou v Houston& Padlinu Mikeskovou v Guy, Filomenu Valdikovou v Guy; maminku jeho manCelky, pi. Machadovou, starou pies 80 let, ktera a nich bydli, Svakry, gvakrovou a vice rodiny a prate', bratry a sestry spolkove. Pozastald manCelko a ostatni rodino, ptijmete moji uptimnou soustrast. milt' zesnulY bratte, spi klidne tichY a lib sen. Rozi Mikeska Truksova. ) • 4, PoCitek pigrodnich kras, eisteho vzduchu, a svobody, obraci dloveka z mests(Davorin Trstenjak.) ke spoleenosti. )• •( LepS1 je to, co bylo vytvoteno ptiro(Cicero). don. neNi to, co umele.

tin e sttedu, due 7. iethia 11A.


sapeake. Odtud hranice smerovala k pohoii a na vYchod k mai. Jaroslav Koudelka: VYchodni hranici byl ocean a DelawarskY zaliv az ke Otyricatetnu stupni severni hranice p •edstavovala ptimou linku, scubetr:ou se etykicatYm stupnem, Roman prvniho Oecha v Americe a betici na jih k prameni Potomactr, kde zaainala, hranice jinni. Puvodni Maryland zabiral potomni stat Delaware. Rada, ohromend, sedela jako zkamenea velkou Cast pc.zdejS1 Pennsylvanie. le. "Tome, povidam, veer se sejdeme "U dvou pardalir na leto gnim!" volal kdosi "NuZe?" usmival se guverner. 'cited domem na ceste, ale yypada.lo to "Zemepisne je hranice jasna." dotvrtak, jako kdyby byl promluvil v tomto zoval zamyAlenY Herman. "Ale plati jen pokoji. • theoreticky. Viastni platnou hranici ur"Kdo ze ctihodnych panfi si pfeje slo- euje tento text." A Herman ukazal svYin va k navrhu?" tazal se ptedseda rady. stihlym prstem na misto patentu, kde stab: ". . bude obsahovati jenom zeNikdo vAak neueinil pohybu. "Panu Hetmanoyi se vyhovuje a jeho mi, ktera neni dosud obydlend krome namitky budou uvateny," vydechl na to jistYch barbarn, nazYvanYch Indiany." "Co tim chcete rici, pane Hermane?" ptedseda a rozpadite si pkejel Mrokou vyjel plukovnik. holou dlani eel°. "Nic jineho nZ to," odpovidal Herman, SchUze se skoneila a Herman kkepce tatD listina ma clelawarske fizemi povstal, aby se poroutel. PropouSteli ho s respektem i s obavami, jaka je gte ne- za nepoclaylanY holandskY pravni majeeekana pfekvapeni jim pkipravuje tato tek!" zajimava hlava s pleti pkettenou s noble"Oho!" trill sebou guverner. "Hled'me!" posmival se plukovnik. dlYm tonem, avSak tim vYraznejSi pod "Nic jasn'ejStho, panove," pokraeoval aureolou houpavYch dlouhYch kadeti, e'ernych a lesklYch jako rozpuRena smola. Heiman vecne. "lento kralovskY dekret Plukovnik ani nezapiral, ze je zklaman. vyslovne eliminuje z vyjmenovanYch "Uvidime, bude-li Lordstvo souhiasit," hranic nzemi, ktera byla jit c.51dlena nebo zabrana belochy. tmyslem clarce ' nezasykl mezi zuby. pochybne bylo nepodstupavati kompeLord a vlastnik vgak souhlasil. Rozhodl o torn 'poradni hlas jeho se- tenenich sporil s jinyini stranami a &kretake Courseye, i hlas 'elena rady Ba- Intel", ptipadne nevyvolavati mezinarodtemana, ptednich hlav katolicke stra- nich politickYch zapletek. A jiste, panony. Oba muti hajili fair play a vtdy hie- ve, je, to Holand'ane sidlili na delawardeli, aby otazky dennich zapasfi se dr- skem bkehu jit davno pied timto patentely vecne zakladny. •Jejich zasadnost tern, P •o93 asi take tato vedoma vYSla nekdy na nervy i guvernerovi. Ale hrada. V holandskYch slutbach 'objevil nemohl nerespektovat tyto mute vlivne- Henry Hudson Delawarskou zatoku jit v race 1609. V roce 1614 se pak vylodili ho postaveni i slova. Ne bez dojeti bral Hetman pozdeji do prvni holandal obchodnici v Usti Manrukou yzacny dokument dynastic Cal- hatanske teky, .jak se ncjprve tikalo vertu. Tehdy na palube "Hudsonskeho •Hudsonu, a kapitan Cornelius Jacobson bobra" ani si netroufal ptipustit rnySlen- Mey vnikl se svou "Stestenou" do Deku, ze by sve jednani v Marylande mohi lawarskeho zalivu. VYchodni east ptivest tak daleko. 2e by poselstvo Stuy- livu ma 'mod to doby pojmenovani Cape vesantovo se mohlo p •evtelit z pokorne- Mey. Panove, v Novem Amsterodamu jetiji dva svedci ,onoho ptistani: ho prosebnika na soudce, zkoumajiciho sae patent pane marylandskYch. Boj ptitel kantor van Bonsen a naSe vedma vdova Huyterova. lkeka same. se tehdy se rozvinul itspeSne a treba ziskavati dy krok za krokem a hezky tlaeiti od- jmenovala hoiandsky Zuydt, eili JiZni reka, Dalsi skuteenosti je, ze prvni 0puree 8. piekou kordu ke zdi. Pergamen vznekne Austil pod prsty. sadu, ktera byla zal&,ena na b •ehu reNesl podpis i tnkou zardelou peeet' Kar- ky Delaware, vytvorili H•land'ane. Ti la I., jen . prave prod deseti lety byl zalotili Nassa yskou pevniistku. V roce zkracen o hlavu na londYnske Whitehall. 1631 zalcZil holandskY kapitan de Vries Kolik se toho udalo od roku 1632, kdy na btehu Deleware osadu Swanendalle, vystavovali druhemu Baltimorovi tuto jeji2 prvni obyvatele propadli clarovacI listinu, ollratne vyeaVovanou Ale p •iznaene pro hclandskou tradici na dv.ote, na nema kraloval nejen Karel delawarskeho brehu je — jak doufam, panove i to, ae ja jsem byl je'Ste v roce I., nYbrt i vSemocnY Buckingham! Dokument ptesne vymezomal hranice 1633 — tedy pouhk rok po vydani tomarylandskeho vlastnictvi. Severni hra- hoto patentu — pritomen tome, jak byly nici tvotil bteh Potomacu, a to od pra- od Indicinu kup.-.:vany pozemky pro homono at pa Usti, koneici v zalivu Che- landskou pevuest Bet/el.-4*We, \rk dalSi

