IMPACT Camp Meeting 2024

Page 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Message .................................................................. 1 Theme Song .......................................................................... 14 Daily ScheDuleS Adult Ministries ....................................................................... 3 Children’s Ministries ................................................................ 4 Youth Ministries....................................................................... 5 hourS Counseling Services .............................................................. 19 Food Services ........................................................................ 19 Office & Welcome Center ..................................................... 19 Prayer Ministries War Room ................................................. 19 ProGraMS Children’s SCUBA VBS .......................................................... 17 Morning Manna, Power Hour, Evening Service .................... 11 Sabbath School ..................................................................... 15 Sabbath Divine Worship Experience .................................... 16 SPecial eventS ................................................................ 19 SPecial GueStS Musicians ............................................................................... 23 Speakers and Workshop Presenters ..................................... 21 t-Shirt................................................................................. 24 workShoPS ......................................................................... 8


Welcome to Camp Meeting 2024!

Whether you’re joining us for the first time, or are a returning attendee, we’re thrilled to have you here! This year’s encampment promises to be an enriching and memorable experience for all!

This year, 2024, is special as we are celebrating 45 years of owning and operating Lone Star Camp!

For 45 years, we have been inspired by spiritually uplifting worship experiences!

For 45 years, we have been blessed by fellowshipping with other Christian believers!

For 45 years, we have been rejuvenated by the picturesque and hallowed grounds of Lone Star Camp!

For 45 years, we have praised God!

Our theme this year is, “Impact,” as we seek to positively impact our churches, communities, and culture. In these, the final years of earth’s history, we can no longer merely have “motion” with no “movement.” Under the unction of God’s Spirit, we must be intentional about moving God’s work forward and making impact!

It is our prayer that Camp Meeting 2024 affords you the opportunity to unplug, reflect, and reconnect with what matter most – a closer walk with our Creator!

Photos: Pastor Vanston Archbold Design Concept & Layout: Pastor Leslie Soupet

Thank you for coming, and collectively, let’s make “Impact” and celebrate 45 years of Lone Star Camp!

May God abundantly bless you during our time together.

Sincerely, President

Southwest Region Conference of SDA

Carlton P. Byrd PreSiDent Jason C. North, Sr. executive Secretary Philip Palmer treaSurer


7 PM | Main Pavilion Opening Service 9 - 11 PM | Cedar Cafe Snack Bar FriDAy, JuNE 14 7 AM | Main Pavilion Morning Manna 8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast 10:30 AM | Chapel Church Ministries’ Workshop 10:30 AM | Cafeteria Women’s Ministries’ Workshop Noon | Main Pavilion Power Hour 1:15 PM | Cafeteria Lunch* 2 - 6 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar 3 PM | Chapel Family Ministries’ Workshop 3 PM | Cafeteria Bible Workers’ Training 7 PM | Main Pavilion Evening Service *Special Luncheon for Senior Adults with the Conference President. Luncheon is free for Senior Adults 65+.
JuNE 12
Scan qr coDe to DownloaD event aPP 3 ThurSDAy, JuNE 13 6:45 AM | Chapel Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 7 AM | Chapel Morning Manna 8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast 10:30 AM | Chapel Church Ministries’ Workshop 10:30 AM | Cafeteria Women’s Ministries’ Workshop Noon | Main Pavilion Power Hour 1:15 PM | Cafeteria Lunch 2 - 6 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar 3 PM | Chapel Family Ministries’ Workshop 3 PM | Cafeteria Communications’ Workshop 7 PM | Main Pavilion Evening Service 9 - 11 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar

SATurDAy, JuNE 15

8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast

9 AM | Main Pavilion Sabbath School

11 AM | Main Pavilion Divine Worship Experience

4 PM | Main Pavilion Pathfinder Parade

5:30 PM | Main Pavilion Education Spotlight

6 PM | Main Pavilion Honors Ceremony

7 PM | Main Pavilion Evening Concert

9 - Midnight | Cedar Café Snack Bar

9:30 PM | Campground Watermelon Fest and Fireworks Display

9:30 PM | Cafeteria Singles’ Ministries Social



3 - 5 PM | Welcome Center Registration

ThurSDAy, JuNE 13

8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast 9:15 AM - 1 PM | Gym SCUBA VBS 1:15 PM | Cafeteria Lunch

