Sophisticated Living St. Louis Jan/Feb 2021

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{St. Louis' Finest}

Jan/Feb 2021

five dollars

{St. Louis' Finest}

Jan/Feb 2021


Jan/Feb 2021

five dollars

on the cover:

Mood Indigo Amanyara, Turks & Caicos - Pavilions

48 NewYear, New You

Cocktail made with Modica’s Cucumber Aloe Margarita. Photo by Jessica Ebelhar



RISE Collaborative


Casual Elegance


Hunter Sansone


Divine Inspiration


Mood Indigo


All Dressed Up and Ready to Go


Bibliotaph... Publisher’s Picks


Better Together


New Year, New You


Of Note... Cozy at Home


Ciao Bella


All the Right Angles


Distilled History


Quiet Riot


Dreaming in Paradise


Turning Point



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Jan/Feb 2021

46 4


Sophisticated Society


Join the Journey


IPHF’s 55th Anniversary


Angad Arts Hotel Reception


YWCA Leader Lunch


Stan Musial Celebration


Great Futures Gala


The J’la


ABC’s Dancing with the Stars Finale


Saint Louis Ballet’s Nutcracker Extravaganza


What I Love Right Now

Better Together Tamara Comolli Mikado Flamenco bracelet in the Candy colorway ($50,500;

From the Publisher I remember the professor in college chemistry asking how many people were pre-med (I was) and virtually all hands in the large lecture hall went up. Then she said look to your left and to your right and realize more than half the group (including me) would no longer pursue medicine after taking this class. I realized then that half of most people don’t get what they want, no matter how hard they work for it. Now, I look to the left and right and wonder how at least half of the people in the country wanted a different president than I did and think so differently than I do about so many important subjects. The reality is that fewer than half of us live in the kind of country we want. Perhaps we are all going to have to imagine a different country. As we look to a new year, a new administration, and perhaps a new chance to create a more perfect union, I hope we can find more things to agree on, more things which bring us together, and the acknowledgement we are on the verge of doing something that has never been done before...and it’s not going to be easy. We are attempting for the first time in human history to create a mass multiracial democratic republic. No other country has tried to do this. Other societies have done one, two, or three, but to be at a mass scale, truly multiracial, to have a culture of democracy and have representative government in a republic, to have all that work at once, will be really hard. And one of the great things about this time, as painful and broken as it may be, is that we have a shot right now to prove whether this is possible. One of the things that we’ve got to recognize, wherever our ancestors and we were born, is that we have to demonstrate a commitment if we really want this, even if it takes the form of good, vigorous arguments and debate. The proverbial genie is out of the bottle. Generations of immigrants (including mine) have made it Photo By Lou Bopp Photography to our shores in search of a better life. Many have found it and some are still searching, but now is not the time to turn our back on the dream – and hope – of our grand experiment. We live in a time when on any day, you can enjoy the cuisine of virtually any ethnicity, purchase the products grown or made in the four corners of the world, work with people down the block and on the other side of the planet, young and old, black and white, and a new spectrum of sexual orientations. Add on top a global pandemic and an economic crisis and it’s obvious (at least to me) why so many people experience what’s happening differently. Like it or not, the world we all grew up in was fundamentally different than it is now. So how are all of these colliding worlds, disparate ideas, and honest passions going to find peace so we can realize the opportunities of a mass multiracial democratic republic? • Being comfortable with grey, because black and white may be impossible. • Relearning how to speak to – and love – people who don’t agree with us. • Understanding that we live among people of different faiths, changing faiths and those who don’t believe. We must recommit ourselves to religious freedom and all that entails. • Becoming more media literate and seeing media bias for what it is, and learning to see the reality and not just what we want to hear. • A renewed interest in facts, truth, and transparency. These are the things we must hold to be self evident and the building blocks of our freedom. • Realizing that all American families are going to be multi-racial, omni sexual, and more politically diverse than we can even imagine today. The outcomes of Ancestry® and 23andMe will continue to reveal that we always have been a patchwork, and the quilt is getting more intricate. • Demanding that our leaders represent us all, work together better, and are judged by their outcomes and not how hard they fought the other side. • Setting our sights on something bigger than John F. Kennedy did in the 1960s when he set our sights on putting a man on the moon. Is the future Mars, curing cancer, eliminating hunger, or ???? But we have to want this. We can’t expect the country to embrace radically new ideas or go back in time 50 years. We can’t expect everyone to think alike, but we should expect everyone to work hard at moving toward the middle, to common ground, to the things we can agree on, do together, to make a better world. To our Sophisticated Family, I wish you a happier, healthier and more unified New Year. May we make it so. Craig M. Kaminer, Publisher


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Meet the Designer, DA N A R O M E I S






PUBLISHER Craig Kaminer ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Cortney Vaughn EDITOR Lou Ann Wilcox ______________________________________________ CONTRIBUTORS Writers Jessen O’Brien Bridget Williams Photographers Lou Bopp Mark Katzman Advertising Design Donna Shelton Carrie Edelstein ________________________________________________ SOPHISTICATED LIVING MEDIA Eric Williams - CEO Bridget Williams - President Greg Butrum - General Counsel Jason Yann - Art Director

Sophisticated Living® is published by High Net Worth Media, LLC and is independently owned and operated. Sophisticated Living® is a registered trademark of Williams Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sophisticated Living® is published six times a year. All images and editorial are the property of High Net Worth Media, LLC and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. Annual subscription fees are $25.00; please add $5 for subscriptions outside the US. Single copies may be purchased for $5 at select fine retail outlets. Telephone 314-82-SLMAG.


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Kate Wiegmann, COO

Wiegmann with RISE Founder and CEO Stacy Taubman. Photo by Maddie Stringfellow Photography.

RISE COLLABORATIVE OFFERS COMMUNITY ALONG WITH WORKSPACE Written by Lou Ann Wilcox / Photography by Kathleen Mortland Photography

When it opened in St. Louis in 2017, RISE Collaborative Workspace, with its concept of shared workspace plus community, was ahead of its time. With how and from where we work turned on its head in 2020, Kate Wiegmann, chief operating officer, believes that the changes we are seeing today are just the beginning of a workplace evolution. The audience for RISE is businesswomen. Wiegmann describes RISE as female focused but male friendly. “Our members include established businesswomen craving quality connections and a sense of community, small business owners who need a professional setting to meet with clients, remote employees wanting an inspiring, flexible place to work and collaborate, and sales professionals who need a sophisticated setting to take phone calls or work between meetings.” “RISE is more about our culture than the design of the space,” she continues. “While it is welcoming, open and comfortable it is not a Barbie dollhouse. You won’t see heavy wood, dark colorways, or overstuffed couches. The colors are softer and we use lots of natural light. It is a serious, professional, and polished space conducive to working and appropriate to bring clients to – and that includes male clients.” As for workspaces, RISE offers a range of flexible options including private offices, shared workspaces, meeting/conference/ huddle rooms and a “virtual office” program that includes a mailing address, phone answering, and meeting room access. There also is common space for productive work and socializing. Prior to the pandemic, other benefits included weekly in-person networking and educational events for groups of 20-80 people. Those events have shifted to virtual for now. “We have a lot of levers for our members to pull - from physical space to business resources to engaging events. But it is our 10

community of smart, strong, successful women that truly defines RISE.” RISE hosts regular business, social, and networking events, both virtually and in person, to advance the development of the members of its community and enhance collaboration. Most, but not all, of the events are open to members only. One program, On the RISE Mastermind, is limited to 10 seasoned business owners and executives who meet virtually once per month for six months. They have the ability to connect with other group members as well as receive one-on-one coaching and support from RISE Founder Stacy Taubman. Participants do not have to be a member. Through RISE Society, the nonprofit arm of RISE Collaborative Workspace, RISE helps women of all ages increase their social capital and tap into a powerful pipeline for success. Through a mentoring program for high school girls, scholarship opportunities, and networking events, women and girls are encouraged to “dream big” and find their own personal path to RISE to success. “There are many options for shared workspace in St. Louis,” Wiegmann notes. “The identities of each of them are unique. We each have different audiences and cultures. But the shared workspace ecosystem is a community, too,” she says. “We keep in touch with the leaders of Cortex, TechArtista and others. We call it ‘co-opetition’ and we are helpful and supportive of each other.” Along with her business partner, Stacy Taubman, the founder and chief executive officer of RISE, they opened a second location in Denver in April 2019. The two met in 2016. Prior to March 2020 when the pandemic hit, all private offices in St. Louis and RISE’s Denver location were full and had waiting lists. Meeting rooms also were full. There were plans to open a

Private offices are fully furnished.

A typical conferece room. Photo by Erin Stubblefield Weddings + Portraiture

third location – either Scottsdale, Atlanta, or Dallas -- but those plans are on hold for now. RISE temporarily closed on March 13, 2020. On May 1st the private offices reopened with new protocols to keep everyone safe. In mid-May the collaborative workspaces and meeting rooms reopened. By summer, they resumed in-person events for 10 people or fewer, but those paused in November when COVID numbers started spiking again. “With 6,000 square feet, we can welcome members back into our space and comply with St. Louis County’s COVID-19 safety guidelines. Our meeting rooms are large enough to accommodate social distancing for team or client meetings, and we have a conference room and huddle rooms with attractive original art that make great backdrops for Zoom calls.” “Of the original members, many were entrepreneurs. Now we are seeing a shift to small teams from established companies which are using RISE as a remote headquarters -- kind of a hybrid work arrangement. We think the future is micro headquarters. This allows for flexibility and less commitment to space,” says Wiegmann. “For a whole lot of reasons, some people can’t or don’t want to work from home – especially now,” continues Wiegmann. “Corporate executives and others will eventually go back to their space. But, in the meantime, RISE is a place they can go. Some companies are providing stipends for their workers at RISE. Other companies pay for their out-of-pocket expenses.” There have been other changes too. “We see great value in human connection – which is a huge part of the RISE culture. Prepandemic, we resisted Zoom. We thought people needed to be in the space for the programs vs. a Zoom or taped presentation. However, in late 2019 we started exploring creating an experience

A conversation corner. Photo by Surai Dohm Photography.

