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Happy Earth Day Global Warming: It Affects South Boston by Rick Winterson


es, today – Thursday, April 22 – is Earth Day. Earth Day began here in America just over 50 years ago in 1970, after the highly destructive Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969. The Day went international in 1990, which then led to the historic Paris Agreement – historic because more than 150 of the nations on Earth recognized that Earth was in trouble, and joined in efforts to control climate change. At least on paper, most agree that Earth, our home planet, is being harmed. Here in South Boston, we are being specifically influenced by global warming and sea level rise, because 80% of our borders are the ocean’s salt water. A few


Condon CC Gears Up

New Year’s Days back, you’ll recall major f looding in Fort Point and the Seaport. Drainage of Moakley Park has become an issue. Our storms (those good old Northeasters) have become more frequent and violent, especially when they occur at high tide. Sea level rise comes from melting of Earth’s polar icecaps, which results from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And that results from the use of carbonbased fuels – coal, oil, and natural gas. There’s no doubt that global warming is occurring. Only two questions remain: How rapidly is it occurring? And what can we do about it? Both of these questions must be answered – sooner rather than later. This may seem to be a bad time to ask such questions. After all, we are still in the middle of the Coronavirus/COV ID-19 pandemic. Despite the rapid Continued on Page 2

by Rick Winterson & Barbara Kelly


verything seemed to neatly come together on Tuesday. After the Patriot’s Day Weekend, it was the first full day of the April school vacation. South Boston’s recently unpredictable sunshine behaved itself for a change; birds, tree buds, and spring flowers were everywhere. So, the Condon Community

Center joined with the Community Policing Unit at our BPD Station C-6 for a very successful outdoor Spring Kickoff on Tuesday that the Center called “Gear Up”. Not bad! “Gear Up” was a bike repair and fun day, with lots of high energy activities everywhere anyone looked. And you know something remarkable? All the “Gear Up” participants of any age whatever followed the COVID19 procedures and protocols. Continued on Page 4


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Continued from Page 1

Earth Day pace of vaccinations, yet another COVID-19 resurgence is possible. Other major events are taking place in South Boston at this very moment, such as the Conley Terminal becoming “Big Ship Ready”, now that the Panama Canal has been widened and the Conley Terminal itself has been upgraded. You know how much development has been completed in South Boston’s Seaport District, but there’s still more to come. More projects have been announced on the western edge of the Dorchester Avenue corridor and in Flynn Marine Park. Soon, the southwestern corner of South Boston will sit in the middle

of projects to raise Morrissey Boulevard, improve Kosciusko Circle, upgrade Moakley Park completely, and develop a massive complex called Dorchester Bay City (DBC). It’s true that the last four projects will mostly take place in Dorchester, but all of them will certainly affect South Boston in many ways as well. So what about global warming?

Well, that’s a much larger issue than any of the others listed above. Yes, larger – much, much larger – even than the COVID-19 pandemic. Just fifty years ago, scientists thought Earth was slowly cooling down . The first satellites launched in the 1970s made more precise measurements showing that our globe was actually


warming. This was dramatically conf irmed, a f ter satel lite photographs showed the Arctic icecap melting, shrinking, and losing more than a third of its size. Certainly, renewable energy will become a key source of electric power – dams, wind, and solar energy. How about requiring solar panels on every rooftop? And get prepared for a significant increase in nuclear power generation. Were you aware that the U.S. already generates about 20% of its power with nuclear plants? France safely generates over half its power with nuclear energy. And safe, efficient nuclear devices called “small modular reactors” (SMRs) have progressed to an advanced phase of development. In addition, robotics

and artificial intelligence (AI) can combine to make nuclear energy even more ultra-safe than it is now. Electric cars are increasingly available, of course. Hydrogen technology to replace natural gas is possible. It’s encouraging – much of the technical knowhow to replace our carbon fuel usage is already available. Managing global warming will be challenging, but also very exciting. It can be done. There are many other issues involved with taking care of our planet Earth (plastic trash disposal, air/water pollution, and so on). But with South Boston’s miles of shorelines, we should be concerned about global warming first and foremost.

