Phoenix Rising - Issue 12 / 2022

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When you walk through the shops and see Christmas decorations in the shop front you know the School year has nearly finished. Teachers and students are busily finalising assessments and reporting, and all are looking forward to a well deserved break. These last few weeks have been filled with the normal school signposts for the end of the year; farewells, break up celebrations and external exams.

Pre prep and Year 7 Orientation Programs

As we wind down for 2022, we have also been looking forward to 2023 with our Pre prep and Year 7 Orientation Programs. Both were well attended by new and returning families and were marked with a genuine sense of excitement for the future. If you are intending to send your child to All Souls St Gabriels

them, please reach out to Jon Teichmann as soon as possible (

All Souls Day & Green Dinner

All Souls Day is one of those significant moments in the life of our School. It is an opportunity for us to recognise and remember those who have come before us and to give thanks for their contributions and sacrifice. The phrase commonly used is ‘we are where we are because of those who have come before us’. Nothing could be more true in the history of our School.

The Chapel Service for All Souls Day was, as it always is, a moving one. Father Kenneth delivered a powerful message about who the important people are in our lives; who do we remember? It is not those on the Forbes rich list, previous Nobel Prize winners or Grand Final winning NRL stars, it is those who have made a difference in our life teachers, parents, sport coaches and friends. Fr Kenneth put to the students that they can be the ones who make a difference in the lives of others, to


Headmaster ….. 1

Deputy/Academic Dean ….. 3

Dean of School ….. 4

Dean of Students ….. 4

Year 7 Orientation Program ….. 6

JS Inter House Swimming ….. 7

Head of Junior School ….. 8

The Word for Today …10 School Prayers …10

All Souls Day & Green Dinner ...11

The Arts ...12

Rural Activities & Gabes Z Club ...13

Pre Prep Orientation Day ...14

Volleyball & Basketball Galas ...15

Barra Fun Park for the Seniors ...16

From the Dorms ...17

Awards Day Invitation ...20

live out our School motto ‘ Cue servireestregnare’ for whom to serve is to reign.

The Green Dinner is a special occasion where we remember the benefactors of the School and especially the Green family who donated money for the first Green Dinner in 1979 and the first St Gabriel’s Day Dinner in 1980. We were fortunate to have past

ISSUE NO 12 / 2022 11 November 2022
Shane Meteyard spoke at Green Dinner and advised students, “Bite off more than you can chew and chew like mad.” Year 7 Orientation Days welcomed many new students to All Souls St Gabriels School

the guest speaker. Shane reflected on his time in boarding at All Souls St Gabriels School and remembered when Miss Marjorie Green saw the Green Dormitory living area and funded the renovation herself. Shane delivered some great life messages, including a favourite of mine ‘bite off more than you can chew and chew like mad!’

All in all it was a wonderful celebration of the School’s history and ethos.

Safe Internet Education

The Safe Internet Education package delivered to staff, students and parents by former Undercover Cyber

Detective Brett Lee, was very informative. I would encourage all parents to take the time to watch the recorded link from the parent session. Or at the very least have a conversation with your child about the session and what they learnt from Brett. One of the best strategies for keeping your child safe online is to be talking with them regularly about their online choices.

Junior School Swimming Carnival

The Junior School Inter House Swimming Carnival was a huge success on Friday, 4 November. Congratulations to all the swimmers and a special congratulations to the Age Champions and record breakers.

A big thank you to all the parent volunteers who were able to give up their time to make the day possible. I know the students loved having you there and were grateful for your time. I would like to thank Janey Dickson and staff for organising the event and preparing our students for the day.

I look forward to seeing you all at Preliminary Prize Giving and Annual Awards Day.

Academic Dean

The last stretch …

QCAA External Exams & Internal Review

It has been a hectic few weeks for our Year 12 students and senior teachers as students completed QCAA External Exams. Since the start of the term, our Senior Leadership Team have been monitoring and reviewing the timing and structure of events arranged for our senior students at this time of the year. I believe our end of year program has allowed our students the time and opportunities to end their schooling in a positive manner; however, there is always room for review and improvement. More details will be provided in the next newsletter.

Senior Study Sessions

As a part of the academic end of year events for our Year 12 students, senior teachers offered a large number of timetabled ‘senior study sessions’. Students were able to attend subject specific sessions to go over their study notes and revise skills for that subject’s external exam. Students responded in large numbers to this offer of help and staff were happy with the attitude displayed in these sessions. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all teachers who offered this additional time to support our senior students.

