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From Good Hands into Good Hands

by Rick Winterson


t’s a pleasure to write that on Tuesday evening, Susan McDonough was sworn in as the Commander of the SBAWVC. Susan is taking over from Dave Falvey, who capably led the SBAWVC for five productive years, culminating in the rededication of the USS Kearsarge Anchor Memorial on Flag Day, June 14. Both of them are well known for their leadership abilities, especially in veterans’ causes. This really is an example of “from good hands into good hands”, as the headline states. “SBAWVC” is an abbreviation, of course, standing for the “South Boston Allied War Veterans Council”. The SWAWVC is best known for its organizational and leadership roles in putting on South Boston’s annual St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade. South Boston’s Parade tradition is well over a century old by now; it has been

the responsibility of the SBAWVC for the last 75 years. Please note that the Parade really celebrates two outstanding events – St. Patrick’s Day itself and Evacuation Day, which commemorates the evacuation of the British from Boston 246 years ago on March 17, 1776. This was the very first victory for colonial troops in America’s War for Independence and it earned General George Washington a gold medal from the Second Continental Congress. The swearing-in took place Tuesday evening at the McDonough Post on West Broadway. The oath was actually administered to all of the 20222023 SBAWVC e-Board members – Commander Susan McDonough, Randy Greeley, Dave Falvey (who remains active in the SBAWVC), Matt Olson, Bob Lewis, Sean Connolly, Bernie Trager, Brian Yanonvitch, and Jim Tooley. Installing Officer John Beatty skillfully conducted Continued on Page 2

Kicking into High Gear

Samantha Mackie (from left), Michaela Colvin, Katelyn Evans, and Caitlyn Murphy display some throwback trophies from South Boston Youth Soccer.

Former South Boston Youth Soccer Players Revive League By Ginger DeShaney


fter learning that president Billy Baker was stepping down from South Boston Youth Soccer after the COVID-19 hiatus, some former players have vowed to revive the league. W he n C a it l y n Mu r phy

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got the blessing from Baker to take the ball and run with it, she recruited Samantha Mackie, Michaela Colvin, and K atelyn Evans. The foursome has been busy raising money, planning, organizing, and getting paperwork and permits in order in hopes of starting the league this fall. W h i le B a k er g ave t he

Continued on Page 3



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Continued from Page 1

Good Hands the swearing-in ceremony. He first addressed and challenged all the e-Board members – “Know that the welfare and success of this Council depends largely upon you …”. John then said that our veterans’ community must be served, and swore the members in. There was an enthusiastic round of applause at the end. After solemnly swearing in the SWAWVC officials, Installing Officer John Beatty asked Commander Susan McDonough and Dave Falvey to remain standing. John unstintingly praised Dave for his challenging and

The new SBAWVC swearing-in by Installing Officer John Beatty (r.) effective service in the SBAWVC over the last five years. “I thank you for the splendid service you have rendered … you did it because of your innate spirit of service, your loyalty to our veterans community, and your affection for South Boston.”

New SBAWVC Commander Susan McDonough, with outgoing Commander Dave Falvey and Installing Officer John Beatty (r.).

John then spoke to newly installed Commander Susan McDonough, stating to her, “On a personal level, you are the right leader at the right time. You have shown a genuine love of our community during your time as Chief Marshal – a love that

I am sure will continue in your new role.” In her closing remarks, Susan responded by emphatically stating that in addition to the 2023 Parade, she’ll lead the SBAWVC in supporting all worthy veterans causes and activities in South Boston.

Newly sworn-in SBAWVC Commander Susan McDonough is congratulated by Tom Lyons and John Beatty.

Rep. Biele Supports Passage of Behavioral Health Legislation


tate Representative David Biele joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives to pass comprehensive legislation addressing longstanding issues with the behavioral health care delivery system. The bill focuses on acute psychiatric care and crisis response, youth behavioral health initiatives, community-based behavioral health services, investments in the workforce, and enforcement of existing behavioral health parity laws.