Pan na Ceske iece

61, je jit lope znarno. Co jsem uvedl, sta6i pro ptedpoklad, ze darci tettr listiny nebyly tyto skuteenosti neznamy a to nikoliv neamysine omezil vyteene zasadni hranice podminkou, to plati jenom potud, pokud ptisluSne uzemi nebylo obyvano nekYm jinYm net Indiany. A pobketi keky Delaware, panove, met° jit sve holandske osadniky, netli tento patent byl widen!" "Je to vSechnor pokoukl se Utie vYvody Heimanovy ironisovat. "Prejete-li si plukovniku, pak neni . "Rem zvedav .. . "Mohu tedy pripojit" — a Herman si neodpustil, aby si nezakroutil sireho praveho vousku— "`Ze jsem v Novem Ams.teht pcjal pochybnosti o torn, ae by tot(); mesto laelo prod 'etyticat m stupnem Sirky "Hrome, bojim se o samu Svatou Maid," pokouSel se plukovnik o zest. "Aby se tak zjistilo, to spada do hranic Noveho Holandska!" "Nejedname o Svatem Maki, nybrz o delawar.skern btehu, na 11'61112 Nov' Amstel odpovidal Heiman z.dvotile, ale dilrazne. Na stitl v malem pokoji usedalo clusno. Guverner Fendall postkehl, ae po vejeitem oblieeji plukovnikove se atekaji perly potu. do Spiaky Brady. Naptimil se prate v ktesle a pravil: "Svata Mari nebo Amstel — o vgem rozhodneme po svem!" Hetinan si pokroutil knirek po druhe. "Co se tYee Svate Excelence," odpoveetel zdvotile, "nepochybuji a neprotestuji. AvSak co se tkee Noveho Amstelu a provincie delawarske, dovoluji Si upozornit na hartfordskY pakt z roku •scdmaetyticateho, jent omezuje vr,lnost naSich americkYch osad zaeinat mezi sebou spory a konflikty. MCI jsem test uzavirati v Hartfordu tento pakt za Noye Holandsko. Slibujerne-li na teto pev;•. nine platn•st smluv divochum a•zastavame-li jejich utiteenost, jiste tim spige budemh zachovavati a podporovati smlouvy mezi sebou. Nove Holandsko by se nutne odvolalo na text smlouvy hartfordske, kdyby se mu m'610 nasal .. ." Ticho, ktere bylo jedinou odpovedi na tento Heimaniv kategorickY projev, potvrtovalo ucinnost He •manv va stanoviska. Z nesnezi hledel si Utie pornoci °pet Utokem. "Neptiporninejte nem Indiany!" zvolal na.kvaSen. "Nezavidime Novemu Holandsku jeho vYbornY pourer k divochum. Ani se nedomnivame, to by prosnivel jeho dobremu jmenu. Budeme nu con' beztak i v teto veci taclati leckere vysyetleni." Herman se nenucene ukbanil. "K bam!„

Strana 26 Vital, ze otazky se hromadi. Ryc tednani by nesvecieilo *mum Noveho Hola.ndska. VSechno zaleZelo na torn, zi-, skati eas. Jet-1'0m eas mohi vesti ku obou strait, ktere se zhruba yzajemne neznaly a jejich gorner-nepomer byl zatiZen hluboltou piedpojatosti. AZ se °be- strany lepe pcznaji, vznikne i nove• prostiedi a budou ((Orly podminky pro clohodu a snad i pro p•atelstvi. ,Dny ubihaly a rozhodnuti se skuteitne odsunovalo. MarylandAti se znepokojili ohnostrojem argumentii, nov'ch otazek i hledisk, jerin e vznesl nod delawarskYm ptipadein pileinenim novoamsterodamske clelegace. Jeji dtivody a doklady bylo ti•ba vyvracet novYmi ddvody a doklady. Himotile hrozby Utieho utichaly a ustupovaly tarostlivemu •zji gt'ovani toho el '3nal0, ObratnY novoholanskY jednatel marylandskYm radikalne dilkladne Plukcvnik Utie v duchu zuiil, guver ner se zdal gediveti. Oba uvedli delawarskY spor na scenu. Ptah si, aby vydal co nejvice hluku. A hluku toho pottebcivali, aby se zatiin mohli chopit vlastnich plant''. A pojednou piijde taItoVY holandskY kupec a vnuti jim vysokou diplornatickou hru, kterou neeelcali je2 jim. nesv'eclei. Jen aby se ti Holand'ane nesetkali s lordem. Bude nesnade zatajiti mu (brat, jen2 v jednani nastal. Pnc.tklate . . . 0 holandske hosty se pojednou poeal ievit spoleeenskY zeijern. Zprvu se ye Svate Ma •i sotva kdo zajimal o ony dva ci/ince, byt' jejich oestnY vojensky dOprovoct je napadnYmi. Kdy se vgak pobyt tecnto lidi v meste protahoval a leclyZ" se poealo preSlYchat, ze ti dva vu/Dec nejsou hhtpaci, kramati, neotesanci, riYbr2 ze to jsotr lide obratni, chytti a vzdelani a ze ten, jenZ vede hlavni slovo, Heiman, je dokonce vStorni a duchapinY teen& a gentleman, jernu2 Hen' hued talc rovno — rozbehla se po rtikteeku zvedavost a s ni brzo ctiladost s ncvoh.olandskymi posly se seznarnit. WititeoyStm se odpustilo, ze jsou podvratni puritani.. Trousily se k nim navAetvy, jeZ brzo zavadely tee na onu noc, kdy na, vrata Whited zabu gili novoholandSti cizinci A pani Whiteova musela vypitaveti, jaci ti dva poslove guvernera Stuyvesanta vlas,tne jsou, co jim i'ikala a jsou-li snad svobodni, jake je soukrome postaveni, jak se chovali a nebyla-li pani Whiteova to laskavosti a nevytidila pandm, ze by Crookovi, Northonovi, Hendersonovi i jini pova.Zovali za test .. . Whitecvi ovgem podle pravdy odpovidali, e s pany Heimanem a Vgaldronem styxi . neucirZuji a neopomentdi nikdy — ttke:-podle pravdy — ptipojit, ze by byli vubee nerneli pote geni poskytnouti ho-

VESINIX— WEST, TEXAS stum z Novell° Arnsterodamu onen jeding nocleh, kdyby kremat nebyl vaZene pOny ze sveho hostince p •imo vyhnal a nebyl je poslal jako naschval prove k nim. Tato historka, gitic se po meste, zpUsobila vladmucim kruheim ye' Svate Mari novou nep •ijemnost, nebot' nebylo neznOrno, ze plukovnik char ochrannou ruku mad krema •ein a ze tento tlustY hrubec je stytirou stejne jeho jako Fendaloyou. I nemohlo bYt nic phrozenel gilio, neZ ze se spoleeensky ruch kolem zajimavYch •olancl..,kYch vyslancd sousstiedaovial u HollingsworthovYch. Odpoledni eaje v zahrade pod oteSaky kvetly. Pani HollingsworthovA a sieena Wardova, jeji obetavO pcmocnice, nevedely karn chive skoeit. Ptichazeli vaZeni meSt'ane s manZelkami nebo i s dospelYmi dcerami. Rozneslo se totiZ, ze jeden z delegattt, pan Resolved Waldron, je muZ zralY a svobodnY. Obyvatele Svate Maii pojednou objevili rozkoS zahrady HollingsworthovYch. K pate hedine vplouvali do vratek setnikova staveni ddstojni me gt'ane se syYmi spanilYmi damami. Oni v SirokYch a stlaeenYch svetlYcla plstenYch kloboucieh a v dlouhYch jako v ZaketovYch kabatech, jejichZ dole cosy vzadu zalerYvaly pclovinu lytek ye vysokych puneochach, je.z koneily ye stievicich s ptezkami; a damy byly ove geny s ptemnohYmi suknemi, je2 zakrYval rozdutY girokY gat, dovolujici diskretni kukue gpiekarn stieviekit. Od raminek k pasu se usmival Zivtitele odliSne barvy, jen2 v ptednim i zadnim vYstkihtt cudne pOodhaloval koSilku. Kloboueek na zpilsob "kuk.ane" zdobil scueasne i hrdlo podvazanou stuhou. "Kdy budete pi'ijati bordstvem?" bYvala nejeastejSi otazka, kladena interesantnlin cizinctim. Mr Hollingsworth bYvaval ph takove otazce nesvuj. "Jeho lordstvo nenniZe bYti," pospichal odpovedeti, aby °d yedl hovor od horke pddy. "Go nalehave miize zabirati eas Jeho Lordstyu?" "Lordstvo vzgomimi, pamatky SVe zesmile choti . "Yes, yes, zemiela prove pied deseti lety. AvSak je tomu uZ tak davno. A k jeji pamatce byl zalolen Anne Arundel co mohlo Lordstvo ueiniti pro zveeneni pamatky sve mlade choti vice?" "A" coZ otazka hranic , mezi Marylondem a NovYm Holandskem jiz neni nalelaava?" otazal se hlas slAny Wardoye, naeav thema jegte "TotiZ," kroutil se hostitel, "jednani se pti nejmengirn ' protahne." Pak se pa,nove v na.gem meste dlouho zdrZi? "Snad," utikal se setnik do neureito-