Awards Day Academic Awards

Subject Dux, Year Dux and an assortment of academic awards are currently being calculated by teaching staff in preparation for presentation at both the Preliminary Prize Giving and Awards Day Ceremonies. These awards are calculated with the assessment evidence we have up to a date in the middle of this term. This is fine for the subjects that are studied for the full year. However, the Senior Leadership have reviewed the awarding of subject dux prizes for ‘rotation’ (non core) subjects in Years 7 & 8. Students in these year levels study these subjects on a term by term rotational basis. This means there is a set of subjects for each year level that some of the students in the

cohort have only just started studying this term when results are closed for awards day calculations. Rather than staff using only draft work or classroom observations to award the Dux award for these subjects in these year levels, the Dux award for these courses will be calculated at the end of the year and presented at the first assembly in 2023. This assembly is set for the first Friday of the year Friday 3 February 2023.

This includes the following subjects in 2022: Year 7 Drama, Design & Technology, plus STEM; Year 8 Economics & Business, Music, Food & Nutrition, plus Textiles.

Teaching staff for these subjects can provide an interim list of students demonstrating results and efforts worthy of a Merit Award, so these can still be presented at the Preliminary Awards Ceremony. If any student is missed this year, due to exceptional results at the end of the year, they can be awarded a Merit Award at the first assembly next year.

We believe this is the fairest way to accurately recognise the top student for these subjects. If you have any questions regarding this process, please send me an email or call the School.

and Alternative Sequence Units 1 & 2). If you have any questions regarding this process, please send me an email or call the School.

2022 Year 11 students and families are also encouraged to note Exam Blocks for 2023 for students studying Units 3 & 4 (and Alternative Sequence Units 1 & 2). These are important dates as the new system is not as flexible as junior secondary exam blocks. This definitely includes the state wide testing QCAA are scheduling for the end of Unit 4 / Alternative Sequence Unit 2 (External Exams). This will take place in Weeks 4 6 and part of Week 7 in Term 4 2023. We, as a School, will have no control over this schedule. I will forward more detail regarding the end of the year schedule and procedures as they are released by the QCAA and we are able to finalise our planning for this important time in our senior courses.

Academic Reporting

A reminder that full (semester) reports will be sent home via email for students in Years 7 to 9 at the end of this term. Students in Years 10 & 11 will receive a “Progress Report” providing information on academic progress in the new senior curriculum. Please take the time to read these reports with your son / daughter over the break.

2022 Year 8 into 2023 Year 9

The 2023 Year 9 set of subjects has been finalised. All students were able to get their first set of subject choices for Year 9 next year. This is a great outcome. We look forward to our Year 8s continuing their junior secondary studies at All Souls St Gabriels School next year.


Year 12 Subject

Choices are set Students and families currently in Year 11 have been sent an individual email reminder of the fact that subject choices for Units 3 & 4 (and Alternative Sequence Units 1 & 2) are now closed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). This is a decision made by the QCAA so students maintain a consistent and full course of study in traditional Year 12 (new Units 3 & 4

School leaders attended the recent Freedom of Entry march, conducted as part of the celebrations for Charters Towers’ 150th anniversary

2023 Stationery Lists

A reminder that all Stationery Lists for students in Years 7 to 12 in 2023 have been uploaded to our School website.

2023 Exam Block Dates

The following tentative dates are in the planning for our internal exam blocks. Please note;

 the new senior system is not as flexible as the previous senior system with change of dates for assessment; and  the exam blocks now go deeper into the last week of each term.

Term 1 Wednesday 22 March to Wednesday 29 March (Years 7 12)

Term 2 Wednesday 14 June to Tuesday 20 June (Years 7 12)

Term 3 Monday 7 August to Friday 11 August (Only Years 11&12 Internal Assessment No.3 for some subjects)

Term 3 Tuesday 5 September to Wednesday 13 September (Years 7 11 & Year 12 Mock External Exams)

Term 4 Tuesday 14 November to Tuesday 21 November (Years 7 11) These dates will be confirmed in the School calendar by the start of school 2023. Please refer to these confirmed dates as you plan for appointments and family events in 2023.

Safe travels for families travelling to end of year events in the coming weeks.

Dean of School (Acting)

Absences from School

There have been a number of instances over the last few weeks where messages about student absences have not been received due to messages being sent to the wrong emails/phones. If your child is absent from the Senior School, please either email or contact Student Services on 4788

2275. Please refrain from emailing individual staff members or contacting them via mobile.

A week of big events Week 7 will see the culmination of our year and we will celebrate our student’s successes in academia and their extra curricular pursuits with two whole school events.

