Soltra News #28 English Version

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Inauguration of the new inclusive supermarket in Veguellina de Órbigo · Successfully complete the Basic Techniques of Cutting Assembly and Finishing of Textile Products Course· +Goals for Inclusion: SOLTRA and CD La Virgen join the FCYLF project- Victor Fernández, Solidarity Heart and much more..

Nº 28 Year 2023

Revitalising our rural environment, give a boost to the most unprotected areas of our province, activating our municipalities are some of the most important tasks that mayors have to achieve in order to attract population to our environment.

This month, this aim has been enhanced and extended by the immense opportunity that SOLTRA group has given us by opening a new supermarket in our municipality.

Opening a new business means an increase in the economy and business activity in the area, a new incentive to fix the population, a new meeting point between neighbouring towns and new opportunities for job creation.

When the services offered by a rural area are extended and im-

proved, as is the case with the opening of this supermarket, the revitalisation of the area of influence is direct, allowing residents to avoid unnecessary journeys, which are sometimes costly and sometimes even impossible.

As mayor of Villarejo de Órbigo, I cannot overlook the second direct consequence of the arrival of the SOLTRA group in the municipality, which is the enormous social and inclusion work they carry out on a daily basis.

They make easy what is difficult, such as giving opportunities to neighbours who could suffer some kind of marginalisation or difficulty in finding work.

Giving them visibility, commitment, responsibilities and, above all, expressing it to the public, will allow all the neighbours and

users of the chain to be aware of the work of integration that is being carried out.

Their great slogan “Hazte Incluencer”, gives us clues to work with this idea in the whole community, in the rest of the businesses and in any of the areas of responsibility of our City Council.

Our commitment is with SOLTRA and with this ideology of social inclusion, and we would like to express our most sincere thanks for choosing our town as the site of this new supermarket and project.

José Manuel Acebes
... they make the difficult easy, giving opportunities to neighbors who might suffer from some kind or marginality or difficulty finding a job.
Edit: SOLTRA Manager: Gemma González Edition: María F. Torre Legal Deposit: LE-561-2012
C/ Monseñor Ramón Zubieta 9 La Virgen del Camino 24198 - León T 987 300 731 -

Hazte Incluencer schools are back

Once again, we are back with the Hazte Incluencer campaign aimed at schoolchildren.

This is one of the lines of action of this movement for INCLUSION created by SOLTRA whose aim is to raise awareness among schoolchildren at an early age by training them in diversity.

Campaign consists of two distinct parts. Firstly, a SOLTRA UAAP technician gives a participatory talk to the students at their school and then, on another day, the students travel to SOLTRA’s facilities in La Virgen del Camino (León) for a visit during which they learn about the reality of people with disabilities and the organisation of work by skills.

Activity also includes a micro-story competition that promotes literary creativity and introspection on real and effective inclusion. The format is

characterised by the precision of the language and encourages the use of language, rhythm and rhetoric in the pupils. This is the third edition in which all schoolchildren can participate after their visit to SOLTRA by sending their original work through the form on the website

To date, the following have already participated: Maristas San José, C.E.I.P Antonio González de Lama, Santa Teresa, La Asunción, Vedruna Sagrado Corazón, Discípulas de Jesús, C.E.I.P. Puente Castro, Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Santa Bárbara de Bembibre, Mansilla de las Mulas, Vedruna Nuestra Sra. del Carmen, Leonés San Isidoro and San Viator de Madrid.

From the web hazteincluencer. com we encourage you to join this movement.

Endnu et år genoptager vi Bliv Inkluencer-kampagnen rettet mod skolebørn.

Dette er en af handlingerne i denne bevægelse for INKLUSION skabt af SOLTRA, hvis mål er at øge bevidstheden blandt skolebørn i en tidlig alder ved at træne i mangfoldighed.

Til dato har følgende skoler allerede deltaget: Maristas San José, C.E.I.P Antonio González de Lama, Santa Teresa, La Asunción, Vedruna Sagrado Corazón, Discipulas de Jesús, C.E.I.P. Castro Bridge, Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Santa Bárbara de Bembibre, Mansilla de las Mulas, Vedruna Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Leonés San Isidoro og San Viator de Madrid.