Ve stiedu, due 7. ledna 1953. sti. Vzpomnel plukovnika a guvernera, syYch ptedstavenYch. Oeeleavali od neho, ze vliv syYch hostd bude neutralisovat, nikoli podporovat. Sleena Wardova laystte pochopila potiebu einu. Odgustila k pani worthoye. "Napada rime, jak bychom jim otevtely dvete k lorclovi," za.Apitla. "Mluvte, koetieleo . . ." "Choclim do dornacn,osti Courseycvy a 13atemanovy . . . Pani Courseyova poMehl. mangela, aby s ni nav gtivil nektena.S. pti gti daj. A opet na dalSim se Lr nos objevi Baternanovi. Pan Heiman si s obema pany promhivi. To bude polovieni predom . . ." Obe .-2,eny spojily•jeden zajem Rozumely si. High eaje HollingsworthovYch opravdu zazatily pititomnosti mantelsk3tch pdrd CourseyovYch a BateinanoVYtth. ky se nakioni,ly na. Strand novearnsterodamskYch. Zdalo se, ze ze zahrady HollingsworthoyYch jejich cesta pobni ptimo k aspechu. JenZe lehke ptedivo za.kulisni hry rozbila nahla brutalni rand: cia Svate Mati vtrhli ugtvani jezdci. Ptihnali se jako ktidlech az z Virginie. ZpraVa, kterou phnesli vzrugila kdekoho. "Indiani provedli najezd na belochy v Accomacu! Hrozna re'! Obeti na sta. Sta skalpti v rukou rudochti. A kolik vypalenYch staveni a vyplenenStch hospodatstvi! A jak to bylo rucZne? Jak mohli ruenice podlehnouti tiptim a sekeram? Nebylo totiZ tech gipti a valeenYch seker! Indiani se phlanali take s puSkarni. Vgichni palili ze sttelnYch zbrani . A kde je yzali! Od koho jineho je meli neZ od Holand'and?!", Malielee rnesteeko na Chesapeake v hodine vyrostlo v lidske mraveniSte. Z chalup vybiliala mugketa za mugketeu a z okoli ptijadeli farmati na konich hnani tajemnYm pionYrskym pudem. Pied budovou Shromaideni, guvernera a provineniho vrchniho soudu hlava na hlave, kiln na koni a mugketa na mu g -ket . "A my se :tu. s Holand'any maziime, poslouchame jejich rozumy a hostime je!" Ten hlas znali z kramy "U dvou panda d", co2 jim v to chvili nevadilo. Jiskra chytala, mnoZstvi se poddavalo vzteku. Setnik Hollingsworth neme gkal a .spechal dome. "Nelze raft za nic!" zvestoval. Ry: chle na kone a zachraiite se!" "Vyloueeno," zpeeoval se Heiman, "Nedole:mein jsme je gte jednani. Ptiznavali bychom take vinu, ye kterou nevetim. Chci tvrdit, ze Nove Holandsko neni vinno Aecomacem! Musime vyekat, ai se veci vyja.sni. *(Itelc — to by byla raZka a zmar ua geho poselstvi!"

ye stredu, dne 7. ledna, 1953.