Thursday 17 November Preliminary Prizegiving in the Jim Rebgetz Centre from 9.00am. All students are to be in day uniform. All parents and friends are welcome to attend no reservation is needed for this event.

Friday 18 November Awards Day Ceremony at The World Theatre from 10.00am. All students are to be in formal uniform. Please be aware that you must reserve a ticket for this event.

Please check out the advertisement at the end of this newsletter and keep an eye out for emails and Facebook posts which will include further details.

Alternate schedule

In Week 8, after exams are complete and the main events of the year have concluded, Years 7 11 students will be involved in a number of alternate activities. Whilst the schedule is still being finalised, I can reveal that we will be running many exciting and engaging activities. There will also be the opportunity for students to be involved in some artistic projects along with a number of Christmas and other entertaining activities over the week. I look forward to experiencing these activities with our students.

Dean of Students

Year 7 Orientation

Incoming Year 7 students have been welcomed to All Souls St Gabriels School and the Year 11 students showed strong leadership in the way they cared for and interacted with the new students. Thank you to Mr Talbot and his team who ensured that this orientation process ran smoothly.

Internet Safety

On Monday, Brett Lee talked with all our students from Years 6 11. He is an ex internet safety senior detective, who has worked in high level operations with worldwide enforcement agencies. He certainly challenged the mindset and assumptions that many of our children hold about the internet and their personal safety online. Whilst sometimes confronting, he also provided them with the knowledge they need to act responsibly. He advocated strongly that they protect their identity and that they should discuss their online concerns with their parents. This webinar link will give you lots of up to date, relevant information that will help you have a discussion with your children. click/8v4lgfl6bzxcn1t33qbgpza55bo

Usually without meaning to, teenagers will share information about themselves which enables the less savoury elements of social media take advantage of them. Studies have shown that most teens:  Post photos of themselves with their real names 

Reveal their birthdays and interests 

Post their school name and where they live.

Safe travels for families travelling to end of year events in the coming weeks. I look forward to seeing many parents and families at these special occasions.

This can be an issue, especially if they have “Share my location” activated, or their device automatically tags their photos with a location. Both of these can be switched off in “Settings”. This helps make them less likely to become a target for online pests or predators who might mean them harm.

Acceptable Use of Technology

Students rely on technology on a daily basis from their phones right through to computers. However, it is timely to remind students that the use of this technology while at school is actually a privilege, not a right, and they should be aware of utilising technology in an appropriate and safe manner. It has been great to see classes recording their tasks visually with the aid of phone photography and I congratulate all departments for using technology as a valuable asset in their classes. However, we do expect all students to abide by our rules and regulations and use their devices appropriately.


With the advent of the hot weather, it is absolutely essential for students to wear their hats at all times when outside the classrooms. Here in North Queensland it is important to remember the damage that can be caused by the sun and ensure that our students don’t face the impact of severe sun damage as they reach adulthood.

World Teachers’ Day

Our outgoing Prefects decided to celebrate World Teachers’ Day by posting handwritten notes from all our Year 12 students to our teachers. This initiative was welcomed by staff who enjoyed immensely the heartwarming messages. Teachers were also appreciative of the celebratory cake provided by the School at morning tea on Friday 28 October as an acknowledgement of all they do.

Exam Stress??

Do your kids have exams coming up? Sometimes the pressure they feel gets conveyed down that telephone line and can make you feel stressed too, just like you were the one back at school. Here is some simple advice to help you, help them.

What does exam stress look like? (Some signs include) 

Your kids feel confused

They feel like they are losing touch with their friends

They feel overwhelmed

They have an upset stomach or feel sick, and

They have trouble sleeping or getting out of bed. Some top reasons why kids experience exam stress

Worried they might fail

Need to get a certain result to get into the University or course that they want.

They feel they don’t have enough time to study 

They have other things going on in their lives

Remember, it’s never too late to get them to set up good study habits. This is what I would recommend you tell them:

Find a quiet place to study with no distractions, no phones. 

Find out as much as you can about the exam, before the exam, no phones 

Learn to make mind maps and make a plan of when/ what you are going to study, no phones 

Take regular breaks and ask for help, don’t stew over something, no phones 

No phones.

While they are studying encourage them to do the following:

Stick to a routine

Get a good night’s sleep

Eat well and avoid junk food

Avoid energy drinks, drink water instead

Give yourself a reward every now and then.

