Vol 38 issue 3

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VOL 38, NO. 3

Student Council presents

2001 Homecoming Court

Kelly Haas

In This ,



Mary Therese Ristau




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2 News


Homecoming's history: 2 years short of 40

by Caroline Kim Homecoming is not merely about the stein. Cheerleaders from Niles West and the football game and the dance. It is a tradi- Homecoming queens from the other two tion that started almost a century ago. It Maine schools participated in the parade was a time for alumni to return and for the alongside Maine South. The first Homecoming victory came at the defeat of Niles West students to display school spirit. The origin of the true "First Homecom- with a score 20-19. Then during the game, ing" is still unclear because three universi- Maine East's 1964 Homecoming Queen ties lay claim to pioneering the tradition. crowned Maine South's 1st Homecoming University of Missouri-Columbia, otherwise Queen, Patsy Henderson. known as Mizzou, stated that its Later on that night, the dance was held homecoming's start was in 1911, but Indi- from 8:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. in the Girls' Gym, ana University-Bloomington said that the which was in the form of a haunted house. tradition started there a year earlier The ticket prices were the cheapest ever: Nevertheless, the biggest support for the $1.50 per couple. claim is in the University of Illinois-Champaign Urbana. U of I takes much pride in Homecoming and its claim is supported by articles from 1910 alumni W. Elmer Ekblaw and C.F. Williams. They are credited with thinking of the ider of a "super reunion" in 1909. An estimate of 1,500 graduates and former students came back for the First Annual Fall Homecoming in 1910. Since then, homeoming has been a tradition for the alumni nationPatsy Henderson is crowned as Maine South's wide to return for the homefirst Homecoming Queen. coming game. Thus the title After the first year, the Homecoming tracame to be "Homecoming" and was taken up by high schools and universities nation- dition continued. In 2001, it is just short of being 40 years old. Although minor changes wide. As for the history of Maine South's along the road have changed the events of Homecomings, it is as old as the school it- Homecoming, the spirit has always been the self. In the opening year of 1964, the day same. By 1967, the ticket prices were inwas called Dedication Day instead of Home- creased by 50 cents, at $2 per couple. White, coming Day because it was the weekend black, and red balloons were ordered in to when the school dedication was held. The be released by the spectators at the 1967 day October 24,1964, encompassed the first game versus Glenbrook South. The spectator gym that year was transformed into a Homecoming parade, dance, and game. The game theme was "Mainely Mon- heaven for one night- the dance theme was sters" and for the dance, "Monster Mash." "Valhalla"(the name of a heavenly kingdom Each class and club competed in a float of Norse gods). decoration contest. The senior class won In 1971, the Smdent Council annulled the with a float entitled, "Frankly, the Heat's theme, "Rah Rah Wonderland" due to "Rah On," that featured none other than Franken- Rah" having reference to a specific clique

at school usually titled, "the jocks" and "the cheerleaders." The dance had no theme. Other Homecomings have had interesting themes too. For instance, "Bring on the Night" and "Light My Fire" were for 1986 and 1987, respectively. 1991's theme was "Love of a Lifetime" and "Dream On" was 1994's. This year, the theme for the dance is, "I'll Be Right Here Waiting for You." Even the duration times of the dances have changed. It has gone from 8:30 p.m.11:30 p.m. in the first year to 7:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. in a slow progression through the decades. In addition, up to about the mid '80s, live bands provided the music in place of DJs. For almost three decades, Friday night of Homecoming weekend held a carnival and a firelight pep rally. In 1993, the carnival got replaced with a street dance that featured karaoke and a band. Within another few years, the street dance was no longer in session, either. Nonetheless, some events have always been a part of tradition. The parade with floats decorated by different clubs and organizations has gone through Park Ridge every year. The school decorations and spirits have made Homecoming week the climax of school spirit demonstration during every school year. Now in the year 2001, the tradition continues. It is another year of prepping all week with spirit days and window decorations. Not to mention the practices of the football team, pom squad, cheerleaders, band, and so many more that are taking part in Saturday's events. The past 38 years of Homecoming tradition have not been just about the football games. Homecoming has always been a time for school spirit, a time of socializing, and for alumni to return for the game. No matter what events are added or taken out for the Homecoming weekends to come, the school spirit that goes along will always remain unchanged.