V tS TN f K


81,1-,Ina 27

eASU A KALENDATit Kaiclotr chviii nekdo se pta: "Kolik je TakovYto den znamena dobu otoeeni Zkusime vymezit dobu trvani dne hoclin" nebo "Kolikateho maim dnes?" Zeme kolem osy. Vedci dokazali, ze ve nod. pornoci nejprostgiho astronomickeskuteenosti se neotaei obloha Se vgemi ho pozorovani. Ptedpokladejme, ze je z Na otazku odpovime pohledern na ho- hvezdami kolem nagi Zeme z vYchodu na I nageho okna videt nejaka budova, rystrdinky nebo na nastennY katenclar, jestil zapad, ale ze se otaei Zeme v obracenem jici se na pozadi nebe. A dejme tomu, ze sami nejsme jisti odpovedi. Ale napadne smeru, ze zapadu na vYchod. se nam podari zpozorovat jasnou hvezdu, nas nelcdy zamysllti se t jak se tyto dve ktera na sve katdodenni pouti do k miry, hodinky a kalendat, staly meritky Denni otdeeni Zeme se podoba otade- budove a skryla se za ni: zjistime nagla hocase? ni pevne stojicihn detskeho vlka. NaS'e dinkach okamtik jejiho zmizeni, na priOtt teto detske hraece tikaji anglicky VSechny veci, ktere nas obklopuji, jsou "spinning top". Na takovem vlku jsou dva klad 9 hodin 25 minut, a opakujeme tojak tikame "v prostoru", nektere body, jeden nahote a druhY dole, ktere, ten pozorovani nasledujici veder z tehoi jine dale. .A prase tak v gechno, co kdy se vlk otadi, stoji skoro nepohnu- mista. Zitra zjistime, ze tata2 hvezda se se stalo, v gechny udalosti se deji "v easchove. v 9 hodin 21 minut, pozit •i v .9 te: mitZeme je nazvat pOly vlka a ptimse", nektere drive a jine zase pozdeji. ku, ktera jimi prochazi, osou vlka. Prave hodin 17 minut atd., kratce -tedeno, kaZdY den o 4 minuty dtive. At' pozorujeme kteOd pradavna dovedou bide v prostoru tak je tomu se Zemi, ma osu a dva poly, roukoli hvezdu, zjistime vhly totf.•Mame =Wit vzdalenosti, nebo, jak se Mica v severni a jinni. A dale: tak jako zdanlive li velmi pfesne jdouci hodinky'ts zjistime, geometrii, "useky primky ohra.nidene d ye- denni otdoeni oblohy je dusledkem ota.- ze rozdil neni ptesne 4 minuty, ale troeeni Zeme, tak i na obloze jsou dva nema body". chu atone, ptesne trt minuty 56 vtetin. pohnute body, kolem kterYch jako by' se Stejne tak davno uz lidstvo zadalo po- ota,eely behem 24 hodin v gechny hvezdy. Tak kaZdY bod hvezdneho nebe opisuje &tat cas, to jest merit "useky 'taste' me- Stati astronomove nazvali tyto body "po- Upiny kruh a vraci se na totet mist() ne zi dvema udalostmi. Z poeatku bylo toto ly sveta", protote se domnivali, ze se nebe Za 24 hodiny, nYbrZ o tti minuty 56 vtemereni neptesne, ale elm dale, tim skuteene otaei a Zeme ze je v klidu. ,Na fin drive, tedy za 23 hodiny 56 minut 4 bylo presnej gi. Oim vYge se rozviji kultu- severni polokouli je videt pouze severni vtetiny. A za to dobu se otodi hvezdna ra nageho tivota, elm rfiznotvarnej gi je svetovY pet. obloha kolem Zeme. Ve skutednosti vSak lidska, ainnost, tim vetgiho ArYznamu nase otadi Zeme a ne obloha" jedno otoeeni V samem polu neini tadna hvezda, ale bYva rnereni presneho kolem Zeme tedy trva. 23 hodiny 56 minut as ve 'Ode ma tilohu naprosto special- velmi blizko neho je dosti jasna hvezda, a 4 vtetiny. Tento easovY Usek se jmenaVedel nazYvaji cas "nezavislou promen ktera, se jmenuje Polarka. Snadno ji je hvezdnY den ptedstavuje zakladni jenou velidinou", to jest takovou velleinou, najdeme podle znameho souhvezdi Vel- dnotku dasu: delka tohoto dne zusttiva, s jejiz zinenou se men' i v gecliny ostatni keho medveda (Velkeho vozu). celY cas stejna. Prostemu oku se zda., ze Polarka stoji velleiny vesmiru. A je to skuteene "neProe se nepoeita prim° s 24 hvezdnYmi zavisla" jakoby vane plynula, stale na jednom miste, skoro presne na severu, a ostatni hvezdy opisuji kolem ni hodinami? Ale to se v astronom y dela. bez zastavky a rovnornerne. Lide se naucili ptesne merit cas taro- ( ye skuteenosti kolem svetoveho pOlu) Astronomove rozdeluji hvezdnY den na 24 yen s rozVojem astronomie vedy o ne- kruhy ruzne velikosti podle toho, jak jsou hvezdnYch hodin, kaZdou hodinti na 60 beskych telesech. Jen dik astronomii mu- vzdaleny od pelu. Nejva gi okruh opisuji minut a minutu na 60 vterin. "Hvezdne" teine presne odpovoclet na otazky: "ko- hvezdy, ktere jsou vzdaleny od pOlu 90 hodiny, minuty a vteriny jsou prirozene lik je -kolikateho dnes je"? stej- stuprid (pravy Lei na tak zvanem o neco krat gi net na ge "oby(,‘ejne", nebo ne tak tato vecla stanovila pravidla ri- svetovem rovniku, kterY deli celou oblo- "sluneeni" jednotky easu. zeni hodin a pravidla pocitani dni a ro- hu na d ye polokoule, severni a jinni. Na kattle astronomicke observatori jsou dim vet gi je zemepisna gifira mista, z 311iYmi siovy stanovila pravidla kalendare. Objasnenim techto Pravidel se za- ktereho pozorujeme, to je eim jsme se- hodiny, ktere jdou podle hvezdneho easu. verneji, tim vYge stoji na obloze severni Tyto hodiny jsou tak zregulovany, ze katbyvaji nasledujici odstavce. svetovY 01 a na severnim zemskem polu, clY den se predejdou proti obydejnYm hoHVtZDN1( DEN A HVtZDN't LEAS eas, musime mit ne- kde zemepisna, Africa, jak znamo, 90 stup- dinam o 3 minuty 56 vterin. Hvezdne hoAbychom jakou "miru ease a s ni srovnavat v ge- il, stoji severni svetovY pot prim° nad diny jsou pro astronoma naprosto nutne, protote jdou, abychom tak Iekli, v soueliny ostatni easove- Proto je tfeba nagi hlavou, odborne reeeno v zenitu. hlasu s pohybem hvezdneho nebe. Katcla, Otdeeni Zeme je ten nejrovnornerneji nalert takovy zjev, kterY se vtdy opakuhvezda vyehazi podle hvezdnYch hodin je stejnS7m zpilsobein. Pak mame pravo pohyb ze vgech pohybu, ktere jen zname. vtdy v jeden a tY2 presne stanovenY 0Jak ukazuji astronomicka pozorovani, za predpoklaclat, zc se tento zjev uskuteeAuje Vicly behem jednoho a teha easove- posledni dva tisice let se doba trvani je- kanilik a v ptesne stanovenY okanilik ho useku a mtiteme tento Usek prijmout dnoho otodeni Zeme kolem sve osy ne- zapada. zmenila ani o setinu vtetiny. Nase jedza jeclnotku 'easu. Proto hvezdne hodiny po cclY cas podatakovYto presne se opakujici zjev notka miry dasu je tedy dostatedne spo- vaji astronomu obraz hvezdneho nebe: si lidstvo davno jit zvyklo .. Od tech dob, lehliva.. staei mu pohlednout na takove hodiny ternu se rovna, tato jednotka? Za jak podivat se do zvla gtniho soupisu hvezd kdy se elovek stab myslicim tvorem, jiz vedel, te dries zaeinajici noc skonei, jako dlouho se uskutedni jedno otodeni zeme- (hvezdneho katalogu) a hned vi, anit vyskoncila veerej gi noc, ze po ni znovu na- koule podle naSich obvyklYch hodin? jde , z pracovny, ktere hvezdy jsou Prave stane den a ze tak bude veene. Tak se sa- Velmi mnozi se domnivaji, ze prOve za, na priklad v nejvy ggi poloze nebo, jak ma od sebe nabizela lidem zakladni jed- 24 hodin: vidyt' piece jedna etyriadva- rikaji astronomove, na svetovem polednotka pro rneteni Casu. Tato jednotka ne- cetina dne se jmenuje hodina. Uvidime, niku a kdy je nej yYhodnej gi doba pro jeni "den", to jest easovy usek od vYchodu ze tomu tak neni a take pozname, ze jich pozorovani. do za.padu slunce, ale den a noc dohro- vilbec "den a noc" neni tak prostY po(Pokraeovani prigte.) jcin, jak se na prvni pobled zda. mady.


Strana 28 EDUARD

MAL)? (TENAII. Ute me Cesky Cisti. viticATE g ESTE MOEN!

Smzek pada.

seday na vetvice jako z jara vlaitovice. Do vgech do viech pada bile sneine pen.

Sniiek nada, sniiek Do dvoreCkii do ohnipada. dek, jen se sniii Jen se do lesU do zair-idek. Splagili se Zime kone leti bez Pada sniiek bez ustani od rana ai do klekini.• Smzell pada, bilST snih Pavel Skrivan. Weal nekolikrat a opi g do segitu! ze hVezdieek stiibrnSich Smiek pada, sniek pada, vgude bib na Domy maji bile Ciepce ten komin beranici.

