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Dry Run

Lent Begins

The Rev. Burns Stanfield opens the Ash Wednesday liturgy at Fourth Presbyterian.

by Rick Winterson


he Christian prepa rator y time before E a s t e r, commonly called Lent, began yesterday – on Ash Wednesday, February 17. The Lenten season is a time of penitence lasting for 40 days; it leads to a resolve


to live a better life after Easter. The color purple is frequently used to symbolize the penitential aim of Lent, because it is a darker secondary color, but without the somber nature of black. In other words, purple signifies there is Hope for us. On Ash Wednesday morning, St. Monica Parish Church on Old Colony at Preble Circle displayed vivid purple banners on their altar, inscribed with “Repent, Forgive” and “For Our Sake He Was Crucified”. In Lent, we must express sorrow for our own wrongdoings; we must also forgive others who may have wronged us. The Fourth Presbyterian Church on Dorchester Street at the corner of Vinton held a brief ceremony around mid-day on the 2021 Ash Wednesday. During this observance, the Rev. Burns Stanfield, Pastor of the Fourth, encouraged everyone to take Contimued on Page 3

Tia and the team at sectionals last year ( Photos by Tia Ferrie). Temporary Pool Closure Can’t Stop These Swimmers

By Ginger DeShaney


he swim team at the E dgerley Fa mily Boys & Girls Club South Boston has been working out and practicing ... without a pool. And while that’s been a challenge -- along with the COVID19 pandemic -- it hasn’t deterred



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these determined members. The boiler for the pool went out several weeks ago but because of the pandemic, it’s taking a while for it to get fixed, said Tia Ferrie, the Club’s aquatics director and swim coach. So while Tia and the members wait patiently for the pool to reopen, “We switched pool workouts to dry land workouts,” Tia said, noting they usually do a lot of dry land training anyway. The workouts include calisthenics, Continued on Page 4

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EDITORIAL: Recreational Marijuana – Not in Andrew Square


ndrew Squa re is f or m e d by six i nt e r s e c t i n g roadways – Dorchester Avenue (north and south legs), Boston Street, Southampton Street, Preble Street, and Dorchester Street (not to be confused with the Avenue). It is perhaps the single busiest intersection in all of South Boston, especially when the Red Line, a cluster of bus routes, and a lot of pedestrian traff ic are added in. In addition, it is the center of many new developments, both small and large – like Washington Village and the now planned construction in the yards along the northbound leg of Dorchester Avenue. It is (ver y) importa nt that any new proposal for the Square be carefully considered a nd t horou g h ly c he c k e d out before it is approved. One of these new proposals is from a business called “Green Stratus Corp.”. Green Stratus wants to open what they are calling a Cannabis Retailer Establishment, which means a place where marijuana is sold for recreational (not medical) purposes. It is to be located where

from John that he sent to South Boston Online last weekend: “The Gavin Foundation is opposed to the Green Stratus Corporation’s proposed retail recreational cannabis dispensary, to be located in Andrew Square. I understand the law allows for such dispensaries, but I don’t think Andrew Square is an appropriate location. Andrew is a major MBTA Station, I have serious concerns about access

MJ site at The Connection The Connection is located now – 558-560 Dorchester Avenue, at the corner of Leeds Street, inside the building now occupied by The Connection, after this building has been renovated. The new operation will not sell any alcohol; it will only purvey cannabis and related products. Kinjal Patel is the founder/owner/ CEO of Green Stratus Corp., which is a certif ied Women Business Enterprise and Minority Business Enterprise. She claims that no public consumption of cannabis/marijuana will occur in or any where around their site. Green Stratus will name its

ERRATUM: South Boston Online’s profile of Nicole Herendeen in last week’s FEB 11 issue mentioned that the name “Herendeen” was from the 1800s. Actually, the Herendeens came here from England much earlier, in 1634. The Hillery side of their family came here from Ireland in 1870 and moved to Cambridge. Also, her challenging and memorable assignments at Benchmark included “a variety of business industries from Ireland, from large life sciences companies to small clothing companies”. We hope these corrections make Nicole’s “40 Under 40” Award clearer and more accurate.