Highlights of the bill include initiatives to address emergency department boarding, such as: Creating online portals that provide access to real-time data on youth and adults seeking mental health and substance use services, including a function that allows health care providers to easily search and find open beds; Requiring the Health Policy Commission (HPC) to prepare and publish a report every three years on the status of pediatric behavioral health; and Codifying an expedited psychiatric inpatient admissions (EPIA) advisory council to reduce hospital emergency department boarding, including a protocol to expedite placement into appropriate care settings for patients under the age of 18. “Mental health and behavioral health are essential,” said Rep. Biele. “This legislation will help increase access to quality behavioral and mental health services by expanding coverage and eliminating obstacles to quality care.”

This legislation seeks to increase behavioral health care access across the Commonwealth through the implementation of the nationwide 988 hotline to access 24/7 suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis services. This legislation also expands 911 to bridge the gap until 988 is implemented by increasing training, funding, and capacity for regional emergency responses to behavioral health crises. This bill tackles disparities in mental health and other forms of health care by giving the state additional tools to enforce existing parity laws, such as: Requiring licensed mental health professionals to be available during all operating hours of an emergency department (including via telehealth). Directing DMH to create a comprehensive plan to address access to continuing care beds, intensive residential treatment programs, and community-based programs for patients awaiting discharge from acute psychiatric hospital units.

This legislation requires expands insurance coverage of critical behavioral health services, including: Emergency service programs; Services provided under psychiatric collaborative care models; Mental health acute treatment, community-based acute treatment, and intensive community-based acute treatment without prior authorization; and Annual mental health wellness exams. The legislation “An Act addressing barriers to care for mental health” (H.4879) passed the House of Representatives 155-0 after a similar version of this legislation passed in the Massachusetts State Senate. The legislation moves back to the Senate for further consideration.


Soccer women h is net s, ba l ls, a nd other equipment, he didn’t feel comfor table giving t hem t he league name, so they are calling it the South Boston Soccer League. “Sout h Boston Yo u t h Soccer has been a thing as long a s I’ve been a live,” Ca it ly n sa id. “I’ve been involved in it since I wa s 4 yea rs old.” Caitlyn was involved f irst as a player, then a coach, then as an overall helper. She jokes that Baker was like her grumpy grandpa. “He wants you to do your best, but he’s so serious about it.” So when spring signup time came around this year, Caitlyn reached out to Ba ker of fering her help. Baker, who had run the league continuously for 35 years, told her he was stepping down. “I was rea lly heartbroken. This is something I did my whole life a nd now it’s no longer a thing,” Caitlyn said. “So I was like, ‘I’ll take it over then. I’ll get a couple of friends … and we’re going to rejuvenate the league.’ A nd he was like, ‘OK, that’s great.’ ” All four women had played in the league and immediately jumped on board. They formed a nonprofit and registered with Mass Youth Soccer. Each woman has a full-time job (and Caitlyn also has a parttime job at the Ollie), but they set aside time to work on the league because it’s a priority for them. Having a league like this is incredibly important, Caitlyn said. “I never thought of myself as an athlete, but now looking back I was always playing sports. I think more than anything, it’s for the fun of it. I played soccer in high school, and it was rea lly competitive. And I was like, ‘Oh my, this is fairly intense.’ And then on the weekends, I would play Southie soccer with my friends and I’m like, this is just like us, hanging out and having fun and doing something constr uctive w it h ou r time.” She wants today’s youth to look back on their childhoods a nd remember t he time t hey

