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Henry Knox Unsung Heroes

SBCA President Tom McGrath and Executive Board are pleased to announce that on Saturday, March, 4th, 2023, at the Kickoff Breakfast, The Henry Knox Award Presentation will take place at the Seapoint Restaurant, 367 East 8th Street, at 10AM.

Family, Friends and Neighbors are respectfully invited to attend this wonderful event. A 15.00 donation is requested at door to help off-set costs. This year’s event will once again feature great music of Bob Fowkes and Curragh’s Fancy.

The event Chairman, once again will be South Boston’s own State representative David Biele, who continues to lead the fight to preserve the historical importance of Evacuation Day while serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. “As president of the Association, it is an honor for me to work with Dave to kick-off the festivities. Dave’s commitment

and involvement with the SBCA and our community has been a tremendous asset to me and the Executive Board.” Said McGrath.

The awards are presented to everyday volunteers in the community who seek no recognition, who are considered “Unsung Heroes”. This event kicks off the monthlong celebration for one of the most important events in American history.

This year’s recipients are: BPD C6 CSO Ayesha Lawton, Joe Acarri, Luanne O’Connor and Danny Monahan.

Tom McGrath, President of the SBCA, said “It is an honor to recognize these individuals who dedicate their time and energy to the South Boston Community. I hope the community will join me on Saturday, March 4th, to honor these men and women.”

Tickets are available at the door for a $15.00 donation. Doors open at 9:30AM.

Celebrating 100 th Day of School

For the students at South Boston Catholic Academy, the past week was another special week full of great fun, activities, and letting all our families, friends, teachers, and staff know how much we care and appreciate them. The students

had a chance to celebrate our 100th Day of School. What is the meaning of 100 school days? 100 School Days marks the 100th day of learning in the school year. It offers students and teachers time to reflect on the work done by students and

Continued on Page 10

SOUTH BOSTON ONLINE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2023 VOLUME XIX- ISSUE 74 *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 12/22/2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. HIGHER RATES ARE HERE! 4.00%APY* 12-Month Certificate DON’T LET THEM PASS YOU BY! Only $500 Minimum IRA Certificates, Too! Visit us in So. Boston at 147 West 4th Street.

LENT 2023

Tuesdays During Lent

The Holy Rosary - Tuesday Evenings at 6:30 PM at Gate of Heaven Church

Wednesdays During Lent 6:30PM - 7:30PM


6:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

6:40PM – 7:00PM Spiritual Talk 7:00 – 7:30PM Confessions & Adoration

Wednesday, March 1st – Saint Brigid Church

Presenter: Fr. Robert Casey

Wednesday, March 8th – Gate of Heaven Church

Presenter: Fr. Christopher Boyle

Wednesday, March 15th – St. Brigid Church

Presenter: Msgr. Liam Bergin

Wednesday, March 22nd – Gate of Heaven Church

Presenter: Deacon Tucker Redding, SJ

Wednesday, March 29th – St. Brigid Church

Presenter: Sister Maureen Casey, SND

Wednesday, April 5th – Gate of Heaven Church

Presenter: Rev. Michael Steele

This Evening (April 5th) will include our Holy Week Reconciliation Service

There will be 4 Priests for Individual Confessions

Fridays During Lent

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent 3:00PM at Gate of Heaven Church

Daily Mass

Gate of Heaven Church: Monday through Friday at 9AM

St. Brigid Church: Monday through Friday at 7AM

Ash Wednesday Mass with Cardinal Sean O’Malley

Cardinal Sean O’Malley said the 6 p.m. Ash Wednesday Mass in St. Brigid Church. The Church was filled with St. Brigid’s congregation – standing room only at the back. It was a solemn service, yet it was quietly joyful. In no small part, this was due to Cardinal Sean being a popular figure in the Archdiocese and in the City of Boston. The Cardinal is certainly well known everywhere

as a good, kind, and gentle person. And when you attend a Lenten service at St. Brigid Church this year, be sure to read the booklet entitled “Make Room for Lent”, the best of Joe Sica. Fr. Sica was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and served 38 years as a priest in the Diocese of Scranton. His book contains 46 daily meditations, ranging from “Be Grateful” on Ash Wednesday to “The Time to Live Is Now” on Good Friday.