View dobra v novem rote malYm i velkYin etenaiiim preje STIrktEIC MitEK Z AUSTINU. StrYeek dekuje za mile mu vzpominky. Jell° adresa je: Dr. IVIieek, University Station, Austin, Texas. •

44 • (

Babiala (Napsala Botena Nemcova)

Obeeejne, kdyt k babiece chtel katc-1Y nem, nest. Jeden dostal tedy rtitfe.enec, druhY satek, Barunka jako nejstark vtdy nesla mo ginku. Z toha ale povstaly vtcly nechvalne k •iky, ponevaca chlapci vgeteeni byli a do moknky nahlidnout chteli, cot Barunka zase doVilma Sokolova. volit nechtela. Pi islo pokatde k talobe; Barunka nusela se obratit na babieku, aby chlapctun vylala. Ale babieka sahla misto lani do mc ginky, poclelila deli bud' jablky, bud' ne'dim jinym, a byl hued svatY pokoj. Pain Pro glova rikala site katdou "Prosim vats, babiako, nenoste jit nieeho." Ale babieka katdou nedeli ji odpovidala: "Jak pak by to bylo, abych jinn z kostela nieeho Vklyt' jsme my nebYvaly lep1!" ZUstalo tedy pii starern. S babiticou prichazivala zaroveri pa. nimarna, to• jest pani mlynarka, a leckdy je gte nekterit kmotra ze Zernova, yesnice to, kteral nejblite nade ml'nem leti. Panimarna nosila dlouhe gaty s ka-

Sniiek pada, 134 snih ze hvezdkek stiihn4-ch

Pada sniiek.

"k ,pad'a pa a Pacl:a smze na imrzlit nage . :ada yeti bill motSrlkove z pavueiny oblakove.

Ve siiedu, due 7. ledna 19;):1 batkem a stiibrnSt eepec, Byla to '2.inka nizka, buclatd, s eernYma veselST ma 0enna, mela kratkY, rozplaclY nosieek, p •ivetiva nsta, malou bradieku a pod bradou laltidek; na krku nosivala v nedeli drobne perly, v gedni den granaty; na ruce mela dlouhY kulatY ko gik, z rakosi pletenY, s kulatym zaklopern, v nemZ bylo trochu toho koteni kramskeho, co panimdma pro clomacnoSt pot•ebovala. Za '2enskYmi chodival pan otec, obyeejne s nekterYm krnotrem. horko, nesl si kabat svetlo gedY na gpanelce pies rameno. V nedeli mival vylegtene boty do pill lejtek a naho •e sttapce na nich, ocZ se chlapcinn /fence' libilo. Nohavice mel Uzke do bot. Na hlave vysokou eernou beranici, na niZ poi edne strane sham, az doh modre diagliCky byly. DruhY kmotr byl tea tak ustrojen jako pan otec, jell& dlouhY kabat, vzadu s faldy a velikYmi olcvenYmi knofliky posazenY, byl zelenY a ne gedy, ja.kouko barvu pan otec co mlyndt miloyal. Lide jdouci na hrubou vitali je od slova, bokho, oni je pak k slovu boZinru. Nekdy se zastavili, poptali se jedni druhYch jak se maji tu, jak tam, co se ptihodilo na 2ernove, co ye mlYne. V time potkal's maloktereho Zernovskeho, aby gel do mesteeka do kostela, protoZe cesta byla po strani nebezpeeno.. To chodili bud' do Studnic aneb na oervenou hilru, do obou dedin byla, cesta sell/id/10Si. V lete si z toho ale Mc nedelali, zvla gte mladd chasa. V nedeli dopoledne se cesta po lukach k mesteeku netrhla. Tu jde volnYm krokern statena v koZichu a plachetee, a vedle ni pcdpiraje se o hill krdei stars' muk ba ze stark, vklyt' pak nos' *v hlave h •eben — tu modu maji jen stateekove. 2eny v bilYch eepcich s holubiekami, muti s beranici neb furiantskYch vydrovkach je pfedhoni, enottce se pies dlouhou lavku k,strani. S hdry dolt/ ale prichazeji tancujicim krokem deVeata jako lane, a za nimi pospichaji bujni junkove jako jeleni. Tu prolunitne stromovim nadYchanY rukavec bilY, tu zachytne se na ki•ovi eervenY vlajici od ramene labor, tu strakati se vySivana kamizola chlapce, ati koneene celY veselY sbor vytene se na zelenY patit. PriSed gi domu, pfevlekla se babieka ze svateeniho gatu, vzala na sebe kanafasku a gukala po dome. Po obecle•bylo ji nejmilejk sednout, polotit hlavu Barunce do klina, a nechat si hledat 'tive vlasy, ktere pry ji velmi svedi. Obyeejne pH torn viskani usnula, ale nikdy ne na dlouho. Kdyt se probudila, valy se divila, ae usnula, rikajic: "Inu to ani nevim, te se mi ty oei tak sklitily." Mokritovir0

WEST, TEXAS Jsme vZdy mueedniky svych Prijine se sazee pro tis-vlastnich vad. (Carmen Sylvia).' karma, rueni neb strojovY. Stale 0 zamestnani, dobra mzda. OechoVSEM NAM 141.1ZNIVeti111 slovak Publishing Co., West, Te(dz.) . Nyni v obdobi kdy zapoeina xas. NovY Rok, prejeme si zde vzdandS dik za vaAi ctenou prizen SPRAVNE VYKONAN4 kterou jste a delili NONATU POIllftEBNi SLU2BA nadeji, k tato nam bade zaV hodine gala' zarmouceni eho y na i v budouenosti. My se naleznou. Edward Pace pocitime, Ze na(3 proctukt byl vahtebni Ustav pohotovY k siln a vaSim piatelfim sympatickemu vyfizeni nerovneZ, prinakjici protekci, kdy zbytnYch jednotlivosti a koliv jest teto zapotrebi, kterY k vypraveni dojemneho pojest pc' race k pcuaiti z vakho Mina mbinetu lekti kdykoliv se naLevne ceny jsou nazi zasaskytne nutnost k pouMti. Z dou. mnoha clopisti ktere dostavame po dobu roku, v kterYch nam dekuji za NONAT, eini nas se eititi, Pohkebni ieditel Abate-ii se cititi dobie Ze koname dobrou sluZbir pro S.P.J.S.T.—Tel. 3-3606 Olen naSe pratele a zakazniky. My Vypadati dobie 118 N. 5th St., Temple, Tex. rovneZ mane clUveru v NONAT Jednati dobie e• a doufame, ze naln bude dovoleno -Vain pomoei, take Vagim Musite miti sprivne stlievut pi•ateltim v nastavajicim rive a vyan'egoveini., deetHie se elate nesv5 rn, nervosnfre v budoucnosti. a trpite bolestmi Wavy, plyrty, nadf,. zkaienfm i,aludkem, SpatoStu dethetu, nedostatanon ebuti k jidln, ztritou sptinku--pamatujte vge Jerome I. Racism to untie 14ti zavineno ziepou. Pro Vyhotovi abstrakty, vlast►devu ziepy nacke pravo, vyHzuje maPRAVIDELNA ITELIKOST 55c jetkov6 poigteni VELICA USPORNA VELIKOS1 tfadovna nad Peoples $1.05 prokizalo se bird ideAlnint State Bank R. C. MILLER AND CO. Mimi a bladee lento poe'iseovael relefon clo lfaclovny Maio. 5 prostiedek a ialudei'ni annost povz. Box 285 HALLETTSVILLE, TEX. buzujici lek piivede lin stieva k LTADENA. CALIFORNIA eitmosti a napomit i. e jim vylotteiti viz. nanci odpatlky • potnihi vypuditi plyn siepy, diva ialudku onen pifjemnS, )oeit tepla. Piekvapujiei itiinnost oboko poelnizi z vedecke formula Everything for your home kteri spojuje 18 (ne jen jednu neb and farm. Selected Quality dye) piirody vlastnich leebdreh bylin, Merchandise. Buy with kofinkti a rostlin—tajni formule zdo. konalen,1 !Allem doby 83 let. Ano pro Confidence at ryeillott, dokizanort, piljenmou idevn od Strap ziepy opatite si STALMACH'S & SMITH2020 Washington Ave. At 8424 does iloboko ve va em sou. sedstal anal) po lete si pro VILLE FURNITURE CO. 5824 N. Main VI-1383 5225 Washington Ave. 11143490 SMITHVILLE, TEXAS CLei.r1W.MOV.v. HOUSTON, TEXAS NaL; Dealers for Farman TracFor All Your 11 ruteova ors, I II. Trucks, Farm Ix," $1.00 pr...1i.onPos FURNITURE APPLIANCES 7 tovne vyplacerie,1. Implements, Stalk Shredand dverim. LW ders, De Soto-Plymiouth EVERYTHING ELSE FOR Cars, complete stock of Ocienca tania YOUR HOME Furniture, Hardware, Fririabiak —Nrat Be Sure to See gidaire Appliances and ❑ Pilloiert jest $1.00 Posnete =TA po'itou vyplacene pravidelnou 11 RCA Radios. uncovon lahev HOBOKO.