When it comes to the crunch and exam day is here, get them to:

Prepare what they need the night before (pens, calculators, rulers etc.) 

Eat a good, light breakfast, natural sugars help with energy and concentration

Go to the toilet before the exam starts

Read the whole exam before you start and do the questions you find easiest first (this may not always be question number 1 on the paper).

Try and aim to finish with enough time to reread your answers.

If your children, or you, are experiencing exam stress get them to give their teachers an email, drop in to see them, or reach out to any member of the Pastoral Care Team we’re here to help


Michael Carr Greg, prominent child psychologist, at a recent Positive Schools conference highlighted the need for schools to take the health and wellbeing of their students more seriously. In response to this challenge, I would encourage every student to engage in their own mental and physical wellbeing, especially in today’s uncertain times. Our staff and students can utilise numerous apps and technologies via personal devices that enable them to set goals and engage in mindfulness activities. I would strongly advocate the use of free apps such as Smiling Minds and Lumosity. The end goal is to have a cohort of students who are mentally and physically better prepared for senior school. Informal reports are that this type of engagement has been a great success with many students enjoying increased physical activity and with knowledge of their sleep patterns, they are more rested and prepared for school.

Year 7 Orientation Program

Junior School Inter-House Swimming Carnival

Head of Junior School (Acting)

Child Safety Day for Daniel

The Junior School was awash with red on Wednesday, 26 October in support of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s National Day of Action to raise awareness about child safety and protection. This was a fun day with a very serious message. Junior School teachers used the resources from the Daniel Morcombe Foundation website to reinforce the strong messages about child safety to RECOGNISE, REACT and REPORT if they feel something is not right in the ‘real world’ and in the online environment.

Winding Down and then back up

The next fortnight will see a flurry of effort from students and staff to ensure that all learning and assessment is completed before the end of the year. I would like to congratulate all students on their efforts so far this term. I have loved hearing the sounds of enthusiastic learning all around the Junior School and am proud of the way many students have persevered even though they may have been finding some of the tasks challenging. We are almost to the end of the year, but still there is much to be done. I wish good luck to all students as they work towards achieving their best for this last term of the year.

Junior School Inter House Swimming Carnival

The Charters Towers pool was alive with excitement last Friday, as students participated in what was a very competitive and enjoyable Inter House Swimming Carnival. Our students swam with purpose and tireless energy. It was great to see the perseverance they demonstrated, aiming to achieve their personal best and contribute to the overall success of their House. Thank you Mrs Dickson for co ordinating a fantastic day and for running the early morning and Tuesday afternoon land based training sessions in preparation for the event. We greatly appreciated the resources and support provided by the Charters Towers Amateur Swimming Club. Our thanks are also extended to Alan Johnston who officiated throughout the day. I would also like to acknowledge the assistance of the Year 6 students who eagerly supported the younger students to complete their events, and the Secondary School students and Mr Will Urquhart who provided the extra support required throughout the day. A big thank you to the parents and friends who volunteered their time to help out in an official capacity. We are blessed to have a supportive Junior School staff and School community. It is what makes us an exceptional school and events like this run smoothly. Thank you all.

The results of our Carnival appear below: Records:

Event Previous record New record

9 Years Boys 50m Freestyle M Cook 38.81s Mason Storey (Page) 35.95s

9 Years Boys 50m Backstroke M Cook 46.29s Mason Storey (Page) 42.16s

9 Years Boys 50m Breastroke M Cook 58.28s Mason Storey (Page) 49.78s

9 Years Boys 50m Butterfly M Cook 55.40s Mason Storey (Page) 45.08s

9 Years Boys 100m Freestyle No record Mason Storey (Page) 1.16.95m

9 Years Girls 100m Freestyle No record Ava Crane (Becket) 2.27.05m

11 Years Boys 100m Freestyle M Cook 1.21.37m

11 Years Girls 50m Freestyle D Beatty 34.03s

11 Years Girls 50m Backstroke D Beatty 42.94s

11 Years Girls 50m Breastroke S Fogarty 49.71s

11 Years Girls 50m Butterfly S Fogarty 42.71s

11 Years Girls 100m Freestyle S Fogarty 1.19.02m

Konnor Laffin (Feetham) 1.16.65m

Lilah Plant (Alban) 31.71s

Lilah Plant (Alban) 37.32s

Lilah Plant (Alban) 46.98s

Lilah Plant (Alban) 36.85s

Lilah Plant (Alban) 1.10.76m

Age Champions and Runner Up Age Champions:

8 Yrs Girls

8 Yrs Boys

9 Yrs Girls

9 Yrs Boys

10 Yrs Girls

10 Yrs Boys

11 Yrs Girls

11 Yrs Boys

12 Yrs Girls

12 Yrs Boys

House Championships:

Runner Up: Georgia Johnson Champion: Sarah Hardy & Taylah Maff

Runner Up: Archie Kennedy Champion: Nate Mason

Runner Up: Aviva Corcoran Champion: Ava Crane

Runner Up: Nate Musk Champion: Mason Storey

Runner Up: Ella Scanlan Champion: Lucinda Reardon

Runner Up: Samuel Slagmolen Champion: Mason Brunello

Runner Up: Matilda Twine Champion: Lilah Plant

Runner Up: Max Scanlan Champion: Konnor Laffin

Runner Up: Lexi Butler Champion: Helen Walsh

Runner Up: William Gale Champion: Braith Foot

Girls Boys Combined

1st Alban Page Becket & Feetham

Becket Feetham Alban & Ramsay

rd Chad Ramsay Chad & Page

Congratulations to ‘Becket and Feetham’ the 2022 Champion Houses, and all the Age Champions, Runners up and record breakers. We wish the All Souls St Gabriels Junior School Inter School Swimming team all the very best for this year’s Inter School Carnival on Friday, 11 November. We know they will represent our School well by demonstrating good sportsmanship and encouraging each team member to do their personal best.

Junior School Support Group Souls and Gabes Shopping Spree

The final fundraising event for the Junior School Support Group will be our annual Shopping Spree. This will be held on Thursday evening, 24 November in Gill Street. Tickets are on sale from the Junior School Office please check the School's Facebook page in the coming weeks for participating businesses and further details about the event. Thank you to all parents who have volunteered to assist with running the Shopping Spree. I look forward to seeing all the shop a holics on the night.

Karen Storey

Age Champions

Back: Lucinda Reardon, Mason Brunello, Konnor Laffin, Braith Foot, Taylah Maff, Lilah Plant, Helen Walsh

Front: Sarah Hardy, Nate Mason, Ava Crane, Mason Storey

Winning houses, Becket & Feetham


The Word for Today

“You were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.” (Matthew 25:21 NKJV)

In Scripture, to be faithful means to be steady, stable, dependable, and consistent. Do those attributes describe you? They should because faithfulness pays big dividends with God. ‘ Afaithfulpersonwill abound with blessings.’ (Proverbs 28:20 NASB) Jesus said, ‘ Manyarecalled,butfew chosen.’(Matthew 20:16 NKJV) Why is that? Because talent may open the door and get you the job, but character and faithfulness will keep you there. When it comes to faithfulness, God will test you in two ways:

1) Your faithfulness in someone else’s vision. ‘ Ifyouarenotfaithfulwithother people’ s things, why should you be trustedwiththingsofyourown?’ (Luke 16:12 NLT) If you’re critical, caustic, complaining, competitive, or constantly comparing yourself with others, you will be disqualified for what God has in mind for you. Faithfulness calls for serving with love and humility.

2) Your faithfulness in small things. ‘ His lordsaidtohim, “Welldone,goodand faithfulservant;youhavebeenfaithful overafewthings,Iwillmakeyouruler overmanythings Fortoeveryonewho has,morewillbegiven butfromhim whodoesnothave,evenwhathehas willbetakenaway.”’ (Matthew 25:23, 29 NKJV)

God wants to know He can trust you. You prove that by how well you serve others and by your faithfulness in small things. These are proven Biblical principles that don’t just work in spiritual matters but in everyday life. So today, take a few moments to prayerfully ask yourself the question, ‘ AmIfaithful?’

When you are, God will bless you.

Devotion from “V180, 11 November, 2022”

School Prayers

We pray for the final weeks of the School year and all of the events that will happen. We pray that parents and friends will travel safely as they come to help us celebrate 2022.


We pray that we may be faithful friends and classmates steady, stable, dependable and consistent in our behaviour both in and out of school.


We pray for young people in countries where there is little peace and assurance of what the next day may bring. We pray that they will continue to persevere in hard times and we pray that their countries may know peace and stability soon.


We pray that we may be truly grateful for what we have in our School and in our homes here in Australia.




