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The Curley Center Opens

Boston public had been (mostly) patient for more than an extra year-and-a-half, this introductory tour was quite the event. The renovated Curley Community Center cost more than $30 million ($30,000,000) and it’s really a fine-looking facility throughout.

Andrew Station Deteriorating

Boston Centers for Youth & Families (the BCYF) Curley Community Center is now opening. South Boston Online took part in the very first guided tour of the Center on Friday. After the South

One of the most notable architectural features in the renovated Center is the corridor that connects the sections of the new Curley Center together – east at M, central at L, west at K. The continuous, windowed corridor is a full one-quarter mile long; it provides ready access to every one of the Curley’s facilities. On a rainy day, the Center’s patrons can now enjoy a bone-dry, indoor walk from the K Street entrance all the way to M Street and back. All of the various rooms are easy to get to via a few minutes’ walk along this corridor. Each of the three main entrances/exits – K, L, and M – can be used and their appearances, the “Curley look”,

For many years, Andrew Station has been deteriorating. It is a very busy station anyhow, with the Red Line and many bus lines going through it. In addition, lack of care, clean-up, and preventive maintenance have severely damaged it – the Station is nearing a point of no return.

At certain points and at some times, the Station is a hazard. Yesterday, Lydia Polaski of ASCA (the Andrew Square Civic Association) led a tour she organized to show how critical the condition of Andrew Station has become. It has gone from unsightly to outright dangerous in certain areas. Accompanying Lydia were Pattie McCormick and Linda Zablocki from

Continued on Page 3

on Page 2 *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 6/1/23. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. Subject to membership eligibility, see our website for details. IT’S TIME FOR A ROSIER OUTLOOK!
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Councilor Murphy, and Representative Stephen Lynch trying out the new equiptment

Continued from Page 1

Curley Opens

have been carefully preserved. You’ll notice that the almost all the facilities and function rooms are open and accessible equally to both men and women, except of course for locker rooms and bathrooms. This sharing is intentional and makes for equality throughout the Curley Center. Additional activities in the newly opened Center include a Dance Room and several Multi-Purpose Rooms of various sizes. There are many areas that exist simply to encourage informal get-togethers for conversation and relaxation.

Some of the announcements about reopening the Curley Community Center have used the word “limited”. While it’s true that the facilities and services will be phased in gradually during June (the gyms on Thursday, June 15; classes on Tuesday, June 20), most of the Curley’s “limitation” has to do with its closed beaches. And the closed beaches are entirely due to the piping plovers nesting there. This hasn’t been unusual –beaches around Nahant are now restricted, and two acre-sized sections of Wollaston Beach are closed to the public. We can only point out once again that piping

plovers have been declared as “threatened” by environmental authorities. There are probably less than a thousand breeding pairs left in the entire U.S.A., even though they are coming back slowly. The nesting season for piping plovers goes into July, after which most of them migrate. Perhaps we’ll be able to enjoy the Curley Center’s beaches once again before Labor Day arrives. In the meantime, we can do Mother Nature a favor by helping to preserve one of her avian species – Charadrius melodus, the Piping Plover. Memberships in the Center are free until Autumn. The fees

for membership in the fall have not yet been determined, but you’ll be informed of them later this summer. As mentioned, the gyms are opening today, June 15, as you are reading this. However, “creating a membership” is required first. Do that at the Center itself, or more conveniently, do it at After that, registration for classes and programming can be done at If you have questions, you may phone BCYF at 617635-4920. Formal ribboncutting at the Curley Community Center will take place soon.


ASCA, police officials from the Transit Police and BPD Station C-6, State Rep. David Biele, Lisa from Councilor Erin Murphy’s office, South Boston Online, as well as approximately 40 other concerned people.

Please examine the accompanying photos carefully. They depict a public service and its structure in very bad shape. We will attempt to list major problems that give a feeling of how bad conditions are there.

