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Semper Fidelis Society (Boston) Celebrates the

USMC’s 247th

Promptly at mid-day Friday, the Boston Semper Fidelis Society began its Birthday Luncheon in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, in observance

of the USMC’s (the U.S. Marine Corps) 247th Birthday. Exactly 247 years ago as you are reading this –on November 10, 1775 – America’s Second Continental Congress established the United States Marine Corps. That was months before the Battle of Lexington and Concord and our Declaration of Independence in 1776. There had been a reception just prior to the Birthday Luncheon itself. The third floor banquet room in the Convention Center opened at 11:45 for seating of 1,700 guests, and this quickly became fully occupied. Once seated, the Luncheon guests were treated to a pipes-and-drums rendition of the Marine Corps Hymn by Continued on Page 2

Happy Veterans Day

SOUTH BOSTON ONLINE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VOLUME XIX- ISSUE 74 *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 11/1/2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. HIGHER RATES ARE HERE! 4.00%APY* 2-Year Certificate DON’T LET THEM PASS YOU BY! Only $500 Minimum IRA Certificates, Too! Visit us in So. Boston at 147 West 4th Street or 409 D Street in the Seaport.
Last Saturday the South Boston High ROTC group participated in marching in the Back Bay Veteran’s Day parade

from page 1 USMC Luncheon

the Boston Police Department’s Gaelic Column, who marched into the banquet hall in precise military rhythm. This was followed by the entry of the USMC’s Drum & Bugle Band, which is the oldest such band in the country. The Band expertly played a variety of songs and marches, including a beautifully orchestrated “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. This culminated in the Presentation of the Colors and our National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner”. As a final part of the celebration, the USMC’s 247th Birthday Cake was slowly wheeled down the aisle and ceremoniously cut into pieces for all to share.

USMC General Eric M. Smith, the 36th Assistant

Commandant of the Marine Corps, was the 2022 featured Guest Speaker at the Boston Semper Fidelis Society’s 247th Birthday Luncheon. General Smith was born in Kansas

City, Missouri, raised in Plano, Texas, and graduated from Texas A&M University. He was commissioned 35 years ago, in 1987. He has commanded

at every level. As a General, he led several Combat Commands, as well as serving as a General Officer in charge of many high-level staff assignments.

Happy 247th Birthday to the US Marine Corps. The ultra-sharp USMC Drum & Bugle Band – the oldest in the nation. The 1,700 guests at the USMC 247th Birthday Luncheon.

Boston’s “City Hall to GO” Truck

Kite Sailing on the Lagoon

In mid-afternoon, the bright red “City Hall to GO” truck made an appearance in South Boston – it parked on West Broadway in front of the Perkins Square parking lot. Its driver was Joseph Okafor, a Community Outreach Coordinator from City Hall, who works in the Office of Civic Organizing. He was greeted by City Council President Ed Flynn and South Boston’s City Hall Liaison Anna White.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu’s Office of Civic Organizing, which is located in City Hall, has the ongoing process of engaging the neighborhoods and communities of Boston as its mission. This Office empowers residents to take action within their own neighborhoods. It creates resources and pathways for all of us to get involved with City Hall. The Office of Civic Organizing aims to strengthen the ties between City Hall and all of Boston’s residents, while inspiring every resident to become proactive.

You may want to consider using the Office of Civic Organizing yourself in your own neighborhood. Here are just two examples of what is available: The Office will lend brooms, shovels, gardening tools, trash bags, and trash pickers to you if

you would like to organize your own neighborhood clean-up. And the Office also offers you a Block Party Kit to borrow, if you and your friends want to arrange a community social event in your own neighborhood.

One of the keys to the Office of Civic Organizing’s mission is bringing City Hall’s services directly, “in person”, to the many neighborhoods of Boston. This is why Boston’s “City Hall to GO” truck came here to Perkins Square last Friday.

By using the “GO” truck, you can request official documents that will be processed promptly – birth, marriage, death, and residency certificates will be mailed to you, as will parking permits. This will eliminate a time-consuming trip to City Hall in person. South Boston Online was given a list of 25 (yes, 25) of “City Hall to GO” services that are now offered to neighborhoods. Among these are absentee ballot requests, registering to vote, dog licenses, Youth Passes, resident parking stickers, and so on. And many other services are also available.