Thursday, 27 October, a number of our students travelled to Townsville with Mr Dietrich and Mrs Forward to serve at a Solemn High Mass celebrating the 130th Anniversary of St James Cathedral. (l r): Max Elliott, Cody Smith, Barney Hensley, Luke Keough, Billy Elliott

All Souls Day Chapel Service & Green Dinner

The Arts


The end of the year is nigh, and our students have been working hard to produce performances and art of the highest possible standard. As the saying goes, though, all work and no play makes the proverbial student dull, so in this newsletter we hope you enjoy the pictures of our students having fun both in class and after school.


Year 7 Drama students have been working on their skills of improvisation, and having great fun with games to strengthen their teamwork and creativity. See a demonstration of this below as a group of inventive boys come up with the ultimate eco friendly car.


A recent visit to the Art Room revealed the high level of skill displayed by the students in their experimentation towards a resolved piece of work next year. Some were whimsical, some understated, but all were intriguing and original.


Congratulations to Mallee Hill and Amanda Eade on making the finals of Towers Got Talent at The World Theatre recently. Both Mallee and Amanda offered polished performances, and did themselves and the School proud.


This happy snap from our Wednesday club Less Talk More Art shows that even two curious students seeking a bit of air conditioning on a hot afternoon can create something fabulous! Well done to Gabriel Halstead and Benji Moxham for connecting to their inner Picasso!

Rural Activities Awards Dinner

Congratulations to all students who have participated in the Cattle and Horse Clubs this year. They have had a very successful year with many individual and team awards. The following students received awards at their dinner, recently held at the Golf Club. The clubs also took this opportunity to farewell seniors, Luke Stevens and Phillip Gale.

Cattle Club

Best Attendance: Haley Fox

Hardest Tryer: Will Murphy & Dustin Allen

Most Improved: Rebekah Wright

Up & Coming: Trent Folker

Most Successful: Tamzin Finger Commitment Award: Emily Gale

Horse Club

Best Attendance: Jade Cowan

Hardest Tryer: Kadey Pedracini & Maddison Brown

Most Improved: Alaina Heuir

Most Successful: Mackenzy Jackson Commitment Award: Jade Cowan

Gabes Z-Club

The busy Gabe’s Z Club capped off another successful year in Week 2 of the term, with their annual changeover dinner. Two members of the Charters Towers Zonta Club, Mesdames Jennifer Slaney and Hilary Grant were welcomed, along with Mesdames Shadforth and Ombiga.

Club members achieved a solid year of fund raising, contributing $500 to the McGrath Foundation earlier this year, and saving more in the latter half of the year towards the current project Happy Boxes.

After several enjoyable games of bingo, outgoing office bearers passed the torch to the next generation of office bearers. We thank all of those executives for their tireless work and commitment to the Zonta ethos, and welcome the new office bearers, wishing them the best of luck for 2023.

Members who continued their membership from 2021, were acknowledged for their service commitment with the traditional receipt of a yellow rose, the Zonta International symbol.

A delicious Indian smorgasbord was enjoyed afterwards.

The Z Club thanks all staff and students for your continued support of stalls and endeavours. Anyone interested in joining the club is encouraged to see me it’s free! Meetings are held at lunch time, each Tuesday, in Room 11.

Pre-Prep Orientation Day

Please come along and enjoy our Junior School students’ performances and say farewell to Mrs Akers.

Volleyball & Basketball Galas

Barra Fun Park for the Seniors

From the Dorms

As the second last edition of the Phoenix Rising goes to print, we find ourselves looking at the last 2 weeks of school for the year. We’ve seen many changes in the past fortnight, including our Year 12s having completed their final exams, and subtle shifts as our Year 11s take on more responsibility getting ready for Year 12. Everyone is now in the middle of their final exam block and our boarders are starting to pack up for the end of term.

As always, life in boarding has been a hive of activity. In Week 4, all our dormitories accommodated new boarders for 2023, during Orientation Week. It was a great opportunity to meet all the new students, and for them to start familiarising themselves with our campus and school community. I’d like to say thank you to all our students for making them feel welcome and helping them settle for their three day stay. As well, thank you to our Year 11s you did an outstanding job as Year 7 buddy partners, creating relationships that will serve as a solid foundation moving forward next year. The buddy system has proven time and again to really help the younger students in those first few weeks of Year 7 it’s great for them to have a familiar face on arrival, and a seasoned friend to turn to when homesickness sets in.