3 - 5 PM | Pool Swimming FrIDAy, JuNE 14

8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast 9:15 AM - 1 PM | Gym SCUBA VBS 1:15 PM | Cafeteria Lunch

3 - 5 PM | Kid’s Kingdom & Horse Stables Rock Wall Obstacle Course Playground Horseback Riding


8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast 10 - 10:30 AM | Main Pavilion Special Presentation 10:30 AM - 1 PM | Gym Downstairs Children’s Church 1:15 PM | Cafeteria Lunch




3 - 5 PM | Welcome Center

3 - 5 PM | Two Locations Gymnasium Swimming

7 PM | Main Pavilion Joint Opening Service

9 PM | Two Locations Gymnasium Swimming

9 - 11 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar

ThurSDAy, JuNE 13

8:15 AM | Cafeteria

9 AM | Amphitheater Devotional

9:30 - 11:30 AM | Gym

Service Activity 1:15 PM | Cafeteria

2 - 6 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar

3 - 5 PM | Two Locations Gymnasium Horseback Riding

7 PM | Main Pavilion Evening Service

9 PM | Two Locations Gymnasium Swimming

9 AM | Amphitheater Devotional

9:30 - 11:30 AM | Gym Community Service Activity

1:15 PM | Cafeteria

9 - 11 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar FriDAy, JuNE 14 8:15 AM | Cafeteria

2 - 6 PM | Cedar Café Snack Bar

3 - 5 PM | Two Locations Swimming Lakefront Activities

7 PM | Main Pavilion Joint Evening Service



8:15 AM | Cafeteria Breakfast 9 AM Flag Raising Ceremony

9:30 & 11 AM | Gym SS & Divine Worship

1:15 PM | Cafeteria Lunch

2:30 PM | Gym Downstairs Bible Bowl

3:30 PM | Gym Pathfinder Assemble

4 PM | Campground Pathfinder Parade

5:30 PM | Main Pavilion Education Spotlight

7 PM | Main Pavilion Evening Concert

9:30 PM | Gym “Three on Three” Basketball Tournament

9:30 PM | Main Pavilion Pathfinder Drill Competition



10:30 - 11:45 AM

Church Ministries Winning the Winnable, Part 1 | By Dr. Patrick Vincent | Chapel

Women’s Ministries Simply Beautiful | By Dr. Sherma Charlemagne-Badal | Cafeteria

This “hands-on” workshop provides practical tips and strategies for creating lasting memories in the home including a discussion and demonstration on making “Simply Beautiful” food, tablescapes, and floral arranging.

3 - 4:30 PM

Family Ministries The Ever-Evolving Dynamics: Understanding the Stages of Marriage for a Healthy Family | By Dr. Patrick & Mrs. Denise Crarey, LCPC, Doctoral Candidate | Chapel

Marriage is not just a union between two individuals but the cornerstone of a healthy family dynamic. The seminar explores the profund impact of understanding the stages of marriage and laying a strong foundation for a healthy, thriving family.

Communications Social Media, Ministry, and Leadership Dynamics | By Dr. Rohann Wellington | Cafeteria

In an era dominated by social media, the church faces a unique challenge in adapting to the digital landscape for relevant, effective ministry. Come be equipped with the indispensable skills needed to lead in this digital realm and fulfill the ministry opportunity of addressing the emerging social media epidemic. Learn the art of social media leadership and gain insights into social media crisis management strategies.

Community Services Churches That Make a Difference | By Pastor Darriel Hoy | Adult Pavilion

If your church disappeared today, would the neighborhood, community, and city miss you? If you answered no, maybe, or I don’t know, then this workshop is for you. Learn how to be a church that makes a difference through holistic ministry. Gain tools and resources to understand your community, engage with your community, and make a positive impact with your community.



10:30 - 11:45 AM

Church Ministries Winning the Winnable, Part 2 | By Dr. Patrick Vincent | Chapel

Women’s Ministries emPowered by Purpose | By Dr. Nadine Collins Joseph | Cafeteria

The workshop is designed to inspire, empower, and motivate women to live intentionally every day by uncovering their purpose so that they have a greater depth, understanding, and acceptance of themselves in their vocational positions.