Save yourself a trip Downtown. Let the City of Boston come to you. Look into requesting neighborhood services by going to Or contact

It’s quite possible to generate a real argument over what went on at Pleasure Bay earlier this week. Some call it “Sailsurfing” or “Sailboarding”, which would respectively imply that the lagoon has challenging waves (it doesn’t) or that the boards could be used on ice and snow (it was much too warm for that). We prefer the two-word title – “Kite Sailing”. The wind-driven canopies – the “kites” – are really a type of sail; the board acts as a miniature boat hull for much of its ride. But whatever, the lagoon was host to a really beautiful sight of 20 or more kite sailors leaping to the skies. And many more colorful kite sailors awaited their turns on the shore of Pleasure Bay.

Joseph Okafor, Community Outreach Coordinator, and the “City Hall to GO” truck, are greeted by City Hall Liaison Anna White and City Council President Ed Flynn.
U.S. Navy (retired), Veteran Operation Enduring Freeedon
From Stephen, Caroline, Kristen and Council President Ed Flynn

It Takes a Village to Make a Community

then as a crossing guard in Dorchester, is on the corner of “I” and Broadway.

Stacey is practical and outgoing with her eye on the cityscape while focused on the footsteps and greetings of children and parents.

City streets, the people who occupy them and the cars that share them are nothing new to Safety Officer/Crossing Guard, Stacey Menjin. Living in Chelsea until she married husband, James, twenty-nine years ago, she has lived in South Boston in the multi-generational house where he was raised and where they then raised their two daughters and one son. Her beat now, after having worked for many years at the Perry School and

“In the past, it was great to have hours that worked when my kids were in school, but now I do it for some extra money to help pay for college (youngest child, Andrew, is a freshman at Tufts University) and to get to know everyone in the neighborhood. We are here for the school children, but there are so many dogs, and then people with challenges like wheelchairs and the elderly, and then some baby carriages. So, I try to keep any eye out,” she said.

This corner, among others in South Boston, is one of the busiest intersections of a highly engaged urban neighborhood. It also has safety issues, with traffic flow in several possible directions and drivers eager to get downtown and beyond every day.

“People are so nice. American Provisions asks me if I want coffee and most people say hello every

day, but the traffic is so fast,” she said. Her assessment is no surprise to anyone who has their eyes open.

“It says ‘No Turn on Red,’ see,” she said “how clear is that? Everyday, cars come and turn right to beat the light. There is such a rush, especially in the morning, and if there is a second delay, the horns are honking.”

With a positive, friendly, and focused demeanor she also has a necessary authority as she stands in the middle of the fourway intersection with reflective clothing and the proverbial held “Stop” sign held high, and yet.

“I am standing here ready to cross children and I’m in the middle of the street with the sign, with a red light, and you know what? A car comes right along my side,” she said as that nearly occurred the moment, she was explaining it.

On a busy Monday morning, everyone does looks to be in a rush in a neighborhood as vibrant as the beautiful fall. It can change from an idyllic movie-like urban dream of a connected community to a fierce competition of who will be get where the fastest.

Seamus, a young student at the Tynan School walked across the street with his mother and said a quiet good morning to Ms. Stacey. His mother commented without hesitation about the value of crossing guards and Stacey in particular.

on his shoulders was equally pleased. “It’s great to have her here, and we like saying hello, plus the traffic is crazy,” he said.

Stacey Menjin has seen a lot in her years in South Boston, and still appreciates the changing neighborhood.

“I like this. Saying good morning, and seeing children change over time, and their parents are nice and grateful. Most everyone says hello unless they are buried in their phones, I will tell you, it is a great little gig,” she said laughing as she launches yet another start to the week.

Before the next group of children came along and with cars halted, she shared that she is getting ready for Thanksgiving when extended family get together and this year will include friends of her sons from college far from home. “It’s a collaboration,” she said, describing her sister-in laws dinning room and plans afoot for space and food. There is something about extending hospitality and noticing what and who is around her that seem central to the match between a woman, community, and job. Now, if only cars would stop on red and at the Stop Sign.

“She provides a safe space to walk to school, and it kicks off our morning in the right way. I really appreciate her,” she said.

And dad, Thomas Russomano walked with his son, also Thomas,

Stacey Menjin Stacey with Thomas and his dad. Stacey with Seamus and his mom.