Pulling together against terrorism by Monica Bysiecki The terrorist attack on New York City lasted a day, but the aftermath of the attack will last a great deal longer. It will take a long time to pick up the crumbled pieces of the World Trace Center - a long, tedious process that may take months or years. But picking up the crumbled lives of 6,000 American families will take lifetimes. Maine South was trying to help restore normalcy by collecting donations, fundraising, sending teddy bears, and writing inspiring letters to rescue workers. Although the school could not directly help the victims thousands of miles away, they could give them motivational words and generous contributions. Southwards collected teddy bears for the children of people that died in the collapse of the World Trade Center. A letter drive was organized so the students and staff of Maine South could write cards, letters, and well-wishes to the brave rescue workers at the WTC site in New York. The program, directed by Ms. Joan Lynch and in association with the Red Cross, ran from September 17 to the 19. The cards, collected from the Student Personnel Office the

afternoon of the 17th, were personally driven to ground zero by Ms. Lynch. Though the cards were not an absolute necessity like food or water, they were emotionally crucial. The cards aided in cheering-up the souls

of downhearted, tired, and distressed rescue workers during their short breaks. These people, who selflessly risked their lives to save others, wholly deserved the attention that the school hoped to give. These cards were the school's way of showing support for the heroes. Maine South did not only support the res-

cue efforts with optimistic literary expression, it also did so with money contributions. Student Council raised funds for the rescue operation. Donations were turned in on September 25 and 26. The money raised was given to the Red Cross who used to aid the New York rescue mission. The drive raised a lot of money for the efforts. Likewise, Brotherhood got involved. They held a fundraising carwash where all the proceeds collected would be given to the families of the firefighters. The car wash was held on September 29 in front of the school, and like the Student Council's fundraising, was a big hit. With so many people chipping in, from the letter drive to the fiind raising of the Maine South student body and staff, the school truly accomplished something of a large importance in the past couple of weeks. The money raised and cards sent cannot make everything right, as it was before the terrorist kamikaze mission shattered the New York skyline. Yet it can help New York and the nation begin to recover. Although the time is nowhere in sight for wounds to fully heal, it is in the country's best interests to start healing and helping others heal as well.

Homecoming Events: Friday, October 5 Homecoming Queen Election-AW students vote for one candidate in front of student cafeteria before school and during all lunch periods. Saturday, October 6 Homecoming Theme- "It's Reigning Hawks!" Homecoming Parade- 10:00 a.m. Game- Maine South Hawks vs. Evanston Wildcats- 2:00 p.m. Varsity Crowning- Held before Varsity game Dance- 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

4 Commentary


Rride, yeah — National P r i d e — by Deanna Oleske

One morning last week, I came to school and saw signs posted to lockers. Looking closer, I saw that they were 8.5x11 sheets of paper reading the words, "God Bless America," or "America! America! God shed His grace on thee." As I went past these signs, a question ran through my mind: Why should God bless this country? Why should He shed His grace on us instead of wrath? What makes us as Amricans so special? In wake of the recent terrorist attacks, national pride has been present in the attitudes of all American citizens. From everyone and from everywhere. Yet still, seeing those locker tags caused me to question the validity of it all. Before every game and assembly, we as Maine South students patriotically stand with, hands over hearts and hats taken off. All for a song that sums up our national pride in eight lines. O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light.

As morning shed its light on these past few weeks, a whole new United States of America was bom. It has opened its eyes and hearts. A whole new kind of national pride has been bom. What so proudly we hail 'd at the twilight's last gleaming ? We as Americans, stand straight and tall.

O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? We watched the attack on us from afar. But at that same distance, we also watched the American flag being raised on a slanted pole by firemen in New York. As that flag waved, we as Americans knew it was time to stand united. Terrorists may attack our land, but they cannot attack the patriotism waving in our flags and in our hearts. And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air. Through the smoke and clouds of hardships, our pride for the US will never die. As Americans, we take the pride in who we are and show it to all watching. Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Our flag is our nation. The curtain of evil may surround us, but we still shine on. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave We as citizens of the United States of America wave high for all to see. O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? God Bless America.


We are proud of what we have, what we offer, what we achieve, and what we dream. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, Even through the most difficult of times, we can still look to our red, white and blues, knowing we will prevail. Every stitich holding togehter our flag reprpesents freedoms uniquely ours.; every star represents our individuality; every stripe our unity.

Photopinion question for students and staff: "It means how well you feel about "Pride means enjoying what you do yourself and your school, how you with your life; everybody was put show it, and the way you feel on this earth for a reason. " towards (it J." —JeffCicltanski, Junior —Maggie Strain, Freshnuin