Open space accomodates workspaces, seminar, and socializing.

for our members like that of Peloton bikes – classes can be taken live or watched on-demand. Our goal was to take all the ‘magic’ of RISE except for the space and create a platform that allowed women everywhere to enjoy and benefit from our culture and community. We call it RISE Digital and we launched it in May 2020.” There are three levels of participation in RISE Digital. The first level is at no charge and includes daily engagement with RISE members, inspiring interviews with impressive women on RISE-TV and access to monthly virtual events. The next level, RISE Digital Plus, is all the above; adding weekly events, access to private rooms including RISE Circles, Cities, and Member Marketplace and the ability to mentor a high school girl through RISE Society. The third level, RISE Digital Connect, includes all the above as well as participation in RISE’s Peer Group Program (small groups assigned by RISE that meet virtually twice a month for support, accountability, and resource sharing). “Now, there are RISE members all over the country. Members lead programs and they are recorded for on-demand viewing when and where viewers choose. We are optimistic about what the future looks like. We want to remain open to what members need. People who never considered themselves a RISE woman are now needing and wanting our community and services.” Going forward, Wiegmann says the marketing strategy will continue to be focused on digital and word of mouth. “We won’t be doing anything wildly different. Overall, our members have been dedicated to RISE even though the benefits of their memberships have changed somewhat. The changing and challenging circumstances have only enhanced our resilience,” concludes Wiegmann. sl 11

CASUAL ELEGANCE Written By Jessen O’Brien / Photography By Corey Hogrefe

When Cindy and Mark Heffernan set out to build their new home, they decided to put their faith in C&M Interiors, a new firm founded by two locally trained young designers: Channing Krichevsky and Maria Hogrefe. Although now, Krichevsky and Hogrefe have tackled several new builds, the Heffernan house was their first custom-home project as a firm. “It was an amazing opportunity,” says Hogrefe. “The Heffernans were one of our very first clients. Trusting us as 23- and 24-year-old fresh professionals — Cindy really gave us a leg up in our careers.” Heffernan had seen an article about the duo; “I remember thinking, ‘Well, they look like fun!’” recalls Heffernan. “So I interviewed them and I really liked the fact that they were younger. They were confident, they were excellent listeners, and they reminded me of my daughter.” Heffernan’s eldest was at a similar point in her career. “Her daughter had just entered the workforce — we’re very close in age — and had been struggling with male-dominated fields and people not trusting that young women could do things,” says Krichevsky. “She was like, ‘Give them a shot, mom — you’ll be surprised.’ And here we are, five years later!” Today, the Heffernan’s Frontenac home is a polished twostory with plenty of traditional charm, brought to life by the 12

award-winning architects at Fendler + Associates and the expert builders at NJL Custom Homes. Just as the Heffernans’ had dreamed of, there’s a first-floor master suite and an ideal layout for entertaining. The back of the house has several sets of French doors that can be opened up, drawing family and friends through the house to the pool and outdoor kitchen and living area. In the front, a large porch and second-story balcony give the homeowners more excuses to go outside. Finding the right lot was critical for a home that’s so integrated with the outdoors. The Heffernans were lucky enough to spot the perfect piece of land relatively quickly, but there was a hitch: in order to build their home, they’d first need to remove the 1936 house that stood on the site. “I had a sense of guilt about tearing down the original home,” says Heffernan. Once again, an article held the answer. “I looked down at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and there was a story about a nonprofit called Refab.” Instead of demolishing the house, Refab dismantled it so that its features could be reclaimed and reused. A number of them ended up in the Heffernans’ new home, including a cupidshaped light fixture and a fireplace mantle that — with help from a furniture maker found by Krichevsky and Hogrefe — wound up in the master bedroom.

Fendler + Associates designed the Heffernan’s Southern-inspired home; C&M Interiors selected the exterior finishes.

The front doors and windows lining it were designed to bring the greenery just outside into the space. 13

White, Calacatta marble extends up from the countertops to climb the walls in the Heffernan’s kitchen.

From Heffernan’s perspective, one of the best parts of Refab is that it employs vets, retraining them to deconstruct homes. “My dad served 22 years in the U.S. Air Force, so I’ve always had a soft spot for the military,” she says. That history — both of her family and of the site’s original home — would lay the foundation for a challenging design brief: A home that paid homage to Southern-style architecture that once stood on the property (and which Heffernan had always loved) as well as an early childhood spent in Japan, where Heffernan was born because of her father’s military career. At the same time, Heffernan wanted a home that was traditional, warm, and comfortable. “Casual elegance” was the phrase she used when describing her vision to Krichevsky and Hogrefe. “The Heffernans are the most welcoming people,” says Hogrefe. “They wanted their home to feel really elegant and elevated, but also be a major gathering space for their family and friends.” Tank — the Heffernan’s labrador — was another consideration. “There was a ton of conversation about durability but also about not having things look like they were durable — making them look like beautiful handcrafted pieces,” says Krichevsky. Quality and simplicity were the keys to keeping the space practical. Polished nickel plumbing fixtures by Waterworks and Amish-made cabinets by Kenrose Kitchen Kabinets provided features that would be refined and long-lasting. Maple flooring 14

was used throughout the home because of its clean graining but stained a mid-tone color, in a nod to both tradition and durability. In the foyer and more formal areas, Krichevsky and Hogrefe encouraged Heffernan to opt for a dark inlay trim that adds an extra layer of visual interest. “I loved how they would push me out of my comfort zone,” says Heffernan. Another example: The kitchen island, which mixes Calacatta marble with a butcher-block-style countertop. The marble side makes up the workspace, while the wood designates the seating area. The finishing touches were a set of polished nickel rivets created by Architectural Elements that act as corner guards. “It was a really special design feature that we wanted to incorporate from the very beginning to add another bit of character to the piece and also give a protective quality to the corners,” says Krichevsky. The red-brick, herringbone backsplash and wall of white marble continues the room’s distinctive blend of comfort and grandeur. Next door, Krichevsky and Hogrefe added a backsplash of antique glass brick to the butler’s pantry to open up the space. “They said, ‘You’re going to walk into this little butler’s pantry and feel like you’re stepping into your jewelry box,’” recalls Heffernan. “It expands the space and showcases my Waterford crystal and china. It’s useful too; I’ve learned when you see what you have, you tend to use it more. Otherwise, out of sight out of mind.”

The traditional carpet runner continues beyond the stairs to curve around the second-floor landing.

Everyone in the family has a place to store their essentials in the mudroom — even Tank, who has a built-in shelf for his food and water bowls. 15

The Heffernans’ daughter chose the Schumacher wallpaper Queen of Spain for her bathroom.

The tile flooring resembles carpet in the youngest son’s bathroom.


Citrus Garden, a Schumacher wallpaper based on a 1947 Josef Frank print, creates a cheery powder room.

A Cole and Son wallpaper by David Hicks adds flair to the middle son’s bathroom.

The wooden cabinetry from the kitchen continues in the butler’s pantry, but the hardware has been switched out for more substantial cup pulls and latches. 17

Antique mirror creates the illusion that this bright and bold Schumacher wallpaper fully wraps around the formal powder room.


Custom sheers and Roman shades by Fabricworks ensure privacy in the master bathroom.

Throughout most of the main floor, traditional and Southern design take the lead, with elements of Asian décor mixed in. But the script flips in the formal powder room, with botanicals forming a bridge between the two aesthetics. Here, the pineapples and palm trees that fleck the main living areas give way to the flowers and birds of a Chinoiserie-style Schumacher wallpaper: Brighton Pavilion by Miles Redd. An antique glass mirror, white pedestal sink, and marble slab finish the space. The rich botanicals continue in the less formal guest powder room, towards the back of the house. Another Schumacher print — the playful Citrus Garden — covers the walls. “We sourced this amazing red, pagoda-style mirror in Palm Beach,” says Krichevsky. “That was our starting point. We knew that [Heffernan] loved this wallpaper and it just felt very serendipitous that the two worked together.” There’s another burst of color in the adjacent mudroom, where the wainscotting, trim, doors, and cabinetry are all painted a shade of blue called In the Navy by Sherwin-Williams. Twelve bambooframed prints — selected by Heffernan and positioned by Krichevsky and Hogrefe — line the perimeter of the beadboard, which was added to make this high-traffic area more resistant to wear and tear. In the master bath, the palette lightens. “We’ve carried in a lot of really warm finishes,” says Hogrefe. “We have beautiful, rich wood vanities that nestle in a little nook. And one other

important piece that we designed around: a pagoda-style china cabinet.” The Heffernans bought the cabinet when they were first married. “It was so much money for us then, but I somehow sweet-talked my husband into letting me get it,” says Heffernan. Upstairs, another family heirloom — Mark’s father’s desk — sits on the second-floor landing, off of which are rooms for the three children. In the daughter’s bathroom, an abstract blackand-white Schumacher wallpaper is adorned with modern light fixtures by Kate Spade. A geometric pattern adds a touch of glam to the middle son’s bathroom, while in the youngest’s a plaid tile floor looks convincingly like carpet. In the end, Heffernan says she was even more pleasantly surprised with how the house turned out than she expected to be. “I respected them right away not just for their design but also for their business savvy,” says Heffernan. “Now, they do a lot of custom homes. They’re playing in what’s kind of been a man’s world — the builders’ world — with people who are a lot older than they are, but it doesn’t faze them.” Krichevsky and Hogrefe are grateful for the support the Heffernans continue to give them. “We were so young when we first started the business,” says Hogrefe. “Cindy and Mark have seen us grow not only as professionals but also as humans. It’s been really cool to get to share that experience as they build their home.” sl 19

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Family-Themed Movie is Perfect for St. Louisan Hunter Sansone Written by Lou Ann Wilcox / Photography by Leigh Keily

The safety of home and family has dual meanings for Hunter Sansone. St. Louis is the hometown of a long list of actors and Sansone is among the newest members of that auspicious group. While he was visiting his immediate family in St. Louis for Thanksgiving, Sophisticated Living caught up with him to learn about his breakout role in the Disney+ Original movie, “Safety,” which made its debut December 11, 2020. Inspired by a true story, “Safety” is about former Clemson University football safety Ray McElrathbey. McElrathbey was a redshirt freshman in 2006 when he was granted custody of his 11-year-old brother to keep him from being sent to foster care. Their mother was battling drug addiction. Aided by his teammates and the Clemson community, he succeeds on the field while simultaneously raising and caring for his brother. Sansone plays Daniel Morelli, Ray’s roommate, teammate, best friend, and the first person Ray meets on campus. He is Ray’s initial confidant about his family situation and need to care for his brother. The 27-year-old Sansone is the only child of Catherine and Gregg Sansone. He grew up in west St. Louis county, attending school during the week in St. Louis and spending weekends at his 22

family’s farm in Franklin County. After his graduation in 2012 from Chaminade College Prep he left for Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. “My character, Daniel, is from Long Island and part of a large Italian family,” says Sansone. “The core theme of the story is family and coming from a big extended Italian family I really connected to the character and to the script. There was a direct parallel to my own upbringing so I knew I had to find a way to be a part of it.” Sansone notes his numerous aunts, uncles and 40 plus first cousins on his father’s side of the family. “Also, the director of ‘Safety,’ Oscar-nominated Reggie Hudlin, is from East St. Louis. At the audition we bonded over our love for St. Louis,” adds Sansone. Sansone’s interest in acting began in high school. “My mom was a performer – a singer. She always said, ‘I think you would enjoy acting.’ I brushed it off for a long time but then I decided to follow her to an acting class. I was hooked!” For the next two years he attended classes at the St. Louis and Springfield, Mo., studios of the Creative Actors Workshop. To ensure the support of his parents, Sansone improved his grades. “My dad was totally on board after that.”

Sansone as Cameron in season one of Stargirl. Photo: Quantrell Colbert/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

After arriving in Los Angeles, Sansone did what all aspiring actors do: took acting classes, got headshots, an agent, a manager, and started auditioning. In the meantime, he worked at a smoothie shop, parked cars, drove for Uber and Lyft, and worked in property management. Early successes included an appearance in a music video and a Verizon commercial. More recently, he had a guest appearance in Season 4, Episode 3 of S.W.A.T on CBS. In 2019, he joined the cast of the CW/DC Universe superhero series “Stargirl” on The CW Network in a series regular role, allowing him to focus on full-time acting. “The six months spent shooting the first season of ‘Stargirl’ helped me prepare for ‘Safety,’” he says. Currently, he is shooting Season 2 of “Stargirl,” which will be released some time in 2021. “We are tested for COVID-19 every few days,” Sansone says. “And everyone takes social distancing seriously.” According to Sansone, his role in “Safety” came about in a surreal way. “A friend of mine was planning to audition for the part. Although he wanted the role, he thought that I would be a good fit so he selflessly let me know about the opportunity. Both of us auditioned and I got the part. It is a beautiful script and story and I really wanted it after reading it.”