A Few Comments: Mid-Term Elections, 2022

Voter Turnout Low

We’ll join with countless others in offering our congratulations to all who were elected or re-elected in the 2022 Mid-Term elections.

By and large, Maura Healey, William Galvin, and the other successful candidates ran decent, heads-up campaigns. In 2023, Galvin will set a record – he will have served 29 consecutive years as Secretary of State. And after these mid-terms, there can be no argument that Massachusetts remains the most Democratic state in the nation.

We also bid a fond farewell to Gov. Charlie Baker. Baker did well while he was in office. He became America’s most popular state Governor as well as earning himself a worldwide reputation.

Some pundits claim it’s notable that Republicans across the nation made some gains in this election. Even though all of the votes have not been counted, the Republicans are quite likely

to win a majority of seats in the House of Representatives. As of now, they hold 212 House seats (a majority would be 218). Democrats have won less than 200 seats at this time. In the Senate it’s a very close. The latest result we have indicates the Republicans have won 49 seats and the Democrats have won 48. A majority is 51; there’ll be a run-off for one Senate seat in Georgia.

But this is not an unusual mid-term happening. In fact, in all but one second-year midterm since World War II, the President’s party has lost ground in Congress. That’s history, not happenstance – American voters have almost always sent critical messages to both political parties through the mid-term ballot boxes. Let’s hope the politicians in Washington are listening.

Certain media have claimed there was more interest in the Commonwealth’s four ballot questions than there was in the candidates themselves.

Question 1 (the millionaire’s tax) and Question 4 (drivers licenses for illegal immigrants)

both received “YES” votes. Oh well, the citizens of the Commonwealth have spoken.

If there is anything that was truly disappointing about the 2022 mid-terms, it was the low voter turnout. The Commonwealth has approximately 5 million registered voters. Less than half of the state’s voters – only 2.4 million or about 48% –cast their votes on Tuesday, November 8. Many of us feel free to criticize our government, but the next time you hear political criticism, perhaps you should (politely) inquire whether the complainer voted (or not) in the last election.

Voting is an obligation for all registered voters, in our opinion.

It’s time for South Boston to once again pay attention

to other important matters, such as preparing for whatever Hurricane Nicole brings us, along with learning the identity of the $1.9 billion Powerball winner. We must begin to remedy the impact inflation is having upon all of us. President Bill Clinton once claimed that dollars-and-cents was our most important national issue, when he said, “It’s the economy, stupid!” Get yourself reacquainted with local sports. Let’s catch up with Boston’s three pro teams who possess winning records – the Patriots, the Celtics, who lead the NBA’s Eastern League, and the Bruins, who have scored the most goals while vying with Las Vegas for the NHL’s highest number of points. And finally, the Holiday Season is almost here.

Happy Veterans Day


Harry Duvall Reflects on Time at Club as He Prepares for Next Chapter

the major renovation that enables the Club to provide state-of-the-art programs and his work in helping maintain Club membership goals during the gentrification of South Boston in which the population of youth ages 18 and under plummeted.

“With very big thanks to Harry, the Club remains South Boston’s largest serving youth program and has something for everyone,” Pattie said. “May the wind always be at your back, Harry!”

job, has been a blessing,” he said. “But having the staff that I’ve had to work with has been a true gift.”

Harry will take a million memories with him in his new adventure. “My best memories are of how the Club impacts kids and supports them,” he said.

“It’s just the joy of the place,” he said. “The environment is very joyful. And that’s what we try to promote is a sense of belonging and a sense of inclusion, a sense of possibility.

supportive of each other and so welcoming, encouraging, and caring. “And so those are the things that I’m sure I’ll miss the most,” said Harry.

After18 years at the helm of the Edgerley Family South Boston Boys & Girls Club, Executive Director Harry Duvall is going to be exploring opportunities in international aid relief and cultural exchange.

He will be with the Club through the end of December and leaves it in terrific shape. His decision “just kind of coalesced inside me,” he said recently, in terms of the timing being right.

“There was no crisis of faith, no big soul searching, no plotting,” he said. “It was very naturally, like, oh, maybe this and maybe this and then, it’s time, let’s go.”

While Harry doesn’t have a degree in international relations, his resume is strong and his skills are transferable. He has a couple of church-based projects he’s affiliated or familiar with in the Caribbean/ Cuba, and he’s going to start there.