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Inauguration of the new inclusive supermarket in Veguellina de Órbigo

Together with the Galician company Vegalsa Eroski, we have opened the second inclusive supermarket in Castilla y León, located at 84 Pio de Cela street in the town of Veguellina Órbigo. This is another step forward in SOLTRA’s project for social inclusion through the creation of quality jobs in a rural environment.

Official inauguration of the establishment took place on the 1st of March with an institutional act with the participation of the Mayor of Villarejo Órbigo, Jose Manuel Acebes, the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Employment of the Junta Castilla y León, Mariano Veganzones, the General Director of Social Economy, Emma Fernández, the Deputy for Social Rights and Sustainable Territory of the Provincial Council of León, Carolina

López, the Franchising Director of the Eroski Group, Alberto Cañas, the Franchising and Expansion Director of Vegalsa-Eroski, Pedro Suárez, and on behalf of SOLTRA, its Vice-President, Iñaki Alkorta, as well as the General Manager, Jose Antonio Idoeta.

This new supermarket, which operates under the franchise system through the Eroski City brand, expands the commercial offer of Veguellina Órbigo from the point of view of the social and occupational inclusion of people with disabilities, providing the residents of this town with a large shop with a sales area of 600 m2, where they can find an assortment of more than 6,000 products from leading brands, own brands and a wide range of regional references. The establishment also has its own car park with 40 parking

spaces and opening hours from 9:00 am to 9:30 pm.

As in the company’s other establishments, local and proximity products will have a prominent place in the fresh produce sections of this new shop, all of them with personalised attention in the greengrocer’s, butcher’s, delicatessen, fishmonger’s and baker’s sections.

The shop is managed by a team of 14 people with disabilities, who have been trained in the different jobs adapted to their profiles by other colleagues from Familia supermarkets that Vegalsa-Eroski has in León, Astorga and La Bañeza, as well as in the Eroski City shop in Puente Villarente.

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This new project has been forged from the social economy with the aim of continuing to generate new employment opportunities for people with disabilities, covering the needs of the rural environment by providing adequate services without causing depopulation of these areas.

Sammen med det galiciske firma Vegalsa Eroski har vi åbnet det andet inkluderende supermarked i Castilla y León, som ligger på Calle Pio de Cela 84 i byen Veguellina de Órbigo. Endnu et skridt i SOLTRA-projektet for social inklusion gennem skabelse af kvalitetsjob i et ruralt miljø. Den officielle indvielse af butikken fandt sted den 1. marts med en begivenhed, der blev overværet af borgmesteren i Villarejo de Órbigo, Jose Manuel Acebes, ministeren for Industri, Handel og Beskæftigelse i Junta de Castilla y León, Mariano Veganzones, og Bæredygtigt Territorium i provinsrådet i León,

Carolina López, direktør for Franchisevirksomheder for Grupo Eroski, Alberto Cañas, direktør for Franchise og Ekspansion af Vegalsa-Eroski, Pedro Suárez og på vegne af SOLTRA, dets vicepræsident, Iñaki Alkorta, samt generaldirektøren, Jose Antonio Idoeta. Dette nye supermarked, som opererer under franchise-princippet gennem Eroski City-mærket, kommer til at udvide Veguellina de Órbigos kommercielle tilbud af social- og arbejdssinkludering af mennesker med handicap, ved at stille en stor butik til rådighed for byens beboere med et salgsareal på 600 m2.

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Ringkøbing -Sjern Employment Committee visit SOLTRA APS

Last February, SOLTRA’s premises in the Danish town of Tim were visited by the employment committee of Ringkøbing - Skjern. This committee is responsible for both the employment efforts of the municipality and the inclusion of people living in the municipality.

This meeting was organised by the project manager in the Employment department, Seda Dodurga and José Ramón Martínez SOLTRA’s Wind Division Manager.