played a game under the lights, or played in the rain … “those core memories that I hope we all have from our childhoods.” W hile t he orga nizers a re changing the league name, they plan to follow the league’s timeline for everything else, such as the game schedules, the parade, the ba nquet. “He’s had the sa me schedule since I’ve been alive,” Caitlyn said. “It’s very routine.” Because the equipment is prett y old, the foursome ha s ra ised f unds for seed money. They ran a squares fundraiser a nd had a n in-person e vent Frid ay at t he Seapoint a nd have met their goal of $2,000. T heir next steps include r e a c h i n g out to s p on s or s , getting signups online (Ba ker was famous for his old-school ways), ta k ing inventor y, a nd ordering gea r a nd equipment. “It’s a lot to undertake, but we are really excited,” Caitlyn said. “We’re really in a good spot for having come up with this in the last two months,” Caitlyn said. When Baker retired, he laid such a good foundation and introduced Caitlyn to his connections. And Mass Youth Soccer has been really great, as well. “ We ’ve h a d a lot of help from a lot of dif ferent people just to get t his fa r.” T he g roup wou ld l i k e to see 30 0 - 40 0 k ids in t he following age groups: under 4, under 6, under 8, under 10, and possibly under 12, 14, and 16. South Boston Soccer League will be meeting with City Kids, a league that was created during the pandemic, to work together. “ We don’t wa nt to be competitors. We wa nt to be s upp or t ive of e a c h ot her,” Caitlyn said. “Our goal is for k ids to have soccer and have fun. And however we can work together, that’s what we’ll do.” To get involved with South Boston Soccer League as a coach, volunteer, or sponsor, email the board at southbostonsoccerleague@ Follow the league on Instagram @ southbostonsoccerleague



Granddaughters Visit South Boston

The writer has three granddaughters - Emma, Elle, and Eve Winterson - who live in England and are visiting. They are sitting across from me during dinner in a South Boston restaurant, Legal Sea Food Waterfront at 270 Northern Avenue. All three have begun promising careers – Emma (l.) is completing her M.D. internships in the U.K.; Elle has accepted a new PR job in New York City; Eve (r.) is studying to become a City of London Auditor. They were great company and the seafood was excellent.

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Look who's cooking! Julia Kotlinska

Julia Kotlinska By Carol Masshardt


t one of the busiest four corner intersections in South Boston rests the lovely and peaceful coffee shop, Esthetic Bean. In a community loved by those from many generations to newcomers, Julia Kotlinska joined the ranks when she moved to Boston and then bought her special spot at 16 Prebble St. in September 2021. “I came from my home country of Ukraine eight years ago and lived in Key West, Florida, but I knew when I visited Boston that I had to be here. I loved it from the first moment. There is old architecture and history but also new. I like the weather, and the people have been especially great,” she said.

The small space is f illed with carefully arranged teas, specialized coffees, attentively constructed sandwiches, soft music, and f lowers with a few seats by the window and tables outside with a decidedly urban view. It transcends the interior design found in many coffee shops and seems to ref lect Julia’s special vision and experience. “In Uk raine we have a house in a village, where my parents are staying now, in the western part of the countr y near Poland. It has a garden, and my mother loves it there. It’s a Ukrainian thing-we love f lowers! When the war started, my customers knew I loved f lowers, and sent sunf lowers and cookies, and others asked how they could help,” she said. Julia Kotlinska, 36, had a successful life in Ukraine, graduating from K hmelnitsky E c onom ic s Un iversit y a nd proceeding to teach marketing. She learned English in school a nd m a na ge s to t r aver se b ot h of he r c ou nt r ie s . “Ukraine is a nice, modern countr y with excellent food, art, and people. It is twelve centuries old, and the history is every where. I am proud to be a Ukrainian,” she said. In the past three months, her life

has changed, and she wakes up in the middle of the night plagued by images of a place and people to whom she is deeply rooted. “It is lost time for me and other Ukrainians, but my family is alive at least,” she said. Kind and focused, she has an extraordinary ability to cherish her everyday experiences while processing a devastating sit u at ion i n t he c ou nt r y where her family still lives. In addition to starting a business in a transitional area during a persistent pandemic, she admits it has not always been easy. “The winter was tough, and in spring an umbrella from outside was stolen and trash put in the planters, but really, everyone is amazing,” she said. “I love my customers. Many live right here, and I know their dogs and stories, and they are kind and supportive. I put love into this, and I get so much back.

I am extremely happy here.” Wit h he r b oy f r i e nd , Henriquez, she spends time when not at work attending Ukrainian events and trying to sustain an enduring attitude of calm and gratitude. She also imagines, someday, a bigger space, and thinks about colors and, of course, f lowers and food selections and the best of coffee. In June 2022, there seem to be tears behind Julia Kotlinska’s spark ling eyes but never a loss of determination. She is a special woman who delights in de voted cu stomers a nd fresh coffee and treats at this no-longer forgotten intersection.

