Catalog Solisluna Design Publishers

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In the heat of the day or in the cold of night, your best friend is a good book

Solisluna Design focuses on planned graphic design projects and customized books tailored to the needs of public and private institutions. Our clients include museums, cultural foundations, businesses and corporations.

Solisluna Design Publishers Attentive to ethnic appeal and modeled on the diverse Brazilian identity, Solisluna Design Publishers, located in the State of Bahia, where Brazil began, started its operations in 1993. Since its inception it has been dedicated to publishing books focused on the artistic, cultural and historical expressions of the Bahian people. These publications deal with architectural and religious heritage, the environment, racial plurality and issues related to social and technological changes that have occurred in a modernizing society. The special attention that it gives to graphic design sets Solisluna apart from other publishers. Heavily influenced by the Brazilian, and more specifically Bahian, cultural context, the designs of Solisluna’s books creatively reproduce these unique themes. Solisluna has always been known for publishing high-quality literature: prose and poetry, novels, essays and AfroBrazilian studies, in addition to art and children’s books.

Iêda Marques Remembrances, imaginary and reality

Author: Iêda Marques ISBN: 978-85-89059-46-6 Language: Portuguese Format: 22 x 28 cm No of pages: 152 Binding: Hardcover

Photography is the basis of Iêda Marques’s writing. Now words join images to tell of life in the backlands of Bahia, nomadic cultures, iridescent memories, earthly/ terrestrial images and a harsh reality. All this presented with humor. This is the cultural and sentimental journey offered by this book.

Smiles Pierre Verger had a unique way of living, with extreme simplicity and total renunciation of material goods, which gave him a different and affectionate look about the human being. It was this vision of life that enabled him to record the poetry of smiles. In this photo book he captured beautiful joyful moments by photographing people in Oceania, Asia, Africa and the Americas. In this book by Pierre Verger, beautiful photographic images can be viewed alongside phrases and poems that reflect on

the smile. As Charles Chaplin said “A day without laughter is a day wasted.� Author: Pierre Verger ISBN: 978-85-89059-38-1 Language: Portuguese Format: 17.5 x 17.5 cm No of pages: 88 Binding: Hardcover

Author: José de Jesus Barreto ISBN: 978-85-89059-16-9 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm No of pages: 96

The intention of this book by José de Jesus Barreto is only a starting point, to light a flame, erase the fear and, with the permission and the blessings of the Orishas, to open a door, to perceive, without prejudice, a different, magical and real world, one that is rich and little known, even though it is a part of everyday life: religion and the worhip of Orishas in Candomblé temples of Bahia.

Photographs: Isabel Gouvea. Ilustrations: Enéas Guerra.

Candomblé in Bahia

Folks from Bahia Richly illustrated, this book tells the story of the friendship and partnership of two major foreign artists who adopted Bahia and contributed African-Bahian culture: the Argentine-born but quintessentially Bahian artist Carybé, and French photographer and ethnologist Pierre Verger. In addition to presenting a carefully researched essay, this edition innovates by combining Verger’s photos with Carybé’s drawings and paintings. Published for the Pierre Verger Foundation in June 2008, this is the first book in the Between Friends trilogy. Written by José de Jesus Barreto; English translation by H. Sabrina Gledhill. A idéia inicial era um livro só, que mostrasse as artes dos amigos Carybé e Verger na terra-mãe Bahia. Ao debruçarmos sobre a qualidade e a quantidade da produção de ambos, entretanto, logo percebemos ser imperiosa a ampliação do projeto. Assim, além deste volume “Gente da Bahia”, virá, na seqüência, um outro sobre as águas da Baía de Todos os Santos — seus

Capa.indd 1

saveiros, pescadores e capoeiristas do cais — e, fechando a trilogia do selo “Entre Amigos”, um mais, enfocando a diversidade das manifestações de fé do povo baiano, sobretudo o candomblé, religião que tem seus fundamentos nos ancestrais africanos. A esses temas, os amigos Carybé e Verger dedicaram o fazer maior de suas vidas.

Authors: Carybé & Verger Text: José de Jesus Barreto ISBN: 978-85-88971-04-2 Language: Portuguese and English Format: 24 x 24 cm Nº of pages: 168 Binding: Hardcover

The images on these pages are an integral part of the books Carybé & Verger, Folks from Bahia, and Carybé, Verger & Caymmi, Bahia’s Sea. The copyright for these images belongs to the Pierre Verger Foundation and the Carybé Institute.