Coleman Nee Named 2023 Parade Chief Marshal

South Boston’s annual St. Patrick’s/ Evacuation Day Parade actually combines two celebrations: That includes St. Patrick’s Day, of course, and also colonial America’s first, historic victory in our War of Independence. The cannons emplaced on South Boston’s Dorchester Heights, after they were brought here from Fort Ticonderoga by Henry Knox, forced the British to evacuate Boston 247 years ago in 1776. Both observances occur on March 17; the 2023 Parade will step off Sunday, March 19, at 1 p.m.

Underlying the Parade’s name and these two celebrations is the devotion of South Boston to its military veterans. The Parade’s organizers are members of the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council (the SBAWVC), which is commanded by Susan McDonough, an Army veteran herself. And as a tribute to all veterans each year, the Parade is led by a veteran selected to be the “Parade Chief Marshal”.

Coleman Nee was nominated earlier this year; he will serve as the 2023 Parade Chief Marshal.

Coleman is a born-andraised South Bostonian with a healthy portion of Irish ancestry (County Galway), who resided here until he was 26. He and his wife, Karyn (Swaun) Nee from Miami, met while students at American University. They’ve been together for 28 years and have two grown children. Jack is 24, graduated from University of Maryland, and he now works in Finance in Dorchester. Kate is 22, a Senior at Penn State, and she’s majoring in Communications and Political Science. These days, Coleman and Karyn split their time between Lower Mills and Yarmouth on the Cape. Coleman harbors a great love of the outof-doors, which began when he was young and a member of the Ollie and the South Boston Boys Club. And many years later, he still hikes extensively.

What’s most important at this point is that Coleman is a dedicated veteran. He served eight (8) years in the U.S. Marine

Corps – both in the reserves and on active duty. He was deployed to the Gulf War in 1990 and took part in Operation Desert Storm in January of 1991. You might recall how rapidly the independent military units moved as they fought the Gulf War. Coleman delivered urgently requested combat supplies and materials to these fast-moving units – driving from Gulf War depots to the highly mobile front lines, and then returning to the depots at top speed for more pick-ups.

Since his active duty, Coleman served as the Secretary of Veterans Services for Massachusetts. He has also been very active with the Disabled American Veterans (the DAV) in their John F. Kennedy Silver Star Chapter 3. In addition, he is the 2nd Junior Vice Commander of the national DAV, which was

originally chartered by Congress, is now 102 years old, and has a million members. Because of his love of the outdoors, Coleman has even guided physically disabled veterans on hikes. He is currently the CEO of Triangle, Inc., in Malden, who offer highly varied programs that empower people with disabilities. During his interview with us at South Boston Online, Coleman said, “It’s humbling to be selected as Parade Chief Marshal. I want to thank Susan (McDonough) and her veterans, who emphasize veterans’ services and make the Parade more than just a party thing. Our vets are true Unsung Heroes.” He then recalled how much he had enjoyed the Parade when he was young –“I only had to walk out my front door to watch the Parade. It was such an amazing event; it really made our community proud.”

Coleman Nee, the 2023 Parade Chief Marshal, Visits South Boston Online.

Be Rebellious Strength Training, Mental Health Focus of New South Boston Gym

Rich Rowland wants you to rebel against the things that are bringing you down.

Rich created Rebel Athletic Club “because I wanted people to rebel against a lot of the things that sort of either oppressed them in their minds or their ideas or what they see fitness as being.”

His fitness philosophy is unique.

“I think for a lot of people, they think of aesthetics: I need to lose weight. I want to look good. But the reality is, and the thing that I enjoy the most, is when people are working out, they’re getting huge mental benefits from it, too. So to me, mental health equals physical health.”

Rich believes that engaging in consistent workouts has a huge positive impact on a person’s mental health and self-esteem. Exercise has been shown to release dopamine, which has an impact on mood and motivation, he said.

Rich has faced a grinding challenge to get Rebel ready, but he’s hopeful his gym at 196 W. Broadway will open in mid-March.

A trainer for 20 years, Rich has always wanted to have a facility where strength training is at the forefront. When people get stronger, their confidence goes up, they get motivated, he said. “And they can go do things that they couldn’t do before.”

Rich wants people to stop thinking so negatively about working out and

nutrition and to realize a couple of things: Diet, by definition, is how you habitually eat, not a form of restriction, and missed workouts and not-so-healthy meals are not reasons to break your good habits.

