Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem - April 2021 - Newsletter 3-8

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Equestrian Order of the HolySepulchre of Jerusalem Lieutenancy of Ireland Vol 3 №8

In This Issue:


May 2021

Centuries of Service to Christians in the Holy Land

The Pentecost Event and the Equestrian Order

Dear fellow member,

Why are Holy Land Christians called “Living Stones”?

Starting in March 2020 and recognizing that we operate in two political zones with varying levels of restrictions imposed, meetings in person have not taken place.

While the last year has been challenging, equally it has been enormously rewarding.

New buildings supported With the aid of Information Technology we have had a variety of events since then to engage our energies, to mention one a fantastic prelude for Holy Week presented by the Lieutenancy from Rome by Fr Enda Murphy, KHS. As I write it appears we shall be able to meet, Information by ZOOM subject to certain restrictions, in September and ceremonially admit our new members and, subject to numbers, promote a number of our senior members. July Promotions will be the 35th anniversary of our establishment. That event will be appropriately New Members commemorated. The papal visit the world thought impossible Applying for a Grant of Arms Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Tuam, 2021 Dame Mary Sweeney DC*HS

Easter in the Republic was notable by the absence of the usual Church services.

However it was heartening that so many members promoted the usual Good Friday collection at parish level for the benefit of so many of our fellow Christians.

Our website will be revamped presently and enable more resources to be made available to members.

Thanks to your charity we have supported the refurbishment of the oldest School in

the Patriarchate in Jordan; and it is worthwhile to read what you have aided in the article within. This year we are financing a significant project on the Syrian Jordanian Dr Muredach Dynan, KHS border. Your donation will profoundly improve the educational and employment prospects of young Christians in that area.

Upcoming Events

April 25th Spring Mass, Carlow: Without doubt, you make the difference in the Land of Jesus. God bless. streamed Mass Deus lo Vult April 25th-May 2nd Virtual Pilgrimage to Jordan: by Peter Zoom July 24th Mafraq 35 years Celebration Mass This City is 20kms from Syrian Border and September 25th surrounded by Iraq and Saudi Arabia and is Investiture ceremony 70km from Amman. There are 2,500 October 2nd Christians in a population of 75,000. The Western Region Mass parish has a secondary school that contains November 13th • classes until the 10th grade only; pupils of Day of Reflection Mafraq continue their high school education With the exception of the Spring in the neighbouring villages and cities. Mass and Virtual Pilgrimage, all of the above events are subject Mafraq: New Buildings Supported by the to prevailing public health Lieutenancy, continues page 4 requirements. Deus lo Vult

The Pentecost Event and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre strongly identifies with the City of Jerusalem. The origins of the Order, its purpose, its vocation, its activities, are all eminently related to Jerusalem, where the Pentecost event took place. Above all, of course, it is the spiritual significance of what happened there, in the Holy Land, that undergirds the mission of the Order, marks its spirituality and carries it forward.

In the Book of Leviticus, we read that God had asked the Jews to proclaim a sacred

assembly and bring their first-fruits to the Lord in thanksgiving on the day following the forty-ninth day after the Passover. (23:15–21). The word Pentecost, derived from the Greek, refers precisely to this fiftieth day after Passover. Among the Jews, the Feast of Pentecost, also called the Feast of Ingathering, became a festive pilgrimage which required them, including those scattered throughout the Diaspora, to go up to the temple in Jerusalem and offer in thanksgiving to God the first-fruits of their new harvest.

In the Acts of the Apostles (Chapter 1), we read that when Christ was about to ascend into heaven, he instructed his disciples to await in Jerusalem the Father’s promised gift of baptism in the Holy Spirit. With the power of the Spirit, they would be his “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. After that, he left them and ascended into heaven.

A few days later, precisely on the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were all together in the upper room where

they were gathered for fear of the Jews. All of a sudden, they heard the sound of a strong wind from heaven and tongues of fire descended upon each one of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues just as the Spirit gave them utterance. This turned out to be a great event which changed the course of mankind. It was during this Pentecost marvel that a new gathering was born and consolidated: the Christian assembly.