The day began with the welcome to SOLTRA’s facilities by Karsten Mikkelsen, production manager, followed by a visit where the members of the committee, Irene Lund Pedersen, Carsten Bjern, Lise Juhl Hanzen and Irvin Christensen got to know

first hand all the activities that we carry out in Denmark.

During the meeting, José Ramón Martínez informed those present about SOLTRA’s objective of generating employment for the most vulnerable groups in order to promote their inclusion in society. In Spain, there are several lines of action to achieve it: industrial assembly, logistics, laundry, cleaning, gardening, marketing, textile and management of establishments.

Den 23. februar havde Soltra ApS besøg af Ringkøbing - Skjerns beskæftigelsesudvalget. Mødet var arrangeret af Projekt Manager Seda Dodurga fra kommunen og José Ramón Martínez, direktør i Soltra ApS. Karsten Mikkelsen, produktionsansvarlig hos Soltra, tog imod gæsterne fra Kommunen og var vært for dagen.

Beskæftigelse varetager indsatsen med ledige og sygemeldte borgere i forhold til deres tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet. Desuden servicerer Beskæftigelse kommunens virksomheder med blandt andet rekruttering og fastholdelse af medarbejdere.

Gæsterne fik en præsentation af vores instalationer, hallerne og arbejdsstationerne. Karsten Mikkelsen og José Ramón Martínez berettede om Soltras vision om at bruge inklusion og social ansvar for at skabe jobmuligheder for borgerne, der ellers vil have det svært på arbejdsmarkedet. Disse muligheder tilbydes med Soltras forskellige service tiltag: Industrielle montager, logistik opgaver, vaskeri, rengøring, havearbejde, marketingsopgaver, og butiksadministration.

Dagen afsluttede med en lette aftensmad i virksomhedens kantine.

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Successfully complete the Basic Techniques of Cutting, Assembly and Finishing of Textile Products Course

We have concluded the first edition of this training for employment project aimed at people interested in the fashion and clothing sector.

This course has been carried out thanks to the support of the ONCE Foundation, INSERTA and the European Social Fund through the Youth Employment Operational Programme. The aim is to provide students with the professional skills that will enable them to perform competitively in the labour market and to develop personal skills and abilities in order to achieve full participation in their working and social environment.

In this edition, 14 people have participated, who have received over 3 weeks basic knowledge of pattern making, cutting, assembly and finishing of textile products through an eminently

practical approach.

A methodology based on the principles of active participation, personal research, acquisition of manual skills in the execution of the techniques taught, collaborative learning, clarity of exposition and experimentation.

A great learning experience that encourages us to think about the next edition.

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Esther Pernía: the story of a very special journey

Esther is originally from Haiti, a country plagued by poverty, whose situation worsened after the devastating earthquake of 2010, one of the worst natural disasters in history. There is a popular Haitian Creole phrase that says, “Kouri pou lapli, tonbe nan larivyè,” which translates to “running from the rain only to fall into the river.” It’s a quote that defines the cursed situation of this country.

Orphaned at a very young age, her life was surrounded by tragedy, and she has had to fight to survive since childhood. But the most surprising thing about meeting Esther is the smile with which she greets you, a smile that she never loses despite all the difficulties she has faced.

How long ago did you leave your country?

When I was around twenty years old, I made the decision to leave Haiti and head to neighboring Dominican Republic. However, when I was at the border, someone offered me a work contract in Switzerland, and I didn’t think twice about it. Unfortunately, when I arrived there, things were not as I had been told, and the situation was not very pleasant. One day, an acquaintance offered me her home in Madrid, and that’s how I ended up in Spain.

How was your first contact with our country?

I arrived in Spain with a lot of hope to find a better future, and after a short stay in Ma-

drid, I came to León. The problem we Haitians face in Spain is the lack of agreements between countries, which makes it very difficult for us to obtain legal papers. On November 29, 2018, I had a serious accident on a bus that turned my life around. Everything became complicated. After a long stay in the hospital, the damage to my leg made it difficult for me to walk, and I had to rely on two crutches. All I could think about was how I would find a job in that situation. Most available jobs are in elderly care, and it was impossible for me to work taking care of someone in my condition. So, I began tirelessly searching for employment but with little hope. My biggest fear was losing my papers and being deported back to Haiti.

