8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

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8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!


8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that

Easy spells are simple rituals of Witchcraft that really anyone can practice if they wish to start exercising their spiritual life. You’ll only need a few ingredients which you can easily ďŹ nd at home or any grocery store. In ancient times, spells only required materials that could be found in a farm environment, so many of them are herbs, roots, rocks, feathers, and other elements found in Nature. đ&#x;Œ¸ In its very essence, spellcasting and Witchcraft shouldn’t be complicated. That’s why we have collected a set of easy spells that you can cast at home, even if you don’t have much experience as a Witch. Follow the link below if this is your ďŹ rst time trying spells.

Total Beginners Guide: How to Cast Spells When You’re New & Unsure

On this page, you will ďŹ nd: 8 Super Easy Spells for Beginners 1. ‘Cleanse and Protect’: A Pre-Spell Spiritual Bath 2. Lunar Protection Spell: Super Easy Full Moon Ritual https://spells8.com/easy-spells/



8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

3. ‘Fire Flowers’: A Wiccan Spell to Open Roads to Love 4. ‘Emotional Unbinding’: A Spell to Forget an Ex 5. ‘Endless Desire’: A Bottle Spell to Strengthen a Relationship 6. ‘Riches Pledge’: A Simple Money Spell with a Green Candle 7. ‘Shaman Blessing’: An Easy Protection Spell with Sage 8. ‘Banishing Grace’: Easy Spell to Ward Off Evil & Negativity Beginner Tips for Casting Spells Easy Spells for Witches (8 More!) FAQ Extra tips

8 Super Easy Spells for Beginners

Click or tap the images to see the full recipes.

1. ‘Cleanse and Protect’: A Pre-Spell Spiritual Bath

▶ Cleanse and Protect Spiritual Spell Bath

2. Lunar Protection Spell: Super Easy Full Moon Ritual https://spells8.com/easy-spells/



8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Lunar Protection Spell: Super Easy Full Moon Ritual

3. ‘Fire Flowers’: A Wiccan Spell to Open Roads to Love

▶Fire Flowers Wiccan Love Spell with Candle

4. ‘Emotional Unbinding’: A Spell to Forget an Ex




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Easy Spell to Forget an Ex – Spells8

5. ‘Endless Desire’: A Bottle Spell to Strengthen a Relationship

Endless Desire Bottle Spell to Strengthen a Relationship

6. ‘Riches Pledge’: A Simple Money Spell with a Green Candle




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Simple Money Spell with Green Candle

7. ‘Shaman Blessing’: An Easy Protection Spell with Sage

Shaman Blessing an Easy Protection Spell with Sage

8. ‘Banishing Grace’: Easy Spell to Ward Off Evil & Negativity




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

â–ś Banishing Spell to Remove Negative Energy

Beginner Tips for Casting Spells I. Harm No One Before attempting any ritual of Magic, whether it’s an easy spell or a more complex one, you should be aware that there are consequences when casting spells. Be aware of the Law of Three, which means that everything you send to the Universe, you will receive back threefold. If your intentions are good and your spells are positive, they will bring good things your way. But negative spells and ill intentions will result in negative things coming to your life.




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Pagan/Wiccan Law of Three

“Learn more about it here: 8 Safety Rules Every Witch Should Know

II. Force No One Love spells are usually safe to cast when you are trying to attract love into your life. But, unless you know exactly what you are doing, don’t try to use your Magic to force anyone into loving you. This violates that person’s free will and can have negative consequences.

A good way to make sure your spell won’t have any negative effects is to say “For the greater good of everyone involved” at the very end of the incantation. Another variation is: “And harm no one!”

Also, if you are casting a spell for someone else, be it a family member or a friend, let them know what you will be doing and get their permission first! https://spells8.com/easy-spells/



8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

III. Be Realistic Another important thing to remember is that Magic can only help you achieve realistic goals. You will not be able to fly, become invisible or raise the dead through the use of Magic. But you can always improve your life by attract love, money, happiness and getting rid of negative influences. Read this lesson to learn How to Cast More Powerful Spells.

Easy Spells for Witches (8 More!)

9. ‘Bad Luck Go Away’: Candle Spell to Remove a Curse

▶ Bad Luck Go Away: Candle Spell for Curse Removal

10. Amber Love Magnet: A Love Spell Mojo Bag Recipe




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Love Spell Charm with Amber Crystal

11. ‘Moondrop Blessing’: A Spell to Keep & Protect Your Job

Spell to Keep and Protect your Job with Moon Water

12. Renewal Bath for Self-Love & Acceptance




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Renewal Bath Spell: Self-Love & Spiritual Acceptance

13. ‘I Release You’: A Spell for Letting Go Once And For All

▶ ‘I Release You’ A Spell To Forget Someone

14. ‘Fresh Funds’: A Spell to Attract Money with Basil Leaves




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Fresh Funds: Spell with Basil to Attract Money

15. Enabler Chant: Good Luck & Prosperity Cinnamon Spell

Good Luck Cinnamon Wiccan Chant Spell

16. ‘Mother Moonlight’: A Full Moon Wiccan Love Spell




8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Mother Moonlight: Full Moon Wiccan Love Spell


What spell should I choose? The most basic recommendation is that you choose that spell that you liked at first sight. Use your intuition! For example, if you like burning candles and there is spell that uses them, choose that one. Human beings show certain affinities with certain elements, so before casting a certain spell, maybe you want to take a look at the materials needed and decide if you like it. When you choose a spell, don’t overthink and just go for the one that instantly appeals to you the most or that seems to be the most convenient for you right now.

Do these easy spells really work? These easy spells are important because they will help you feel comfortable with the practice of spellcasting in the beginning of your path as a Witch. If they don’t work right away, this is completely normal. As you gain experience you will be more and more confident on your own Powers, and your spells will be more successful. https://spells8.com/easy-spells/



8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

If this is your first approach to Magic and Witchcraft, it is okay to not see any results. It will take time and experience. Start with easy spells that don’t require lots of materials or steps to follow, so you can get used to the process in every ritual.

My spell didn’t work, what do I do? If a spell has not worked for you, wait some time (about 14 days) and try it again. Focus on what you can improve to make it more effective. Read this post: How to Be a Powerful Spellcaster: Witchcraft Tips & Tricks, where we discuss the best course of action to take when your spells aren’t working.

Have more questions? Read our FAQs to learn more about spellcasting.

Extra tips Develop your intuition If you felt good while casting a certain spell, that’s a sign of progress. You should work towards feeling 100% confident, without any trace of doubts. If you don’t feel okay while doing any kind of spellwork, it is better to stop and continue with your day. Try again later. Never let yourself be carried away by jealousy or envy, as they are bad advisors.

Use the power of visualization The power of your mind is the greatest power you have, and it’s free! To improve this skill, it’s important to have a clear mind and to understand with precision what your intentions and wishes are at all times. https://spells8.com/easy-spells/



8 Super Easy Spells for Beginner Witches that WORK!

Beginner Witches: Get better at casting spells. Click to read: How to Cast Spells When You’re New and Unsure

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