Principal's 11-18 Newsletter - Edition 16 - February 2024

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February 2024 Edition 16

Sixth Form Winter Formal

Ski trip to Sestriere, Italy

Sixth Form Winter Formal

February 2024 Edition 16

A word from the Senior Deputy Head 11-18

Abbey Jones With the spring term only half-way through, we seem to have packed in a huge amount already. For the older year groups it’s true to say a substantial portion of this activity has been centred around exam preparation. We are proud of Year 11 and Year 13’s focus and perseverance in the build-up to and throughout the intense mocks periods, and know they will continue working hard on translating the learnings from these into actions to make the most of the time they have left before public exams start come the summer. Many thanks to our hardworking Exams team for ensuring these sessions run smoothly and provide a reassuring practice run for our exam years students. But there’s plenty going on beyond exams! With 80 students in total heading off skiing on either the Year 11 and Sixth Form trip before Christmas or the Year 8/9 trip this half-term, Gold DofE groups gearing up for their practice expeditions and Year 10 and Year 12 cricketers looking ahead to their tour to Dubai at Easter, as well as weekend rock climbing outings to Milton Keynes, Stephen Perse students are, as ever, throwing themselves into extra-curricular trips. Abbey Jones

There’s also a huge amount of subject learning taking place outside of the classroom on residential trips over the coming weeks, with our linguists in Year 10 and 12 heading variously to Nice, Seville and Munich for study trips and work experience opportunities and A Level Geographers off to Norfolk for their fieldwork, as well as the Japanese exchange students visiting Keio and our annual CamMUN conference attracting 280 delegates from schools all across the world. This term’s myriad day trips, visits, excursions and competitions are too numerous to mention but will provide opportunities for students of all year groups across subjects from Art to History to Physics and Design Engineering to extend their knowledge, further existing interests and pique new passions. A huge “thank you” to all of the teaching staff who, supported by our brilliant Trips team, are constantly on the lookout for these opportunities, do all the planning, complete (lots of!) paperwork and eventually actually run the trips - the enrichment they provide for our students is invaluable.

Abbey Jones Senior Deputy Head 11-18


Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


Latest news

It’s Our Birthday! On 17 January retired Head of the Junior School Katie Milne marked the 143rd birthday of Stephen Perse by presenting a birthday hyacinth for the Senior School and Sixth Form on behalf of former Deputy Head of the Senior School Rosemary Tice. This tradition was introduced by Audrey Scott, Head of the Senior School between 1947 and 1967, continued by sisters the Misses Graham-Campbell after Audrey’s retirement and then taken up by Rosemary and Katie.

Sixth Form Students Meet Holocaust Survivor Eva Clarke The Sixth Form were privileged to welcome Eva Clarke to speak at their assembly on Monday 29 January. She is a survivor of the Holocaust, having been born at the gates of Mauthausen concentration camp a few days before it was liberated. Eva told us all about her mother’s experiences during the Holocaust, and how they both survived. It is a sobering and moving account and we all very much appreciate her taking the time and care to tell it to us. There has also been an Art of the Holocaust exhibition at the Sixth Form, both in the library and at Rosedale House for the students to visit and contemplate with images from Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre. Information was also on display relating to this year’s theme from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, which is the ‘Fragility of Freedom’. By listening to Eva’s account, we bore witness to the events that she experienced, and can appreciate that words like ‘genocide’ and ‘holocaust’ relate to a very human cost. They represent the suffering and murder of millions of people, all of whom once had free lives and were part of communities and wider society, and all of whom had a story that was drastically altered or cut short.




February 2024 Edition 16


Deputy Mia R Year 11 and Head Sirisha G Year 13 lifting the House trophy.

House Talent - The House Song Contest The annual House Song Contest took place on the final day of the autumn term. Each house was invited to submit a music video and a live act on a theme of their choice, involving house members from across Years 7-13. It was a close run competition and special commendations must go to Kennett, with their highly topical Barbie themed entry and Rose, who produced a really thought provoking piece on the theme of relationships and memories. But the winners on the day were Pollock, whose entry impressed the judges with its originality, creativity and sense of house spirit. Year 13 House Captain Kian F said: “Pollock’s act this year took everyone to the Wild West; starting off with a cowboy themed video to the song ‘Money Trees’. It showed the hard work of students from every year group, and had sequences such as a chase scene, a rounding up of enemy house leaders, and a shootout. The video was followed by a groovy dance to ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’, all amazingly choreographed by [Deputy House Captain] Livia. I’m so happy and proud of the victory, and I hope everyone enjoyed the fruits of our labour.”