When the disciples realised that their newfound strength was in the name of Jesus and in the power of the

Holy Spirit, this experience gave them the impetus to proclaim Christ’s message and live it out in practice. They showed zeal in their actions; they endured persecution with courage; they manifested joy, unity, charity, generosity and solidarity in their communities; they showed perseverance in prayer and relied on divine grace and inspiration to help them face the challenges of their new calling. From being fearful disciples, they had been transformed by the Spirit into bold and intrepid missionaries, ready to go to the ends of the earth.

In the Gospel, we see that Christ, surprised at the ignorance of Nicodemus regarding spiritual rebirth,

exclaims: “Truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter God’s kingdom. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:5-6). We cannot understand the life of Christ himself without being mindful of the role of the Spirit. At the beginning of his mission, he read out the prophetic words of Isaiah in the synagogue: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me” (Is 61:1). His entire ministry was empowered by the anointing of the Spirit. Indeed, he is the Anointed One.

The Holy Spirit offers us a variety of gifts, so that in our different ways we all contribute to the building up

of the Body of Christ. The Prophet, Isaiah, presents a sampling of these gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and the fear of the Lord. (cf. Is. 11: 2). Paul the Apostle, for his part, adds to the list when presenting the fruits of the Spirit: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Our vocation is one of holiness and evangelical witness. If we are open to the influence of the Holy Spirit,

he will accomplish within us those same marvels which took place two thousand years ago at Pentecost. If we accept the Spirit of God, he will offer us his spiritual gifts, and those gifts will bear spiritual fruits within us.

Every believer has been given some supernatural gift by the Holy Spirit. This diversity enriches the Church.

It is through the Spirit that the person of Christ is revealed in us. The Holy Spirit guides us, forgives us our


Deus lo Vult

sins, opens our eyes to the goodness of God, trains us to be upright and honest, and leads us to live a virtuous life. The more our lives become tuned in to God, the more we are enabled to rise even to a mystical way of communion with the divine. By being attentive to the divine Spirit and open to his voice in our hearts, our spiritual ear becomes more aware of his speechless communication. Material things absorb us less and our priorities change. At that point, we begin to realise that divine consolation is not just a vague concept, but a reality. The guidance of the Spirit provides a kind of assurance and serenity which nurtures and comforts the soul.

The solemnity of Pentecost has a particular significance in the Christian faith. The Pentecost event, the

outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the Sermon of Peter, marked the origins of the Christian Church as an Assembly of the faithful. Those early gifts, that power, that zeal, those tongues of fire and promises of abiding presence continue to be offered today to all who are born of the Spirit. That is what lies at the heart of the noble contribution to the life of the Church of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre. H.E. Jude Thaddeus OKOLO, Apostolic Nuncio

Why are Holy Land Christians called “Living Stones”? The term living stones in 1 Peter 2:5 is used as a metaphor to illustrate the secure and intimate relationship

believers have with Jesus, who is described in the previous verse as the “living Stone” (1 Peter 2:4). Together, these two verses picture how Christ and His followers are joined by God Himself: “As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:4–5).

The foundation of God’s building is His Son, Jesus Christ, the “living Stone.” The “living stones,” in turn, are believers who come to Jesus and place their lives upon this foundation. The living Stone is “precious” to those who believe (1 Peter 2:7), but some men reject the living Stone in order to build their lives their own way, not God’s way (see Psalm 118:22 and Luke 6:46–49). Unbelievers cast this living Stone aside, not caring that Jesus is the only true foundation upon which they can build securely (1 Corinthians 3:11).

In a metaphor much like that of the living Stone, Jesus is described as the chief cornerstone in Ephesians

2:19–22. Peter references Jesus as the cornerstone in Acts 4:11–12, stating that “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” God accepts no one who refuses to become a part of His building. And God is just like all builders—He has a foundation upon which all workers must build (Matthew 7:24–27).

