Spiritually Guiding's 4th Newsletter

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Spiritually Guiding Online Facebook Page, Group and Magazine

www.facebook.com/spirituallyguiding1 spirituallyguiding@yahoo.co.uk

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Issue 4

Inside this issue:

2nd April 2013:

Good News and Positive Thread


How to sense a presence of an Angel


What gift do I have?




Tarot card of the Month


Haunting of Bobby Mackey’s


Anything happened spiritually?


How to see and sense the aura?


Spiritual signs


Poems from Quotes for 11 Everyone

Dear Spiritually Guiding Friend First of all a very warm welcome to our 4th Spiritually Guiding Newsletter. Here you will find a run down of what has been happening in our Facebook Page and our new Group Page. Inside read the stories from our friends and what has been happening over the last month. Like our previous Spiritually Guiding page Tarot of the Day has proved to be popular again as well as Pendulum Readings where we had a great turn out of questions being asked. I would like to thank Dawn Rogers for being a guest writer for us which you can see on page 9. Missed volume three of Spiritually Guiding Newsletter? Volume Two can be found in Spiritually Guiding Facebook Page, Notes and then Spiritually Guiding Previous Newsletters. Free Tarot Course started 18th February and still going strong, thank you to all who is taking part. You are all doing so well. I hope you can continue to enjoy Spiritually Guiding with us and I hope you enjoy the newsletter, I would love to know your feedback. I hope everyone has a brilliant Easter. Do YOU want to write an article for Spiritually Guiding? Please get in touch with me at spirituallyguiding@yahoo.co.uk Regards, Julie, Spiritually Guiding Founder

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Good News and Positive Thread In Spiritually Guiding Group Page we have a brand new thread called Good News/Positive Thread. This is a thread that was first mentioned by our lovely member Lyn Naismith Kelly. Kelly mentioned that because there is so much doom and gloom in the world these days why not have a positive thread where member post what has made them happy/smile. We had some lovely comments that I want to share with you below, hopefully these stories will also make you smile: Louise Cascarino Have had three days off work and I've had three great days of quality time with my 3 year old son, its been lovely xxx Debra Dawn Bone i have had a testing 3 months and a hard decision

to make but with the help of others iv Isabell Lillie I was in a lovely mood made the decision and hopefully a yesterday when we could see the positive outcome snowdrops and the start of the daffodils what a wonderful feeling that Natasha Fererro Pavey I have just is and we could spent a lovely week away at my Actually see the sun lovely uplift . parents house with my 2 boys - off home in a bit though x ~~~ Elaine Fleming-Watt very grateful for the relationship I have with my kids, been a bloody long road but we're getting there :))))

Thank you to everyone who commented on this thread and made it what it is.

Selma Snurd well I am working on a treasure chest for a Bridal shower and it is almost done....yea.....I enjoy making things for parties and events...the wedding is going to be on a Beach so that is y a treasure chest for the "wishing well" gifts.

How to sense a presence of an Angel Below are a few signs that may indicate the presence of an Angel

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The temperature in the room may change, you may all of a sudden feel warm air surround you, you may also experience goose • pimples or a tingling sensation at the back of your neck or head area. A fragrance may appear out of no where and you may not be able to indentify the scent or describe it. • You may see different coloured lights out of no where with no explanation. If you see lights, please do not be afraid you will not see an angel appear until you • are ready to. Angels do not want to alarm you. You might be able to hear the angel talking to you or communicating with you, talk back, they can always hear you.

All of the above signs are very positive Feeling of intense love and and can happen to anyone. compassion when angels are around. You may experience a sudden change in your mood such as happiness, feeling of wanting to cry etc. Seeing white feathers that suddenly appear in the most unlikely places, this is a sign angels are with you, to comfort you and ready to answer your questions. You may feel as if there is a presence in the room or a feeling of you are being watched and not alone. A feeling of someone has brushed passed you. Angels can appear to you in dreams even if you dont realise it. You may awake with a solution to a problem or feeling more positive.

