From Chapel to Cathedral: A History of St. Peter's

Page 17

Major Makeovers

A Sunday in the 1940s, when the pews were full and women wore wonderful hats.

Over the decades from the 1950s to the present,

In the big remodeling of 1969, the pink marble

St. Peter’s has undergone several interior

altar we use today was installed in that location

remodelings. In 1952 the ornately carved

with the celebrant facing the congregation. The

wooden rood screen that since 1936 had

former wooden high altar was moved to St.

separated the chancel from the rest of the

Mary’s Chapel, replacing a white marble altar,

sanctuary was moved to St. Mary’s Chapel,

given by the Pheil family, that moved to the

where it remained until another major

Children’s Chapel and later was given to St.

remodeling in 1969, when it was used to create


the inner Narthex at the back of the church. That year the original dark cypress pews were

In 1957 the choir stalls, which once faced each

replaced with the oak pews we use today. Some

other on the north and south sides of the

of the cypress was used to panel lower sections

chancel, were moved to face the congregation.

of the walls; other pews were given to other

The walls, once forest green, were painted white,

Episcopal churches, notably St. Anne of Grace

as we see them today. Sheetrock on the ceiling

in Largo. And in another major remodeling in

and semigloss paint richly enhanced the

1989, the choir loft as we know it today was

acoustics of the nave.

created, and air-conditioning ducts that

“What a difference,” recalls former organist and choirmaster Roberta Poellein, then a student of

matched the organ pipes were installed to provide welcome relief for the choir.

organist and choirmaster Robert D. Setzer. “You

In the late 1950s it was discovered that the

could take your hands off the keyboard and still

weight of the roof trusses and the Sheetrock

hear the sound rolling to the back of the

ceiling panels was causing the walls to bow


outward. A system of cables and turnbuckles was put in place to hold walls and roof together.


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