Veterans Recieve Recognition for Their Service Councilor Flynn and Flaherty joined members of the Thomas J. Fitzgerald Post #561 VFW for their monthly meeting. The Councilors presented the South Boston Vietnam Veterans with a Boston City Council Resolution in recognition of their service & sacrifice to our nation while actively supporting veterans & our military families. They were also joined by Tom Lyons, a member of the Fitzgerald Post and founder of the South Boston Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Compass on the Bay Residents Enjoy “High Tea” Compass on the Bay welcomed the start of spring with a High Tea party, which also included fresh lemonade and our Dining team’s delicious scones! Residents pictured L to R: Donald Sullivan Brenda Kelly, , and Tootsie White.




DOT Labs Comes to Andrew Square by Rick Winterson


OR E Investments, Inc., lead s t he Project Te a m developing DOT Labs, the life sciences complex now underway at Alger Street and Dorchester Avenue. CORE’s Development Division has just hosted a guided tour and open house on this site for the Andrew Square Civic Association (ASCA). The CORE presentation, led by John Cissel and their development team, consisted of highly impressive plans for high-tech laboratories, manufacturing, and research support facilities. DOT Labs is a partnership between the CORE team and an equally skilled team from Cushman & Wakefield on Franklin Street in Boston. DOT Labs, as its name implies, will be devoted to advanced technology. It is briefly described as “A new tech + science campus for Boston” – a campus that is the newest member of the Andrew Square neighborhood as well. As a kind of combined slogan and nickname, the future Master Plan for the whole site is referred to as “On the DOT!” The DOT Labs Project’s private road that will extend from Alger Street and connect with Dorchester Avenue will be called “DOT Way”. A few figures: the initial

The Andrew Square Civic Association (ASCA) enjoys a tour of the DOT Labs site. DOT Labs installation at 2 and 4 Alger Street will total more than 140,000 square feet. This will be located on five acres of land; “hundreds of new jobs” will be housed there, according to CORE. The buildings for DOT Labs already exist, and are properly zoned for the proposed uses in the life sciences. Construction work to refurbish and renovate building at 2 Alger Street begins in July; 2 Alger should be occupied by next year, 2022. The location next to Andrew Square with its Red Line “T” Station is ideal for DOT Labs – a 10 or 15 minute subway ride to Kendall and Harvard Squares, as well as many other key hightech destinations. The Dot Labs investment is expected to be $85 million. And DOT Labs is just the first part of a BPDA (Boston Planning & Development Agency) overall vision of 12 million square feet and a $3 billion ($3,000,000,000) total investment

in all of the projects to be located a long Dorchester Avenue. The DOT Labs location is both historic and innovative. It is virtually in the shadow of Dorchester Heights, where George Washington, Henr y Knox, John Thomas, and their colonial troops won the first American victory over British General William Howe in our War for Independence. The South Boston Iron Works was founded on the site by Cyrus Alger, a brilliant metallurgist whose innovations included cast bronze cannons, rif led gun barrels, and improved casting/ forging of railroad trackage. Perhaps most important, CORE’s Development team is very conscious of supporting the neighborhoods around its projects. DOT Labs plans to have green spaces available along DOT Way that’ll be open to the public. Outdoor activities will take place

on DOT Way in summertime – warm weather concerts and food trucks were mentioned by CORE. More than once during the tour, CORE said it wants to “activate the area” around Andrew Square – to “stabilize it”. They plan to bring Andrew Square in line with Boston’s status as the “#1 ranked life science center in the world”. In addition, CORE, in a partnership with Samuels & Associates, will break ground this year on Andrew S qu a re’s muc h- a nt ic ip ate d Washington Village. South Boston Online likes COR E’s description of the A ndrew Square neighborhood: “It’s a community, not a commodity.” With DOT Labs and Wa shing ton Village nearly underway, Andrew Square is about to become an improved high-tech and residential community. And please be sure to visit DOT Labs’ Cannonball Café when it opens on Dorchester Avenue this summer.

The planned layout of the first five acres of the DOT Labs development.