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I think I have a gift but don’t know what it is Does the above title scream out to you? Are you someone who is developing your skills, believe you have a gift but don’t have a clue what you have or don’t understand it? Psychic abilities are made up of different gifts, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience and claircognisance. You can either have one of these gifts or you can have a range of them. Clairvoyance: is the ability to ‘see’ spirit. You may have clairvoyance if you dream in colour, which can be vivid, you can remember your dreams for months, maybe years in the future. Doing this with your eyes closed as well you are able to easily see a object you choose. When someone says “think of an elephant” you can see the elephant in your minds eye, you can see all the detail, description of the elephant and relay it back. When drawing again you can picture something and draw it from memory. Can you see lights or peoples auras? Can you catch something moving from the corner of your eye? Do you get mini movies that flash in your minds eye? Clairaudience: is the ability to hear your Higher Self, i.e. Spirit Guides. Have you heard a voice clearly directed at you but no one was around at the time? Did this voice turnout to be helpful? Do you get buzzing or ringing in your eyes for no reason? (Again with all medical matters please get your ears checked out to rule anything out). Do you sometimes hear voices when you are about to drift off to sleep or just about to wake up? Do you hear music playing in your head? Do you get words popping into your head, which are relevant to the situation you are currently in or answering questions you have been asking? Do you easily recognise when someone is lying to you? Do you hear songs with the perfect words at the perfect time? Clairsentience: is the ability of emotions, physical feelings or general known as gut feelings. Do you sometimes get a tingling sensation over you body or a part of your body for no reason? You feel deeply emotional, especially others emotions and feelings? Do you feel the need for time alone to re-charge your batteries? A person who is sensitive and thin skinned? Knowing the path and knowing what is right for you? Easily sense energies from environment, people and animals. Intuitive/psychic empath also comes into this category. But more so have the ability of clairempathy. Empath is aware and feel the emotional experiences of people, group of people, places and or animals. They can sometimes feel overwhelmed as they try to understand what is happening, they feel like they have no control over their experiences. Claircognizance: ability of intuitive information pops into your head. Do you analyze things and think through things often? Do you get ideas that seem to come from no where? Are you mentally creative inspired? Good at solving problems? Often make subtle assumptions that turn out to be true? Do you know things are going to happen ahead of time? And turn out to be right? Do you seem to know the difficult answers to life? Do you have knowledge of events you would not normally know about? Do you see something that might happen in the future and later turns out to be true? Clairalience: is the ability to smell odours. Can you smell odours that don't have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume of a deceased aunt or the cigar smoke of a beloved grandfather.

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Auras What is an aura? Everything in the universe is a vibration and everything has energy, even down to material objects, everything has energy and this is why when you pick something up from someone past you can read it due to its energy, even down to plants. Auras can change very quickly especially around non living objects such as crystals, stones, water etc. Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds us. Why do I need to see auras? The auras that we give off, the colour hide different meanings, which can be valuable for us to understand us as a person. For instance you might be able to see a persons thoughts before they even open their mouth. If you are having a conversation and the person doesn’t agree with what you are saying you may be able to see in their aura that they are lying to you. Auras always show our true intentions and true nature.

If you stare at the same object for too long your eyes may start to see images of what you are looking at. This is not an aura and you will know this because where ever you look after you are able to see this image for a short period of time. Patience with everything is the key. Auras will often disappear when you blink or move. It takes practice and patience to hold your focus steadily. Don’t push yourself, it will happen when it is meant to. Start to determine what the colours mean for your help and to guide others.

When you see someone with a bright clean aura this means the person is good and spiritually advanced, even if the person in question is not aware of this fact. A person with a dark and grey aura can indicate this person has dark intentions, regardless of what they are giving out on the outside to others. Believe it or not a lot of people have weak auras, this is due to them having fear of the unknown, they live their life in a materialistic attitude, which is suppressing their development. Someone who is jealous and other emotions. So how can I see an aura? Find a suitable background, preferably white wall for a person or a white sheet of paper for a hand for instance. The lighting can not be too bright but not to dark as well. Natural light like sunshine works best. Relax your eyes as you gaze at the subject of your choosing. Let your eyes just drift out of focus and you should start to see a haze around the edges, this may look like a very clear light or a blue/white mist. Look for colours that are clear, bright or cloudy. Some may just see the dominate white colour others may see a range of different colours.