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Llicand 20 TETKA V DEW'. SUKN1CH dam, vie zeleniny jist a hlecl'te si, pokucl vain moZno, i nejake te2si prate, a hezky pravidelne. Vida, i dech srdce yam to kapku tisni. (Napsal ji recept.! Table Oivejte asi mesic, trikraa denne, a vaechno se zas usadi Tak, tak! -- A co pak sem, pe kne, prosim, dluana?' Tetka zaeala rozhrnovat sukne: — No, no, zatsm to nechame matgkemu na kolibku, zasmal se. Ano, ja •ku, nepijete taky nejakou koralku? Trochu se oMla; oai ji zatekaly: Abych jim prau du fekla, trochu si sem tarn limn; dy‘a' nein kale vod 4aludku, chch. Mhm, rosolieky, ne? Bade toho, tryam, vie kapka. Radii bych yam, takove" YAM nechat doeista. Zeleniny, &fit se, nit pit! hueelo tetce v hlaye, sotva vYala, na ttlie!. UeinenY buberi tam ramploval. Uplivla si zhurtatana sopena 1/t'ecka zle: Bodejt', von mysli, abych se naposled la, a ten bude, riouma, jen pekne doma knit,a ne? Podivejme, to by. tak hralo! A prej,Jezto zeleninu, cheh, tohle napad, do zlata/lie% zafaaavat.. Ja. budu ' vejkat Adkou travu a jemnostpun si bude blahoslaune lebedit u piny misy. M, nl, par* recept, pane doktore. Na tohohle eerva mne, holenku, nechytite. Kampak s tort, stet kou! H, a co to rbsOlka, medle, e§te ji tam je pal flaSe. Tu main snad vylet, nebo ji nechat vyzunkat jemu. I date nme do horotici skaly s takovou radon! Pane, ten by si koneene daval do votatka,

Strana 30


DR. THOS N. DeLANKT ut by mu zo, uSima lu. OCNt LEKAR, Palo. To vefim! Jak by Brtle sprivne PilPrarene chyt honem bie, tFeba tas die timluvy jen z bla.ta spletenej 513-17 Professional Bldg. aha, ted' ja sem patiadovna 3248 — Res. 2687 nem, ted' budeS ska.TEMPLE TEXAS kat podle mi piWalky. Me, to ne, to se nestane za nic na svete — j en tohle ne! Leda ai !Jude novej panbu na nebi. To by musel bejt; I1ikulka, rinse nasolePRAVN1K uej, tot'! — Ty a podobne &any ji bavily po celou LONG THEATRES BLDG cestu, neZ dobehla domil. I pragky zapomne 2229 Avenue F. — Phone4520 hi koupit, jak byla nakvaSena. Kvapila hbiBAY CITY, TEXAS te, jakoby chtela pteclejit nedemu hrczne: !nu, aby nezme'Skala. Co chvili spolkla slinu, /as mavla rukou, nebo vyjekla slovo rchate. VS'ech clevet sukni se i 0.'1 torn hemno, .laho by mely z,imnici. Do jizby vstoupila ja ko naplaSena, vetfice. Vincek sedei u kamen a delal tllsky. 8vihla po nem .zpytavStm poMadovna hledem, jako by mu 2nd Floor Temple National chtela vydist s oei, jak Bank Building na, novY po•:lck. ono, milanku, to se in mu-jig kapitalne. Pol/idMn, to spin vypiju ievim,kej rybnik. Zima se pomalu ili plovieale se uPRAVNIK mild!, a jako Zertem se pta: 408 Houston Ttle Bldg. — Tak s jakou des? Co ti fek doktor? BuDallas and Caroline Sts. derne mit dite, cheche. HOUSTON 2, TEXAS No,' bylo by, trva,m, us na ease, to Isis mela telephone: Preston 0883 datum zavonaeit. - yak je tvi ion se neSklib. Ui sem sama :loco mysla. Ale to mne vet., uvazala nun untikamennakrka rounou to hodila do PRAVNili rybnika. Tolik ti peeeVytizuje veAkere sou ji o stupinek as se Po chvili iliadovna: 936 Bankers Mortzasmala: — nte ,se pta, prej, gage Building, pies ulici nabliderne-li nee° mjet, proti Kress budove. cheh, 'Tot' ze budeme, HOUSTON, TEXAS :;livo. Ty bys taky ne cd,:gn.lecireha.

ohn W. Lesikar

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Ernest J. Ha

H. ChernoskST


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Dr. Chas J, Hollub Oeskfr Mai a Operisar 711 Medical Arts Building 'HOUSTON, TEXAS Telefon res.: Twinoaks 1222 Telefon niadovny: Pres 2553

DIVADLO V EAST BERNARD DRAMATICKt KROUZEK IELAHOL Z HOUSTON sehraje krasnou hru se zpevy a tanci o trech jednanich