Continued from Page 1

Condon Gears Up “Gear Up” took place on the new basketball courts and the trackand-field areas, which are directly in back of the Condon Community Center on D Street. These are areas expressly built on Orton Field for games and sports of all kinds; they are superb installations. Kickball started the festivities on the new composition diamond and its base paths. Simultaneously, races that involved (among other things) hula hoops as obstacles were run up and down the basketball courts. The track around the kickball field was opened up to bicycle riding – clockwise only for safety’s sake, if you please – but several of the young daredevils decided to do single wheelies on their rear tires. There weren’t any accidents. Ten bicycles donated by the Station C-6 Community Police Department were raffled off. The Cohasset Police came through with some bicycles also. Condon

Community Center T-shirts were given away. And the games were cheerfully run by members attending the Boston Police Academy wearing their own trademark silver-gray T-shirts (in case you’re wondering, the kids tired them out). The outdoor event was hosted by the BCYF Condon CC Council and organized and run

by Program Supervisor Barbara Kelly, Coordinator Joe Curran, the whole Condon Community Center staff, and C-6 Community Service Officer Ayesha Lawton. Bureau of Community Engagement Sgt. Gino Provenzano, Haley Dillon from the Mayor’s Office, Station C-6 Capt. Boyle, and Rep. David Biele all stopped

by to enjoy the festivities. There were bottled water, doughnuts, and Cheez-It crackers on hand to be consumed. Finally, everyone settled down to share in a pizza lunch donated Otto Pizza at F and West Broadway with a sweet cookie dessert from Joseph’s Bakery donated by Allison Baker/K4K. To quote that old saying, “A good time was had by all!”




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Facebook Group Provides a Beautiful View of the Neighborhood

Erin Welch, Founder By Ginger DeShaney


he South Boston Lawn Garden & Patio Facebook group is a peaceful place to spend a little time and take a gorgeous journey through the neighborhood. “If you’re an obsessed gardener or someone who just likes to look at pretty landscapes, you’ll make a great addition to the group,” said Erin Welch, who founded the group because “I love working in my yard! Obsessed with it. I also love to learn all there is to know about growing plants. “There’s so much I don’t know, and I thought it would be good to have a group where members can learn and share ideas. It seemed like a great way for neighbors of all ages and backgrounds to bond and get to know each other in a community we all love so much.” The group brings together a mix of neighbors to contribute gardening expertise, exchange ideas, and swap plants. In the About section of the page, Erin asks members to share their ideas and questions related to gardening, landscaping, lawn care, and deck/patio spaces in South Boston. And the highlights of the Facebook page are the photos. “Of course, we love all the photos,” said Erin. “It’s great to see what people are able to create over the course of the season, and we love when members post random plants and flowers from around the neighborhood. The group has evolved, too -- you’ll see a lot of photos of Southie ‘wildlife.’ ” There are photos -- and some videos -- of flowers, gardens, landscaped backyards, trees, birds, vines, street

scenes, ice-encrusted and snow-covered plants, and so much more. Members share tips. There are discussions on types of flowers. Members ask questions and expertise is shared. But most of all, it’s a collegial place to hang out and share your view of the neighborhood. The group was started at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, which was part coincidental and part intentional. “I think everyone was putting extra effort and love into their homes and gardens; I certainly was,” Erin said. The group is helping people get through the pandemic. “It created new friends,” Erin said. “People who enjoy creating things love having friends with whom to share their creations. We all really enjoy seeing each other’s hard work and creativity.” The group consists of residents of South Boston -- 93 members currently. This criteria wasn’t designed to exclude people, but to engage people. “It’s easier for people to get to know each other in a small group,” Erin said. “Members can easily meet up for walks to admire plants and gardens, and take photos together. I think the world can use a lot more friendship right now.”

Peggy Gurnett joined the group because she wanted to share her love of gardening with others and “I enjoy seeing what my neighbors and FB friends are planting in their gardens.” Erin’s parents are both talented gardeners and she learns so much from them. “It’s something we really enjoy doing together,” she said. “I love when my parents bring me flowers and plants for my garden. It feels like a piece of them is here with me even though they live far away.” Peggy’s love of gardening came from her mother. “I have a front yard and a backyard. My husband and I plant flowers that attract birds, bees, and all sorts of insects,” she said. “The biggest surprise is the hummingbirds and the hummingbird moth. “This Facebook page is a great opportunity to share gardening ideas,” Peggy continued. “So many of our gardens are out back and not easily seen. I love seeing what my neighbors are doing.”





