1927 March National Forensic League Bulletin

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lfttionol Jorensir lm9ue

---------- Clari x on, Iowa Bernice Bernard -----·------ ----- ---------------- -------- - --h�eni Ari zona P · · ···--···----------·- i � Merwin Murphy -------- ------------- ------ --Burl ng on, Iowa Milton E. G. Muelder --------- -------- ------ ·····-··-----· ·-· · ·---- Mar ville Mo.. sl Edwyna M. Forsyth -- ----------------- ------------ -- -- ---- · · -----·- ------- --Blis eld' Mich Arthur L. Knoblauch ----------- -····--- ·· ··--------

NO. 4

New Chapters

authorized during the past month : The following Chapters have been 145 Howell, Michigan l 46 Austin, Minnesota 147 Canton, South Dakota 148 Presho, South Dakota 1 49 Oakland, Nebraska

Nomination of Candidates

MARCH, 1927

Nomination of candidates for National Council has now been closed. In tho:-:e Dist1·ict s where several candidates h ave been nominated the names a re being referred at this time to the Active l\Iembcrs for pref­ crent ial voting. Attention is especially directed t o the fact that the votes must be in 1 he Secretary's office before April 1st. Tn Districts whel'e only one candidate has been nomi11ated t he per­ son 's name will go directly onto the final ballot and there will, of Petitions Referred course, need to be no vot ing at this time. The petition referred to the Northern District was approved by a vote The candidates chosen at this time will be voted ou by th e entire of 9 o Active Membership during April for the election of Nationa l Officers. ih � ��ition referred to the Eastern District was r_ejected by a vote of General Order No. 8 providing for this election is vublished in full 46 Yes a�d 2 8 No, a thrP.e · fourths affirmative vote bemg required. herewith. As it will not be published again this year it is requesterl t hat chapter officers preserve the copy for guidance in the voting pro­ cedure in the election taking place in April. Chapter Reinstated with the cons6tuti�nal P_�ov1, plied com ng havi pter Cha GF.NEHAL ORoEu No. 8 n oyga The Sheb pter by the Executive ounc1 on Election of National Officers for 1 !127 shall be held as follows : �ions was reinstated as an Active Cha January 3 1 st. 1 . Bdol'e March 1, 1927, c.nch Chapter sl1all nominate as candi­ date for National Offic�1· one member and submit with the nomination es Du l An nua a statement not exceeding two hundred words setting forth the per­ the ency curr in dues ual ann r thei son 's qualifications. As a number of Chapters are payincr been received and that the dues t "'h a 2. 'fhe National Secretary shall mail to each Chapter before March Secretary wishes to acknow1edge tha� i. F � lowing is a list of the Chapters 10th a list of the persons nominated in that District and a copy of the for that Chapter have been recorde send ld not on this list, .shou dues have . bcen received. Cha,pt�rs :-tatement accompanying each nomination. The names of the eandi­ whose e th "d pat g h av_1n not . . month the list of chapters , . Next clatcs shall be arranged in the order in which the nominations were their dues at once list er 11 sma e t h e b ld shou tedly received b.r the l.rational Secretary. dues will be published as this undoub Laconia M on ort 3. The Acti ve members of eaeh Chapter :-:hall then vote by prefer­ Wichita Wagner g nm Can ballot upon the candidates in that District, indicating on each ential Elko Norwich Burlmbton . fi rst, second, and third choice, a11d retu rn the ballots to the hallot Webstcr Groves Centerville o Ohi , land Ash N" a tional Rccrctary before April 1. · o Canton, Ohi Lucas Sh�boygan 4. 'rhc rational Seeretai;y shall count the ballots as provided in Plano Phoenix Niles Regulat ion No. 9 and immediately report the result to the Chapters. Columbus Ford an� Shaw listing all the pm·sons voted for and the 1rnmbcr of votes emit for each. phia adel Phil New Win netka Wheatndge 'rhe person receiving the highest number of votes slrnll be the candi­ Clarion Calvert l3lissfield date from th at District. Cic.::;ro Nazareth Allentown (High) 5. If the candidates from all the Districts do not contain the names East Orange Cameron Asbury Park of at least two students then the necessary number of students shall hr Howell Guthrie added to the list from the students receiving the highest number of 'Votes in the previous ballot. s Additional Copie 6. The names of all the candidates shall then be listed on the ballot of , wi 11 IJe sent for the remainder :four times, the order to lbe determined by lot. once for each of the fonr Additional copies of this Bulletir a copy. s Pffi cel's to be ch osen. ''hc Active Members sl,all then vote for one to the year to any ch,tpter for I 5 c<.:nt