3 - 4:30 PM

Family Ministries Daylight to Dreams: Unlocking the Power of Five Crucial Moments in a Child’s Day | By Dr. Patrick & Mrs. Denise Crarey, LCPC, Doctoral Candidate | Chapel

By exploring these five pivotal moments in a child’s day, participants in this seminar gain valuable insights and practical strategies to optimize each phase for positive outcomes. Whether navigating morning routines, supporting learning and social development, fostering creativity and relaxation, promoting family bonding, or nurturing bedtime rituals, this seminar equips caregivers with tools to foster holistic growth and well-being in children.


Bible Worker Training | By Pastor Timothy Lee | Cafeteria


Opening Prayer

Praise & Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Prayer Circles

Introduction of Speaker

Special Music

Sermon & Appeal

Closing Remarks & Announcements



tHuRSdAy Pastor Gregory Hines | fRidAy Pastor Adrian Valcin |

SAbbAtH Pastor T. Ron Weegar


tHuRSdAy Pastor Darriel Hoy | fRidAy Pastor Jimmie Gibson |

SAbbAtH Pastor Harold Goodloe

Opening Prayer

Praise & Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Prayer Circles

Introduction of Speaker

Special Music

Sermon & Appeal

Closing Remarks & Announcements



tHuRSdAy Pastor Daniel Perez | fRidAy Pastor Alex Royes


tHuRSdAy Pastor Darriel Hoy | fRidAy Pastor Jimmie Gibson

Opening Prayer

Praise & Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Video Presentation


Prayer Circles

Introduction of Speaker

Special Music

Sermon & Appeal

Closing Remarks & Announcements



WEdNESdAy Pastor Dana Edmond |

tHuRSdAy Dr. Paula Olivier | fRidAy DeVon Franklin


WEdNESdAy Pastor Tyrone Boyd |

tHuRSdAy Danielle Byrd & Janice Ford | fRidAy Pastors Wesley McNorton, Daniel Charles, and Kevin Bruce

Chapel Thursday to Sabbath
Noon Main Pavilion Wednesday
Main Pavilion pOWEr hOur EvENiNg SErviCE
| 7 AM
| 7 PM

on the GloriouS SPlenDor of your MajeSty, anD on your wonDrouS workS, I will MeDitate. | PSalM 145:5 |

all thinGS were MaDe throuGh hiM, anD without hiM waS not any thinG MaDe that waS MaDe. | john 1:3 |


As recorded by Hezekiah Walker

You’re all I need,

every breath You breath through me. let Your rivers flow through me. every breath You breath through me. let Your rivers flow through me.

You’re all I need. | 4x

He said if I be lifted, I’ll draw all men to Me. You’re my closest friend, in You I live, have my being. I ‘wanna’ draw closer.

You’re all I need,

every breath You breath through me. let Your rivers flow through me. every breath You breath through me. let Your rivers flow through me.

You’re all I need. | 4x

Ooh, Ooh, Ooh I need you! You’re all I need!



10:30 AM

PersonAl ministries

Pastor Tyrone Boyd, Presiding

9 AM

women’s ministries

Anysia Archibald, Presiding 10:15 AM

children’s ministries PresentAtIon

Lawanna McCoy, Presiding June 15, 2024

Special Presentations by Attorney Camela Monk Crawford, Editor Message Magazine

Dr. Rohann Wellington, Director Professional Services, North American Division

10:45 AM

Prelude of PrAise DFW Ghanaian Choir

To give your offering or donation online via Southwest Region Conference AdventistGiving, please scan the QR Code to the right with your smartphone rear facing camera. Thank you for your donation.

WOrShip iN giviNg 15

DiviNE WOrShip


11 AM

cAll to worshiP

Pastor Meshach Mauia


“You’re All I Need”


Chaplain Denise Grant


Dr. Carlton & Mrs. Danielle Byrd

PrAise & worshiP

Myron Butler & Praise Team

Intercessory PrAyer

Pastor Raynell Smith

video PresentAtion

SWRC Media Team

worshiP in giving

Elder Philip Palmer

offertory hymn

Gale Jones Murphy

introduction of sPeAker

Dr. Carlton P. Byrd

musicAl selections

Karen Clark Sheard & the

SWRC Mass Choir


Dr. Barry C. Black

APPeAl song

SWRC Praise Team

closing remArks & reminders

Pastor Jason C. North, Sr.


Pastor Gilbert Williams



June 13-15, 2024

9:15 AM - 1 PM | Gym

For Ages 4-12 years

Registration is $10 per child and required for all children. Paid participants will receive a VBS T-shirt and drawsting backpack.