Commentary 5



— School Pride by Ashley Treadway Hawk Pride - two little words that represent much. It is more than just a club, a feeling, or even an attitude. According to the North Central Association committee made up of Maine South teachers, counselors, and administrators," 'Hawk Pride' is a commitment to creating a more respectful responsible, and caring environment throughout the entire school community." Faculty member, Mr. Jim Lonergan, describes it even better:"Hawk Pride is a commitment, not just to your segment of Maine South, but to the entire school. It is thinking about class, the performance, the team, before you think about yourself. It is selfless. It is the little things, the almost unconscious things you do. That is Hawk Pride at its purest. It is picking up your tray in the cafeteria. It is apologizing when you bump into someone in the halls. It is holding the door for someone. It is helping with chemistry, or math, or English, or accounting. It is staying late at practice to put in a little extra work. It is putting yourself second so that others and Maine South will benefit first. It is respect. It is decency." On a symbolic level. Hawk Pride is an acronym which hangs in every classroom and is stuck to the posters around the halls. Pride stands for Purpose, Respect, Involvement, Dignity, and Empathy. Purpose is highly individualized to fit specific needs for all students at Maine South. Your purpose at the Maine South might be to obtain an excellent education, to develop many friendships or to become a role model for others. Purpose gives something to focus time and energy around. Life without purpose lacks direction. Like it or not, we are now laying a foundation for what

we will become as well as the future goals we will achieve. Respect for others is earned by setting

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examples and high standards, by being polite and decent towards others, and by showing sincere care. In order to respect others, you must first respect yourself. At Maine South, we need to have respect for fellow students, faculty, and employees. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Involvement is important. Many of us take for granted the opportunities that Maine South offers. From academics to comfjetitive sports to extracurricular activities, there is something for everyone. Mark Smith, founder of our Hawk Pride club suggests that Hawk Pride is not one individual program, but it makes each club or activity better. It helps to create a positive environment for the activities we choose to become involved in. Dignity describes a person of distinction and character who stands apart from the crowd. We must act with dignity and behave in a fashion consistent with the high principles and values of our school. Likewise we need to treat others in a manner that makes them feel good about themselves. As we all know, empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes to understand where he or she is coming from. We need to be sensitive to others so that when they are going through a difficult situation we can empathize with them. This requires sensitivity and understanding of the feelings others are having. Everyone wants someone to understand him or her, but the real challenge is to understand others. When we do this we improve our relationships and our sense of family within the school. There are many ways to demonstrate your Hawk Pride, whether it's playing your hardest for you athletic team, giving it your best in the performing arts, cheering the Hawks on at a game, tutoring another student, or simply wearing red and black. Pride should begin at home in high school and be extended into our community, state, and nation.

What does the word pride mean to you? • "Pride means so much to me I S couldn 'rput it into words. It's a ' feeling, not a concept. " —Pam Baseleon, Staff


"Pride means confidence -feeling _ ^ confident in yourself and the things ,^1 ^ you do. "' ~ --Courtnev Storer, Senior

6 Commentary;


Staff Editorial-

me ediiorsj hy Megan Gibbons George W. Bush, the king ofmispronunciations and bad eye contact,.was ca.sy to make tun of four weeks ago. In light of September 11, 2001. all of that is unimportant. In the face of the greatest national disaster, our President st(X)d before us. Instead t)f the fumblingTexan, we found a well-spoken, intelligent man with only the nation's concern on his mind. Where his critics could have attacked the content and delivery of his speech, they fell silent—simply in awe as he gracefully addressed the naiton. As American citizens, we had been used to the aging man bet'orc the camera who only pretended to care about a seemingly unimportant issue. But on that Tuesday, and the remarkable days that followed, we found on our television .sets a man filled with the same emotions found in victims affected by the tragedies. President Bush was no longer miles away from us but next to us, also in anguish over the thousands of inncKent lives lost. We all turned on our television sets to find him amidst the rubble, possessing both patriotism and gratitude towards the rescue workers. At memorial services the nation did not .simply find an empty handshake and hollow speech of comfort. Instead, the nation found the President to be replenishing our destroyed hearts with sincere love for each of tho.se who fell that fateful Tuesday. He now stands in our hearts as the President who holds the badge of a fallen police officer, holding on to his piece of remembrance. President Bush is leading our nation calmly with an air of great leadership and genuine support. The content and delivery of his speeches no longer matter. What matters is that he continues to lead us strongly through this next difficult stage. And what should set us more at ease, is that our President continues to lead the country with the wellbeing of each and every citizen in his hean.