Harry will be greatly missed in South Boston. “Harry’s commitment to the Club has been truly inspiring and uplifting,” said Pattie McCormick, Associate Director of Development.

“As a kid from Needham who was familiar with the tight-knit South Boston community through sports -- along with his leadership role at a BGCA Club in California, we knew he had the tools to lead the Edgerley Family South Boston Club. However, he went above and beyond.”

Pattie cited Harry overseeing

Anne Gordon, the Club’s former Arts Director, said: “As Harry was always encouraging to staff and Club members, I will encourage him to ‘Be Great’ in whatever path his life takes.”

Gerry Vierbickas, an advisory board member for 38 years, knows Harry well. “In his nearly 20 years, I’ve never seen Harry be anything but completely invested in all the youth who walk through the Club’s doors,” he said. “For such a demanding position, he has never appeared bored or jaded in any way. On the multiple issues that we discuss, he has always been fully knowledgeable and thoroughly engaged … An example to all in the clubhouse to make a positive difference in so many lives. We are all truly sorry to see him move on but can only wish him the very best of luck in his new endeavor.”

Harry preferred to talk about his years with the Club and not his departure.

“South Boston is a great community,” he said. “I have been very lucky! Our Club has had a great staff, terrific non-profit and school partners, wonderful families and parents, and amazing young people.” The highlights for Harry?

“It’s always the kids,” he said. “The kids are just so great.”

He was recently telling some of the kids about his departure and talking about new growth, new experiences, and trying new things. One 9- or 10-yearold told him, in all seriousness and with great emphasis: “Good for you!”

It was endearing, Harry said. Another youth member told him: “I hope you have a wonderful life after you leave.”

Another highlight? The staff has been incredible, and he said he’s been lucky to work with them.

“The work itself, doing this

“That’s something that we try to instill. I guess you could call it the culture … that’s the air you breathe when you’re here. This is how it feels, how the Club feels.”

He will miss the unexpected, unscripted moments that come with the job, where a staff member may tell a story about a youth or kids will be doing something together.

“It’s those kind of organic moments that pop up that make you feel good about the Club, good about the work, but maybe hopeful about the bigger scenario.”

Harry was in the teen education room recently and noticed a youth who seemed a bit sad. “And she just kind of leaned her head over onto her friend’s shoulder … they’re doing their homework together. And just the way that she was able to literally put her head on her friend’s shoulder and her friend leaned a little teeny bit in that direction … Those moments are very uplifting.”

The teens at the Club are so

Harry graduated from Colgate University, where he was a standout hockey player, with a BA in economics. He got his Master’s degree in education administration from Boston College while working at Mt. Ida College in admissions and then student support services. After nine years at Mt. Ida, he moved to California to be near family. After connecting with a former Mt. Ida colleague, who then connected him to another friend, the trio started up an arts program, building a curriculum and eventually partnering with the Boys & Girls Club in Northern San Diego County. After a couple of years, Harry joined a Boys & Girls Club in California before helming the South Boston Club.

As Harry prepares for the next chapter, there’s no nervousness, just excitement. “There’s a very strong sense of this is what I’m supposed to do … this is the right thing for me at the right time.”

But Harry pointed out: “I’ve never loved the Club here in South Boston more than I do right now. I’ve never believed in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston and our leadership more than I do right now. The momentum is strong. We’ve got great leadership. We’ve got great new ideas, new programming to expand and enhance what we were already doing so it can be of more service to the community.”


Rep.David Biele Secures Funding for ABCD

over 100,000 people each year in the Boston region to obtain tools, support, and resources they need to move from poverty to stability.

State Representative David Biele helped secure state funding to sup port Action for Boston Commu nity Based Development (ABCD) after ABCD received notice that its Title X funding would not be renewed.

Since 1973, ABCD’s Title X program has responded to vital needs in low-income neighborhoods through partnerships with 23 community health centers, school-based health centers and hospital-based clinics, where historically high rates of infant mortality and teen pregnancy have been drastically decreased. Staffed primarily by community health workers, ABCD has built one of the largest, most effective, and lowest-cost-per-patient Title X programs in the country under the umbrella of local health centers.

to authorize ABCD to utilize state appropriations for its successful Title X program and allocate $1.6 million for previously funded through Title X grants. The amendment was adopted by the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

“Action for Boston Community Development has provided critical care to the most vulnerable families in the City of Boston and throughout Massachusetts for decades,” said Rep. Biele. “I am thankful for the support of my colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives in providing funding and resources which will allow ABCD to continue providing vital services in Boston and beyond.”

