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St Patrick's College, Maehera

In September the College introduced Government and Politics into the list of subiects studied at A.S. As part of their course, students are taught a module on 'The Government and Politics

of Northern lreland.'

.for this module, To assist pupils with their preparation Mr Mccregor organised a trip to Parliament Buildings in April. On the day a group of 9 students accompanied Mr McGregor went to Stormont, where they enjoyed a guided tour of Parliament Buildings by Education Officer Marina McConville. During the tour pupils were given exclusive access to the

main chamber, where they witnessed a debate on the introduction o{ a Bill oI Human Rights.

They also enjoyed a Q&A session with lvlLAs representing four of our main political parties. Showing the early signs of future careers in Politics, students questioned l\4 LAs Francie Brolly from Sinn Fein, Steven Barr from the UUB David Ford lrom the Alliance Party and a representative from

the Green Party on a number ol key issues ranging from water charges, the abolition of the 11+ and the resignation


Rev lan Paisley.

trip ended with a final tour of the impressive grounds. you can see from the photos, everyone had a fun day As The




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