Home of the what? A Maine South tradition is being put to classy place filled with great people and this an end by the administration. In light of the is clearly not a classy thing to be doing." recent teirorist attacks, students have been As this paper goes to press, an announceasked by coaches and teachers to refrain from ment of the change was planned for the altering the national anthem. homecoming assembly this morning. The "Home of the Hawks" will be replaced administration and faculty felt confident in by "home of the brave"—the original lyrics a positive response from the student body written by Francis Scott Key during the War athletes have already been spoken to by of 1812. coaches and are showing "outstanding maAs covered by Southwords last fall, this turity." student tradition has become a controversial Aware that the tradition's end will upset one within the past several years. Compet- some students. Athletic Director Mr. Rees ing team members suggests an alternaas well as their tive method of en"I have not been comfort- couraging school coaches and fans have called the alterable with this tradition for a spirit. "There is a ation "offensive" large blank space on long, long time." and "disrespectful to the wall above the the nation." -Dr. Cachur, Principal bleachers in the Spec Gym," he says. Maine South's "Wouldn't that be an own faculty and administration have felt likewise. Says school excellent place to write the lyrics to the| principal Dr. Cachur," I have not been com- school pep song so that everyone can sing fortable with this tradition for a long, long it? The song was written specifically to unite the students-and that what it should be used time." At the recent home football game against for." Maine West, Cachur recalls the feeling of The staff oi Southwords supports the acinappropriateness tion taken by the as the football team school adminisand the student tration. While the "I don't think it was meant student body has body carried on the pre-game tradition. as a disrespect to the national grown accus"At a time when to the tradianthem,but it's good that this is tomed all Americans are tional "home of going. Maine South is a classy the Hawks" at the pulling together and differences are place filled with great people song's end, now is being put aside," not the time to and this is clearly not a classy stand divided he says, "it is unpatriotic to say 'home from the United thing to be doing." of the Hawks.' By States. But rather, -Mr. Pressler, Fine Arts to not changing the rally around words, it demonour country in strates our sensitivhopes of an end ity to those wounded in the attacks." to terror and a restoration of international Fine Arts Chairman Mr. Pressler feels peace. similarly. As director of the marching band, As students of Maine South, it is our pahe also has witnessed the student body's al- triotic duty to show the true maturity and teration of the lyrics at the football games. unconditional respect for the nation that has "I don't think it was meant as a disrespect to served us so well. We must show that we the national anthem," Pressler says, "but it's are proud to be citizens of the United good that this is going. Maine South is a States—the true "home of the brave."

;Features 7


A Breath of Fresh Air by Emily Haak As you relax comfortably in the stem of your canoe, you see a moose cross over a shallow river. The eagle that has been hovering for several minutes relinquishes a mighty screech. At dusk, loon calls serenade you over a drone of frog croaks and crickets chirping, as the sky lights on fire over a jagged, evergreen tree line. After the dark encroaches upon your small campsite, the sky and water become one colossal sphere of light; satellites and shooting stars whizzing by overhead. These are merely common occurrences in Quetico Provincial Park in Atikokan, Ontario. The park is one of the most restricted areas of wilderness in the world. It is a completely mechanical-free park, meaning that no airplanes or vehicles can be taken into the park, and even watches are frowned upon. The park has a remarkably clean environment, with a water purity rating in the high nineties. That is cleaner than the processed and filtered water of most municipal water systems. Each year, about 700-800 high school students camp in Quetico through the Voyageur Wilderness Programme. The program was started in the spirit of teaching youths the beauty of nature and the conservation of the environment and fashioned after the French fur traders who exchanged pelts for other goods along Lake Superior and surrounding areas. Although the Vogageur Wilderness Programme is not affiliated with the administration of Maine South in any way, this school is just one of the many high schools that annually sends a group of students to the park, via a testing 16-hour bus ride. Once the students get to the headquarters of the Voyageur Programme, which consists of cabins on an island in a lake, they realize

that the bus ride was well worth it. Before heading into the park, campers learn camping essentials. Necessary skills include how to paddle and steer a canoe, how to light the trusty Coleman stoves, how to pitch a tent, and how to balance a canoe on one's shoulders. Perhaps most importantly, though, is how to scare away a bear.

From there, campers spend one week in the park. This is a week of no toilets, showers, phones, or any modern day conveniences. At the same time, however, this is a week filled with the most beautiful sights. It is a land virtually untouched by humans. It is the epitome of northern wilderness, with a plethora of stalwart old pines and deep, clear lakes, carved out by glaciers. In addition, fellow campers develop deep bonds. Sometimes it becomes difficult to sight wildlife when animals are scared off by all of the laughter from the group. The days are trying, but the trip is rewarding work. Paddling up to eight hours a day, you are always hungry. Even in the summer, it can be chillingly cool with rain. At times, the wind picks up and you spend all

of your strength in an effort to paddle two feet. The infamous portages are the most trying, however. You must cairy a 62-pound canoe, a 30-pound pack, all while wading through waist-high mud to get to the next lake. Despite all the work, the trip definitely has its leisure points. Some groups choose to take a night paddle, during which they canoe on a placid night, gazing at the northern lights and all of the celestial wonder that the park has to offer. Swimming is always entertaining, although snapping turtles are a problem at times. Canoe wars are popular as well: one canoe tries to capsize the other. Trying to light the rickety camping stoves and cook the controversial freeze-dried food is inevitably good for a few laughs. Most importantly, however, the park is a quiet refuge for those who just need time to think and escape the frenzied, crowded ways of everyday city life. For those who are up to the challenge, the trip is one of the most rewarding and stirring experiences that they will ever encounter. They are constantly surrounded by tasks that are mentally, physically, and emotionally trying, and by the rugged beauty of the Canadian wilderness. Quetico Provincial Park serves as a reminder to all of us how precious the envirormient is and how stunningly breath taking it is when taken care of properly. It is a sanctuary for those who just need a breath of fresh air.

