SOAS SU Handbook 2018-19

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Hello SOASians!! Congratulations to all new students - this is the start of your SOAS journey! And, of course, welcome back to all returning students! We hope you had a wonderful summer break and are ready for the year aheadwe can guarantee it will be a busy one. We are looking forward to another year of protests, politics and picnics, and this handbook will give you all the information you need to know about your time at SOAS! In here you will find contacts for your S.U. representatives, information on forming new societies and a summary of our core campaigns. To us, SOAS is so much more than the classroom, and with over 200 societies, the calendar is always full! Be sure to keep up-to-date throughout the year on our social media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) and be sure to download the new SOAS S.U. app. We look forward to an incredible year with you all! Remember that this is your S.U., so get involved! Campaign, run in elections, come to UGMs, and drop in to see us in G8 (it’s on the right on your way to the JCR, so no excuse!). Engage and mobilise in whatever way you want we are here to facilitate you!

Contents Sabbatical Officers Executive Committee SU Staff Governance Student Reps History Liberation SOAS Campaigns SOAS Spirit SOAS Radio Sports & societies SU Societies SOAS Food Student Advice & Wellbeing Everyday Living Tips Know Your Rights Calendar

Page(s) 2-5 6-9 10-12 13-18 19 20-21 22 23-27 28 29 30-32 33 47-48 54-56 57-62 61-62 63

Photo credit: Rachel Man

With love and solidarity,Youssra, Soph, Jess & Hau-Yu xox



Youssra Elmagboul

0207 898 4997 - Room G8

There are huge inequalities in the world we live in and therefore SOAS naturally but unfortunately can reflect these prejudices. My (very broad) title essentially means that I am here to help liberate marginalised groups. Be it ableism, classism, homophobia racism, sexism or transphobia, I hope to challenge both the institutions in which these exist as well as creating spaces where marginalised groups can convene and make plans for meaningful progress.I want to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, where all students feel able to access the help they need. Essentially, I want to help students fight The Man. Your time at SOAS will be so much more than reading, essays and exams and your time outside of lectures can be just


Soph Bennett

0207 898 4994 - Room G8

“Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” — Coretta Scott King Hey! I’m Youssra and I’m your new Co President of Equality and Liberation and look forward to get know all of you over the course of the year!


as beneficial and provide just as many opportunities as those in the classroom. Your involvement is paramount to the growth and success of campaigns such as Justice for Workers, Enough is Enough, Decolonising SOAS, and Democratise SOAS - as well as many others Your voice and action is so important in helping shape the future of SOAS, whether it’s what campaigns become priority or making changes to the way the union is run, we need you! Use the privileged space of university to challenge and fight the power structures and voices that dominate our society. So get involved, attend UGM’s, protest on the SOAS steps, join a society, run in elections! If you don’t know where to start, come and see us in our office (G8) you are always welcome.

Hi I’m Soph, your new Co-President of Activities & Events! I’ll be spending the next year working closely with societies, students and sports teams in the SOAS community to ensure you never have a dull moment here at SOAS. We’ll be filling the year with parties, spoken word, networking events, open mic nights, panel discussions, stand-up comedy, dance lessons, martial arts, banner making, sports and much more. For me, it is events like these that has made SOAS far more than what i learnt in the classroom. And more importantly, it is the people I met at these events that made my 3 years unforgettable. At SOAS you have the opportunity to create friends from every corner of the world and that rich diversity is something we will be celebrating throughout the year.

we celebrate our community. I intend on continuing this energy into the coming year and would love to hear from you if you have an idea; i’m here to facilitate! Finally, if you would like to start a new society for our ever-growing community of over 150, please email me (sb203@ or come into the office (G8). Chances are, other students would like to see the same!

This year at SOAS we saw the beginning of society led late licences and their immense success; this allowed the JCR and the SU Bar to become a central space of in which



Tam Hau-Yu

0207 898 4995 - Room G8 “… and I would have said: My identity is this expanse!” – Mahmoud Darwish Greetings everyone, I’m Hau-Yu. Welcome (back) to SOAS! Your time here will be full of experiences that demand your honesty, love, creativity, and for you to take up positions and learn from others. As your Co-President Democracy & Education, I’m focussed on working to improve the health of democracy at SOAS. Basically this means listening to students’ lived realities and opinions - amplifying student voices in decision-making processes. • It’s clear we have to engage more students from PG, international and liberation group backgrounds in the SU. And I’ll continue pushing for more support & training for Reps, personal advisors and other key link staff • We hold Union General Meetings (UGMs) throughout the year. Anyone can submit motions, which are debated and voted on by the student body. We also have S.U. Elections in autumn and in spring! • Finally, on the School governance level, I’ll be one of your advocates: sitting on working groups and Boards - notably Academic Board. Repping student needs and concerns, as well as relaying


that info back to you/S.U. Further, I’m very interested in SOAS’ history & archives. Watch this space!! Regarding education - approach me for all things academic, teaching, research and learning. From course politics, to struggling in the classroom, to wanting to build your own projects, right down to doubting your degree… I can help point you in suitable directions. SOASians’ labour and achievements deserve to be championed, connected, taken further – whether you are UG, PGT, PGR, IFCELS or alumni! We are all members of our S.U. Play your roles to the fullest here in our community – outside and inside the classroom & in between. The results will be interesting! I wish you a happy beginning belonging – see you around~ •

CO-PRESIDENT WELFARE & CAMPAIGNS Hiya! I’m Jess, your Co-President for Welfare & Campaigns. That’s a super broad title but what it means I will be helping to support student led campaigns and working to improve student welfare over the course of this year. Our lived experiences shape our time at university; factors that positively/negatively affect us at home don’t simply end on campus. We carry with us our experiences of class, race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, care obligations, borders and more. And this is often at the heart of campaigning. You’ll be able to read about the many campaigns from the local (Enough Is Enough, Justice For Workers, Fractionals For Fair Play), to the national (Free Education, Students Not Suspects), to the international (Education Beyond Borders, Free Palestine) and many many more including societies, groups and solidarity movements besides. Drop into a meeting or a social and find out more about what is happening here and now! Your welfare is the priority of the SU. There may be times when you need extra support, whether to do with mental and/or physical health, with mitigating circumstances, with personal family situations. All of these are times that reaching out to the SU means that we can help. Drop us an email or drop by and we

can see where we can support you in your university journey. So, go along to a stall during Freshers’, come to a UGM (Union General Meeting) and have a say in the way we express ourselves politically. If you don’t think you’re a ‘political’ student, you never know who you might meet, what you might learn, the changes you can make. The most meaningful education I’ve had here at SOAS is through the campaigns I’ve been a part of, the friends I’ve learned from. So, I want to wish everyone a year full of meeting new friends and old, of learning in and out of the classroom and making SOAS the community we aspire to be.



Women’s Officers

Hi everyone! We are Cindy and Josefine, 3rd Year Politics & International Relations students and your Co-Women’s Officers. We want to broaden intersectional, feminist culture at SOAS and make sure that self-identifying women and nonbinary people feel welcome and safe. If at any point during the year you want to talk to someone, engage in some collective self-care or start a feminist project, please come and talk to us. We’ve got a Feminist Open Forum, intersectional collaborations and support especially for Women of Colour planned already but anything we do will be shaped by you. We’re looking Josefine Brons & Cindy Tan forward to an active Women’s Network!

Disabled Students’ and Carers Officers

[Image description: A close-up photo of Beulah and India smiling at the camera. Beulah is a 21 year old African woman with long black braids. She is wearing red lipstick. Indi is a 21 year old white person with short brown hair. They are wearing dangly earrings and a white frilly top.]

Hi pals! We’re Beulah and India and we have been elected your disabled students and carers’ officers for 2018/19. Our main aims centre around creating a school-wide network of empowerment for all students who identify with having Beulah Samuel-Ogbu & disabilities, neurodivergence, long-term health conditions, India Ayling mental illness and ill-health, and/or caring responsibilities. We want to talk about ableism and inaccessibility, invisible disabilities and inclusivity with the wider SOAS community. We want to support students with these extra barriers to flourish with the support of their peers. If you see us around please do come up and say hi!

Trans & Gender Identity Officer

Hi! I’m Sonja, this year’s trans officer! I’m a third year student and appreciated the introduction of this office last year. I’ll be there to support all trans and gender non-confirming people, however you may identify. This will mainly happen through regular caucuses, where you can show up to discuss, organise, eat snacks, complain or just hang out with queer people. In this role my goals are to listen to you and help you out to my best capacity, to foster a queer trans community at soas, organise events with other liberation officers, and to expand resources available to us. Email me, or just find Sonja Shah me in the jcr and say hi :)


People of Colour Officers

Over the next academic year, our aims as POC officers are multiple and we look forward to welcoming you all (back) in September! We want to use this platform to create safe spaces for dialogue as well to develop a support network for our fellow Self-Identifying POC’s of SOAS. Look out for social events taking place throughout the year where you can let off some steam and interact with a wide range of students! In particular, we will be taking a focus on mental health and wellbeing, tackling the taboo surrounding mental health within BAME communities. We believe that together we can achieve more in overcoming our problems through community dialogue and cooperation. Please do not hesitate to email us on and to like the BME SOAS Network page on Facebook to stay in the loop!

Sabrina Shah & Hafsah Janjua

LGBTQ Officer

Hello children. I’m Peadar (pronounced like bladder but with a p). I like long walks on the beach, ravioli and fried chicken. I’m in my final year of studying music here in SOAS, and I’m hoping to do a masters degree afterwards so that I can have more qualifications than anyone in my family. In my second year, I set up the SOAS Drag Society so that I can act stupid on stage as my drag character, Glangela Fever, and get loads of attention. I also was the secretary of the LGBTQ+ society which gave me my first taste of power, and the rest is history. All jokes aside, my aim as LGBTQ+ officer is to create a more accepting environment where people are free to express themselves in whatever way they would like. I plan to organise social events like drag shows, club nights, Peadar Davey brunches, crafternoons, queer bar takeovers and more. I also will be organising campaigns and protests. If you would like to suggest ideas for events, campaigns, etc. you can email me at, or you can find me on Facebook. If you are having any LGBTQ+ related issues in or out of SOAS, please reach out to me and I will help you out to the best of my ability.

Anti-Racism Officer Mature Students’ Officer Krish Aurora

Tania Martins


Accommodation Officer

Campaigns Officers

My name is Jonny and I’m going into my final year of BA Politics after 4 years at SOAS. As accommodation officer, I’m trying to instigate some substantive changes to how issues are dealt with in SOAS Accommodation, and ease the process of house-hunting in London in a very difficult and expensive market, which is stacked against renters. I’ve lived in many types of housing under many (and no) contracts and have been a victim of unfair agent practices, but the laws are finally changing, so my priority is making sure everyone is aware of their new incoming rights.

Jonny Morrison

International Officer

Salam my fellow SOASIANS! I’m Ahmed, your International Students Officer for 2018-19. My main aim is to help international students with issues such as opening a bank account, getting a student oyster card, tax exemption letter etc. I wish to make things easier for international students,as well as improving communication between international students and the SOAS community. To achieve this, I plan to organise themed events, in which there will be food and music from different countries. As an international student, i understand the importance of effectve representation for international students - and my role as officer is crucial to achieve integration and assimilation of international Ahmed Imtiaz students in the university community. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiries or in need of assistance, I am more than happy to lend a helping hand for you.

Entertainment Officer

Hello SOASians! I’m so happy and excited to be your Entertainment Officer this year! My name is Yijia Tu and this is my third year here at SOAS. Before coming to London, I was signed to a record label in China and worked in the industry for 2 years through which I’ve learned a lot about the “entertainment” business in which I hope to contribute to my position! Also as a proud music-majored student here at SOAS (yes the music department does exist and it’s awesome!), we sure know how to throw parties and the entertain people with music! But what’s more important is that this year I’m hoping to bring to you more interesting events from different parts of the world, as well as making entertainment meaningful with links to charity events and raise awareness in important issues that are going on in our world! Feel free to get in contact with me if you have any questions/ideas or just to say hi! Looking forward to meeting you all and having an unforgettable year!


Yijia Tu

Hi all! As co-campaigns officers for this year, we’ll aim to facilitate activism on campus. We hope to provide logistical support to anyone wanting to put together an event, direct action or mobilise around a specific issue. Introducing new students to existing campaigns and widening the organizing network within SOAS and between universities is also one of our priorities. We want activist spaces to be inclusive and driven by people who are often excluded from them or spoken for, that is people of colour, LGBTQ+ folks and students with disabilities. This is crucial to keep control of our narratives, and ensure that our political engagement is not a mere facade to the benefit of the university. We are sure you share some of these goals and we’re looking forward to work with you all!

Vanessa Berhe & Saly Toure

Sports Officer As sports officers we aim to keep SOAS sport as accessible, diverse and fun as ever! We welcome both experienced and new players to all our teams which range from recreational to competitive in the LUSL leagues, offering a variety of teams from badminton, to mixed hockey, to mixed martial arts. SOAS sport offers a wide community to engage with as both a player and supporter- especially at varsity. If you would like to get more involved, give us some feedback or even start your own team, please don't hesitate to email us at!

Inigo Carro

Environment Officer

Hei! I’m Jamila, and this year, I want to focus on reframing environmental issues in the racist colonial structures they stem from; and bringing important issues such as climate migrants into relevant courses. This also means working with local communities most impacted by londons high toxic rates. I’m also excited to work with other mental health and wellbeing campaigns focusing on green spaces and herbal healing. Environmental Movement has many branches where you can get involved - Decolonising Environmentalism, SOAS Green Group, Fossil Free SOAS, Solar SOAS; SOAS beekeeping society, the common ground garden; the volunteer run food co-op; and the vegan and vegetarian societies. Pls get in touch if you have any questions or want to get involved! :)

Jamila Versi



We have 7 full-time staff in the Union, in addition to the sabbatical & part-time officers.You can find us right next to the JCR in G6, G7 & G8 - and SOAS radio is in MB545!