(Julia welcomes a hello at 16 Preble St; and has suggestions for support of Ukraine if asked. Carol Masshardt can be reached at carolhardt@




SPOKE: Crossing the Threshold by Rick Winterson


POKE’s “Crossing the Threshold” Reception last Thursday evening was a fundraising event to support its mission – a mission that can be briefly summarized in the identity sentence: SPOKE means “Art as Threshold”. But first, a small amount of history: SPOKE’s name recently replaced “Medicine Wheel”, which had once been the name of the 30-year-old group founded by Michael Dowling in 1992. Since then, Michael’s group has used art to heal, transform, and meet the urgent challenges of our “21st Century time”. The word SPOKE signifies the struts that hold wheels together in a perfect circle – in this metaphor, each and every one of us is a “SPOKE” in the wheel of existence. The name SPOKE also stands for speaking out, and then meeting goals and completing projects. The unique acre of parkland behind the High School once called “No Man’s Land” and the “Hand in Hand” program with the Boston Police Department

Michael Dowling, mother, Mary.



Rohit Chandra, SPOKE’s Board Chair, opens the presentation.

are just two examples of what SPOKE has accomplished over the years. And recently, SPOKE found a new home for their rapidly growing activities. It’s the headquarters and maintenance building on West Ninth Street in Old Colony (now called the Anne M. Lynch Homes). The building is structurally sound and is a perfect place for the Center to become a creative resource for our entire community. But fundraising, including that raised by the Threshold Reception, is needed to upgrade and create the SPOKE Cultural Center. Entertainment at last Thursday’s Threshold Reception included music by the Sunset Kings trio – vocals, keyboard, and violin – interspersed with saxophone solos by Charles Murrell. The Kairos Dance Theater performed an original modern dance sequence. Refreshments called Sips & Savories came from Above & Beyond Catering. Dr. Rohit Chandra, Chair of the SPOKE Board, opened the evening’s program. L’Merchie Frazier, who just became SPOKE’s Executive Director, referred to this event as

being the threshold for the next 30 years of SPOKE’s service as a true institution, especially through the use and application of art. A remarkable video about SPOKE created by Indresano Studios of South Boston was presented. SPOKE’s Founder and Artistic Director Michael Dowling talked about the “Threshold to the Community”, and proceeded to honor Barbara Krakow, a fine arts gallerist in Boston (the Krakow Witkin Gallery). She had been an early responder to

Libbie Shufro, Barbara Krakow and L’Merchie Frazier.

A rendering of the proposed SPOKE Cultural Center’s exterior.

the AIDS crisis, as well as a thought leader in the fine arts world. In her acceptance remarks, Krakow made a couple of points – “There can be no art without a viewer.”, and she simply stated, “Listen!” The swiftly coordinated evening program ended with an original poem entitled “SPOKE” by Letta Neely and remarks by Keith Marion on the topic “We Are All SPOKEs”. A “Sweet Endings” dessert by Above & Beyond Catering followed.

Donna Brown and Chris Mayer

Richard Dinsmore – SPOKE’s Director of Operations.




Boston Garden

Kathy Provenzano’s Instincts Create Beautiful Front Yard

Kathy Provenzano By Ginger DeShaney


athy Provenzano says she’s no expert when it comes to gardening, but anyone walking by 105-107 Marine Road would beg to differ. The front yard is an explosion

of yellow with some pink and purple. It’s just gorgeous. There are also garden embellishments such as a lighthouse, bird bath, and rock sculptures. “I enjoy [gardening],” Kathy said. “I wish I knew more about it. It is what it is, I enjoy what I have.” And so does the neighborhood. Kathy doesn’t remember all the things she’s planted from way back when, but the evening primrose came from her friend’s husband’s mother and Kathy spread them around. “I’m just playing around out here,” said Kathy, who lives in a house owned by her son Gino. “It’s not much of a garden. I just like to be out. It’s an excuse to be out here. “I always wished that I had gone to a real garden place that gives you information.” But her gut instincts