Local Post Office will be Closed in Recognition of Veterans Day

Interms of background, ABCD is Greater Boston’s anti-poverty organization, established in 1962 to empower marginalized and vulnerable people by equipping them with tools and supports needed to overcome poverty through a comprehensive approach.

For 55 years, ABCD has helped

Earlier this year, ABCD received notice that the program’s application for renewal as the region’s Title X grantee was viewed favorably, but would not be funded.

Following that announcement, Rep. Biele and Representative Carole Fiola filed a budget amendment during this year’s budget debate in the Massachusetts House of Representatives

Following passage by the House of Representatives, the funding was included in the final budget for fiscal year 2023 sent to Governor Baker’s desk earlier this year. The budget was signed into law by Governor Baker and included the funding for ABCD.

ABCD provides a wide variety of resources and services to residents in the Boston and Mystic Valley areas. For more, please visit

Post offices will be closed on Friday, November 11, in honor of Veterans Day. There will be no street delivery, except for guaranteed overnight parcels, and all retail operations will be closed for the day. Full retail and delivery operations will resume on Saturday, November 12. As one of the largest employers of US veterans, nearly 10% of our workforce nationally, the Postal Service is proud to honor the men and women who have selflessly served our country in war and in peacetime and those who continue that tradition today. As the saying goes, “America is the land of the free because of the brave.”

The Postal Service generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

7SOUTHBOSTONONLINE.COM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2022 Family Learning Program Nurturing Strength and Stability Join Us! Visit Website for Tickets, Sponsorship, and Advertising Julie’s Family Learning Program Annual Winter Event Friday, December 16, 2022 Boston Symphony Hall 6pm Reception/8pm Concert Support the life-changing work of Julie’s, and join us in honoring The McGrath Family of Colin’s Joy Project for their impact on the families of South Boston. CLICK HERE TO: COLIN'S JOY PROJECT

First Annual 5K Run/Walk for Dana Farber: Wednesday 11/23

Join the Connolly and Barry Families

Thereare many ways to deal with the sudden message of a parents’ cancer diagnoses when you are far away from home. John Barry, and Griffin Connolly were enjoying their college life, Griff at University of Arizona and John at University of Virginia, when they heard news of their father’s throat cancer diagnosis just about a year

apart. The friendship shared with the families provided the grounding they needed to remain focused, caring, and led to their plan for a Dana Farber fundraiser that will be a reality this Thanksgiving. It will, of course, be in South Boston, the community that nurtured the friendships between the families of Denise and John Barry and George and Tracy Connolly.

“I was inspired by my father’s former marathon finishes

First Annual South Boston Dana Farber 5K Walk/Run Turkey Trot

Wednesday, November 23rd, 1:30 p.m.

to run the 2021 NYC Marathon, and Griff was there to support me. Following that we always talked about raising money for a cancer foundation to honor our fathers, “said John. “We couldn’t be more excited to do our part to help the fight against cancer, especially as we think about what our fathers had to go through just a few long years ago.”

please consider a daonation and be part of the community these families epitomize.

The event starts at 1:30 p.m. at the South Boston Yacht Club on 1849 Columbia Rd. and if that isn’t fun enough, Capo Restaurant on 443 West Broadway will host a follow-up party at 4:00 p.m. with light bites, raffles and more.

Please help John Barry and Griffin Connolly raise funds to participate in the Boston Marathon (all proceeds to benefit Dana Farber)

The race will begin at 1849 Columbia Road (South Boston Yacht Club) and will proceed to Castle Island. Capo Restuarant will host a follow-up Party at 4:00 p.m., with light bites, raffles and more.

Entry fee for the race is $25.00, you can prepay (venmo @johnbarry325). Please specify when you venmo your T-Shirt size. You can also registister the day of the event.

Grifin is equally motivated and clear about the values underlying the event. “The South Boston Turkey Trot will not only be a way to fundraise for Dana Farber, but to bring everyone together around Thanksgiving to show the power of love and community in the first annual and with many more to come,” he said.