Carybé & Verger

18/4/2008 15:47:06

Carybé, Verger & Caymmi Bahia’s Sea The second title in the trilogy Between Friends, Carybé, Verger & Caymmi – Bahia’s Sea celebrates the art and, above all, the great friendship between the artist Carybé, photographer and ethnologist Verger and legendary singer/ songwriter Dorival Caymmi. All three made Bahia and the lifestyle of its people – fishing, Capoeira, Candomblé and major popular festivals – the main theme of their work. Written by José de Jesus Barreto; English translation by H. Sabrina Gledhill.

Cerca o peixe, bate o remo, puxa corda, colhe a rede, ô canoeiro puxa rede do mar...

ISBN 978-85-88971-07-3

9 788588


Authors: Carybé, Verger & Caymmi Text: José de Jesus Barreto ISBN: 978-85-88971-07-3 Language: Portuguese and English Format: 24 x 24 cm Nº of pages: 168 Binding: Hardcover

Carybé, Verger & Jorge Obas of Bahia In this third book, interwoven with excerpts of writer Jorge Amado, the reader will find breathtaking images and drawings about Candomblé by Verger and Carybé, and get to know a little about the belief in the Orishas, AfricanBrazilian divinities. 1.8

Aplicação sobre fundos


A Logomarca Governo Federal pode ser aplicada sobre fundo claro ou escuro.


Uso preferencial.


Marca da Lei de Incentivo à Cultura

Assinatura do Ministério da Cultura, sempre acompanhada da marca do Governo Federal

poderão ser aplicadas taMbéM seM Moldura,

não houver prejuízo de legibilidade • Para detalhessesobre a aplicação e o uso da marca do Governo Federal, consulte o manual disponível no sítio da Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência da República (Secom-PR) – Elementos de Design da Marca Governo Federal

Fevereiro 2011

Author: Carybé & Verger Text: José de Jesus Barreto ISBN: 978-85-88971-12-7 Language: Portuguese and English Format: 24 x 24 cm Nº of pages: 192 Binding: Hardcover

Minha vida com o poeta Gessy Gesse tells the story of her life as a woman, actress and partner of Vinicius de Moraes, one of Brazil’s leading poets, providing a unique glimpse of their private life. While describing the social context of the time in Bahia, this book reveals how the seven years he spent in Salvador, living with his muse in a house he built in Autor: Gessy Gesse Itapuã, changed the life of that ISBN: 978-85-89059-49-7 poet from Rio de Janeiro. Idioma: Português Formato: 16 x 23 cm Nº de páginas: 240

Marce Looking at the mirror of time, Glรกucia Lemos sees in this work the wrinkles of the human soul, sculpting them with words that carve grooves, sometimes deep, sometimes delicate, beaded by the clash between losses and ambitions, the bindings and outcomes, and the stunted dreams and ruptured characters of a family who reunite after 26 years to discuss and sign a will. The distance of the past overwhelms them and makes them like strangers, exposing painful memories.

Author: Glรกucia Lemos ISBN: 978-85-89059-54-1 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nยบ of pages: 144

Goya Lopes

Gustavo Falc贸n


Images of the Di谩spora Over the course of three centuries, about 12.5 million Africans were forced to leave their homelands and work as slaves in the colonial Americas. Brazil received nearly 5 million of those souls. This black diaspora resulted in an innovative experience, mingling races and creating a new people in the Americas. This book highlights the African trajectory in Brazil and emphasizes the uniqueness and the beauty of Afro-Brazilian heritage, represented by the inimitable work of designer Goya Lopes, accompanied by informative essays by historian Gustavo Falc贸n. Authors: Goya Lopes Gustavo Falc贸n ISBN: 978-85-89059-26-8 Language: Portuguese and English Format: 15 x 21 cm No of pages: 80

“Cacimbo” means dry season. It is the time of year when rain does not fall in Angola, dragging on from May to late August. The “cashimbo” as the Angolans pronounce it, becomes a state of mind, dry as the dust that impregnates everything and everyone with deep longing. This book by José de Jesus Barreto, written in the language typical of Bahian literary journalism, portrays the heritage and differences between Luanda (Angola) and Salvador (Brazil), two feminine cities, daughters of water, captured during the dry season in 2008. Angola is the grandmother of Bahia, Barreto concludes. The essays are half reports and half poems, like the baobab, the tree that symbolizes the

uma experiência em Angola

An Experience in Angola


Dry Season

Angolan nation, with its deep roots, broad trunk and sparse foliage. Its branches are leafless, parched and dusty during the dry season, just like the landscape, things and living creatures of Angola. Author: José de Jesus Barreto ISBN: 978-85-89059-25-1 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm No of pages: 96