be pl'esident, one to be vice-president, and two to be national directors. an<l may vote for the same person for more than one office. The votrr shall indicate one first choice for each office and as many additional ehoiccs as he desires and shall number the choices for each office in the order of his preference. The Chapters shall rctum the original ballots to the National Secretary before May 1 , 1927. 7. The rational Secretary shall count the ballots according to th<' provisions of Regulation No. 9 and declare the persons elected as fol­ l ows : 'l'hc candidate receiving the hig11ect number of votes for presi­ dent �hall be National President. and his name �hall then be st1·ickcn :from the lists of candidates for the succeeding offices. 'rh e candidate receiving the highest number of votes for vice-president shall be N at ion­ al Vice-Pl'esident, and his name shall then be stricken from t he lists o{ candidates for t he sueceeding offices. 'l'he candidate rereiving the high­ est nurnbtc'r of vote.c, for national director shall be National Director, and his name shall he stricken from the list of candidates for the sur­ •·ecd ing office. 'rhe candidate receiving the highest number of votes for the . ccond national direct o�· shall be National Dil'cctol', provided that one of the four persons thus elected is a stud(·nt, otherwise the second National Director shall be the student who received the highest numher of votes for that office. 8. In the event of a tie such tic shall be resolved by lot to he rlrawn by two disinterested persons appointed by the �ational F,;ecrrtary. Approved byDisapproved by-

A Proposed Amendment

For some time the members of the Executive Council have felt that our system of credit points for debate was somewhat unfair in that it gave a disproportionate number of points for a non-decision debate as <'Omparcd with the number awarded to the members of a losing t eam. As most non-decision debates appea1· to be merely preliminary or " prac­ tice" debates it has been deemed unjust that such a debate should enti­ tle the participants to more credit than an actual league contest in which the team loses by a narrow margin. 'J'hcrefore the following amendment to the constitution is proposcd by unanimous vote of the Executive Council and submitted to the Active Members for ratifica­ tion or rejection. A majority of the YOtes of all Active l\Tcmbcrs must he cast in favor to adopt the amendment.

Amendment II

" To amend Article IV, Section B, by striking ont the figures " 9 . 8 , 7 " a s rrcdit points for members of non-decision teams and inserting m place thereof the figures ' ' 6, 5, 4, ' ' respect ively, �o that the number of credit points awarded to members of non-decision debate teams shall he the same as the number awarded to the members of a l osing team. Ballots for the voting on this amendment will be sent all Chapters next month. 1\Ieanwhile the members arc asked to consider it and discuss it at Chapter meetings. Furthermore the columns of this Bulletin will be open to any member of Chapter desiring 1o express

Y_iew ?r argumCJ�ts for or against the proposal. Such matter for inser­ . tion m the Apnl Bulletin should be sent to the Secretary not later 1 han March 31 and should, by the limited size of the Bulletin ' be brief :1 nd to the point.