shop “CANNAPI”; all customers must be at least 21 years of age. The opening date for CANNIPI is planned for June, 2022 (16 months from now). S out h B oston On l i ne is f irmly opposed to this cannabis (marijuana) enterprise being put in Andrew Square. We are joined in our opposition by the Andrew Square Civic Association (ASCA). ASCA has been circulating a petition against the proposed cannabis shop since the first of this month, with 100+ signatures so far. ASCA takes the position that crowded Andrew Square with its multiple route “T” Station, many developments, and planned construction projects is simply not the place for a marijuana outlet. Such an enterprise must be carefully zoned and approved (in advance) by the public before it is even considered as one of the three South Boston recreational marijuana sites that were planned a few years back. John McGa ha n is the President/CEO of the Gavin Foundation, a position he has held since 1994. Under his guidance, the Gavin has developed many of Boston’s most respected, communit y-ba sed addiction recovery programs. He and his wife Anne live in South Boston and are committed to the South Boston community. The following is a message

and exposure to neighborhood teens traveling to and from school, and there are multiple substance abuse recovery programs in the area. So, a dispensary seems counterproductive to community needs! Lastly, I would say the City has done a great deal of development in the area. Is this really the type of amenity that improves the quality of life for South Boston residents?”

South Boston Online answers John’s final question w it h a n emphat ic “No!” Andrew Square is very close to three churches and the Devine Recovery Center, as well as several recovery clinics and centers along S out h a mpton (“Me t h a done Mile”). Andrew Station, as John mentioned, is major stop for teenaged students. Overall, the Andrew Square neighborhood is focused on developing itself into a residential area that is home for useful small business enterprises and to the people living there. As a first step, we ask the City of Boston’s City Councilors to support these aims by rejecting t he Green Stratus Corp’s proposal. After all, the City Council recently turned down the proposed Amazon freight distribution center on Dorchester Avenue based on traffic concerns. We sug ge st t hat a ny recreational cannabis enterprises find a denser, more businessoriented district of the City, and then locate themselves there.



Continued from page 1

Lent part in a day of prayer. He sang “In My House”, and then began administering ashes, placing them on the congregation’s foreheads one by one in the shape of a small cross. Ashes were given out both inside the Fourth Church and outdoors. In Catholicism and many other Christian denominations, the ashes are a three-fold symbol – of our humility, about our repentance, and as a reminder that we’ll all eventually die. Typically, these ashes are formed by burning the leftover palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday – April 5, 2020, in this case. The 40 days of Lent that began yesterday with Ash Wednesday is a period when many people eat less, abstain from meat (often on Fridays), and “give up something” for Lent. The number 40 comes from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which tell the story of Christ’s 40-day fast in the desert before He started

St. Monica Church on Ash Wednesday morn, hung with Lenten messages on purple banners. His public life. That same “number 40” also occurs several times in the Old Testament.

Two Secular Suggestions

First, the pandemic has cost a lot of people their jobs and their paychecks, especially here in Boston and in Massachusetts. We suggest you resolve to make contributions to our local food banks all during Lent. Young children have lost a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic, including

Lulu Green Mentioned

close to one full year of their schooling. Let’s make sure they don’t go hungry, too. There are at least a half-dozen nearby food banks that come to mind, many of them run by volunteers. Look them up; help them out! Second, you know many precautions (called “protocols”) that reduce the spread of COVID19 are still in effect – stay at home, don’t join large crowds (indoors or outdoors), keep

social distances, wear masks (or perhaps even double masks by now), and so on. Make yourself a firm Lenten resolution to obey ALL (!) these precautions/ protocols. You’ll not only be protecting the public during Lent, you’ll be protecting your friends, your family, and even yourself. And you’ll be truly satisfied with all that you’ve done when Easter comes on April 4. It will be a real Lenten bargain!