House Event Update After a busy term for House events from hockey, football, lineball, art competitions and House Talent, the competition for the most House points changed hands constantly. At the end of the autumn term the overall House winner was Kennett who enjoyed their House treat of ice cream and toppings as well as lifting the coveted House Trophy. A special well done to a number of students who achieved their Half Colours at the end of the autumn term by reaching an overall total of 60 House Points throughout their time at the school; we have several students who we expect to join the select group of students who have ever achieved Full Colours at the end of this spring term. The spring term is looking just as busy with more House events in Sports, Maths, Science, Chinese and our new Great British Stephen Perse House Bake Off raising money for our House charities which are: Cattley: Clark:

Save the Children Oxfam


Blue Smile


Woodgreen Charity


Ella Dawson Foundation


British Heart Foundation


Red Cross

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter





February 2024 Edition 16

Japanese Scholarship Exchange 2024 -

a special international connection continues

For over 15 years we have been fortunate to have a close relationship with the highly prestigious Keio Shonan Fujisawa Senior High School in Yokohama, Japan. The school is attached to the world-famous Keio University and is a co-educational secondary school. They have generously funded a scholarship programme between Stephen Perse and the Keio Shonan Fujisawa Jr & Sr High School since 2008. This year Stephen Perse shares the funding of four scholarships on both sides of the world. Exchanges are an amazing opportunity to get to know about other young people and their lives in other countries and cultures. They are not only for improving linguistic skills and passing exams. An international exchange is a great opportunity to find common values as well as broadening horizons. We are all fully aware of the dominance of English globally and how often English becomes the main vessel of communication, however international exchanges are a chance to develop understanding for others which leads to stronger connections and helps our young people to grow internationally. Life-long friendships have been forged through the exchanges offered at Stephen Perse and we hope that this will continue. This year’s scholarship places were awarded to the following Year 10 and Year 12 students who have been attending for several years Mrs Browning’s after-school Japanese course: Isha, Ava, Manuela and Lola. They hosted their partners for 14 days at the end of January and the beginning of February. At the time of publication of this newsletter, they will be visiting their partners in Keio.

During the visit to the UK, the Japanese scholars were treated to a full schedule of life in the UK, school lessons at Stephen Perse, excursions as a group and excursions with their host families. We are particularly thankful to all the host families who ensured the students had a fabulous time. The packed UK programme included sight-seeing around Cambridge and London, the very traditional afternoon tea, not so traditional bowling and burgers alongside a spellbinding evensong in King’s College Chapel. The schedule in Japan is equally packed and we will be reporting on that in due course.

Japanese after-school club - cohort 2025 starts after February half-term Mrs Browning will be starting the next cohort of students with the Japanese after-school course. This is aimed at any current Year 9 & Year 11 students who would be interested in taking part in Keio 2025. Students from other year groups are more than welcome to attend. Thursdays 3.30pm - 5.30pm in L31.

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


Sixth Form Winter Formal by Jacq Paris, Head of Sixth Form

Jessie, the chair of the student-led event committee, approached me at the start of the academic year about organising a Sixth Form Winter Formal Dinner-Dance. She had already visited a number of venues, explored possible dates and obtained quotes so she could present a budgeted and well-planned event. It was so impressive that it was very easy to give the go-ahead. On Saturday 2 December, having sold 100 tickets, the students arrived for their pre-dinner drinks at Cripps Court on Chesterton Road. Everyone had dressed for the occasion and looked stunning dressed in black tie and flowing gowns. A short walk through the college grounds took us to Magdalene’s Hall for our Christmas dinner. The hall looked splendid and the atmosphere was enhanced by the candlelight. We dined on soup followed by either fillet of beef or butternut squash risotto. Dessert was Monc Blanc followed by coffee and mince pies. We all then returned to Cripps Court where our DJ for the evening was waiting. Lots of photos and posing was essential in front of the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and dancing ensued till late. Fortunately there is no photographic evidence (I hope) of the staff’s dance moves which is just as well! I'd like to thank Jessie for her organisation and all the students for making supervising so easy. It was a pleasure to watch everyone having such a good time and this is the best part of my role.