Some of the film was shot at Memorial Stadium during halftime of a Clemson football game. Fans were aware of the planned filming and were asked to stay in their seats and cheer. The film crew was allowed a little over seven minutes (half of halftime) to shoot several football plays for the movie in front of 70,000 people. Actors in Clemson football gear ran down the hill just as the real team does in pregame. A St. Louisan at heart, Sansone gets home when he can. “I miss my family and our farm of course,” he says. “I also miss St. Louis’ sports culture. I grew up going to Cardinals, Rams, and Blues games. I am a die-hard Blues fan and played hockey as a kid. Following the 2019 Stanley Cup win was a blast.” True to his roots, Sansone mentions Imo’s pizza and going to The Hill with his family, especially to DiGregorio’s Italian Market, among other things he misses. “I am incredibly grateful for hometown support,“ he says. “St. Louis supports its own. I appreciate that. It doesn’t go unnoticed.” He has not gone unnoticed by St. Louisans either. To this gregarious and talented young man, Sophisticated Living says, “break a leg.” 23


Maxine’s leadership of this project has been extraordinary. It has taken a unique combination of vision, tenacity, smarts, and compassion to produce the Delmar DivINe. Having had a front-row seat to this project from its inception, I have seen her overcome so many obstacles – financial, regulatory, political – that would have stopped others in their tracks. Her commitment to both the wellbeing of the community and the idea of social innovation is remarkable. This project operates at many levels: transforming the nonprofit sector, supporting community development, and providing new access to health and human services. Especially during these times in St. Louis, we need tangible examples of social innovation that demonstrate forward movement, opportunity, and optimism.

DIVINE INSPIRATION Edward F. Lawlor William E. Gordon Distinguished Professor and Dean Emeritus Washington University in St. Louis

By Craig M. Kaminer / Photo by Lou Bopp

If you have ever worked with Maxine Clark (Build-A-Bear Workshop®, Payless ShoeSource, Venture Stores, or May Company) or Bob Clark (Clayco) you know it is hard to keep up with them. Early morning breakfasts, coffee shop meetings, round-the-clock emails, texts, on-the-go phone calls, and rapid-fire brainstorms are succeeded by fast-paced follow-up. They‘re big thinkers, hard workers, and unstoppable once they build momentum. So recently, when I heard the two Clarks (not related) were working together to improve the outcomes of St. Louis’ 16,000+ nonprofits and close the gap on the Delmar Divide, I knew this would be a project worth featuring in Sophisticated Living. St. Louis’ nonprofit sector has long been recognized as a national leader and is home to outstanding national and regional agencies, some of which have been replicated nationally and others who are working to achieve it. The region’s nonprofit sector is an economic cornerstone – employing approximately 135,000 people, 10 percent of the St. Louis area workforce, and pumping $21.7 billion into the economy each year -- about $6.7 billion as wages. Because of the limitations on required reporting for nonprofits and estimations from the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, it is highly likely we are underestimating the impact of both nonprofit jobs and total annual wages paid to those employed at nonprofits. The story of Delmar DivINe™ (a deliberate play on the all too infamous Delmar Divide), described by Maxine as “the Cortex for nonprofits,” comes on the heels of my stories on BioSTL and Cortex in recent issues which were both the brainchildren of similar visionary leaders (William H. Danforth III and John Dubinsky) and have put St. Louis on the global map for innovation, start-up activity, fundraising, and job creation. While St. Louis consistently ranks among the most generous cities in the United States based on charitable giving (Charity Navigator), St. Louis’ 16,000 registered nonprofits in St. Louis City and County compete for attention, charitable dollars, employees, and outcomes. “Delmar DivINe - the place will help us work together as will the community we will create with our tenants,” says Maxine. More than anything, Delmar DivINe is about collaboration. “Besides space, we intend to bring resources to the nonprofits that they can’t afford right now.” 25


Nonprofit Tenants as of December 2020 Alive and Well Asthma & Allergy Foundation Behavioral Health Response BJC Clark-Fox Family Foundation Gateway Greening Generate Health Great Health and Wellness Pharmacy HOME WORKS! The Teacher Home Visit Program IFF KIPP St. Louis Mid-America Transplant

Morning Star Mound City Bar Association Soul Fisher Ministries St. Louis Community Credit Union St. Louis ARC The Charity CFO The Sophia Project The Spot Turn the Page STL Washington University in St. Louis – Brown School Your Philanthropy 27

Shared cafe for tenants. Rendering of lobby.


Large office space.

Since handing over the reins of Build-A-Bear in June of 2013, Maxine works as hard as ever leading The Clark-Fox Family Foundation in building upon the successes of her entrepreneurial career to infuse innovation into the nonprofit sector. The Foundation is a unique organization that concentrates on research, program development, and investments to empower the end user and leverage one another for broader access and greater impact for our children and community. The Foundation’s strategy is to focus on the consumer, apply business acumen to nonprofits, think about issues in ways others often don’t, and encourage collaboration and innovation. Maxine is gracious with her time helping a wide array of entrepreneurs -- particularly women and minorities -- nurture ideas, grow to the next level, and find the investors to make it happen. So how did Maxine decide to undertake the Delmar DivINe project with all that she has on her plate? “One day, I was working at the KIPP Victory Elementary School in the West End when I decided to turn right instead of left on Maple Avenue, then turned on Belt to get to Delmar and came up to the former Regional Hospital and Connect Care as they were nailing the ‘for sale’ sign in the ground. I thought, ‘this could be Cortex West.’ However, Dennis Lower of Cortex was swamped at that time and suggested that I do it. So I thought ‘why not?’ and I began the research and work to bring partners together to create this amazing project in the heart of the West End -- the area on Delmar east of Skinker and west of Union -- which has become known as the Delmar Divide and perhaps the epicenter of our city’s past glory and today’s segregated reality.”

While Maxine is and has been involved in many nonprofit ventures (a few include the national board of Teach For America and the local St. Louis regional board, the board of Washington University, the board of Barnes Jewish Hospital and its Goldfarb School of Nursing, the board of Beyond Housing and Parents As Teachers, the national board of PBS and the local Nine Network of Public Media board of directors where she is a recent past board chair), I was intrigued with how and why she immediately thought of Delmar DivINe in the middle of the Delmar Divide. To the founder of Build-A-Bear Workshop in 1997 with its more than 400 stores, “It is all about merchandising—a store, a mall, a street, a neighborhood. A better merchandised store attracts people in to buy and the same is true for a neighborhood. People want to live where it is attractive, have access to shops, food, and wellbeing. That is what I saw when I started working in the 63112 zip code and we opened the KIPP School in 2014. I saw a great neighborhood with potential that needed some ‘merchandising’ and a plan that included the neighborhood’s brainpower.” While she admits that a brand alone is not what will make this successful in the long run, Maxine reflects that, “I wanted to find a name that would change the way we looked at Delmar as a bridge, not a divide. In doing my research on the history of this neighborhood, I thought that we could just change the ‘d’ to an ‘n’ and then ‘in’ could be about investment, innovation, and inclusion rather than a divide. The name has caught on! The logotype is art deco-like -- the main building was built just around the time of the art deco period -- so we are paying a little homage to the time period.” 29

Delmar DivINe will be a place, a district, an ecosystem, and a community bright spot which will maximize the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of the nonprofit sector in the St. Louis region while simultaneously being a catalyst for the transformation of nearby neighborhoods. It will be the headquarters for 30 nonprofit organizations and will welcome other nonprofits to its events and select programs in the future. Beyond space for nonprofit tenants, there will be dedicated services for those tenants, community meeting space, 150 residential units, and a cafe for the tenants, residents, and surrounding community. Of the total $110-million two-phase project, more than $13 million of the $15 million total private investment has been raised to date. The balance is being funded with New Market Tax Credits, Historic Tax Credits, and a bank loan. With phase one of construction well underway, an opening date is scheduled for Fall 2021. Delmar DivINe is a powerful concept which could be a gamechanger for nonprofits, a real estate breakthrough bridging The Loop and the CWE, and an innovation hub on par with BioSTL, Cortex, and T-Rex. And in true Maxine Clark fashion, the partnerships with Washington University, Saint Louis University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, and many other institutions will benefit from the collaborative spirit of Delmar DivINe. “Our Center for Human Services Leadership at Delmar DivINe, developed in partnership with the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University, will allow us to work together to train staff and boards to better support the agencies, including help with succession planning and developing talent for internal promotions,” she adds. In addition to organizational capacity-building, the Center’s staff will be building


animators - bringing people together and catalyzing collaboration to help transform a real estate project into a dynamic community. Jorge Riopedre, executive director of Delmar DivINe, shares Maxine’s enthusiasm for what the project can achieve. “Delmar DivINe, its partners, and its community of nonprofits are committed to creating a more equitable future for the city of St. Louis. Working together, especially with the residents of the West End neighborhood where our campus is located, we have the opportunity to drive economic activity and engage some of the region’s best charitable agencies to improve the prospects of those who live and work in North St. Louis.” For Bob Clark, who has grown Clayco into a $3 billion+ design, construction, and commercial real estate company throughout the United States, the last thing he was looking for was another venture. On any day he oversees dozens of world-class projects for companies such as Pfizer, RGA, Amazon, and Centene. Whether it is Bob’s passion to see St. Louis achieve its full potential or that he succumbed to the persuasive appeal of Maxine’s vision, Bob jumped in with both feet. According to Maxine, “Bob has a teddy bear heart! It’s his superpower -- his love of his family and his community!” And that says a lot coming from the Chief Executive Bear herself. “I’m sure that Maxine came across a kernel of this idea by seeing other projects around the country,” recounts Bob. “Before I was involved, she spoke to Hank Webber, who as Executive Vice Chancellor, oversees a wide variety of administrative and external affairs at Washington University. Shortly thereafter, Hank called me to see if I would take a look at this project. He said he was pretty enthused about it but because of the complexity of the deal he didn’t know if he had time to really study it. So, I met with