A century of journalism in Bahia, 1912-2012 This book presents an overview of the events recorded in the pages of the newspaper A Tarde, published between October 15, 1912 to October 15, 2012. Within the summary reported in daily journalism, the main facts and news from Bahia, Brazil and the world are shown. Illustrated with more than 600 pictures, the art edition of this publication is in line with advances in graphic technology during the centennial of the newspaper A Tarde, the evolution of typographic composition and the use of photography and illustrations. The design of the ISBN 978-85-89059-53-4

jornalismo na Bahia 2012 1912 Projetar por toda a parte a claridade meridiana, filar pela gola os atentados, onde quer que se entronizem, não conhecer acepção de pessoas, desde o último dos miseráveis até o chefe do Estado, no distribuir dos louros e da censura, praticar a honra, a franqueza, a liberdade mais livre no uso da palavra escrita, eis o nosso compromisso com o nobre povo baiano. E o transcorrer do tempo há de comprovar sobejamente que o cumprimos. ERNESTO SIMÕES FILHO

book presents the materials, newspaper clippings, titles and headlines in the original types used at each stage of the newspaper’s history. Text: Carlos Ribeiro ISBN: 978-85-89059-53-4 Language: Portuguese Format: 28 x 30 cm Nº of pages: 200 Binding: Hardcover

Long Live the Saveiro

Text: Carlos Ribeiro e Pedro Bocca Photography: Nilton Souza ISBN: 978-85-89059-56-5 Language: Portuguese and English Format: 30 x 28 cm Nยบ of pages: 132 Binding: Hardcover

Photography: Nilton Souza

This book covers historical and geographical aspects of this sailing vessel and its habitat: the many cities, towns and villages where saveiros docked. It underscores the deep impression they made in the cultural landscape of the state, reflected in the fine arts, music, film, literature and photography; environmental, economic and technological aspects involved in its manufacture.

Time House A charming book on the art of design for readers interested in the creative process and the arts in general. The author’s poetry has inspired performances and theater productions. A professor at the School of Fine Arts and the School of Theatre at the Federal University at Bahia (UFBA), she brings together two different languages in 63 drawings using pen and ink and India ink washes and sixteen free verse poems.

Author: Sonia Rangel ISBN: 85-89059-02-2 Language: Portuguese Format: 28 x 23 cm NÂş of pages: 104 Binding: Hardcover

Author: Sonia Rangel ISBN: 978-85-89059-17-6 Language: Portuguese Format: 23 x 23 cm Nº of pages: 132 Binding: Hardcover

objeto poético e trajeto criativo

Disarmed Outlook The third book by Sonia Rangel, a college professor and artist from Rio de Janeiro now based in Bahia, Disarmed Outlook brings together poems, paintings, drawings and photos. A luxury edition with a unique design in the chapter dividers. This work of art is accompanied by an essay in which the author investigates creative processes with the help of academic and artistic writings. It is an integral part and outcome of the study “Imaginary and Processes of Creation” carried out under the Graduate Program in Theater Arts at the Federal University at Bahia (UFBA).

A collection of short stories by journalist Katherine Funke, these brief narratives cover sublime moments of a wide range of human situations, most of them in quite common occurrences, such as a walk down the street, a bank queue or waiting at an airport. Illustrated by Enéas Guerra.

Katherine Funke

Katherine Funke

Minimal Notes

ISBN 978-85-89059-23-7

9 788589 059237


atherine Funke (1981) é jornalista, scritora e compositora. Nasceu m Joinville (SC) e foi morar em alvador (BA), aos 22 anos de idade. rabalha como repórter de cultura o jornal A Tarde, onde escreve ara a revista de domingo. m 2006, foi contemplada com m prêmio do Concurso Tim Lopes e Investigação Jornalística.

