NS Vol VII No5

Page 39

braying every time he played. 1630hrs. following the service, we were invited to join a vin d’honneur at the local school. We were not joining in a further ceremony a few miles up the road and as our coach was unable to take us to the school, we all walked the short distance into the town where it was. However, we were directed to the back of the school to a bay that was open to the elements and adjacent to the toilets that were screened only by sheets of hanging plastic strips. As we stood around waiting for our hosts to arrive back we were getting chilly. It would have been rude not to wait and after 30 minutes people started to return. It turned out to be another chaotic event but everyone had a drink and a biscuit and we politely said our thank you and made our excuses to return to the coach. We were informed on our journey back that our hotel staff had arranged a cocktail party for us before our evening buffet meal. Although this was a very kind gesture, many of the group only wanted their evening meal. 2100hrs. after dinner we were entertained by members of the group, including monologues by John Bailey, jokes from Alec Valori and Daphne Smith, songs from Frank Scott not forgetting of course our ‘young ladies’ in the form of, Ken West, Len Fox and Frank Scott led by Daphne Smith. My apologies if I’ve left anyone out! Having unwound and partaken of a couple of glasses of wine it was time to say goodnight and to do some packing in readiness for our departure in the morning. Mon. 8th June was very cool but dry – just right for travelling. 0700hrs Jean Pierre arrived for breakfast and to say farewell. 0815hrs the cases were loaded and we settled ourselves for the long journey ahead of us. Jean Pierre came on board and outlined his hopes for the future, not only maintaining the many WW2 vehicles but to start a new project for the future of Schools, Cadets, enthusiasts and relatives of Veterans. He 38

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