Club Kid!

Brendan Frize Proudly Represents South Boston as Youth of the Year

Brendan Frize By Ginger DeShaney


he Edgerley Family South Boston Boys & Girls Club helped shape Brendan Frize into the amazing young man he is today. “Ever since I started spending time there at age 8, it’s been a big part of my life,” the son of Christine and Liam Frize said. “The Club has definitely prepared me for life … by teaching me tons of sk ills like leadership, honesty, and to be confident and outgoing” as well as responsibility, ac cou nt abi lit y, a nd empat hy. Taking all those lessons to heart and incorporating them into his life set up Brendan to become the Edgerley Club’s Youth of the Year. “I was really excited when I got the call,” he said. “I was happy that I was able to represent the Club and that they chose me.” As the South Boston Club winner, Brendan competed for the Boston Youth of the Year. “Sadly, I was not chosen for that one, but I was told I did very well, which I was proud of myself for,” he said. “I was really proud that I was … able to compete this far. It was a true accomplishment just to be the South Boston [Youth of the Year].” Brendan will continue to build on this honor: “I will definitely always remember the Boys & Girls Club; they basically made me who I am today by giving me all these skills and opportunities to be successful. For that I will always be grateful for them.”

The Club’s announcement reg a rd ing t he honor noted: “[ B r e n d a n] r e p r e s e nt s t he c h a r a c t e r, resilience, a nd dedication that we look to instill in all young people at our Club.” Kristine McNulty, the Club’s Teen Engagement and Retention Coordinator, said, “Brendan is a really great kid who we were lucky to work with. He is super hardworking, super kind, really cares about his community. He wants to do the best he can with everything he does. That will serve him well.” To be eligible for Youth of the Year, a member has to be a senior in high school who has been coming to the Club for a long time and been involved in different activities. The member has to be “a good example of the work the Club does,” Kristine said. Three seniors were nominated this year and each had to write two essays, complete an interview, and compose a speech. Br e nd a n, a s e n ior at Neighborhood House Cha rter School in Dorchester, is a total “Club Kid.” He started in the afterschool program. “I went in one day and I started to slowly explore a little bit ...” Brendan said. Initially he used the homework room a lot, then branched off to see what other areas of the club had to offer. “As I got more comfortable in the Club, I was able to reach out a little more and have fun with kids and start to make a lot more friends,” he said, noting he met his best friend, William, at the club at the age of 8. A s he got older, Brendan gravitated towa rd communit y ser v ic e prog r a m s, i nc lud i n g Torch Club (for pre-teens) and Keystone (for teens). One thing that stood out for Brendan was a Valentine’s Day project the group did at Marion Manor in which they handed out Teddy bears with ha nd-written messages inside. A f ter time on the swim team, Brendan became a Junior Staffer as a lifeguard at the Club,

“which allowed me to have a positive impact on younger Club members and connect with them.” Brendan went on the Explore India trip in February 2020. The India trip was a good opportunity to show off all the skills he learned in the Club, Kristine said. “He was really fearless over there and very much took on a leadership role.” “It was a great trip. It’s definitely one I’ll remember for my lifetime,” Brendan said. “It opened my eyes so much. It was a reality check, in a way, to not take anything in life for granted. It’s so easy to get lost in your dayto-day life that when you do look through someone else’s view and how they are living on a daily basis, it’s like an awakening, almost.” He learned a lot about himself during the trip. “I learned that I’m able to sit through a 13-hour f light,” he joked. “I learned how to be more outgoing and to try new things because that was the whole trip almost. Every single

time you did something, you were tr y ing somet hing ne w. “Through that trip I was able to learn how to be more of a leader,” he added. The members kept daily journals and were asked to share with the group, if they were comfortable. “Everyone was nervous to share,” Brendan said. “I was able to break the ice by going first and saying, ‘Hey, this is what I thought.’ ” During the height of the COV ID-19 pandemic, Brendan was at the club pretty much every day of the week. Now that he’s back in school in person, he tries to go to the Club as much as possible. Brendan, who has all A’s and B’s in school, is deciding between Bunker Hill Community College and Benjamin Franklin Inst it ute of Te c h n o l o g y to b e c ome a n e le c t r ic i a n. A f ter


s c ho ol,


promises to volunteer as much as he can at the Club, “to give back for what they’ve given me.”