Maxine and then I looked at the property. At first I said, ‘this is crazy.’ And then Maxine’s enthusiasm just became contagious. Next we met with the City and the Land Clearance and Redevelopment Authority (LCRA) and learned there was a competing proposal to put a flea market on that site, which in my opinion would have been terrible for the neighborhood.” “Honestly, I was motivated to keep that from happening,” continues Bob. “One thing led to another. Delmar DivINe is not a project where Clayco will make money. In fact, we’re going to spend money on it. But I believe that it could be a catalyst for change. There are other people who have interests in the neighborhood too, such as Jeff Tegethoff of Tegethoff Development, who is developing the $90 million Expo at Forest Park at DeBaliviere and Pershing. There will be 287 apartments and 20,000 square feet of retail space including a grocery store. The crime rate in that area is high and you fight crime with activity. Maxine’s plan is to create a lot of activity.” “It’s not the building project that gets me excited. I was interested because of Maxine’s idea of bringing so many things together. I don’t think it has been done exactly like this in St. Louis before -- with this amount of capital investment, this kind of new-age environment, with the right kind of amenities, conference rooms, areas to congregate, and the level of enthusiasm of the leader.” Bob Clark continues, “We’ve lost so many corporate headquarters and we’ve lost so much corporate funding. We need these kinds of projects to make up some of the gap. This project came to be because of creative funding that made the project more complex but viable.” Even though COVID-19 has had an adverse impact on nonprofits, Bob is very bullish on the future and the need for

Delmar DivINe. Citing what happened after 9/11 in 2001, Bob said, “Do you remember after 9/11? I was flying on a plane about eight months after 9/11. A guy sitting next to me told me that there wouldn’t be another hotel built for 10 years in the United States. Two years later there was the biggest hotel building boom of all time. People respond and people come back. Every time there is a crisis there is innovation and new businesses and new technology that comes out of it. I sense that the hope is that Delmar DivINe will be ground zero for this innovation.” Still nearly a year from opening its doors, both Maxine and Bob check on progress at Delmar DivINe every day, oftentimes unannounced and without any fanfare. Maxine quickly deflects praise or attention for her efforts and thanks Clayco for their love of St. Louis, their attention to quality, and for building healthy and sustainable buildings. “They (Clayco) have amazing in-house resources which have allowed us to manage the project from one place without having to play the role of contractor.” As more details of Delmar DivINe emerge, there will be many more stories about the nonprofits, their clients, and the impact to the community. For Maxine and Bob, Delmar DivINe may be their first project together and one of their greatest legacies. Generations of children will love their teddy bear or benefit from the nonprofit programs Maxine has supported. And millions of square feet of buildings will be home base for companies, their employees, and apartment dwellers countrywide. But it’s the investment Maxine and Bob are making in their own backyard that has the power to change St. Louis... and the world. For this, we applaud you in our amazement of your inspiration and action. sl 31



9751 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63124 314.872.3955 Emerald Point Residence, Hollister, MO Interiors by: Erica Lea Design Studios General Contractor: Branson Builders Contracting Inc. Photography by: Starboard & Port LLC

Grand Reflecting Pond


The best kind of blues are found at Amanyara on Turks & Caicos Written by Bridget Williams

Placing my paddleboard atop water no choppier than a country club swimming pool during adult swim, I rose from my knees to stand, moved my feet apart to steady myself and pierced the surface with my paddle. In short order, my breathing was keeping time with the rhythmic strokes as I left behind the dozen or so guests spread out on a remote stretch of beach. With the water beneath me in this protected marine sanctuary as clear as the blue skies above, I watched colorful fish dart about curious structures designed to stimulate coral reef growth. Rounding a bend, and with no one in sight, I paddled to shore and sat at the water's edge, allowing the gentle waves to lap at my toes. As I savored the quiet and calm, I pondered the difference between this moment of blissful solitude the months of baneful isolation so many have experienced. With 120-acres surrounded by nearly 900-acres of nationallyprotected land above and below sea level, Amanyara on Turks & Caicos offers a blissful cocoon of relaxation and rejuvenation- an

antidote to isolation despite its remoteness. Reached via a five-mile unpaved road and positioned on a promontory on the western shore of Providenciales, the resort looks out over the reefs of Northwest Point Marine National Park. Water, either the sound or sight of it, is omnipresent. Amanyara's thirty-eight guest pavilions, which underwent a full refurbishment since July, and a collection of sprawling villas are cloaked in native tropical verdure. The foliage is manicured just enough but not too much to ensure privacy while providing unobstructed sightlines to either the ocean or a water feature. The property started 15 years ago as a collection of twoto six-bedroom villas; today, 18 of the 20 villas are available to rent and include a dedicated full-time butler and private chef. Designed in a similar fashion to the pavilions, the bedroom units surround a communal gathering space and are artfully separate with a beguiling blend of water features and pathways. 33

Yara Bar

Dinner in a private cove. Restaurant overlook the Grand Reflecting Pond

Arriving on my birthday, I nearly shrieked with glee as we approached the glass-walled Balinese-inspired bungalow that would be our home for five days. A rough-cut path in the rocky promontory comprised of pitted limestone and lava led to the bungalow's best feature, a private horseshoe-shaped cove with a powdery sand beach and intoxicating ombrĂŠ blue water. It was a spot we returned to again and again for a private sunset cocktail and canapĂŠ, yoga, a refreshing swim, and quiet contemplation. As tempting as it was to camp out in our private cove, Amanyara offers a comprehensive lineup of activities and food and beverage options that appeal to all age groups. In fact, we didn't feel the urge to explore off property for the duration of our stay. "We realize that architecture alone isn't enough of a draw, so we cater to the diverse interests of guests, including fitness enthusiasts," explained Garrett Donovan, Resort Manager. 34

One would have to try really hard to take a bad photograph at Amanyara. The heart of the resort is the main bar, where the conical roof of the structure, which is surrounded by water features, is Amanyara's tallest feature. Secluded spots at the water's edge are carved out for private dining experiences, which we enjoyed for my birthday dinner. Chef David Pooley is at the food and beverage program's helm, which employs a global perspective throughout its restaurant and private dining programs. With staff hailing from 19 countries, there is a great deal of culinary collaboration. "We can pool talent to fulfill our guests' culinary whims," said Pooley. An avid runner, the affable chef, who splits his time between the island and Modena, Italy, where his wife is from, knows the trails in the national park surrounding the resort by heart and often welcomes guests to join him for his morning jaunts.

Bedroom in the Tranquility Villa

With up to six bedrooms, 18 of the 20 villas on property are available for rent. 35

Oceanfront guest pavilions

The resort provides direct access to snorkeling in the Northwest Point Marine National Park.


Treatment pavilion at the spa

Sunset dinner next to the main swimming pool.

At the spa, four self-contained treatment rooms are outfitted for two with shower and changing facilities. The stand-alone structures, situated around a pond with a seamlessly integrated pool, create a dreamy scene. Teena, the diminutive therapist who delivered my 60-minute massage, had titanium hands that I am quite sure could crush a coconut. The unique combination of deep tissue massage and stretching left me feeling like a rag doll in a good way. Amanyara boasts a total of eight acres of open beachfront. In contrast to the Turks & Caicos' bustling Grace Bay Beach, you won't find jet skis or parasailing in this protected area. Attending to guests is a team of beach attendants ready to provide a cold drink or a boat ride to the nearby reef for guided snorkeling. After seeing the occasional dive boat just offshore, I was surprised to learn that the Grand Turks Wall was the attraction. Here, the crystal waters quickly turn dark as the ocean floor drops by nearly 7,000 feet. It was a fun quick stop on our guided snorkeling trip, but I have to admit I was on guard as I expected some ominous deep sea creature to emerge from the depths. Facilities on property facilitate pursuits ranging from lacrosse to tennis. My favorite was the dedicated boxing gym, which came about when Michael Perez Liriano, a former pro

An aerial view of the spa.

boxer from the Dominican Republic joined the staff. Liriano is an excellent coach, teaching fundamentals and delivering a challenging workout that makes you want to come back for more the next day. Also extremely patient and positive is tennis pro Rue Galero, a certified Level 1 TELOSTM Tennis Professional. The simple approach of this teaching method significantly elevated my typically terrible court performance. Daily yoga is offered at the spa or in the privacy of your bungalow or villa. Those looking for a more traditional way to work up a sweat can visit a tricked-out workout facility offering everything from TRX to treadmills. Boredom, due to a lack of options, is outside the realm of possibility here. While it may seem strange to travel to a remote place following months of isolation, the solace offered by Amanyara is soul-stirring, wholly restful, and just the right restart to tackle whatever else comes down the pipeline. Accommodations at Amanyara from $2,300/night in high season. For more information or reservations, visit sl Editor's Note: As of press time, Turks and Caicos Government require that guests obtain travel pre-authorization via the TCI Assured Portal, which includes a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR nasal swab test, within five days of their scheduled arrival date for all guests over 10 years of age. You can find more information at 37

Ivan Young S/S 2021


New collection imagery from designers Ivan Young and Bella Belle are just the eye candy we need to break up the monotony of sweatpants and t-shirts and keep alive the dream of dressing up to greet a reopened world.


Model wearing the Rita heel from Bella Belle ($295, Photo by Laura Gordon Photography. 39

Ivan Young

Photos courtesy of Ivan Young A native of Guangzhou, China, Ivan Young says his interest in fashion began at an early age, and he grew up watching his mother and grandmother make clothes for the family to wear. He created his first garment as part of his university studies and went on to found his eponymous company in 2017, with an initial mulberry silk collection focused on essential pieces with clean silhouettes. Today, his bi-annual collections encompass both evening and ready-to-wear. "It's the best of both worlds," he explained. "Eveningwear offers a chance to get all dressed up and indulge in something luxurious, while RTW makes little pieces of that luxury more easily accessible." The designer describes his client as someone aware of her feminine power as well as the importance of self-love. "A lovingly made garment is really something that I believe every woman should allow herself to experience," said Young.

40 41

Bella Belle

Photos by Laura Gordon Photography Founded by a pair of best friends who met in high school, the brand is renowned for its embellished shoes, emphasizing bridal—and even more beloved for its focus on comfort. After commiserating about the difficulty to find flats that are dainty and not frumpy and elegant heels that weren't painful to wear, the pair aspired to lend a handmade aspect to their looks. Counter to fast fashion principles, Bella Belle's designers are inspired by elements that evoke emotions and senses, carving out a niche with a distinctive handmade approach where each beading and embroidery is handsewn and hand-cut. Their 3D floral embroidery technique is inspired by Japan's Sakura blooms, while patterns in crystal beadwork call to mind the bubbles in a glass of Champagne. This level of embellishment is inimitable by factory machines; they are more fluid, artistic, and exquisite as one might expect from a luxury brand.