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How did you come to know SOLTRA?

It was through Inmaculada from Inserta. I had submitted my resume to their offices in the Europa Building, and she told me about SOLTRA. She said they would forward my information to them. After a few days, they contacted me to schedule an interview and told me about the Personalized Itineraries program. They explained that it was a completely free project that helped people with disabilities improve their employability through various theoretical and practical actions.

How was your experience in the Itineraries Program?

From the very beginning, I felt warmly welcomed. The initial interview with the educators filled me with hope, and it felt as if a window was opening in my life. Every morning, I attended different training sessions they provided. The itinerary is personalized and tailored to each person’s needs. It helped me tremendously. They teach you how to improve your social skills and prepare you in various techniques and tools for job searching. They offer different trainings: cleaning, gardening, laundry, and wiring. Due to my personal situation, the most suitable one for me was the wiring training. I attended the cable assembly training from late 2020 to June 2021. During those months, I also met lovely people who helped me a lot, and going to the itinerary training every day filled me with joy and hope for a better future.

Thanks to that, in July of that year, I started working at the re-

ception of a residence. When I finished there, a few days later, SOLTRA called me to work in the automotive sector, and since then, I have been there, very happy and content, and eager to stay in this job forever.

What is your daily routine like?

In the mornings, I come to work at SOLTRA. I’m in the automotive section. Due to my severe mobility issues, they have found a position that suits my needs. Currently, I’m dedicated to cable crimping tasks, although I have previously worked in similar positions such as taping, subassemblies, and burning.

In the afternoons, I attend Spanish classes. Unfortunately, when I was young, I didn’t have the opportunity to study, and now I want to make the most of all the opportunities available for education in Spain.

What are your plans for the future?

For me, the most important thing is to be able to continue working at SOLTRA. Due to my disability, it is very difficult for

me to find a job, and without a job, I wouldn’t be able to stay in Spain as I would lose my residence permit. That is my greatest fear. I wish other countries had something like SOLTRA... there are places where the only help available for people with disabilities is their family, and if they don’t have one, there is absolutely nothing. I can only express my gratitude to Spain and SOLTRA.

to seize it.”

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“If life gives you an opportunity, you have to do everything possible

+ Goals for Inclusion: SOLTRA and CD La Virgen join the FCYLF project

This year, the green-and-white team from La Virgen del Camino is participating in the tournament alongside SOLTRA and 13 other teams. The project was presented on March 23rd at SOLTRA facilities, with the presence of Arianna Carralero (Director of Strategic Planning at the Castilla y León Football Federation), Josean Idoeta (General Director of SOLTRA), David Fernández (Mayor of Valverde de la Virgen and president of CD La Virgen), and César Lera (Provincial Delegate of RFCYLF). In the province of León, only CD Virgen del Camino and SD Ponferradina have joined this project, which brings football closer to hundreds of people with different abilities throughout the community.

The initiative aims to achieve a

normalized and inclusive competition, promoting a collaborative and coexistence environment among people with and without disabilities. The teams are not only composed of participants from adapted sports but also include regular players from the clubs’ squads. Training sessions take place weekly under the guidance of coaches from the participating teams and monitors from FEDEACYL organizations to ensure optimal and educational football practice for everyone. The first event took place on April 2nd in Valladolid against Atlético Candeleda, Numancia de Soria, and Unión Deportiva Sur.

This initiative paves the way for inclusive football, demonstrating that “our differences make us equal.”

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Social work: a profession for our time

The Official College of Social Work of León celebrated the World Social Work Day in March under the motto “Respecting Diversity through Joint Action.” This date commemorates the commitment, contribution, and work of these professionals as firsthand observers of social reality, leaders of change, and agents of social intervention to transform society into a more inclusive space.

This year’s slogan acknowledges that change happens locally through various communities and calls for the involvement of all social work networks to collectively contribute to the values and principles that recognize and respect the dignity of all individuals.

