March 24, 2017

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Helping Hands FISH Food Pantry Project

I am a Life Scout with troop 318 in San Jose. I have been a Scout for as long as I can remember. I started as a Tiger Cub in Cub Scouts when I was 7. I still remember our Cub Maser telling us about the Scout ranks, and telling us Eagle was the highest rank. He asked us to look around at our fellow Pack members, and told us that statistically, only one of us would make it all the way to Eagle. I knew then that I wanted to be that one. As I moved through the ranks of Cub Scouts, I looked forward to becoming a Boy Scout, and the more I learned about Eagle Scout, I became even more determined to earn

that rank. Boy Scouts teaches me to be determined, to set goals, and reach them, to explore possible professions and hobbies, and see what sticks through the merit badges. Boy Scouts teaches me to be a good citizen, which means that I love my country, respect my family, and am aware of my community, locally, regionally, nationally, globally. It means I take care of myself, and those around me. It means I take care of my environment. I don’t think there is a better example of goal setting, service to community, discipline, determination, and strength of character than the Eagle Project. My Eagle Scout Project is to raise at least $ 500 and collect 4000lbs of food for the South Valley FISH Food Pantry. I thought a food drive for the food bank would be a really good idea, because eating is a most basic need that we all

have, and I can see that we have so many people in our community that are affected by hunger. I felt like getting food to people who really need it would make a bigger difference in their lives than building something nice for the church to enjoy. So far, I have met my goal of $500, but am still taking donations through GoFundMe, as the more I can raise, the more I can help. Donations are tax deductible and a tax ID number will be provided to all who donate to it. This money will help the food bank buy items they don’t get as much of through the food donations. https://www.gofundme. com/fish-pantry-supplyfund

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I am concerned that I won’t meet my goal of 4000lbs of food by my deadline on 4/2/17. If anyone would like to help me reach this goal, and help feed those affected by hunger in our

community, you could bring a bag of food to the food bank on Sunday 4/2/17. I will be at the food bank to collect the donations from 9am until 1pm.

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