The lower levels of the Station structure experience a lot of leaks in bad weather. Stairwell ceilings are falling apart in many areas. We hear that problem was once even worse; it is still quite bad now. And the leakage drops on stairs and benches, making them nearly unusable and occasionally outright dangerous. Extensive corrosion is evident.

Birds, especially pigeons, infest the upper level of Andrew Station, creating huge areas

where their droppings collect. The overhead bird screens need to be entirely renewed – pigeons now use them to perch and nest. The screens right under the new Andrew Station lights were left ripped open after their installation. Extremely poor workmanship!

Yesterday’s Andrew Station walk found that all elevators were working. However, one elevator sign wrongly read “OUT OF SERVICE” – the elevator actually worked just fine! And an UP escalator has been

down for weeks. At times, both UP escalators are out of service. The overall trashy look and poor housekeeping are everywhere. The Station is often a “home” to the homeless. Everyone on the walk was aware that many hangers-on at Andrew Station are users and addicts. They need help, which apparently isn’t being made available to them. So we should all ask, “What’s next for Andrew Station?” And then insist upon an answer.

Continued from Page 1 Andrew Square The Andrew Station walkers gather (20 or so). A homeless “morning after” in Andrew Station. Ceiling gaps let water drop onto stairs to platforms. Intense corrosion by the ascending escalators. Weeks-long escalator shutdowns are common. Typical trash accumulation on the Station’s street level. A homeless “morning after” in Andrew Station.

It takes a special kind of person to go back to earn a high school degree several years after attending school, and twenty-five-year-old Shaun Noonan is one. He earned his high school equivalency degree (G.E.D) on April 28, 2023!

The only child of Maryann Noonan, Shaun has lived in South Boston all of his life, and it is in this community where he achieved his goals and looks toward a promising future.

“I went to the Neighborhood House since I was a kid, and then started working there at 15, and that’s where I work now,” he said. “They are the reason I got the

South Boston Graduate: Shaun Noonan

degree. They said, you need to do this, and I did. Kathy Lafferty called Julie’s Family Learning and that was the connection I needed. The staff there was amazing. I got the support to take a review course, took the test, and graduated,” he said.

He now is planning on working with computers, possibly robotics, and kids. He seems excited and intent on continuing to work hard. He also loves sports and describes himself as someone always interested in learning and with an ability to self-teach.

“I went to Murphy and then to Boston Collegiate. I had a lot of anxiety that kept me out of school, and lost pace. My grades weren’t too bad, but I wasn’t equipped to handle the expectations. I missed too many days,” he said.

Shaun doesn’t blame anyone and, in fact, is quick to note all of the people who have been helpful to him, and that includes his

St. Sebastian’s Graduates

2 students from South Boston

Local South Boston graduate includes: John P. Hamilton, who will attend Providence College Caspar T. Touloukian, who will attend University of Michigan

mother, mentors at the SBNH and Julie’s. In addition, his friends.

“My friend Gannon showed up at my graduation and my girlfriend, Samantha, pushes me. She was the first one I called when I passed the test,” he said.

“Leaving school took the weight off me, and the job at the neighborhood house allowed me to become a real participant in society,” he said. “I’m dyslectic and it takes me a long time to read. To an extent, I can overcome it, but I tell the kids at the neighborhood house when I read to them that I make mistakes. Maybe it can help them in a way if they have issues,” he said.

Shaun Noonan is articulate, focused, and aware of the joys and sadness life can hold.

Though not easy for a young adult any parent could be proud to know, he is coming to terms with the richness and complexities of adult life.

“I’m learning to get out of my own way, I can be head strong, but now I know I have to do certain things to keep moving. I can keep depression and anxiety at bay, and I love working with kids. I never saw it as a real job but the something clicked, “he said with a characteristic smile and directness.

He views South Boston

as his home, and also realizes the paradox of a changing place. Improving in many ways, he wonders about the affordability of the long term, as do most new graduates. “And, parking,” he said in a way that doesn’t need more explanation.