As a social enterprise, SOLTRA employs numerous professio-

nals from this sector who form a dedicated team focused on providing socio-labor support to workers. On Wednesday the 22nd, our colleague Arturo Pestaña participated in a colloquium alongside Sandra García from the Federation of Associations of Deaf People of Castilla y León and Inés Martínez from ONCE, held in conjunction with the screening of the movie CODA as part of the Social Cinema cycle organized by the college for their commemoration. It was an enjoyable conversation about the profiles they collaborate with on a daily basis and the identified needs to achieve change in companies for genuine inclusion of people with disabilities.

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18 anniversary of SOLTRA CINIA México

On February 23rd SOLTRA CINIA Mexico celebrated its 18th anniversary. Almost two decades promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities.

To celebrate this anniversary, different activities and games were organised for all the people who are part of the SOLTRA CINIA project. A day full of music and laughter with the aim of thanking the workers of the different sections for their support and collaboration on a daily basis, which is what makes possible the success during all this time of the model of employment generation for people with disabilities implemented by Mr. Antonino and Mrs. Cinia in the Mexican city of Puebla and that currently his nephew Mr. Carlos Fernandez continues to promote.

A day of conviviality in which the community that has been created both inside and outside SOLTRA CINIA was celebrated, and in which gastronomy also played an integrating role. The highlight of the event was an Arabian meat spinning top accompanied by drinks such as Jamaica water and different soft drinks, with a spectacular strawberry cake covered with the letters of CINIA.

A special moment in which each and every one of the components showed their sense of belonging and commitment to this initiative for inclusion, in which more than 400 workers with sensory, intellectual and / or motor disabilities do their work being a model of inspiration for others.

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Renewal of ISO 14001 - ISO 9001 Quality Certificates at SOLTRA CINIA México

At SOLTRA CINIA Mexico we reaffirm our commitment to continuous process improvement and environmental protection.

We have achieved the renewal of ISO 9001 and 14001 for all our activities. This recognition certifies that SOLTRA CINIA complies with the requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard and has implemented an environmental management system that helps to prevent environmental impacts, using the necessary means to avoid, reduce or control them, but always in balance with socio-economic rationality, committed to continuous improvement.

Pilor project for inclusion in Hidalgo (México)

The government of Hidalgo (Mexico) has developed a project aimed at the inclusion of people with psychosocial disabilities in the workplace. Zorayda Robles, head of the Ministry of Health of Hidalgo, Juan Manuel Quijada, head of psychiatric care services and representative of the Government of Mexico, Senator Marcela Mora and Federal Deputy Isabel Alfaro, as well as the special commissioner of the Senate of the Republic, Alberto Ruiz de la Peña, the general director for the inclusion of people with disabilities, Alfonso Flores Barrera and Fernando Diez, representative of the company SOLTRA CINIA of Mexico, recently visited the Villa Ocaranza centre. After the visit, they detailed that initially four users of this hospital will be trained in compliance with the General Health Law for their insertion in the textile section of SOLTRA CINIA.

Solidarity Heart

Victor Fernández Amez

Spanish chair handball national team player

Victor is a Leonese handball player whose life was changed by a motorcycle accident in 2019, and he is currently part of the Spanish wheelchair handball team.

How did wheelchair handball come about?

Since I was a child, I had always played handball. After my accident, when I had been in the hospital in Toledo for just a month, a guy came to see me on behalf of Oscar Perales (founder of Inclusport). But at that moment, with my ribs and sternum fractured, it was too early. I had crossed paths with Oscar when I started training with the first team, and he was with Ademar at that time. Later, after speaking with Oscar several times in person, he managed to spark my interest in this sport, and here I am.

What is the current situation of wheelchair handball?

We are in a process of growth. A national team has been formed with players from existing clubs in Spain, currently from Madrid, Valladolid, and Zaragoza, although they are looking to incorporate other sports centers. The national team has already competed internationally, par-

ticipating in a European championship and a World championship, finishing in fifth place. The intention of the International Handball Federation is to gradually shape this discipline, as it was planned to become a Paralympic sport in Los Angeles 2028, but it has not been possible so far. In order to achieve that in the future, European and World championships will be held in alternate years, similar to conventional handball.