General Manager Peter Baran

I manage the day-to-day operation of the Union to ensure it is successful. I head up the staff team, and do all the money things - if you see me with a furrowed brow, I have just been paying some tax or sending in a return. So basically I manage the statutory legal charitable aspects, making sure the Union is properly administered and run. I also train and give advice to the Union officers and Trustees - as I have been around a long time, I can help them avoid past mistakes and plan for the future. That kind of experience can also help all students; my door (G6) is always open to answer any questions you may have about the Union or London (I’ve lived here my whole life). My role is to do anything that helps the Union run smoothly, and make student life better - from ordering beer to assigning lockers (and breaking the locks). I’m also a bit of a film buff, so if you want to just pop in for a movie recommendation feel free.

SOAS Radio Manager Fred Molin

I’m a SOAS BA History graduate that’s been at SOAS Radio since 2016 when I started volunteering during my degree. This year I’ll be covering the regular station manager and overseeing the running of our radio station and studio. That means producing podcasts, training students, overseeing volunteers and events amongst others! SOAS Radio is in my biased view one of the schools best features (and spaces) so don’t be shy and pop by the studio for a chat and to learn more about radio!

Academic & Welfare Caseworker Susanna Momtazuddin My role is to help support and empower students who may be facing difficulties regarding academic or welfare issues. I’ll be working closely with the Co-President Democracy & Education to help solve any academic complaints and to make sure students get good, independent advice on issues they raise. I was a Master’s student at SOAS back in 2007 so I have very fond memories of my SOAS experience! Since then, I have been living and working in London. Prior to this role I was the Welfare Adviser for the University of Westminster and also have 5 years experience working in Welfare and Advocacy particularly focusing on disability and mental health.


Governance & Communications Coordinator Hannah Short

I graduated from SOAS in 2016 in BA Chinese & Development Studies - and couldn’t stay away! I’m now here working on a variety of things, including Union communications (social media, daily all-student email), producing Union materials (e.g. this very handbook/ fliers/ posters), and submitting the N.U.S Green Impact Award. I also support the Co-Prez’ with the organisation & preparation of UGMs and Exec meetings. I’m the elections clerk for the Autumn and Spring elections where the parttime Exec Officers & Sabbatical Co-Presidents are elected. If you’d like to get more involved in the S.U./ submit a motion/ or stand in a election, send me an email or come and have a chat! I’m also very interested in environmentalism & cycling and being as friendly as poss - come knock on my door (G6) and say hello!!

Sports, Activities & Events Coordinator Ian Cole My role mainly focuses on the Sports, Activities and Events as you may have guessed by the title. This involves working to improve your experience at SOAS through a diverse range of activities & events. My work also includes improving the provision of sports at SOAS with both casual and competitive sporting opportunities so that anyone, no matter their ability, can take part in sport at SOAS. We have an enormous variety of societies and clubs and are always looking for ways to create more. If there is anything you would like to do or an idea you would like to see come to life, just get in contact or pop into the SU.You’re bound to find people with whom you share interests, and I’ll do all I can to bring you together to have a fulfilling student experience.

Representation & Research Assistant Antonia Bright I have responsibility toward the Student Representative system. Reps raise academic-related issues in their department. The Union provides training and organises the network, linking and supporting Reps. The role suits students interested in being active in higher education. I also co-ordinate research for the union. We use a variety of methods to gauge the views of students, both generally and by cohort, like student reps, studentstaff, UG, PG etc. The Union has conducted in-depth research into aspects of the student experience which led to change. For example, S.U. research on BME attainment gaps led to a working group currently implementing recommendations. Research informs and assists the Union to influence the institution, and is key to the Union’s priorities & strategic plan. I can be found in G7 four days per week - you can email me via ab93.


After many, many years at this university, I am still Commercial Services Manager proud to say that I truly enjoy working in, and being Khaled Ziada part of, this great environment. I never cease to appreciate the diversity and engagement from students, staff and peers who constantly provide the compelling energy I need to make it through my endless early mornings and late nights. Being the main manager of both the Student Bar and the Shop, I am happy to know that I help provide the fuel and space for one of the most vibrant student bodies in the UK. As a music and cinema enthusiast, I also aim to do my part in ensuring that the entertainment and events remain inclusive and welcome. The exchange of ideas and expertise in such a multi-cultural context has ensured that the Students’ Union is a place of growth, discovery and joy, and I revel in the fact that I find myself in the middle of it all. Although I haven’t been a student for many years (probably more than most of you have been alive), I find that I am constantly learning and being inspired by the people around me, making every day as exciting as the last.

Top tip: Download the SOAS Students’ Union app on Apple & Android to check out upcoming events, vote in Union elections, and look up different society info!

S.U. SHOP & BAR The S.U. shop, located next to the JCR, and the bar downstairs are both run by - guess who? - SOAS Students’ Union! This is different to the rest of the shops on campus, which are (newly, thanks to the Justice 4 Workers campaign) run by SOAS University. The shop & bar are run as cheaply as possible and staffed by students. Any profits are used as one of the main sources of income for the Union (for society budgets etc.).


In October 2018 we’ll be holding elections for the following positions:

Postgraduate Taught Officer (S.U. Exec) Postgraduate Research Officer (S.U. Exec) Academic Affairs Officer (S.U. Exec) Accommodation Officer (S.U. Exec) Working Class Students’ Officer (S.U. Exec) National Union of Students Conference Delegates x2 These positions are voluntary, part-time & involve representing your constituency group of students and being part of the S.U. Executive Committee, and helping to run the Union! N.U.S. conference deleates will be the people who represent SOAS at the N.U.S. conference in April. In March 2019, we’ll be holding elections for the 2019/2020 S.U. Executive Committee team, including part-time roles (see pages 6-9) and sabbatical roles. The sabbatical officers (the four co-presidents) are one-year full-time paid jobs, and students run for these positions in their final year or choose to take a year off from their studies. During elections, you can nominate yourself to be a candidate, there will be hustings, and then there will be a period of voting - students can vote online ( or on the S.U. App! Come and speak to Hannah Short, S.U. Governance & Communications Co-ordinator in G6 if you’re thinking about running or have any questions!



What’s the use in a Union? Unions are democratic structures that exist to represent and fight for the interests and rights of their members. At SOAS, the Students’ Union is the recognised representative body of student voices. We are mandated by our constitution to prioritise the education and welfare of students, provide social, cultural and recreational activities and to carry out and facilitate campaigning. Check out what we are up to on the S.U. website, twitter & facebook

UGMs (Union General Meetings) UGMs are one of the most important aspects of governance in the Union. UGMs are where we open up issues to debate and decide on Union policy. They are about engaging all members of the Students’ Union (i.e. you) to enact positive change! At the moment we have five UGMs planned for the year. Emergency UGMs or additional UGMs may also be organised if 80+ members of the Union (i.e. students) call for a UGM to be held.

UGM DATES 2018/19 30th October 5th December 4th February 7th March 29th April We recognise that UGMs are far from perfect - this year we will be trialling different things to make them more accessible and democratic. UGMs are an important opportunity for students to directly feed in to how the S.U. functions, and we’d like to try out some different things to increase attendance and student engagement. Keep an eye out for trials on things like: online voting, anonymous question submission, in-person app voting etc. And feel free to get in touch with any suggestions you have!


All policy proposals for the S.U., known as motions, are debated and passed at UGMs. Motions are often calls to establish campaigns, take action based on recent events, or procedures to ensure the rights of liberation groups are secured within the Union. In the past, motions have ranged from: ‘Write a letter to Cher’ to ‘Call on SOAS to Remove its investments from Fossil Fuels’. If you’re unsure whether your proposal is suitable to be a motion, feel free to come by G8 and discuss it with one of your co-presidents.You must submit your motion to the Students’ Union Governance & Communications Coordinator (the friendly Hannah Short - 4 days before the UGM. Members may propose amendments to a motion before it is passed at a UGM. Once voted in by members of the Union at a UGM, a motion becomes Union policy for the next three years. Top tip: Keep motions as simple as possible! They don’t need to be super long and complicated - you can use the intro at the UGM itself to explain it more.

POLICY FROM LAST YEAR Reforming wayfinding - improving signage around the SOAS building Eliminating plastic cutlery on campus - switching to reusable or compostable cutlery across the school 50p charge on takeaway coffee cups - and for this charge to go towards subsidising reusable cups Support the UCU call for strike action over staff pension dispute Boycott the National Students’ Survey (NSS)

psssst...we are working on ways to keep you updated on the status of passed policy so it doesn’t just get lost in the sands of time. Keep an eye on the S.U. website/ app throughout the year for new developments on how we keep you up-to-date! 15




If the members of the S.U. decide a motion should be more widely debated within the school, they can propose the motion be taken to a referendum. Referenda ensure that more students engage more deeply with the topic of debate by providing opportunities for constructive discussions. In a referendum all members of the Union are able, and encouraged, to vote online.


Liberation caucuses are meetings for self-defining members of liberation groups (find out more about liberation on page 22). At SOAS, our caucuses include – but are not limited to – POC (people of colour); womxn; LGBTQIA+ and trans* students. Caucuses are vital to the governance of the Union as they provide an opportunity outside of UGMs for students to discuss motions and the implications they may have for liberation groups. The content of the discussions in liberation caucuses is determined both by the liberation officers (see pages 6-7) and the caucus members.


UGMs also provide all students with the opportunity to check in with your S.U. officers & make sure they’re doing the work they said they would! You will get written reports from your Co-Presidents via email 4 days before the UGM, and all officers have the opportunity to give an oral report at the beginning of the UGM. If you wish to pass a vote of no confidence against an S.U. sabbatical or part-time officer, there must be a quorum of 80+ members present at the UGM.


If you decide that you want to take on a more active role in the Union, you can run to be elected for an officer role in the S.U.. Part-time roles may be carried out alongside your studies. Sabbatical officer positions (i.e. copresidents) are full-time paid roles within the Students’ Union. Elections for all officer positions are held annually in February/March, and re-open for unfilled positions in October.


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Your executive committee is made up of all elected part-time and sabbatical officers in the Students’ Union (pages 2-9). Each officer has a remit that is determined by their manifesto and the outline of the role in the Students’ Union constitution. The exec meets regularly to discuss issues within the school & community, and potential actions they may take individually or collectively. The minutes of all executive meetings are accessible via the S.U. website:


As our S.U. is a registered charity, we are required to have trustees. Trustees are the highest level of accountability within the Union. They are legally responsible for all major decisions taken and must make sure that the S.U. complies with charity law. Their duties include the financial and general management of the Union as well as developing a strategy to maintain the sustainability of the Union. The trustees also have the power to override any decision or policy passed at a UGM if they feel it will have an adverse impact on the finances or charitable objectives of the Union. For the most part, however, trustees are involved in the general administration of the S.U. The S.U. constitution dictates that there must be 19 trustees, all of whom are democratically elected. Currently all of the S.U. executive officers, including the four full-time co-presidents and all part-time officers, sit on the board of trustees. The trustees meet regularly to ensure they are fulfilling their duties in facilitating the smooth running of the S.U. However, if for whatever reason the members of the Union feel as though a trustee is failing to do their role - for instance they miss more than two consecutive trustee meetings or are seen as incapable of acting as a trustee - they may be removed via a vote of no confidence. This is to ensure that whatever decisions are taken by the trustees, exec or co-presidents, the ultimate power lies with the members of the Union! Now you know a bit about the governance of the Students’ Union, it’s time to get involved! Keep an eye out for upcoming UGMs; if you identify as part of a liberation group, come along to caucuses; and most importantly, make sure your officers are held to account!



Every year, the Students’ Union sets out its priorities for changes it wants to see made in SOAS based on the manifestos of elected officers, the policies of the Union and key issues affecting students. These priorities, relating to academic, welfare and extracurricular issues, will be formally adopted by the Union at our first UGM and will then be submitted to the School’s committees. Broadly, these priorities set out the direction of the Union for the year ahead.


Decolonising Education & the Institution Close the BME Attainment Gap Improve Postgrad Student experience Improve academic pastoral support Deconstructing the ‘OA’ of SOAS


• •

Improve Mental Health Support Increase employability Review and fix the SOAS complaints procedures Enough Is Enough extended to staff to create a campus consent culture Create more intersectional spaces on Campus Holistic wellbeing


Student reps are elected by their peers to represent their course. This volunteer role connects students across the whole school, and ensures liaison between students, their department and the Students’ Union. In this role students get insight into the decision-making over academic life, and influence. SOAS has just been through huge changes in it’s academic structures. The professional services are also going through restructure. Reps can identify the impact for students quickly, and make sure this is known and taken account of. A well-coordinated network of student representatives is crucial for students to have the means to influence the changes directly. Reps are elected at the start of the year Elections run within the first three teaching weeks. The S.U. runs online elections after a nomination period. Foundation, Undergraduates, Masters and Research – all need representatives. Info on how to nominate yourself is online: reps/

Responsibilities and time Most reps attend Department Meetings (two or three per term); all attend their own department’s staff-student forums. Reps are a crucial contact for departments and for the S.U. There will be a training in late October, where you mix with fellow reps and can work out the best way to work together.

‘‘Without community, there is no liberation.’’ - Audre Lorde


Reps play a role in any formal reviews of academic programmes – this year reviews are planned for History of Religions & Philosophies, Development Studies,

Anthropology and Economics.

The Union looks to rep experiences when determining our educational priorities.

What do you need? No previous experience required! You may never have experienced student activism, or sat in a committee meeting. If you have energy, care, and are ready to speak up for students, you can learn the rest!

Is there support? The S.U. is always here for the times when it gets frustrating, working closely to develop a rep network. We publicise what reps are doing so students can see how action is taken behind-the-scenes.

What you get out of it As a rep you can gain knowledge & confidence, and develop skills such as good communication, organisation, listening, critical thinking and problem solving. You will get to know your academics, working with them and the S.U. to improve the educational experience. It is deeply rewarding to make positive change happen! You also gain an insight into how a higher education institution functions; a nice addition to your CV. On completing certain steps (term one training, term two written report) you can collect vouchers for FREE HOT DRINKS at the S.U. shop. when you bring your own cup! After completing a final report at the end of the year, you can request an S.U. reference acknowledging your role & skills gained.


SOAS History

There is Power in a Union!

Training Colonial Administrators Since 1916 SOAS’s history is entrenched in colonialism. The university opened in 1916, with the objective of providing ‘instruction’ on ‘Eastern and African peoples’ for colonial officers and administrators. As articulated in SOAS’s motto ‘Knowledge is Power’, understanding the languages and cultures of conquered societies became key to the British imperial mission. Colonial violence was both physical and epistemic, and as such knowledge production at SOAS is inseparable from the process of colonial conquest.