The sons of John and George have noticed that with illness comes an opportunity for thankfulness and have devoted their energy to an event that will support other families. The cost to participate is $25.00, and you can venmo (venmo@johnbarry325)and specifying your T-Shirt size. If your unable to attend the race,

Hamilton Theatre Tickets

Trip to
Trip for 2 to Margaritaville 2 Winter
Lifelong friends Griffin Connolly and John Barry
Vegas for Bruins Game Courtside Celtics
2 Bruins Tickets 12/5 Kevin Hayes signed stick Gift Cards to many popular Restuarants

Get to Sully’s for Half-Price Dogs

Two Christmas Trees?

Two 15-foot evergreen trees were recently installed here in South Boston - one at the entrance to M Street/ Medal of Honor Park, the other by the low wall in the Perkins Square parking lot. They are beautifully symmetrical triangles of green that we imagine are for the Christmas Holiday Season. But Advent doesn’t begin for another three weekends, and Christmas is still almost seven weeks away. Isn’t this a bit early?

Sadly, the days to grab Sully’s in 2022 are dwindling so get out to the island while you can. (Hot dogs are half-price!) Sully’s is open until Nov. 20th

Msgr. Thomas J. McDonnell and Frank Kelley Thanksgiving Dinner

Please call 857-318-7810 if you would like a meal delivered to your home. Meals will be delivered on Wednesday, November 23rd between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Volunteers and delivery drivers should meet at St. Monica’s at 11:30 a.m.

Check can be made payable to: South Boston Seaport Collaborative (memo: Holiday Dinner)

Please mail or deliver checks to:

Deja Brew 704 East Broadway South Boston, MA 02127

9SOUTHBOSTONONLINE.COM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2022 T U R K E Y P I C K U P N O V E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 2 (ORGANIZATIONS) SBNH, 136 H ST SOUTH BOSTON, MA 02127 (FAMILIES) SBNH PRESCHOOL, 1187 COLUMBIA ROAD SOUTH BOSTON, MA 02127 YOU WILL RECIEVE AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PICK UP TIME! S O U T H B O S T O N C O M M U N I T Y T U R K E Y D I S T R I B U T I O N Hilco Redevelopment Partners & South Boston Association of Non Profits are working together to support South Boston Families this year! W e a r e d i s t r i b u t i n g 1 , 0 0 0 t u r k e y s S i g n u p f o r o n e u s i n g t h e l i n k b e l o w S i g n u p H e r e : h t t p s : / / b i t l y / 3 d H W Z 7 z Happy Thanksgiving

AllSaints’ Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on November 1. All Saints’ Day recognizes all those who are known to God as Saints-not only those canonized by the Catholic Church. Therefore, All Saints’ Day celebrates all the faithful followers of Jesus Christ throughout church history. It’s a feast day remembering those who

Honoring All Saints’ Day

have gone before us, honoring their lives and their faithfulness to God.

On the morning of All Saints’ Day, Tuesday, November 1, 2022 the students at South Boston Catholic Academy were able to watch their classmates in grades 4A and 4B, who were dressed up as their favorite Saint in the All Saints’ Day Mass that was televised on the Catholic TV Channel. In the afternoon, the grade 4A and 4B

students, also, participated in the school Mass honoring All Saints’ Day at St. Brigid Church. They did a marvelous job dressing up again as their favorite saint and telling us a little about the saint they were representing. They also did a fantastic job as Greeter, Readers and Gift Bearers. Our Children’s Choir did an awesome job singing… God Is A Part Of My Life and the grade 4 students sang an inspiring

version of…Oh, When The Saints Go Marching In, Oh, when the saints go marching in, O Lord, I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in…The SBCA students, families, faculty and staff attended this Mass, also and Father Robert Casey, Our Pastor, was the celebrant at both these Masses. “Let us shine with the light of Jesus and become like saints.” – Unknown.


Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes with St. Augustine Chapel Mass Time Change Saint Augustine Chapel

Starting next Saturday, Nov 12th at 4:30 PM

Starting next Saturday, November 12th the Saturday Afternoon Mass will be held at 4:30 p.m. NOT 5:00 p.m. This change helps those who attend the Mass during the winter darkness to be home 30 minutes earlier. Thank you for your understanding.