The Bohdii Vibe

Boutique Already Making a Name in Southie

By Ginger DeShaney


ohdii Boutique opened its doors at 398 W. Broadway on April 10 and already has some regulars. “It seems like everyone has great things to say when they leave,” said owner Justice Pellegrino. “We’ve already had repeat customers. A few girls were like, ‘I was just here the other day.’ That says a lot. “If you’re seeing people come back, that’s the best that can happen.” This is the second boutique for Justice, who is just 24 years old. She opened her first Bohdii Boutique in Western Mass. (East Longmeadow) in November 2019 to see if she could do it. “Then I brought myself to the big city.” A Boston shop made sense because she ships a lot of merchandise from her e-commerce store to the area. The boutique is in the former Cafe Arpeggio space. “[South Boston is] a great area,” said Justice. “I looked at a few different spots and this is the only one that grabbed my attention. The brick wall, the windows, the location …” The big windows let in a ton of light. The brick wall itself is a statement piece. In the dressing room area, there’s a beautiful wall hanging by Lucy Blooms and a lighted sign, a huge mirror, and a cool couch. There’s a sunglass wall, a wall of hats, racks and display tables full of clothes, a variety of shoes and boots, as well as purses, swimsuits, jewelry, accessories, masks, and more. It’s a welcoming, inviting place with super friendly staff. The boutique’s signature style

is Boho chic. “I like to say that a mom, a daughter, and a grandmother can all come in and find something to wear,” said Justice. “We have a really good mix between staple pieces that you’re going to keep in your closet forever, but we also are keeping up with the most current trends.” During its grand opening, the shop sold out of a stylish bandana top. “Trendy pieces are going. Everybody is excited,” Justice said. “Everybody is vaccinated and ready to get going.” Shoppers can get two pieces for less than $100, Justice said. “It’s very affordable.” The boutique has had continuous foot traffic since the opening, Justice said. On a busy Monday afternoon, there was a steady stream of customers. A couple of guys even came in and, with the help of the staff, purchased a gift. ”It’s been a great vibe,” Justice said. “Everyone is in good spirits. It feels good going into the warm weather. Everybody is excited to get out.” The boutique is open from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Justice graduated from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst with a major in communication and a minor in psychology. During her time at UMass, she went to Milan to study fashion and had internships in buying and in event planning and management, all of which set her up well for owning boutiques … from advertising and social media to buying inventory and building a brand. “I’ve always wanted to run a small business,” she said. “Both my parents have small businesses. I’ve always loved the idea of building your own schedule and building something you can be proud of. I’ve always wanted to open a boutique.” Justice goes big on social media, posting regularly. Her Instagram account has almost 7,000 followers. Once she opened the Southie shop, she gained 1,000 followers in just a few days. “It’s pretty awesome,” she said, noting her next goal is to reach 10,000 followers. Justice lives in Springfield, but with the opening of the new South Boston shop, she’s been staying in Dorchester with her sister. She’ll be spending more time here for now and eventually splitting her time between her two shops.

Justice Pellegrino She has great staff at both stores. “Your staff is your everything,” Justice said. “I’m a big believer in treating everyone like an equal and respecting everyone’s opinions.” According to her website, Bohdii stands for “enlightenment” and “a sense of freedom.” Justice had a blog for travel photos that she named Bohdii. When she opened her first shop she figured she’d stick with the same name. “I thought it had that Bohemian feel to it and it means something great. It’s really unique and something that would stand out. “I wanted it to be its own entity. It’s like my baby. I gave it its own name.” Justice is a vibrant, outgoing, hardworking go-getter who is largely selftaught. To have two brick and mortar businesses – and an e-commerce store -- at the age of 24 is amazing. But she readily attributes her success to the people with whom she surrounds herself. “I’ve had some great mentors [including her dad] ... that helped me come to where I am,” she said. “I would be lying if I said I did it on my own. It’s definitely