From Tea Parties to Pickets The SOAS Students’ Union started its life as a society in 1927 with a membership fee of ½ a crown (i.e. £30 in today’s money). The Union went through many years of tea parties, lunchtime gramophone recitals and lectures before becoming the political Union we know it as today during the 1960s; voting to support the Black Panther movement in 1968.

And Here’s a Fact! In 1970-71 the Students’ Union Treasurer was sent to prison for embezzling Union funds. This paved the way for the first elected sabbatical officer who, as a democratically elected officer, was more accountable to the members of the Union.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that

Since the 1970s, campaigning and collectivism has been at the heart of the Students’ Union’s agenda. The SOAS S.U. has often. and continues to, fight for social justice. Since the 1960s, the S.U. has been involved in the push for free education, supporting Algeria’s war for independence, boycotting South African apartheid, creating a helpline for ‘victimised Arab students’ during the Gulf War (1991) and fighting for a free Palestine, among many, many other campaigns. Over the years, the Students’ Union has been a formidable force for change. The S.U.’s victories have varied in size and scope, ranging from the successful campaign against the introduction of student loans in 1964 to the student occupation of the library in 1993 that meant the (sadly temporary) end to the overdue fine system. Since 2000 the Students’ Union has continued to be involved in radical activism, voting in favour of a BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) policy against Israel (2015) and pushing the school to divest completely from fossil fuels by 2018.


Borders on Campus

SOAS has been complicit in the UK’s harsh border regime. On the 12th of June 2009, the school and ISS (the company who employed the cleaners at the time) called an “emergency meeting” for outsourced workers. Here, workers were set upon by 40 immigration officials who handcuffed and deported eight cleaners, one of whom was pregnant at the time. These deported workers and Lucas (who was born shortly after his mother was deported) have become known as the SOAS 9. This event draws into sharp focus the inequality and exploitation of migrant labour that exists at SOAS.

Sometimes We Win! The Sanctuary Scholarships campaign has secured seven fee waivers for displaced people coming to SOAS. The campaign also carried out a tremendous fundraising effort in 2016/17 to cover the living costs of students on these scholarships. The Fractionals For Fair Play campaign guaranteed pay for all the marking fractional staff did in May 2016. Last summer the Justice for Workers Campaign secured a pledge from the school to bring all workers in house by 2018/19! Stay tuned...

something else is more important than one’s fear.” - Ambrose Redmoon


“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains” - Rosa Luxemburg Liberation is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot, and unfortunately has been coopted away from its radical roots. Liberation is about fighting against societal and institutional oppressions which, in the words of bell hooks, consist of “white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy”, amongst many others. We see the need for liberation in the world at large, but also in the higher education system. The racist, classist and sexist barriers that people have to overcome are evident in the racisialed attainment gap; at SOAS black students are twice as less likely to get a 1st class honours degree as compared with their white counterparts. The S.U. sees the key concerns of liberation groups as a priority via multiple routes. First, there are elected S.U. representatives for each liberation group, including: a Women’s officer, LGBTQIA+ officer, Trans & Gender Identity officer, POC officer, Disabled Students & Carers’ Officer, and Working Class Students’ officer - more info about these reps on pages 6-7. The S.U. seeks to amplify the voices of the most marginalised within our University by ensuring that avenues for support and representation are available. Second, there are key liberation campaigns that seek to further redress and institutionalise diversity and equality on campus, such as Decolonising SOAS & Enough is Enough.You can check out the following pages for a more extensive list of campaigns fighting for a more just & equitable SOAS and society. The S.U. believes that an intersectional* approach is necessary & gives us the tools to deconstruct and examine the overlapping forms of oppression that shape and inform our lived realities & experiences. Always remember - there is strength in organising collectively so that we may effectively break down the barriers within our university & wider communities. Email or speak to co-pres Youssra Elmagboul to get involved * ‘Intersectionality’ is a term thought up by American Civil Rights advocate & scholar Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw to describe overlapping social identities & related systems of oppression. Basically all elements of a person (i.e. gender, class, race, nationality, sexual orientation, age, physical disability, mental disability, religion etc.) interlink in different ways, and thereby affect one’s privilege & perception in society. This is a useful framework to keep in mind when thinking about power, privilege, hierarchies & oppression.



“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” - Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches Our campaigns, like our studies, are about challenging and overthrowing social and structural inequalities and injustices. Whether campaigns are social or environmental, local or transnational, they all intersect & contribute to each other in complex and powerful ways. In short, the struggles we go through as individuals do not exist in isolation, but are shaped and connected to wider systems of inequality. Campaigns are about bringing to life what we learn in lectures, as well as informing and improving our academic life. Our priority campaigns listed below are decided at UGMs. If you’d like to start a campaign, get in touch with the S.U., submit a UGM motion or bring it up in a Liberation Caucus, and get it started! Listed are some of our long-term campaigns.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Enough is Enough is an initiative that aims to tackle sexual harassment and assault on campus. The aim of the campaign is to create a consent culture at SOAS where students feel safe, respected and supported. The campaign prides itself on moving away from the heteronormative, cisnormative and victim-blaming language we observe within wider society. In order to achieve our goals, we work in partnership with the School to deliver mandatory consent workshops to all incoming students, organise events, campaign to increase awareness and work to improve support for survivors. If you have any questions, or would like to get involved with the campaign, please email

UCU PENSION DISPUTE Strike action was called by University & Colleges Union (UCU), in February and March of last year as a result of suggested pension changes proposed by Universities UK (UUK). It was 14 days of strike action – the longest ever experienced in Higher Education – and came about as a result of 88% of balloted UCU members who voted to strike across the country. Despite the strikes, the employers have not resolved this dispute - and there is a good chance there will be strikes anew this coming academic year. The fight for fair pensions is an equalities issue, and as such the Students’ Union supports UCU and stands behind them on this issue.


SOAS JUSTICE FOR WORKERS - END OUTSOURCING SOAS Justice for Workers - End Outsourcing (‘J4W’) is a campaign that was started by our university cleaning staff in 2006, to fight for fair conditions for ALL workers at SOAS. The original ‘Justice For Cleaners’ campaign has since expanded to include all outsourced staff (those being hired by external private subcontractors). This includes the caterers, hospitality, porters, helpdesk and reception workers, maintenance, security, and post office workers. It is a worker-centred campaign supported by students and in-house staff. So far it has won the London living wage, sick pay, holiday pay, and pensions. Most recently, following a student occupation, threats of strike action, and growing protests, SOAS Senior Management caved to the demand of the campaign for all outsourced workers to be brought in-house by September 2018. Despite successes, the campaign continues to battle with SOAS management and their practices of exploitation. A lot of our work will be focussed on making sure SOAS keep their promise to bring everyone in-house, as well as expanding our movement beyond SOAS. At this point, student participation is more vital than ever. We must hold SOAS management to account on the things they have promised. SOAS management has been complicit in harassment towards workers, deflecting responsibility for the daily intimidation and insecurity faced by outsourced staff, even actively working with UK border agents to deport 9 workers in 2009. The J4W campaign rejects and fights against this inequality on our campus. What we learn in our classrooms about equality, justice and rights needs to be applied to our community. If you want to be more involved, please get in touch, or come to one of our open meetings to learn more. La Lucha Continúa Twitter: @SOASJ4C

FRACTIONALS FOR FAIR PLAY Fractionals For Fair Play (FFFP) campaigns for better wages and conditions for academic staff members at SOAS who are on temporary, part-time contracts, many of whom are PhD students who teach or early-career academics. Since forming in 2014, FFFP has won payment for office hours, research funding for fractional staff, as well as remuneration for essay and exam marking. While these victories represent great improvement in working conditions, there is still much to be done for full recognition of the work that we do at SOAS. All three Unions on campus have given support to the campaign, which continues into the new academic year. Email:


DECOLONISING SOAS “Decolonisation…continues to be an act of confrontation with a hegemonic system of thought; it is hence a process of considerable historical and cultural liberation.” - Samia Nehrez The School of Oriental and African Studies began as a colonial project in 1916. The purpose of the institution was to advance British scholarship, science and commerce in Asia and Africa, and provide training to British administrators and colonial officials. The Decolonising SOAS campaign was launched in 2015 by students who felt the need to interrogate and face SOAS’s history and its legacies, and reimagine the university more broadly, by undertaking several activities. First, the campaign seeks to interrogate & examine the ways in which ideas of knowledge & knowledge production have been racialised and impacted by colonial histories. As such, we push for a critical analysis of received bodies of thought, an exploration of global intellectual & philosophical traditions, and curriculum reform. We also look to combat institutional inequalities which may occur across a wide spectrum throughout the university and its various hierarchies, in concert with other student groups and campaigns. Chiefly at this time, we are focusing on the attainment gap which overwhelmingly affects BME students, by looking at factors such as teaching and assessment (in addition to curricula), as well as overall student experiences. Decolonising SOAS hopes to help tackle these issues and more, through both awareness-raising (events, meetings, workshops, etc.) and direct campaigning. If you’d like to get involved please feel free to come the SU office in G8, we are happy to answer any questions.

ENVIRONMENSTRUALISM The SOAS Environmenstrual Campaign is inspired by the Women’s Environmental Network, and was started as a collaboration between the Students’ Union Womens officer & Environment officer, and has been supported by the S.U. participatory budgeting scheme. Our goal is to provide affordable, reusable menstrual products to the SOAS community, and to highlight the environmental impact of one-use plastics. We are also working to reduce stigma around menstruation, and to help normalise conversations about periods. Throughout the year we hope to run events related to these themes. At the moment we offer products (subsidised by SOAS S.U.!) from G6, SOAS Main Building: Mooncups - £12 Reusable pads*: Mini - £2 Regular - £2.50 Maxi - £3 Night-time - £4 (*prices & stock may vary depending on what is available!!) Also shout out to the awesome SOAS Radio show ‘I’ve Got my Period’!

Check us out on


EDUCATION BEYOND BORDERS Founded in 2015, we are a student-led initiative aiming to champion equal access to higher education for people affected by forced migration. The initiative was founded in an attempt to demonstrate solidarity with asylum-seekers & people with precarious and temporary immigration status who would otherwise be excluded from accessing university, are charged international student fees & have no access to student finance. Following extensive lobbying from the Sanctuary Scholarship working group, consisting of students and staff, SOAS established a 5-year programme providing 25 fee waivers to undergraduate & postgraduate students. Since this victory, students have been working collaboratively with the Alumni & Development team to secure essential financial and non-financial support for the scholars, raising just over £425,000. The SOAS Solidarity with Refugees & Displaced People Society along with the wider SOAS community have taken a stance against the exclusion and marginalisation of people affected by forced migration. Everyone must have the opportunity to study at university & must not be excluded under the callousness of the UK immigration system. We continue to work collaboratively with SOAS to ensure the deliverance of the scholarship programme & sustained solidarity with ordinary people living through extraordinary times.


For over 30 years SOAS Palestine society has been one of our most active societies. SOAS Students’ Union was the first UK Students’ Union to fully support the struggle to Free Palestine, and to implement and campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). SOAS students have continually voted to support the Free Palestine campaign, and our Students’ Union is committed to promoting freedom, equality & human rights across the world. We, therefore, oppose the occupation of Palestine, the end of which is the only way to create lasting peace in the region.

SOAS ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT “Climate change is not just a problem for the future. It is impacting us every day, everywhere.” - Vandana Shiva The SOAS Environmental Movement is dedicated to chamipioning environmental justice & collective liberation globally and locally, through campaigning, learning and operational sustainability. Evironment-focused societies Beekeepers Bike Fixing Society Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Common Ground Garden Cycling Society Decolonising Environmentalism Fossil Free SOAS Food co-op Fossil Free SOAS Solar SOAS Vegetarian & Vegan Society Awards & Accreditations NUS Green Impact Award Excellent Outstanding, 2017/18 EcoCampus ISO-14001 - 2016 EcoCampus Platinum Award Brite Green Award, 2015 People & Planet Green University League 59th place, 2017

On-going campaigns Decolonising Environmentalism Cycling support Coffee cup reduction Water bottle reduction Consistent bins across campus Sustainability podcast Enviromenstrualism Solar SOAS - green community fund

Past successful campaigns Water Fountains Solar SOAS Bee garden Divestment of SOAS’ endowment out of fossil fuels Community garden


PREVENTING PREVENT The 2015 Counter-Terrorism & Security Act introduced a new Prevent Duty requiring Higher Education staff (& other public sector workers) to monitor students and service users suspected of engaging in ‘active opposition to fundamental British values’ and to police ‘extremist’ speakers & students on campuses. The duty has been widely condemned by education workers (see ‘Educators Not Informants’ campaign) and the National Union of Students (see ‘Students Not Suspects’ campaign). Our S.U. stands in solidarity with these national campaigns against the government’s racist and Islamophobic Prevent agenda. As a Union we have a policy of non-compliance & active opposition to the Prevent Duty. Email: & watch SU communications for any updates!


The S.U. environment officer is Jamila ( - she sits on the S.U. executive committee, representing environmental concerns during weekly meetings to determine Union policy & direction. There is a separate University Sustainability Team that carries out work at SOAS under the brand name 'Bloomsbury Greenthing'. But most of the sustainability work the Union does is organised by students & Union staff. Carbon savings within the University buildings themselves e.g. energy efficiency & electricity management is co-ordinated by the Bloomsbury Energy Manager Stephen McKinnell. He helped develop the SOAS Carbon Management plan 2010-2020, with ambitious reduction targets that we are on track to meet - woohoo! The Union has an 'environmental steering committee', made up of staff, students & officers of the Union. Please get in touch with if you'd like to get involved!


The SOAS Spirit is SOAS’s first and only independent student newspaper. Founded in 1935, the newspaper has been running under different names on and off since then. We publish our newspaper editions monthly throughout the term and regularly on the SOAS Spirit website.

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and transform them into a professional knowledge of publication design work. We’re also searching for videographers to document events, and illustrators & artists to collaborate on the newspaper so that it reflects the creativity on show around SOAS every day!

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The Spirit offers a safe space to improve skills and learn new ones. We aim to facilitate a community of mutual mentorship & advice so that, together, we can become skilled journalists and build an awesome newspaper.