“There’s only a few ways to do this: move, eat a little bit healthier, get stronger,” he said. “I think people are wanting information … But they need to be a little more rebellious about it.”

Membership will be limited to about 100 people, “so that I can efficiently make sure everyone is having a great experience,” Rich said.

Rich wants to help members break barriers of not being able to work out, so the gym will be accessible 24 hours a day.

The gym will feature seven high-end machines (some of which use air-compression technology that allows the user to change the weight mid-exercise), two infrared saunas, free weights, a bathroom with a shower, hooks for band workouts, televisions (including in the saunas), and a backyard workout area. Rich will also man a tip hotline for members to text questions and receive answers.

And in a really unique twist, Rich is in talks with behavioral therapists to be available for 15-minute mini sessions for gym members who may need some support.

“I just want people to have access to an outlet,” he said, the first being the gym and the second being the therapy.

He wants to build community. “Our society is so out of whack. Human connection is just lacking.” Keeping his gym community small will help build connection through movement. It will

be a place of networking, friendship, community, acceptance, and unity. “We’re all kind of in this together.”

RIch is having small groups come through the facility before it opens to see the gym and talk about the concept. One group has already gone through the gym and loved it.

Rebel is Rich’s first solo endeavor. The Army veteran has helped scale other clubs (including in the Seaport), has trained professional athletes, and has trained other trainers.

The Rebel model features machineled, strength training classes, which hasn’t really been done before. “So it’ll be interesting to see,” he said. “I think a lot of people are excited about it.”

The idea is that people can come into a strength training program where they’re going to continuously progress, Rich said, noting the machines are easy to get in and out of and there will be screens guiding the users. Members can get their workouts done in an hour.

“I really enjoy seeing people thrive and … be successful and happy.”

Rich finds the Southie neighborhood to be very welcoming. “I feel like this community stands up for each other and they have accepted me from Day 1.” Olga Markos, from Olga’s Kafe, has been his biggest welcome wagon. Rebel is just a couple doors down from the coffee shop, so Rich would be in there almost daily while dealing with construction delays. He and Olga became friends and Olga introduced him to everyone. As a perfect example of community, Rich had a shipment of machines that the delivery service was supposed to bring inside but left outside on the sidewalk. He was telling Olga about this delivery and wondering how he was going to get the machines inside the building. “All of sudden, boom, eight guys were here within 15 minutes. You just don’t find that in every community.”

Website: https:// Instagram: https://www. athletic_club/

Rich Rowlan

Council President Flynn Calls for Affordable Housing Tax Exemption For Below Market Rent

At a Government Operations Hearing on rent stabilization, Council President Flynn proposed an affordable housing tax exemption for property owners that charge below market rate rent in the City of Boston. Currently, the City of Boston has a number of tax exemptions for homeowners who own and occupy their property. Under Council President Flynn’s proposal, there would be a $6,000 tax exemption for property owners willing to charge $500 a month below market rate rents.

At the hearing, Council President Flynn discussed the urgent need to increase the city’s housing stock as well as affordable units through the city’s Inclusionary Development Policy program while emphasizing that these actions all

take considerable time in terms of proposals, community process, approvals, permits, construction, lotteries and occupancy.

However, a Rent Reduction Act featuring an affordable housing tax exemption that incentivizes reducing rents by $500 per month below market rate would provide units across the city to come online much more quickly in the next fiscal year, and before the city’s heaviest turnover on September 1st.

To offset the tax exemption, money from the Community Preservation Fund, the Neighborhood Trust and Linkage money from future projects, as well as federal funds can be utilized. The property owner would be required to register the unit with the city and provide proof of reduced rent to receive

the property tax credit. This proposal aims to incentivize Boston’s current property owners to be stakeholders by charging below market rents, and provide an opportunity for affordable units to come on-line more quickly. Council President Flynn plans on submitting this proposal as an amendment to the home rule petition.