been the people who have helped me.” But Justice puts in the work, clocking about 90 hours a week. She wants her customers to have the best experience they can when they come to her boutique. During training for her employees, she told them: “We’re not here to drive sales down people’s throats. We’re here to make people feel good and if they leave empty-handed but they have something good to say about us, then that’s all that matters; they’ll come back.” Their perception of the store is more important than any sale. “People come to boutiques for a shopping experience. “I want to make sure everybody knows we’re a very welcoming store; we want everybody to come in,” Justice said. “We’re here to help everybody. We’re here to make you comfortable and make you look good and, most importantly, make you feel good.” Follow Bohdii: Instagram: @bohdiiboutique Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/BohdiiBoutique Website: https://www.

Aryana Pardo, Bohdii manager




BPDA Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity 400 Dorchester Street, South Boston, MA 02127 6 Income-Restricted Rental Units Maximum Income Rent Limit (by AMI)* 1 Studio $1,094 70% 4 1-Bedroom* $1,318 70% 1 1-Bedroom $1,824 100% *Includes one unit built out for persons with mobility impairments, visual impairments and/or who are deaf/hard of hearing # of Units

# of Bedrooms

Minimum Income Limits (set by owner + based on # of bedrooms + AMI) Maximum Income Limits (set by the BPDA + based on household size + AMI) Minimum Household # of Bedrooms Yearly 70% AMI 100% AMI size Income*** 1 $58,350 $83,300 Studio $32,820 2 $66,650 $95,200 3 $75,000 $107,100 1 Bedroom (70%) $39,540 4 $83,300 $119,000 5 $90,000 $128,550 1 Bedroom (100%) $54,720 6 $96,650 $138,050 *** Minimum incomes do not apply to households receiving housing assistance such as Section 8, VASH, or MRVP. Applications are available during the application period: Monday, April 26, 2021 – Wednesday, May 12, 2021 To request + complete the application online, please visit: To have a hard copy of the application sent to your mailing address, please call: 781-992-5313 After careful consideration and an abundance of caution, the City of Boston has decided to cancel the in-person application distribution period. If you cannot complete the application online, please call us at 781-992-5313, to request that we mail you one and to ask us for any guidance you might need to complete the application. Fully completed + signed applications must be submitted online or postmarked no later than Wednesday, May 12, 2021 Mailed to: Maloney Properties, Inc. Attention: 400 Dorchester Lottery 27 Mica Lane, Wellesley MA 02481 ● ● ● ●

Selection by lottery. Asset, Use & Occupancy Restrictions apply. Preference for disabled households for ADA Units. Preference for Boston Residents. Preference for Households with at least one person per bedroom.

For more information, language assistance, or to make a request for reasonable accommodations, please call Maloney Properties, Inc. at 781-992-5313| US Relay 711 | Email:

Equal Housing Opportunity




Of Life and Lacrosse Boston Program Goes Beyond the Game

By Ginger DeShaney


ore than 300 local youth are learning lacrosse and life skills. “We make sure we give them the skills to play, but we make sure it’s more than the X’s and O’s,” said Erin Brogan, director of Boston Youth Lacrosse and coach of the seventh- and eighth-grade girls’ team. “All our coaches talk about sportsmanship and remind kids how to be a great teammate.” There are also plenty of team-building activities, as well as leadership opportunities for the older kids and players who have graduated out of the program, including becoming junior officials and volunteering for the Learn to Play program for younger kids. The program started as South Boston Youth Lacrosse in 1997. In 2016, it became Boston Youth Lacrosse to incorporate Dorchester. While it’s mostly a town program for South Boston and Dorchester boys and girls, the league accepts kids from other neighborhoods, as well. The coaches are local residents who have played lacrosse themselves. Erin played lacrosse for Dean College in Franklin, Mass. Eight years ago, “I just saw a sign and started volunteer coaching,” she said. “And then as the seasons went, I kind of took on more responsibility.” She’s been the director for three years now. “We are lucky being in Boston. We have a lot of ex-college players living locally in South Boston and Dorchester and that’s