42 43

Bibliotaph... Publisher's Picks

Compiled by Victoria Chase

Dave Mahanes, Publisher, Sophisticated Living Nashville: I plan on reading The Last Days of John Lennon by James Patterson. Ever since my Dad brought home Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band when it came out, the Beatles have been my favorite recording artist. I started playing guitar six months after that and still do. I’ve read many books about the Beatles, but never one that focused on the last tragic days of John Lennon. I remember learning of his death that night in Cambridge Inn at Duke. It’s a must read from me; James Patterson’s not too shabby either. James Patterson—The Last Days of John Lennon—paperback, Little, Brown and Company Melissa Mahanes, Editor-In-Chief, Sophisticated Living Nashville: Ina Garten’s 12th Cookbook does not disappoint! I am enjoying making some new dishes-comfort food is key this time of year! Ina Garten—Modern Comfort Food— hardcover, 256 pages, Ten Speed Press. I am a huge fan of the Royals and their fashion choices! Especially fun to peruse since we are binge-watching the new season of The Crown. Elizabeth Holmes—HRH: So Many Thoughts on Royal Style— hardcover, 336 pages, Celadon Books

Bridget Williams, Sophisticated Living Co-founder: Timely in this era of social justice awareness, I selected this book because it appeals to my interests in historical fiction and Native American history. Today, Simon Girty might be viewed as a defender of Native Americans, but in early American he was as reviled as Benedict Arnold. Working between the blurred lines of truth and legend, author Richard Taylor relies on passages from diaries, travel accounts and biographies to tell the story of this complex historical figure. Richard Taylor—Girty— 198 pages, University Press of Kentucky (


bib 'li' o 'taph, [bib-lee-uhtaf, -tahf ]: a person who caches or hoards books Amelia Jeffers, Publisher, Sophisticated Living Columbus: Working internationally as an auctioneer and appraiser for 20+ years, I know many of the characters and objects referenced in Objects of Desire. Re-reading it has the effect of attending a family reunion - reminding me of people and events who are no longer active. It is a great read for anyone interested in understanding the high stakes world of art and antiques. Thatcher Freund—Objects of Desire: The Lives of Antiques and Those Who Pursue Them— Paperback, 304 pages, Penguin Books Jeffrey Cohen, Editor-In-Chief, Sophisticated Living Indianapolis: I just started this memoir, which tells the story of the beloved house in New Orleans where the author and her family lived for decades. This is not an account of affluence, rather it’s the story of a family of 11 siblings and their single mother, who managed, at the age of 19, to buy a home in one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods that became a haven for them, despite the inevitable grind and decay of poverty, until Hurricane Katrina destroyed all that they held dear. Hailed as a masterpiece of history, politics, sociology and memory, it’s a must-read for me, as a New Orleans native. Sarah M. Broom—The Yellow House: A Memoir— hardcover, 304 pages, Grove Press

Craig Kaminer, Publisher, Sophisticated Living St. Louis: Every now and then a book comes along which combines my general interest in business, reminders of my own career, my personal life experiences and one of the great brands I admire most. Leonard Lauder is one of the great stories of the beauty business and My Life in Beauty offers keen insights on honing ambition, leveraging success, learning from mistakes, and growing an international company in an age of economic turbulence, uncertainty, and fierce competition. This is a great read by the fire, on a beach or wherever you will take refuge this winter. Leonard Lauder—The Company I Keep: My Life In Beauty —hardcover, 432 pages, Harper Business 45

BETTER TOGETHER Fine jewelry pieces that play well with others Compiled by Bridget Williams

Clockwise from top left: Miro necklace with reclaimed white diamond from Meadowlark Jewelry ($1,117; Vessel pendant from Pamela Love ($240; Jade Trau Loop necklace ($3,650; Medium Marianne necklace from Brent Neale (price upon request; John Hardy Asli Classic Chain Link Transformable Necklace ($1,695; Bea Bongiasca Baby Vine chain bracelet with Corundum ($652;

Clockwise from top left: Case Joaillier Joujou diamond C band ($600; cayejoaillier. com). DRU Stacking Square ring with diamonds (from $695; Recycled gold and platinum bands with ethically sourced diamonds from Cathy Waterman ( Diamond enamel stack rings from EF Collection (from $556; Diamond eternity bands from Ashley Zhang (from $4,600;


Bracelet, rings and necklaces from Uncommon James (

Pieces from the La Selva collection by Emily P. Wheeler (

Clockwise from top left: Sorellina Hand On Paper Clip Chain ($8,350; White diamond and ruby, sapphire, and emerald Bolo bracelets from Graziela ($3,990/ each; Corda Shaker bracelet with black diamonds and rubies from Moritz Glik ($9,900; Continuty Binary Duo Color bracelet ($9,995) and Equality diamond bracelet ($6,295) from Alessa Jewelry (

Clockwise from top left: Grace Lee blue sapphire Ribbon ring ($1,288; Emerald and diamond Eternity ring set from Neelu Los Angeles ($3,000/set; 18K Astrid ring from Temple St. Clair is designed to be worn on the finger or as a pendant ($4,900; templestclair. com). All in LOVE! ring from Samantha Tea ($1,800;

Rings and bracelets from Neelu Los Angeles ( 47

NEW YEAR NEW YOU Non-traditional engagement rings for saying ‘I do!’ differently

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Compiled by Bridget Williams

Compiled by Bridget Williams

Synergies, sustainability and superfoods are a few of the buzzwords being bantered about in the realm of self-care. From rare flowers to rowing, we’ve rounded up a few products that offer the promise of putting our best face and physique forward in 2021.

Clockwise from top left: Kickstart your skincare regimen in the shower with MBR's Enzyme Cleansing Booster, a a fruit enzyme powder and exfoliant that dissolves impurities, removes dead skin cells and excess oils ($227; Used as a spot treatment or over the entire face, Vicki Morav Z Bigatti Restoration Deep Repair Serum is a concentrated treatment of soy, botanical and marine extracts, vitamins and antioxidants formulated to improve skin clarity and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.rescues ($198; The key ingredient in KORRES Golden Krocus Hydra-Filler Plumping Cream the Krocus flower, which blossoms only once a year for two weeks in the northern part of Kozani, Greece. Once bloomed, the flower is then handpicked by the local villagers. ($76, Tammy Fender Celestial Rose Creme is a velvety balm with rose oil, Manuka honey, and other key ingredients to melt into the skin and provide rich nutritive benefits and create a barrier shielding the skin from environmental stressors ($145; This concentrated gel moisturizer features a unique blend of caviar, vitamins and vegetable stem cells to nourish and revitalize the skin. A hydrating complex of vitamins A and E, blended with natural extracts from apple and argan trees, sunflowers and caper fruits are quickly absorbed into the skin. Perfect for everyday use or as a 'no-rise' mask for a deep nourishing boost. Also great for men as an after-shave soothing treatment ($100; New to the United States and founded by Pietro Simone, his eponymous skincare collections are world-renowned for combining a scientific and natural approach to expertly manage and combat the aging process. Offering two lines, the Essential Collection and the Prestige Collection, all of Pietro's effective skincare products incorporate his exclusive Italian Bella Complex that features natural healing ingredients sourced directly from Italy. Designed for everyday use, Pietro's Essential Collection uses synergistic scientific formulas that encourage the skin to heal and excel (from $60;


Clockwise from top left: Featuring iLoop technology, the Moda One hairdryer senses hair moisture and adjusts heat and airflow accordingly, thus creating a faster & smarter hair drying experience ($299). Thirteen years and more than 500,000 R&D hours went into OPTE, the first precision skincare device of its kind. OPTE is a handheld inkjet serum printer with the power to reveal skin’s natural radiance by digitally scanning skin, analyzing complexions, and camouflaging hyperpigmentation on contact with Spot Optimizing Serum while fading dark spots over time ($599, With a quiet and smooth patented drag mechanism, a library of workouts on waterways around the globe delivered via a 22” touchscreen display, and front-facing speakers, the Hydrow delivers a cardio and strength training workout that engages 86% of your muscles ($1,995;

Modica is the world’s first superfood cocktail mix. Made with naturallysourced ingredients, each serving has no more than 35 calories, and every bottle makes at least 10 cocktails ($13.99/bottle;

Clockwise from top left: Nora Kogan Elise ring with emerald-cut diamond in a matte satin gold setting ($5,225; Picchiotti Classics Imperial Collection white gold, diamond, and ruby ring (price upon request; De Cosmi 18K yellow gold and rough diamond ring (price upon request; Custom engagement ring by Harwell Godfrey (price upon request; Emily Kuvin 14k diamond Three Dot ring ($1,870; Jemma Wynne bespoke ring with baguette cut diamond (price upon request; Fantazia by Aisha Baker in 18k yellow gold with diamonds and white quartz ($10,800; Anna Sheffeld Bea Three Stone ring with black diamond (from $25,300; Ascension Illusion diamond ring from Graziela ($7,500; Maya Gemstones Perfect Ring in yellow gold with 1ct Maya-cut diamond (price upon request; 49

Of Note... Cozy at Home

Compiled by Colin Dennis

This page, clockwise from top left: Missoni Home hooded bathrobe ($430; Fergus wool rug designed by Constance Frapolli for Ligne Roset ( Oshin cashmere cableknit throw ($853; Kona Cave velvet snuggle cave dog bed ($109; The Garden Room upholstered chair from Theodore Alexander ($2,151; Maxalto Amoenus Soft armchair from B&B Italia ( Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman with Mohair Supreme upholstery from Herman Miller ($7,495; Max armchair from Hommes Studio ($7,900; Infinity wooden puzzle from Jonathan Adler ($30;


The Eigg bed from The Headboard Workshop ($1,800;

Ethnicraft Tulum cushion ($268), Camel Alpone throw ($253), Dark Tulum cushion ($241) and Osso stool ($395;

It takes 320 hours for a team of craftspeople to create each Hästens Vividus bed. The bed frame is made of redwood from the north of Sweden, while the mattress is made of layers of cotton, wool, mohair and horsehair, with a step stitching technique ($150,000;

RH Yeti sheepskin armchair in ivory (from $2,695;

Steiff Classic 1909 teddy bear with growler ($229; 51

A woodworker in the Acca Kappa factory.


Mozzafiato introduces iconic Italian beauty brands to North American consumers. Written by Bridget Williams

Italian beauty seems to defy an expiration date, as Sophia Loren, Carla Bruni, Isabella Rossellini, Bianca Balti, and Monica Bellucci attest. While good genes certainly help, living la dolce vita is an all-encompassing ethos. Capitalizing on the Italian tradition of family heritage and craftsmanship related to beauty, Mozzafiato, an e-commerce platform that launched in November, is looking to reinvent American beauty for both men and women with made-in-Italy products ranging from ancient fragrances to leading-edge skincare innovations. If you're like me and miss traveling abroad, browsing the Brand Stories section of the 17 companies and more than 900 products presently represented on the Mozzafiato website allows the mind to wander through the wonders of Italy, imaging the sights, sounds, and scents of a country that holds a special place in many a heart. In these most uncomforting times, something is reassuring about getting an intimate look at the makers of products that are part of our daily beauty rituals. "In the same way that the Italian culture and lifestyle have created an enduring love for its design, fashion, food, wine, and automobiles, the world is ready to unlock its passion for Italian beauty," said Amy Parsons, CEO of Mozzafiato. "American consumers have proven their affinity for exploring multiple and diverse beauty brands in a single location. Mozzafiato transforms 52

that concept into a beautiful, emotional experience with this collection of truly authentic and unique Italian products." Among the storied brands represented include Acca Kappa, a fourth-generation family business located in the heart of Treviso. Founded in the late 1800s as a brush factory, the company was expropriated from the family during the First and Second World Wars. In each instance, the family managed to repurchase it following years of hard work. Today the brand, one of the oldest in Italy, offers fragrances and skincare products for men and women, in addition to their world-renowned hairbrushes and toothbrushes. Of the company's White Moss cologne, Elisa Gera, great-granddaughter of the company founder, says, "It reminds you of spring in Italy. Once you try it, you'll get addicted to it." Alongside long-standing companies are newcomers such as Storie Veneziane, founded in Venice by Sophie and Didier Guillon. Their exquisite perfumes are encased in equally refined vessels highlighted by a Murano glass mask and Venetian leatherwrapped caps that are functional works of art. To enhance the brand's multi-sensory appeal, Mozzafiato plans to open a series of immersive retail stores in more than 20 major markets across the United States and Canada. For more information, visit sl

Gabriel Balestra, founder of Skin & Co. on the company’s truffle farm.