Register online by scanning the QR Code or completing a registration form in the Welcome Center during office hours.

Please see the Children’s Ministries Schedule on page 4.



We are thrilled to welcome your children to this year’s Camp Meeting! Our feature event is the Vacation Bible School (VBS) program with an exciting and adventurous theme: SCUBA – Super Cool Underwater Bible Adventure!

From June 13th to June 15th, we will dive deep into the Word of God, exploring His wonders and discovering the treasures He has for us. Our SCUBA themed VBS is designed to engage our children with interactive Bible stories, lively worship, fun crafts, and exciting games, all while emphasizing the importance of God’s love and teachings. On Friday, June 14th, we will enjoy a special presentation and on Sabbath, June 15th, all children will engage in a community outreach project and fun activity.

We look forward to serving all registered children during this encampment and ask that each child bring the following every day:

Comfortable clothing suitable for active play. A water bottle with the child’s name. A positive attitude and a readiness for fun!

We are excited to see how God will work through this SCUBA adventure to touch the hearts of our children and to grow their faith in Him. We look forward to making this VBS a memorable and impactful experience for everyone involved.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children for this special event. We look forward to diving into God’s Word and discovering His amazing love!




Daily from 9 AM - Noon

2 - 5:30 PM 9 - 10 PM




Thursday - Sunday 8:15 - 9:15 AM


Wednesday - Sabbath 1:15 - 2:30 PM

cedAr cAfÉ

snAck bAr

Wednesday 9 - 11 PM Thursday

2 - 6 PM and 9 - 11 PM Friday 2 - 6 PM Saturday Sunset - Midnight

prAyEr WAr rOOm


Welcome Center Conference Room

Thursday & Friday 9 AM - Noon by Appointment Only

Provided by Family Ministries, Dr. Patrick & Mrs. Denise Crarey, LCPC, Doctoral Candidate


If a medical or other emergency arises, please call the Camp Meeting Office during office hours at (903) 675-4876.

For a medical emergency after hours, please call 911 or go to the nearest urgent care center: East Texas Medical Center 2000 S. Palestine St. Athens, TX. (903) 676-1000

COmmuNiTy SErviCE OuTrEACh prOJECTS Thursday 9:30 -11:30 AM | Gym Friday 9:30 -11:30 AM | Gym 1 -3 PM | City of Athens


Thursday 6:45 AM | Chapel LAy ADviSOry mEETiNg Sunday 9 AM | Chapel SENiOr ADuLT LuNChEON WiTh ThE prESiDENT Friday 1:15 - 2:30 PM | Cafeteria

SiNgLES’ SOCiAL Saturday 9:30 PM | Cafeteria


Saturday 9:30 PM | Campground

9 PM Thursday & Friday 6:45 AM & 9 PM


Dr. Barry C. Black Ph.D., D.Min

Dr. Barry Black is the 62nd chaplain of the United States Senate. He is also the first African American and the first Seventh-day Adventist to hold this office. Dr. Black served for over 27 years as a Chaplain in the United States Navy, rising to the rank of Rear Admiral (upper half) and ending his career as the Chief of Chaplains of the United States Navy, and Chief of the United States Navy Chaplain Corps. He officially retired from the Navy on August 15, 2003. In addition to earning three separate Master of Arts degrees in: Divinity, Counseling, and Management respectively, he also holds two earned doctorates: a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology. His autobiography, entitled “From the Hood to the Hill,” was published in 2006. Dr. Black is married to the former Brenda Pearsall of St. Petersburg, FL, and they are the proud parents of three adult sons.

DeVon Franklin

As a producer, published author, preacher and media personality, DeVon Franklin is using the power of entertainment to bring inspiration and motivation to the masses. Franklin currently serves as the President/CEO of Franklin Entertainment. As the former Senior Vice President of Columbia Pictures, Franklin was one of the highest ranking African-American creative executives in the industry. Along with his success in the filmmaking world, Franklin is also a New York Times Best-Selling author, TV personality, and Christian preacher. Through his work in each of these areas, Franklin has uniquely brought positive messages to multiple media platforms. Franklin earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a minor in Cinema-Television from the University of Southern California.