where we get most of our volunteer coaches. A lot of suburban towns, they rely on parent volunteers. So while the city programs tend to have struggles, that’s one that we kind of benefit from.” Erin is grateful to the local residents who have played lacrosse and are willing to spend their time coaching the kids, sometimes in the cold and rain. “They are willing to do this for the local kids,” she said. B o s ton Yout h L a cro s s e breaks down the barriers of play. “Lacrosse can be a very expensive sport,” Erin said. “Our prices stay very low. We are a fraction of the cost of what many town programs charge. We provide equipment for anyone who needs it … and we offer scholarships to anyone who needs it.” Boston Youth Lacrosse started the co-ed Learn to Play program for K-1 and K-2 kids a couple of years ago with seven kids. “Now we have 80 and it’s crazy,” Erin said. The little kids don’t have games. “We just make it fun,” said Erin, who is a teacher at South Boston Catholic Academy and coaches the girls’ varsity lacrosse team at Malden Catholic and a Massachusetts club team. High schoolers lead groups of 10 kids in activities, scrimmages, and fundamentals. “It is so cute,” she said. B o s ton Yout h L a cro s s e has competitive teams for firstthrough eighth-grade players. In 2019-20, the league saw 60 percent growth, Erin said, noting it had declined in recent years. “And now we’re back up there and seeing a large growth. There’s been a renewed interest lately. The kids are enjoying it.” Coming up next summer, a group of seventh- through ninthgrade players will travel to Ireland for a lacrosse festival. The players were supposed to go last summer, but it was canceled because of COVID-19. Boston Youth Lacrosse is making a big difference for local kids. “We rely on a lot of volunteers and a lot of donations,” said Erin. “It’s really a community-led program.”


Please submit this application with an essay written on both of the following topics. · What is PTSD and how does it affect veterans and their family members? · What would you do to help increase awareness of PTSD in your community? Scholarship applications must be received no later than April 30th 2021. Winners will be announced during an award ceremony in May. Applicants must be a South Boston student attending tuition-based schools’ grades 8–12.

All paperwork should be handwritten or typed and submitted to the following: Timothy “Doc” Cook Scholarship ATTN: Joseph Cook 419 East Eighth Street South Boston, MA 02127 Or email to For additional scholarship information please contact Joseph Cook at 617-816-9350 or

Sincerely, The Timothy “Doc” Cook Foundation


SB Mite A1 Cruise to League Conference Title

Timothy “Doc” Cook Scholarship Applications Due April 30th

Our country’s freedom is protected by our military. Our veterans who live in our community should always be recognized for their service to our country. Many of these veterans have been exposed to traumatic experiences of war. Tim Cook was a South Boston kid who grew up playing sports and participating in the South Boston community as a counselor and mentor for local kids. Tim went to Gate of Heaven School and graduated from BC High where he learned from the Jesuits the true meaning of being a man for others. Tim went on to serve our country as a Navy corpsman with the USMC. Tim was an inspiration to friends and fellow vets. While serving in Iraq, Tim designed and implemented a mass casualty vehicle to save fellow marines, earning the nickname “Doc.” Tim dedicated his life to defending his country and protecting his fellow brothers. The mission of the Timothy “Doc” Cook Foundation is to support programs that increase awareness and prevent hidden wounds that travel with veterans. Our fellowship of supporters includes Mass Military Hero Foundation, Skate for 22, Boston Wounded Vets run, the Vincent Brodeur Foundation, Bridges for Fallen, and TAPS.


L-R Coach Tom Costello, PJ DiMaggio, Jake Donnellan, Bobby Clifford, Will Christino, Samson Slater, Coach Clifford, Bottom Row: Ryan Donnellan, Jack Costello, Gavin Price, JoJo McFarland


he Shamrocks posted an impressive 20-5 record on the year. The team went on torrid winning streak were they won 16 out of 17 league games. Southie clinched the league title with a 4-3 victory over Waltham in which they overcame a 3-0 deficit with big goals from Jake Donnellan and spectacular saves by

Will Christino. With Consecutive wins over Framingham, Arlington, Natick, Belmont, Dorchester and Wellesley the Shamrocks vaulted into first place. Big Goals in the winning streak from JoJo McFarland, Bobby Clifford, Ryan Donnellan, Gavin Price, Samson Slater, Jack Costello, PJ DiMaggio, Will Christino & Jake Donnellan.