We’re looking to revitalise the Spirit and need both writers & students with all different skills to make this possible! This includes experience - or a wish to develop skills - in online editing & social media. We’re also looking for budding photographers & designers. This will be important for the layout & design of the Spirit, both online and print editions. Working on the layout of the newspaper is a great way to utilise creative skills 28

Location: MB545 Radio Manager: Fred Molin /soas radio

Interested in journalism, writing, design or photography? Want to gain valuable experience to pursue a career in the media or publishing? Want to express your opinions? Well the SOAS Spirit is the place for you! Are you interested in challenging the university? Do you want to make sure the Students’ Union is held to account? Are you searching for another outlet for your creative or analytical skills? Then you should get involved in the SOAS Spirit! You’re free to collaborate with us on any or all sections. We’re open to all ideas! Articles don’t need to concern SOAS specifically - we are an international university, so we write about global issues as well.

SOAS has its very own on-campus radio studio! We’re live every wednesday, so go online to tune in!

Have an idea for a show? SOAS Radio is seeking to recruit presenters to continue some of our existing shows, and start new ones. Get in touch with us about your ideas!

Get involved in SOAS’ own online radio station! We work with students, academics and like-minded communities to produce radio programmes, sharing SOAS’ knowledge and vibes with a world-wide audience! The station provides training for students in radio production, recording, editing, presenting, DJing and much more, so don’t hesitate to get involved without prior radio experience.

Want to get involved? Any contribution is welcome, and there are a variety of positions available. Whether you’re new to SOAS or not, a published writer or a newbie, you’re welcome on board. Lastly, the variety of writing, editorial, management & design skills you can learn at the Spirit are useful and transferrable to many other careers!

SOAS Radio is recruiting volunteers to assist in the day-to-day running of our station and our events. Whether you’re interested in technical support, marketing and public relations, audio editing, archiving, graphic design, broadcast journalism, community outreach or events, there are many opportunities available at SOAS Radio for you to pursue your passion.

Interested or have any questions? Get in touch! 29

SP RTS & SOCIETIES AT SOAS Sports & societies are the lifeblood of our community here at SOAS!

Joining a club or society is the best way to get involved in student life outside the classroom, meet new people and even learn something new!

SOAS SPORTS SOAS has a number of sports teams that you can join, both recreationally and competitively. The SOAS Warriors compete in both BUCS and LUSL Leagues giving our teams the opportunity to both visit and compete against other University teams from around London and the South East. Our home games are played in a variety of locations including The Peel Centre and Regents Park. If you are looking to play competitively, make sure you sign up at the Freshers Fayre on Friday 28th September or join on the S.U. website:

Societies are groups of students who share a common interest, and we have an extraordinary collection of them here at SOAS. They range from communities of artists who help to curate the great range of entertainment at SOAS; to academic endeavours, cultural & faith groups; to the numerous political campaigns, ethical business-related societies and humanitarian groups that aim to promote social justice.

HOW TO START A SOCIETY Starting a society or sports team is easy! If you have questions, email our Co-President of Activities & Events Soph Bennett on or Ian Cole Alternatively, you can check out the more comprehensive guide on the S.U. website: To set up a society, all you need to do is: 1. Register Online 2. Submit governance documents (Constitution, Indemnity Form) 3. Provide Society information (Blurb, Annual Plan and Budget) 4. Submit Membership List Top tip: Check on 5. Complete Annual Risk Assessment 30

our website that a society you want to start doesn’t already exist!

New sports teams are started all the time, so head over to the website to find out more about the sports teams or speak to Soph Bennett (, Inigo Carro ( or Ian Cole (!!



Varsity is a series of sports fixtures played between “rival� universities. This year, for the first time ever, SOAS took part in Varsity. Last years competition betwen SOAS & London Metropolitan took place over 2 days at the end of February. As this was the inaugral Varsity, we were keen to promote participation and community, so there were a number of non-sporting activities included in the schedule. We plan to have a bigger, better Varsity this year so keep your eyes peeled for more information for the competition at the end of February


Art and the African Mind

We, the SOAS Ahlul-Bayt Islamic Society aim to create dialogue, discussion and a free exchange of ideas while utilising the University platform by organising a wide range of events including talks by expert speakers, informal discussion circles, social gatherings and sporting events as well as holding workshops and fundraisers for various charitable causes. In addition, we hope to provide a voice for students in the University, Muslim and non-Muslim, while offering a new University family for students who are away from their families during the course of University.

Art and the African mind is a society that seeks to promote the work of artists in all forms, regularly holding workshops and events that showcase the multifaceted faces of African talent. It is based on the principle of a unified african future which edifies both Africans on the continent and in the diaspora.

Airenjuku Dojo Traditional Aikido With the 2018-19 Academic Year, Airenjuku Dojo enters its 30th year at SOAS. We practice and teach traditional Aikikai Aikido. Aikido is a relatively modern Japanese martial art with an emphasis on co-operation and conflict resolution rather than competition and fighting. As Aikido is not competitive, we have no gender, weight or age divisions and everyone trains together. Within these parameters we aim to train in a practical and effective manner with the emphasis on budo. We hold dedicated beginners classes at the start of each academic year, and also welcome practicing Aikidoka from any organisation who come to study at SOAS. Look forward to meeting you at Freshers Fayre. Website Facebook. Airenjuku Aikido Sue Smith .SOAS Dojo Cho.

Animal Studies Join our society if you want to be involved in the study of animal-related social and political issues at SOAS. We organise animal conferences in various parts of the world. Donkeys… Mules… War Horses… Camels… Elephants… Sponges… Oysters… Website: soasanimalstudies/ E-mail:


Our aim is to provide an opportunity for people to find out more about how bees make up an integral part of our food system. We care for our bees on the roof of SOAS where people can learn all about the fascinating ways a colony of bees works and how to look after it. Those interested in joining can learn how to take care of a colony first-hand, as well as help in the maintenance of the garden where we grow herbs and plants that our pollinators love.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the fastest growing martial art in the world and our sessions can be enjoyed by all, regardless of gender, age or fitness level. It is a grappling martial art and promotes the smaller, weaker person successfully defending themselves against a bigger and strong assailant by using technique and leverage. Some compete in sport jiu-Jitsu, and others simply use it as a form of self-defence, discipline or simply a fun and sociable form of exercise. Whether your goal is to compete at the highest level of competition or just take part in a cool lunchtime activity as a way to alleviate the stress of university, the SOAS BJJ society caters for all!


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Ceilidh Band We invite new members to join the famous SOAS Ceilidh Band (pronounced cay-lee). Fiddles, flutes, guitars, drums, whatever. No audition, just turn up. If you want to learn an instrument, talk to us. We play the traditional dance musics of the British Isles and Ireland. We organise dances. We also play at university occupations, protest marches, etc. Every year we tour overseas. In 2018-19 we are planning musical trips to Calais, Paris, Istanbul, Venice, and Lebanon. Rehearsals: SOAS, Thursday evenings, from 7.00pm. For a copy of our tunebook, or to join our mailing list, write to ceilidh@

Christian Union Who are we? The CU is a group of Christians from different backgrounds and churches united together around the core truths of Jesus Christ. What is our aim? The aim of the CU is to be a community for those who are Christians and those interested or skeptical about Christianity. As a society we aim to serve one another as well as the SOAS student body as a whole. As a CU we talk about Jesus, the Bible and how the Christian faith is relevant to our every day lives. Who can come? ANYONE. Whether you're shy or bold, certain about your beliefs or searching, skeptical about God or certain, we would love to meet you all.

Common Ground Garden

Come join us as we learn about organic urban gardening together on our plot near Dinwiddy house, only a short walk from SOAS. Any level of experience is welcomed; if you want to get your hands dirty and disconnect from city and student life, and maybe get some fresh produce out of it (that you’ve helped grow!), we’d love to have you.

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Daf Society

Dance Society

Dr. Ambedkar Society

We aim to teach, promote and perform the daf (Kurdish frame drum) and mystic and traditional rhythms from Asia minor through Iran to India. We plan to have weekly meetings, classes and rehearsals in order to teach the instrument to all and collaborate with other bands at SOAS. We are also going to make a choir to sing together with the daf players. We plan to perform in other cities and invite musicians from other universities to perform with us at SOAS. We have group daf classes that are directed by Dr Peyman Heydarian and we established the SOAS daf band in June 2016, which will contribute to creativity, potentials and fun of SOAS student life. Email: soasdafband@

The Dance Society is a place for anyone who loves to dance. This autumn term we will be running workshops for beginners in Ballet, K-pop, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Commercial, and more! For more experienced dancers there will be the opportunity to perform or compete in a range of university competitions and community shows. Please come and visit us at Fresher’s Fayre! All sign-ups will receive a ‘welcome pack’ containing some very tangible benefits and goodies for all you dancers from beginner to advanced! Please like/follow our Facebook page as this is our main channel of communication! Our FB: SOASdancesoc/

Dr. Ambedkar Society, SOAS is a student-led initiative for debate, discussion and new critical understanding on the various struggles of liberation against systemic oppression around the world. Ambedkar Society is an attempt to radically re-imagine the politics of social liberation by engaging with actual narratives of oppression not only in India but also at the global level. We firmly believe that the time has come where oppressed people lead their own struggles and the role of Gramscian organic intellectuals is only limited in contributing themselves as participants in the struggle against oppression. We attempt to understand issues of Social Justice, Gender, Caste and Race in India and in the global south through the perspectives of oppressed. The Ambedkar society is founded on the Dr. B. R. Ambdekar's idea of the need for social democracy in India. He is considered to be the makers' of modern India whose constitution guides India's democracy today. Our Annual Ambedkar Memorial lecture has been highly regarded in the academic circles in the UK as well as in India for our serious engagement with the issues of oppression globally. Through this initiative, we have been able to carve out a normative space in the university and open a discourse on Ambedkarite thought which truly encompasses the issues of social oppression.

Chinese Music Society Running at SOAS for over twenty years, the society has been very active in recent years, meeting weekly during term times and performing and conducting instrumental workshops in SOAS, and in schools, for festivals and at museums. We thus perform for both formal SOAS events (such as SOAS China Institute events, Graduation, SOAS Festival and Open Days, as well as functions and conferences for various departments) and run workshops and performances elsewhere both in London (including at the Houses of Parliament, V&A, Maritime Museum, Notting Hill Carnival, Leicester Square Buddha's Birthday Festival etc), and sometimes further afield. We are thus a quite visible musical 'face' of SOAS on numerous public occasions.

SOAS Detainee Support (SDS)

We are a grassroots initiative working in solidarity with people held in immigration detention centres. SDS’s core work is visiting people detained in immigration detention centres, or detained in prisons for immigration detention purposes. Through these visits, SDS attempts to break the isolation of immigration detention and supports people to take control of their cases and resist their imprisonment and deportation. We also run workshops, events & campaign for an end to immigration detention. If you’d like to get involved, please email s.det.sup@


We are fresh off a fantastic year in which we brought Greek theatre to the stage, won three prizes at the London Student Drama Festival and took a show to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As a society our aim is to provide a wide variety of opportunities, so whether you’re interested in acting or tech, writing or backstage, we will have something for you! Drama society does not just put on plays, but works with students and departments to explore theatre and the dramatic arts in all their manifestations.

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Friends of non-human animals (the Peter Singer Fan Club) Our aim is to generate debate on the right to autonomy of non-human animals, whose sentience entitles them to freedom from cruel, exploitative, degrading, alienating treatment by humans. Concern for non-human animals’ rights does not detract from human right issues - they broaden our outlook. The Peter Singer Fan Club was thus created to bring a fundamental ethical issue to the fore and make SOAS even more of a fertile ground for discussions conducive to ethical awareness and social change. With your help, and SOAS willing, we will organise the odd movie screening, panel discussion, conference.

Feminist Society We are committed to creating a safe platform to explore intersectional feminist issues that affect us personally and reflect wider solidarity struggles. Our key objective this year is to form a network of self-identifying women, women of color, queer or non-binary individuals and feminist allies of any gender identity in a participatory and inclusive structure to communicate and explore the challenges of intersectional experiences through various mediums. Our events will cater to the needs of intersectional feminists and create a network of people to meet, discuss, relax, and have fun outside the patriarchy.

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Guerilla Choir

History Society

Internal Martial Arts

We meet once a week (Thursdays at 6.00 to 7.30pm) to enjoy a good sing. We harmonise SOAS. We like to sing at demonstrations, occupations and picket lines. Singing is good for the soul. Protest songs. Folk songs. Songs of love and liberation. From around the world. Membership is FREE! No audition, first-time singers welcome, and you don't need to read music. This year we’ll be touring with the SOAS Ceilidh Band, both overseas and in the UK. guerrillachoir@ Facebook: SoasGuerillaChoir

We aim to promote the study of history, to act as a resource, and to encourage debates and discussion among history students and enthusiasts. We are keen on opening the discussion to non-historians by highlighting global connections, and the links between past and present. We also aim to bring the histories of historically marginalized groups into focus, and to provide a forum for the discussion of new, forward-looking ideas and methodologies. Finally, the history society provides a network of support for history students. Throughout the year, the History Society organizes a variety of lecture series, movie screenings, and social events.

Our society was created to promote the internal arts of Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Baguazhang at SOAS. These three self-defence styles are practiced as a unified system for strengthening the body's natural structure, efficiently deconstructing our movements to economise our fluidity and relaxation. This allows our overall health to improve by relieving stress and physical tensions created by bad habits as well as spending our energy on refining our whole self. We organise FREE informal sessions throughout the week (2-3 times) and weekly classes with our teacher. Initially we work the fundamentals, such as; - Improving our posture and co-ordination - Learning to relax and unify the body - Focusing our intent. The lessons will cover solo exercises, two-person drills focused on strengthening & sensitivity and self-defence techniques. All sessions will be informal, we practice both indoors and outdoors so come wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. No previous experience necessary as we are covering everything from a practical ground up approach, everyone is welcome! Check us out on Facebook and SOAS Union Website!


SOAS School of Law has an internationally renowned reputation, attracting some of the brightest students from around the globe. To match these expectations, GuideWorks aims to create a web of virtual student-to-student relationships that will help everyone involved reach their greatest potential. The idea and principles behind GuideWorks is simple and effective, of embracing the SOAS philanthropic spirit and channeling it toward polishing the overall experience for the students, both academic and social. With the support of the Law faculty, we are poised to start the programme and, hopefully, benefit the entire law course of SOAS.