8 Features;


Lending a helping hancL

by by Eileen Eileen Collins Collins ^ ^ Throughout these last few weeks, America has adopted a new attitude. People have come together around our nation to help those affected by the tragedy in New York. There have been national, city, and community fundraisers and blood drives. Out of the terrible events that have occurred, a sense on closeness has arisen. People want to help others, even if they personally don't know them. In the days after the terrorist attacks hundreds of firefighters, nurses, and doctors volunteered their services to help aid the victims. The Red Cross set up nation wide blood drives and fundraisers. The Salvation Army also is collecting money. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has set up the World Trade Center Relief Fund. Relief official are telling the public that the best way to help victims is to give blood or donate money. The American public is showing the families of those killed that they do care. Many cities and communities have organized fundraisers for specific families or groups of families in need. The D.C. Fire Fighters Association is collecting donations for the families of New York City firefighters who died. The Washington Redskins have set up a fund to benefit the families of Pentagon victims. Cities across America are raising money for the families of those killed. Many schools and communities have set up funds for the education of the children of those killed. The Maine South commu-

' nity has contributed to an educational fund. As many already know, Mr. Inserra's brotherin-law, Daniel Trant, was killed in the World Trade Center. He leaves behind his widow, a daughter, and two sons. Close family friends, Mr. And Mrs. Adams helped organize a fund for the Trant children. "Mrs. Inserra wanted to raise some funds to help support her broth-

^ ^ ^^^ way. Siobhan and many other Maine South students stopped people on the street, set up stands through uptown Park Ridge, and walked through town to collect money. Mr. Inserra was impressed by this community effort. "The Adams family has been a tremendous help. Everyone pulled together on this. People who didn't even know the family were donating money." Another volunteer, Kara Collins, said, "It was amazing how many people would hear this was for a victims family and immediately open their wallet." The Trant Children's Educational Fund has raised over twenty-five hundred dollars directly, however, more money could have been mailed in. This tragedy has truly brought out the best in people. "I think this just shows us the positive aspects in our world. People are helping out- it brings out the good in people," Mr. Inserra said. If you are interested in helping out this family you can still send donations to: Trant Children's Education Fund, c/o Kathleen Joyce, Siobhan Adams, and Kate Fleet Bank, 680 Fort Salonga Rd., Jayne collect money for the Trant children Northport, NY 11768.

ers family. The students from Maine South were happy to help. They solicitated the streets of Park Ridge," Mrs. Adams said. Her daughter Siobhan, a sophomore at Maine South added, "I just feel so bad for the Trant family so I'm glad I could help out in some

DONATIONS: Red Cross: (800) HELP NOW Salvation Army: (800) SAL ARMY World Trade Center Relief Fund: (800) 801-8092

Events at the Park Ridge Library by Emily Haak The Park Ridge Public Library is hosting a Film Noir Fest this fall Noir Film means "black film", in reference to films shot in a black and white visual style, often involving crime plots with desperate characters. Films of this type were most commonly produced in the 1940s. Two films of this genre will be shown this fall: The Postman Always Rings Twice, starring Lana Turner on Octo

ber 23 and Chinatown, starring Jack Nicholson on November 27. Both films will be shown at 7 p.m., and will be followed by a film critique session on October 25 and November 29, respectively, at 7:30 p.m. The discussions will be lead by Bruce Ingram, movie critic for the Pioneer Press. Morefilmsof interest include Foreign Films on November 8 at 7:30 p.m. The Foreign Films showing will be lead by film critic Milos Stehlik,

founder of Facets Multi-Media and director of WBEZ's Worldview. The Library will be hosting an eclectic assortment of other activities this fall, including previews to the Field Museum's upcoming exhibit, Cleopatra of Egypt: From History to Myth. They will also be hosting Mike Falls' performance of the classic film Noir writers Hammett and Cain on October 11 at 7:30 p.m. For more information on the Park Ridge Library's upcoming events, call (847) 825-3123 or visit their web site at http://www.park-ridge.il.us/library. Registration for all programs is completely free of charge.