A portrait of Acca Kappa founder Herman Krull hangs above his greatgranddauter Elisa Gera, who currently runs the family business.

Blue Cobalto perfume by Storie Veneziane 53

ALL THE RIGHT ANGLES Jewelry inspired by the beauty of geometry Compiled by Bridget Williams

Clockwise from top left: Limited-edition Pixels collar necklace from Carelle ( Earrings, left to right, top to bottom: Circular Contrast earrings by Joana Salazar (joanasalazar. com). Mirror earrings from Melis Goral ($6,300; Pyramid earrings from Karma El Khalil ( Keynes hexagon diamond earrings from Walters Faith ($6,985; One-of-a-kind Stephen Webster Vertigo Lost Horizon hoops ( Emily P. Wheeler X earrings ($12,000; Jared Lehr earrings ( Ara Vartanian emerald and diamond earrings (


Clockwise from top left: Geoart Puzzle necklace from Kavant & Sharart ( Aztec medallion from Terzihan’s Neutra Collection ($9,200; Akila drape necklace from KORITE ($1,455; VRAM Robo Kinetic ring ( Marrow Fine opal inlay ring ($4,000; Oxidized silver Ice ring from Elizabeth Garvin Fine ($1,040; Grab n Go ring from NeverNot ($5,875: Akylon 44mm watch from MUSE Swiss Art Watches ($3,600; The Alcazar bracelet from Aisha Baker ( Pyramid Pop prehnite open ring from Luv My Jewelry ($239; Sonya ring with pink enamel from MAYA ($3,800; 55

A farmer carrying his daughter in-between rows of agave.

DISTILLED HISTORY Mezcal, Mexico's native spirit, retains its artisanal roots Written by Chloe Gellar

As an ardent consumer of craft cocktails, I recall the rise of mezcal a few years ago, when the spirit was tapped (and some would argue pigeon-holed) to imbue a drink with a "smoky" flavor. And while mezcal and tequila are both distilled from agave, the former can display a broad range of flavor profiles, from bitter to bubble gum. Archaeologists have estimated that humans began utilizing the agave plant 11,000 years ago for clothing, tools, and medicine. For thousands of years, the indigenous tribes of Mexico made pulque, a milky white alcoholic beverage made from the agave plant's leaves or sap. Spaniards were introduced to pulque during the Spanish Conquest. Once the liquor they brought with them ran out, the Spanish used their knowledge of distilling (learned from the Moors) to experiment with agave and create something with a higher alcohol content. The culmination of their efforts became mezcal. The main difference between mezcal and tequila is that while mezcal can be made from nearly 50 species of the agave plant, tequila can only be made from Weber blue agave. Resembling a pineapple, the piĂąa, the rounded stem of the agave plant, is used to make mezcal. 56

Each agave plant takes a minimum of four years to mature, with some requiring as many as three decades. This slow-growing process is what imparts mezcal with complex flavors and aromas. The word mezcal is derived from the Nahuatl word mexcalli, which translates as "oven-cooked agave." Once harvested, the piĂąa is roasted, typically in underground pits, although some contemporary producers employ steam to mitigate smoky characteristics. As it cooks, the plant's fibers soften, and starches morph into sugar. In traditional distillation, a tahona, a giant stone wheel typically pulled by a donkey or mule, pulverizes the cooked plant. Today, this process has been made more efficient by some distillers through mechanization, though some craft producers employ a mallet and manpower to make the pulp. The pulp is fermented (with wild yeast in quality mezcals) and distilled, with some mezcals undergoing barrel aging. Much of what you need to know about a bottle of mezcal is right on the label. Drawing parallels with wine grapes and regions, bottles of mezcal list the variety or varieties of agave plants used, along with where they were grown. Mezcal was first recognized as an Appellation of Origin in 1994, but it did not become law until 2003. Just like a bottle of sparkling wine labeled Champagne must

In the traditional manufacture of mezcal, a giant stone wheel is used to pulverize the cooked agave to create a pulp.

be made in Champagne, France, mezcal must be made in one of nine Mexican states: Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas. Oaxaca is the largest producer. While mezcal is a centuries-old tradition in Mexico, its popularity in the United States can be traced back to the mid1990s, when Ron Cooper, a California native and founder of Del Maguey, starting importing single-village mezcal, and thereby creating a "single-village" designation for the spirit. Cooper's tireless efforts paid off in 2017 when Pernod-Ricard purchased a majority stake in Del Maguey. The rising popularity of Mexico's indigenous spirit in the U.S. is a boon for small communities' economies where family producers have been working for generations. A native of Oaxaca, Francisco Javier Perez Cruz saw firsthand the backbreaking work and hardscrabble existence of families making mezcal. Elected president of the National Mezcal Council in 2004, he went on to found the Consejo Oaxaqueño del Maguey Mezcal (Oaxaca Mezcal Maguey Council). Today, his Banhez Cooperative (banhezmezcal. com), a conglomeration of 36 farming families, is now run by

his son Luis and ensures fair wages, consistent work, and a better quality of life. Banhez Espadin Barril Mezcal ($35/750ML), which boasts tropical notes of banana and pineapple to balance the smoke, won Double Gold and Best Mezcal at the 2017 San Francisco World Spirits Competition Rooted in the traditions of his native Durango, Gaston Martinez founded IZO ( in the early 2000s. He sustainably operates the company, including utilizing solar power and independent water resources. Using hand-harvested agave grown on high-altitude desert mesas, his team at IZO works to uphold and preserve a proud legacy of partnership with the land and its resources. IZO's award-winning Mezcal Jovan ($65/750ML) is made with agave hearts slow-roasted with smoldering oak in lava-lined fire pits. Double distillation results in a subtly smoky flavor with a clean finish. For purists who want to savor the complexities of mezcal, the ideal way is to sip it neat from a copita, a small and wide clay bowl designed to emulate a jicara, Mother Nature's drinking vessel made from the dried fruit of the calabash tree. Perusing local Mexican craft markets, particularly in Oaxaca, you'll frequently spy these organic vessels transformed into works of art. Salud! sl 57


GMC looks to shake up the truck segment with extreme off-road capabilities offered by the electric 2022 HUMMER EV Written by Andre James / Photography courtesy of GMC “Our goal was to develop the most capable, factory off-road pickup on the market. We’re excited to show the world what 100-plus years of truck know-how can do when applied to EV power,” said Al Oppenheiser, chief engineer of the newly unveiled GMC HUMMER EV. “It will have the capability to go almost anywhere, on- or off-road, combining screaming performance with a nearly silent ride,” he added. This open-air, performance-oriented supertruck mates a GM-designed three-motor electric 4WD system with five advanced drive modes (four pre-configured and one driver-configurable), providing impressive capabilities. These include the ability to climb 60-percent grades in both forward and reverse, scaling 18-inch verticals, and fording water more than two-feet deep. For instance, in Terrain Mode, the driver can negotiate terrain at low speeds by simply modulating input on the accelerator pedals. Enabling this performance level is an all-new body frame structure that eliminates conventional frame rails and makes the battery pack a fundamental structural element of the chassis. Without the constraints of a traditional propulsion system and 58

standard drive axles, the system can channel more power to a single wheel. Launched and offered exclusively in the fully equipped Edition 1 model with an Extreme Off-Road Package, each supertruck will be identically appointed with a white exterior and Lunar Horizon interior. Part of the HUMMER EV’s highlight reel of significant off-road features are independent front and rear suspension; an electronically controlled, driverselectable front e-Locker that elevates traction capability by locking both front wheels so that they turn at the same speed; a rear virtual locker that can vary the amount of torque sent to each wheel to optimize traction off and on-road; underbody armor; 18-inch wheels with 35-inch-OD Goodyear Wrangler Territory MT tires; and, UltraVision front and rear underbody cameras offering 18 camera views in total. CrabWalk, a segment-exclusive feature, turns the rear wheels at the same angle as the front wheels (up to 10 degrees) at low speeds, allowing diagonal movement of the vehicle. The driver is kept apprised of conditions and the truck’s settings at any time via

The 2022 GMC HUMMER EV’s design visually communicates extreme capability, reinforced with rugged architectural details that are delivered with a premium, wellexecuted and appointed interior.

The GMC HUMMER EV is designed to be an off-road beast, with allnew features developed to conquer virtually any obstacle or terrain.

a host of off-road widgets displayed on the infotainment and driver information screens. The HUMMER EV’s Ultium Drive system delivers 1,000 horsepower, more than 11,500 lb-ft of torque, a three-second 0-60mph sprint, and a GM-estimated 350+ mile driving range on a full charge. HUMMER EV is the first GMC vehicle to offer variable Regen on Demand. This driver-controlled regenerative braking feature converts the kinetic energy of the truck’s forward momentum into electricity stored in the vehicle’s battery packs for maximizing the driving range. The system’s pure electric propulsion holds peak torque much longer, through a wider speed range (up to 40 mph) than even diesel engines, which is optimal for off-roading. The latest version of Super Cruise offers hands-free driving on more than 200,000 miles of enabled roads. Watts to Freedom is the HUMMER EV's launch control mode, a driver-selectable feature that channels the propulsion system’s power into acceleration bursts. As the vehicle readies itself for Watts to Freedom, a series of interior experiences convey the feeling of a “prelaunch countdown,” including interactive controls, unique sounds

The GMC HUMMER EV is driven by next-generation EV propulsion technology that enables unprecedented offroad capability, extraordinary on-road performance and an immersive driving experience.

through the Bose speakers, and screen animations. The vehicle also lowers two inches to prepare for the launch, utilizing a lower center of gravity. “It’s an amazing demonstration of just how fast 1,000 horsepower and 11,500 lb-ft of electric propulsion can move you — regardless of the vehicle’s size,” said Oppenheiser. “It’ll put a smile on your face every single time.” Performance aside, the Infinity Roof with removable Sky Panels that can stow in the “frunk” at the front of the vehicle grabs attention on or off-road. Inside the five-passenger cabin, an easyto-clean vinyl floor topped with recycled rubber inserts takes the place of conventional carpet. There are ample storage solutions throughout. Epic’s Unreal Gaming Engine powers a pair of large graphic displays. Some functions are activated by voice command, while others employ smartphone-like swiping and scrolling. The 2022 HUMMER EV Edition 1 will have a starting MSRP of $112,595. Production is scheduled to begin in late 2021 at GM’s Factory ZERO, Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly Center— a nearly 40-year-old facility repurposed and retooled with a $2.2-billion investment devoted to electric vehicle production. sl 59

