May 2018

Page 47

A sampling of Carol's extensive orchid collection includes slipper orchid 'Paphiopedilum Pinocchio' (top, left) and Dendrobium green lantern (bottom, right). The garden also features pitcher plant (bottom, left).

"They just fascinate me," Carol continues. "The colors are so uplifting. I can never learn enough about them. You can enjoy orchids on any level; you can belong to societies or you can go to Sam's Club and buy one for 10 bucks." Both Dan and Carol are active in plant societies including the Orchid Society of Greater St. Louis, where they served as co-presidents, and the St. Louis Water Gardening Society. Both volunteer at the Plant Doctor Desk at the Missouri Botanical Garden. In their own nearly quarter-acre garden, their talents blend seamlessly. "I have a wheelbarrow and a shovel," says Dan. "I was in marketing, and I am the big idea guy. I will try different things; create paths so people can walk through the garden. She is more nuts and bolts as far as plants for the garden go. "She decides what we are going to plant; I am the one who carries it out," he summarizes. In recent years, Carol has delved more into native plants. "They are beautiful, and they require less water. They're tough because they have evolved along with the climate. Our front yard now is almost all natives, although I'm not a purist. I am trying to work on plants for pollinators. We avoid pesticides." While the Gravenses' garden focuses on flowering shrubs, perennials and annuals, they share a vegetable garden with their next-door neighbor.


MAY 2018


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