;Features 9


^Coming to America by Eileen Collins


Mrs. Higgins-Spoleti may have seemed in higher spirits these last few weeks. This is due to the arrival of Rachel Kalom and Nicole Sara's pen pals from Scotland. "This all started when Mrs. Higgins gave her freshman class pen pals three years ago," Rachel said. "I was in that class. I remember she had a friend who was teaching in Scotland and they thought it would be cool for us to write to each other. Nicole and I just kept writing." "I am just so thrilled!" Mrs. Higgins exclaimed when she heard the news. "I can't believe it!" For Rachel and Nicole this visit was the long awaited face-to-face meeting. Rachel has been writing to Euan Duncan, who is now attending St. Andrews Academy and Nicole has been writing to David Crawley. "I remember my first letter to Euan was so boring," Rachel said. "It was just an introduction letter. When he wrote me back, he sent a picture. After that it was so easy to F write to him." "I have been writing to Dave. It was so amazing how close we became. This is the first time I saw him and we instantly became friends," Nicole added. "Writing letters back in forth was cool, but actually meeting Euan showed me the culture. There was so much I learned by talking to them. First off, he never had root beer! Or peanut butter!" Rachel was also shocked by Dave and Euan's slang words. 'They just said different things." Nicole agrees. "The slang words were really funny. They must have thought we

sounded so weird. I am ready to go to Scotland and see what their school is like." While in Chicago Dave and Euan spent ten day sat Rachel's house. They visited many sites including Navy Pier and The Art Institute of Chicago. "I got the feeling they really liked it here," Nicole said. "They both travel a lot, so they are used to being on their own. They are so much more independent then we are in America." Euan has been to France, Spain, Italy, and Rio. Dave has been to India, on a wilderness trip, and also France and Spain. "I guess one of the major differences between us and them was our social lives," Rachel said. "In Scotland they go to bars a lot, not to drink or get drunk, but just to hang out. The drinking age there is eighteen, but you can get into pubs earlier. In my history class, Euan said 'Drinking in America is uncivilized' by uncivilized I think he meant weird. They look at things differently than here." Another cultural difference the four noticed was the portion of food, among other

things. Euan and Dave thought the size of everything in America was huge. "They constantly said our refrigerators were very large," Rachel said, "also the food portions, the cars, and just the city of Chicago." Rachel and Nicole can't wait to go to Scotland and spend some time learning about the schools and culture there. Hopefully, they will be able to visit Dave and Euan soon. Maybe they will even get to see Prince William, since he attends the same school. Nicole summed up the vist by saying, "I really want to see them again. It was like they were my brothers— that's how close we became."

SOUTHW^OROS A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School lUl South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or given to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the \ right to edit material for clarity and brevity I and to reject obscene or libelous submLs j Editors-in-Chief News Editors Commentary Editors Features Editors Sports Editors Production Editors Core Photographers Core Staff Artist Advisor

Britt Frederiksen Megan Gibbons Monica Bysiecki Caroline Kim Deanna Oleske Tracy Schmidt Eileen Collins Emily Haak Austin Gibbons Kristi Katz Jim Puis Dan Saavedra Rachel Kalom Salena Retsos T.R. Kerthy

10 ^^nviv


Volleyball takes to the court by Jess Stuckey The hardest part about Maine South Volleyball is finding a lipstick for Homecoming to match your floorburns. But that doesn't stop the Hawks from rolling. In the Maine East/Maine West tournament, the Hawks finished in an incredible sixth place amongst tough competition, including Lake Zurich, Hinsdale South, and Prospect. The Hawks came out fired up on Friday night, ready to take Good Council as well. Great defense by Adrianna Stasiuk and Susie Logsdon led the girls to a quick victory. Though the Hawks fell to Lake Zurich, they truly fought hard for three long games. Their serving improved, allowing the girls

to get runs off their aggressive, specifically placed serves. Saturday, the girls came out strong, aware of the challenge in front of them: Prospect. Prospect had two wins Friday night, but the team came out with unretumable serves by Ellie Marquis and Anne Forde. Getting a quick start in all 3 games played favorable to the Hawks as they beat Prospect in 3 games, the third with an exciting finish of 17-16. Later that day, the Hawks took on Hinsdale South in the second place bracket. Great spiking was accompanied with fabulous blocks by Jess Stuckey, Stasiuk and Forde. Mary Therese Ristau led the girls to victory with quick sets that allowed for an

\A/inning defense by Dave Olson Here at Maine South, the football team has a winning tradition. Fans have grown accustomed to consistently successful teams. This year's team is not showing any signs of letting the school down. Three weeks ago Maine West came to Wilson field for the crosstown rivalry that never fails to be entertaining. This was no exception as the Hawks went in at halftime with a 31-0 lead, and ended the game 44-0. That brought the shutout tally to 4 games as two weeks ago, we took the field against New Trier, the most important game up to that point. Maine South scored early and often thanks to the fumble causing hits of Gregg Kane and Jason Clark. Touchdowns were scored by Mark Ori and Mike Psaltis on passes from Tony Wnek. Dave Olson

scored 6 points off a pass from Neil Sherlock, and Chris Fosco scored running touchdowns twice, even though on the first of his touchdown runs he dislocated his shoulder. The team did give up its first points of the season in this game, but the final score ended well skewed in the Hawks favor, 347. The defense did a phenomenal job, led by Kane, Ratajczyk, Ori, and Clark. The school gained a lot of pride, winning against New Trier for the fu-st time in 4 years. A little of that school pride got taken away momentarily, but fortunately the school stood strong, Maine South continues to have the best cheering section in the state, and the school still has its flag.The Hawks move to 5-0 as they play Evanston this week..