Picture taken from goddessauraphotography.com

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Tarot Card of the Month Hierophant Upright: The Hierophant can have different meanings. This card is known as the High Priest in some decks and he is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess. Below is some meaning, not all. Hierophant is conventional and can suggest there is a desire to follow a process and stay with that decision. Adaption's is needed to set beliefs/systems in place. A person is wise and follow established social structures and traditions such as ceremony's or religion. There is a need to honour a tradition in your life and maybe the start or a brand new tradition. Hierophant stands for institutions and values that go with it. He is a symbol of a need to conform to rules and fixed situations. Sometimes a need to follow a programme when other times there is a need to trust in yourself. Maybe this person is feeling they need to join a group, maybe a church or a religious group or maybe something as simple as a gym membership. It will bring benefits to you and help with growth. Hierophant is knowledgably and loves to share his wisdom. Education is indicated with this upright card as well. Studying and or learning something new. Someone is seeking understanding in a particular field. Or maybe this person is seeking advice from a counsellor, priest, spiritual mentor or someone with similar authorities.

Reversed: Below is some of the meanings that are indicated with the reversal of Hierophant. Someone is feeling restricted or constrained in someway with regards to structure and rules. Because of this the person may have lost flexibility and control in their life. A strong desire to go against the grain, do what they want to for a bit and ability to let themselves free. Questioning tradition and asking if what you are doing is right for you. Maybe a person has been going along their day on auto-pilot but not realised things are not as they seem. Is a person in a group and being forced to participate? Or they don't agree with some of the things in the group? A person who is a leader or in a position of authority. Leader, mentor, father figure or a boss. This person is ruling, forcing others to conform in their way of thinking, afraid to do something different.

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Haunting of Bobby Mackey’s Bobby Mackey's Music World is a nightclub in Kentucky. It is reported to be the most haunted nightclub in USA and is the first place people think of when they hear a place is ‘most haunted’. According to Bobby Mackey the nightclub was originally used as a slaughterhouse in the early 19th century, the building was built around 1850’s. During the days of the slaughterhouse it is understood that the animals we’re slaughtered on the upper floors while tubes and unused meat and blood ran into the basement. The trough that held the pieces of unused meat and blood still exists today, although the original building is long been destroyed. When the slaughterhouse doors closed around 1890’s Bobby Mackey’s was still talk of the town of the goings on in there. There is stories of Satantic Cults that used the building for practising of Dark Arts, which also included animal sacrifices. It was also mentioned because of the history the building was also used by private locals to practice their cult rituals. Around 1896 the real story of what happened here became public knowledge and shocked everyone in the area. Apparently where Bobby Mackey's located it is allegedly a house a "gateway to hell" and is haunted by spirits including Pearl Bryan whose corpse was found in a field several miles away from the nightclub. According to some stories Bryan's murderers being Satanists who cursed the location and vowed to haunt everyone is in involved in prosecuting the case. It is also reported that a pregnant dancer called Johanna committed suicide there. It is said her suicide was carried out when her Father murdered her lover by hanging him in her dressing room. Carl Lawson who was a former employee has been possessed and later exorcised by Glenn Cole for six hours, which took place on 8th August 1991 and also videotaped. Remember I talked about Pearl Bryan above? Well Pearl was known as a ‘looker’ and she was liked by female and males. However she is more popular with the boys and became pregnant in her early 20’s. Scott Jackson had no desire to become a father. Scott told Pearl she needed to have a abortion and fast. Although abortions were highly illegal at the time he made arrangements for the abortion to happen in a secret location. At five months pregnant Pearl told her parents she was taking a trip with friends but instead met Scott but she had no way of knowing what Scott actually had planned for her, he was going to do the procedure himself. Scott fed her drugs and different chemicals to either abort the baby or to help numb the pain, Pearl’s horror was just beginning. Scott had a accomplice with him called Bryan, the pair tortured Pearl before cutting her head off, this act was later proved that when this happened Pearl was still alive. They then dumped her body near the Alexandria Turnpike, taking her head with them. Police identified Pearls body just by the distinctive shoes we wore., Police never found Pearls head but they did find her in a suitcase belonging to Scott. Both men we’re found guilty and hanged at the Newport Courthouse. It was said by locals that Pearls head was used during rituals, it was also said to be dropped in the trough and was never seen again. It was also reported that one of them men reported to haunt the areas just before he was killed. The slaughterhouse was destroyed and the bar was built on top of the old remains. Now? Bobby Mackey is still a nightclub but also a popular place for paranormal guides to visit.