India Society SOAS India Soc is committed to Left ideology. We have organised various events around the year, including Solidarity for Prof G N Saibaba and demanding his release along with Dalit Leader Chandrashekhar Ravan. We co-organised Third Bhagat Singh Annual Lecture In SOAS. We have actively taken part in various protests including the protests against the current fascist govt of India. We have organised several lectures related to our ideology. Prof Romila Thapar, Prof Jairus Banaji, Gautam Mody, Anand Teltumbde and Kalpana Kannabiran have spoken at our various events. We are committed to student activism through which we aspire to make positive change.

Indian dance

We showcase the varied forms of regional culture from across the sub-continent. The attraction of Indian dance is growing within and outside India. One of the main reasons is India’s proud assemblage of “classical” elements in its various dance forms inspired by the ancient temples, stone sculptures and sacred texts. Our "Indian Dance Society" welcomes, introduces and acquaints those interested in dance with some of these dance styles. Priyanka Basu, Debanjali Biswas and Suha Priyadarshini Chakravorty who are professionally trained in the classical Indian dance forms of Odissi (from the eastern state of Odisha), Manipuri (from the north-eastern state of Manipur) and Bharatnatyam (from the southern state of Tamil Nadu) respectively, will be training in their individual dance styles: beginning with basic dance exercises, postures and movements and their respective repertoires. Students with non-dance backgrounds are mentored carefully for performances regularly organised by the society, where they learn of India’s rich cultural heritage through dance. Come join us and express yourself in dance!

Iranian Society We have been active since October 2010 and acts as an open and friendly platform for all things Iran-related. The society aims to bring together those who share an interest in Iran and Iranian culture alongside hosting or supporting a number of different events (dinners, film screenings, discussions, music, Iranian celebrations) on campus. We also network with our counter-parts at nearby London universities in addition to organizations based in the wider Iranian community. So whether you're passionate about Iran or just have a passing or casual interest, we are open to all!


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Iraqi Society

Islamic Society

The Iraqi Society aims to create an open platform for experts and students alike to participate in fruitful professional, academic, social and cultural engagement – through which we seek to create unity amongst the Iraqi people; be it Arab, Kurd, Shia, Sunni, Assyrian, Turkmen, Christian, Eyzidi. It aims to cherish and explore the idiosyncratically unique traditions and culture of our great nation as well as sharing expertise in fields of Archeology, Art, Economics, Law, Music, Politics, and much more – all whilst simply having a great time by creating a welcoming Iraqi community on campus! We’d love for everyone to get involved!

Welcome to the Islamic Society, one of the largest and most diverse societies at SOAS with an eclectic mix of individuals from all walks of life sharing the faith of Islam. As representatives of Islam and Muslims on campus, we at the ISoc endeavour to exemplify this beautiful message to foster a greater sense of community, provide a platform for interaction and promote interfaith dialogue. Over the course of the academic year we offer a wide range of events and services, including talks by prominent speakers, socials and dinners as well as organising weekly Friday prayers, catering to the needs of Muslim students helping them to develop spiritually, socially and academically. In addition to our regular events we also hold our annual campaigns such as “Charity Week” and “Discover Islam Week” providing plenty of opportunities for you to get involved. The Islamic Society welcomes all students, those of faith and those of none, to share in our vision and effort to promote a more cohesive and inclusive University experience inspired by Islamic values. The SOAS Islamic Society is your society, so join us and start your journey. To find out more contact us at: isoc@

Iranian Music The SOAS Iranian band was established in 2009 by Peyman Heydarian and follows a cross-cultural, yet authentic approach to Iranian folk & classical music. Each September, new musicians and singers join the band and get to know Iranian music and culture throughout the year. We perform and promote musics of cultures within Iran and beyond the borders, such as Persian, Kurdish, Azeri, Armenian, Lori, Balouchi, and Guilaki music. We have an Iranian band at SOAS and students are welcome to join the band and learn to play Iranian songs and tunes. We have monthly concerts and weekly music classes for santur, daf and music theory on Wednesdays. You are invited to visit our website to listen to our music and we hope to see you in our concerts of Iranian music and also our multicultural concert series ‘The Voice of the Santur’. soasiranianmusic@ yahoo. FB: londonpersianband

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Italian Society

We are back at SOAS! Our aim is to diffuse and promote Italian culture within our University, going beyond the common stereotypes of ‘pasta, pizza e mandolino’. We want to reveal a more genuine image of Italy as a country full of history, literature, music and taste through music nights in the bar, events and screenings. But not only, we are also planning to explore some of the more problematic sides of Italy, through conferences on contemporary issues and political affairs. In other words, SOAS Italian Society aims to be platform for all the Italian at SOAS and to everyone interested in exploring and discovering Italian culture.

Japan Society

We’re the SOAS Japan Society! We’ll be organising lots of fun events throughout the coming year, including regular language exchanges, film screenings, and cultural events. Facebook SOAS Japan Society @SOASJapanSoc Hope to see you soon!

Kali Society

We engage in practical combatives from the Philippines from the acclaimed Rapid Arnis organisation. Upbeat and challenging classes that will develop skill, fitness and a tactical mindset. In common with many other Filipino martial arts, Rapid Arnis covers several areas of combat, namely: solo baston (single stick), doble baston (double stick), espada y daga (sword and knife), baraw (knife), mano mano (empty hands), largo baston (5' long stick) and Dumog (grappling). It is simply pretty badass and a great way to rejuvenate your body and mind following a day in the books.

Kashmir Solidarity Movement We are dedicated to raising awareness of the Kashmir conflict. We work in respect for and in the interest of self-determination of the Kashmiri people. The aim is to increase the knowledge of the struggles faced by the Kashmiri people living under occupation. Therefore we organise campaigns, fundraising, film screenings and readings and host essential speakers upholding international human rights law. Stand with us in solidarity with the Kashmiri people. soasksm @SoasKSM ksmsoas@gmail. com

Kilimanjaro/Machu Picchu We give you a once in a lifetime opportunity to raise money for this amazing charity as well as climb one of the 7 wonders of the world. AIDS Orphan are a small grassroots charity who enable access to medication, education and psychological counselling for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The charity is running two treks to Mount Kilimanjaro and Machu Picchu. Whether you want to trek to the roof of Africa or one of the Wonders of the world it’s all for a good cause. Along this journey you will meet some amazing people and make friends and memories to last a lifetime.

Krishna Consciousness Would you say you’re a deep thinker? Want to look at the world from different perspectives? Intrigued as to how applied spirituality can help you achieve your goals? The Krishna Consciousness Society offers a platform to evolve the mind, give direction in life and reveal a deeper level of insight by connecting with like-minded people. Through a dynamic philosophy of self-realization, acquiring skills like meditation and developing cutting-edge lifestyle tools for the modern day, this society is a sacred space for attaining wisdom to lead a successful and more importantly, happy lifestyle.

Labour As a society we support and campaign for the British Labour party. We also hold events such as panel discussions with politicians and activists as well as social gatherings. Come join us for canvassing, policy debate or just a pint, everyone is welcome!

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Law The Law Society is one of the oldest and most prominent societies at SOAS. We host a range of professional and social events, attracting speakers and sponsorships from the world's most prestigious firms with the aim of preparing the students to succeed academically and professionally. Join The Law Society for access to exclusive careers and networking events, skills workshops, mooting and negotiation competitions, social events, and so much more!

Lawyers Without Borders LWOB, founded in 2000, is a registered charitable entity in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Kenya. LWOB engages all sectors of the civil society as well as private profit-driven institutions in a globally-oriented and collaborative effort through the recruitment of volunteers and the acquisition of financial resources. As one of the student divisions of LWOB, we are committed to complement, mirror and be consistent with LWOB's core model mission and philosophy. We aim to promote a strong pro bono culture and direct participations in various projects organised internally, or by our parent organisation, for law students and non-law students alike.

Mixed Martial Arts

Training in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which combines elements of Muay Thai, Brazillian jujitsu, and just about anything else, is a dynamic and challenging way to improve your fitness. We maintain strong links with the UCL MMA training group out of 5 rings dojo, with occasional inter-club sparring competitions open to those interested. It will rejuvenate you mind following a day long day in the books. Both of our instructors have ring experience in competitive MMA, including Vale Tudo.

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Malaysian Society

Apa khabar? How are you? We are the Malaysian Society, a society dedicated to representing and celebrating the multicultural beauty of our Southeast Asian home! We aim to provide a place for Malaysian students in SOAS to connect with their roots, as well as to introduce other fellow SOAS-ians to the endearing charm of our country and its citizens. Our society is open to all; Malaysians and non-Malaysians alike, those curious about our heritage, and even just those looking for a society and family to call their second home.

Newar Language (Nepal Bhasa) We aim to promote the endangered language spoken by the Newars/Newahs, the original inhabitants of the Kathmandu valley in Nepal. We organise language classes in cooperation with native speakers of the local Newar/Newah community in London. Given the numerous varieties of Newar/Newah language (Nepal Bhasa) spoken among Newahs living within and without Nepal, one of the main purposes of the society is to make this language more accessible to absolute beginners who are interested in learning it. Classes are based on a communicative approach with an emphasis on the spoken rather than the written language, and students are exposed to different variations of the language thanks to the participation of speakers coming from different areas of Nepal. This initiative has also attracted the attention of the Newah community in London, with an increasing participation of second generation Newahs who grew up in the UK and do not speak the language. The importance of this project lies precisely in the fact that classes are held and organised in collaboration and with the involvement of the local Newah community, with whom students can interact, thus improving their knowledge of Newah language and culture. (Newar or Newah are accepted names for speakers of Nepal Bhasa; however, ‘Newari’ isn’t.)

North Korea

Policy Forum

Our society raises awareness of the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Kim regime through film screenings, refugee testimonies, and other events. We also volunteer and share cultural education with North Korean refugees in the local area. We are partnered with Connect: North Korea, who work to improve the lives of refugees in London via a community centre located in New Malden. Our society was formally introduced to SOAS in 2017 to widespread interest, gaining us over 150 members in a single day. We sincerely hope you join our cause; we look forward to seeing you soon!

The Policy Forum is the only UK student Think Tank focusing on the international affairs of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, non-political society that provides a platform for students to meaningfully engage with public policy, by focusing on developing the skills needed to propose realistic solutions to critical issues in international affairs. The Policy Forum aims to produce policy papers on pertinent issues on international affairs. Through hosting termly talks and panel discussions, the Policy Forum aims to find solutions to pressing issues in the international affairs of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Open Economics Forum

Monday night is “Rebetiko Night @ SOAS”. The SOAS Rebetiko Band performs the Greek “urban blues” music on Mondays in the JCR, from 8.30pm. If you want to learn to play Greek music or do Greek dancing, come along to our rehearsals (Russell Room, every Monday during term time, from 6.30pm). The Rebetiko Society exists to promote the study and performance of Rebetiko. For a Greek band we’re rather special, because we also welcome Turkish singers and musicians in our membership. Admission to our sessions is free – also open to non-SOAS people. londonrebetiko/

This is a student society born out of the SOAS Economics department created to promote and explore the plurality of ideas, paradigms and approaches in economics and governance. Our aim is to bring to light debates marginalised by the academic curriculum and mainstream media, feeding the curiosity of students and non-students alike. By encouraging and catering for an open environment and by building a broader network with organizations and communities who share our curious spirit, we hope to ask questions about the role of economics and methods of governance in society.

PEPSoc Prisoners Education Penpals Society Connecting prisoners in education with SOAS students. Encouraging liberation, redemption and empowerment through learning. We are in touch with prisoners from around the world. facebook. com/PEPSocSOAS/ twitter. com/pepsocsoas

Rebetiko Band

Palestine (PalSoc)

We aim to raise awareness on the Palestinian struggle for liberation and on the socio-political and economic realities facing Palestinians in and outside Palestine. PalSoc has the liberation of Palestine from Israeli settler-colonialism as its compass and underlying dynamic. We provide political platforms to encourage debate and discussion among SOAS students and to build a student-led movement which recognizes the interconnected nature of all liberation struggles around the world. SOAS Palestine Society is a diverse coalition of individuals and our events include public lectures, debates, workshops, films, and parties.


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Pizza Society

The aim of the Pizza Society is to present a common interest amongst students to facilitate socialising, which can be a worry for many new and existing students at university. The plan would be to do regular socials where people may come, enjoy pizza, and meet new people.

Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido We are a group of martial artists dedicated to learning and teaching the principles of mind and body unification through the art of Aikido and Ki Development training. We are a dynamic and growing organisation, and always welcome new members. IN OUR CLASSES WE WILL TEACH YOU: The art of Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido Ki exercises for everyday health. Ki meditation. Ki breathing. Relaxation and confidence building techniques. Practical self-defence. THE BENEFITS OF TRAINING INCLUDE: Improved concentration, focus and ability to deal with anxiety and stress. Improved awareness of self and your immediate environment. Improved coordination and overall fitness and flexibility. Self-confidence. You will start to notice these benefits just after a few classes and these will be reinforced further with regular training and practice in your everyday life. INSTRUCTORS: Robert MacFarland Sensei Chief Instructor has 47 years of Aikido experience and is a mentor to Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido London - SOAS Club. He is currently a 6th Dan practitioner of Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido and holds Joden level in Ki grading. He is a certified Ki lecturer, as appointed by the Ki Society HQ in Tokyo, Japan. Dominic Kendrick Nidan in SST Aikido Joden in Ki grading. Peter Morris Sandan in SST Aikido Shoden in Ki Grading. Asst. Ki Lecturer. All our instructors are fully insured and certified by the British Aikido Board.

Photography Society

This is a space welcome to all, from the curious to the experienced! We have weekly events, alternating between exhibition visits, socials, documentary screenings and workshops. We want to provide a group that encourages and supports the creative community at SOAS, whether you’re digitally inclined or prefer analogue formats. You don’t need to own a camera in order to join – we’re all just photography enthusiasts!