Believers, then, are the “living stones” of the church that Jesus promised to build (Matthew 16:18). As

living stones, we have new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). As integral parts of the building of God, we have security in Christ (John 6:37). As the Master Builder, God places His living stones just where He wants us to be (1 Corinthians 12:18). As living stones, we are connected to one another in the body of Christ (Romans 12:5). Our Lord, the foundation Stone, is alive forevermore and will never crumble. He will support us eternally.

Peter goes on to describe the function of the living stones: to

“declare the praises” of Him who called us out of the darkness of sin into the light of life and glory (1 Peter 2:9). This is the “job description” of a living stone: a speaker of praise, a declarer of truth and love and light. The spiritual house God is building is designed for His glory, and we, the living stones, glorify the Lord in all we do (1 Corinthians 10:31). A Holy Land Christian artisan works with mother-of-pearl.

Deus lo Vult


New buildings supported by the Lieutenancy Continued from Cover Page regarding Mafraq

The students are forced to be enrolled in non-Christian governmental schools where

they do not study Christian education which forms a genuine dilemma. The beneficiaries of this project are the students who will not have to move to another school outside the City when they reach high school.

It will also open new job opportunities for the teachers who will be

teaching in the newly opened classes. We will fund the construction of a new building inside the parish compound to include three classrooms for the 11th and 12th grades, a teachers' room, and bathrooms. We in Ireland have committed USD $78,690 for that purpose.

“I express my warm and sincere gratitude to the members of the Irish Lieutenancy for their genuine contribution to our work and mission “ CEO LPJ 7 April 2021 regarding Safout School.

Background: the town of Safout is located 20 km north west of Amman Jordan, and is economically poor.

Of the total population of 15,000 inhabitants, there are 1,750 Christians, of which 160 are Catholic Christians. The population consists mostly of employees and workers who commute daily to work in the cities of Fuheis, Salt and Amman. The School is the smallest of all the Latin Patriarchate schools of the Patriarchal Diocese.

The problem: the school did not comply with the minimum health and safety standards.

Our input: With the generous donation of 50,000 Jordanian dinars received

from the Irish Lieutenancy in 2020 as well as private donations and local contributions rehabilitation works were implemented to the building of the School to improve the situation of the classrooms, restrooms and the kitchen. The work included installation of suspended gypsum board, tiling, electrical and mechanical works.

Result: The serious safety and health concerns have been eliminated through the rehabilitation work. The duration of the project was from March 2020 until January 2021. The project required ten months to be completed due to the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and the related lockdowns in Jordan. Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project are the students and

teachers of the School who now attend their classes in a safe school meeting State health and safety standards; students’ parents are reassured since their children study in a safe and healthy classroom environment. The indirect beneficiary of the project is the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which strives to provide the best for the parishioners and all faithful, and to allow the continuity of the LPJ biblical mission in serving its communities in the Holy Land and Jordan.


Deus lo Vult

Information by ZOOM On Tuesday evening 13 April, following a mail shot to all

members, the Council hosted an information meeting focussed on the eight members admitted to the Order since January 2020 and those aspiring members interested in learning about who we are and what we do.

In a ZOOM session, coordinated by council member Stephen Dorgan, 8 members presented 14 different aspects of the Order and the Lieutenancy, accompanied by videos and photographs. Topics stretched from the modern history of the Order, project identification to Order etiquette. The complexities of effective aid to the Holy Land were addressed by H.E. Bart McGettrick, President of the Holy Land Commission. Arising from a number of requests, the possibility of having these presentations stored electronically on the members area of our website is being examined. Promotions Promotions granted by the Grand Master 2021, for the good and wellbeing of the Order: Name Catherine Concannon Joan Hanly John Bosco O’Hagan Eamonn Walsh, KCSG Mary McGivney-Nolan Dr Mary Holohan Lidia Maria McLoughlin Áine Fitzgerald-O’Reilly, DSS Mairéad Walls Thomas Kilduff John Kennedy, CBE Anthony Harbinson T Gearóid Williams Colonel P Eiver O’Hanlon Eleanor Hurl Veronica Holohan Rodney Leonard David Williams