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Anything happening spiritually? On 9th March Spiritually Guiding asked members in the Group page if they noticed anything happening differently to Michael Booth My spiritual motivation is at an all time high right now. Just had hypnosis to quit cigarettes and about to them spiritually? And we received the following responses: watch 'the shift' by Wayne dyer. I'm all about making the Can you relate to some of the comments below? positive change I want to see in my life right now and the motivation I've got to do that feels like nothing will hold me Donna C Ehmann I kinda feel like I'm at a stand still. I back. Namaste believe more to do with many things going on in my life at the moment. Not as much time as I would like to dedicate to Margarette Rose I noticed that manifestations are my spiritual growth and learning. happening very quickly Natasha Fererro Pavey Def! Last May I met a psychic ~~ medium (the start) and learnt some amazing messages. I would love to see what she could see. So this Jan my new We had some great responses but there seemed to be a years resolution was to meditate daily - mainly to keeps me pattern with members, they seemed to feel ‘stuck’ ‘not sane and grounded and more peaceful in my life. Well all I moving’ etc. Dawn Rogers made a good comment: Stuck is can say is WOW! I have seen orbs, auras, mists of spirits, met a word we use when we expect to be moving my guides, seen spirit sparks and Im on this wonderful forward...remember though that sometimes it's good to stay spiritual journey that seems to be more amazing as time goes right where you are for a moment (& there's nothing wrong on. I have more inner peace, can finally voice my opinions with that either). If you're looking for your next step, ask for without feeling guilty (as in saying no to people) and actually it. Do some form of meditation so you can quiet the mind, feel enlightened? I'm totally blown away and very excited ground yourself & then ask your guides and angels to show about what will happen next! Xx you your next step & ask that they help you to see, hear, feel, Laura Fealtman I am feeling kinda stuck spiritually right now. I really need some guidance in that realm. I don't know where to go next. Elaine Fleming-Watt Was going along very nicely but like others I'm feeling kinda stuck, mainly because of me raising barriers. I hesitate to let spirit in because I keep wondering if its gonna be like that scene in the matrix with the blue pill n the red, make one choice n forget about it or make another n let them in, but what if I don't like it? can I send them home again or am I stuck?????? This is my fear :(( Laura Fealtman The reason why I feel really stuck, is I can't feel anything anymore. I use to feel the divine presence ( if that what you can call it) Now, I don't feel them. But I do see a lot of earth bound spirits. Like the one that Is a pacing back and forth in front of my bedroom door right now. Debra Dawn Bone starting to see and feel spirit more Selma Snurd my butterflies have returned.... Isabell Lillie Morning friends due to all the sadness in my life just now. It is amazing how my spirit friends fave been hovering giving me a lift . Have noticed more dreaming . My family doing so much fur us with love and care xxx

& know this next step clearly. Then watch for your answer & trust your instincts. And this is Spiritually Guiding’s comment: Standing still/feeling stuck is never a bad thing. It always comes down to patience as well. Spirit will only let you move on when THEY feel you are ready and not the other way around unfortunately. Also I have noticed with a lot of people the more they let go and go with the flow they seem to progress quicker than those wishing it all the time as they can be moving faster than they are meant to and not learning life's lessons along the way. It also means you have learnt what you have meant to and spirit are letting you take a break before moving you onto the next phase in your journey. Remember a week in our life can be instant to spirit. They have no concept on time what so ever, be patient. This is one of life's biggest lessons, you will progress when you are meant to. Meditation goes without saying is the best way to progress spiritually as you are stilling the mind thus listening more to the world that surrounds you. The more you listen, the more you hear.

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How to See and Sense the Aura