Shorinji Kempo We teach a modern Japanese martial art which is a balanced system of self-defence and self-development. Our training includes a workout, self-defence techniques and meditation. Classes are FREE for SOAS students. The self-defence system incorporates both hard and soft techniques: 'Goho' and 'Juho'. Goho is the hard system, comprised of precision strikes, kicks, evasions and blocks. Juho is the soft system, comprising of releasing, throwing or subduing the opponent through the manipulation of body mechanics, pressure points and balance. Together they provide a unique all round system of self-defence based on technique rather than strength, specifically designed to work against stronger and more aggressive opponents. The teachings also include 'Seiho' and meditation. Seiho is a therapeutic acupressure massage system used to relax muscles, relieve tension and regulate circulation. Meditation is practiced during the middle of every class to calm the mind and encourage breathing control. Classes are suitable for everyone, there is no prior experience required- beginners welcome all year round!

SOAS Against Human Trafficking SOAS Against Human Trafficking (SAHT) aims to raise awareness concerning issues of modern day slavery, human trafficking and related practices. SAHT aims to inspire the student body to fight against the third largest-organised transnational crime across the world. We envision not only to educate SOAS-ians about the issue of human trafficking, through discourse, but also to provide ample opportunities to make meaningful contributions to fight it. We are looking forward to hosting more events that start dialogues and discussions regarding issues that surround Human Trafficking.

Society of Latin American Culture The name says it all for our society. Taking forward our experience from previous year we are looking to spread the culture of Latin America through many events this year that will include food, dance, films and talks with experts. For Latino/a's the society is a way to connect with other fellow Latino/a's make friends and feel like home. You do not have to be a Latino/a in order to be part of the society. Your curiosity is what the society has been created for. Join the society to explore one of the worlds most famous culture and to learn some of the worlds most iconic dance: Salsa, Bachata and Merengue.

SOAS FOOD CO-OP NEEDS YOU! We offer high quality and ethically sourced food staples, cosmetics and household products at trade price and in bulk. Peanut butter, coconut oil, dates, grains, pulses, shampoo, ecover ... Etc. All at trade price! In order to do this, we need volunteers! By just giving 1 hour a week to the co-op you get an extra 10% off. Volunteering involves opening and closing the co-op, restocking and working the till. We will train you up and you will never work a shift alone. To sign up come along and speak to us at the Freshers Fair or email We send a rota round weekly for the next time we open. If we don’t have volunteers then we don’t open. This is student run and for the students. We can’t survive without your help. Love and lentils, your co-op xox

SOAS ‘Queer’ Asia

Hi! We are a network of queer identifying scholars, academics, activists, artists and performers. It is a platform for inter-Asia collaboration, dialogue and research on issues affecting people who selfidentify as LGBTQ+ or belong to other non-normative sexualities and gender identities in Asia, or Asian diasporas and beyond. We began as the first ever global conference on LGBT/Queer issues in Asia, in June 2016. The conference – Queer Asia 2016 – was attended by over 500 people from over 15 different countries. All the way from South Korea, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, China, Singapore to Mongolia.

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SOAS GOES TO CALAIS AND BEYOND SGTCAB Society is a platform for anyone interested in creating solidarity with those being held in Calais due to the restrictions of borders. We are both humanitarian and political. Throughout the year, we fundraise, discuss, collaborate, raise awareness and organise travel to the North of France for people who wish to volunteer in Calais with charities such as Refugee Community Kitchens and La Auberge. Stretching beyond Calais we also organise volunteering trips and raise awareness about the issues faced by those in other areas such as Paris and London. Like the warehouses in Calais, SGTCAB needs an organised team, fresh energies and a hope for change. If you are thinking of joining us, or our trips, contact soas2calais@gmail. com.

SOAS Events We are mainly focused on hosting the annual TEDxSOAS event, but we are always looking for more ideas on events to host! TEDx is a worldwide phenomenon, that promotes education and original ideas. In this society we plan the whole event, from finding the speakers, sponsors and venue to use, to planning the finances, working with the volunteer, using and promoting our social media. We are busy but like to keep a nice calm vibe to our work group and we would love to have more people join!

Sylheti Language Society We meet to develop lessons and teaching materials by practice teaching to members of the society. It’s an opportunity to learn the *Sylheti language and gain language teaching skills. Members are encouraged to each eventually teach (or co-teach) a lesson (but attendance to just learn and experience the Sylheti language is fine). We aim to give an analytic forum to Sylheti to be discussed as a language, not ‘improper Bengali’. *Sylheti is an Indo-Aryan language with Tibeto-Burman influences, spoken by a minority in north-eastern Bangladesh and south Assam, India, where it is often considered to be a mere ‘dialect’ of Bengali. However, it is a language, with hundreds of thousands of speakers in the UK, who, for lack of documentation and teaching materials, among other reasons, simply call it ‘Bengali’.


We are SOAS’ very own Samba band! We are usually found at parties, demonstrations and strikes at SOAS and beyond. We use drumming as a tool in protests. If you would like to get involved and learn to play different Brazilian drums, come along to a practice - no experience required! Location: Russell Room, SOAS Time: 7-9pm every Tuesday. Email: sambatage@gmail. com, FB: soassamba & Twitter @SOAS_ sambatage

Solar SOAS

We believe in the power of renewable energy and together we crowdfunded for the installation of 114 solar PV panels - which are now soaking up the sunshine on SOAS roof! The panels are owned and managed democratically by the student society and generate an annual green fund for the SOAS community. Students can enter ideas into the competition for the community fund this year! Check out and Solar SOAS Facebook page for more info!!

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Sikh Society

We strive to educate people at SOAS on the teachings of Sikhism, to organise events relevant to Sikhism and the Sikh community. To fill a gap left by a lack of Sikhism in the Department of Religions and to allow Sikhs to come together as a community.

UNICEF On Campus UNICEF (the United Nations International Children’s Fund) operates in over 190 countries to save children’s lives, defend their rights, and strive to improve policies and services that protect all children. UNICEF’s aim is to make the world a safer place for children, operating through a series of initiatives including child protection, child survival, education, emergency situations, and gender equality. UNICEF on Campus – SOAS, University of London, is a student-initiated branch supporting UNICEF’s work. We aim to utilize student resources and capabilities through events to fundraise and raise awareness on UNICEF’s cause in providing aid to vulnerable children across the world.

VaChina VaChina is a UK based Chinese feminist group with ties to feminist activists in Beijing. Our main aim is to open up the conversation on gender inequality in China within a foreign country by providing a safe and active space for Chinese feminists to gather and campaign together. Along with the organization of our self-written stage-play Our vagina, Ourselves, we hold discussions, workshops and campaigns around gender injustice in China and its broader relation to transnational feminism. We encourage students from all backgrounds who share an interest in gender politics to join, but a basic knowledge of Chinese is required!

Vietnamese Society

We aim to promote Vietnamese culture, encourage social exchanges between Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese students by organising activities and events, and to develop an understanding of Vietnamese society for those keen on working and visiting Vietnam.

Youth Stop AIDS We are a youth led movement fighting for a world without HIV. We aim to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around the HIV/AIDS pandemic at SOAS and the wider community. We do this through informing, lobbying, educating and demonstrating. There are opportunities to lobby with your local MP and attend events with some of the most powerful people within the HIV/AIDS world. We work with Youth Stop AIDS groups from all around the country in the hope we can ensure the government lives up to their promises to deliver universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

180 Degrees Consulting We are a consulting network with branches in more than 100 universities all over the world; our consultants are carefully selected students, providing socially conscious organizations around the world with very high quality consulting services. Joining us will also give you the opportunity to network with other branches and to take part to engaging seminars held by highly-regarded professionals in the consulting sector as well as other sectors. ....And many, many more societies of all varieties (we have almost 200 in total!). Come to Freshers Fayre on Friday September 28th or check out our website to see the full list!

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THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR @ SOAS 1. Tiru Valluvar is an ancient Tamil poet, who sits outside SOAS, presiding over campus – he sees everything that goes on! He provides inspiration and wisdom, and he knows all of SOAS’ secrets... 2. The Japanese roof garden - an illusive treasure of SOAS you’ll probably never find. It’s a place of peaceful contemplation, creativity, inspiration, and occasional nudity. 3. SOAS food co-op, which happens every wedensday. this is run by volunteers, and sells all sorts of grains, nuts & wholesome goods at cost price. A great place to stock up! 4. Public bike repair stand - check out the new repair stand, complete with pump, tools & a handy stand to hang your bike on, located just next to the stairs to Torrington Square. Keep an eye out for periodic second hand bike sales & bike maintenance courses! 5. Bee garden - it’s on the 4th floor of the main building, and yes there are real bees! People who join the society can learn how to take care of them, and get a pretty sweet reward - a rare jar of SOAS honey! 6. Common Ground Community Garden - it’s right next to Dinwiddy House, and an excellent way to get your hands dirty & unwind from busy london life. Plus a free source of food to those who contribute. Feel free to join the society & come along! 7. Solar panels - there are 114 of them on the main building roof soaking up the sun! They are managed by the student society Solar SOAS, and generate a £2000 yearly fund to be used by SOAS students. Keep an eye out for the fund competition this year! 8. Lucas Lecture Theatre - in june 2009 SOAS cleaners were called to an ‘emergency meeting’ in the DLT/G2, where U.K. border agency officers awaited them. Eight cleaners were deported, one of whom, Luzia, was six months pregnant. Lucas is the name of her baby. It is S.U. policy (voted in by UGM) that, in solidarity with SOAS cleaners past, present & future, this room be called the Lucas Lecture Theatre. 9. SOAS library archives and special collections - the ultimate treasure trove for any scholar. Have a look on the library website and join one of the organised tours to uncover all sorts of incredible documents. 10. Hare krishna stall - free vegetarian food Monday-Saturday, sponsored by Food For All & usually served by the lovely Dominic. Tupperware & donations highly encouraged!

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SOAS FOOD Welcome to SOAS Food! SOAS is committed to providing tasty, affordable food that meets the needs of all our students and staff. Our restaurants, cafes and the Students’ Union shop make sure that we can uphold and respect the values of the SOAS community, recognising our international and multi-cultural outlook while respecting on-site staff. Our catering is run in-house (thanks to the 11-year long Justice for Workers campaign, formerly Justice for Cleaners!), meaning that all money is put back into making our food as tasty and affordable as possible. Whether grabbing a porridge at breakfast, a mid-morning coffee, tasty lunch, afternoon snack or evening meal, SOAS caters for all. We know that many students want to eat healthily, and have cultural, religious or specific dietary needs. Our chefs make sure that all diets and needs are catered for, with daily vegan and halal options in the Refectory, as well as a great new salad bar. We always have affordable meal deals. Our ‘grab and go’ cafes in the Paul Webley Wing and on the ground floor in the Main Building serve ethically-sourced, barista served coffee, as well as a great range of boxed salads and sandwiches, cakes and pastries. We know many students care deeply about environmental issues. Our SOAS Food Principles mean we will feed back regularly on our work to increase organic food, reduce plastic use and avoid food waste. Remember to pick up your free re-usable cup for your first free coffee with the voucher below! Drinks across SOAS cost 25p extra if you don’t bring a cup, as part of a drive to reduce unnecessary disposable cup waste. Also be sure to use the tempting vouchers in the school Welcome Week guide during Freshers’ week and beyond to grab a free meal and be an active part of SOAS Food!

- Tear this voucher out to redeem -

Free reuseable mug and hot drink! Collect your SOAS branded mug and grab that first free hot drink from the Paul Webley Wing, Senate House Note: one mug per student Valid from 23rd-27th September 47 30/08/2018 12:49:45



Download the app on Android - Apple version coming soon!

SpeakSOAS is a new language exchange app through which you can connect with other SOASians to practice and learn languages together. SOAS as an institution prides itself in the diversity of its staff and students and the range of language courses and language-based degrees available. Indeed, SOAS World Language Institute’s WeTalk project established that speakers of over 100 languages study work and teach at SOAS. This app was designed as a simple way to tap into this diversity, to share language and culture in a fun and informal context. SpeakSOAS is a platform for staff and students from all departments to find a language exchange partner. With this chat-based app, you can set up an informal meeting between language learners to practice their speaking skills and learn more about the language they are learning. Having conversations and practicing together informally brings language from the classroom to real life.

To use the app, all you need is a SOAS email account. Once you register you can set the languages you speak and those you would like to learn. The app matches you with speakers/learners who can offer their time to help you learn their language or are seeking your expertise. You can download SpeakSOAS from the Google Play Store to your Android device. SOAS World Languages Institute is testing the app for one year and your feedback will be very useful for future versions of the app. Visit our website ( world-languages-institute/projects/) for more info.

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SOAS CAREERS Careers Learning Zone - SL62 FB: SOAS Careers Service Twitter: @soascareers

Know what your next steps are? No idea? Most students say they don’t go to the Careers service because they don’t know what they want to do - but this is exactly what we are here for!

SOAS careers is here to help you have the most fulfilling next steps after SOAS – no matter what that looks like! From internships, volunteering, further study, part-time work, & graduate schemes to career development, we are passionate about helping you have the most rewarding experiences possible. You told us what your career aspirations were when you enrolled so how about coming and seeing how we can help you with your next steps towards your career journey? Come and engage with our on and off-line round-the-clock support for you – including a thorough suite of online resources, regular skill development workshops, employer-led events and fairs, as well as one-to-one guidance sessions. Face-to-face guidance includes crucial interview practice along with longer career discussion sessions. SOAS Careers has a brand new space in SL62, Paul Webley Wing, and a fresh approach to how we can support

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you. As well as offering bookable one-to-one meetings every afternoon, come by & enjoy the fully resourced information room open all-day, which fully complements our wealth of online resources. A Careers consultant and an information professional are always on hand ready to offer you a drop-in meeting or to book you in for a longer guidance meeting. There is also a seminar room adjacent to the information room which will be used for Careers events and workshops, and is available for you to study in the rest of the time.

Keen to set up your own enterprise? SOAS Careers Service can support you, with tailored advice for you in weekly guidance sessions. Come and learn more at one of the regular events we co-host with SOAS Ventures society. Specific support is also offered for international students keen to start their own business in the UK via the Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa. Head to the Student Enterprise pages on MySOAS Student for all the details!