Annual Dues

As announced in the J;'ebruary Bulletin the list of Chapters :from w�om the aimual due� J1avc 110t been receh-ed up to this time is here­ _ with p1�bl1she� as a kmdly reminder to those chapters to take up the matter immediately. The an�ount is one dollar a year. Akron Estherville Madison Provo Eugene Allentown No. 4 l\Iankato, l\Iinn. Redfield Alpena Florence l\1ankat o Kan. Redland Arcadia Freehold Marion ' Richland Center Ashland, Kansas Garden City )laryville Ruthven Belle Fourche G eddes Mason City Salt Lake City Bucyrus Grants Pass )Iaywood Saratoga Springs Burke Hartsville Mendota Scottsdale Butte H ighmore New Richmond Selby Center Homer City Norristown Shreveport Cl1arleston Hornell Oconto Falls Spokane Huron Cherryvale Oneonta Stockton Chippewa Falls Irene Painesville Troy • Ishpeming Parkland Cleveland Warren Cleveland Heights ,frtmore Payne \Vatertown Clinton Kingston Pekin Waupun Baglc G rove Lake Preston Perryopolis \Vest Orano-e 0 H<lgerton Lancaster Plymouth Whitehall Elk City Laredo Ponca City Wilson Luray Portland And all Chapters established this yea1· except Catasauqua, Baxter Springs, Gladstone and Howell.

Chapter Reinstated

By vote of the Executive Council the Charleston Chapter was rcim,tatcd on February 28th.

New Chapters

"l'� c .followin ?' � lrnpters haYe 1.)0 Sagmaw, )11ch1gan Arthur Hill High School l!'il Stillwater, l\Iinnesota ]52 Elma, Washington r:

been authorized during Fcbrnary : ]53 Edtrewood Illinois 154 Pa;la Ka;1sa · 15!'; )[ont;·osc, South Dakota 156 H utchinson, Karn;as

Cuts of the Key

. Chapters desiring- c�ts of t � e N.F.L. key for use in school publica­ tions can secure such zmc ctchmgs from the Secretary for $1.50 each.


Advanced Degrees

The followmg Advanced Degrees have been gran ted during Feb­ ruary :

be pl'esident, one to be vice-president, and two to be national directors. an<l may vote for the same person for more than one office. The votrr shall indicate one first choice for each office and as many additional ehoiccs as he desires and shall number the choices for each office in the order of his preference. The Chapters shall rctum the original ballots to the National Secretary before May 1 , 1927. 7. The rational Secretary shall count the ballots according to th<' provisions of Regulation No. 9 and declare the persons elected as fol­ l ows : 'l'hc candidate receiving the hig11ect number of votes for presi­ dent �hall be National President. and his name �hall then be st1·ickcn :from the lists of candidates for the succeeding offices. 'rh e candidate receiving the highest number of votes for vice-president shall be N at ion­ al Vice-Pl'esident, and his name shall then be stricken from t he lists o{ candidates for t he sueceeding offices. 'l'he candidate rereiving the high­ est nurnbtc'r of vote.c, for national director shall be National Director, and his name shall he stricken from the list of candidates for the sur­ •·ecd ing office. 'rhe candidate receiving the highest number of votes for the . ccond national direct o�· shall be National Dil'cctol', provided that one of the four persons thus elected is a stud(·nt, otherwise the second National Director shall be the student who received the highest numher of votes for that office. 8. In the event of a tie such tic shall be resolved by lot to he rlrawn by two disinterested persons appointed by the �ational F,;ecrrtary. Approved byDisapproved by-

A Proposed Amendment

For some time the members of the Executive Council have felt that our system of credit points for debate was somewhat unfair in that it gave a disproportionate number of points for a non-decision debate as <'Omparcd with the number awarded to the members of a losing t eam. As most non-decision debates appea1· to be merely preliminary or " prac­ tice" debates it has been deemed unjust that such a debate should enti­ tle the participants to more credit than an actual league contest in which the team loses by a narrow margin. 'J'hcrefore the following amendment to the constitution is proposcd by unanimous vote of the Executive Council and submitted to the Active Members for ratifica­ tion or rejection. A majority of the YOtes of all Active l\Tcmbcrs must he cast in favor to adopt the amendment.