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


The Silicon Valley STEM Trip

In late October 2023 a group of Year 12 and Year 13 students had the opportunity to be inspired and learn how technology is transforming the modern world through visiting a number of attractions. Students had hands-on experience in the home of science and technology and were able to appreciate the achievements of our scientific understanding through time and how this may change our understanding of technology in the future. Overall they were inspired to continue with their scientific and computer studies and thoroughly enjoyed the captivating culture and stunning landscapes that San Francisco has to offer.

San Francisco trip A memorable and exciting experience Year 12 student Emilea tells us all about the trip. We stayed in Fisherman's Wharf and on our first night had dinner at Applebee’s, the first of many iconic American but specifically San Franciscan restaurants like Bubba Gump shrimp and the Hard Rock cafe. It was an interesting experience to say the least as expectations we had from Hollywood movies were met. We began our trip with a walking tour of the city visiting Pier 39, seeing the seals, and hiking up the famous steep roads and hills seeing trams pass by while battling a seven hour time difference. We visited San Francisco’s Chinatown and learnt the history of Chinese immigration to San Francisco and the conflicts of land owning and cultural differences, the city now hosts many cultures which are celebrated. We visited many museums like the California Science Museum, the Cabot Nasa Visitor Centre, the Intel History Museum, the Exploratorium, and the Computer Science History Museum. My personal favourite had to have been the California Science Museum as it had separate habitat themed rooms for different species as well as simulators of different weathers like extreme fog and an earthquake simulator. It was also home to the only Albino crocodile in the world, Claude, who was so still and stoic looking that we almost thought he was a fake statue. The Computer Science History Museum was a close second as it had so many artefacts and old models of computers, robots, and video games that were very interesting to see in person and all in the same room. There were more tourist-like activities where we took a ferry and visited Alcatraz prison. We had a guided listening tour of the prison's history, the famous criminals that were imprisoned




the animation industry. The museum had the original miniature of Disneyland that Walt used to plan the amusement park. On our last day of the trip we all separated into smaller groups to explore the city more, do some souvenir shopping, and my friends and I took the San Francisco Trams, up and down the hills, as well as trying the famous Ghirardelli’s chocolate which is made in the city. Overall the trip was a very memorable and exciting experience, I had a lot of souvenirs to bring back and share with family and friends. Seeing the sights and spending time with close friends in a different country is an experience on its own on top of visiting museums and learning more about STEM and its history.

there, and of course the famous escape from Alcatraz. We of course saw the Golden Gate Bridge, and visited two aquariums, then spent a day in Silicon Valley learning the growth of technology and companies like Meta, Google, and Apple and seeing their visitor centres. One of my favourite days, though there were many, was visiting The Walt Disney Family Museum which is owned by Walt Disney’s sister who saved and collected all his collectibles and relics. It had to have been the most interesting visit as it had the whole history of Walt Disney’s life, the start-up of Disney, the first drafts of Mickey Mouse, and how they revolutionised

We visited many museums like the California Science Museum, the Cabot Nasa Visitor Centre, the Intel History Museum, the Exploratorium, and the Computer Science History Museum.

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter





February 2024 Edition 16

On the Slopes: Year 11 - 13 take to the Italian Alps

As the holiday season approached, we embarked on our annual ski trip to the enchanting Italian Alps. Our destination? The competitive ski village of Sestriere, perched high in the mountains of Italy, where World Champions train and which was also the location of the school downhill championships too. Perhaps in future years, we might compete!


What better way to end our week than with some good music and a taste of après culture, admittedly chaperoned by our teachers. As the tunes played and laughter echoed through the crisp mountain air, a sense of gratitude was felt for the unforgettable memories from the week away.

We were fortunate to bask in the warmth of countless ‘bluebird’ days throughout our stay, offering the perfect backdrop for our snowy escapades. From beginners finding their footing on the slopes to seasoned skiers gracefully navigating the more challenging black runs, the three groups enjoyed their lessons, making significant strides in their skiing abilities. For our advanced group, a day trip to France was a highlight, as we ventured to the far reaches of the Vialattea, also known as the ‘Milky Way’. Their instructor Umberto wanted them to experience different terrain and they really enjoyed the challenge of being able to show off what they’d learnt. Fun was not only had on the slopes. From highly amusing quizzes that saw snow-outfits constructed from upcycled materials, to cinema trips to enjoy Timothee Chalamet appearing as Wonka, we spent our evenings sharing great Italian food and lots of laughter. One unforgettable evening, we embraced the tranquil beauty of the twilight hours with a magical snowshoeing expedition, climbing up to be able to look down on the ski village twinkling below.