SOAS ALUMNI Once you graduate, you join a lifelong network of tens of thousands of SOAS alumni spread across the world. We can assist you in many ways and are always keen to hear from you. Stay in touch to enjoy alumni benefits, a bespoke Alumni networking platform and receive regular news and event updates from SOAS including global networking events and ways in which you can still get involved wherever you are in the world. Whatever your plans and wherever life may take you, we look forward to helping you to stay connected with the School through your alumni network.

LinkedIn: ‘SOAS Alumni’ Twitter & Instagram: @SOASAlumni Facebook: /Soas.Leavers/

SOAS HUBBUB SOAS Alumni host a Crowdfunding platform for students where we welcome ideas and projects that make a real difference to the world, called SOAS Hubbub.

Since the launch of SOAS’ first ever student crowdfunding platform in 2015, many innovative student projects have been funded, making a positive impact on the local and global community. Last year we supported the SOAS African Development Forum 2018 and Migrant Solidarity in Paris & Calais Society who offere practical support for refugees and migrants sleeping rough this winter in Paris and Calais. If you are interested in supporting your student society or student project, head over to and read more about crowdfunding!

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STUDENT ADVICE & WELLBEING The Student Advice & Wellbeing team offers integrated student support, found in SL48 in the Paul Webley Wing. The professional and specialist staff offering advice, information & counselling are there for you if you need advice or someone to talk to if you feel low. We also send a weekly email with updates & relevant info. Do take the time to read it! You can follow us on Twitter @SOASWellbeing for upto-date information about the service. Our website has lots of self-access information for students: teams/sas/Pages/home.aspx

Mental Health & Wellbeing Advice Sachiko Kishi and Pablo Van Schravendyk We all need to look after our mental health! Any student who has concerns about their emotional wellbeing, or wants assistance in supporting someone else (for instance another student or a family member) can access confidential support here at SOAS. For an appointment (Mon/ Tues/Weds) contact the Student Advice and Wellbeing Administrator. Workshops and group meetings will be available. Some students will be eligible to apply for mentoring support. I you are If i interested in m mental health a awareness in the S SOAS community y can get you i involved in some o the events of t that we will be c coordinating - do g in touch! get

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Contact/Appointments Elizabeth Miall and Hannah Penn studentadviceandwellbeing@soas. @SOASWellbeing 020 7074 5015

Student Counselling Service Alison Barty, Neil Farrelly, Shima Bhunjun, and Sheila Root The counsellors at SOAS provide an easily accessible, confidential service to any student experiencing distress, anxiety or confusion, or who needs to speak to someone who’s trained to listen. The service aims to assist students in managing their studies when this process is interrupted or affected by emotional, personal or psychological pressures. Common concerns include anxiety about progress on the course, loneliness, low self-confidence, relationships, and adjusting to a new environment. The nature of the counselling offered is flexible and sensitive to the diversity of SOAS students. How does it work? Counselling may focus on making changes to your life. When it isn’t immediately practical or possible to make changes, the focus may be on finding ways to deal with a situation that’s less costly to your physical or mental well-being. International students particularly may be exposed to different academic, social and cultural environments that can be both challenging and daunting. It’s not unusual for students to feel unsettled and isolated early on. Key staff assist and advise on concerns or difficulties related to this. These include: your supervisor(s) on academic/academic-related matters;

Student Advisors

the Student Advice Service on matters like finance, immigration or housing; the Counselling Service.

John Hitchman (Immigration and Finance) and Luke Murray (Housing and Finance)

For initial contact we have daily drop in sessions at the following times: Monday: 12.00 - 13.00 Tuesday: 14.15 - 14.45 (Mental Health & Wellbeing) Wednesday: 12.00 - 13.00 Thursday: 15.00 - 16.00 Friday: 12.30 - 13.30 If you can’t come at any of these times, need to be seen urgently or can only come on a specific day, please get in touch as we can offer alternative arrangements.

The Advisors offer information and advice on practical problems or issues that might be affecting your studies, such as financial matters, immigration, housing issues, childcare and welfare benefits. The information and advice is provided impartially and confidentially in a private quiet room. You can meet the Advisors by appointment or at a drop-in session. There are leaflets, application forms and general info in Student Advice & Wellbeing waiting area, SL50. Check the intranet for more information about the services available.

During the year the Counselling Service will offer groups on relevant topics. These will be publicised in the weekly all-student email newsletter, so do read the email when you get it! We can provide information on other counselling or psychotherapy options outside SOAS, which can provide longer term or specialised counselling. Details of reduced cost complementary treatments will be available from Student Advice and Wellbeing reception. These have included massage, hypnotherapy and physiotherapy but may vary.

Typical areas the Advisors cover: Finance - Advice on sources of funding, entitlement to student support for fees and living costs, welfare benefits, budgeting and hardship funds.

Mindfulness sessions are available twice a week - please check the student intranet for details. We also have lots of resources for mindfulness, relaxation and self-help available on the intranet, including leaflets on a wide variety of topics: http://www.

Immigration - The Advisor is the only person at SOAS authorised to give immigration advice (except the IFCELS Accommodation and Welfare Advisor). If you are extending your stay in the UK, the Advisor can check your Tier 4 application before you submit it. He can also provide advice about post study working visas and other visas. Housing - The Housing Advisor can help you work out your best options for private rented housing, student halls or other managed housing. Drop-ins run at the following times for Finance, Immigration and Accommodation advice: Tuesday: 10.00 - 12.00 (Immigration) Wednesday: 10.00 - 12.00 (Accommodation) Thursday: 10.00 - 12.00 (Immigration) Friday: 9.30 - 11.00 (Accommodation)

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Disability and Dyslexia Advice Student Disability Advisors: Zoe Davis and Angela Axon Learning Advisors: Carol John and Carol Rifkin Disability Administrators: Caroline Miller and Monwara Seetul “Disability” is a broad term. It can include: problems with mobility, seeing or hearing; specific learning differences (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia); mental illness or mental health difficulties; severe disfigurements; cancer, HIV/Aids, epilepsy, diabetes; progressive conditions (even at early stages); conditions characterised by a number of cumulative effects (e.g. pain, fatigue); and a past history of disability. If you experience difficulties but aren’t sure if you’re covered, contact us for advice. We advise on the facilities available for disabled students, and help ensure reasonable adjustments are in place to make SOAS more accessible. These can include: exam arrangements; library services and assistive technology; advice on disability-related funding (DSA); specialist support (learning support, mentoring, note taking, accommodation); recommendations to academic / teaching staff; emergency evacuation plans and campus accessibility. We use student feedback to inform the strategic parts of our role (like creating policy and working to increase access). At SOAS we have: screen reading and mind mapping software on all computers; two bookable rooms with computers with voice activated and enlarging software; loan equipment for disabled students who haven’t been able to get the equipment they need through the DSA; one-to-one specialist screening and learning support for students with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and other learning differences; a Mental Health and Wellbeing advisor; and

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staff who are aware of access issues and provision of accessible information.

We hope all students enjoy the rich, varied experience SOAS offers. Contact us early on so that we can let you know what’s available and ensure reasonable adjustments are made by preparing a Study Inclusion Plan (SIP). We aim to provide a welcoming and confidential service so feel able to disclose any condition you may have. SOAS is working on becoming inclusive so that students are not disabled by the environment or curriculum. We have made a good start, but there is still work to do. We would love to hear your thoughts on this. Disability advice service drop-in sessions (term time only) are: Monday: 11.00 - 12.00 Tuesday: 14.15 - 15.15 Thursday: 11.00 - 12.00 Friday: 11.00 - 12.00 Learning advice drop-ins (term time only) are: Monday: 13.30 - 15.00 Tuesday: 11.30 - 13.00 Friday: 13.30 - 15.00

Top tip: the info above is from the SOAS student advice & wellbeing department - the S.U. has our own Disabled Students’ & Carers’ Officers (part-time student officers), India & Beulah who are also here for you! Get in touch at:

Top tip: Susanna is the academic and welfare adviser for the Students’ Union (check out her bio on page 11). Her job is to make sure that you get the right kind of support during your studies at SOAS, whether you want to get advice on getting support for your course or if you are having personal problems that are affecting your studies please do get in touch with her in her office in G7 next to the JCR, or by email on! No issue is too small, get in touch if you are thinking about it.

S.U. EVERYDAY LIVING TIPS: STAYING SAFE Some simple tips to keep in mind

--0207 631 0101-Nightline is a London-based helpline run by students for students, offering confidential listening, support and information every night of term from 6pm to 8am. You can talk to us about anything - big or small - in complete confidence. We won’t judge you or tell you how to run your life: we’ll simply listen to whatever is on your mind. Call, Skype, chat online or email - just visit our site: Other useful contacts: Anti-raids network - Legal advice & support for social & environmental activists Protest Support Line - 07946 541 511 Activist Trauma Support - https://www. Counselling for Social Change - http:// Well Grounded Support Space

- Keep money, keys, phone and Oyster cards out of sight when in public - Avoid using mobile phones on busy streets; people riding on mopeds/ motorcycles and stealing phones out of people’s hands has become more commonplace recently - Don’t leave your laptop/ belongings unattended in public places - If you’re travelling alone, let someone you see often (i.e. a flatmate) know where you’re going - Be careful travelling around at night, especially in unfamiliar places - if you find you’re feeling unsafe, get to the nearest public or well-lit place & call a friend - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Especially when dealing with the police/other law enforcement authorities. The SU. will regularly organise know your rights workshops, as well as post relevant information & links online. - Save useful contacts onto your phone

For EMERGENCIES call: 999 (fire brigade, ambulance or police) For non-emergencies call: 101 (police) 55 30/08/2018 12:49:46

FINANC & BUDGETING University can be an expensive place, A) Monthly Allowance and London’s not cheap. Here are some Loan (monthly) £xxx tips to help you manage your money! Other income £xxx Bank Accounts B) Monthly essentials UK students: Student bank accounts often Rent £xxx have enticing offers! But, remember that Food £xxx you will probably stick with your bank after Bills £xxx graduating so check interest rates, overdraft Transport £xxx facilities & graduate conditions. C) Contingency for unexpected International (including EU) students: the costs accounts available for you are more Monthly budget A-(B+C) restrictive and have less facilities. To open an account you will need a letter from SOAS i.e. Emergencies, replacements confirming your student status, passport, and Student Loans For all home undergrads, SOAS will inform the Student Loan Company of your student status the day you enrol, and your student loan will be released and in your bank within 3 days. If you applied late or your loan is held up and you run out of money, SOAS’ Welfare Advisers may be able to help you (see page 54-56). If there are any problems with receiving your loan, contact Registry via the Student Information Desk (SID).

International students and postgrads must make their own arrangements to cover their expenses through loans, scholarships, savings or money from family. Advice is available through Student Advice & Wellbeing advisors. (see pages 52-54)

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possibly other documentation. More info: students/money/banking/


- Benefits entitlements: You may be eligible for social security benefits if you have a disability, children, or are studying part-time. Ask your local JobCentre Plus or Citizens’ Advice in any case! - SOAS Hardship Fund: Student Advice & Wellbeing has money set aside as hardship funds for students in dire need. You must show that you are struggling financially to obtain it. Most of this is aimed at UK students, though there can be small grants for international students in exceptional hardship. - Always ask for discounts: Make it a habit to ask for discounts (especially student discounts) at shops, cafes, bars, restaurants, etc. Also, the Totum (delivered by NUS Extra) (£12 online) can get you discounts: - Plan! Take some time to make a spreadsheet to calculate your monthly budget. It really does help, both to stay on top of things and to avoid end of month anxiety. See previous page for sample table. - Record your spending; with a budgeting app, with a debit card that records spending (e.g. Monzo), or with good old fashioned pen & paper.

Budgeting Tips

Getting a job

Who to turn to for advice? SOAS Student Advice & Wellbeing have information on their website and Welfare Advisers who can help out.

There are actually lots of part-time jobs available, and many of you will end up working alongside your studies. The key is to find a balanced timetable that works for you, your education, and your wellbeing. There are jobs in the S.U., at SOAS, and close-by in cafes & supermarkets. Look out for London Living Wage (higher than minimum wage) jobs & workers’ rights info on the S.U. website:

- Watch out for debt! With increasing tuition fees, uncapped rents, privatised public services and credit-hungry banks, London’s pricey cost of living might easily push you to taking on debts to make ends meet. But - try to avoid this as much as possible! - Credit cards or ‘pay day’ loans can plague you for years to come; these shortterm loans tend to have high interest rates & tend to accumulate. Stay clear of them!

TIPS FOR LOWER-COST LIVING • Bulk buy special offers on staple items. (But beware buying things you don’t need just because of tempting offers!) • Use the weekly Food Co-op in the JCR (food @ wholesale prices, woohoo ~) • Use markets for fruit, veg & toiletries - shop around and get familiar with the choices beyond your supermarket • Make packed lunch, or have Hare Krishna (small donations) • Bring your own mug for hot drinks & avoid 20p charge per cup in S.U. shop! • Use charity shops & markets for clothes • Freeze food so it doesn’t go off • If you have food left in the fridge & you are going away or it is going off - make it all into a soup and freeze it • Cheapest cinema tickets are before 5pm on weekdays (weekends are priciest) • Try to cook/eat meals with your flatmates if you all pitch in together it ends up being much cheaper! • Cycle! Cheaper, greener, quicker travel • Always ask for ‘Student Discount’ (~20%) • For extensive advice on finding deals & using loyalty cards, check out ‘vouchercloud. com/student-discount-guide’ & ‘’ • Look on the bottom shelf at supermarkets priciest products are at eye level • Sell your old clothes/clutter on ebay or at jumble sales/carboot sales • Use the Olio App for free food shares: - bin diving works too • Use the network to find stuff people are giving away free in your local area

As always, we urge anyone struggling financially to get in touch with the Students’ Union (, or Susanna - or Student Advice and Wellbeing.