Dr. Paula Olivier

Dr. Olivier is a graduate of Oakwood University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministerial Theology and a minor in Psychology. She also holds a Master of Divinity from Andrews University Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from United Theological Seminary. A trailblazer, Dr. Olivier is the first female lead pastor of Haitian descent in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Her preaching ministry has been featured in local and national conferences, along with radio and television, including the Hope Channel and 3ABN. Dr. Olivier is the Youth Ministries Director for the Northeastern Conference, the President of BAYDA (Black Adventist Youth Directors’ Association), and married to Dr. Smith Olivier, her partner in ministry and an ordained pastor in the Northeastern Conference.

Pastor Dana Edmond

Pastor Edmond is a third generation Seventh-day Adventist Christian, a grade school to grad school product of Seventhday Adventist Christian Education, and a native of Cleveland, Ohio. For 45 years, he has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a Pastor, a Youth Director, a Conference Executive Secretary, and a Conference President. Currently, he is the Executive Director for the Office of Regional Conference Ministries in Huntsville, AL. For the past 46 years, he has been happily married to the former Jill Robinson of Lexington, KY, and they have two adult children, Mrs. Courtney Edmond Campbell and Robert James (“R.J.”) Edmond, and four grandchildren.


Dr. Patrick & Mrs. Denise Crarey, LCPC, Doctoral Candidate

Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Denise Crarey have been happily married for forty-six years, successfully navigating the complexities of marriage. Dr. Crarey is a seasoned emergency medicine physician who serves as the Medical Director for Concentra in Prince George’s County, Maryland, while Mrs. Crarey is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a current doctoral candidate. In addition to maintaining her private practice, Mrs. Crarey oversees the outpatient behavioral health department in one of nine regions for the largest hospital system in Maryland. The presenters of numerous family ministries workshops across the United States in both public and private settings, Dr. and Mrs. Crarey seek to positively impact those seeking to improve their relationships. The Crareys have three adult children and are the proud grandparents of six grandchildren.

Dr. Patrick Vincent

A native of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Vincent always wanted to be a minister of the gospel as far back as he could recall. This quest for ministry led him to complete his Bachelor’s degree in Theology from Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville, Jamaica and further his education at the Andrews University Theological Seminary where he received his Masters of Divinity degree. Dr. Vincent later received his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Vanderbilt University School of Divinity in Nashville, TN. During his ministry, which has spanned well over 40 years, Dr. Vincent has built churches and schools, founded the Soul Winning Action Team (SWAT), and baptized thousands of individuals to the glory of God. He is happily married to the former Judy Williams, also from the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and together, they have committed their lives in service to God.

Dr. Rohann Wellington

Dr. Wellington is a Pastor, Air Force Chaplain, and Communications and Media Specialist who trains others in the development of their digital footprint and how to adapt new media technology for worship, discipleship, and evangelism. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from North Caribbean University, a Master of Arts degree in Communications specializing in Media Management and Television Production from the New York Institute of Technology, and a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministry and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Andrews University Theological Seminary. An ordained Seventh-day Adventist Minister, Dr. Wellington works as the Director of Professional Services at the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and guides a creative team of design, multi-media, and social media professionals. Dr. Wellington, and his wife, Lisa, are the proud parents of two children, Ariel and Jaxon.

Dr. Nadine Collins

Dr. Nadine Collins holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration with a focus on Higher Education with her doctoral dissertation emphasis on Women Leaders in Higher Education. She presented the findings of her work at the General Conference Session in 2015 in San Antonio, TX. Since then, Dr. Collins has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean inspiring and empowering women to uncover their true purpose and create successful lives aligned with God’s will for them.

Dr. Sherma Charlemagne-Badal

Dr. Sherma Charlemagne-Badal is the author of “Simply Beautiful Food” and the owner of Marie Rose. She is intentional about nurturing her passion for beauty, whether by transforming every home her family lives in or creating beautiful table spreads to share with family and friends. Her current work as an author and as a floral designer is by far her deepest dive into curating and sharing her creative talent with the world. Before living this creative life, she enjoyed a teaching career in public health academia, healthcare quality leadership, and cardiac surgery nursing.




7 PM | Main Pavilion

Special guests include:

Karen Clark Sheard Kurt Carr and The Kurt Carr Singers Myron Butler Gale Jones Murphy Kurt Carr and The Kurt Carr Singers Myron Butler

2024 CAmp mEETiNg &

LONE STAr CAmp 45Th ANNivErSAry T-ShirT

Available in two colors:

Available for purchase at the Welcome Center. While supplies last.

Heather Sport Scarlet Dark Heather

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