How was your personal experience in the World championship and the European championship?

I have always had the desire to play with the greats. I had reached the point of sharing training sessions with them but never made my debut. Today, being able to compete with international teams is fulfilling a dream for me, so the experience of the World championship and the European championship is something unforgettable. I am now very excited about the upcoming event we have in June in Lyon, the Euro Hand4 All, where six national teams will participate.

“You find challenges, not obstacles” is a phrase you use a lot. What is the key behind it?

After my accident, I have learned many things. I have had to work a lot on a psychological and emotional level. Everyday things like climbing stairs have become more complicated, but there is always an alternative way to do it. At first, they may seem like insurmountable obstacles, but with tenacity, I have found a way to overcome them.

On a professional level, you are a Computer Engineer, but you have leaned more towards social media. Have you always been so focused on social media?

Yes, I have always been intrigued by how a person can influence so many others and make a living through content creation. Before, with my job as an engineer, I didn’t even have time to consider it. With the change in my situation, I have regained what truly excites me, which are social media platforms. I believe they are a platform through which I can help many people who have had a similar experience to mine.

Your nickname is @JhakoWheelchair. What does Jhako mean?

It comes from my friend Jacob Meliá, who was a goalkeeper for Ademar, and we affectionately called him Jhako. Later on, I also gave the same nickname to another teammate from Balonmano La Virgen, but in the end, I ended up being called Jhako, even in university.

You have also started working as a model. Do you have plans in this industry?

I received a call from Claudia Modelos and Arnelia World. In particular, the latter supports the Integra association, whose mission is to bring the world of fashion and advertising to talent with disabilities. It’s a social impact project that integrates, includes, and normalizes models and actors with physical, mental, or sensory disabilities. I have

Solidarity Heart

had the opportunity to do some photo shoots and participate in fashion shows. It’s challenging for me to balance it with handball, but I would like to do something in this industry.

How did you get to know SOLTRA?

It was after our visit with the Spanish handball team to their headquarters in La Virgen del Camino. Subsequently, the opportunity arose to collaborate on various activities. Initially, it was on a radio program that was done for Disability Day, and then I have also been to the Doña Cinia Residence and Occupational Center a couple of times, giving motivational talks and sharing my story with the residents. In my talks, I try to convey that suffering is unique to each person, being happy is not easy, and you have to fight hard to achieve it. Life presents you with two paths, full of uncertainty, where

you can’t go back, but you have to think about which one to choose. Never let your dreams fall, don’t let anyone clip your wings to fly and rise to reach those things, simple or complex, that bring you happiness.

What would you highlight about the work carried out by SOLTRA?

I believe that the inclusive work they do is spectacular, especially the approach of finding a job for each person and adapting the position to their needs. The number of divisions they have facilitates this work, and it’s a source of pride for León to have something like this in our land.

Veguellina de Órbigo Supermarket

A new supermarket, operating under the Eroski City brand, is expanding the commercial offering in Veguellina de Órbigo while promoting sociolabor inclusion. The store covers a retail area of 600 m2, offering customers a choice of over 6,000 products from leading brands and a wide range of products sourced from local suppliers.

With 40 parking spaces and uninterrupted opening hours from 9:00 am to 9:30 pm, a team with diverse abilities is responsible for providing the best customer service in various sections, offering personalized assistance in the fruit and vegetable, butcher, delicatessen, fishmonger, and bakery departments. We look forward to welcoming you!

How would you define yourself? I’m quite methodical. When I set a goal, I don’t stop until I achieve it

How long do you sleep?

6 hours

One hobby? Cinema

One film?

Life is beautiful

One sport? Dancing

Your favourite meal? Aubergines Stuffed

Anything you hate? Lies

What do you like most about SOLTRA?