Shaun has a goal to go to France, which would have been his senior trip years ago. “My cousin graduates next year, and I would like to go with her,” he said.

The journey of this graduate may have been challenging, but there are undoubtedly young children at the neighborhood house who look up to him and forward to seeing him. Their natural assessment, along with his team of adult supporters, realize how much he has to offer, and his strong commitment.

“I think my greatest value is loyalty,” he said. My mother worked at one job for twenty years and now the one she has for five. That’s where I get it. I’ve been at my job for five years,” he said.

Congratulations on your degree, Shaun. Your community is proud.

(If you know of others graduates you would like to see in this column, please contact )

Shaun Noonan From left to right: Caspar T. Touloukian, Headmaster William Burke, and John P. Hamilton

Statement from City Council President Ed Flynn on the FY24 Operating Budget Vote

Including cuts on: Boston Police Department, Boston Fire Department, Boston Transportation Department, Inspectional Services Department, Public Works Department, Veterans Services

Massport will host a hybrid information session (in-person and virtually) to provide an overview of the topics that will be included in the upcoming 2022 Boston Logan International Airport ESPR. These topics include: ground transportation, activity levels/ forecasting, aircraft noise, air quality, regional transportation, and airport planning. This information session will be streamed in English and Spanish.

The hybrid information session will take place: Monday, June 26, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. Cathy Leonard-McLean Community Room Logan Airport’s Rental Car Center* 15 Transportation Way East Boston, MA 02128

To access the meeting link and for more information, please visit: environmental-reports/

*Limited parking is available at the front parking lot of the Rental Car Center; Access also available via the MBTA Blue Line Airport Station and Massport bus.

Additional languages for the Public Information Session on the 2022 Boston Logan International Airport Environmental Status and Planning Report will be available upon request; requests for additional languages are due by Thursday, June 22, 2023. For more information or to request translation services please contact

As Boston City Councilors, one of the most important responsibilities that we have is to review, amend, and approve a fiscally responsible budget that delivers services, provides resources, and makes critical investments that move our city forward. This means that we need to ensure city departments that keep our city safe, healthy, and running have the budget they need to operate and serve our constituents.

The amended operating budget today included deep and painful cuts to city departments that provide critical services to our residents, including to the Boston Police Department, Boston Fire Department, Boston Transportation Department, Inspectional Services Department, Public Works Department, Veterans Services, and many others. These are the departments that provide direct services to our neighbors, their employees and resources that are integral to the functioning of our city. I could not vote for a budget that included these significant budget cuts for many city departments.

I look forward to continuing working with Mayor Wu and my colleagues on this budget process.

Pueden solicitarse servicios de interpretación en otros idiomas para la sesión informativa pública sobre el Informe de Estado Medioambiental y Planificación del Aeropuerto Internacional de Boston Logan; las solicitudes de otros idiomas deben enviarse antes del jueves 22 de junio de 2023. Para obtener más información o para solicitar servicios de interpretación, escriba a

Lang adisyonèl pou Sesyon Enfòmasyon Piblik sou Planifikasyon ak Rapò Sitiyasyon Anviwònman Ayewopò Entènasyonal Boston Logan pou ane 2022 a ap disponib sou demann, ou dwe fè demann pou lòt lang yo anvan jedi 22 jen 2023. Pou plis enfòmasyon oswa pou mande sèvis tradiksyon, tanpri, kontakte

Outros idiomas para a Sessão de Informação ao Publico sobre o Relatório do Planejamento e Situação Ambiental de 2022 do Aeroporto Internacional de Logan em Boston serão disponibilizados mediante solicitação. O prazo para o pedido de idiomas adicionais terminará na quinta-feira, dia 22 de junho de 2023. Para obter mais informações ou solicitar serviços de tradução, contate