"Tul ela" V NEDELI, DNE 18. LEDNA zacatek presne v 6 hodin ve seer OSOBY: NepraS", hostinskY Vladimir StritinickY Mary Johnson Marie, jeho iena Johnny gula Jenik, jejich syn Wilhelmina gimeZek Verunka, tulaeka Anton gvestka Viktora, statkai Amos Kadleeek Stana, jeho syn Pani Vagikova, soukromnice, z Prahy — Anna gvestka Birdie Hilsher Milada, jeji dcera — — — Karel Matejka Vendelin Behounek, brusie Emil Vala Kalfus, starosta obce — Jerry Ennis Martin, obecni strainik Tim KostomlatskY Vagek, eeledin Gizela. Ma cejka Anieka, deveeka VenkofSti hoM a deveata: Steve Kelley, Frank Bravenec, Eugene HrifSka, E. J. Kadleeek, Estelle Kelley, Helen Vala, Annette Rezek, Elizabeth Hafner Reiie: Harriette Earl Zpevy fidi • Naomi Kostomlatskzi Napoveda: Frances Ole= Cctive vas zve Div. Krouzek Hiahol


inn 7, 1( (Inn 10,,.; pi tom, jako iy le na Svatou horn a budel MalY se nee° ptat. Di do bz-1 Ptijme se bila '2ena ki ko dina kten kcpat, ka- ; dei vihlik to zadri-me , i nani dornaci prate pod 40 let veku, $30.00 tYdne, 2. adne tehleni, te to tak teknu. k bydleni na miste, d ye odpoledDo poledne se ji celej lie a. tti veeery pra.zdno kaMeho ten"Sum raz6e1, konkla I tyclne, k pomoci s vatenim, na Vincka trochu 1i klidu domu, ti deveata ve veku t°stile, vypadal ete ja , 12, 6 a 2 1/2 . Rice Institute okoli. ko po zemetteseni. PiSte no Mrs M. M. Maeow, 2116 Prauda, Icapku sem hol Watts Rd.. Houston 25, Texas, P°tAirala, laka P°111'3c. neb telefon JA 2042 Collect. No, ale habakuk to je.I (1-4c) • • Casein ho troSinku voprasi vono neskodt. NA PRODEJ ROLNICKE NACIN1 A aby aspon maimnJednotadkove (Cultivators) korozehnala zpominku l 23 - Jednotadkove (planters) na ranni bouti, najed2 - Sulky pluhy noir povida: 2 - Rueni (Middlebreakers) pluViclim, te mnytej hy. se, tak vstari, pudeme Rani pluhy taky jednou k JiCom do JednotadkovY sekae na stonRaje. Beztoho se ti neky kdy po nem stejska. vozy Doktor na me nic neuznal, tak at' to 1,0i- 1 - Par multi s postroji a hromadu part sweepku na (Cultijem inde. Zpoinnela si,Ze tam vators) velikosti od 6 do 14 coulft, hromadu sweepbit no (planza mladosti chodival at' ho jednou to slovie ters) a (busters), velikosti ocl 14 t do 22 coulu. ko Raj zas poteSi. JOHN MACHU, Zima na ni vykulil oRaje? CoTAYLOR, TEXAS, pak to! Nechtel ani Route 2, - P. 0. Box 80. sluchu vetit. ESte pied (120' chvili jako ta sail a najednou taldwa mi- HOUDKOVO CESKE DIVADLO lostna. Jake se to komPkedvadi nadherujr film plimenty dejou? Aha, chee vykoupit moje, mu'dednictvi, to! Nic nekoukej, po"DETI VELIKE IASKY" vidam, pudeme taky je clnou do Raje. Pekla A DRURY FILM JAK OSLAVUJI ma Cloy& na svete HODY TANCEM NA MOHAVE dost. Tak opravdu do Ra.- SHINER, 8, ledna je? Mel sic jeSte hullo CROSBY, 11. ledna v dui, ale po tom sloye honem oktal, v oDale druhY krasnY film rich mu zasvitlo, ometl jazykem oba pysky. SlySite, lidieky? Do Rã je! Pojednou ho roze- Hraji •Plachta, K. Haler, Vltava, bra], pocit, jako ma Kgrova, Hruba, Neuman. kluk, ptipncu-li mu po Veselohra, kde dva parky mileneci strane Savlieku. Hodojdou sveho S.testi. nem skoeil k almate A MA VLAST (A se stroji do noveho. Prsty rnely synj tanec. MOULTON, 13. ledna Dy2 vychazeli ze dvor FLATONIA, 20 ledna ka, zastavil je soused 8vejda, motyku na raNOVY FILM meni. Ptislipali mu Cokoladu, e byl tak opa.- GRANGER, 12. ledna len od veerxeho slunce. TEMPLE, 13. ledna

lllllll III/ lllll

Strana 31 llllllll „ llll



"Ave Ma.ria"


"Ste sti pro dva"

hi(ppiness and Prosperity In the



Especially to all our Czech friends and patrons

ts Funera

°In HOUSTON; TEXAS Always courtecus, friendly service. I

lllllll 10







ROK SI V nedeli, 11. ledna Ray Kienek Si! Ki'enek V nedeli, 18. ledna V nedeli, 25. ledna The Woethin Rand ADMISSION Eno TAX INCLUDES a oblerstveni nAvAtevnik6 jest vlboreaa wilttitg ae,starina. 114e IROBECT4 ST. TEL. VA-#25$ Wa doptani: Zell) and North Main.


Utrana 32

Ve stfedu, due 7, 1ednit

ESTi PROKOPNICI V TEXASU Vkobecne jest povatovan za prvniho, v se usadivgiho krajana, dr. Antonin Dignovity, kterY pfijel do New Yorku jit roku 1832 a do Texasu hned zaeatkem let etyficatYch. Usadil se v San Antonio, kde provozoval lekafskou 2ivnost, ackoli byl v Evrope vytreenYm strojnikern. (Dr. Habenicht. tvrdi, k studoval ekafstvi na kolleji v Cincinnati, Ohio.) Doktor Dignovity odjel vgak roku 1850 zase z Texasu a vedl na "divoltem zapacle" dobrodru2nY 2ivot. Roku 1842 se okp il v Little Rock, Arkansas, s Amerieanliou a roku 1856 se vratil zpet do San Antonio, kde zemfel r. 1875 u velcu 65 let. Na eeske vystehovalectvi do Texasu nem& 20.dneho vlivu, ponevadt 2i1 od krajana ocliotieene a jeho potomci se nehlasi ku svomu slovanskeinu pfivodu, aekoli (dle (1.'apka) roku 1888 jeho syn A. F. Dignovity, nabizel v "Pokroku Zapadu" rozsahle pozeinky v okresu Kinney, Tex., pro eeskou kolonii, ktera se ale neuskuteenila. Start Dignovity byl ryzim Cechem a vlastencem. Napsal a roku 1859 v New Yorizu vydal anglickou bro2uru: "Bohemia ander Austrian Despotism" (Cechy pod T'akouskou krutovladou). Poeet v geho naReno lidu v Texasu jest adavan rtizne, myslirn v gak, 2e cifra 50,000 jest skuteenosti nejbIizsi. Z tech jest asir 80 procent viry katolicke. Texas ma vice eeskYch katolickYch farnosti, nee 1: terY jinY stat v Unii. K cirkvim protestantskYm (hlavni jsou Cesko-moraySti broth.) hlasi se asi 15 proc. a zbytek 5 nrocent tvoti Tide svobodomyslni. Za svokoclomyslne poeitem pouze skuteene, -vylokne" svobodafe a poeet odhaduji (Ile elenstva CSPS. v tomto statu, dale p sini "SvobodnYch obci" a brstky aktiviiich svobodaffi, seskupenYch kolem "Volp e MySlenky". Spolek SPJST. ina site vice Clem nee vkchny ostatni Ceske bratrske spolky v Texasu dohromady, ale k nemu patfi jak katolieti, tak evangelieti i svobodomyslni krajane. Prvnim eeskYm spolkem v Texasu byl asi "CeskoslovenskY CtendfskY Spolek", zaloknY roku 1869 pfi evangelicke osade a Wesley v okresu Washington. 0 iok pozdeji zalozili rovne2 evangelieti krajane` na Ross Prairii u Fayetteville spolek Osveta", kterY yydrkval deskou Skolu. Prvni katolickY spolek byl zalo2en a,2 po ni.ijezdu prvniho -eeskeho katolickeho kaeze do Texasu roku 1872. Jim byl Rev. Josef Chromeik, narozen. roku 1845 v ftep('ine u Olomouce, knez viastenec, jehoi s pietou vzpominaji nejen jeho souverci, rtYbr2 vgichni krajane, ktefi se s nim stYkali, prave jako prvnich evangelickYch kne21 OpoeenskYho a Jurena a zveeneleho v(Idce texaskYch svoboclaffi, Ant. Kul11,Mka. Prvnim radem CSPS v Texasu