make her garden a must-see. She has tried different things over the years and some have worked and others have not. She recalled one time she went to Home Depot and bought a little Christmas tree. She planted the tree in the front yard and it looked great for a few years. “Well, it grew and grew and it had to be taken out. This is the stuff I’ve done.” She’s got a creeping phlox issue right now in a tough corner of the garden. “I’m looking at him like, you’re not creeping anywhere,” she laughed, noting she’ll be looking to replace it. And she’s had no luck with window boxes. But she’ll keep trying things until they work. Kathy will be 79 years old in a couple of weeks and is legally blind. Her eyesight continues to get worse. “I can’t do a lot of

things anymore,” she said. “I can see 2 feet in front of me.” Gardening is the perfect activity for her. “I find it peaceful. I’ll take my book on tape with me and listen to my stories.” Her next-door neighbors come out in the morning, too, and they chat. Kathy was born in South Boston and has been here ever since. Her family is all nearby, which is so important to her. “It’s nice,” she said. “We always had family around. Her favorite color? Despite the garden being predominantly yellow, she likes pink and blue. Her favorite f lower? “The evening primrose,” she said. “Everybody comments on them. They start popping in June one at a time, then they just bloom and when they are open, they’re absolutely beautiful.”




Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Fatima Rodrigues from Elderly Protective Services dropped by the cookout.

by Rick Winterson


he full name of the observance is “Elder Abuse Awareness Day”, a Day that occurred last week on Wednesday, June 15. And its name is self-explanatory – there are far, far too many incidents of elderly folks being abused, including mental abuse, cheating older people

out of their possessions and their funds, and believe it or not, frequent physical abuse of older people. Another name for that is “torture”. Awareness Day helps the elderly realize there are agencies they can turn to whenever necessary. And there’s a cheerful, enjoyable way to become more aware of remedies for elderly abuse. In fact, it’s a way that also happens to be nourishing – very nourishing. Simply hold a festive cookout in observance of Elder Abuse Awareness Day. And this is exactly what South Boston Elderly Housing at 120 H Street did. South Boston Elderly Housing is one of the locally safe and caring residential communities created by EHDOC (Elderly Housing Development & Operations Corporation). On H Street, they have provided 50 affordable apartments specifically designed for senior adults. And they even have off-street parking.

Our elderly enjoy an Awareness Day cookout at 120 H.

In charge of Elder Abuse Awareness Day observances – Judy Reilly Dollosa.

The Awareness Day cookout crew: Tom, Julio, Lisa, Jose, and Joe. And they hold an Awareness Day cookout every year in June (except during the last two pandemic years). As usual, Judy Reilly Dollosa was in charge of the 2022 cookout. She asked us to mention how much Tracy Campbell had done on the cookout, because Tracy took the day off to see about a medical issue. Hot dogs, burgers, sausages, and all the trimmins’ were prepared by a hardworking quintet of Tom, Julio, Lisa, Jose, and Joe. A tent created some

shade on a really warm day. Fatima Rodrigues from Boston’s Elderly Protective Services Program was a welcome guest. Perhaps as many as 40 or 50 people feasted; everyone seemed to have (very) hearty appetites. Certainly, everyone there had a great, good time. Background “period music” from Pandora included original rock and roll still tinged with rhythm and blues. Will you ever, ever return, Buddy Holly and Big Bopper?



Career Paths Teens Learn about Different Professions at Boys & Girls Club Event By Ginger DeShaney


eens at the Edgerley Fa mily South Boston Boys & Girls Club learned about careers from professionals in the neighborhood Wednesday evening during Career Night. It was the Club’s f irst Career Night since COVID-19. A c c or d i n g to Pa t t ie McCormick, Associate Director of Development at the Club, kids were polled on what they would

like to hear about. The following professions were represented: accounting, urban planning, hospitality, nursing, photography, law enforcement, and fashion. “We want to let them know what’s out there,” she said, “and spark interest.” The kids were engaged throughout the night, asking great questions and listening intently. Two of the presenters – R N Cailin O’Dw yer and Off icer Ryan Kelly – were former Club kids themselves! When the Club reached out to the professionals, they jumped at the chance to be involved with the event and inspire the teens.