Dawn Rogers CRMT & Intuitive Coach The aura is an energy field that surrounds all things though living beings tend to have a stronger aura than inanimate objects. The aura can be seen by anyone who can generate an alpha brain wave. Sensing the aura comes quite naturally to us as human beings and seems relatively easy for empaths. There are three different layers to the aura. The Etheric Aura lies immediately next to the skin, completely surrounding the body and stretches outward anywhere from ¾” to 2” thick. It varies in shades of whites, grays, light blues, and yellows. The Astral Aura lies just beyond the Etheric Aura and extends on average out to about 3ft. The Astral Aura can shrink in closely to the body but can also be expanded out quite a far distance. It is within the Astral Aura that a clairvoyant will see color. The Astral Aura is surrounded by the Auric Shell and it is here that you would see holes, cracks, and energetic aura connections. The technique I will give you here to see the aura uses a type of vision perfected by WWII fighter pilots who used it to spot targets in the dark and requires peripheral vision. This type of peripheral sight causes you to register the area around the top of your head and shoulders on the rod cells of your eyes that are the black and white receivers, not the cone cells, which see color in the physical world. Remember that alpha brain waves are required here so take your time with the first steps to thoroughly relax your mind. Sit comfortably in a room with a dim light source and position yourself in front of a mirror. Calm and center yourself with three slow, deep, complete breaths. Look into the mirror and gaze at a point roughly 6” above your head and 2” behind it. Keep your eyes focused on the spot above your head and use your hand to help as a focal point. Then look with your peripheral vision at the top of your head. As you use this peripheral soft-focus you will see the sharp line of your etheric aura surrounding your head and shoulders. It will become easier with practice and eventually you will be able to see the Etheric Aura around everything in any kind of light. Once you can see your Etheric Aura clearly slowly move your focal point higher to about 12” to 14” above your head and again with your peripheral vision you will begin to see a hazy egg-shape between your hand and the top of your head above the Etheric Aura. This field is your Astral Aura. Try not to look directly at it or it will disappear. Once you’ve learned to see the aura around yourself, use the same technique to practice seeing the aura around others. Sensing the aura can be different for everyone. You may feel heat, tingling, itching, or pressure. There is no wrong or right way to ‘feel’ the aura. Just recognize whatever sensations you have. Sit in a relaxed position with your hands palms upward resting on your thighs, eyes closed. Take three very deep complete breaths to ground and center yourself. As you breathe, focus on a point of light at the top of your head, first sending the breath to all parts of your body, then drawing it up into your head to help elevate your consciousness to achieve an alpha brain wave state. Visualize that light moving down your arms and into your hands. Extend your hands out in front of you, palms upward. Pay close attention to the skin on the palms of your hands, until you can begin to feel a slight vibration along the surface of each hand. Continue to be aware of the sensations moving along the surface of your skin until you actually feel your hands pulsing with energy. When your hands are tingling as if they are itching, turn them inward to face one another, palm to palm, but keep them about a foot apart. Gradually bring them together, closer and closer. As you do so, feel the pressure created between them by the movement. Bring them close together, but not quite touching. Now, begin to pull them apart slowly. You may feel a sensation almost like sticky dough being pulled apart, as you move them apart. When you get to about a foot width apart, slowly bring them back together again. You will find the resistance increases each time you do this, and when you pull them apart again, the feeling of sticky dough also increases. Now, for the second part of this exercise, pretend that you are holding a ball between your hands. Roll the ball around your palms as you feel the changes in the energy in your hands. This action, combined with your focused attention on your hands dramatically increases the amount of energy moving out of your palms. Now open your eyes and shake your hands out.

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We talk about signs, do you notice them? On 1st March in the Group Page Spiritually Guiding asked if you see the signs and notice them around you every day? Here are some of the responses we got:

my room ,it turns out to be that of my grandfather who always wore old spice x

Michael Booth I see signs all the time, from reoccurring numbers to songs on the radio. Pieces of conversations over heard or answers on billboards and signage that stand out more than others. Some say its odd, but I have faith and take them seriously. I believe we are given signs from whatever higher power is guiding us, just sometimes I feel people over look them

Billie Anderson I love all my signs from the spirits, even my scary dreams as often there is much more

Dawn Rogers I see signs all over the place. Helps me to know I'm on the right track. Usually something I've Natasha Fererro Pavey White feathers from nowhere, fluttering out thought of first & then I'll see it somewhere. of the sky x

Elaine FlemingWatt see feathers all time, some brown n some white n music on radio, u switch it on n theres a tune that reminds u of sum1

to them than a nightmare. I was watching I think scariest places on earth and a man who was going to Billie Anderson Well I have had the stay over night at one of these places strong smell of cigs - my house is non (the name escapes me atm) he was a smoking lol paramedic and a 10yr old girl was • The taps on badly hurt he was about to give her a • Perfume type smell shot of morphine and she said no its • Things move ok I don't want it he said r u sure it • My granddads song being played randomly after talking about him n its will stop the pain and make u comfortable she said no my mummy an old song always says ur born to a song only u • My dreams can hear and when the angels want to • Just a feeling that I get take u, u hear ur song, I can hear my • White feathers song and she passed away, I had tears Debra Dawn Bone for 2 nights in a rolling down my cheeks, I thought it was very moving and nice thing for row iv had the smell of old spice in