3^r\/inQ a.ces by Caroline Kim The tennis season is winding down to an end. All the players on the varsity level have improved their game and skill as the season progresses. The past couple weeks were filled with meet after meet as many comj)etitions were rescheduled. Maine South hosted the annual Hawk Invite on September 16 and won 1st place. However, Fenwick was not far behind; with 48 points, they placed 2nd, only three points short of beating Maine South. Vanessa Kaegi, Elizabeth Bondi and Monica Milewski, Megen Briars and Kara DoUaske, and Melanie Clark and Lauren Ferket (2nd

singles, 1st doubles, 2nd doubles, and 4th doubles; respectively) placed 1st. The other team members also did very well. Against New Trier on September 20, the second conference meet was unfortunately a loss, but two matches were won. Monica Milewski at 1st singles and Liz Bondi and Caroline Brzozowski at 1st doubles captured victory. Conference is being held this weekend at Evanston for the varsity team and at Maine South for the junior varsity. Sectionals will also be hosted at Maine South on the weekend of October 12 .

aggressive offense. The Hawks b ,1^^ Hinsdale South, ready for the championsh^ match against Loyola. A long and strenuous day was the only thing that kept the Hawks from taking the title away from Loyola. Passing by Jill Krol, Nicole Nellesen, and Sarah Jordan helped to keep the Hawks close, but Loyola took the title after 3 well fought games. With strong hitters Andra Staks and Gina Heiderman, and setting by Claire Forde, the Hawks are looking to turn some heads in conference play. The Hawks turn next to their Pumpkin Tournament to take place on October 12 and 13.

Making Waves by Emma Sarran The Maine South girls swim team has been very busy.Their schedule fills as the season progresses. A couple Saturdays ago, the team traveled to Hoffman Estates for an invite and swam very well taking hoTn> the second place team trophy as well as many individual awards. On Friday September 14, they swam at Maine West and had yet another great meet. The varsity team won 103 to 83. Kate Paine in the 200 and the 500 freestyle, Emma Sarran in the 200 I.M., Amanda Fallico in the 100 butterfly, and Nancy Wilkins in the 100 breaststroke all acheived first place.The 400 freestyle relay of Paine, Abby Polley. Megan Gibbons, and Fallico also t(X)k first place as well as Monica Rangel in diving. The next day was a planned dual meet against Leyden at Maine South, but due to a misunderstanding in the Leyden schedule, they failed to show up for the meet. Both teams won by forfeit and the varsity and JV teams competed in a minimeet, where many exceptional times were reached in a number of events. Despite the massing second team. Maine South, still made the day a worthwhile event. On Friday September 21. the teams traveled to Maine East and to Downers Grove North for an invite the next day. The girls swimmers have many more victories and best times ahead of them as they continue through the rest of the season.


Sports 11


C h a s i n g Victory

by Eileen Collins The girls' cross country team proved they "are good enough to compete with the best of the best this year. The girls finished second in the very competitive Downers Grove Invite. Leading the Maine South pack was freshman Kim Coppin. She was followed closely by her sister sophomore Katie Coppin. Back at home, the team proved just as tough, beating both New Trier and Waukegan. Coppin came in first overall with

a time of 15:29.3. Katie Coppin finished fourth in a time of 16:32. She was followed by Lauren Cordaro (5th, 16:48), Justina Orlando (6th, 16:59), Mary Payne (9th, 17:17), Kim Talaga (10th, 17:18), and Morgan Sokes (12th, 17:33). The girls beat New Trier 25 to 31 and Waukegan 15 to 50. Girls' cross country is focused on winning their conference, and possibly continuing on to state. For now everyone is running hard and preparing for upcoming competition.