jest tad "Texan" v Praze, okres Lavaca, uvedenY. do Jednoty dne 13. dubna roku 1884 p. M. Kirchmanem z Chicaga, kterY nasledujiciho dne uvedl druhY fad, "Cechomoravan", v Effinger. + • Ceske Akoly v Texasu: A2 koneene nadejde neodvratna chvile, kdy posledni Cech zmizi -opine v americkem tavicim kotli fgech narodfi sveta, tu odekavam, k tento posledni CeskoamerickY Mohykan bude z Texasu. Vy na severu lamete si hlavy co delat s naSi tfeti generaci, ktera se nem vytraci a mizi v pfetavenem kovu stoprocentniho amerikanismu rychieji, nee kafr na vzduchu. My v Texasu se nad tim nerozCilujeme. Za prve, to nic nepomfik, a za druhe my jsme zde o jednu generaci ku piedu, mame ji "k lepSimu", nasledkein zvlagtnich Skolnich pomerfi, jake zde nalezli vystehovalci z let padesatYch a gede• satYch minuleho stoleti. V malo osazenYch pustinach nebylo tehdy Skol taktka 2adnYch a tu ti naSi prvni pionYti zadall si zakladati gkoly sve vlastni —6eske, resp. "morayske". To byl viastne zlatY vek deskYch Skol v Americe, vzdor jich nedostaticum a bide, v Jake 2ili rodieove a jests vice ueitele jich ditek. Kdo byl prvnim kskYm ueitelem v Texasu, o torn se ficlaje ruzni. BYvaly ueitel Jos. Holed ve sve vzpomince (psane r. 1885) pige, .2e kdy2 pfijel roku 1855 do Catspring, meli tam eeske (10), mora y -ske(3)anmc10vgelikrodny postavenY kostelik, v nem2 ucil deti Cesky kazatel Bergman. "Co pater Bergman uoil, nevim;" pokraeuje Holec. "SlYchal jsem, 2e treil mimo jine tee "nerneeke". Kazatel Bergman, ac rozeny v Cechach, byl vychovanim Nemec a adkoli neni dfikazfr ani pro, ani proti, sotva bYti fader). mezi "'Ceske" uditele, v kterem2to pfipadu patfila by mu ovkm priorita. Holed pile o nem dale: "Nemoha se u2iviti z ueitelstvi ani z knerstvi s nim spojeneho, sazel vinohrad a kukufici, mival hojive byliny a lekakskou radu pro lidi. Jel Casto pies 20 mil daleko sazet hanky, jestli se chtel u2iviti. AC deti bylo velmi mad°, jests niene je lids posilali do Skoly a ten plat, aC malY, jests nebyl tell vyplacen." Zda se pravde podobnym, te pastor Jos. J. Zvolanek, jen2 do Catspring brzy za Bergmanem pfijel a v tamnim nemeckem evangelickem kostele i Cesky kazal, 11611 i eeske deli v jich rod nem jazyku. Dukazu k tomu rovne2 neni. Nesporne jest jisto, 2e prvnim skutea• nYm ueitelem Ceske akoly v Texasu byl Josef Malik, jen2 byl iteitelem ji2 v 6echach, vytieiv se ueitelstvi u sveho portienika Jana Zenatyho,neitcle v Jimramove.

Malik slogl ueitelske zkou gky, v Rakousku tehdy pfedepsane, ,roku 1826 a byl pak podueitelem v Bfezinach u Svratky a v Cermne u LandSkrouna. Sdeastnil se revolueniho hnuti r. 1848 a stal v eele deputace ueiteta, kteki pfeSli do Olomouce pled videriskou revoluci uprchnufg lho cisake FrantiSka Josefa 2adati o zlepgeni platu ueitelt. Roku 1854 vydal se Malik s rodinou na cestu do Texasu. Zena mu zemfela na tests cholerou a on se tfemi ditkami byl nucen pracovati za $5 mesiene na rani jakehosi Wince u Catspringu. Pak se chopil farmafeni, ale no. s edkem neUrody upadal stale ye vetgi bictu. Roku 1959 zaeal vy4ovati pravidelnou denni aeskou Skolu, zalotenou "CeskoslovanskYm CtendfskYm Spolkem" v osado Wesley v okresu Washington, asi 20 mil od Catspring vzcialene. Zde vytteoval 13 let, a jsa r. 1872 ji2 62 roky star, vzdal se mista ueitetelskeho, ktere po nem preyzal F. B. ZdrUbek. DruhYrn ueitelem z povoltni byl F. J. Pack, narozenY r. 1850 u Netolic v Oechach, ktery v nemeckYch gkolach v Budejovicich na, ueitele vystudoval a roku 1867 ze strachu pied vojaneinou do Arneriky ujel. Roku 1868 zaeal vyueovati soukrome deti Ceskych rodiefi v prazdnem domku Ignace 8ramka pfi Mulberry v okresu Fayette. Roku 1864 vyueovala Cesky v dome u HajduSkil sleena Holubova a roku 1868 vdova Kubalova y e svem dome na Bluffs. Za obeanske valky 'Ceske gkoly takfka Upine zanikly. Roku 1867 vyudoval v chatrei, ve ktere Wive bydleli Cerni otroci na fame' Jana Wychopne pH Fayetteville Alois KonakovskY, ze stare viasti dobte vySkolenY a inalir neobyeejnetio nadani, jak sveddi obraz prvni eeske veselky k tomuto pojednani pfiloknY. (PodotYkam, se obraz ten maloval merle, ponevad2 v Texasu se Mica, fotografo yani "malovani". Ku pr.: "Nechal jsem se malovat u fotografa.") Po Konakovskyin ueil y °sada' na Ross-prairie v dome Jos. Janaka Josef Ktenek, ale jen nekolik mesictl r. 1870. Skuteena ceska Skola byla tarn postavena a.2 roku 1871 (budova 20x30 stopach) a prvnim ditelem byl Josef Holed. Mezi prvnimi ee• skYmi ueiteli jmenoval mi tarn HruSka take Annu Veldovskou. ‘ " ivot eeskych v Texasu byl piny svizeiti, nedostatkil i bidy. Holec lka nad nim v nasledujici Jeremiads: (flokrueovani priSte.)

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