Employment opportunities for people with disabilities

What would you change at SOLTRA? Nothing

VANESA ESCALANTE Store Manager Age? 35

Age? 32

How would you define yourself? Pleasant, responsible

How long do you sleep? 6 ot 7 hours

One hobby? Walking in the country with my dogs

One film? The Notebook

One sport? Boxing

Your favourite meal? Spaguetis

Anything you hate? Lies

¿What do you like most about SOLTRA? Equality and solidarity

What would you change at SOLTRA? Nothing

Age? 47

How would you define yourself? A partner of my colleagues

How long do you sleep? 6 or 7 hours

One hobby? Go to the mountain

One film? Action films

One sport? Hiking

Your favourite meal? Spanish Omelette

Anything you hate? Lies

What do you like most about SOLTRA? That delagate you

What would you change at SOLTRA? Nothing

Age? 35

How would you define yourself? I´m positive, cheerful

How long do you sleep? 5 or 6 hours

One hobby? Watching football, riding a bike

One film? Fast&Furius

One sport? Soccer

Your favourite meal? Paste

Anything you hate? Disrespectful behaviuour

What do you like most about SOLTRA? Colleagues

What would you change at SOLTRA? Salary


1.- How did you learn about SOLTRA?

It was through the colleagues my son Luis had when he was working at Ilunion’s laundry. They told him about a company in La Virgen del Camino that was growing a lot and treated its workers very well. That’s how he sent his resume and started working here after an interview.

2.- What attracted you the most about SOLTRA for your son’s training?

What we liked the most was the variety of activities they have and the way they support their workers, the human aspect.

3.- At what age did your children start working at SOLTRA? Luis was 37 years old and Bruno was 45.

Great Parents

PARENTS: Luis Emilio Puente CHILDREN Luis

Age: 41

Job: Laundry operator


Age: 47

Job: Marketing operator

4.- How long have they been with the company now?

It has been 4 years since Luis joined, and Bruno has been here for about a year and a half.

5.- What progress do you think your children have made during this time?

It has enhanced Luis’ independence. In Bruno’s case, it has helped him to go out more and overcome his shyness a bit.

6.- Do you have more children? Yes, they have an older sister.

7.- What aspects would you highlight about SOLTRA? The humanity and the treatment they give to the workers.

8.- What aspects would you improve about SOLTRA? We would really like to have our own transportation. The public

bus schedule is not compatible with some of the laundry shifts. There is also some problem with jealousy among workers.

9.- What is the main quality of your children?

For Luis, I would highlight his solidarity. He goes out of his way to help in any way he can. Bruno is a very sensitive person; he loves drawing and he does it very well. He has won several poster design contests during Holy Week.

10.- What do you think SOLTRA has contributed to your family?

Above all, peace of mind. Having a daily routine helps all of us, and as a parent, knowing that they have financial independence that guarantees them a future life is very reassuring.


The presentation of the new season of the Kobe Motor Cups this year featured the presence of the Hazte Incluencer movement.

Kobe Motor is one of the leading Toyota dealerships in Spain with 4 locations in the Community of Madrid, but above all, it is an absolute leader in everything related to motor racing.

Hazte Incluencer was present at the event held at Kobe’s facilities in Majadahonda, thus providing visibility and normalization to people with intellectual disabilities in the sports field. It serves as an integrative vehicle and a well-demonstrated tool for improvement in the social and emotional spheres.


Visits are a tool to showcase our activities. By conducting a tour of SOLTRA’s various facilities, people discover the different lines of activities we offer to achieve inclusion through the generation of employment.

We appreciate the visits from the Gregorio Fernández Center in Valladolid, Amidown, and the Ateneo Academy..


During the past few months, the residents and users of the Doña Cinia Residence and Occupational Center have participated in creating a mural in one of the hallways of the center.

It’s a special corner where the participants in the activity have captured various stories and created many paintings.


The Financial and HR Director of SOLTRA has been elected as the new Dean in the elections held last February at the College of Economists of León. This plural and independent candidacy aims to create synergies among different working groups, allowing them to share values, experiences, and knowledge from an intergenerational perspective.

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