Tiếng Việt Các ngôn ngữ thêm cho Phiên Thông Tin Công Cộng về Tường Trình Hoạch Định và Trạng Thái Môi Trường của Phi Trường Quốc Tế Boston Logan năm 2022 sẽ có sẵn theo yêu cầu; yêu cầu thêm ngôn ngữ phải có trước Thứ Năm, ngày 22 tháng 6 năm 2023. Để biết thêm thông tin hoặc để yêu cầu dịch vụ dịch thuật, hãy liên hệ

سيتم توفير لغات إضافية للجلسة التعريفية العامة بشأن تقرير الوضع البيئي والتخطيط لمطار بوسطن لوغان الدولي لعام 2022 عند الطلب؛ وينبغي تقديم طلبات الترجمة إلى اللغات الإضافية بحلول يوم الخميس 22 يونيو 2023. للاطلاع على مزيد من المعلومات أو لطلب خدمات الترجمة، يرجى الاتصال بـ

Alison Schirone Joins the South Boston Team at Mass Bay Credit Union

The Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer of Mass Bay Credit Union (MBCU) are pleased to announcethe appointment of Alison Schirone to Vice President of Marketing & Business Development. In this role, Alison is responsible for shaping the strategic marketing direction, overseeing the marketing department, and engaging with members and community leaders to grow the Credit Union’s business.

“We consider ourselves fortunate to have Alison Schirone on board with us at Mass Bay Credit Union. Alison’s extensive experience in financial services, marketing communications, as well as her entrepreneurial spirit

is a perfect fit for the Credit Union and our Community. Her team approach and mentoring ofemployees is an additional asset and bonus,” said Terry Dorilas, Chief Executive Officer.

Based in MBCU’s headquarters in South Boston, Alison Schirone has worked in marketing for community banks, IT project management, as a college instructor, and local business owner. With a varied business background, Alison participates as a member of the Senior Management Team.

Founded in 1936 as a credit union for MBTA employees, Mass Bay Credit Union has since expanded to include the local communities it serves. As a not-forprofitorganization, MBCU puts people, not institutional profit, at the forefront of its mission.

Paul J. Gannon PC

Final Meeting: Community Input Meeting, MCCA/BCEC Parcels

Athird and final meeting was held concerning the potential development of three parcels of land on D and E Streets, across from the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (the BCEC). These are owned by the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (the MCCA). Parcel A at 371 D is 2.6 acres; parcel B at 351 D is 1.7 acres; and parcel C at 410

E is 1.7 acres – a total of six acres. The meeting was opened by Arthur Fritch from the MCCA, and was then conducted by Brian Golden, who is a partner of Keegan Werlin LLP and their Chair of Real Estate Development. The common themes that arose from the two prior Community Input sessions included a list of potential benefits – accessible green space, traffic management (especially parking!), and crowding along Cypher Street. A grocery store was listed among possible community benefits. In response to a question about affordable housing, it was felt that was not likely to occur because of other needs and due to the neighborhood involved, which is mostly commercial. It is now time to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) from prospective developers that incorporate the community inputs. This will be issued on Monday, June 26; proposals from developers are due back within 90 days. After that, thoroughly analyzing these responses in terms of Article 80 will take well into 2024. And this project will involve a private concern developing public land.

Alison Schirone to Vice President of Marketing & Business Development Brian Golden Addresses Community Input Session
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Scholarship Trust Fund Announces New $5000 Scholarship in Memory of Ed Buccigross

The South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund announces its program for 2023. New this year, in addition to the nine $2,500 scholarships, will be one $5,000 Scholar/ Athlete scholarship named in honor of Ed Buccigross, the longtime trust fund founder who recently passed away. Ed was raised in South Boston and graduated from Boston Latin School and Boston College. He was a U.S. Army Korean War veteran. He was a fine athlete playing quarterback for the South Boston Chippewas, as well as baseball, softball, and hockey. He was very generous to his community and was instrumental in founding local scholarship programs to help others.