Sudden Death

by Stejfan Mirsky This past week, the St. Charles East soccer tournament consisted of many Hawk highlights, awful mistakes, and an amazing second-place finish, among state-ranked teams. After a painful opening round loss to Warren, they stepped it up to the next level, because one more loss meant it was time to go home. In their next game, they took on St. Charles North. After a solid win they I moved onto Leyden, and smoked them where they belonged: out of contention for the championship game. The championship match WL uld serve to be an all-out grudge match, as the game

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

ended in regulation tied 0-0. Thanks to some great defense and some great goalkeeping, by Ken Johnson. For eighty minutes the Hawks kept the fourth-ranked team in the state scoreless. This was not the case in the penalty kicks to follow. After the first five penalty kicks, the score was tied 4-4. Then came sudden death; the Hawks had made it to sudden death with the fourth-ranked team in the state. Unfortunately, they died. Although a victory over St. Charles would have been sweet, a second-place trophy to bring home was more than they could have asked for. After this weekend's results, the New

Ha\/s^k 10/4



South Stats 0 amount of goals allowed by Kenny Johnson against fourth ranked St. Charles East.

12:54 first-place time achieved by Kim Coppin in the Downers Grove South Invitational. Trier Trevians,EvanstonWildkits, and other state powerhouses are looking at the power of the Maine South Hawks, who are keeping the drive alive. They go after the conference title as well as the state title. They take on Deerfield in this upcoming week.

Highlights 10/6



vs. Evanston 2:00PM


Boys' Golf @ Addison Trails 9:00AM

Cross Country Boys' Soccer



# Girls'Volleyball \S

@ Niles West 5:00PM @ CSL South

@ CSL South

@ Niles West 5:00PM @ Glenbrook North Tournament

@ Glenbrook North Tournament



2001 SPORTS Football


Cross Country

• Soccer

• Girl's Tennis • Girl's Volleyball • Girls' Swimming

CDri>ying -for


by Claire Schuenke Fore! Watch out golfers, girls' golf has teed off, driving onward to an exceptional season. The start of the season has been over par with the loss of their top three players from last year. The good news is that there are five returning seniors: Claire Shuenke, Allison Whol, Megan Price, Jennifer Franklin, and Megan Morrettes. Shuenke and Franklin are the only returning varsity players, so the team is looking to build a strong core of underclassmen to lead the team in the future. Other returning players are, sophomore, Dana Tourloukis, and, jun-

ior, Erin Morrettes. Coach Hamann is returning for another season with the girls. He is "extremely encouraged by the team's hard work and improvments that have been made." New players are senior Whitney Tarbutton, sophomore, Christina Grieco and, freshman, Meredith Wisniewiski. The team also gained a very experienced sophomore, Kristi Katz, who was recently the medalist at their Evanston and Deerfield meets. In their upcoming matches, the girls will take on Regina, along with state qualifiers.

New Trier and Prospect. The girls hope to score well in conference and regionals, and even hope to have players qualify for the sectional and state competitions. The girls have been on a roll with wins against Elk Grove and Deerfield in the past week. All in all, the season has been a lot of fun and good things are to come in the future. Erin Morrettes sums it up, "We have improved so much since the first practice, and we hope that these improvements will help us dominate in our upcoming matches."

Runnin' down a dream by Austin Gibbons Mustangs by nine points, 48-57. and their entire bodies were covered in mud. As this year's season progresses, the Later in the week, the Hawks squared off The Hawks suffered a tough defeat comboy's cross country teams taste for success against conference rivals New Trier and ing at the hands of a strong Trevian squad, is getting much greater. Their drive and hard Waukegan. The Hawks tore up the Bulldogs 23-33. work is being raised up a notch as the com- of Waukegan 16-48. As they squared off LoBianco led the team once again stealpetition is getting tougher, ing second in a time of and they are inching towards 16:06, on the home three the CSL Conference meet mile course. James Ballard and the IHSA Finals. led the following pack in 5th with a time of 16:30, folAfter recent successes at lowed by Chris McGuire the Downers Grove South In(7th, 16:39), Austin Gibvitational, where the Hawks bons (8th, 16:40), and grabbed a second place finPhillip Keith (11th, 17:16). ish in a strong field that inThe short cross country cluded Downers Grove South season is nearing end as the (1st) St. Charles East (3rd), team looks to October, and Bolingbrook (4th). where the big meets lay. Team captain Tony They can see the state meet LoBianco who ran to an imlooming over the horizon pressive second place finish and their whole season's in the race, covering the 2.8hard work and dedication mile course in a time of hanging over their heads. 14:19, led the Hawks. He was The team looks now to followed by a strong pack of The Hawks bring home a second place finish, photo by Mark Fulara four Hawk Harriers: Chris conference rivals of Niles McGuire (11th, 14:54), James West, Addison Trails InviBallard (12th, 14:55), Austin Gibbons (15th, against New Trier, they had two battles to tational, and the Conference meet at home 15:03), and Phillip Keith (17th, 15:05). The fight, first the Trevians, and second the fact on October 13, at 9:00AM. As the drive for Hawks were narrowly defeated by the host that their feet were sinking into the ground Detweiler continues on it's course.

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