Mass Bay Credit Union Shred-It Event Open to the Community


hred your old documents – and forget ‘em – FREE – at the Mass Bay Credit Union Shred-It Event! Saturday, May 1, 2021, from 9AM-11:30AM at Mass Bay Credit Union 147 West 4th Street in South Boston, and for the first time, a second location at Russell Park in Quincy, behind Quincy High School. “We enjoy bringing this FREE opportunity to the community, and we’re very excited to be able to add a second location to this year’s event,” says Mass Bay CEO Terry Dorilas. “Information Security plays an essential role in banking and we want to provide a safe, secure and convenient process for the community to dispose of their confidential documents.” The Shred-It event is open to all living or working in the community. There is a 5-box limit per person. For everyone’s protection, social distancing will

be in place and masks are required. Like all credit unions, Mass Bay Credit Union is owned by the Members who choose to do business there. Membership eligibility, such as living in Middlesex, Norfolk or Suffolk counties or a dozen other towns, is located on massbaycu. org. Opening a savings account establishes Membership and opens availability to all other products offered by the credit union. In addition to its South Boston Headquarters, Mass Bay Credit Union has branches in Everett, Quincy and the Seaport. Over 19,000 people choose Mass Bay Credit Union for great rates, low fees and personal service. In addition to offering a full array of deposit and lending products, Mass Bay Credit Union Members have access to over 55,000 surcharge free ATMs and 6,800 credit union branches. In business since 1936, Mass Bay Credit Union has assets in excess of $275 million.




Virtual Public Meeting

555 East Broadway Wednesday, May 12

Zoom Link:

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 684 9649

Project Description: A new four-story mixed-use building of approximately 22,244 square feet containing fourteen (14) rental apartment units, including two (2) IDP Units, and approximately 3,717 square feet of ground-floor restaurant space, with fourteen (14) garage parking spaces.

mail to: Stephen Harvey Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4418 email:

Heart, Hugs & Hope: A Virtual Alzheimer’s Support Group Offered by Compass on the Bay May 20, 2021, 6:00 p.m. Dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia isn’t easy, so it is helpful to share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you’re going through. You will also learn about proven strategies to help you better care for your family member. This group will be held in conjunction with our sister community, Standish Village. Call 617-268-5450 or email Executive Director Jenna Petrenko at for more information and to register for the virtual meeting. This is a virtual event sponsored by Compass on the Bay Assisted Living and Memory Support Community, 1380 Columbia Road, South Boston.


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

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Virtual Public Meeting

323-365 Dorchester Avenue Thursday, April 29

Zoom Link:

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 160 896 4902

Project Proponent: SB Gateway I LLC and SB Gateway IIA LLC affiliates of National Development Project Description: The Proposed Project consists of the redevelopment of approximately 5 acres of land into a mixed-use development that will include 4 buildings totaling 1,147,000 square feet. The proposal is anticipated to include approximately 674,500 square feet of commercial space in two buildings, approximately 345 residential units in the other two buildings, approximately 55,150 square feet of retail space, off-street vehicle parking, and approximately 36,500 square feet of open space. This meeting will include a general overview of the Proposed Project, a prioritized conversation with the Impact Advisory Group (IAG), and a question and answer session with the general public. mail to: Raul Duverge Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4492 email:

Close of Comment Period: 5/4/2021


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary




SBCA Grade 5A News From Ms. Worthen, the Grade 5A Teacher…Students in 5A love recreating book jackets after a class novel study! Our most recent novel that we read was Holes by Louis Sachar. The students enjoyed a special guest teacher named Mr. Greg Tang. He introduced the students to new ways on how to approach Math. Is it a chemical or physical reaction? Students made butter, by shaking heavy whipping cream in a mason jar. The students were all so engaged in this science experiment.

Afterwards, they got to enjoy a warm piece of toast with the butter they made! In Math class,

students created Leprechaun houses out of graph paper. They enjoyed finding the area,

perimeter and volume of their house! Great job Grade 5A with all these class projects!



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