“Our housing crisis calls for creative and bold solutions to get as many affordable units online as quickly as possible, “said Council President Flynn. ”An affordable housing tax exemption could provide relief for working families in every neighborhood of the city by the next fiscal year, reward property owners who have been good neighbors in quietly providing below market rents for years to help families

For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and

5 SOUTHBOSTONONLINE.COM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2023 • 617.635.4545 *A.P.Y. = Annual Percentage Yields. Certificate Special APYs are accurate as of 2/6/23 and are subject to change without notice. 13-Month Certificate Special APY equals 4.08% for deposits between $500.00-$49,999.99 and 4.18% APY for deposits $50,000.00 and above. 13-Month Certificate Specials are limited to one per member. Minimum deposit of $500. Certificate Specials are available for a limited time. Deposits cannot be made during the term of the account. Dividends will be credited to your account and compounded every month. Upon maturity, unless otherwise directed by member, 13-Month Special Certificate will automatically rollover into the City of Boston Credit Union 12- Month Certificate at that dates current APY. All other certificate terms and conditions will apply and may change at any time. Subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Must be a member of City of Boston Credit Union to open certificate account(s). Dividend rates are accurate as of the date and time of printing and are subject to change without notice. 4.18%APY* JUMBO 4.08%APY* REGULAR MINIMUM $500 DEPOSIT MINIMUM $50,000 DEPOSIT FUTURE YOU IS SO PROUD OF YOU. Future you is waiting and they’re flush with savings. Learn more about our Share Certificate special at or come see us in-person. City of Boston Credit Union. Uniquely Boston. You chose dependable savings for more than a year. 13-Month Share Certificate Special.
in the city, and
housing providers to
in being a good neighbor.”
encourage other
join them

Hearts, Hugs & Hope: A Virtual Alzheimer’s Support Group Offered

by Compass on the Bay

Coffee at “fabulist”

March 16, 2023, 6:00 pm.

Dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia isn’t easy, so it is helpful to share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you’re going through. You will also learn about proven strategies to help you better care for your family member. This group will be held in conjunction with our sister community, Standish Village.

Call 617-268-5450 or email Program Director Dean Tricarico at for more information and to register for the virtual meeting.

This is a virtual event sponsored by Compass on the Bay Assisted Living and Memory Support Community, 1380 Columbia Road, South Boston.

Traffic Advisory

The Boston Volleyball Festival at BCEC to Impact Local Traffic on the weekends of February 24-26 and March 3-5, 2023, Local Parking Limited

The Boston Volleyball Festival will be taking place from Friday, February 24 through Sunday, February 26, 2023 and Friday, March 3 through Sunday March 5, 2023 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC). This is a large regional event (31,000 attendees expected) and many attendees are expected to drive.

Traffic in the area is expected to be heaviest between 6am-10am and 12pm-4pm each day, Friday-Sunday.

Attendees, as well as local employees working in and around the South Boston Waterfront, are urged to make alternative plans for their commute that day. Use of public transit is strongly encouraged. If you must drive, please allow additional time for your commute.

Parking in the South Lot of the BCEC is expected to fill quickly for this event. Additional parking will be offered at off-site lots in the South Boston Waterfront area. Signs will direct attendees to off-site parking. Police details will be in place to help direct traffic and pedestrians.

This is a brief tip for the next time you go to South Boston’s Seaport District: A Café called “fabulist” has just opened in the section of the Harborwalk between Pier 2 and Pier 4 – the section that is home to the Porter Square Bookstore and Grub Street, where Grub Street’s new Cafe is located. You will enjoy a really fine cup of coffee or espresso, of course. You can also treat yourself to an empanada. Very soon, the “fabulist” will be offering soup, salads, bagels, pastries, and sandwiches as well – various lunchtime items, in other words. In addition, you’ll enjoy a view of the Boston Seaport’s harbor docking piers and a portion of its skyline from “fabulist”.

Please join us for a Virtual Community Meeting

Tuesday, Feb 28th @ 6:00pm

776 Summer Street

Deconstruction Update

Please register in advance for this webinar by scanning the QR code. This meeting will provide updates on the deconstruction project schedule, ongoing mitigation and monitoring efforts, and timing updates for the takeover of the East 1st Street sidewalk and parking lane. To submit questions or comments ahead of the meeting please reach out to


Jimmy Flaherty

Kick-Off Breakfast

Saturday, March 4th

State Senator, Nick Collins

Honorary Chairman

Sea-Point Restaurant 10:00 AM

Suggested Donation$ 15.00

21 +Bowl-A-Rama

Sunday, March 5th

Pauline Bare

Cheryl Joyce, Andrea Flaherty

Rich Devoe and Joyce Higgins

Honorary Chairp ersons

South Boston Bowl 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Must be 21+ to attend-no children, please

