Light Switch by Bhavya Raman

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My Brain Turns On

The room goes dark. A hand chokes my heart, My gut ties into a knot, My insides freeze to ice. I start to shake My breathing turns off, The pressure builds, Drums pound in my head, My vision blurs. I freeze.

I step into the spotlight and dance.

My Brain Turns Off

Color fills my eyes. My hands flow at my side, My limbs melt to the beat, I feel the clouds evaporate, My head as light as air. Everything around me, Blurring as I move, Faster and faster until…

I step forward and bow.

My Body and Brain are in Sync

Everything is clear, I breathe fast, Pride sweetly filling every breath, My body is covered in sweat But my feet center me, I am right where I’m supposed to be.

I step back into my life.

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