DREAMING IN PARADISE The newly opened Conrad Punta de Mita is Hilton’s first and only Conrad brand resort in Mexico. Written by Bridget Williams Mexico colors my dreams with a vibrancy I find nowhere else in the world. Each time I visit, symbols of ancient gods, the traditions of its indigenous people, the food, and the landscape—from bustling cities to the mystery of mountain peaks cloaked in seemingly impenetrable jungle—come to life shortly after my head hits the pillow. My most recent stay, this time at the newly opened Conrad Punta de Mita in the Riviera Nayarit, was no exception. Located approximately 40 minutes from the international airport in Puerta Vallarta, the property sits within a lightly developed area that's part of the gated Litibu golf course community. Proof once again that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, from the backside, the hulking main structure of the resort gives little indication of what lies inside. Once you pass the COVID protocols—bag, hand, and shoe sanitizing and a temperature check—you are invited to pass through a corridor framed with wood "ribs" that leads to a soaring lobby with views to a verdant lawn, a trio of swimming pools and the breaking waves of the ocean. Once the feeling of being gobsmacked by the vista wears off, you begin to notice the complexity of the interior design, which pays subtle homage to the indigenous Huichol people and traditional Mexican craftsmanship in a handmade-modern way. The Conrad Punta de Mita is the first full-service Conrad brand resort in Mexico. Each of the 324 guest rooms, spread out over the multi-story arc-shaped main building, and nine beachfront casas, 60

each with 12-15 rooms and suites, boast views of the Pacific Ocean. Request Superior King Oceanfront suite 1436, or similar, for views that stretch from the ocean and across a wide swath of mangrove forest to the emerald Sierra Madre Mountains. Spacious guest rooms continue the theme established in the lobby of mixing traditional aspects with clean-lines. Inside my ocean-front casa room, I admired the cerused wood trim and doors in the bathroom, beauty dish-style LED-lighted mirrors over the double vanity, Huichol-inspired artwork over the coffee bar, and crisp bed linens with navy blue trim. A large balcony offered space for alfresco dining, as well as a comfy daybed that served as an open invitation to savor the sound of the strong surf. Rising before sunrise, you'll spy an army of attendants attending to the manicured grounds. Ideal for both family travel and couple's getaways, a large family pool includes a water slide (that this bid kid also loved) and a zero-entry splash pad for the littlest fish. An infinity activity pool fronts the ocean, and an adults-only pool with a champagne bar concept in the works, rounds out the aquatic options. Surrounding each pool are cabanas and loungers with some of the thickest and most comfortable cushions I've encountered. The wide, uncrowded beach has packed sand that's ideal for running or walking. While there is another hotel sharing the waterfront in not-too-close proximity on one side of the property, on the other, there's at least a mile of undeveloped waterfront to relish.

Grand Oceanfront Suite 61

The adults-only swimming pool.

There are four restaurants and three bars on the property. During my visit, I experienced three of the four, with the fourth, Codex, a unique fine-dining concept reached via an elevated walkway over the mangroves, scheduled to open shortly. In developing the menu, including special moon phase dinners, Executive Chef Victor Palma sourced inspiration from an ancient Aztec book of herbs, ‘Codice’. As a lover of all things spicy and Mexican cuisine, I can attest that the food here is extraordinary. I quickly became known as the "spice girl," with staff presenting me with house-made hot sauces, even at breakfast to top my chile relleno. Mezquite offers toes-in-the-sand al fresco dining and is the best place to watch the sunset. With any luck, during the winter months, you may spy a humpback whale breaching in the distance. Here, the focus is on cuisine created over charcoal and fire, all the way down to the digestif, an activated charcoal popsicle. I washed mine down with a Carajillo, a bittersweet concoction of coffee and Licor 43, a Spanish liqueur. Available by reservation for up to 20 guests, the Zarandeado Experience allows diners to meet local fishermen from nearby La Cruz Huanacaxtle with the talented Chef Palma when they deliver their catch of the day to the beach in front of the hotel. They'll enjoy a la minute ceviches while the expertly grilled fish is prepared and then served with tostadas and a variety of savory accompaniments for DIY tacos on the beach. Serving three meals daily, the spring-like freshness of interior design elements at Árbol— green terracotta floor tiles, woven fiber 62

pendant light fixtures and a custom jungle mural painted on one wall, to name a few—mirror the beautifully presented regional Mexican dishes and American staples that are prepared with the freshest of ingredients. Located next to the family pool, Paleta serves kid-friendly favorites like wood-fired pizzas and more refined comfort food fare, including tuna poke and a flatbread topped with pork belly. Colibri Roasting Company is the go-to spot for a coffee fix and grab-and-go options for breakfast and lunch. One of the more unique offerings of the food and beverage program is the Agave Studio, where guests receive a Mexican history lesson in tandem with a guided tasting of spirits made with agave. Diving deep beyond tequila and mezcal, we took our tasting experience to the next level with a multi-course dinner than paired traditional Mexican cuisine with spirits from the familiar—tequila and mezcal—to the foreign—sotol and raicilla. We sampled each spirit from a handmade vessel designed to bring out the flavors of each. The evening ended with sipping sotol from a ceremonial-style cup. Once we learned that viper venom is added to its final distillation, we paid extra special attention to discerning the flavor profiles. My dreams were certainly extra spirited that evening! Even a room service dinner exceeded my expectations, allowing me to shamelessly attack a bowl of guacamole before noshing on flank steak tacos. I'd highly recommend adding a bag of the resort's highly addictive chili caramel corn to your order and save it (if you can!) for snacking on the return flight.

Mezquite Restaurant The Agave Studio

Executive Chef Victor Palma showing off the catch of the day. Anna Martinez leads agave spirit tastings in the Agave Studio.

An outdoor relaxation area at the spa.

Grilled fish served at lunch as part of the Zarandeado Experience. 63

The spa's temazcal is the first on a Hilton property. During this unique experience, guests sit in a circle on the floor while heated volcanic rocks, hand-selected by a shaman, are placed in the center to create heat and steam central to a 4-door purification ritual.

While it may seem contrary to the idea of a relaxing vacation, I like to take advantage of the leisure time to focus on my fitness. The property aids this initiative with a large and well-equipped fitness room as part of the spa, allowing plenty of room to work out safely. A bonus is that I can reward my muscles for all of their hard work with some spa pampering. A state of sensory bliss ensues as soon as you step inside the 10,000 square foot Conrad Spa, courtesy of a custom scent that permeates every square inch. While the inside spaces are uniquely designed and appointed, it's the Garden of Edenmeets-Dr. Seuss wonderland of the outdoor spaces that's the real showstopper. An abundance of flora, selected for its attractiveness to hummingbirds, grows around (and eventually up and over) several stand-alone treatment rooms (aptly named hummingbird nest cocoons) and passageways, handwoven on site of local wood. Found in this area is dome-shaped temazcal, the first on a Hilton property. During this unique spa experience, guests sit in a circle on the floor while heated volcanic rocks, hand-selected by a 64

shaman, are placed in the center to create heat and steam central to a 4-door purification ritual. One could be perfectly content remaining on the property for the duration of their stay, but the nearby town of Sayulita is worth a visit. There are a few gems to be discovered amid the trinket and surf shops, including Evoke the Spirit, RevoluciĂłn Del SueĂąo, Buddha Gallery, and weekend markets full of locally produced handicrafts. Among the parade of humanity meandering the cobblestone streets are scraggly-haired surfers of all ages along with quite a few ex-pats, who, by the looks of their bare feet, unshaven faces, and deep tans, have fully embraced the beach bum lifestyle. After a few days in the Riviera Narayit at Conrad Punta de Mita, I understand their outlook and the area's appeal. Room rates at the Conrad Punta de Mita start at $279/ night. The resort is offering a "Stay Longer & Work from Paradise" package offering seven nights free when staying 14 days or more starting at $296/night with a fourteen-night minimum. For more information or reservations, visit sl


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TURNING POINT Opinions from the St. Louis Community Bridging the Delmar Divide

The Delmar Divide is not an accident. It is the result of decades of disregard and discriminatory policies like residential segregation ordinances and housing covenants that had the effect of pushing many Black citizens into neighborhoods north of Delmar Blvd. and, over time, solidifying it as the primary racial and socioeconomic dividing line in St. Louis. It was exacerbated in the late ‘50s and ‘60s when local commerce moved to the suburbs with the advent of the modern-day mall and shopping centers. Local shops were challenged to stay alive as even their workers left for better jobs in larger stores. The sales tax revenues were no longer able to fuel community supports such as safety, schools, and parks resulting in serious deterioration. Fast forward to today and you can see the consequences. In comparison to the Central West End community south of Delmar Blvd., those who live in the 63112 zip code, the Historic West End, experience much higher levels of poverty, vastly larger incidences of crime, and much poorer health and education outcomes. Moreover, it is already clear that the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis is likely to have more profound and lasting effects since the disease disproportionately affects communities of color. And yet the area has an optimistic and activated transgenerational community, expressed through numerous neighborhood associations that are working hard to return vibrancy and stability to the area. I first met this neighborhood in 2014 when we were preparing to open KIPP Victory Elementary school in the closed former Mitchell School. The neighbors welcomed this addition for their families and other children in St. Louis. As I became more engaged with the community and attended neighborhood meetings and events, I saw that the residents value and promote open, participative development processes based on cooperation and respect. As an entrepreneur, I felt the spirit of new ideas, new prospects alive and well. This led me to the vision I saw in my head the day I passed by the former St. Luke’s Hospital - then Connect Care - as they were nailing the “for sale” sign in the ground. This was at Hollywood and Vine for St. Louis—halfway between the Wash U Danforth Campus and the Wash U School of Medicine as well as between the Delmar Loop and Central West End entertainment and retail areas. I knew what had been created by Cortex and I thought the same could happen here in the Historic West End. It could in fact be DivINe—with the proper INvestment, INnovation and INclusion. The community of nonprofit organizations at Delmar DivINe will build on the strengths of the people who make up 68

these neighborhoods to maximize the impact of their work. This includes agencies like Generate Health, a nonprofit that mobilizes a coalition of more than 900 individuals and organizations to undo the impact of racism and trauma on the health of Black families. Kendra Copanas, Generate Health’s executive director, says that, “In order to advance health equity in our region, largescale, community-centric reinvestment is needed in North St. Louis. Delmar DivINe will not only spur economic development; it will also serve as a hub for individuals and community-based organizations to convene and collaborate on addressing the systemic issues our region faces.” Fortunately, Delmar DivINe is not alone. Many development projects and initiatives are underway that will help bridge the divide and lead to a better future. To name just a few: the Delmar Maker District just east of Union on Delmar, which also houses MADE, the children’s makerspace environment created by The Magic House; the development of 207 acres bordered by Kingshighway Blvd. and Delmar Blvd., with $1 million of residential construction currently underway and another $2 million set for spring 2021; the restoration of the historic Wellston Trolley Building which will include mixed-use retail and house minorityowned startup businesses to help stimulate economic activity in the community; and the Page Boulevard Redevelopment to revitalize the predominantly African American neighborhood that spans from north of Delmar to Martin Luther King and from Skinker to Kingshighway. These are just a few but they are significant because they are adjacent to each other, will create needed jobs and desired amenities, and begin the transformation linked together with a common goal of prosperity for these once exciting neighborhoods. The challenges and opportunities represented by North St. Louis require a regional response. As the St. Louis Development Corporation’s recently published Equitable Economic Development Framework points out, addressing the challenge of equitable urban economic growth requires the commitment and capacities of a broad set of public, private, philanthropic, university, and community stakeholders employing a range of tools to address foundational issues of place, prosperity, and people. The Delmar Divide will not disappear on its own. It will take all of us to bridge it.