Katherine Funke Sim, está confusa a minha cabeça, doutor, mas a questão é que – incrivelmente – desta vez não quero mais organizar nada. Não que eu tenha perdido a esperança, acho até que ganhei mais. Perdi foi a pressa. As coisas simplesmente são, e é bom que às vezes se tornem confusas. Todo esse embrulho significa que estou viva e que –

Author: Katherine Funke Ilustrator: Enéas Guerra ISBN: 978-85-89059-23-7 Language: Portuguese Format: 12.5 x 19 cm Nº of pages: 128

Palavras-cantigas de ninar

Um mantra ecoa nas notas (musica de Katherine Funke: viver cada instante em si, com o tempo que l é próprio, sem se deixar arrastar p velocidade imposta pelo cotidiano A escrita como uma ferramenta de aperfeiçoamento do ser produz “palavras-cantigas de ninar” (“Kapp hoje”). Katherine captura o mundo com um olhar distanciado, mas de sua marca pessoal ao desmontar a máquinas indutoras de automatism da percepção. Uma sabedoria selvagem emerge destes aforismos microcontos, crônicas em cápsulas minirreportagens poéticas. Neles, escritora constrói um retrato do te como uma viagem na qual somos todos “[...] efêmeros passageiros suspensos na direção de seus desti seus acasos, seus passados, seus futuros” (“Congonhas”). Notas míni insere-se na tendência, que veio p ficar, de trabalhos literários testad primeiro em meio eletrônico e, sucedaneamente, editados em livr Wladimir Cazé publicou Microafetos (poesia, 2005), folhetos de cordel e Macromundo em 2010.

Xing Ling Governments and people controlled by large corporations, urban chaos and rampant real estate speculation. It seems like the news of the day, but it is the backdrop of this science fiction allegory, a farcical, debauched and political work that marks the debut of Victor Mascarenhas as a novelist. Amid terrorist synthetic drug traffickers, plastic baroque saints, heavily armed Bahians, and Chinese bureaucrats, Xing Ling takes us to an increasingly present future, where nothing is what it seems and everything seems to be something it is not.

Author: Victor Mascarenhas ISBN: 978-85-89059-51-0 Languag: Portuguese Format: 12.5 x 19 cm Nยบ of pages: 80

Cocoa Colonels

Author: Gustavo Falcón ISBN: 978-85-89059-36-7 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 132

A new revised edition of the historian Gustavo Falcon’s study of the “colonels” of Bahia. The power derived from growing and selling cocoa reached its height during the Old Republic (18891930), and endured until the mid-twentieth century. The author focuses on the historical development of authoritarianism and its impact on the region of Ilheus, the state’s main cocoa-growing hub. First published in 1995.

Antonio José Saraiva

Engenharia de Processo nas Plantas Industriais Alerta para os riscos da síndrome do custo fixo e auxilia o Engenheiro de Processo na geração de valor

Process Engineering in Industrial Plants

The Mass of the Troops

This book by Antonio José Saraiva is an alert to the risks of what the author refers to as the “fixed cost syndrome.” It also provides practical assistance for Process Engineers seeking to create value. This is a technical publication intended for engineers, students and managers. According to the author, the proper use of Process Engineering in industrial plants is the key to ensuring a company’s reliability and competitiveness.

The central theme of Professor Georgeocohama’s book is the strike carried out by the military police of Bahia, Brazil, in 1981. This book is the result of graduate research at the Federal University at Bahia. Congressman Emiliano José’s preface provides the context of other military police strikes, from the 1827 rebellion to the 2001 labor action. The study discusses the role of the military police in democratic societies.

Author: Antonio José Saraiva ISBN: 978-85-89059-24-4 Language: Portuguese Format: 16 x 23 cm Nº of pages: 196

Author: Georgeocohama ISBN: 978-85-89059-13-8 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 100

Bosco Quirelli

Author: João Bosco Quirelli ISBN: 978-85-89059-66-4 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 144

A Baiana do Cais do Porto A patchwork quilt of Bahian life. Perhaps that is the best summary of this romance. Zulmira is the face of what it means to be from the state of Bahia. People from Bahia transcend the simple way of living just to live; they pass through the rocks and thorns of life without scratching themselves; they radiate human warmth and charm, despite all of life’s everyday traps. Zulmira is charm and magic, wisdom and joy, overflowing, overcoming and transforming love.

Maratonas A Cultural View of Cities Chronicling the urban races he has most enjoyed, Ney Cayres describes each city’s architecture, literature, food, and amusing incidents that happened during the competitions, historical events and technical details of the development of the sport. This book makes it clear that, far beyond organizing marathons, cities offer a variety of interesting situations for a wide range of tastes, expectations and curiosities, enriching and supporting the maxim of the Baron de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games: “The important thing is not winning, but taking part.”

