So Young Issue Twenty-Seven

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D: I think as well, part of that honesty is being honest with

What I also love about your songs is they are a bit

what we’re influenced by in terms of music. So with this

more coy than a lot of your contemporaries - do you

album people have pointed to all of the influences - I have

feel you’ve gained a better understanding of what you

my own litmus test to see whether I should finish reading

wanted to say from doing this?

the review or not. That’s part of it as well, there’s a lot of different influences and there’s not one where we’re going

D: Myself yeah, I feel like it’s helped me process ideas.

to go “that doesn’t really fit into Silverbacks”.

I don’t think I’m a very good communicator of things in my head, as in I don’t think I communicate them

Your unified musicianship really cleverly embodies

very intelligently. When I speak I don’t feel like I can

the subtleties of your narrative - while doing so much

communicate what I think are good ideas in my head

that it evokes the constantly juxtaposing nature of the

to my mouth, but I can write them and record them

society we’re trying to navigate. Would you say you

through a song. Then I think the more ambiguity you give

are able to express yourselves just as much within the

something, first of all you are less likely to leave yourself

instrumentation as in the themes of your lyricism?

open to criticism, because there’s loads of little doors you can escape through and say “actually I was talking about

D: Well I’d say probably more so in the music than the

this”, and I think it just makes things more interesting.

lyrics, just in myself when I’m listening to music - I very

Nothing is black and white, and I think from my own

rarely come out of a song and think those are great lyrics,

taste, my favourite films, books, music, all of them, it’s

I’ll firstly think that’s great music, it’s the music that

when there are a few characters in the story, not just one

makes me think a certain way. Lyrics generally are far

of them that you are rooting for.

more likely to turn me off a song than turn me onto one. Now that the record is out, what would you say you’ve

So most of the time, 80% to 90% it’s the music first.

personally taken from making it? G: I think because we have three guitarists as well, we have to think about the music a lot more, because we

G: For me, at the end of the day we’ve released something

don’t just want three guitars chunking in the background.

we’re proud of as a group of friends, it’s something we

If we’re going to use the three guitars we want them to

can stand over and say we did this together. I think that

be used properly, not just for the sake of having them.

we had that perseverance in us, you know we’re not

So i think it kind of puts a bit of discipline on it, because

spring chickens and releasing your debut album standard,

we don’t just want three guitars wall-of-sound on it at all

but I think the fact we stuck with it and we got it out,

times, we want them to play in and out of each other.

because there was plenty of points where we could’ve got completely disheartened and just had enough, and the fact

Peadar: We almost never play the same thing together at

we stuck through with it is what I like to take from it.

the same time. D: Yeah I think like Gary said, in its essence the key G: I think when Peadar, Killian and Dan are thinking

part of it that we can take away from it is we’ve made

about the guitar parts, it can sometimes make it a little

something that we are all happy and proud of - and it was

bit more intricate and complex, but we think the value of

done within a tight group of friends. The main thing to

having three guitars is to get nice values that interact with

take away from it is we haven’t killed each other.

one another, so it’s a big thing. Emma’s bass lines are quite intricate as well, it’s very rare anyone chugs along for the sake of it. Everything has a purpose and it’s very much an intricate thing.



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