her to have comfort with as well. Xx ~~~~~ Everyone is different but everyone gets signs, whether you see it or not is another matter. Signs can be from your Angels, Spirit Guides or spirit loved ones. Signs tell us everything is going to be all right, sometimes signs can be a warning. If you asked for a sign, look out for it, keep your eyes open as well as your mind and see what happens. Anything is possible if you open up more and see the world from a different perspective. The more you pay attention the more you may notice it happening, such as: occurrences that are timed perfect, remember there is no such thing as coincidence. Dreams that offer you messages or meanings to what you may have been asking. Books that you pick up give you direct messages and answers to what you we’re looking for. Are you finding you are wanting to go down a path and keep being stopped in every direction by blocks in your path? Maybe you are not meant to take that path and you are being guided along your actual route via your Guides. Gut feelings, instances these you can not ignore and a sense of inner knowledge that something is true.

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Poems from Quotes for Everyone Billie Anderson was kind enough to share some poems on the Group Page and said they could be used in the newsletter. Enjoy everyone. • When life has a way of getting u down, take a look around u and take a deep breathe, and remember and appreciate all u have and who u have coz some where out there in the world there's people with nothing and no one • Brother and sister together we will make it through, some day a spirit will take u and guide u there, I know you’ve been hurting but I have been waiting to be there for u, I be there just helping u out when ever I can Stay with me don't fall asleep to soon the angels can wait for a moment ♥ • Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you're in need. People who would never take advantage of you. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through • Happiness keeps you Sweet! Trials keeps you Strong! Sorrow keeps you Human! Failure keeps you humble! Success keeps you Glowing! BUT ONLY FAITH KEEPS YOU GOING! • A quiet man is a thinking man, a quite woman is usually mad. • When people can walk away from you, let them walk. Don't try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring for you, coming to see you, or staying attached to you. When people can walk away, let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

• No matter how painful your decision has been, as long as you can sleep well at night, it means you did the right choice.

• Life is Short....Dont waste it. Life is Sweet....Take the time to taste it. Life is a Journey....Find the right path. Life is Entertaining....Take the time to • If you asked Someone how they would laugh. Define FRIENDSHIP, the answer will Life has Good times....Make them last. usually be "Someone who will always be Life has Bad times....Put them in your there when you need them, a person who past. never lies, a person who will always put Life is how you make it. you first before anyone else" & So on. But who actually fits that description? • Just remember, if you find yourself You have your Friends & your True stressed today, take a step back, inhale Friends. FRIENDS come in many and laugh. Try it, you'll see it works! people, but true friends only come once Remember who you are and why you're in a lifetime. A Real Friendship will last, here. You're never given anything in this no matter how far they are from you, no world you can't handle. Be strong, be matter how many new people they meet, flexible, love yourself, love others. Always or how popular they may become. To remember, just keep moving. Oh, don't depend on a friend to always be there for forget... don't sweat the small stuff! you is unfair, because if that person isn't there, what would you do? Just cut them out of your life? If you were a good friend • Always remember that, in someway or yourself, you would understand why & another, you're somebody's angel, even if know that no one is perfect. A friend will you don't know it. They love you and always tell you what sounds good or what think of you even if you dont hear it will make you happy, but a true friend will every day. Trust that there is love all tell you the brutal truth. FACT: Real around you even if you cannot feel it. Friends never try to avoid arguments You are not alone. because it will not harm the friendship at all. They shouldn't be scared of getting • A lesson will keep repeating itself until into that argument in the first place it is learned. Life first will send the lesson because those little arguments are what to you in the size of a pebble; if you makes the friendship stronger. True Friends know your deepest secrets, good ignore the pebble, then life will send you & bad, & will still love you til the end but a brick; if you ignore the brick, life will send you a brick wall; if you ignore the friends will only know your surface appearance. Friends come & go without brick wall, life will send you a demolition truck. explanation, but true friends will always be there, even when you think they're not. True Friends are like family; people who I hope you all enjoyed reading Spiritually treat your Parents like they're theirs, Guilding’s 4th newsletter, please feel free people who become best buddies to your to share to friends and family who will Brothers & Sisters. So when you say also enjoy this months newsletter. Until "Family always comes first", they are next time :-) take care. x already your family. To me, Friendship is like a board game. The ones who care enough will enter the game, play it, & stay until you end it together. The ones who don't will get bored & choose to leave. So, keep what is worth keeping, & with a breath of comfort, blow the rest away.

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