Amendment II

" To amend Article IV, Section B, by striking ont the figures " 9 . 8 , 7 " a s rrcdit points for members of non-decision teams and inserting m place thereof the figures ' ' 6, 5, 4, ' ' respect ively, �o that the number of credit points awarded to members of non-decision debate teams shall he the same as the number awarded to the members of a l osing team. Ballots for the voting on this amendment will be sent all Chapters next month. 1\Ieanwhile the members arc asked to consider it and discuss it at Chapter meetings. Furthermore the columns of this Bulletin will be open to any member of Chapter desiring 1o express

Y_iew ?r argumCJ�ts for or against the proposal. Such matter for inser­ . tion m the Apnl Bulletin should be sent to the Secretary not later 1 han March 31 and should, by the limited size of the Bulletin ' be brief :1 nd to the point.

Annual Dues

As announced in the J;'ebruary Bulletin the list of Chapters :from w�om the aimual due� J1avc 110t been receh-ed up to this time is here­ _ with p1�bl1she� as a kmdly reminder to those chapters to take up the matter immediately. The an�ount is one dollar a year. Akron Estherville Madison Provo Eugene Allentown No. 4 l\Iankato, l\Iinn. Redfield Alpena Florence l\1ankat o Kan. Redland Arcadia Freehold Marion ' Richland Center Ashland, Kansas Garden City )laryville Ruthven Belle Fourche G eddes Mason City Salt Lake City Bucyrus Grants Pass )Iaywood Saratoga Springs Burke Hartsville Mendota Scottsdale Butte H ighmore New Richmond Selby Center Homer City Norristown Shreveport Cl1arleston Hornell Oconto Falls Spokane Huron Cherryvale Oneonta Stockton Chippewa Falls Irene Painesville Troy • Ishpeming Parkland Cleveland Warren Cleveland Heights ,frtmore Payne \Vatertown Clinton Kingston Pekin Waupun Baglc G rove Lake Preston Perryopolis \Vest Orano-e 0 H<lgerton Lancaster Plymouth Whitehall Elk City Laredo Ponca City Wilson Luray Portland And all Chapters established this yea1· except Catasauqua, Baxter Springs, Gladstone and Howell.

Chapter Reinstated

By vote of the Executive Council the Charleston Chapter was rcim,tatcd on February 28th.

New Chapters

"l'� c .followin ?' � lrnpters haYe 1.)0 Sagmaw, )11ch1gan Arthur Hill High School l!'il Stillwater, l\Iinnesota ]52 Elma, Washington r:

been authorized during Fcbrnary : ]53 Edtrewood Illinois 154 Pa;la Ka;1sa · 15!'; )[ont;·osc, South Dakota 156 H utchinson, Karn;as

Cuts of the Key

. Chapters desiring- c�ts of t � e N.F.L. key for use in school publica­ tions can secure such zmc ctchmgs from the Secretary for $1.50 each.


Advanced Degrees

The followmg Advanced Degrees have been gran ted during Feb­ ruary :


Brydon Myers .......................................................... Clarion, Iowa Ormond Reiff .................................................. Oakland, Nebraska DEGHEE or;, Excm,LENCF.

Mabel Kline ... ...................................................... Hamp1on, Iowa Gerhold Hirtzcl ........................................Redfield, South Dakota Marietta Kettunen ............................... . .... Ishpeming, Michigan John \V. Tremaine ........................................ Eagle Grove, Iowa Doris Force .................................................... Oakland, Neb1·aslrn Ormond Reiff .................................................. Oakland, Neb1·aska DEGREE OF HONOR