LENT 2021 Gate of Heaven & St Brigid of Kildare Parishes Evening Mass at 5:15 p.m. Wednesdays During Lent

Attend Mass in person or watch online on our website:

Boston Common is an elegant, high-fashion, monthly magazine. In its February, 2021, issue, South Boston’s Lulu Green was mentioned favorably. Be aware Lulu Green is a vegan establishment with a Lebanese flavor theme – a healthy and surprisingly tasty variant on most other menus. It opened in 2019; South Boston Online reviewed it then (also favorably). Now, complying with vegan standards isn’t easy, but is successfully managed by lead chef Brian Corbey. He’s a co-owner of Lulu Green with sisters Mary and Nada Lattouf. Mary is a former Director at Whole Foods; Nada is a physicist and pharmacist. They have selected the favorite dishes at Lulu Green, and now offer them for takeout and delivery. (246-248 West Broadway, 617-420-4070,

Wednesday, February 24 – Gate of Heaven Church Homily/Reflection – Fr. Casey Wednesday, March 3 - Saint Brigid Church Homily/Reflection – Fr. Boyle Wednesday, March 10 Gate of Heaven Church Homily/Reflection – Deacon Danny, SJ Wednesday, March 17 – Saint Brigid Church Homily/Reflection – Msgr. Liam - Feast of St. Patrick Wednesday, March 24 Gate of Heaven Church Homily/Reflection – TBA Wednesday, March 31 Gate of Heaven Church Homily/Reflection – Fr. Patrick Nolan, SJ Daily Mass (Monday – Friday) Gate of Heaven Church: Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. St. Brigid Church: Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. Stations of the Cross




Continued from Page 1

Dry Run rope jumping, and other exercises. The last 20-30 minutes of each practice, they play COVID-friendly games. “They want to come to swim practice,” Tia said, noting she was worried the members wouldn’t come back with the pool closed. “They are still showing up, which is awesome. “And kids want to sign up for the swim team even during the pandemic!” Tia has divided the swim team members into three groups to comply with COVID protocols. There are 26 kids between the ages of 7 and 17 on the swim team, but about 22 show up every week. Some swim team members took the season off because of COVID. Swim team captains Owen Rogers and Cat Lee have been very helpful to Tia and assistant coach Sarah Mogan. Tia and Sarah offer special events for the swim team. Last week, they decorated the pool area for Valentine’s Day and hosted a Valentine’s event. “We are trying to figure out ways to reward them for showing up,” Tia said. Last year, members of the Paul D. Buckley swim team earned their way to the Boys & Girls Club national championship in Florida. But 10 days before they were supposed to leave, the state shut down because of COVID-19. “The kids were super bummed,” Tia said. And with the pool currently closed, the members have missed



2020 swim team members in good spirits. out on virtual meets. “Once the pool reopens, we’ll get right back to it,” she said, noting she is hopeful that will happen in the next couple of weeks. When able to use the pool, the swim team will follow strict protocols, from stickers denoting where they can sit and put their belongings, and sanitizing stations throughout the pool area, to only four people in the locker room at a time. The pool will be divided into socially distanced sections. The kids wear masks until they get in the water, then get new masks when they get out of the pool. The swim team members are in good spirits and staying patient, Tia said. But some have expressed concern about forgetting their swim techniques. She assures them they won’t forget. When the team members do their workouts, Tia is right there with them, leading by example and setting the



tone. Tia has come full circle at the Club. She was a Club member as a kid and was part of the swim team. She went to the Gavin (now Up Academy) for middle school and walked to the Club after school. “Once I started on the swim team, you couldn’t get me out of the club. “The universe brought me back here.” After graduating from East Boston High School in 2008, she attended Bunker Hill Community College and then Bay State College for fashion merchandising, focusing on the visual aspect of merchandising. She put her degree to work at DSW, Bloomingdale’s, and West Elm. “But I always kept my foot in the water,” she said, noting she always continued to be involved in aquatics. That involvement included working for DCR during the summer months as a lifeguard/swim instructor

and working part time at Harvard/ MIT and a handful of YMCAs, to then becoming full time with Boston Centers for Youth and Families for seven years as a lifeguard/swim instructor/swim coach. In June, Tia will celebrate three years as the full-time aquatics director at the Club. Tia loves what she does. “I love the members. I love doing what I can for the members and giving back to the community. I’m grateful I can do that, especially being a club alumni.” In addition to leading the swim team, Tia supervises CPR/First Aid training for the club staff and manages all aquatics programming, swim lessons, lifeguard training, and rec times (open swim) for members.