The scholarship fund was founded as a non-profit organization in 1995 and to date has awarded over $366,000 to deserving South Boston students attending college. The nine $2.500 scholarship grants are each funded by a variety of organizations and individuals including: Amazon, Massport, the “L” Street Brownies, Folan Waterproofing and Construction of Easton in memory of deceased members of the Folan family, South Boston Youth Hockey Association in memory of John Cunniff, Sona Nichols in memory of Bob Nichols, “Bucci-Challenge” LLC charity fund, Ed Sheehy in memory of Patricia and

Edward Sheehy, Michael Sheehy for the Heightsmen Scholarship in memory of Kevin Dwyer and the Hall of Fame Trust Fund in memory of Ed Buccigross. The academic grants are for those students who reside in South Boston (02127) and will graduate from high school in 2023 or have received a GED certificate since January 2023 and plan to attend a school of advanced education or training in 2023. The Ed Buccigross is the only scholarship in which the student needs to be a varsity athlete. Complete details of each program are described on the scholarship application, which may be picked up at schools, the South Boston Library, the Boys & Girls Club, or the Tynan, Condon or Curley Community Centers. You can also download a copy from our Facebook page, South Boston Sports Hall Of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund.

Applications must be received by June 30, 2023 and must be forwarded to: Fred Ahern, Chairman

South Boston Sports HOF Scholarship Trust Fund

P.O. Box 236 South Boston, MA 02127 or emailed to:

A Memento in Stone

There’s a silent stone memory set in the entryway to Joseph’s on the Southeast corner of K and Fourth, where Emerson angles across. It’s a well-deserved tribute

to a South Boston institution and the two marvelous people who created it, but it’s also sad. We can only add our praises and best wishes to the sentiments on the stone.

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West Broadway Neighborhood Association

Beautifies City with Banners

We all know that South Boston is a great place to live, work, dine, and play. Now, thanks to the efforts of the West Broadway Neighborhood Association (WBNA), anyone who passes through knows it, too.

An installation of 95 beautiful banners now adorn 65 city light poles throughout the West Broadway neighborhood, creating a lively and welcoming atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.

The banners showcase six stylized architectural graphic designs, featuring selected local landmarks, with the message, “Welcome to South

All Signs Point to South Boston

Boston -- A great place to live, work, dine, and play.”

This ambitious initiative aligns with two of the WBNA’s core missions: building a connected, inclusive, and engaged community, and continuous beautification. By actively engaging in projects that foster a sense of togetherness and elevate the aesthetic appeal of the neighborhood, the WBNA aims to cultivate a vibrant and thriving community for all its residents.

“We are grateful for all the community and City of Boston support during this process working though the necessary permitting and approvals, and graphic design focus groups to finally bring this project to fruition,” said Nancy Pongratz, a member of the WBNA Board of Directors.

South Boston Groups Receive $54,000 in Better Beaches Grants for a Safe and Fun Summer

This past Saturday, June 10th, 2023 Save the Harbor/Save the Bay awarded $54,250 to several South Boston organizations to fund free beach events as part of Save the Harbor’s Better Beaches program partnership with the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Some of this year’s South Boston grant recipients are Boston Centers for Youth, Soca Hikes, Caribbean American Carnival Association, The North American Indian Center, Stonewall Sports, and South Boston En Accion.

Events this year will include free movie nights, DJ sets, circus performances, bike rides, Asian, LatinAmerican, and Afro-Arabian cultural nights, physical and mental wellness workshops, beach parties for kids and teens, beach wheelchairs, mobility mats, and grants to organizations that promote racial justice, access for people with disabilities, language accessibility, public safety and swimming safety.

“It’s going to be a terrific summer, with more free events and programs than ever before,”

said Executive Director of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, Chris Mancini.

“Working with our program partners, we intend to highlight the racial and cultural diversity of our region and amplify our core messages of public safety, inclusion and fun. Above all, we want our beaches to be safe and healthy places for everyone to enjoy. Diverse and welcoming programming is a key piece of that effort.”

Funds to support the program came from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,

and the annual Harpoon Shamrock Splash, which was held on March 12 at Constitution Beach.