The following professionals were on hand for the event: Accounting: Brett Lazar, President, and Jessica Blackerby, Vice President and Controller, of Core Investments. Boston Planning and Development Agency: Mark McGonagle, Community Engagement Manager, and Naoise McDonnell, Planner and Language Access Coordinator. Fashion: Pelenge Doiley, Designer. Hospitality: Lambert Givens, Executive Chef at Hunter’s Kitchen. Nursing: Cailin O’Dwyer, Registered Nurse at Boston Children’s Hospital. Photography: Tracy King, Photographer and owner of Unique Photography. Law enforcement: Officer Ryan Kelly at C-11 and Community Service Officer Ayesha Lawton at C-6.

Tracy King, Photographer and owner of Unique Photography.

Boston Planning and Development Agency

Brett Lazar and Jessica Blackerby Core Investments.

Officers Ryan Kelly and Ayesha Lawton.

Lambert Givens, Executive Chef at Hunter’s Kitchen.



Career Paths (continued)

Pelenge Doiley, Designer.

Cailin O’Dwyer, RN at Boston Children’s Hospital.

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SBCA End of the Year Highlights


he students of SBCA have had quite a year filled with exceptional learning from their teachers and doing a great job on their classroom projects and activities. The 6th Graders did an outstanding job making their 3D Utopian World. This class project gave the students a chance to use their math skills, as well as their creativity and imagination. Students also participated in the school Masses, making cards acknowledging those in our community and so much more. This

year we, also, welcomed the opening of our new Early Childhood Center. The children loved having their parents and grandparents come to visit their classrooms, as well as, participating in The Art and Spring Shows, going to the Public Library and school Book Fairs, welcoming Mr. John, from the Expanding Horizons Through Music Program, going on special field trips to the Zoo and Aquarium, participating in our field days, the kickball tournament and having classroom pizza parties. The

K1 and K2 students had a chance to release their butterflies into the world, the 6th Graders had a fun time at the Tree Top Adventures in Canton and the weather was just beautiful for the 1st Graders to enjoy their Teddy Bear Picnic. A Special Thank You to our Principal, Dr. Civian, our Pastor Father Casey and our Vice Principal, Mrs. Moriarty. A BIG THANK to all our wonderful students, parents, families, friends, teachers and staff at SBCA and to everyone

who helped to make this another outstanding school year possible! Here are some photos highlighting the end of another amazing school year here at South Boston Catholic Academy. We are marking the end of the 2021-2022 school year and looking forward to the new 20222023 school year starting in September! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: admissions@ for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.







Strong Start for Southie Sr Babe Ruth By: Billy Connor


he South Boston Sr Babe Ruth team began the 2022 campaign with a home game on Wednesday June 8th as the local nine welcomed South Shore League newcomer Brockton to Fitzgerald Field at Moakley Park. Brockton jumped to a quick 2-0 lead in the top of the first inning with combination of hits and walks as Southie starting pitcher Bobby Delaney shook off the rust from the off season before settling in. Delaney (6 K’s) went on to strike out the side in the first inning to get out of a bases loaded jam. The Southie offense took advantage of several walks by the Brockton starting pitcher in the bottom of the first inning and with the help of RBI singles by Jerry O’Neil and Terry Markos, it was 5-2 South Boston after one. Delaney would help his cause in the 2nd inning by hitting into a fielder’s choice to drive in another run. A Brockton error allowed Jerry O’Neil to reach base again on a great hustle play that allowed Joey Macomber to come around and score Southie’s seventh run of the game. Brockton

added a single run in the top of the 4th inning and then two more in the 5th inning to threaten a comeback but Bobby Delaney would shut them down from there to earn the complete game victory. Game two was on the road at Bishop Field in Quincy for a date with another league newcomer, the Wollaston Blue team. The game appeared to have all the makings of a blowout early on as Southie stormed out to a 7-1 lead after just two innings. After adding another run in the top of the 4th, things were looking great until the bottom half proved to be “one of those innings”. Paced by a combination of walks, fielding errors, and timely hits, the Wollaston Blue offense exploded for a 12-run rally that left the visitors stunned with no answer as to what had taken place. It was a true “Murphy’s Law” type of inning in which everything that could have gone wrong, did. Southie would add one run in the top of the 5th inning but were stymied the rest of the way as Wollaston walked away 13-9 winners on the night. Joe Hamilton and Joey Macomber had multihit games, and Delaney, James Buzzell, Lydon McGarrell, Evan Markos, and rookie Ryan Shields

