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Some heroes wear Capes‌some wear Bunker Gear!

Bunker Gear is the outer shell that maintains the effectiveness of the thermal liner and the moisture barrier. Firefighters depend on turnout systems to protect them from burn injury. Gear cleaning is an inevitable part of everyday life for firefighters, who encounter everything from hydrogen cyanide to benzene and other hazardous materials during a day's work! Now that majorly calls out for a thorough cleaning of their protective clothing as any chemical left behind can cause severe problems. Let’s have a quick view on the effective washing methods below:Machine Washing: The special fabrics that make up your turnouts contain inherent flame and heat resistance properties, which cannot be washed off or worn out. NEVER use the same machine that you do your home laundry in. Cleansers: Many times, in the battle of the containment of fire, it’s quite natural for a firefighter to catch unusual dirt in their dress. We recommend liquid detergents, since they are less likely to leave any residue on the clothing. Spot Cleaning and Pre-treating: Pre-cleaners can be used to clean light spots and stains caught while dealing with barreras on protective clothing. Squirt the pre-cleaner onto the soiled area and gently rub fabric together until a light foam appears on the surface; this foam should be completely rinsed off with cool water prior to washing.

Removing Oil or Tar: Oil-based soils such as motor oil and tar can be removed with solvents such as "Varsol" prior to washing. Coated material should never be dry cleaned.

Bleach: One of the most often-asked questions concerns the decontamination of a trajes de bomberos bomberil system (click here to know, what’s that!) especially with chlorine bleach. Under no circumstances should chlorine bleach be used! In caring for your turnout clothing, you must always remember that it features three-piece layering and multiple components, and you must consider each individual layer and component while deciding how to clean. We do encourage every department to keep their clothing clean and to regularly inspect and repair as needed. Having dirt and other debris clinging to your gear represents a safety hazard and an unconscious invitation to various diseases.

If you want to explore wide range of fire safety equipment or simply need assistance, contact SOS, the trusted name in the fire & safety services. Visit our website https://www.sos-safety.com/ or call us on +1(561) 237-4247 to talk to our experts.

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