We are already eagerly anticipating our next ski trip, this time with the students from Year 8 and Year 9, as we set our sights on the charming Italian slopes of Claviere in the February half term.

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


Years 10 and 11

Japanese & Drama Theatre Trip My Neighbour Totoro A group of Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students accompanied by Frau Freeman and Ms Barrell went to see the play My Neighbour Totoro at London’s Barbican Theatre. Students studying Japanese and Drama attended which resulted in interesting discussions afterwards, as the different perspectives came into play. The play is originally a Studio Ghibli animation film adapted for the stage by Tom Morton-Smith. It was incredible to see the film so closely reproduced on stage using many different innovative techniques. The magic realism was indeed there, beautifully delivered with ingenuity, skill and grace. We had a beautiful glimpse into Japanese culture and a world full of imagination and playful spirits. We would all have loved to be bouncing upon Totoro’s large air-filled tummy which filled the stage at one point or chasing around the soot spirits. The set made us feel part of the forest and the magic, with the orchestra in tree-houses at the back of the stage. Joe Hisaishi’s score connected seamlessly with the story and lulled us through the delightful world, both the lows and the highs. @SPFschools



February 2024 Edition 16

National Theatre Trip


La Casa de Bernarda Alba

In January both Spanish and Drama students went to the National Theatre to see Alice Birch’s modern take on the 1930s Spanish play La Casa de Bernarda Alba. Originally set in Franco’s Fascist Spain, this new interpretation of the script intends to highlight the feminist messages of the original and warn of the dangers of oppression. The timelessness and significance of the play was made obvious by the performance, but was a challenging modern interpretation. The daughters swear and rebel constantly, and are too free. This slightly lessened the impact of the climactic finale, where the youngest daughter rebels against Bernarda and kills herself as a final act. Bernarda also seems a bit too oblivious of her daughter's actions, and too soft to appear as the overpowering matriarch the play wants to present her as. It was interesting to see both the parts of the play done very well, and the parts that could be improved, as it helped our understanding of the text and how different interpretations can alter the messaging of the piece. The set involved a multi-tier model of the house with all the rooms in view at once, making it feel alive and like an actual house as maids flitted about tidying up and the sisters got on with their daily life in their rooms. At times multiple scenes happened concurrently.

The acting on display was impressive and it was easy to tell that the choreography and general directing was well rehearsed and performed with accuracy. The characters were adapted slightly from the book which we have studied as part of our A Level course, making the play engaging and interesting to watch. We then visited a Spanish restaurant called ‘La Gamba’. La Gamba was the perfect finish to the evening with its authentic Spanish desserts which were accompanied by swift service from the staff. The cinnamon churros with Spanish hot chocolate and basque cheesecake lightened the mood after the intense end to the play and made for a good experience of Spanish cuisine.

The acting on display was impressive and it was easy to tell that the choreography and general directing was well rehearsed and performed with accuracy.

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


Year 9 Production

Year 7 Production

‘The White Feather’

‘The Odyssey’

A new play written by Kim Albone

Adapted by Helene Barrell

Our Year 9 production of ‘The White Feather’, written and directed by Miss Kim Albone, is set during the First World War, from 1914 - 1918. It follows the life of a young soldier, William McBride, as he meets the love of his life, is encouraged to enlist in the army, and goes to fight for his country on the battlefields of France. The performance will include songs and live music taken from the Victorian music hall tradition and from Joan Littlewoods’s seminal production of ‘Oh What a Lovely War’. ‘The White Feather’ is a commemorative reflection of the First World War atrocities in the 110th year since its commencement.