Basketball Free-Throw Competition

Monday, March 6th

City Councilor Ed Flynn

Bernie O'Donnell & Kathy Davis

Honorary Chairpersons

Tynan Community School Gym - 6:00 PM

The Swimming Competition

Tuesday, March 7th

City Councilor Erin Murphy

Honorary Chairperson

Boys and Girls Club Pool

Registration 6:00 PM, Meet 6:30PM

Tom & Eddie Butler

St. Patrick's Senior Salute

Saturday, March 11th

Mayor Michelle Wu

Councilor Michael Flaherty, Thomas Butler Jr. Chairmen

Mary Collins, Kathy Flynn and Joyce Biele

Honorary Chairwomen

St. Peter's Lower Church Hall - 11:00 AM

247th Annual Evacuation Day Events

2023 Evacuation Day Committee

March 4rd through March 19th


Sunday, March 12th

State Rep. David Biele

State Senator Nick Collins

City Councilor Ed Flynn

City Councilor Frank Baker

Honorary Chairmen

Murphy Rink, Day Boulevard Events begin approx. 9:00 AM

Boxing Show

Saturday, March 18th

Register of Deeds Stephen Murphy

Honorary Chairman

Peter Welchs'Gym - 4:00 PM

143rd Annual

Evacuation Day Banquet

Friday, Marchi 7th

BCEC 2nd Floor Ballroom

New England Boiled Dinner

Entertainment by Curragh' s Fancy Reception 5:30 PM-----Dinner 7:00 PM

FOR TICKETS CALL 857-204-5825

Athletic Competition

Condon School Gym

Wednesday, March J5h , 4PM-6PM

Joe Curran, Barbara Caputo Kelly

Honorary Chairman

Boys and Girls ages 10 -14

St. Patrick's Day Road Race

Sunday, March 19th

Proceeds benefit South Boston Boys & Girls Club

Pre-registration Required


Race begins at 11:00 AM at the Club

Evacuation Day Memorial Mass

Friday, March 17th

Fr. Joe White

Margaret Lynch, Honorary Chairwoman

St. Augustine's Chapel - 9:30 AM

Memorial/Historical Exercises

Friday, March 17th Including

Essay & Poster Competition Winners

State Representative Nick Collins

Bernie O'Donnell, Past President SBCA

Robert Allison, S.B Historical Society

City Councilor, Edward Flynn

City Councilor, Michael Flaherty

Hon. Maura Sweeney Doyle

Bill Foley, Retired NPS

Honorary Chairpersons

Dorchester Heights Monument - 11:00 AM

St. Patrick's/Evacuation Day Parade

Sunday, March 19th at 1 pm

Coleman - Chief Marshal

Allied War Veterans Council

W. Broadway & Dorchester Ave

IThomas E. McGrath, President
"The Nation's Oldest Neighborhood Civic Organization"

The current major exhibition at the South Boston Seaport’s Institute of Contemporary Art (the ICA) is truly striking. The full title and heading of this exhibition reads “To Begin Again – Artists and Childhood”. It displays artistically something that every single one of us has experienced at length – our years of childhood. When you view it, you’ll realize you have not forgotten your own childhood. In fact, it will be like you have been invited “To Begin Again”. So we have a suggestion for you to consider: “To Begin Again” will be on display for four more days – Thursday (10-9 p.m.), Friday (10-9 p.m.), Saturday (10-5 p.m.), and Sunday (10-5 p.m.), from February 23 to 26. Now that the

“To Begin Again” at the ICA

winter’s school break is winding down, take your children to this exhibition. It might well be a memorable vacation experience for them. It shows some very fine works of art by noted adult artists that were created in a childlike way; other works of art on display are the creations of children themselves. A table in the middle of the exhibition provides a place where kids (and adults, too) can write and sketch. Perhaps most attractive to this younger generation will be the many books, games, movies, videos, cartoons, and recordings that are parts of the “To Begin Again” exhibition. It’s not just drawings, paintings, and sculptures; it offers hours of activities for all ages. And the exhibition is on the ICA’s fourth floor, so be sure to spend some time at their north windows where you’ll see one of the finest views anywhere of Boston Harbor and the Boston skyline.

