What Drug Treatment Programs Needs to Accomplish

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What Drug Treatment Programs Needs to Accomplish



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What Drug Treatment Programs Need to Accomplish 1. Enormity of the Task 2. Shift in Focus 3. Develop Coping Skills 4. Avoid Dependency 5. Address Health Problems 6. Take Responsibilities of Life

1. Enormity of the Task

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If someone checks into a drug rehab program, stays there for two weeks, and does not leave with the idea that they are up against the toughest challenge of their life so far, then the rehab has failed. Each addict must come to the realization that they are in for the fight of their lives.

2. Shift in Focus

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The strategy for maintaining sobriety is different at 60 days sober than what it is at 3 years sober. Is this right or wrong, good or bad? No, it just IS. Accept the fact that you have to change and grow in your recovery, or you will potentially screw up and relapse.

3. Develop Coping Skills

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Obviously there are people in early recovery who are dealing with all sorts of outside issues in their lives: relationship problems, job problems, trouble at school, and so on. There is no shortage of stress in the life of any newly recovering addict or alcoholic. If the person cannot find effective ways to deal with all of that stuff, they are just going to revert to what they know works fast for them: their drug of choice. Thus, most decent rehabs have classes that teach at least some basic techniques for handling emotions.

4. Avoid Dependency

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Most rehabs get this totally wrong, in my opinion. They set people up for possible failure by basically teaching dependence on AA or NA. This is not entirely bad in all cases, because those programs do work for some people, but on the other hand, they have their own success rates which are not great by any means. Many, many people in recovery need to seek solutions that go beyond the social solution that is 12 step, group-oriented recovery.

5. Address Health Problems

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A lot of addicts and alcoholics get tripped up in their recovery due to poor health. This happens for a number of reasons and in several different ways. But ultimately it can lead to relapse if people do not address their overall health in recovery.

6. Take Responsibilities of Life

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This goes along with the idea of taking care of your health. Many addicts have legal issues, relationship issues, and so on. If you have chaos in any area of your life, it can set you up for failure in recovery. So rehabs need to push people to take responsibility enough so that they do not sabotage their own recovery efforts.

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