Join us for an epic journey across a mythical Mediterranean as we follow Odysseus and his trusty crew in their quest to return home to Ithaca following their defeat of the City of Troy. Expect to encounter man-eating monsters, devastating storms and terrifying temptresses, as Odysseus is tested to the full by the will of the gods who look down from Mount Olympus. Poster design: Emilea S

Poster design: Orla B

Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here:

Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here:

Thursday 14 March

Thursday 25 April

Friday 15 March

Friday 26 April:




Staff Panto

Our staff pantomime was, once again, a huge success! (Oh, yes it was!) Intro header Directed by Year 12 students Eleanor A, Ella B-D and Juliette G, this year’s performance was ‘Peter Pan’, starring Mr Need as the eponymous hero, with Mr Williams (rather convincingly) taking on the villainous role of Captain Hook. Mr Peglar was hilarious as Dame Tiger Lily, Profe Escudero was suitably terrifying as the crocodile whilst Miss Edmunds, Mr Frost and Mr Hunt were all very endearing as the children Wendy, John and Michael. Mrs Darling was elegantly played by Ms Whitelaw whilst Ms Edmund’s (real life) dog Cassie almost stole the show in the role of Nana. The pantomime raised over £600 with all funds going towards the Big Give Campaign.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Education Outdoor Update

by Russell McAlinden, Head of Outdoor Learning

On 27 January students visited Big Rock Climbing, an indoor climbing wall in Milton Keynes, with the aim of expanding their climbing experience, accompanied by Mr McAlinden & Mr Cowley. All students received instruction on how to fit harnesses, belay and safely climb using ropes indoors, as well as experiencing an amazing bouldering facility. The visit allowed students to progressively step outside of their comfort zones, climbing in a different environment and learning some new skills. It was fantastic to see all students achieve their own personal aims, and finish the day having developed a great deal.

February 2024 Edition 16

History Department Update


Christmas came early for the Year 7 History teachers as just before the end of term they were overwhelmed with the most phenomenal castles. This was by far and away the best model castle building ever witnessed by the department. As it was also a History house competition, and because the castles were so good, the department decided to organise a whole year group display of the models and prize giving ceremony. Around 50 Year 7s attended to show off their castles and look at the work of other people. The 10 runners-up were announced, as well as the overall winner - Rufus W. Rufus had built a gargantuan castle which, as well as its size, was solidly built, historically accurate, and paid attention to detail. Thanks to all of Year 7 for their amazing efforts and some delicious castle cakes as well.

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


GCSE and Sports Awards Evening The end of November saw the annual GCSE and Sports Awards Presentation Evening for last year’s Year 11 students and their parents. The hall was full to capacity and was resplendent with floral decoration to give a real sense of splendour. The evening started with the Sports awards, followed by awards for academic achievement, academic progress and wider contribution to Stephen Perse as well as subject-specific prizes, before the presentation of GCSE certificates to the whole year group. The major Sports award winners for the evening were: Sports Personality of the Year Boy


Sports Personality of the Year Girl

Juliette G

Elite International Award

Sophie R for Archery

Interspersed among the prize giving was the light relief of a rendition of Michael Jackson’s Billy Jean by sixth formers Amelie-Grace, Charlie, Jay, Teddy and Taran and words of wisdom and advice from Mr Girvan in his speech. A mark of the success of the evening was that so many of those present stayed behind afterwards for the reception in the dining hall. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and thanks go to all those involved in the considerable preparation needed to bring it to fruition.




Sixth Form

Stephen Perse Cambridge Sixth Form Student Crowned National Junior Archery Champion Stephen Perse Cambridge Sixth Form student Sophie R. has been named the National Junior Champion at the Archery GB National Indoor Championships after beating tough competition at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire. The budding 16 year old archer was top-seeded and flew through the knock out matches in the junior women’s event to receive the national accolade, winning not just her own U18 age group, but also the overall junior title which included all U21 archers. The previous day, Sophie also competed against current Team GB Senior Squad members in the National Adult Championships, where she finished in an impressive joint 9th place. Reflecting on her achievement, Sophie said: "When I won I felt on top of the world and quite overwhelmed. It was such a long weekend and I went into it without any expectations of winning so I felt like all my hard work and effort over the last few months had really paid off and I’m so thankful for all the support my friends, family, coaches and the school has given me.” Photo credit: Jonathon Yau via Archery GB

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


Sport Update

Rosie Wins Gold at the National Fencing Tournament Rosie R won Gold in a national fencing tournament - at Wetherby in November, fencing in the U12 Womens Foil event. Rose won all her bouts in her poules and conceded only seven points. She powered through the direct elimination stage into the final to win Gold in the event. She was over the moon with her overall performance and has made much progress since the beginning of term. This event will count towards her England U12 ranking. Follow up on progress of other events and her ranking in the England U14 to appear in future newsletters..