Author: Ney Cayres ISBN: 978-85-89059-62-6 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 128

Kin Guerra

A baiana Adelina Baraúna é professora de yoga e yogaterapeuta, formada pela Escola Dinâmica Energética do Psiquismo (DEP). Dirige o Surya Espaço Terapêutico desde 2001. Possui formação em reiki, nível 1, com a mestra Leni Erica Gut, da Reiki Alliance. É engenheira civil formada pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), mas mudou de carreira ao perceber a vocação para a yoga. Mãe de duas filhas, está em constante aperfeiçoamento profissional e pessoal. Este é seu primeiro livro.

Adelina Baraúna

E vença o medo

Adelina Baraúna compartilha sua trajetória – de engenheira civil à professora de yoga e yogaterapeuta – e ensina modos de controlar medos, reduzir ansiedades e aumentar o prazer de viver. A autora mostra como praticar a yoga no dia-a-dia ajuda a valorizar cada momento e a encarar melhor os desafios naturais da vida. O livro traz ainda sugestões de leituras e uma série de pequenos textos para reflexão que compartilham pontos de vista sobre a vida.

Respire certo! E vença o medo

Respire certo!

Respire certo! E vença o medo

Adelina Baraúna

Uma experiência com a yoga

ISBN 978-85-89059-31-2

9 788589 059312

The Best of Life

Breathe Right!

The pleasure in meeting people and places

And conquer fear

Dora Ramos shares her travel experiences in several countries. Notable people, relatives, friends and love interests have always taught her to be a better person. This book is an inspiration for those who want to live in other countries or even those traveling on their own.

Adelina Baraúna shares her career path from civil engineer to yoga teacher and therapist. In this book she teaches ways to control fear and reduce anxiety through the daily practice of yoga, which results in the courage to face challenges and take more pleasure in living.

Author: Dora Ramos ISBN: 978-85-89059-43-5 Language: Portuguese Format: 17.5 x 17.5 cm Nº of pages: 80

Author: Adelina Baraúna ISBN: 978-85-89059-31-2 Language: Portuguese Format: 12.5 x 19 cm Nº of pages: 72

Laurência Santana

Antes lagarta, depois crisálida, agora borboleta! Uma vida de superação

Bula Pro Nobis The poetry of Fernando da Rocha Peres collects and gives formal expression to the major issues that affect all of our lives: certainly loneliness and disenchantment, but also love, compassion and hope. This is what enriches our human experience when we read his poems. Author: Fernando da Rocha Peres ISBN: 978-85-89059-47-3 Language: Portuguese Format: 16.5 x 23 cm Nº of pages: 96 Binding: Hardcover

First a Caterpillar, then a Chrysalis, now a Butterfly! A life of overcoming The main focus of this book is the life and victorious struggles of a woman born in Nazaré, in the Reconcavo region of Bahia, who grew up in a loveless environment lacking in physical, emotional and financial support. The author recounts that, as a child, she received a little love and care from her great-grandmother, who also set her an example of faith, hope and charity. That was enough to build the emotional and psychological structure that helped her face adversity in life. Author: Laurência Santana ISBN: 978-85-89059-39-8 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 80

Tamires Lima

Fabrincando Creating and playing

Author: Tamires Lima ISBN: 978-85-89059-68-8 Language: Portuguese Format: 18 x 18 cm Nยบ of pages: 56 Binding: Hardcover

Toys are made so we can make up games and imagine a fantasy world where anything is possible. Formerly, children made their own toys. Nowadays, we can still find artisans who make handmade toys, a rich and playful expression of popular culture. What about meeting some artisans and learning how to make your own toys? Call your friends and embark on this adventure.

That Crazy Critter! This is a new book by Enéas Guerra for small children. The author creates a playful way of having fun with existing and made-up animals. The onomatopoeic sounds of grunts, howls, roars, squeals and snoring inspire children to create their own wacky animals. Author: Enéas Guerra ISBN: 978-85-89059-52-7 Idioma: Portuguese Format: 18 x 18 cm Nº of pages: 32 Binding: Hardcover

Eclipse of the Blue Moon

Author: Débora Knittel e Érica Falcão Ilustrator: Enéas Sampaio ISBN: 978-85-89059-58-9 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 224

Archeologist John Crane is a specialist in the history of ancient civilizations who is always going off on expeditions around the world. After the death of his wife, he decides to move to Rio de Janeiro along with his daughter, Holly, to be closer to their friends Dr. Ramos, his wife, Dr. Rita, and their daughter, Maiara. Just before her 18th birthday, Holly receives an artifact and tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding her father’s disappearance, Maiara’s visions, and the growing imbalance in Nature. In this adventure, Holly and her friend Maiara meet Celino and Kami, beings from other worlds, and embark on a journey in which the basic values of humanity will be put to the test.

