
Page 9

Issue 3

DECEMBER 2011 www.leadupmagazine.com

See It And It Is Yours Already!

YOUR 2012



ew Year sets in since e on January 1, 2012. WHAT YOU NEED 1. Either a dried out actual miniature tree or similar potted in stones or you can cut out of cloth or bristol board your own uniquely designed tree (in any colors that you wish) which you attach to you bedroom wall. Make sure it is properly labeled KINDNESS TREE or similar.

2. You will also need gift tags or plain white tags you can hang on your tree each month as your mandatory kindness ornament. You can decorate these tags as much as you wish but leave enough room for writing please. If you are doing this with cloth or bristol board, cut out squares or shapes of flowers or leaves with a number on each piece. Each number will correspond to a handwritten kindness you will keep below the tree is a “special” box.

Cheyenne Patrick

Providence Girls Form 1 Future actress/ singer with her own clothing line :)

What is a vision bo

ard? A vision board is so mething you create to remind yo urself of your own, personal goals. Whe ther you wish to get better grades in school, make new friends or land a su mmer job, your vision board repres ents a collection of your greatest drea ms and desires. Once you’ve made your vision board, you’ll be able to look at it and use it as a reminder of the th ings you want to achieve most.

1. How to make a vision board

Think of this as a fun craft project – you can create your vision board by gluing images and words, cut from magazines or photographs, or drawn/written by hand, to a large piece of poster board. To make your vision board, you’ll need a stack of old magazines (that you can cut up), old photographs, pens and markers, scissors, glue and a large piece of poster board that you hang on your wall or you can even make a placemat and laminate it. The important thing is that you see it every single day.

2. How to set goals

Before you start cutting and pasting, identify your goals, dreams and wishes by writing them down on a piece of paper.

Vision Board Goals and dreams are not much different as you see but you may want to list the short terms ones in your goals and the long term ones in your dreams.

3. Creating your vision board

After you’ve made a list of your goals and dreams, start flipping through the magazines and photographs, cutting out images and words that relate to your goals and dreams. For the above lists, you may find and choose the following images and words: If you can’t find pictures or words relating to your goals and dreams, don’t worry! You can draw your own pictures and write your own words of inspiration on your vision board. Once you’ve collected all the images and words you want to use, glue them onto the poster board however you like. Use pens and markers to draw and write extra images and words that will help inspire you to achieve your goals! Remember: There are no limits when it comes to your own, personal goals and dreams. With patience, hard work and dedication, any dream is doable, and any wish is achievable!

Ricardo Sammy

Aranguez GOV’T Future ‘Game Tester”



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