Year of Admission 2001 1993 2007 1998 2006 2007 2009 2010 2013 2009 2009 2011 2013 2014 2017 2015 2016 2016

Rank promoted to Grand Cross Grand Cross Grand Cross Grand Cross Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Grand Officer Commander Commander Commander Commander

Catherine Concannon

Joan Hanley

New Members admitted: Congratulations

Fr William David O’Shaughnessy, 70 Maplewood Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 D24V5X6

Deus lo Vult

Frederick Peter O’Brien 2 The Cloisters, Kilkee, Co Clare V15DK38

John Smith 58 Alderbrook Rise, Ashbourne, Co Meath A84VC03

Richard Cornelius Hearns 1 Burren Cottage, Bellhabour Co Clare H91V3KD

Vy Rev Gerard Michael MacCormack St Mary’s Road, Kingscourt CO CAVAN A82E650


The papal visit the world thought impossible It’s been a long time since I reported from Mosul, so it was with some excitement that I returned last week to cover Pope Francis’ historic visit to the battle-scarred city. My relationship with Iraq’s second city began from afar. In the late summer of 2014, shortly after Islamic State militants had overrun much of Nineveh, I first saw the provincial capital from a hilltop Kurdish frontline position 12 miles to the northeast. Looking down on the distant twinkling lights of the occupied city, it was impossible to imagine then the destruction that would be visited on Mosul during the nine month battle of liberation, which at that time was still two years away. When the military operation finally got underway in October 2016, I rode with a Kurdish military convoy as they seized a series of villages on Mosul’s outskirts.

When Iraqi special forces units entered the eastern neighbourhoods, the fighting began in earnest and it became apparent that

the war’s true cost would be enormous. As the Iraqi army deployed tanks, artillery, rockets and light arms against the entrenched militants, coalition warplanes bombed day and night. Civilians bore the brunt of the violence, and by the time the guns fell silent in July 2017 perhaps 10,000 had been killed, many targeted by jihadists as they fled and others who died in the crossfire. Meanwhile whole neighbourhoods of the city were destroyed. But there were signs of hope. In December 2017, I reported that for a Grant Arms the first Christians had returned to Mosul to celebrate the first Christmas Mass after ISIS. The lastApplying time I reported fromofMosul was in January 2018, on how civilians had started rebuilding their city in the absence of help from the government. Sadly, when Is having a Grant of Arms relevant in today’ I returned last week some districts, including the historic Old City were still in rubble, with Moslawis still complaining of a lack Dublin to the city centre I pass hundreds of C of government support. construction companies, GAA & golf clubs,

firms, religious orders and dioceses, city & c

And apart from these corp But ahead of the Pope’s first visit to Iraq rubble clearing work had been reinvigorated, day workers all tolddisplay me. ItArms. seemed incredible with an historical, cultural or ancestral conn

that the 84-year-old Pontiff would include a stop in a city that few other international figures would consider safe to visit. On Chief Herald for a Grant of Arms, as many m Sunday though his visit came off without a hitch and the day was a reminder of Mosul’s pluralistic past asabove. he wasThe welcomed illustrated prescribed form is fil enthusiastically by people of all faiths. Although only about 70 Christian families have returned to basic the city, theyinformation were joinedand bysupporting c personal hundreds of Muslims and representatives of other faiths including several Yazidis, who were also persecuted terriblyThe by matter the ISis considered the real fun begins. applicant possible extremists. Though there remains much to be done in terms of rebuilding, the way the city came together toabout welcome the designs. leader One’s fam historyAnd are all into the mix. And her of the world’s 1.4 billion Catholics suggests that Mosul’s social fabric has survived its brutal occupation. forthrown me personally, this process is the most interest it was a pleasure to cover a rare good news story from the city where I had reported on so much creativity misery. Iofhope there will be are followed. A preliminary painting is then more of them in the future. also be shown a draft of the Letters Patent. By Campbell MacDiarmid, Middle East Correspondent, Daily Telegraph

includes a hand-painted exemplification of t of Arms, maintained since the foundation of

Applying for a Grant of Arms Is having a Grant of Arms relevant in today’s world? When I drive from my home in County Dublin to the city centre I pass hundreds of Coats of Arms in everyday use. Banks & construction companies, GAA & golf clubs, schools & universities, professional bodies & firms, religious orders and dioceses, city & county councils, government agencies & NGOs all display Arms. And apart from these corporate bodies, any citizen of Ireland or a person with an historical, cultural or ancestral connection with Ireland can apply to the Office of the Chief Herald for a Grant of Arms, as many members of our Lieutenancy have done, some illustrated above.