Ice Temple Despite being in love, Holly and Celino must learn to deal with differences between their own worlds. After all, she is human and he is... an angel. While looking for belongings left by John at the Museum of Quinta da Boa Vista, Holly meets Pedro, an attractive archeology student. This meeting rekindles Holly’s desire to make a trip she had planned with John, her deceased father whom she loved so much. In this story, love, loyalty, desire and betrayal intertwine, awakening feelings that can either open or seal untouched wounds. Each must make their own choice and evil can be anywhere… So be careful not to wake it.

Débora Knittel & Érica Falcão

Author: Débora Knittel e Érica Falcão Ilustrator: Enéas Guerra ISBN: 978-85-89059-72-5 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 240

Green-Headed Tanager It is a bird of bold and vibrant colors. In this story, the small bird is born, grows, finds love and has its own offspring. The author, the educational psychologist Débora Knittel, describes each stage in poetic language, associating it with the cycles of nature and the seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. This book will delight children who love frogs, chameleons and other charming creatures that live in the Atlantic Forest.

Author: Débora Knittel Ilustrator: Naara ISBN: 978-85-89059-30-5 Language: Portuguese Format: 22 x 28 cm Nº of pages: 36 Binding: Hardcover

Daisy Loves Me A lovely short verse poem that tells the story of a garden where a very special daisy grows. The reader follows the routine of the little flower from dawn to dusk and, from her point of view, sees an enchanted world of insects, birds and other flowers. Illustrations by Enéas Guerra. Author: Débora Knittel Ilustrator: Enéas Guerra ISBN: 978-85-89059-33-6 Language: Portuguese Format: 22 x 28 cm Nº of pages: 32 Binding: Hardcover

Pastinha The Boy who became a Capoeira Mestre Once upon a time there was a smart little biracial kid born in the Pelourinho district of Salvador, Bahia. After playing and fighting in the street, he became the greatest of all Capoeira Angola masters in Bahia. The name of this boy became a legend around the world, but the story of Mestre Pastinha is real and is recounted blow-by-blow in this book in words and pictures.

Author: JosĂŠ de Jesus Barreto Ilustrator: Cau Gomez ISBN: 978-85-89059-44-2 Language: Portuguese Format: 23 x 28 cm NÂş of pages: 32

Little Steamboat This children’s book written and and illustrated by Enéas Guerra, combining color and short verses with taboca cookies and abafa-banca popsicles, this story was inspired by the steamships of the former Bahian Navigation Co. Its little steamboats transported people and goods between the port of Salvador and the historic town of Cachoeira, in the Reconcavo region of Bahia, sailing on All Saints Bay, the largest in Brazil.

Enéas Guerra

Author: Enéas Guerra ISBN: 978-85-89059-21-3 Language: Portuguese Format: 27 x 24.5 cm Nº of pages: 36

Mom, Is there a Santa Claus?

Author: Graziela Domini Ilustrator: Ian Sampaio ISBN: 978-85-89059-34-3 Language: Portuguese Format: 22 x 28 cm Nยบ of pages: 32

This book tells the story of Santa Claus in a creative way to help young children understand why adults need to keep the secret about the legend of that merry old man. In this little story, Santa Claus is a man who works normally and still makes gifts for children. But gift orders increase so much that one day he can no longer handle them on his own. The children suggest a solution and parents join forces to help Santa Claus with the task of making gifts for everyone. That is how Christmas was born.

The Lady in White On the first day of class, Lucas befriends a classmate. One day the girl does not show up at school and Lucas learns that she has died. At the funeral, a woman dressed in white approaches him and explains the meaning of death. The thematic approach is dealt with gently and intelligently by psychologist Graziela Domini. The enchanted setting leads Lucas to lose his fear and better understand this inevitable phenomenon of life.