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TRANSPORT T RANS SPORT IN L LONDON ONDON N Student Stud St udent Oyst ud Oyster steer st student* are for Ass a SSOAS OAS OA S st stud uden ud ennt* t you a re eeligible ligi gibl gi blee fo bl or Oyster which gives a SStudent tud ud dentt Oy O st ccard ster ard wh hic ichh gi give vess yo ve youu 30% season adult-fare 30 0% of offf se eas ason on ttickets icckets and nd adu dultltt-f du -fa are are trav vel elca card ca rd ds. A pplly on the Tf pp fL we webs bsititte; tthey h y he travelcards. Apply TfL website; £20. (*Only students) cost £20 20 0. (* (*O On for full-time stude Only d nts) 16-25(30?) Railcard full-time All fu ulll-t -tim ime im e students, stud st u en ud e ts, including includinng mature matu ma ture tu re students, are eligible 16-25 stud den ents ts,, ar a e el elig igib i le for tthe ib he e1 6-25 625 railcard, which gives ra ailca card rd,, wh hicc h gi g vess you a 1/ ve 1/3 3 of offf off-peak journeys across of fff-pe peak ak rail jo jour urne neyys acros osss th thee UK UK. £70 They ey ccost ostt £3 os £30 0 a ye year, or £ 7 ffor 70 or tthree hree hr ee nitely years - de defififini nite tely ly worth it! Apply App plyy oonline nlin nl i e at in You can link it to your (student/ / re rregular) gular) Oyster card gu d ttoo, oo,, an oo a d get and 30% di d sccountt oonn of ooff-peak f-peak uunderground n er nd ergr grrou ound n nd discount fare es. TThis his ca his cann on oonly ly b e done n a ne cert rtai tai ainn fares. be att ce certain trai in statio ions w ith co ounter se serv rvic rv ice, ic e sso e, o chec ch heckk train stations with counter service, check the Tf TfLL we webs bsitite e fo forr m ore inf n o. nf website more info. Taxis, Minicabs Taxi Ta xis, s M inicabs & Ub Uber er There are th hree types of taxis in London: three minicabs, black cabs & Ubers. Legally, only black cabs can pick up customers on the street. Minicabs look like regular cars, but must be pre-booked. If you have a smartphone, you can use the Uber or Lyft app to book cabs - these are by far the cheapest option. Tips on taxis: - Never get into an unbooked minicab, even if they’re parked outside pubs/clubs - Try to always share a taxi - safer & cheaper - Keep your friends posted when you reach home/your destination Public Transport London has a huge network of travel links operating via buses & trains - the underground (tube) and overground. All of this is coordinated by Transport for London (TfL), so you can use their website to plan your journeys. There are a number of night buses, and some Tube lines run through the night on Fridays & Saturdays (search

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‘Nig ‘Night ght Tube’ Tub be’ oonline). nline) e).. The (student) e) (stuude dent)) Oyster O st Oy ster er essential access cheap card rd d iiss es ssent sentia ial to a c esss ch cc chea eap ea p fa faress on networks; station TfLL ne netw twor tw o ks or ks;; Get Get on one e from om anyy sta ta atition on ffor or a £5 5 rrefundable efunda dable de da deposit. Cycling Definitely a mode of transport worth good considering g if you can! Cheap, g ood exercise great exerci cise s &ag se reat re a way to se see e an and d get ge et to Cycle website know ow LLondon. ondo on don. n. TTfL fL C ycle w e si eb sitte iiss us uuseful efuul ef routes which busy roads and to fi finnnd d ro rout utes ut es w hich hi ch avoid d bus u y ro us road adss an ad nd follow foll low cycle cyc ycle le lanes. lan anes es.. Ask Ask in the the Union Uni n on if if you yoou any questions, bike have ea ny q uest ue stio ionns, as we e ha have ve a few ew b ike enthusiasts! enth husiastts!! Tips: Tips: - Cycle superhighways & cycle lanes are a new thin ing g wo ort rthh researching g thing worth - It is is illegal ille lega gall to cycle cyc ycle on pavements, pa aveme ent nts, s or with thhouut a fr ron ontt (w ((white) hite hi t ) an nd re rear a ((red) ar red) re d) llight ighht ig and without front at nnight ight ig h ht - Tryy to t lock loc ockk bo both th wheels & fr fra ame too a frame pole, using ussin ing g two two locks if possi ibl ble e possible - On the road watch out for large vehicles, blind spots, and trucks turning left - and be careful on roundabouts - Wear bright colours or high-vis(ibility gear) - Punctures are common, be prepared Check out London Bike Kitchen as a great place to learn bike basics & to fix your bike (Their bi-weekly ‘Women & Gender Variant Night’ is particularly noteworthy) Top tip: SOAS has a public bike repair stand! Located to the right of the stairs to Torrington place. Pump up your tyres & use the public tools for a quick fix.

ACCOMMODATION Living in London is a rollercoaster ride for many of us, but hopefully this nonexhaustive list of tips can make the ride a bit smoother.

Electricity & Gas As opposed to the infamous Big Six (supplying 80% of UK households), there are many independent energy suppliers who offer competitive prices, great customer service & who source their electricity from renewables while investing profits into developing more renewable infrastructure (rather than going into the pockets of shareholders). Good websites to get cost suggestions (just put in your postcode): & www.

Council Tax If you live in a property where all tenants are full-time students you should be eligible for a full-council tax exemption. If the composition of your house-share is different, you might still be eligible for discounts, so contact your local council to find out. The local council might also have different offers that you can tap into, such as free compost bins (woo!!).

Local community groups & activism A great way to learn about your local area & opportunities to make life easier is to get involved in local housing groups. There might be local faith centres, youth centres & other housing activism that are happening. Look out for posters and conversations in your local shops!

Services & support available SOAS Guarantor Scheme - those without a UK-based guarantor can apply for SOAS to be your guarantor. Contact the SOAS Accommodation Advisor (housing@soas. to apply, and for any other advice University of London Housing Services have an Advice Team who can check your tenancy contracts & offer legal advice. Their office is nearby, on the 4th floor of Student Central (formerly ULU, on Malet Street) Radical Housing Network - this website compiles useful information, including advice on private renting from different grassroots housing groups. Take a look around their website, the ‘Private renting’ in ‘Resources’ page is a good place to start: research/private-renting/ Sanctuary Housing - Squatters Legal Network - squatterslegalnetwork/ Advisory Service For Squatters - www. Radical Routes (radical housing co-op network) -

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Sexual Health

All students can register with a doctor (commonly referred to as GP = General Practitioner), if you don’t have one in London. Do it now, and it will be less stressful when you’re ill or need medical advice. To register, find your local GP Practice on Refer to this very helpful guide by Docs Not Cops to know your rights when accessing healthcare: resources/healthcare-access/

Maintaining good sexual health is incredibly important for protecting you and your partner(s). A range of services are available to help support you manage your sexual wellbeing - from free condoms, to Sexually Transmitted Infections tests & emergency contraception.

Top Tip: The S.U. provides free menstrual products (including pads & tampons) in G8 and in the shop. As part of the newlylaunched ‘Environmenstrual’ campaign, the S.U. also sells subsidized moon cups (menstrual cups) & reusable pads! Please ask in G6 if you’d like to purchase some, if you have any questions, or even if you have any ideas or related products that we could provide!

For STI and HIV testing, contraceptive advice, free condoms, femidoms, dental dams and other support, there are a few sexual health clinics within walking distance of SOAS, including:

Some resources: NHS 111 service (just call 111) Health centre (gower street practice) 02076367628 MIND - mental health charity 08457660163 Sexual Health Line - free & confidential 0800567123 The Naz Project - Sexuality & sexual health support and advice for South asia, Middle Eastern, African & Turkish communities 02087411879 Samaritans - a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. 116 123

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Mortimer Market Centre (off Tottenham Court Road, male & female clinic), Brook Advisory Centre, Terrence Higgins Trust, Margaret Pyke Centre and 56 Dean Street, all of which offer emergency contraception - the ‘morning-after pill. THT have a static clinic on Saturdays, 12-3pm at 12-22, Kilburn High Road, London NW6 5UH. It’s a drop in clinic for young people, aged 15-24. It’s free and confidential, offering comprehensive sexual health services including STI testing, contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy tests, free condoms, advice & counselling. There are also a number of pop-up clinics throughout the month. More info: 020 7812 1726; email Top tip: The S.U. provides free condoms, femidoms and dental dams, and hosts free STI and HIV testing on campus throughout the year.

BUST CARD LEGAL ADVICE – ARREST Say “No comment” to all questions from police, even during interviews and ‘casual chats’. Police often need more evidence and may try to deceive and pressure you into incriminating yourself. You have the right to free legal advice at the police station. Duty solicitors often give bad advice to protestors, we recommend: Irvine Thanvi Natas: 020 8522 7707 Hodge Jones Allen: 07659 111 192 Bindmans: 020 7833 4433

You have the right to have someone informed of your arrest and an interpreter if English is not you first language. If you appear under 18 an appropriate adult will be called. If you witness an arrest or want support contact the

GBC legal hotline: 07946 541 511 61 30/08/2018 12:49:47

CALEND AR 2018 Fresh

/19 ers 23rd Sep t - 5th Oc t Term one 24th Sept14 Teaching Star ts 1st O th Dec ct Elections 2nd Oct 1 1 st UGM 1

2th Oct

0th Oct

BUST CARD LEGAL ADVICE – STOP & SEARCH Before a search you must be told the name and station of the searching officer, the reason you are being searched, and what power you are being searched under. You do not have to give your name and address or answer questions under any stop and search power. You are entitled to a receipt of the search. GBC / LDMG Legal Observers are independent volunteers who gather evidence on behalf of anyone arrested and act to counter police intimidation and misbehaviour.

Reading w

2nd UGM

eek 5th Nov

Term two

3rd UGM

-9th Nov

20th Nov

17th Jan

7th Jan-2

2nd Marc


Elections 4th F Reading w eb-7th March eek 11th-15 th F 4 th UGM 2

5th UGM


7th Feb

16th Apri

Term thre e

l 23rd Apri

l-14th Jun

e / / @GBCLegal 62 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 62-63

63 30/08/2018 12:49:47

Term Te rm sta tart rts! s! (no nonn te teac achi hing ng g wee ek))

Yom Kippur

Freshers Fayre Late License Crit Cr itic it ic ical cal al Mas ass

Autumn Equinox 64 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 64-65

Freshers Fortnight starts students move in to Dinwiddy Sukkot starts

Sukkot ends Shemini Atzeret starts 65 30/08/2018 12:49:48

First week of teaching g

Union elections: nominations open! Shemini Atzeret ends

Union elections: nominations close

First UGM & hustings! World Worl d Me Ment ntal al Hea ealt lth h Da Day y

Union elections: voting g opens

Union elections: voting g closes

Black k History Month 66 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 66-67

Black History Mo onth 67 30/08/2018 12:49:48

Intersex Awareness Day Crrit i ic cal Mas asss

Black k History Month 68 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 68-69

Black History Mo onth 69 30/08/2018 12:49:48

Diwali starts


ArbĂŚen Halloween

First week of teaching g

Diwali ends

70 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 70-71

Islamaphobia Aw wareness Month

Islamaphobia Awareness Montth

71 30/08/2018 12:49:48

Second UGM! Trans day of remembrance Mawlid al-Nabi

72 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 72-73

Islamaphobia Aw wareness Month

Islamaphobia Awareness Montth

73 30/08/2018 12:49:48

Critical Mass Hannukah starts

World AIDS Day 74 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 74-75

Islamaphobia Aw wareness Month

75 30/08/2018 12:49:49

Hannukah ends

International Migr g ants Day y

End of first term!

76 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 76-77

Winter solstice School closes

77 30/08/2018 12:49:49

Christmas Eve

New Years Eve

Christmas Day y

New Years Day Kw wan a zaa en e ds

Boxing Day Kwanzaa starts

School reope p ns pe n

Critical Mass

78 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 78-79

79 30/08/2018 12:49:49

Start of second term!

Third UGM!

80 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 80-81

81 30/08/2018 12:49:49

Martin Luther King g Jr. Day y

Critical Mass

LGBTQIA+ History Month 82 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 82-83

83 30/08/2018 12:49:49

Union elections: nominations op pen!

Chinese New Year year of the pig!


LGBTQIA+ History Month

LGBTQIA+ History Month


First week of teaching 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 84-85

30/08/2018 12:49:49

Union elections: nominations close

Fourth UGM!

Critical Mass

86 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 86-87

LGBTQIA+ History Month

Women’s History Month

87 30/08/2018 12:49:49

Union elections: voting g ope p ns!

Ash Wednesday y

Union elections: voting closes & results out! University y Mental Health Day y

International Women’s Day

Womxn’s History Month 88 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 88-89

Womxn’s History Month 89 30/08/2018 12:49:50

Holi Sp pring g equ q inox

Holi Nowruz

Critical Mass

End of second term!

90 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 90-91

Womxn’s History Month

Womxn’s History Month

91 30/08/2018 12:49:50

92 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 92-93

93 30/08/2018 12:49:50

Easter Monday y

Fifth UGM!

School reopens Start of third term!

Mahavir Ja J ya y nti

School closes Maundy Thursday Passover/ Pesach

Critical Mass

94 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 94-95

95 30/08/2018 12:49:50

May y Day y

International Workers Day y

Ramadan starts 96 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 96-97

97 30/08/2018 12:49:50

International Day Against Homophobia,Transphobia & Biphobia

98 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 98-99

99 30/08/2018 12:49:50

Sp pring g bank holiday y

Ramadan ends

Eid al-Fitr World Environment Day y

Critical Mass

Youss Bday 100 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 100-101

Shavuot Pentecost 101 30/08/2018 12:49:51

World Refuge g e Day y

End of third term!

102 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 102-103

Summer Solstice

103 30/08/2018 12:49:51

Critical Mass

104 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 104-105

105 30/08/2018 12:49:51

106 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 106-107

107 30/08/2018 12:49:51

Critical Mass

108 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 108-109

109 30/08/2018 12:49:51


110 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 110-111


111 30/08/2018 12:49:51


112 201819 BW Inside 33-112.indd 112

30/08/2018 12:49:51

CONTRIBUTORS: Amy Dawson Antonia Bright Harriet McGilvray Ian Cole Jess Kumwongpin-Barnes Khaled Ziada Peter Baran Soph Bennett Student Advice & Wellbeing Susanna Momtazuddin S.U. Executive Committee S.U. societies & sports

Tam Hau-Yu Youssra Elmagboul FRONT COVER: Harriet McGilvray BACK COVER: Peter Baran & Harriet McGilvray MAP OF SOAS: freyegg IMAGE BELOW: Swaney Loh SABB PHOTOS: Rachel Man HANDBOOK EDITOR: Hannah Short

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