The prescribed form is filled in setting out the case for the application, with basic personal information and supporting certificates and documents. If all is in order then the real fun begins. The matter is considered by a Herald of Arms who will consult with the applicant about possible designs. One’s family name, home county and personal interests & history are all thrown into the mix. And heraldry being both an art and a science, the creativity of this process is the most interesting part, with the Herald ensuring that the rules are followed. A preliminary painting is then made for the approval of the applicant who will also be shown a draft of the Letters Patent. The final document is issued in vellum and includes a hand-painted exemplification of the Arms. The Grant is recorded in the Register of Arms, maintained since the foundation of the Office in 1552.


nd each descendant of the Grantee can, to a greater or lesser degree, use those Arms. John F. Kennedy for example was granted Arms in 1961 by the Chief Herald, but in the name of his great-grandfather Patrick Kennedy. Hence each of Patrick’s descendants has a right in varying degrees to the Arms. So why not leave a legacy to your offspring as yet unborn and consider applying for a Grants of Arms from the Chief Herald of Ireland. By Chev. Frank Hurl


Applying for a Grant of Arms

Deus lo Vult

Is having a Grant of Arms relevant in today’s world? When I drive from my home in County

Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Tuam, 2021 On 30 January 2021 our first liturgical event of the

year took place in Tuam. Archbishop Michael Neary, KC*HS celebrated the Mass and a cloaked David Quinn proclaimed the prayers of petition. The Mass was streamed not only to members but also to a wider congregation.

Fr Francis preached the homily. The following are extracts from it: “Usually, this gathering of the Equestrian Order would be in Knock. Had we been able to celebrate this Mass in the Apparition Chapel in Knock today, our focus would rightly turn – not to Our Lady or St. John the Evangelist, but to the other person there – St. Joseph. Why? Well, on 8 December last, our Holy Father Pope Francis announced the Year of St. Joseph, a year to honour this great man. I don’t suppose it’s a coincidence – because with God there are never coincidences but, rather, providence,

but there’s a little statue that has been made popular by the fact that Pope Francis said somewhere that he leaves his personal intentions, and those things that are bothering him, under this statue as he’s going to bed each night, and somehow, they always find a resolution. It’s a statue of a sleeping St. Joseph. I invite you to make your prayers and petitions known to the sleeping St. Joseph this year, and I invite you, as always, to include in your prayers through his intercession, a mention of the living stones in the Holy Land”. From the Homily of Fr. Francis Mitchell K.C.H.S. Tuam Mass 30/01/21

Dame Mary Sweeney DC*HS, admitted 1994. Mary died on the 26 February 2021. She was admitted to the Order together with her th

husband Loughlin, a former Chancellor. They both visited the Holy Land as part of the Order’s pilgrimage in 1996 and met those Christian inhabitants of the Palestinian Territories and Israel whose projects we supported.

Mary was born 11

April 1934 in Tallow, Co. Waterford. She met Loughlin when they were working together in the Roscommon branch of the The Munster and Leinster Bank. They were married in January 1957 and had 4 children Joe, Peter, Christine and Oonagh. They initially lived in Cork but moved to Dublin in 1970 after the banks merged to become AIB. Mary worked with the Catholic Marriage Council (now Accord) in the 1960’s with Loughlin. th

Mary was very involved with her local parish church in Sallynoggin, she regularly read at Mass and was a Eucharistic Minister. She was also an avid bridge player and regularly swam to keep fit. Mary was awarded The President’s Medal by St Patrick’s Pontifical College, Maynooth in recognition of her charitable work on behalf of the seminary which both she and Loughlin were heavily involved in.

