social commontating
ONE YEAR LATER Hi I’m looking for all the new hospitals?
Sorry mate, I’ve no idea what you are talking about
No, that’s my new campervan, we will ski next February half term
e lin on d with n a le at’s fil , th ouse o h N re tion wa toma au
No, that’s my lobbying mates downloadable app, it doesn’t work
s absouper rban
No, that’s my side hustle, making PPE wipes, go funded my start up costs
No, that’s my office shed in the garden, only 20 grand
No, that’s my new electric car, never thought I would afford one of these
;) :)
No, that’s our expensive discriminatory passport system, new border patrol on every door
No, that’s my tax bill, less than last year, woop, smiley face emoji, wink wink
No, that’s the public purse shut tight now No, that’s a million pound excuse filled public enquiry
I see them over there in the private sector