Author: Graziela Domini Ilustrator: Edsoleda Santos ISBN: 978-85-89059-27-5 Language: Portuguese Format: 22 x 28 cm Nยบ of pages: 32

Obaluaê The tale of the orixá Obaluaê, researched in Africa by the ethnologist Pierre Verger, tells the story of his arrival and the development of his cult in the Mahi territory in Dahomey. This tale was chosen as the inspiration of this book by the artist Edsoleda Santos, as a tribute to the “Velho” (old man) as he is affectionately called in Bahia, an orixá of a particular cult, surrounded by mysteries and secrets. We learn in this story that under his straw exterior is the secret of his light; of life and death; of good and evil. Atotô!

Edsoleda Santos


Author: Edsoleda Santos ISBN: 978-85-89059-60-2 Language: Portuguese Format: 23 x 28 cm Nº of pages: 32

Obatala Obatala, the king of Ifan, decides to visit his friend Shango, King of Oyo. The journey is long, requiring many days of travel across deserts, forests and savannahs. Before he sets out, the court babalawo (diviner) tells him that it will also be full of dangers. Obatala decides to take the risk. Renato da Silveira based his work on the research of Pierre Fatumbi on the legend of Oshalufan, the elderly incarnation of Obatala, as well as other sources to weave a playful and informative narrative. Edsoleda Santos illustrates the story with all its symbolism, colors and details connected to the traditions of the Yoruba people.

Text: Renato da Silveira Ilustrator: Edsoleda Santos ISBN: 978-85-89059-28-2 Language: Portuguese Format: 23 x 28 cm Nยบ of pages: 36


Author: Edsoleda Santos ISBN: 978-85-89059-40-4 Language: Portuguese Format: 23 x 28 cm Nยบ of pages: 32

Oshun represents the cosmological power of fresh water and is therefore responsible for nourishing all living beings on Earth. According to the ancients, that is why no one is against water. She is directly related to fertility and maternity; the patron of love, beauty, magic and the most secret and perilous enchantments. Temperamental and full of feminine wiles, Oshun reigns absolute and supreme in the universe of Bahia. This legend, collected and published by Pierre Verger, an ethnologist known for his in-depth knowledge of the African diaspora in the Americas, is still alive and well in Africa. It is reenacted in the annual festivals celebrating the pact between King Laro and the fertile waters of the Oshun River.


Author: Edsoleda Santos ISBN: 978-85-89059-41-1 Language: Portuguese Format: 23 x 28 cm Nº of pages: 32

A long time has passed since the cult of the Ibejis (twin divinities and protectors of children) left the sacred space of Candomble temples, took to the city streets, and entered the homes of the rich and poor, believers and non-believers alike. The “caruru of Saints Cosmas and Damian” has become a sacred institution celebrated by all Brazilians. The feasts for the “child saints” in Bahia, especially the Reconcavo region, have taken on unique proportions and features, which are often incomprehensible to outsiders. Combined with folk traditions, the cult of the Ibejis and Saints Cosmas and Damian are becoming one of the most spectacular examples of that African-Brazilian symbiosis.

The Dragon with a Golden Belly Carlos Looendvog was twelve years old and seemed to be stuck in life when a pitbull attacked him just before the summer holidays. The dog is just one of the many physical manifestations of Enácio Choufer, a villain driven by envy of Carlos’s father, who is a dragon hunter. The dangerous Enácio does everything to suck the vital essence from the Looendvogs’ only son. Finding the dragon with the golden belly’s egg is the challenge the young hero tackles in the first episode of the “Carlos Looendvog” saga. The author, Eric A. A. Oliveira, wrote the book at the age of twelve.

Author: Eric A. A. Oliveira Ilustrator: Athos Sampaio ISBN: 978-85-89059-22-0 Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº of pages: 72


Carolina Bacelar

The Dragon who Dreamed of Being a Fire-Fighter Cyril is not a normal dragon, like those that plague the lives of princes of fairy tales. He belongs to the royal lineage of metal-winged dragons. But he doesn’t look like a dragon. Instead of fire, he likes water. His first word? Water. What does he like to do? Swim in the Green River. His favorite game? Setting fire to bushes and fetching water to fight the small blaze. This well-written and entertaining children’s adventure is intended for more advanced readers.

O dragão que sonhava ser bombeiro Author: Carolina Bacelar Ilustrator: Enéas Guerra Language: Portuguese Format: 15 x 21 cm Nº dof pages: 64

Solisluna Design Publishers + 55 71 3379.6691 / 3369.2028 Sales + 55 71 3024.1748

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