Mary loved the Order and asked to be laid out and buried in her cloak. Even though, due to Covid

restrictions meant that only 10 people could attend her funeral Mass, her family invited a member of the Order to attend robed. Chevalier Gerard Lawler represented the Order. Due to long standing family connections Chevalier John D. Turley also formed a guard of honour for her arrival and departure from the church.

She and Loughlin went on our first world-wide Order Pilgrimage to Lourdes in June, 2005. She is survived

not only by her children but by her sisters Sheila and Catherine.

May she rise to glory. Deus lo Vult


Dr Muredach Dynan, KHS, admitted1998. Murdedach was admitted to the Order in Queensland in 1998. He and his late wife Mary

Patricia returned to Ireland quite some time back, however we only became conscious of him last year through the good offices of his brother in law Bishop Alan McGuckian.

His enthusiasm for the works of the Order especially in the area of education in the Holy

Land was very strong. On the wider front he was a generous supporter of our special appeal to assist Christians in the Holy Land last year,

From the Ardoyne, he was an altar boy in Holy Cross in Ardoyne. He was educated at St. Mary’s Christian

Brothers Grammar and graduated from Queen’s University in Belfast. He lectured in Education at St. Joseph’s and St. Mary’s Colleges of Education. In 1969 he became deeply involved in the refugee committee for people who were driven out of their homes and which was located in the Catholic Welfare office on the Falls Road. It was there he met his wife, Mary.

He moved to Australia where he was on the staff of the Western Institute of Technology and then Professor

of Education and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Australian Catholic University, both in Sydney and Brisbane. In a message from the Province Leader of the Congregation Christian Brothers, Br Edmund Garvey stated that “we will carry Muredach’s name with great respect, admiration and affection. He believed in the importance of quality educational experiences for young people and devoted his life, including the years of his retirement, to advancing this cause.” He was first Chairperson of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust, NI. He also served as a representative member on the Education Authority board, on the nomination of NI Commission for Catholic Education from 1 April 2015 until 31 March 2020 to represent the interests of trustees of maintained schools.

He died at Nazareth House Care Village,in Belfast on 18 March 2021 and was buried alongside his wife in

Newry, the town they made their home on return from Australia. The Lieutenancy was represented at the funeral by Grand Officer, Gerard Harbinson, KSG.

Wine and Masks Well known as the Caritatis wine growers all the proceeds go to charity. The wines are excellent and they have agreed to make our own label for the Order. From wine@holysepulchre.ie

Cost €18 per mask; €45 for a set of three. This/these will be posted to

members when orders are received at masks@holysepulchre.ie.

Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Lieutenancy of Ireland

Council of the Lieutenancy

Lieutenant Peter F Durnin, GCHS “Rosaire”, Moneymore, Drogheda, Co Louth A92 RF6F email: Lieutenant@holysepulchre.ie tel: 041-9830278; 087-6591992 Chancellor Gearóid Williams, KC*HS Feagurroge, Kilrush, Co. Clare. V15C5I3 email: Chancellor@holysepulchre.ie. Tel: 087 225 4617 Secretary Ivan Healy, KC*HS 39 Ashdale Road, Terenure, DUBLIN 6 email: Secretary@holysepulchre.ie. Tel: 01-4907554 Treasurer: Anthony Harbinson, KC*HS 3 Corrina Park, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 0HA email: Treasurer@holysepulchre.ie. Tel: 0044 28 90611013

Eccles Master of Ceremonies: Vy Rev’d Francis Mitchell, JCL, KCHS Lay Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Frank Hurl, KCHS Councillors: Dr. Stephen Dorgan KC*HS Dame Mairéad Walls DC*HS Rodney Leonard KCHS communications@holysepulchre.ie Lieutenants of Honour: Nicholas McKenna GCHS Charles A Kelly GCHS https://holysepulchre.ie Design by: Eric Dumas, Solid Space Printed by: Bethlehem Abbey Press CHY No. 8617 / Registered Charity No. 20021399 / Northern Ireland registration no. IE0004

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