Swim lessons are offered to all members, ranging from kids who are petrified of the water to kids who are ready for the swim team.



South Bay Pop-Up – Black Owned Bos.

Try the carrot cake at Clarke’s (Delish! Especially their thick frosting.)

by Rick Winterson


ast Saturday, February 13, a group that calls itself Black Owned Bos. held a pop-up retail sales event. It was entitled “The Spread Love Pop-Up Collective”. This event was located in the South Bay Shopping Center at 28 District Avenue, which was where The Loft had once been located. It lasted from 12 noon till 6 p.m. It is the first one of four pop-up sales events planned by Black Owned Bos. The next three popups, also to be held at 28 District Avenue from 12 noon till 6 p.m., will take place on the next three Saturdays (February 20, 27, and March 6). Please plan to attend; it’s a great shopping adventure. Black Owned Bos. was founded two years ago by Jae’da Turner; she’s still their Managing Director. South Boston Online interviewed her late last August, when we covered the Black Owned Bos. Market and Exhibition sponsored by Boston Seaport on Seaport Common. This coming March will mark the completion of Black Owned Bos.’s second full year of operation. If you stop by to see their pop-up sales event on Saturday, March 6, wish them all a Happy Second Anniversary. The various exhibits all featured products – for sale, of course – that were carefully designed

and crafted into works of art. The exhibitors will rotate over the next three Saturdays, so you’ll see some interesting new displays, even if you go to all of the remaining three events. Admission to the Pop-Up is free, and of course, you can park in the South Bay Center at no charge. Spend some time looking up the exhibitors before you leave the Spread Love Pop-Up. Take a quick glance around, and then go for a cup of coffee (Starbuck’s is right next door) so you can google up the exhibitors who interest you. As just one example, 195essential is the brainchild of daughter/father Lena and Jason Harris. Their T-shirts ask the question “What is essential?” in all the world’s countries, which are 195 in number. We’ll list alphabetically the thirteen (13) pop-up exhibitors who were on display last Saturday: Adorn Me Africa, Akosua’s Closet, Ankhara by Luciana, B. Royal Boutique, BGM Apparel, Buttah Beauty, Clarke’s Cakes & Cookies, Emerald City Plant Shop, Good Vibes, iLoveFGC, The Poetic Artiste, Unplugged Essentials, and 195essential. In addition to many items of handmade, originally designed apparel, there were baked goods (the carrot cake was heavenly!), notably decorative live plants and flowers, hemp soaks, work-of-art pillows, and accessory clothing that ranged from kerchiefs to original T-shirts. South Boston Online will end this article by recommending that you make it a point to visit at least one of the next three Spread Love Pop Up Collective events. We’ll repeat the information on them: They’ll all be held at 28 District Avenue in South Bay, from 12 noon till 6 p.m. on the next three Saturdays - February 20, February 27 and March 6. Admission is free; make a shopping trip out of it. Think of gifts suitable for Easter, graduations, proms, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Confirmation, birthdays, June weddings, just plain warmer/sunnier weather, and so on.

Exotic plants and greenery by Emerald City Plant Shop.

Brilliant, colorful, and hand-crafted, all from Akosua’s Closet.

Unplugged Essentials offers unique hemp-based soaks.

Unique T-shirts 195essential?


Colorful creations Abdul at ILoveFGC.