Virtual Public Meeting

South Boston Transportation

Action Plan

Monday, November 14

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Project Description:

Zoom Link:

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 775 6725

Please join city transportation staff as we begin the community process of the South Boston Transportation Action Plan. At this introductory meeting we will be reviewing the existing conditions of the transportation network in South Boston. The existing conditions report includes travel patterns within the neighborhood, parking statistics, identified areas of pedestrian conflict, bike network gaps, as well as information on congestion & crash data for all modes.

The information at this meeting is crucial to you as a Boston resident, and stakeholder. Language Access services are available at no cost to you. If you require these services, please contact ( no later than 11/10/22.

La información de esta reunión es fundamental para usted como residente de Boston y parte interesada. Dispone de servicios de idiomas de forma gratuita. Si los requiere, comuníquese con ( antes de la siguiente fecha 11/10/22.

mail to: Mark McGonagle

Boston Planning & Development Agency

One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4283 email:


mail to: Daniel Polanco

Boston Planning & Development Agency

One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4460 email:

Close of Comment Period: 12/5/2022


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary
No Charge for Initial Consultation 82 West Broadway South Boston, MA (617)269-1993 Criminal Defense Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Accidents Establishment of Corporations, LLCs Wills & Estate Planning Real Estate Litigation Probate Virtual Public Meeting Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 716 4623 Wednesday, November 30 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 7 Channel Center Public Meeting Project Proponent: 7 CC 73 Owner, LLC Project Description: The Redevelopment is a part of the Channel Center Project (the “Channel Center Project” or the “Project”) which was originally reviewed by the Boston Redevelopment Authority (“BRA”) in the early 2000s. Since that time, six Notices of Project Change have been submitted for review and approval. This seventh Notice of Project Change (“Seventh NPC”) is for the Redevelopment Site only; the remainder of the Channel Center Project will remain as previously approved.

South Boston – A Musical Community

Ttwomusical performances reminded us that South Boston is home to some extremely enjoyable music – music that is performed live, and almost all of which is played and sung by local talent.

Saturday at mid-day, the Branch Library’s public room hosted a group that included artists Lorie Walsh, Dan McCole, Peter Golemme, Rev. Burns Stanfield, and Ingrid Gerdes, along with a guest appearance by Gene Lancaster (“I just sing”, Gene told us). Each of them performed classic popular songs by American composers of the last century, and their talents were obvious. Lorie’s clear voice was memorable; Dan, who now approaches 94, rendered his poignant version of “It’s a Wonderful World”; Ingrid has a “natural voice” for this kind of music. And Branch Librarian Jane Bickford deserves thanks for this use of the Library’s Public Room.

There once were 15 of these classic American composers. The last of them

died in the 1990s but many of their names are still familiar – Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers, and Irving Berlin. Berlin in particular was notable – he was a Jewish immigrant from Russia who composed White Christmas, Easter Parade, and God Bless America, American popular classics that are still with us.

On Saturday evening, the Fourth Presbyterian Church presented the day’s second musical event – a musical variety show on many levels. The renditions ranged from Madame Butterfly’s “One Fine Day” love song

to musical comedy song-and-dance pieces by the Fourth Church’s two youthful performing groups. Three young pianists played classical selections in amazingly well-skilled styles. Fourth Church Pastor Rev. Burns Stanfield anchored the accompaniments with his own inimitable piano styling. Lauren Basler and Ingrid Gerdes sang; a country group with a fiddle and banjo played a reel during which the audience actually danced. The evening concluded with everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to Rev. Burns, who has just turned 63. Certainly, South Boston is musical. Our churches have marvelous choirs and

instrumentalists. On a weekend evening, just walk along Broadway – both East and West – and catch a glimpse of the bands playing locally. One of our favorites is Dalton and the Sheriffs, with their country-tinged rock. Go to the Seaport’s Envoy Hotel on the first Tuesday evening of each month and enjoy Johnny Horner’s Jazz Trio, courtesy of the Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC). Next spring, log onto The Lawn at D; check out their musical offerings on weekends. And next September, be sure to take in the music (and dances) performed at our Street Festival, with Thomas Park climaxing that day as always.

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The Young Adult Group performs an American musical number at the Fourth. Ingrid Gerdes sings “All of Me”; Rev. Burns Stanfield plays a jazz accompaniment. Dan McCole sings “It’s a Wonderful World” – Peter Golemme is on piano; Lorie Walsh listens. Lorie Walsh hits a soprano note. Peter Golemme is her pianist.
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