Feetham House hosted the 2022 traditional All Souls Day Chapel Service and Green Dinner in remembrance of the Green Family. This occasion is a testament of how respectful and dedicated our students are to our School and its heritage. Students, staff and other special guests got the opportunity to share a meal together, while enjoying a heartfelt speech from our guest speaker, Mr Shane Meteyard who is an ‘old boy’ and School Board member. We were also entertained by Taryn Woodard and Bella Keough as they took to the stage to perform their favourite songs. Once again, it was great to see everyone mingle and enjoy this commemorative day.

Over the past 2 weeks our students have participated in a Volleyball Gala night hosted by Blackheath and Thornburgh College and a 3 on 3 Basketball night which was held here at All Souls St Gabriels School. It was great to see so much involvement from all the schools in Charters Towers. We played in rounds against Columba Catholic College, Blackheath and Thornburgh College and Charters Towers State High School. Well done to everyone who organised, played, or just participated by spectating.

Our School Horse and Cattle Clubs held their annual awards night recently. As we say goodbye and good luck to our 2022 Rural Prefect Luke Stevens, we say congratulations to our 2023 Rural Prefect, Emily Gale. Our agricultural interests, including Horse and Cattle Clubs, are a great way for all our rural kids to stay connected with, and build on what they know and love. Congratulations to all the students who received milestone awards and certificates of achievement. For all the results from the awards night, please refer to the Rural Report in this newsletter.

That’s everything for now, but if you have any concerns or questions please contact your Dormitory Supervisor. Until next time take care.

Board Shorts

A large majority of our members attended in person or via Zoom for this meeting.

Members of the Board spoke about the passing of the following members of our community: Alexandros (Lex) Kanakis past student Feetham House in 1948; a strong businessman in the Ingham region Glenn Graham Johnstone details not available at time of printing A moment of silence was shared as a mark of respect.

Board members were very appreciative of the efforts of the Senior Leadership Team for the Non State Schools Accreditation Board (NSSAB) Cyclical Review document. The report has been accepted by NSSAB.

Our committees (Finance; Building & Grounds; Marketing & Promotions; and Governance) presented reports and discussed various points associated with continuing items and projects for 2022 and planning for 2023.

Student Accident Insurance

The School pays an insurance premium for Student Accident Protection. This cover is available throughout the year, however is limited to School activities and/or official organised activities of the School. The benefits under the policy are limited and are listed in the annual brochure which is available from the Finance Department. If you wish to make a claim or for further information, please contact the Finance Department or 07 4787 1433.

Alban highlights…

There’s a lot to be said for a Dormitory Supervisor having the support of their Year 12 seniors in boarding, and I have been so grateful for the back up of my senior girls over the past year. So, to Meg Bailey, Amelia Wearing, Sally Frohloff, Sienna Johnson and Hayley Powell, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I will miss you, but I wish you all the very best that life has to offer!

I’d like to give a big ‘shout out’ to all our football girls. Olivia Haines, Layne Edgerton, Erin Blennerhassett, Brandy Corlis, Hannah Jenkins, Kayla Pedersen and Ellie Woods. These girls have had a stellar season in both Union and Touch Football codes. They gave everything they had and left it all out on the field every time.

The U18s Bullettes had a fantastic season, making it to the Grand Finals and only losing out to North Ward by one point. Olivia Haines took out ‘Best & Fairest’ for the match, while Erin Blennerhassett took out ‘Most Consistent Back’.

These girls also backed it up and played the Rugby 9s and 7s competitions as well. Rugby 9s was played for schools and the girls did themselves proud, while the Townsville Rugby 7s Festival saw our girls win 3 of 4 games, and taking out the Grand Final match. Congratulations girls! We’re so proud of your efforts.

A special mention goes to Olivia Haines and Layne Edgerton who were also invited to join the trials training squad for the Townsville & District Mendi Blackhawks Rugby League, in hope of being scouted to join the team! Well done girls such a wonderful opportunity!


Vanessa Herring

Senior Resident

Mobile: 0419 771 433


Becket highlights

Wow how time flies. This term has gone so quickly and it’s now getting to the last couple of weeks where everyone has exams and assignments due, and the pressure has kicked up a few notches.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Seniors that I have had the pleasure to work with throughout the year, but especially this last term when I took over from Jenny. They certainly made the transition that much smoother for us all and will be missed by everyone in our Dormitory, I am so glad I got to know you all this year. I would also like to take a moment to wish all the Year 12 class the very best for their future. I’m sure you’re all going to do amazing things.

There have been lots of activities in the last few weeks. We have had new Student Orientation which was a lovely opportunity to meet all the new boarders and parents that will be joining us next year.