Smoothie Operators OTEN Celebrates Successful First Year By Ginger DeShaney “Everything we do comes from the heart,” Denisse Tejada said as On The Edge Nutrition (OTEN) celebrated its one-year anniversary in South Boston last Saturday. “It’s heart work; it’s not hard work,” she said. Denisse along with Yeison Baez have put their hearts and souls into the healthy smoothie bar at 283 Old Colony Ave. and it shows. With a customer base of 4,000 and at least 100 regulars, the shop is making a name for itself. People travel from Rhode Island and New Hampshire for OTEN’s offerings. And many of those customers stopped by for OTEN’s socially distanced anniversary celebration that included balloons and banners, a DJ spinning tunes, specials, and giveaways. “We started this because we wanted to create change and provide something different for the community,” Denisse said. “It’s been an amazing journey so far. I’m grateful we took this leap of faith.” OTEN features protein-based smoothies that are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and flavor. “It’s different; it’s not traditional,” Yeison said. All of OTEN’s smoothies have 24g of protein, 21 vitamins and minerals, 5g of fiber, and are 200-300 calories. The shop uses Herbalife protein powder as the base. The shop also offers protein iced coffee, protein donuts and waffles, as well as teas. The donuts and waffles are made on-site with the Herbalife protein powder. Fitness and healthy living are hallmarks for Yeison and Denisse,

who met at a Fit Camp. Yeison saw the potential in Denisse and took her under his wing, teaching her about business and encouraging her leadership skills. “He saw something in me and believed in me,” Denisse said. After stopping into a healthy smoothie shop in Springfield, MA, Yeison, who used to work in corporate America, “wanted to bring something like that here.” Denisse had always wanted to do something like this, so they teamed up to make it happen. The shop opened Feb. 8, 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. “We didn’t have online ordering then,” Yeison said. “We wanted a bar atmosphere where people could sit down and hang out. We wanted people to come in.” They had 6-8 stools at the bar, and a few chairs and tables, which are gone for now. They immediately implemented online ordering, curbside pickup, and delivery. “That helped us build our business slowly,” Yeison said. “Our numbers are growing month after month.” Now customers can come in and grab their orders or have them delivered. “We did very well during the pandemic,” Denisse said. “People were looking for healthy options,” said Yeison. The OTEN smoothies help strengthen the immune system and provide energy, he said. They also help people stay in shape. “I think [the pandemic] helped us in a way; it was something people needed at that time.” Many people use the smoothies to lose weight or gain weight, Yeison said. “The smoothies are very healthy,” Denisse said. “They can serve as a meal.

Denisse Tejada, Manager We’re not your average smoothie place.” OTEN also shares health, fitness, and nutrition information on its social media platforms. The name of the shop just fell into place. Yeison came from an IT background, where he was working on the edge of technology, he said. So On The Edge Nutrition was born. The look and feel of the shop is edgy. “There’s good energy, a good vibe, positivity. People are always happy here,” Yeison said. “We are big on customer service; that’s what makes us stand out. It’s all about the experience,” Denisse said. The staff members, known as partners -- “We have a team of people developing themselves. We are building leaders,” Denisse said -are diverse in age and ethnicity. “We want people to see this is for everyone.” Laura Mendoza, a full-time social worker, works part time at OTEN. “This is such a fun place to be,” she said, noting she loves meeting people and the shop’s friendly atmosphere. “It’s intertwined with the community.” Yeison has two family members who work at the shop and the others

have become family. Everyone who works there brings something different. “Everyone has their own unique quality that makes the place what it is,” he said. “We have fun together.” And the customers and the community have noticed. “The reaction from the community has been amazing,” Denisse said. “People love coming here. They love the conversations; they love the smoothies. There has been tremendous support from the community.” “We are grateful and thankful for the Southie community,” Yeison said. OTEN is open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the week; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. Come March, the shop may stay open longer on weekends.

Follow OTEN: Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/OnTheEdgeNutrition Instagram: @ontheedgenutrition Website: OnTheEdgeNutrition


Avienne Lashley

Yeison Baez, Owner of Oten

Lauren Mendoza

Healthy Smoothie Bar

Luz Nunez

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SBCA Celebrating St. Valentine’s Day The students at South Boston Catholic Academy celebrated St. Valentine’s Day last week! They made and gave their families, classmates and teachers St. Valentine’s Day cards. They handed out their Valentine’s Day cards to their classmates and teachers during their St. Valentine’s Day party in their classrooms before heading off for February vacation. Our Student Council members and students in Art Class, also, made special St. Valentine’s Day cards for our dear friends at Marion Manor.