Mr. Emery L. Kimball .......................... . ......... . ... Cicero, Illinois Otto Kolubek ........................................................ Cicero, Illinois Gail Shearer ........................................................Hampton, Iowa 1\Iabel Kline .......................................................... Hampton. Iowa Cora 1\fay Humphrey .................................. Guthrie. Oklahoma Bernese Smith ........................................................Beloit, Kansas Louise Bardrick .................................................... Beloit, Kansas Dorothy Glass .................................................. Fredonia. Kansas Elizabeth Kee .............................................. Gladstone, )fichigan Russell Skcllenger ...................................... Gladstone, Michigan Reno Payne .................................................. Gladstone, Michigan Hildred Ross ............................................Redfield, South Dakota Harold French ..........................................Redfield, South Dakota Gerhold Hil'tzcl ........................................ Redfield, South Dakota Marietta Kettunen ....................................Ishpeming, Michigan . Frank Hertel ......................... ........................... Burlington, Iowa Nancy McComb ................................"Wcbster Groves, Missouri Doris Force .......................... . ......................... Oakland, Nebraska Maxine I. Schaeffer ......................................Eagle Grove, Iowa Ormond Reiff .................................................. Oakland, Nebraska

Extra Votes

The following members having secured 150 credit points are entitled to cast an extra vote in all local and nationa l affai rs : Marie Kendall-172 .................................... Plano, South Dakota Verlin McMalion-158 ............................................ Clarion, Iown Brydon Myers-1 60 ................................................ Clarion, Iowa E . Frank Walker - 1 54 .......................................... Clarion, Iowa

Summary Statement

Chapters ........................................................... . Members ............................................................. . Emblems Ordered ........................................... . Reports of Contests .......................................... Memoranda Issued ......................................... . Degrees Granted : Honor ....................................................... . Excellence ................................................. . Distinction ............................................... .

Nw· 7 98 54 24f> 532 20

5 2

Total 154 1200 844 2745 2986

198 6!1 24

]Jlotionol Jortnsic 1!to9u, No. 5

BULl,R'f lN

Membership Rolls



,vi1 h th is Bnllct in each fully organ izcd Chapter will receiYe a proof­ priJ1t of a Membership Roll. This roll has occn a uthot·ized by t he Bxcc­ u1iYe C'ouMil u pon t he suggestion ot Ji r. Kennet h E. Millc1· of Ashland. t) hio. Its adopition will be optional with each Chapter. The shec:t sent out 11cw is onlr a sample to show t he design. 'l'he actual roll is engraved on artificial parchment of :fine quality and closely resembles the charter in appea rance. Fumishr<l with it a re miniat ure seals of the same colors as the regular <lcgrcc seals for t he membership certificates. Chapters desiring to pay the extm charge can have the name and number of the chapt er engrossed on the form in the same way a� the charters a 1·e engrossed. Each ehaptcl' is free 1 0 use the Roll i n the manner i t sees best suited to its own situation, but the gencl'al plan is to have it provide a suitable meam: of public rccot'cl fo1· the members of 1 he Chapter, especially those whose names do not appear on its charter. As a person becomes a mem­ ber of t he Chapter his name will be added to the Roll. As a member is grant ed an advanced degree a seal of the corresponding color will be affixed in the space provided a fter the member 's name. If the Roll is framed and displayed in the school building, it should furn ish a most approp riate record of the Chapter 's growth and of 1 he achievement's of. its individual members. Chapters desiring a 1·011 can secure one from the sec1·ctary 's office for one dollar postpaid. 'l'his will include the various colored seals in sufficient quantit y to :fill up the roll. Those dcsit·ing the name and num­ ber of the Chapter engrossed can have that done for twenty-five cents extra. About t wo weeks ' time will be required for the e11grossing.

Cuts of the Key

·w e ha,·c just replenished our stock of zinc etchings of t he key anfl arc pleased to Rccurc a better price in consequence o-C a large1• quantity order. Chapters de�fring cuts of the key can now secure one for one dolla r. '!'he fi rst ones cost $1 .75, t hen $1.50 and now $1.00. Looks a s though we arc getting into quantity l )l'oduction ; the League must be gTowing.

Copies of the Constitution

New copies of the constitut i on embodying the changes voted in De­ ce �nber have been p rinted. Within a few days every Chapter will re­ ceive one copy for every member enrolled since last May. Chapter of­ fi ?el'S, kindly see to it thnt each member reecives the copy intended for him.

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