Maxine Clark Maxine Clark

Photo by Mark Katzman 69


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AUTHENTIC Authentic Indeed! Chesterfield Couple Celebrates

Another Win at Breeder’s Cup World Championships Written by Lou Ann Wilcox / Photography by Coady Photography

Dr. Cynthia Fleck and her husband Randall Barker of Chesterfield were again in the winner’s circle after their horse, Authentic, won the Breeder’s Cup World Championship in early November 2020 at Keeneland Race Course in Lexington, Ky. This win followed Authentic’s first place finish in the 2020 Kentucky Derby in September in Louisville. The Breeder’s Cub, like the Kentucky Derby, was run with no fans although Cynthia and Randall were there as owners and were able to accompany Authentic in the paddock and the Winner’s Circle. Trained by the legendary Bob Baffert and ridden by the celebrated jockey, John Velasquez, Authentic also set the Keeneland course record for one and one-fourth miles in 1:59.19, a powerful two and a quarter-length victory in the $6 million race. 72

With the Breeders’ Cup victory, Authentic earned a $1 million bonus for winning the Kentucky Derby, the Breeder’s Cup and the Haskell Stakes at Monmouth Park in New Jersey in July. With Authentic’s wins in those three races, the three-yearold divisional title and Horse of the Year honors are a realistic possibility for the bay colt. The Breeders’ Cup is generally regarded as the end of the North American racing season. After much discussion by Cynthia and Randall, Authentic will retire as a top stallion and stud at Spendthrift Farms in Lexington carrying out his prominent pedigree. Cynthia and Randall are one of four major shareholders of Authentic. “Our boy Authentic” as the couple fondly calls their racehorse is authentic indeed. sl


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SOPHISTICATED SOCIETY As we move forward into a new year, events, fundraisers and galas that had been postponed in 2020 are becoming redefined in 2021. Virtual engagements are the new normal and so are hybrid events – those which include a mix of live/in-person happenings as well as an online option for those who prefer to celebrate a great cause at home. Share your patio parties with us by tagging your pictures with @sophisticatedlivingmag. Let us know which charity you want to see featured in our next issue of Sophisticated Giving. The calendar of events may still be thin, but the list of organizations needing support remains endless. – SL

JANUARY 1-2/28 16-17 23 25-26 28 28-Feb 3

Storm of Progress: German Art After 1800, Regional Summer Intensive Auditions, Whiskey Tasting Festival, Amadeus 265 Online, Feast Your Eyes Takeout Edition: Elmwood, Sundance Film Festival Online,


TBA 5-6 8-9 27

St. Louis Teen Talent Competition Semi-Finals, Dance Season Preview, Lovefest, The Romantics Online, St. Louis Heart Ball,


APRIL 18 20


TBA 14

Marygrove Bloom Roarding 20s Maskerade Ball,

Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit, Celtic Woman,

Veiled Prophet Ball MWOY St. Louis,


Photos and stories compiled by Carrie Edelstein. To submit your event for consideration, please email 75

“The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Past results afford no guarantee of future results and every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.�

Photos Courtesy of The Little Bit Foundation

2 1




The Little Bit Foundation held a hybrid version of its annual Join the Journey Gala back in October. About 200 guests mingled at the Four Seasons St. Louis downtown while the rest of the supporters enjoyed the evening online. Little Bit has adapted and ramped up efforts during the pandemic through direct-to-home food distribution for students and families, virtual tutoring and other new programming that supports learning.






1) Butch and Tracy Suntrup 2) Carrie McDaniel and Frank Trulaske 3) Drew and Lydia Huston 4) Jeff and Sharon Lay 5) Rosemary Hanley 6) Meagan Pearson and Kevin Patrick 7) Nick and Jennifer Tompras 8) Josh and Maura Griffin 9) Rob and Lauren Hosenfelt 77




The International Photography Hall of Fame honored its 2020 class of inductees and awardees while celebrating its 55th anniversary virtually. Hall of Fame inductees include Robert Adams, Lynsey Addario, the late Alfred Eisenstaedt, Hiro, Jay Maisel, Duane Michals and Carrie Mae Weems. Legendary rock music photographer Henry Diltz was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

5 6

4 7


1) Dick Miles and Pat Whitaker 2) NICARAGUA. Esteli. 1979. Sandinistas at the walls of the Esteli National Guard headquarters. (NICARAGUA, page 64) ©Susan Meiselas/Magnum Photos 3) Henry Diltz: The Doors, Morrison Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, 1969 4) Alfred Eisenstaedt: V-J Day, Times Square, New York, NY, 1945 5) name 6) Alfred Eisenstaedt: The president’s inaugural ball, 1961 7) Harry Winston Necklace, New York, 1963. Hiro (American (born in China), 1930) 1963 Photograph, dye transfer print *© Hiro *Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Photos Courtesy of the International Photography Hall of Fame


Photos Courtesy of the Angad Arts Hotel

1 2 3


A reception was held at the Angad Arts Hotel in Grand Center to celebrate the opening of two new exhibits. Black Nonpareil and Imperfect Pixels feature a total of 18 local artists. All of the art is for sale and will be on display through April 25. For more artist information, head to


Photos Courtesy of the YWCA




The 40th Annual YWCA Leader Lunch was held virtually with a live broadcast from Spot Studio in South St. Louis. Many amazing leaders were recognized for partnering with the YWCA to help provide safety, security, and stability to women and children in the St. Louis community. Angad Arts Hotel Reception1) Artist Travis Sheridan with guests 2) A look at Imperfect Pixels 3) Artist Kenya Mitchell next to Muse 4) Artist De’Joneiro Jones 5) Black Nonpareil exhibit YWCA Leader Lunch 1) Adrian Bracy, Carol Daniel, Lisa Nichols 79


Rather than the usual live gathering for The Musial Awards, a drive-by birthday party was held in Downtown St. Louis to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Stan Musial’s birth. Musial’s family and other special guests including Fredbird and the St. Louis Sports Commission greeted fans with cheers, music, and fireworks as they drove past.


Photos Courtesy of the St. Louis Sports Commission


Photos Courtesy of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis




Scholarships were awarded at the ‘70s-themed Great Futures Gala for Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis. The event was held at the upper Muny lot in Forest Park and raised $450,000. Youth of the Year Ja’Niyah Banks-Ewing was awarded a $5,000 scholarship, a renewable college scholarship and a new car from Frank Leta Honda.




1) Sheila and Lorenzo Boyd, Dr. Flint Fowler 2) Linda and Matt Renner, Diondre Fulton 3) Ricky and Elizabeth Nix, Troy Staten 4) Sheila Boyd, Triniti Groves, Alonzo Boyd 5) 2021 Youth of the Year Ja’Niyah Banks-Ewing 6) Amadou and Meleshia Yattassaye, Erin Coates and Lou Gianquinto

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726 Hanley Industrial Court | Brentwood, MO 63144 | 314-991-1600 |


Callahan Custom Homes


Photos Courtesy of The J Lynn Wittels, CEO of The J


The J’s annual fundraising gala– The J’la¬– was held virtually with special guest star Jason Alexander. Philanthropist Alice Ludmer was honored online during the evening. Money raised helps support scholarships that provide respite for caregivers, camps and childcare for families unable to afford those opportunities, and financial and physical assistance to those with disabilities. 83



It was a fantastic season of Dancing With the Stars as St. Louis’ own star, Nelly, made it all the way to the show’s finale. The “triple threat” (he’s now a singer, actor, and dancer) scored perfect 10s from the celebrity judges when he and his partner, Daniella Karagach, brought hip hop to the ballroom floor for their final performance. The pair finished in third place behind Nev Schulman and winner Kaitlyn Bristowe.





1) Nelly, Daniella Karagach 2) Nelly, Daniella Karagach, Justina Machado, Sasha Farber, Kaitlyn Bristowe, Artem Chigvintsev, Jenna Johnson, Nev Schulman 3) Nelly, Daniella Karagach 4) Judge Derek Hough


Photos Courtesy of ABC/Eric McCandless



5) Nelly, Daniella Karagach 6) Winners Kaitlyn Bristowe and Artem Chigvintsev 7) Finalists Jenna Johnson and Nev Schulman 8) Host Tyra Banks

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One monthly fee takes care of maintenance, insurance coverage and more.

Photos Courtesy of Saint Louis Ballet/Kelly Pratt


The joy of the The Nutcracker was shared to viewers in their homes everywhere as the Saint Louis Ballet made the performance available for free. Dancers pre-recorded the show in early December. VIP packages were made available that included a catered dinner from Butler’s Pantry, Cookies and Confections by Jen, and special delivery from a costumed– and masked– dancer. 87

What I Love Right Now Tony Montano is one of the most beloved floral designers in St. Louis. His unique styles rival those found in top cities in the world and everything he designs is stunning, fresh, and sure to take your breath away. He can be trusted with the biggest events (if we ever have those again), an intimate party, or every week to brighten your mood and entrance hall. A PROMISED LAND A Promised Land by Barack Obama. Volume one of the personal account of Obama’s presidency is awe-inspiring and increased my admiration for him. It was fascinating to read about the behind-the-scenes machinations leading up to some of the greatest moments in history. While not really a surprise, it was sad to learn about the lengths the president’s detractors went to in order to derail his presidency. In the end, as we all know, he still emerged as one of the most accomplished presidents without any scandal to mar his legacy. Can’t wait for the second volume! SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESSES As a small business owner, I am thankful every day for the business we get from our most loyal customers, friends, and new clients in 2020. In turn, I make it a point to support locally owned small businesses, most especially restaurants, who are hurting so bad. My go-to places are a hearty Ramen bowl from Nudo or a mouth-watering lobster turnover and beef tenderloin from Sidney Street Café. I also bought gift cards from Bar Les Freres and other restaurants for myself and as gifts because one day we will all be able to gather at restaurants again but in the meantime I can lend support to my community. MY NEW YORK CITY While not the glittering venues tourists frequent, MY New York City is made up of little local gems that I love. Haven’t been there since last March and I can’t wait to go back and feel the energy that is uniquely New York City. I always stay in my old Chelsea neighborhood at the GEM Hotel. My neighborhood bar, Barracuda, is the best drag bar in the City and yes, the bartender knows what I drink. Then there’s Buvette, a French bistro that serves the best food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. For entertainment there’s Marie’s Crisis for Broadway sing-along therapy. And, no visit would be complete without seeing a Broadway show. 88

LADY B The B in Lady B stands for Beauchamp, which was the name of my very first golden retriever. I adopted Lady B when she was five from Dirks Fund Dog Shelter in Pacific, Mo. I was told that she was used for breeding and taken to the shelter when the breeder no longer had any use for her. But now she lives like royalty with a royal title to boot! She loves long walks around our neighborhood. She also proudly wears her rainbow collar from the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that works towards equality for LGBTQ individuals. GIVING GIFTS Since the pandemic started there has been so much sadness. I found that giving a little extra something is appreciated. As a florist, I’ve sent friends pretty bouquets. A surprise card in the mail has brought joy to many friends. I get my witty cards from my favorite boutique, Lusso. And of course, little acts of kindness in our everyday lives are always the bomb! I love giving these Sid Dickens tiles - so many meaningful ones to choose from.


8141 MARY L AND AVENUE | 314.725.8888

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