South Boston CatholicYoung Adult Commission

Virtual Public Meeting

658-660 East Broadway Tuesday, March 2 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 160 672 8224

Project Proponent: 658-660 East Broadway Realty, LLC Project Description: 658-660 East Broadway Realty, LLC proposes to construct a mixed use development containing eight residential units, a restaurant space and commercial office space. For more information on this project please visit:


mail to: Nick Carter Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.5303 email:


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

he South Boston YAC will be hosting a prayer group on Thursday evenings during Lent. The prayer group will spend time reflecting on the upcoming Sunday Gospel as well as facilitating other discussions relating to life as a Catholic young adult in South Boston.

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The group supports the mission of South Boston’s Rom a n C at hol ic pa r i she s by orga nizing va rious spiritual, social, and service activities throughout the year. If you would like to be a part of this group and receive email updates - please email at: Sout h BostonCat holicYAC@ or sign-up at the doors of the Church. There are also informational cards at each door of the Church at Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes. For more information, please contact Fr. Boyle at the Parish Office - 617-268-2122, ext. 13. We look for wa rd to we lc om i n g you to t he Sout h Boston Cat holic Young Adu lt Commission!

Virtual Public Meeting

88 Black Falcon Ave. Thursday, March 4

Zoom Link:

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 302 1316

Project Proponent: DIV Black Falcon LLC Project Description: The Proponent proposes a four-story vertical addition of approximately 330,600 square feet to the existing three-story structure, which presently consists of approximately 353,910 square feet of Gross Floor Area. With the proposed vertical addition, the 88 Black Falcon building would total approximately 684,510 square feet of Gross Floor Area. The redevelopment proposal also includes expanded parking facilities for approximately 174 vehicles, such that the property would contain a maximum of 729 parking spaces, and site improvements. The Proposed Project is contemplated to include water-dependent/maritime uses, as well as office, research and development, and laboratory uses and will be subject to a future license application under M.G.L. Chapter 91. mail to: Nick Carter Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.5303 email:

Close of Comment Period: 3/6/2021


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary



Takeouts to the Rescue by Rick Winterson


a st Su nd ay, t he Boston Globe Magazine published a guide to 100 takeout restaurants in and around the Greater Boston and Vicinity area. It was a useful guide that struck a chord in the memories of those of us who were either born here or have lived here for years. It was a pleasure to see how many of this area’s

“classic” dining places were still active. Certainly the huge variety of menus, cuisines, and affordability presented in the Globe’s Takeout Guide would satisfy anyone. And everyone. The reason behind the Globe’s Takeout Guide was obvious – during the pandemic, restaurants are struggling to stay alive and open. Many have not made it already; many more are “on the edge”. And in and around Boston, dining out is a Fox & the Knife, a takeout food/wine bar by Chef Karen Akunowicz (26 West Broadway). traditional experience all of us enjoy. In addition, the staff in many of these establishments are depending upon takeout business to keep their jobs. So indulge yourself in takeout whenever you can. In addition to making for great dining, it will help others during these (ver y) diff icult times. Tw o Sout h Boston restaurants – Chickadee in the Innovation & Design Building on Drydock Avenue and Fox & the Knife on West Broadway –

Chickadee in the I & D Building – pasta, salad, porchetta, fried chicken to go (21 Drydock Ave.)

made the Sunday Globe’s list of 100. Congratulations to them, of course, but these are not the only excellent takeout establishments in South Boston. Just over five weeks from now, spring arrives in the ol’ home town. In the meantime, enjoy South Boston’s line-up of great takeout restaurants whenever you can. Not only will you find them to be delicious, it will really (really!) help our many f ine dining establishments to stay open. Tank you



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