This sculpture is a true work of art. Look at it carefully.
It’s that time of year again!! Please Join Us The South Boston Citizens’ Association “The Nation’s Oldest Neighborhood Civic Organization” Thomas E. McGrath, President 2023 Evacuation Day Events Pop Lynch (21+) Bowl-A-Rama
South Boston Bowl East Broadway, South Boston, MA When: Sunday, March 4th, 2023, 1-4 PM FREE BOWLING, REFRESHMENTS, AND FUN MUST BE 21 TO ATTEND Sponsored by SOUTH BOSTON BOWL
Childlike art (“Hot Pusuit”, 1939) by world-famous painter Paul Klee.
Andrea Flaherty, Cheryl Joyce, Joyce Higgins, Pauline Bare,Sharon O’Dwyer and Rich Devoe Chairpersons

SPOKE Brings Mardi Gras to South Boston

Mardi Gras occurred two days ago on Tuesday, February 21. As always, it took place on the last day before Lent began on Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras, which means “Fat Tuesday” in French, might be considered as a worldwide celebration. It is certainly among the largest and most universal parties among the Western World’s nations, where it is often called “Carnivale”. In the U.S., Mardi Gras is centered in New Orleans. The celebration there lasts for almost a full week and culminates in a massive,

extravagantly costumed parade. And last Tuesday evening, SPOKE, the South Boston agency who answer youthful needs by exposing young people to art, brought Mardi Gras here. This event took place at Publico, the popular South Boston restaurant at 11 Dorchester Street, on the corner of First. The mezzanine floor of Publico was decorated to resemble a ski lodge, which may seem unusual for Mardi Gras but, hey, it’s still winter around here (and it will be for a good while longer). The courteous staff at Publico provided drinks, chips ‘n’ dips, various pizzas, and hero sandwich slices constructed

from delicious fried fish. Suitably for a Mardi Gras party, the program was mercifully brief and meaningful.

Amanda Shea and Letta Neely narrated their beautiful, original words with feeling – words that ended with devotion to people and to peace. SPOKE Founder and Artistic Director Michael Dowling expressed his gratitude for the Mardi Gras party, including Richie and Autumn on admissions. Executive Director

L’Merchier Frazier encouraged everyone to visit SPOKE at 844 Summer Street to view the works of art showing there. DJ Haitian J from “Soundscape” spun the evening’s music and backed up Amanda and Letta during their narrations with new age jazz. It was Mardi Gras, so many of the guests wore masks. All of them ate, drank, and partied. It was an extremely enjoyable evening that ended too soon for everyone.


Continued from Page 1


allows schools to celebrate achievements and accomplishments. The students had a chance to think about all the different ways we can count up to 100 to celebrate our 100th Day of School! In Ms. Byrne’s class, they did 100th Day Exercises - including

counting out 100 M&M’s. The older students made fanatic and interesting posters using their creativity and imagination. Each class celebrated its 100th day in unique and special ways. We hope everyone had a wonderful St. Valentine’s Day! Saint Valentine is the patron saint of love. Believers say God worked through his life to perform

miracles and teach people how to recognize and experience true love. This famous saint, an Italian doctor who later became a priest, inspired the creation of the holiday of sending letters/cards to those we love on St. Valentine’s Day. The students made Special Valentines with messages to their parent(s). The students had parties in their classrooms

where they had a chance to exchange cards and candy with everyone in their class. Shout out to our Home and School Committee for all their great help and support, our awesome Student Council, who helped write, organize, and deliver candy grams for the students, and to Ms. Olsen, for her wonderful guidance and help with this year’s Students Council.


South Boston

Virtual Public Meeting: 330 C Street

March 7, 2023

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Project Description:

Zoom Link:

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864

Meeting ID: 160 508 0921

The proposed project consists of a new six-story 74-room hotel, with a ground-floor restaurant, situated at 330 C Street in South Boston. The lot size is approximately 8,202 square feet and is currently occupied by a vacant single-story concrete block building which formerly housed a repair garage.

mail to: Stephen Harvey

Boston Planning & Development Agency

One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201

phone: 617.918.4418



Teresa Polhemus,

The Law Office of

Paul J. Gannon PC

Massport will host an informational meeting on Cypher/E Street Improvements.

This project will provide safety enhancements for all modes of transportation, pedestrian access, and a new connection to E Street.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

CRISPR Therapeutics

Community Room 105 West First Street South Boston, MA 02127 6:00PM

Please email for more information.

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PROBATE PUBLIC NOTICE Virtual Public Meeting
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