also added hits in the 13-9 loss. Looking to get back in the win column, the team took a trip down Route 24 to the City of Champions for a rematch with Brockton. Jerry O’Neil took the mound for Southie in his first start of the season and did not disappoint. O’Neil was on cruise control pitching a 7-inning complete game while scattering 5 hits and punching out 12 Brockton batters in the process. The Southie offense was driven by two separate 5 run inning in the 2nd and 7th innings that helped Southie pull away to earn a 14-5 victory. Jake Harrison (3 Hits 3 RBI’s) and Joe Hamilton (2 Hits 3 RBI’s) were the offensive stars of the game. Lydon McGarrell, Terry Markos, and Finbar Kyne had multi-hit games while Brian Miller and O’Neil also had one hit apiece. Southie then hosted Braintree at Moakley Park on June 16th in the fourth game of the season. Bobby Delaney was back on the mound and found himself down 2-0 right out of the gate as a double by the Braintree five hitter plated

two runs. A Braintree throwing error and a pair of walks helped sparked a South Boston rally in the 2nd inning as Andy Nova took one for the team and James Buzzell hit a sacrifice fly two tie things at two. More wild pitching by the Braintree starter led to a third run being walked in giving Southie a 3-2 lead. Things stayed that way until Southie scored two more runs in the bottom half of the 4th inning thanks to a Buzzell RBI single and a run scoring error by the Braintree second baseman. Braintree made things interesting in the 6th and final inning as they scored one run and had the game tying runs at second and third base but Bobby Delaney ended the threat with his 9th strikeout of the game to improve his record to 2-0 on the year. The team will have upcoming home games on Wednesday, June 22 nd vs Norwood and Tuesday June 28th vs Wollaston Black, both games will be 6pm starts. Please come on down and check out some great baseball.




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Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court







Janice Andrews

RESPONDENT Incapacitated Person/Protected Person

Of: DORCHESTER, MA To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Elizabeth Baum, Esq.

Suffolk Probate and Family Court

ofWaban, MA

24 New Chardon Street Boston MA, 02114

in the above captioned matter requesting that the court:

D Accept the Resignation of the D Remove the D Guardian [8] Terminate the

D Guardian and/or D Conservator of the Respondent D Conservator of the Respondent [8] Guardianship and/or D Conservatorship and/or

The petition asks the, court to make a determination that the Guardian and/or Conservator should be allowed to resign; or should be removed for good cause; or that the Guardianship and/or Conservatorship is no longer necessary and therefore should be terminated. The original petition is on file with the court. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 AM. on the return date of 07/28/2022 . This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance, you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named pe on's ri ht to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to as or a r. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford"l"" 0•111•• -., on may be appointed at State expense.

WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn, First Justice of this Court.

June 15, 2022



It is ORDERED that a copy of this citation be: Served, with a copy of the petition, in hand to Janice Andrews Fourteen (14) by a disinterested person at least days prior to the return date; or if applicable to G.L. c. 190B, §5-405, by leaving a copy of the petition and citation at the respondent's last and usual place of abode; and Served on the Department of Developmental Services and/or the United States Department of Veteran's Affairs, if interested, Fourteen (14) days prior to the return date by delivering in hand or by andserved on all other interested persons at least mailing by certified, registered, or first-class mail as described in G.L. c. 1908, §§1-401, 5-304, 5-405, as applicable; or by South Boston On Line South Boston , publication to be at least publishing a copy of the citation once in (Newspaper) Seven (7) days prior to the return date. See Standing Order 3-09 On Sufficiency of Proof of WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn, First Justice of this Court.

June 15, 2022


• Register your drone before your first flight • Comply with Remote ID rules • Keep your drone in sight at all times and fly lower than 400 feet • Flying drones in controlled airspace, around and above airports, is prohibited without prior FAA approval • Never fly drones near any aircraft • Violators will be subject to penalties for breaking the law

DON’T BREAK THE LAW Scan the QR code for the most up-to-date rules from the FAA.

MPC 502 (8/28/18)

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