“DCR is committed to working with our partners like Save the Harbor/Save the Bay to ensure that our beautiful beaches are welcoming and inclusive places for residents of all abilities, races, incomes, and language capabilities,” said DCR Commissioner Brian Arrigo. “We are looking forward to another great summer of free events and programs for our families on our DCR beaches from Nahant to Nantasket.”

Some of the events scheduled by South Boston organizations this summer include:

June 25th: Master Fete Experience

July 7th: Family Game Night

July 22nd: Stonewall Sport Beach Party

Rep. David Biele and Save the Harbor Executive Director Chris Mancini joined Better Beaches grant recipients

MassPort’s Fish Pier “Boxes”

Last Thursday, Planet Earth observed and celebrated World Oceans Day. All around our globe, people gathered on beaches and shores to dance, join hands, and enjoy the bounteous oceans the world possesses. And not to be outdone, it was also the Opening Day of MassPort’s unique tribute to the Port of Boston and its harbor waters – a tribute they’ve entitled “BOXES”. And what do people do with BOXES? We open them, of course. A crowd of more than a hundred gathered to view the ribbon-cutting that formally opened BOXES. There was an audible buzz of anticipation because BOXES is one of those unique structures that are not only beautiful, but also are unforgettable. Promptly at 2 p.m., the opening program began, emceed by MassPort’s Asset Manager, Andrew Hargins. In brief, well-spoken remarks, the BOXES Project Manager Brendan McIntyre dedicated BOXES to people all around the Fish Pier. Fish Pier businessman Jared “Red” Auerbach told everyone to “Spread the word!” State Rep. David Biele thanked everyone who took part in creating BOXES. In a short private interview, MassPort CEO Lisa Wieland said later

on, “This is a grand reflection of the working Port of Boston.”

And at 2:30, the blue ribbon (what else?) was ceremoniously cut by a dozen scissors-wielding participants.

Part of the central structure of BOXES is a full-scale replica of the box trailer used by most American 18-wheelers; these are 40 feet by 8 feet by 10 feet tall. The yellow box trailer at BOXES is mounted on a steel stand with brightly painted panels having complete information about the Fish Pier, the Boston Waterfront, and local efforts in harvesting the Atlantic Ocean’s bounty. An enormous amount of credit for designing and constructing BOXES must go to builder/ welder Peter Taras, who attended the opening with his wife, Debbie. Peter was referred to the project by

a developer named Cannistraro.

In addition to Peter’s critical skills, the final decorative painting was done by artists from South Boston’s own Artists for Humanity located at A Street and Second. When you visit BOXES, be sure to bring your children. The detailed information available on the panels would be an excellent source of facts and figures about the Fish Pier and Boston Harbor that young students can use for writing school papers. For example, everyone knows that a bunch of fish is called a “school”. But did you know that a group of shrimp is called a “troupe” and a group of lobsters is called a “risk”? And be sure to take a look at the panel comparing the size of those huge container ships to Boston’s fishing boats. And that isn’t the only

attraction of BOXES. Every Thursday afternoon from 3 until 6 p.m., vendors of fish, seafood, and even tasty treats for your dog or cat will open pop-up shops where you can buy Fish Pier products at convenient locations next to BOXES. Except for Fourth of July week, these shops will be open the next 11 Thursdays until Labor Day. Bring your kids; make a day of it. The delightful setting of BOXES deserves comment. It is on Northern Avenue along the sidewalk in front of the Fish Pier and is directly across the Avenue from two parks on D Street – the green Seaport Park and Eastport Park with its immense rock sculptures. You’ll enjoy your visit to what is now one of the most scenic parts of South Boston.

Builders, officials, and MassPort folks cut the “Boxes” ribbon. MassPort’s Tommy Butler, Deputy Director, Community Relations. MassPort’s “Boxes” structure on the Fish Pier. Not to be missed! Peter Taras built and welded the “Boxes”; he’s with his wife Debbie.

Congratulations to SBCA’s 6 th Grade Graduation Class of 2023!

