Look April 2013

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Ladybird spreads its wings Our Ladybird nursery is now open from 6.45am until 8.30pm to meet parents’ needs and fit in with new NHS shift patterns. The onsite nursery (at the Cardigan wing side of the hospital site) takes children from birth to eight years, and operates a school run to and from Earls Hall. Lisa Green, childcare and staff benefits business manager, said: “We pride ourselves on our unique flexible booking system which means parents only pay for the hours they need. They contract to a fixed number of hours each week and can use them how they wish.” Where possible, Ladybird also offers ad-hoc and emergency cover places and provides 11 hours of free educational time to three-year-olds. Call 01702 385530 for more information.”

Here to make a difference They are a tenacious lot, our worker governors: not easily shaken off. Like a dog with a bone, once they get their teeth into something, they don’t drop it until they get an answer. And when you consider there are just seven of them to represent well over 4,000 staff, you start to realise what a mammoth task they undertake. So, take a bow, Kym Popplewell, Kay Bell, Sam James, Mel Burgess, Sharon Wallace, Liz Leigh and Bob Bradbrook, who listen carefully to what we have to say before beating a path to the executive offices to see where improvements to our working lives can be made. Over the years they have dealt with dozens of questions and suggestions, channelled them to the right people and reported back on the outcome. Kym, chair of the worker governors, said: “As a group, we empower staff and volunteers to explore their concerns and suggestions, help them to have a voice and keep hot topics on the agenda.

The governors would love to see more staff at their monthly boardroom meetings, including doctors, nurses, HCAs and porters. To find out when the meetings will be, email Foundation Trust membership manager David Fairweather or give him a call on ext 5622.

“Some of the issues raised may stay around for a while but we keep at it until we get an answer one way or another.”

Assume nothing...

under the LGBT umbrella.

…..that is the advice from our LGBT (lesbian, gay, biand trans) group. Co-chair and cardiology CNS Katie Taylor-Blow, warned against making assumptions about patients, visitors or colleagues based on appearances.

Amit Popat, equality and diversity manager, says: “It is important to know the demographics of who is coming through our doors. We are working with the PAS management group with the view to recording sexual orientation and are launching a patient survey to gauge how well we are meeting the needs of the different communities who use our services.

According to government statistics, six per cent of the population comes

The hospital has been working closely with Lorna Fulton from the


campaigning and lobbying group Stonewall to benefit from her expertise. Anyone wanting to learn more about our LGBT group can email lgbt@southend.nhs.uk

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