Football Update Congratulations to the Under 15 boys who are through to the semi-final of the ISFA Bowl after a superb 4-1 victory over City of London Freemen’s School in the quarter final. After a tight first half which ended 1-1, the team played some outstanding attacking football whilst defending resolutely in the second, to record a comfortable win. They now have a tough away trip to either Cranmore School or Bryanston School. The Under 15 girls have their ISFA Shield quarter final against Forest School in February. We also have District Cup first round fixtures coming up over the next few weeks to look forward to. Good luck to all of the teams involved! Finally, good luck to Natalie G, Alice E and Juliet R who are attending the ISFA Under 14 girls regional trials.




February 2024 Edition 16


Sportshall Athletics 2023/24 The Cambridge District Sportshall Athletics Competition was held at the University Sports Centre, it was only our second year at the event and the first time for the boys teams, so learning the events and how to use rebound boards was a new challenge. All the students excelled against high quality competition from many experienced local club teams. The U13 boys & girls won the U13 team event overall and we had 12 first places over the course of the afternoon. First places went to: U13 G Vertical Jump:

Claudia BF

U13 G 4 lap race:

Phoebe O

U13 G Shot:

Claudia BF, Juliet BF, Chevonne H, Ruby A

U13 4 x 1 lap relay:

Phoebe O, Claudia BF, Rose G, Romy S

U13 4 x 2 lap relay:

Chevonne, Izzi H, Ruby A, Romy S

U13 B Circuit relay:

Jamie B, Dominic S, Alex PB, Hasan A

U15 Paarlauf relay:

Paul P & Freddie H

U15 4 x 2 lap relay:

Paul P, Phillip L, Freddie H

Further Congratulations go to the following students who have been selected from the district championships to represent the Cambridgeshire County at the Regional Sportshall Athletics Championships in Norwich: Philip L, Paul P, Shouchen W, Keseniia K, Claudia BF, Juliet BF, Jamie B, Chevonne H, Romy S.

Chevonne H

U15 B Speed Bounce:

Paul P

U15 G Vertical Jump:

Shaochen W

U15 B Standing Long Jump:

U13 G Circuit relay:

Phillip L

Principal’s 11-18 Newsletter


District Cross Country Championships 2023

Judo Update

Congratulations to all the students who competed at the District Schools Cross Country Championships at Netherhall School. We had a large contingent of students from Years 7-9, the weather was kind but the course was muddy.

Congratulations to Daphne in Year 7 who entered her first regional schools judo competition at the beginning of January. She really made her mark in her debut performance by winning a Gold medal in the U12 age group. She has now qualified for the National Finals in Sheffield. We look forward to hearing about how she gets on in March!

Stand out performances go to Eleanor K in Year 11 who came third in the Inter Girls age group and Grace K who came eleventh in the Junior Girls age group. Both have now qualified to compete as part of the Cambridge District Team at the County Schools Cross Country Championships. Other notable performances went to Alice E - 18th, Jake F 29th, Harry O - 31st in their respective age groups. Well done to all who competed.




February 2024 Edition 16


Netball Update

Basketball Update

The Netball term has started amazingly well after some extremely successful netball camps that were held just before Christmas for Years 4-9. Armed with experienced internal and external coaches and some of our amazing Year 11/12 volunteers, over 100 students took part in a range of skills and of course, lots of games ready for the netball season to commence.

The Under 18 boys Basketball team has continued their good form in the local Basketball league. They recently played two fixtures in two days, winning both and showing off some excellent skills. Thoroughly deserved as they are totally committed to training and to improving their game. It was lovely to see them on Saturday, spontaneously playing 1v1 with King’s Ely players, after the match had finished. Good sportsmanship and building friendships is what it is all about after all!

Regional tournament Our U14 & U16 squads went off to regionals at the end of January after both teams qualified by winning their county rounds in November. The U14 team, captained by Natalie G, played really well winning all but two of their matches and just missing out on progressing through to the semi-finals on goal difference. The U16 team, captained by Eva F, also started well winning their first four matches before coming up against the eventual winners Berkhamsted School. We were all so proud of all our students, they were a real credit to the school.

Stephen Perse Foundation (Main Office) Union Road Cambridge CB2 1HF t: 01223 454700 e:




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