We have also celebrated Green Dinner and then our Year 10, 11 and 12 boarders got to go shopping and visit the Barra Fun Park in Townsville, which I can report was a huge hit and everyone had a great time! Even if some of the laughs were at my expense, it was a great day!

Chad highlights…

Yr 12 Senior Profile Matanie Pompey

How long have you been at ASSG? 5 years

Something people may not know about you? I can be nice.

What’s been your favourite ASSG moment, to date? Dinner with Tamzin, Jaclyn, Rheannon and Daniel.

Who has been the greatest influence on your life? Sister Bindi & Terri, Alison.

Complete this sentence “When I grow up I want to be just like Elon Musk!

What would you never do, no matter what the price? Public Speaking. What is your life motto? No, Just No. You’re stranded on an island, what’s the one thing you’d want? A Butcher Shop.

Favourite food? Turkish Delight and Lamb.

And now some thoughts from Matanie’ sfriends,Jaclyn&Hannah: Matanie’s nickname? Tarni.

Favourite Memory with Matanie? Having a yarn and watching movies late at night. What have you learned from Matanie? How not to clean your bay (she never cleans hers!)

What is Matanie’s best hidden talent? Finding out information. Where will Matanie be in 10 years? Married to a rich man and still watching Beauty & the Beast once a day.

Matanie will be missed in Chad Dormitory. She has blossomed into a wonderful young woman and we look forward to hearing where life takes her. Grab life with both hands Matanie and keep true to yourself!

I’d like to give a big ‘shout out’ to both Annabel Ruyg, for being appointed Vice School Captain next year, and to Brooke Struckel for her Becket House Captain appointment. I’m very proud of you both and your achievements.


Sam Groves

Senior Resident

Mobile: 0407 142 493



Alison Barnicoat

Senior Resident

Mobile: 0439 764 638 Email:

Ramsay highlights…

The end of the year is upon us! The final few weeks of school followed a similar trend to the rest of the year with a hectic schedule. Our Year 12 boys have left us now and it’s time for the Year 11s to step up and take on their senior leadership roles.

We have a fantastic group of seniors for next year with three of our boys receiving prefect positions James Scott (House Captain), Darcy Frost (Academic Prefect) and Jalen Barry (Prefect). These boys along with our other three seniors will carry on the great culture that we have cultivated over the years.

All the boys have had a fantastic year in Ramsay this year with only a few hiccups along the way. They are all looking forward to the holidays so I hope you don’t work them too hard over the Christmas break. Thank you to all the parents again this year, your support has been much appreciated.

I would also like to say thank you to all my boys for making this year so memorable, and for putting your trust and confidence in me. It has been a pleasure to have these boys in my care and I am confident we are heading in the right direction for the coming year.

Feetham highlights…

Over the last few weeks it has been pretty quiet and chilled in the Dormitory. We had a few boys scrambling to get some study done at the last minute but apart from that you can see that everyone is ready for a break.

The message in Feetham at the moment is, ‘stay on top of your work, we are nearly there’. I would like to thank both the Rileys (that is our Year 12s Riley Easton and Riley Hughes) for all they have done here in Feetham Dormitory, and also for what they have done around the School best of luck to you both.

We had a little pool competition last week in Feetham and well, I would like to be able to write that I had won it, but the glory belongs to Jack Wolfenden who beat me with one very lucky shot. To be fair, he only had to play one game, after I had beaten the other 30 kids before him.

We also had a couple of break up parties for Miners, and both Linton boys walked away with a trophy for having outstanding seasons for their age groups. Travis Hughes and Hayden Macor also walked away with a trophy each.

A lot of the boys have been getting up and heading up to the gym in the morning to try and get a little bigger and stronger, and some just like the way they look after getting a pump on.

Finally boys, we’re nearly there so let’s finish the year off strong.



… Year 12 Senior Profile Phillip Gale

How long have you been at ASSG? 2 years.

Something people may not know about you? I love horses.

What’s been your favourite ASSG moment, to date? First cricket. Who has been the greatest influence in your life? Dad and Mum.

What is your life motto? home. You’re stranded on an island, what’s the one thing you’d want? boat


Rhett Butler

Senior Resident

Mobile: 0400 751 433





Senior Resident

Mobile: 0419 471 433


The Page Serving Team recently volunteered to serve at the 130th Anniversary of St James Cathedral, Townsville.


Davin Marshall

Relief Supervisor

Mobile: 0409 071 433


Visit The World Theatre website to reserve your ticket: Theatre/

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