What is Objectives of Software Testing ? The main reason to Software Testing is to find out defects which will cause an error to the users. Suppose any application which we are using in our smartphone which is not working properly, it can lead to many problem. Eg : Suppose you purchased a car, now you are going to drive car on highway and that time you realized that car’s brakes are not working. You can imagine what will happen with you! Software Testing is a process with intend to find defects. Basically software testing done by a Software Tester.
Objectives :
To check whether software which build, it is as per the requirement or not.
Finding defects from the software before customers find them out.
Defects get fix from the developer.
Preventing defects
Gaining confidence about the level of quality
There is more objective of software testing which is fully depend on the organization as well, It depend upon project’s cost, time, technical safety, business risk etc. Also Check : What is Software Testing