Congratulations to Ms. Faith Smith’s 6th Grade Students! Your hard work has paid off! The prestigious schools our students have been invited to attend for the 2023-2024 school year include: Archbishop Williams High School, Belmont Hill, Boston College High School, Cathedral High School, Catholic Memorial High School, Noble

and Greenough School, St. John School, Thayer Academy, Xaverian Brothers High School and Awaiting the Boston Latin School & Academy Acceptances.

On Friday, June 9, 2023 we held our End of the Year School Mass at St. Brigid Church at which the 1st  Graders did a wonderful job as Greeters, Readers and Bringing up the gifts of bread, wine, and water to

the Altar.  The SBCA Children’s Choir led by the Music Teacher, Mr. Carlo Bunyi, sounded amazing, too!  Father Casey, our Pastor and Father Peter Schirripa, our new Parochial Vicar, were the celebrants at this Mass.  We, also, had a chance to welcome Father Peter, who is a newly ordained priest, to our Parish and SBCA Community at this Mass.

Following this Mass, we held

this year’s 6th Grade Graduation Ceremony with the students, families, faculty and staff of South Boston Catholic Academy in attendance.  We all wish this year’s 6th students the very best!  God Bless you and your families always! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at:  admissions@

for more info about South Boston Catholic Academy.


D Street Fair at the Lawn on D

A little rain … OK, a torrential downpour … Saturday didn’t dampen the spirit and fun at the D Street Fair, a Massachusetts Convention Center Authority Signature Series event. Family fun activities included caricature artists, face painters, balloon twisters, bubbles, a dress-up camera station (a really cool 360-degree photo booth), a magician, princesses, and a clown. The smiles on the kids’ faces said it all. In addition, the LOD Modern Market lined the lawn. The market featured arts, crafts, and goods from dozens of vendors, hosted by The Modern Markets. And to end this day of fun, the Broken Heels band entertained the crowd.



Virtual Public Meeting



Gary Roger Gregory

Project Description:

The Proponent is proposing to construct a new four (4) story, twenty-one (21) unit residential rental building with garage parking for twenty-one (21) vehicles at 27 Farragut Road in South Boston.

Close of Comment Period: 7/14/2023

mail to: Stephen Harvey Boston Planning & Development Agency

One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201

phone: 617.918.4418


To all interested persons:

A Petition for Formal Adjudication of Intestacy has been filed by Laura Gregory of Boston MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition.

The Petitioner requests that:

MA Boston of Laura Gregory

be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration

You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 07/20/2023 . This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days

560 (3/15/23) 3 of 1 page
The Trial Court SU23P1207EA Probate and
of: 01/08/2023
of Death: Suffolk Probate and
Court 24 New Chardon
Boston, MA 02114 (617)788-8300
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Docket No.
of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you. PUBLISH ONLY THE CITATION ABOVE Vincent Procopio, Register of Probate WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn, First Justice of this Court. June 08, 2023 Date: Richard J Kos, Esq. Egan, Flanagan And Cohen P.C. 67 Market St PO Box 9035 Springfield, MA 01102 IMPORTANT NOTICE A Personal Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised administration is not required to file an inventory or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) INFORMAL PROBATE CITATION
Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 939 3394
6:00 PM -
PM 27 Farragut Rd. @BostonPlans
June 28, 2023
Executive Director/Secretary
13 SOUTHBOSTONONLINE.COM THURSDAY JUNE 15, 2023 Are you consid ering selling your ho1ne or condo? Real Estate is Thriving in South Boston Knovv the True Value of Your Home Today With a Free Market An alysis Q (j Facebo ok.corn/RooneyR ealEstat e Rooney Real Estate, LLC 700 East Broadway South Boston, MA 02127 O v e r 30 y e ars of professional service • Ov e r 2,000 real estate transactions #I sales agent in South Boston for 25 of 30 years r oo n • offi ce : 61 7-269-1000 • cell: 617-645-5370

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